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A91227 A new discovery of free-state tyranny: containing, four letters, together with a subsequent remonstrance of several grievances and demand of common right, by William Prynne Esquire; written and sent by him to Mr. John Bradshaw and his associates at White-Hall (stiling themselves, the Councel of State) after their two years and three months close imprisonment of him, under soldiers, in the remote castles of Dunster and Taunton (in Somersetshire) and Pendennis in Cornwall; before, yea without any legal accusation, examination, inditement, triall, conviction, or objection of any particular crime against him; or since declared to him; notwithstanding his many former and late demands made to them, to know his offence and accusers. Published by the author, for his own vindication; the peoples common liberty and information; and his imprisoners just conviction of their tyranny, cruelty, iniquity, towards him, under their misnamed free-state. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1655 (1655) Wing P4016; Thomason E488_2; ESTC R203337 111,299 152

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secret treasonable plots practises had any hand in my last close restraints I cannot certainly resolve seeing my Imprisoners themselves have protested to me they know not by whose or upon what information I was Imprisoned But this some of my Restrainers have confessed to me and my friends That they believe the chief reason of my long close Restraints was to hinder me from writing any thing against their late proceedings and publique Alterations Lawes Liberties which I formerly averred in my Speech in Parliament and Memento when they were first put them in execution to be originally contrived and secretly fomented by the Jesuites to destroy our King Kingdome and Religion That Speech of the Parliament of Paris to King Henry the fourth of France Anno 1603. when he resolved to restore the banished Jesuites against his Parliaments arrest and advise being then my constant asseveration Faxit Deus ut sim falsus vates sed prospicio animo tandem HOC REGNVM OPERA JESUITARUM IN CINERES ABITURUM and that I verily feared and believed the vissible Instruments most active in those dismall Proceedings Changes Subversions then intended and since effected were but the Jesuites deluded seduced Instruments in reality And that which may now at last convince them thereof beyond contradiction is not only the irrefragable evidences lately published in my Epistle to A Seasonable Legal an Historical Vindication of the good old Fundamentall Liberties Rights Lawes Governments of England compared with the excellent Proclamations of Queen Elizabeth and King James against Jesuites but likewise that memorable Piece presented to the states and Nobility of Poland assembled in Parliament 1607. to prevent the Seditious practises tumults of the Jesuites in that Realm intitutled Consilium derecuperonda in posteram stabilienda Pa●a Regni Poloniae per IESVITARVM ELECTIONEM Which clearly demonstrated That the Jesuites Society was purposely instituted by the Pope and Spaniard to advance their intended universall Monarchies and to be their principle Spies Intelligencers Instruments for this purpose the generall of the Jesuites being alwayes a Spaniard by birth or Allegiance and keeping his constant residence at Rome and their Order a most dangerous sharpe active sword whose blade secretly heathed in the bowels of all other Realmes States but the bilt thereof alwayes held in the Popes and Spaniards hands who weild it at their pleasure That the Jesuites instill this Treasonable Principle into their Schollers and Auditors That all Christian Kings and Princes as well Papists as Protestants who shall by any meanes whatsoever fall under the Popes indignation or Sentence or in any sort hinder the Jesuites Projects or not obey them in all things ARE HERETICKS and TYRANTS that thereby their Subjects are actually absolved from all Oathes Obedience and future Subjection to them Whereupon not only the people in generall but any particular person MAY LAWFULLY KILL and DESTROY THEM not without punishmemt only but likewise with GREATEST APPLAVSE and MERIT even of a CANONIZATION FOR A SAINT By which Jesuiticall Decree THE LIFE and DE●TH OF ALL KINGS and ALL THE CIVIL MAGISTRATES OF EVROPE IS SUSPENDED ON THE IESVITES PLEASURE If they favour them they may live and prosper If not THEY MUST PERISH Which the Jesuites proclaiming of the State of Venice through all Italy for most PESTILENT HERETICKS ABOMINABLE TYRANTS only for making lawes to bridle their covetousnes and banishing them for their disobedience and Treachery to the State though professed Roman Catholickes Their fury against Henry the 3. of France in stabbing him to death● though never accused of Heresy and continuing till his death in the Roman Communion only for this reason Quod Seeptrum Regium non ei tradere volebat quem sibi Hi Socij tanquam idoneum m●liti●num suarum administrum gallicae Regem destinaveránt branding him both for an HERE●ICKE TYRANT for this cause alone after his death in severall Bookes REGIS BRITANNIAE PERPETVA PERICVLA the perpetual dangers of the King of great Britain by the Jesuites and the feare of all others who finde this Order offended with them aboundantly testifie After which ensues this considerable Passage touching the Jesuites restlesse e●deavours to subvert all Christian States and the Fundamentall Lawes of all Kingdomes crosse to their Designes especially such as concernc the Succession of their Kings or the Peace and Liberty of their Kingdomes and People which I desire the Newm●dellers of our Lawes Government and Subverters of our liberties sadly to consider DIXI quanta vis sit Aculei Jesuitici contrareges statumque regium quoties hunc molitionibus suis obstare inte Higunt Hic autem vos notare velim EJVSDEM PESTIS non minorem efficaciam esse IN OPPUGNANDA EXPUGNANDA REPVBLICA ATTERENDIS LEGIBVS quoties nempe sentiunt se ab his in institu● â suâ venatione impediri Et quod AD LEGES attinet Hae politicae tineae illas praecipue arrodere consueverunt et exedere quibus jus successionis in regno continetur libertasque