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A31487 Certain considerations tending to promote peace and good will amongst Protestants very useful for the present times. Moderate conformist. 1674 (1674) Wing C1695; ESTC R8765 24,369 36

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CERTAIN CONSIDERATIONS Tending to promote PEACE AND GOOD WILL Amongst PROTESTANTS Very useful for the present Times LONDON Printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside near Mercers-Chappel 1674. Considerations tending to promote Peace 1 Cons THat some of the most considerable ranks and orders of men from the Reformation of Religion amongst us have manifested a desire to have some Favour and Indulgence shew'd to Dissenters in point of Ceremonies c. 2. That Dissenters or Non-conformists have often been misrepresented to the World 3. The late Civil Wars in England were not begun for the extirpation of Episcopacy and Liturgy or to settle the Presbyterian Government here 4. That the Modern English Presbyterians as they are call'd cannot be charged with divers of the Principles imputed to those called Presbyterians in England in the dayes of Queen Elizabeth or to the Presbyterians in Scotland 5. That there have been since the first Reformation in England men of Parts Piety and Learning and of good esteem in the Church of God who have boggled or scrupled at something in Subscription or the Conformity injoyned or practised 6. That divers Dissenters in former times have found favour with the Bishops 7. That the Parliamentarians in the beginning of our Troubles declare to abhor and detest all designs of Deposing or Murthering His late Sacred Majesty 8. That the Non-conforming Presbyterians had both their hearts and hands in the Restauration of His present Majesty to His Royal Throne 9. Many Bishops Clergy-men and Scholars though Non-conformists to the late times then enjoyed Places of Profit notwithstanding 10. That it is the declared Doctrine of the Church of England in her 34th Article of Religion That every Particular or National Church hath Authority to ordain change and abolish Ceremonies or Rites of the Church ordained only by mans Authority so that all things be done to Edification 11. That if the New Impositions and the Ceremonies should happen to be legally taken away many Thousands who now stand aloof off would Joyn with our Church-Assemblies 12. That the use of force or violent coursos for by Matters in Religion ought by all lawful wayes and means to be shunned and avoided Certain Considerations tending to promote Peace and Good will amongst Protestants useful for the present Times INstead of Preface and to prepare the minds of men for such Considerations as follow I desire the Reader to read certain excellent sayings of the Reverend Dean of the Chappel now Primate and Metropolitan of all England in a Sermon of his Preached before the King June 28th 1660. and after Printed viz. I hat 's the best the most Christian Memorie which as Caesar forgets nothing but Injuries Again Let 's all seriously and sadly look back consider and bemoan one another for what we have mutually done and suffer'd from each other let 's all be sorry for it and all mend perfectly forgiving what 's past and returning to as great a kindness as ever and a greater then ever that so by all mutual good Offices we may make amends for former animosities Shall God saith he so great so glorious after so high so many Provocations descend to be at peace with us and shall we poor worms be at enmity among our selves for tristes and that to the hazard of all the comforts of this life and hopes of a better And further shall we retain the memory of former unkindnesses and make a publick Act of Oblivion which we expect a Publick Lye without either fear of God or shame of the world This is not to have peace or enjoy it but with great ingratitude to throw it at him again it is but to change one War into another the open into secret hostility into treachery and by pretending peace and kindness to smooth the way to supplantation and injury the most base Serpentine and unmanly thing in the world These Golden sayings premised I humbly offer these Considerations 1 Consid That some of the most considerable Ranks and Orders of men since the Reformation of Religion amongst us have manifested a desire to have some favour or Indulgence shewed to Dissenters in point of Ceremonies c. King Edward the 6th wrote a Letter to Archbishop Cranmer in behalf of Mr. Hooper elected Bishop of Gleucester RIght Reverend Father and Right trusty and Well-beloved Whereas We by the advice of our Council have called and chosen Our right Well-beloved and well worthy Mr. John Hooper to be Our Bishop of Gloucester as well for his great Learning due Judgment and long study both in the