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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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vngodly Magistrates beare the sway verily the wickednesse it selfe procéedeth of the diuel and of the lewde wil of the ruler But yet God beyng displeased letteth loose the reines too tyrants and vngodly persons that he may thereby reuenge the vnthankfulnesse of men Thou hast from whence the Magistrate is and what he is the same Paule defineth namely that he is Gods ordynance for the wealth of his subiects while the good are made much of and the euil punished with bodily paynes The seconde that I purposed vpon was of the conditions or properties of a good magistrate which in the .xij. of Exodus are counted foure That is too wit that a iudge or a magistrate should bée wise fearing God true not couetous Wisdome must rule his doings lest in execution of iustice he may offend through error giue wrong iudgement The feare of God must make him haue an eye too God in all cases and too beware that he do not any thing that may offend him Truth must put him in minde that he admit not false interpretations and wresting of the lawes nor giue eare too clawbacks and flatterers The hatred of couetousnesse must mainteine sinceritie and vpryghte dealing in iudgement For wheras are Iudges that wil bee brybed ther farewel equitie For if the accepting of persons bée the marring of iudgement that right can take no place vndoutedly couetousnesse wil bring too passe that the iudge shall rather looke vpon the person than the case Therfore who soeuer bearing office is led with rewards he can not sée what is rightefull and good For rewards doo blinde the eyes of the wyse and peruert the woords of the iust And héervpon it is that Esay calleth couetous iudges théeues fellowes The third thing that I purposed concerning the Magistrate was of his offce whereof I will now speake And I will shew the dutie of a magistrate partly by y e testimonies of the scripture partly by the examples of famous men y t haue borne office too their commendation The duetie of a magistrate in general is to bée a kéeper of Gods law that is a maynteiner of true religion This duetie dooth the godly magistrate then fulfil when after the example of Dauid Iosias and Ezechias he taketh away Idolatrie and the occasions of Idolatrie Like as Ezechias brake the brasen serpent intoo poulder Iosias purged this Temple from diuers Idols Moyses brake the Calfe And Dauid by exhortations brought the people too doo true seruice vnto God For sith the magistrate is ordeyned of God too bée Gods minister for the weale of man veryly he must too his power ridde out of the way what things so euer he séeth hurtfull vntoo man that the common wealth of the realm and the welfare of his subiects bée not impeached Agein the magistrate must after the example of Iosias sée that true religion bée set foorth maynteyned and spred abrode and that wicked doctrine bée abolished And although the ciuil magistrate and the minister of Gods woorde bée two distinct offices yet in this point they both may and must agrée too séeke toogither the glory of God and the welfare of mankinde but yet kéeping the lawfull meanes of either of their callings that is too wit that the ciuil magistrate endeuer too take away wickednesse and aduaunce Gods glorie by commaundement and sworde and that the minister of Gods woorde by teaching exhorting rebuking and threatning Furthermore bicause religion can not bée maynteyned without teachers and lerners It is the magistrates duetie too set vp schooles and too maintein them with liuings that the teachers and lerners may apply them selues too the studie of godlinesse Besides this the examples of Ezechias and of the King of Niniuie doo warne the Magistrate that hée should by solemne prayers vntoo God and by true conuersion too the Lorde endeuer too turne away Gods wrath eyther present or at hand And these things are too bée referred too that part of the law which chéefly concerneth religion And as perteyning too the outwarde ciuill state The office of a good Magistrate in his common weale is all one with the office of an honeste housholder in his house that is too wit that like as the goodman of the house ruleth his children in nurture chastiseth the stubborne maketh muche of the good dealeth rewards among them too bée bréefe bendeth himselfe wholly too this that his houshold may appéere too be as wel ordered as can bée euen so must the magistrate doo in his common weale that hée may rightly bée called the father of his realme But if any man desire too haue the dueties of a Magistrate reckened vp vntoo him Let him knowe that the first dutie of a Magistrate is desire of peace that we may serue God in quietnesse abolish superstitions whiche corrupt the true religion and are a hinderaunce too true godlynesse The second dutie of a Magistrate is that euery man doo his duetie aright whiche cannot bée doone but where the lawes are in force thorowly executed For too make