et pax publica confirmatur Qualem in Galliis praecipue invererunt Legem illam Salicam matriculam et Fundamentum illius regni perquam stirpis regiae mascula proles exclusis femeles ad Regnum sola admittitur Cujus Legis vigore successio Regni post interfectum Henricum 3. ad Henricum 4. Regem tunc Navarrae devolvebatur Quod ipsum cum SECTA JESVITICA suam interitum interpretaretur Tantum efficere potuit ut Galli hoc reipublicae suae fundamentum ipsimet subruere conarentur ascitâ contra hanc legem Philippi 2. Hispaniarum Regis Filia quam ex Henrici 2. Galliarum Regis filia susceperat in Regni sui haeredem Operis totius promotoribus internuntiis Jesuitis Quod autem Gallis Lex Salica praestat hoc Polonis ad huc Regum Juramenta conferunt per quae hactenus Reipublicae Liberae electionis jus conservatur quam periculose vero Hoc etiam libertatis nostrae fulcimentum ab his cetineisarrosum sit egomet dicere nolo necpublicum dedecus ipsomet divulgabo Ejusdem virtuti● illustre specimen coram oculis nostris in vicina Hungaria Austria Styria Carinthia c. ediderunt eo nimirum successu Vt obtritis legibus quibus praedictarum nationum libertas nitebatur partemearum Penitus oppresserint partem ad Extremam desperationem adegirint Hoc quidem rumor publicus hactenus constanter affirmat in praedictis Provincijs alicubi Illustribus et antiquissimae nobilitatis familiis publicè diem dictum esse intra quem se aut coram Jesuitarum tribunali sistant aut relictis patriis sedibus alio migrent Which a Noble Polonian Knight in his Oration against the Jesuites seconded in that Parliament of Polonia who relating the bloudy warres and tumults raysed by these Gibeanites throughout the Christian world India hath this memorable Passage concerning England Scotland Eodem motuab istis Jesuiticis Gabaonitis
the purity of Gods publick Ordinances and sending of Letters when first approved by himself such a Ward and School boy is he yet to this very hour under your Free-State even after the Court of Wards quite voted down And whereas all Collonels and Gentlemen heretofore in actual Arms against the Parliament here or elsewhere secured in their proper Counties only not in foraign in the late times of danger were a full year since enlarged from their far more favourable restraints than his by your general Order and many Theeves Felons legally deserving death both pardoned and set free without any Petitions to you from them and not only diverse Popish Recusants in A●mes but some Popish Pr●ests and Jesuites imprisoned before your Government absolutely released under it yea exempted from the very Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance specially provided prescribed by the wisdom of many pious Parliaments for the detection and prevention of their manifold treasonable practices against our Realms Princes Parliaments Government Laws Liberties and Religion from some if not all old penal Laws formerly made and those 5 new excellent Bills and Oaths of Abjuration for their better speedier discovery a●d suppression so earnestly pressed by our late zealous Parliaments and consented too by the late King so much taxed by you for indulgence towards them in the last Treaty without scruple yet since quite buried with ●im in oblivion and some of them unwittingly as is conceived entertained as Troopers Souldiers in pay in your very Guards for want of such strict inquiries after them and such meanes to prevent their coming over and to detect them as formerly and not one of them for oug●t he can hear close imprisoned if imprisoned at all in remote Castles under such Guards Centinels Restraints as his forementioned though in near one hundred printed Declarations of Parliament remonstrated to the World to be the Original Contrivers the chief Incendiaries Fomentors Promoters of the first late Warres between Scotland and England and the late King and Parliament of purpose thereby to subvert the Protestant Religion both at home and ab●oad destroy that last and all future Parliaments our Lawes Liberties and former setled Government and introduce Popery Anarchy Slavery and Military Tyr●●y in their pl●c●s Whereupon they are grown so audacious as not only secretly to infuse their Jesuitical Tenents Pract●ces Poli●icks of most dangerous consequence expr●ssed in sundry former Acts of P●rliament purposely enacted to prevent them into the Souldiery a●d Pe●ple now much infected with them but likewise by their instruments to translate print and vend publiquely throughout the Nation without Inhibition or Punishment their Jesuitical Books even in folio professedly ass●rting both th● Popes Sup●emacy pra●ing to Saints and Angels Purgatory Masse Transubstantiation and all other points of grossest Popery for undoubted Truths necessary to Salvation and also positively maintaining our true Protestant Religion to be grosse Heresie and our late famous Queen Elizabeth with all true professors thereof to be damnable Hereticks Witnesse the Jesuite Edmond Causin his Holy Court printed in several folio Tomes in London it self translated into English by Papists Jesui●es and dedicated to the two greatest Female Papists Queen Mary and the Dutchesse of Buckingham sold publikely under your Noses and elsewhere with the very Jesuites badge S. I. S●cietatis Iesis in Capitals in the Title Page and this bold subscription Printed at London by William Bently Anno 1650. since his close imprisonment by you and are to be sold by Iohn Williams in Pauls Churchyard where all these Popish Tenents are largely maintained to the great Scandal and Offence of all true Protestants as you may read at leisure Tom. 1. p. 30 to 38 63 64 68 74 75 Tom. 2. p. 168. Tom. 3. p. 425 to 430. 461 462. Tom. 5. p. 173 174. 