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A50967 The minister's reasons for his not reading the kings declaration, friendly debated by a dissenter. Dissenter. 1688 (1688) Wing M2195; ESTC R10242 25,456 24

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be examined Impartially and take in here also that Question I touched upon before Whether the Matter of the King's Declaration herein be contrary to the Laws of the Land Whole Treatises have been Written upon this Subject with great Evidence to Manifest the Kings Right of Indulgence in Spiritual Matters which you may do well in Order to your Satisfaction at your Leisure to Peruse I shall here Instance only in some few Cases wherein the Kings of England have for several Ages past Exercised such a Dispensing Power and in their Grants Tolerated a Dissent from the Religion and Ceremonies by Law Established which have been either not Question'd at all in Parliament or there admitted to be legally done Queen Elizabeth in her Reign granted many Dispensations of this kind and as is credibly Reported to some Lay-men to Preach publickly Several Grants have been made before and in the Reigns of the three last Kings both to Foreigners here and to their own Subjects abroad for the Exercise of Religion in their own Way with a Non Obstance to the Statute in Force for Uniformity in Religion The Act for Uniformity in the 14th Year of King Charles the Second takes notice of those Grants to Foreigners and Provides that the Penalties of that Act shall not extend to such Churches as have been Allowed or shall be Allowed by the King His Heirs or Successors The Act for Suppression of Seditious Conventicles though it do not in express Words grant a License for any Number of Persons not exceeding four besides the Family to meet under Pretence of Exercising Religious Worship otherwise than according to the Lyturgy and Practice of the Church of England yet it doth not make it Penal for any so to do except they exceed that Number And the common Interpretation given of it by your selves and others and Encouragement taken thence has been That it was Tantamount to such a Licence and this I think fully reaches that which you call the Matter of the Declaration that you cannot approve of For if you admit as you have done in all the Arguments I have seen upon this Point that is was Allowed that four Dissenters besides the Family might meet and Worship in other manner than is by Law Established without Incurring any Temporal Penalties thereby the Paucity or Greatness of the Number cannot alter the Religious Nature of the Matter What 's lawful for Four is lawful for Four Thousand with respect to the Matter of Worship The restraining the Number is only the Policy and Prudence of the Civil State which may be Limited or Enlarged at Pleasure And by this Act It is provided That Nothing therein Contained shall Extend to Invalidate or Avoid His Majesties Supremacy in Ecclesiastical Affairs but that His Majesty His Heirs and Successors may from Time to Time and at all times hereafter Excercise and Enjoy all Powers and Authorities in Ecclesiastical Affairs as Fully and as Amply as Himself and His Predecessors have or might have done the same any thing in this Act Notwithstanding And I think the Exercise of the King's Power is as naturally applicable to his Dispensing with the Limitation of Numbers in this Case as to any other Clause in that Act which without this Especial Provision might have been Construed an Abridgment of the King's Supremacy To make good this That the King 's Dispensing Power in His Declaration alters what has been formerly thought the whole Constitution of this Church It is Incumbent on you to shew wherein it does so more th●n has been done in any Case of the like Nature heretofore by any former Royal Dispensations Grants or Authority in Parliament And tell me ingeniously if without any Offence against the Holy Scriptures the King may not if He so please Grant a Dispensation to His Own Subjects as well as to Strangers and their Off spring even after they are become Denizens and understand Our Language to Worship God after their own Way and Manner And whether among all the Jurisdictions Annexed to the Crown which heretofore have been or may lawfully be used for the Reforformation or Order of the Ecclesiastical State there be no manner of Dispensing Power Contained 12. Say you No Men in England will be pleased with Our Reading the Declaration but those who hope to make great Advantage against us and against Our Church and Religion This is a bare Supposition arising meerly from your own Disturbed Imagination which is through Prejudice so Darkned that you cannot discern between your Friends and your Enemies I can tell you of many who neither Hope nor seek to make any Advantage against you your Church or Religion that are displeased at your refusing to Read because you thereby give an Advantage to such as may be your Adversaries which they could never have gained by your Compliance with the King's Order You afterwards suggest That the Dissenters who are Wise and Considering are sensible of the Snare themselves and though they desire Ease and Liberty they are not willing to have it with such Apparent Hazzard of Church and State. But if there be any Dissenters who deserve the Epithites you give them you have by your Severities kept them at such an uncharitable Distance from