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A17017 The first part of the resolution of religion devided into two bookes, contayning a demonstration of the necessity of a diuine and supernaturall worshippe. In the first, against all atheists, and epicures: in the second, that Christian Catholic religion is the same in particuler, and more certaine in euery article thereof, then any humane or experimented knowledge, against Iewes, Mahumetans, Pagans, and other external enemies of Christ. Manifestly convincing all their sects and professions, of intollerable errors, and irreligious abuses. Broughton, Richard. 1603 (1603) STC 3897; ESTC S114320 118,360 300

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borne vnder the constellation of our Kings that none but they enioyed the crowne Did not all the world bring forth one man when Clement the eight and Radulphus were borne that none other is a Pope or Emperour And if such Princes before their powers begun could prohibite others to be borne with them yet we see that many thousands daiely die with them whether they will or no as in so many battailes wherin hundreds of thousands of all estates ages and conditions differing from those Nobles haue beene slaine with Kinges And yet by these mens art all those that dyed with Kings should be Kings all of one age nature and condition Thus many thousands to one it is in their proceedings besides all other inuincible reasons that they are deceaued and God hath prouidence not onely of humane actions but all other thinges because no other cause can rule then experience telleth vs these thinges are true and their deuises false And the same experience is a tutor to euery priuate man that at all constellations he is of the same liberty of will to doe or not to doe and howe can the heauens and bodies more spirituall substances are they animated that they haue dominion ouer soules are they omnipotent that they can bring violence to our wils and freedome are they exempted from a chiefe gouernours authority and rule that they can gouerne all are they God and the first agent that they are independing and all depend of them these bee the absurdities of such people Besides which all reason and reasonable creatures Angels gloryfied Saints in heauen and the vnderstandings of all men of equal iudgment confirme it by their sentence all sencible thinges by their indefectiue order approoue it All insencible creatures simple and compounded the heauens elements and all others by their inuariable courses and proceedings euer haue ratified it to be so the meanest creature by the wonderfull composition of parts by which it is composed and certaine direction to come to those ends and perfections which for want of science it cannot knowe giueth euidence in this cause This mooued Galen that prophane and irreligious Phisitian attributing all to nature and nothing to the cause and ordayner of nature at last as himselfe is witnes to acknowledge the prouidence of God ouer these inferiour thinges and to make a Canticle in these wordes following in honour of our Creator Here trulie doe I make a song in praise of our Creaator for that of his owne accorde it hath pleased him to adorne and beawtisie his thinges better then by any art possible it coulde bee imagined Therefore if the prouidence of God is such to his meane basest creatures the common obiects of Phisitians most busied in bodies and more contemptible thinges what would be said if we should goe about to comprehende the least of so many ●housand gl●●●ous creatures in the worlde What ●●rticuler supernaturall prouidence and protection God hath alwaies vsed to his religious seruants aswell whole kingdomes countries and priuate persons deuoted to him in religious worship will appeare in the thirteenth chapter of this booke to the confusion of all Infidels and misbeleeuers In the meane time which I will omit that place let vs take for our example the cry of Hierusalem so renowmed for religious obseruations vnder the lawe of Moyses and the high Apostolicke See of Rome so famous for true worship since the time of Christ yet both odious amonge misbeleeuing people the first to Pagans the seconde both to them incredulous Iewes and Apostating Heretickes of all ages Concerning the first let vs passe ouer that miraculous prouidence God exercised towardes the Israelites his religious seruants inhabitants thereof from the time of Abraham to whome he made the promise to blesse him and his posterity and take especiall care of that nation whereof Christ was to descend vntil the time of building the Temple by King Salomon which was aboue 900. yeares I will not speake what blessings were bestowed vpon Abraham Isaac Iacob and their discent howe miraculously they were multiplyed in Egipt with what 〈◊〉 is their mighty enemies were confounded their meruailous deliuerye thence the drowning of their enemies their strange preseruation their miraculous life and protection in the desert the more then wonderfull conquests they obtayned ouer so many and potent enemies and other supernaturall fauors not onely recorded in holy Scriptures but remembred by other writers and manifestly knowne to many and great kingdomes But to passe these ouer what coulde be the fame of Hierusalem a city of Canaan a litle countrie when it was deuided into so many prouinces as it was before the Israelytes inhabited it what man maketh mention of anye honour or glorie it had but after religion was setled there how glorious was it to all nations it was the seate of the Kings and it was called the Citie of the King of Heauen the highe Priest with the greatest Maiestie of that lawe were planted there Sacrifices were there offered not onelie Iewes but Proselytes and conuerted Gentyles of all Nations honoured it with theyr accesse and presence Parthians Medes Elamites inhabitants of Mesopotamia Cappadocia Pontus Asia Phrigia Pamphilia Egipt Libya Cyrene Romanes Cretensianes Arabianes and others How sumptuous gloryous was the Temple to all Nations where all thinges were almost made of Golde how pretious and myraculous as manie write were the attyres of the Priestes how honourable was theyr Oracle and Propitiatorie moste straungely gloriefied with the Presence and Answeres of God himselfe with what holie Relickes of the Arke Manna and others was it sanctified to what a mighty nation did that people encrease what Prophets had they howe were their ennemies Antiothus and others punished of God howe gratious were they to the greatest Princes howe miraculouslie were they their holie City and Temple preserued a thousand yeares togither howe were they deliuered from captiuities howe strangely did GOD mooue the heartes of the mightyest rulers of the Gentiles to honour their sacryfices and Temple And when the time was come that their law in the Messias should cease and they most prophanely had denyed and put him to death not onely as their owne Prophets but the Sybils and others among the Gentyles had foretolde and they falne to such notorious impieties as their owne Historian Iosephus is witnesse that neuer any nation had come to that degree of wickednesse yet God ceased not his special prouidence to that people but gaue them many wonderfull signes for their conuersion Besides those which the holy Euangelists report of the miraculous Eclips quaking of the earth rending of the rockes and tearing of the vaile of the Temple arysing of the dead and others Iosephus giueth euidence that in their great festiuity before their desolution in the night there appeared such a light about the Altar and Temple halfe an hower togither that euery man thought it was day And at the same