Scriptures and other profound Learning as also for his good discretion ready utterance and honest life for that kind of Vocation c. from Consecrating of whom We understand you do stay because he would have you omit certain Rites and Ceremonies offensive to his Conscience whereby ye think you should fall in Praemunire of Lawes We have thought good by advice aforesaid to dispense and discharge you of all manner of dangers penalties and forfeitures you should run into and be in any manner of way by omitting any of the same And these Our Letters shall be your sufficient Warrant and Discharge therefore Aug. 5th Given under Our Signet at Our Castle of Windsor the fourth year of Our Reign King James also wrote two Letters to Queen Elizabeth in favour of Non-conformists one whereof you may read in D. Fuller's History of the Church Book the 9th Page 203. After these King Charles the First of blessed Memory in His Answer to the Remonstrance of the House of Commons presented to Him at Hampton Court December the first 1641. saith as follows In differences amongst Our selves for matters indifferent in their own Nature concerning Religion we shall in tenderness to any number of our Loving Subjects very willingly comply with the Advice of Our Parliament that some Law may be made for the exemption of tender Consciences from punishment or prosecution for such Ceremonies and in such Cases which by the judgment of most men are held to be matters indifferent and of some to be absolutely unlawful And again in his Message of the 20th of Jan. 1641. His Majesty proposeth to both Houses of Parliament the security of the true Religion now professed in the Church of England and the setling of Ceremonies in such a manner as may take away all just offence In His Message of the 14th of February following His Majesty more fully expresseth himself viz in these words Because His Majesty observeth great and difficult troubles to arise in the hearts of his People concerning the Government and Liturgy of the Church His Majesty is willing to declare that he will refer that whole Consideration to the Wisdom of His Parliament which he desires them to enter into speedily that the present Distempers about the same may be composed Since His most Gracious Majesty that now is and long and long may he continue our Soveraign Lord and
Henry the Third sent Armies against them to destroy them and yet they came to his help as soon as they saw him in danger Is it not true that they saved his life at Tours and delivered him from an extream peril Is it not true that they never forsook him nor his Successors in the midst of the revolt and Rebellion of most part of the Kingdom raised by the Pope and the greatest part of the Clergy Is it not true that they have assisted him in all his Battels and helped much to raise the Crown again which was ready to fall Is it not true that they which persecuted the late King Henry the Fourth injoy this day the Fruits of the Services done by the Protestants Such a Judgment saith Dr. Du Moulin is of good weight coming from a wise King who was truly informed of the business of his Neighbours And if so then Dr. P. H. surely was mis-informed himself and hath misrepresented the Case of the French Protestants to the world in his late History of the Presbyterians as he hath also done of the Netherland and Scots For the Reformed Religion saith Dr. P. Du Moulin was spread in the Netherlands over the Seventeen Provinces many years before there was any thought of making an Union against the Spaniards and neither was that Union made upon the score of Religion but of State for maintaining their Franchises against the oppression of Spain As it was sufficiently justified by their chusing Francis Duke of Alenson a Roman Catholick for their Prince So here for a farther clearing of the Netherlands from Rebellion Mr. Cambden tells us that after Reasons had been urged before Queen Elizabeth to prove them Rebels Her Majesty resolved that it was both Christian Piety to relieve the afflicted Netherlanders embracers of the same Religion She professed and Wisdom to provide for the safety of Her People And again he tells us that Anno 1587. the States in Parliament where were the Bishops also congratulated Queen Elizabeth as for good Laws so for the French King and the Netherlands relieved 'T is worth the observation that Queen Elizabeth and the Parliament of England looked on the Presbyterians in Holland as of the same Religion with themselves notwithstanding the difference in Church-Government and Ceremonies Mr. Gattaker observes out of John Bodin an Ingenuous and Judicious Writer and a Papist himself an Author of good note amongst Papists and Protestants both a notable commendation of Geneva See Method Histor cap. 6. page 245 That of the Genevians saith Bodin is