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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B05799 A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell within the province of London. Contained in a letter from them to the generall and his counsel of warre./ Delivered to his excellency by some of the subscribers, Jan. 18. 1649. Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. 1649 (1649) Wing S2604BA; ESTC R188958 10,899 12

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took up Armes and upon which Wee were induced to join with them from which Wee have not hitherto declined and We trust through Gods grace never shall We remember That when the King with a multitude of Armed men demanded but a small number in comparison of those now secluded by you of the Members of Parliament It was deemed such an horrid Violation of their Priviledges and an act so injurious and Destructive to the good of the Kingdome as had not then any Precedent or Parallel And of what nature it was judged to be by a Parliament then free and full may appear by the Order of the House of Commons of January 3. 1641. When hearing but of a purpose in the King to Seise upon some of their Members they declared If any Person whatsoever shall offer to Arrest or Detain the Person of any Member of this House without first acquainting this House therewith and receiving further Order from this House That it is lawfull for such Member or any Person to assist him and to stand upon his or their Guard of Defence and to make resistance according to the Protestation taken to Defend the Priviledges of Parliament and by the Declaration of JANUARY 17 1641. That the arresting of any Member of Parliament by any Warrant whatsoever without a Legall proceeding against them and without consent of that House whereof such person is a Member is against the Liberty of the Subject and a Breach of Priviledge of Parliament And the person which shall arrest any of these persons or any other Member of the Parliament is Declared a publick Enemie of the Common-wealth And this Violation of their Priviledges was that which did occasion first a Guard and was afterward one Reason of raising an Army But that an Army thus raised by their Authoritie and for their preservation should now so far exceed that Act which was then esteemed without paralel could hardly have been imagined by us had not our eyes been Witnesses of it And although both Houses of Parliament who are joyntly together with the King intrusted with the Supreme Authority of the Kingdome saw cause to take up Armes for their own Defence against the Attempts made upon them by the King and his Evill Councellers and for the preservation of the Protestant Religion established which was then indangered by the growth of severall Errors and Innovations and for the securing of the Fundamentall Lawes and Constitutions of the Kingdome which they apprehended then to be underminded by severall Illegall incroachments Yet this cannot be pleaded as any Justification or Precedent for you who in reference to the power of Magistracie are but private persons to usurpe an Authority over King and Parliament and to intermedle with affaires which belong not to you For the Lawes of GOD Nature and Nations together with the Dictates of Reason and the Common consent of all Casuists allow that to those which are intrusted with managing the Supreame Authority of a State or Kingdome which they do not allow to a multitude of private Persons though they have strength in their hands to effect it And moreover although the Parliament thus took up Arms for the Defence of their Persons and Priviledges and the preservation of Religion Lawes and Liberties Yet it was not their intention thereby to do violence to the Person of the King or devest him of his Regall Authority and what of Right belongeth to him as appeares by their many Declarations in that behalf Much lesse was it their purpose to subvert and overthrow the whole frame and fundamentall constitution of the Government of the Kingdome or to give power and authority to any persons whatsoever so to do And therefore we apprehend our selves obliedged thus to appear for the maintenance of our Religion Lawes and Liberties together with the Constitution Power and Priviledges of Parliament and the setled Government of the Kingdome both on the one hand against all Malignant Counsels and Designes for the introduction of an Arbitrary and Tyrrannicall power in the King and on the other hand against all irregular licentious proceedings of private Persons tending to the subversion of them and to the introduction of Anarchy Confusion Prophannesse and Irreligion And we are the more strongly engaged thus to adhere firmely to these our former just principles by reason of the severall Oathes and Covenants generally taken throughout the Kingdome as by the Protestation of MAY 5. 1641. Wherein we do in the presence of Almighty God promise vow and protest according to the dutie of our Allegiance to maintain and Defend with our lives power and estates His Majesties Royall Person Honour and Estate and the Power and Priviledges of Parliament As also by the Vow and COVENANT wherein the Lords and Commons have Declared that there had then been a treacherous and horrid design to surprize the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER with the Suburbs and by Arms to force the Parliament And finding by constant experience that many wayes of force and treachery are continually attempted c. Required That all that are true-hearted and lovers of their Country should bind themselves each to other in that Sacred Vow and Covenant wherein we Declare our abhorring and detesting the said wicked and treacherous designe and that we would according to our power and vocation oppose and resist the same and all other of the like nature And likewise by the Solemn League and Covenant for the Reformation and Defence of Religion the Honour and Happinesse of the King the Peace and Safety of the Kingdomes c. Wherein we have Covenanted That we will sincerely really and constantly in our severall Vocations endeavour to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of the Parliaments and Preserve and Defend the Kings Majesties Person and Authority in the preservation and Defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdomes that the World may bear witnesse with our Consciences of our Loyalty and that we have no thoughts or intentions to diminish His Majesties just power and greatnesse In all which obligations though the matter of them may be in part of Civill concernment yet the bond and tye of an Oath and Covenant is Religious sacred and inviolable Which though some may esteem no more then an ALMANACK out of date yet we look upon it as the Oath of GOD in whose Name we have sworne and who will certainly require it at our hands We know with what a jealous eye and severe hand the LORD avenged the quarrell of his Covenant made by Zedekiah to the King of Babylon though extorted from him and prejudiciall to him EZEK 17.14 15.18 19. Shall he prosper saith GOD shall he escape that doth such things Or shall he break the Covenant and be delivered As I live saith the Lord seeing he despised the Oath by breaking the Covenant when lo he had
