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A34079 The Protestant mask taken off from the Jesuited Englishman being an answer to a book entituled Great Britain's just complaint. Comber, Thomas, 1645-1699. 1692 (1692) Wing C5484; ESTC R22733 44,472 73

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them to expect any thing or rely on any Promises I shall therefore only beg of the worthy Gentlemen concerned to read the Paper cited and compare those solid Reasons with this Man 's smooth Sophistry and then shall leave the obstinate that Cardinal's Benediction Si vult Populus decipi decipiatur The next Caution is as prudent as the former was charitable Pag. 53. viz. That we must beware least another Revolution should set up the Prerogative higher than is consistent with the Subject's Liberties For 't is natural for all Men especially the English to run from one extream to another and K. James's Inclination and Intetest will lead him to it The Papists will work upon his Fears and plead it is necessary and many Protestants will joyn with them either to make their Peace or to curry favour And if Monmouth's Invasion which was so easily quashed and soon over gave colour to raise so great a standing Army this last Revolution may be easily improved into keeping up a greater Force and lodging more power in the King He proceeds to answr some Questions which that Author asks and first owns he thinks not himself bound in Conscience to fight for Popery against the Protestant Faith but will not allow fighting for the Restauration of K. James can be called by that name I answer by an old Logical Maxim Causa Causae est Causa causati He that fights to put a Prince into Power that will certainly use that Power to promote Popery and suppress the Protestant Religion and fights to eject another Prince who hath rescued us from extream Danger Popery and establish the Protestant Faith He fights for the former and against the latter Religion As to his repeated Phrase of King James his desire to return upon a Protestant Foot I have reason to believe he doth not wish to be so restored for then he must leave most of his Priests behind him and deliver up his Son to be brought up a Protestant and give Securities for it and that he will by no means like Yet if he can find a Popish Nation so tame as to have let in a Protestant Head without such Conditions upon a Popish Foot we may promise him to follow the Example We can shew him a Country that obliged a Popish Head to quit her Crown and march off upon a Protestant Foot viz. Sweden And can instance in France where Hen. IV. King James's Grandfather so long as he was a Protestant was kept out by Papists with Force and Arms and could not be admitted quietly till he declared himself of the Roman Church And no People of any Religion if they can help it will set a King up over them who is an Enemy to their established Faith Wherefore till K. James sincerely becomes of the English Religion tho' it should be his Interest and Inclination to return it will not be ours He is also very free to declare he will not fight for his Prince against the Laws Page 54. but these are only words He will fight for a King who endeavoured to alter the whole Frame of our Government who challenged and exercised a Power to vacate and suspend what Laws he pleased that resolves to be above and without Law and will endure no Judge who shall not force the Laws already made to bow to his Will No Parliament that will not promise before-hand to Make and Repeal what Laws he pleases Now if this be not fighting for a Prince against the Laws I know not what is As to his Insinuation That King William hath broken and intends to destroy our Laws It is as groundless as 't is malitious he hath done nothing but by Advice of his Convention Parliaments and Judges and hath very sparingly exercised his Prerogative even in this time of War when Necessity sometimes required it so that to fight against him is really to fight against the Maintainer and Defender of our Liberties and Laws and consequently of our Religion whereof these Laws are the best Fence And therefore as he well hints the French King who resolv'd to change his Subjects Faith first made them Slaves that so he might make them Papists and he who copied out that Pattern in England began with our Laws and pulled up all the Fences and his next Work would have been to suppress our Religion which if it be dear to us we must never expose it again to one that used such Methods but stick to him who can never design to make us Papists and therefore can never desire or need to make us Slaves But our Author thinks Pag. 55. whatever Cause Protestants have they are the only People of the World who must not enter into a Religious War no not to defend themselves from Popish Aggressors As if their Religion alone stripped them of that universal natural Right of Self-Defence and let loose all Mankind upon them He hath no Remarks upon the Holy Guisian League none upon his dear Monsieur's League with Infidells 'T is only Wicked in the Germans of old and us now to resolve to defend our Countries from Popish Aggressors I am sure the Germans League was so necessary and so just that a Popish French King assisted them in it and the Protestants were not all over-run by it but are still very numerous and potent there And when Denmark was in Danger King Charles the first thought it pious and lawfull to assist them and Archbishop Laud drew up a Declaration to justifie and promote it as our Author may see in the Answer to Mr. Ashton's Papers pag. 17. We grant it is no Chimera that the Jesuites have in all times solicited the Catholick Princes to unite for the Extirpation of Protestants and therefore we cannot be safe under a King conducted by their Councils But the Protestants never did combine to extirminate Popery in general and we do not fear that all Catholick Princes most of them disobliged by K. James should unite to be reveng'd upon us for not stopping our late King when he resolved to leave us But withall we observe how this deceitful Writer blows both hot and cold pag. 50th He would fright us with the Pope's being in Confederacy with King William and with some solemn and sacred Engagements made to the Holy Chair And now he threatens us with an Army of Catholick Princes and the Pope in the Head of them to destroy us and all the Protestants of Europe He may well call us Fools and Madmen in the next Column For if he did not think us so he would not hope to work on us with such incoherent improbabilities He proceeds to deny that the Liberties of Europe are concern'd in the Issue of this War with France because divers Princes of Europe are in perfect Peace with that Crown I reply first they are all far distant from this Tyrant and so do not yet feel the Effects of his Cruelty and Injustice and secondly they only stand Neuter there being not
THE Protestant Mask Taken off from the Jesuited Englishman BEING AN ANSWER To a Book Entituled GREAT-BRITAIN's Just Complaint Imprimatur Decemb. 12. 1692. EDMUND BOHUN LONDON Printed by William Wilde for Robert Clavel at the Peacock at the West-end of St. Paul's 1692 3. THE Protestant Mask Taken off from the Jesuited English-man OR c. THere are no sort of Men who can so dexterously put on all Shapes as the refined Followers of Ignatius and none so apt to be imposed upon at this time by these Masqueraders as King James's Protestant Friends The last Revolution gave as great a Blow to Popery as another would do to the Reformed Religion so that they who wish well to the Roman and ill to the English Church must rail at the past Revolution and advise us to another they must cover the late King 's real Faults and brand the present with feigned Crimes they must strain their Wits to represent King James as one who never did any Evil and King William as if he never did any Good This with a few Harangues of Loyalty and some shew of Concern for the Protestant Religion the disguised Author hopes will suffice to make those Church-of England-men who are not satisfied with the Present Government venture into Arms to restore King James wherein should they prosper it can serve the Interest of none but Papists and if they be unfortunate it must end in the Ruine of the deluded Vndertakers In pure Charity to them therefore and tender Compassion to my Country I will examine the late Pamphlet stiled Great Britain's Just Complaint c. and briefly shew the Sophistry and Weakness of his Arguments the