304 to 319 The Angel of Peace to all Christian Princes p. 10 11 and elsewhere to omit all other Iesui●ical Arminian Popish Erroneous Books against our Religion now publikely written printed vended by thousands under you with impunity though so lately charged pressed by the whole House of Commons against Canterbury as an Article of High Treason for which amongst others he lost his head by Iudgement of Parliament and your own concurrent Votes and Approbations Yet he who out of pure love zeal to his God true Religion Country Parliaments hath constantly stuck unto and written most of any man in times of greatest need and danger in defence of the just Power Rights Privileges of our true English Parliaments and Nation against all Opponents against all late introduced Arminian Popish Iesuitical Errours Doctrines Ceremonies Innovations Books and made the first the fullest discoveries of and Oppositions in print of any man with no little pains cost losse danger against their manifold dangerous Books Practices Plots Conspiracies to undermine our Religion Parliaments Laws Liberties Government and involve all Protestant Kingdoms States Churches in bloody intestine wars to their own mutual destruction but these Iesuites insultation exul●ation and that by approbation authority of Parliament and most of your applauses And hath particularly informed some of you by Letters since his restraints of admired indulgences towards Priests ●esuites of one particular noted Iesuite who for a fortnights space together disputed with a friend of his at St. Omers with 5 other Iesuites more about August 1649 since listed a Trooper in your Guards and of this late printed Iesuites folio Book without any reformation or suppression of either upon his complaints thereof during this their licentious Liberty and Freedom to their grand Rejoycing Advantage and the great Grief Offence of most really affected to our Religion or the publike weal without any cause hearing or release must be shut up and continued close Prisoner by you year after year and sent from one remote Castle to another remoter and worser than it and there kept under strictest Guards Centinels Restraints and most injurious Duresses as aforesaid without any hopes of release notwithstanding his manifold Letters and Addresses to you joyntly and severally in such a way as becomes him though not by unworthy complyances in submission to the self-created new Powers and Titles complaining of these fore-remonstrated Proceedings Searches Imprisonments Translations and Restraints in forraign Counties Castles under Souldiers without any precedent Indictment Tryal and Crime yet specified and undeniably manifesting them to you to be co●trary to all Laws of God Nature Nations the Common L●w and Great Charter of England and other forecited known Statute● Iudgement● Declarations Resolutions R●monstrances of all our late Parliaments the expresse Votes and Resolves of both Houses of Parliament in his own late particular case and others the indubitable Birthright Franchises of eve y English Freeman of very dangerous President Conseq●ence to Posterity and in sundry respects far more exorbitantly unrighteous than his former Grievances and Imprisonments under the worst of your discarded condemned decapitated
who professed himself a Lawyer or ware a Gown upon his back durst affirme That about 50 or 60 members only of the late Commons house confederating with the Army-officers to destroy condemn and behead the King the * head of the Parliament abolish the whole house of Lords the ancientest honorablest chiefest of branch our English Parliaments Wherein the judiciall power of Parliaments wholly or principally resided and secure seclude the majority or five parts of four of the whole Commons house only for voting according to their consciences and endevouring to settle the Peace of the Kingdome after eight years bloudy wars and to subvert all future reall English Parliaments contrary to their trusts and duties the very expresse words of the writs and retornes of those by whom they were made and elected members contrary to the direct tenor of the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance which they took and must take before they could sit or vote as Members contrary to the Solemn Protestation Vow League and Covenant which they all made and took after they were Members contrary to their manifold printed Declarations Remonstrances Ordinances Votes whiles there was a reall Parliament and they actuall Members of it contrary to the Desires Petitions of those who intrusted them yea contrary to the principles of the Protestant Religion the Priviledges Rights of Parliaments the fundamentall Lawes of the Land which they professed covenanted ingaged inviolably to maintain as they were Members should be a true and unquestionable Parliament of England of themselves alone without either King or House of Peers or the mainity of the secured and secluded Members especially after the Kings beheading which actually dissolved the Parliament and sitting still under the over-awing guards and force of the Army demanding of him in an earnest manner by what Parliamentary or Legall Records Histories Law-books resolutions of our Judges or Courts of Justice he could prove that unparliamentary Juncto to be a lawfull English Parliament when as his own science and conscience must attest that they all declare and resolve them to be no Parliament at all Whereunto he replyed he must needs confesse that all Records Histories and Law books were clear against him that they were no legall Parliament but yet yet in this case of extremity wherein we then were It was lawfull for the minor part of the Commons Houses to seclude the King and house of Lords with the major part of their fellow-commoners when they would have endangered the ship of the Common-wealth to preserve it from drowning as I my self granted in one of my Books that the Mariners might secure the master of the Sip and thrust him from the sterne in case he would wilfully split it against a Rock or Quick-sands to preserve the ship and themselves from perishing to which I rejoyned that the similitude suited not with the case in question For the secluded majority of the Commons and Lords house according to their trusts duties at the earnest desires of the generality of our three Kingdomes endevoured to preserve and secure the ship of the Common-wealths of England Scotland and Ireland and bring it into a safe harbour by a happy close with the late King upon far more honourable terms and propositions for the subjects benefit liberty weal security to which the King consented then ever we or our ancestors enjoyed or our posterities can hereafter hope for and laboured to