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A26142 An enquiry into the power of dispensing with penal statutes together with some animadversions upon a book writ by Sir Edw. Herbert ... entituled, A short account of the authorities in law, upon which judgment was given in Sir Edward Hales's case / by Sir Robert Atkyns ... Atkyns, Robert, Sir, 1621-1709. 1689 (1689) Wing A4138; ESTC R22814 69,137 66

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which is that such service is perfect freedom Hence our English Laws in Magna Charta are called Liberties Concessimus omnibus hominibus regni nostri has libertates subscriptas says King Henry the Third in the first Chapter of Magna Charta which Sir Edward Cook expounds to be meant of the Laws of England quia liberos faciunt says he And tho' this Statute of Magna Charta run in the stile of a Grant from the King in the word concessimus for the honour of the King yet as he says they were the Common Laws and Rights of the People before and it was made by the King Lords and Commons as is recited by the Statute of 15 Ed. 3. c. 1. Thus it appears what the true Nature and Properties of a Just Law are of how great Force and Authority a Law ought to be how dear and precious Laws have been heretofore to Prince and People and whence they have their Birth and Original Thirdly I come now to that Notion or Invention of a Dispensation the Power of relaxing or dispensing with a Law and enquire into the Original and Nature of it and the great Mischief that hath arisen from it The Pretence for the Use or Need of a Power of Dispensing is this viz. There is no Providence or Wisdom of Man nor of any Council of Men that can foresee and provide for all Events and variety of Cases that will or may arise upon the making of a new Law. But a new Law may sit heavy upon some particular persons or in some extraordinary Case that may happen let what care can be taken in the penning of it It is enough to commend a Law if it be beneficial to the greater number and be for the publick good Laws are fitted Ad ea quae frequentius Accidunt and not for rare and extraordinary Events and Accidents as the Romans had no Law against Parricide And the Law says better is a Mischief than an Inconvenience By a Mischief is meant when one Man or some few Men suffer by the hardship of a Law which Law is yet useful for the Publick But an Inconvenience is to have a Publick Law disobey'd or broken or an Offence to go unpunished Now from this suppos'd and imaginary defect of Law or some particular mischief or hardship sometimes tho' very rarely happening to some Men which hardship was not foreseen by the Makers of the Law altho' this is oftner pretended and feigned then hapning in truth occasion hath been taken to assert a Power in the Prince or chief Ruler to dispence with the Law in extraordinary Cases and to give ease or relaxation to the person that was too hard bound or tied to a Law for as I observ'd before the Law is of a binding and restraining nature and quality It hath the same specious pretence as a Law made 31 H. 8. c. 8. had which was of most desperate and dangerous consequence had it not speedily been repealed by the Statute of 1 E. 6. c. 12. The Title of that mischievous Act of 31 H. 8. is this An Act that Proclamations made by the King's Highness with the Advice of the Honourable Council meant of the Privy Council shall be obey'd and kept as tho' they were made by Act of Parliament The Preamble recites the King by Advice of his Council had thentofore set forth sundry Proclamations concerning Articles of Religion and for an Unity and Concord to be had among his Subjects which nevertheless many froward wilful and obstinate persons have wilfully contemned and broken not considering what a King by his Royal Power may do and for lack of a direct Statute and Law to coherce Offenders to obey those Proclamations which being still suffered should encourage Offenders to the disobedience of the Laws of God and sound too much to the great dishonour of the King 's most Royal Majesty who may full ill bear it Considering also that sudden Occasions fortune many times which do require speedy Remedies and that by abiding for a Parliament in the mean time might happen great prejudice to ensue to the Realm and weighing that his Majesty which by the Regal Power given him by God may do many things in such Cases should not be driven to extend the Supremacy of his Regal Power by wilfulness of froward Subjects It is therefore thought necessary that the King's Highness of this Realm for the time being with the Advice of his Council should make Proclamations for the good Order and Governance of this Realm of England Wales and other his Dominions from time to time for the Defence of his Regal Dignity as the Cases of Necessity shall require Therefore it is enacted that always the King for the time being with the Advice of his Council whose Names thereafter