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A12485 The prudentiall ballance of religion wherin the Catholike and protestant religion are weighed together with the weights of prudence, and right reason. The first part, in which the foresaide religions are weighed together with the weights of prudence and right reason accordinge to their first founders in our Englishe nation, S. Austin and Mar. Luther. And the Catholike religion euidently deduced through all our kings and archbishopps of Canterburie from S. Austin to our time, and the valour and vertue of our kings, and the great learninge and sanctitie of our archbishopps, together with diuers saints and miracles which in their times proued the Catholike faith; so sett downe as it may seeme also an abridgement of our ecclesiasticall histories. With a table of the bookes and chapters conteyned in this volume.; Prudentiall ballance of religion. Part 1 Smith, Richard, 1566-1655. 1609 (1609) STC 22813; ESTC S117627 322,579 664

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same hath Stow pag. 244. and pag. 324. A magnifical and faithful man who as long as he liued kept King Iohn from mischeefe and miserie He was saith Godwin an excellent and memorable man a bridle vnto the King and an obstacle of tyrany the peace and comfort of the people And lastly a notable refuge both of high and lowe against all manner of iniurie and oppression faithful and loyal to his Prince louing and very careful of his Contrie in which he caused many excellent lawes to be established King Richard ceur de Lion had experience of his great wisdom and other manifould vertues Nether was ther euer Clergie man ether befor or after him of so great power neuer any man vsed his authoritie more moderatly His Rom. Religion And as for the religion of this worthie Prelat it is manifest For as Godwin testifieth he founded a monasterie for his owne soules health and for the soules of his Father and mother as him self speaketh in the foundation and an other of Cistercian Monkes After his election professed him selfe a Monke had a Pal from the Pope and was his Legat. Pope Celestin the third in Houeden pag. 763. praiseth him exceedingly and maketh him his Legat at the request as he saith of King Richard and all his Suffragans and testifieth that of Huberts deserts vertue wisdome and learning the vniuersal Church reioyceth And pag. 755. Houeden writeth that this Archbishop held a Councel wherin he apointed diuers things concerning Masse and Priests espetially that they should not keepe women in their houses Priests forbidden to keep vvomen Stephen Langton Archbishop XLIII 12. THe 43. Archbishop was Stephen Langton an 1207. and died an 1228. He was saith Westmon an 1207. A man of deepe iudgment Singuler learning and vvorthines of Archb. Stephen of comely personage fine behauior fit and sufficient as much at lyeth in a man to gouern the whole Church Paris in his Hist pag. 297. addeth that there was none greater nor equal to him for maners and learning in the Court of Rome Godwin saith he was a mā in regard of many excellent gifts both of mind and bodie very fit for the place brought vp in the Vniuersitie of Paris and greatly esteemed by the King and all the nobilitie of France for his singuler and rare learning made Chancellor of Paris was admirablie learned and writ many notable bookes He deuided the Bible into Chapters in such sort as we now account them VVho built the Archb. palace in Canterb. and built in a maner all the Archbishops Palace at Canterburie The like commendations of learning yeldeth Bale vnto him Cent. 3. cap. 87. As for His Roman religion there can be no doubt His Rom. religion For he was both Cardinal of Rome and made Archbishop by the Popes absolute authoritie as the said Authors and all Chronicles testifie He built also a sumptuous shrine for the bones of S. Thomas of C●nterburie and as Bale speaketk after his maner He largely poured out dreggs out of the goulden cup of the harlot Incomparable learning and uertue of Archb. Richard Richard Magnus Archbishop XLIIII 13. THe 44. Archbishop was Richard Magnus elected An. 1223. and continued about two yeares He was saith Paris who then liued Hist pag. 494 Incomparable for learning and vertue Fox Acts. pag. 274 saith that he was of a comely personage and eloquent tongue Godwin addeth that he was a man very vvel learned vvise graue vvel spoken and of good report stoute in defending the rights and liberties of the Church and of a personage all streight and well fauored and that the Pope delighted much with the eloquence grauitie and excellent behauiour of this Archbishop His Rom. Religion The Roman Religion of this notable Prelat is euident For as Godwin saith he was elected by the Pope him self and so great in fauor with the Pope as both he and Fox l. cit write that he obtained of the Pope what so euer he asked S. Edmund Archbishop XLV Famous learning and vertue of Saint Edmund 14. THe 45. Archbishop was S. Edmund elected an 1234. and deceased an 1244. A man saith Westmon an 1234. mirae sanctitatis mansuetudinis of admirable sanctitie and meeknes desiring the peace and honor both of the King and Realme Paris who then liued Hist pag. 730. 743. writeth much of his miracles which Westmon an 1244. saith were so many His Miracles Vt viderentur c. that the Apostles times seemed to be returned again And Bale Cent. 3. cap. 96. confesseth that cum aqua lustrali c. VVith holy water he wrought many miracles That omni tum literarum c. He exercised him self in all maner of learning and vertue Fox Acts. pag. 339. calleth him a Saint Godwin saith he was a man very wel knowne and indeede famous for his vertue and great learning His Rom. Religion The Roman religion of this holy Archbishop is certain For as Godwin writeth he was chosen by the procurement of the Pope and had his Pal from him as both he and Fox pag. 279. do testifie and opposed him selfe against the marriage of a noble womā Mariage after vovv of chastitie forbidden who vpon the death of her first husband had wowed chastitie and was after his death canonized for a Saint by Pope Innocent 4. Bale saith he was chosen Tanquam ad Rom. Pont. c. As one more redy at the Popes beck And that vt Virginitatis assequeretur donum Strange deed of S. Edmund to keep his virginitie To attain the gift of Virginitie he betrathed him selfe with a ring to a woodden Image of the blessed Virgin wore hearcloth preached the word of the Crosse for the Pope Boniface Archbishop XLVI 15. IN the yeare 1244. was chosen of the monks at the instance of king Henrie 3. Boniface sonne to the Earle of Sauoie who deceassed An. 1270. He was saith Godwin of a comely person and performed three notable things whorthie memorie Notable deeds of Archb Boniface He payed the debt of two and twentie thousand Marks that he found his See indebted in He built a goodly Hospitall at Maidston And lastly fineshed the stately Hall at Canterburie with the buildings adioyning Of his Roman Religion there can be no doubt His Rom. Religion For as Godw. writeth he was cōsecrated with the Popes owne handes and obtained of the Pope the Bishoprick of Valentia and diuers other spiritual promotions Robert Kilwarby Archbishop XLVII Famous learning and sanctitie of Archb. Robert 16. THe 47. Archb. was Robert Kilwarby elected An. 1272 and continued about six yeares He was saith Paris Author of that tyme Hist pag. 1348. Non solum vitae religiosae sanctitatis c accounted most famous not onely for the holines of a religious life but also for knowledg and learning Godwin writeth that he was a great Clerk and left many monuments of the same in writing behind him In both
that a while before the Conquest and somwhat after Kings tooke vpon them to inuest Bishops and Abbots as appeareth in Ingulp pag. 806. But this fact of theirs done of som ignorantly as must be thought of King Edred and others before the Conquest who were perfect Catholicks in faith as shall appeare herafter and also vertuous in life of others perhaps presumptuously and couetously against the order of the Church proueth no more that they were no Catholicks than worse facts of theirs against the law of Christ proueth them to haue bene no Christians For if Princes maye by euery fact of theirs be iudged of what religion they are they would sometimes seeme no Christians nor yet to haue a God As for S. Edward he might wel doe what he did for he was apointed by the Pope to be his Vicegerent and as it were Legat as we shall shewe in his life obiec ∣ tion 3 2. Thirdly they made saith Abbots lawes for the order and gouernment of the Church as is to be seene in the lawes of Edward of Alfred of Ethelstan and Canutus in Fox Volum 1. in fine and by many laws made since the Conquest against intrusions of the Pope as is to be seene in Syr Edward Cookes reports part 5. Ansvver Touching the lawes of the Christian Kings before the Conquest I answer that they are not Ecclesiasticall lawes such as define any thing as a point of faith or prescribe any thing concerning Religion and worship of God but are meere commandements partly for execution of former Ecclesiasticall lawes partly for procurement and conseruation of externall peace quietnes and order of the Church which kinde of lawes Princes may make as is to be seene in Stapleton Relect. Controu 2. q. 5. Ar. 1. See stapleton Besides that Christian Princes apoint thus some times things in ecclesiasticall matters not of authoritie but vpon zeale and not to dispose of faith and religion As for the lawes made since the Conquest which may seeme preiudiciall to the Popes authoritie the cheefest Authors of them were Edward 3. and Richard 2. who as shall appeare heerafter plainly professed the Popes Supremacie And therfor what lawes they made were no way to denie his authoritie but to restrain the execution therof in some cases because as the Apostle saith Omnia licent sed non omnia expediunt All things are lawfull but all things are not expedient So they thought that some execution of his authority in some matters would be preiud●ciall to their temporall state and therfor thought it not expedient that in those cases it should be practised As for Cookes reports they haue bene so answered as I thinck neither him self nor any for him will obiec ∣ tion 4 replie Fourthlie saith Abbots Then were the scriptures in foure seuerall languages of so many seuerall Nations besides the Latin tongue common to them all Beda lib. 1. cap. 1. This is vntrue Ansvver and Beda rather saith the contrarie His words are these This Iland at this present to the number of the 5. bookes of Moises doth studie and set forth the knowledg of one perfect truth that is with the language of the English the Britons the Scotts the Picts and the Latin which by studie of the scripture is made common to all the rest In which words he saith that the Inhabitants preached and published Christs truth in fiue seueral languages but the scripture they studied onely in Latin and therby it became common to all the Inhabitants And before in the life of Theodor we shewed by the confession of diuers Protestants that masse was in his tyme which was before S. Beda in Latin onely But admit that the scripture were then in Latin and in English too how proueth that that English men then were no Catholicks Haue not English Catholicks now the scripture in English Fiftlie saith Abbots obiec ∣ tion 5 Then were they in Monasteries commanded to be exercised in the reading of scriptures and euery one was required to learn the Lords prayer and Creede in the English tongue This is not worth the answering Ansvver For what doth the Monks reading scripture or the peoples learning the Lords prayer and Creed in English make against Catholick Religion 3. Sixtly saith Abbots Then was the Communiō obiec ∣ tion 6 ministred in both kindes as Paris in Heraldo and Rafo reporteth of some soldiers Ansvver What Paris saith of soldiers I knowe not For at this present I haue him not at hand But that English men in our Primitiue Church communicated onely with form of bread appeareth by Beda lib. 2. cap. 5. Wher Pagans say to S. Mellit VVhy dost thou not giue vnto vs of that white bread which thou didst giue to our Father Seba and dost yet giue to the people in Church But if S. Mellit had communicated people in both kinds it is lykly they would haue demanded both Besids that Beda expoundeth that place of Luke Cognouerunt eum in fractione panis where mention is of one onely kinde of sacramental communion Therfor he and consequently our English Church then alowed communion in one kinde But whether they communicated in both or one kinde maketh little to proue that they were not Catholick● because til lay people were forbidden it was lawful for them to communicate Obiec ∣ tion 7 in both kindes 4. Seauenthlie thē saith Abbots was Transubstantiation vnknowne and when it began to be broached or not long after Elfricus Archbishop of Canterburie contradicted it Ansvver How vntrue this is of Trāsubstantiation hath bene shewed before in the life of S. Greg and S. Odo As for Elfric the Protestant Bishops them selues who published that sermon confesse See befor hovv Bale confesseth Archb. Alfric to haue bene a Papist and of Transubstant in S. Odo Archb. that the Author therof was no Archbishop of Canterbury More likly it is to be true which Fox Acts. pag. 1148. saith that it was Elfric surnamed Bata an Heretick who as S. Dunstan appearing to one in a vision said as reporteth Osbern attempted to disherit his Church but I haue stopped him saith S. Dunstan he could not preuaile Albeit indeed that sermon doth more approoue Transubstantiation than disprooue it For in that is saide that Christ turned through inuisible might the bread to his owne body and wine to his blood And that holy howsel is by might of Gods word truly Christs body and his blood And that after their halowing bread and wine trulye are Christs body and blood And what other do Catholicks now say but what here is said Vz. That bread and wine are by inuisible power turned into Christs body and blood and become after consecration truly not figuratiuly his body and blood And though the Author of the sermon ad that the sacrament after consecration is not bodily but Ghostly Christs bodie yet the word ghostly is not added to deny the word Truly which is absolutly affirmed but onely to deny the word Bodily that is carnally
wife to king Egelreld Began his reign An. 1040. ruled two years He shewed faith Malm. l. 2. c. 12. exceeding great pitty of minde towardes his brother S. Edmund the Confessor Rom. religion of K. Hardi Canute His Roman religion appeareth both by his Father because as testifyeth Registrum Burinēse Dedit S. Edmundo libertatem King S. Edward Confessor XXXI Vertues of K. Edvvard Cōfessor 20. IN the yeare 1042. Edward Confessor sonne to the forsaid king Egelred began his reign and reigned 24. yeares He was saith Malmsb. lib. 2. cap. 13. deuout vnto God and therfore directed by him whilst he reigned all thing at home and abroad were quiet and calme He slew by his Captaines Machetat king of Scotts and put another in his place brought wales into the forme of a Prouince vnder England Illud celeberime fertur c. That is most famously reported that he neuer toucht any womans chastitie And Florent An. 1066. calleth him Decus Anglorum The honor of Englishmen But who will see more of his vertues may read his life written by a most ancient and graue Author in Surio Tom. 1. This only I will not omit that to him did God first giue the vertue of curing the kings euil and the crampe from whome all our Princes since haue receaued it Fox lib. 3. pag. 164. and Cooper An. 1043. say that he was a man of gentle and soft spirit The like Cambd. in Brit. p. 330. Bal. Cent. 2. cap. 12. Stovv pag. 121. neuer delt with his wife fleshlie guided the Kingdom with much wisdome and iustice from vvhome issued as out of a fountain much godlinesse pitty liberalitie tovvards the poore gentlenes and iustice tovvards all men and in all honest life he gaue a a vertuous example to his people Bal. supra And pag. 16. calleth him vertuous and bless●d King Cooper pag. 1065. addeth That he purged the ould lavves and piked out of them certain vvhich vvere most profitable for the Commons To these high praises Stow Chron. 122. adioyneth that God greatly glorifyed him in his life by wonderfull signes The religion of K. Edvvard Confes. and cured the kings euil Now let vs see what the religion of this great and holy king was First he vowed to God that if he got the crowne he would go to Rome on Pilgrimage Westmon An. 1049. Ealred in vita Edwardi Secondly when his people would not suffer him to leaue the Land for fear of the Danes inuasion he demanded dispensation and obtained it of Pope Nicholas 2. Nichol. in ep ad Edwardum Ealred in vita Thirdly sent two Abbots to a Concell held at Rhemes by Pope Leo Florent and Houed Anno. 1050. Fourthly he built the Monastery of Westminster principally for the loue saith Camb. in Brit. pag. 376. of the cheefe Apostle whome he honored with a speciall peculier affection Fiftly whiles he was at Masse God reuealed vnto him the drowning of the K. of Denmarke which intended to inuade England Houed An. 1066. Ealred in vit Sixtly Pope Nicol. writing to him thanketh God that King Edward had loue to S. Peter and with vs he consented in all the Apostolicall Decrees and therin absolued him from his vow Westminster from all Episcopall iurisdiction and saith that to him and his successors we commit the aduousion and tuition of all the Churches of England that in any place yow may determine by the Counsell of the Bishops and Abbots what things be iust and right Whervpon Bale l. cit saith That sub Nicolao 2. facti sunt Anglorum Reges c. vnder Pope Nicolas 2. the Kings of Englād were made the Popes Vicars Seuētly writing to the Pope He professeth the Popes supremacie In which as Protestāts say the essence of a Papist cōsisteth in these plain words To the cheefe Father of the vniuersall Church Nicolas Edward by the grace of God K. of England due obediēce Ealred in vit And in his lawes in Fox pag. 166. appointed that a King shall sweare vpon the Euangelists and blessed reliques of Saints that he will maintain the holy Church with all integrity And so manifest it is that this K. our Country in his time were Roman Catholicks as Syr Edward Cook the Kings Attorney in F. Garnets Arainment which since is printed openlie called the time of Edward Confessor Henrie 1. Edward 1. Richard 2. Henrie 4 and ● the verie midnight of Poperie That times of England most florishing vvhich Protest confesse to haue bene Papistical which were in truth the most florishing times that euer England saw For what King haue we in vertue comparable to King Edward Confessor in wisdome to King Henrie the first in valour and victories to King Edward the first the Conqueror of Scotland and Henrie 4. of England and Henrie the fift Conqueror of France King Herold XXXII 21. THe 32. and last King of the Saxons was King Herold who tooke the crown An. 1066. and held it not one yeare Valour of K. Herold He was saith Cooper An. 1066. valiant and hardie Florent An. 1066. saith he was left successor by Saint Edward and chosen of all the nobles of England and crowned of Aldred Archb. of yorke began to put down vniust lawes to set vp iust to become a Patron of Monasteries to honor and reuerence Bishops Abbots Monks and Clerkes to shew him selfe pious humble and affable to hate malefactors and to labour by sea and Land for defence of his Countrie he ouerthrew the king of Norway in a great battel but was sone after himselfe slayne and England cōquered in a ruefull battel in Sussex by William Duke of Normandy and after king of England His Rom. Religion His Roman religion is manifest both by what hath bene said of king Edward and because as Cambd. hath in Brit pag. 384. VValtham Monasterie he founded in the honor of the holie Crosse where he made his vowes for victorie against the Normans Westmon An. 1066. saith orauit ante crucem He prayed before the Crosse Thus yow see the Roman Catholicke religion deduced not only fom all our Christian kings for the 200. yeares vnto the Monarchie but also from the monarchie all the Saxons time vnto the conquest therof by the Normans for the space of 266. yeares in which time two of the said Kings haue bene Saints to wit Saint Edward martyr and Saint Edward Confessor Three haue gon on Pilgrimage to Rome namely king Ethelwolph king Alfred the great and king Canut To whome we may ad king Burdred and king Edward Confessor who would haue gon Two kings daughters Saints namely S. Edburga daughter to king Edward and S. Editha daughter to king Edgar And if we will know why God permitted our Contry to be subdued of strangers It was saith Malmsb. lib. 3. in Guilielmo 1. because the studies of learning and religion had decayed Not a fewe yeares before the Normans coming the Clergie could scarce stamer out
of the miracle may by this iudg of the certaintie of the rest The matter was thus An inhabitāt of Bedford hauing had by forme of the lawe which then was his eyes pluckt out and his stones cut away but vniustly made prayer to S. Thomas for the restoring of them which was done That the man had bene thus maimed the Burgesses and Cittizens of Bedford saith Fox did testifie with publick letters And whither he was cured or no was easy to know All that Fox saith against this or the rest of the miracles is that there was no necessitie of a miracle in a Christian Realm hauing the word of God Forsooth he must tel God when there is necessitie yea tie Gods hands to do nothing but for necessitie Had not the Iewes the word of God when they had the daylie miracles of Probatica piscina Doth not the vertue of miracles shine in the Church for euer as the notes of the English Bible imprinted An. 1576. Iohan. 14. do teach But wel it is that Saint Thomas his miracles haue so many and so authenticall testimonies as he must needs conremn all humā authoritie who denieth them to haue bene done King Richard Coeur de Lion XXXVIII 7. IN the yeare 1189. succeeded K. Richard Coeur de Lion so sirnamed of his corage Valour of King Richard Ceur de Lion sonne to King Henrie 2. and reigned 10. yeares He was saith Cambd. de Brit. pag. 331. Animi excelsi erecti c. Of an high and vprighit mind altogether borne for the Christian common vvelth Polid. lib. 14. Englands glorie and terror of the Pagans Cooper Anno. 1189 big of stature and had a mery countenance in vvhich appeared as vvel a pleasant gentlenes as a noble and princely Maiestie to his soldiers fauorable bountifull desirous of vvar Subdued the Kingdom of Ciprus conquered the Citty of Acon vanquished the Soldan in the holy Land whither he went with an army of 30000. foote and 5000. horse His Rom. religion The Roman religion of this famous and magnanimous King is manifest First because Houed who then liued pag. 656. 657. Paris 205. and others tel the maner of his coronation was thus The Archb. Bishops Abbots and Priests in Copes with the Crosse before and holy water and incense brought him to the Church Again he tooke his oath on the Gospel and many reliques of Saints After coronation began the solemn Masse k. Richard crovvned at masse and when they came to the offertorie Bishops brought the king to offer and in like sorte to take the Pax. And after Masse returned again with Procession Secondly pag. 222. Paris telleth how he redeemed the reliques of Ierusalem with 52. thousād Bisātes Quatenus saith he To the ende that Saints of God whose bones he redeemed in earth might help his soule by their intercessions in heauen And pag. 497. He obtained of the Soldan that a certain Priest at the Kings stipend might euery day celebrate masse of the holy Crosse at our Sauiours Sepulcher during the time of the truce Thirdly retiring to England saith Westmon Anno. 1194. he visited S. Thomas of Canterb. S. Edmund and S. Albons Shrines and after went against his Rebells in Nottingham Fourthly Houed pag. 658. setteth downe a Charter of his where he grāteth Land to S. Cutbert For the soule of our Father and Ancestors and of our Successors and for our owne and our heires saluation and for the confirmation and increase of our Kingdome Fiftly Houed p. 677. hath a letter of his to Pope Clement 2. which beginneth thus To his most reuerend Lord and blessed Father by the grace of God cheefe Bishop of the holy Apostolick See health and affection of true deuotion in our Lord. The facts of Princes haue better end whē they receaue assistance and fauour from the See Apostolick And pag. 706. When king Richard went to the holy Land he left the care of the gouernment of his kingdome vnto the See Apostolick And pag. 753. The same Houed setteth downe a letter of Pope Celestin in which the Pope saith thus The Church of England hath alwaies kept the sincerity of her deuotion and ancient faith with the Roman Church Finally a little before S. Richards death saith Fox Acts pag. 249. England alvvaies deuout to the Church of Rome Three Abbots of the Cistertian order came vnto him to whome he was confessed and when he saw them somwhat stay at his absolution said these words that he did willingly commit his soule to the fier of Purgatorie there to be tryed til the Iudgment in hope of Gods mercie Saints In this publick profession of Roman Catholick faith gaue this renowned King vp his soule to God In this Kings time died Anno. 1189. the forsaid Saint Gilbert who of his order erected 13. Monasteries in England Polid. l. 14. Then also liued Saint Hugh of Lincoln of whome we shall speake hereafter King Iohn XXXIX 8. THe 39. King was King Iohn brother to King Richard who began his Reign Anno. 1199. and reigned 17. yeares Of this King some ignorant Protestants brag as if he had bene a Protestant Bale Cent. 1. cap. 75. because for a time he disobeyed the Pope polid l. 15. commendeth him of valor liberalitie Christian pietie But with shame inough For he lost all in manner that his Predecessors had in France which was neere as much as England it selfe Qualities of K. Ihon. and had almost lost England too VVas as the Earle of Northampton saith of him in the araignment of Garnet impious as wel sans foy as sans terre and that he was as likly to haue departed with his soule as his Crowne if necessitie had pressed him Nether was he ill onely to him selfe but to his people and Contrie from whome being not content by him selfe to extort what he would sent for many thousand Flemings to do the same to whome he ment to giue Norfolk and Suffolk Paris pag. 360. 367. And pag. 325. he nameth the Embassador whome King Iohn sent to the Mahometan King of Africk to offer the subiection of him self and his Kingdom to him and to accept the law of Mahomet which Paris learnt of them to whome one of the Embassadors tould it Neuer the lesse what Christian religion he had is euident to haue bene Roman Catholick His R●m Religion First because he was chosen King cheefely by meanes of Archbishop Hubert Paris pag. 264. who was a notorious Papist Stovv pag. 244. Secondly because vpon his crownation he tooke his oath vpon the reliques of Saints Paris pag. 263. and next day after his coronation went on Pilgrimage to S. Albans pag. 264. at Lincoln offered a chalice of gould pag. 273 holpt to carry on his shoulders the body of S. Hugh pa. 274. Houed pag. 812. Thirdly he heard Masse saith Stow pag. 246. and fell downe before the Abbots of Cisterce desiring to be admitted of them for a brother Fourthly he foūded a
In this Kings time liued that witty schoolmā William Occham King Richard 2. XLIIII IN the yeare 1377. succeeded King Richard 2. Nephew to Edward 3. by his sonne Edward the black Prince and reigned 22. yeares Qualities of K. Richard 2. He passed saith Cooper An. 1377. and Stow pag. 439. all his predecessors in bountie and liberality His Roman religion is most manifest His Rom. Religion First because he was crowned at a Masse wherof Walsingham Anno 1377. setteth downe the beginning of the Introit Graduall Epistle and Offertorie Had a Franciscan Frier for his Confessor Stow pag. 458. In the Commotion of Tiler went to Saint Edwards Shrine prayed before the high Altar offered and Confessed him selfe to an Anchor Stow pag. 459. and gaue to the said Shrine a Ruby then esteemed worth a thousand Markes pag. 593. Made foure Kings of Ireland knights at Masse pag. 501. And made the Earle of Northumberland sweare to him vpon the host after Masse p. 520. But most of all is his religion certain by his owne letters to the Pope and by his lawes and Acts against the Wicklefists Fox Acts p. 590. setteth downe his letters to Pope Boniface 9. thus To the most holy Father in Christ and Lord L. Boniface 9. by the grace of God high Pope of the most holy Roman and vniuersall Church his humble and deuout Richard by the grace of God king of England and France and Lord of Ireland greeting and kissing of his blessed feete And. pag. 511. he citeth an Act of Parlament then made to declare that Vrban was true and lawful Pope And pa. 556. saith King Richard procured letters Apostolicall from the Pope for the confirming of certain statuts of his And pag. 431. citeth a letter of Greg. 11. written in this kings time to the Vniuersitie of Oxford wherin the Pope saith that England doth not onely florish in power and aboundance of riches but is much more glorious and shining in purenes of faith accustomed alwaies to bring forth men excellently learned in the knowledg of holy scriptures grauitie of maners men notable in deuotion and defenders of the Catholick faith The like commendations he giueth in an other letter to king Richard Yea to testifie the Roman Catholick faith of this time and to stop the mouth of some Ministers who are not a shamed to say the Pope giueth leaue to sinne It pleased God this present yeare 1608. to raise in a maner a knight of that time and to make him speake For digging to make a graue in Saint Faiths Church vnder Paules they found the Coffin of Sir Gerard Bray brook the cords wherof were fresh and the herbs of good sauor and vppon his brest a Pardon granted vnto him of Pope Boniface of that time intire and whole in these words Boniface Bishop seruant of the seruants of God To his beloued sonne Gerard Braybrook the yonger Knight and to his beloued daughter in Christ Elizabeth his wife of the Diocese of Lincoln health and Apostolicall blessing It hath proceeded from the affection of your deuotion wherby yow reuerence vs and the Roman Church that we admit to our fauorable hearing your petitions those especially which concerne the halth of your soules Hence it is that we inclining to your requests do by the Tenor of these presents easely grant to your deuotion that the Confessor whom ether of yow shall thinck good to chuse shall by authoritie Apostolick giue to yow a plenarie remission of all your sinnes of which yow shal be in hart contrite and confessed once onely at the point of your death Yow persisting in the sincerity of faith in the vnity of the holy Roman Church and in obedience and deuotion to vs and our Successors the Bishopps of Rome canonically elected So notwithstanding that the said Confessor concerning those things of which satisfaction shal be imposed vpon ether He inioine it to be done by yow if yow return from perill of death or by your Heires if yow then chance to passe from this world that which yow or they are bound to performe as is aforesaid And least which God forbid in regard of such fauor yow be made more prone to committ sinne VVe will that if by any such confidence yow should fortune to transgresse that the foresaid Indulgence shall not any thing profit yow Therfore let it altogether be vnlawfull for any man to infringe this our graunt and will or with rash bouldnes contradict it If truly any shall presume to attempt it lett him know he shall incurre the indignation of Almighty God and his most blessed Apostles Saint Peter and Paul Giuen at Rome at S. Peters the 9. of Iune in the second yeare of our Popedome Behould gentle Keader this ancient pardon and consider by it First the high esteeme that our Catholick Anceistors made of the Popes pardons in so much that this worshipfull knight would send to Rome to procure a particuler one for him selfe and his wife Againe how vntruly Ministers say that Popes giue pardon and leaue to sinne seeing this pardon could not auaile for any sinnes committed vpon hope of the pardon But espetially I would haue thee consider Gods wonderfull disposition in the conseruing and reuealing of this Pardon at this time What thinckest thou that this Knights graue should be neuer opened till this day That the Pardon should be preserued from corruption so long lying in the earth That that onely Coffin in which this Pardon was should haue the cordes so long time sound the flowers so long odoriferous what thinck we this Pardon auailed to the soule of this Knight for which purpose it onely was giuen when it wrought such benefit to his dead corps But now to come to the Kings lawes and Acts against the Wicklefists Fox Acts pag. 441. saith Kings Richards lavvs against vviclefists vvhom Protest account their brethren The King adioined his assent to the setting downe of an Ordinance which was indeede the very first lawe which is to be found made against religion and the professors therof bearning the name of an Act made in the parliament Anno 5. Kichard 2. vvherin saith Fox VVicklefs doctrine is called heresie and notorious errors and slanders to ingender saith the Act discord and dissention betvveene diuers estates of the realme And order is taken for to arest and imprison such till they amend Ibid Fox citeth the letters patents of the King against Wicklef and some other there named or any other noted by any other probable suspition of heresies Again pag. 460. King Richard writeth to the Shr●efe of Northamton against the VVicklefists thus VVe willing therfor to withstand the Defenders and maintainers of such heresies Do will and command as wel the fornamed as namely the forsaid Iohn VVoodward to bs apprehended straitly charging the same to be imprisoned by their bodies or otherwise punished as shall seeme good to the Iustices And pag. 504. he setteth downe the Kings Commission in these words VVe by
