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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19563 An aunsvvere by the Reuerend Father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury, primate of all England and metropolitane, vnto a craftie and sophisticall cauillation, deuised by Stephen Gardiner Doctour of Law, late Byshop of Winchester agaynst the true and godly doctrine of the most holy sacrament, of the body and bloud of our sauiour Iesu Christ Wherein is also, as occasion serueth, aunswered such places of the booke of Doct. Richard Smith, as may seeme any thyng worthy the aunsweryng. Here is also the true copy of the booke written, and in open court deliuered, by D. Stephen Gardiner ...; Answer of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Archebyshop of Canterburye, primate of all Englande and metropolitane unto a crafty and sophisticall cavillation devised by Stephen Gardiner doctour of law, late byshop of Winchester, agaynst the trewe and godly doctrine of the moste holy sacrament of the body and bloud of our saviour Jesu Christe Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our saviour Christ. Selections.; Gardiner, Stephen, 1483?-1555. Explication and assertion of the true catholique fayth, touchyng the moost blessed sacrament of the aulter.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587. Actes and monuments. 1580 (1580) STC 5992; ESTC S107277 634,332 462

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but to be often remēbred The body and bloud of Christ is the onely sacrifice propritiatory for all the sinnes of the world Christes body is the christen mans sacrifice An issue De sacrificio lege Roffen Oecol lib. 3. cap. 2. 3. The sacrifice propitiatory not christes very body but hys death in that same body Chap. 1. The sacrifice of the Masse Chap. 2. Heb. 9. The difference betwene the sacrifice of Christ of the priestes of the old lawe Heb. 10. Heb. 7. Chap. 3. Two kindes of sacrifices The sacrifice of Christ. The sacrifices of the Church Psal. 50. 1. Pet. 2. Heb. 13. Chap. 4. A more playne declaration of the sacrifice of Christ. Heb. 8. Chap. 5. The sacrifice of the old law Heb. 9. Chap. 6. The Masse is not a sacrifice propitiatory Heb. 7. Heb. 8. Chap. 7. A confutatiō of the Papistes cauillation Chap. 8. The true sacrifice of all Christen people Galath 5. Chap. 5. The Popish Masse is detestable idolatry vtterly to be vanished from all christen congregations Cap. 10. Euery manne ought to receiue the sacrament himself and not one for an other Acc. 2. Math. 26. Cap. 11. The difference betwene the priest the lay man Chap. 12. The aunswere to the Papists Heb. 5. Malac. 1. Chap. 13. An aunswere to the Authours Augustinus ad Bonifa De Ciuita Lib. 10. cap. 5. Lombardus Lib. 4. Dist. 12. Chrisostom ad Heb. Hom. 17. Chap. 14. The lay persons make a sacrifice as well as the Priest Chap. 15. The Papisticall Masse is neither a sacrifice propitiatory nor of thāks geuyng Luke 16. Chap. 16. There was no Papisticall Masses in the Primitiue Church Consilium Nicenum cap. 14. Canones Apostolorum cap. 8. Chap. 17. The caused meanes howe Papisticall Masses entred into the church The abuses of the Papisticall Masses Chap. 18 which Church is to be folowed A short instruction to the holy Communiō Myne Issue Nicene counsell Priestes sacrificers An issue Iohn 1. De conse dist 2. cap. Semel est prosperj Semel Immolatus c. christus in semetipso tamen quotidie immolatur in sacramento glosa ibidem id est eius immolatio representatur fit memoria passionis Gal. 3. Petrus Lombardus Immolatur 71 ante The diuersity of Christes sacrifice and ours The sacrifice of Christ. Heb. 7.8 Heb. 7.8 The sacrifice of the church Actes 1. Ephe. 4. Penaunce The Masse is a sacrifice propitiatory Good woorkes sacrifices propitiatory The Masse is a sacrifice satisfactory Rome 3. 