Falshood of his pretented History and the Malice as well as Danger of his Design To which purpose I must pass by his Flowers of Rhetorick his innumerable and needless Repetitions and Tautologies which make up one half of the Book and reply only to that which seems material He stumbles on a Contradiction very ominously at his first Step Page 1. affirming that our last Revolution never had a Parallel in antient or modern History yet immediately grants there are Instances in every Country of Subjects who have been forced by Arms to defend their Religion and Liberties against such violent Acts of their Princes as visibly endangered the Frame of the Government and that many Princes have lost their Crowns by their Cruelty and being obstinately deaf to their Subjects Petitions and Complaints Which Instances are all Parallels to our Revolution excepting only that most of them have been more bloody and violent upon less Occasions and in few places where a free People were so long and highly provoked did the Criminals come off so easily The next Exploit of this bold Writer is to arraign the whole Nation Page 2. and the wisest Men in it for Fools and Mad-men as being imposed on by the Prince of Orange's Ambition and refusing all Offers of Accommodation and Expedients for Redress Whereas our greatest Statesmen did examine these Offers and Expedients and in the midst of their Deliberations the late King went away privately for France and so broke off the Treaty With equal Truth and Modesty he affirms that all the Reasons of this Revolution are baffled and the Actors in it ashamed of the Grounds they went upon Yet still there remain it seems two famous Pamphlets which have put him to all his shifts to answer one is called The Pretences of the French Invasion Examined the other A Letter to a Friend concerning the French Invasion And not to take notice of his blind Guesses at and rude Censures of the Authors and the Papers themselves we will try how well he hath confuted them After all the Reproaches of Folly and Fallacy cast upon the first Author Page 3. he grants the Points he hath treated upon are very weighty and our profound Politician humbly follows the Steps of his contemptible Adversary And to prepare Men to revolt from this Government and join with a French Invasion he undertakes to shew they ought to venture their Necks for another Revolution 1. To repair the Injury done to King James 2. To settle the Government upon its old Basts 3. To deliver our selves from the present Sufferings we lie under 4. To secure the Protestant Religion 1. To make out the Injury done to King James he takes leave of the Papers he was answering and runs back near 20 Years to make up a most ridiculous and improbable Invective against the Prince of Orange hoping to hide the just real and honourable Causes of his Descent which were his Love to us and to our Religion and Laws then in extreme Danger by K. James's Administration by a false and groundless Charge of his ambitious aiming at our Crown before he could well write Man and by accusing him of all the Troubles of K. Charles the 2d's Reign which he aggravates by that Uncle's Tenderness for him Which last Insinuation shews the Truth of the rest for Sir W. Temple who best knew observes that K. Charles the 2d was so deep in the Interests of France that he shamefully neglected his brave Nephew when his Life and the Safety of Christendom lay at stake But why doth this nameless Libeller dig so deep for hidden Causes of the Troubles of that Reign Page 4. The Growth of Arbitrary Power and Popery the Duke's declaring himself Papist the Breach of the Triple League the Dutch War the Intrigues with France and the Popish Plot were open and known Causes of these Troubles And a few of them were sufficient to make a People so tender of their Liberties and Religion as the English are to be uneasy Besides how came it to pass that K. Charles who was so very sagacious never discovered this but to the great Satisfaction not of his People but of his own Mind as he declared in Parliament married this Prince to his Niece who was then generally supposed likely to succeed to the English Crown And to shew this Match was no Force upon that King the Noble Peer who advised the Match was most dear to his then Master and had a better Post in his Reign than that he now enjoys The Duke perhaps might be averse to this Match as being likely to spoil his Designs of converting us which would be difficult in the prospect of a Protestant Heir The Bill of Exclusion and the refusing K. Charles's Concessions are next imputed to the P. of O. and his Friends but very falsly for the Popish Plot gave the pretence to that Bill and the Zealots for it inclined to set up Monmouth or a Commonwealth As to the Concessions of a Fence against a Popish Successor if the P. of O. really had any Friends in that Parliament and any such Prospect as is pretended there would not have been a fairer Opportunity to put him then into the greatest Trust and Power but the Truth is the Duke's Creatures in the House who knew he had
he would have no Bounds set to the Prerogative but his Will and his constant Actings accordingly For he told his Judges what he would have to be Law but this King enquires of his Judges what they think legal He grants the late King used a Dispensing Power and that too in other Instances besides Liberty of Conscience which Liberty our Author contrary to the Opinion of his Friend K. Lewis calls That desirable and necessary Good of Mankind Well let it be so where then is the Parallel Why K. James granted this against Law and without a Parliament and K. William grants the same Liberty not by a Dispensing Power or by Prerogative but by Parliament that is K. James he granted it arbitrarily K. William settles it by Law A most exact Parallel no doubt and a good proof of K. William's Design to be arbitrary To get off this Difficulty the Prince's Agents are topt upon us again and all the blame laid on him and them they managed poor K. James with invisible Wires who followed them blindfold to his Ruine And if he were so easily wheedled by corrupted Protestants may he not more easily be wheedled into illegal Acts by fierce and dangerous Papists And is it not then our wisest way never to wish for the return of a Prince so apt to be misled If he be in the best Humour in the World with the Bishops upon his Restauration how soon may some Popish Emissary incense him once more against them and run them again into the Tower and from thence to the Bar It was truly urged against King James that his Affection to Catholicks was too strong for the Law And he will prove King William guilty of the same Crime because in time of War he hires a few Foreign Papists into his Army Men who stay no where have no Interest to serve no Design but on their Pay and no Concern about the Religion of any Countrey which employs them which with inexpressibly Effrontery he saith is worse than K. James Cashiering in Times of Peace great Numbers of Military and Civil Protestant Officers and putting English and Irish Papists in their Places whose Interest obliged and inclined them to assist their King in changing the Laws and Religion of their Native Country Again he asks if Catholicks so he calls them falsely in most places not Roman Catholicks be not countenanced as much and do not exercise their Religion as freely now as ever I reply they are permitted but not at all countenanced Do their Fryars walk in their Habits Do they ring Bells and invite all People to see and hear their Foppery or make publick Shews Are they promoted to Churches and Colleges and to be Privy-Counsellors If not how absurd is his Query and where is his Parallel But he fancies we were safer when his Catholicks held their Liberty meerly by the Favour of English Protestants that is surely he means in King James his Time than now when Foreign Princes of the Romish Communion desire this King to tolerate them Now I dare appeal to the Papists Whether they did not believe it was King James not English Protestants who gave them the Liberty in that Reign And whether they did not think their Religion more likely to be restored by a Prince of their own Faith in League with France than by a Protestant King Confederate with the House of Austria And if they think their Religion likely to be restored by King William let them make it evident by fighting for him against the late King and his French Allies otherwise all these Suggestions are