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A19309 A godly and learned exposition vppon the Prouerbes of Solomon: written in French by Maister Michael Cope, minister of the woorde of God, at Geneua: and translated into English, by M.O.; Sur les Proverbes de Salomon. English Cope, Michael, fl. 1557-1564.; Outred, Marcelline.; Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. 1580 (1580) STC 5723; ESTC S108673 1,131,578 1,352

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fled that doeth depriue vs of the heauenly inheritance which is euerlasting Therefore wee must be careful to flye away from all that that may hinder vs from receiuing of the Gospel which is the power of God to saue vs and maketh vs inheritours and possessours of the heauenly and eternal riches Secondly for to shewe vs howe we shal abounde in wealth hee saieth But he that gathereth with the hand c. Here he exhorteth vs to worke and doeth promise vs that wee increase if wee wil labour and get our bread by good profitable and necessarie works the which hee meaneth by the hande as wee may vnderstande it when hee setteth the hande against vanitie Solomon hath made vs the like promises heere before Thus we learne that by flying of Pro. 12. 11. 13. 4. vanitie and doing some woorthie and excellent worke it is lawful to gather riches together but we must take heede we set not our heartes vppon them otherwise it shal not be togather with the hande but with vanitie for it is great vanitie for a man to occupie himself with greedinesse and couetousnesse As Dauid saith Doubtlesse man walketh in a vaine shadowe and disquieteth himselfe in Psal 39. 6. vaine hee heapeth vp riches and can not tel who shal gather them Againe I turned and sawe vanitie vnder the Sunne There is not onely vanitie in suche labouring but also great crueltie for they Eccle. 4. 7. which gather couetously care least to doe wrong vnto their neighbours and also through hunger to starue and kil them For this cause are they called in the Scriptures theeues robbers and murtherers Esai 1. 59. Amos. 8. and it is layde to their charge that their handes are full of blood 12 The hope that is deferred is the fainting of the heart but when the desire commeth it is as a tree of life When Solomon saith The hope that is deferred c. hee doeth shewe vs thereby that we haue great neede of patience and chiefly in looking for the eternal riches For by howe muche as the riches are more precious and more excellent by so muche are men more vexed whē they are long kept frō the possession of that which is longed for and desired The worldlinges doe prooue this in their temporal riches and the faithful doe feele it in the heauenly and eternal riches Saint Paule giueth witnesse thereto and not only Rom. 8. 23. the creature but wee also which haue the first fruites of the Spirite euen wee doe sigh in ourselues waiting for the adoption euen the redemption of our bodie Againe For wee know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle bee destroyed wee haue building 2. Cor. 5. 1. giuen of God that is an house not made with handes but eternal in the heauens Abraham felt this languishing as hee doeth shewe vs when a certayne time after that God had promised him I wil make thee growe into a great people hee complayneth saying O Lorde God euerlasting what wilt thou giue me Seeing I go childlesse Gen. 12. 2. 15. 2. Dauid also declareth this his longing in the 42. Psalme saying As the Hart brayeth for the riuers of water so panteth my soule after thee O God The Saintes therefore in looking for Psal 42. 2. that which they hope for doe languishe and fainte but so soone as they obteine their desires they waxe ioyful and are satisfied Solomon doeth signifie the same saying But when the desire commeth c. Dauid also doeth expresse it saying I wayted patiently for the Lorde and hee enclined vnto mee and heard me It is saide of Simeon That hee wayted for the consolation of Israel and the holie Ghost was vpon him And when hee had receiued his desire hee prayseth God and reioyceth and is satisfied as Psal 40. 1. Luk. 2. 25. 29. hee sheweth by his Canticle Nowe as the holie Fathers in their languishing were neuer vnpatient so must wee doe the like folowing that which the Prophet Abacuk saieth For the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the last it shal speake and not lye though it Haba 2. 3. Hebr. 10. 