you that you are unacquainted with their Temper and thence it is that as on the one Hand you Misrepresent them that you may render them Equally Obnoxious to the Government with your selves as giving Countenance to your Disobedience So on the other Hand you suspect them without Cause to be seeking an Advantage against you your Church and Religion You cannot but know that the Generality of Dissenters who have rendred their solemn Thanks to the King for His Indulgence and the Establishment proposed in His Declaration are for the Reading of it That all the King's Subjects may understand and in their places pursue the Contents of it to Effect Therefore upon what Grounds you suggest as if you spoke their Language that they are not willing to have their Liberty in the Way which the King proposes I cannot Imagine You Term it with such Apparent Hazard of Church and State They Apprehend and Express it with Apparent Advantages of Church and State and that which has a direct Tendency to settle Both on such a Righteous Foundation as may preserve them in a safe and prosperous State to Perpetuity But is not this to ●●●tter such among the Dissenters as you can Intice to hearken to your Insinuations that they may be thought Wise and Considering For you tell them When there is an Opportunity of shewing your Inclinations without Danger they may find you are not such Persecutions as you are Represented But while you speak of their being sensible of a Snare are not you laying a Snare for them How long may they wait for such a Season wherein you may in your own Apprehension without Danger Manifest any Incli●n●ions or Kindness towards them Immediately after the House of Commons Declared That the
Signifie to them by Reading the Declaration That it is an Opportunity wherein they may Do it without any Danger Have you no Cause as you are a Minister of the Gospel to relent at the Hard Measure which You and Others by your Instigation have Meted out to the Dissenters of all Sorts Suppose All the Nobility and Gentry were against the Repealing of Penal Laws Yet I should think If you set your Thoughts upon the proper Discharge of your Function that Equal Justice and Clemency would Govern your Determinations more then all Worldly Policy But you are for putting a Question Ironically and Answering it plainly and positively Cannot the King keep his Promise to the Church of England if the Test and Penal Laws be Repeal'd Your Answer is We cannot say but this may be And yet the Nation does not think fit to try it and if the Question were put to us We think We ought in Conscience to deny them Our Selves and we Commend those Great Men that deny it This looks as if your Passions were in a high Ferment and yet there is some appearance of an Artifice in it It Sounds with what follows as if you had an Assurance That the gene ●a Vogue of the Nation is under your management and direction either to have or not to have a Parliament to Repeal or not Repeal the Test and Penal Laws as you please For say you Are there not as high Probabilities that our reading the Declaration will Promote the Repeal of the Test and Penal Laws as that such a Repeal will Ruine our Constitution and bring in Popery Herein you shew your selves to be greater Artists the Doctrine of Probabilities then any College of Jesuits whilst you persist in your Disobedience to the Kings Order and will not read it The Nation does not think fit to try But if you Return to your Obedience and Read you shall thereby induce them to Try and Promote the Repeal Let me for once after your Example tho I come One Thousand degrees short of your skill in the Doctrine Conjecture at a few probable Points First It seems to me that you are convinced in your Conscience that there is Such an innate Vertue and Power in the matter o● the King's Declaration as will command an Assent in the minds of them that hear and consider it whence it may be That you think in your Conscience it is not safe for your Interest to Read it Secondly If you were not under some such Conviction it 's probable you would make as little Conscience to read it as you did any of those Censures or Orders which you cannot otherwise justifie than as you therein only performed a Ministerial Act in Obedience to your Superiours Thirdly It 's very probable that it is also from hence that in your Reasonings you run altogether upon the Topicks of Trusting to the King's Promise and upon a Repeal of the Test and Penal Laws and speak not a Word either of the King 's making no doubt of the Concurrence of his two houses of Parliament when he shall think sit to call them to this Declaration of Indulgence which he mentions in the first Paragraph of it or of His Majesty's Conjuring His Subjects to lay aside all private Animosities as well as ground less Jealousies and to choose such Members of Parliament as may do their part to finish what he has begun in the close of it or of any of the Clauses throughout the whole of it or of His Majesty's Endeavours to establish Liberty of Conscience on such just and equal Foundations as will vender it unalterable and secure to all People the free Exercise of their Religion for ever Now if this be plainly manifest as it is in its self and will appear to every Man who is not scar'd by you from considering it that it is not any one Single Clause but the whole and every part of the Declaration that the King seeks to have Established