1. Iohn 2. The difference betwene a sacrifice propitiatory gratificatory Psal. 49. Heb. 13. Rom. 3. 5. Actes 4. Satisfactory Masses Priestes in the Mas offer that is shewed forth Christes death Heb. 7. Christ is offred really not his sacrifice remembred or represented onely The effect of Christes sacrifice is both to geue life and to continue the same Ihon. 10. Gala. 2. Cyril in Ephesine counsell What is and wherin stādeth the sacrifice of the church The sacrifice of the church geueth life Cyrill Mala. 1. Inconstancy Falshood feareth the light but light desireth to be tryed Fayth ought to be grounded vp on Gods word but the Papists ground their faith vpon them selues Ephesine coūcell Cyrill the author of the words in the counsell Smith beleueth the counsell Smith belieth me twise in one place The first lye The second ly Smith sayth that Christ called not bread his body Luke 12. 1. Cor. 10. Setting of the cart before the Horses Math. 26. 1. Cor. 11. Of the wōderfull workes of God Iohn 6. Iohn 4. Iohn 6. The place of S. Paule 1. Cor. 11. Master Peter Martyr 1. Cor. 13. The Argumēt of the doore and Sepulchre Math. 28. Mar. 16. Iohn 20. Actes 5. The appearyng of Christ in his Ascention Actes 13. S. Augustine Math. 3. 17. Actes 7. The Church The true fayth was in the Church frō the begynnyng and was not taught first by Berengarius What Churche it is that cā not erre S●p 5. Psal. 7. 2. Ti. 2. ● Tim. 3. Luke 12. Gene. 7. Gene. 12. Eccle. 49. 3. Reg. 19. Iere. 25. and. 29 Act. 14. Math. 13. Math. 26. Mar. 24. 3. Reg. 19. Contrary in this deuils sophistry 27. 70. Contrary in the deuils sophistry 5. Falsa Falsum Falsum Falsum Nota. Concessum Concessum Concessum Sacramenta in signis fuerunt diuersa si in re paria Nota. Concessum etiā Concessum Concessum Concessū etiam Concessum Concessum The kyng and Queene make themselues no better then subiectes in complaining of their owne subiect to an outwarde iudge as thogh they had no power to punishe him The first cause why hee would not make aunswere to the Popes Commissary is to auoyde periury The second cause is for that the Popes lawes are contrary to the crowne and lawes of England The Othe of the Kyng and Iustices and the duety of subiectes The Popes lawes and the lawes of England are contrary The Papistes to set vp a kingdome of their owne dissemble the knowne truth and are false to the crowne The third cause why he could not allow the Pope The Popes Religion is against Christes Religion Why Latin seruice ought not to be restored in English 1. Cor. 14. The Pope cōmaundeth both agaynst God naturall reason The Sacrament ought to be receaued in both kyndes of all Christians The deuill and the Pope are like The Pope is Antichrist that is Christs enemy Wherfore the Pope is Antichrist Luke 12. Math. 10. The Sacraments haue the names of those thinges wherof they are Samentes The Papistes make Christ two bodyes They put to hym three questions but they suffred him not to aunswere fully in one Behold Sathā sleepeth not Their cruell desire to reuēge could abide no delay This was D. Thornton afterward a cruell murderer of Gods Saints of whose horrible end read in the booke of Martyrs in the last Edition Fol. 1990. Col. 1. This Constātius was Stephen Gardiner as constant in deede as a wethercocke who thus named him selfe writyng agaynst this good Father Math. 3. Iohn 4. Math. 5. 1. Cor. 2.