36. tarie waite for it shal surely come and shal not stay Again Ye haue neede of patience that after yee haue done the wil of God ye might receiue the promise 13 Hee that despiseth the worde shal bee destroyed but he that feareth the commaundement shal bee rewarded Wee must not doubt that Solomon doeth not speake here of the worde and commaundement of God the which speaketh to the world after diuers sortes as hee hath diuers Ministers and seruants He speaketh to the peoples and nations by his Apostles Euangelists Pastors and Doctors which in the name of Iesus Christ doe preach fayth and repentance according to the holie Scriptures He speaketh by Kinges Princes and Lordes of the earth when by holie lawes statutes and ordinances they labour to guide their subiectes in iustice and to cause them to liue peaceably and in true and holie religion Hee speaketh when fathers and mothers doe teach good manners vnto their children Hee speaketh also when euery man particularly doeth admonish or reprooue his neighbour when it is needful Finally he speaketh when we labour through honest and holie conuersation to edifie our neighbours Whosoeuer doeth despise the worde after what sort soeuer God speaketh shal bee destroyed first temporally as many haue tried it and doe daily feele it Secondly if there bee no repentance there foloweth eternal destruction The holie Scripture doeth shewe vs many examples therof and also it is replenished with threateninges against the contemners whereof wee presently haue one when Solomon sayeth Hee shal-be destroyed c. The first Chapter hath the like threateninges Pro. 1. 24 Contrarily if wee gladly heare that which is saide vnto vs in the name of God and by his authoritie that with true zeale of heart we endeuour to obey it wee shal be mainteined in good estate and shal not perishe Salomon doeth here pronounce it saying But hee that feareth the commaundement shal be rewarded Wherin let vs first note that he saith not simply he that feareth For albeit that the contemners are affrayde by the accusation of their consciences and that they tremble and feare when the worde and commandement is preached vnto them yet they cease not to perishe for they feare not the commandement wherein is promised rewarde but they feare the paines and torments Therefore if we Deut. 4. 10 10. 12. desire to be rewarded let vs feare not the paine but the commaundement forsaking euil and applying ourselues willingly vnto goodnesse because the commandement is holie iust and good This is the feare that our God demandeth Gather the people together vnto mee c. that they may feare me And nowe Israel what doeth the Lorde thy God aske of thee but onely that thou shouldest feare him They that shal haue this feare shal bee rewarded with euerlasting
earth and that they may teach their children And I will giue them one hearte and one way that they may feare me for euer for Ier. 32. 39. Psal 34. 12. Pro. 10. 11. 13. 14. the welth of them of their children after them So also they may teach others according to that which is written Come children hearken vnto me I will teach you the feare of the Lorde Solomon doeth signifie it also somewhat in his 5. chapter and. 16. verse but more manifestly in other places We must not be niggardes in distributing of these waters for in giuing of them we diminish nothing at all thereby but rather encrease and in so doing we giue nothing of our owne but are onely the ministers and stewardes of our Lorde Iesus Christ to whom onely belongeth these waters and hee onely giueth and therfore we must resort to him for he also doeth Esa 55. 1. Iohn 4. 10. 14. 7. 37. 38. call vs. If we obey to this calling wee shal want nothing Beholde thus much concerning the first similitude As touching the seconde where Solomon sayth to auoyde the snares of death Let vs note that the state of those which feare God is such that as it is written Rom. 8. 36. For thy sake are wee killed al day long and counted as sheepe for the slaughter And Satan the worlde and their owne fleshe doe set nettes for to take them and to destroy them for euer but by the feare of the Lord they which doe leade them to conforme themselues vnto his wil to obey him and to put their trust in him doe auoyde death for albeit that the wicked kil the body yet haue they no power ouer the soule the which not consenting vnto the temptations of Satan nor to the lustes of the fleshe ouercommeth death and al his forces and perceth vnto the heauenly blisse from the which it shal neuer bee put backe And thus they auoyde the snares of death not of themselues but for that that the Lorde doeth heare them and deliuer them Wee see therefore that it is very profitable for vs to obey the exhortation of Saint Paule which Psa 34. 