follow and all the great Officers of State are mentioned by the Titles of their Offices only for the time being or the greater number of them may set forth at all times by Authority of this Act his Proclamations under such Penalties and of such sort as to his Highness and his Council or the more part of them shall seem requisite And that the same shall be obey'd as tho' they were made by Act of Parliament unless the King's Highness dispence with them under his Great Seal Here at one blow is the whole Legislative Power put into the King's hands and there was like to be no further use of Parliaments had this continued Then there follows a Clause that would seem to qualifie and moderate this excess of Power but it is altogether repugnant and contradictory in it self And the Conviction for any Offence against any such Proclamation is directed not to be by a Jury but by Confession or lawful Witness and Proofs And if any Offender against any such Proclamation after the Offence committed to avoid the Penalty wilfully depart the Realm he is adjudged a Traytor And the Justices of Peace are to put these Proclamations into execution in every County And by another Act of 34 and 35 H. 8. c. 23. Nine of the Great Offices are made a Quorum c. for they could not get half the number to act under it The Act of 1 E. 6. c. 12. which repeals the terrible Law begins with a mild and merciful Preamble and mentions that Act of King H. 8. which as this Act of E. 6. does prudently observe might seem to Men of Foreign Realms and to many of the King's Subjects very strict sore extream and terrible this Act of King E. 6. does therefore by express mention of that Terrible Act wholly repeal it And so that Law to use the Lord Bacon's phrase was honourably laid in its Grave And God grant it may never rise again It is very probable that this Terrible Law was drawn by King Henry the Eighth's own hand by that expression in it that the King may full ill bear the Disobeying of his Proclamations and the dishonour done to him by it and by several
and shew the great Occasion and Necessity for the Making of it the Scope and Design of it the excellent Remedy it does prescribe and the great Benefit and Security that might arise to the Nation from it were it duly observ'd Secondly I shall then discourse briefly of the Nature of Law in general as far only as may be useful and pertinent to our present Case and of the great Force and Authority that a Law ought to have and of the great Veneration that should be paid to it especially if the True Religion and the Honour of Almighty God the Safety of the Government and the Publick Good and Peace of the Nation depend upon it as they all do upon this Act of 25 Car. 2. Thirdly In the next place I shall give an Account of the True Nature as near as I can and of the Original and Growth of the Notion or Invention call'd a Dispensation and who were the first Authors of it and about what time it began I shall endeavour to shew the right use of it if there be any and where the just Power of granting Dispensations does reside as also the abuse of it and how that according to the late Practice these Dispensations are contrary and repugnant to the Nature and Properties of Law tho' they pretend themselves to be Law they have a different Original and Foundation and do indeed subvert Law. First For the Occasion and Necessity for Making of this Act of Parliament and the Scope and Design of it and the Ends aimed at they all appear in the Preamble The Preamble distinguishes the King's Subjects into two sorts 1. Some from whom there are great Dangers 2. Those who are the Persons subject to those Dangers The Dangers are from Popish Recusants those who are threatned by those Dangers the Act terms them his Majesty's good Subjects It would be needless to tell what those Dangers are and whence they arise All the times since the Reformation have abundantly discover'd what the Dangers are There have been a multitude of Acts of Parliament made that have still been fencing against those Dangers which do sufficiently point them out so do the frequent and incessant Addresses from every Parliament for many Years setting forth the Dangers and all our Histories and Publick Writings and especially those written and published by his now Majesty's Royal Grandfather King James the First and a multitude more but above all the sad event of things and what we all see is come to pass these disclose to all the World what the Dangers were and the great need of a further Remedy Their destructive Principles and their desperate Designs and Practices do abundantly testifie the Danger from the one sort and the just fears of the other sort of Subjects The Scope therefore and the great End that our Act of Parliament had is to prevent the Dangers from the one and to quiet the Minds of the other many former Acts of Parliament which had the same end and purpose proving ineffectual The Remedy provided