as groundless as they are malicious Yet upon a review of these Bug-Bears of his own dressing up Pag. 18. he is terribly affrighted and falls to pray to avert these imaginary Evils using at the same time all his Rhetorical Amplifications to excite us to run into certain and real Mischiefs by destroying this Government that can and will defend our Religion and Civil-Rights to set up another which will destroy both But the Cheat is so visible and his Parallels so ridiculous that no Man of Sense can be deluded by such Stuff Wherefore I conclude this Point and have shewed that King James was the Aggressor and hurt himself we injured no Body and only warded off the Blow which aimed at the very Vitals of our Church and our Ancient Government and which would have turned it from a Limited to an Absolute Monarchy a Change infinitetly worse for this Nation than our Author can pretend hath been made by this Revolution Which brings me to his second Pretence for restoring King James Pag. 19. viz. the settling the Government upon its old Basts And here while he seems to cite a long Passage out of his Adversary See the Pretences examined p. 10. he jumbles the Sense alters the Phrases puts in his own Comment and leaves out some of the Author's Words and then accuses the Writer whom he blindly and falsly guesses to be the Earl of Nottingham of Ignorance in the History and Affairs of England want of Judgment Disingenuity Impudence and what not But it will be easily proved to all that know that accomplished Peer and read this Libel this is not his Lordship's but this Libeller's own Character And his Reply to this Passage confirms the Observation for he owns that the Convention declared the Throne void therefore he mistakes in saying they made it void Declaring supposes a thing done already and he may as well charge a Judg with committing that Fact which he declares to be Treason as to say the Convention made the Throne void But we utterly deny his infallible Mark viz. That a Vacancy certainly proves a Monarchy Elective and that in an Hereditary Monarchy the Throne cannot be without a Possessor one Moment For Scotland is and ever was accounted to be no Elective but an Hereditary Monarchy yet upon the Death of Alexander there was a Vacancy for above five Years while the Hereditary Titles of six several Pretenders were under Examination And there was a Vacancy in England See Spotsw History of Scotland An. 1279. from the two and twentieth of August when King Richard the Third was slain till Henry the Seventh was declared King Yea there was more than a Moment between the Resignation of Edward and Richard the Second and the Entrance of Edward the Third and Henry the Fourth I grant that where there is no Doubt concerning the next Heir upon Cession or Death there the right Heir succeeds immediately But while the next Heir is ambiguous in an Hereditary Monarchy till the Title be examined cleared and declared none of the Pretenders can assume the Royal Dignity And his other Maxim of our Kings never dying is not literally true in any other Case but where there is a certain known and undoubted Heir So that an enquiry into and declaring the right Heir doth not make an Hereditary Monarchy Elective But he denies that the present Queen was the
and they know K. James mortally hates them and never can forgive them His Fancy that Sweden should wish for an English King and his Heir both of that odious Religion which they have banished out of their Country with their lawful Queen who had embraced it is as peculiar and ridiculous as that Denmark which lends us Forces should hate King William for bringing one of their Blood Royal to so near a Possibility of the English Crown And England knows it is her Interest to have a King that will protect them from the fatal Ambition of France so that all his Politicks fail him and he must suppose us all as he did Pag. 2. to be Ideots and Madmen to be enticed into a Civil War with such Paltry Reasonings as these His last Exploit is to despise his Adversary and charge him again with Impudence and Emptiness for wondring any Man should be so weak as to believe that K. James's Restauration is the way to secure the Protestant Religion and here with his usual Confidence he undertakes to prove and answer all things but of his Performance let the Reader judge First Pag. 41. he will prove our Religion was in no danger of being over-turned by King James's Practices And here again all that Prince's open trampling on Law and Right all his Zeal by Promises and Threats to make Converts his Swarms of Priests his standing Army to protect them his Rage and Rigour against all that oppose his illegal Methods to bring Popery to be the established Religion are by this Jesuit in Disguise smoothed over or past by as nothing extraordinary nothing but a desire natural to Mankind to procure some ease to them of their own Perswasion c. But if this were all why did he not accept of that Liberty which his Loyal Protestant Parliament offered to grant that is Indulgence as to their Worship to all Papists and Liberty to preferr a certain number of others This he rejected with Rage and dissolved that Parliament only because this would not answer his design of putting all Power into Popish Hands And as to Liberty of Conscience the thing needs none of his Commendation The Roman Faith indeed needs severity without which no Nation under Heaven would endure it But our most Holy Faith can subsist without Compulsion and therefore this Nation was not against it if a further design had not been discovered We were sure K. James could not love Liberty of Conscience for its own sake first because Popery absolutely damns all other Religions And can a devout Papist give whole Nations leave to go to Hell Secondly because it neither is nor ever was allowed in any Popish Country where that Church had Power to persecute Thirdly because he used all means but open Force which he durst not practise to urge Men not half convinc'd to declare themselves Papists against their Conscience as divers of them now declare Wherefore Liberty of Conscience was known to be inconsistent with the Principles and Practices of his Church and contrary to his French Master's Copy as well as to his own Judgment and all this makes it plain he only pretended to love Liberty of Conscience to break the Church of England divide Protestants and set up Popery at the last So that the thing it self was as dangerous in his Hands as the Methods were unjustifiable The Counsel was given by Contzen the Jesuit long since That to divide Protestants by seemingly favouring all Parties was the ready way to bring in as our Author kindly calls it the Roman Religion At last it seems it is with him but a bare Supposition that some did intend by Liberty of Conscience Pag 42. to preferr Catholicks and propagate that Religion yet he thinks K. James understood the World and England so well that he would never attempt it It s now his Cue to make K. James very wise even in a Point where his zeal blinded him whereas just before he was the weakest Man alive and foresaw nothing and tho' he used the means this self contradicting Creature will not allow he wished for the End I am sure no body was in so much Grace with him as these Priests and new Converts whose warm Brain and enterprizing Faith intirely guided him And it is no thanks to K. James his or their good Intentions that these Projects did not succeed but to the early discovery of the Plot and the Nation 's brave opposing him in bringing it to effect But Truth will out and therefore finally he grants that which all England knows to have been plain Matter of Fact that K. James did every thing to advance Popery and suppress the Protestant Religion and then he guards himself with the little Progress that was made Which is false for in less than two years time after he pulled off his Mask there were many in the Court the Camp the Vniversities Inns of Court in all Cities and in the Country who really or feignedly turned Thousands more complyed and were ready to shake Hands with their Religion as soon as their Interest told them they might do it safely And what might have been the Consequence of our Passive Obedience as some expound it in a year or two longer is easy to judge But he would recall his grant again and says If the late King had by real Discoveries evidenced his Intentions to ruine the established Religion nothing but an universal Defection could have followed Oportet Mendacem