18. Phi. 2. 12. sayth So make an ende of your owne saluation with feare trembling That which Solomon attributeth heere vnto the feare of the Lorde hee doeth in an other place attribute vnto instruction of the Pro. 13. 14. wise and that very sitly for whosoeuer is truly wise hath the feare of the Lorde and hee that feareth him is wise and his instruction tendeth to leade his neighboors vnto this feare which is the first chiefe parte of wisedome 28 In the multitude of the people is the honour of a king for the want of people commeth the destruction of the Prince Solomon by the king and by the Prince doeth vnderstande all those which haue power and are ordeined for to gouerne some countrie or religion Such kinde of men commonly do thinke themselues in high honour and maiestie when by the credite and authoritie that isgiuen to them by flatterers eyther by violences that they exercise or by the abundance of their riches they make themselues to bee reuerenced and feared and that no man dare beholde them but in trembling wise or in hauing them in more highe admiration then they ought for they also knowe wel as they thinke howe to mainteine their honour euen with the contempt of God without whome neuerthelesse they haue no preheminence nor authoritie And if it were not that God causeth his maiestie to shine in them for to make his ordinance to be regarded and that pollice should be ordered to put away confusion and that the good and innocent might liue in peace and rest no man woulde make any more account of them then of the wormes of the earth for their owne partes they are no better albeeit that for the degree and dignitie that God hath giuen them they are called the children of God and that wee ought to submit ourselues with al humblenesse Psa 82. 6. reuerence and obedience vnto them so that it bee according as God wil haue it But in seeking magnifically these former things they abuse themselues greatly as Solomon doeth shewe it when he sayth In the multitude of people is the honour of the king c. The Lordes and Princes of the earth for to come to honour must labour then to get a multitude of subiectes and to hold them vnder their obedience and gouernement The which shal easilie bee done if first they doe yeelde themselues obedient vnto God folowing his Deut. 17. 16 commandement and that they become not like vnto Pharao king of Egipt who afflicted the children of Israel lest that they shoulde multiply in his lande but let them cause the lawe touching straungers to be obserued and let them folowe good Kings as Dauid Iosaphat Leui. 19. 33. 34. Ezekias and Iosias So doing they shal defende themselues and shal be truly reuerenced and feared and shal not falsly and in vaine vsurpe these titles so honourable the which doe not appertaine vnto fauourers and nourrishers of seditious and rebelles of dissolute and careles of wicked scorners and contemners of God and of his worde but doe belong vnto them which truly confesse their soueraigne Lorde of whome they receiue their honour vphold good pollicie not only Ciuil but also Ecclesiastical to the ende that their people may learne to feare and honour God by liuing i● peace and quietnesse in loue and good brotherly concord togither Otherwise the people shal be constrained to scatter abroade and to bee dispersed as sheepe going astray when they haue no shephearde Nowe as a shephearde loosing his flocke is vndone euen so Kinges and Princes suffering by euil gouernement their people to scatter heere and there are voide of honour and doe ouerthrowe and destroy themselues Solomon doeth so affirme when hee sayth And for the want of people commeth the destruction of the Prince First of al let vs note that the want of people commeth not chiefly through changing of countrie when they flye from the yoake of their natural prince but when there is confusion amongst the people by diuisions sectes conspiracies seditions insurrections sturres debates vproares and rebellions Then principlaities and kingdomes cannot stande whereupon followeth the destruction of the prince for he can bee no prince without a princedome no more then an head is a head of those members that cleaue and ioyne not vnto him Secondly let vs note that forasmuch as the honour of the king stādeth in multitude of people not in a cōfused scattered multitude that thereof it wel foloweth that such a multitude is not worthy to bee named a people but a sorte of Lyons wolues serpents dogges swyne yea Deuils incarnate Thirdly that it is laweful for kings and Princes to desire a greate people and to labour to increase the number of their subiectes by good gouernement and not by warres
