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A17223 A treatise or sermon of Henry Bullynger: much fruitfull and necessarye for this tyme, concernynge magistrates and obedience of subiectes Also concernyng the affayres of warre, and what scryptures make mension thereof. whether christen powers may war against their ennemies. And whither it be laufull for a christyan to beare the office of a magistrate, and of the duety of souldiers with many other holsom instructions for captaynes [and] souldiers both. Made in the yeare of our lorde. M. D. xlix.; Sermonum decades qinque. English. Selections Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Lynne, Walter. 1549 (1549) STC 4079; ESTC S110959 18,938 70

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homage vnto them as euery mans countreye requireth It is a foule thinge yf subiectes vnreuerently shulde behaue theim selues to their magistrates But a false and a lyghte opinion ones conceiued of any thing doth soone brynge a contempte of the same Therefore here be to be gathered certayne open testimonies of the scripture wherby to engendre into euery mans mynd a dewe existimation and reuerēce toward hys magistrate Here nowe all princes and supercious must take hede lest through their vnsemeable and dissolute lyfe they bringe them selues into contempt / so by theire owne default lese al their authoritie amōgest the people Trulye god hym selfe disdaineth not to cal princes and rulers by his awn propre name euen gods the places be Exo xxi and Psal lxxxii Exod xxi Psal lxxxii The apostles called them the messengers and mynisters of god the places be Ro. xiii i. Pet ii Rom xiii a i pet ii b Who wyl not magnifye with al reuerence gods and gods mynisters thorough whome he worketh saluation to the people He that reiecteth the messinger rei●ctyth him which sent hym Who so honoreth the messenger semeth to bestowe his honor most vpon the sender Also saith Salomon prouer xvi prou xvi Diuination is in the lyppes of the kinge therfore his hart doth not transgresse And. Ecclesi viii ecclesi viii it is my parte to obserue the commaundement of the kynge to haue regard to the othe of god Item prou xxiiii Prou xxiiii Mi chyld feare god and feare thy kynge and kepe no resorte with the sclaundederers For their perdition shall ryse quickly ●om xiii Saint Paul likwise Whosoeuer sayth he resisteth the hyer powers resisteth gods ordination and they which shall resist that shall receiue to theym selues iudgement Concernyng this matter I haue entreated also vppon the v. commaundement Than let the subiectes pray for the princes magistrates that god may graunt them sapience subiectes to praye for theire princes prudence fortitude temperaūce iustice dew seuerite meiknes and other vertues to leade thē in hys wayes and preserue them from all euyll that we maye lyue peaceably honestly in this world This doth s paule requyre of subiectes i. Timo. ii i timo ii Iere xxix And Ierem. xxix Many be slouthfull and negligent in this part and that maketh them some tyme to be pynched feyle that they wold not And worthely For yf they wolde do theyr deutye in prayng for their magistrates earnestly / they shuld haue better In the olde church what a feruent study they had to pray for their magistrat the wordes of Tertullianus in his Apo. ca. xxx doth wel declare tertul apolgeti ca xxx saynge Let vs pray always for al rulers kynges Emperours that they maye haue longe lyfe a quiet raigne a sayfe house valiant souldiours faythfull counsailers honest subiectes a peaceable world what so euer man or Emperour or kyng would haue obtayned Obedience of subiectes Subiectes also ought to obei the lawes of magistrates yf they be good equale and so to obeye them that it be with al holy reuerence and harty religion as obeyinge not the lawes of men but of gods ministers i pet ii b For Peter byddeth vs be obedient for the lorde rom xiii b Titum iii And Paule sayth subiectes muste be obediēt not only for displeasur but also for conscience sake That is we must obeye oure magistrates not only for feare least we be punyshed for contempte and disobedience but leste we synne againste god and our owne conscience condempne vs. We declared before in the fifte commaundement by diuerse testimonies examples of scripture that we be not bownd to obeye the commaundemente of magistrates We be not bounde to obey magistrates in thīges contrary to god in thinges vnlawful and against the worde of god The Apostles and christianes of the primatiue church wold rather be imprisoned banished Rom viii ● ii cor iiii and v psa xliiii e spoyled deuoured of beastes slayne wyth sword burned with fier and hanged than to obey wycked and vnlawful commaundementes The blessed martyr and byshop Polycarpus Polycarpus answeringe to the vnderconsul of Rome said Our doctrin is sayth he to princes powers such as be of god to gyue honor such honor as is not contrarye to the rule of our religion And Ihon Chrisostome Chrysost● to Gainam sayd Yt is not lawful for an Emperour whiche is the mayneteiner of godlynes to attempt ani thynge agaynste the commaundementes of god Fynally Subiectes let them giue Subei●s to pay trybute to the magistrat tribute yea their bodies and lyfe also whan nede is for the defence of their magestrate countre as I declared in the .v. commaundement the lorde