esse Memorem He said Pag. 6th That the Army was quite Poysoned and that there was nothing sound and untainted in the whole Kingdom and Pag. 11th There was an universal Defection of his Children Servants Souldiers and Subjects Therefore by his own Rule K. James had made real publick and undoubted Discoveries of his Intention to ruine the established Religion Well but he urges That the Catholicks were but few However they daily encreased and had a Biggotted King to protect them from fear of Laws an Army after the designed Regulation ready to defend them the Sectaries generally on their side and wanted nothing but a pre-engaged Parliament to make them uppermost As to the Laws upon which he makes so large an Encomium as if they were a sufficient security to our Religion I grant they would have been so Pag. 43. if our King knowing this had not resolved to break through all these Fences and pick'd out Judges for his purpose who expounded the Laws as the King directed and set up his Dispensing Power at one blow to null them all Laws are 't is true as the Philosopher saith the Soul of a City but the Magistrate is the Soul of the Laws which are a dead Rule a meer Shadow when the Prince and his Judges conspire not to execute them and no Man dare claim the Benefit or need fear the Penalty of them What good did the Laws do any Protestant cited before the High-Commission-Court What hurt did they do to any illegal Officers Magistrates or
rather not Reign than be hampered and unabled to restore Popery join'd with the Republicans to throw out those Offers As the Pagans of old were wont to put all the Curses due to a City upon some hated Person Pag. 5. and then make him a Sufferer for them all so this spiteful Railer uses this most Heroick Prince loading him with all the ill Things that were done here in hopes to expose him to the Peoples Rage Even the Quo-Warranto's designed to usher in Arbitrary Power and crush his Friends if he had any and Monmouth's Invasion the Success of which had cast out his Title are laid at his Door The first of these hath no Proof but his Conjecture and the latter is promised none knows when to be proved by some Dispatches not safe to be published now But we may be sure there are no such Dispatches otherwise he that dares publish this Libel hates the Prince mortally and wants Evidence for every thing would not have been restrained by either Fear or Modesty to print such useful Testimonies as those would have been to his Design His Appeal to Sir William Temple's Memoirs we admit who gives the Prince so just and yet so high a Character that it manifests no little Share of Confidence in this Author to cite so unlikely a Book in justification of those odious Slanders He begins K. James his Reign where it ended at the Abdication yet his Method is as good as his Chronology for he makes an old Latin word found in Festus Livy c. to be first used at Naples in the last Century hoping to fright us from the Word by the terrible Exit of that War but he conceals that Ferdinand King of Naples to whom this Word was applied when he saw a Conqueror break in upon him and that he could not stay without bringing Ruin upon his Subjects before his private Flight and Desertion generously absolved all his People from their Oaths of Allegiance and never returned till they unanimously recalled him * Guiccardini Histor l. 1. p. 130. And if the late King had imitated that Prince in his Care of us when he went away unconcerned for any but himself his peaceable Return had been more likely than now it is But he will prove K. Pag. 6. James did not desert because he was driven from us and here he conceals that the late King was the Aggressor and had generally disgusted the Nation by his Attempts on their Religion and Liberties and despising their Petitions for Redress yet these were the true Causes of the Prince's mighty Success who had no other and needed no better Agents than King James his Bigotry and his Popish Counsellors Fury These prepared England to receive a Deliverer and one who would see these Evils remedied very kindly and made as many as could fly to him for Protection And if this true apparent Cause had been mentioned the Scene would not appear so strange as his Oratory paints it out these destructive and dangerous Counsels and Practices of the Prince's Foes did without a Miracle force Protestant-Children to forsake a misled Father This drove his Servants the Clergy and other Subjects to fly for shelter to him who came to their Rescue But 't is evident they sought only their own Safety not the King 's Hurt since when he was in their Power none offered any Harm to his Person Well but he made fair Promises to some Officers of his Army and they made as fair Promises to him but they saw no Inclination in him to redress any thing unless he were compelled to it and this obliged some of them to leave him The Treaty he speaks of was not moved till he had quitted the Field and saw he could not fight Yet even then it was accepted by the Victorious Prince with all imaginable sincerity as the Articles he sent shew † Histor of Desert p. 91. To which King James promised by Advice of his Council in the main to agree the very Night before his first departure in Disguise As to the Danger he was informed of there was nothing real in it and the Prince knew nothing of it as appear'd afterwards when the King was in his Power and they who knew the Intrigue say it was a Sham invented by a Commissioner of his own who knew his Temper feared his Obstinacy and devised this to terrify him into an Agreement But suppose he were in Danger that will not prove his Desertion could not be voluntary otherwise the Mariners in St. Paul's Ship Acts 27. might pretend their going off in the Boat was no voluntary Desertion since they apprehended Danger to their Lives by staying Or thus A General might excuse leaving his Souldiers because they Mutinied and threatned him Ferdinand of Naples did not freely Abdicate if nothing can be free which is our Choice in a Prospect of Danger It is not necessary to a voluntary Act that there be no Pressures to incline the Will to one Side for he who chuses a lesser Evil to avoid what he counts a greater acts voluntarily Wherefore if the late King chose rather to desert and save himself than to stay for his Peoples Safety it was a voluntary Desertion This Author saith very gently Upon this the King thought fit to withdraw But impartial Judges must call it a Desertion for the King in the midst of a Treaty to quit the Kingdom in Disguise leaving neither any Deputy or Directions and this after he had disbanded his Army dismissed his Chancellor and other great Ministers thrown away the Great-Seal into the River of Thames and left his abandoned People to shift for themselves exposed to the Insolence of the Rabble on the one hand and the worse Rabble of a disbanded Army on the other hand this the Parliament called Abdication The Treaty being thus broke off by King's James's Desertion Pag. 8. and the Administration before he was heard of put into the Prince's Hands he was at liberty whether he would renew the Treaty or no. Yet still he hindred not the King 's Return to London where instead of going to call a Parliament he burnt all the remaining Writs and endeavoured to make a Faction in the City by drawing off a Party there from the Prince Upon which it was necessary to desire him to retire to Ham or some other Place near London in order to reassume the Treaty and to keep him from doing or receiving any harm But King James who still resolved to fly rather than treat refused to go to Ham and chose Rochester to retire to secretly designing for France to raise Forces there to expel the Prince by Force so that his Messages were only to amuse till he could escape as accordingly he did shipping himself a second time for France whither he came safe And now what Occasion is there for all our Author 's tragical Outcries Pag. 9. of the imprisoning and ill-treating a Monarch who was at Liberty to go