is very suitable and the likeliest and most effectual that either the Wisdom or Supreme Authority of the King and Parliament could devise and the very Remedy points out the danger The Danger would be at the heighth of it if the dangerous Principles and Practices should but arrive at the Power and Authority and gain that into their hands and it was growing apace towards it The wise and proper Remedy therefore provided by the King and Parliament is first to discover who are Popish Recusants to offer a Trial and Test to all that should be in any publick Trust and Authority for it was suspected that there were many Papists under the disguise of Protestants And in the next place so to Fence and Guard the Power and Authority and all Publick Trusts in the Nation that they might by no means come into the hands of the Papists Persons entrusted with the Power and Authority over the Nation had need give a signal Testimony of their Loyalty and Fidelity to the King and Government and of their true Zeal for the Religion establish'd by Law. The Test as to their Loyalty are the two Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and neither of these are new Tests The Test as to Religion and the true Worship of God are likewise two the Receiving of the Blessed Sacrament and the Subscribing a Declaration against the Doctrine of Transubstantiation The Temper and Moderation shewn by his late Majesty and both Houses in this Act of Parliament deserves to be observ'd It is not like the Leges Draconis written in Blood this is no Sanguinary Law. It does not proceed against them with Fire and Faggot It does not disturb them in their Estates and Possessions it does not deprive them of the Liberty of their Persons Nay it does not hinder them from the Exercise of their own Religion if it may be so called I speak as to our present Act of 25 Car. 2. only It lets them live quietly in their Habitations without so much as putting any Oath or Test upon them so long as they live private men It only requires that if they will be entrusted with Power and Authority they should give some just and reasonable Security and Assurance that they will be true to the Religion and the Government establish'd If they will be medling with the Power without giving such security then at their Peril be it The Law pronounces them uncapable and disabled and inflicts Penalties upon such as shall presume to violate this Law. And it is worth the noting how sollicitous and intent the Makers of this Law were that this Test and Tryal might be taken and performed with great solemnity and that the Law might not be eluded with any Arts and Tricks that no Cheat might be put upon it All this shews that the Law-makers had great expectation from this Law. The Oaths are to be taken in one of the two highest Courts of Westminster-Hall the very Hours of the Day are limited when they must be taken that is when the Courts are usually fullest during the taking of them all Pleas and Proceedings are to cease There is the like care taken concerning the receiving of the Sacrament and of the certifying of it and plentiful proof to be made of it and then the recording of it And the like for subscribing the Declaration against the Doctrine of Transubstantiation It were great pity that after all these pains they should signifie just nothing and that so high an Authority should be made ridiculous But after all this securing against the Danger from Popish Recusants how shall we do to secure against the Danger of Dispensations Suppose this Act had contain'd a Clause in it declaring that all Dispensations and Grants with Non obstante's to the contrary of this Law should have been ipso facto void and had inflicted Penalties upon such persons as should have procur'd them would this have
custom to the observance of the same not as to the observance of the Laws of any foreign Prince Potentate or Prelate but as to the customed and ancient Laws of this Realm originally establish'd as Laws of the same by the said sufferance consents and Customs and none otherwise Upon the same ground it is that learned Hooker says that the lawful Power of making Laws to command whole Politick Societies of Men belongs so properly unto the same entire Societies that for any Prince or Potentate of what kind soever upon Earth I use his very words too to exercise the same of himself and not either by express Commission immediately and personally receiv'd from God or else by Authority derived at first from their consent upon whose persons they impose Laws it is no better than meer Tyranny King James the First in his before-mentioned Speech speaks much the same words Laws therefore says Hooker they are not which Publick Approbation hath not made so Approbation may be declar'd says he either by a personal Assent or by others by a Right deriv'd from them as in Parliaments This hath the more Authority being the Judgment in a Point of Religion not of an Historian