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A26368 The history of the late conspiracy against the king and the nation with a particular account of the Lancashire Plot, and all the other attempts and machinations of the disaffected party since His Majesty's accession to the throne / extracted out of the original informations of the witnesses and other authentick papers.; Histoire de la dernière conspiration d'Angleterre. English Abbadie, Jacques, 1654-1727. 1696 (1696) Wing A52; ESTC R14960 75,108 198

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Considerations concluded that there was never less reason to doubt the Truth of a Conspiracy than of This. Such a discourse as this was very Seasonable and even necessary at a time when several Persons were endeavoring to make the whole Discovery pass for a Fiction either because they imagin d that the King and Council had been impos'd upon or perhaps because they wish'd that we had been convinc'd of the reality of the Design by the Execution of it However Time and the Confession of the Criminals have stopt the Mouths of those who wou'd have stifl'd the Discovery And the Parliament to express their Zeal and Affection in such a dangerous Juncture made the following Address to His Majesty which was presented by both Houses in a Body WE Tour Majesties most Loyal and Dutiful Subjects the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Aslembl'd having taken into our Serious Consideration what Tour Majesty has been Pleas'd to Communicate to us this Day Think it our Duty in the First Place to give Tour Majesty most Humble Thanks for having Acquainted Tour Parliament with the great Danger Tour Sacred Person hath been so nearly Expos'd to and the Design of an Invasion from our Enemies Abroad We Heartily Congratulate Tour Majesties Happy Preservation and Thankfully Acknowledge the Signal Providence of God in it and at the same time Declare our Detestation and Abhorrence of so Villanous and Barbarous a Design And since the Safety and Welfare of Tour Majesties Dominions do so entirely Depend upon Tour Life we most Humbly Beseech Tour Majesty to take more than ordinary Care of Tour Royal Person And we take this Occasion to Assure your Majesty of our utmost Assistance to Defend Tour Person and Support Tour Government against the late King James and all other Tour Enemies both at Home and Abroad hereby Declaring to all the World That in case Tour Majesty shall come to any Violent Death which God forbid we will Revenge the same upon all Tour Enemies and their Adherents And as an Instance of our Zeal for Tour Majestys Service we will give all possible Dispatch to the Public Business And we make it our Desire to Tour Majesty to Seize and Secure all Persons Horses and Arms that Tour Majesty may think fit to Apprehend upon this Occasion His Majesty receiv'd this Address in a very obliging manner and was pleas'd to return a most gracious Answer in these words My Lords and Gentlemen I Thank you heartily for this kind Address On My Part you may be Assur'd that I will do all that is within My Power for the Preservation of this Kingdom to which I have so many Obligations I will readily Venture My Life for Preserving it and Recommend My Self to the Continuance of Tour Loyalty and Good Affections At the same time both Houses enter'd into an Association to defend his Majesty's Life and to revenge his Death and particularly the House of Commons agreed to several important Resolutions 'T was order'd That leave should be given to bring in a Bill to Impower His Majesty to Secure and Detain such Persons as His Majesty should suspect were Conspiring against His Person or Government And Resolv'd That an Humble Address shou'd be presented to His Majesty that He wou'd please to issue out His Royal Proclamation to Banish all Papists from the Cities of London and Westminster and Ten Miles from the same That all the Members of the House shou'd either sign the Association or declare their Refusal so to do and that whosoever shou'd by Writing or otherwise affirm that the Association was Illegal shou'd be look d upon as Promoters of the Designs of the late King and Enemies of the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom 'T was also Resolved nemine contradicente that a Bill shou'd be brought in for the better security of his Majesty's Person and Government with these Clauses 1. That such as shall refuse to take the Oaths to his Majesty shall be Subject to the Forfeitures and Penalties of Popish Recusants Convict 2. To inflict a Penalty on such as shall by Writing or otherwise Declare that King William is not Lawful and Rightful King of these Realms or that the late King James or the pretended Prince of Wales or any other Person than according to the Act of Settlement of the Crown has any Right to the Crown of these Realm● 3. To ratify and confirm the Association enter'd into all his Majestys good Subjects for the Preservation of His Majesty's Person and Government 4. That no Person shall be capable of any Office of Profit or Trust Civil or Military that shall not sign the said Association And 5. That the same Penalties be inflicted on such as come out of France as upon those that go thither Nor must we forget that wise and important Resolution of the same honorable Body in pursuance of which 't was enacted That whenever it shall please God to afflict these Realms by the Death of His Present Majesty the Parliament then in being shall not be dissolv d thereby but shall continue until the next Heir to the Crown in Succession according to the late Act of Settlement shall dissolve the same 'T was also Order'd That the Speaker upon Presenting the Association to His Majesty shou'd make it the Request of the House that His Majesty wou'd please to order that the said Association of the House and all other Associations by the Commons of England be lodg'd among the Records in the Tower to remain as a perpetual Memorial of their Loyalty and Affection to His Majesty The Associations of both Houses were almost the same as to the sense and therefore I shall content my self with inserting that of the House of Commons because of its Conformity to the abovemention'd Resolutions WHereas there has been a Horrid and Detestable Conspiracy Formed and Carried on by Papists and other Wicked and Traiterous Persons for Assassinating his Majesty's Royal Person in Order to Incourage an Invasion from France to Subvert our Religion Laws and Liberty We whose Names are hereunto Subscribed do Hertily Sincerely and Solemnly Profess Testifie and Declare That his Present Majesty King William is Rightful and Lawful King of these Realms And we do Mutually Promise and Engage to Stand by and Assist each other to the utmost of our Power in the Support and Defence of His Majesty's most Sacred Person and Government against the late King James and all his Adherents And in case his Majesty come to any Violent or Untimely Death which God forbid We do hereby further Freely and Unanimously Oblige our Selves to Unite Associate and Stand by each other in Revenging the same upon his Enemies and their Adherents and in Supporting and Defending the Succession of the Crown according to an Act made in the First Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary Intituled An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown His