King's Laurels as our Author justly says are drench'd in the Tears of his Subjects for he hath ruined the Liberty and Property of his People to maintain an Army for robbing burning and destroying all about him And t is not our King who only defends the Oppressed but he that makes all Christendom pay so dear for safety and Protection In Ireland our victorious Prince hath utterly routed not the Irish only but great numbers of well disciplined and armed French and in little more than two years intirely conquered that large Country And that which Spain yet retains in Flanders is principally owing to K. William's Conduct and to the Bravery of his Army who hath at the same instant dared the French by Land and given them such a Blow at Sea as they will not recover of many years A Victory that eclipses the little Advantages that their Fleet had at Beachy and hath done us more good and them more damage than the winning a Land Battle could have done nor will the taking of Namur pay for their loss of so many Capital Ships so necessary for their Defence by Sea which is their weak side But it is not enough to satiate our Author's spite to trample on the glorious Reputation of our King he reviles all Christian Princes that are in the Confederacy and he will not allow it to be the Vsurpation of France that ingages them against their Common Oppressor but imputes it to their particular interests Tho' any unbyassed Man any but a Loyalist or a Jacobite would see it must be universal Injustice and horrid Barbarities committed by the French on every side that forces the most zealous Princes of the Roman Communion to joyn against a King pretending to the same Religion and enter into League with those they count Hereticks to save their several Countries out of the Hand of a devouring Power Yea the best Pope that Rome hath had for many years was in the Confederacy not to secure our Rights and Religion as this Writer weakly suggests but to defend his own Privileges against a Prince that persecuted the Pope and the Protestants both at once and thereby shewed he had no Religion at all Pag. 38. Nor is it any wonder that the Confederates loved and trusted the Prince of Orange more than King James for he had always been true to the Interest of Europe and gloriously opposed the French Incroachments while the late King abetted the Monsieur in oppressing his own Subjects and robbing all his Neighbours and had as little regard to the safety of Christendom as to the welfare of England in hopes by this infamous Obsequiousness to be assisted in his pious design of Enslaving and Dragooning his own People and on this desirable Work he lavished out all those Treasures he had laid up while he was Duke of York which so generally disgusted his Subjects that no Parliament of English Protestants would ever have given him any more So that he forfeited his Credit and Interest every where but in France and therefore could never be invited into this Confederacy into which not Ambition but the love of Justice and his pity to Oppressed Nations drew this brave Prince who in the former part of this Pamphlet is represented to be so cunning as to cajole his Vncle make a meer Tool of his Father-in-Law and to out wit all the Priests and Jesuits Yet now this same King William is so extream silly that he would make us believe all the Confederates make a Fool of him and tho' he owns he knows nothing of the private Agreements King William hath made with the Confederates yet he confidently pronounces We are to have all the Loss and they all the Gain by this League and upon this Subject he rails blindfold till he be out of Breath but all that have Eyes in their Heads will see through this winking Malice and sooner believe that he is a shameless Calumniator than that all the Confederate Princes are Knaves and King William a meer Stepping stone to their Designs as this modest Gentleman upon bare Conjecture represents them With the like random Guesses Pag. 39. he goes on to banter us with idle Suggestions That we are like to have no Advantage by a Successful War in this Confederacy and dreadful Losses if it prove unfortunate in the Issue To which I shall only reply That King William is as eminent for his Prudence as for his Valour and the Nation is convinced they may trust him with making War and Peace for them since his Interest and theirs are one and the same The Dutch and the House of Austria do not aim at or intend the Destruction of France as the French King doth at theirs but only at the humbling and reducing him to his just Bounds and to secure themselves against his Ravages and Vsurpations So that he is ridiculous in talking of the Confederates falling out who shall have the Power at Sea and who the Provinces at Land when that Great Empire falls to be divided amongst them The Confederates glory in the Justice of their Cause which is to recover the late Encroachments from France and defend their present Possessions from Burning and Destruction and they hope the Righteous God will make their Cause as prosperous as it is Just and Necessary and if it prove so every one of the Confederates will be content with his Share in the Common Safety But if for our Sins it should prove Unfortunate we are as likely and as able under the Conduct of our Wise and Valiant King to defend and secure our selves as any Nation or Country in this Confederacy Nor will his Eloquence in setting off the Miseries of our falling into the French Mercy have any other Effect upon this brave Nation than to make them more obstinate in fighting against and more wary in treating with so bloody and treacherous a Foe But the Perfection of his Politicks Pag. 40. is shewed in his learned Demonstration That all Christian Princes wish the dethroning of King William and the restoring of K. James imitating Seneca's Tool who being blind fansied all the House was dark That France will endeavour both as well by Force as Treadhery that Unchristian King hath sufficiently shewed to put us upon our Guard But the House of Austria cannot have a more Faithful and Powerful Ally on the English Throne than King William who will certainly assist them to bring King Lewis to Reason and be their best Guarrantee when he is reduced to a Just Peace Whereas K. James's former Carriage hath convinced them That if he had Power it would always be at the French King's Service Right or Wrong Again if the Dutch as he pretends hated King William they must keep him on the Throne to prevent his return among them But their Affection and intire Confidence in him is apparent by the great Command they now give him which shews they believe the greater his Power is the safer are their Liberties
promoted Priests What Security were they to Corporations when Jeofferies roared out the King 's Will. Old Maynard when King William told him he had out-lived most of his Profession truly answered him That if He had not come over he had over-lived the Law it self And we had seen the French Tyrant in one part of his Reign subvert all the Laws of his Country and destroy all the Liberties of his Subjects He was going on in the same Design Licet non passibus aequis And why should not he hope and we fear that what was done at our next Door was poffible to be done here 'T is true the Nation was in as little danger of loving him then as they are now of wishing his Return But those Fears and Jealousies which he rails at in the last Page and here commends had signified nothing if he had gone a little further in these Methods He resolved to have no Parliament but such an one as would engage before hand to betray their Country and comply with him in every thing And was it likely an oppressed People could manage a wise and discreet Treaty with such a King in such a Parliament He foresees it will be objected That K. James being a Friend and Ally of France could not want French Forces to compel the more obstinate sort of Hereticks which is a dreadful but a certain truth and he gives no satisfaction by his Sham-Reasons to the contrary First K. James he thinks was not so lost to all Discretion and Morality to accept French Troops for now you must know he is to be represented very Discreet and he that was so easily drawn in by his Enemies to act against his Judgment is now so wise and wary that for fear of ill Consequences he will not admit any Succors from his Friends to help him to save a Million of Souls Credat Judaeus Apella He that was training up many of the old Race of murdering Irish for this meritorious Work would not if occasion had been have scrupled adding French Dragoons And our Authors Morality is not to be relyed on when he saith K. James refused French Succours at the Revolution for 't is well known the King of France's Hands were full elsewhere he having then made a violent and treacherous Invasion upon the Empire and besieged Philipsburg For his Intelligence from England was that he relyed on he believed that this Kingdom was falling