by a Perpetual Law and that he would have this speedily Effected Why is it that you descant so much upon His Royal Promise of the stedfastness whereof we have had so general an Experience as if that were all the Security intended to Perpetuity unless you have still a Mind to Monopolize the Laws to your selves and that none of His Subjects should have the Benefit of any Law but such as will though it be contrary to their Conscience Conform to a Tittle to your Measures and Modes of Worship Lastly It may be also probable if a Parliament be speedily called as His Majesty declares he intends it shall be that they when they are met will wisely Consider how both to gratifie the King in what he desires and secure the Subject in all their Properties Civil and Religious For the Sum of all that is to be Granted de Novo Is Liberty of Conscience to worship God without incurring any temporal damage by it What things are already setled by Law as to the Religion of the Church of England and their Possessions are so to continue and be confirmed to them And if such a New Law be contrived to this Purpose as may continue for ever it will require such Ingredients to be in it as may by the Provisions therein made which the Wisdom of Parliament will readily suggest render it stable and perpetual and it may be in particular such as may prevent your suggested Jealousies of Preists and Jesuits and also keep you as well as them within the Spheres of your proper Function that all of the Clergy who expect the Benefit of other Laws shall subscribe t before your Eyes that no Royal Promise no setled Laws no common Interest can dispel it so as to give a Discerning of the proper Means to Arrive at a secure Establishment Bear with my Expostulations I am coming to a Close It is not desired you should Part with any Laws in ●●ing but such only as are the Causes of an Vnjustifiable ●●pression and consequently of an Vnavoidable Contention If you can justifie the Compelling of any Man ●y Temporal Punishments to Worship God contrary to his Vnderstanding and Conscience bring out your strong Reasons for it that all who are otherwise minded may be Convinced But if you cannot do this bring your Mind to do and permit Right to be done to all Men herein Even your Enemies that they may have no just Quarrel against you nor seek by any undue Attempt to wrest themselves from under your Power Neither you nor any others have any Reason to fear a Downfall if you are willing to depart from the Ways of Opression It is not desired that any Laws in being should be Removed by any other means but by Introducing such as are Just Equal and of much greater security in their stead Do not conceit your self safe and that you can be secured o●●● under the Continuance of Vnequal and Oppressive Laws such as 〈◊〉 iust humane Nature Christian Grace and Known Maxims of the Law of the Land. I Consider how you close your Letter That if you were never so desirous that the Dissenters might have their Liberty yet you canno● consent they should have it this Way which they will find the dearest Liberty that ever was Granted I am afraid from First to Last le●st I should mistake your Meaning You have said before You dare n●t ●each the Dispensin● Power till you have the Authority of Parliament for it You cannot Read the Declaration because it is to Recommend to your People the Choice of such Persons to Sit in Parliament as shall take away the Test and Penal Laws So that you suggest as there is no Authority so you are not willing there ever should be any countenance given by Authority Either to Dispense With or to Repeal Penal Laws against Dissenters Where to do your Desires that they should have Liberty Tend You cannot consent they should have it This Way that is by a Dispensing Power nor that Way that is by a Repeal In your next I Pray signifie what means you Propose that are effectual for the Accomplishment of your Desires and if upon the Contemplations thereof you cannot find any Means in common Use heretofore so effectual for making Way for Removal of Spiritual Oppressions as the stirring up the Hearts of Princes In the first Place To give the Subjects ease by Discountenancing and Suspending such Laws as are the Occasion of their Oppression And in the next place By the Royal Assent to the Advice of their great Council to Repeal such Laws and Establish better and more equal in their stead Return to your Obedience and acknowledge it is just and equal that together with your own Perpetual Establishment by Law Dissenters of all sorts should by the same Law be secured in that which is THEIR RIGHT by the Law of GOD and NATURE in common with all mankind not to be Compelled to Worship contrary to their Consciences but to enjoy a just and duly-stated Liberty to Worship God according to their Consciences and that measure of Understanding of the Will of God that he has or shall please to Reveal to them And if you can remove your Prejudice and come to a right Mind in these things I doubt not but they will Incline you not barely to Read the Kings Declaration in your Churches but also to Recommend to your Auditors from the Consideration of the Reasonableness Righteousness and Clemency of it the Choice of such Members to serve in Parliament as may Happily Finish that which His Majesty has therein Proposed and Mercifully Begun LONDON Printed by G. Larkin at the Two Swans without Bishopsgate 1688.