their power to prevent those bloudy intestine wars between our Protestant Realms and Allies and that prodigall expences of many millions of treasure which this vi●lence upon the King Peers and Commons house have since produced and is still likely to occasion by these few Members confederacy with the Army who in stead of saving have quite wracked the ship both of our true ancient Parliaments and Republicks and of their new infant Common wealth too and left us in a more desperate distracted unsetled condition then they then found us which he con●essed to be true Therefore he could no wayes justifie this their violence much lesse infer from thence that they were an undoubted true English Parliam●nt for by like reason he might make the Army or Generall Councell of Army Officers the chief authors and actors in this violence only to perpetuate their own armed power and our intestine wars for their own private ends as now all clearly see a true English Parliament as well as that Fag end of the house of Commons confederating with them who now too late repented of this their folly treachery and heartily wish they had joyned with us in our really endevoured and neer accomplished settlement upon the Kings confessions which now they despair of more then ever to enjoy under any New Government To the second I replyed that admit them to be a true English Parliament which I could not grant yet certainly they neither would nor could grant him or his Whitehall associates any such unlimited arbitrary instructions and Tyrannicall power to close-imprison me or others in remote Castles under Souldiers to break open ransack our houses studies seize our writings records deny us liberty of Gods O●dinances or free commerce with others by conference or Letters which the whole Parliament and themselves so lately condemned sentenced and publickly voted declared against as repugnant to the great Charter Lawes Liberties properties of the Nation in my own and others cases and made new acts against And if any such exorbitant tyrannicall power had been granted them upon any pretence yet the Statutes of 25 E. 1. c 1 2. E. 3. c. 1. declare them to be null and void and himself knowing them to be such in law could neither in justice nor conscience pursue them to mine or others prejudice To the third I subjoyned That the many desperate plots and conspiracies against the true reall Common-wealth of England were on his and his associates part who subverted our old Fundamentall Laws Government Monarchy Parliaments and the free course of justice by arbitrary power force and Courts of highest injustice not on mine or the secured and secluded Lords and Commons who detested opposed all their apparent late plots a●d conspiracies against them and that now by Gods retaliating Justice they poor infant Commonwealth founded in Treachery Perjury Violence Injustice Bloud Tyranny was suddenly subverted destroyed by that very armed power which first erected and engaged to support it still But admit the allegation true yet this was very ill Logick and worse Law and Policy because there were many plots and conspiracies against their new infant Republick by others Ergo he and his Whitehal associates might close-imprison me after all my sufferings and services for the publick and all else they pleased in remotest Castles without cause or hearing though guilty of no reall crime plot or conspiracy which strange exorbitancy in my judgment was our principal cause of their new Commonwealths and Whitehall Councels suddenunexpected downfals However I being a Member of Parliament
hand IOHN BRADSHAW PRESIDENT Which Warrant further enjoyns him not to suffer me to have conference with any but in his sight and hearing nor to send or receive of any Letters but such as he shall peruse and is accordingly executed amounting to the strictest close Impriso●ent These Proceedings seem to me who am conscious of no guilt very strange Illegall rigorous yea destructive not only to mine own but to all the Peoples Liberties and all our good Laws for their preservation which you and others in present Power have of late years more then once solemnlie covenanted and made large Declarations and Protestations inviolably to preserve especiallie in these daies of Englands freedome from Tyranny as some term if not proclaim them Strange in respect of your self the only visible author of them mine ancient Acquaintance who formerly made so many large Professions of reall Friendship towards me and one of mine own Robe much contemning the Kings Star-chamber Lords and Prelates illegall Warrants and Proceedings in this kind against me from whom I expected no such unjust exorbitant Warrant or Military violeuce as this yet Stranger in regard of my self the Sufferer who having been such an Eminent Martyr both in body and Estate suffering near 8 years Imprisoments close restraints exile 3 Pillories Stigmatizing a ●●uble loss● of ears excessive Fines for the defence of our re●igion Laws Publick Wealth Liberty of the Nation without receiving one penny recompence for all my losses and snffrings though promised voted many Thousands and one of the most devoted faithfull Servants to the old Republick late Parliament of England in whose service I have spent my Estate and studies ever since my enlargement without enjoying the least Preferment which I was never ambitious of or one farthing Salary or reward when others lesse meritorious have been bountifully rewarded with great Sums Offices Pensions expected no such ungratefull Requital as a new excessive tedious close Imprisoment from my professed Friends before the least notice of any complaint against me or summons to appear or answer it Which all circumstances considered is a farr greater Extremity of injustice than I ever yet suffered from my most Capitall Enemies who both in the High Commission and Star chamber did only summon me by a messenger but never Attach me or begin with Execution as you doe first citing me to appear before them and then heard before they committed me or searched my Study and Papers and that by their Legall sworn Officers not armed Souldiers in the open day time not at midnight on the week day not the Lords day and never made made me a close