to England which were inestimable within two years after to wit An. 1540. imposed a great tax vpon both Clergy Layty as neuer was heard of before in England as yow may read in Stow other And withall coined base mony in great aboundance which was after called downe to halfe valowe Protestancie at first entrance vndid English men soules bodies goods houses Churches monuments Thus yow may see how Protestancie or rather one pointe therof to wit The deniall of the Popes supremacie altered this K. from a liberall and clement Prince to a most cruel couetous mā how it entred into our Coūtry not only with the losse of our Contrymens soules but also of their goods and liues made such hauock of mē weemē of churches houses ancient Monuments stately buildings as if some fury had come out of Hel or somme mortall enemy had gon roging vp down our Contry Protestāts vvish of Geneua and Beza Surly who well considereth this may say of Protestācy as Bācroft in his suruey c. 3. saith of Geneua It had bene better for this Ilād if neuer English mā nor Scotish mā had bene acquainted there And of Luther as he c. 8. saith of Beza those Churches that followe Bezas humor may iustly wish he had neuer ben born And the Dāgerous Positioner l. 1. c. vlt. saith he thincketh the Scottish Ministers wrought more mischeefe in that Country in 30. years thā the P. of Rome had done before in 500. 3. Miserable successe after Protesancie Finally the succes which this King reaped by his alteration was most miserable For wheras before he was loued of English-men at home and feared of strangers abroad after this change made he was secure of neither For first Lincolnshyre men rose against him to the number of 20. thousand Commotions streight after Yorkshier men to the nūber of 40. thousand And these insurrections being appeased the Yorkshier men twise after attempted an insurrection And from abroad he was accursed of the Pope and stoode in continuall feare that some forreigne Prince would inuade his Land Prophetie of F. Peto And as Frier Peto then tould him to his face openly in the Pulpit at Greenwich that if he proceeded in his course it woule befal to him as it did to Achab. that doogs should lick his blood there should not be one left of his issue to pisse against a wall The first wherof was seene to be fulfilled after his death when the lead wherin his body was wrapt whilst in the carriage therof to Winsor it stood in the ruins of the monastery of Syon broke and his blood ran out which the doggs lick vp as a graue writer reporteth out of their mouth that sawe it and the second we all now see to be accomplished 4. Catholick religion thus maimed in one point by King Henry was after his death heere turned into Protestancy First in K. Edwards time and after in Queene Elizabeth reigne But who considereth by what authority by what meanes whose procurment it was done A child first and after a vvoman authors of Protestancie in England may iustly think that it was not wrought by God For Protestancie was set vp not by the authority of any man but first by the authority of a child of 9. yeares ould scarce come to the vse of reason and not fit to gouern himself and after by the authority of a woman Meane onely vvil and teror The meanes by which it was set vp was nether miracle nor extordinarie vertue of the first preachers of it or their publick confuting by disputation their aduersaries as Catholick religion was set vp by S. Austin Frocurers laie men but meerely the will of the Protector in King Edwards time and of the Qeeene in her time and the terror of lawes Which meanes are more seeming as befitting Turkish than Christiā religiō And lastly the procurrers of this change were not Bishops or Diuins but ether wholly Laymen ignorant of Scripture diuinity against the will of all the Bishops as it was in Queene Elizabeths time or principally Lay-men against the consent of the best learned of the Pastors as in K. Edwards time And how little these men cared for religion but euen against their conscience sought their owne aduancements appeareth by the Duke of Northumberland a principall Doer in the alteration in K. Edwards time who stuck not to tell euen in that time to M. Anthonie Browne after created Vicount Mountaigue as I haue often heard of his honorable and vertuous Lady lately deceased D of Northumb confesseth that against his conscience he set vp the nevv region that he knew the Roman religion to be the truth but yet said he since we haue begon with this new run God run Diuel we wil go forward And that religion was but a colour of his ambitious pretences is also euident by what Stow writeth of him For fi●st he repeateth his Oration to the Lords wherin he saith that Gods cause and the preferment of his new word was the originall grownd of proclaming Queene Iane Sleidan lib 25. An. 1553. and after reciteth his words at his death where he professeth the Rom. Catholick faith and professed that he did not for hope of life but for conscience and acknowledged the euils then hapned to England to haue comen by the new religion By this iudg of the rest and now let vs return to Luther CHAP. VII That Luther was ignorant or meanly learned 1 Luthers yong years 1. THat Luther was but meanly learned whē he first begā Protestātisme I wil proue many waies First by his yong years for he was but 34. years ould when he began this new doctrine At what yeares men haue rather the ground of learning 2 Studied in no famous vniuers Fox p. 770. than are any way excellently learned Secondly he studied in no famous vniuersity nor vnder any notable Maister For the chefest place wher he studied was Erphord in Germany a place of no name and his Maisters names are so obscure as they are not knowne vnles we reckon his black Maister wherof we shall speack heerafter I might also adde that he was brought vp in a monastery because D. Whitak cont Dur. p. 733. saith what can we expect out of Monasteries but Monkish superstitions vnlearned 3 Corporal impediment of studie Thirdly he had a very great impediment of studie For tom 2. pag. 22. thus he writeth I dare not read two whole leaues togeather nor two or three lines of a psalme nor looke vpon any thing long For streight I haue a noise in my ears that I am faine to lay dovvne my head to the forme 2. Fourthly I proue Luthers ignorance by his doctrine For as Feild lib. 4 of the Church c. 24. graunteth His ignorant doctrin Luther made question of S. Iames epist of others Wittak cont Dur. p. 12. saith he vvrote disgracefully of it p. 20
Saint Austin hath continued euer since vnto our time in all our Bishopps Prelats Pastors Deuines and Cleargie except Wiclife and his small crue by the example of their heades the Archbishopes of Canterburye whom I shew to haue bene in number sixtie nyne Likvvise all our laitie and in religion perfect Romane Catholiques The like I shewe of the Queenes ladies Princes Dukes Earles Nobles gentile and commons and generally of all the laytie by the example of their heades the kinges and princes of this land who sucessiuely besides Seauentie more who raygned in some parte of England whiles this land was deuided into many kingdomes haue bene in number sixtie three and in religion as perfect Roman Catholickes as may be See infra lib. 1. c. 21. In so much that it is confessed by Protestants that they knew not so much of Protestancie as that which they tearme the head fountayne and soule therof Amongst whom you shall see the ancient and renowned kinge Inas of the Saxons lib. 1. c. 23. professinge S. Peters supremacie all most nyne hundred yeares agoe and that by letters engrauen in stone buildinge a Seminarie in Rome for his subiectes ther Henrie 2. led P. Alexāders horsse Hen. 5. sued to haue his Countrie accounted a nation that ovveth deuotion to the Church of Rome lib. 1. cap. 25. 26. and makinge his kingdome tributarie to S. Peter And of the Normans blood you shall see the most victorious Prince Edward the third professinge by publicke letters that it is heresie to denie the Popes supremacie or as the kinge speaketh that the Popes iudgment omni humanae praesidet cecatura Amongst them you shall see the auncient and worthie kinge Ethelred so deuout to masse as he would rather aduenture the losse of his armie of his kingdome life than he would misse the hearinge of a whole Masse lib. 1. c. 26. And yet by his deuotion miraculously puttinge his enemies to flight lib. 1. c. 2. 3. You shall see that wise Prince Henry the third to heare many Masses euery day to kisse Preists handes at Masse time cap. 26. and preferre the seinge as he said of his Sauiour ther before the hearinge of the best preacher speaking of him finallie to omitt many other euident testimonies heerafter rehearsed not onelie of their assured Romayne Religion cap. 2● but also of ther zeale and feruour therin And as many Queenes fourteene of them euen in the two hundred yeares after the conuersion of our Nation surrendred ther scepters Crownes and kingdomes and became either Monkes at home or trauelled in pilgrimage to Rome Lib. 2. cont Iulian. cap 10. 10. And were all these Archbishopps and their clargie were all these kings and ther people blind And hath time to imitate Saint Austins wordes in the like case so changed all things vpside downe that light is accounted darknes and darknes light that to omitt very many others confessed of Protestants to be profound diuines as you shall see herafter S. Austin S. Theodor Lanfrancke and S. Anselme who were the very lights of the land and of Christendome also in ther time for learninge and vertue were blind and Cranmer Parkar Grindall and VVhitgift men of meane learninge and as litle vertue did see what in Gods name should make any thinke so for number we haue all most seauentie for fower for continuance all most a thousand yeares for fiftye for learninge we haue profound knowledge euen by Protestantes confession against meane skill for vertue we haue famous and confessed sanctitie against ordinarie if not vicious life If therfore either number or time or learninge helpe any thinge to finde out Gods truth our Catholique Archbishopes are far more like to see and espie it than the Protestant Prelates or if vertuous life moue God to reueale his truth surelie the Catholique Archbishops are more like to know it than the Protestants And in the like sort touching Princes for two which Protestants can produce we can bring aboue one hundred and twentie for their child of Nyne yeares old and ther woman we can produce aboue an hundred mature graue and wise men who haue they in valour comparable to our Kinge Egbert first authour of our English monarchie to Kinge Alfred the great vanquisher of the daines and deliuerer of his Countrie to our Kinge VVilliam Conqueror of England to our Edward the first Edward the third Henrie the fift and many moe most valiant and victorious Princes whom in magnanimitie haue they aunswerable to our Kinge Ethelstan to our Kinge Edgar King Canute Kinge Richard Ceur de lyon and diuers others who in largenes of Dominion to our Kinge Canute our Kinge Henery the second King Richard the first and others who in learning to our Kinge Ethelwolf Kinge Alfred the great Kinge Henrie sirnamed beuclarke others who in wisdome to Kinge Inas Kinge Alfred Kinge VVilliam conquerour Kinge Henry the first second fourth and Seauenth whom finallie haue they to compare for vertue and sanctitie with Kinge Ethelbert Kinge Edmund the two Edwards Henrie the sixt and very many more 11. And shall we thinke that one child and a woman in so short time should espie that diuine truth which so many Princes in a thousand yeares could not finde That the infancie of a child and weaknes of a woman should discouer that which the rare learninge wisedome and iudgement of so many graue Princes could not attayne vnto That the fruitles life of a child and the ordinarie if not farre worse life of a woman should deserue of God to haue that reuealed vnto them which the rare vertue and holynes of so many excellent Princes who preferred his seruice before their kingdomes could not obtayne what were this but in matter of religion and euerlastinge saluation to giue that iudgment and make that choyce which in no other matter we would do for who is ther if it lay in daunger of leasing liuinges libertie or life would not make choice to follow rather seauentie then fower an hundred rather than two men than children and women and men of famous and confessed learninge wisedome and vertue than others of meane learninge and ordinarie if not naughtie liues And will we when it is daunger of losse of soule and saluation make the contrarie choyce what defence or excuse can we make of this proceedinge either before God or man will we say it is prudence in monye matters and temporall affaires to follow many rather then few men then children and women learned wise and vertuous before others lesse qualified and not to trust to much to our owne iudgments And can we thinke it prudence to obserue the contrarie course in matters of religion and eternall saluation doth the matter so alter the case Is prudence become contrarie to it selfe or is Gods religion so against all reason wisdome and iudgment Can we not become christians but we must leaue to be reasoable men admitt Christes faith but we must
his time very learned and composed a Chronicle vvith notable paynes which Bale tearmed an excellent and fruitfull vvorke and it hath bene printed by Protestants with great commendations And in the arraignment of F. Garnet he is called by a Protestant noble man a vvitnes of best regard accordinge to the state of those times Thus many thus auncient to omitt the famous Baronius and other later writers also alleadged thus esteemed of Protestants the●● selues are the Authors whose testimonies I produce for what I say of S. Austin and his successors and of our Kings and our forefathers religion VVhose testimonie whether Ministers admitt or refuse they are ouerthrowne For if they admitt them they are clearlie condemned and if they refuse them they are contemned For in matters of Antiquitie to refuse to be tryed by so many so auncient so indifferent writers and so much commended by them selues and to say and that without testimonie of one equall writer to the contrarie that they were all either deceaued or lyed what other is it than vtterlie to condemne them selues and their cause as not able to abide the onelie triall which can be made of auncient matters that is by histories and auncient recordes will they not credit such histories as them selues iudge worthie of credit will they not beleeue such writers as them selues account especiall freinds of truth of singular fidelitie diligence and indifferent and most excellent Historiographers will they not follow them in matters of Antiquitie whom them selues tearme the most true guides of the times past What other thinge were this than obstinatelie to refuse truth it selfe But much more will this appeare when they shall be found not onelie to refuse our writers though neuer so auncient and indifferent and esteemed of them selues but euen their owne best writers or els be condemned Let vs see therfor the Protestant writers whom we produce as witnesses in this triall of Religions A CATHALOGVE Of the cheefe Protestāt vvriters On whose testimonies the Authour relieth for what he writeth of S. Austin and Luther A. ABBOTS Doctor and Professour of Diuinitie now an earnest writer both against Cardinall Bellarmin and Doctor Bishop B. BALE Bishop of Ossorie in Ireland in King Edward the Sixt time as him selfe writeth Cent. 8. cap. 100. and one of the first English Preachers of Protestantisme in time of King Henrie for which both vnder him and after vnder Queene Marie he suffered as he saith much As for his skill in Antiquities he writeth of himselfe in his Epistle before his foureteeneth Centurie that he had Antiquitatum penetralia incognitas orbi Historias and in the Epistle before the thirteenth Centurie that he had read the histories and Chronicles allmost of all Antiquities And how earnest a Protestant he was appeareth both by his said sufferinges and allso by his most spitefull kind of writinge against Catholiques which is so great as it seemeth malice did possesse the hart tongue and penn of that man and himselfe is fayne to excuse it in his epistle to the Counte Palatin Of the Authour of the daungerous positions he is reckoned amongst their learned men who in the beginning of Queene Elizabeths raygne Came out of Germanie and of other Protestants often times cited Reinoldes in his Confer Abbots de Antichriso The booke which I alledge of this man is his Centuries of the writeers of Britanie edit Basileae 1559. in fol. BILSON at this present the pretended Bishop of winchester and well knowne for his writinges both against Catholiques and Puritanes C. CAIVS Doctor of Phisicke and halfe founder of Gonell and Caius Colledge in Cambridge So well seene in Englishe Antiquities as by an Oxonian Orator he is tearmed the Antiquarie CALVIN is more famous among Protestants than I need note him and of such account amongst many as Doctor Couel saith his writinges were made allmost the rule of Controuersies CAMBDEN well knowne for his discription of Britanye and tearmed of Protestants an excellent Antiquarie and greatlie commended of diuers in verses before his booke The edition of his booke cited by me is Londini Anno. 1600. in quarto COWPER pretended Bishop first of Lyncolne and after of Winchester well knowne for his Dictionarie and his Chronicle D DAVNGEROVS Positioner So I tearme the vnnamed Authour of a booke called Daungerous Positions by some thought to be the worke of Doctor Bancrofte now pretended Bishop of Canterburie by others of Doctor Sutclife F. FOX most famous amongst Protestants for his Acts monuments of their Martyrs which they haue so credited as they haue set it in diuers of their Churches to be read of all To omitt diuers high praises giuen to him as you may see in the beginning of his booke Ford vpon the Apocalips calleth him most holie father Doctor Abbots in his booke of Antichrist cap. 8. tearmeth him a man of most famous memorie a most graue and most pious man and plainlie a diuine man Bale Cent. 9. cap. 92. saith he was his Achates FVLKE Doctor of diuinitie and a great writer against Catholiques whom I. B. alias Bacster in tayle of two legged foxes cap. 13. thus prayseth profound fulke vvhose truth and great trauell the Church of God hath tryed many a fox hast thou had in chase not able to abide thy hote pursuite Doctor Reynolds in his preface before his Six Conclusions calleth him a stout and faithfull souldier of Christ G GODWIN now Subdeane of Excester sonne to Godwin pret Bishope of Bathe as himselfe saith in his Cathalogue of Bishopes H HOLINSHED notorious for his great Chronicle and most earnest against Catholikes as you may see by what he writeth of S. Austin HVMPHREY Doctor of Deuinitie and the Queenes Reader therof in Oxford whom I. B. loc cit thus comendeth Humphrey of much reading in thy time past vvas then a cheefe hunter of the Romish fox And Bale Cent. 9. cap. 93. highly commendeth him I IEWELL so famous and knowne to Protestantes as I need say nothinge L LVTHER the father of Protestancie and of what high account he is amongst Protestants you may see infra lib. 3. cap. 1. R. REYNOLDS Doctor of Diuinitie who saith I. B. loc cit hath the old fox and his cubbs in the chase S. STOW well knowne for his Chronicle and others his writinges of Antiquitie SVTCLIFE Doctor of Diuinitie and Deane of Excester and a great writer against Catholikes SVRVEYER so I call the vnnamed Authour of the Suruey of the pretended holie Discipline by some taken to be the worke of the said Doctor Sutclife by others the worke of the Lord of Canterburie W. WHITAKER Doctor and Professour of Diuinitie and a great writer against Catholiques whom I. B. loc cit calleth vvorthie VVhitaker of neuer dyinge fame Doctor Willet in his Tetrastylon pag. 9. tearmeth him a vvorthie and learned man pag. 10. a godlie learned man Doctor Bucley in his Apologie of religion pag. 84. An excellent man of blessed memorie These and thus esteemed
of Protestants are the Protestant writers vpon whose confession or testimonie I cheefly relie in what I write of S. Austin and Luther Against whose verdict no Protestant can iustlie take exception either of ignorance because they are of the cheefest writers they haue or for partialitie for they were all most earnest Protestantes And therfor no Protestant can iustlie reiect their testimonie as insufficient THE BOOKES AND Chapters conteyned in this first parte of the prudentiall Ballance of Religion First Booke or Scale in which the qualities of S. Austin and of his doctrine are set downe 1. VVHat Religion was in this land before the comming of S. Austin Chap. 1. 2. That Saint Austin was the first preacher of the christian saith to our English Nation Chap. 2. 3. That Saint Austin preaching tooke great effect in our Nation Chap. 3. 4. That Saint Austin was a great Clarke and excellent Diuine Chap. 4. 5. That Saint Austin was A great Saint Chap. 5. 6. Certayne slanders against S. Austin disproued Chap 6. 7. That S. Austin was moued by holie motiues to come to preach to our Nation Chap. 7. 8. That S. Austin was lawfully sent to preach to our Nation proued by diuers authorities Chap 8. 9. That S. Austin was lawfully sent hither to preach proued by reason grounded in Scripture Chap. 9. 10. That S. Austin was rightlie ordered to administer the word and sacramentes Chap. 10. 11. That the faith which S. Austin preached was the vniuersall faith of Christendome in his time Chap 11. 12. That faith which S. Austin preached is confessed by the aduersaries to haue bene sufficient to saluation Chap. 12. 13. That the faith which S. Austin preached was confirmed of him by true miracles Chap. 13. 14. That the faith whi h S. Austin preached was the present Romayne Catholique faith proued by his Mayster and sender S Gregory Chap. 14. 15. The same proued by S. Austins and his fellowes deedes and Doctrine Chap. 15. 16. The same proued by the confession of learned Protestantes Chap. 16. 17. The same proued by the faith of the English Church which he founded Chap. 17. 18. That the faith of all the Archbishopes of Canterburie from S. Austin to our time was Romane Catholike proued by general Reasons Chap. 18. 19. That the faith of euery Archbishop of Canterburie from S. Austin to the time of the Conquest was romane Catholique proued in particular Chap. 19. 20. That the faith of euery Archbishop of Canterburie from the Conquest to our time was Romaine Catholike proued in particular Ch. 20. 21. That the faith of all our Christian English Kinges from S. Austins time to King Henrie the eight was Romane Catholique proued by generall reasons Chap. 21. 22. Certayne obiectiōs against the Catholique faith of our Auncient Kings aunswered Chap. 22. 23. That the faith of all our Christian Kinges to the time of the Monarchie of England was Romane Catholique proued in particular Chap. 23. 24. That the faith of all our Christian Kings from the Monarchie to the Conquest of England was Romane Catholike proued in particular Chap. 24. 25. That the faith of all our Kings from the Conquest to King Edward the third was Romane Catholique proued in particular Chap. 25. 26. That the faith of all our Kings from King Edward the third to Kinge Henrie the eight was Romane Catholique proued in particular Chap. 26. Epilogue or Conclusion The second Booke or Scale wherin the qualities of Luther and his doctrine are set downe 1. That Luther was the first Authour of the Protestants Religion Chap. 1. 2. That VVicklef and his followers were no Protestantes Chap. 2. 3. That the old auncient Britons were no Protestants Chap. 3. 4. VVhen wher wherfor and how Luther began Protestancie Chap. 4. 5. How Protestancie spred so farr Chap. 5. 6. VVhen hy whom wherfor and how Protestancie began in England Chap. 6. 7. That Luther was but meanlie learned Ch. 7. 8. That Luther was a vicious and naughtie man Chap. 8. 9. That Luther was moved to preach Protestantisme with humane noughtie motiues Ch. 9. 10. That Luther was neuer sent or called to preach Protestantisme Chap. 10. 11. That Luther was neuer ordered to preach the Protestants word or administer their Sacramentes Chap. 11. 12. That Luthers doctrine was contrarie to the vniuersall faith of Christendome at that time Chap. 12. 13. That Luthers doctrine was neuer confessed by Catholiques to be sufficient to saluation Ch. 13. 14. That Luther neuer confirmed his Doctrine by Miracles Chap. 14. 15. That Luther hath had no succession or continuance of his Doctrine heere in England Chap. 15. The third Booke in vvhich S. Austin and Luther and their Doctrines are weighed together according to the foresaid qualities of them 1. SAint Austin and Luther weighed accordinge to their learninge Chap. 1. 2. S. Austin and Luther weighed accordinge to their vertue or vice Chap. 2. 3. S. Austin and Luther weighed accordinge to their motiues of preachinge Chap. 3 4. S. Austin and Luther weighed according to their Mission or sendinge to preach Chap. 4. 5. S. Austin and Luther weighed accordinge to their orders of preachinge and administring the sacraments Chap. 5. 6. S. Austin and Luther weighed according to the vniuersalitie or singularity of their Doctrine Chap. 6. 7. S. Austin and Luther weighed accordinge to their aduersaries allowance of their Doctrines Chap. 7. 8. S. Austin and Luther weighed according to their Miracles Chap. 8. 9. S. Austin and Luther weighed acccordinge to the succession and continuance of their Doctrines Chap. 9. THE FIRST BOOKE OR SCALE IN VVHICH The qualities of S. Austin and of his Doctrine are set dovvne THE FIRST CHAPTER VVhat Religion was in this Land before the comminge of S. Austin THE ancient Inhabitans of this Iland were the Britons whome wee now call Welch-men Amongst whome the faith of Christ was first planted by the glorious Apostles S. a Metaph. in Sur. Iun. Cambd. descript Brit. pa 52. Baron an 58. p. 597. 401. Peter S. b Theod. l. 9 de Graec. Sophron. Natal Apost Fortunat Bale cent 1. c. 26 Cambd. in Britan. p. 52. Paul S. c Nicep l. 2. c. 40 Doroth in Synop Symon and the Apostolick men S. d D. Caius de antiq Cātabr Capgrau in Ios Bale cent 1. c. 22. vbi citat Fleming Scrop Polid Geo. maiorem Cambd. l. cit Ioseph of Arimathia who buried our Sauiour and S. e Doroth. in Synop. Aristobulus of whome S. Paul maketh mention in his Epistle to the Romans All these Protestants grant to haue preached Christs faith in this Iland except Saint Peter to whome some of them will not haue this Land so much behoulden Which question because it is besides my purpose I wil not stand to discusse Onely I assure the indifferent Reader that S. Peters preaching to the ancient Britons on the one side is affirmed both by Latin and Grecke by ancient and newe by foraine domesticall by
was redy to dye ex Bed lib. 3. cap. 2. 12. The same Bale cent 1. cap. 83. saith that Aldelm went happilie to Christ and yet withal confesseth that he wrote for shauen crownes after the Roman maner feasts of Saints single lyfe and such things and was long tyme familiar with P. Sergius cent 1. cap. 93. He calleth Ceolfrid Beda S. Ceolfrid S. VVillebrord Willebrord Boniface and the like most holy monkes And addeth cent 2. cap. 1. that Beda had a most happie end And yet the same man saith of Boniface pag. 79. that he brought the Germans to Papisme and pag. 103. VVas the next to the Pope the greate Antichrist and signed a hundred thousand men in Bauaria with the Popes mark And cent 2. cap. 5. writeth that Willebrord preached Papistrie Of S. Beda he saith cent 2. cap. 1. That he can not be excused from all superstitious doctrine And in the same place saith that Ceolfrid vsed the new ordinations of the Roman superstition And that he was a plaine Papist appeareth by his epistle in Beda lib. 5. cap. 22. where he teacheth one sacrifice of the bodie of Christ rounde shauing of Monks Calleth Peter head and Primat of the Apostles Whervpon Fox lib. 2. pag. 126. termeth him a shaueling condemneth him for calling Peter a Mediator and termeth it a Monkish epistle And in lyke sort Bale speaketh of diuers others S. Hilda For cent 1. cap. 94. he saith S. Hilda Abbesse was a most holy woman Ibid. Iohn of Beuerly a man very learned and pious accounted it most sweet to preach Christs Gospel out of the Pulpit and ended his life in great constancie of Euangelical spirit And cent 2. cap. 1. Calleth him a most holy prelat Cambden also Descrip Britan. pag. 518. Calleth S. Werburg Saint S. VVerburg S. Milburg S. Botulph pag. 526. S. Milburg a most holy virgin p. 612. King Oswald Saint and pag. 150. That that age was most fruitful of Saints pag. 473. Botulph most holy And pag. 472. Guthlac lead his life in great holines This by the confession of Protestants was the fruit of S. Austins religion And if it be true as most true it is which our Sauiour said that we can not gather grapes of thornes nor figges of brambles And if it be true that vertue springeth not out of the Diuels seede nor Saints out of his Religion Sure it is also that S. Austins Religion came not from the Diuel but from God Can any man of sense thinke that so great sanctitie can stand with ignorance of the true way to saluation With ignorance of the true worship of God That men become Saints and attain to heauen by Religion of Diuels Are Diuels so bountiful to men as they will teach them the waye to heauen Or haue they such skil as they can inuent new wayes to heauen besides the way that Christ taught And this for the vertue of S. Austins followers Now let vs see what account Protestants make of the learning of some of them 4. That we may be assured that it was not ignorance which made our Ancestors imbrace S. Austins doctrine That our Ancestors follovved not S. Austin vpon ignorance S. Aldelm Bale saith cent 1. cap. 83. Did so studie both Deuine and Human learning that be far passed all the Deuines of his tyme most learned in Greeke and Latin S. Aldelm in Verse and Prose and cleare in wit and speeche Fox Acts 125. saith he was a learned Bishop of worthy praise for his learning Cambd. Descript Brit. 210. saith he was surely worthie that his memorie should remain for euer For he was the first Englishman that wrote in Latin and first that taught Englishmen to make Latin Verses Godwin in Vit. Aldelm He became Very learned in Poetrie excellent and writ much in Greek and Latin Prose and Verse but his cheefe studie was Deuinitie in the which no man of his tyme was comparable vnto him And yet to assure vs also of his Religion lib. cit affirmeth that he wrote at the commandement of Monks for shauing and anointing of Priests for feasts of Saints and single life and other saith he new rites and that he had great familiaritie with Pope Sergius And cent 14. cap. 26. saith that Maidulph maister of S. Aldelm was sullied with Papistical blemish and was a most eager defender of the Roman constitutions And yet the same Maidulph saith Cambden Brit. pag. 210 was of great learning and singuler pietie S. Beda Of S. Beda Bale cent 2. cap. 1. giueth this testimonie He was so practised in Prophane writers that he scarce had his match in that age he learnt Phisick and Metaphisick out of the purest fountains He knew the misteries of the Christian faith so soundly note that for his exact knowledg both of Greeke and Latin many preferred him before Gregorie the Great There is scarce any thing worth reading to be found in all Antiquitie which in due places is not read in Beda 〈◊〉 if he had liued in the tymes of Austin Hierom Chrisostom I doubt not but he might haue contended for equalitie with them He put forth many bookes ful of all kind of learning Thus Bale of S. Beda and in like sort Fox Acts. pag. 127. saith he was a man of worthy and memorable memory and famous learning The whole Latin Church at that tyme gaue him the maistry in iudgement and knowledg of the holy scripture Stow Chron. pag. 93. Beda a famous learned man Cooper Chron. An. 729. Beda for his learning and godly life was renowned in all the world Bel in his Downfal Beda for vertue and learning renowned in all the world Cambden Brit. pag. 670. Bede the singuler glorie of England by pietie and erudition obtained the name of venerable wrote manie volumes most learnedly And yet how plaine a Papist S. Beda was shal be shewed both by his owne doctrine and by open confession of Protestants cap. 17. 5. The third wherof I will speake is Alcuin scholler to S. Beda Alcuin but maister to Charles the great Of whome Bale cent 2 c. 17. VVriteth thus He was thought by far the most learned Diuine of his age yea of all English men from the beginning after Aldelm and Beda in so much that he was maister to Charles the great and the first beginner of the Vniuersitie of Paris skilful in Latin Greeke and Hebrew Cambd. in Brit pag. 629. Calleth him the onely glorie of York And yet who readeth this Alcuins booke de Diuinis Officijs shall clearly see that he and our Contry then was as perfect Papists as any now are For there he shal finde all our Ceremonies at Baptism of exsufflation exorcising of salt Chrisme and the lyke Our Ancestors vsed all our present Cath. Ceremonies in baptisme Our three Masses on christmasse day Our Candlels on Candlemasse day Our Ceremonies in the holy weeke of keeping the Sepulcher hallowing the font putting out all the candels but one