into a Division and a Civil War that would be so equal and last so long that he might finish his Conquests in Germany and yet come time enough to compleat our Ruin while we should have been destroying one another Otherwise K. James if he had not wanted time and his Ally-Forces ready would no more have refused French Troops to keep the Prince from coming in than he now scruples to use them for turning him out But he pretends it was not the French King's Interest to lend K. Pag. 44. James any Forces to assist him in the Conversion of England But suppose he were bent upon it and would hazard three Crowns on Earth for it as his saying was and chanced to be opposed in it by his stubborn Subjects K. Lewis must not let his dear Friend sink or suffer by following his Example especially since he was sure as long as this King was in Power he could not want one that would stand by him in all his Vsurpations and Cruelties without Reserve And I dare affirm the greatest part of the Nation firmly believes That within a little time King Lewis would have sent and King James have accepted a Body of booted French Apostles for this religious Work To divert with rational Fear our Author starts an improbable Paradox and for three Columns together pursues it with full cry viz. That the French K. rather wishes England should remain Protestant than become Papist because forsooth he is in no danger of an Invasion while the Nations continue to be of different Religions Which frivolous and false reasoning deserves no Answer so that I will make a few brief Remarks upon it and dismiss it First Pag. 45. he hath learned of the Jesuits to suppose England was always terrible to France till Queen Elizabeth's Reign and to blame the Reformation for this Whereas it is well known that the English lost their hold in France in the Reigns of Hen. 6th and Queen Mary two Popish Princes and none of our Kings were ever more courted by France than that Illustrious reformed Queen who broke the dangerous growth of the most Catholick King tho' her Subjects and his were of different Religions Secondly he falsly supposes all the French are zealous Catholicks whereas those of the Roman Communion there the Clergy excepted are no Bigots and there are many thousands who have by Cruelty been forced to declare for Popery that yet are Protestants in their Hearts and the French King knows that if he be invaded by a Protestant Prince these Men will endanger him by a Revost Thirdly we observe that many Catholick Countries have been so Barbarously harrassed and their Princes so injured by the French K. that without any regard to his Profession He who shall be the happy Instrument to humble France will be gratefull to the greatest part of Christendom because the Mounsieur usurps upon Papist and Protestant without distinction Lastly I must observe that the French King 's late inhumane Usage of the Protestants hath made him odious especially to all reformed Nations and our English have lately shewed they will and can fight as bravely against France as ever their daring Ancestors have done Wherefore all this Banter of the Author's is a false Alarm designed to make us secure on that side where our danger is To this he adds another Fiction of K. James his offering us to carve out our own Securities Pag. 26. and dreams of lasting legal full and happy Settlements we might have had under him But when and to whom were these Offers made the Prince made Offers to him and desired a Parliament might be called but K. James burnt the Writs and fled from the Treaty dreading nothing more than a Legal Settlement to tie up his Hands Promises he had made many especially in his Distress but alas he had taught us they were Insignificant and it was plain enough the Irish and French were always his Darlings For the English Nation he never loved them yea his parting Letter shews his Hopes viz. That we should be so divided as to send for him again upon his own Terms He therefore that would not stay to redress any thing nor endure either a Treaty or a Parliament for fear of being bound to secure us by Law and now attempts to break in upon us by Force He is to answer for all the Money and Lives spent in our own necessary Defence We desired to be quiet under him and neither began nor continue this War further than for the safety of our Religion and Liberties
which he resolved not to secure So that as the Crocodile weeps over them it intends to devour this Hypocrite sheds his deceitful tears over bleeding England which he and his Party have forced into a War and now would wheedle us into a Peace more fatal than all the other Mischiefs they have involv'd us in To this purpose he would perswade us Pag. 47. that this is a religious War and notes That Defections on pretence of Protestant Religion generally terminate in the destruction of Religion and the pretenders to it Where observe that he cannot find any such things in Defections for Popery They doubtless in his Opinion are lawful and prosperous He never heard of the League in France nor of the Earl of Westmorland's Defection from Queen Elizabeth c. Papists may do this but Protestants are only to sit still and have their Throats cut We thank him for so plainly telling us what side he is of But to pass that by his Examples shew he understands foreign History no better than our Chronicles Zisca's Bohemian War was begun for both Religion and Liberties Anno 1419. And besides the Success in the beginning it had this Event That the Religion they defended was professed there for about 200 years after and as Dr. Heylin notes tho' War and Persecution both have been used yet this Doctrine could never be routed out Cosmog C. 2. Pag. 78. The Civil Wars in Germany were defensive against Charles the fifth who hoped as our late King also did to extirpate the Northern Heresie But the Conclusion was the setling the Protestant Religion in many Countries and Cities where it remains to this day and the Imperial Family wears greater Scars of it than any Protestant Princes concerned in it 'T is true the second Bohemian War had an unfortunate Issue by the neglect of timely Protestant Succours but there the Papists drove out the rightful King and yet prospered So that this Instance should have been brought to prove that Protestants are not the only People that fight against their Princes to settle their own Religion or set up Kings that will defend it The Hungarian War on the Protestants Part was purely in defence of their Liberties and to guard themselves from an illegal and cruel Persecution of which as he intimates Pag. 37. the Emperor was the Author and they were ready to have laid down their Arms if they could have had any reasonable Conditions and the Emperor hath got nothing by that War nor hath he so extinguished Protestant Religion there but that he must grant the free Exercise of it or he will never have Peace on that side However 't is well he grants at last that Protestants may be Victorious so long as they only Petition tho' with Arms in their Hands For this was our case so long as our King would stay to be Petitioned These are all the discouraging Instances he can pick up but he might have found as many to encourage us if he had pleased Holland Scotland Geneva some of the Cantons and divers Hans-Towns were fortunate in their Defections to keep off Popery and Slavery so that one or two Instances on the other side do not make the Scales even only we may justly wonder to hear a Jacobite who rails at Dr. Sherlock's Providential Reasoning Pag. 57. pressing an Argument from Success and must admonish this Author to look into the Answer to Mr. Ashton's Papers Pag. 16 17. where he will find that which way soever the success go Queen Elizabeth King James the first King Charles the first and their Parliaments yea and Arch-Bishop Laud himself have declared the thing lawful and resolved That where Princes broke in upon their Subjects Rights and Religion they ought to defend thenselves and might justly be assisted in such a War Wherefore if his Rhetorick should move some weak People Pag. 48. his Logick cannot work upon any considering Man who concludes from two Examples neither proper nor truly related that this and all Wars wherein Protestants defend their Religion must be unfortunate But how should he be a Prophet to foretel the Issue of Wars who is so ignorant as to mistake the present Emperour's Name whom he calls Rodolph instead of Leopold like the ridiculous Star-Gazer who was predicting