Dauid hath wel vnderstood for this cause for to giue a lesson vnto Kinges hee maketh a goodly protestation Some good Kings but few in number haue folowed Dauid and so their throne was stablished for their time as the histories Psal 101. 2. do shew it though some of them haue born off great stormes as Dauid Iosias Ezechiel Notwithstāding because that in the feare of the Lord they haue bene turned away from wickednesse and so much as they haue bene able haue rooted it out of their dominion and haue folowed righteousnes in gouerning both themselues and their subiectes rightly they haue ouercome al dangers and haue reigned in peace and so they haue tried that to be true which Solomon saieth For the Throne is stablished by iustice The which we must not vnderstande onely of Kinges but also of al them which haue any authoritie rule and gouernment as of fathers and mothers of maisters and dames This is yet not to say that Kinges abhorring wickednes shoulde tende to stablishe their throne for to triumph and prosper after a worldly sorte but for to serue the glorie of God which doeth exalt them and for to make their subiects liue in peace vnder the feare of the Lorde And as Kinges haue here their lesson euen so also haue closely the subiectes which desire the prosperitie of their Kinges that is that it sufficeth not to crye God saue the King but wee must abstaine from al wickednes and folowe righteousnes otherwise wee procure the ouerthrowe of the Throne 13 Righteous lippes are the delight of Kings and the King loueth him that speaketh right thinges Hee continueth stil in giuing instruction to Kings and woulde haue that he should not delight to heare iesters flatterers liers and slaunderers and that they shoulde not suffer vnder them corrupt Iudges and Magistrates which pronounce either for hatred or for fauour for loue or for accepting of persons false iudgements and wicked sentences and harde ordinances but that they shoulde haue about them and intertaine in their houses and Courtes graue men wise faithful men and that they shoulde delight and reioyce in the wordes of their lippes and mouthes which are very profitable and necessarie for of such men yee shal heare nothing but iust and righteous words according as their hearts and mindes are directed and that in their countries dominions Lordships they should be careful to place such Iudges Magistrates and Officers not prouiding officers for men but offices of fit sufficiēt persons for to exercise rightly the iudgements of God to pronounce right things and sentences and to make iust and righteous ordinaunces for to guide and to mainteine the people committed vnto them in true religion in the feare of the Lord and in the reuerence of his word by the which their subiectes doe learne to liue in peace and loue 14 The wrath of a King is as messengers of death but a wise man wil pacifie it Solomon doeth not heere teach Kings and Rulers of the earth to be furious and cruel as was Pharao towardes the children of Israel Saule towardes Dauid and towardes Abimelech the Priest in 1. Sam. 22. 16. Dan. 3. 19. 6. 16. Exo. 2. 12. 32. 27. Rom. 13. 4. 1. Pet. 2. 14 Nob Nabuchadnezer towards Sidracke Misacke Abednago and towardes Daniel Herod towardes Saint Iohn Baptist as are now the great Lordes of the earth towardes the faithful Hee also doeth not reprooue their wrath which they ought to vse against the wicked as did Moses smiting the Egyptian and against three thousande men Iosua against the inhabitants of the lande of promise and as al Rulers ought to doe against Rebelles But when hee compareth the wrath of Kinges vnto messengers of death hee sheweth first of al that the Kinges ought not to be merciful gentle towards the wicked as was Elie towards his childrē as rulers 1. Sam. 2. 23. commonly wherevpon is come to passe as it is saide The rent gatherers haue spared the Crowes pardoned them but they afflict and torment the pigions and also the great theeues do escape the litle picke purses are hanged but they must do iustice in wrath and not let the wicked escape from their hands without punishment for that they haue deserued Let the Kings be careful diligēt to weaken the wicked to take from thē al resistance that they may Rom. 13. 