expressely commaundeth in the gospel Giue to god those thinges which are gods mark xxii e and xvii d rom xiii b to themperoure the thinges which are the Emperours Whoso euer be slacke nygarde or any thynge drawynge backe in this part they be greatly to be reproued Tributes be dewe to the magistrate as the rewarde of his labor and as the synewe of publick vtilite and quietnes For what man euer goyth to warre vpon his awne charge and stipend Euery man lyueth vpon his labor which he susteneth The magistrat doth labor the prynce doth labour in gouernīg that cōmē wealth and kepyng peace He omytteth his owne priuate busines at home wherby els he myght prouyde for him selfe Therfore it wer against al reason yf he shulde not be maintayned with publike charges Also it is requiset that kyngdomes publik weales be well appoynted with sufficient ryches Rychesse be necessary ●o the publyke word to ayde them with al in warres in dearth in fyers and other calamites in reparations or in repellyng of greater daungers here I speake nothing now of publike buyldinges as of kepynge vp the walles fortresses trenches diches hauēs brygges hye ways fountaynes condithes the court haull the market place with many other There be also publike officers of iustice as sergeantes herodes of armes watchemen and diuerse such moo wher as yf money be not present how can any kyngdome and commen wealthe stand longe Richer work men Therfore they whyche deny trybute deny the dew stipend of mens labour yea seke the subuersion of the comen wealthe They which be slack and vnlusteful in publik labours workes do synne not agaynste one ruler but agaīst the whole body of the comenalte And commenly it is so seene such lystles lither labourers littel to be blessed of god and seldom to thryue Yet magestrates princes here must be aduertised to loue their subiectes committed to their faith and tuition to spare them as gentyllye as they can to beare with them and not to pyntche them with to importunat exactiones exactions Thys may be done yf they wylbe temperant and abstayne from all superfluouse excesse and pryde Lette a good prynce thus considre with hī selfe a goodly ●●●son for prynces howe vnequal it is for his courte to ouerflowe all withal excesse and superfluyte and all hys other cyties and subiectes to be pīched by the belly at home Let rulers of realmes remembre tributes taxes customes to be publyke and not priuate goodes God hateth pollers and extorcioners God abhorreth vnmeasurable exactions taxes or tolles God doth execrate tyrannies styll pylelinge the people He doth blesse gentyl and moderate prynces The iust concorde of subiectes auayleth more in peace and out of peace A goldē sentence than monye vniust And stronger is the realm with lesse aboundaunce Good subiectes marke this lesson and more concorde betwyxt the superiours and inferiours than with infinite treasures where magistrates subiectes do not agree This is no lye / Commen experience testifieth the same Thus much good audience haue I entreated concernyng magistrates vpon the occasion of the syxte commaundement thou shalt not kyl declaring as brefly as I culd vnder your charitable audience why magistrates be ordeyned of god what is their duety to their subiectes What is the deutye of subiectes to thē Now let vs prostrat our supplication to god that of his clemency he wyl so graunte both to the magistrates to the subiectes that they maye both walke worthy to their vocation God graunt Amen ☞ Of sedicion Insurreccion and rebellion and their punyshemente reade these places Num xvi fig. xx a. Iudicū ix d. e. f. xii a. b. ii Reg. xx iii. reg i. a. i. Hester ii d. Act. v. e. xix c. xviii b. ● ¶ Seke peace and ensue it ¶ Psalm xxxiii i pet iii. The feare of the Lord is the begynning of wisdome ¶ Psal cxi b. prou ix b. Iob xxviii c. Eccle. i c ¶ Imprīted for Gwalter Lynne dwellynge vpon Somers Kaye by Byllynges gate In the yeare of our lord god M.D.Xlix The xxiii day of August ❀ Cum gratia priuilegio ad imprimendum solum
prouokyng them wherby ther synnes may be punyshed of them whome they intende to persecute Examples we haue manyfeste in scriptures Iud seu xix and .xx The eleuen tribes of Israel proclaymed moost iust warre against the Beniamites thynkynge to reuenge a wycked facte commytted by certaine leud losels with the whiche loselles the whole tribe tooke parte communicatinge with their vngraciousnes yet were they put to the worst and foyled of the wicked sort i reg ii●● and v The Israelites wente about to expell the violence of the idolatrouse phylistianes vnder Hely their preiste yet were they ouerthrowne in battayle the arke of god caried away into the cities of idolatours iiii reg xxiii ii pa. xxxv d So the good kynge Iosias was slain of the chaldeis bycause the entent of god was to scourge the people with such euils which he wold not the good king to behold nothing so deseruing Wherupon this note is to be learned that the veritie of religion Religion is not sene by victory goyth not by the victorye of any natiōs or by ouerthrow as though the religion were the better whose part had the vpper hande and that the worste religion whose part had the worst For religion alwaies must be sequestrede from the person respecte of men which for diuerse causes be diuersly visited of the lorde All these thinges admonish vs the Magistrates