trueth of those misteries they committed to those holie bookes that the whole worlde hath wondred at those miracles and all Philosophers euer confessed that such things hauing no cause or power of their production in nature coulde not be produced but by the assistance of an infinite and illimited Agent and not by him to confirme anie falsehoode or thinge vntrue The number of these signes bee too many to bee remembred and not onlie the Scriptures be full of those strange and meruailous workes but they be reported by heathen writers and wrought often times in open spectacles and places of viewe before whole multitudes of people that coulde not be deceaued of which I shall haue oportunity of speech hereafter therefore pas them ouer in this place Wherefore I may saie in this pointe as that learned Schoole-man said in the like Domine si decepti sumus a te decepti sumus O Lorde if wee bee deceaued wee are deceaued by thee For no other power coulde effect these thinges and not to giue credit to anie mistery so confirmed is the greatest obstinacie and incredulity can be assigned Therefore the holie scriptures by no possibilitie can be vntrue and if there were no other Argument either for Religion in generall or that in particuler which I will defende it were moste peruerse and obdurate Infidelitie to denie it without farther proofe THE EXAMPLE AND EVIdence of all Nations states of people and particuler persons ¶ CHAP. VI. THVS we see howe that diuine maiestie which claymeth Reuerence at our handes is infinite and euerlasting our Lorde Creator omnipotent to rewarde if we render worshippe iust and powerable to punish if we denie it We are his creatures seruants and depending of him in all we are we haue or can expect whether we liue or die wee are and must be in his subiection all reasons diuine and humane tell vs we must render Religion to him no excuse can bee founde in iudgment no reason will defende the contrary cause Then let vs try if we can finde any hope of comfort in company for this irreligious people For although no man may followe multitudes into error neither the testimony of any man or number of men if all the worlde woulde bee so wicked to become patrons of Irreligion can giue answere to that which is alleadged against it yet to men that be reprobate in their owne proceedings and dare not defende their condemned impieties it is some comfort to haue fellowes in damnation and these people voide of al truth and piety will not be ashamed to glory in any practizers of this opinion though neuer so wicked and vnreasonable Then let vs mooue this question of worship to all Kingdomes Countries Citities Communities to al persons of what estate degree or condition that euer were in any authority credit or reputation or worthy to be imitated in any time or age of the worlde from the first creation to these daies and prooue what companions we can finde for these prophane and beastlie scholers of Irreligion if any such be at this present which I rather feare then affirme If we appeale to the Patriarches that ruled in the lawe of Nature from Adam ●o Moyses or to Priests Iudges Prophets and Kinges that ruled in Israell Iurie frō him to Christ in all that lawe there is no controuersie in that generation for they did not only professe a Religion but that in particuler which was the true and lavvefull worshippe of GOD. If wee exhibite this complaint vnto all Rulers Kinges Emperours Priestes Flamens Archflamens Oracles or the Gods themselues of the Gentiles their very names and all Histories will tell vs although they erred in particuler what this dutie was yet they all agreed to vse Religion and euer in their Lawes Practice Sacrifices and so manifolde Rites defended it Let vs enquire of such as were most learned amongest them their Poets Philosophers Prophets and they giue consent so Linus Thebius that liued 1430. yeares before Christ speaketh euen of those thinges whereof Moyses entreated Amphion Mercurius Liricus Orpheus Musaeus Homer and Aesiodus are not vnlike and all the latter professe Religion And diuers of their most learned auncient and approoued Philosophers confirmed christian worship so far they were from denying pietie but of this hereafter And from the first to the last they all with mutuall agreement teach Religion is to bee vsed So Phegous that liued so neare to the deluge so Mercurus Trismagistus Cadmus Esculapius Thales Milesius Chilon Pithacus Bias Periander Pherecides Pithagoras Anacharsis Alemeon Epinenides Xenophanes Democritus Heraclitus Themistocles Aristides Anaxagoras Empedocles Permenides Melesius Hippocrates Zeno Socrates Alcibiades Isocrates Xenophon Achita Plato Antisthenes Spensippus Ermias Demosthenes Aristotle Dion Carmcides Eschines Xenophilus Phedron Xenocrates Hermegitius Apuleius Plotinus Dema Chalisthenes Zenon Chrisippus Polemon Crates and Crates Licon Tymon Diogines and Diogines Onesicitus Aristobolus Archimedes Panetius Possidomus Cathon Cato and the rest generally giue vs answere taught in learning and practised in life that Religion is to bee vsed and had in highest estimation If wee consult vvith the renowned Sibils so famous in all chiefest Nations of the worlde Italy Greece Persia Siria Egipt as Sibilla Persica Libica Delphica Cumaea Erithraea Samia Cumena Hellespontica Phrisia and Tiburta or Tiburtina they tell vs in particuler of christian worship so do others which liued after which will be more euident in my Arguments for Christians against externall Infidels If we will debate this cause with those who for their wise dome were called and and euer named the sage and most prudent in the worlde Thales and his companions they haue spoken and practized the same and their religious wits were the greatest cause of their so excellent cognomination If we will propounde this question to the most ancient Legists and Lawe-makers Rulers States and Kingdomes of the worlde they will witnesse it was so from their first foundation Before the deluge there is none or little memory kept but in holy Scriptures which teach the true Religion After the deluge Noe that holy and religious Patriarke was Prince in the world of him and his children proceeded all latter generations How religious hee was it needeth no recitation he liued after the Fludde 350. yeares and as Philo is witnesse did see 14000. men that were descended from him by which of spring all Nations of the worlde were after inhabited and of his children Sem Cham and Iaphet which were borne before the Fludde were founded 72. Nations all the founders of these Nations were the grande children of that truely religious Noe liuing in his time instructed of him and coulde not either be vtterly irreligious in themselues or institute Nations without Religion especially when Idolatry false worships were not knowne in the worlde some hundred yeares after these thinges And their first God Lisania surnamed Iupiter liued in Archadia a country obscure
admitteth no companion in equality of perfection And euery man and creature is so much more indebted and religed to him then to any inferiour agent parent Prince or potentate to whome we yeeld reuerence for benefits receaued by how much his infinit greatnesse and perfection exceedeth any limited and depending thing and by how much euery effecte is more beholding to the first and vniuersall cause without which absolutely it cannot be then to any secondary and particuler worker without which by the power of the former absolutely it may bee produced But if sence and experience may not bee admitted with these sensuall and beastlie men if no reason can haue allowance with such vnreasonable mindes and all naturall arguments demonstrations and daily experiments must be condemned with such vnnatural monsters if we should grant them al they can demande with so many impossibilities in ordinary connaturall things that inferiour causes could worke without dependance assistance of the superiour that no creature is depending either in essence or opperation that there is no first principall cause that chance and fortune which can be nothing but the accidentary concourse or effect of inferiour causes made all thinges and whatsoeuer impossibility any foolish and franticke braine can imagine to excuse their wicked and lasciuious liues Yet thousands of effects which haue beene and coulde not be by the production of any created cause must needes condemne them For all nations and people in the world Christians Iewes Mahumetanes Pagans and all estates of men haue prooued and must and doe acknowledge that infinite miraculous and supernaturall operations haue beene wrought which no limited power with all the coniunctions inclinations aspects constellations either of celestiall elementary or compounded thinges which they can deuise coulde possibly doe hauing no potentiality in them to effecte the meanest of those strange and meruailous operations onely able to be produced by an omnipotent and infinite agent And further to shewe an absolute dominion ouer all creatures to resist and restraine the most vsuall and naturall habilities of all inferiour causes as the most mooueable heauēs that they did not mooue but stand as it were amazed at so great a maiestie that the greatest planets which could be commanded of no inferiour agent haue changed their course and order The highest and ascending Element of fire hath descended euen to punnish the Irreligious The Aire hath denyed respiration to creatures The Waters in most huge quantities haue ascended against their natural propēsity to dtowne both particuler countries and the whole world in the generall inundation The whole earth hath trembled and all the firmaments and foundations of the world haue bin mooued at the pleasure of their Creator which no creature nor al creatures togither could effect yet all countries