Kensington One of 'em was to give notice when the King went out and the other was to bring an account when the Guards began to March And that the Assassination might pass under the Notion of a Military Exploit they produc'd an Order to take up Arms against the Prince of Orange and his Adherents There was some Difference among the Conspirators concerning the Terms and Expressions of the Commission even after they had confess'd their Crime For some of 'em acknowledg'd that it contain d an express order to Kill the King whereas others pretended that it only authoriz'd em in the general to levy War against the Prince of Orange and all his Adherents 'T is the Opinion of several Judicious Persons that the most considerable Discovery was made by those who endeavour'd to put the fairest Construction on this execrable Project For to Levy War against the King and his Adherents after such a manner and in such Circumstances cou'd signifie nothing else than the Murdering of the King and Parliament and of all that lov'd and were resolv'd to maintain the Laws Religion and Liberty of England The Fifteenth of February was chosen for the Execution of the dire Attempt 'T was on that fatal Day that England or rather Europe was to lose its Deliverer and with him all its hopes of accomplishing the Great Work which he had so happily begun and 't was then that Heaven was resolv'd to work a new Miracle for our Preservation If we had foreseen the Danger that threaten'd him the remembrance of past Hazards wou'd have only serv'd to heighten our Apprehensions for the future His Subjects cou'd hardly have welcom'd him at his return from so glorious a Campaign and instead of celebrating his Victories wou'd have trembl'd at his Approaching Fate But we found to our Comfort that the same Providence which had so often cover d his Head in the Day of Battle and guarded him from the fiercest Assaults of his Enemies was also able to preserve him from the treacherous Fury of Assassins To prevent Suspicion they dispos'd their Men in different places of the Town and even in the remotest Parts of it Barclay and Rookwood expected the Signal in Holborn and Porter with some others waited upon the same account at the Blue Posts in Spring garden Charnock resolv'd to accompany the latter either because he mistrusted him and intended to animate him by his example or because he was willing to chuse a Post that was least expos'd to Danger as another of the Conspirators suspected And perhaps he had still so much Reason left notwithstanding the impetuous Pa● on that disturb'd his Judgment as to decline acting in the most odious Part of the Tragedy Thus they lay expecting the News of the King's Departure for Richmond but his Majesty did not go out that day and some of the Conspirators were so alarm'd at this Disappointment that they began to reflect either upon the Danger or Infamy to which such an Attempt wou'd expose ' em Plowden who came purposely to Town to act under Porter went back to the Country and did not think fit to return according to his Promise Kenrick pretended that he was disabl'd by a Fall and appear'd for some days with his Arm in a String Sherbourn started so many Scruples when the Design was propos'd to him that they did not think fit to press him further And even the fiercest and most harden d Assassins began to be apprehensive of the Success of their Project But at last concluding that their Design was not discover'd because they were not secur'd Sir George Barclay Sir William Parkins Captain Porter and Goodman met on the 21st of February and resolv'd to make a new attempt to execute their Project without altering the Method of it In pursuance of this Resolution the Assassins were to be prepar'd for the bloody Action on Saturday the 22d of February which was to have been the last Day of our Liberty and the Fatal Aera of the irrecoverable Ruine of England The Morning was spent in an impatient Expectation of Advice from those whom they had appointed to give 'em notice when the King went out Charnock who for some days had been very uneasy and full of Jealousy and Suspicion sent a Man to Porter for a List of those who were to act in the Assassination He seem'd particularly to doubt Larue and perhaps was desirous to have some Satisfaction concerning him The List was sent to him with Larue's Name at the head of the rest and he sent it back again after he had inserted the Names of those whom he was to furnish Pendergrass was one of those who were with Porter They had sent for him out of the Country and wou'd have assign'd him a remarkable part in the Assassination Porter had a Musketoon that carry'd 6 or 8 Bullets with which Pendergrass was to shoot at the King and they desir'd him not to be afraid of breaking the Coach-glasses The Conspirators were disappointed a Second time and the boldest of 'em cou'd not forbear discovering their Fears when Keys acquainted 'em that the Guards were come back all in a foam and that there was an unusual muttering among the People This unexpected piece of News put 'em all into a Consternation the Cabal was entirely dispers'd and most of 'em endeavour'd to secure themselves by a speedy flight Nor was this meerly the effect of a Panic Dread or groundless Apprehension for the Conspiracy was actually detected Fisher Pendergrass Larue and another had separately given Information to Different Persons concerning it tho they had not yet discover'd the Particulars Captain Fisher was the Man whom God inclin'd to make the first Discovery of this inhumane Design He went to the Earl of Portland on the Tenth of February Five Days before the Time that was appointed for the Execution of it and inform'd him of the intended Enterprize without acquainting him either with the Time Manner or Circumstances which were not yet agreed upon but he promis'd to give him further notice as soon as they shou'd come to a positive Resolution And now we may justly reflect with an equal amazement upon the Sedateness and Generosity of his Majesty's Temper who cou'd hardly be perswaded to suspect those who only waited for a convenient opportunity to Murder him and the barbarous Fury of his Enemies who scrupl d not to conspire the Death of so Good and so Brave a Prince Any other Person wou'd have been startl'd at an Advice of this nature or at least wou'd have look'd upon it as too important to be neglected but the King secure in his own Vertue conscious of no Guilt and consequently incapable of Fear was so far from being alarm'd at the Discovery that he wou'd not give credit to it because the Circumstances were not particularly mention'd Three Days after Fisher return'd to Whitehall and gave the Earl of Portland an account not only of the Design
Usurpers England has been always look'd upon as one of the most considerable Kingdoms in Europe but the it were the meanest and most contemptible Nation in the World it cou'd not be depriv'd of the most ancient and fundamental Privilege of Mankind I mean that of Self-Preservation 'T is true a People may be Subdu'd and made Slaves by a Victorious Invader but they can never be robb'd of their natural Right to endeavor the recovering of their Liberty And supposing that this was formerly a Conquer'd Kingdom t is plain that the Conqueror cou'd not become a Lawful Monarch but by Treating with the Nation and preserving its ancient Privileges since a True King must be the Governor of Subjects and not of Slaves ' Twou'd be a direct overturning of the Order of Nature to pretend with our Enemies that the Soveraign Authority in England is originally Arbitrary and that the People are only Free by Usurpation since by the fundamental Constitution of our Government the People are originally free and the Royal Authority Limited The Roman Catholics were naturally dispos'd to embrace these pernicious Notions for 't is one of the Principles of their Religion that the Pope's Jurisdiction extends over the Temporal Authority of Kings and the Property of the People and that those whom he Deposes or Excommunicates are ipso facto depriv'd of all their Rights and Privileges 'T is true this Opinion has been look d upon as