landable if ought in any Nation and that which makes a Common-wealth to flourish if not in Riches and Majestical Empire yet sure in Piety and Virtue to wit the Pontificial Censure so he calls the Ecclesiastical or Presbyterial Discipline In that City therefore no Harlotry no Drunkenness no Dancings no Beggars no idle persons are found The aforesaid Mr. Gattaker to clear those of the Genevian way from Sedition tells us a Story of Bishop Elmor Bishop of London in Queen Elizabeths Reign viz. that when one Preaching at Paul's Cross had inveighed bitterly against the Puritans as a crew of seditious and turbulent persons and had affirmed the Puritans to be worse than the Papists No quoth the Bishop he said not therein aright for the Puritans if they had me amongst them would cut my Rochet only but the Papists would cut my Throat The same Author Mr. Gattaker tells us that his Successor Bishop Vaughan when another in the same place was no less eager in the same Argument the Bishop said to a Gentleman of his inward Acquaintance who Dined that day with him as the Gentleman himself told Mr. Gattaker I wish I could have had the Preachers Tongue to day for some space of time in my Pocket The way is not to convert or convince that party by Invectives and untruths It is true they affect not the present form of Government they are for another but they seek it by Petition not by Insurrection or Sedition And further to balance Dr. P. H's testimony against the Calvinians and Presbyterians and to undeceive well-minded persons who read his History of Presbyterians and believe him on that subject as much as they do his Comment on the Creed it self It will not be amiss to cite here some passages out of Mr. Bedel afterwards Bishop Bedel in his Answer to Wadsworth who objected against the Reformed Religion what Dr. P. H. doth against the Calvinian Reformers viz. That they were the cause of Sedition and Rebellion You have wronged saith Mr. Bedel those you have named and either lightly believed or unjustly surmised your self touching Luther Calvin Knox the French and the Hollanders when you make them the raisers of Rebellion and shedders of blood whose blood hath been shed like water in all parts of those Countreys against all Laws of God and Man against the Edicts and publick Faith till necessity enforced them to stand for their lives Pag. 136. As for the War in Germany saith the same Author it began not till after Luthers death neither was it a Rebellion of the Protestants the truth is they stood for their Lives The Emperor with the help of the Popes both Money and Arms intended to root them out and although at the first the Emperor did not avow his raising Arms against them to be for Religion yet the Pope in his Jubilee published upon this occasion did not let to declare to the world that himself and Caesar had concluded a League to reduce the Hereticks by force of Arms to the obedience of the Church and therefore all should pray for the good success of the War So the same Author pag. 124. As for Calvin he saith he did not by his unquietness and Ambition revolve the State of Geneva unjustly expelling and depriving the Bishop of Geneva and other Temporal Lords of their due obedience and ancient inheritance for he came to Geneva 1536. but Bodin in his Second Book de Repub. Chap. 6. affirmed and that in the same year Geneva was established a State Aristocratical which was he saith 1528. Geneva changed from a Monarchy Pontifical into an estate Popular governed Aristocratically although that long before the Town pretended to be free against the Earl and against the Bishop c. Further whereas Mr. Wadsworth layes to the Hugonots and Ghenses of France and Holland the raising of Civil Wars shedding of Blood occasioning Rebellions Rapines Desolations principally for their new Religion Mr. Bedel afterwards Bishop Bedel Answers pag. 132. These poor people having endured such barbarous Cruelties Massacres and Martyrdoms as scarce the like can be shewed in all Stories are now accused by you as the Authors of all they suffered No no Mr. Wadsworth they be the Laws of the Roman Religion that are written in blood It is the bloody Inquisition and the perfidious violating of the Edicts of Pacification that have set France and Flanders in combustion An evident Argument may be for Flanders