THE Minister's Reasons For His not reading the Kings ' Declaration Friendly Debated By A Dissenter Allowed to be Published this 21st day of June 1688. SIR I Am beholding to you for Publishing the Reasons you alledg for your refusal to Read His Majesties Declaration in your Church for by them I discern that he who writ the first Letter to a Dissenter wherein he told us you were convinc'd of your Error in being Severe towards us and that we had not now to do with those Rigid Prelates who made it a matter of Conscience to give us the least Indulgence writ this of his own Head without any Authority from you but that He or They who writ a Treatise which was Published a little before the Kings Declaration Entituled The Vanity of all pretensions for Toleration wherein the Question is put and Answered Shall we give up the Cause and subscribe to a Toleration Nothing less and that because in our Circumstances it is not only contrary to Religion and Civil Prudence but also to Charity and Compassion were guided in this matter by the same temper of Mind with that which is discovered in your reasonings which are as like one to the other as Face is to Face in a Glass for therein the Author who is your Advocate and without doubt had both your Countenance and Assistance tells us That the practice of punishing Dissenters is contrary neither to the Doctrine or Practice of Christ and therefore He hopes they that use it upon great occasion may be discharged of the odious Imputation of Antichrist and that Experience hath taught us that Compulsion in matters of Religion serves many times to render Men more Teachable and willing to be Instructed And besides all this That a steady and discreet Execution of the Laws against Dissenters might happily have been a much more merciful Conduct even with respect to them then that R●●nissness or Connivance which tempted them to presumptuous Sins One touch he hath also at the Kings Prerogative not like to your present reasoning which calls it into Question but by way of Allowance and Commendation for he says We owe it only to the Wisdom and Foresight of His late Majesty that some of the most considerable Laws are now in being I mean that of 35 Q. Elizabeth which He saved by His Prerogative as well as Men when it was condemned to be Abolished and if His Clemency had saved many who the Laws had justly Condemmed Why should it not save a Law that had done Him and His Ancestors no small Service and was then doom'd to an undeserved Fate I intend not to enter upon Examination of this your Advocate Treatise which is sufficiently refelled and rebuked by His Majesties Royal Declaration of Indulgence but to shew you until you give a better Evidence to the contrary then hitherto you have done how the Dissenters are to interpret Your Charity Your Compassion Your Mercy Your Clemency and Your due tenderness towards them when you have an opportunity of shewing your Inclinations without danger But I pass from this to what I intend and that is to make a brief enquiry into the weight of your Reasons which I suppose you therefore make Publick that they might be well consider'd scann'd in order thereto I have without partiallity or injury to their proper sence not Literally Transcribed but Extracted the substance of them That which hath principally induced me to this is because I think you either do not your self understand the substance of the Kings Declaration or else by your not Reading it and Mis-representing it you seem unwilling that it should be understood by any others For thus you begin I. To take away the Test and Penal Laws at this time is but one step from the introducing of Popery and therefore to read such a Declaration in our Churches though it do not immediately bring Popery in Yet it sets open our Church Doors for it and then it will take its own time to enter Here is a far fetch'd Inference How would you be understood Suppose it granted for Argument sake that to take away the Test and Penal Laws is but one step from the introducing of Popery Is your Reading the Declaration a nearer step to the introducing of Popery then such a Repeal If you should Read it will that open your Church Doors so wide that Popery may enter without any more to do though the Penal Laws and Test should not be taken away I take the true and genuine sense of the Kings Declaration to be a setting open your Church Doors that Papists and Dissenters who have no mind to be there may not be Compelled by Temporal Penalties to come in and abide there whether they will or no For you have hitherto opened your Church Doors that you may drive them in and in force of Penal Laws to keep them there in Spiritual Bondage against their Wills and if they have at any time for above these Hundred Years adventured to start out of your Churches to free themselves from this sort of Bondage you by your Excommunication prosecuted them into Corporal Bondage without Redemption It s accounted an ill Omen to stumble