future Events by looking up to the Stars and dropt into a deep Pit just before him And it seems at last his Heart fails too as to the certainty of our defensive Wars ending unfortunately so that he turns his Threats into Wheedle and would have us tamely to send for the late King again and accept of his Concessions which we never yet saw yea to tell he may return upon a Protestant and English Foot But I must tell him we can make no such Offers now without out King and Parliament and if we could whatever promises he should make to get us once more into his Power he would certainly break them unless he would return with a Protestant Heart which is never to be hoped for He concludes with that which he calls answering the Objections raised against King James his Return but indeed with nauseous Repetitions of that which he had said over and over before so that I may Answer all that is new in these Pages in a little Room First we say he cannot return but by a Conquest and he thinks he must and ought to be allowed 15000 French for his ordinary Guard and these he hopes with the accession of English who will desert King William will do the Business without Conquest Alas he forgets that most of those who will fly to a Popish Prince at the Head of a French Popish Army must be Papists or very loose Principled Protestants The main body of the Nation the Nobility Gentry and People are averse to K. James who used them rudely and left them without any Care of them and they will freely venture their Lives for King William a Prince of their own Religion who rescued them once from extream Danger and hath ventured his Life for their safety ever since He forgets also what he said Pag. 45. That Catholicks will fight to the last to escape the Dominion of such as they believe Hereticks Now is it not much more rational that Protestants will also sight to the last against such as they know to be not only Papists but persecuting French Dragoons and Irish Murtherers In short let K. James if he have so great an Interest here stay till the Nation send a General Embassy to recal him as they did in his Brother's Case Or otherwise let not him or his Friends hope he can force himself upon Us without such an Opposition as must end either in his or their Ruine or the Destruction of the best part of the English Protestants And such a Conquest would make us Slaves both to K. James and to the French King Pag. 49. to whom he was ever obsequious but the merit of restoring him will make him his Vassal
one Christian Prince now King James is gone off who gives him actual Assistance so that an Infidel Mahometan to his eternal Reproach is his only thorough-pac'd Confederate Nor is it any great Glory to the French King that all the States he could reach have been so wofully injured and so barbarously treated by him that he hath exasperated all his Neighbours against him and the remoter Princes will repent too late of their Neutrality If France should enlarge its Conquests all Europe in time may suffer for not more early entring into this Confederacy Tua res agitur paries cum Proximus ardet To Day thy Neighbour's House they burn To Morrow 't will be thine own turn His Adversary doth not say Page 56. as he falsely suggests That the Interest of our Prince and Countrey is to give way to that of the other States But when their Interests and ours agree as it doth in hindering France from the Universal Monarchy it aims at it is a good Argument for our Prince and State to confederate with other Nations in this Common Cause without any Distinction on the Account of Religion And being enter'd into so just a League we are not to desert our Allies till their Dangers be averted and their Injuries repaired as well as ours The last Case is not only probable but certain King James his Temper his Principles his late Acts in Ireland and the Allies who assist him convince all thinking Men that he will return with the same Designs he had before But since to divert this he proposes the giving up those Ministers of King William to Justice who advised or assisted in our Rescue from Popery and Arbitrary Power I will make another Proposal with humble Submission to Authority Which is this That since King James his Priests and Popish Ministers put him upon these illegal and mischievous Methods which hastened his Fall and hinder his Return let him first give up all these Criminals to suffer what they deserve by Law and then we will treat with him concerning a Return I doubt he will not part with them for his Three Crowns and if he will not come without them and must have these implacable Enemies of our Religion and Liberties about him he will be governed by them and make use of them after his Restauration And therefore we shall infallibly lose our Troy if we take in this Papal-Horse with his Belly-full of armed Foes and the certain Consequence of restoring him with this pernicious Crew about him will be the perfecting those Designs they so dangerously had begun of which this Nation is so firmly perswaded that King James truly said in Ireland * See Doctor King's State of the Protestants in Ireland chap. 3. pag. 49 He never expected to get into England but by Fire and Sword Wherefore it was very just in one of our Author's Adversaries to say That the Jacobites Pangs of Loyalty were very unseasonable now A little of this Loyalty before he went off if he durst have trusted them and they him had kept him on the Throne by a fair Treaty which was all the Prince desired But then they let him sink seemed glad he was gone and were as ready as any body to put the Government into the Prince's Hands out of which after the Nation hath fixed it there they cannot tear it again but they must involve their Native Countrey in a bloody Civil War and expose us to French Incendiaries and Dragoons who will soon waken them out of their senseless Lethargy and make those who invited them in wish with half their Estates to hire them out again The greatest part of the Nation believe that King James his Desertion vacated the Oath formerly taken to him Pag. 57. therefore these with a good Conscience took the Oath of Allegiance to King William and think themselves obliged to defend him these must and will fight for him Some few perhaps mocked God and the present King in taking them to save their Bacon But no Casuist need to trouble himself to solve such Mens Cases for this Hypocrisie and Profaneness shews they have no Conscience and will neither be true to any Religion or any Prince but to be sure the lowest sence that any honest Man who hath sworn Allegiance to King William could take that Oath in is to live peaceably and not to fight against or betray him to whom they have solemnly vowed Faith and Allegiance And if they do look upon their Oath as Conditional however it binds them till King William desert us as King James did or till he utterly break the Original Contract not by a few unavoidable Errors as our Author grants pag. 12. but by attempting to overthrow the whole Constitution and Main Body of the Laws and we need desire their Faith and Allegiance no longer than till one or both of these happen But as for those who declare they ought to fight against this Government so soon as an Enemy appears I hope the Government will withdraw its Protection from them and pair their Nails in time His Jest of our expounding Allegiance by Abdication will not pass for we say King James cast off our Allegiance when he left to Protect us We did not Depose him but he Deserted us and our Allegiance doth neither bind us to keep him in his Throne when he will not stay nor to live in Anarchy till he return no nor to take him again on ill Terms especially when we have a far better Prince whose Courage Conduct and Interest is such that they who attempt to force him from us must involve their Native Countrey in a bloody War And to hinder them from so fatal a Purpose we may properly desire them to consider of the sad Examples of the Wars between York and Lancaster between King Charles I. and the Parliament and of the Miserie 's France and Germany suffered by Civil Wars For they who impose an Abdicated King upon an unwilling People by Foreign Forces are the Aggressors and must answer for all the Blood and Calamities that do ensue Our Revolution was manag'd without Blood Pag. 57. and if any attempt by Force to obtrude another we cannot by Perjury and Ingratitude forsake that Prince whom we freely chose when we were left without a Governour and who rescued us from apparent Ruine We have not hurt our Monarchy and have happily setled both Church and State We have no Disease now and if we had the French Physicians generally Let too much Blood to be trusted with our Cure And this State-Mountebank advises a Remedy ten times worse than any Disease we can fall into under this Government for he would have us take up the Sword again that wounded us and give our selves a Second Wound to cure the First which is irrational and absurd The Payments its confessed are greater than they need have been if K. J's Friends did not encourage the French to invade us but by these Payments England