much filth of superstition D. Fulk Fulk 1. Cor. 4. Austin did not beget the Nation of the English men to Christ by the pure Gospel but vvith the mixture of Traditions And that Christian Religion vvhich he found in the Britons he labored to corrupt vvith Romish inuentions 1. Cor. 15. Austin did not in all points teach the true faith to the Saxons 2. Cor. 12. Aust brought in corruption Syr Francis Hastings in his Wast word once or twise saith that Austin brought in the Romish Religion Osandes Osiander Epit. Hist cent 6. Aust thrust Roman rites and customs vpon the English To vvit Altars Vestements Masses Chalices Crosses Candlesticks Censars Banners holy Vessels holy vvater and bookes of Roman customs B. Bale See Magdeburgenses cent 6. Bale cent 1. pag. 19. After Austins Apostleship saith he vnder the English Saxons there followed an other kind of Monkes which corrupted all with most filthy superstitions Idolatries And cent 1. cap. 70. Austin entred not with the Gospel of Luther of Christian peace but with the banner of his Apostleship with a siluer Crosse Letanies Procession Images painted Pictures Reliques and ritual bookes And cap. 72. Aust made Elbald drinck of the cup of the whore cap. 73. King Ethelbert first of all English men receaued of Greg. 1. Bishop of Rome by Austin the opinions of the Roman Religiō with all saith he the imposture or deceit and dyed the one and twentith yeare of his receaued Papisme And pag. 73. he calleth our primitiue church a carnal Synagogue And yet further cent 8. cap. 85. Austin saith he brought in Popish Monkerie besides the Popes traditions o filthie and blasphemous mouth brought no thing but mans dung Cent. 13. c. 1. Austin the Roman brought hither Romish rites without sound doctrine The King receaued Romanisme with the anexed Idolatries He brought in Monkes Altars Vestements Images Masses Chalices Crosses Candlesticks Banners holy as they call them Vessels holy water and bookes of Roman customs Their cheeffest studies were about the oblations of Masses And finally Cent. 14. cap 31. he saith Austin disposed all things in England to the forme of the Sinagogue of Rome and made English men honorers of the Pope Thus plainly is S. Austins Roman Religion confessed by Bale who was both as earnest a Protestant and as skilful in antiquities as euer ●nglish Protestant was Holinshead Holinshead also Descript Brit. cap. 27. saith The Inhabitants of Britanie receaued the Doctrine of Rome brought in by Austin and his Monks Ib. Austin indeed conuerted the Saxons from Paganisme but imbued them with no lesse hurtful superstition than they did know before For besides the name ef Christ and external contempt of their pristinat Idolatrie he taught them nothing at all but rather made an exchange from grosse to subtil trecherie from open to secret Idolatrie and from the name of Pagans to the bare Title of Christians So far were these men from thincking S. Austin to haue bene a Protestant or to haue agreed with them as Fulk would 2. Cor. 12. in the cheefe and most essential points of faith CHAP. XVII That S. Austin was a Roman Catholick proued by the Doctrine and faith of the Engilsh Church which he founded 1. IN this Chapter I will first set downe what Catholicks haue written of the faith of our Primitiue Church and after what Protestants First therfor our Primitiue English Christians sayd Masse Masse in honor of Saints and that in honor of Saints Beda lib. 4. cap. 14. Let them say Masses and giue thanks that their prayer is heard and also for the memorie of King Oswald Likwise they sayd Masse for the dead and consequently beleued it to be propitiatorie for sinnes Masse for the dead Ibid. cap. 22. Tuna a Priest and Abbot did often times cause Masse to be saide for his brothers soule Item lib. 5. cap. 13. and lib. 3. cap. cit They erected Monasteries that dayly praier might be made for the dead Offered to god the pretious bodie and blood of Christ Secondly they did beleeue that they offered to God the pretious body and blood of Christ as we beleeue we do at Masse Beda lib. 5. cap. 22. All Christian Churches throughout the world should prepare bread and wine for the mystery of the flesh and precious blood of the immaculat lambe and when all lessons prayers rites and ceremonies vsed in the solemn feast of Easter were done should offer the same to God the Father in hope of their redemption to come lib. 4. cap. 28. S. Cutbert offered the host of the holsome Sacrifice to God Thirdly Cōfession of sinnes and pennance for them they confessed their sinnes to Priestes and they enioined pennance lib. 4. cap. 25. Adaman in his youth had committed a certain greiuous sinne resorting therfor to a Priest confessed his sinne to him The Priest when he had heard his sinne said a great wound requireth a great cure and medecin therfor giue thy self to fasting and prayer as much as thou art able And lib. 4. cap. 27. He telleth how Saint Cutbert heard mens confessions and enioined them pennance Miracle for confession And lib. 5. cap. 14. He telleth a dreadful punishment inflicted by God on one because in time of sicknes he would not confesse his sinnes Fourthly Priests could not marry their Clergy after holy orders takē could not marry S. Greg. in Beda lib. 1. cap. 27. If ther by any in the Clergy out of holy orders that can not liue chast they shall take wiues The same hath S. Beda l. 5. c. 22. Fiftly Dirige Masse for the dead they song dirige ouer night and in the morning sayd Masse for the dead Beda lib. 3. cap. 2. The religious men of Hagstalden haue of long time bene accustomed to come euery yeare the eue and the day that S. Oswald was slayne to keepe Dirges there for his soule and in the morning solemnly to offer for him the sacrifice of the holy Oblation Sixtly they vsed holy water and consecrating Churches Holie vvater candels Crosses holie oile Beda lib. 5. cap. 4. The Bishop S. Iohn sent the sick Lady some of the holy water which he had halowed in the Dedication of the Church and also candles lighted Crosses and holy oyle as we do now as is euident by Malmsb lib. 2. Pont. pag. 235. and Ealred in vit Edwardi Seuenthly they blessed them selues with the signe of the Crosse Blessing vvith the signe of the Crosse Beda lib. 4. cap. 14. Cednam blessing him selfe with the signe of the holy Crosse layd down his head on the Boulster and so falling a little in a slumber ended his life in quiet And lib. 5. cap. 22. Euery congregation of faithful men accustometh to beare the signe of the Crosse on their forheads that by the Diuin power of the same they may be defended from all assaults of the Diuel Eightly their Priests and Monks vsed round shauen
of the See Apostolick as it is knowne that Austin and his Successors Bishops were And can we think that the Pops Legats were not Papists Finally diuers of them haue bene canonized by the Pope Hovv manie Archb of Canterb canonized and their memories in the Roman Martyrologe To wit S. Austin S. Laurence S. Mellit S. Iustus S. Honorius S. Theodor S. Dunstan S. Anselm S. Thomas S. Edmund S. Elpheg to whome Godwin addeth S. Eadsin which would neuer haue bene done if they had not bene known Roman Catholicks CHAP. XIX That euery one of the Archbishops of Canterburie from S. Austin to the time of the Conquest of England were Roman Catholicks proued in particuler S. LAVRENCE II. 1. THe first Successor of S. Austin and second Archb. of Canterb. was S. Laurence of whome S. Austin him self made choise and consecrated him whiles he liued but in what yeare he entred is not certain but he died in the yeare 619. as may be gathered out of Beda The learning and vertue of S. Laurence He was saith Godwin in his life a very Godly and wel learned man and tooke great paines not onely with his ovvne charge but also to reduce the Britons Scotts and Irish men to one consent in matters of religion Bale Cent. 13. cap. 2. writeth that he was very skilful in Logick and other Philosophie Beda lib. 2. cap. 3. saith he endeuored to lift vp the building of the English Church to the perfect highnes both by often wordes of holy exhortation and also by continual example of deuout and godly workes and therin also telleth how he labored to reduce the Britons and Irish as a true Pastor and Prelat And thus much for the worthines of this our holy Prelat But as for his Roman Religion although that be euident by what hath bene sayd before of S. Austin yet will I add what Bale saith of him Cent. 13. cap. 2. He was sent of Greg. to instruct the English Saxons in Roman Religion he taught the people the Papistical faith almost in all the Dominion of the English men S. Mellit Archbishop III. 2. THe third Archbishop was S. Mellit who succeded An. 619. For as S. Beda saith lib. 2. cap. 7. he dyed An. 624. after he had bene Archbishop fiue yeares Of whome and his successor S. Iustus Beda lib. 2. cap. 7. writeth That they gouerned the English Church with great labor and diligence The vertues of S. Mellit that he was noble by birth but much more noble for the excellency of his minde often trobled with sicknes yet euer free and sounde of minde did alwaies feruently burne with the fier of inward charitie and was wont with his holy prayers and holy exhortations to driue from him selfe and others all ghostly tentations And. Miracles Ibid. reciteth how that by prayer he quenched a great fier that burnt Canterburie Godwin in vita eius saith he was a man of noble birth but of greater minde exceeding careful of his charge despising the world and neuer caring but for heauen and heauenly things His Rom. Religion His Roman Religion is manifestest because as Godwin confesseth he was an Abbot of Rome sent hither by Greg. and went after to Rome to confer with Pope Boniface sate in Councel and was by him honorably entertained S. Iustus Archbishop IIII. 3. The fourth Archbishop was Saint Iustus who inmediatly succeeded S. The vertue and learning of Saint Iustus Mellit An. 624. and dyed as it seemeth by Beda lib. 2. cap. 18. An. 633. He gouerned saith S. Beda lib. 2. cap. 7. the English Church with great labor and diligence And as Pope Boniface testifieth in Beda lib. ● cap. 8. of him so greatly and earnestly labored for the Gospel as he could shevv whole Contries plentifully multiplied by him and brought vp king Edbald with great learning and instruction of holy scriptures Godwin in his life sayth he trauailed painfully 12. His Cathol Religion yeares His Roman Catholick Religion is manifest by his Pall receaued from Pope Boniface Beda lib. 2. cap. 8. And by what Bale writeth of of him Cent. 13. cap. 3. Where he calleth him Pedagog of the Roman faith And addeth that he brought king Edbald to the Roman faith S. Honorius Archbishop V. 4. The fift Archbishop was S. Honorius who succeded as appeareth by Beda lib. 2 cap. 18. and Baron affirmeth An. 633 and died as Beda writeth lib. 3. cap. 20. An. 653. hauing sate 20. yeares S. Honorius his great learning and vertue He was saith Beda lib. 5. cap. 20. one of S. Greg. schollers and profoundly learned in holy scriptures Pope Honorius writing vnto him in Malmsb. 1. Pont. pag. 208. saith He gouerned his flock with much toile much labor and troble euils increasing And the same saith Godwin As for his Roman Religion that is manifest by his Pal. which Bed lib. 2. cap. 18. His Cathol Religion saith He receaued with a letter from Pope Honorius which also Godwin confesseth And Bale addeth that he first deuided England into Parishes after the Papistical maner Which thing also testifieth Camb. in Brit. pag. 131. and Stow An. 640. And all these Archb. were Italians and fellow Laborers of S. Austin Deusdedit Archbishop VI. 5. The sixt Archbishop was Deusdedit an English man who succeeded saith Beda lib. 3. cap. 20 after a yeare and a halfe to wit An. 655 and gouerned the See 9. yeares foure Monthes He was saith Godwin famous for his learning and other vertues and attended carefully his charge The learning and vertue of Archb. Deusdedit Capgraue in his life saith of him He was a man worthy of God famous for his life and learning watchful in prayer and of most vnspotted puritie But his Roman Religion is manifest by what hath bene saide of his Maisters and Predecessors His Rom. Religion After him saith Beda lib. 3. cap. 20. Damian was consecrated But because he saith no more of him and Godwin reckoneth him not amongst the Archbishops but amongst the Bishops of Rochester I will also let him passe S. Theodore Archbishop VII 6. The next Archbishop chosen saith S. Beda lib. 3. cap. 29. by the Clergie of England was VVighard a Priest of great vertue and worthie to be a Bishop whome the kings of England sent to Rome to be consecrated but he dying there before his consecration Pope Vitalian made choice of S. Theodore a Grecian borne whome he consecrated saith Beda lib. 4. cap. 1. An 668. and not 666. as Bale fableth to make the time agree with the number of the Beast in the Apocalips and continued Archb. 22. The admirable learning of Saint Theodor. yeares three monthes He saith Beda lib. 4. cap. 2. and Adrian his fellovve vvere exceeding vvel learned both in prophane and holy litterature and gathering a company of schollers vnto them powred into their bosoms holsome knowledg and besides their expounding of scriptures they instructed their schollers with musick
Latin masse Priests forbidden to marie and for putting away Priests wiues so he terme h Concubins And cap. 91. That he held a Synod An. 710. Cuius Synodi vigore introductae sunt Imagines in omnes Anglorum Ecclesias Besides he was nexu spiritualli adunatus to Boniface that notorious Papist as Boniface testifieth ep apud Baron An. 734. Capgraue in S. Egwins life hath Pope Constantins Epist to this Archbishop in which the Pope writeth that Brithwald sent Saint Egwin twise to Rome Tvvo Engl. Kings request the P. to confirme their Charters 900. years agoe and that two English kings requested him to confirme their Charters of gifts that they had giuen to S. Egwins Monasterie Tacwin Archbishop IX 9. THe 9. Archbishop was Tacwin consecrated in the yeare 731. sate three yeares The learning and vertue of Archb. Tacvvin Died An 734. He was a man saith Beda lib. 5. cap. vlt certes notable for his godlines and wisdome and wel conuersant in holy scriptures Pope Greg. 3. in his letter to the Bishops of England in Malmsb. lib. 1. Pont. pag. 210. saith that he knew him a religious man and of great vertue Florent An 731. Huntington lib. 3. pag. 339. accord with S. Beda Godwin in his life saith he was a man very religious no lesse learned Bale Cent. 2. cap. 3. saith he was notable for Religion and wisdome excellently learned in scripture and spent his youth in best studies His Rom. religion His Roman Religion appeareth by that as Bale saith He wholy dedicated him self to the Benedictin Rules And as Godwin saith and Pope Gregory l. cit testifieth trauailed to Rome in person and there receaued his Pal. Which also contest Beda in Epit. Houeden parte 1. and others Nothelm Archbishop X. 10. THe tenth Archbishop was Nothelm The learning and vertue of Archb. Nothelm chosen an 734. sate fiue yeares died an 739. Bale Cent 2. cap. 8. saith He was a learned and graue yong man of tryed honestie and knovvne to the vvhole Iland for his memorable deedes Beda in the Preface of his Historie saith he was much holpen by him His Rom. religion His Roman Religion is cleare by his going twise to Rome where he receaued his Pal as write Godwin in his life Hunting lib. 4. pag. 340. Houeden 1. parte Anal. Westmon an 736. Besides that S. Boniface that notorious Papist asked his aduise in matters of religion Ex Ep. Bonif. in Baron an 734. Cutbert Archbishop XI 11. THe 11. Archbishops was Cutbert chosen an 742. and died an 758. or as Bale saith 760. He vvas as Bale Cent. The rare learning nd vertue of Archb. Cutbert 2. cap. 14. hath borne of noble race a man of great renowne for his rare learning and ciuil behauior Godwin addeth to his praises that he was a good Pastor His Roman Religion appeareth both by his great familiaritie with Saint Boniface the Apostle of Germany His Rom. religion whome Fox lib. 2. pag. 128. confesseth to haue bene a Papist and Bale Cent. 2. cap. 13. saith vvas next to the great Antichrist at whose aduise he called a Councel in England In which among other things S. Austins day made holie day he apointed that our S. Austins day should be kept holy day And also because he had a Pal from the Pope Ex Westmon ad 740. Besids he sent most freindly letters and presents to the forsaid S. Boniface Ex Epist in Baron an 740. Bregwin Archbishop XII 12. THe 12. was Bregwin chosen an The great learning and vertue of Archb. Bregvvin 759. sate three yeares born saith Godwin of noble parentage chosen in regard of his modestie integritie and great learning Westmon an 760. saith he was a vvise man and learned His Cathol religion His Roman Religion is known both because he was a Monke as Capgraue saith in his life and because he made earnest suit to the Pope that the Archbishops might be buried in Christ-church in Canterb. and not in the Austins as before as Godwin in vit Lamberti writeth Lambert Archbishop XIII 13. THe 13. is Lambert Rom. religion of Archb. Lambert chosen as Malmsberie hath in Fastis an 762. sate 27. yeares His Roman Religion is out of doubt by that as Godwin saith in his life and Malmsb. lib. 1. Pont. pag. 198. he had bene Abbot of the Austins and as Florent saith Chron. an 764. receaued his Pal of Pope Paul Ethelard Archbishop XIIII 14. THe 14. Archbishop was Ethelard created an 793. or as Malmsb. in Fastis saith 791. and that he sate 13. yeares but Godwin saith he sate but 8. or 9. yeares But he is manifestly ouerseene For he putteth his entrance an 793. and his death an 806. which time includeth about 13. yeares The vvorthines of Archb. Ethelard He was saith Malmsb. 1. Reg. cap. 4. a stout man and worthy of God And lib 1. Pont. pag. 199. very industrious and gratious with the Peeres of the Realme He caried the Letters of King Kenulph and of the Bishops of England to Pope Leo for restitution of the Dio●esse of Canterburie and was intertained benign●y And P. Leo in his epist to King Kenulph calleth him most holy most deere and most skilful VVhich words saith Malmsb. that high and holy Pope would not haue iterated vnles he knew them to be true Ibid. A man after the first Doctors to be compared with the cheefest Bishops And I had almost said saith Malmsb. to be preferred before them His Cathol religion As for his Roman Religion that is manifest by his forsaid going and sending to the Pope Which also Fox lib. 2. pag. 134. and Godwin confesse And by that as Godwin saith in his life he was a Monke and in B. of Winchester he was an Abbot Our ancient Kings hope to buy heauen by god vvorks which also testifie Malmsb. 1. Reg. cap. 4. Hunting lib. 4. Houeden pag. 403. In Ingulph he subscribeth to a Charter in which King Offa professeth Per bona opera mercari praemia sempiterna VVulfred Archbishop XV. 15. THe 15. was Wulfred who succeded as Godwin saith an 807. Rom. religion of Archb vvulfred but Malmsb saith 804. with whome also agreeth Florent Chron. an 804. he sate 25. yeares And his Roman Religion is cleare See the Charter to vvhich he subscribed in Indulph pag. 855. because as Godwin writeth he was made Archbishop at Rome by Leo 3. And again the 9. yeare after his consecration went to Rome Florent an 804. and Westmon an 806. say he had a Pal of Pope Leo. Theologild Archbishop XVI 16. T Theologild was the 16. Who as Godwin saith succeded an 832 but Malmsb. in Fastis saith 829 and dyed the same yeare Of him little is written But as Godwin saith Rom. religion of Archb. Theologild he was Abbot of Canterburie which putteth his Roman Religion out of question Celnoth Archbishop XVII 17. THe 17. place occupied Celnoth an 830. as
Doct. Humfrey that Saint Austin brought it into England And before S. Odo S. Odo Alcuin that great English Deuine Alcuin professeth it clearly in these words Bread of it selfe hath not reason Lib. de dluin offic c. de missa but the Priest prayeth that it be made reasonable of Almightie God by passing into the bodie of his sonne Item After Consecration it is one thing and seemeth an other Transubstant plainly professed For it seemeth bread and wine but it is in truth Christs body and blood VVherfor God prouiding for our weaknes who vse not to eat raw flesh nor duink blood maketh that these two gifts do abide in their ancient forme and yet it is in truth Christs body and blood And S. Beda cited by Walden S. Bede Tom. 2. cap. 82. There it seene the shape of bread where the substance of bread is not nether is it any other bread then that which came from heauen S. Dunstan Archbishop XXIII 23. IN the year 959. succeeded S. Dustan and died in the yeare 988. as all agree The great learning and rare vertue of S. Dunstā He was saith Godw. borne of good parentage and for the most parte brought vp in the Abbay of Glastenburie where besides other good learning he was taught to sing to play vpon Instruments to paint and carue In all which he prooued very excellent For his manifould good partes made much of the Kings most gratious vnto King Edward and King Elbred vnder whome he ruled all things at his pleasure His miracles and for the most parte admired for a most holy and vertuous man and after canonized for a Saint The like hath Bale Cent. 2. cap. 38. Malmsb lib. 1. Pont pag. 202. saith Surius Tom. 3. vvriten by Osborn in the tyme of the Conquest He adorned the stepps of his promotion with vnwearied vertues Those times were happy which had such a Prelat as did nothing lesse than he sayd And much there of his vertue and miracles But who readeth his life in Surius will admire him But his Roman religion is confessed of Protestants His Rom. Keligion For Godwin saith Godvvin He was a Monke and bewitched so he speaketh the forsaid Kings with loue of Monkerie Maried Priests persecuted Fox and applied all his indeuors to the raysing of Monkes and Monasteries and persecuted maried Priests Fox Acts. lib. 3. pag. 136. saith he was drovvned in all superstition And pag. 158. An ennemy to Priestes vviues Bale Cent. 2. cap. 38. He receaued a Pal of Pope Iohn 13. at Rome of vvhome he obtained a Breue by vvhich he might condemn the mariages the Concubins in deede of the Ministers of the Church and compel them to keepe the voue of single life Priests compelled to keep their novv of single life and that he did annihilat saith Bale the vvord of God as Luther vnderstandeth it for the Popes traditions And cap. 40. That he had a Vision at masse though Bale call it a dreame And there is extant the Ep. of pope Iohn 12. to S. Dunstan wherin he maketh him his Legat and giueth him a Pal to vse at Masse Ethelgar Archbishop XXIIII 24. AFter Saint Dunstan succeeded Ethelgar in the year 988 and sat two yeares His Rom. Rom. Religion of Archb. Ethelgar religion appeareth by that as Godwin saith he had before bene Abbot of Winchester which Malmsh lib. 1. Pont. pag. 203. saith he was made by Saint Ethelwald who was a notorious Papist Syricius Archbishop XXV Rom. religion of Archb. Syricius 25. THe 25. Archbishop who succeeded An 990. as Malmsb hath in Fast sate as he sayth fiue yeares was Siricius Whose Roman religion can not be doubted of For as Godwin sayth he was a Monk of Glastenburie and by Saint Dunstan made Abbot of S. Austins in Canterburie and by him also preferred to the Bishoprick of Wilton Alfricus Archbishop XXVI 26. GOdwin and Malmsb. in Fast do-put this Alfricus after Syricius although Malmsburie 1. Pont. pag. 203. put him before Syricius He entred as is said in fastis An. 995 and died An. 1006. as all agree Of these three Bishops little is written because the Danes rage was in their time most furious Rom. religion of Archb. Africus But his Roman religion is out of question For as Godwin testifieth he was brought vp in Glastenburie disciple as Bale saith Cent. 2. cap. 41. of S. Ethelwald Alfricus counted a craftie Papist and Abbot of Abingdon and for his crafte saith he in promoting Papistrie made Archbishop of Canterbury To this man Fox would gladly attribute a sermon in the Saxon tongue published by Protestants of the Eucharist But him self is doubtful pag. 1040. Edit 1596 And the Protestants that published the sermon deny it in their Preface before it And if he were the Author of that sermon it would not be a point of Protestancie as you may see by what Bale hath sayd S. Elpheg Archbishop XXVII 27. NExt followed S. Elpheg an 1006. and sate 7. years vvōderful vertue of S. Elpheg He vvas saith Godwin of great parentage and vvonderfull abstinence neuer eating drinking nor sleeping more than necessitie compelled him spending his time altogether in pietie studie or other necessaire busines So that vvhat vvith preaching and example of holy life he conuerted many vnto Christ And in the Bish of Winchester he addeth that he was a learned man Malmsb. His learning and miracles lib. 1. Pont. pag. 203. saith His life vvas ful of vertues and miracles beyng at Rome he manifestly tould vnto his company the death of Kenulph vvho had succeeded him in VVinchester was slaine of the Danes rather saith Florent An. 1012. than he vvould pil his floock to ransome him vvith 3000. pounds His body saith Malmsb. His bodie in corrupt retaining marks of fresh blood remaineth to this daye vncorrupted His Cathol faith The Roman religion of this blessed man is euident both by his going to Rome after he was chosen Archb. which vndoubtedly was to fetch his Pal and because as Godwin saith and Florent Malmsb. 1 Reg. cap. 11. saith of Bathe and Vestmon An. 984 he was Abbot before he vvas Bishop and finally Canonized by the Papists Liuing Archbishop XXVIII 28. LIuing succeded an 1013. and sate 7. yeares Of whome little is written but that he fled the Realme for feare of Danes But his Roman religion is certain by that which hath bene sayde of his Predeccessors Agelnoth Archbishop XXIX The vvorthines of Archb. Agelnoth 29. THe 29. is Agelnoth sirnamed the good saith Godwin and Florent an 1020 and sonne to the Earle Agelmar He entred an 1020. and sate 18. yeares He was so deere saith Bale Cent. 2. cap. 46. to King Canut that he vsed his wit and help cheefly in dispatching matters His Rom. religion His Roman religion is manifest For as the same Bale writeth he went to Rome as the manner saith he was
that receiuing his Pal he might sweare Antichrists so he stil termeth the Pope faith The like saith Godwin And of his going to Rome for his Pal testify Malmsb. lib. 4. Pont. pag. 289. Hunt lib. 6. Florent an 1021. Houeden 1022. Fox lib. 3. pag. 163. addeth that King Canut following much the superstition of Agelnoth went a Pilgrimage to Rome And Bale l. cit addeth That he perswaded King Canut to resigne his crowne to the Crucifix and calleth him a Bishop of superstition Eadsin Archbishop XXX 30. IN the yeare 1038. succeded Eadsin The vertue and religiō of Archb. Eadsin and died 1050. His Roman religion and vertue appeareth by that as Godwin saith after his death he was made a Saint Malmsb. lib. Pont. pag. 204. and Florent an 1043. write that he anointed King Edward Confess who was a notorious Papist Robert Archbishop XXXI 31. THe next was Robert who succeded an 1050. and sate two or as Malmsb. in Fastis saith 3. yeares His Roman religion is manifest by that he was a Monk Rom. religion of Archb. Robert brought vp as Godwin saith in the Monasterie of Gemetica in Normandie had a Pal from Rome as he saith in the life of Stigand And being accused went saith Malmsb. 1. Pont pag. 204. to Rome from whence he came with letters to clear him and to recouer his See Stigand Archbishop XXXII 32. THe last Archbishop before the Conquest was Stigand who an 1052. vsurped the seate whilst his Predecessor liued and was depriued an 1069. He was saith Godwin stoute and wise inough His Roman religion is manifest by that as Godwin writeth he laboured to procure a Pal of the Pope Rom. religion of Archb. Stigand but could not because of his vnlawful entrance And therfore as Ingulph who liued then writeth pag. 898 Malmsb. lib. 1. Pont. pag. 204. Florent An. 1058. he procured one of an Antipope which then was The first and last Archb. in the Saxons time said Masse and had a Pall. and vsed it saith Florent An. 1070 in Missarum celebratione Thus you see all the Archbishops of Canterburie in the Saxons tyme for 466. yeares together were Roman Catholicks And as S. Austin the first of them had a Pal from the Pope and sayd Masse so did the very last Now let vs shew the same of all the Archbishops from the Conquest vnto our time CHAP. XX. That all the Archbishops of Canterb from the time of the Conquest vnto our tyme were Roman Catholicks 1. THe 33. Archbishop of Canterburie and first after the Conquest of England was Lanfranck He entred an 1070. being Monke and Prior of Becco in regard saith Godwin of his singuler wisdome and great knowledg of all good learning that those times could affoard The singuler great learning and vvisdom of Arch Lanfranck Was first called by Duke William to be Abbot and after hauing conquered England for his wisdom and faithfulnes he made choise of him for Archbishop of Canterburie Godvvin as one in all respects most fit and worthie which being wel known to all men the Couent of Canterb. at the Kings first nomination readily chose him The nobilitie and Laitie willingly receaued him with great applause Bale Bale Cent. 13. cap. 12. saith he was the most perfect of his tyme in all kind of Logick or subtilitie of Aristotle He corrected and amended according to the right faith all the bookes of the olde and new Testament which had bene corrupted by faulte of the writers and also the writings of the holy Fathers Fox Fox lib. 4. pag. 184. From his commendation and worthines I list not to detract anie thing Stovv Stow Chron pag. 148. Lanfranck skilful in science prudent in Councel and gouernment of things and for religion and life most holie His holines And pag. 171. reporteth that King William Conqueror being redy to die said that he supposed that the praises of Lanfranck and Anselme his Successor sound in the vttermost corners of the Earth He was busie saith Godwin in exhorting King Rufus to vertue and godlines Protestāts forced most highly to commend their learning and vertue vvho condemned their Doctrin And as long as Lanfranck liued saith Stow pag. 179. Rufus seemed to abhor all kind of vice in so much as he was counted the mirror of Kings This high praise for learning and vertue Protestants giue to this Archbishop whome to their confusion they confesse as yow shall heare anon to haue bene a most notorious Papist and the greatest enemy of Berengarius Archb. Lanfranc first confuted the deniers of Transubstātiation whome they account their Patriarch for the denial of the real presence If I should alleadg the sayings of Catholick writers in his commendation I should neuer make an ende Onely therfor I will cite two who liued in his time and quote some others Malmsb. Malmesbur lib. 3. Hist pag. 109. saith he was a man comparable to the Fathers in Religion and learning on whom in earnest may be verified A third Cato came from heauen So heauenly sauor had embued his brest and mouth So all the Latin Church did by his learning stir it self vp to the study of the liberal sciences So by his example or feare Monastical perfection did goe for ward in religion And much more he hath of Lanfranck 1. Pont. pag. 213. sequ Ingulph also Hist Ingulph pag. 901. saith he was the most commended and clear Doctor of all liberal sciences and most expert in temporal affaires and most holy in life and religion Marian The like also hath Marian who liued at that tyme Chron. Florent Huntingt an 1070. Florent and Westmon Ibid. Huntington lib. 7. Neubrigen lib. 1. cap. 1. Paris Hist pag. 8. Walsingham in ypodigmate Capgraue and Trithem in Lanfranco 2. And no les notorious was the Roman religion of this worthie Archb. Rom religion of Archb. Lanfranc than his learning and vertue was famous Which for breuitie sake I will onely proue by the confession of Protestants Bale Cent. Bale He an Heretik vvho in faith differeth from the Church of Rome 13. cap. 12. saith plainly He did many things for the exaltation of Papistrie Defineth him to be an Heretick who differeth from the Church of Rome in doctrine of faith Which is as much as any Papist now can or wil say And Cent. 2. cap. 62. Lanfranck and Anselm set vp the mouldy so this wretch blasphemeth Idol of the Masse Priests mariages condemned and condemned the holy marriages of Priestes Fox lib. 4. pag. 173. citeth this beginning of his letter to Pope Alexander To the Lorde Pope Alexander high ouerseer of all Christian Religion Fox Lanfranck due obedience with all subiection Pag. 394. he calleth him a stout Champion of the Pope Pag. 1147. cheefest trobler of Berengarius And pag. 1148. citeth this profession of Lanfranck Lanfranck his profession of Transubstant I beleeue the earthly