Prisoner at first but onely after hearing and sentence And indeed this cannot but seem strange to me and all men else that I should be the first man now mewed up afresh in all the County for a new Malignant and dangerons Person who was one of the first appeared in it for the Parliament when as others long in actuall arms against it now walk at large and one who took and subscribed the Kings Oath against the Parliament renouncing and declaring them Traytors and Rebels with others whose base unworthy cowardice lost and betrayed the whole County to the Enemie whom they durst never face or encounter are now imployed as great Commanders in our new raising Militia who as I have good grounds to suspect are the originall Contrivers of this my injurious Restraint out of meer mallice or envy to shew that they are now men of trust and power sufficient to Tyrannize over me as well as others who never did them the least injury but only reprehended them for their Injustice and Opressions of which the whole County complained The sat●sfaction of whose malicious desires in this illegall way will purchase you ten thousand times more dishonor and doe you more disservice by discontenting thousands of your Friends and giving your Enemies just occasion of rejoycing than ever their valour or Military Service is like to do you good either in the County or Kingdome and render you as detestable to the People as ever my former suffrings and Imprisoments did the Bishops or Star-chamber the greatest occasion of their downfalls Illegal injurious yea Destructive to the Peoples Libertys and also setled Laws for their Defence in divers respects in which I must crave Liberty a little to expatiate for fear my present silence or flender glances thereat should prejudice my own and the whole Nations Liberties deeply concerned in this new President of Injustice on my self so great a stickler against all Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Proceedings of this nature and one of the greatest Sufferers under them Not to dispute at present the Lawfulnesse of your present Power which many justly question The utmost I conceive you do or can pretend to is only the Power of the ancient privy Council or Council Table under our Kings not in its utmost latitude and exorbitances but as regulatedby the late Act against the Star-chamber Which Councill Table to my best remembrance never issued any Warant so illegall as this in all particulars against my self or others nor executed it by be meer Military Officers on the Lords own day as your Souldiers did this to proclaim to all the world how little they esteem or observ● your new misnamed Act against travelling or arresting any on the Lords day the penalty whereof none dare to levy on Souldiers I shall only here briefly argue and evince the Illegality of your Warrant à Capite ad Calcem as well as my present restrained condition and want of Books and Time will permit me that you and others may see what ground you have to retract and to be ashamed of it as I hope you will upon the reading hereof First I conceive it wholy illegall in respect of the Persons to whom it is directed and by whom it is to be and was accordingly Executed which are not legall civill Officers of Justice as Sherriffs Iustices of Peace Maiors Headboroughs under Sheriffs Bayliffs Constables Serjeants sworn Messengers and the like the only lawfull Officers to serve and execute all legall Writs Processe Warrants whatsoever by the Common Statute-Laws and Customs of this Realm who are and ought to be known Refients in the County where they may be always found taking an Oath duly to execute their respective Offices according to Law and Persons of Estate able to render Dammages to the Presons they attach in case their Warrants be illegall or not legally pursued in the execution But meer Souldiers of fortune Strangers having no constant residence nor visible estates in the County to render me or others Dammages in an Action of Trespasse or false Imprisonment should we sue them and no legall Officers known or allowed by out Laws to execute Processes or Warrants from any civill Power no not in times of Warr especially where there is no necessity nor precedent resistance as in my case much lesse in times of Peace as now wherein
Saints and Servants Rev. 2 16. And further assures us That Christ at the last Judgement will say to those who did but only not feed cloth and visit the least of his Saints when they were in Prison Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the ●evil and his Angels What an heavy Doom then will he passe against those who against all Rules of Law and Justice cast them into Prison and will there neither feed cloth nor visit but starv● their bodies and souls too as much as in them lyeth by depriving them of Gods Ordinances and all means of livelihood as you do me after all my former great losses and long-continued suffrings I cannot as yet be so uncharitable as to believe you design the ruine of my soul body and wasted Estate but if you de facto do it by this injurious restraint your sinne is as great as if you did design it If you think to justifie or excuse these Irregularities and unjust violent Proceedings against me by pretext of Necessity and publike Danger the only thing in Justification I yet hear alleged by your Instruments As this will be no Plea at all before Christs Tribunal in the great day of Judgment who prohibits all kind of violonce injustice oppression injury upon any Pretence what soever and will severely punish it their Damnation being most just who do evill upon this unrighteous ground that good may come of it So it will not hold water before mans Tribunal being resolved declared by the Judgement of both Houses and an Act of Parliament in cases of Shipmony Excise Loans to be no cause nor Justification of a Distresse much lesse of an Imprisonment And it being a Necessity and Danger of your own making not mine the Rule of Law is That noman shall take advantage of his own wrong to the prejudice of another The late Beheaded King in his Answer to the Petition of both Houses 26 Martii 1 642. is so ingenious as to confesse That the violating of Laws by his Ministers and the mischief that