4. haue no power to be reuenged as Solomon doth wel teach it when he is not contented to say the messenger of death singularly but in the plural number as Messengers For a man which hath but a litle heart wil not suffer himselfe to bee beaten of a man alone but if diuers doe assayle him howe valiant soeuer hee is hee can not with stande neither wil he trie to reuenge himselfe Secondly hee sheweth to the subiectes that forasmuch as death is naturally fearful therefore they ought to feare for committing any fault wherby they shoulde prouoke the wrath of their Superiours against them And not onely so but also that they ought to labour to quiet the wrath of their superiors though they haue not prouoked it through their fault And to doe it wel they must be wise as Solomon doth signifie here when hee saith But a wise man wil pacifie it Hee sheweth also to Kings what kinde of people they ought to haue about them to whom they must giue eare for to beleeue folow their counsels Furthermore forasmuch as the wise do pacifie wrath it foloweth that fooles doe stil mainteine it Nowe the wisedome which we must vse for to pacifie wrath and anger of Kings is to be Rom. 13. 1. giuen to doe wel and to giue them the honour and obedience that we owe them I say expresly that wee owe them for wee must not seeke the fauour of Kings by vnlawful meanes as doe flatterers but we must rather sustaine and suffer the wrath of Kings then to commit any thing that is against wisedome which is taught vs by the worde in folowing the custome and patience of Sidracke Misacke and Abednago for wee must rather obey God and honour and reuerence him then men how great soeuer they be 15 In the light of the Kings countenance is life his fauour is as a cloud of the latter raine As in the first parte of the former sentence hee hath shewed to kings and rulers of the earth what they ought to bee towardes the wicked euen so in this sentence hee sheweth howe they shoulde behaue themselues towardes the good that is that they should be so sweete so gentle so gracious fauourable that the good should feele themselues quickned and restored preserued from hurt and detriment from mole station and trouble from ruine and destruction and that they shoulde not liue in sorrowe and languishing but florishingly in their prosperitie and to be in peace and rest in ioy and pleasure Solomon signifieth these
presently admonisheth vs of the same Then seeing wee see that the scripture speaketh so often of the feare of the Lorde and that they recommende it to vs so carefully knowe wee that it is the principal thing that God requireth of vs for by the same wee are turned from al euill and followe the good that hee commandeth vs. Knowe wee also that wee are so obstinate and stiffnecked in our disobediences and rebellions that it is great neede to mollifie our heartes by often admonitions of the feare of the Lord. Fourthly because in this worlde with religion we haue need to liue in peace and tranquilitie to keepe ciuil order Solomon teacheth vs howe we ought to keepe it when he warneth vs too feare the king not as the wicked criminals which feare the gibet more then the men of iustice who are comprehended vnder the name of King but as Saint Paule and Saint Peter teach vs. And so although Solomon ioyne the feare of the king with the feare of the Lorde Rom. 13. 1. Pet. 2. 13. yet neuerthelesse wee ought not to feare iudges and rulers as God but according to God and for his sake and wee ought to know that who so despiseth the Magistrate hee hath no feare of the Lorde but is disobedient and rebellious to him Know wee also that seeing the feare of the king is ioyned with the feare of the Lorde that Magistrates are as assisters or Liefetenants of God that they ought to represent him and haue his image so imprinted in them that it may bee seene in their administration And therefore when Solomon teacherh vs to feare the king he sheweth couertly that mē of iudgement ought to bee wise vertuous true holy and iust Fiftly because there are many which despise both God and the king and scorne all religion and ciuil order and that it is right dangerous to bee familiarly conuersant with them least one should bee in the way to resemble thē for this cause Solomon forbiddeth vs their company and acquaintance saying Meddle not with them that are disguised They which haue not that apparel which they ought to haue and weare that which is not conuenient for them are disguised and men cal them so Now it behooueth vs al to be clothed apparelled with the feare of the Psal 2. 