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A26419 The admonisher admonished in, a modest and impartial narrative of the proceedings of the ecclesiastical court, against James Jones citizen of London, of the parish of St. Bartholomew Exchange : being a true account of matter of fact, from his citation to Doctors Commons, to their taking out the writ of excommunicato capiendo against him : and also an account of the several ways made use of for the taking off the said writ : with useful observations upon several particular passages and statutes : dedicated to the worshipful Doctor Pinfold. 1683 (1683) Wing A591; ESTC R11117 28,325 22

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of Edward the 6th Chap. 2. which take as followeth ANd whereas the Arch-Bishops and Bishops and other Spiritual Persons in this Realm do use to make and send out their Summons Citations and other Processes in their own names and in such Form and manner as was used in the time of the Vsurped Power of the Bishop of Rome contrary to the Form and Order of the Summons and Process of the Common-Law used in this Realm seeing that all Authority of Iurisdiction Spiritual and Temporal is derived and deducted from the Kings Majesty as Supream Head of these Churches and Realms of England and Ireland and so justly acknowledged by the Clergy of the said Realms That all Courts Ecclesiastical within the said two Realms be kept by no other Power or Authority either Forreign or within the Realm but by the Authority of his most excellent Majesty Be it therefore further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Summons and Citations or other Process Ecclesiastical in all Suits and Causes of instance betwixt party and party and all Causes of correction and all Causes of Basterdy or Bigamy or Inquiry de Jure Patronatus Probates of Testaments and Commissions of Administrations of Persons deceased and all Acquittances of and upon Accounts made by the Executors Administrators or Collectors of goods of any dead Person be from the first day of July next Following made in the Name and with the Style of the King as it is in Writs Original or Iudicial at the Common Law and that the Teste thereof be in the Name of the Arch-bishop or bishop or other having Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction who have the commission and Grant of the Authority Ecclesiastical immediately from the Kings Highness and that his Commissary Official or Substitute Exercising Iurisdiction under him shall put his name in the Citation or Process after the Teste Furthermore be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all manner of person or persons who have the Exercise of Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction shall have from the first day of July before expressed in their Seals of Office the Kings Highnesses Arms decently set with certain Characters under the Arms for the Knowledge of the Diocess and shall use no other Seal of Iurisdiction but wherein his Majesties Arms be ingraven upon pain that if any person shall use Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction after the day expressed in this Realm of England Wales or other his Dominions or Territories and not send or make out the Citation or Process in the Kings Name or use any Seal of Iuri sdiction other then before Limited that every such Offender shall incur and run in the Kings Majesties Displeasure and Indignation and suffer Imprisonment at his Highnesses Will and Pleasure Now whether the Ecclesiastical Courts have such Authority from the Kings Majesty by Commission under the great Seal of England and do proceed in the Exercise thereof according to the recited Statute of the 1 Edw. 6. the said Jones doth humbly leave it with Doctor Pinfold to give a Satisfactory Demonstration of it However the said Jones hath yet no cause to conclude that the Ecclesiastical Courts have such Power or have so Legally Proceeded with him and many other Persons first because the first step of Proceeding viz. the Citation was not in the Kings Name Secondly Because Doctor Pinfold refused to show the Kings Commission when humbly desired and honestly demanded in the place where he held his Court which if the said Doctor had been impowered according to the former Statute it had been very easy for him to have given some convincing Demonstration thereof and then the said Jones would have so declared the matter to others of his fellow Protestants as might have prevented many People from finding fault with the said Court and have caused them to give the more Reverence and Respect because of his Majesties Authority according to Law But it may be some will say that the aforesaid Statute of 1 Edw. 6. 