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A38744 The abridgment of Eusebius Pamphilius's ecclesiastical history in two parts ... whereunto is added a catalogue of the synods and councels which were after the days of the apostles : together with a hint of what was decreed in the same / by William Caton.; Ecclesiastical history. English Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 260-ca. 340.; Caton, William, 1636-1665. 1698 (1698) Wing E3420; ESTC R1923 127,007 269

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who could not bow to the Gods of the Heathen no more then the true Christians now can bow to the corrupt wills of Ambitious and unreasonable men and though the Innocent suffer therefore for the present yet for their sakes will the Lord shorten the days of the Wicked as he did the days of that Persecuting Emperour The Seventh Persecution IN the year 253. did the Seventh Persecution arise under the Emperour Decius who with Excessive Cruelty did Persecute the Christians In this Persecution several of the Bishops were put to death and such as were the chief among the Christians did they torture with many Torments and the Houses of the Christians they Plundred and that which the Plunderers did not esteem that they burned In this Persecution many suffered Martyrdom some being Burned some Beheaded Women so well as Men some being whipt to death and some Souldiers for Incouraging these Martyrs in their Suffering were put to death In this Terrible Persecution several departed from the Faith for fear of the Torments yet afterwards came to be restored again the Suffering of the Christians was great under this Emperour but his days were also shortened for he had not Raigned two years but was caught in a Whag of Mire where he met with a check or Reproof for his cruelty Note Thus it appears that the Christians that lived Godly in Christ-Iesus suffered Persecution according to what the Apostle hath said 2 Tim. 3 12. And many now that live Godly and Righteously do suffer not only the Imprisonment of their Bodies but also the Spoyling of their Goods which have been Spoyled both by Priests and People who have sometime as it were Plundred their Houses for their dishonest gain and they have shewed themselves in their carriage and behaviour to be liker unto the Heathen then the suffering Christians who suffered their Houses to be Plundred but we do not Read that they then Plundred the Houses of any but with patience suffered the Plundring of their Goods and in this patience and long Suffering are the Christians that are so not in Name only but in Nature found in these Perillous times Again have not some Souldiers been turned out of their places yea and brought into suffering for countenancing and favouring the Sober Innocent true Christians among whom some for fear of Suffering may in some respect desert the Truth as some faithless ones among the ancient Christians did yet we know certainly there are a Remnant that cannot bow their knee to Baall but would chuse rather to die the death which many ancient Christians suffered then they will forsake the Lords Truth or Transgress his Righteous Law by breaking his commands The Eighth Persecution IN the year 259. did the eighth Persecution arise under the Emperour Valerianus who put forth a Proclamation against the Christians wherein he forbad their Meetings and when this Proclamation or Order was not observed then did there follow a great Persecution of the Christians in which there was very many put to death and some were Banished and they converted of the Heathen in the place to which they were Banished but the Emperour under whom the Christians thus suffered did not go unreproved for his cruelty for he was taken Prisoner by the King of Persia who made use of him for a Foot-stool when he got up upon his Horse c. Note Hath it not happned so in England that by the Kings Proclamation the Meetings of the true Christians have been forbidden And when that they observed the Kings Proclamation no more then the antient Christians observed the Emperours hath not a great Persecution followed have not many of the Prisons he silled with them partly because they could not Swear and partly because they continved their Meetings when they were forbidden by the Kings Proclamation as the Religion of the Christians was forbidden by the Laws of the Heathen and therefore did the Heathen with much rigour pronounce these words unto the Christians Your Religion is forbidden by the Laws c. And did not Anti-christians the like when they abused them in their Meetings and broke them up with much Violence did they not also pronounce these words with much Rigour Your Meetings are forbidden by the Kings Proclamation c. And forasmuch as the true Christians now have chused rather to suffer Bonds and Imprisonment yea the spoyling of their Goods and what not then they would renounce the Faith deny their Religion or forsak the Assembling of themselves together it doth therefore appear that the same mind is found in them now which was heretofore in the antient Christians who chused rather to suffer the loss of their Lives then to forsake him for whose cause they suffered yet we see their Persecutors did not always go unreproved