then grew by Arbitrary Power was made plausible to Us by the suggestion of Necessity and Imminent danger and thereupon he gave both Houses this caution And take you heed you fall not into the same Error upon the same suggestions which in his Answer to the Remonstrance of the Lords and Commons of the 9th of May 1642. he thus seconds And therefore we had good cause to bestow that Admonition for we assure you it was an Admonition of our own upon both Houses of Parliament to take heed of inclining under the specious shews of Necessity and Danger to the exercise of such an arbitrary Power they before complained of The Admonition will do no harm and we shall be glad to see it followed And therefore for you or those now acting after these two serious Admonitions to pretend Necessity and Imminent Danger for these with other Arbitrary courses Proceedings condemned in and by the King himself and the whole Parliament must be the hight of Oppression Injustice and will render you more detestable to the Nation and World than ever they did the King or his Evil Counsellors To trouble you no further at present I shall only inform you That the Commons in their Remenstrance of the State of the Kingdom Decemb. 15. 1641. Yea both Lords and Common● in their Declaration of 4 August 1642. among other Designs Practices of the Malignant Party and Counsellors about the King complained of this as one of the most dangerous That they endeavoured to make those odious under the name of Puritans who sought to maintain the Religion Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom and such men were sure to be weeded out of the Commission of the Peace and out of all other imployments of Power and Authority in the Government of the Country Many Noble Personages were Counsellors in name but the Power and Authority remained in a ●ew of such as were most addicted to this P●rty whose Resolutions and Determination● were brought to the Table for countenance and execution and not for Debate and Deliberation and no man could offer to oppose them without disgrace and hazard to himself Nay those that did not wholly concurr and actually contribute to the furtherance of their Designs though otherwise Persons of never so great honour and abilities were so far from being imployed in any Place of Trust and Power that they were neglected discountenanced and upon all occasions injured and oppressed The Laws were no Defence or Protection to any Mans Right all was subject to Will and Power which imposed what payments they thought sit to drain the Subjects purses and to supply those Necessities which their ill Counsels had brought upon the King and gratifie such as were Instruments in promoting these illegal and oppressive Courses They who yielded and complyed were countenanced and advanced all others disgraced and kept under that so Mens minds made poor and base and their Liberties lost and gone they might be ready to let go their Religion and submit to the subversion and alteration of the Laws and Government which they designed And whether your Proceedings in the self-same kind against my self others who have suffered and stood so much for Religion Laws and publike Liberties in the worst of former times thus complained against and securing restraining us to boot in a more more violent way than the King and his evill Counsellors proceeded against us heretofore will not draw a greater guilt disreputation heavier judgement upon you and your Associates then they complained of did upon them if you persevere impenitently in such execrable Machiavilian carnal Practices I leave to your own Consciences to determine Sir I was never yet a flatterer of any Person or p●rsons how great soever in arbitrary and illegal w●ys and my present extremities will be a sufficient Apology for this my boldnesse and plain dealing with you as well as others heretofore in like cases wherein the whole N●tions Liberties are concerned as much as mine own wherefore I do once more upon the premised Votes and Gro●nds of right demand my present ●nlargement the restitution of my seised Papers Writings Records Books Tr●●●ks from you and your Associates with reparations for these injurious proceedings against me from your selves 〈◊〉 the Origin●l Authors and Principal Actors in them And so exp●cting your undelayed Answer to my former and present Demands who amidst your manifold imployments may spare as much time to doe me right as wrong that so I may know how to steer my course I must and shall till then remain Your unjustly close restrained Captive WILL. PRYNNE For his quodam kind Friend Mr. Serjeant Iohn Bradshaw at Whitehall these Dunster Castle 16 July An. Dom. 1650. The third Letter to Mr. Bradshaw SIR I And my Servant attending on me have for above 6 weeks space against all Rules of Law Justice and the
bountifully you reward your best deserving friends for all their losses and Services for the publick with greater Injuries Dammages Affronts Oppressions and restrai● is than ever they received from the worst and cruelest of their Enemies Which is the present condition o● Mr. George Lutterell the owner of my Demolishing Prison of Dunster Castle and of Your much oppressed close Impriprisoned Vassall WILL. PRYNNE From my Demolishing Prison in Dunster Castle The fourth Letter to Mr. Bradshaw and his Assocîates Gentlemen THese are to mind you that after all my heavy sufferings of three Pillories a double losse of my ears stigmat●zing on both Cheeks two Fines of 5000 l. apiece expulsion out of the University of Oxford and Lincolns Inn degradation in both the seisure of my Papers Books Estate near 9 years losse of my Calling above 8 years imprisonment in the Tower of London Fleet Carnarvan and Mount Orgueil Castle in Jersey through the Tyranny of the late Prelates Starchamber and Council Table only for my publike Defence of the Protestant Religion Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom against Popery and Tyranny in the worst of times when few durst openly stand up on their behalf to my Damage of ten thousand pounds at least After above 8 years faithfull painfull services since my enlargement in maintenance of the Kingdoms Parliaments just Rights Privileges Liberties against all