2. hath been Repealed The said Jones doth grant that to be true but then let it be well considered by whom it was Repealed and that was by Queen Mary a shee-Popish Successor an Enemy to the Protestent Religion and to Protestants of all sorts who made a change in Ecclesiastical Courts as well as in other Courts Popish Persons being made Judges Officials and Surrogates to manage Ecclesiastical Affairs according to the Popish way and then were the poor Protestants the Dissenters of that time and were handled accordingly being Cited to the Ecclesiastical Courts and Excommunicated and then delivered up to the Temporal Power for Imprisonment and death also because they were the Non-Conformists of that day and did not in all things submit themselves to the Government as Established by Law though they had the holy word and Law of God on their sides This may teach all Persons to take heed of insisting too much upon National Laws in matters of Religion because they who are the Conformists in one Kings Raign may be the Non-Conformists in his Successors Raign and they would not think it a sufficient Argument against them that their Opinions and Practices are contrary to the Government Established by Law But whether the men of Doctors-Commons may not believe that a change of Religion Established by Law is not a sufficient Argument to keep their places and plead Conformity shall be left for time to manifest And now the said Jones will return to the Repeal of the former Statute Anno Primo Mariae Sessio Secunda chap. 2. A Repeal was made of the Statute of the first of Edw. 6. 2. called an Act for the Election of Bishops which is the afore-cited Statute But then it must be again considered the Statute of Repeal of 1 Mary 2. was repealed by King James see Anno 1 Jacobi Regis Chap. 25. in these very words And be it ●urther enacted by the Authority of this present parliament that an Act made in the first year of the Reign of Queen Mary Entituled An Act for the Repeal of certain Statutes made in the time of King Edward the sixth shall stand Repealed and Void So that now it is Evident that Queen Maries repealing Statute being repealed and made void by King James those Statutes of King Edward the sixth are now in full force they being left in the same Life and Strength as when they were first made unless it can be proved that a Repeal of them hath been made since the Statute of 1 Jacobi Chap. 25. And so the said Jones will return to give a further Account of his owne Case and further saith that between the time of the Admonition and the time appointed by Doctor Pinfold for him to take the Sacrament he did advise with such as were learned in the Laws of England and had a Plea in Law prepared and drawn up as an Answer to what he was charged with in the Presentment of the Church-wardens of his said Parish A Copy of which Presentment take as followeth
The Admonisher Admonished IN A MODEST and IMPARTIAL NARRATIVE Of the Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Court AGAINST JAMES JONES Citizen of LONDON Of the Parish of St. Bartholomew Exchange Being a True Account of matter of Fact from his Citation to Doctors Commons to their taking out the Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo against him AND ALSO An Account of the several Ways made use of for the taking off the said Writ WITH Useful Observations Upon several Particular Passages and Statutes Dedicated to the Worshipful Doctor Pinfold Isa 59. 15. ●ea Truth faileth and he that departeth from Evil maketh himself a Prey and the Lord saw it and it displeased him that there was no Judgment LONDON Printed for Thomas Malthus at the Sun in the Poultrey 1683. To the Right Worshipful THOMAS PINFOLD Doctor of Laws and Official to the Arch-Deacon of London Worshipful Doctor AFter those Respects due to you this is humbly to entreat you with patience to read and consider this following Narrative of matters between you and my self in which I have been careful to give a true Account without any bad Language or any bitter Reflections which are too common in matters of this kind My only design in this is to discover past Proceedings as well on my own part as on yours that so such as may hereafter be concerned with Ecclesiastical Courts as I have been with yours may by these Proceedings learn either to forbear to do as I have done or else improve the same to do better or find out some other way more for their own Advantage And for as much as your Worship hath loaded a Multitude of his Majesties Protestant Subjects with Admonitions and Excommunications and with the Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo to force them into a Jail if they do not pay you great Sums of money for not obeying your Admonitions I beseech you to receive a few Protestant Admonitions agreeable to the Holy Scripture I. That you being a Doctor and Judge of a Court called Spiritual it highly concerneth you to see that you are a true Spiritual man not walking according to the Lusts of the Flesh Spiritual persons ought to maintain Spiritual practices Rom. 8. 1. II. Take heed that you do not force any Persons by your Admonition to come unto the holy Communion who are unholy in their Conversation and that they may escape your Excommunication Venture to Eat and Drink their own Damnation 1 Cor. 11. 20. III. Take heed you do not force the Godly to partake with the Vngodly least you make them Partakers of other mens Sins but purge out the Old Leaven that you may be a new Lump for a little Leaven leaveneth the whole Lump 1 Cor. 5. 