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A48123 A letter of several French ministers fled into Germany upon the account of the persecution in France to such of their brethren in England as approved the Kings declaration touching liberty of conscience : translated from the original in French. Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713.; Wake, William, 1657-1737. 1688 (1688) Wing L1575; ESTC R9560 9,926 8

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Brethren your Proceedings in this Affair appear so very strange to us that we cannot imagine how you were capable of so doing It seems to us to have even effaced all the Glory you had attained by your Sufferings to reproach your Ministry and to be unworthy of True and Reformed Christians This is no rash judgment which we pass and to convince you that it is not we beseech you only to examine these things with us without Prejudice and Interest The Declaration of which we speak is designed for two purposes The one the re-establishment of Popery The other the extinction of the Reformed Religion in England The former of these designs appears openly in it The second is more concealed 't is a mystery of Iniquity covered over with a specious appearance and of which the trace must be concealed till the time of manifestation comes We will say nothing of a third Design which is Of the oppression of the Liberties of England for the Establishment of an absolute Authority but shall leave it to the Polititians to make their Reflexions upon it As for us if we sometimes touch upon it it shall be only with reference to Religion We will apply our selves chiefly to the two other Designs which they proposed to themselves who made that Declaration It cannot be deny'd but that by this Declaration there is Liberty of Conscience granted indifferently to the Papists and to the Dissenters It comprehends both the one and the other under the name of Nonconformists And we may with confidence affirm That they were the Papists especially whom the King had in his eye when he gave this Declaration And howsoever he may pretend to have been touched with the Oppressions which the Dissenters had suffered yet that his principal design was to re-establish Popery Behold here already a very great evil and such as all true Protestants are obliged with their utmost power to oppose What shall we see Popery that abominable Religion that prodigious heap of Filthiness and Impurity re-establish it self with all its honours in Kingdoms from which the Reformation had happily banished it And shall there be found in those Kingdoms Protestants who not only stand still without making any opposition to it but e'en favour its re-establishment and openly give it their Approbation Who could have thought that the Dissenters of England Men who have always testified so great an aversion to the Roman Religion and who have no other pretence to separate from the Bishops than that they have in part retained in their Government and Ceremonies the Exteriors of that Religion should now themselves joyn to bring it intirely in But above all Who could have believed that the French Ministers who after having experimented all the Fury of Popery in France were at last banished rather than that they would subscribe to its Errors and Abuses And for this very cause fled into England that they might there more freely profess the Protestant Religion should now contribute to re-establish Popery in their new Country where they had been received by their Brethren with so singular a Charity Would you indeed Gentlemen see England once more submitted to the tyranny of the Pope whose Yoke it so happily threw off in the last age Would you there see all those monstrous Doctrins all those Superstitions and that horrible Idolatry which reigned there before the Reformation domineer once more in it Would you that the People should again hear the Pulpits and the Churches sounding out the doctrins of Purgatory of Indulgences of the Sacrifice of the Mass c. and see the Images and Reliques of the Saints carried solemnly in Procession with a God formed by the hand of Men And that in fine they should again publickly adore those vain Idols We are confident there is not a good Protestant in the world that would not startle but at the thought of it But this is not yet all The Declaration of which we speak does not only re-establish Popery with all its abominations but does moreover tend to the Ruine of the Reformation in England A Man need not to have any great Sagacity to be convinced of this And that as much as it seems to establish for ever the Protestant Religion in that Kingdom it does on the contrary destroy the very Foundations of it The ground upon which the Reformation is founded in England are the Laws which have been made at several times for the settlement of it and to abolish either the Tyranny of the Pope or the Popish Religion altogether And as these Laws have been made by the King and Parliament together so that the King has not the power to Repeal them without a Parliament they secure the Protestant Religion against the Enterprises of such Kings as should ever think to Destroy it But now if this Declaration be executed we are no more to make any account of those Solemn Laws