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A11824 A secular sermon concerning the doctrine of the Gospell by the goodnes and power of God restored in the fifteenth age from the birth of our Lord Iesus Christ. Made by the reuerend and worthy precher Mr. Abraham Scultetus, in the High-dutch tongue. After by another translated into Latin, and now out of Latin into English Scultetus, Abraham, 1566-1624. 1618 (1618) STC 22124; ESTC S106166 22,063 46

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shamefull massacre and slaughter extreamly raging in Paris and euery where else in Fraunce in the yeare 1572. she reached forth a gratious and helpefull hand for the reliefe of the most afflicted state of many godly persons and amongst others shee receiued and entertained that most religious and worthy teacher maister Daniel Tossanus together with his wife and children and chearfully patronized and defended him in the time of extreame danger Now if wee behold and consider the reformation of the English Churches here commeth to my mind and as a most beautifull and comfortable Starre shineth Edward the sixt the most gratious King of England who being inkindled with an heroicall Spirit and zeale desired those Churches to bee throughly cleansed from Popish Idolatry After also his sister Queene Elizabeth followed his pietie and most religious example both with like affection and successe What did not also Iames Hamelton Viceroy in Scotland first permit and make free to euery one that would the reading of the Bible in the English tongue and the order of prayer By which worthy act the true Christian Religion straightwaies tooke so great increase as that the States in Parliament prouided by publicke lawe in the yeare 1561 that all the people should liue quietly and in peace without reuiling or iniurying one another for any pretence or excuse of Religion Moreouer this is also manifest by certaine proofes that these three Emperours Charles the fift Ferdinando and Maximillian departed out of this life resting vpon the same comfort and faith which Luther taking out of the Scriptures preached and published in that hee shewed and taught that all the hope of euerlasting life consisteth in the death of Christ After these notable personages of the ciuill state let vs now come also and remember the teachers of the Church wherein we may consider that after the Apostles time God raised vp almost in a continuall succession most worthy teachers such as these were Ignatius Policarpus Iustinus Martyr Clement of Alexandria Athenagoras Origen Cyprian Tertullian Athanasius Epiphanius Hilarius Basil Gregory of Nazianzene Ierome Augustine Ambrose Chrysostome and many others by whose worthy seruice labour the worke of the Reformation of the world begun by the Apostles was happily and with great successe proceeded in and furthered And euen so to those first goodly and glorious lights of the Church in Doctrine and Diuinitie Luther Melanchton ZWinglius and Oecolampadius God added adioyned other teachers that were men famous for their pietie and learning who receiuing the Gospell from the former as a lampe and a light deliuered vnto them the fowlest errors of Popery hauing beene discouered haue brought with them a clearer and greater light of vnderstanding and knowledge of the bookes of the Bible In Helvetia and Switzerland who is ignorant that there haue beene many who partly by preaching and partly by writing haue serued the Church with great diligence and profit Amongst whom these men are worthy of immortall praise Henry Bullinger Rodolph Gualter Oswald Myconias Conrade Pellicane Berthall Haller Gasper Megander Leo Iuda Benedict Aretius Iohn Wolfe Lewis Lauater Iosias Simler Bibliander William Stuckius Doe we demaund what teachers they haue had in high Germany Surely in that countrey there hath beene great plenty of notable teachers Such as were these Ambrose Blawrer Iohn Swickius Martin Bucer Malthias Tellius Wolfangus Capito Caspar Hedio Andrew Osiander of Hala in Swevia Erardus Schnepfius and Ma●tin Frechtius at Tubinga Ambrose Mollerus and Iohn Hesse at Wratislavia or Bresla Conrade Somius at Vlms Wolfangus Musculns at Augusta or Ausborow Francis Lambert Andrew H●perias Iohn Pincer Denis Melander in Hassia and in Wittemberg Iasper Cruciger both the father and the sonne Georg Maior Iohn Bugenhagius Paul Eber Iohn Foster Iohn Auenar Henry Moller Frederick Widebrame and Christopher Pezelius In Livonia or Lief-land there haue beene worthy Preachers as Andrew Cnophius and others and in Borusia Iohn Poliander and Iohn Brismana in the lower Saxonie Vrbanus Regius Hermane Browne and Albert Hardenbergius in Frisia Micronius Menso Altingus and diuers others And who is there amongst vs whom the remembrance of these famous men doeth not moue and effect with singular delight to wit of William Farell Peter Viret Iohn Caluin Austin Marlorate Theodore Beza Antony Sadeel and of Phillip Mor●y of Plessay and others who partly by teaching and partly by writing haue mightily ouerthrowen Popery and aduanced the Gospell of Iesus Christ Neither hath this fauour of God beene wanting vnto Spaine For what men Spaine hath had teachers of the Euangelicall doctrine the same it hath also most glorious Martyrs to wit Frauncis Drianda Diazius Doctor Constantine Confessor to the Emperour Charles the fift Italy it selfe also hath sent vs ouer from thence most excellent Diuines to the very great benefite of our Churches Peter Martyr Ierom Zanchius Immanuell Tremellius These men also in Scotland haue left vs most ample and large fruites of