substances which vpon the Lords table are diui●ely sanctified by the ministration of the Priest to be conuerted into the essence of the Lords body the outward formes onely of the things them selues and qualities reserued Bilson Bilson of Obed. pag. 681. Lanfranck and Anselm came in with their Antichristian deuises and inuentions and chargeth him to haue first brought Transubstantiation into England Lanfranck altered nothing in our English faith But how false this is appeareth by that no one Author of that time chargeth him with altering any point of the faith of the English and also by that which before we shewed out of Protest that S. Greg. sent in Transubstantiation into England and that S. Odo defended it both by writing and miracles And who wil more of Lanfrancks earnestnes in Roman religion may read his Epistle to Pope Alexander 2. and Alexanders to him and his booke against Berengarius for the real presence S. Anselm Archbishop XXXIIII 3. THe 34. Archbishop was S. Anselm an 1093. and died an 1109. A most worthie man saith Godwin of great learning The admirable learning and holines of S. Anselm as his works yet extant testifie and for integritie of life and conuersation admirable Vndoutedly he was a good and holy man and as worthy the honor of Saint as any I thinck saith he euer was canonized by the Pope since his tyme. Thus the Protest them selues commend this blessed mā Of whome who list to know more may read his life in Surius written by Edner his Chaplin Malmsb. who then liued lib. 4. Reg. sayth none was more obseruant of iustice none at that time so soundly learned none so wholly spiritual the Father of the Contrie the mirror of the world And much more lib. 1. Pont. pag. 216. seq As for his religion that is manifest to be Roman His Rom religion For he was a Monk and scholler to Lanfranck as Fox saith pag. 185. had his Pal from Rome appeased from the King to the Pope and pag. 186. he writeth how he tould King Rufus to his face that it was vn iust to command Bishops not to appeale to Rome Vniust to forbid appeals to Rome pag. 195. He was superstitious in religion Bale Cent. 13. cap. 16. and others write that he procured that Kings should not inuest Bishops Cent. 2. cap. 50. He augmented the impudencie of the Popes being their Counsellor in Rome Priests forbidden to marrie and their Vicar in England Finally they all agree that he forbad Priests marriages and as Godwin speaketh persecuted maried Priests extremely pag. 163. Priests forbidden to marrie from the first infancie of our Church In so much as Fox pag. 191. Bale Cent. 2. cap. 59. make him the first that forbad Priests in England to haue wiues and Cambd. in Britan. saith wiues were not forbidden to Priests in England before the yeare 1102. Which how vntrue it is appeareth by S. Greg. words to S. Austin in Beda lib. 1. cap. 27. where Saint Greg. apointeth that if there be any among the Clergie out of holy orders which can not liue chast they shall take wiues S. Gregorie wherin he clearly excludeth all in holy orders from wiues and in Concil Rom. If any Priest or Deacon mary a wife be he accursed And about 100. yeares after that S. Beda Beda lib. 5. cap. 22. said plainly that English Priests professed to binde them selues to chastitie And Prolog in Samuel writeth thus VVe who haue purposed according to the custom of Ecclesiastical life to abstain from wiues and to liue single And S. Bedas scholler Alcuin l. Aleuin de Virtutibus cap. 18. Chastitie is necessarie to all but cheefly to the Ministers of the Altar of Christ For he must haue such Ministers as be not corrupted by any contagion of the flesh but rather shine with continencie of chastitie Bale Bale also Cent 1. cap. 64. writeth thus About the yeare 719. vnder Brithwald Archbish. brithvvald was a Synod held at London for prohibiting of Priests wiues as Nauclerus saith he and others affirme And after that again S. Odo Archb. S. Odo as the same Bale hath Cent. 2. cap. 30. Decreed that the mariages of the Ministers of the Church were Heretical Yea Cambd. him selfe pag. 259. writeth that King Ethelwolph about the yeare 855. Cābden had a dispensation of the Pope to marry because he was sacris ordinibus initiatus in holy orders But what dispensation had that King needed if it had bene lawful for Priests thē to marrie And after this Kings time S. Dunstā Dunstan and his fellows saith Fox Acts pag. 156. caused King Edgar to call a Councel of the Clergie Fox wher it was enacted and decreed that the Canons of diuers Cathedral Churches Collegiats Parsons Vicars Priests and Deacons with their wiues and children should either giue ouer that kinde of life or els giue rome to Monkes And Cambden in Brit. pag. 211. saith this Councel was held an 977. how then could he say that Priests wiues were neuer forbidden before an 1102. After that also Lanfranck as Fulk Annotat. Lanfrank in Math. 8. in a Synod at VVinchester made a decree against the marriage of Priests Fulk And Fox Acts pag. 195. citeth an Epistle of S. Anselm where he hath these wordes Because so cursed a marriage of Priests was forbidden in a Councel of his Father he meaneth the Conqueror and of the said Archbishop Lanfrancus lately I command that all Priests that keepe women shal be depriued of their Churches and Ecclesiastical Benefices VViues forbidden to preists in Englād both by Archb. and councels Wherby it is euident that Priests were not first forbidden to marry or haue wiues by Anselme but by manie both Archbishops and Councels euer since the infancie of our English Church Rodolph Archbishop XXXV 4. THe 35. Archbishop was Rodolph Entred an 1114. and died an 1122. He behaued saith Godwin him self vvel in the place vvas very affable and curteouse and willing to please Malmsb. 1 Pont. pag. 250. saith The marverlous learning and pietie of Archb Rodolph he vvas meruaylously learned and eloquent And pag. 252. very religious His Roman religion is euident for as Godwin testifieth he was a Monke and scholler to Lanfranck His Rom. religion receaued a Pal solemly from Rome and after trauailed in person to Rome VVilliam Corbel Archbishop XXXVI 5. TO him succeded William Corbel an 1122. and departed 1136. He was say Marian. and Continuat Florent Pietie and Rom. Religion of Archb. Corbel vir eximiae religionis His Roman religion is vndoubted because as Godwin saith he was a monk and the Popes Legat. Called a Synod wherin many Canons were made against the mariage of Priests And finally crowned King Stephen at Masse Continuat Florent who then liued saith he went to Rome for his Pal and had it of Pope Calixtus and again an other time and was honorably receaued
of Pope honorius who made him his Legat in England and Scotland Theobald Archbishop XXXVII 6. THe 37. was Theobald chosen an The vvorthines of Archb. Theobald 1138. and deceased an 1160. He was saith Godwin of so svveete and gentle behauiour being very vvise vvithal as he vvas greatly esteemeed of high and lovv Kings Nobles and Commons His Religion is known His Rom. religion by that as Godwin witnesseth he was a Benedictin monke and Abbot cōsecrated of the Popes Legat receaued his Pal from Pope Innocent 2. who also indued him and his successors for euer with the Title of Legatus natus which they all kept til the later end of King Henrie 8. Continuat Florent addeth that being called of the Pope he went to a Councel held in Rome S. Thomas Archbishop XXXVIII 7. THe 38. Archbishop and first Englishman after the Conquest was S. Thomas Elect an 1161. martyred an 1171. He was saith Neubrigen who then liued lib. 2. c. 16. vir acris ingenij The excellent partes and vertue of S. Thomas Archb. A man of a sharp wit and competent eloquence comely in fauor and finely handed comparable to the best in the effectual dispach of any busines he had so spetial a prerogatiue of honor and loue in the Princes hart that he seemed to be his fellow mate in the Crowne And Paris who liued soone after pag. 272. saith a primis adolescentiae annis From his very youth he was adorned with manifould grace And pag. 167. Carnem cilicijs attritam cum femoralibus cilicinis edomuit His fleshe worne with haireclothe His vvonderful austeritie of life he tamed with britches of the same Houeden Parte 2. Anal. saith Irreprehen sibilis vita singulis diebus c. Irreprehensible he receaued day by day three or fyue disciplines at the Priests hand his inner garment was of rugged haircloth of Gotes haire wherwith his whole bodie was couered from the elbow euen to the knees he lay vpon the bare ground before his bed and neuer ceased from prayer vntil for very wearines he layd downe his head vpon the stone be there placed insteed of a boulster The same and much more is written in his life by four writers of great credit who then liued Fox Acts. pag. 206. saith of him thus Threatnings and flatterings were to him both one great helps of nature were in him In memorie excellent good ful of deuotion Godwin saith he was most canonically elected and presently after his consecration became so graue so austere so deuoute in al outvvard shevv as he seemed quite an other man And as Westmon an 1162. writeth a Courtiers life he changed into a most saintly Thus both Catholicks and Protestants write of this blessed martir His Rom. religion His Roman religion is doubted of no man Fox Acts pag. 206. saith he was without all true religion supersticious to the obedience of the Pope and pag. 779. saith Lanfranck Anselm Beket brought the Popes Iudicial authoritie from Rome into this Land both ouer Kings and subiects which euer since hath continewed til these later yeares Bale Cent. 2. cap. 100. saith he was Legatus a latere The Popes Legat. assiduus labor c. and his continual labor was to subiect the Princes Maiestie to Antichrist Hovv God revvarded the pennance of king Henrie 2. What great pennance King Henrie 2. did of his owne accord for being some cause of this blessed mans death and how God the same day rewarded him with a miraculous victorie ouer the Scott yow may read in the Chronicles And how great the deuotion of our Forfathers was to this Saint appeareth by the inestimable riches which they gaue to his shrime of which Erasmus writteth vilissima pars c. Deuotion of Englād to Saint Thomas The basest part was golde all shined glittered and cast forth lightening by reason of the rare and mightie gemmes and precious stones yea the whole Church in euery parte abounded more than with royal riches Godwin in vit Baldwin Euery one thought him selfe happie that could doe anything to his honor Of these riches King Henry 8. had 24. waine Loades besides that which others embezeled And our Ancestors deuotion towards him appeareth by the hard marble stones which are to be seene worne round about the place where his shrine stood with the knees of those that came to pray there As Protestante with admiration do shew to those that come thither Richard Archbishop XXXIX 8. IN the yeare 1173. succeded Richard The vvorthines of Archb. Richard and departed this life an 1183. A man saith Godwin very liberal gentle and passing wise His Roman religion is certain His Rom. Keligion For as the same Godwin and Fox pag. 394. confesse he was a Benedictin Monk and consecrated of the Pope Which also testifieth Westmon an 1174. Houeden 1175. saith he held a Councel wherin he decreed Patrum saith he regulis inherentes insisting in the rules of ancient Fathers that Priestes should haue no wiues and be shauen Priests commanded to put avvay vvomen and to be shauen Baldwin Archbishop XL. 9. THe 40. Archbishop Baldwin succeeded an 1184. and deceased an 1190. a●very comely man saith Godwin modest and sober of such abstinence as fame durst neuer stamp any sinister report vpon him The admirable vertue and learning of Archb. Baldvvin Of few wordes slovv to anger and very studious from his childhood Fox Acts. pag. 230. addeth that it is saide that he neuer eat flesh in his life He went with King Richard into the holy land where saith Godwin by preaching counsel liberal almes and continual example of a most vertuous life he did great good and there dyed Bale Cent. 3. cap. 27. saith he was eloquent in speech an exact Philosopher and was accounted in those dayes fit for all maner of studie He was very diligent and careful in the discharge of his Archiepiscopal function behauing him selfe as a worthie Pastor His Rom. religion The Roman religion of this holy Prelat is manifest For as Fox Godwin and Bale L. cit say he was a Cistertian Monke and at the commandement of the Pope razed down to the ground a Church which him selfe had built Reginald Fiz Iocelin Archb. XLI 10. THe next was Reginald fiz Iocelin elected saith Godwin by the Monkes of Canterburie an 1191. but he at first withstood what he might Rare humilitie of Archb. Reginald and with teares vnfainedly besought them to make choise of some other and dyed within few dayes after Yet his Roman religion is cleare His Rom. Religion For as Godwin saith the Pope presently afforded him his Pal. Hubert VValter Archb. XLII 11. IN the yeare 1193. succeded Hubert Walter and dyed an Great vvorthines of Archb. Hubert 1205. VVho was saith Paris Hist pag. 26. vir profundi pectoris c. A man of a deepe reache and a singuler piller in the Realme of incomparable stabilitie and wisdome The
Vniuersities disputed excellently and shewed him self in diuers kinds of excercises His Rom. Religion Of his Roman religion can be no question For as Godwin and Bale cent 4 cap. 46. write he was made Archb. by the Pope ex plenitudine potestatis by his absolute authoritie And besides he was a Franciscan frier as Godwin rightly saith and Bale wrongly maketh him a Dominican and Prouincial of their order in England built the Gray Friers house in London and finallie was Cardinal Iohn Peckam Archbishop XLVIII 17. IN the yeare 1278. succeeded Iohn Peckam and departed this life An. Rare learning and behauiour 〈◊〉 Archb. Iohn 1292. A man saith Westmon An. 1278. Perfectissimus in doctrina most Perfect in learning Godwin saith of rare learning vsed great lenitie and gentlenes euery where and of an exceeding meeke facil and liberal minde His Roman religion is vndoubted His Rom. Religion For all write he was a Franciscan Frier and their Prouincial as his Predecessor had bene and made Archbishop as Westmon And Godwin l. cit and Fox Acts p. 349. and Bale Cent. 4. cap. 64. affirme by the meere authoritie of the Pope whervpon he is tearmed of Bale magnus robustus Antichristi miles a mightie and stout Champion of Antichrist Robert VVinchilsey Archb. XLIX 18. THe 49. Archbishop was Robert VVinchelsey elected an 1294. deceased an 1313. Walsingham ypodigmat pag. 100. writeth of him that He ruled the English Church notably in his dayes Exceelent learning vertue and vvisdom of Archb. vvinchelsey Godwin saith that being a childe he was admired for his towardlines and loued for his modest and gentle behauior gouerned the Vniuersitie of Paris with great commendation of integritie and wisdom gaue proofe of excellent knowledg of all good learning by preaching and disputing and was chosen to be Archbishop with the Kings good liking and applause of all men and coming to Rome the Pope a good and vertuous man saith Godwin and Cardinals vvere amazed at his rare learning ioyned vvith discretion and vvisdom He vvas a stout Prelat and a seuere punisher of sinne Such preferments as fel to his disposition he euer bestovved on men of excellent learning maintained many poore schollers at the Vniuersities and to all kinde of poore people was exceding bountiful In so much as therin I thinck he excelled all the Archbishops that euer were before or after him Besides the daylie fragments of his house he gaue euerie Friday and Sonday to euery Begger a loafe of bread VVere not these admirably learned and vertuous men more liklie to knovv the truth than Cranmer and such like And there were euerie such almes daies four or fiue thousand people Besides this euerie great festiual daye he sent 150. pence to such poore people as could not fetch his Almes Thus writeth Godwin of this admirable Archbishop which ioined to that which hath bene recited out of him selfe and others of the rare learning and vertue of many Archbishops before and shal be of many others hereafter were ynough to confound any Protestant and condemn their religion As for his Roman religion it is apparant His Rom. religion For he was chosen by the Monkes went to Rome admired of the Pope and Cardinals and answered thus to the Kinge Vnder God our vniuersal lorde vve haue tvvo other lordes a spiritual lord the Pope and a temporal lord the King and though vve be to obey botb yet the spiritual rather than the temporal as Godwin testifieth VValter Reinolds Archbishop L. 19. IN the yeare 1313. succeded Walter Reinolds and died an 1327. He vvas saith Godwin but meanly learned The great vvisdom of Archb. Reinolds but very vvise and of good gouernment singulerly fauored of King Edward 2. for his assureed fidelitie and great wisdome At the instance of the king saith Godwin he was thrust into the See by the Pope receaued his Pal and procured diuers Bulls from the Pope His Rom. Religion which putteth his Rom. religion out of question Simon Mepham Archbishop LI. Great learning of Archb. Mepham 20. THe 51. Archbishop was Simon Mepham cōsecrated An. 1327. and died An. His Rom. Keligion 1333. He was saith Godwin verie wel learned and Doctor of Diuinitie his Roman relegion is certain For as Godwin writeth He was elected by the Monks and afforded consecration by the Pope at Auinion Iohn Stratford Archbishop LII 21. THe 52. Archbishop was Iohn Stratford elect An. 1333. and continued about 15. yeares Famous learning of Archb. Stratford He was writeth Godwin famous for his learning and gouernment of the Archdeaconrie of Lincoln a good Bishop and both diligently and faithfully serued his king to the last hower a verie gentle and merciful man and gaue almes thrise euerie daye to 13. poore people His Rom. Rellgion His Roman religion is euident For he was as Godwin saith first made Bishop of Winchester by the Pope and after preferred by him also to the Archbishoprick of Canterburie Iohn Vfford Archbishop LIII Nobilitie and learning of Archb. Vfford 22. IN the yeare 1348. succeded Iohn Vfford and died the same yeare He was sonne of the Earle of Suflolke and Doctor of law And as for his Roman Religion that is out of doubt His Rom. Religion because as Godwin saith he was pronounced Archbishop by the Pope Thomas Bradwardin Archbishop LIIII 23. THe 54. was Thomas Bradwardin elected an 1349. and deceased the same yeare He was saith Godwin a good Mathematician a great Philosopher Eccellent learning nd holines of Archb. Bradvvardin and an excellent Diuine But aboue all saith he is to be commended his sinceritie of life and conuersation He was Confessor to King Edward 3. and in that office he behaued him selfe so as he deserueth eternal memorie for the same He was wont to reprehend the King with great bouldnes for such thinges as were amisse in him and in that long war of France he would be neuer from him but admonished him often secreatly and all his army in learned and most eloquent sermons publickly that they waxed not proud of their manifold victories And some there be that haue not doubted to ascribe that notable conquest rather to the vertue and holines of that man than to any prowes and wisdome of others It it certain he was elected Archbishop without his seeking and hardly saith he should yow finde any Archb. in any age to haue obtained his place in better sorte This high commendation giueth Godwin vnto this great and worthie Prelat and withal as great a discommendation to his Protestant religion His Rom. Religion For as Godwin him self saith he was consecrated at Auinion by a Cardinal in the Frier minors Church which sufficiently ynough testifieth his Roman religion in so much as Bale Cent. 15. cap. 87. calleth him Papistam a Papist Simon Islip Archbishop LV. Learning and good deeds of Archb. Islip 24. IN the yeare 1349. was elect Simon Islip and died an
An. Archb. Dean learned and vvise 1502. He was saith Godwin in Bishops of Salsburie Doctor of Diuinitie a wise and industrious man His Rom. Religion And of his Roman religion none can make doubt for he was an Abbot chosen by the Monks had his Pal from the Pope and tooke his oath of fidelitie to the Pope set downe before c. as yow may see in Godwin VVilliam VVarham Archbishop LXVI 36. THe 67. Archbishop was William Warham an The vvisdom and learning of Archb. vvarham 1504. and deceassed an 1532. He was as Godwin writeth Doctor of lavv and greatly commended for his wisdom by King Henrie 7. That he was a Roman Catholick is manifest His Rom. religion For as Godwin writeth he said masse and was chosen by Queene Catherin for one of her Aduocats to defend her mariage with King Henrie 8. which was contracted by the Popes Dispensation And vndoubtedly when he receaued his Pal he tooke the forsaid oath of fidelitie to the Pope Thomas Cranmer Archbishop LXVIII 37. THe 68. Archb. but first forsaker of S. Austin and his Predecessors faith was Thomas Cranmer in the year 1533. and put to death 1556. He was not chosen for any deserts but being Chaplin to Anne Bullen and known to desire her preferment and to further King Henries lusts was by him first sent in Embassie about the diuorce as yow may see in Fox pag. 1689. and after nominated to this dignitie VVh● Cranmer vvas made Archb. to the end that if the Pope refused to pronounce sentence of diuorce betweene him and Queene Catherin Cranmer might do it He was so carnal and so womanish His carnalitie as his own mother would often say she euer thought women would be his vndoing Wherin she was nothing deceaued For as Godwin confesseth He being yet very yong left his fellswship in Iesus Colledg in Cambridg for loue of a woman whome he maried And after being Archb. in his return from Rome he brought with him a Duchwoman to whome saith Fox pag. 1037. it is supposed he was married whome all King Henries time he carried vp and downe with him in a Trunck and in King Edwards tyme married her He was also trecherous to his Prince For abbeit he had receaned so great fauors of King Henrie 8. and was by him His treacherie to his Prince apointed one of the Executors of his will yet streight after his death he agreed to the breaking of it And after King Edwards death wrought all he could to the aduancing of Queene Iane vtter excluding from the crowne of King Henries lawful daughter and his right Prince Queene Marie and first subscribed to the disenheriting of Queene Marie His rebellion and to that rebellious letter which he and his accomplices sent to Queene Marie Fox pag. 1698. And Fox to his euerlasting confusion hath set downe in his Acts pag. 1299. edit 1596. and maruel it were if one who thus forsooke God and his Prince should not also forsake his Predecessors faith Cranmer forsoke God and his prince If he who had thus lost as Saint Paul speaketh a good conscience should not also make ship wrack of his faith Hovv long a Rom. Cathol For first he was a Roman Catholick and so continewed from his childhood til he was Archbishop and a while after At his first going to the Pope was by him made his Penitentiarie as Fox hath edit 1596. pag. 1690. went to Rome for his Pal and there tooke the vsual oath of fidelitie to the Pope But in the next yeare after to wit in the yeare 1534. When king Henrie by Parliament procured him self to be tearmed head of the Church he also forsooke the Pope in that point yet in all other agreed with him as the king did and both by words and deedes persecuted the Protestants Song Masse solemly in King Edvvard 6. time as you may see in Fox in Lamberts death and others And after King Henries death vnder king Edward songe Masse with great maiestie for the king of France his soule assisted with 8. Bishops as writeth Stow Chron. Inconstant euen in heresie pag. 1547. yet after he fel to Lutheranism and set out a Cathechisme wherin with Luther he taught the real presence of Christ in the blessed Sacrament Sliedan lib. 26. An. 1555. But staying not long there from thence turned with the Duke of Somer In his recantation in fox pag. 1710. He taketh god to vvitnes he recanted of his ovvne minde and for conscience sake and yet soone after recalled his retantation Cranmet condemned for rebellion and herefir Sleidan l. 25. f. 429. The miserable end of the Archb that first forfooke S. Austins faith The great nobilitie rare learning and vertue of card Pole to Zuinglianisme and published an other Cathechisme which denyed the real presence After all this vnder Queene Marie for hope of life recanted all his heresies and both by tongue and penne professed the Roman Catholick faith But perceauing that he should die choosing rather to die in account of Protestants a martyr than in iudgment of both them and vs a malefactor he finally ended his life in Zuinglianisme being both condemned for Heresie against God and for rebellion against his Prince as Fox confesseth pag. 1698. Edit 1596. And so as his faith had bene far different for a time from his Prededessors so was his end ignominious and far from the glorie of their happie departures Reginald Poole Archb. LXIX 30. THe 69. and last Catholich Archb. hithertho was Reginald Poole consecrated an 1555. and departed this life an 1558. the same yeare and day that Queen Marie died He was sonne to Syr Richard Pool Cosin german to King Henrie 8. and of Margaret Countesse of Salsburie Daughter of George Duke of Clarence and brother of King Edward 4. He was a man saith Godwin of manifold and excellent partes not onely very learned which is better known than it neede many wordes but also of such modestie in behauiour and integritie of life and conuersation as he was of all men both loued and reuerenced And beyond seas he was so famous that without all seeking of his he was first made Cardinal after Legat to the Councel of Trent and twise elected Pope Card. Poole might haue bene Pope Ridley highly commended Card. Pool His Rom. Religion to which supreme dignitie wanted nothing but his owne consent He was by the confession of Ridley in Fox Edit 1596. pag. 1595. a man worthy of all humilitye reuerence and honor and indued with manifould graces of learning and vertue As for his Roman religion it might seeme needles to proue it if Doctor Bukley and some other Ministers were not ashamed to challeng him for a Protestant whose impudencie I will refel with the testimonie of their owne Authors For Godwin saith in King Henries time he dealt by letters to his frends to exhort them from all conformitie to reformation and being
accused in the Conclaue of fauering protestants and of other matters He cleared himself saith Godwin of all these suspitions absolutely so that the next day they were more resolute to make him Pope than before And infra he saith Queene Marie loued him for his learning and nobilitie but aboue all for his religion and finally that he reconciled England to the Pope and receiued from him his Pal. Bale Cent 8. cap. 100. saith he was a Cardinal soldier of Antichrist not to be commended for any vertue by the seruant of God and saith that in an Oration to the Emperor he called the German Protestants newe Turks Sleidan lib. 10. in fin and their Gospel Turcicum pestiferum adulterinum semen Turkish pestiferous and adulterous seede An. 1607. which Crashew was not a shamed in his sermon at Paules Crosse to affirme that Poole said o the written word of God Farther more Bale termeth this worthie Prelat and great ornament of our Nation horrible beast a rooter out of the truth of the Gospel a most wicked Traitor to his Contrie and prayeth God to confound him So vndoubted it was while Cardinal Poole liued that he was no Protestant but a most earnest Roman Catholick See Andreas Dioditius in vit Poli. Which who readeth his booke and considereth his deedes may yet see more fully But by him may the iudicious reader see with what truth or face our Ministers challeng S. Austin and other holy and antient Archbishops of Canterburie to be of their religion Epilog First and last Cath. Archb of Canterb. said Masse and haue palls from Rome The number of our Archb. Their continuance learning vertue and vvisdom 39. THus yow see the first and the last of the Catholick Archbishops of Canterburie namely S. Austin and Cardinal Pole to haue said Masse and had their Palls from Rome and all of them except one euer since the first Christianitie of our Nation vnto our daies for number thre score and nine for continewance of nine hundred fisty and eight yeares for learning many of them most famous for wisdom most excellent and for vertue diuers of them most admirable as you haue heard by the very confession of Protestants them selues VVho vvil not advventure his soule rather vvith these than vvith Cranmer Thus manie I say thus excellently qualified Primats and Pastors of al England thus long to haue taught the Catholick faith to haue followed it them selues to haue defended it with their great learning maintained it by their miracles authorized it by their notable vertues and finally to haue liued in it most religiously and died most happely What shall wee thinck of them That so many and great Clerks were so many hundred yeares ignorant of the truth That so many and so great Saints so long tyme missed of the way to heauen That all our Ancestors who so many yeares followed them were christened in vaine beleeued in vaine and worshiped and serued God in vaine and finally died in their sinnes and are damned and gon to hel No vvaie to heauen but by Christ and his true faith As we must needs thinck vnles we graunt the Roman Catholick faith to be the faith of Christ and right way to saluation Shall I say such an vnchristian vnnatural and vnreasonable thought enter into our harts And not rather follow the aduise of S. Paul saying Mementote Praepositorum vestrorum qui vobis locuti sunt verbum Dei quorum intuentes exitum conuersationis imitamini fidem Beholding the end of the cōuersation of your Prelats follovv their faith Let vs behould the holy conuersation and happie vertuous ende of those holy and worthy Prelat and primats of England assuring our selues that vertue can not follow the Diuel nor Gods Saints be condemned to Hel. Let vs embrace their faith which was the roote of their vertue and their cheefe guide in their way to heauen whither they are happily ariued and we shall assuredly follow if we keepe their faith and imitat their vertue And thus hauing shewed that all our Archbishops of Canterburie and consequently all our Clergie Bishops Archdeacons Deacons Canons Pastors Vicars Monkes All Besides VViclef and his small number and Friers were Roman Catholicks euen from the first Christianity of our Nation to our age Let vs proc●ed an shew the same of our Christian Kings and Laitie CHAP. XXI That all our Christian English kings to king Henrie 8. time were Roman Catholicks proued by general reasons 1 No record that anie of our old christian Kings vvas Protestant 1. FIrst because as I said of the Archbishops ther is no script no scrole no record no monument to testifie that our former Christian kings were of any other religion than king Henrie 8. was before he began the change Therfor they that affirme the contrarie either know it by reuelation or speake without booke Besides it is impossible that ther should be an alteration in religion which is the most markablest thing in a Common welth and that there should be no mention therof and altogether incredible in England where we see the first alteration from Paganisme to Christianitie and now lately from Papistrie to Protestancie recorded in all Histories yea priuat mutations made by kings in some Churches from Priests to monks or contrary wise And can we thinck that a mutation from Protestancie to Papistrie if any such had bene would haue bene omitted and forgotten 2. All the Archbishops of Canterburie were Roman Catholicks as is before shewed 2 All their Archb. vvere Catholicks and yet none of them trobled by the kings of former times for his religion yea most of them greatly honored by them and diuers made Archbishops by their kings procurment 3 They suffered Archb. to be consecrat of the Pope c. 3. They suffered the said Archbishops to go to Rome where diuers of them were consecrated of the Pope to receaue their Pal to be his legat and take their forsaid oath of fidelitie to the Pope which if they had bene Protest and not perfect Roman Catholick they would neuer haue permitted yea some of the kings procured Pals for their Archb Kings procure palls from the P. for their Archb. as King Edwin for S. Paulin in Beda lib. 2. cap. 17 King Alfwald for Archbishop Eanbald Florent An. 779. Huntington lib. 3. king Rufus for S. Anselm Fox Acts. pag. 185. 4. Nine of the ancient kings left their Kingdomes and became monks 4 Manie ancient Kings became Monks as Fox confesseth Acts. pag. 133. whose names are these king Kinegilfus K. Cedwalla king Ina king Ethelred king Sigebert king Coenred king Offa king Edbert Monks vovved chastie pouertie and obedience to whome pag. 131. he addeth king Kenred Now mōkes in that time vowed chastitie as is euident in S. Beda lib. 5. cap. 22. lib. 4. cap. 25. lib. 3. cap. 25. And Pouertie lib. 1. cap. 25. And obedience lib. 4. cap. 5. And how
King Ethelbert also Pro animae suae remedio c for the good of his soule gaue to Mellit Bishop the land called Tillingham out of Stow Chron. pag. 77. And so of the rest Our first Christian K. gaue land to Churches for help of his soule Again Fox pag. 154. The causes why solemn Monasteries were first founded by Kings Queenes Kings daughters and rich Consuls are these Pro remedio animae meae pro remissione peccatorum meorum pro redemptione peccatorum meorum pro salute Regnorum meorum quique subiacent regimini populorum in honorem gloriosae virginis For the redemption of my soul for the redeeming of my sinnes and for the saftie of my Kingdoms and people subiect to my gouernment to the honor of the glorious Virgin And therfor by D. Abbots his verdict and by euident inference our auncient Princes wanted the sunne of Protestants righteousnes 10 10. And lastly I proue it by the plain confession of Protest For Fox Acts. pag. 132. saith our first Christian Kings were deuout to Church men espetially to the Church of Rome Which was in the opinion of Protestāts Our Kings deuour to the P. vvhen he vvas in opinion of Protestants Antichrist when the Pope was known Antichrist That is in Boniface 3. time and since Bale Cent. 1. cap 73 saith of king Ethelbert our first Christian king that He receaued the doctrin of the Roman Religion with all the imposture therof and died the 21. yeare of his receaued Papistrie Could he speake more plainly And Cent. 13. cap. 5 Felix saith he conuerted the East parte of England to Papistrie A Plaine confessiō of Protestants that our nation vvas first conuerted to papistrie And Ibid cap. 4. he saith that Birin vnder colour of the Gospel taught the VVest saxons Papisticam fidem Papistical faith The same confesse diuers other Protestants as hath bene shewed before when we proued that S. Greg. and S. Austin were by the confession of Protestants plain Rom. Catholicks 4. To all these particuler proofes I ad a general one vz the English names which our ancient Kings and people gaue to their seruice and their Pastors See in Ingulph hovv antient Knights vvere vvont to goe to confession before they vvere knighted also their Churches Tombs and Epitaphes and finally all their ancient Monuments do testifie and proclame their Catholick Roman religion For their seruice of God they called Masse Nether can it be shewed that euer they called it other wise and of it haue they tearmed the cheefe feasts of the yeare as Christmasse Candlemasse Michelmas Name of Masse Martin masse As likwise they haue tearmed Shreuetide of their Shreiuing and confessing them selues before they began their lent Fast Palmesonday of the Palmes which they caried on that day as Catholicks at this day doe Ember dayes of the Catholick fast of Quator tēpora corruptly pronouncing the last word of Priests Their cheefe Doers of their seruice they termed Priestes That is as Protest confesse Sacrificers and therfor their ministers abhor the name Reinold conf pag. 466 467. Their cheefe Churches they built in forme of a Crosse The cheefe Altar therin on high and toward the East Forme of Churches and diuers Altars in little Chappell 's about erected therin a Roodloft with the Roode or Crosse of Christ vppon it adorned their Chappell 's euen the very glasse windowes with Pictures In like sort they buried their dead with Crosses as was seene on the tombe of King Arthur Buriall of dead and their Bishops with Chalices as in the Tombe of S. Birin and vsually on the Epitaphs desire men to pray for the soule of the dead Epitaphs And where I pray yow was the Protestant Communion when our first Christian Ancestors termed their cheefe seruice of God Masse and therof named their principall feasts in the yeare where were their Ministers when they termed their Pastors Priests and sacrificers Wher were their Churches when all the Cathedrall Churches were built in forme of a Crosse with one high Altar and diuers little Altars in the Church about where were they them selues when our Ancestors euen dead did by Crosses wher with they were buried and the Epitaphs of their Tombes professe the Roman Catholick religion CHAP. XXII Certayne obiections of Ministers that our auncient Kings were not Romane Catholiques disproued 1. ALbeit euery one of iudgment will easely see that what can be obiected against this so cleare D. Doue of Recusancie vvil haue Bellarm to be a Protest or no perfect Catholik and by the Aduersaries confessed truth is but cauils which want not against almost the euidenst truth that is yet for satisfaction of all sorts of people we wil propose what D. Abbots in his Answer to D. Bishops epistle pag. 199. lately hath collected for proofe that our ancient Kings were Protestants or at least not perfect obiec ∣ tion 1 Roman Catholicks First he saith that our antient Kings had the supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall Ansvver This is euidently false by what hath bene said in the 5. 6. and 7. proofe of the former Chapter To which I add that as it shal be shewed herafter King Edward 3. whome Protestants account to make most for them professed it to be a sauor of heresie to deny the Popes supremacie in causes ecclesiasticall 2. Abbots saith that the kings founded Bishopricks and inuested them at their obiec ∣ tion 2 pleasur as did Edward Confessor the Bishoprick of Exester Ansvver That in S. Austins time or long after the King founded Bishopricks and inuested Bishops is apparantly false For it is euident in Beda lib. 1. cap. 29. That S. Greg. at his owne pleasure apointed two Archbishopricks vnder each of them twelue Bishopricks to be erected in England And lib. 2. cap. 4. That S. Austin by his authoritie founded the Archbishoprick of Canterburie and the Bishopricks of London and Rochester Our ancient Kings tooke not vpon them to erect Bishopriks and that the King then did onely build them Churches indow the Bishopricks with lands and giue them saith Beda lib. 1. cap. 28. Possessions necessarie for their maintenance And aboue 800. yeares agoe when King Offa would alter the Bishoprik of Lichfeild in to an Archbishoprick K Ethelbert he took not vpon him to doe it by his owne authoritie or of the Bishops of his realm K. Offa. but procured Pope Adrian to send two legats for that purpose Malmsb. lib. 1. Reg. cap. 4. K Edvvard Sen. And 700. yeares agoe mhen King Edward Senior erected fiue Bishopricks in the West Contrie it was done by the expresse commandement of Pope Formosus Malmsb. 2. Reg. cap. 5. K VVilli● Conq. And about 500. yeares agoe when King William Conqueror would haue some English Bishops deposed and Bishopricks translated from litle Tounes to greater Citties he procured Pope Alexander 2. to send a Legat hither to doe it Malmsb. 1. Pont. But yet we grāt