Oh! that other Kings Princes and Magistrates would take warning from that which happened to these Persecuting Emperours The Ninth Persecution IN the year 273. did the ninth Persecution arise under the Emperour Aurelianus but this Persecution was not so great as the other because he was cut off by death soon after he had determined the same yet in this Persecution was Felix the Bishop of Rome put to Death with several others here and there in divers places Note Often doth the Lord frustate the purposes and Determinations of such as conspire Mischief against his People yea have we not seen sundry Powers overturned in England and Parliments broken up and Councels if not Committees also shattered to pieces when they have been determined to do Wickedly so that sometime they have not had power to bring that forth which they had Conceived and brought to the Birth so mightily hath the Lord confounded their Conspiracies and brought their devices to nought and this the true Christians have concluded to be the Lords doing which they have beheld and which thing hath been indeed marvelous in their Eyes The Tenth Persecution IN the year 302. begun the Tenth Persecution which was so great that it exceeded all that had been before it not only in cruelty but in continuance for it continued 12 Years Eusebius who lived at that time Writes of it at large in his Eclesiastical History saying it was occasioned through the freedom of the Christians who were come into great Reputation and were put in places of Office to Rule in Countrys and Cities but through their prosperity and voluptuousness Brotherly Love came to decrease Haughtyness and Pride got up and in stead of the worship of God an insolent authority begun to get up in the Church of the Christians And at that time the Emperour Diocletianus gave forth a Proclamation wherein he commanded that all the Christian Churches should be pulled down and the Holy Scriptures Burned and that the Christians should be turned out of their places with other such like things After that there came another Order that they should cause the chief of of the Church to offer unto Idols or else they were to be put to
Isai. 56. 10. Ezech. 34. Jer. 23. And the Church being gathered into a Synod may be a Church yet not of God but of malignity Likewise they that profess the name of God may abuse their power against the Truth Yet they that do so will not say that of themselves not yet acknowledge themselves to be guilty May not every one then judge of Synods and declare their opinion concerning them X. Museulus said Concerning the Synods of Priests which the unexperienced think to be the only remedy against differences yet they are nothing else said he but Fencing-Schooles Nevertheless the complaining Church cryeth after the Synod then after the Synod will they not do that c. XI Gregorius Nazianzenus used to say that he never had seen any good end of any Counsel or Synod vide Inst. Calv. 4. lib. 9. ch 11. XII The States of Holland said to the Lords of Amsterdam This hath men heretofore observed that the reformation was not accomplished by Synods for the remedy was not to be expected from the Clergy who were the cause of the desease Anno. 1616. Mark-teeck FOrasmuch as many at this day have great expectations in their minds of peace and tranquillity together with an uniformity and settlement in Ecclesiastical affaires which they suppose might be procured through the means of a Synod or Convocation which some imagin would be a speedy remedy for their deplorable disease I have therefore thought good not only to give a brief hint of the many Synods of which I have spoken but also in short to instance the approbation and judgment of them that were accounted wiser men in their generation then the Christian-QUAKERS are accounted by this generation that if peradventer I might thereby in any wise convince them through alledging that which some that are renowned among them have affirmed even as Paul when he sought to convince the Athenians of the Lords being near unto them he instanced their own Poets who also said the same Acts 17 27 28. In like manner have I alledged the sayings of those noted men to the end that they whose expectations are to see such great things produced by Synods or Convocations may the rather be perswaded that the notable work of real Reformation●… and the true and perfect establishing of the Church or people of God in lasting peace and pure tranquility must be the Lord's work by his eternal power and Spirit and not by the consultations of Synodal Conversations nor yet by the Arm of flesh Far that is not the means which God chuseth but that which the sons of men have chosen in the Apostasie and therefore hath these excessive persecutions ensued of which I have made mentlon And now let England take heed how she heaps up Counsels or Convocations least she look and run more unto them for help then unto the Lord for I testifie unto her in the name of the God of the living that they shall not be able to heal her deseases nor yet to bind up her breaches Oh that she would therefore fly unto the Lord and look unto him rather then unto the Convocations or Synods of mortal men how soon would he then heal all her backslidings bind up