the 21 saying a man illuminate with the truth Simul vinculis omnibus obediendi legibus Ecclesiae solutus est He that once hath perfect knowledge of the Gospel is absolved from Oaths and all such Snares Now turn to the place in Calvin's Institutions and you shall soon descry palpable Knavery For Calvin in all that whole Chapter hath not one word of such Oaths of Allegiance as Subjects take to their Soveraigns He treateth only of Monastical or Monkish Vows of these not of those his words are only these Nunc postquam veritatis notitia sunt illuminati simul Christi gratia liberos esse dico That is Now they to wit who formerly had made such unwarrantable Vows and out of Error and Ignorance held themselves obliged therewith after they are inlightned with notice of the truth are I say free by the grace of God To this as Mr. Gattaker observes the same Author adds another as gross and palpable as the former These seditious and popular Consistories saith he the Presbyteries he means are condemned by their half-brethren the Zuinglians Hear saith he the voyce of Gualterus a Minister of Zurich how bitter a Sentence he pronounceth against them in his Commentary on 1 Corinth Cap. 5th Galli habent sua Seniorum Consistoria penes quos est omnis potestas Jurisdictio Ecclesiastica in quibus omnium Bellorum contra Regem consilia acta subsidia collecta sunt That is The French Ministers have their Consistories of Elders in whom resteth the Supremacy of Jurisdiction in all causes Ecclesiastical and by these all Counsels and Resolutions are taken and all Impositions appointed to maintain the Wars against the King Thus the aforesaid nameless Author but saith Mr. Gattaker let any man sedulously peruse as my self have done the whole Commentary of Gualter upon that Chapter consisting of and concluded in four Sermons and he shall find not one title there either of the French King or of the French Consistory or of ought consulted or enacted or acted in the one against the other He speaks indeed in the second Sermon on that Chapter of the Popes Excommunications wherewith saith he they cruelly vexed Kings and Emperors and were Authors of Civil Wars and Seditions deemeth the Presbyteriall Government not so needfvl under a Christian Magistrate but leaveth every Church free to that course of Discipline that they shall find to be for themselves most commodious without censuring of others who therein differ from them And this is all he hath there of this Argument But this obscure Fellow for the further confirmation of these his fictions and falshoods sends us to Musculus his Common Places Chap. 10. Title de Officiis Ministrorum but Mr. Gattaker saith that Musculus in his Common Places Loc. 22. Title the 2d De Officiis Ministrorum hath much indeed of the pride formality either no Preaching or unprofitable Discourse of the Popish Prelates and Priests Of the Presbyterie not a word good or bad See Mr. Gattaker his Vindication of the Annotations on Jeremiah the Tenth 2d v. pag. 15 16. I cannot tell whether ever Dr. P. H. did meet with this Popish Author or no and whether he did Plough with his Heifer in the History of the Presbyterians yet surely he may very well be yoaked with him for he chargeth the Churches reformed and model'd after the Calvinian Mode of Government in the Low Countreys France and Scotland with Rebellion and Treason But as good hap is a most Learned Bishop of our own Church in his Treatise of Christian Subjection pag. 521. excuseth the Germans Flemings and Scots from Rebellion Why should the Germans saith he submitting themselves to the Emperor at his Election but on condition not injoy the same liberties and securities of their publick State which their Fathers did before them Why should they be accounted Rebels for preserving their Politie more than the Italians who cut themselves utterly from the Empire by no consent or allowance but only force and disturbance The same we say for the Flemings what Reason the King of Spain should alter their State and avert their ancient Lawes his Style declaring him not to be King but Earl of Flanders and being admitted for a Protector if he will needs become an Oppressor why should they not defend the Freedome of their Countrey The Scots what have they done besides placing the right Heir and he an own Son when the Mother fled and forsook the Realm Be these those Furious Attempts and Rebellions you talk of So Bishop Bilson against his Romish Adversary And now that Bishop Bilson hath spoken Let the Priest or Presbyter Dr. P. H. hold his tongue And let one of his own Order be heard speak in the like case 'T is Doctor Peter Du Moulin Canon of Christ-Church in Canterbury and one of His Majesties Chaplains He vindicates the City of Geneva and the Introduction of Reformation into that State from the Crime of Rebellion It is utterly false saith he in his Answer to Philanax Anglicus pag. 28. that Calvin was one of the Planters of the Reformed Religion at Geneva false also that He or the Reformers of Geneva turned their Bishop out of dores and false also that the Bishop went away upon the quarrel of Religion Farell Fromont and Viret were they that wrought under God the Conversion of the City by their Sermons and by a publick Conference with the Fryers and Clergy of Geneva there being