peoples and estates are witnesses to these thinges Thus we see all testimonies crie out there is a God infinite omnipotent and independing which hath effected these thinges This is the euidence of all creatures all nations and kingdomes all estates and degrees of men Patriarkes Prophets Priestes Kings Rulers Princes Philosophers Christians Iewes Mahumetanes Pagans al Rabbynes Doctors Sybilles Flamens Arch-flamens Calyphes Brachmans al that can be cyted for authority agree in this that there is a God This is the sentence vniforme consent of them all that disagree so much about his nature and religion in particuler Al good men allowe of this this all impious and wicked haue confessed except perhaps some fewe priuate men in so many generations times of the world which drowned in all licentious liuing haue to excuse their impieties rather wished it in will then affirmed in iudgement and those also when they came to death and miseries as I cited before acknowledged it And to conclude against barbarous and absurde people with absurdities if there is no firste omnipotent and most excellent cause then no religion which is onely due to so great a maiesty is to be rendred Then all nations and people of the worlde in all generations and so many thowsands of yeares that euer professed it were fooles and one Lucretius that liued and dyed mad or any particuler and beastly man that to tumble in filthinesse would wish so vnpossible a thing is only wise and holy If there is no first absolute and independing cause no operation can be effected nothing is now done nothing can be brought to passe hereafter because depending causes cannot worke without assistance so there neither is or can be any change alteration generation or corruption in the worlde but all thinges must needes returne to nothing If there is no God first and illimited cause to haue created the worlde there is no science knowledge or facultye in the worlde there neither is was or can be any creature or the least effecte because none of these limited and depending thinges coulde by any possibility bee of it selfe or any other depending cause And a thousand such impossible absurdities which follow this most blasphemous and sacriledgeous assertion there is no GOD if any barbarous and beastlie mouth durst be so impudent to pronounce it But this will bee more manifest in many chapters the whole treatise following to the confusion of al enemies to true Religion For which cause as also that I hope no man can be so vnreasonably blasphemous to make it a doubt I passe it ouer more brieflie in this place THE NECESSITY OF A DIuine prouidence towards man and other creatures ordeyned for him and his duety to render Reuerence and Religion ¶ CHAP. III. BVT to preuent the prophane and blasphemous excuses of this impious generation accusing the infinit wisdome of God of folly challenging his incomprehensible goodnes of improuidence If by impossibility thinges could be effected caused without any cause which nature generally reacheth for a most euident contradiction yet nothing coulde endure or be preserued without the prouidence and protection of an independing cause For duration and perseuerance of second causes is no lesse depending then their first creatiō Then how doth that infinit number of things which this worlde possesseth endure without corruption How can so many and diuers creatures not only wanting iudgment and reason for their rule and direction but all sense and life obtayne their endes and remayne in order so infallibly as they doe When by reason we knowe nothing wanting reason can make comparison conferre past present and future times and things iudge and discerne what is danger what is not what euill to be auoided what good and to be followed or by any possibility either knowe prosecure or imbrace that order and ende whereunto it is ordeyned And yet the certaine orderly and indefectiue motions of Heauens operations of Elements concourse of causes and workes of all inferiour and compounded creatures sensitiue vegetiue and such as haue neither reason sence or vegetation vtterly vnable to order and direct themselues giue testemony they are guided
shoulde be the only perfection and felicity of man which the very heroicall conceit if there were no other argument of euery one not drowned in beastlinesse will affirme For there is not one but in reason would scorne to chuse such thinges for his Summum bonum and felicity And yet that which is true happinesse neither is nor can be contemned of any but greedely sought and deserued of all as a most perfect state where all thinges to be wished are present and all thinges to bee auoyded absent To which not only al powers properties actes and operations of the reasonable soules of men when they were vnited with their bodies but many and great numbers of soules after their seperation haue testified and giuen infallible euidence to thousands of credible present witnesses For if the soule be not separable it coulde not remayne either by it selfe after separation or bee vnited againe to that bodie it had first enformed because in the separation it were to be dissolued and perish neither coulde any newe soule bee produced in those bodies no disposition or potentiality beeing left in them for such production Take this away and not only the nature of euery particuler man is destroied but all Communities Kingdomes Commonwealths Societies Townes Cities Families and ciuill estates which euer practised reuerence and cannot consist without Religion are ouerthrowne All Testimonyes and Reuelations of God in holye Scriptures are to be reiected Those sacred writings approoued by so many miraculous kind other Argumentes as I will alleadge in my next chapter that by no possibillitye they coulde bee vntrue are not to bee regarded Then can anye man become so traiterous and disobedient a Rebell to his Creator so enuyous a persecutor of his owne dignitye and preferment so malitious an enemye and opposer of himselfe to all creatures to giue so great attendance and homage to shorte and brutishe pleasures to liue as thoughe there were no God to whome he ought duty and religion no felicity after death no be atitude for man but as beasts enioy If this opinion be false as infinite testimonies prooue it to bee then hee is sure to be damned for euer if it shoulde bee true as GOD and all creatures and that man himselfe in iudgement denyerh yet he hath gayned no more then other brutish creatures haue done and that which a reasonable man would not accept THE TESTIMONIES OF AL HOly Scriptures for all thinges belonginge to Religion and theyr moste certaine and infallible Authoritie ¶ CHAP. V. WEE will adde to these naturall Testimonyes of all reasonble creatures the Supernaturall Witnes of the Creator himselfe registred in holie Scriptures where not onely the Infinite Omnipotent Maiesty of one Immortall Incomprehensible God his prouidence ouer all creatures extraordinarie protection to his religious seruants the Immortallitie and euerlastinge blessednesse of the soules of men and their duety religion to God in generall are sett downe but the very particuler manner and means of worshippe and things belonginge to adoration are recorded for all peoples instruction And let not any prophane Atheist or Irreligious monster take exceptiō against them or any one of those moste holy and sacred writings it is not the condemned sentence of anie Idolatrous Gentile beastlie Epicure Diagoras or Atheist or Apostating hereticke which all Iudgements and Generations haue disalowed that can call those vndoubted mouments of the will of God into question Shall the Simonians Basilidians Bogomites or any heretickes that liued thousandes of yeares after they were written make them doubtfull because they bee contrarye to his corrupted desires when they haue so manie generations of the moste renowned countries and peoples against them shall it be lawfull for Diagoras the first Athiest which liued thousandes of yeares after those thinges which be entreated in them were effected onelie reiect them because they witnes a God and worshippe to him which all the worlde and all kingdomes before and after him euer beleeued shall anie Pagan Idolater be receaued to disgrace those Sacred Testimonies when their superstitions are so late in respecte of that worshippe which they handle for as Iosephus doth demonstrate againste Appion the Pagan and Lactantius and other a●prooued Authors are euidence moste parte of the things recounted in the olde Testament were done before many of the Panime Gods were borne and the last writers of holy Scriptures Esdras Aggeus Zacharie and Mallachie were before most of the heathen Historians Abraham as the Gentyles themselues acknowledge was long