Bathilda in Engl. vvoman Q. of Frāce and after nonne Sur. tom 7. And Fox lib. 2. pag. 133. saith king Cissa built the Monasterie of Abington An. 666. Cooper saith 665. In this tyme also as S. Beda writeth lib. 3. cap. 26. Euen the habit of religious men was had in great reuerence Honor of our Anceitors to Priests nnd Monks So that where any of the Clergie or religious persons came he should be ioifully receaued of all men as the seruant of God If any were met going on iorny they ran vnto him and making low obeisance desired gladly his benediction ether by hand or mouth who would euer haue thought that the children and posteritie of these Ancestors would make it treason to be a Priest or thinck it a pleasing thing to God to make them away with cruel deaths Queene Sexburga III. 6. The next Christian Prince was Sexburga vife to King Senwalch Who began to reigne An. 672. or 674. as others say and held it one yeare Non Deerat saith Malmsb. lib. 1. Reg. cap. 2 The valour of Q. Sexburg The woman wanted not spirit to dispach the affaires of the Realme she raised neu armies and ●etained the ould in obedience she gouerned her subiects with clemencie threatned her enemies terrib●ly executed all things in that maner that besides her sex nothing made any difference Her Rom. Religion The Roman religion of this noble Queene is manifest by what hath bene sayde of her husband and by the Councel which S. Theodor in her time as Huntingtod lib. 2. pag. 318. saith and appeareth by Beda lib. 4. cap. 5. kept at Hereford with all the Bishops of England Stow Chron. pag. 96. saith she builded a Nonuery in Shepei and b●came her selfe a Nonne and Ablesse in Ely But I think that was an other Sexburga Queene of kent of whome we shall speake herafter For Malmsb saith she died after she had reigned one yeare In the reign of this Queene Florent faith in Chron befel that famous act of a far more renowned Queene Ethelred of Northumberland who was twise married and liued 12. yeares with herlast husband Egbert a yong man and King of Northumberland S. Ethelred tvvise maried and yet a virgin Bed lib. 4. cap. 19. Camb. in Briton pag. 438. Stovv chron pag 92. Florent An. 672. Huntingt lib. 2. vvestmon An. 679. S. Ethelreds bodie incorrupt Also S. Edilburgs Miracles by reliques and yet as both Catholick and Protestant writers haue deliuered could by no meanes be perswaded to haue carnal companie with ether of them and this yeare with her husbands licence left the wordl became a Nonne Sixteene yeare after her death her body in testimonie of her incorrupt virginitie was found incorrupt in S. Bedas time as him self testifieth lib. 4. cap. 19. The like he reporteth lib. 3. cap. 8. of Saint Edilburgs bodye after 7. yeares burial And he addeth that Diuels were cast oute and diuers diseases cured by the clothes in which Edilburgs body had bene wraped King Escuin 4. Christian King The Valour of K. Escuin 7. TO Queene Sexburg succeded King Escuin in the yeare 674. or 675. as others say He was saith Malmsb. Kinegilsus great nepheu by his brother and of notable experience in the warres For the Mercians he ouer thrue with a dreadful slaughter .. But as for his Roman Religion that can not be doubted of His Rom Religion For therin ther is no mention made that he varied from his Praedecessors and because his Bishop was the forsaid Elutherius and Heddie of whome we wil speake herafter S. Ercenvvald and his miracles In this Kings time liued S. Ercenwald Bishop of London whose great vertue and miracles wrought euen by the chipps of his litter as in the Apostles time by S. Peters shadow and S. Pauls napkins are mentioned in S. Beda lib. 4. cap. 6. Where also cap. 7. and seq he relateth the great miracles done by God in the Nonry of Booking which Ercanwald founded and wherof his sister Edilburg was Abbesse Florent An. 675. Cambd. Brit. pag. 453. Stovv pag. 81. In this Kings time also dyed Wolfher King of the middle English who builded Peterborow and whose wife S Ermenild and his daughter S. Werburg and his two sisters S. Kinesburg and Kineswith became Nonnes One Q. and 3. King daughters Nonnes Likwise his brother merowald had by his Queene S. Frmenburg three holy virgins S. Milburg S. Mildred and Milgith and one vertuous sonne Saint Meraefin Florent An 675. malmesb 1. Reg. cap. 4. This account those great Princes then made of monkish life King Kentwin 5. Christian Prince 8. The 5 Christian Prince was King Kentwin who began his reigne An. 677 as Malmsb. hath in Fastis or 676. as Florent hath in Chron The valour of K Kentvvin and ruled 9. yeares He was as they saye sonne to the forsaid Kinegilsus and notae in bello experientiae maruelous expert in war as Malmsb. hath lib. 2. Reg. cap. 2. And as Florent addeth An 704. He chased the East Britons by the dint of the sword His Rom. Religion His Roman religion is manifest First because as Fox writeth Acts lib. 2. pag. 110. He died at Rome and because his Bishop was S. Heddie made Bishop as Godwin saith in his life An 673. and died 750. as Beda hath lib. 5. cap. 19. and was saith Bale Cent. 1. cap. 86. a Monk and consecrat by that famous P●pist S. Theodor which also affirmeth Florent An. 676. Thirdly because in the fift yeare of this king as Huntington saith lib. 4. was that Councel in hatfeild by Saint Theodor in presence of Iohn Legat of Pope Agatho where the Englishe Bishops professed their faith in such sort as it was wel liked of Pope Agatho Saints in K. Kenti vvins time as may be seene in Beda lib. 4. cap. 17. and 18. In this kings time liued the for said S. Heddi a verie vertuous and holy man saith Godwin in his life And Beda lib. 5. cap. 19. saith vndoubtedly that he was a iust man and testifieth that S. Aldelm his familier frend and successor Great miracles by the Dust of S. Heddi his graue and greatly estemed of Fox Acts pag. 125. Cambd. in Brit pag. 210 Bal Cent. 1. cap. 83 was wont to tel that at the place where he died many great miracles and cures were done and that men of that Prouince had made a deepe pit by carrying a way the Dust therof which cured many both men and beastes In this kings time An. 679. did S. Wilfrid conuert Sussex and wrough diuers miracles as is to be seene in Beda lib. 4. cap. 13. And Stow confesseth Chron pag. 7. And yet is he confessed to haue bene a Papist by Bale Cent. 1. cap. 88. and Cent. 14. cap 21. to haue maintained Non interpretabilem Papae authoritatem as he termeth it And then allso lyued the most deuout woman Abbesse Hilda of the blood
men and trauailled to Rome with great deuotion wher as he saith pag. 110 he became a Monke and pag. 125. granted a peny of euery house to be payd to the Court of Rome Beda lib 5 cap. 7. malmsb loc cit Cooper An. 723. Bale Cent. 11. cap. 97. Sleidan lib. 9. Stovv pag. 96. Bal. lib. cit Cambd. in Brit. p. 192. And pag. 136. founded the English Scoole or Seminarie there Fiftly as Cambden testifieth in Brit. pag. 193. he made verses to be engrauē in the forfront of Glossenburie in which he plainly confesseth S. Peters supremacie saith he that he was in Degree higher than S. Paul had the Keyes of heauen was the Porter and the firm Rock The verses are these Caelorum portae lati duo Lumina mundi Ore tonat Paulus fulgurat Arce Petrus Inter Apostolicas radianti luce coronas Doctior hic monitis celsior ille gradu S. peters supremacie professed by letters engrauen in stone Corda per hunc hominum reserantur astra per illum Quos docet iste stilo suscipit ille Polo Pandit iter Caelo hic dogmate clauibus alter Est via cui Paulus iaenua fida Petrus Behould Christian Reader this ancient and famous King and consequently all England in his time which is 900. yeares agoe beleeuing and not beleeuing onely but professing nor professing but engrauing in stone for testimony to all posteritie that S. Peter was in degree aboue all the Apostles S. Peter in degree aboue all the rest of the Apostles was the peculier Rock of Christians the proper Porter of heauen and espetially had the keyes of the coelestiall Kingdome Which is plain-ly that supremacie which their Posteritie Catholicks doe attribut vnto S. Peter and his successors And of the royall blood of this vndoubted Catholick and reuounēd King and so deuoted to the Church of Rome as first of all Christian Kings of the wordl His maiestie descendeth of K. Ina. by his brother he made his Kingdom and euery houshould therof tributary therto by payment of yearly pension by his brother Ingles came King Egbert who after reduced England to a monarchie as testifieth Paris Hist pag. 126. and of this King Egbert by lineall succession descendeth our present Souereign Lord King Iames. 11. In this Kings tyme besids him self three other English Kings left their Kingdoms also and became Monks to wit Four Kings leaue their kingdome and became mōks Ethelred and Coenred Kings one after the other of mercia or middle England and Offa King of Essex The two last went to Rome and there entred into Religion The third remained heere in England after was made Abbot of Bardney neere Lincoln And besides the Queens before mentioned Kineswitha daughter of King Penda and also espouse to the said King Offa became a Nonne hauing before perswaded him to giue ouer both his Kingdom and suite to her And besides these Osrick King of Northumberland as Godwill in the Bishops of Gloster saith Three Queens of mercia Abbesses one after the other but indeede King of the Victians as Beda called him lib. 4. cap 23. about the yeare 700. founded a Nonnery in Gloster in which Kineburg Eadburg and Eua all Queenes of Mercia were successiuly Abbesses The same saith Cambd. in Brit. pag. 316. Such rare and admirable loue of God and contempt both of pleasures and glorie of this world reigned in our Kings Protestāts glorie of the holines of our Cath. Anceistors Queenes and Princes of those dayes that iustly Cambd. in Brit. pag. 345. calleth this age seracissimum Sanctorum saeculum a most fruitfull wordl of Saints Oh when will Protestants breede such an age In this Kings time fell that most dredfull pumishment of God vpon that Captain who in his sicknes would not confesse his sinnes least he should seeme fearfull Which S. Beda recounteth lib. 5. cap. 14. wher he telleth how a little before the mans death Angels appeared and shewed to him a faire booke Dreadful punishment of one that differed his confession but little in quantitie wherin all his good deedes were written and after there came a huge multitude of Diuels who in a great black booke shewed him all his ill deedes and sinnes VVestmon An 921. Godvv in B. of york and one of them strooke him on the head and other on the feete which strokes crept into his body wh●n they met he dyed in desperation In this Kings time also dyed S. Iohn of Beuerley who made S. Beda Priest Miracles of S. Ihon of Beuerlay whome he recounteth lib. 5. cap. 2. that by making the signe of the Crosse vpon the tongue of a Domb man he restored his speeche and that he helped an Earles wife with holy water and cap. 5. cured an Earles sonne and his Chaplin by his blessing In this time also liued S. Wilbrord an English man who An. 697. was consecrat Bishop by Pope Sergius and sent to preache in Frisland and Germany which also S. Swibert and many English more did Marcellin 1. mort Surio tom 2. Beda lib. 5. cap. 11. In this time also liued S. Boniface the Apostle of Germanie whome Pope Greg. 2. sent thither to preache An. 719. whose oath of fidelitie and plain Papistrie yow may read in Surius Tom. 3. and Baron An. 723. See also Surius de rebus moguntin At that same time also liued that great Eremit and S. Antonie of England S. Guthlac S. Guthlac the S. Antoine of England Of whome because Fox Acts pag. 125. saith that he secth no great cause why he should be Sainted Nether beleeue I saith he his miracles I will in this Saint giue the reader a taste of Fox his impudencie His holines and a full assurance if any can suffice of S. Guthlac his miracles Wherby euery indifferent man may iudg of the like miracles of Saints As for his holines Cambd in Brit. pag. 472. saith thus Guthlacus summa sanct titate c. Guthlac heere at Crowland lead an heremitical life in exceeding great sanctitie in honor of whome King Ethelbald with wonderfull expence founded a Monasterie in a Marish and vnstable grounde for religion and wealth very famous Behould this Protestant acknowledgeth that S. Guthlac led a most holy life and was so esteemed that King Ethelbald who liued at that same time soone after his death His miracles built a goodly Monasterie in his honor And who will read his life in Surius Tom. 2. shall finde that he was an admirable Saint 12. But as for the miracles of S. Guthlac if any humane testimony or euidence can make a thing certain and vndoubted they are so For Ingulph in his Hist printed and published by Protest who liued in the time of the Conquest setteth doune the Charter of King Kenulph a worthie Prince as all our Chronicles testifie dated Anno Christi 806. in which the King saith that he and his Queene were eye witnesses of many miracles done
at is shrine in these words Kenulphus Dei misericordia Rex c. Kenulph by the grace of God King c. The King and Q. of England faire say vvere eye-vvitnesses of S. Guthlacs miracles Be it known to all men that our Lord hath magnified his Saint the most blessed Confessor of Christ S. Guthlac who corporally resteth in Crowland Monasterie with most famous signes and worthy wonders yea with fresh and in numerable miracles as both I and my Queene haue seene with our owne eyes in our Pilgrimage English Pilgrims vvith images of Saints in their hats And there the king freketh all Pilgrims that come to S. Guthlac cum signis eius in caputijs aut capellis with his images in their hatts or capps from all tax and tole And to this Charter subscribe the said king kenulph and Cuthred king of kent Celwal ●rother to King Kenulph Testimonie of K. Burdred for Saint Guthlacs miracles Wilfrid Archb. of Canterb. two Bishops and one Abbot and diuers others And he setteth doune an other Charter of king Burdred in which he testifieth that Crowland Pro frequentibus miraculis c. In respect of the frequent miracles of the most holy Confessor S. Guthlac is alwaies a fertil mother amongst the vinyards of Engaddi And that God by apparant myracles of S. Guthlac hath vouch saffed to shew his mercie To which Charter subscribe the king An. 851. with the whole consent as he saith of the Parliament then gathered against the Danes Archb. Ceolreth six Bishops two Duks three Earles and diuers others And Ingulph addeth that in the Parliamēt the Archb. Ceolreth and diuers others Manie cured miraculously in the Parliament as well Prelats as Nobles were sodenly and miraculously cured of a kinde of palsie which at that time much offended England and ther vpon omnes ad visitandum c. All presently bound them selues in conscience by a most strict vowe to visit in a deuout Pilgrimage with all possible speede the most sacred tombe of the most blessed Saint Guthlac at Crowland The vvhole parliament vovveth pilgrimage What now will Fox say against this cloud of witnesses omni exceptione maiores Will he say as Ministers vse to say of Priests and Monks that they forged these miracles for gaine But this were madnes to say of such great Kings and Princes or will he say that they were deceaued Fox his confusion But some of them were eye witnesses and some of them were such in whome the miracles were wrought as the Archbishop and Bishop of London who testifie the same in their subscription But by this the indifferent Reader may both perceaue what credit he may giue to the miracles of other Saints and with what impudence without any testimony to the contrary they are denyed of Fox and such like And therfore I will not make any more Apology hereafter for the miracles which I shall rehearse but only cite my Authors from whome I haue them King Ethelard VIII 13. KIng Ina going to Rome An. 728. as Florent hath Chron. left his Kingdome to Ethelard Valour of K. Ethelard who held it most quietly saith Malmsb. lib. 1. c. 2. 14. yeares he was saith Malmsb. Cosin to King Ina and a valiant Prince His Rom. Religion His roman religion appeareth both by that King Ina so notorious a Papist chose him to whome he would commit his kingdome as appeareth by Beda lib. 5. cap. 7. and also by other things which are by Protestants confessed of the religion of this time In this Kings time died S. Egbert Priest Anno 729. Saints Ex Beda lib. 3. cap. 27. vvho led saith he his life in great perfection of humility and meeknes continency innocencie and righteousnes and conuerted the Scotts to the right obseruation of Easter And S. Beda himselfe that glorious doctor of our English Church the flower of Christianity at that time for vertue and learning of whose high praises giuen to him by Protestants and of his perfect roman Religion I haue said ynough before Here only I will adde the Elogy of Malmsb. lib. 1. cap. 3. Bedam saith he mirari facilius c you may sooner admire then vvorthly praise Beda vvho liuing in the farthest corner of the vvorld vvith the flash of his doctrine haue a light to all Nations Here vvit faileth vvords are vvanting vvhile I cannot tell vvhat most to commend vvhither the mu●●●tude of his volums Florent VVestmon Anno. 734. Huntingt lib. 4. or the sobriety of his stile For doubtles the diuine vvisdome had vvith no sparing draught giuē him to drinck that in so short a scātling of his life could perfect so huge volūes The report of his name vvas so famous that the cheefest in Rome had neede of him for the resoluing of doubtfull questions And much more there of his holines VVriters Procure their vvorks to be approued of the Pope Where also he addeth that he died anoiled and hovvseled The like hath Florent and Westmon Anno 734. and Hunting lib. 4. Caius de antiq Canterb. pag. 138. proueth that Beda went to Rome and there read his bookes coram Romana Ecclesia Before the Church of Rome and then gaue them to other to copie forth vvhich vvas saith he ordinarie in the Ecclesiasticall vvriters of that age to deliuer their vvorks first to the Pope of Rome to be examined K. Ceolvvolph a Monke In this Kings time Anno 737. as is in the Epitome of Beda Ceolwolfe King of Northumberland to whome Beda dedicated his history left his Kingdome and became a Monke And as Malmsb. 1. Reg. cap. 3. florished with miracles And about the same time Frigedida Queene of the west-Saxons went to Rome Hunting lib. 4. pag. 340. Q Frigedida a pilgrim Godwin in the Bish of Salsbery which at that time saith Beda lib. 5. cap. 4. And Hunting Deuotion of English in going to Rome l. cit many English men both of the nobilitie and cōmons spirituall tēporal vvere wont to vse vvith 〈◊〉 emulation In this Kings time also about the year 730. as Godwin hath in the Bishops of Oxford though Capgraue in her life say 750. liued the holy Virgin S. Frideswid S. Fridesvvida who flying to saue her maydenhood from Prince Algarus he was miraculously strooke blind Cambd. in Brit p. 331. and she after became Abbesse of a nonry built by her Father Didā These dayes were so far from Protestancy and so manifestly Catholicke as Bale Cent. 1. cap. 93. saith they were pessima tempora pubescente Antichristo Very bad time vvhen Antichrist grevv to riper yeares And Centur. 2. cap. 6. writeth of Cymbertus an English Bishop of S. Bedas time After the custome of the rest in the same age he taught and cōmended the Roman customs to be obserued in his Churches And Fulke Annot. in Hebr. 10. saith Beda liued in a superstitious time long after Antichrist did opēly shevv himself And 1. Petri
3. Beda vvas carried avvay vvith the errors and corruptions of his time Fox Acts pag. 126. calleth this time a Monkish age And S. Ceolfrid maister to S. Beda a Shaueling So plainly do they confesse England this time to haue bene Roman Catholicke King Cuthred IX 14. IN the yeare 741. as Florent hath in Chron. Anno. 740. Malmsb. in Fastis succeeded king Cuthred and died saith Hunting lib. 4. and Malmsb. lib. cit the 15. yeare of his reign He was Cosin as Florent and Malmsb. and others say as Westmon hath brother to king Ethelard The valour of K. Cuthred and was as Hunting lib. cit and Houeden pag. 408. Rex magnus A puissant King and mightie Prince famous for his prosperous reign and victories His Rom. Religion His Roman religion is manifest both by that which hath bene saide of the former King and also because in his time as Stow saith Chron. pag. 88. Pope Zacharie wrote a letter hither wherin he threatned to excommunicat them that would not amend their incontinent life The Pope threatneth to excommunicate ill liuers in England S Richard K. a pilgrim and his tvvo sonnes and daughter Which was read in presence of the King and Nobles no man thinking that the Pope tooke more vpon him than he might In this kings time S. Richard forsoke his Kingdom and Contrie and went on Pilgrimage to Rome and died by the way at Luca. His two sonnes S. Willibald and Winnibald and his holy daughter S. Walburg following their Fathers example left also their estates and Contrie and went into Germanie to help Surius tom 1. Baron An. 750. S. Boniface their Kinsman in the conuersion of that Nation King Sigibert X. 15. IN the yeare 754. as Malmsb. hath in Fastis succeeded King Sigibert who as Malmsb. saith 1. Reg cap. 2. after a yeare was deposed by the consent of all for his naughtines In his time An. 754. saith Beda in Epit. Sigebert in Chron and others was S. Boniface an English man and Apostle of Germany martyred in Frisland with 53. more of his company This blessed Saint and great ornament of our Nation Bale Cent. 1. cap. 79. saith was very superstitious Saints and martyrs See the manie and highe praises of this S. Boniface both of Catholiks and Protestants ancient and nevv in Sacrari●s d rebus moguntin lib. 3 not 57. 58. 59. and brought the Germans to Papistrie And other where saith was next to Antichrist meaning after his maner the Pope Fox Acts pag. 128. calleth him Martyr of God Stow Chron. pag. 85. saith He was martyred for the profession of Christ and his holy Gospel Cooper pag. 716. The Germans about this tyme receaued by Boniface the faith of Christ And yet was this Boniface so notorious a Papist as Fox pag. 129. termeth him a great setter vp and vphoulder of Poperie Bale Cent. 1. cap. 79. plainly saith he brought the Germans ad Papisticam fidem to the Papistical faith And Cent. 13. cap. 3. citeth these wordes of Boniface out of his epistle to the Pope How many scollers or disciples so euer God hath giuen me in this my Legacie I cease not to incline to the obedience of the See Apostolick Surius tom 3. Serrarius de rebus Moguntin He imposed saith Bale single life vpon Priests By this much more in his life in Surius and Baron Tom. 9. yow may see what religion England then professed from whence S. Boniface and all his fellow laborers in Germany did come King Kinulph XI 16. IN the yeare 755. as Malmsb. in Fastis Florent in Chron and others agree succeeded king kinulph and reigned 29. yeares as Malmsb. hath in Fastis died An. 784. ex Florent The valour of K. Kinulph Malmsb. in his Historie saith 31. years Houed writeth the same Malmsb. 1. Reg. cap. 2. Clarus morum compositione militiaeque gestis Honorable both for his vertuous behauiour warlick prowes The like hath Hunting lib. 4. and Houed pag. 408. Cooper Chron. An. 748. saith the vertue of this man surpassed his fame The Roman religion of this king is euident by his Charter set downe by Godwin in the Bishops of Bath in these words His Rom. Religion Ego Kenulphus I Kinulph King of the VVest-Saxons will bestow a peece of Land Good deeds for satisfactiō of sinnes humbly ascribing it for the loue of God and satisfaction of my sinnes with consent of my Prelats and Nobles to Gods blessed Apostle and seruant S. Andrew Which kind of gifte is contrary to the foundation of Protestancie as is before shewed oute of Fox Abbots and others And Fox Acts pag. 130. addeth that about the yeare 780. which was in this kings tyme Pope Adrian ratified and confirmed by reuelation the order of S. Gregories masse VVhen S. Greg. order of Masse became vniuersall At what time saith he this vsuall Masse of the Papists began to be vniuersall and vniforme and generally receaued in all Churches In this Kings time Egbert or Edbert King of Northumberland leauing his Kingdom became a Monke K. Eadbert a Monke Epitom Bedae An. 758. Florent Westmon An. 757. Malmsb. 1. Reg. cap. 3. Stow Chron. pag. 93. Fox Acts. pag. 131. In this Kings time An. 781. also died Werburga quondam saith Florent sometime Queene to Ceolred King of Merchland Q. VVerburg a Nonne By which kind of speech he insinuateth that thē she was a Nonne which is plainly affirmed by Houeden pag. 404. And in Germany liued S. Lullus S. Burcardus S. Willebald Saints S. Liobe and many other English both men and women disciples of this forsaid S. Boniface who with vertuous life and miracles planted there the Catholick Roman faith which they carried with them out of England King Bithricus XII 17. THe 12. Christian King was Bithricus who began his reigne An. 784. and reigned 16. yeares as Malmsb. saith 1. Reg. 2. and in Fastis The vertues of K. Bithricus and dyed An. 800. He was saith he pacis quam belli studiosior more desirous of peace than of war Ethelwerd l. 3. calleth him Regem pijssimum A most godly Prince His Rom. Religion Cooper An. 778. saith he Knightly ruled the Land His Roman religion is most notorious For as Hunting lib. 3. Houed pag. 404. Westmon An. 739. and others write Popes legats honorably receaued of all England in his tyme came Legats into England from Pope Adrian antiquam say they renouantes c. renewing the ancient League and Catholick saith who were honorably receaued both of the Prelats and Princes and held a Councell at Cealtid ex Houed pag. 410. Besides he maried the daughter of King Offa K. Offa and King Kenred become monks Peter pence Hunting lib. 4. pag. 342. Houed pag. 409. Bale Cent. 2. cap. 15. who in his time left his Kingdom went to Rome with Kenred King of Northumberland and there bound his Kingdom to pay the Peter pence and finally became a
Monke as Fox writeth lib. 2. pag. 3. and pag. 129. and others Besides of this King Offa Stow writeth pag. 89. that he caused the reliques of S. Alban to be taken vp and put in a Shrine Malmsb. 2. Reg. cap. 4. and adorned with gould and pretious stones and builded there a Prinely Monasterie His Charter saith he is dated An. 793. with the witnesse of him selfe his sonne Egferd 9. Kings 15. Bishops 10. Dukes c. By which we may clearly perceaue the Roman faith of all our Nation then Westmon also An. 794. Telleth how King Offa with the counsell of his Bishops sent to the Pope to haue priuiledges for that Monasterie Pope confirmeth our Kings Charters and the Pope answered that he should grante what he thought conuenient Et nos saith the Pope And we by our priuiledg will confirme our originall And as Paris hath An. 794. Manie Princes became monks He excepted it from all iurisdiction of Bishop or Archbishop subiected it immediatly to the See of Rome His diebus saith Bale Cent. 2. cap 15. In these dayes many Princes in England with shauing tooke vpon them the profession of Monks In this Kings time An. 793. was the Innocent and holy King Ethelbert of East-England slaine S. Ethelbert K. Ethelrida his spouse an Anchoresse Malmsb. in Fastis 1. Reg. cap. 5. Florent Chron. Stow pag 74. Fox Acts. pag. 129. And Etheltida his espouse daughter of King Offa made her selfe an Ancoresse or recluse ex Ingulph In this tyme also was found the body of S. VVithburg daughter of King Anna after 55. yeares buriall ex Florent An. 798. S. Fremund K. In his tyme also liued S. Fremund King and sonne to King Offa Vir saith Cambd. in Brit. pag. 500. magni nominis A man of a worthy name and singuler pietie towards God was canonized for a Saint And Rictrith iamdudum Regina tunc Abbattissa obijt Q Rictrith Nonne Rictrith somtime a Queene then Abbesse dyed Houed An. 786. And An. 799. died Osbald then Abbot K. Osbald Monke Saints but once King of Northumberland Houed Ibid. In this time also died S. Lull Archbishop of Mentz whome not onely Malmsb. lib. 1. Reg. cap. 4. but Bale also Cent. 13. cap. 56. commendeth saying he was homo tum eruditionis c. A man of approoued learning and sanctitie and gaue him selfe as an example of vertue to the Gentills that had any inclination to the Christian faith And yet was he scoller and successor to Saint Boniface that famous Papist Ibid. cap. 57. Bale calleth Saint Burchard his fellowe Virum pium ac religiosum a godly and religious man And cap. 70. he saith that S. Wilhad Archb. of Brome and fellow laborer with them Martirij desiderio pro Rom. Ecclesia flagrabat Burnt with desire of Martirdome for the Church of Rome English desire to die for the Church of Rome In his time also liued that great Clerck Alcuin Confessor to Charles the Great of whome ynough hath bene sayd before 18. Thus thou seest Christian Reader how clearly the Catholick Roman religion hath bene deduced through all those our first Christian Kings for the space of the first 200. yeares after our conuersion from Paganisme to Christianity The effects of Catholike religiō in our nation in 200. years And what notable contempt of the world and holines of life it bred in that time in our Kings Queenes Princes Ten Kings Saints in 200 yaers Clergy and Commons in so much that ten of those Kings that then were are now accounted Saints To wit Ethelbert Fourtene Kings Monks or Pilgrims Edwin Oswald Oswi Sebbi Sigebert another Sigebert Richard Ethelbrit Fremund And fourteene of them forsaking their Kindomes either became Monks or went on Pilgrimages to Rome namely Kinegilsus Centwin Cedwall Ina Sebby Offa VVho vvold not aduenture his soule sooner vvith thes holie Kings Queens and Princes than vvith one boye and a VVomā Princes Cōfessors See marcellin in vit Simbert Princes martyrs Sigebert Ethelred Coenred another Offa Cealwolph Eadbert Kenred Osbald to whome I may adde Oswin preuented by death And 13. Queenes nonnes to wit Bathildis Ethelreda Sexburg kineswith espouse to King Offa Eadburg Eua Emenild Edelburg Ethelburg Canfled Cuthburg VVerburg Erigedida Rictirth to whome I may add Heseswid mother to King Adolph Besides many Kings sonnes as Sighord VVillibald VVinnibald Merefin Adelbert and many more whose names we know not And many Princes Martyrs as Ruffin VVulfhale Elbert Egbrigh and one Confessor S. Pumold And many Kings and Queenes daughters that became nonnes as Edelburg Eartongath Sedrido VVithburg Kings daughters Mildred Milhith VValburg Etheldrida 19. Could such admirable contempt of the world spring from the Diuels religion or rather from his who in our baptisme bindeth vs to renounce the world and pomps therof Can grapes spring of thorns Could so great vertue and holines of life rise from the Diuel the vtter enemy of vertue or rather from God from whome as S. Iames saith commeth all goodnes Can Protestants imagin that God reuealed his truth to them and hid it from so great Saints and seruants of his as those were Did God hide his truth from those vertuous princes and reueal it to a boy and a vvoman who sought it so diligently folowed it so earnestly and as S. Iames speaketh by their workes haue shewed their faith and yet notwithstāding perished euerlastinglie as no doubt must needes be both thought and said if Protestants religion be the only truth of Christ and Christs truth the only way as no doubt it is to saluation No hope of saluation to our Ancestors if the Cath. faith be not the faith of Christ And therfore how soeuer some Ministers say that they will not iudge their Forfathers they cannot but thinke that these holy Princes and their people are damned which they are a shamed to say or that there are diuers wayes to heauen which is right Atheisme or rather Antichristianisme For if ther be any other way to heauen than that which Christ taught we make Christ a lyar But let them thinck as they list I hope all men that are carefull of their saluation and withall consider that as ther is but one God and one Christ so ther is but one baptisme and one faith to wit the Catholick which who keepeth not intirely shall perish euerlastingly will both thinck and say Moriatur anima mea morte iustorum Athan. in Symbolo fiant nouissima mea horum similia Let my soule die the death of the iust and let my end belike to these men And now let vs goe from the Kings of a part of England to the Monarchs of the whole CHAP. XXIIII That all the Kings of England from the Monarchy to the Conquest vvere Roman Catholicks proued in particuler King Egbert XIII 1. THe thirtenth Christian King of the west-Saxons and first that reduced England to a Monarchy was King