then no Bishop in that Town he was fled eight Moneths before seeing his Conspiracy discovered to oppress the Liberties of the City by the help of the Duke of Savoy for which his Secretary was Hang'd after the Bishop was gone the said Bishop being hated before for the Rape of a Virgin and many Adulteries with Citizens Wives And 't is most to be noted that they who after his flight reformed the civil Government were strong Papists and mainly opposed the Reformation of Religion How the aforesaid Dr. Moulin vindicates the French Protestants from Treason and Rebellion may be seen at large in the Treatise before cited p. 30 31 32 c. I shall here insert as to the French Protestants Loyalty the Testimony of King James who was a great Monarch Jealous of the Royal Authority cited by the aforesaid Author Inever yet knew saith King James That the French Protestants took Arms against their King In the first troubles they stood only upon their defence before they took Arms they were burnt and massacred every where and the quarrel did not begin for Religion but because when King Francis the Second was under Age they had been the Refuge of the Princes of the blood expel'd from Court even of the Grandfather of this King now Reigning and of that of the Prince of Conde who knew not where to take Sanctuary for which the present King hath reason to wish them well It shall not be found that they made any other War Nay is it not true that King
of Oxford the Masters and Fellows there were not Ejected for the Refusal of the Covenant but upon another score namely Non-submission to the Visitation Let me add to the Premises on this Consideration that the two Houses by Ordinance of Parliament granted a fifth part for the maintenance of Ministers Wives and Children Yea that the Junto after the Parliament was Garbled made an Act as they call'd it April 5th 1660. inabling and requiring their Trullees for Bishops Deans and Chapters Lands to dispose thereof for and towards the relief maintenance and support of such Bishops Deans Prebendaries Singing men Choristers and other Members Officers and persons destitute of Maintenance distributing and apportioning the same adcording to the wants and necessities of such persons to whom the said disposition shall be made as aforesaid and according to further ditections as they shall receive from the Parllament or Authority derived from it And further may it be considered that in King Josiah his Reformation although the Priests of the High places were put from the Service yet they were still permitted to eat of the portion belonging to the Priests viz of the Unleavened bread amongst their Brethren 2 Kings 23 9. they had some provision for their maintenance As also what we read in our own Story viz. That in the dayes of King Henry the 8th liberal Pensions were allowed by the King to Abbots Priors and Monks c. at the dissolution of Abbies and Monasteries 10. Consid It is declared to be the Doctrine of the Church of England in the 34 Article of our Religion That every particular or National Church hath Authority to ordain change and abolish Ceremonies or Rites of the Church ordained only by mans Authority so that all things be done to Edification 'T is the observation of a Learned Gentleman deceafect late a Member of the Present Parliament in an Epistle Dedi●●●●ry to His Majesty That the Popes of Rome alb it they hold themselves infallible in their Chair and their Counsels inerrable Yet they all accord that their publick Missals and Liturgies though made and confirmed by their Joine advice with greatest care and diligence are amendable alterable upon just occasions He instanceth in several amendments and alterations by Pope Pins the 5th And he observes that the same Pope did think fit to reform several things in the new Missal as to the Kingdom of Spain and to alter and dispense with it in no less than 21 particulars notwithstanding his former Bulls and Prohibitions And after that Pope Gregory the 13th his Imthediate Successor granted several other Dispensations and Amendments of this Missal in sundry particulars comprised in his Bull. And that which ought to be of more Authority with us in England is what I shall subjoyn to our Doctrine declared in a branch of the 34th Article of Religion formerly cited the agreement of our Bishops and Doctors convened at the Dean of Westminsters Lodgings in the beginning of the Parliament 1640. the Persons were the Bishops of Lincoln Armagh Durham Exeter Doctor Samuel Ward Dr. Prideaux Dr. Twisse Dr. Siunderson Dr. Featly Dr. Brownrig Dr. Holdsworth Dr. Hacket and others The advice they gave amongst many other things was that the Vestments required by the first Liturgy of King Edward the 6th should not be required and the Rubrick in that case to be altered That the Cross in