which have been passed in favour of the Reformation they become of no value and the Protestant Religion is intirely left to the King's Pleasure This is what will clearly appear from what we are about to say The King not having been able to obtain of the last Parliament to consent to a Repeal of the Laws which had been made against the Nonconformists Dissolved the Parliament it self Not long after without attending a new one he did that alone by his Declaration which the Parliament would not do conjunctly with him He granted a full Liberty of Conscience to the Nonconformists he freed them from the Penalties which had been appointed against them and dispensed with the Oaths to which the Laws obliged all those who were admitted to any Charges whether in the Soldiery or in Administration of Justice or of the Government In pursuance of these Declarations he threw the Protestants out of all Places of any great Importance to clap in Papists in their room and goes on without ceasing to the intire Establishment of Popery Who does not see that if the Protestants approve these Declarations and themselves authorise such Enterprises the King will not stop here but that this will be only one step to carry him much further What can be said when he shall do the same thing with reference to those Laws which exclude the Papists out of the Parliament that he has done to those which shut them out of all Charges and Imploys and forbad them the Exercise of their Religion Does not the Approbation of such Declarations as it overthrows these last carry with it before hand the approbation of those which shall one day overthrow the former And if the King shall once give himself the Authority to bring Papists into the Parliament who shall hinder him from using Solicitations Promises Threatnings and a thousand other the like means to make up a Popish Parliament And who shall hinder him with the Concurrence of that Parliament to Repeal all the Antient Laws that had been passed against Popery and make new ones against the
Protestants These are without doubt the Natural Consequences of what the King at this time aims at These are the Fruits which one ought to expect from it if instead of Approving as some have done his Enterprises against the Laws they do not on the contrary with all imaginable Vigor oppose them Reflect a little on what we have here said and you will consess that we have reason to commend the Conduct of the Bishops who refused to publish the Declaration and to condemn those Dissenters who have made their Addresses of Thanks for it It is true that the Dissenters are to be pitied and that they have been treated hardly enough and we do not think it at all strange that they so earnestly sigh after Liberty of Conscience It is natural for Men under Oppression to seek for Relief And Liberty of Conscience considered only in it self is it may be the Thing of all the World the most precious and most desirable Would to God we were able to procure it for them by any lawful means and without such ill Consequences tho' it were at the peril of our Lives But we Conjure them to consider how pernicious that Liberty of Conscience is which is offer'd to them as we have just now shewn On the one side It is inseparably linked with the Establishment of Popery and on the other it cannot be accepted without approving a terrible Breach which his Majesty thereby makes upon the Laws and which would be the ruine of the Reformation in his Kingdoms were not some Remedy brought to it And where is the Protestant who would buy Liberty of Conscience at so dear a rate and not rather choose to continue deprived of it all his Life Should the private interest of our Brethren the Dissenters blind them in such a manner that they have no regard to the general Interest of the Church Should they for enjoying a Liberty of Conscience so ill assured shut their Eyes to all other Considerations How much better would it be for them to re-unite themselves to the Bishops with whom they differ only in some points of Discipline but especially at this time when their Conduct ought to have entirely defaced those unjust Suspicions which they had conceived against them But if they could not so readily dispose themselves to such a Re-union would it not be better for them to resolve still to continue without Liberty of Conscience and expect some more favourable time when they may by lawful means attain it than to open themselves a gate to Popery and to concur with it to the Ruine of the Protestant Religion You will it may be tell us that it looks ill in us who so much complain That we have been deprived of Liberty of Conscience in France to find fault with the King of England for granting it to his Subjects And that it is the least that can be allowed to a Sovereign to allow him the Right to permit the exercise of his own Religion in his own Kingdoms and to make use of the service of such of his Subjects as himself shall think fit by putting them into Charges and Employs You will add That his Majesty does not go about neither to abrogate the antient Laws nor to make new ones All he does being only to dispense with the Observation of certain Laws in such of his Subjects as he thinks fit and for as long time as he pleases and that the right