dangerous even by the Princes of that Persuasion who are not willing that their Authority shou'd depend on the Arbitrary Will of One Man And from thence some have taken occasion to call those Catholics who moderate the Power of the See of Rome and only to give the Name of Papists to those who require an unlimited Submission to the Pope But this Distinction was never so generally known or teceiv'd in this Kingdom as in other places For in Popish Countries 't is the Interest of the Prince to inspire his People with a less extravagant respect to the Head of their Church whereas in England where the Roman Catholics have neither a Prince nor Magistrate of their Perswasion they are wholly govern'd by their Directors and follow all their Maxims unless they have Sense enough to perceive the dangerous Consequences of these Opinions or by the Mildness and Integrity of their Temper are naturally inclin'd to detest such a barbarous and inhumane Doctrin But in the general they are easily perswaded to look upon Protestants as Men that have forfeited all their Privileges and are already doom'd to Death for the Crimes of Heresy and Schism by the repeated Sentences of several Councils And 't is plain that those who are possest with such a Prejudice will never heartily acknowledge the Title of a Protestant Prince since they reckon our Religion a sufficient ground to deprive a People of the natural Privileges of a Civil Society It has been upon all cccasions the constant Practice of the Faction to accommodate their Notions to the various Humours and Inclinations of those whom they endeavor to draw into their Party For as they entertain some of their Proselytes with Projects to destroy the Liberty and Privileges of the Nation they insinuate themselves into the good opinion of others by exclaiming against the Prerogative of the Crown When they meet with Persons that are fond of a Popular Government they pretend to be of the same opinion exasperate their Grievances and perswade 'em that 't is the Interest of the Nation to weaken the Power and Authority of the King that upon the first occasion they may be able withless difficulty to introduce a Republican Government At the same time they make use o other Artifices to delude those who are superstitiously addicted to Monarchy They exasperate their Zeal fill their Minds with unreasonable Jealousies and by scaring 'em with false Alarms of the Progress of the Republican Party endeavour to secure their Assistance for the Introducing of Arbitrary Power as the only Way to keep out a Common-wealth For 't is their usual custom to tamper with the most violent Persons of all Parties that by animating 'em one against another they may divide the Nation into opposite and irreconcileable Factions They labour'd to perswade the World that the late King might justly assume an Arbitrary Power that he might reign without a Parliament and absolutely renounce all Contracts with his People And even after he had deserted the Kingdom and was declar'd an Enemy to our Laws Religion and Liberties by the Representatives of the Nation they had the confidence to pretend that he was still our Lawful King But the Artifice was too gross to pass upon a whole Nation for in the first place they must have perswaded us that We were not a People but a Multitude of Rebels that had forfeited all our Privileges that were condemn'd by our Prince and had neither Laws nor Parliaments to protect us that like a company of Robbers who had escap'd the Execution of Justice we maintain'd our Illegal Possessions by an unjust Force and had no Title either to our Lives or Estates that we were Slaves by Law and Proscrib'd Malefactors and cousequently were in a more wretched Condition than if we had been actually Conquer'd and Subdu'd Blessed be that Almighty Goodness which defeated the Contrivances of our Enemies and gave us a King upon whom they cou'd never fasten the least Aspersion who manages the Reins of Government with an equal and Steddy Hand who never was and we have reason to believe never will be Guilty either of Tyranny or Remissness who will neither oppress us himself nor Suffer us to oppress one another and has always pursu'd such Maxims as are most agreable to the admirable Constitution of our Government which preserves the Just mean betwixt the arbitrary Tyranny of Despotic Power and the Tumultuary Liccntiousness of Anarchy or Democracy and will neither suffer the Parliament to make Laws without the Authority of the King nor the King to Govern without the Advice of his Parliament But since they cou d not Debauch the Fidelity of his People by controverting his Title to the Crown they made use of that pretext to encourage the desperate Bravo's of the Faction to murder him They told 'em that they cou'd not be accus'd of conspiring against the Life of a King since the Prince of Orange had no right to that Title And it appears that the same Pretence was alledg d as one of the Reasons for the design'd Invasion The whole Nation was alarm'd with the common Danger and the Parliament especially made serious Reflexions upon the Designs of our Enemies His Majesty's Speech to both Houses was seconded by Sir William Trumbal who in a Pathetic Harangue before the House of Commons acquainted that Illustrious Body with the particular Characters of the Witnesses the uniformity of their Evidence and the improbability of their Conspiring together to deceive us and from all these
Majesty receiv'd the Association very graciously and express d the Sense he had of the Zeal and Affection of his Subjects in these obliging Terms Gentlemen I Take this as a most Convincing and most Acceptable Evidence of your Affection And as you have freely Associated your Selves for Our Common Safety I do Heartily enter into the same Association and will be always ready with you and the rest of My Good Subjects to Venture My Life against all who shall endeavour to subvert the Religion Laws and Liberties of England And afterwards His Majesty was pleas'd to say That he would take care that this and all other Associations presented to Him shou'd be Lodg'd among the Records in the Tower While the Parliament was taking such effectual measures for the Security of his Majesty and the Nation 't was thought fit in the most legal and regular manner to satisfy offended Justice by the Conviction and Punishment of some of the most notorious Conspirators ' Twou'd be needless to give the Reader a particular account either of the Proceedings at the Trials or of the Behaviour of the Dying Criminals since there can be nothing added to the public Relations of the former and there is nothing remarkable in the latter but Hypocrisy and Passion This is the genuine Character of the Declarations they left us of their last Thoughts One of 'em owns the Crime for which he was condemn'd with a kind of impious Ostentation and yet in another place of the same Paper he seems to acknowledge the Infamy of it by endeavouring to vindicate his Party from having any hand in it Another in spite of Nature wou'd act the Part of a Hero and was not asham d to pretend that he dy'd a Martyr tho 't is plain both by his Conviction and Confession that his Punishment was the just Reward of his Treasonable Practices to betray the Nation to Papists and Foreigners One of 'em is angry with the King because he wou d not pardon a barbarous Assassin and was the first Person that ever had the Confidence to charge His Majesty with Cruelty And another leaves us a terrible Instance of the Divine Justice in hardening impenitent Offenders by ending his Life in a Transport of Fury But since nothing can excuse us from doing Justice even to our most barbarous and implacable Enemies I think my self oblig'd to make a more honorable