opposers and other publike employments for the Common good with the almost total neglect and losse of my Practice and expence of many hundred pounds out of my purse After 3 Months costly most injurious imprisonment by the Army for discharging my duty and speaking my Conscience in the Commons House whereof I was then a Member and am so still if that House be yet in being as you affirm and so not subject to your New Whit●hal Jurisdiction contrary to Law and the Privileges of Parliament After sundry other Affronts Injuries Pressures for my sincerity fidelity to my Native Country for all or any of which unjust sufferings losses meritorions services by which our Religion Republick Parliament Nation received many great advantages I never yet received one farthing recompense nor the least advantage or preferment of which I was never ambitious I have to augment my former damages oppressions in stead of repairing them received this great accumulation to them by colour of your illegal Warrants under Mr. Bra●sbaws hand who lately professed your selves my Friends and lamented my former injurious sufferings though senceless of my present before without the least notice summons examination or legal accusation even a forcible infringement search rifling of my Studies Trunks Writings Papers in Lincolns Inn house at Swainswick by a company of armed Souldiers who ●e●sed sundry of my Writings Papers Bo●ks 〈◊〉 Records against Law and sent them Whitehall together with a violent Attachment of my own Person though no Fugitive nor person in Armes not by any known sworn lawfull Officers but a strong Party of unknown Troops in my own house and Bedchamber about eleven of the clock at night on the Lords day the 30 of June last who carryed me through the County in triumph as their Prisoner to Dunster Castle no ordinary Prison but a private Garrison 50 miles distant from my habitation where I have been kept close Prisoner with my Servant who attends me by more than four Quaternions of Souldiers as Peter was under persecuting Herod above 3 moneths space though the walls thereof be demolished of late by your Order to my ●xtraordinary expen●e and great damage through my absence from my Family all the Harvest during all which time neither I nor my Servant have been permitted the least accesse to Gods publike Ordinances on Lords-days or Lecture dayes nor to stir out of the Castle where are no provisions at all to be had for any thing I want nor to speak with any Person but in the Governours presence or hearing nor to receive or write any Letters upon any occasion but what he must first peruse And although I have written at the least Seven Lett●rs to Mr. Bradshaw and others of you my late i●timate f●iends ●omol ining of this unparalleld Injustic● and Tyranny answering all Pretences of necessity and publick Danger to justifie or excuse it and manifesting it to be contrary to MAGNA CHARTA c. 29. 25 E. 1. c. 12. 28 E. 3. c. 1. 5 E. 3. c 9. 25 E. 3. c. 4. ●8 E. ● c. 3 37. E. 3 c. 18. 38 E. 3 c. 9. 42 E. 3. c. 3. 17. R. 2. c 6. 2 H. 4. Rot. Parl. n. 60. the Petition of Right other Statutes the very Common Law of England the Liberty of the Subject the Law s of God and Nature the Resolutions and printed Declarations of the 3 last Parliamen●s the expressed Votes of the Commons Iudgement of the Lords House in my own particular Case and my Fellow Sufferers yea a Greater Cruelty and Tyin some respects than ever the late King Star-Chamber or be headed Canterbury ●●flicted on me who at first only summoned me by a Messenger to appear before them but never attached me by armed Officers or Souldiers accused me of a particular bock upon which they examin●d heard before they restrained me and never committed me close Prisoner at first nor laid any such restraints upon me or my servant as you do now for above 4 years space permitting me free accesse to Gods publick Ordinances free conference in publick and Private with whom and Liberty to write to and receive Letters from whom I pleased without any over-hearing or Jutervising and to send my Servant abroad upon all occasions A Liberty which the Laws of England allow to all Traytors and Fellons whatsoever and which beheaded Strafford and Cant●rbury enjoyed though impeached of the Highest Treasons by the whole Commons House and yet deuyed unto me by you such Great Pretenders to Publick Liberty both of Person and Conscience though hitherto accused impeached of no Crime yet notwithstanding I can hitherto receive no relief nor satisfactory answer to my just Demands from any of you Whereupon I have been necessitated to addresse this brief precedent Narrative of your harsh proceedings against me to you all in general to leave you without excuse and thereupon as a Free born English man who as you well know hath written suffered more than any or all of you for the publick Liberty of the Nation without the least reward upon which account I may Justly challenge as great an Interest in the Laws and Liberty of the Nation as any man this day breathing I shall make bold being thus inforced by you thereunto to make some Proposals unto you who have Declared an unaccountable Power or Officer in any State to be A MONSTER both in Nature and Politicks for the publike and your own particular good and my better relief which I beseech you sadly to consider because I fear you now meet with more * Sycophants than Faithfull Friends