lawes and not too put them in execution is the destruction of common weales Wherefore as it is lawfull for the Magistrate too make honest lawes so hée must take heede that they bée not despised whiche thing commeth too passe when they are not executed The thirde duetie is too punishe offenders and too defende the giltlesse according too the tenor of the lawes and the moderation of wise men By these things it is easie too gather what are the ends y e Magistrates serue for namely that hée is ordeyned on Gods behalfe for the profit of the Churche and of common weales Wherfore it is wel sayde that a Prince ought too haue a care of gouernemente of religion and of his owne house The fourth thing that I promised too intreat of is y e right of the Magistrate ouer the bodies and goods of his Subiects Xenophon the Philosopher bindeth a Magistrate vntoo this Law A King must bée ledde not by affection but by Lawe Wheruppon it foloweth that the Magistrate hath so muche power ouer his Subiects and their goodes as the lawes that are agréeable too the ten commaundements and too the lawe of nature doo permit and beare with Therefore hée hath power and authoritie according vntoo the fourth commaundement too commaund his Subiectes néedfull dueties whiche are for the safegarde of the common weale and the profite of euery persone Nowe remayneth that whiche I purposed in the fifth place concerning the duetie of Subiectes towardes their Magistrate The duetie of the Subiecte towarde the Magistrate may bée brought intoo foure pointes That the firste may bée according too the fourth commaundement too honor the Magistrate that is too say too regarde him and reuerence him as the minister and liuetenant of GOD so as thou honor him feare him haue a good opinion of him construe his scapes in the better parte not backbite the Magistrate as the rascall sort are wont too doo For that is
of our Lord Iesus Christ graunt vs his grace that being confirmed by this miracle wée may in the true feare of God and in faith yéeld true glory too God the father Christ and the holy Ghoste too whom being only the immortall and liuing God bée honour glory and dominion for euer world without end Amen The third Sunday after Epiphany ¶ The Gospell Math. viij WHen hee vvas come dovvne from the Mountaine much people follovved him And behold there came a Lepre and vvorshipped him saying Maister if thou vvilte thou canst make mee cleane And Iesus put foorth his hande and touched him saying I vvil be thou cleane and immediatly his Leprosie vvas clensed And Iesus sayde vntoo him tell no man but goe and shevy thy self too the preest and offer the gyfte that Moses commaunded too bee offered for a vvitnesse vntoo them And vvhen Iesus vvas entred intoo Capernaum there came vntoo him a Centurion and besought him saying Maister my seruant lieth at home sick of the Palsey and is greeuously peyned And Iesus sayde vvhen I come vntoo him I vvill heale him The Centurion aunsvvered and sayde Sir I am not vvorthie that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe but speake the vvoorde onely and my seruant shall bee healed For I also am a man subiecte too the authoritie of an other and haue souldiers vnder mee and I say too this man goe and hee goeth and too another man come and hee commeth and too my seruant doo this and hee dooth it VVhen Iesus hearde these vvordes hee maruelled and sayde too them that follovved him Verely I say vntoo you I haue not founde so great faith in Israell I say vntoo you that many shall come from the East and VVeast and shall rest vvith Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of Heauen but the children of the kingdom shal bee cast out intoo vtter darknesse there shal bee vveeping and gnashing of teeth And Iesus sayd vnto the Centurion Goe thy vvay as thou beleeuest so bee it vntoo thee And his seruant vvas healed in the selfe same houre The exposition of the text THis gospel setteth before our eyes the affectiō of Christ towards mankinde especially towards them that flée too him in heauinesse affliction for looke what he promised in woords saying Come vntoo mée all yée that labor are heauy loden and I wil refresh you and yée shal find rest vntoo your soules the same thing dooth hée shew héer by his déede For after that hée had taught his fathers woord on the mountaine hée came down and fulfilled the thing in woork which he had taught in woord confirming his doctrine with miracles For hée woorketh héere twoo miracles With his woord he healeth the Lepre and by his commaundement hée healeth the sonne of the Centurion absent The vse of these miracles is both too prooue Christe too be the true Messias too witnesse that the self same Christe wil helpe the afflicted that call vppon him as wel as hée helped the Lepre and the Centurion that called vpon him Howbéeit too the intent the present miracles may serue too our better instruction I wil intreat of .iiij. places whiche are these 1 A generall doctrine of all Christes miracles 2 Of the Lepre and of his healing and of the