or contrary to the Scripture or direct not the forme of life accordyng to the same then it is not the piller of truth nor the Church of Christ but the sinagogue of Sathan and the temple of Antichrist which both erreth it selfe and bringeth into errour as many as do folow it And the holy Church of Christ is but a small herd or flocke in comparison to the great multitude of them that folow Sathan and Antichrist as Christ him selfe sayth and the word of God and the course of the world from the begynnyng vntill this day hath declared For from the creation of the world vntill Noes floud what was then the open face of the Church How many godly men were in those thousand and sixe hundred yeares and moe Dyd not iniquitie begyn at Cain to rule the worlde and so encreased more and more that at the length God could no lenger suffer but drowned all the world for sinne except viij persons which onely were left vpon the whole earth And after the world was purged by the floud fell it not by and by to the former iniquitie agayne so that within few yeares after Abraham could find no place where he might be suffered to worshyp the true liuyng God but that God appointed him a straunge countrey almost clearely desolate and vnhabited where hee and a fewe other contrary to the vsage of the world honored one God And after the great benefites of God shewed vnto his people of Israell and the law also geuen vnto them wherby they were taught to know him and honor him yet how many tymes did they fal from him Did they not from tyme to tyme make them new Gods worshyp them Was not the open face of the Church so miserably deformed not onely in the wildernesse and in the tyme of the Iudges but also in tyme of the kynges that after the diuision of the kyngdome amongest all the kyngs of Iuda there was but onely three in whose tymes the true Religion was restored among all the kynges of Israell not somuch as one Were not all that tyme the true Priestes of God a few in number Did not all the rest maintaine Idolatry and all abhominatiōs in groues and mountaines worshippyng Baal and other false Gods And did they not murther and slea all the true Prophetes that taught them to worshyp the true God In so much that Helias the Prophet knowyng no mo of all the whole people that folowed the right trade but him selfe alone made his complaint vnto almightie God saying O Lord they haue slayne thy Prophetes and ouerthrowen thine aultars there is no mo left but I alone and yet they lye in wayte to flea me also So that although almighty God suffered thē in their captiuitie at Babylon no more but lxx yeares yet he suffered them in their Idolatry folowyng their owne wayes and inuentions many hundred yeares the mercy of God beyng so great that their punishment was short and small in respect of their long and greeuous offences And at the tyme of Christes cōmyng the hygh Priests came to their offices by such fraude simony murther and poysonyng that the like hath not bene often read nor heard of except onely at Rome And when Christ was come what godly religion found he What Annasses and Cayphasses what hypocrisie superstition and abhomination before God although to mens eyes thyngs appeared holy and godly Was not then Christ alone his Apostles with other that beleued his doctrine the holy true Church Although they were not so takē but for heretickes seditious persons blasphemers of God were extremely persecuted and put to vilanous death by such as accompted them selues were taken for the Church which fulfilled the measure of their fathers that persecuted the Prophets Upon whō came al the righteous bloud that was shed vpon the earth from the bloud of iust Abell vnto the bloud of Zachary the sonne of Barachie whom they slew betwene the Temple and the aultar And how many persons remayned constantly in the true liuely fayth at the tyme of Christes passion I thinke M. Smith will say but a very fewe seyng that Peter denyed Christ his Maister three tymes and all his Apostles fled away and one for hast without his clothes What wonder is it then that the open church is now of late yeares fallen into many errours and corruption and the holy church of Christ is secret and vnknowne seing that Sathan these 500. yeares hath beene let lose and Antichrist raigneth spoyling and deuouring the simple flocke of Christ. But as almighty God sayd vnto Helias I haue reserued and kept for mine ownne selfe seuen thousand which neuer bowed their knee to Baall so it is at this present For although almighty God hath suffered these foure or fiue hundred yeares the open face of his church to be vggely deformed and shamefullye defiled by the sects of the Papistes which is so manifest that now all the world knoweth it yet hath God of his manifold mercy euer preserued a good number secret to himselfe in his true religion although Antichrist hath bathed himselfe in the bloud of no small number of them And although the Papistes haue ledde innumerable people out of the right way yet the church is to be folowed but the Church of Christ not of Antichrist the church that concerning the fayth contayneth it selfe with in gods word not that deuiseth daily new artcles contrary to gods word The church that by the true interpretation of scripture and good example gathereth people vnto Christ not that by wrasting of the scripture and euill example of corrupt liuing draweth them away from Christ. And now forasmuch as the wicked church of Rome counterfayting the church of Christ hath in this matter of the sacrament of the blessed bodie and bloud of our sauior Christ varied from the pure and holy Church in the Apostles tyme and many hundred yeares after as in my booke I haue plainely declared manifestly proued it is an easy matter to discerne which church is to be folowed And I cannot but maruaile that Smith alleadgeth for for him Vincentius Lirenensis who contrary to D. Smith teacheth playnly that the canon of the Bible is perfect and fufficient of it selfe for the truth of the Catholicke fayth and that the whole church cannot make one article of the fayth although it may be taken as a necessary witnes for the receiuing and establishing of the same with these three conditions that the thing which we would establish thereby hath bene beleued in all places euer and of al men Which the Papistical doctrine in this matter hath not bene but came from Rome sins Beringarius time by Nicolas the ii Innocentius the third and other of their sort where as the doctrine which I haue set forth came from Christ and his Apostles and was of all men euery where with one consent taught and beleued as my book sheweth plainly