or Lawyer but of a Reverend Divine and such an one as hath been so great a Champion for Authority and Government and for exact Conformity to Ecclesiastical Laws Some of our late Writers and Preachers have discours'd quite in another strain The Noble Author I just now cited calls the Laws Condescentions and Voluntary Abatements of the King 's Original Power supposing his Power at first was absolute Now that Preamble of that Statute which I just now read is directly contrary in the very word Original Another a certain Lawyer a Knight in a small but bold Treatise of his will by no means allow of any limitation of Power and holds it absurd to say a Government can be mixed or limited A certain Divine and Geographer in his History of the Life of a late Archbishop declares himself much of the same mind with both these and many others have trod since in their steps I therefore thought it very proper and seasonable to shew the Judgment in these Matters of an eminent Divine too a Person in all respects without exception and his Judgment is concurring with all the ancient Authors in our profession of the Common Law who being so learned and so ancient are therefore the most Competent Witnesses of our English Constitution That ancient Author of ours whose Book is stiled Fleta quia in Cartere Fletae de jure Anglicano conscripsit in the time of King Edward the First as learned Mr. Selden has noted in his Dissertatio ad Fletam c. 10. sect 2 3. This Author L. 1. c. 5. tells us Superiorem non habet Rex in Regno nisi Deum Legem Per Legem factus est Rex temperent Reges potentiam suam per Legem Non quod principi placet Legis habet potestatem Non quicquid de voluntate Regis sed quod magnatum suorum Consilio Regia authoritate prestante habita super hoc deliberatione tractatu recte fuerit diffinitum Bracton who was a Judge in the time of King Henry the Third but wrote his Book in the time of King Henry the Second stiles the Laws of England the ancient Judgments of the Just. And Briton Bishop of Hereford who publish'd his Book 5 Edw. 1. by the Command of that King and as written in the King's Name And Sir Gilbert de Thornton who was a Chief Justice in Edward the First 's time and reduced the Book of Bracton into a Compendium And Sir John Fortescu another Chief Justice and afterwards Chancelor in the time of Henry the Sixth writ all to the same effect and almost totidem verbis These Authors discourse altogether of the Imperia Legum as Livy calls it And Laws thus made by an universal consent must needs be most equal and have a far greater veneration paid them by all sorts of men The best men are but men and are sometimes transported with passion The Laws alone are they that always speak with all persons high or low in one and the same impartial voice The Law knows no favourites Hence it is that Aristotle most significantly and elegantly says That the Law is a Mind without Affection that is it binds all alike and dispences with none the greatest Flies are no more able to break through these Cobwebs than the smaller Imperatoria Majestas Legibus armata est says the Introduction to the Imperial Law These are the surest Arms and Guard about a Prince Baldus the great Lawyer says Digna vox est Majestate Regnantis Legibus alligatum principem se profiteri Sir Edward Cook in his 2 Inst. fol. 27. observes that the Nobility of England have ever had the Laws of England in great reverence as their best Birth-right and so says he have the Kings of England as their principal Royalty belonging to their Crown He there mentions our King Henry the First the Son of him that is stiled Conqueror He wrote to Pope Paschal in this manner Notum habeat sanctitas vestra quod me vivente auxiliante Deo dignitates usus Regni nostri Angliae non imminuentur Et si ego quod absit in tanta me dejectione ponerem Optimates mei totus Angliae populus id nullo modo pateretur And fol. 98. there is mention of the Letters which all the Nobility of England by assent of the Commonalty in the time of Edward the First wrote to Pope Boniface viz. Ad Observationem Defensionem consuetudinum Legum Paternarum ex Debito prestiti Sacramenti astringimur quae manutenebimus toto posse totisque viribus cum Dei auxilio defendemus Nec etiam permittimus aut aliquatenus permittemus tam insolita indebita prejudicialia alias in audita Dominum nostrum Regem etiam si vellet facere seu quomodo libet attemptare Sealed with the several Seals of Arms of 104 Earls and Barons And the Noble King Edward the First took no offence at the stout and resolute penning of this Letter but wrote himself to the Pope to the same effect And yet it contains in it a kind of a Non obstante to what the King should do by way of submission and compliance with the Pope Nor is a Just Law any restraint to a Just Liberty it rather frees us from a Captivity and Servitude viz. to that of our Wills and Passions It is true this obligation and binding of the Law is very uneasie to such Men as will be slaves to their Lusts and Appetites They cry out let us break these Bonds asunder and cast away these Cords from us but to such as are virtuous and just and pious the Laws are a Direction and Protection The Orator truly says Legum id circo omnes servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus The true English of