all her breaches and with everlasting loving kindness gather her AN APENDIX UNTO THE ABRIDGMENT Whein is contained many Notable things which passed betwixt the Antient Christians and the Heathen which are extracted out of Tertullian's Apology the which he made in the Defence of the Christians against the Accusation of the Gentiles To the end that all may see how the like railing accusations which are and have of late been so frequently produced against the true Christians of this age have also been produced by the Heathen against the Antient Christians 1406. Years ago Section 1. The Heathens opinion of Christianity how they vilified them and their God how they were Judged when they denied to sacrifice and how they were condemned THE Heathen believed a man could not make profession of Christianity without being Tainted with all sorts of Crimes without be●…g an enemy to the Gods to Princes to the Law 's to good manners and to nature neither could a Christian at that time be acquitted unless he denied himself to be a Christian. Tert. Apol. pag 12. Are not many now of the like opinion that a man cannot be a true Christian-Quaker without being an enemy to the worship of God to the King to the Laws of the Kingdom to good manners and to nature The Heathen reproached the Christians as wiched Superstitious persons whom they accounted worthy the infamy of punishment and in conclusion objects of laughter and contempt and with much rigour did the Heathen pronounce these words unto the Christians Your Religion is forbidden by the Laws c. page 19. Are not such now become objects of laughter and contempt as cannot run with the multitude to excess of Riot and be conformable to the workers of iniquity in their vain customs and frivolous fashions which the true Christians are redeemed from and cannot be conformable unto though they therefore be accounted worthy the infamy of punishment and have it inflicted upon them by vertue of unwholesom Laws which prohibit their Liberty now as the Laws of the Heathen prohibited the true Christian Religion Such were the calumnits i. e. false accusation that were invented against the Christians Religion that upon a certain time a picture of their God was shewn by a certain infamous person who openly shewed the same with this inscription therein this is Onochoetes i. e. the God of the Christans This supposed God pretended by him had the ears of an Asse a hoof on his foot carried a book and was cloathed with a Gown page 71. Hath there not been something of the like nature acted among the Stageplayers of this age in contempt and derision of the Religion if not of the God himself of the true Christians whose profession is now reproached and vilified by infamous lewd men as the profession of the Antient Christians was by the Heathen The Christians were forbidden to have their Religion apart though none besids them were forbidden the like and because they did not serve the Gods of the Romans therefore did they offend the Romans and were accounted unworthy the name of Romans page 105. Have not many in the nation laboured and endeavoured much to have the like brought to pass concerning the true Christians who are not conformable to the national way of worship which is much rather formal then spiritual and therefore is it renounced by the true Christians who worship God in the spirit as the Antient Christians did When the Christians were injoyned to offer sacrifice they resisted Then said some there was folly in their resistance and that they might sacrifice when they were prest to it and preserve their lives without injuring their consciences in keeping a secret resolution to remain
that their outward Countenance bewrayed their inward Apostacy i. e. their revolting or falling from the True Religion for the former went cheerfully with great majesty and grace their Fetters becoming them as the skirts of the new-married Spouse garnished with sundry Colours and laid over with Gold and withal yielding a Christian fragrant i. e. sweet-smelling smell so that many supposed their Bodies to have been outwardly perfumed But the other all sad and mournful as vile ond abject caitified i. e. base naughty mis-shapen Creatures full of all deformity derided of the Gentiles themselves deserving death as degenerating Cowards destiture of the most precious glorious and lively Name of Christianity with the sight hereof many are confirmed so that suddenly being apprehended without stay they professed their Faith A little after in the same Epistle it is shewn how that Maturus Sanctus and Blandina were led unto the brute Beasts in the popular and publick spectacle of the heathenish Inhumanity even at the day appointed of set purpose where Maturus and Sanctus were diversly tormented with sundry sorts of punishment as if they had suffered nothing before and whatsoever the outragious multitude craved and commanded that they suffered but above all they patiently suffered the Iron Chair wherein their Bodies boiled as in a Frying-pan yet could they get no other Sentence of Sanctus save that Confession which he cried at the first And because Caesar had commanded that such as confessed themselves Christians should be executed and such as renounced should depart the