of dispensing with and suspending of Laws is a right inseparably ty'd to his Person That for the rest the Protestant Religion does not run the least Risque There are Laws to shut the Papists out of Parliament and these Laws can neither be dispensed with nor suspended So that the Parliament partaking with the King in the Legislative Power and continuing still Protestant there is no cause to fear that any thing should be done contrary to the Protestant Religion Besides What probability is there that a King who appears so great an Enemy to oppression in matters of Conscience and Religion should ever have a thought tho he had the power himself to oppress in this very matter the greatest part of his Subjects and take from them that Liberty of Conscience which he now grants to them and which he promises so inviolably to observe for the time to come These are all the Objections that can with any appearance of reason be made against what we have before said They may all be reduced to five which we shall examine in their order And we doubt not but we shall easily make it appear that they are all but meer illusions 1. We do justly complain That they have taken from us our Liberty of Conscience in France because it was done contrary to the Laws And one may as justly complain that the K of England does labour to re-establish Popery in his Country because he cannot do it but contrary to the Laws Our Liberties in France were founded upon solemn Laws upon perpetual irrevocable and sacred Edicts and which could not be recalled without violating at once the Public Faith the Royal Word and the Sacredness of an Oath And Popery has been banished out of England by Laws made by King and Parliament and which cannot be repealed but by the Authority of King and Parliament together so that therefore there is just cause to complain that the King should go about to overthrow them himself alone by his Declaration 2. It is not true that a Sovereign has always the right to permit the exercise of his own Religion in his Dominions and to make use of the service of such of his Subjects as he himself shall think fit that is to say by putting of them into Charges and Employs And in particular he has not this right when the Laws of his Country are contrary thereunto as they are in the case before us Every King is obliged to observe the Fundamental Laws of his Kingdom And the King of England as well as his Subjects ought to observe the Laws which have been established by King and Parliament together 3. For the third the distinction between the Abrogation of a Law and the Dispensing with and Suspending of it cannot here be of any use whether the King abrogates the Laws which have been made against Popery or whether without saying expresly that he does abrogate them he overthrows them by his Declarations under pretence of dispensing with or suspending of them It is still in effect the same thing And to what purpose is it that the Laws are not abrogated if in the mean time all sorts of Charges are given to Papists and Popery it self be Re-established contrary to the tenor of the Laws The truth is If the King has such a power as this if this be a Right necessarily tied to his Person 't is in vain that the Parliament does partake with him in the Legislature This Authority of the Parliament is but a meer Name a Shadow a Phantome a Chimera and
no more The King is still the absolute Master because he can alone and without his Parliament render useless by his Declarations the Laws which the Parliament shall have the most solemnly established together with him We confess the King has Right of Dispensing in certain Cases as if the Concern be what belongs to his private Interest he may without doubt whenever he pleases depart from his own Rights 't is a Liberty which no body will pretend to contest with him But he has not the power to dispense to the prejudice of the Rights of the People nor by Consequence put the Property the Liberty and the Lives of his Protestant Subjects into the hands of Papists 4. What we have now said in Answer to the third Objection will be more clear from the Answer we are to give to the fourth They would perswade the Protestants that their Religion is in safety because on the one side the King cannot make Laws without the Parliament and that on the other there being Laws which exclude Papists out of the two Houses it must necessarily follow That the Parliament shall continue to be Protestant But if the King has the Power to break throught the Laws under the pretence of Dispensing with and Suspending of them What Security shall the Protestants have that he will not Dispense with the Papists the observation of those Laws which do exclude them out of the Parliament as well as he has Dispensed with those that should have kept them out of Charges and Imployments What Security shall they have that he will not at any time hereafter suspend the Execution of the former as he has already suspended the Execution of the latter Which being so what should hinder us from seeing in a little time a Popish Parliament who together with the King shall pass Laws contrary to the Protestant Religion What difference can be shewn between the one and the other of these Laws that the one should be liable to be