at the Threshold but this you have done by calling that an opening your Doors to let Popery in which is intended only to let Papists and Dissenters out and to leave you with all that are of the Religion Established by Law in the full and peaceable Possession of your Churches and to enjoy them with Security to Perpetuity II. You say Should we comply with this Order all good Protestants would Despise and Hate us and then we may be easily Crush'd may soon fall without any Pity In reasoning thus you are either very Censorious and Uncharitable toward all Dissenters or else you greatly mistake their Temper For your reasoning herein can conclude no less then either that there is not one good Protestant among all the Dissenters or else if there be any such that they would Dispise and Hate you for doing of that which is their Interest to do themselves and to have done by all Men and by you in particular that the Justice Reason and Clemency which the King has manifested in His Gracious Declaration may be known and acknowledged by all If any other good Protestants should Despise and Hate you for it for which they have no cause yet you do not suppose that they are the Men that would Crush you and for the Dissenters though you Mis-represent them in the Close of your Letter yet herein I would do them this right to rid you of your groundless Fears You may be assured that for your Reading Pursuing the intent of the Kings Declaration which Tends both to your and their Security in Equity and Law they will not Crush you for thereby they will expose themselves to be Crush'd together with you so that I see no cause for your Fears either of Dishonour or Downsal unless you resolve to throw
that His Majesty has Declared I shall repeat that Point upon which many others Depend as a necessary Consequence as that to which I think you take the greatest Exception The KING declares that It hath been His constant Sense and Opinion that Conscience ought not to be constrained nor People Forced in Matters of meer Religion Now its incumbent on you to shew wherein you think this Point is contrary to the Laws of GOD and that you do it is but a reasonable Request for else you perform not your Function to your people but will lye under the suspition of Teaching for Doctrines the Commands of Men which you know our Lord sharply Reproves in those that exercise the Function of Teachers Till you have done this and made it plain you have no Reason to Carp at any Thing that is naturally subsequent as the suspending such Penalties by which many of His Subjects are co-erced to Worship contrary to their Consciences or pardoning Offences against such Laws For this is a natural Exercise of His Prerogative as God's Vicegerent in Acts of Goodness and Clemency It can be no Offence to GOD that the Execution of such Laws be neglected by the King's Ministers or Suspended by Himself till they can be Repealed by Parliament which ought never to have been made and could never be obeyed without Transgressing the Law of GOD The King 's lawful proper and necessary Prerogative is to provide for all Exigents wherein there is no provision made by a particular Law and to suspend such particular Statutes as were from the Beginning or in process of time prove useless or burthensom to a multitude of His Subjects and Wherein no particular Subject is injured as to any Right or Priviledge which he can claim by Law so that till you have performed your Task and shewed that this Doctrine which the Declaration Teacheth is against the Law of God and what Branch of the Divine Law it is against that the Penalties whereby Men are compelled to Worship contrary to their Consciences should be suspended No more need to be said to this taking it singly as it is a Matter of pure Conscience supposed by you to be an Offence against the Law of God. But I consider how you state it with a double Aspect having an Eye both to the Laws of God and to the Laws of the Land and that not conjunctively but disjunctively It is an Aggravated Fault with you to Consent to Teach your People such Doctrines as you think contrary to the Laws of God or the Laws of the Land that so you may have a double string to your Bow If you cannot prove the Doctrine of the Kings Declaration to be contrary to the Laws of God yet you cannot consent to Teach it your People because you think it is contrary to the Laws of the Land nevertheless taking your Reasoning to be consistent with it self having before shewed you did not Approve of the Matter of the Declaration I cannot suppose you made mention of the Laws of God superfluously or vainly and therefore it remains as a Charge upon you to declare plainly Whether you think it contrary to the Laws of God or not And having Repeated this that you may take the more Notice of it I 'le pass to the next Branch and that is for you to shew wherein it is contrary to the Law of the Land the Reasons for this I shall give you in my Remarks upon your next