Recompence by a Revenue of Inheritance in part of the Excise to the King in lieu of Purveyances It is sober Advice given by Learned Grotius in his Book De Jure Belli pacis 82. Let us not says he approve of all things tho' delivered by Authors of greatest Name for they often serve the Times or their Affections and bend the Rules as occasion requires This Resolution of all the Judges in the Second of Henry the Seventh is again cited in Calvin's Case in Sir Coke's Seventh Report and there a Reason is given to justifie that Resolution which is not so much as touch'd upon in the Report itself of 2 H. 7. but it has been studied and found out since that Resolution viz. That an Act cannot barr the King of such Service of his Subject which the Law of Nature did give him And this is the main Reason insisted on in the late Judgment given in Sir Hales's Case as I am informed which is the only Case that I find which came to be argued upon the very point yet it was but lightly spoken to for that of 2 H. 7. which is the first of the kind was not upon a Case that came Judicially before the Judges but was upon a Consultation only with the Judges and without Argument Nor in any other Authorities that I have cited grounded upon that Resolution of 2 H. 7. did the Point directly come in question Judicially And Calvin's Case is the first that I find which offers this special Reason viz. That no Act of Parliament can restrain the King from commanding the Service of his Subject but it is an inseparable Prerogative in the King and as Sir E. C. speaks in his 12 Rep. Tho' an Act makes the King's Patent void and tho' the King be restrained to grant a Non Obstante by the express words of the Act and tho' the Grantee is disabled by the Act to take the Office yet the King says Sir Edward Coke may by his Royal Soveraign Power of Commanding command a man by his Patent to serve him and the Weal-Publick in the Office of Sheriff for Years or for Life And this the King may do for such Causes as he in his Wisdom shall think meet and profitable for himself and the Common-weal of which he himself is solely Judge says Sir E. C. So tho' the King and Parliament have adjudged and declared by a Law such a person or such a sort of persons to be altogether unfit for such a Service or Office. As for Example They have adjudged Papists who own a Forreign Authority and Jurisdiction and who hold Doctrines destructive and contrary to the Religion Established in this Kingdom to be very unfit and uncapable of being entrusted with the maintaining of the Government and the Religion Established by Law in this Kingdom Yet according to late Opinions and Resolutions tho' the King himself by the Advice of his Great Council have so adjudged and declared yet he may do otherwise and he may employ a Papist to defend the Protestant Religion and he is the sole Judge of the fitness of Persons for his Service This is the Discourse this is the Argument and Reason used Will this Reason be allowed of shall the King be the sole Judge of the Persons fit to serve him in all Cases and is it an inseparable Power and Prerogative in the Person of the King I shall put a Case wherein the Judges depart from this Opinion and appear to be of another mind In the Lord Anderson's Reports the 2d Part 118. It is there said If an Office in the King's-Bench or Common-Pleas be void and the placing of the Officer belongs to the King if the King grant it to a person not able to execute it the Grant is void as 't is there held by many of the Justices And there a Case is cited out of 5 E. 4. rot 66. where one Tho. Wynter was placed by the King in the Office of Clerk of the Crown in the King's-Bench The Judges before the King himself did declare him to be Inhabilem ad Officium illud pro commodo Regis populi sui Exercendum and he was laid by and one Roger West at the commendation of the Judges was put in Will any man presume to say the person is unfit when the King who is the sole Judge of the fitness of persons to serve him hath adjudg'd him fit yes the Judges in a Case that concerns the Courts where they sit it seems will controul the King 's own judgment and judge the person inhabilis and hold the Grant void in such case To compare our present Case with this The King and Parliament by a Law have adjudged the Papists unfit to be entrusted with the Government and with the preserving of the Reform'd Religion but says the Judges if the King without the Parliament judge otherwise his judgment shall prevail why not as well in the case of an Office in the Courts at Westminster which does belong