mention of Sir William Parkins He acknowledges the Assassination to be a Crime and repents that he was concern'd in it He seems to have been acted by a mistaken Notion of Honor and to have aim'd at an Appearance of Magnanimity which he did not well understand For he wou●d not be perswaded to name the Complices of his Crime tho he had some reason to believe that an ingenuous Confession might have procur'd him a Pardon A generous Principle if it had been better plac'd and if by preserving his Friends he had not sav'd the Enemies of his Country The Convicted Criminals receiv'd the Sentence and Punishment which the Law appoints for Traitors and their Quarters were expos'd in the most oublic places as a terrible Example of the just Severity of an injur'd Nation and an Admonition to their Traiterous Friends that those who are not capable of nobler Sentiments might at least be restrain'd by Fear In the mean time the Faction perceiving that all their pernicious Artifices were either discover'd or defeated resolv'd at least to pay the last Honors to their expiring Cause Three Jacobite Clergy-men pretending to be Ministers of the Church of England under pretext of assisting Sir John Friend and Sir William Parkins a● their Death gave 'em a general Absolution for all their Sins without obliging 'em either to confess or declare their Abhorrence of the particular Crime for which they suffer'd and by such an impudent and irregular Action put a public Affront upon the Government and the Nation Two of 'em were apprehended in order to be prosecuted for so heinous a Misdeameanor and in the mean time the Church of which they pretended to be Members condemn'd their Proceedings in a Public Declaration of its Judgment on that occasion which was sign'd by Fourteen Bishops who were then in Town and approv'd by those who were absent In that Paper they declare that they disclaim and detest the Principles and Practices both of the Criminals and the Three Ministers who assisted 'em that they disown and abhor 'em as highly Schismatical and Seditious dangerous both to the Church and State c. Thus while our Enemies both at home and abroad were mourning the Fate of their blasted Project while they suffer'd all the Horrors and Torments of Rage and Despair the constant Attendants of Disappointed Revenge we had the pleasure to behold the happy Period of the dismal Tragedy and the blest Event of the blackest and most barbarous Design that ever was set on foot We observ'd with inexpressible satisfaction that our Almighty Protector had convinc'd our Enemies by a very unwelcome Experience of two important Truths which they cou'd never endure to believe That His Majesty's Life is necessary for the Preservation of his People and that his Subjects are inseparably united to him both by Duty Interest and Inclination This is a glorious Confirmation of the Title which they presume to controvert and a convincing Proof of the Justice of his Cause which God himself has vouchsaf'd to establish and confirm by the execrable Projects that were form'd against him The World has been so long accustom'd to see his Majesty expose his Life for the Preservation of his Subjects he has brav'd Death so often and run thro so many Dangers in our Defence that it cannot be suppos'd we shou'd be surpriz'd at every new Instance of his Generosity But that the Preservation of his single Life shou'd secure a whole Nation from impending Ruine that the Rebels at home durst not attempt to disturb our Quiet because they knew that he was alive that our Foreign Enemies shou'd immediately retire upon the News of his Deliverance that the whole Nation shou'd place their only Confidence in the Person of their Soveraign and enter into a solemn and unanimous Confederacy to Defend his Life and Revenge his Death there is something so surprizingly Great in such a Combination of Wonders and so conspicuous Marks of the Finger of God in the several Instances of our Happiness that 't wou'd be equally impious and absurd to ascribe our Deliverance to a lucky concourse of fortuitous Accidents As His Majesty's Life is our only Security and the Foundation of all our Hopes the happy Union that is now so firmly establish'd betwixt us and our Soveraign is of no less importance to the rest of Europe To this we owe the advantageous Change in the Posture of Affairs abroad 't is this that has reduc'd our Enemies to more reasonable Terms and makes way for the Conclusion of a general and solid Peace When
the long expected Time shall come that the Just Desires of those who long to see Peace and Tranquility once more establish'd in Europe shall be accomplish'd it will appear and be acknowledg'd by the grateful World that as England was deliver'd from Slavery and Oppression by the Blessing of God upon His Majestys generous Undertaking so 't was England that had the greatest share in the general Deliverance of the Christian World Time and Experience will ere long convince us of this great and important Truth and Posterity will for ever acknowledge the Immortal Obligation And even tho it were possible that future Ages shou'd forget their Great Benefactor the Benefit will remain notwithstanding their Ingratitude as long as there shall be Laws in England or a Free People in Europe FINIS T●e People of England t●ank'd His Majest● ●y their R●presentatives for their Great and Miracu●ous Deliverance from P●pery and Arbitrary Power of which he was the Instrum●nt S●e the Parliament's Address May 18. 1689. The Parliam●nt of Scotland thank'd him also for th●ir Deliv●rance and Preservation of which they acknowledg'd him next to God to be the great and only Instrum●nt S●● the Answer of the Conv●ntion to His Maje●●ie's L●tter in 1689. History of the Revolutions in England Book II. pag. 437. See the Preface to the Third Time of the History of the Revolutions in England When the People stopt his Coach at Dort and ask'd whether he was their Statholder he reply'd that he was satisfy'd with the Honors that were conferr'd upon him But we are not answer'd the People unless we have you for our Governor An. 1674. The D●puties of the Nobility and 〈◊〉 representing the 〈…〉 of the Dutchy of Guelderland and County of Zutphen osser'd him the Sover●ignty of the Province in the ●●me of their Maste●s 'T is notoriously known that these Proposals were made by France * M. Fage● wrote on this occa●ion to Mr. Stewart And when the Court of England endeavor'd to perswade the World that thus was a supposititious letter and that it did not give a true a●●ur of their Highnesses Sentiments having publish'd a Book to that E●e●t call'd Parlamentum Pacificum Mr. Fagel complain'd openly of the d●singenuity of their Proceedings and by a second Letter confirm'd the Declaration he had formerly sent in their Highnesses Name * After the death of Charles II. he rejected the advice and assistance of the late Elector of Brandenburg and when that Prince wou'd have engag'd him to go over to England he reply'd that he wou'd never make any Attempt against the King his Father in Law without an absolute necessity but at the same time he protested that if he cou'd not otherwise prevent the subversion of the Laws and Religion of England he wou'd undertake the Voyage tho' he shou'd be oblig'd to Embark in a Fisher-boat His Enemies cou'd not forbear commending this Effect of his Moderation See the History of the Revolutions in Engl. Book II. See the Act 1 Gulielm Mariae entitl'd An Act declaring the Rights and Privileges of the Subjects to regulate the Succession to the Crown History of the Revolutions in Engl. Book II. 1689 The Discovery was made by a French Protestant who insinuated himself into the Favour and Confidence of the Conspirators by pretending to be engag'd in