Paragraph Eleventhly Say you It is to Teach an unlimited and universal Toleration which the Parliament in 1672. declared Illegal and which has been Condemned by the Christian Church in all Ages It is to Teach my People that they need never come to Church more but have my Free Leave as they have the Kings to go to a Conventicle or to Mass It is to Teach the Dispensing Power which Alters what has been formerly thought the whole Constitution of this Church and Kingdom which we dare not Do till we have the Authority of Parliament for it Let us consider what part of the King's Declaration may be supposed by you to do the Things here Alledged and whether what you are required to do be as to the Matter of it of any other Nature than what has heretofore been Approved by Authority of Parliament His Majesty after the suspention of all Penal Laws in matters Ecclesiastical for not coming to Church or not Receiving the Sacrament or for any other Nonconformity to the Religion Established or for or by reason of the Exercise of Religion in any manner whatsoever is pleased to Declare upon what Terms and in what Manner All His Loving Subjects have Free leave to Meet and Serve God after their own Way and Manner Now I must pray you to Interpret what you mean by an Unlimited and Universal Toleration for you are still in Generals Is it such an Unlimited and Universal Toleration as gives all Men Liberty to Meet in such manner and to do and say as they please There seems to me many Restrictions in the Declaration the Meeting must be For the Exercise of Religion and not Irreligion and though All may Meet and Serve in their Own Way yet It is to Serve God and not an Idol For my part if I had no Fear of God before me yet I should very much fear severe Corporal punishment from the Hands of the Civil Power if I should Meet and openly preach Blasphemy Idolatry or any other Doctrine of immortality against the Light and Law of Nature given to and inscribed on the Heart of every Man For tho' the King is pleased to say I shall not be compelled to perform any Act of Worship contrary to my Conscience I am nevertheless Accomptable for all Things that I openly and voluntarily without any compulsion do or say which fall under the Cognizance of the Civil Magistrate as all things do which are against the Reason of Mankind and common Light and Law of Nature and tho' there should be no Statute Law in the Case The Comman Law of the Land is grounded upon the Law of Nature and no way suspended by the King's Declaration and by this open Scandals against the Light of Nature are Punishable by the Civil Judges But you say an unlimited and universall Toleration the Parliament in 1672 declared Illegall It may be so but I doe not know it I have seen no Copy of any Law or Ordinance of Parliament applicable to the point in hand If you Intend to prove the Kings present Declaration was declared to be Illegall by the Parliament in 1672 you must mend your Common Fault of Dealing in General For it is all one and no more a Proof of any thing being Declared Illegal in a Parliament to Quote onely the year without repeating the Words of the Law and applying the matter of the Declaration to it then if you had said it of your Own Head or mention'd for a proof of your Assertion a Vote of the
House of Commons which was Published by Order of their Speaker Jan 10. 1680 Wherein it was resolved to be the Opinion of that House That the Prosecution of Protestant Dissenters upon the Penal Laws was at that time Grievous to the Subject a Weakening of the Protestant Interest an Encouragement to Popery and Dangerous to the Peace of the Kingdom Your next Assertion is That an unlimited and universal Toleration has been Condemned by the Christian Churches in All Ages If you mean by this that the Christian Churches in All Ages did Assume to themselves a Power of Judging and Jurisdiction over all men that were without the Church or that the Church in all Ages did by Temporal Penalties constrain men to come into the Church or when they were there to Worship contrary to their Consciences or to Abide there when they had no Heart to do so but would Forsake their Faith their Profession or their Christian Doctrine and Conversation and also their Assemblys I think you are very much mistaken in the Christian Doctrine and Practise of the Churches in the primitive Ages Surely I may say in this as in the Rest Shew me an Apostolical Authority for such a Practise And I have so much the more Reason to insist upon this Because Christs Disciples in the primitive Age were All Volunteers Suitable to the Doctrine which Our Lord and his Apostles Taught Repentance from Dead Works and Faith in the Son of God which are Convictions and Operations upon the Mind of Man and necessary Qualifications to the being of a True Christian and the profession of them to the being of a Visible Christian and the Doctrine of Self-Denial to his Continuance in his Profession The Doctrine is plain