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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09609 An humble petition offered to the right reuerend, honourable, and vvorshipfull estates of this present Parliament assembled ar [sic] Westminster Pallace wherein the wandring ghost of the late pyramis demolished lately in ParĂ­s, discourseth his hard fortunes, trauailes, and strange accidents to the new Brittaine monarchie, to whom he wisheth all peace, wealth, and prosperitie. Written by Philopatris, pittying his downfall, and perswading his new erecting, and building vp againe in Westminster. Philopatris, fl. 1606. 1606 (1606) STC 19884; ESTC S115283 18,010 50

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perswading themselues in this meane time that seeing it had pleased God to haue blest you by all other Nations and Kingdomes of the earth with so wise learned and religious a King so graue godlie expert foreseeing a Parliamēt wherein I wish Abrahams faith Salomons wisedome Davids zeale Jonathans faithfulnes Iosuahs courage and Judiths spirit and resolution may appeare in everie one of you at this present having also so faithfull and obeysant Magistrates and Subiects to execute whatsoever your sacred King and three Estates shal decree in this present Parliament expecting in this meane time at your hands such godlie necessarie and strict lawes with their due execution without delay acception of persons as Christes Church and true religion may be without all feare of danger and on the other part the Papists your enemies may be in such sure guard with a care to disarme them and inable them of all such meanes whatsoever as in anie way heereafter may giue but the least suspition of anie thing that may indanger his Maiesties persō succession Kingdoms either by thēselues heere at home or otherwise abroad by their favourers and associates And so consider with thy selfe beloved great Brittaine the singuler goodnes of thy God towards thee and thine annointed King in delivering you both who were appointed as Sheepe to the slaughter from that most barbarous savage imminent massacre and vnnaturall conspiracie no age ever yeelding example of like cruelty that thy deliverie safetie came not of thy merit but of Gods great mercie not thy foresight but his providence not thy loue to God but his to thine annointed King and his chosen people Forget not therefore to praise thank and glorifie the Lord of Hostes continuallie for his mervailous and most mercifull work of thy preservation and safetie for his mercie endureth for ever Which that thou and thy faithfull people and their seed after them may not onelie the better remember and be taught to doe but learne also to abhorre the odious hainousnes of so foule a fact Let it be as it is most worthie to be written and engraven in my Piller of lasting Marble ad perpetuam rei memoriam And so praying the most High to blesse our good proceedings and well intended indevours with happie prosperous successe to his glorie the good of his Church our owne comforts and the conversion if it may be or else the confusion of his and our enemies I conclude with this my last request that such obdurate stiffe-necked Papists as will not be yoaked or reclaimed from their grosse abhominable idolatries and wicked superstitions but still like Swine swill and swell themselues with the filthie dregs that the great whore of Romish Babilon giveth vnto them refusing to be cured by the healthie and wholsome potion of Gods most holie truth may not bee suffred to dwell together with mee in this land for neither is it lawfull for such to liue amidst Gods chosen Heritage to defile the Land with their filthines nor if they should can my life bee without continuall hazard and danger by their secret and villainous attempts Call vpon thy King therefore to execute iustice iudgment in cutting off these workers of iniquitie whose religion is rebellion whose faith is faction whose pietie is wicked pollicie and practise of murdring both soules bodies of Kings and all estates of people and to roote and rid them cleane out of the confines and limits of thy whole Monarchie which being clearely purged of them may ever heereafter growe vp prosper and flourish in quiet safetie sound health and invincible strength in everie member of the whole bodie of all true and truly devoted subiects with their righteous and religious Head and Soveraigne Deo soli gratia laus
not onely of my preferment but the certain accomplishment of all those great matters before spoken of assuredly consisteth that I may be receaved and brought to the presence and most comfortable favour of his princely mercies that by thē I may haue a new life breathed into me and be preferred to that eminent place where I may best performe as dutie and thankfulnes shall binde me both to his Highnes and thy excellencie that worthie and faithfull service that shall neuer be but exceedingly well thought highly comended to all posterity And to my auspitious mind no fitter place for demōstration of my dutifull seruice I speak not I protest out of ambition or anie vicious humor can be assigned me thē that Parliament house which these Monsters of mankinde the Pope his miscreant crue had meant to haue subverted demolished by Plutoes Vulcans violent and boystrous fires flashing thunderbolts and so to haue made consecrated it as a ruinous fit Pallace for the habitation of the black infernall Prince his damned spirits and Ministers of darknes But that I may with the greater right and without cavill of curious or captious heads stand there aucthorized Let me also request this