to the King to dispose of as in an Office that immediately concerns the Safety of the King and Kingdom and the great concernment of Religion So here is one Command of the Kings set up in opposition to another Command of the King. A Command of the King upon private advice or it may be possible gained from him by surprize by an importunity or an undue solicitation against a serious solemn deliberate Command of the King upon advice with his great Council and with the Consent of the whole Kingdom this is the very Case before us This is against all reason and against the Examples of the greatest wisest and most absolute of Kings and Princes who commanded their Judges to have no regard to any Commands of theirs that were contrary to Law. Vinius the Civilian in his Commentary on the Imperial Institutes fol. 16. gives this Rule Rescripta Principum contra Jus vel utilitatem publicam Elicita à Judicibus improbari etiam ipsorum Imperatorum constitutionibus jubentur Princeps non creditur says he aliquid velle contra utilitatem publicam concedere 21 H. 8. c. 13. sect 10 11 27. Dispensations for Pluralities contrary to Act are declared to be void Hob. 82 149 146 155. The King is never by Law supposed ill affected but abused and deceived for Eadem praesumitur mens Regis quae est Juris Grotius de Jure belli pacis 112 113. Amongst the Persians the King was Supreme yet he took an Oath at his entrance and it was not lawful for him to change certain Laws made after a particular form If the King Establish the Decree and Sign the Writing it may not be changed according to the Law of the Medes and Persians which altereth not as we read in the Book of Daniel 6 Dan. 8. 12 15. By the Act of 2 E. 3. c. 8. it is accorded and established that it shall not be commanded by the Great Seal nor the little Seal to disturb or
of this Prerogative and Power of dispensing with a disability impos'd by Act of Parliament for I do not purposely dispute it in any other Case but as they are coincident with this The first that we meet with is that of 2 H. 7. fol. 6. and it was by all the Justices in the Exchequer-Chamber The Case thus King Edward the Fourth granted the Office of Sheriff of a County to the Earl of Northumberland for the Life of the Earl and the Justices held the Patent good there being a Non Obstante in it to the Statutes Let us look into the Statutes that forbid a Sheriff to continue in his Office longer then one Year There had been several ancient Statutes made to that purpose but they all prov'd to be of little effect for Patents were still granted to hold the Office of a Sheriff for a longer time than one Year At length came the Stat. 23. H. 6. c. 8. which recites the former Statutes forbidding any Persons continuance in the Office of Sheriff above one Year and observing the great Oppressions and Abuses to the People that did arise from it and how that yet they were granted contrary to those Statutes This Statute therefore of 23 Hen. 6. ordains that those Statutes shall be duly observ'd And further ordains That if any occupy that Office contrary to those Statutes or to the effect or intent of any of them he shall forfeit two hundred Pound yearly as long as he occupieth contrary to any of those Statutes and that every Pardon granted of that Forfeiture shall be void and that all Patents made of the Office of Sheriff for Years or any longer time shall be void any Clause or word of Non Obstante in any wise put or to be put in such Patents notwithstanding and every such Person is thereby disabled to bear that Office. Nothing could be penn'd stronger than this Statute and it is a Law made by the Supream Legislative Power of the Nation and it expresses the former granting of Non Obstante's to be a great abuse and to be contrary to Law. Yet contrary to the express words and clear intent and meaning of this Statute did all the Judges resolve in 2 H. 7. That by a Non Obstante a Patent for a longer time than a Year should be good of the Sheriffs Office. The King and both Houses were of Opinion that they could make a Non Obstante in such Case void The Judges are of a contrary Opinion that a Non Obstante shall make void the Statute Here is an Inferiour Court over-ruling and controuling the Judgment of a Superiour Court. The Judges who are but Jura dicere contradict those who have the Power Jura dare as well as Jura dicere and of Correcting the Errors of the highest Court in Westminster and controuling their Judgments The Statute was a meer idle nugatory thing if it were not to restrain the granting of a Non Obstante if it did not that it did nothing The King himself alone if he had pleas'd could without any Act of Parliament have reform'd the Abuse by refusing to pass any such Patents for a Sheriffs continuing in his Office longer than a Year But the King was sensible of the Abuses and therefore willing to be restrained from passing any more such Patents and to avoid any importunity