Whosoever Will let him take of the Water of life Freely You will not Come to me that you may have life and when many of those who for some time professed to be our Lords Disciples went back and Walked no more with him That which was the Ground of the Others perseverance was that with him were the words of Eternal Life and that they Believed and knew that He was the Christ the Son of the Living God and that therefore there was none Else to whom they could Go The Apostle Foretels us That in the Latter Times some would Depart from the Faith Giving heed to seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils That there would be M●ckers Walking after their own Ungodly Lusts that such They were who being sensual and having not the Spirit seperated themselves and the Apostle John says Expressly that in his day there were Many Antichrists who went out from us that is from the Apostles and Churches but they were not of us For if they had been of us they would have Remained with us But They went out that it might be made Manifest they were not All of us And this the Apostle makes as the Characteristical Note by which he Knew it was the Last time Now as I cannot find the I east Mention in any One word Doctrine or Precept that any persons were or should be Compelled by Outward Force to come or continue in the Christian Church in the First Age so neither can it be agreeable to the Mind of Our Lord that any persons should be Compelled by Temporal Penalties so to do against their Minds in After Ages Unless you can shew us that the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles are not the same in After Ages that they were when they were first delivered Say you It is to Teach my People that they need never come to Church more but have my Free Leave as they have the King 's to go to a Conventicle or to Mass Does any thing of this kind Flow naturally from the King's Declaration Does that Engage or Incline you or any Man else to teach any Doctrine contrary to his own Sentiment I take it rather to be an Encouragement to do and say sincerely what they apprehend and believe to be the Will of God relating to the Worship of himself and that your Leave is neither Asked nor Granted in my going from your Church further than this That if I be Excommunicate by you for it you cannot thereupon by your Certificate obtain as formerly the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo to make me a perpetual Prisoner whilst the King is pleased to Suspend the Execution of that Penalty The Declaration does not Teach any of your Hearers that they need not come to Church and Worship God any more there in that Way and Manner if in their Own Consciences they are Convinced they ought so to do It does not Forbid your Teaching or Reading to your People any Doctrines or Homilies Approved of by the Church of England Queen Elizabeth's Injunctions which she Enjoyned to be Read in your Churches Four Times in a Year or any thing Else by which they may be Instructed in the knowledge or discharge of their Duty to God in your Churches You greatly undervalue your Ministry and Doctrine to suppose that there are no Arguments to prevail with your People to come to your Church but only Temporal Scourges For if you have the Truth of God on your side as no Humane Law can Alter the Nature of it so you are at Liberty notwithstanding any thing in the Declaration to Preach it to your People The Declaration is an Incitement to all the King's Subjects to Worship God and no enticement for any of them to forsake his Worship and that they may respectively serve God as the Christian Religion teaches in Holiness and Righteousness without fear His Majesty promises Equal Protection to all who do worship God in such Way and Manner as each of them Understand and Believe it is his Will they should do And in the first place gives the Royal Countenance and Protection to All of the Church of England in their worshiping of God in their Churches as by Law Established So that you make a wrong Gloss upon the Declaration in insinuating that it Teacheth your People that they need never to come to Church more or that they have the King 's Free Leave or Yours contrary to their own Minds and Consciences to forsake the Church or to go to a Conventicle or to Mass For there is nothing in the Declaration that requires gives Leave or Countenance to any man to forsake that Religion and way of Worship to which his Conscience obliges him or to Dissemble and play the Hypocrite in forsaking of any one way and in appearance to adhere to another if he do it not in sincerity but against his Mind and Conscience But we are now come to another Point at which you seem to stick more than at all the rest Say you It is to Teach the Dispensing Power which alters what has been formerly thought the whole Constitution of this Church and Kingdom which we dare not do till we have the Authority of Parliament for it Let this Matter then as you say in your Letter