frequented Solemnity which by reason of the concourse of the Gentiles from every Country was at the beginning very populous he brought forth from Prison the blessed Confessors for so it seems the Christians were sometimes called into the open Spectacle or View and Presence of the People to be scornfully gazed upon and when he had again made Inquisition them as many as he to wit the President found to be priviledged Persons of Rome those he beheaded the rest he threw to be torn asunder of wild Beasts But Attalus was burned in the Iron Chair and being demanded what Name God had he answered God is not called after the manner of Men. And after these things Blandina together with Ponticus a young Man of fifteen years of Age was brought forth and compelled to swear by their Idols Names But they constantly persevered in their Opinion and contemning their Idols set the multitude in such a rage against them that they neither pitied the years of the young Man nor spared the Womankind but plagued them with many Torments used in their Theaters i. e. certain Places made for People to sit and behold solemn Games and Plays urging them now and then to swear which when they could not bring to pass Ponticus being encouraged of the Sister in presence of Pagans i. e. Heathens or Infidels who then beheld how she exhorted and confirmed the young Man after he had suffered many Torments yielded up the Ghost And Blandina was afterwards wrapped in a Net and tumbled before a wild Bull who fanned and tossed her with his Horns to and fro yet it is said she had no feeling of these things her Mind being fixed and wholly set upon the Conference which she had with Christ and finally she was beheaded The Rage and Cruelty of the Gentiles did not herewith cease against the Christians for as many as were choaked up with the noisome stink of the Prisons were thrown to be devoured of Dogs and a continual watch set day and night that none of them should be buried and some fretted and fumed at them with the gnashing of their teeth seeking further revengement of them others derided and scoffed them magnifying their Idols as Causers of the Chrishians Calamity And such as were of a milder Nature and somewhat sorrowed at our Sufferings upbraided us i. e. cast them in the teeth and said Where is their God and what profited them this Religion which they preferred before their Lives And after they had kept the dead Bodies six days unburied at length were burned to ashes the ashes also they gathered and scattered in the River Rhoanus which passed by so that no jot or relick thereof should longer remain upon Earth This they did to the end they might overcome God and hinder the reviving of the Saints lest that as they said there should be any further hope of the Resurrection whereof say they the Christians being fully perswaded bring among us a strange and new Religion They contemn i. e. despise punishment and hasten themselves cheerfully unto death Now let us see whether they can arise and whether their God can help and deliver them from our hands Of Attalus's Revelation In the aforesaid Epistle there was a certain Narration contained concerning one Alcibiades who lived miserably feeding only on Bread and Water when he had determined with himself to live in Prison It was revealed to Attalus after his first Conflict on the Theater that Alcibiades did not well in that he used not the lawful Creatures of God and also gave an occasion of doubting unto others Hereof when Alcibiades was perswaded he used all things indifferently and praised God For they were not destitute of the Grace of God but had the Holy Ghost for their Director What Irenaeus wrote concerning the Holy Scriptures Eusebius relates what Irenaeus hath writ concerning the Four Evangelists i. e. the Bringers of good Tidings saying Matthew delivered unto the Hebrews the History of the Gospel written in their own Tongue When Peter and Paul had preached at Rome and planted the Church aftheir departure Mark the Disciple and Interpreter of Peter also delivered us in writing such things as he had heard Peter preach And Luke accompanying Paul comprised in one Volume the Gospel preached of him After these Iohn the Disciple of our Lord which also leaned on his Breast published a Gospel unto the Posterity remaining at Ephesus Moreover in the same Chapter it is said That in the Captivity of the Iews under Nebuchadnezzar the Scriptures were perished the Iews returning into their own Region i. e. Country after seventy years in the time of Artaxerxes King of Persia he inspired Esdras the Priest of the Tribe of Levi that he restored again all the Sayings of the former Prophets and delivered unto the People the Law given by Moses Apollinarius concerning Montanus It is now a great while ago well-beloved A. M. since thou didst enjoin me this Task that I should publish some Book against the Followers of the Heretick Montanus whereupon I doubted unto this day what was best to be done Not because I was not able to confure their Falshood and give Testimony unto the Truth but that I feared greatly lest by writing I should seem to add something to the Doctrine of the New Testament whereto nothing may be added and wherefrom nothing may be taken away by him that