the same design He was hinder'd by several Accidents from giving such timely Notice to the Court that the Assassins might be apprehended The Discovery was communicated in Holland to some zealous Friends of the Government and in England to My Lord Sydney In this account I have neither magnify'd nor multiply'd the Disorders that were committed by the Government They were either corrected by the Late King himself upon the News of the Prince's Expedition or after his Flight by the Convention The Laws that were made upon that occasion by the Parliaments of England and Scotland are undoubted Testimonies of the several Attempts that were made to subvert our Laws and Religion nor will any reasonable Person expect any other Arguments to prove the Truth of a matter of Fact of which all the Inhabitants of these Nations were either Eye or Ear-Witnesses See his Proclamation publish'd in that Kingdom Dr. King the present Bishop of London-derry then Dean of Dublin in his Book entitul'd The State of the Protestants of Ireland under the Government of the late King The whole Book is full of Instances of this Nature of which I have not mention'd the Twentieth part * The Duke of Schomberg 1690. 1691. * The Magistrates of Roterdam imprison'd a Villain who offer'd to kill the French King They sent an ac●ount of the project to Mr. Montausier and offer'd to deliver up the Offender † Another Proposal of the same naturewas made to the King when he was Prince of Orange The Person who offer'd to undertake the Murder gave an account of the place where he was to be sound and the Prince sent Mr. Dickfelt immediately to acquaint the Count d'Avaux with the whole Project November 1691. December 1691. Febr 1691 2. April 1692. History of the Revolutions in England Book II. History of the Revolutions in England Book II. p. 428. 1692. 1692. 1692. Larue in Charnock 's Tryal 1692. History of the Revolutions in Engl. Book II. Sr. Edmundbury Godfrey's Murder which cannot be reckon'd a Fable is a strong Confirmation of at least part of that Discovery See how they design'd to bring the Irish over to England The application of the rest of the Particulars is obvious History of the Revolutions in England Book II. p. 357. Deposition of Brice Blair March 12. 1695. See the Character of the Presbyterians in the History of the Revolutions in England Book II. 1692. His Depositions are in the Hands of the Government See his Letter to the Lords and Commons of that Kingdom Dared from on board his Ship July 1693. Decemb. 1693. January 1693. July 1694. July 14. 1694. July 17. 1694. Octob. 17. 1694. Sir William Williams took Post for London immediately after Taff's Declaration and gave a horrible Character of the Witnesses having obstinately resus'd to hear any thing that was offer'd to be alledg'd in their Favor or to comply with some of the Judges who wou'd have proceeded to the Examination of other Witnesses See the Votes of the House of Commons on that occasion 1695 Goodman 's Deposition April 24. 1696. This agrees with the Character that Brice Blair gives of him in his Depositions Good man 's Deposition April 2 d 1696. Brice Blair's Deposition March 13th 1696. Goodman 's Deposition April 24 th 1696 Goodman 's Deposition April 24 th 1696 Captain Porter 's Deposition April 24 th 1696. Goodman 's Deposition April 24. 1696. Capt. Porter 's Deposition April 15. 1696. Larüe 's Deposition February 26th 1696. Capt. Porter 's Deposition April 15. 1696 Capt. Porter 's Deposition April 15. 1696. This appears by Capt. Porter's Deposition April 15th 1696. King James wrote several Letters to him with his own
THE HISTORY OF THE Late Conspiracy AGAINST THE KING AND THE NATION With a Particular Account of the LANCASHIRE PLOT AND All the other Attempts and Machinations of the disaffected Party since His Majesty's Accession to the Throne Extracted out of the Original Informations of the Witnesses and other Authentick Papers LONDON Printed for Daniel Brown at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-Bar and Tho. Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Pauls Church-yard M DC XCVI THE HISTORY Of the Late Conspiracy c. SInce the late Conspiracy in this Kingdom has been for some time the Principal Object of the Curiosity of the Public and since it may furnish us with so great a Variety of Important Instructions 't is presum'd the History of it will be equally useful and acceptable to the present Age and to Posterity Here future Ages may behold a King variously Censur'd and Represented by the several Parties of Mankind lov'd by some hated by others but ●steem'd by all tho' in so different a manner that some Conspire his Death for the same Reasons that prevail d with others to offer him a Crown A Prin●e to whom his Subjects own themselves indebted for Immortal Obligations and whom his En●mies for that very Reason accu●e as the Author of all their Mis●ortunes Advanc'd by the Gratitude of the one render'd Illustrious by the Hatred of the others endu'd with a Generous Moderation that raises him above his Fortune and makes him the absolute Master of his Passions Here the Reader will find Gentlemen and Officers dishono●ing the●r Birth and Character by acting the unmanly part of Murderers a barbaro●s Assassination carry'd on under the spe●ious pretext of a Military Expedition a handful of Traitors cont●●ving the ruin of the publi● Liberty and re●dy by one terrible Blow to execute their pernicious Design a Secret that had been ex●ctly conce●l'd for Six Years discover'd by Four Men in Six Days The King not only assisted by Providence but establish'd by the treacherous Malice of his Enemies endear'd to his Subjects by the Greatness of the Common Danger and receiving new Assurances of their Affection and Fidelity E●gland once more deliver'd The Prince and the People inseparably united by mutual Obligations and more than ever in a condition to procure and maintain the Peace and Happiness of Europe This is a general View of what the Reader may expect to meet with in the following Relation I have mark'd every particular step of a Transaction which is too important to be forgotten tho it can never be remember'd without Horror And th●t t●e ●rogress and Management of the D●si●n might appear in ● clearer ●ight I have trac'd it ●●●m it● dark Original and have given a ●●ccinct Account of the several Projects and Attempts that prec●●ded or mad● way for the Conspirac● I have taken care to ●urnish my ●elf ●it● such Instru●●ions as might enable me to compose an exac● History I have endeavor'd to write without Heat and Partiality nor was there any need of aggravating a Crime that is so black in its own nature and so apt to possess the calmest Mind with a Just Abhorrence and Indignation But above all I have been scrupulously careful to mention nothing but what is grounded upon Authentic Testimonies To give the Reader a just Idea of the Conspiracy 't wou'd be necessary in the First place to acquaint him with the importance of his Majesty's Life if it were not unreasonable to suppose that any Person can be so much a stranger to the Transactions of the Age he lives in as to be ignorant of the interest which the Nations of Europe have in the preservation of that Sacred Life 'T was on him that Spain founded the first hopes she had the courage to entertain of seeing a happy turn of her declining Fortune 'T is to him next to the blessing of Heaven that the Dutch owe the safety of their State and the English their Laws Religion and Liberty The Former entrusted him with the management of all their concerns and the Latter made him their Soveraign to secure their own Happiness and to prevent a return of those Miseries from which he had deliver'd ' em The Allies in general combin'd together to