before any of their gods were extant the eldest of theyr poets were not before Salomon which was aboue 900. yeares after Abraham And Moyses himselfe was much more auncient then Ceres Vulcan Mercury Apollo Aesculapius Casior Pollux Hercules and other their feigned Gods and both concerning those thinges hee recorded before from the first creation vnto his time he prooued them with so many miracles that coulde not bee vntrue that he was taken for God and accounted a wonder of the worlde The reason why the Pagans receaued not those holy Scriptures was because they prescribe a more seuere Religion then their licentious mindes allowed and ouerthrowe the corporieties pluralities and such impossible mutations which they allowe in diuinity which all reason knoweth to be ridiculous And yet besides the mighty Persian Emperours Cyrus and Darius King Ptolomy Aram and others that honoured the Israelites their holy lawe and Testament not only the Sybils and other for prophesie most renowned among those Pagans confirme the thinges that bee entreated in them But many others of the greatest account as well among them as in later ages as Melo Eupolemus Trismagistus Leodemus Aristeaeus Artahanus Nunenius Pithagoras Alexander Polyhistor Appion Porphiry Saconeathan Berosus Caldaeus Ierommus Aegiptius Nicholaus Damascenus Abydenus many monuments in the late discouered worlde Mahumet the whole Sinagogue of the later Rabbines all Iewes and Turkes of Christians there is no doubt giue testimony to those thinges that bee recorded in those holy writings Of Iewes and Mahumetanes there is no difficulty allowing the bookes of the old Testament which is enough for my purpose nowe to prooue a God and Religion so religigiouslie commended in that lawe For the Gentile Pagans I haue cited their most auncient and to exemplyfie in one of their first Orpheus had those sacred bookes and the misteries recorded in them in highest esteeme and plainely both affirmed that they were most auncient and deliuered by God himselfe his wordes when he had cited many things from thence are these Priscorum haec nos docuerunt omnia voces Quas binis tabulis Deus olim tradidit illis The voices of ancients haue taught vs these things which GOD deliuered to them in two tables Coulde Moyses if he were aliue againe to whome these tables were deliuered speake more plainely And the testimony of the Sybils were so manifest herein that it was made death by the Pagan lawes
Townes and Prouinces is inumerable there were before the comming of Christ infinite Idolatries in the worlde since his Incarnation besides Sectes amongst the Iewes Mahumetanes not to be numbred among Christians if we ioine these presēt heresies which now raigne almost 300. to those 400. and more which haue bin in formerages there haue bin 700. false professions in Christianitie and the impietie of men hath beene such especially in times of errors that there was neuer almoste any truth so euident but by one Cittie Towne Countrie companye of People or other it hath beene denied onlie this veritie of Religion and obligation of worshippe to God hath been so manifest that in so manie thousands of yeares in no one age yeare or day in so many vaste and populous Nations no litle Kingdome Prouince Citie Towne Village or priuate person but in such sense as I haue declared to their owne confusion called it into question TESTIMONIE OF ALL INTELlectuall Creatures ¶ CHAP. VII OR if the testimonie of all inferior thinges the witnesse of the whole worlde and all reasonable men from the first foundation till now so learned and wise euerie particular mans practise and experiēce by al sences powers of knowledge all reasons that can be aleadged all proofe in reason that can be vsed the vnyforme and euer agreeinge consent and example of al creatures wil not serue to dispute this questyon againste the blinde sencelesse and vnreasonablie deluded and wantonly bewitched appetites of some one or a fewe beastly and franticke men let vs seeke for a tryall to intellectuall and spirituall creatures which as by their perfection of nature they are of higher and more infallible iudgement so in respecte they are freed and exempted of corporall and bodylie composition from whence this blindnesse of sensualitie proceedeth are like to giue the truest sentence such be the heauenlye spirits seperated soules and the Diuels themselues though depriued of grace yet perfect in naturall vnderstandinge All Testimonies are recorde all Historians thousands and millions of men that haue beene present witnesses and euerye particuler person euen of this impious schoole it selfe hath prooued by one experimentall argument or other that there bee such perfecte intellectuall creatures The rare and wonderfull effects which bee daylie wrought by such meanes the apparitions of Angelles illusions of Diuelles their workes tempestes plagues and other miseries they haue procured theire possessinge bodyes both of men and women and beastes where their effects are manifest the appearing of soules deuided and separated from their bodies and still enduringe after death some miraculouslie vnited againe and telling what they endured in their seperation others not restored reporting either the ioyes they founde if they were trulie religious or the paines they endured if they were prophane and wicked haue testified these thinges The infinite miracles and supernaturall effects which the Angels and holy religious soules haue wrought in their apparitions haue euidently confirmed their sentence to bee true The vnspeakable torments of the wicked irreligious soules damned for impiety and irreuerence prooued by vndenyable arguments and the Diuels potent and wise conquered and cast out by poore religious men by nature their inferiors and these thinges seene prooued witnessed and written by millions of men of greatest iudgment Emperors Kings Princes Phylosophers Magitians and of all conditions not only priuate men and in secret but greatest assemblies in pubicke places are sufficient argument in this cause But in respect these Testimonies haue chieflie bin vsed to prooue true Religion in particuler and not the necessity of Reuerence in generall which for the euidence thereof needeth no such probation I wil passe it ouer to the proper place against externall Infidels and Heretickes where it shall be handled to the manifest confusion of all misbeleeuers not onely Atheists Epicures and deniers of worshippe but all enemies of Christian Catholicke Doctrine OF THE MYRACVLOVS AND most certaine Testimony of God ¶ CHAP. VIII I Will passe ouer in this place the testimony of the Creator and so manie thousands of miraculous and most certaine supernaturall Arguments of God which can neither bee deceaued in himselfe or be cause of erring vnto others both in regarde they are needlesse in this matter neuer called so farre into question that it craueth such extraordinary defence as also that they haue principally beene vsed to propose true worshippe in particuler to misbeleeuing Nations of which neuer any denyed a Religion in generall Therefore I am to make demonstration by that Argument hereafter against all professors of false worships which in some manner wil also appeare in my Chapters following of the extraordinary punnishment God hath inflicted vpon the Irreligious and the miraculous fauours wherewith hee hath honoured his holy and true worshippers in this place onely I affirme since the firste miraculous creation of man in the beginning and the supernaturall prouidence of God ouer him while hee continued in obedience and strange punishing of him for his neglecte of dutie therein he euer obserued the same order in all states and conditions The punishment of Adam drowning of the world confusion of the Tower of Babell destruction of the Egiptians abolishinge of Idols desolation of the Iews and a thousand strange miraculous punishments imposed vpon the Irreligious contrariewise as strange and wonderfull fauours towardes the godly exceedinge all limits of nature witnessed by millions of presēt wittnesses Princes and whole Cuntries and registred by moste credible writers both Pagan Mahumetan Ieweish and true beleeuers are euidence TESTIMONIE AND EXAMPLE of all creatures euen insensible ¶ CHAP. IX ANd this religious worshippe is so vniuersally due to be performed that if the verye sensible and insensible thinges that are not capable of vnderstandeinge were able to vtter that by wordes which they vniformelie practise in theyr operations or supernaturallye declare as often times they haue to the admiration of all and confusion of such men that naturall instinct and desire which is imparted to them all to doe homage reuerence to their Creator they would assemble thēselues in generall coūcell against this impious people and condemne them to be the moste vnnaturall senceles monsters of the world For the vnuiolable decree of nature is that euery effect must yeeld a certaine honor reuerēce to the cause by which it is produced exalted so in creatures of vnderstandinge the childe honoreth the parents by which he was begotten brought vp and norished the scholer his master by whom he was īstructed the subiect his soueraīe the seruant his master by whom they are ruled euery depēding thing that more exellent Regent of whom it hath dependance And al insensible things with one consent do answer by their acts deeds that they owe religion vnto god are boūd to worship him in their kind performe it for the heauens and celestiall spheres so all Eleaments and inferior creatures as well