is delivered from Popery and Slavery and remains in Peace while the War is carried into another Country And Ireland is rescued out of the Claws of French-men Tories and Rapparees Our Government is settled in Church and State and all his Endeavours to aggravate the Price of these inestimable Blessings turns upon himself For when we have paid as he saith as much as we are able to bring things to a Settlement it cannot be expected we can or ought to pay more to unsettle us again A tyred Horse can endure no Addition to his Load If we can spare but a little more to maintain our Defender I hope we shall not find Money to pay the late King's Debts to the French contracted by his own Wilfulness nor shall we willingly pay Money to hire Executioners to destroy us If the Payments will not draw the Nation to Mutiny Page 59. he hopes the ill Success of our Arms will and to make this Falshood pass he spits all his Venome at our brave King on whom as on the Darling of Heaven and Delight of Mankind either Victory or at least Honour and Safety always attends It hath been observed indeed of K. J. that he ever brings ill Fortune to the side he takes and never won a Battel in his Life But for this mercernary French Pen to turn this Character on King William who hath so often delivered oppressed Nations and conquered their Oppressours or reduced them to Reason is the height of Impudence His Victories in England Ireland and Flanders will be writ in the Leaves of Fame when the Great Monsieur will only be remembred for his Cowardice and Treachery K. William's reducing a whole Kingdom last year and beating the French Fleet this Summer were great Actions and his daring their whole Army by Land shews that if through others slackness the French have the Advantage yet he hath entirely the Honour of this Campaign wherein K. Lewis hath had such Experience of our King's Valour and Conduct as will give him Reason by an honourable Peace to endeavour to make us his Friends And if we get no more for all our Charge but Security and Quiet while the War endures and a profitable Peace at the End of it we need not murmur or if we do it should be against that Common Enemy who disturbs all that are within his Reach He owns a Debt to the French King Page 5● but supposes his tender Regard to his Honour and Glory will make him forgive it and not require Payment as the Dutch have done But first as to the Monsieur if he believe Honour to be the only Reward of Vertue he hath taken the worst Measures in the World to get true Glory having not got one Inch of Ground nor a single Town by true Valour and Bravery nor omitted any thing tho' never so mean or wicked which he thought tended to set up his only God his Interest and will Honour keep such a Prince from demanding Payments for his Men and Money his Ships and Ammunition lent to serve our late King he that will burn a whole Country to Ashes and turn 500 Families a begging in a day or two only for not paying him Contributions when they owe him nothing nor cannot raise it will his Generosity allow England to dye in his Debt Secondly Secondly The Dutch desire no more than that Hire was promised them for their Men and Ships and they deserve it for helping us now in our extream Danger as we once before did assist them when they beat out Slavery and Persecution Payments of this kind are tollerable but to repay the French King for fighting against us is so gross a Folly that English-men cannot be guilty of it As to Religion it is the Glory of our Nation that we are so tender of it so zealous and so careful to preserve it The only Scandal to our Church being this that so many Pretenders to it are ready to joyn with Papists to destroy it But these Gentlemen are but a small Number the greatest part of the Nation are not so easily wheedled or threatned out of their Religion their Liberties their Estates and Lives they know their Foes from their Friends and understand when they are well so that this plausible Writer with all his Rhetorick will not be able to spread the Poyson of his Sedition so far as his Hopes flatters him To conclude Pag. 61. Finding his Arguments will not make K. William and his People fall out and part to make room for his dear Master he falls to Praying and Flattering desiring God to encline our King's Heart to take his Counsel who mortally hates him shamefully slanders him and every where represents him as the worst of Humane Race and after this with a smooth Hypocrisie even humbly desires him freely to give up that Crown which he hath been urging the Nation to take from him But where such Folly is cried up as Heroick King William's Eyes are open enough to see the dull and obvious Cheat And One would imagine he durst not offer such palpable Shams to so Great and Wise a Prince But 't is plain he hath so accustomed himself to Falshood and Sophistry that he can blush at nothing and begins to dream that our present King is such a Creature as he represents King James to be One that was advised by his mortal Enemies to the ready way to ruine Himself and all his Friends But after all his elaborate Harangues he must e'en be content to see King William despise his Railing and his Flattery the Nation detest his seditious Counsel and God cast out his foolish Prayer who hath most graciously preserved our King and our Countrey hitherto and till he do utterly abandon us and deprive us of Grace yea of Common Sence we cannot be so weak as to promote this fatal Restauration which he so vehemently recommends FINIS A Catalogue of some Books lately Printed for Robert Clavel at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-Yard ☞ THE State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Government in which their Carriage towards him is justified and the absolute Necessity of their endeavouring to be freed from his Government and of submitting to Their present Majesties is demonstrated The Fourth Edition with Additions Bede Venerabili Opera quaedam Theologica nunc primum edita necnon Historica ante à semel edita accesserunt Egberti Archiepiscopi Eborocensis Dialogus de Ecclesiastica Institutione Aldhelmi Episcopi Scireburnensis Liber de Virginitate ex codicae antiquissimo emendatus A Defence of Pluralities or holding Two Benifices with Cure of Souls as now practised in the Church of England L. Annaei Flori Rerum Romanorum Epitome interpretatione Notis illustravit Anna Tanaquilli Fabri Filia Jussu Christianismi Regis in usum Serenissimi Delphini De Presbyteratu Dissertatio Quadripartita Presbyteratus Sacri Origines Naturam Titulum Officia Ordines ab ipsis Mundi primordiis usque ad Catholicae Ecclesiae consummatam Plantationem complectens In qua Hierarchiae Episcpalis Jus divinum Immutabile ex Auctoritate Scripturarum Canonicè expositarum Ecclesiasticae traditionis Suffragiis breviter quidem sed luculentèr asseritur Martindal's Art of Surveying The Frauds of the Romish Monks and Priests set forth in Eight Letters lately written by a Gentleman in his Journey into Italy The Third Edition Observations on a Journey to Naples wherein the Frauds of Romish Monks and Priests are farther discovered By the Author of the former Book Forms of Private Devotions for every Day in the Week by a Method agreeable to the Liturgy With Occasional Prayers and an Office for the Holy Communion and for the time of Sickness Compendium Graecum Novi Testamenti Continens ex 7059. versiculis totius N. Testamenti tantum versiculos 1900. non tamen integros in quibus omnes universi Novi Test voces una cum versione Latina inveniuntar Auctore Johanne Leusden Philos Doctore Linguae Sanctae in Academia ultrajectina Professore ordinarie Editio Quinta Roman Forgeries in the Councils during the First Four Centuries Together with an Appendix concerning the Forgeries and Errors in the Annals of Baronius By Thomas Comber D. D. Prebend of York The END