A serious and faithfull REPRESENTATION Of the Judgements Of MINISTERS of the GOSPELL Within the PROVINCE OF LONDON Contained In a LETTER from them to the Generall and his Counsel of Warre Delivered to his EXCELLENCY by some of the Subscribers Jan. 18. 1649. Proverbs 24.11 12. If thou forbeare to deliver them that are drawne unto death and those that are ready to be slaine If thou sayest Behold we know it not doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it and he that keepeth thy soul doth not he know it and shall not he render to every man according to his works Imprinted at London by M. B. for Samuel Gellibrand and Ralph Smith 1649. A LETTER From MINISTERS of the GOSPELL within the Province of London whose Names are Subscribed Delivered to His Excellency by some of the Subscribers Ian. 18. 1649. With desire to have it communicated to the Generall Councell of the Army May it please your Excellency with those of your Counsell WHereas of late divers Applications have been made as well in writing as by verball Messages inviting the Ministers of London or some of them to meet with the Officers of the Army in their consultations about matters of Religion We Ministers of the Gospell within the Province of London hold it our Duty as then to refuse any such meeting as was proposed so now to give your Lordship and your Councell the Reasons of that Refusall least by our silence we should seem to be wanting in that ingenuity and Candor which becomes all but especially the Ministers of Jesus Christ And understanding that some of our Brethren at one Conference before your Lordship and some of your Counsell Mr. Marshall Mr. Calamy Mr. Whitakers Mr. Sedgwick c. and at another with some of your chief Officers Mr. Whitaker Mr. Calamy Mr. Ash c. have already manifested their dislike both of your late Actions towards many of the Worthy Members of the Honourable House of Commons and what likewise you have published in your late Remonstrance and Declaration as your intention for setling the Affaires of the Kingdome as we were informed by some of them and willed thus to signifie Wee thought fit hereby to manifest our Concurrence with those our Reverend Brethren Humbly desiring That while we use that Plainnesse and Freedome which becometh the Ambassadors of Christ this our performance may not be mis-interpreted either as a trangressing the Law of Christian meeknesse or an exceeding the Bounds of Ministeriall liberty Wee being commanded to cry aloud and to lift up our voices as Trumpets to shew the People their Transgressions and the house of Jacob their sinnes Had a Conference been desired with us only to have given you resolution whether the wayes wherein at the present you are walking are agreeable to the Word of God which Case indeed had been suitable for private persons to have propounded and for Ministers of the Gospell to have resolved Wee should most willingly and freely have delivered our Judgements as our fore-mentioned Brethren have done concerning these your practises and have given you this as our Advice grounded upon Scripture Namely That in stead of proceeding further in such unwarrantable courses you should have testified your timely and godly sorrow for what so clearly against the direct Rule of the Word you have already acted And if only for clearing of this Case a Conference had been desired It was from the first professed that we should be ready and willing to meet where and with whomsoever to assert and maintain our Judgement therein But as if the justnesse of your way were already granted by us Wee were only invited to contribute our assistance in prosecution of what you had undertaken which wee conceive to be out of your Sphere And for us to have joined in any consultations of this nature would have made us accessary unto them guilty of the evil which is in them and even partakers of other mens sins 1 Tim. 5.22 contrary to the Apostles rule who bids us 1 Thes 5.22 abstaine even from all appearance of evill and Ephes 5.11 have no fellowship with the unfruitfull works of darknesse but reprove them rather It is already sufficiently known besides all former miscarriages what Attempts of late have been put in practise against lawfull Authority Especially by your late Remonstrance and Declaration published in opposition to the proceedings of Parliament As also by seizing and imprisoning the Kings person without the knowledge and consent of Parliament and by that late unparalled violence offered to the Members of it forcibly hindering above one hundred of them if we mistake not the number from sitting in Parliament Imprisoning many of their Persons though many of them are known to us to be men of eminent Worth and Integrity and who have given most ample Testimony of their reall Affections to the good of the Kingdome and besides all this there is an intent of Framing and contriving a new module aswell of the Lawes and Government of the Kingdome as of the Constitution of a new kinde of Representative as you call it in stead of this and all future Parliaments and this to be Subscribed throughout the Kingdome under the notion of an Agreement of the People as is Declared in your late Remonstrance of November 16. 1648. pag. 67. All which practises we cannot but judge to be manifestly opposite to the lawfull Authority of those Magistrates which God hath set over us and to the Duty and Obedience which by the Lawes of God and Man and by our manifold Oathes and Covenants we stand obliged to render to them And therefore we judge it our Duty rather to testifie our utter dislike and detestation then to give any though but implicite and interpretative approbation of them We remember the advice of Solomon Prov. 24.21 Fear thou the Lord and the King and meddle not with them that are given to change And that of Paul 2 Thess 3.6 Withdraw from every Brother that walketh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 disorderly and not according to the Traditions which you have received of us Of which this is one Tit. 3.1 Put them in minde to be subject to Principallities and Powers and to obey Magistrates And Rom. 13.1 2. Let every soul be subject to the higher Powers for there is no powe but of God the Powers that be are Ordained of God Whosoever therefore resisteth ther Power resisteth the Ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation The fear of God therefore whose Ordinance is violated when Magistracy is opposed makes us afraid of medling with those who without any colour of Legall Authority meerely upon the Presumption of Strength shall attempt such Changes as these are And Wee cannot but be deepely affected with grief and astonishment to see that an Army raised by Authority of Parliament for the Preservation of the Priviledges thereof and of our Religion Lawes and Liberties should contrary to their trust and many ingagements do that which tends to the manifest Subversion of them all Wee have not forgotten those declared Grounds and Principles upon which the Parliament first