the Emperour released theire tribute towardes their buildinge againe The Rockes were torne in peeces not onely about Hierusalem as the Euangelistes recorde and Golgatha did witnesse as Saint Cirill Bishoppe of Hierusalem reporteth but in diuers other farre more remote places as the mountaine of Auernia in Hetruria the promontarie of Cayeta and an Hill in Wales and other Countries About two hundred yeares agoe at Sefeelde in Germanye a Village betweene Ausburge and Iusburge the harde marble stones of the pauement of the Church gaue place and the grounde opened to swallowe vp the Lord Oswalde a Noble man of that Countrie irreligiouslie behauing himselfe in receauing the blessed Sacrament of the body of Christ and catching hold of the Altar of the church made of harde stone by which hee kneeled to communicate his hande sunke into it as though it had beene soft clay the print stil remayning so deep as any man may lay his whole hand there in as I haue seene and done and the B. Sacrament is reserued and remayneth in the proper species and forme after so many yeares with watery drops of bloude in such places as were bruised with the teeth of Baron Oswalde All this chauncing in a most famous assemblie in the festiuitie of Easter before so many witnesses and are still to be seene in the same place as thousands can witnes Howe haue the very Elements of which our bodies are composed and nourished persecuted vs for this disobedience How many irreligious Cities haue bin sunke vp by the earth whereon they were founded by the shaking and opening thereof Bura Helier in Achaia and in the time of Traïan foure Cities in Asia three in Greece two in Galaria Howe many drowned by water in the inundation of Ogigius ouer-flowing almost all Achaia and the floode of Deucalion in Thessaly Howe many infections in the aire an Elament for the comforte and preseruing of life in the Consulshippe of Lucius Cecilius Metellus and Q. Fabius Maximus Seuerinus all the irreligious inhabitants of Rome died of the pestilence not one remayning so likewise in the Consulship of L. Genneus and Q. Seruilius Howe hath the Sun the verie Prince of Planets and nurse of life wrought the destruction of thinges set them so strangely on fire and consuming them that some haue affirmed the Elaments and almost the whole worlde to haue bin inflamed and in the Iland of Lippara as it were the mouth of hell flaming and breaking out in such outrage that the stony rockes were set on fire the sea boyled the fishes were killed and the inhabitants suffocated About such time as the regimēt of the irreligious Turkes began the Sun was darkned 17. daies togither and gaue no light And before in the yeare of Christ 676. about which time Irreligious and prophane Mahumet entered to delude the worlde fire fell from heauen a wonderful rainebowe appeared and such dreadfull signes were seene that mē withered away with feare so excessiue thunder lightnings and pestilence reigned that men thought the ende of the worlde to haue beene come And Foxe himselfe affirmeth that about the irreligious reuolt of Luther there appeared in Germany vpon the garments of the Clergie and others men and women bloudie Crosses and signes and tokens of the nailes spunge speare coate and other thinges belonging to the passion of Christ But of all other Nations this matter is most manifest in the Iewish people which when it was religious vnto God was honorable through the world and miraculouslie preserued but since they fell to their irreligious forsaking of Christ the Messias all creatures both reasonable vnreasonable haue sounded a larumme and proclaymed wars against them And to conclude this matter with an example of our owne countrey in the time of Paganisme 300. yeares before Christ there neuer was any Prince of the British line so potent and victorious as King Brennus brother to King Beline was who subdued the Gaules Germans Italians Grecians and many mighty Princes yet when in the toppe of his pride he began to make a iest of Religion and blasphemouslie to vtter as though none were to be vsed presently not to approoue any false religion of the Pagans but to reprooue the impietie of Brennus to manifest the iustice of God vpon such as denie him worshippe the earth as quaking to heare such blasphemous speech trembled part of the Hill Pernassus fell vpon his souldiours slewe them after hailestones most strange for number greatnesse destroyed an other part of his army wherein he gloried so much and so wounded that irreligious Brennus that hee fell into dispaire and slewe himselfe with his owne sworde The like punishments although not alwaies in so prodigious manner haue fallen vpon all English kings that haue beene Irreligious to the See of 〈◊〉 that either they haue beene strangely punnished by GOD in their liues or come to miserable deathes So likewise all the auncient Pagans and irreligious Emperours and Princes that were enemies to the Religion of Christ were rewarded THE MIRACVLOVS OBEDIENCE and submision of all creatures to the Religious ¶ CHAP. XI COntrariwise to those that haue been most reuerent and religious to God the same creatures of his haue not onlye performed done their ordinary seruice and dutie but shewed extraordinary obedience so all sensible things as Birdes Beastes Fishes and vnsensible haue done homage not onelie to Adam in his religious estate of innocencie and after to Noe HeliZeus Daniell Ionas Tobias and others in the lawe of Moyses but in the Primitiue Churche of Christ thousads of martyrs and holye Sainctes as not onlye approoued ecclesiasticall writers but manie thousandes of Heathens that were present haue witnessed Manie of them chauncinge in most publique assemblies before Princes and Emperors at the verie Theatre of Rome the moste famous place of spectacles and meetings in the worlde So the Lion that was appointed to deuoure S. Prisca a christian virgine religious vowed to Christ fell downe at her feete before her persecutors and many thousands So the two Lions did to the two christian religious bretheren Primus and Felicianus in the presence of 1200. Pagan witnesses so that 500. with their families were conuerted The verie seate of Valens the Arian Emperor refused to beare his master when he woulde haue fitte to giue sentence agaynste S. Basill that religious Catholique Bishop or monkishe man as Luther calleth him three pennes one after another refused to giue incke to write the Edict of his exilement The very cruell Dragons honored and defended Aman the Abbotte againste his enemies The venimous spiders shrowded and concealed with theyr webbes S. Felix from his Irreligious Persecutors A Rauen a raueninge and deuoureynge byrde broughte victualles threescore yeares together to feede Sainte Paule the Eremite in the Desarte whyle he liued and when hee was deade the Lyons digged a graue where this bodie was entombed Angels