Egbert who began his reign An. 800. reigned 37. yeares died An. 837. He was saith Malmsb. lib. 1. Reg. cap. 2. worthely to be preferred before all Kings The vvorthines of K. Egbert 1 Monarch of Englād And lib. 2. cap. 1. Regis Inae abnepos King Ina his great grandchild by his brother Inegilse suldued the mindes of his subiects by clemencie and meeknes and left his sonne great occasions of commendations Houed hist pag. 407. saith he was Vir strenuissimus ac Potens most stout and puissant And as all our English Cronicles testifie in his time subdued all the rest of our English Kings Hunting l. 4. VVallos vicit sabdued the VVelchmen Florent An. 836. Danos fugat Put to flight the Danes The Roman Catholick religiō of this victorious Prince is euidēt His Rom. Religion First because he suffered his sonne and heir Ethelwolph to be a Monke and subdeacon as both Catholicks and Protestāts affirme Godwin in the Bishops of Winchester saith it is certain Wherby saith Bale Cent. 2. cap 20. He became the Popes Creature by both professions Secondly because he committed his said sonne Ethelwolf to S. Swithin to be taught as testifieth Florent An. 827. Gotzelin and Godwin in vit Swithini Surius tom 4. And as addeth Gotzelin inter precipuos amicos numerauit reconed him in number of his especiall freinds Now this Swithin was a Roman Catholick For as Bale l. cit granteth he was a Monke and as Malmsb. lib. 2. Pont Gotzelin l. cit Westmon An. 862. and others report wrought miracles by the signe of the Crosse is canonised by the Papists for a Saint Thirdly because K. Kenulf who in his time was King of midlengland as Malmsb. saith lib. 1. Reg. Nulli ante se Regi Nothing inferior in power and religion to any King before him and whose praises shal be aduanced on high so long as there is found any indifferent iudg in England writing with all his Bish and nobilitie to Pope Leo beginneth his letter thus Domino beatissimo To my most holy Lord and wel beloued Lord Leo the Roman Bishop of the holy Apostolick See Kenulf by the grace of God King of Merchland with the Bishops Dukes all Degrees of honor within our Dominiōs with health of most sincere affection in Christ Infra The sublmity of the See of Rome is our helth The prosperitie of Rome the ioy of England the prosperitie therof our cōtinuall ioy Because whence yow haue your Apostolicall dignitie thence had we the knowledge of the true faith VVherfor I thinck it fit that the eare of our obedience be humbly inclined vnto your holy commādements with our whole forces to fulfill what shal be thought cōueniēt by your holines to performe But now I Kenulf by the grace of God K. humbly beseech your Excellēcie to receaue me in quiet peace into your holines lap whome no meanes of merits do support let the large aboūdāce of your blessing enrich for the gouermēt of his people that almightie God by your intercessiō may together with me encorage the Nation against the inuasion of forren foes which your Apostolical authoritie hath imbued with the rudemēts of the Christian faith Rome taught England the faith All K. Kenulphs Predecessors had the popes blessing This blessing haue all the Kings who swayed the Mercian scepter deserued to obtaine at your Predecessors hands this same do I in humble māner request desire to obtain of yow most holy Father first by way of adoptiō to receaue me as your child as I loue yow in the persō of a Father shall embrace yow with the whole force of obedience Againe he saith Excellentiae vestrae VVe in most humble manner beseech your Excellencie to whome the key of wisdome is giuen by God Again VVith great humility also affectiō we haue writtē these to yow most holy Pope Our K. and Peers vvrite vvith great humilitie to the Pope beseeching in most earnest wise your Clemēcie kindly iustly to answer these things vvhich vve haue bene vrged to propound VVe send yovv here as a smale token of my louing minde that is 120. Mancuzes vvith letters requesting yovv to accept therof in good part vouchsafe to bestovv your blessing vpon vs. And the Pope answering him saith ●hat this K. professed to be willing to lose his life for him acknowledged saith the Pope that Nostris Apostolicis c. That no Christian presumeth to goe against our Apostolicall Decrees Yea Fox p. 132. speaking of this K. the others before him saith They wanted the knowledg doctrin in Christ especially in the Article of free iustification in faith Which p. 840. he termeth the foundation of the Church and all Christianitie and therfor saith he they ran the vvrong vvay And so concludeth that Protestants truth was hidden to our forancestors In which I verily beleeue him King Ethelwolph XIIII 2. THe 14. Christian King was Ethelwolph sonne to the forsaid King Egbert who began his reign An. 837. and reigned 20. yeares and od monethes He was saith Malmsb. lib. 2. cap. 2. by nature gentil and more desirous of peace than of war Vertues and valour of K. Ethelvvolph And yet saith Malmsb. l. cit Danos non semel per se suos Duces contudit The Danes he ouercame more than once by him selfe and his Generalls And besides other victories at Okley in Surey slew so many Danes saith Floren and westmon An. 851. Houed pag. 413. and others as neuer was heard in one Realme and at one time nether before nor after His Roman religion is most notorious His Rom. Religion First by that which hath bene said in the life of his Father Secondly because he procured a dispensation of the Pope becaus● he had byn a Monke and subdeacon that he might marry which Pope Malmsb. 1. Pont. saith was Leo 3. Bale Centur. 2 cap 20. saith was Gregor 4. others say Leo 4. Thirdly he first sent his sonne Alfred to Rome to be instructed saith Westmon An. 854. of the Pope in manners and religion Kings sonne sent to be instructed of the Pope And after went himselfe and staied at Rome a yeare and ther as all Catholicke and Protestant Cronicles confesse bound all England to pay the Peter pence Ethelvv lib. 3. cap. 3 Stovv pag. 89 Coper An. 852. Houeden pag. 415. Huntingt lib. 5 Ingulp pag. 862. VVestmon An ●57 VVhat mā●u●a is And as Bale pag. 116. speaketh Prouinciam suam c. He made his Countrey tributarie to the Roman Synagog so sayth he was all England made subiect to the Roman Beast Besides this he appointed euery yeare 300. Mancuzes which were as Caius saith lib. 2. de antiq cantab. pag. 287. thirty pence a peece to be sent to Rome wherof one hundred should buy oile for light in S. Peters Church and one hundred for the same vse in S. Pauls and one hundred should be
giuen saith Florent Anno. 855. Vniuersali Papae Apostolico To the Vniuersall Apostolicke Pope The same hath Fox lib. 3. p. 136. Fourthly he gaue saith Fox to holy Church and religious men the tenth of his goods and Lands in VVest-Saxons with liberty and fredom from all seruice and ciuil charge And Fox setteth downe his Charter in these wordes Ego Ethelwolphus c. The faith of King Ethelvvolph and his Noble● I Ethelwolph King of the VVest Saxons with the cōsent of my Prelats Nobles will grant an hereditarie portion of my land to be foreuer possessed by God the blessed S. Marie and all the Saints of God Behould how the King by the aduise of his Bishops and Nobles giueth Land to God and his Saints and to what purpose himselfe declareth in these words following For the redemption of our soules Good deeds for remission of sinnes for the remission of our sinnes Which intention as yow heard before out of Abbots Fox is contrary to the Protestants Gospell And therfore Fox vpō these words saith Note the blind ignorance and erroneous teaching in these dayes and addeth that they were led with pernicious doctrine to set remission of sinnes and remedie of soules in this donation and such other deedes of their deuotion And further the King saith VVestmon An ●54 as Malmsb. testifieth lib. 2. cap. 2. Placuit Episcopis cum c. It hath pleased the Bishops with the Abbots and the seruants of God to apoint that all our brethren and sisters in euery Church shall sing on wensday in euery weeke fifty psalmes K. Ethelvvolph requireth Masses for him aliue and dead and euery Priest two Masses one for King Ethelwolph another for his Dukes cōsenting to this gift for their reward remissiō of their trespasses And for the K. liuing let them say Oremus Deus qui iustificas c. For the Duke also liuing also Praetēde Domine c But after their death for the K. alone for the Dukes deceassed iointly together this be so firmly ordained throughout al the daies of Christianitie euen as their libertie is established so lōg as faith increaseth in the English Nation This Charter of Donation was written in the yeare of our Lords Incarn 844. Indict 4. the fift day of Nouemb. in the Citie of VVinchester in the Church of S. Peter before the head Altar And this they did for the honor of S. Michael the Archangell also for the blessed Marie Q. the glorious mother of God of S. Peter the Prince of the Apostles and in like māner of our most holy Father Pope Greg. and of all Saints In this Chapter I note how K. Ethelvvolph cōmanded not in spiritual matters not the King but Bish apoint Priests to pray say Masses for him and that S. Peter is called Prince of the Apostles the other points of Papistry therin are more euidēt than that I neede to point to them All England Papist in K Ethelvvolhps time And yet as Ingulph saith p. 862. to this chapter subscribed all the Archb. Bishops of England K. Bardred King Edmund after martyr and Princes of a part of Englād vnder King Ethelwolph Abbots Abbesses Dukes Countes and nobles of the whole Lād innumerable multitude of other people By which we may see the vniuersall faith of our Contry of that time And in a Charter of King Berthulphus in Ingulph p. 861. The King praieth God Quatenus pro intercessione Guthlaci c That through the intercessiō of S. Guthlack and all the Saints he would forgiue me all my people our sinnes Pardon of sinnes asked by intercession of Saints In this Kings time An. 850. S. Wolstā nephew to two KK was vniustly murdered and afterward honored by God with miracles Florēt Chronic. Saints Also S. Ieron an English Priest martyred in Holand An. 849. Bale Cent. 13. cap 75. In this K. time also liued one Offa K. of Eastengland who leauing his Kingdome and trauailing to the holy land in ould Saxonie from whence our Nation came into England elected S. Edmund for his heire and sent him into Englād Capgraue in vit Edmundi Florent An. 855. Houed pag. 415. Stow pag. 76. King Ethelbald XV. 3. THe 15. K. was Ethelbald eld●st sonne to K. Ethelwolph who began his reign An. 857. and reigned fiue yeares He was at first dissolut and naught as yow may see in Malmsb. lib. 2 cap. 3. But peracta poenitentia saith Westmon Anno. 859. Hauing done pennance all the time he liued after he gouerned the Kingdom with peace and iustice Wherfore Hunting lib. 5. pag. 348. calleth him optimae indolis aeuenem a youth of very great towardnes saith that all England bewailed his death King Ethelbert XVI 4. THe 16. king was Ethelbert brother to the former begā his raigne An. 862. as Malmsb. hath in Fastis and held the gouerment fiue yeares He was saith Ingulph pag. 863. Valour of K. Ethelbert Validissimus adolescens A most valiant yong man and an inuincible triumpher ouer the Danes he stoutly for fiue yeares space gouerned the Kingdome Malmsb. 2. Reg. cap. 3. saith he ruled strenuè dulciterque Manfully and sweetly Houed pag. 405. saith pacifice amabiliter peaceably and gently In this Kings time died S. Swithin Anno 862. Florent Westmon in Chron. Saints As for the Roman religion of these two Princes His Rom. Religion that appeareth both by what hath bene said of their Father and what shal be said of their two brothers King Ethelred XVII 5. THe 17. king was Ethelred 3. sonne to king Ethelwolfe Who began his reign saith Malmsb. lib. 2. cap. 3. Anno 867. and reigned 5. yeares as his brothers did Fortitude and pietie of K Ethelred Of him and his brethren Malmsb. saith They bouldly and stoutly entred battel for their Country and addeth that this king besides ordinary skirmishes fought 9. picht Battels in one yeare against the Danes nine battells in one yeare was oftener Conqueror And that he slewe one king of them 9. Earlers and innumerable people which also testify Ethelwerd lib. 4. cap. 12. Hunting lib. 5. Cambd. in Brit. saith He was Princeps longe optimus Couper Anno 863. satih he was among his subiects mild gentle pleasant against his aduersaries seuere fierce and hardie Of this Fox lib. 3. pag. 141. telleth that being to ioine batell with the Danes Miracle in confirmation of Masse his brother Alfred gaue the onset while the King saith Fox was at seruice and meditations and albeit word were brought him that his brother had the worst yet would he not saith Fox stir one foote before the seruice was fully cōplet And addeth that through the grace of God and their godly manhood the King cōming from his seruice recouered the victory slew as Ethelwerd who as himself saith descēded of that K. lib. 4. c. 2. saith one King Marueilous victorie fiue
termed his adoptiue child as is before said instructed of him in maners religiō Moreouer as Caius saith In reparandis ornandis c. In repairing beutifying enriching Monasteries he labored earnestly amongst which he builded two of great renoun But Fox reckoneth three one at Shasburie one at Ethling S. Cutbert encourageth the K. to recouer England the third at Winchester The cause of the building his Monasterie at Ethling was because he being almost quite vāquisht of the Danes and lying there hid for a time S. Cutbert appeared to him badd him be of good corage assuring him both of the present vision and future victorie ouer the Danes by a present miracle Profes of the truth of S. Cutberts vision to K. Alfred This vision was as is said confirmed then by a present miracle and by the perfect conquest of the Danes after following beleeued of this notable prudent King and testifyed as Fox p. 142. cōfesseth by Malmsb. Polichron Houed Iornalasensis others and yet is termed of him without any reason or testimony a dreaming fable onely as we may imagin because it is sayd to come from S. Cutbert For soone after p. 149. he crediteth a Vision of Egwin a Herlot albeit it haue nothing so good testimonie because therin is no mentiō of any Saint Finally this excellēt King in his preface before the Pastorall of Saint Gregory calleth him Christs Vicar sent almes to Rome Westmon An. 889. also to India to performe saith Fox p. 142. His vovv to S. Thomas vvhich he made during the tyme of his distresse against the Danes In this Kings time Burdred King of Merceland forsaking his Kingdom went to Rome A King goeth to Rome and Anno. 889. his Queene Ethelswitha followed him Hollemen in time of K. Alfred In this kings time also liued S. Grimbald whome king Alfred called out of France to teach in Oxford and S. Neotus Scientia saith Bale Cent. 2. cap. 1. In knowledg and manners excelling in counsel good in speeche wise by whose counsel Alfred founded a schoole at Oxford King Edward the elder XIX 8. IN the yeare 901. succeeded King Edward the Elder sonne to king Alfred The vvorthines of K. Edvvard son and reigned saith Malmsb. lib. 2. cap. 3 23. yeares others say 24. He gouerned the land saith Fox lib. 3. pag. 146. right valiantly in Princely gouernment and such like martial prowes he was nothing inferior to his Father but rather exceeded him subdued VVales Scotlād recouered all out of the Danes hāds The same saith Cooper An. 901. Stow p. 107. A great victorie Malmsb. l. cit Florent and Westmon An. 924 Houed p. 122. And Ingulph and Hunting lib. 5. say that in one battel he slew two kinges and 10. Earles of the Danes And Ethelwerd lib. 4. cap. 4. writeth that in all he slew 4. kings of them His Rom. Religion The Roman religion of this valiant and victorious Prince is euident First because as king Edgar his grandchild in an oration which Fox hath lib. 3. pag. 170. testifieth he accounted S. Dustan his Father helper and fellow worker in all things chose him as Bishop and Shepherd of his soule and keeper of his maners obeyed him in all things and preferred his counsel before all treasure Secondly because he obeyed the commandement of the Pope who threatned him excommunication if he procured diuers Bishopricks to be erected ex Malmsb. l. cit Cambden in Brit. p. 198. Thirdly because two of his daughters Edfled and Edburga became nōnes the third Ethelhild vowed virginitie ex Malm. l. cit Houed p. 421. Tvvo daughters of King Edvvard Nonnes and the third vovved virginitie And as Bale saith Cent. 13. c. 77. Gregorie a sonne of his became an hermit in Swiseland Fourthly because he toke awaye his brothers or his brothers sonnes wife from him because she had bene a Nonne Hunt lib. 5. Westmon An. 801. In his time liued the said S. Edburg his daughter Saints and S. Fristan Bishop of Winchester a man saith Godwin in his life highly esteemed of for his learning but much more for his great vertue and holines King Athelstan XX. The VVorthines of K. Ethelstan 9. IN the yeare 924. succeeded king Athelstan sonne to king Edward and held the Crowne 16. yeares ex Malm. lib. 2. cap. 6. He was saith Fox p. 147. Cooper An. 925. and Stow p. 107. a Prince of worthie memorie valiant and wise in all his acts and brought this Lād to one Monarchy For he expelled the Danes subdued the Scotts quieted the VVelchmen The like saith Bale Cent. 2. cap. 22. and also Catholick writers as yow may see in Malmsb. l. cit Hunt lib. 5. Houed pag. 422. His religion His Roman religion is most euidēt For going to the Battel of Brumford against many kings and innumerable enemies Ingulpg Florent An. 938. Hunt lib. 5. pag. 422. he visited saith Ingulph S. Iohn of Beuerley by the waye with great deuotion and God so blessed his deuotiō as in the battel he slew saith Malmsb the king of Scotts fiue kings more A vvonderfull victorie 12. Earles innumerable multitude of his enemies and got one of the greatest victories that euer Englishe wonne And in his return gaue great gifts and priuiledges to S. Iohn of Beutrley and made it a sanctuary for all Debters and Malifactors Ex Ingulph and Cambd. in Brit. pag. 636. Besides he was saith Ingulph and Malmsb greatly delited with a peece of the holy Crosse Hovv K. Ethelstad estemed reliques and Crowne of thorns which Hugh king of France sent vnto him Made S. Aldhelm his Patron Cambd. p. 210. Builded saith Fox pag. 149 the two Monasteries of Midleton and Mithelney for his brothers soule VVhy Kings builded monasteries VVherby saith Fox it may appeare that the espetiall cause of building Monasteries in those dayes was for the releasing sinnes bothe of them departed and of them aliue which cause saith he how it stādeth with Christs Luthers Gospel let the Christian Reader try with him self Thus Fox which confession of his may suffice to shew how all that kings tyme all the Realme was Roman Catholick All Christendom of the same faith vvith K. Ethelston And how all Christendome abroad agreed with him in religiō appeareth by the marriage of his sisters to the Emperor king of Frāce other Christiā Princes In this kings time befel a miracle in Duke Elfred whome the king sent to Rome to purge him selfe of treason by his oath before S. Peters sepulcher Miracle by S Peter But saith the K. in his charter which Fox pag. 148. Malmsb and others haue hauing taken his oath he fel before the Altar and was caried by the hands of his seruants to the English schole and the next night after he ended his life Then also liued Saint Birnstan Bishop of VVinchester Qui c. saith Florēt An. 932. Malm. Polichron
Saints Houed Iornelacensis others more as Fox confesseth p. 148. who dayly song masse for the quiet rest of the soules departed King Ewmund XXI 10. THe 21. Christian King was Edmund sonne to the forsaid Edward who began saith Malmesb. An. 940. VVorthines of K Edmund and reigned six yeares and a halfe He was sai●h Cooper An. 940. and Stow p. 108. a man by nature di●posed to noblenes and iustice Huntin lib. 5. calleth him inuictum vnconquered saith omnia illi faeliciter successisse all things fel out happily to him And Fox lib. 3. pag. 130. writeth that he achiued noble victories against his enemies and set his studie in maintaining redressing the state of the Church which stoode all then in building of Monasteries Churches His Religion and furnishing them with new possessions and restoring the ould Infra In the time of this king Edward or shortlie after Strait life vsed for merit sake hardnes restraint of life with superstition were had in veneration men for merit sake with God gaue thēselues to leade a streight life which alone would suffice to shew of what religion this King was Besides that as Stow saith p. 108. Florent An. 942. Westmon An. 940. Houed p. 423. he was altogether coūselled lead by S. Dunstan at whose request he reedifyed Glossenburie and made S. Dunst●n Abbot therof with a Chapter extant in Malmsb. lib. 2. cap. 7. He granteth many priuil●dges to Glossenburie for hope of aeternall reward and forgiuenes of his sinnes In thi● Kings time liued his wife S. Elfegia who saith Ethelwerd lib. 4. cap. 6. was canonized after her death Saints and miracles wrought at her tombe King Edred XII 11. The 22. Christian King was Edred third sonne of King Edward He entred An. 946. and held the crowne nine yeares and a halfe as Malmsb. hath lib. 2. cap. 7. The vvorthines of K. Edred and his vertue His magnanimitie saith he did not degenerat from his Father and brethren He subdued the Northumbers and Scotts He humbled himselfe to the feete of holie men deuoted his life to God and S. Dunstan by whose counsell he made his court a schoole of vertue Thus Malm. Cooper An. 946. Stow Chron. pag. 108. saith he was a great maintainer of honestie most abhorred naughty vnruly persons in feats of armes much commended wherby he kept in obeissance the Northumbers and Scotts and exiled the Danes His religion As for his Roman religion ther can be no doubt For as Fox writeth pag. 152. He was much ruled by the Counsell of S. Dunstan in so much as in histories he is reported to haue subiected himself to much pennance inflicted on him by S. Dunstan Such zelous deuotion saith he was then in Princes And as Florent An. 955. Malmsb. l. cit Houed pag. 423. Westmon An. 955. write when he fel sick Accersiuit c. he sent for blessed Dunstan his confessor Ingulph saith Aboue all the Kings his Predecessors he had the purest conscience and a spetiall deuotion to S. Paul And p. 876. he citeth his Chapter in the which he erected a new the Abbey of Crowland as he saith In the regard of the redemption of my soule and is sory that by the destruction of that monasterie prayers for the soules of the kings his prodecessors haue bene intermitted To which Chapter subscribe two Arcbishops 4. Bishops many Abbots and Earles And Stow pag. 198. saith the King sealed this Charter with seales of gould King Edwin XXIII 12. IN the yeare 955. saith Malmsb. l. 2. c. 7. succeded Edwin sonne to king Edmund reigned 4. yeares He was so bewtifull as Ethelwerd lib. 4. c. 8. saith he was commonly called Pancalus but as Malmsb. he abused his bewty to lewdnes for which and for banishing of S. Dunstan writeth Cooper An. 955. he was odible to his subiects Fox pag. 152. addeth that he was deposed of the Northumbers and mercians Edgar chosen in his place yet as it seemeth he amended For Hunting l. 5. writteth that he ruled his kingdeme not without commendation Osbern in vit Dunstani writeth that by the praiers of S. Dunstan he was at his death deliuered from the Diuels His Roman religiō appeareth by the possession which as Malmsb. saith Religion of K. Edvvin he gaue S. Aldelm whose body saith he was then found and in scrinio locatum placed in a shrine In the Register of the Abbey of Bury she is said to haue giuen to that Monastery the towne of Becklis and diuers other things King Edgar XXIIII 13. THe 24. K. was Edgar secōd sonne to king Edmund who began his reigne saith Malmsb. lib. 2. cap. 8. Anno 959. and reigned 16. yeares The praises of K. Edgar The praises which both Catholicks and Protestants giue to this king are exceeding Malmsb. calleth him honor delitiae Ang The honor and delight of English men and saith that inter Anglos c. amongst English men the report is that no King nether of his or any former age in England is to be compared with Edgar Ingulph an ancient graue author p. 889. saith he was flos decus c. The floure and ornament of all his Ancestors and the mirror of the VVestern climat of the world the bewtie glorie and rose of Kings Florent An. 975. and Houed p. 426. add that he was as worthie to be remembred of Englishmen as Romulus of Romās Syrus of Persians Alexander of Macedonians Arsaces of Parthians Charles the great of the French Huntington lib. 5. p. 356. saith Edgar the peaceable a King magnificent a second Salomon in his dayes the Land was much bettered he was most deuout to God he built many Monasteries And Malmsb. saith that in the yeare 1052. which was about a hundred yeares after his death his body was found Nullius labis conscium voyde of co●ruption and that it wrought miracles The like praises do the Protestants afford him Cooper An. 959. A Prince of worthie memorie for his manifould vertues gratly renouned so excellent in iustice and sharp correction of vices as wel in his Magistrats as other subiects that neuer before his day was vsed lesse felonie and extortion Of mind valiant and hardy very expert in martiall policie The like saith Stow Chron. pag. 109. Fox Acts. lib. 3. pag. 154. saith he was much giuen to all vertuous and princely acts worthy of much commendation and famous memory excellent in iustice maintained the godly loued the modest Fox calleth this King a Poehnix was deuout to God and beloued of his subiects whome he gouerned in much peace and quietnes so God did bl●sse him with aboundance of peace No yeare passed in the time of his Reigne in which he did not some singular and necessarie commoditie for the common welth A great mantainer of religion and learning He had in redines 2600. ships The same say Florent and Westmon Anno 975. Houed pag. 426. of war
and made 8. The religion of K. Edgar Kings to row him in a boate he setting at the sterne guiding it The Romā religiō of this renowned K. is manifest For Fox l. cit Ingulph pag. 885. saith He was a great Patron of Monkish religion builded as some say as many Monasteries as there be sondays in the yeare or as Edner reporteth 48. pag. 156. Edgar was seduced by Dunstan who was drowned in all superstition and did seuen yeares penance at Dunstans apointment And pag. 161. and 169. reciteth an oration in King Edgar which also is in Stow pag. 111. wherin the King speaketh thus to the Clergy It belongeth to me to rule the lay people It belongeth to me to prouide necessarie things to the Ministers of the Church to the flock of Monkes Behould how he distinguisheth betwene gouerning lay people and prouiding for clergie Item he complaineth there that Priests crownes are not broade nor lay people and prouiding for clergie Item he complaineth there That Priests crownes are not broade nor their rownding conuenient and that they came not deuoutly to Masse Cōstātins svvord in the Kings hand S. Peters in the Bishops hands and saith to the Bishops I haue Constantins sworde and yee haue Peters sword in your hands let vs ioine right hands let vs cuple svvord to svvord that the Leapers may be cast out of the Temple Touching which oration Fox noteth the religious zeale and deuotion of Kings and the blind saith he ignorance and superstition of that time in both estates Ecclesiasticall and ciuil in esteeming Christs religion cheefly to consist in giuing to Churches and maintaining of Monkery wherin it appeareth saith he how ignorant that time was of the true doctrin of Christs faith K. Edgars time knevv not the Protestāts Doctrin And putteth this note in the margent The doctrin of iustification vnknowne Bale Cent. 2. cap. 34. saith Edgarus c. Edgar earnestly seruing the desires of Monkes And by the inchantments of Dunstan Ethelwald and Oswald being made an Image of the Beast did speake onely as they gaue him breath all things then were ruled at their beck Ingul pag. 883. setteth downe his Charter of Peterborowh wherin he calleth S. Peter Superum Ianitorem The porter of heauen and saith he apointeth there a market for diuers good purposes both of temporall and spiritual profits that Gods ministers may be holpen more neare at hand and that the Christian people meeting there amidst worldly affaires may demand Gods help Note whiles by demanding S. Peters protection and by hearing the misterie of Masse according to the faith of eche one the faultes of diuers sinnes may therin be redeemed And again Hanc regiferam libertatem c we haue procured this royal libertie according to the primitiue institution therof to be strenghned from the See of the Apostolicke Roman Church by the author him selfe of this writing most reuerend Ethelwald And to this Charter subscribe two Archbishops three Bishops many Abbots Dukes and nobles And Malmsb. l. cit citeth an other Charter of that king granted to Glassenburie which he requested to be confirmed by Pope Iohn 12. which Pope confirmed it saying that he tooke the Monasterie in protectione Romanae Ecclesiae beatorum Apostolorum Petri Pauli In protection of the Roman Church and the blessed Apostles Saint Peter and Paule In this kings tyme liued Saint Merwin saith Florent Saints in this King his tyme. An. 967. whome he made Abbesse of Rumsey and confirmed that Monasterie saith Stow pag. 113. in the presence of all the Nobilitie Also Saint Editha his own daughter who from her infancy was brought vp in a Monasterie and would not refuse that lyfe to enioy the crowne after her brother King Edwards death Also S. Elsted a nonne whose life and miracles yow may read in Capgraue S. Edward Martyr XXV 14. I In the yeare 975. began S. Edward the Martyr saith Malmsb. lib. 2. cap. 9● sonne to King Edgar The vertues of K. Edvvard martyr and reigned three yeares who did saith he follow the steps of his Eathers religion and yeelde both eare minde to good Councell Ingu●ph pag. 889. saith he was a simple and most holy yong man following much his Father in maners Cooper An. 975 and S●ow pag 113. say he was in all kinde of honest vertues comparable to his Father Edgar began his souerainty with much modestie and mildnes worthely fauored of all Fox Acts. pag. 159 Authors describe him to be a vertuous and noble Prince much pittifull bountifull to the poore And Caius de Antiq. Cantab Miracles pag. 294. saith he is worthilie tearmed a martyr Cooper An 977. saith after his death God shewed for him many miracles which also testify Malmsb. l. cit Westmon Anno. 979. and others wherby the Reader make perceaue what account he may make of Fox who l. cit calleth them tales His religion His Roman religion is manifest partly by what hath bene said of his Father partly because Fox saith l. cit He was by Dunstans meanes elected and consecrated Which also testify Malmsb. l. cit Florent Anno 975. And because as Fox the same Authors testity he stoode with Saint Dun●●an against Priests Wiues Saints In this Kings time liued three great Saints S. Dunstan S. Ethelwald S. Oswald of whome we will speake in the time of the next King when they died King Egelred XXVI 15. IN the yeare 979. saith Malmsb. lib. 2. cap. 10. succeeded King Egelred sonne to King Edgar and reigned 37. yeares Who as say Florent An. 978. Qualities of K. Egelred Houed p. 427. and Cooper An. 978. was Moribus elegans pulcher vultu decorus aspectu excellently manered of fayer fa●e and gratious countenance His Roman religion is manifest by what hath bene sayd of hi● Father His religion Secondly because his mother built two Monasteries one at Amsbury an other at Whorwel and became a Nonne Cambd. in Brit. pag. 177. 221. 228. and as Malmsb. l. cit saith Corpus silicio c. She wrapt her-bodie in haire cloth In the night layd on the grownd without pillow she toke her sleepe c. Thirdly because in his time liued these notorious Papists S. Dunstan S. Ethelwald and S. Oswald Fourthly because he confirmed the Charter of Euisham Monasterie libertatis priuilegium c. And the priuiledg of the liberty confirming signed it with the signe of the Crosse Cambd. in Brit. pag. 327. Fiftly because he receaued the Legat of Pope Iohn 15. and by him made peace with the Duke of Normādie Miracles Malmsb. l. cit In this time was S. Edward King and martyrs body found incorrupt An. 979. Houed pag. 407. Then also liued S. Dunstan of whome some thing hath bene sayd in the Archbishops Saints S. Ethelwald Bishop of Winchester who saith Godwin in his life was a great Patron of Monks and no lesse enemy to married Priestes And S.