5 Pro. 1. Lorde as wee may vnderstande it by many places They therfore which despise the feare of the Lorde and of Magistrates are by good right called disguised Some cal them vnconstant and mutable and it is not without cause for the worde that Solomon vseth signifieth so And also indeed they which feare not the Lorde nor the Magistrate are neuer firme in a good purpose but turne to vanitie follie wickednesse and dissolutions For seeing that by the feare of the Lorde one refraineth from euil and that it is the beginning or principal point of wisedome it cannot be but they which reiectit must be vaine foolishe wicked and by consequence vnconstant and mutable Others cal them seditious because they reuolt from the commandement of God and of the Magistrate and doe the contrarie Of suche men the acquaintance and familiaritie is verie dangerous not onely because in folowing them one is rebellious to the Magistrate who beareth the sworde to punish corporally the rebels and seditious but also hee is in danger to loose his soule seeing that such disguised vnconstant and seditious and with them their adherents goe to perdition sooner then they are aware of or then they would as Solomon sheweth it saying 22 For their destruction shal rise sodeinly and who knoweth the ruine of them both Because we haue seene at al times and yet doe see that the wicked contemners and scorners of God and of al good policie flourishe and prosper and that according to carnal sense and humane apprehension it seemeth that their glorie and triumphe indureth long For this cause if wee wil beleeue Solomon or rather the holie Ghost as we ought to doe let vs renounce our sense and vanquish it to the ende that it let vs not to knowe and vnderstande that the wicked are not long in glorie triumph and prosperitie but that straight way they come to perdition and sooner then they or others can perceiue it or knowe it As Solomon signifieth when he asketh And who knoweth the ruine of them both That is to say of the wicked malicious peruerse of whom he hath spokē here aboue of the disguised vnconstant seditious of whō he hath also spokē Or of the two that is to say of them which feare not God and which feare not the Magistrate Noe knewe not the ruine of the worlde by the flood to come but that God reuealed it to him and the worlde thought not of it as Iesus Christ pronounceth it Lot Mat. 24. 38. 3. Luk. 17. 28 19. Exo. 33. 5. Psal 73. 18 19. Psal 30. 12 13. 47. 9 10. 11. Mat. 24. 44. 48. 1. Thes 5. 2. 3 Psal 9. 4. 5 2. Pet. 3. 8. Rom. 8. 18. 2. Cor. 4. 17 2. Thes 1. 7 also looked not for the subuersion of Sodome to be so neere nor the inhabitantes of the same Solomon therefore speaketh truely when he saieth For sodeinly c. Hee speaketh according to the threatning of the Lorde yee are a stifnecked people I wil come sodeinly vpon thee and destroy thee c. And to comprehend this wel it behooueth vs not to regarde the space of time wherein the wicked prosper but wee ought to consider and knowe that al thinges be they neuer so farre off are nowe present with the Lorde Also it behooueth vs to beleeue that as the sufferances of times present are not worthie of the glorie to come for our tribulation is of smal indurance and verie light and bringeth foorth meruellously in vs a weight of eternal glorie also the glorie triumph power and ease of the wicked their delightes and prosperities are not of long indurance and are nothing in respect of their ruine and perdition which shal be for euer For the Lorde Iesus Christ shal appeare in heauen with the Angels of his power and in flames of fyre working vengeance on them which knewe not God c. Who shall suffer payne that is to wit eternal perdition c. There is great difference betweene the longest space of time that men can imagine and a perpetuitie which is incomprehensible to vs insomuche as it hath no ende Notwithstanding neither seeing it nor comprehending it by our humane sense and natural reason it behooueth vs to beleeue it for God which is veritable reuealeth it to vs by his worde 23 Also these thinges appertaine to the wise It is not good to knowe any mans face in iudgements Solomon heeretofore hath put foorth to vs many sentences so excellent that we ought not nor may not iudge but that they are proceeded from great wisdom and as they are proceeded therefro so they are also profitable to teache wisedome