6 7 8 9. IV. Take heed you do not that to others which you would not have them do to you viz. You would not be willing the Protestant Dissenters considered as Independents Presbyterians or those falsly called Anabaptists should compel you to take the Holy Sacrament amongst any of them Mat. 5. 12. Therefore why should you do the like V. Take heed that you do not force Persons to the holy Sacrament against their Wills seeing God must be served with a perfect heart and with a willing mind 1 Chron. 28. 9. VI. Take heed you ' do not force Persons to the Holy Sacrament who have not a right unto it or such as for fear of your further Proceedings may come unto it contrary to their own Consciences of whom it may be said as Paul said to the Corinthian Professors 1 Cor. 11. 20. This is not to eat the Lords Supper for the abusing of Gods Ordinance is a losing Gods Ordinance to the Abusers of it and it may be said Such eat mans Dinner rather then the Lords Supper VII Take heed that whilst you proceed in handling Persons about Spiritual things that you let your Proceedings be according to Spiritual Rules contained in the Holy Scriptures in which there is no Directions to inflict outward Penalties upon Persons for not performing of Spiritual Duties VIII Take heed that you do not debase Religion in making Spiritual matters bow and Truckle unto Temporal matters for base ends and let not the Holy Sacrament be made a Qualification for keeping an Alehouse or for being Electors of Magistrates it is enough that men be Free-holders in the Country or free-men and of the Livery in the City for such things IX Take into your Consideration the many miseries that now attend a great number of his Majesties good Subjects some constrained to be as Prisoners in their own Houses others fled into the Countrey others let their Houses and put off their Trades and others remove from those Parishes where they were prosecuted in hopes to be more quiet elsewhere and some are carried to Prison and all by reason of your Proceedings X. Take heed that the Sighs and Cries of poor Women and Children who groan under this Distress do not go up to the God of Compassion and be returned against you as the Cause of them XI Do not think it will be enough for you to say you have proceeded according to Law if you could prove that but consider that the Ecclesiastical Doctors and such as were called Spiritual Judges in Queen Maries days had the same Plea for their Persecuting the poor Protestants XII I Beseech you consider that the Non-Compliance of Protestant-Dissenters in matters of Religion as imposed by you is not for want of Loyalty to his Majesty but for fear they should corrupt Christianity And now worthy Sir be not afraid to put your self upon a Tryal by this Christian Jury of Sober Admonitions which are humbly and honestly Impannelled by His Majesties Loyal Subject and your VVorships Humble Servant James Jones A Famous Example for Ecclesiastical Doctors ANd now Doctor because worthy Examples and good Patterns are sometimes more Prevalent then Admonitions and Precepts I will humbly set before you the good Example of a Famous Doctor of Law belonging to the Ecclesiastical Court in the famous City of Jerusalem Who when the Dissenters and Non-Conformists of that day were cited and brought before the said Ecclesiastical Court and by the Authority thereof were decreed to be Excommunicated out of the Church and out of the World also The aforesaid Doctor of Law favoured and defended the Cause of those poor Dissenters by making an excellent speech against the violent Proceedings of that Court which take as followeth as it is Recorded not in Acts of Parliament but in the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 5. Vers. 34. Then there stood up one in the Counsel a Pharisee named Gamaliel a Doctor of Law had in Reputation of all the People and commanded to put the Apostles forth a little space Vers. 35. And said unto them Ye men of Israel take heed to your selves what ye intend to do as touching these men Vers 38. And now I say unto you Refrain from these men and let them alone for if this Counsel or work be
love and a reverent Esteem of the Holy Sacrament called in holy Scripture the Supper of the Lord and hath solemnly as becometh a Christian Taken the said holy Ordinance divers times within the time mentioned in the a●oresaid Presentment and divers times since the aforesaid Admonition and that in both kinds of Bread and Wine and in such manner and to such ends as is expressed in the Statute of 1 Edw. VI. chap. 1. in these words Paragraph 1. Which Sacrament was instituted of no less Author then of our Saviour both God and Man when at his last Supper amongst his Apostles he did take the Bread into his holy hands and did say Take Eat this is my Body which is given and Broken for you and taking up the Chalice or Cup did give thanks and say This is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for you and for many for the Remission of Sins that whensoever we should do the same we should do it in Remembrance of him and to declare and set forth his Death and glorious Passion until his Coming of the which bread whosoever Eateth or of the which cup whosoever drinketh unworthily Eateth and Drinketh Condemnation and Iudgment to himself And in