their seruice for the Gospell Iohn Knoxe Robert Rollock Iohn Iohnston and diuers others But in England God hath set out as vpon a Theater and stage to be seene by all the world very many famous and learned men who haue stoutely defended and maintained the doctrine of the Gospell against the deceitfull impostures of the Antichrist of Rome And such were these Thomas Cranmer Arch bishop of Canterbury Hugh Latimer Iohn Hooper Nicholas Ridley Iohn Rogers Hugh Philpot Iohn Iuell Laurance Humphery with William Whitaker Iohn Rainolds William Perkins William Fulke and an infinite number of others whom it were too long to rehearse How should I bee silent of the land of Denmarke which hath had most famous Preachers of the Gospell to wit Palladius Hemingius Macabaeus c. The Hungarians also speake of Michael Starinus as of their glory who reformed many particular Churches in it and set Ministers of the word ouer them to whom hee himselfe prescribed what order was to bee held for the making of Sermons profitable and fruit full and in what maner the Sacraments were to be administred They will recite in like maner Steuen Szegeden Paul Thurius Iasper Charles Peter Melius Martin Hollopaeus Mathew Scaricaus Thomas Fabricius of Tholna and many others And that I may mention no more the Churches of Poland euen to this day not without a thankefull remembrance they speake of that worthy noble personage Iohn Alaskaw of the Earles of Gorkaw and the Lords Oselinians who in their time were a defence and an ornament to the doctrine of the Gospell So doe they likewise speake of those notable Diuines Erasmus Glisner Georg Israell Iohn Laurence Balthasar Euchner Iohn Turnorius and others who haue fruitfully deliuered the Gospell to the people 5 Now to extend the comparison begun yet further in the beginning God who is most and onely wise spread and propagated the Gospell by meanes which in appearance were directly contrary to the furtherance of it such as was the ouerthrow of Ierusalem and the dispersion of
Martyrs haue cased mee of that burden of rehearsing them as being set out purposely to declare and to register the names of these who haue borne witnesse to the truth and may be repaired and resorted vnto for this matter Yet cannot I in silence passe by any meanes that onely in Belgia containing the 17 prouinces of the Low-countries whiles Charles the fifth yet liued were slaine and murdered fiftie thousand Christians and that the Duke of Alua cruelly boasted that in the space of six yeares after hee had beene gouernour of that countrey eighteene thousand persons had ben killed by his commaundement and also from the yeare 1576 to the agreement at Gaunt there had perished by the tiranny of the Papists thirtie thousand Yet there was a greater Vintage and Haruest in Fraunce for it may be proued by arguments worthy to be belieued that from the yeare 1564 to the yeare 1564. 1586 that is in the space of two and twentie yeares that one hundred and forty thousand godly persons sealed and signed with their blood the sinceritie of Religion Which is so reckoned as that they are not numbred in this account who vnder Henry the second and Frauncis the first being roasted and burnt went vp to the fire with so great courage and constancy of minde and so to the death gaue testimony to the truth as that in the yeare 1533 the tongues of the Martirs were cut out that they might not be able to speake vnto the people Now in England it is incredible to be spoken what slaughter and how many dead corpes haue beene made how many excellent men amongst whom some were Bishops Arch-bishops in the Raigne of Queene Mary being burnt aliue with fire without feare endured that shamefull and cruell death with maruellous strength and power of Faith And if wee should also declare the notable and inuincible constancy of Rochell in Fraunce and of Maydenborowe in Germany heere wee should haue a large field to discourse to their immortall praise But wee are to proceed and make another new comparison betweene the auntienter Apostolick and latter reformations of the Church 2 In these times the Christians being miserably afflicted God appearing and shining through these cloudes vnto them then at length gloriously lifted vp and exalted his Church when it lay cast downe to the lowest was euen troden vnderfoote Therefore Sulpitius Seuerus was bould to say writing of the ten yeares persecution vnder the Emperours Dioclesian and Maximinian wee neuer conquered with greater glory and triumph then when wee could not bee conquered with the continuall slaughters and massacres of ten yeares together In like maner in these hundred yeares last past besides and aboue the expectation opinion and thoughts of all men God oftentimes mightely deliuered his Church taking it as it were out of the very iawes of the enemies In the yeare 1521 after the departure of Luther who in the assemblies of the States of the Empire at Wornis had appeared and presented himselfe before Caesar and the Princes of the Empire to make answere for his proceedings there was set and published an edict or proclamation of most sharpe seueritie against the professors of the Gospell whereof the Popes Legat Cardinall Ierome Alexander is reported to haue saide to Marinus Caracciolus Oh my Caracciolus if we haue done nothing else at this diet and assembly yet this we haue effected as I am in good hope that by this edict and mandate of Caesars wee shall shortly see the Germans at warre one with another and tumbling in their owne blood But what fell out a little after there arose an exceeding great trouble