had nede of much and great feare of god in takyng vp or in laying downe their warres lest perchaunse in flyenge the smoke thei fall into the fyre or whyle they studye to eschue one harme by eschuyng therof do purchesse to them selues many moo greater Wherfore it is requisite that prynces fyrst before al thynges do thorowly considre the causes of their warres The causes of warre must be considered Now there be mani causes and sundry but these lightly the greateste For other the magistrate is enforced seinge hys holdes and munimentes in hys realme to be inuaded with seige then he must nedes healpe and repulse hys ennemie For it were to much vnfaithfulnes to forsake so disloyally hys cyteis fortres in such extreme peryll Or elles the magistrate by reason of hys offyce is constrayned to attempte warre against incurable persons whome the sentence of the lorde doth condemne byddeth to beat downe vtterly without al pyte So as Moses dyd warre agaīst the Madianites Saule againste Amalechetes Of this maner be al suche kyndes of warre wherwith men be oppressed Num xxv and xxxi i 〈◊〉 xv whiche by the vncureable malyce of theirs wylnedes perysh and make other perysh with them also which reiect all iustice and equite al sette on myscheif so stubbornly continu Iudic xx and xxi Marke wel rebellions Such were the Beniamites whā they were distroyed wyth sworde and fyer suche be nowe a dayes these obstinate and sedicious traytours troblelers of publick society as was ons Absolon and Seba the sonne of Bochrus whyche be mentioned in the seconde boke of Samu ii ● Reg. xiii xiiii xv xvi xvii xviii Samuel Warre for religion Herto atpartayne also such warres acheued against Idolaters and oppressors of catholik fayth for trew relygiō sake Thei be in a wrong dreame which thīke no war ought to be attempted for relygion The lorde restrayned Peter strykynge with the sworde Mat xxvi ● Luce xxii d Ioh xviii ● Truth I graunt he restrained hym as an Apostle he forbadde not the magistrate the ouersight of religion but that he myght defend the verite of our faith Yf the magistrates maye lawfullye defende viler thinges as libertye goodes bodely honestye and lyfe c. Howe much more may he defende greater thinges yea which be the greatest thinges of all For what can be greater than true religion Deut xiii and xvii b Vpon this we haue an expresse commaundement of the lord in Deutronomiū Marke wel For the lorde commaundeth the cite vnder what magi●trate so euer he be which defyleth from god his worshyp to be let vpon with warre and vtterly to be subuerted yf it be stubb●rne Nowe if the magistrat so be cōmaunded to warre agaynste them that do disceiuer from him verely than it is not vnlawfull to rescue the churche by warre in case any barbarus prince come vpon it with open warre to sedewce it from trewe religion to erroure Iosue went about to expugne the Rubenites only for an aulter erected agaynste the word of god Iosue xxii a i. Macha v. Iudas Machabeus doth fyghte for the people of god agaynste the gentiles and kyng Antiochus hys souldiers whose purpose i. Mac iii. was to vanquyshe the Iewes religion whiche than was onelye true and to place in the steade of it superstitious gentylyte Actium xv So Paule doth commende the captaines which through fayth wtstode the incursions of forain enemies And Paule hym self had a conflyct in Cyprus agaynst Elimas a false prophete whome also he stroke with blyndnes act xiii And hys reason foloweth that he dydde it for relygyons sake act xiiii Wylte thou not cease sayth he to subuerte the streyghte wayes of the Lorde Agaynste the same Paule there were fourtye men conspyred act xxiii v. c. whyche thoughte that yf he were take oute of the waye / a greate parte of CHRISTES relygyon were abolyshed and their iudicyall relygyon sette vp againe But Paule here playeth not the shepe ●e●um xxiii nor turneth not the other cheke to them but was erneste and sollicitous to aske his defence and that not of a christian magistrate Yf Paule asked helpe of an ethnik magistra●e more myght ●e do of a chrystyan but a romayne centurion neither shewed he him selfe any thynge greued therat whan lxx horsemen and cccc fotemen were prepared for him in battayle ray to conduct him from Hierusalem to Antipatrida * act ix b and xxii b ●●●a i Thus was Paule the elect vessell preserued by an Armed Garison of romain souldiours Concerninge the Armenians sufferynge greate violence of Maximinus the emperoure Eusebius so writeth in his ecclesiastical historie li.ix.c●.viii They Armenians sayth he●ons a people kind and frendly to the peple of Rome eccl ix ● viii what tyme they shuld be constrayned of Maximinus the Emperour to change the state of christian relygion to the which they were al gyuen to into worshipping of Idoles and to vet●rat deuyls for god beyng hys tre●des before waxed hys greate enemies and of their awne accord toke vpon theim wyth opē might of warre to withstand his wicked constraynment and so kepte hym hard ●hys sayth Eusebius Therfore the magistrates maye lawfully defende their subiectes and true religion agaynst idolaters Or els an other cause is which is much lyke The thyrde cause of warre some foreine Barbarous aduersary doth fly vpon thy sub●ectes / doth spoyle them and inuadith them / as the cruel wolues do the shepe whan not onlye thou haste not prouoked