Paragraph 7. there are these words Therefore be it Enacted by our Sovereign Lord the King with the consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by Authority of the same that the said most Blessed Sacrament be hereafter commonly delivered and administred unto the people within this Church of England and Ireland and other the Kings Dominions under both the kinds that is to say of Bread and Wine except necessity otherwise require and also that the Priest which shall minister the same shall at the least one day before Exhort all persons which shall be present to resort and Prepare themselves to Receive the same and when the prefixed day cometh after a Godly Exhortation by the Minister made wherein shall be further expressed the benefit and comfort promised to them which worthily receive the holy Sacrament and danger and indignation of Almighty God threatened to them which shall presume to receive the same unworthily to the end that every man may try and examine his own conscience before he shall receive the same The said Minister shall not without a lawful cause deny the same to any person that will devoutly and humbly desire it any Law Statute Ordinance or Custome contrary thereunto in any wise notwithstanding not condemning hereby the usage of any Church out of the Kings Majesties Dominions But it is supposed that Doctor Pinfold will say That the said Jones hath not taken the said Sacrament in his own Parish Church according to the Admonition at the time therein prefixed by the said Doctor unto which the said Jones doth soberly reply That he doth not know of any Statute Law that impowereth the Doctor thus to proceed or that bindeth the said Jones to obey and is much more sure that there is no Law of Jesus Christ in all the New Testament for such proceedings however the said Jones saith That he hath taken the holy Communion in such a Church as is declared and owned in the Nineteenth Article of the Church of England viz. That the Visible Church of Christ is a company of faithful men in which the pure Word of God is Preached and the Sacraments be duly Administred according to Christs Ordinance in all things that of necessity are requisite to the same And the said Jones saith That himself and a vast number of His Majesties Protestant subjects do exercise a Godly care and maketh great Conscience to Wait upon God in no other Assemblies then is expressed in the aforsaid Article viz. A company of faithful people that have the pure Word of God truly preached and the Ordinances of God duly administred But it may be the Doctor will say That Jones meaneth the assemblies of Disenters To which Jones doth reply That he honestly meaneth no other Assemblies but such where Christ is preached as he is declared in the holy Gospel 1. As God and Man 2. As being Conceived in the Virgins womb by the Holy Ghost and so brought forth into the world to be the Saviour of Sinners 3. His Death as the Satisfaction of Divine Justice 4. His Resurrection for the Justification of all True Beleivers 5. His Ascension into heaven and making Intercession at the right hand of God that so the Godly may be accepted of God and be received into heaven 6. The Second Coming of Christ to Judge the quick and the dead at which time of Judgement he will receive the Righteous into Eternal happiness and send the wicked into Eternal misery after the resurrection of the just and unjust And as touching the holy Sacraments the aforesaid Assemblies doth profess and practice water Baptism as Gods holy Ordinance and the Lords Supper in both kinds of Bread and Wine as a holy Remembrance of Christs Death till he come again as it is expressed in the Holy Scripture and in the before mentioned Statute of 1 Edw. 6. chap. 1. which Statute doth not compel any of the Kings subjects to come to that blessed Ordinance to the damage of their own Souls but strictly warneth to the contrary and requireth persons to come humbly and devoutly of their owne desire Now therefore why the said Jone●s or any other of the Kings Protestant subjects should be prosecuted to the suffering Imprisonment for not taking the Sacramnt in their respective Parish Churches who are zealous for the holy Sacrament other parts of the Protestant Religion in such assemblies as are for higher degrees of Reformation than is among the common Protestants it is humbly presented to Doctor Pinfold and all others called Doctors and Judges in Courts called Spiritual whether they can produce any such Authority from Jesus Christ who is the Spiritual Governour in his Church and hath given Spiritual Laws for the government thereof The said Jones saith he hath carefully read the Holy Scriptures for many years and could never find that ever Christ did set up such a way of Government in his Church viz. of Fines Imprisonments Banishment or any other corporal punishment to bring persons to conform unto his Gospel Ordinances but Christs way was to aford plain and powerful preaching of his Word to inlighten the mind and perswade the Soul to make a free choice of his Ttruths from a cordial love to himself but according to the proceedings of Doctor Pinfold and other Ecclesiastical Judges such as are conscientiously afraid they shall miss the comforts and blessed benefits of the Sacrament by coming to it at such times and places with such Communicants as imposed by the said Doctor must be contented with the discomforts of a Jail or else pay great sums of mony to get off And whereas the ●aid Doctor did declare in the publick Assembly of Doctors Commons that he fixed the taking of the