in Spaine so as the Emperour went thither to pacifie it and the professors of the Gospell had a litle breathing time as some milder aire appearing For the Imperiall edict being mittigated and qualified by the States of the Empire assembled at Norinberg the true doctrine was seene daily to bee more largely and more couragiously spread and aduanced In the yeare 1526 and the fourteenth of Ianuary Charles the fift being Emperour and Frauncis the first being King of Fraunce with great coniunction and agreement of minde and affections endeauoured and went about it ioyning their forces together to pull vp by the rootes the Lutheran Religon as they call it but altogether in vaine For the Pope himselfe brake the bond and league making the Emperour so much busines in Italy that hee professed by publicke writing that the Pope was in all the fault that he had hitherto with lesse successe suppressed the heresie as he termed it of the Lutherans Againe in the yeare 1530. did not all men feare and tremble at the publishing of that most cruell edict of the Emperour Charles wherewith at the Dyet at Ausburg hee thundred against the professors of the Gospell but behold God as from heauen deliuered them For the Turke as one that had beene drawen thither by the haire of his head came into Austria which rumour caused the Emperour not vnwillingly to grant peace to the Protestants that hee might obtaine aide of them against the Turke the common enemy of all Christendome So likewise the league agreed vpon at Smale-cald being broken prosperous successe making all subiect vnto Caesars power who knoweth not that which hapned For when it was thought that the cause of reformation had now beene vtterly ouerthrowen in Germanie Almightie God fully ouercame and subdued the Conquerers minde and so perplexed him that he not onely no more vrged the Generall Councell to whose determination the States of the Empire had before promised to yeeld all obedience but also made an vnnecessary and needles warre with the Pope and despaired of successe in fighting any more with the Germanes who yet before he supposed to haue bin wholly conquered and subdued Neither was it otherwise with the Heluetians who being cōstrained to defend with Armes the libertie of the Euangellicall profession were once or twise ouercome by papists yet notwithstāding the truth triumpheth as inuincible their Churches euen to this day England also may be a witnesse hereof wherein men almost despaired of the maintainers of the Gospell when as by the raigne of Queene Mary many goodly lights had beene extinguished and so many strong buttresses and pillars had beene ouerthrowen cast downe to the ground But the Lord who calleth light out of darkenes he called that most gratious Queene Elizabeth out of the prison placed her in the royall throne of the Kingdome whereby all the hope of the Papist was disappointed and exposed to shame and ignominie Likewise Fraunce will testifie this which was most shamefully defiled and stained with that horrible massacre and slaughter that was made of true professors in the yeare 1572. For at that time there was celebrated and kept at Rome a solemne thanks-giuing to God for that action performed with so great successe so agreeably to their desire in the rooting out of the Hugonets as they called the professors of
through Germany with such successe of many victories as he could haue wished yet was notable by any meanes to conquer subdue the Gospell in Germany That in Fraunce six Kings continually succeeding one another and employing all their forces and vsing many and diuers meanes and practises for it yet haue not beene able to effect the suppression of the reformed Churches in Fraunce That Philip the second the greatest King that hath beene of Spaine hath wasted all the treasure which he had gathered in the East and in the West for the rooting out of Religion partly in Fraunce and partly in England and chiefely in the Low countries and that with no other euent and successe but that these huge masses of treasure being exhausted and lost and his Kingdome being cast into many great straits and difficulties of debt before his death full sore against his will he heard this message deliuered to him that the reformed Churches in France England and the Low-countri●s did prosper and flourish as they had done in any former time Which things being so worthily doe we all extoll and magnifie this most gracious goodnes and mercy of our God who in goodnes add power excelleth all whereby when we were drowned in the midst of a sea of errors and darkenesse in Popery hath illuminated and enlightned vs with the most clear goodly light of the knowledge of himselfe and of his Gospell For if in the old Testament the godly so often celebrated and praised with songs the redemption of the people of Israel out of Egypt and from their enemies of Madian surely we haue far greater cause why wee should magnifie with all praise and honour our maruellous deliuerances from the Idolatry of Anti-christ Moreouer this historicall commemoration and rehearsall of the admirable wonderfull worke which we haue heard to haue beene performed by God in his Church ought to giue encouragement to all the faithfull with greater alacritie and chearfulnesse and with greater strength and constancy to keepe and retaine the truth which they haue once acknowledged which being grounded and founded stedfastly and securely in the holy Scripture hath beene againe and newly confirmed in these last hundred yeares by so singular and excellent miracles And this we ought the rather to doe