performe it vntill they became irreligious and disobedient and at such times that they might knowe as he had often admonished them before that their Religion was cause of their prosperitie and irreligion woulde bring the contrary and vnfortunate miseries howe was that people punished howe often conquered and subdued spoyled of wealth Countrie Wiues Children Temple Altar Kinges Prophets and all comforts howe often led captiues and kept vassailes and since they fell to their laste irreligious apostasie from Christ how long time in how many Countries to howe many Nations haue they beene and at this time are the most miserable people in the worlde so that if a man woulde bee so incredulous that he would not beleeue the scriptures and promises and threates of God contayned in them towardes that people for those causes yet when the whole worlde doth witnesse these thinges haue beene so effected in so many generations no man can be so impious to denie it And this he performed not only to that people in generall but euen to the very particuler mē of that Nation as their Priests Kings and other priuate persons Who was so highly honoured and exalted of God as Moyses their Priest and Captaine was he not borne of meane parentage of the tribe of Leuie what patrimonie had hee left him what title had he to be so greate a man was he not condemned to death before he was borne was he not committed to the waters to bee drowned was hee not enforced to forsake his frendes and renounce his countrie to get his liuing among strangers by keeping sheepe And yet how was hee aduaunced honoured and exalted of God what miraculous and wounderfull priuiledges did hee graunt vnto him howe did he appoint him Captaine and Conductor of his people what victories and conquests did hee giue him oner Pharao and his Egiptians hovve did he ordaine him not onely superiour to depriue him of his riches life people but to vse the words of God constituted him the God of Pharao Constitui te Deum Pharaonis what misteries and secrets did he reueale vnto him how did he chuse and elect him alone among so manie hundred thousandes to conduct his people to the lande of promise And yet notwithstanding all this when hee shewed but one act of irreligion want of duty at the waters of contradiction he was for the same preuented by death and neuer entred in and Iosue was chosen to bee their guide So it happened to Noe to Abraham Loth Iacob Iosue Gedeon Sampson and the rest Religion was their exaltation and honour Thus it was and chaunced both to rulers and subiectes of that people as to exemplifie in their Kinges whose prosperities and harde fortunes and the causes of them were most knowne and famous What comparison was there betweene the felicities of the religious irreligious Kinges of Iuda howe honourable and prosperous vvere the raignes and regiments of their religious Kinges Dauid Asa Iosaphat Osias Ionathan Ezechias and Iosias if they be compared to the lamentable dishonors and miseries of their irrreligious Princes Saul Roboam Abias Ochozias Amasias Ozias and the rest that vvere impious Howe shorte and impotent vvere these mens regiments and kingdomes howe little vvas theire glorye hovve greate theire ignomye and dishonour when coutrarie how long and ample were the Empires howe noble and glorious was the honour of those religious Princes Such like were the successes and aduentures of the irreligious Kinges of Israell that falling from God and true Religion fell to Schisme and Idolatry they were but eighteene in number and tenne of them were miserablie slaine Nabath Ela Zamri Achab Ioram Zacharias Sellum Phacee Osee and the Scepter and Regiment was nine times translated from the families of the Kinges No family of them continuing the kingdome aboue the fourth generation that the curse and malediction of the irreligious might be imposed vpon them and there was but one onely familie of all those which enioyed it so long and that was of Iehu which drewe nearest to true Religion for he ouerthrewe the Altars Idols and idolatrous places of the Idoll Baall and put his Priests to death And although the Kinges of Israell descended of the same Imadge of Abraham as the Kinges of Iuda did and were for number of people farre aboue them beeing ten tribes and the Kingdome of Iuda only two yet howe were the irreligious Kinges of Israell tossed turmoyled and led captiues more then the other howe were they alwaies inferior their kingdome of lesse continuance The enemies of Religion Balthasar Aman and others came to vnnaturall endes and were lamentably depriued of all dignities and life it selfe So in the time of the Machabees it came to passe with the fauourers of Religion and contrary with the irreligious enemies and persecutors thereof Such relation may bee made of the proceedings of other children of Abraham descending of Cetura and from his sonne Ismael those which were vertuous and religious flourished as the others did and their persecutors were dishonourable And that it might be euident to all posterities that the promise of God is true that he rewardeth the Religious and debaseth the Impious the most holy and religious Patriarke Abraham when there were many more potent and mighty then he yet because he was so religious aboue the rest God promised for that cause to make him the father of many Nations and wee see how manie Kings and mightie Princes haue descended from him For not the ancient Kings of Iurie and Israel but of Arabia Ethiopia Idumea Egipt Colchians that most potent christian Prince Pret Ianne of Iude and all Christian Kings are either his spiritual or temporal posteritie And as a memorie of their discent from Abraham and not for anie religious ceremonie the inhabitants of the Christian Empire of Pret Ianne are circumcysed as also diuers other people as approued writers are witnes And who doubteth but many potent infidell and irreligious Princes as Turkes and Arabians although for them selues and their owne iniquities and irreligion they neither deserue either temporall or spirituall blessings of God Yet because they were as some suppose the carnall children of Ismael Esau the offspring of Abraham and Isaac although in holy Scriptures they are depriued of some spirituall faucurs graces and preeminences and commaunded to be cast out and haue no inheritaunce yet that they possesse and enioy there temporall felicities and possessions from the temporall benedictions of their religious auncestors Abraham and Isaac and the promise of God vnto them for concerning Ismael God said vnto Abraham Sed et filium ancillae c. But also I will make Ismael the son of thy hand-maide a great people which the Angel after promised to his mother Agar in me same wordes such was the benediction of the religious Isaac to his Irreligious childe Esau in temporall thinges when he was depriued of some spirituall
Thalmud it selfe and all the world can tell not only that christ Iesus discended of king Dauids parentage and was borne in the same citie of Bethlem but that aboue 1500. years agoe the family of king Dauid by expresse cōmand of Vespasian that not one should bee left aliue that discended of that line was destroyed because he knew the Messias was of that linage and soone after the cittie of Bethlem was quite desolate and ouerthrown in the time of Adriā the Emperor Therfore as in the former reason this signe cānot be applied to any false or forged Messias to come for neyther the towne vnknown nether the family either wholy rooted out or moste vncertainlie cofounded with the rest can be a certaine signe of so sure notice as the Messias was to be discerned by Thirdly the Sacrifices of the Iews offered in Ierusalem their priesthoode sacraments ceremonies of their religion there practised were moste honorable in that people not vnknown to the greatest kingdomes of the earth and as they had beene kept celebrated there with so great applause cōcorse of so many nations 1400. years together so they could not cease be taken away but with the knowledge wonder of many peoples The cease of these thynges was a signe of the cōming of the Mesias as the prophets Daniel Ieremy Malachi Osee Esay others and the Sibils themselues among the gentiles had moste playnelie described But soone after the cōming of Christ all these did cease Ierusalē their city where these Sacrifices were vsed the Temple Altar where they were offered the Pryests which practised these rites ceremonies were destroied banished and exiled that nation as I haue shewed before and the whole world can witnes Therfore seing neither Iew Gentile nor Mahumetan worship any of that time for the Messias and those signes cannot possibly be verified in any since or to come only Iesus christ in whom they were compleated must needs be the Messias as not only christians but Mahumet and Mahumetans acknowledge Fourthly the Idolatries and Superstions of the gentiles which onely Iurie excepted possessed the whole habitable knowne worlde and had practized those things almost three thousand years without desolation maintained and aduaunced by so manie Kinges and Emperours were so familiar and experyenced to all natiōs that they could not cease without a wonderfull and strange alteratiō there fore God had also assigned this for a distinctiue Badge to beginne at the tyme of the Messias and to bee effected by his Religion and that those Gentiles Idolaters should be conuerted vnto Christ There is no other which can pretend to haue beene cause of these changes Mahumet doth not challendge it but yeeldeth it to Christ the Iewes haue not donne it and yet deny Mahumet and there bee no knowne professors of religion at this day but Iewes Mahumetanes Pagans and Christians and amonge all these onlie the remnant of Pagans bee Idolaters the Iewes deny the Messias to bee come the