favour at your handes most mightie Monarchie to move stir vp the wel affected mindes fierie zeales of the States of your Parliament that at the next Session I being as yet but an Alian heere may by Statute decree be naturalized and infranchized as a borne subiect within your territorie so thereafter to be erected and stand in the place that was destinated for Plutoes Pallace as a perpetuall monument and Record of this horrible conspiracie of thine our Monarchs most happy cōservation as a caveat to the ages following of the Papistical treasons of the Romish Church which I hope shall shortly inferre an end to that long vsurped tyrannicall raigne And so perswading my selfe that if neither my poore and pittious distressed estate neither the fine eloquence of the bannished Pyramis it selfe speaking to you in his owne French language newly set forth in your owne tongue cannot perswade you to immortalize your own deliverie from the greatest apparant daunger that ever befell to you I say if this above mentioned reason cannot move you to testifie in some measure the earnest desire you haue to make this notable deliverie of GOD to bee knowne to the ages subsequent by my publike erecting again in a glorious Pyramis by testifying your inward thākfulnes to him by this outward monument for your preservation Yet I beseech you although I seem perchance a strāger in outward shew suffer me neverthelesse as a loving Patriark simpathizing Christian in the common cause that these two great wonderfull works of the Almightie God may at least move and touch your hearts from the highest degree to the lowest from the head to the bodie and so to all the members of this your Monarchie I meane his great mercie towards you all and his fearefull iudgement against your enemies in this never to be forgotten thrice happie and admirable deliverie His mercie I say appeares not onely in discoverie of your danger but in disappointing of their cruell Parricide and in preserving your lyues from the snares of the bottomlesse Locusts of hellish Babilon his iudgement againe in the other part is to be admired in suffering a great part of them to bee apprehended and made a perpetuall spectacle to all posteritie by a iust and most severe punishment and the chiefest of them to haue suffered that same crueltie of punishment by Gun-powder which they ordained for your death Psal 17. Blessed therefore be the Lord of Hostes in all his workes for his mercies be everlasting and his iudgements vnsearchable And let this againe be your morning and evening sacrifice recommended to all Christians of mercie and of iudgement both O Lord Psal 10● my song shall bee But if all this cannot perswade you to erect mee for a publique Monument of your deliverie yet let the godlie example of Abraham Jsaack Jacob stir you vp to this who in their often deliveries favours receaved at the hands of God erected both Altars and Monumēts of stones as witnesses of Gods inestimable favours blessings towards them to their posteritie and seeing also that that spirituall Monument of publique prayers religiouslie ordained by his sacred Maiestie to bee celebrated through all his Kingdomes for stirring vp of all mens affections in thankfulnesse to GOD appeares almost in the verie beginning to bee neglected both in Court Countrie and Citie at least permitte then the erection of this temporall and materiall Monument to bee an occasion and a meanes not onelie to lifte vp your externall eyes to GOD but also rather to lift vp the eyes of your mindes and hearts to the memorie of GODS mercie towardes you all and of his iudgement vpon your enemies I could speake farre more in this so ample and worthie Subiect if I should not bee thought too forward in so good a cause but howsoever I or the Pyramis that hath made mee thus to speake bee liked of so that I haue preserved my selfe farre from Joue et fulmine I care the lesse the censure of the rude and vnlearned that knowes not but extra crepidam neither would I wish the covetousnesse of the rich nor the envie of the malecontent nor the partialitie of the indifferent neither the favourer of Poperie hinder so good a worke neither dislike of mee the Patronizer thereof adding onelie this short caveat with your good leaue and friendlie favour that if the least countenaunce of clemencie shall bee showne to the Romaine conspiratours and their associates either nowe or heereafter it is to bee feared that your clemencie shall bee called crueltie and your courage cowardnesse and your loue hatred And last of all your Religion and Zeale towardes Christes Church and your Countrie shall bee thought Atheisme and Poperie Which GOD forbid should ever come to passe in such a Christian and flourishing Monarchie where Christes word is so vniuersallie religiouslie preached And if that you either saue any of the greatest or meanest sort of those coniured Traytours that bee nowe in hands but especiallie the Iesuites and Seminarie Priests the chiefe inventours of all those pestilent plots ringleaders of the rest to this damnable Rebellion either for feare favour or for anie other worldlie or politick respect I feare not onely all such that feares God truly at home but all sincere and faithfull Christian neighbours abroad shall suspect you as betrayers both of Christes Church his true religion your gratious King Countrie yea your owne lyues to your verie enemies and to this end surelie the eies and eares of all those which be bound by the band of Vnitie in true religion in all forraigne Kingdomes are bent to attend and heare of the good successe of so great a worke put in your hand at this time so