erect a kind of Empire for him in the present Confederacy being sensible that they cou'd not defend themselves without his Assistance and that they might without any Jealousy or Apprehension rely upon his Integrity and Vertue And which is yet a brighter and more surprizing part of his Character 't is certain that none of all these Honors which he enjoys cost him the trouble of Asking The great and important Services which the World had either receiv'd or might expect to receive from him were the only Solicitations he us'd to obtain these glorious advantages This is the only Circumstance of his Life which shall be particularly consider'd in this place because 't is This that will contribute most to give light to the following History and This alone which Malice or Envy durst ever presume to con●radict It never enter'd into the Thoughts of any considering Person says a late Writer that the Prince of Orange was so fond of the English Nation as to undertake the security of their Liberties at the expence of so much Treasure and so many Fatigues instead of destroying 'em as he ought to have done being the next Heir to the Crown after the Prince of Wales I cannot forbear observing on this occasion that this Author though chosen as the fittest Person to write a History of the Revolutions in England according to the Instructions and as it appears by the Orders of his Party was at least in this case a perfect Stranger both to the Affairs and Temper of that Monarch For ' ti● certain that his Majesty in so pressing a Juncture cou'd not forget England without neglecting his own Interest and that of the Princess his Consort and without consenting to the irrecoverable Ruine of Holland of the Protestant Religion in general and of all the Princes and States in Europe both Protestants and Roman-Catholics who were equally threatn'd with unavoidable destruction And besides it will appear that the Author of that History was less acquainted with his Majesty's Temper than with his Interest and Affairs When that generous Prince was plac'd at the Head of a potent Republic in the heat of his youth and when at the importunate solicitations of all the Members of that great Body he was advanc'd to such a degree of Power and Grandeur as might have enabl'd him to execute whatever his Ambition cou'd have prompted him to undertake 't is known that he made no other use of so inviting an opportunity than to settle a good correspondence betwixt the Magistrates and the People 'T is known that he refus'd the Sovereignty of Guelderland which was offer'd to him because he wou'd not confirm the jealousy of some Persons who seem'd to dread the consequences of such an Innovation
Art of ruining their Fellow-Subjects They have been frequently Charg'd with the Massacre in Ireland and the Burning of London and 't is strongly suspected that the Public Robbers Pirates Incendiaries Debasers of Money Spies and Assassins were employ'd as Instruments in carrying on the great Design The Reader is left to judge of the Truth or Probability of these Conjectures Whatever Opinion weo ught to have of the Design of the Conspirators we must do 'em the justice to acknowledge their Skill and Dexterity in contriving the most probable Methods and Expedients to accomplish it Of these Means and Expedients fome have been long since Foretold some are universally known our Enemies have betray'd their own Secret by divulging others and we may discover the rest by a heedful Examination of the Proceedings of the Conspirators and the Progress of the Conspiracy I will discourse of 'em in order because the Subject is both Curious and Important About Seventeen or Eighteen Years ago Titus Oates made a Discovery to the Parliament which was variously censur'd by Persons of different Principles and Inclinations Some gave credit to it others rejected it as a meer Fable and there were some who look'd upon it as a Mixture of Truth and Fiction I will neither pretend to justifie nor condemn all his Depositions but content my self with observing that there are some things which were look'd upon as incredible by reason of the Enormity of the Crimes tho later Experience has convinc'd us that they were really true especially what relates to Trade Exportation of Species and the Debasement of Money Oates acquaints us in the Appendix to his Information Sworn before Sr. Edmundbury Godfrey Sept. 27. 1678. That the Conspirators cou'd not endure King Charles II. because he was not of their Religion and that they resolv'd to cut him off with all possible Speed That they Charg'd him with Tyranny and Designs of oppressing Governing by the Sword and without Parliaments and exposing his most Faithful and Valiant Subjects to be wasted and slain in foreign Service 2. That they aspers'd derided expos'd and declaim'd against his Person Counsels and Actions in Parliament and elsewhere and particularly scoff'd at his security and confidence in them and by this means animated and encourag'd their Party and Assassins especially to attempt upon his Life and hasten his Ruine 3. That they disclos'd the King's Counsels to France 4. That they rais'd false News of his Affairs 5. That they disaffected his Majesty's Allies Holland Spain the German Emperor and Princes by false Intelligence c. 6. That they disturb'd Trade 7. That they set up sent out and maintain'd Seditious Preachers and Catechists and directed 'em what to Preach in their own or other private Conventicles or Field-Meetings 8. That they animated different Parties one against another to Arm and put the People in Blood upon the King's Death 9. That our best Cities and Towns were to be Fir'd and Plunder'd by Irish French Lay-brethren and others disguis'd in Frocks and otherwise 10. That they endeavour'd to Poyson and Assassinate by pick'd Quarrels or otherwise those whom they suppos'd to be ready or able to detector otherwise obstruct their Designs 11. That they design'd the Transportation of Trading People Stock and Money ADULTERATING MONEY and Plate to which ends they had Bankers Brokers Merchants Goldsmiths and other Traders whom they Stock'd and Set up with Money of their Society of which they boasted to have a Hundred Thousand Pounds in Cash Those who reflect upon what they see or hear and consider the Temper and Actions of these who make a noise in the World may easily judge whether the Party has continu'd to pursue the same Methods And therefore without insisting longer upon this Subject I shall proceed in the next place to take notice of such of their Maxims as have been discover'd by themselves As for Parliaments 't is their Opinion That a King of England's Condescension to his Parliament seldom produces a good Understanding between ' em And particularly they tell us that King Charles II. was advis'd to stand firm against the Attempts of an Assembly that made it their usual Custom to oppose and contradict him that they wou'd still be starting new Claims and Demands and wou'd at last raise 'em to such a Height that His Majesty wou'd not be able to grant 'em without consenting to his own Deposition and consequently wou'd find himself to be still in the same condition that is after a thousand Condescensions against his own Interest he wou'd at last be oblig'd to break with his Parliament and find that his Complaisance had encreas'd their Boldness and made 'em less afraid to oppose him They have left no means unattempted to set these Stratagems on foot against the present Government by employing all their Artifices in a successless attempt to engage the King to invade the Liberty of his Subjects or to make the People incroach upon the Prerogative of the Crown They endeavor'd to revive the ancient Jealousies that disturb'd the Quiet of the former Reigns as if