Oswald Archb. of York whome Godwin confesseth to haue bene very learned and for his integritie and conuersation much reuerenced The greatest faulte saith he I finde in him was in that he was very earnest in setting forth that doctrin of Diuels that debarreth men who haue promised to God the contrary from marrying In this time also was martyred S. Elpheg Archb. of Canterburie And S. Edmund King and martyr miraculously flew Swain King of Denwark as in the Ecclesiastical histories it is reported of Saint Mercurie Martyr that he slew Iulian the Apostata This miracle Fox him selfe dare not discredit but lib. 3. pag. 161. writeth thus of Swain Miracle He entred the Territorie of Saint Edmund wasted and spoiled the contrie despised the holie Martyr menacing the place of his sepulcher VVherfore the men of the Countrie fel to praier and fasting so that shorlie after Swain died sodenlie crying and yelling Some saye saith he that he was stroken with the sword of S. Edmund In fear wherof Canutus his sonne granted them the fredome of all their liberties and great freedoms quitted them of all tax and tribut And after that time it was vsed that Kings of England when they were crowned sent their Crownes for an offering to S. Edmunds shrine and redeemed the same againe with condigne price And these times were so euidently Papistical as Fox in his Protestation before his Acts saith thus About the year of our Lord 980. sprong forth here in England as did in other places more a Romish kind of Monkery much drovvned in supestition Of this svvarme vvas Egbert Agelbert Egvvin Boniface VVilfrid Agathon Iames Roman Cedda Dunstan Osvvald Athelm Lanfrancke Anselm and such other But well it is that this Iames was as S. Beda saith lib. 2. c. 20. a good godlie man Deacon to S. Paulin who was S. Austines companion by whome we may see the religion of S. Austin and his fellowes Agilbert Agatho Wilfrid Roman Cedda were holy men much commended by Beda lib. 3. cap 25. and liued in S. Austins time or very sone after long before this time The others Egbert Boniface Danstan Oswald Anselm were the famousest Saints which England hath King Edmund Ironside XXVII 16. THe 27. Christian King was Edmund Ironside sonne vnto King Egelred who succeded An. 1016. and reigned one yeare The valour of K. Edmund Ironside He was saith Malmsb. lib. 2. cap. 10. a yong man of notable towardlines of great strength both of minde and body and therfore sirnamed Ironside of the English men The like say Hunting lib. 6. Westmon Anno 1016. Cooper Anno 1016. and Fox Acts Pag. 162. wri●e that he was of lusty and valiant courage in martiall affairs both hardie and wise and could indure all paine His religion His Roman religion is manifest by that as the Register of Bury saith he reedifyed Glassenburie destroied as it seemeth by the Danes and by what hath bene said of his Father King Canut XXVIII 17. THe 28. king was king Canut a Dane who by force of armes and dint of sword got the kingdome beginning his reigne Anno. 1017. and reigned 20. yeares Composed saith Malmsb. lib. 2. c. 11. his life magna ciuilitate fortitudine Vertues of K. Canut Of whome Hunting lib. 6. Polidor L. and others recount this story Fox p. 164. That as he sat by the sea side his flatterers magnifying him called him Lord of the land and sea whose flattery to discouer he commanded the waues not to come neere him but they rising according to their course bewet the king wherat he smiling said to his coutriers loe he whom yee call Lord of Sea and land cannot cōmand a smale waue Cooper An. 1018. saith he was a sage gentle and moderat Prince And An. 1027. for his vertuous life worthie to liue perpetuallie He was of great magnificence vsed such iustice temperance that in his daies was no Prince of such renowne towards God humble and lowlie Bale Cent. 2. cap. 45. saith he was Iuuenis c. a yong man of excellent vvit and high minde and notable in Christian modestie That great king who was withall king of Denmark and Norway was euidentlie a Roman His religion Catholick First because after the said speech of his touching the Sea he went to Winchester as Fox pag. 163. Bale l. cit Stow pag. 120. Florent Houed An. 131. Hunting l. cit and others write and taking his crown from his head set it vpon the head of the crucifix Quo c. saith Bale By which he signified that the Kings of those times were no Kings but onely the likenes of Kings and Images of the Beast Secondly Fox pag. 163. writeth that following much the superstition of Agelnoth Archb. of Canterburie he went on Pilgrimage to Rome and ther founded an hospitall for Pilgrims gaue to the Pope pretious gifts and burdened the Land with a tribut called Romescot In his letters to the Nobles and Bishops of England in Malmsb. and Ingulph him self saith that he went oratum c. to pray for the redemption of my sinnes and saith that he had longe vowed it and thancketh God that he had there honored S. Peter and Saint Paule and all the holy places of Rome Et ideo hoc maxime c. And therfor I haue done this principally because I haue learned of wise men that Saint Peter the Apostle hath receaued great power of our Lord of binding and loosing and that he is the Porter of heauen and therfore I thought it very profitable to require especially his protection with God Thirdly in his Charter in Malmsburie he saith he graunteth priuiledges to that Monasterie by the counsel of the Archbishop Agelnoth and also of all the Priests of God and with the consent of all my Peeres for the loue of the Kingdom of heauen and pardon of my offences and the relaxations of the transgressions of my brother King Edmund Wherby wee see that both him selfe and his Bishops and nobles were Roman Catholicks Fourthly he built saith Fox l. cit Cambd. Brit. pag. 415. Saint Bennets in Norfolk and turned Saint Edmunds Bury into an Abbey of Monks And Bale libro cit addeth It is found that next after God he endeuored to appease Saint Edmund by prayers and offerings King Herold XXIX 18. IN the yeare 1036. succeded King Herold sonne to King Canut by Elfgina an English woman as witnesseth Ingulph and reigned 4. yeares and 4. monethes ex Malmsburie lib. 2. cap. 12. His Roman religion is manifest both by his Father Rom. region of K. Herold by that which Ingulph writeth of him pag. 895. He gaue to the Monasterie of Crowland a Cloake of silk set with goulden buttons which he wore at his coronation and he had done to vs many moe good things if ouer hasty death had not taken him away King Hardy Canut XXX 19. THe 30. King was king Hardi-Canut sonne to king Canut Emma who had bene
his death bed as Stow Chron. pag 171. Baron An. 1084. and an other author then present write that he had increased 9. Abbeies of Monks VVhat account K. VVill. made of Monasteries and one of Nonne● and that in his dayes 17. monasteries of Monks and six of Nonnes were builded VVith such compasse saith he Monasteries fence of Countries Normandie is fenced and all things which any noble men in Lands or Rents haue giuen to God or Saints for their spirituall health I haue curteously graūted and confirmed their Charters These studies I haue followed from my first yeares This I leaue vnto mine heires to be kept in all times In this my children follow me continuallie that here and for euer before God and men yow may be honored Finallie as Stow p. 174. and the said Authors report b●ing to giue vp the ghost K. VVilliams last vvords praying to our ladies with great deuotion he lift vp his eyes to Heauen and holding abroad his hands said I commend my soule vnto our blessed Ladie Marie Mother of God that she ●y her holie praiers may reconcile me to her most dere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ And with these wordes saith Stow he presentlie yelded vp the ghost And pag. 176. he addeth that he was buried at a Masse and that the Preacher desired all to pray for the dead Prince This was the ende of this victorious and vndoubted Catholick King Fox his confes of the Cath. time vnder K. VVilliam Conq. and since 2. And so Catholick these times since the Conquest haue bene as Fox Acts pag. 167. speaking after his maner saith Before the Conquest infection and corruption of religion vvas great but in the times folovving it did abound in excessiue measure Which he said onely because the histories of the times folowing are more exant perfect and so afforde more playne and more frequent testimonie of the Catholick faith than those of the former times though they as yow see afford sufficient Bilson also of Obed. pag. 321. saith that the Pope inforced vpon the Normans the headship of the Church Wherin he confesseth that the Normans admitted a cheefe pointe of Papistrie Saints in K. VVilliams time In this kings tyme lyued that holy Queene of Scotland S. Margaret grandchild vnto king Edmund Ironside whose holy life is written by Tungat an English man Bishop of S. Andrews in Scotland Who was saith Bale Cent. 2. cap. 60. oculatissimus testis Virtutum eius a most certain eye vvitnesse of her vertues And Fox Acts. pag. 185. calleth her vertuous and deuout ladie And yet was she a manifest Papist For being to die she called for Priests and made her confession Florent An. 1093. malb l. 4. and was anoiled and howseled as testifie the said Turgot Houed An. 1093. Hunting lib. 7. pag. 373. and others In her life tyme She was a maintaner of pietie iustice peace Holines of Q. Margaret frequent in prayer who punished her body with fasting and watching and of this holy Queene is his present Maiestie descended by both the Royal lines of England and Scotland In this Kinges tyme also liued Berengarius a French Deacon who is the first that is named to haue denyed the real presence of Christs bodie and blood in the Eucharist as the holy Church teacheth saith malmsb l. 3. who liued about that time The same denied some ancient hereticks in S. Ignatius time as he testifieth ep ad Smyrn but nameth none But they were then so fully put downe as from thence to Berengarius which is almost a thousand yeares none is found to haue denyed Christs real presence in the Sacrament Berengar vvho denied the real presence denied also mariage and baptisme of Infants Massou Annal. franc lib. 3. besides such as denyed that he had any real body at all Berengarius denied also marriag to be lawful and the baptisme of Infants as Durand then Bishop of Liege writeth in his epistle to Henrie then King of France tom 3. Biblio Sanctor in fine and Protestants confesse namely Oecolampadius l. 3. p. 710. Crispin l. of the Church p. 289. But at last this Berengarius recanted all his heresies and died a good Catholick as the said Malm. witnesseth Against him wrote our great learned Prelat Lanfranc many others King VVillam Rufus XXXIIII 3. THe 34. Christian King of England was William Rufus Anno 1088. and reigned 13. yeares Vertues of K. Rufus for a time He saith Stow Chron. pag. 179. as long as Lanfranc liued seemed to abhorre all kinde of vice so that he was accounted a mirror of Kings Cooper Anno 1089. writeth that in martiall policie he was verie expert and diligent in all matters he went about stedfast and stable in his promisse and meruailous painfull and laborious But at last vices ouerwhelmed his vertues His Rom. Religion His Roman religion is manifest First because as Malmsb. hath lib. 4. Paris An. 1087. He was brought vp by Lanfranc and by his meanes chiefly made King Secondlie because Fox writeth lib. 4. pag. 184. Lincoln Minster in his time had a Romish dedication And as Paris saith pag. 767. that being done the king called two Cardinalls who were present who had receaued fulnes of power of our Lord the Pope for the disposition of Bishopricks and of the same Church The ordination was such that the Bishop being chosen the Canons placed in their possession from thence forth they should in orderlie discipline of life serue God and his blessed mother day and night Thirdlie because as Stow hath Chron. pag. 160. Rufus gaue to the Monkes of the Charitie the manner of Berdmonsey and builded them a new house And in his Charter yet extant he confirmeth his Fathers graunt to the Monasterie of Batel and saith he doth it for the soule of his said Father A plaine Papi●●● c●l Charter of K Rufus and also of his mother matildis of godlie memorie and for the soule of his most glorious predecessor King Edward for my owne saluation likewise and my Successors and for the quiet rest of those that were slaine there in batel VVhich how euident a signe of Papistrie it is hath bene shewed before Fourthly Rufus being once very sick made his confession to S. Anselm Malm. 1. Pont p. 217. and nominated him Archb. of Canterb. whom the Protestants confesse to haue byn a notorious Papist Fiftly Malm. 1. pont p. 220. Florent An. 1095. Fox lib. 4. p 185. and others testify that he sent two messengers to Pope Vrban to entreat him to send his Pal for him Anselm and with charge paines prouided it And that Gualter the Popes Legat delt so with the King that Vrban there being an other Antipope was proclamed lawfull Pope throughout all the realme VVherfore though this king tooke vpon him to forbid Bishops to account any for Pope or to appeale to the Pope without his licence wherin he was resisted by Saint Anselm as yow may
began saith Fox Acts pag. 201. appellations from Councells to the Pope by Henrie Bishopp of Winchester brother to the King In this Kings time Anno 1137. saith Bale Cent. 2. cap. 63. began in England the Monkes called Robertins of Robert their beginner But Capgraue in the life of Robert saith these Monks were Cistertians Monks enter into Engl●nd In this time saith Bale ibidem entred into England the Moncks called Praemonstratenses Anno 1145. And Anno 1147. began the Gilbertin Monks and Nonnes founded by S. Gilbert Lord of Sempringham Cambd. Brit. p. 475. Neubrig l. 1. c. 16. Capgraue in Gilberto And this time Nicolas Breackspear an English Monke and Cardinall afterward Pope conuerted Norway sayth Bale l. cit ad Papismum to Papistrie And so manifestly were the times vnder King Stephen Papisticall as Bale cent 2. c. 74. speaking of them saith here we vnderstand that there was great want of the pure doctrine of Christ Iesus And cap. 73. saith it was a most corrupt age In this Kings time died also Saint William Archbishop of York Kinsman to King Stephan a man saith Godwin in his life very noble by birth but much more noble in vertue and good maners Saints Miracles many miracles writeth he are said to be vvrought at his Tombe King Henrie II. XXXVII 6. IN the yeare of our Lord 1155. King Henrie second grandchild by the Empresse Maude to Henri 1. succeded and reigned 33. yeares The vvorthines of King Henrie 2. He was saith Fox Acts pag. 234. Eloquent learned manly and bould in chiualrie The like hath Cooper Anno. 1155. and Stow pag. 216. Cambd. pag. 247. hath much of his praise out of Catholick writers of that time Vnder him saith Fox Acts pag. 224. the Dominion of England extended so far as hath not bene seene before VVhom Histories record to haue possessed vnder his rule First Scotland to whome VVilliam King of Scots with his Lords temporall and spirituall did homage both for them and their successors the seale wherof remaineth in the Kings Tresurie as also Ireland England Normandie Guiens Aquitan vnto the mountains of Pirenei He was offered also to be King of Ierusalem by the Patriarch and Maister of the Hospitall Now let vs see what was the religion of this potent King His Rom. Religion and of England when her Dominion was the largest that euer it was First Fox Acts pag. 234. telleth how this King heard Masse Secondly Stow pag. 232. telleth how he built the Nonrie of Font Euerard the Priorie of Stoneley of S. Martin in Douer and of Basing weck To which Cambd. in Brit. pag. 488. addeth Newsted in Nottingham shier and pag. 321. Circester in Glostershier Carthusiian Monks come into England Thirdly he brought Carthusians into England and built them a house at Withan Godwin in vit Hugonis Lincoln Houed saith this was An. 1186. Bale Cent. 2. cap. 63. saith it was 1180. And after Carthusians saith he came in Kinghts of Rhodes and of the Temple And Cambd. Brit. pag. 728. saith the Carmelits were brought in at this time Fourthly saith Stow pag. 216. he was directed cheefely by Thomas Becket in all things Fiftly saith the same Stow pag. 218. He obtained of Pope Adrian 4. both to haue Dominion of the Irish people Bal. Cent. 2 p. 180. and also to instruct them in the ●udiments of faith And the Pope in the letters of the grant calleth him a Catholick Prince Sixtly he Lewis King of France going on foote performing the office of lackeis and houlding the bridel of his horse on the right and lef● side Baron tom 12. conducted Pope Alexāder with great pompe through the Cittie Taciac vnto the riuer of Loir Robert Monten Genebre in Chron. Bale Cent. 2 c. 94. Neubrigen l. 2. c. 14. Thom. Cant. in Ep. ad Henr. 2. Seuenthly Houed p 502. setteth doune the letter of Gilbert Bishop of London to the Pope in which the Bishop writeth that the K. neuer auerted his minde from the Pope nor euer ment it but would loue him as a Father and reuerence the Church of Rome as his mother and had assisted the Pope in all his necessities with all his hart and strength And pag. 550. relateth a letter of Cardinals who writ of the King how obedient he shewed him selfe to the Church of which said they in this our short relation it is not needfull to relate Eightly Fox pag. 227. Cooper An. 1072. and others write that he agreed with the Pope that he should not hinder appeales to Rome and that nether the King nor his sonne should departe from Pope Alexander so long as he should count him or his sonne for Catholicks Bale Cent. 3. cap. 4. saith He permitted Appeals to the Pope and willingly submitted him selfe and his Kingdom to the Popes pleasure And English men came into greater subiection of Antichrist than euer at any tyme before Ninthly he persecuted certain German Hereticks whome Bale Cent. 2. cap 95. calleth Christians and others whome Bale cap. 97. calleth preachers of Gods word And Houed pag. 1573. reporteth that he and the King of France purposed to goe in person against the Albigenses whome Protestants commenly acount brethrem of their Church Finally his death was thus Cùm eger esset saith Houed pag. 654. VVhen he was sick vnto deathe he caused him self to be caried into the Church before the Altar and there he deuoutly receaued the communion of the body blood of our Lord confessing his sinnes And being absolued by the Bishop and Clergie he died And the times of this King were so manifestly Roman Catholick See more of this K. Rom. relig in Baron tom 12. as Fox Acts pag. 224. saith This age was all blinded and corrupted with superstition And yet pag. 225. affordeth it then the name of a Christian Realme that had the word of God And p. 227. noteth the blind and lamentable superstition and ignorance of these dayes Bale Cent. 3. cap. 14. cryeth out that sub Honorio 2. vnder Honorius 2. The life of man was corrupted vpon earth by Antichristian Traditions Saints In this Kings time liued the holy Eremit S. Gudrig Vir saith Cambd. Brit. p. 668. antiqua Christiana simplicitate totus Deo deuotus A man of ancient Christianlie simplicitie wholly deuoted to God Whose holines is described by diuers Capgraue Houed Miracles Anno. 1169. VVestmon Anno. 1171. Neubrigen lib. 2. c. 20. and 28. In his time also liued and died glorious S. Thomas of Canterb. of whose miracles Fox Acts pag. 225. saith he hath seene a booke to the number of 270. of curing all diseases belonging to man or Woman amongst which he nameth one most subiect as he thought by reason of the matter to laughter But who considereth that all the membres of our body were alike created of God may as wel be restored by him again when they are lost and weigheth the testimony which Fox bringeth him self
goodly monastery at Beulieu erected a Nonry at Godstow to pray saith Camb. Brit. p. 329 for his Fathers soule for that perswasion had then possessed the minds of all men And in his Charter to Batel Abbey commandeth all his Iustices to defend the Possessions of that monastery sicut saith he nostra propria as our owne And Regist Buriense saith he gaue a great Saphir and a Ruby to S. Edmunds Shrine Fiftly when Grecians came to dispute against his faith he would not hear them Bale Cent. 3. cap. 37. ex Paris Sixtly Fox Acts. pag. 253. writeth that King Iohn submitted himselfe to the Court of Rome and as Bale saith Cent. 3. cap. 75. Acknowledged the Pope to be head of all Christians And though he disobeyed for a time the Pope yet that he did not for a difference in religion but because the Pope would make an Archb. of Canterb. whome the King misliked And as Cooper saith Anno 1201. For vvhat cause K. Ihon disobeyed the Pope for a time did this not vpō iudgment to set vp true religion saith he but vpon couetousnes and of a forward mind Finally vpon his deathbed saith Fox Acts pag. 256. he much repented his former life and had saith Stow pag. 262. a Confessor at his death and receaued the Sacrament at the hands of the Abbot of Crocston and died with these words VVestmon An. 1216. Deo sancto VVolstano animam meam commendo I commend my soul to God and S. VVolstan Paris pag. 389. Of the manner of his death Fox Acts. pag. 256. writeth thus Some write that he died of sorrow as Polidor K. Ihon dieth in profession of the Cathol saith some of surfeting as Redinger some of a bloodie flux as Houed some of a burning ague some of a colde sweat some of eating apples some of eating peares some plummes c. yet saith he most writers agree that he was poisoned by the Monke Symon of Swinfled But who those were he writeth not nor could name one besides a nameles Author of that Chronicle which because Caxton printed it is cald Caxtons Chronicle And it is as Stow well saith pag. 494. a fabulous booke And therfore Bale Cent. 3. cap. 75. referreth this to report saing Vt serunt as men report But who will not beleeue rather Paris pag. 389. Westmon Anno 1216. and others liuing in that same time or sone after who say he died of surfit sorrow then a Chronicle accounted by Protestants themselues a fabulous booke or writen by a nameles Author long after that time In this Kings time Saints died that glorious Saint Saint Hugh Bishop of Lincolne and Carthusian Monke whome Godwin in his life calleth Saint And saith By his integritie of life and conuersation and the opinion of diuers Miracles wrought by him hath purchased vnto him selfe the honor and reputation of a Saint He addeth also that S. Hugh Grew very famous far and neere for his extraordinarie abstinence and austeritie of life And that king Iohn and king William king of Scotts for great reuerence they bare to his holines helped to carry his Corps from the gate of the Cittie vntill it came to the Church dore King Henrie the III. XL. 9. IN the yeare 1216. succeded king Henrie 3. sonne to king Iohn and reigned 56. yeares dyed Anno. 1273. He was saith Cooper Anno. 1218. of nature gentle VVisdom and pietie of King Henrie 3. of minde sage and wise And so pious as Leolin Prince of Wales saith Fox Acts pag. 280. protested that he feared more his almes than his puissance And Westmon Anno 1272. speaking of this king saith Of how great innocencie of how great patience and of how great deuotion he was in obeying his Sauiour our Lord knoweth and they which faithfully adhered to him and of how great merit he was with God the miracles after his death testifie His Rom. Religion The Roman religion of this vertuous king is manifest First because as Fox saith in his Acts pag. 257. He was crowned by Swall the Popes Legat and Stow addeth pag. 263. Being crowned the gouernment of the King and his Kingdome was committed to the Legat to the Bishop of VVinchester c. Secondly because Continuator of Paris who then liued saith pag. 1349. K. Henrie 3. daily heard 3. sung Masses and Walsingham in Edward 1. pag. 19. Euery day he was accustomed to heare three songe Masses and desirous to heare moe serued daylie Priests celebrating priuatly and when the Priest did eleuat our Lords bodie he vsed to hould the Priests arme Deuotion of King Hen. 3. Bal. Cent. 4 cap. 46. and to kisse it And when that Lewis king of France said vnto him that he should oftner heare sermons he answered I had rather see my freind often than heare an other speake of him though neuer so wel Thirdly his Confessor was a Dominican Frier named Iohn Dorlington A. Quene a Nonne Bale Cent. 4. cap. 56. and Walsing in Edward 1. pag. 7. His Queene also after his death became a Nonne Walsing pag. 14. Fourthly in this Kings time came into England diuers orders of Friers as the Dominicans to whome Diuers kinds of Friers enter into England saith Stow pag. 268. the King assigned a house in Oxford The Gray Friers Cooper Anno 1222. The Croochet Friers Anno. 1244. Bale Centur. 4. cap. 3. The Austins Friers Anno. 1252. Centur. 4. capit 17. to whome cap. 46. he addeth the Paulins the Friers of Armenia the Friers de poenitentia the Friers de Viridi Valle and the Bonhomes Which last order Rodulphus l. 2. de Saincto Francisco saith was instituted by Richard Earle of Cornwall and brother to King Henrie Fiftly when the Pope sent a Legat into England saith Paris pag. 589. the King met the Legat most dutifully at the Sea coast and bowing his head to his knees cōducted him most respectiuely to the inermost parts of his Kingdome when he departed brought him with great honor to the Sea Stow Chron. Anno 1241. Sixtly because as is to be seene in Fox Act. 287. others He wrote to the Pope thus Sanctissimo in Christo Patri c. To his most holy Father Lord in Christ Innocent K. Henrie 3. calleth the P Lord in Christ offereth to kisse his feet by the grace of God cheefe Bishop health and kisses of his blessed feete And in the letter May it please your Fatherhood we beseech yow that our lawes and liberties which yow may righly repute none other but your owne yow will receaue to your tuitiō to be cōserued whole sound Vpon which words Fox maketh this note The K. in too much subiection to the Pope And in a letter in Paris pag. 839 The K. professeth to the Pope that In all the time of our reign we haue submirted ourselues our kingdom in all through all things to the wil of your Father hood And pag. 863. he citeth letters of
the Pope in which he professeth Profession of the King That amongst the rest of the Kings of the whole world we embrace in the armes of our singuler loue our most deere sonne in Christ the renowned King of Englād The popes testimonie of K Henrie 3. who as a Prince Catholick and deuout hath alwaies studied to honor the Roman Church his mother with a filiall subiection and dutifull deuotion because he would no way depart from her good pleasure but rather what things he vnderstood to be gratfull and pleasing to her he hath performed with a ready carefulnes And againe pag. 887. alleadgeth other letters of the Pope to the King wherin he saith Towards your person as to a sonne and speciall deuout of the Apostolick Sea we carying a Fatherly affection of loue do willingly giue audience to your requests as far as we may with God and do impart our benign fauor To these letters I will add two other publick letters of the nobilitie and Commons and of the Clergie at the same time taken out of Fox p. 288. Profession of the nobilitie and Cōmons of Englād of their subiection to the Pope Paris pag. 901. and others To the reuerend Father in Christ Pope Innocent cheefe Bish The nobles with the Communalty of the whole Realme of England sending greeting with kissing of his blessed feete Our mother the church of Rome we loue with all our hartes as our duty is and couet the increase of her honor with so much affection as we may as to whome alwayes we ought to fly for refuge Item Neyther is it to our said mother vnknowne how beneficiall and bounfull a giuer the Realme of England ha●● bene now a long time for the more amplifying of her exaltation Againe Our king being a Catholick Prince wholly giuen to his deuotions and seruice of Christ so as he respecteth not the health of his owne body will feare and reuerence the See Apostolick and as deuout sonne of the Church of Rome desireth nothing more than to aduance the state and honor of the same And the said Fox pag. 291. and Paris and Westmon An. 1247. set downe an other letter of the Clergy and Communalty of Canterbury thus To the most holy Father in Christ Lord Innocent by Gods prouision cheefe Bishop The whole Communalty both of the Clergy and laity of the Prouince of Canterbury sendeth deuout kissing of his blessed feete England euer since her first Christianitie deuout to the Church of Rome Like as the Church of England since it first receaued the Catholick faith hate alwayes shewed it selfe faithfull and deuout in adhering to God our holy Mother the Church of Rome studying with al kind of seruice to please serue the same Church of England prostrate at the Popes feet and thincketh neuer otherwise to do but rather to continew and increase as she hath begun So now the same Church most humbly prostrat befor the feete of your holines most earnestly intreat c. And the same persons writing to the Cardinals call them Bases fulcientes Ecclesiam Dei Pillers vnderproping the Church of God Moreouer the said Paris pag. 929. hath the letters of the Religious men to the same Pope in these words professiō of the religions of England touching their subiection to the Pope To our most holy Father deere Lord in Christ Innocent by the grace of God cheefe Pastor of the vniuersall Church his deuout sonnes the Abbots and the Priors of this Prouince of Canterbury and Yorke health and kisses of your blessed feete The whole Church is gouerned vndet one Father Pastor also the Church of England is a most speciall member of the Church of Rome And pag. 930. The Nobles Clergy and Vniuersall People wish as their duty is health reuerently to such a great Bishop And ibidem The king writeth againe thus He knoweth who is ignorant of nothing that we alwayes placed our mother the Roman Church in the bowels of our sincere affection as her whome we would loue K. Henrie 3. vvould recur to the P in necessitie and vnto whome in imminēt instāts of necessitie as a sonne vnto his mother whome she ought to foster and norish from her dugges of milk we would recur Thus the King Clergie Religious Nobles and Commons doe most plainly and publickly professe their Catholick religiō and subiection to the Pope and his spirituall superioritie ouer them in so much as Godwin in the life of Sewal Archb. of York Protest confesse K. Henr. Cath. religion saith This King subiected and as it were prostrated him selfe to the Pope And Bale Cent. 4. cap. 23. noteth that King Henrie the third did not reigne but bore the Image of the Beast And cap. 6. speaking of the time of this King saith The healthful truth was vanished out of this Land men being led into perdition And cap. 34. Vnder King Henry 3. ther was great decay of true faith in Christ euen vnto our tyme in the merits of condignitie and congruall of the Papists in Indulgences suffrages of Saints Protest except against all vvritings from K. Hen. 3. to Luthers time vowes masses Purgatorie Images c. And therfor exhorteth all to trie the doctrine which florished from the year 1270. to the yeare 1520. So manifest a thing it is that this King and all his successors and Realme since him to the later ende of King Henrie 8. were Roman Catholicks And albeit this King and the common welth in his tyme repined some what at the Pope yet that was not for any points of faith or religion but onely as yow may see in Paris the Kings Chronicler of that time and others because he bestowed English Benefices vpō Strangers VVestmon An. 1246. Which he being then driuen out of Rome and from his own liuing by a wicked Emperor was forced to doe Finally this King died as Continuat Paris then liuing writeth pag. 1343. Confessing his sinnes beating his brest absolued houseled aneiled honoring the Crosse Saints In this Kings time liued the holy Archb. of Canterb S. Edmund whose body long after his death was found incorrupt Westmon An 1247. and others Also Saint Richard Bishop of Chichester A man saith Westmon An. 1253. Of eminent knowledge See Sur. tom 2. and singuler or rare sanctitie Godwin in his life saith All men greatly reuerenced him not onely for his great learning but much more for his diligence in preaching his manifould vertues and aboue all his integritie of life and conuersation In regard of which and many miracles fathered saith he vpon him he was canonized In this Kings tyme also died that grear Clerck Robert Grostet Bish of Lincoln whome the Protest wou●d make one of theirs onely because he mislyked the Popes preferring of strangers to English Benefices But that reason is too friuolous Besides that Westmon An. 1253. testifieth that the same yeare he died he wrote thus to the Pope Salutem
c. Your wisedom knoweth that I with a filiall affection deuoutly and dutifully obey the Apostolicall commandements Rob. Grostets profession of subiection to the Pope and at his death he gaue all his books to the graie Friers Godvvin in vita eius vvher you see his Rom. religion restified by a Cardinal of that time And your anciēt writers are to far from accounting him no Catholicke as they esteeme him a Saint and relat his miracles as yow may see in Paris and Westmon Anno. 1250. Only Paris pag. 1174. saith that he had good zeale but perchance not according to true knowledg In this Kings time liued that grear scoole Doctor and Englishman Alexander de Hales King Edward I. XLI 10 IN the yeare of our Lord 1274. succeded Edward 1. sonne to King Henry 3. and reigned 34. yeares He was saith VValsingham in his Ypodigmate pag. 98. Great praises of K. Edvvard 1. In armes strong victorious warlick vvho gained all England from the hands of valiant Symon de Montfort VVales he got from Leolin Aquitan he wrested from the King of Frāce Polid. lib. 17. Scotland he often subdued Camb. Brit. pag. 700. saith He was a Prince far excelling in whose most valiāt mind God chused a most vvorthie lodging that he might match the heigt of royal maiesty not only vvith fortitude vvisedom but with bewtie also and comlynes of bodie whome fortune in the prime flower of his age trained vp in many warrs and most difficult times of the Common welth whilst that she disposed him for Brittish Empire VVhich when he was established in he so gouerned hauing ouercome the VVelch men and triumphed ouer the Scotts that by good right he is esteemed another ornament of Brittanie The like high praises giue him Cooper Anno. 1274. Stow pag. 304. Bale Cent. 4. cap. 58. and others His Rom. Religion As for the Roman religion of this renowned Prince it is most cleare First because as VValsingham saith Histor pag. 16. His wife Queene Eleoner dying with continuall prayers he did pray vnto our Sauiour Iesus for her for euer ordaining and procuring for her the celebrations of Masses in diuers places of his Kingdom In euery place and Vilage where her Corps rested the King commanded a Crosse to be erected in memorie of the Queene that her soule might be prayed for of those that passed by pag. 33. He Translated a stone to VVestminster which the Kings of Scottland at the time of their coronation were wont to vse for a Throne commanding that a Chair should be made therof for Priests to sit in when they solemnised Masse Besides pag. 13. His daughter Marie was a Nonne And in ypodingm p. 88. He commanded that the Crown of gould that was the king of Scots should be offered to S. Thomas the Martyr And p. 71. He built an Abbey of Cistercian Monkes And as Fox saith Acts pag. 339. Went on Pilgrimage to our Ladie of Walsingham to thanck God for his escape of a great danger And of so great account were religious men in his time as Stow pag. 329. reckneth 61. Abbots and 8. Priors of the Parliament in his tyme. Secondly because as Walsingham hath Hist pag 49. he writeth thus to the Pope To the most holy Father in Christ Boniface by the diuine prouidence cheefe Bishop of the holy Roman and Vniuersall Church Edward by the grace of God king of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Aquitan health and deuout kisses of your blessed feete Beneth Wee do humblie beseech your holines for as much as c. And p. 55. He Fox 341. set downe a letter wherin the Nobles and all the Barons assembled together in parliament write thus to the Pope This vvas scalled vvith 200. seales ypodigm pag. 89. We reuerently and humbly beseech your holines that yow would suffer our Lord king of England who among other sheweth him self Catholick and deuout to the Roman Church c. And Westmon Anno. 1302. putteth the beginning of this letter thus To the most holy Father in Christ L. Boniface by the diuine Prouidence cheefe Bishop of the vniuersall Church The profession of subiection to the P. by the vvhole Parlamēt his deuout sonnes Iohn Earle of VVarren Thomas Earl ofe Lancaster c. Deuout kisses of your blessed feete Behould how both the king and nobles professe to kisse the Popes feete call him cheefe Bishop of the Vniuersall Church In like manner Pope Boniface Writing in VVestmon Anno. 1301. to king Edward saith Scimus fili c. VVe know my sonne and now a long time experienc the Mistres of things hath taught vs how towards the Roman mother Church which in her bowels of charitie hath caried yow representing a kingly deuotion your reuerent regard is shewed your zeale strengthned and that in all promptitude yow obeying the true cōstitutions of the seat make your repose finally after the kings death his body lying at VValtham Destinati sunt c. saith VValsing Hist pag. 67. There were apointed of euery great Monasterie neere bordering six Monks Cannons or other religious which should watch about the body and continually solemnize the funerals And the Cardinall Legat graunted Indulgence of one yeare to them which did say our Lords prayer and the Angelicall salutation for the Kings soule And so manifestly were the times of this king Roman Catholick as the Kings Attorney in the arrainment of Garnet calleth them the verie midnight of Poperie And Bale Cent. 4. cap. 46. cryeth out Vnder King Edward the goulden face of the primitiue Church was obscured the cheefest bewtie of the Gospell changed The house of Israel was turned into rubbish the Ministers of the Churches degenerated into Dreggs and excrements the Friers bearing rule In this Kings time liued that great schoole Doctor and English man Richard Middleton Bale Cent. 4. cap. 77. and dyed that glorious Saint Saints S. Thomas of Hereford who in life was admirable for vertue and after death wonderfull for the greatnes and multitude of his miracles Miracles See Sur. tom 5. which were examined with such straightnes and approued with so great authoritie as who will beleeue any human testimonie can not but beleeue them as is to be seene in our ancient Manuscript yet extant King Edward 2. XLII IN the yeare 1307. Edward 2. sonne to Edward 1. succeeded Qualities of K Edvvard 2. Polid. l. 18. His Rom. Religion and reigned 19. years He was saith Cooper Ann 1308. And Stow pag. 337. faire of body but vnstedfast of maners and disposed to lightnes His Roman religion is certain both by what hath bene saide of his Father and because Caius de Antiq. Cantab. pag. 80. and Stow pag. 337. say He sued to Pope Iohn 22. to renew the priuiledges of the Vniuersities which he did Item He builded the Friers Church at Langley Stow pag. 332. Vowed in the battel of Sterling to build a house for the Carmelits in Oxford which he performed Stow pag. 334.