dispensed with and suspended and the other not Were they not both established by the King and Parliament Were not both the one and the other made for the Security of the Protestant Religion and of those who profess it Are not the Rights of the People concerned in the one as well as in the other And whosoever Suffers and Approves the King in the Violation of these Rights in some things does he not thereby Authorise him to violate them in all If the King has power to put the Liberty and Property and Lives of his Protestant Subjects at the Mercy of the Papists by placing them in Charges contrary to the Law why should he not have the power to raise the same Papists to the Authority of Legislators by declaring them capable of sitting in Parliament seeing that is but contrary to Law Do not deceive your selves the Laws are the Barrier which bound the Authority of the King and if his Barrier be once broken he will extend his Authority as far as he pleases And it will be impossible for you after that to set any bounds to it 5. In fine He must be very little acquainted with the Spirit of Popery who imagines that it will be content to Re-establish it self in England without aiming to destroy the Protestant Religion Give it but Time and Opportunity to fortifie it self and you may then expect to see what it is In all Places where it has got the Power in its hands it will not only rule but Rule alone and not suffer any other Religion besides it self and imploys the Sword and Fire to Extirpate that which it calls Heresie Were not this a Truth confirmed by infinite Examples both Ancient and Modern which every one knows who has read any thing of History it would be too much evidenced by the Cruelties which it has so lately exercised against the Churches of Hungary of France and of the Valleys of Piemont And men ought not to be lulled asleep by the Pretence of an Inclination which the King of England would be thought to have for Liberty of Conscience nor by the Promises which he makes to preserve it to all his Subjects without distinction Every one knows that Perfidiousness and Breach of Faith are Characters of Popery no less essential to it than Cruelty Can you doubt of this Gentlemen You who so lately came from making a sad Experiment of it How often did our King promise us to preserve us in our Priviledges How many Declarations how many Edicts did he set out to that purpose How many Oaths were taken to confirm those Edicts Did not this very King Lewis XIV himself solemnly promise by several Edicts and Declarations to maintain us in all the Liberties which were granted to us by the Edict of Nantes And yet after all what scruple was there made to violate so many Laws so many Promises and so many Oaths The Protestants of England have themselves also sometimes likewise experimented the same Infidelity And not to alledge here any other example let us desire them to remember only the Reign of Queen Mary what Promises she made at her coming to the Crown not to make any change of Religion and yet what bloody Laws she afterwards passed to extinguish the Reformation as soon as she saw her self fast in the Throne And with what inhumanity she spilt the Blood of her most faithful Subjects to accomplish that design After such an instance as this a man must be very credulous indeed and willing to deceive himself that will put too much confidence in the Promises of the King that now Reigns Do we not know that there are neither Promises nor Oaths which the Pope does not pretend to have power to dispense with in those whom he employs for the extirpation of Heresie And do we not also know that it is one of the great Maxims of Popery a Maxim authorized both by the Doctrin and Practice of the Council of Constance That they are not obliged to keep any Faith with Hereticks We ought not to believe that King James II. a Prince who has so much Zeal for Popery should be govern'd by any other Maxims than those of his Religion And whosoever will take the pains to examine his Conduct both before and since his coming to the Crown will find that he has more than once put 'em in practice And this Gentlemen we suppose may be sufficient to convince all reasonable persons that there is nothing more pernicious than that Declaration which you have approved whether by publishing it as some of you have done or by Addressing to the King to thank him for it When you shall have reflected upon these things you will without doubt your selves confess that you have suffered your selves to be amused with some imaginary advantages which you hope to make by this Declaration In the mean time most dear Brethren you will pardon us if we have chanced to have let any thing slip that is not agreeable to you We had no design to give the least offence either to you or to our Brethren the Dissenters of England If we have spoken our Thoughts freely of your Conduct and of theirs we have at least spoken with no less liberty of that of the Bishops And God is our Witness that we have said nothing of the one or the other but in the sincerity of our heart and out of a desire to contribute somewhat to his Glory and the good of his Church We are Most honoured Brethren Your most Humble most Obedient and most affectionate Brethren in Jesus Christ N.N.