F. Church-Wardens of the said Parish-Church of St. G. without H. aforesaid before the Arch-Deacon of London or his Official for not duely Frequenting his Parish-Church for six Month last past and for not Receiving the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper within the said time and being duely Cited to Answer the said Presentment and thereupon judicially Admonished to receive the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper in his said Parish-Church and not obeying the said Monition was thereupon pronounced in Contempt and in pain of such his Contempt duely Excommunicated And whereas the said A. B. hath submitted himself to the Jurisdiction of the said Arch Deacons Court and prayed to be absolved from the said Excommunication and offered Caution to be obedient to his Majesties Ecclesiastical Laws and the Lawful Commands of his Ordinary If therefore the said A. B. shall obey His Majesties Ecclesiastical Laws and the Lawful Commands of his Ordinary Then this Obligation to be void and of none effect or else to Remain and be in full Force and Vertue Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us c. Now whether this and such like Bonds can be legally sued to recover the Penalty thereo● very Wise and Understanding men are of differing minds about it however several Person● are in the ready Way to know the certain truth hereof in a short time And besides all this there are other ways for deliverance by the Comon Statute Law before the Kings Judges according as the Case may be Allowable by Law and some are not without hopes of Relief this Way with the Expence of Money And as the said Jones is not willing to be imposed upon by others so he will not impos● upon others but will freely and friendly leave all his fellow Protestants to take that way and use that means for their help as is most agreeable to thier Circumstances and Satisfactory to their own minds in the keeping of a good Conscience humbly desiring it may be seriously considered That it is better to be punished in their Pursos then their Spirits and be damaged in their Coffers rather then in their Consciences and let it also be considered Whether these and other Distressing Proceedings be not some cause of stopping the Silver Streams in the Golden Street of this great and Loyal City of London And now at last the said Jones is willing to leave a few Refreshing Considerations for the Comfort of his Fellow Distressed Protestants I. Consider That His Majesty hath been Graciously pleased to Relieve his Distressed Dissenting Subjects divers times when they have been violently Prosecuted by several Laws under which they have Groaned and hath favoured them with the Exercise of Religion according to their own Conciences approving of this as the best way to quiet the minds of his Leige People and promote Trade for the good of the Kingdom as may be seen at ●arge in His Majesties Declaration Published by the advice of his Privy-Councel March 15. 167● II. Consider That the Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal and the Commons of England Assembled in Parliament provided a Bill to discharge the Kings Protestant Subjects from the Penalties of the 35. of Elizabeth but it unhappily missed of coming to His Majesties Royal Hand for the Royal Assent which was a bad Brown-business However both Houses of Parliament did their Part. III. Consider That the Commons of England Assembled in Parliament have shewed a willingness to free His Majesties Subjects considered as Protestant Dissenters from all the Penal Statutes in matters of Conscience IV. Consider that what hath been done by the King and Parliament distinct one from another may be done by the King in Parliament as a joint Act which doubtless would be ●●e Joy of the whole Kingdom and then would be a full and compleat fulfilling and Performance of his Majesties Royal Promise in his Royal Declaration from Breda just before his happy Restauration in these following Words We do declare a Liberty to Tender Consciences and that no man shall be disquieted or called in question for differences of Opinion in matters of Religion which do not disturb the Peace of the kingdom and that we shall be ready to consent to such an Act of Parliament as upon mature De●●●ration shall be offered to Vs for the full granting that Indulgence V. Consider all you that fear God that Word of God in I saiah 2. 22. Cease ye from 〈◊〉 whose breath is in his Nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of Which sheweth man m●● not be depended upon VI. Consider of and in all your distresses feed upon and refresh your Souls with the Word of God Isa 12. 5. For the Oppression of the Poor and the Sighing of the Needy now will arise saith the Lord and set him in safety from him that puffeth at him FINIS Imprimis