it had been possible to keep us from perceiving the difference betwixt a Deliverer and an Oppressor whose Characters are so opposite that they can never agree either in the Manner or End of executing their Authority for 't is a necessary consequence of their respective Maxims that the Former shou'd endeavour to Preserve and the Latter to Destroy his People 'T is both the Interest and Duty of an English Parliament to protect the People whom they represent from a Prince who treats 'em as Enemies or Slaves but they cannot without consenting to their own Ruin oppose a King who makes the Honor and Prosperity of the Nation the End of all his Designs and Undertakings And we have reason to adore the favourable Providence of God who has freed us from the Apprehensions of so terrible a Misfortune and establish'd His Majesty's Throne by the most perfect Union that ever was observ'd betwixt a King and his Parliament Besides these Ways to destroy the Nation which they have known and practis'd so long the present Juncture has furnish'd 'em with new Expedients In the beginning of the War our Trade was extremely disturb'd by French Privateers but since their Defeat at La Hogue made 'em both afraid and unable to engage our Fleet they seem to make no other use of their Men of War than to surprise our Merchant-Ships And our treacherous Country-Men are always ready to give 'em secret and timely Notice of our Motions and consequently betray the Riches of the Nation to its most inveterate Enemies In the mean time they were secretly fomenting our Divisions and animating the different Parties that are among us against us and one another The Scotch Presbyterians were incited to take up Arms by Sir John Cochram and those of the same perswasion in England were manag'd by Mr. Ferguson and others About the time of the Siege of Mons Sir John
to the Genius of the Nation and the Humor of the People Nor will the Parliament and People of England be accus'd of Lightness and Inconstancy by any unbya●s'd Person that considers how much they have exceeded even their Wisest and most Wary Neighbors in securing their Liberty and preserving an undisturb'd Peace and Tranquillity in their Country and how firmly they have adher'd to their own true Interest during the whole course of a War which they maintain with equal Glory Prudence and Resolution The Roman-Catholic Princes were upbraided for entering into a Confederacy with the Enemies of their Religion But they were too wise and too well acquainted with the Designs of those who wou'd have perswaded 'em to sacrifice their Interest to their Superstition to suffer themselves to be impos'd upon by an Artifice which twice in our Memory had almost prov'd Fatal to Europe First when under pretext of promoting or at least not opposing the Advancement of the Roman-Catholic Religion the French King was suffer'd to over-run the United Provinces and to extend his Conquests so far that in the Judgment of the least Apprehensive Minds it seem'd hardly possible to hinder him from making himself Master of Amsterdam and with it of the Fleet Army Credit and Money of that potent Republic which wou'd have render'd his Power almost as boundless as his Ambition And a Second time when after the Peace of Nimeghen the French found a way to keep us from looking abroad by engaging us in unnecessary Quarrels about Religion at home and by that means diverted the prudent Jealousie of the only Nation in Europe that was able to curb their Ambition for by retaining the possession of Pignerol Cazal Hunninghen Strasburg Montroyal Luxemburg c. they kept at once Italy Switzerland Germany and the Netherlands under a kind of Subjection and in the General all the Princes and States of Europe were over-aw'd by the severe Politics and formidable Power of an ambitious Monarch who like an ill-natur'd Neighbor made every petty Trespass or accidental Slip the pretext of a new Invasion If our Deliverance had been deferr'd till the Popish Party had secur'd the Plurality of Voices in the Parliament and Modell'd an Army to support their unjust Usurpations If the two Kings had had time to execute the Grand Design of destroying Holland and extirpating the Northern Heresy the House of Austria wou'd have been quickly sensible of the fatal Consequences of this pretended Advancement of the Roman-Catholic Religion But to return to the Kingdom that was doom'd to feel the first effects of these dismal Alterations The English Jacobites as well as the Court of St. Germains were generally divided into Melfordians and Middletonians and while one of the Parties declar'd openly for Arbitrary Power the other insisted upon the Necessity of entering into a kind of Treaty with the Nation The former were entrusted with the Secrets of the Faction and the Command of the Troops that were to be employ'd in the Destruction of their Country All the Colonels were animated with the Spirit of Melford Parker was engag'd in the most furious Designs of the Party and both Parkins and Friend are represented as violent Melfordians by a Person in whom they plac'd a particular Confidence The Lancashire Papists both by Inclination and Interest were zealous Promoters of Arbitrary Power Porter Goodman Charnock and the rest of the Officers who were to act either in the Assassination or Invasion were influenc'd by the same Principles and ready to obey the most barbarous Orders of their Commanders Thus each of the opposite Cabals apply'd themselves to their respective Tasks For while the Middletonians were employ'd to amuse the People with flattering Hopes and Assurances of a favorable Treatment the Melfordians who were the sole Masters of the Forces and Arms of the Faction were putting themselves in a condition to violate the Promises of the former which made one say That he was neither so much a Fool nor a Villain as to engage in the Party It seems the Faction imagin'd that they cou'd easily betray the Nation to the cruel Ambition of a Foreign and Implacable Enemy But notwithstanding their Confidence of Success they scrupl'd not to contrive the basest and most treacherous Expedients to accomplish their unnatural Design The Reader will find an evident Confirmation of both these Truths in a Discourse that past between Brice Blair and Harrison as 't is related by the former upon Oath I wen● says he to see Mr. Harrison a little after Sir George Barclay came from France who told me that there might be something done in a little time which might be an Introduction to King James's Restoration I ask'd him after what manner that business cou'd be effected and after some pause he told me that if King James cou'd not come in time enough that his Friends might burn the Navy Victualling Office wherein the Provisions for the Mouth lay which might retard the English Fleet from getting to Sea for a considerable time I told him being amaz'd to hear such Words from a Priest's Month that it was not practicable and if it were there wou'd be few found that wou'd run the risque He told me that he wou'd have me as forward in the King's Service as any Man and that he was told by a Gentleman and a very good Officer that if he was sure of but a Hundred Horse he wou'd end the War in a Fortnights time c. 'T was by proposing such Expedients that the Conspirators endeavor'd to distinguish themselves since they found by experience that this was the only way to gain the Favor and Esteem of the Party Melford himself was oblig'd to give 'em a new Specimen of his barbarous Politics and even to strain the natural Fierceness of his Temper to support his sinking Credit For after he had been dismist for some time as a Rash and Furious Person who was only fit to pursue violent Methods and incapable of that seeming Moderation which the present Juncture requir'd he was immediately restor'd to Favor as soon as the Party was convinc'd of the Feasibleness of the Project he had contriv'd against the Liberty of the Nation and the Life of its Deliverer Thus Middleton was kept as a Reserve for the Day of Adversity while Melford was cherish'd as their better Genius who alone had the Art of improving an Advantage and making our Yoke so heavy that we shou'd never afterwards be able to shake it off They left no means unattempted to confirm the Court of St. Germains in these Maxims To this End an ingenious Jesuit was chosen to represent the Affairs of England and especially the late Revolution according to the Instructions he had receiv'd from the Party It must be acknowledg'd that the Work is adorn'd with all the Embellishments of a beautiful Stile and the Management of the Subject wou'd have been extremely sutable to the Juncture if the late King had been in as