because wee knowe that our Sauiour Iesus doth still liue and wee are certainly perswaded that as he hath done hitherto so likewise alwayes hereafter hee will gather gouerne and preserue his Church Now let vs also remember that it is our part and dutie to worship and honour this Iesus our Sauiour with our mouth with our hearts and with all our strength For he it is as the Angell expresly testifieth which will saue and preserue his people Of which people they onely are to bee accompted who doe not walke nor liue according to the flesh but according to the Spirit whereof who seeth not this to follow That he that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his and that he who is none of Christs cannot in any sort enioy the comfort of this name of a Sauiour Let vs then embrace our most faithfull Sauiour let vs loue him let vs feare him and let vs honour him So without all doubt we shall prooue by experience that he wil renew againe hereafter vnto vs his auncient fauour and will most mightely protect vs his Christian Church by his patronage and defence from all our enemies both of soule and body For this saith Amen that is that true and faithfull witnesse the gates of hell shall not preuaile against my Church To this mighty and great Sauiour be thankes honour and glory for all the comfort helpe and benefits hitherto bestowed vpon vs both now and in all ages for euer and euer Amen THE PRAYER MOst Gracious God and mercifull father we giue thee thankes for all thy benefits wherewith hitherto thou hast largely and bountefully blessed vs. O Lord my God thy thoughts are great and thy workes admirable and wonderfull which thou settest before vs to behold and consider Nothing can nor ought to be compared vnto thee I will declare thy workes and speake of them although they exceed all account and number Wee acknowledge it to proceede from thy grace and fauour that in all places thou hast miraculously gathered a people that is pleasing and acceptable vnto thee that thou hast wisely gouerned and mightily preserued the same Especially wee praise thee that it hath pleased thee to call vs in these countries to the Communion of thy Sonne Iesus Christ and that this day thou hast graunted thy grace to vs sitting by the cratch of thy new borne Sonne to heare how sweet●ly the Angels sung their heau●nly hymne and song and how ioyfully they greeted and congratulated vs for the exceeding great benefit of thy Sonne sent to take our flesh and nature vpon him And not onely to heare this but moreouer also to see how the shepheards did adore him Simeon and Anna blessed him the wise men that came to him from the East did honour him with gold myrrh and frankincense Blessed bee thy holy name for euermore for these and all other benefits which thou doest bestow vpon vp and wherwith thou doest adorne vs. Gracious God and mercifull Father we beseech thee also for the time to come to shew forth thy maruellous workes amongst vs and alwayes to gather a Church to thy selfe amongst vs and graciously to preserue this which thou hast already gathered that the number of them may daily encrease who may truly acknowledge thee and thy Sonne Iesus Christ and may celebrate and magnifie thee both in this life and also in that which is to come for euermore Furthermore with earnest prayers wee beseech thee as thou hast done hitherto so likewise hereafter graciously and mercifully to turne away from vs the fury of warre the scarcitie and dearth of victuals and the plague of pestilence and whatsoeuer besides may bee hurtfull to our countries Driue away also farre from vs the most sauage crueltie of the Pope and of his adhaerents hinder and restraine his counsels that they take not effect Contrariwise we b●seech thee to grace and adorne with all maner of blessings the Emperours Maiesty the Royall dignitie of the King of great Britaine as also all other Christian Kings the Electors of the Empire and other Princes especially t●e most illustrious and gratious Prince Frederick Count-Palatine Elector our gratious Lord together with the most illustrious Princesse his wife and the Princesse daughter of the late Elector and our young Princes and all the noble house of the Counts-Palatines Princes Electors with their Counsellors and Officers maintaine and preserue them all with thy gracious patronage protection and defence Take care also we beseech thee of all Widowes and Orphanes and preserue our bodies with the comfort of health and crowne our life with Christian vprightnesse and integritie Helpe all those which endure diuers afflictions especially such as suffer grieuous persecutions for the truths sake Make them knowe by their experience that Iesus our Sauiour is more able to comfort them then all the world to make them to sorrow Finally when the short terme and time of our life shall passe away refresh and comfort vs before wee depart from hence and receiuing vs into the armes of thy mercy translate vs out of this old world to that new one which is not finished nor ended with any course of the Sunne or of the Moone but wherein thy selfe art to bee the Sunne the Moone and all in all things these mercies we aske in the name of Iesus Christ and pray also further as he hath taught vs. Our Father c. FINIS Errata PAg 3. helpeth r. fulfileth p. 4. adorned r. adored p. 17. Treptquine r. Trepto were r was p. 20. r. the Smalcaldian warre p. 22. r. with for which p. 24. retained for releeued p. 25. him r. them ibid. some r. home p. 52. l. 2. r. there was set out c. p. 33. r. in their Churches p. 39. adde for and. pag vltima daughter read Dowager