Pagans neuer expected any the rest Christians and Mahumetanes allovve Christ Iesus only to be the Messias therefore hee is to bee receaued and onlie his Religion Fistly from the time of Abraham in whose daies God tooke so particuler care of his posterity the Iewish Nation vntill their vtter destruction in the time of Titus and Vespatian had passed aboue two thousand yeares by which space that Nation was called the peculiar people of God and in respecte of the priuiledges grannted vnto them the whole worlde was not to be compared so many miraculous vnwonted fauours shewed vnto them aboue all others recorded not onlie in the sacred Scriptures and the Iewish historians but Pagan and Mahumetane writers are witnesse Therefore that the immutable goodnesse of God shoulde so longe time and extraordinarily persecute and punnishe that people which hee had so honoured before was not only an argument of some grieuous sinne in that generation of which I will speake hereafter but it woulde seeme a most strange and wonderfull thing to all persons Therefore this was giuen for a signe of the comming of the Messias as the Prophets Osee Daniell Hieremy Malachy and others expresse in most plaine sentences that they shoulde be Vagi in nationibus Vagabondes in all nations Sine Rege sine Lege sine Principe sine Sacrificio c. Without King without Lawe without Prince without Sacrifice and without Altar c. Which the whole world knoweth and the Iewes prooue by bitter experience to bee effected in them since the time of Christ and from the last captiuity of Hierusalem nowe aboue 1500 yeares without al hope of receauing into fauour with God and to bee restored to their former fauours therefore Iesus is the Messias Sixtly because I haue made mention of the Kinges and Princes of Iury as the Scepter and kingely Regiment of the trybe of Iuda was the moste renowned temporall dignity in that Nation had continued from king Dauid the first king of that tribe vntill Herod the Ascolanite aboue a thousand yeares so it was renouned in moste countries of the worlde seldome anye one familie enioying princely Regiment so longe and could not be taken away without a common wonder note of people and therefore was propheticallye giuen by Iacob for a signe of the comminge of the Messias aboue 700. yeares before anye this tribe enioyed the Scepter and aboue 1700. yeares beefore it was taken from it the wordes of Iacob are these The Scepter shall not be taken from Iuda and a Captayne from his lyne vntill hee commeth which is to be sente and he shall be the Expectation of the Gentyles or Nations The hebrue Texte readeth this The Scepter shall not goe from Iuda and a Scrybe or Lawe-maker from the middest of his seete vntill Silo or the MESSIAS commeth And hee shall be the gathering together of Peoples And in the Thargum the Caldey reading so honoured emong the Iewes only the Messias is named in that prophesie and the ancient Rabbines euer vnderstoode that place of the Messias the Iewes themselues cannot denie it But this propheticall signe cannot possiblie bee expounded of any other then CHRIST IESVS in whose time onlie and neuer before the Scepter and Regiment as all Historians witnesse was taken from the house of Iuda For although the Iewish nation was often persecuted and made captiue by the infidell bordering Kinges yet vntill then the gouernment was neuer quite taken from the house Iuda And neuer any stranger chosen King in Israel but all that ruled euen after the captiuitie were of the house of Iuda vntill Herode the Ascolanite in the time of Iesus entered The Scriptures be witnesse hereof vnto Zorababell and manie his successors After them also without interruption the Scepter remayned in the same Tribe by the mothers lyne by which the Assamone that gouerned vntill Herode were discended of the house of Iuda
did eate dunge thonges girdles of leather shooes haie and other thinges not to be named and the nobility themselues abstayned not from killing and eating their owne children And at the time their city was taken although Titus had giuen expresse commandement by publike edicte that the Temple shoulde bee preserued and nothing therein spoyled yet it was set on fire in such outragious manner that by no possibility Titus labouring what hee coulde it coulde be quenched but was consumed vpon the very same day the tenth of August that it was burned before of the King of Babylon And sixe thousand Iewes that were fled thither by the counsaile of a false Prophet were vtterly consumed For as the same Iosephus witnesseth there were manye seducers then among them that promised helpe from God vtterly forbidding them to yeelde Eleauen hundred thousandes deade in those fewe weekes of the siedge 97. thousand taken prisoners some condemned for slaues and sent into Egypt Those that were strong kept in all countries to fight with wilde beastes in theaters and publique spectacles All woemen and men vnder 17. yeares of age solde for slaues at a most vile price the nūber of those which were solde being so great And after in the time of Adrian the Emperour the finall desolation and exilement of that people forth of that countrey was contriued Iulius Seuerus his Captaine by his commandement destroying Townes and Villages leauing not one stone vpon an other in all that vaste building of Hierusalem that the prophesie of Christ might bee fulfilled And in one daie put to death 500. and fourescore thousande not one Iewe remayning in all Iury and an imperiall edict promulged against them that they should neuer returne thither any more and that they should not remember Hierusalem that they might not looke towardes the place What other illusions and offlictions haue they had and still endure in minde not onlie concerning horrible and filthy errours against God and nature of which I wil mention in the Argument of the errrors of our enemies but vvhat illusions of Diuels and wicked spirits haue they suffered especially about a Messias for refusinge CHRIST perswadinge them sometimes that hee is in the Caspian Hilles sometimes at Rome in Italy where in our memory they were so illuded that they fullie beleeued an Harlot of their linage fornicatiouslie begotten vvith childe as was prooued was to bring their MESSIAS forth vntill to the common laughter of all shee brought forth a wench Sometimes at Vlissipone in Portugall sometimes in the wildernesse sometimes in the Sea sometimes and all times no where Howe sottishly were they seduced by the Diuell and worthely and miraculouslie punnished of GOD in the time of Iulian the Apostata as Saint Chrisostome Ruffinus and others are witnesses when they went aboute to builde their Hierusalem and Temple againe When they had digged theyr trenches and beganne to laye and forme their foundation sodainely such an earth-quake chaunced that it did not only throwe dovvne the stones and buildinges which they had begunne but other places where the Iewes resorted and as many as were in them were slayne And in the morning following those that had escaped assemblinge togither to drawe awaye the dead bodies a terrible fire sodainely issued out running vp and downe burning and consuming as many of them as it mette after the same order often times issuing forth consumed that incredulous people Whereby those which were left aliue were conuerted to Christ And that it might bee euident this punnishment to haue bin inflicted for him the next night after the signe of the Crosse appeared in all theit garments and remayned so firme and manifest that with no arte or cunning it coulde either be hidden or taken away And in the yeare of Christ 450. a Cretensian Iewe or rather a Diuell feigned himselfe to bee Moyses and sent from heauen to bringe all the Iewishe inhabitants of that country which were many thousands into Iury through the Sea as Moyses had donne out of Egipt whereupon they all presently followed him leauing all thinges and comming to a greate rocke hanging ouer the Sea bad them throwe themselues into the waters and they shoulde swimme thither like fishes which they which went before desperatly attempted and were pittifully drowned in the sight of those which followed and their Moyses vanished awaie appearing no more And in this manner in all times and places euer since the death of Christ they haue beene deluded and afflicted Therefore no man can say that they are the true worshippers of God excepte the same blasphemor will affirme that God is vnmercifull mutable vniuste and irreligious to punnish sinne vltra condignum more then it deserueth or to inflict punnishment and vengeance where none is due THE 6. ARGVM Manifesting the Errors of all other Religions euen against the light of nature such as by possibility true worship cannot admit