itself but also of the Method and order of its Execution Yet tho he made a full Discovery of the Time Place and other Circumstances of the Enterprize he peremptorily refus'd to mèntion the names of the Actors which confirm'd the King in his former opinion and made him conclude that 't was a story contriv'd on purpose to fright him with a false Alarm But the very day before the Fatal Blow was to be given God by a seasonable Providence prevented our impending Ruine and deliver'd our King from his own Generous Incredulity It happen'd that on that very day the Earl of Portland went to see the Countess of Essex and contrary to his custom made his visit longer than he design'd By good fortune he call'd to mind that he had promis'd to meet a certain person about a private Affair and tho 't was already time for him to go to Kensington he resolv'd according to his usual exactness in keeping his Word to go first to his Lodgings at Whitehall As soon as he went in he found an unknown person in his Antichamber who desir'd to speak with him about a matter of the highest importance that cou'd not be deferr'd to another time This was a sufficient Argument to obtain what he ask'd especially in such a juncture The Earl made haste to dispatch the person whom he had order'd to wait upon him and immediately admitted the Stranger who accosted him with this surprizing Request My Lord perswade the King to stay at home tomorrow for if he go abroad to Hunt he will be Assassinated Afterwards he gave him a particular account of the Conspiracy with almost thesame Circumstances that had already been discover'd by Fisher He added that his Name was Pendergrass that he was an Irishman and a Catholic that they sent for him out of the Country without acquainting him with the reason that made 'em desirous to see him that afterwards they endeavour'd to engage him in the Design that he was struck with horror at the first proposal and immediately resolv'd to discover it that his Religion was accus'd for authorizing and encouraging such Actions but that for his part he abhorr'd such Principles tho in all other respects he was a true Catholick Thus his Majesty began to receive the just Reward of his Clemency and Moderation for he is and has always been equally remarkable for his stedfast adhering to his own Religion and his Indulgency to those of another Perswasion When he accepted the Crown of Scotland he declar'd that he wou'd not be a Persecntor and all his Actions are so many Illustrious Testimonies of the Sincerity of that Resolution Never any Papist that was willing to live in Peace stood in need of an Intecessor with him He protected 'em in Ireland against the angry Counsels of some over-zealous Protestants He favour'd 'em as much as he cou'd without injuring the rest of his Subjects and treated em upon all occasions with an Indulgency that surpriz'd those who are not acquainted with the Native Goodness of his Temper 'T is true this may perhaps be reckon'd in some measure and Effect of his Complaisance to the Family of Austria with whom he has entertain'd a long and intimate Friendship which has been endear'd by reciprocal Good Offices and is confirm d and made necessary to 'em both by the Interest of their mutual Preservation But tho the Papists were deprov'd of such powerful Intercessors his Virt e alone wou d supply that Defect and sufficiently recommend 'em to his Favor and Protection And we have reason to believe that God is pleas'd with his Mildness and Clemency to the Roman Catholics in general and to the Irish in particular since by a wonderful Providence he made an Irish Papist the Instrument of Saving his Life Pendergrass added that he wou'd have gone straight to Kensington to make the Discovery to the King himself if he had not been afraid of being seen and taken notice of by the Two Orderly Men whom the Conspirators kept in that place and that since the Nature of the Business requir'd all possible Dispatch he thought he cou'd not make his Address to a Person that wou'd be more zealous and careful than his Lordship But tho no means were left unattempted to perswade him to name the Conspirators he resisted with an invincible Constancy all the Arguments that were made use of to that effect declaring that he wou'd never be prevail'd with to injure his Friends or betr●y those to whom he had been formerly oblig'd It has been frequently observ'd that the most trivial Accidents have given birth to the most Memorable and Important Events And upon this Occasion it seem'd good to that Supreme and over ruling Providence which guides the World that the Preservation of a Prince in whose Life the Fate of Europe is bound up shou'd depend upon a Visit that was made to the Earl of Portland at Ten a clock at night At his Arrival at Kensington which notwithstanding all the haste he cou'd make was very late he found that the King was already retir'd and that he had given the necessary Orders for his usual Recreation the next morning That Vertuous and Magnanimous Prince was preparing to go to Richmond with as sedate and unconcern'd a Mind as if he had not receiv'd Intelligence of the bloody Design that was to be executed near that place And even the new Confirmation he receiv'd of it cou'd scarce prevail with him to alter his Resolution till he was at last overcome by my Lord Portland's repeated Importunities In the mean time the number of the Discoverers encreas d and the Informations they had given were confirm'd by the concurring Testimony of another of the Conspirators who apply'd himself to Sir William Trumbal one of His Majesty's Princicipal Secretaries of State and convinc'd him of the Reality of the Plot tho he cou'd not acquaint him with the Circumstances of it For that Minister had already receiv'd advice that the French were bringing together a great number of Transport-Ships and making all the necessary Preparations for an extraordinary Design which was kept very Secret tho in all probability the Storm was like to fall upon England So that comparing these Advices concerning a Foreign Invasion with the Account he had receiv'd of the Design against His Majestys Person he found that they confirm'd each other tho he cou'd hardly look upon either of 'em as probable when he consider'd 'em Singly And therefore he made all possible haste to communicate these Discoveries to His Majesty with his usual Zeal and Fidelity About the same time Brigadier Lewson acquainted the King that one Larue had inform'd him of a Design that was on foot to Assassinate His Majesty This last Discoverer gave a very particular and Circumstantial Account of the whole Intrigue but He as well as the rest seem'd obstinately resolv'd to conceal the Names of the Conspirators The King convinc'd by so many Concurring Informations and perceiving that all