Baptism be either explained or quite disused That a Rubrick be inserted to declare that kneeling at the Communion is required only in Relation to the Prayer of distribution Preserve thy Body and Soul unto everlastling life See Dr. Heylin his Cyp. Angl. p. 444 445. And now my hearty desire is that the Prudence Moderation and Condescension of these great Scholars and good Men for the Peace of the Church might turn the hearts of all in Place and Power to incline them to Moderation and Indulgence at such a time as this 11. Consid That if the new Impositions were removed and that partition wall of Ceremonies pull'd down and this veil rent away by Legal Authority from the face of the Church or reserved only for the case of the Mother Churches I mean the Cathedrals Many Thousands who now separate from our publick Assemblies would with one heart and voice joyn with us We Protestants justly blame the Bishop of Rome for that having the Keys of Purgatory at his Girdle notwithstanding suffers so many Thousand Souls to lye in Flames some Hundreds of years where he can so easily grant a Goal-delivery and set them at liberty And if Sin and particularly the Sin of Schism be worse than Hell it self as indeed all Sin is then I would humbly recommend to the Father of our Countrey to the Fathers of our Church to our worthy Patriots in the Parliament the removal of those By-matters that so they may thereby prevent so many Thousands from incurring either the fault the blot or the punishment of Schismaticks 12. Consid That the use of force or violent courses for By-matters in Religion ought by all lawful wayes and means to be shunned and avoided Dr. Heywood in his Answer to Doleman the personated Papist Chap. 9. concerning violent courses in matters of Religion writes thus hereupon such cruel Calamities have ensued in most parts of Europe and especially in Germany and France with so little furtherance to that cause for whose supportance force was offered that all the chief Writers of our Age are now reduced to the former opinion affirming with Arnobius that Religion is of Power sufficient for it self with Tertullian also Lactantius Cassiodorus Josephus St. Bernard and others that it must be perswaded and not inforced See Mr. Joh. Good Answ to the Antapol p. 233 and 234. Conformable to which Doctrine was the Practice of Bishop Bramhal in Ireland See his Replication to the Bishop of Chalcedon p. 152 153. where he saith That the Earl of Strafford Lord Lieutenant of Ireland did commit much to my hands the Political Regiment of that Church for the space of eight years In all that time let him name but one Roman Catholick that suffer'd either Death or Imprisonment or so much as a Pecuniary Mulct of Twelve-pence for his Religion upon any penal Statute if he cannot as I am sure he cannot c. I read that when the Spaniards drove the Indians to Baptism as we do Sheep to washing when the white Linnen they gave them to be Baptized in was foul the Baptized Indians would streight renounce their Christianity except they might have new white Garments given them This instance may mind us that Methods of force and compulsion are not the way to make good Christians but Time-servers and Hypocrites rather than real Converts The Premises consider'd and that by our Breaches way be not made for Popery to enter 'T is heartily desired of Dissenters that they would be earnest in their Prayers to God and their Petitions to men that there may a healing of our breaches And to this end that none of them do any thing or leave any thing undone through humour crosseness or peevishness that none of them this matter or in reference to the Church be like the Lawyers in reference to the Kingdom of Heaven of whom 't is said that they would not enter in themselves and hindred those that were ready to enter Luk. 11.52 Of the Fathers of the Church 't is humbly beg'd that they would in relation to Dissenters imitate the Father of the Prodigal who when his Son was yet afar off ran to meet him fell on his neck and kissed him Of His most excellent Majesty and the Two Houses of Parliament 't is most humbly Prayed that they would please to remember That there is as much Power exercised or exerted in abrogating a Law at the Humble desires of Subjects as in making a Law at their Requests A POSTSCRIPT to Conformist and Non-Conformist Ministers LEt all things be done with Charity And often think of the Answer of pious Mr. Greenham to Secretary Cecil when he asked him on which side the blame lay in the great Rent 'twixt the Bishops and Non-Conformists The Fault said Mr. Greenham is on both sides and on neither side for said he the Godly wise on both sides bear with each other and concenter in the Main but then there be selsish peevish Spirits on both sides some and these make the quarrel FINIS