circumstances thereof 3 Of the heathen Centurion of his faith and of his care for his seruaunt 4 The praise of this heathen mans faith ¶ Of the first BIcause the Euangelical storie conteyneth many of Christes miracles wherwith hée manifesteth his glory cōfirmeth his doctrine and encreaseth faith in the hearers I wil bréefly set foorth a general doctrine the vse wherof shal serue in all particuler miracles of Christe Why the Lord addeth miracles too his woord it is tolde in the last Sunday euen héer a litle before I haue repeated it in the beginning How be it too the intent wée may haue the ful doctrine of miracles mo things are too be serched out whiche too enclose within number certein I wil put all vnder these .v. questiōs What the persons bée what the ends bée what is the maner what is the vse and why miracles are not wrought at this day The persones are of thrée sortes first suche as are oppressed with diseases and with the Deuils tirannie Then the beholders of the miracles And lastly Christe that woorketh the miracles The ends are many One is that Christ might shew foorth his owne glory Another that he might seale vp his doctrine the thirde that the faith of them that behelde the miracles might bée confirmed the fourth that God might bée glorified by the sight of his woonderfull woorkes the fifth that by little and little the Diuels kingdome might bée destroyed What miracles so euer are doone for any other ende than these are condemned as sleights of the Deuil Math. 24. The manner is diuers for sometime hée woorketh a miracle by his woorde alone as in this place Another time too the intent too shew the preciousnesse of his body he layeth to his hand One while he turneth him selfe to GOD with giuing of thankes before hande and another while hée woorketh by his onely power without his woord as when he turned the water intoo wine Too the manner also perteyneth the faithe of him that is healed by the miracle as is read in this Gospell Miracles serue too thrée vses That hée that is healed by miracle should sinne no more that the beholders should put their trust in the healer and that wée whiche read of the miracles of the Lorde shoulde bée confirmed in the glorye and doctrine of Christe and therewithall conceiue faith in him that he is none otherwise affected towards vs than he was towards them But why are no miracles wroughte now a dayes Hée is starke blinde that séeth no miracles at these dayes The churche of Christe is a little flocke whiche the Deuill the King of darknesse and Antichriste the Pope doe persecute and bend all their force too this end that they may extinguish the true religion of Christe and yet they can not All the whole worlde persecuted that one poore man Luther and yet they touched not one hear of his hed And why God miraculously defended bothe him and also his little flocke This presence of God in his churche is miraculous inough so that wée néede not too séeke other miracles Moreouer miracles and the power of healing mens bodies and the visible giuings of the holy ghost were bestowed onely vpon the primitiue churche too the intent they might confirme Christes glorie his doctrine our faith for euermore in all that should come after The vse of which too vs ward is that wée may know they were certein seales of ful authoritie wherwith God would haue his doctrine confirmed and sealed for euer ¶ Of the second IN the Lepre that is healed ▪ let six things be considered his infirmitie the state of his person his faith his inuocation his pacience and his confession The infirmitie of the
doo sée him at this day both bodily ghostly at once as the saincts y t wer cōuersant with Chryst vpon the earth as wée that beléeue in him shall behold him with our bodily eyes after the Resurrection of the dead The middle séeing and the last seeing are healthfull but the first is not healthful Thirdly Chryst in these woords teacheth that the Iewes doo not tread in the steps of their father Abraham of whom they make so great braggs For Abraham acknowledged Chryst and beléeued in him and was glad of it But the Iewes doo neyther beléeue in Chryst nor are glad of him but rather condemne Chryste And therfore they make a false brag of Abraham But what aunswer make the Iewes to this Thou art not yet fiftie yeere olde and hast thou seene Abraham As muche too say as Abraham died two thousand yéere ago and more therfore thou couldest not sée him bicause thou wert not as then Chryst answereth Verely verely I saye vntoo you before Abraham vvas I am These woords teache thrée things manifestly concerning Chryst. Firste that he is very God Secondly that he is very man And thirdly that God man Chryst are not twoo persons but one onely diuine person which tooke mans nature vpon it too the intent he might become a sacrifice for the sinnes of the worlde But what dyd the Iews in this case They tooke vp stones too throvve at him Héere is described the last refuge of Sathan whiche is Uiolence Tyrannie Hythertoo they dealt against Chryst with rayling hypocrisie and