that might be used for the obtaining any such Patents and therefore consented that a Law should pass to make such Patents void And after all shall the King if he pleases still make the like Grants Why then the Act was of no manner of use and operates nothing and the Resolve of the Judges has made the Act a meer idle vain thing But the twelve Judges in 2 H. 7. have so resolv'd and the only use they would allow to all these Acts of Parliament is no more than this that if the King grant a Patent to one of the Sheriffs Office for more than one Year and there be no Non obstante in the Patent that then for want of a Non obstante the Patent should be void by those Acts of Parliament which otherwise would have been good had not those Acts made them void But how easie would it be for one that obtains such a Patent to get the Non obstante to be inserted and who would accept such a Patent without a Non obstante and to whom would the Non obstante be denied to whom such a Patent is granted the Lord Hobart in the Case of Needler against the Bishop of Winchester fol. 230. says it is denied to none and that it is in the power of the Attorney-General The Reasons given by the Judges in 2 H. 7. for that resolution are because the King had always used such a Prerogative of dispensing with the Acts of Parliament that required the true value of the Lands and the certainty of the Lands to be mentioned in his Grants of Lands and with the Acts concerning the shipping of Wool and pardoning of Murder without express mentioning of the Murder These Cases are nothing alike but of a trifling consideration in respect of the Act we have in hand of 25 Car. 2. And in these Cases the Penalty and Forfeitures are given to the King and they concern the King's profit only to dispence with them but in our Case the Safety of the Government salus populi and the maintaining of the true Religion establish'd by Law are all concern'd and so the Case is not alike And to compare this with those Cases is parvis componere magna This Opinion and Resolution of the Judges in 2 H. 7. has been the Foundation of all the like Opinions that have since that time been given of the King's Power of Dispensing with Disabilities and Incapacities impos'd by Acts of Parliament Upon what ground the Justices held the Patent of the Sheriff's Office good to the Earl of Northumberland for Life does not appear whether because it had formerly been an Office of Inheritance and so within the Exception in the Statute of 23 H. 6. or whether by virtue of a Non obstante to the Statutes as Ratclif only argues for the rest say nothing of the Non obstante Some Resolutions have been to the contrary of that of 2 H. 7. as in the Case that I cited of the King against the Bishop of Norwich in the Lord Hobart's Reports and the Case of Sir Arthur Ingram where it was adjudged that the King could not dispence with a Disability And the Book of 2 R. 3. fol. 11 12. concerning Waterford in Ireland is of the King's Power to dispence with an Act of Parliament where the Forfeiture is given only to the King so it comes not home to our Case This Resolution of the Judges in 2 H. 7. was the Precedent and leading Case to all the subsequent Opinions and was the Foundation of them and they all must stand and fall by it Now it will be very
imports the King's Declaration and Resolution by advice of his great Council to employ none in Offices and Places of Trust but such as are most capable and fit and will most faithfully answer the great Ends for which they are so intrusted that is the preservation of the Protestant Religion which is the true English Interest And this agrees with the Rules of the Common Law That if an Office be granted to one that is Inidoneus the Grant is void though granted by the King himself Of this I have treated more largely in my Argument fol. 37. The Lord Chief Justice Herbert pag. 16. asks the Question Whether so many solemn Resolutions of all the Judges of England in the Exchequer-Chamber are not to be rely'd upon for Law And I answer That if they were ten times as many more yet they are not to be rely'd on against many express positive Acts of Parliament directly to the contrary For what words could the Parliament use more emphatical and express and more to the purpose than by saying That a Non-obstante or a Dispensation or a Grant of such a thing prohibited by that Law shall be absolutely void and ipso facto adjudged void and the person made uncapable to take And is not a Judgment in Parliament and by Act of Parliament of the highest Authority But says the Chief Justice fol. 16. the constant practice hath been to dispense with the Statute of Sheriffs I answer It hath also been a very frequent practice too for the King to make such persons Sheriffs as were none of the number nominated or chosen as aforesaid by the Chancellor Treasurer Judges and other great Officers and it passes for currant that he may so do though it be