faithfull Services for the publique according to former publique Engagements and Votes And so expecting your undeferred positive answer to all these just demands I shall till then remain Your over-oppressed close Prisoner and Captive WILL. PRYNNE To Mr. Iohn Bradshaw Serjeant at Law and the rest of his Assessors at Whitehall present these Dunster Castle Octob. 30. 1650. TO Mr. IOHN BRADSHAW AND HIS ASSOCIATES AT WHITEHALL Stiling themselves the The Councel of State his Imprisoners The Remonstrance of several Grievances and Demands of Common Right by William Prynne Esq their 2 years and 3 moneths Close Prisoner under Souldiers in the remote Castles of Dunster Taunton and Pendennys in Cornwall before any Legal Accusation Examination Indictment Tryal Conviction or Objection of any particular Crime after above 8 years former Imprisonments and unrecompensed great sufferings Losses for the Publike and Religion under their White-hall Predecessors and all his Faithfull Unmercenary Services for the Publike Laws Rights Privileges of the English Nation Shewing THat although he be a Freeman of England both by Birthright and Dear-bought Purchase having formerlysustained above 8 years imprisonments and more heavy Sufferings in his Person Calling Estate than any of this Nation meerly for writing in Defence of the ●ust Laws Liberties Franchises of the Land and true Protestant Religion in the worst of former times against the Invaders thereof and spent the greatest part of his life and estate in painful studies S●rvices Sufferings Duresses for the Publike without the least Recompence Reward or Self advantage our of a sincere Publike Spirit unbiassed with private ends And hath in all his Relations as a Lawyer Magistrate Committee-man Member of Parliament of this Kingdom and a Christian diligently endeavoured to keep a good Conscience always in all things void of offence toward● God and Men never to his knowledge perpetrating any Crime deserving Bonds or close Restraint by any known Law of this Land nor acting or writing any thing but what his own deliberate Judgement Science Conscience clearly resolved him to be agreeable to and warranted by the sacred Oracles of God the Principles of our Reformed Religion the Fundamental Common statute-Statute-Laws Franchiscs of England the Resolutions Judgements Declarations of our ancient and late best Parliaments and B●oks Printed by their Authority and those solemn serious Oaths Protestations Covenants imposed on and oft taken by him by Parliamentary Authority which still lye as immnutable inviolable divine obligations on his Soul till otherwise convinced of his total and final Absolution from them by the brutish Arguments of the longest Sword and long illegal close imprisonments under Sword-men in pursuance of his bounden duty to God his Lawfull Superiour Powers and beloved Native Country whose truest greatest weal Peace Settlement he hath ever studied advanced to his utmost power by all Christian honourable just and righteous means though incountred therein with many Discouragements and ingrate requitals from most sorts of men That although by the expresse provisions of the Common Law the Great Charter of England ch 29. confirmed in about 40 several Parliaments the Statutes of 25 E. 1 c. 2. 28 E. 1. c. 1 2. 1 E. 3. c. 5. 5 E. 3. c. 8 9. 25 E. 3. c. 4. 28 E. 3. c. 3. 35 E. 3. rot Parl. n. 20. 37 E. 3. c. 18. 42 E. 3. c. 1 2 3 rot Parl. n. 42. 2 H. 4. rot Parl. n. 10. 4 H. 4. c. 13. 5 H. 4. c. 10. 23 H. 8. c. 2. The Petition of Right 3. Caroli The Act for In pressing Souldiers 17. Caroli with sundry other Statutes the printed Decl●rations Remonstrances Iudgements Votes of all our late Parliaments and the known Rules of Common Iustice no English Freeman may or ought to be arrested imprisoned exiled outlawed or deprived of his Liberty Freehold Writings Papers Members Life Franchises without due Processe of Law Indictment or Presentment by his Lawfull Peers executed by known Lawfull responsible sworn Officers of Justice after a Legal Accusation Examination or Conviction of ●ome partic●lar Offence nor enforced to goe out of his own Country against his will or imprisoned in any private or forein Castles but only in Common usual Prisons under sworn Gaeolers without debarring free Accesse of Friends and Letters to or from him or searching his House Study Truncks Pock●ts for Writings Letters Books to pick out matter of Accusation against him or examining himself or others Ex officio to that end in an extrajudicial manner before any Legal Charge exhibited Nor yet translated from one unusual Prison to another without hearing or bringing him to any just lawfull Tribunal the next General Assizes or S●ssions held within the Country wherein he is imprisoned or releasing him the next Goal delivery if not then indicted and Legally prosecuted for what he is imprisoned That albeit his former professed oppressing Enemies the old Councel Table Star Chamber High Commission Lords and Prelates condemned suppressed and some of them executed by most of your concurrent suffrages as the greatest Tyrants the last Parliament for their extravagant unjust Censures and some exorbitant Proceedings against him and others were even then so candid and honourable towards him at first though accused of pretended scandalous seditious Passages in his Histriomastix against the King Queen Court State Government Prelates as not violently to attach by Troopers in the night and close imprison him in remote unusual Castles without hearing but only summoned him by a single n●armed known sworn Messenger to appear before them the next day and upon his appearance charged him for writing a particular pretended offensive Book then produced and heard him concerning it before they committed him and after sent him Prisoner at large to their usual Prison the Tower of London under an honourable Gardian near his then residence and friends who with all others had free accesse to and conference with him both in publike and private without restraint or any Evesdroppers appointed to over-hear their discourses with h●m and supervise all Letters Writings Papers to and from him which Liberty he there enjoyed even after his first severe Sentence till the second Bill against him And when after they caused his Study and Chamber to be searched imployed only Mr. Noy then the Kings Attorney and two Clerks of the Councel Responsible Persons of eminency learning judge ment able to judge of Books and writings fit for leisure not rude illiterate Souldiers in that service who never finally ransaked his Pockets nor seised any Notes writings Letters Books not relating to his Charge which they speedily prosecuted in a usual Court of Iustice continuing him even after their first Sentence a Prisoner at large in the Tower After which they exhibited a second Bill against him Dr. Bastwick and Mr. Burton in Star-chamber concerning particular Books thereto annexed and heard them in a sat at the Barre before they sentenced them to be kept close Prisoners in remote Castles and