sophistrie and now in the end they take them too their weapons But Chryst hideth himself and getteth him out of the Temple In whiche déede he teacheth two things One is that the church is preserued by the power of God ageinst the tirannie of the world and the deuill Another is that he will not haue his woord nor himselfe in his woord too bée among those that persecute him openly but only among them that receiue and loue him To this mediator with the father and the holy ghost bée honour praise and glory world without end Amen Vpon Palme Sunday ¶ The Gospell Math. xxj ANd vvhen they drevv nigh too Ierusalem and vvere come too Bethphage vntoo mount Oliuete then sent Iesus tvvoo of his disciples saying vntoo them go intoo the tovvne that lieth ouer against you and anon you shall finde an Asse bound and a colte vvith hir loose them and bring them vntoo mee And if any man say aught vntoo you say yee the Lord hath need of them and streight vvay he vvil let them go All this vvas done that it might be fulfilled vvhich vvas spoken by the Prophet saying Tell yee the daughter of Sion behold thy king commeth vntoo thee meeke sitting vpon an Asse and a colte the foale of an Asse vsed too the yoke The disciples vvent and did as Iesus commaunded them and broughte the Asse and the colte and put on their clothes set hym theron And many of the people spred their garments in the vvay Other cut dovvne branches from the trees and strevved them in the vvaye Moreouer the people that vvent before and they that came after cried saying Hosanna too the son of Dauid Blissed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest And vvhen he vvas come too Ierusalem all the Citie vvas moued saying vvho is this And the people sayde This is Iesus the Prophete of Nazareth a Citie of Galilee And Iesus vvent intoo the Temple of God and cast out all them that solde and bought in the temple and ouerthrevve the tables of the money chaungers and the seats of them that sold Doues sayd vnto them It is vvritten My house shal be called the house of prayer but yee haue made it a denne of theeues The exposition of the text THis gospel is red twice a yéere that is to say the first Sunday in Aduent and vpon Palm-sunday but not for one selfesame cause For vppon the first Sunday in Aduent it is red bycause the Prophecie of Zacharie precheth in it of the Lords comming intoo the world whoo should bée the king and Sauior of them that trusted in him And this day it is red for the Story which was doone this day namely the sixth day before he suffred The summe of this Gospell is that Chryst sitting vppon the Asse and hir colte which the Disciples had brought vntoo him rode toward Hierusalem about whom the people went crying Hosanna to the sonne of Dauid strewing boughes spreding their garments in the way And also that when he was come intoo the Temple he draue out the biers and sellers c. The places are thrée 1 The description of Chryst the king and of his kingdom 2 Of the citizens of this kingdome and of their duetie 3 Of the things that were doon in the Temple after that Chryste was entred into it ¶ Of the firste OF this read in the first sunday in Aduent which is there the second place ¶ Of the second THis was the third place in the first Sunday of Aduent from whence you shall fetch the exposition vntoo the title concerning the vse of the Lords comming ¶ Of the third THe thirde place is the storie of those things that hapned in the temple after that Chryst was entred intoo it This storie may bée deuided intoo foure parts which are these 1 The driuing of the byers and sellers out of the temple and the reason therof 2 The healing of the lame and the blinde in the temple 3 The defenee of the children that cried Hosanna too the sonne of Dauid 4 The fretting of the Princes the Préests and Scribes ageinst Chryst. ¶ Of the first parte THe Euangelist declareth that the Lorde entred intoo the Temple and draue out the byers and sellers and moreouer that he addeth the cause of his so dooings when he sayth My house shall be called a house of Prayer but you haue made it a denne of theeues In this déede are thrée things too bée weyed First the occasion of the déede Secondly the déede it selfe and thirdly the signification of the déede The occasion of the déed was the vnsatiable couetousnesse of the préestes who ordeined these things for this cause that they which would offer should for money haue at hand what soeuer they would wish for For as much as the couetousnesse of these men is too bée condemned the ministers of the Gospell must take héed to themselues that they séeke no fetches too pill the people as it fel out in the poperie where they had Masses pardons and other trumperie too sell to the damnation of themselues and of others Secondly Chrystes déede is to be weyed For in this déede hée testifieth himselfe foo be a king and high Préest and a looker to the religion of God Otherwise he had not of his own priuate authoritie put too his hand but had vttered the gréef of his mynde by woordes only This déede of