AND although I doe not contende to prooue this to be a demonstration in naturall reason yet I doe affirme for euident euen in the light of nature that all worships and Religions in the worlde which doe not acknowledge the Incarnation of God and veritie of Christian Religion either Pagans Iewes or Mahumetanes are ignorant of the diuine nature essence and attributes of the diuine maiestie and fallen into most impious and irreligious errors concerning him so that by no possibility they can worship him as they should and are further drowned in other errours which neyther any supernaturall lyght and reuelation of GOD or light of reason can allowe so that where the Incarnation of GOD is not admitted all other benefyttes whether naturall as to the Pagans and all people or supernaturall graces and so many extraordinarye fauours to the Iewes before the comming of CHRIST are forgotten and not of force to procure gratitude in men and all other effectes of GOD not able to cause them to knowe and honour him as they should And this shal be an other argument against all Infidelles euidentlye demonstrating them to haue no religion for super-naturall illuminations cannot bee contrary to the lyghte of Nature neyther GOD Author of them both contrary to himselfe And to begynne with the miserable estate of the Pagan gentiles whoe canne endure to heare for one onlye eternall immorrall immaculate omnipotent and spitituall GOD Creatour of all thinges so many incesteous violent lecherous and moste wicked men and woemen to bee so worshipped such as vvere the children of men as Sybilla Eritherea doth scorne them in these and baser wordes A GOD cannot bee made and formed of a man and a woman So Hercules the Bastarde of Alcmena that poluted all places with lecherye incest rapine and oppression vvas honoured for an immortall and eternall GOD. So Esculapius the Bastarde of Apollo So Iuppiter Saturne Mars Apollo and the rest What miserable and moste vvicked oblations were vsed in that Religion What innocent men murthered and offered in Sacrifice
to Iuppiter amonge the Cypryans The Thaures did offer to Diana the straungers that came vnto them So did the Frenchemen to Esus and Theutantes and Italyans to Iuppiter the Romanes and Italyans both men and infantes to Saturne So did the Carthaginians as when they were ouercome of Agathocles Kinge of Sicylie thinking their GOD Saturne to be angrie with them they offered vnto him for a Sacrifyce to appease his anger 200. children of noble men Others cut off their shame and secrets and offered them in Sacryfyce Among the Rhodyans Hercules was honoured with a Sacrifyce of 2. oxen and cursing and bannyng and it was accounted a greate iniquitye for one worde of pietye or modestye to bee spoken And this was in memorye of the cursing and banning that a ploughman of that country vsed against Hercules taking two oxen from him by violence and so of others But to passe ouer those Idolaters and come to the Iewes which before Christ were the chosen people of GOD and had the true Religion their errors contayned in their owne Thalmud and higheste Iudgement they haue shall bringe witnesse against them And to omytte their blasphemous errors against Christ because they professe them selues enemyes to Christians and speake of those whiche thy maintayne against the moste sacred diuyne Maiestye whome they ackowledge for theyr GOD and maker of all thinges that gaue their lawe to Moyses Thus they wright and generally beleeue of him that before he made the worlde leaste hee should fall to Idlenesse he exercised hym selfe in framing diuerse worldes which when hee had made he presently destroyed and renewed them againe vntill at length hee had learned to make this vvorlde which nowe wee haue That he spendeth the firste three howers of the daye in reading the Iewishe Lawe and that Moyses ascendinge to heauen founde him wrighting accents in the holye Scripture That on the firste daye of the newe Moone in the moneth of September he iudgeth the whole worlde and the nexte tenne daies he applyeth himselfe to wright the iust in the booke of life and the wicked in the book of death And many other like errors they holde that God hath a place in heauen seperate from all company in which at certaine times hee bewayleth with manye teares and afflicteth himselfe that hee was angrie with the Iewes ouerthrewe the Temple of Ierusalem and dispersed this people into captiuity And that daily he prayed deuoutly and putteth vppon his heade and armes fillettes or thonges of leather called Thephalin and putteth vppon his bodie a linnen coate named Zezith and so attyred falleth downe vpon his knees and prayeth that so often as hee remembreth the calamities which the Iewes suffer of the Gentiles he weepeth and letteth two teares fall into the Ocean Sea and for verye griefe knocketh his breast with both his hands That for his recreation the three laste howers of the daie hee vsed to plaie with a huge great fish called Leuiathan that the commaundement of the Sacrifice of the newe Moone was giuen to the Iewes to purge the sinne vvhich GOD committed when hee gaue that light vtno the Sunne which he had vniustlie taken from the Moone and that beeing angrie for a cause vnknovvne vvith his play-fellowe Leuiathan he killed him and powdered his fleshe vvith salte to giue to the soules of his Saintes That euery daye hee is angrie and at that time the combes of Cockes waxe pale coloured and they stande vppon one legge and if anye man shall curse an other at that moment hee shall presentlye fall dovvne deade When certaine Rabbines disputed againste Rabbi Eliezar GOD giuing sentence from heauen for Rabbi Eliezar the other Rabbynes beeing offended thereat excommunicated God whereat hee smiling saide my children haue ouercome mee That God disputing with the Rabbynes vppon a certayne kinde of leprosie iudgemente betweene them vvas referred to a very learned Rabbyne And that he hath beene deceaued by some Rabbynes and the like blasphemies That the Angell Gabriell committed a grieuous sinne for which GOD commaunded him to bee scourged vvith a fierie whippe That Dauid did not sinne either in his adulterye vvith Bethsabee or murther of her husbande and vvhosoeuer affirmeth he sinned is an Heriticke That a man may marry his daughter or sister that Rabbine which hateth not his enemies to death and seeketh not reuenge vpon him is not worthy the name of a Rabbine That they which contradict the words of their Scribes are more grieuouslie to be punnished then they which gainesay the law of Moyses and this man may be better absolued but the other must bee put to death If the greater parte shall condemne a man to death he must die but if all condemne him he must be dismissed That soules doe passe from body to bodye as Pythagoras helde onlie with this limitation that if the soule sinneth in the first bodie it goeth into a seconde if it sinneth in that it flitteth into a third body in which if it doth not cease to sin it is throwne into Hell And for example the soule of Abell did goe into Seth and from him to Moyses That in the resurrection the soules of the vnlearned shall not be vnited to their bodies Who soeuer shall eate thrise a day vpon the Sabaoth shal haue euerlasting life If anie man shall passe vnder the bellie of a Camell or betweene two Camelles or beetween two woemen he shal neuer learne anye thing out of the Thalmud wherein there is no ende of such blasphemies foolishe and ridiculous things hee that desireth more may peruse the places cited in the margine so that we may see the iust Iudgement of God executed vppon that people that they which before the comming of Christ were the chosen of God only seruing him in true religion since they reiected refused him are fallen into so many impious errors that except they were recorded by thēselues conteined in the very rule of their religiō their Thalmud no man would beeleue it and that euery man may knowe in what estimation the Thalmud wherin these and other errours are conteyned is with that people their owne wordes placed in the preface of that booke as these If any man shall denye the bookes of Thalmud to be most holye he denyeth God himselfe Lastlye to come to theeuish and laciuious Mahumet and his Mahumitans what other thing then such as I haue recited of the Iewes and Pagans can be expected of them if we eyther consider the occasion of his originall and beginning or the wicked and licentious lyfe eyther of Mahumet the scoller or his tutors and councellors Iohn an Heriticke of Antioch Sergius an Arrian and Apostata Monke and a Iewishe Astronomer or Necromancer Or the time when he came being borne in the yeaere of CHRIST 626 or the place and people where or whence he descended comming of the