a vulgar Errour For it hath been resolv'd by all the twelve Judges to be an Errour in the King. See Sir Coke's 2 Instit. or Magna Charta fol. 559. and yet it is practis'd to this very day The Chief Justice pag. 18. seems to excuse Popish Recusants for not qualifying themselves for Offices by taking the Oaths and the Test c. for that no man says he hath it in his power to change his opinion in Religion as he pleaseth and therefore it is not their fault It is an Errour of the mind c. Answ. Here is no occasion taken to find fault with them for their Opinion let them keep their Religion still if they like it so well who hinders them This Act of 25 Car. 2. imposes no Penalty upon them for their Opinion But is there any necessity of their being in Offices Must they needs be Guardians of the Protestant Religion The Penalty upon them by this Act is not for their Opinion but for their presuming to undertake Offices and Trusts for which they are by King and Parliament adjudg'd and declar'd unfit Page 20 21. The Chief Justice Vaughan is brought in arguing for the Kings Power of Dispensing with Nominal Nusances as he is pleas'd to call and distinguish Nusances The word Nominal as there understood imports that though a Parliament declares any thing to be a Nusance as sometimes they do in Acts of Parliament to render them indispensable which yet in its proper nature would not otherwise be so conceiv'd to be that such a Nominal Nusance as he holds may however be dispens'd with by the King though regularly by Law the King may not dispense with any Nusance Answ. Shall any single or particular person though a Chief Justice presume to call that a meer Nominal Nusance which a Parliament by a solemn Act and Law have adjudg'd and declar'd to be a real Nusance Are we not all concluded by what a Law says This Arrogance is the Mischief now complain'd of The Chief Justice Herbert pag. 22. at the lower end says That from the abuse of a thing an Argument cannot be drawn against the thing it self I agree this is regularly true yet we have an Instance to the contrary in the Scripture in that point of the Brazen Serpent But in our Case the abuse doth arise from the very nature of the thing it self from the constitution of it For the King practises no more in dispensing than what these Resolutions of the Judges allow him to do by this pretended Prerogative The Errour is in the Foundation They have made his Power to be unlimitted either as to number of persons or as to the time how long the Dispensation shall continue Sir Edward Coke says and so the other Books That the King is the sole Judge of these Nec Metas Rerum nec Tempora Ponunt The Chief Justice Herbert fol. 24. cites two clear Concessions as he is pleas'd to call them of all the Commons of England in Parliament which he esteems much greater Authorities than the several Resolutions of all the twelve Judges But how far these are from Concessions will easily appear to an indifferent Reader They are no more than prudent and patient avoiding of Disputes with the several Kings And there are multitudes of the like in the old Parliament-Rolls It is but an humble clearing of themselves from any purpose in general to abridge the King of any of his Prerogatives which have always been touchy and tender things but it is no clear nor direct allowance of that dispensing there mention'd to be any such Prerogative in him However I am glad to see an House of Commons to be in so great request with the Judges It will be so at some times more than at others Yet I do not remember that in any Argument I have hitherto met with a Vote● or Order or Opinion of the House of Commons hath been cited for an Authority in Law before now Will the House of Peers allow of this Authority for Law It will be said That this is but the acknowledgment of Parties concern'd in Interest which is allowed for a good Testimony and strongest against themselves Answ. I do not like to have the King and his People to have divided Interests Prerogative and the Peoples Liberties should not be look'd upon as Opposites The Prerogative is given by Law to the King the better to enable him to protect and preserve the Subjects Rights Therefore it truly concerns the People to maintain Prerogative I could cite several Parliament-Records wherein the poor House of Commons have been forced to submit themselves and humbly beg pardon of the King for doing no more than their Duty meerly to avert his displeasure See the Case of Sir Thomas Haxey whom the King adjudg'd a Traytor for exhibiting a Bill to the Commons for the avoiding of the outrageous Expences of the King's House 20 R. 2. num 14 15 16 17 and 23. and the Commons were driven to discover his Name to the King and the whole House in a mournful manner craving pardon for their entertaining of that Bill No doubt as good an Authority against the Commons for so sawcily medling in a matter so sacred and so far above them Yet afterwards