sent for two Cardinals to make peace betwene him and the Scotts pag. 336. Had a tenth of spirituall goods granted him by the Pope pag. 339. Had a Carmelit for his Confessor Bale Cent. 4. cap. 96. And as he saith cap. 82. In this Kings tyme came in the Friers De paenitentia into England to whome the King gaue the Synagogue of the Iewes Item the Friers of the order of Martyrs the Sarabitae the Paulins and the Trinitaries Bale Centur. 5. cap. 13. calleth these times the middle darknes of Roman superstition In this kings time liued that famous subtil doctor Iohannes Scotus The Cath. religion hitherto in Englād vvithout anie opposition And hitherto haue we proued the Catholicke Roman religion through all our Christian Kings not only cleare and manifest but also without any opposition or contradiction sauing of a few who in Saint Odo his time doubted of the reall presence but were soone conuerted Hereafter in our Country the Catholicke religion hath found some opposition though small by reason of VVick life who arose in the next Kings time and his fellowes CHAP. XXVI That the Kings of England from Edvvard 3. to Henry 8. vvere all Roman Catholick proued in particuler King Edward 3. XLIII 1. THe 43. Christian King of England was Edward 3. sonne to Edward 2. VVorthines of K. Edvvard 3. Began his reigne Anno. 1326. reigned 51. yeares He was saith Walsingahm Hist Anno 1376. amongst all the Kings of the world renowned benign gentle Po●d l. 19. and magnificent coragious of hart humble milde and very deuout to God This man saith Cooper Anno 1327. And Stow p. 438. Besids all other gifts of nature was indued with passing comly hewty fauor of vvit prouidēt circumspect gentil doing nothing without great wisdome consideratiō Of excellent modesty temperance and aduanced such persons to high dignity as did most passe others in integrity innocency of life in feats of Armes verie expert Of his liberality clemencie he shewed very many great examples Breefly in all Princely vertue he was so excellent that few noble men before his time can be compared to him The like praise to him giue Fox Acts pag. 374. Bale Cent. 6. cap. 57. others His victories He wonne the great battell at Cressie where he vanquished the King of France with two other Kings tooke Calis and at the same time ouercame the King of Scotts and tooke him prisoner And his sonne Edward sirnamed the black Prince with a very small army got the battell of Poitiers Wherin he tooke the French king and after that entred into Spaine ouercame the king and draue him out of the Contrie So that this king by him selfe and his company tooke two kings slewe one and vanquished three others Of all our English kings to Henrie 8. Fox of most all challengeth this King and saith pag. 428. That aboue all other Kings to Henrie 8. he was the greatest bridler of the Popes vsurped power During all his time Iohn VVicklef was maintained with fauor and ayde sufficient Indeed King Edward 3. Anno 1374. made a lawe to forbid all procurement of English Benefices from the Pope But the cause therof was not that the King thought amisse of rhe Popes Authority but because he thought that the execution thereof in this point was incommodious and inconuenient to his Realme For other wise none of all our Kings haue auouched the Popes supremacie in which Protestants account the essence of a Papist to consist so cleare as he For in his letters to the Pope extant in Walsingham Anno 1336 and others he writeth thus Otterborne in Edvvard 3. Therfore let not the enuious or sinister interpretation of detractors made of your sonne finde place in the bowels of your mercie and sanctitie who will after the ancient custome of our predecessours persist in yours and the See Apostolickes fauour vntouched But if any such sugestion made against your sonne shall fortune to come vnto your holines eares Let not credit be giuen of your holy deuotion by your holines therunto before your sonne be heard who trusteth and euer intendeth to speak the truth and to iustifie euery one of his causes before your holines iudgement King Edvvard 3 accounteth it heresie to denie the Popes supremacie whose authority is aboue all earthly creatures which to deny is to approue an heresy Behould the King confessing first that it was hereditarie to him from his Anceistors to abide firmely in fauour of the See Apostolicke Secondly that he purposed euer to do soe Thirdly that it was heresie to denie the Popes iudgement praesidere omni humanae creaturae To beare rule ouer all human Creatures Oh when would this famous King haue thought that any of his Posteritie should make that treason which him selfe professeth all his Ancestors to haue held and accounteth it heresie to denie The same saith Pope Greg. 11. in VValsing p. 104. Kings of England especiall children of the Rom. Church And Pope Benedict in his answer of this letter in VValsingham pag. 124. saith thus Your Progenitors Kings of England haue excelled in greatnes of faith and deuotion towards God and the holy Roman Church as her peculier foster-children and deuoted sonnes and haue preserued the splendor of their progeny from any darkesome cloud Betwene the state of your Kingdome and also of the Kingdome of France we greatly desire to make a happy successe of peace and concotd And against you my sonne I cannot shut vp the bowels of my Fatherly affection To which the King returned this answer in Walsingham pag. 130. We haue reuerently and humbly accepted the letters of your Holines Also with a cheerfull hart we do beseech your clemency that if it please you you will duely ponder our iustice and intentiō founded vpon the truth And that we as occasion serued haue fauored the holy Roman Church in all fulnes of deuotion sound loue and gratious fauor K. Edvv. 3 Professeth to haue euer fauored the Pope as you may coniecture of a most deuout sonne For God is the witnesse of our cōscience that we haue desired to exalt defend the honors and liberties of the Church And againe the king Anno. 1343 writing to Pope Clement in VValsing pag. 150. saith thus Professeth the P. is Bishop of the vniuersal Church To his most holy Lord Clement by the diuine prouidence cheefe Bishop of the sacred Roman and vniuersall Church Edward by the same grace of God King of France and England and Lord of Ireland deuout kisses of your blessed feete c. And then calleth him successor of the Prince of the Apostles Infra VVe and ours do desire and ought to reuerence your most sacred person and the holy Roman Church And pag. 15. Clement answereth him thus My deerly beloued sonne yow haue knowne how to exhibit your sincere deuotion to our Lord and to your Mother the holy Roman Church as of famous memorie your
Progenitors the Kings of England haue done whilst they liued And Fox himselfe Acts pag. 383. setteth downe a letter of the K. and nobles to Pope Clement Anno 1343. thus To the most holy Father in God Lord Clement by the grace of God of the holy Church of Rome and of the vniuersall Church cheefe and high Bishop his humble and deuout children the Princes Dukes Earles Barons Knights Citizens and Burgesses and all the communalty of England assembled at the Parliament houlden at VVestminster the 15. day of May deuout kissing of his feete with all humble reuerence and humility The vvhole Parlament calleth the Pope head of the vniuersal Church Most holy Father yow being so high and holy a Prelat and head of the holy Church by whome the holy Vniuersall Church and people of God ought to be as by the Son beames illightened c. Behould the whole Parlament calling the Pope head and Bishop of the Vniuersall Church and offering to kisse his feete with all humilitie and reuerence And again Fox pag. 387. setteth downe an other letter of King Edwards to Pope Clement in this sort Most holy Father K. Edvv. 3. plainly professeth the Popes supremacie we desire your holines and in as much as lieth in vs require the same that yow that supplie the place of the sonne of God on earth and haue the gouernment of all Christen men c. What could be more clearly spoken for the spirituall supremacie of the Pope And this same Roman religion of his is euident by many other waies For he founded saith Stow pag. 439. the new Abbey neere to the Tower of London where he placed white Monks to the honor of God and our Ladie according to a vow by him made being on the Sea in great perill And a Nonrie at Detford Cambden addeth pag. 333. a Frierie of Carmelits He instituted also the order of the garter in honor of God and Saint Georg and among other rules apointed that when any of the Knights died the Kinge should make a thousand Masses to be saide for his soule and others many hundreds according to their Degree He offered saith Fox pag. 396. after the blind saith he superstition of those dayes in the Church of VVestminster the Vestments wherin Saint Peter did celebrat Masse His Confessor was Thomas Bradwardin whome Bale Centur. 5. cap. 87. accounteth a Papist Finally as Walsingham An. 1376. writeth he dyed thus The Catholik end of K. Edvvard 3. The King when he could not speake with verie great reuerence taking the Crosse did kisse it most deuoutly somtimes stretching forth his hand in signe of crauing pardon and other times also letting fall from his eyes plenty of teares and kissing most often the feete of the Crucifix And after his death Pope Greg. 11. lit in Walsingham Anno 1378. calleth him Catholicum Principem Pugilem fidei A Catholick Prince and Champion of the faith And so euidently was this King and the Realm in his time Roman Catholick Protest confesse K. Edvv 3. time to haue bene Cathol as Fox Acts pag. 377. vpon a letter of the King to the Nobles of France maketh this note Note the ignorance of the time And pag. 396. The blinde superstition of those daies And pag. 424. This is out of all doubt that at vvhat time all the world was in most vilde and desperat estate and that the lamentable ignorance of Gods truth had ouershadowed all the earth VVicklef stept forth c. Behould here manifest that before Wicklef there was not one Protestant in the whole world And how ill a Protestant he was shall hereafter appeare All the vvorld ignorant of Protestancie And pag. 425. In this so horrible darknes of ignorance saith Fox at what time there seemed in a manner to be no one so little a sparke of pure doctrine left In a maner no one litle spark of Protestancie VViclef first raised forsooth the vvorld VViclef sprong vp through whome the Lord would first raise vp again the world which was drowned in the depth of human traditions In like sort Bale Cent. 5. cap. 85. saith This age was shadovved vvith the darknes of great ignorance and blinded with more than Diabolicall fooleries And Cent. 6. cap. 1. the midnight of errors and a dim vvorld And cap. 8. In these times darknes of great ingnorance possessed the vvorld cap. 23. The common blindnes of the time vvas in aduancing the Idolatrie of the Popish Masse As for the discontentment which some time this king had with the Pope that was not for any matter of religion but because as Cooper saith Anno. 1343. VVhy K. Edvv. 3. some time discontented vvith the Pope The Pope gaue diuers Bishopricks and Benefices in England which the king thought not expedient for his temporall estate And as for the fauour which VVicklef found in his time that proceeded rather from the Duke of Lancaster who gouerned all in the olde age of the King and for a time vpheld VVicklef not vpon any liking of his heresie but to spite therby some of the Bishops whome he hated as Stow Anno. 1376 wtih whome Fox agreeth p. 393. testifieth in these words VVhy the D. of lancaster a vvhile fauored VViclef The Duke of Lancaster laboring as vvel to ouerthrovv the liberties of the Church as of the Cittie of Lōdon called vnto him VVicklef c. And when these contentions betwene the Duke and others were appeased He commanded saith Fox pag. 400. Edit 1596. VVicklef to submit him self to his Ordinarie The Cath. religion of the D. of lancaster Which clearly ynough declareth the Roman religion of that Duke which also other wise were euident by the honor wherwith he was receaued by the Cardinals and Bishops in the Popes Courte Stow pag. 399. And by his Confessor Iohn Kinningham a Carmelit who saith Bale Cent. 6. cap. 4. first impugned Wicklef And Cent. 7. cap. 26. saith that Gualter Disse than who none in Antichristi negotijs actuosior more busie in the rules of Antichrists Confessor to the Duke perswaded him for the loue at least of Papistrie to make war in Spaine which then fauored an Anti-pope to which purpose Pope Vrban sent the Duke a standard and made his Confessor his Legat and gaue him authoritie to preach the Crosse with many Indulgences for all them that would follow the Duke At what time writeth Bale out of Purney a wiclefist thē liuing Inualuit tunc Antichristi furor prae caeteris temporibus Antichrists furie preuailed more than in other times More ouer Polidor lib. 19. saith that two Hereticks were burnt in London in this Kings time whome Bale Cent. 5. cap. 74. calleth seruants of Christ In this Kings time liued the vertuous Ladie Mary Countesse of Saint Paule a woman saith Stow pag. 437 of singuler example for life Saints who builded Pembrooke hall in Cambridge and S. Iohn of Bridlinghton of whome we will speake in the next kings time
our speciall Letters Patents in the zeale of our faith haue giuen authoritie and licence vnto the forsaid Archbishops and all and euery of his Suffragans to arest all and euery one of them that will preach or mantain any such Conclusions repugnant vnto the determination of our holy Mother the Church And in other let●ers chargeth all not to hinder the Bishops of hereford in suppressing the Lolards Yea pag. 406. Edit 1596. Fox citeth a lawe made Anno 2. Richard 2. for burning of VVicklefists Thus saith Fox pag. 505. King Richard taking parte with the Pope and the Rom●sh Prelats waxed somwhat strait and hard to the poore Christians of the contrary side of VVicklef and saith that though none were burnt vnder him yet some were condemned diuers abiured and did pennance And pag. 513. saith King Richard those to serue the humor of the Pope K. Richard gathereth a Councel against VViclef VViclef condemned by 10 Bishop● 44. deuines 20 lavviers To this Bale Cent. 6. cap. 1. addeth that Wicklef was banisht for ●ome yeares And cap. 77. that Anno 1382. Wicklef was condemned by ten Bishops and fourty four Diuines and twenty Lawyers And cap. 82. saith that King Richard at the commandement of Boniface 9. Cent. 7. cap. 11. gathered a great Councell Anno 1392 against the Wicklefists And Fox pag. 507. K. Richard leaueth all to suppresse vviclefists and Walsingham An. 1395. others write that King Richard being in Ireland left all as sone as he heard increase of Lollards and calling the cheefe of them vnto him threatned them greatly if they followed Lollards any more and making one of them sweare therto the K. swore to him that if he broke his oath he should die a foul death So earnest was that King against those whome Protestants account now their brethren And albeit he consented to the Law made Anno 1391. against those that procured or brought any excōmunication of the Pope against any yet that Law was not made to deny any point of the Popes authority but because as Polidor saith l. 20 many were vexed dayly for causes which they thought could not be known at Rome easely The King and Lords Temporal and Commons for the Lords spirituall rec●amed as Fox witnesseth pag. 512. thought it expedient that in this point the Pope should not vse his authoritie Besides that when Pope Boniface 9. sent to haue these Lawes recalled the King saith VValsingham in Ypod●gmate Anno 1391. Vt silius obediens As an obedient child determined to fulfill the Popes demaundes but the Knights of the Parliament would not abrogate the Statute against Prouisors because they would not haue English Benefices at any time giuen to strangers And the times of King Richard were so manifestly Roman Catholick as the Kings Attorney in the araignment of Garnet calleth thē the midni●ht of Poperie Bale Cent. 6. cap 96. Saints saith that Almost all that were in those darck times did erre through ignorance of Gods lawe In this kings time dyed Saint Iohn of Bridlington whose life is written in Capgraue who saith Bale Centur. 6. c. 63. Caelesti Theologiae assiduus cultor adhaesit And VVilliam Fleet an Austin Frier who was canonized as Bale Cent. 6. c. 41. reporteth out of Sabellicus Henrie 4. XLV IN the yeare 1399. succeded king Henrie 4. granchild to king Edward 3. by Iohn Duke of Lancaster VVorthines of K. Henrie 4. and dyed Anno 1413. hauing reigned 14. yeares He was saith Polider lib. 21. of a great corage after the ende of ciuill warrs entertained all most gently His Rom. Religion The same hath Cooper Anno 1399. and Stow Chron. pag. 424. His Roman Catholick religion is most notorious For as Fox Acts pag. 523. and others write he made the Statute ex officio Where is apointed That who so euer is conuicted of Wicklefs heresie before his Ordinarie or Commissioners that then the Shriefes Maiers and Bay lifs of the Cittie Contrie or Towne shall take the persons after sentence is pronounced cause them openly to be burned in sight of the people And pag. 517. Fox setteth down the Kings Decree in parliament wherin he professeth to be zelous in religion and reuerent louer of the Catholick faith And minding to roote out all heresies out of his Kingdom And ther commandeth one VVilliam Santrey a conuict heretick to be burnt which perhaps is he whome Bale Cent. 6. cap. 75. saith was burnt in Smithfield An. 1401. In this tyme was burnt saith Bale Cent. 8. c. 5. that relaps William Swinderby a smith in London for denying the reall presence a Tayler the same yeare 1410. for the same cause Fox pag. 481. nameth his brother Iohn Badby burnt then who as VValsingham ypodig pag 174 who then liued writeth said that the Eucharist is not the body of Christ but worse than a toade or a spider And perhaps he is that VViclesist of whome that graue Author Thomas VValden who was ther present reporteth Tom. 2. c. 63. That standing befor the Archbishop Bishops in presence of the Duke of yorke many nobles Miracle f●●● not of the B● sacrament he said that a Spider was more to be worshipped thā the Eucharist and sodainly from the top of the Church came a great spider sought to enter into his mouth would scarce be kept out by any mans helpe Moreouer Fox Acts 5. 8. saith that this King was the first of all English Kings that began the burning of Christs VViclef Saints for standing against the Pope That K. Henrie burnt VViclefs Saints is euident But he was not the first which burnt such as stood against the Pope as appeareth by what hath bene sayd of Edward 3. K Henrie 4. vvholie bent to the Pope And finally he concludeth that this king was bent altogether to vphould the Popes Prelacie And therfore in his Considerations Considerat 10. saith Protestants rather dyed than liued in the dayes of King Henrie 4. And when the Lollards or Wicklefists requested him as saith Walsingham An. 1410. either to alter or mitigate the forsaid Statute he answered them that he would rather inforce it And when they proposing to him the same bait VVhat baite the VViclefists Proposed to K. Henrie 4. to ouerthrovv religion The like offer made Protestants vvhich Syr Thom more confuted as Protestants did to King Henrie 8. desired him to take away the Church liuings because with them he might maintain 15. Earles 1550. Knights 6200. Squirs and 100. Hospitals he detesting their malice commanded them to silence King Henrie 5. XLVI IN the yeare 1413. succeded K. Henrie 5. sonne to King Henrie 4. and died An. 1422. hauing reigned 9. yeares The rare vertues of K Henrie 5. He was saith Polidor lib. 22. the onely glorie of that time then whome none borne ether for greatnes of courage or for vertue was more famous or excellent whose loue euen yet remaineth amongst men The like commendations giue to
him Walsingham who then liued Histor pag. 465. and ypodigm pag. 178. Cambden Brit. pag. 442. calleth him Optimum Principem Stow pag. 595. Victorious and renowned King He wonne the great battel of Agincourt and greatest part of France with Paris and was apointed by the French King Regent of France and heir after his death The Roman religion of this Victorious and vertuous Prince is notorious His Rom. Religion First because as Fox saith pag. 569. he made a Statut An. 2. That all and singuler such as were of Wiclefs learning if they would not giue ouer should suffer death in two manner of kinds That is They should be first hanged for treason against the king against whome they rebelled and then burned for heresie against God Secondly this king saith Fox pag. 675 in all his life and all his doings was so seruiceable to the Pope and his Chaplins that he was called the Prince of Priests The valiantest Prince of England called the Prince of Priests These were the Lollards who as Walsing saith Hist pag. 435. were wont to say Now the Prince of the Pri●sts is gone now our enemy is departed Thirdly he hanged and burnt Syr Iohn Owldcastel called Lord Cobham whome though Fox account a principall martyr of his yet his brother Stow p. 581. calleth him the publick enemy And he was so phantasticall at his death as he talked of his own rising to life the third day pag. 582. He burnt also diuers other Wicle●ists ex Bale Centur. 7. cap. 5. And Fox pag. 481. telleth that being yet Prince he was at the burning of the forsaid Iohn Badly and commanded fier to be put to him when he would not recant Fou●●hly he built three Monasteries VValsingham Hist pag. 452. as Beethlem for Carthusians Sion for Brigittings and another for the Caelestins which two last orders came new into England in his time Fiftly his ghostly Father and whom he most trusted and in whose armes he died saith Ba●e Centur. 7. cap. 84. was the great Clerk and gretest aduersaire of the Wicklefists Thomas VValden Prouinciall of the white Friers Confessiō of sinnes befor victorie Sixtly being to giue the battle at Agincourt the night before saith Walsing Hist pag. 438. He and his soldiers spent the night in making their cōfessiōs and prouiding for their soules And in ypodigm pag. 188. telleth how at harflew they had a folemne procession before the blessed Sacrament Of this religion was that English King and English soldiers who won that glorious battell who conquered France and made England renouned Finally This King as Stow faith Anno 1416. England in her most triumphant time accounted it great honor to be esteemed a Nation that ovved deuotion to the Church of Rome sent his Embassadors to the Councel of Constance where Wickleft and his doctrine were condemned and there procured it to be ordained that England saith Stow should obtain the name of a nation and said one of the foure Nations that owe their deuotion to the Church of Rome which vntill that time men of other Nations for enuie had letted Behould Christian Reader how the most victorious that England euer had and England in the most triumphant time that euer she enioyed stroue to be accounted a Nation that owed deuotion to the Church of Rome and accounted that a principall honor And at that time did God blesse our Nation with greatest victories with hapiest successe with largest Empire that euer since or before she obtained And these times were so euidently Roman Catholicke as the Kings Attorny in the araignment of F. Garnet calleth them the verie midnight of Poperie And Fox in Considerat 10. saith Protestants rather died than liued vnder this King In this Kings time liued that great Clerk Thomas Walden Saints who as Bale said Cent 7. cap. 84. conuerted the Duke of Lituania with all his people to popisme and as he reporteth out of Diuers is canonized King Henry 6. XLVII THe 47. Christian King was King Henrie 6. only sonne to King Henry 5. began his reigne Anno 1422. and reigned 38. yeares .. The pietie of K. Henrie 6. He was saith Cambd. in Brit. pag. 345. The best and most pious Prince and pag. 257. A most holy King a patern of Christian pietie and patience King Henry 7. so admired his vertues as he dealt with Pope Iulius to canonize him Fox pag. 716. saith I doubt not but King Henrie 6. was a good and quiet Prince Stow pag. 595. saith he was of nature gentle and meeke suffered all iniuries patiently pag. 624. alwaies na●urally inclined vnto good pag. 705. after his death worshiped by the name of holy King Henrie whose red hat of veluet saith he was thought to heale the head ach of such as put it on In both states he was patient and vertuous that he may be a pattern of most perfect vertue He was plaine and vpright onely giuen to pra●er and reading of scripture and almes deedes Of such integritie of life as the Bishop that had bene his Confessor ten yeares auouched that he had not all that time committed any mortall crime So continent as suspition neuer touched him Polid. l 24. saith manie miracles vvere vvroughtly his bodie Far from couetousnes so religiously affected that on principall holy dayes he would wore sackcloth next his skin He pardoned one who had thrust him into the side with a sword and of his naturall inclination abhored all vices as wel of body as of minde Thus do Protestants commend this holy king His Rom. Religion And his Roman religion is manifest For Pope Eugenius sent to him a goulden rose as to a Catholick Prince Stow pag. 635. And vnder him were diuers Wicklesists burnt An. 1415. 1430. 1431. 1428. And Bishop Pecock made publickly to recant 1457. and had his bookes burnt before his face ex Bale Centur. 7. cap. 75. Godwin in Bishops of Chichester Fox Acts Edit 1596. pag. 605. sequen setteth down the names of diuets VVicklefists wherof some were burnt some whipped some made abiure the●r heresie vnder this king And pag. 644. he setteth downe publick letters of the King dated An. 18. Regni where he auoucheth the burning of one VVhite a VVickle●●t calleth him Traitor to God King Edward 4. XLVIII THe 48. Christian Prince was Edward 4. of the house of York who began his reign 1460. and reigned 22. yeares He was saith Stow pag. 689 of noble courage and great wit pag. 722. a goodly personage princely to behould of hart coragious Valour of K. Edvvard 4. politick in counsell in aduersitie nothing abashed in prosperitie rather ioifull than proude in peace iust and mercifull in war sharpe and fierce His R●m Religion His Roman religion is manifest For Bale saith Centur. 8. cap. 34. That his Confessor was Iohn Stanborn a Carmelit Qui totus iurauerat in Romani Pontificis authoritatem who wholly swore to the Popes authoritie And Fox Acts Editione 1596. pag. 659.
putteth one Iohn Goose a VVicklefist burnt vnder him And Ibid. noteth that since the time of King Richard 2. there is no reigne of any King to be assigned hitherto wherin some good man or other hath not suffered the paines of fier for the religion of Iesus Wicklef Besides Stow pag. 690. saith that King Edward vvent crowned in VVestmenster in the honor of God and S. Peter and the next day in paules in the honor of God and S. Paule And his daughter Brigit became a Nonue polidor lib. 24. King Edward 5. XLVIIII THe 49. Christian Prince was Edward 5. soune to Edward 4. a child of a 11. yeares old who liued not many dayes after his Father As for the religion which this child had it may easely appeare by what hath bene said of the Father King Richard 3. L. IN rhe yeare 1483 the 50. Christian Prince was Richard 3. brother to Edward 4 who tooke the Crown held it two yeares The qualities of this K. are notorious in all Chronicles K. Richards religion And his religiō is known both by what hath bene said of his brother And as Polidor l. 25. he began a Colledg in Yorke of an hundreth Priests King Henrie 7. LI. IN the yeare 1485. succeeded King henry 7. of the house of Lankaster and reigned 23. yeares VVorthines of K. Henrie 7. He was faith Stow a Prince of meruailous wisdomme police iustice temperance and grauity Fox Acts. pag. 729. saith the same His Rom. Religion His Roman Catholicke religion is euident For Fox setteth downe diuers Wicklefists burnt or otherwise punished vnder him as pag. 731. four wherof one the K. caused to be brought before him but when he would not be perswaded was burnt And pag. 774. he reckneth diuers others others abiured and burnt in the cheeke Wherupon Considerat 10. he saith Protestants rather died than liued vnder King Henry 7. And p. 776. saith thus of K. Henrie 7. othervvise a prudent and temperat Prince permitted the rage of the Popes Clergie so much to haue their wills ouer the poore flock of Christ as they had Ibid. The persequution began novv in the Church to be ●oat and he attributteth the death of the K. to the persequution forsooth of the Gospellers Moreouer pag. 799. He roporteth out of G. Lilly how Henry 7. Anno 1506. send three solemne Orators to Pope Iulius 2. to yeald his obedience Ex more saith Lilly to the See of Rome And Stow p. 811. writeth that Pope Iulius 2. sent a cap of maintenance and a sword to King Henrie 7. as to a Defender of the Church And Fox pag. 799. saith that Pope Alexander 6. and Pius 3. had before done the same King Henrie 7. builded also three Monasteries of Franciscans Pollidor in vit In this kings time liued Iohn Alcok Bishop of Elie Holie 7 men A man saith Godwin in his life of admirable temperance for his life and behauior vnspotted and from a child so earnestly giuen to the studie not onely of learning but of all vertue and godlinesse as in those dayes neuer any man bore a greater opinion and reputation of holines He liued all his time most soberly and chastly subduiing the temptations of the flesh by fasting studie and praier and other such good meanes King Henrie 8. LII KIng Henrie 8. sonne to king Henrie 7. began his Reign An. 1509. From the which time to An. 1530. he continewed an earnest Roman Catholick For as Fox saith pag. 789. From Anno. 1509. to 1527. diuers VVicklefists were presēted troubled imprisoned And pag. 836. He setteth downe a letter of king Henrie Anno 13. To all Maiors Sherifes Bailifs and Constables and other officers to assist the Bishop of Lincoln for punishing Hereticks according to the lawes of holy Church And Bale Cent. 8. cap. 62. saith that two were burnt An. 1515. for the matter of the Sacrament And cap. 75. that Barnnes was made to recant Anno 1525. And likwise Bilney Garret and others An. 1527. Stow also and others write how king Henrie Anno 1511. wrote to the French king to desist from molesting Pope Iulius 2. and in the next yeare sent an army of ten thousand men into France in the Popes defence And An. 1513. K. Henrie 8. zeal in defence of the Pope VVent himself in person with a royall army conquered Torwin and Turney And not content thus manfully to haue aduentured his person to defend the Pope with his sword did in the yeare 1521. write also an excellent booke in his defence against Luther The originall wherof I haue seene in the Popes Librarie with the Kings subscription therto in these bad verses if I wel remember Hunc librum Henricus Leoni decimo mittit In signum fidei pignus amicitiae This booke to Leo tenth King Henrie the eighth doth send In testimonie of his faith and token of a freind For which booke Pope Leo gaue to him his successors for euer the glorious title of Defender of the faith And again in the yeare 1527. When Pope Clement 7. was taken prisoner he gaue monthly 60. thousand angels for the maintenance of an army for the Popes deliuerie And after this made long time suit to the same Pope that he would by his authoritie pronounce his mariage with Queene Catherin to be none and diuorce them which he not granting King Henrie as yow shall heare in the next Booke renounced the Popes authoritie and made him self head of the Church and yet remained in all other points a Roman Catholick Whervpon Bale Cent. 8. cap. 80. saith K Henrie 8. nevver a Protestāt that King Henrie did admitt the Doctrine of Antichrist euen in the matters of greatest moment and did retain the contagious dreggs Sleidan Englil 13. fol. 174. By such phrases this wrech vseth to vnderstand Papistrie And Fox pag. 1291. granteth that Obits and Masses appeare in his will Most seuer of all Engl. Kings against Heretiks And as he saith pag. 1135. made it high treason to deny the reall presence and fellonie to defend mariage of Priests breaking of vowes or to condemne Communion in one kinde priuat Masse or auriculer Cōfession without all benefit of abiuration or Clergie VVhich Lawes were seuerely executed by him And at his death would gladly haue bene reconciled to the Roman Church as Bishop Gardiner with whome he delt about that matter protested openly in a sermon at Pauls Crosse And so Catholick was the people of England in his time euen after his reuolt from the See Apostolick as when the Vicar of Croidon a most famous preacher of that time tolde them in a sermon at Pauls that as they had denyed the supremacie of the Pope so in time they would fall to deny other points of the Catholick faith Zeal of our grand fathers touching the real presence euen the reall presence of Christ in the blessed Sacrament The people at that word cryed out Neuer Neuer Neuer which yet
now we finde too true Queene Marie LIII AFter K. Henrie the eight succeeded in the yeare 1546. King Edward the sixt his sonne a child of nine yeares olde which childe wanting the vse of perfect reason and vnfit to gouern him self was the first Protestant Prince that euer was in England and turned the Roman religion which his Father had left though maimed in one principall point to open Protestancie Not for the miracles or rare vertues of the Preachers therof or their conuincing their aduersaries in disputation as King Ethelbert changed his Paganisme into the Roman religion as is before shewed but because the Lord Protector and his complices thought it most sutable to their humors and most fit for their aspiring pretences But how vnfortunat this exchange was not onely to the soules of this King and principall Actors therin but also to their liues and bodies yow may reade in Stow The ill end of the kringets in of Probestancie where yow shall see that the very same yeare 1548. that Proclamation was made for receauing in both Kindes the Lord Admirall a cheefe agent in the change of religion though brother to the Protector and Vnkle to the King was beheaded for a Traitor And the next yeare 1549. VVhen Proclamation was made against Masse sone after also was Proclamation made against the Protector him selfe the principall author of the change and he cast into the Tower And in the yeare 1552. when the newe seruice booke of Common prayer begun in Pauls the said Protector was beheaded And the next yeare the King died and the Duke of Northumberland an other principall actor in the change of religion though against his own conscience as he openly declared at his death was beheaded for treason and Cranmer and Ridley and other fauorers of that change were depriued of their Dignities and sone after burnt This was the rufull end of the first setters vp of Protestancie For maintenance wherof albeit a new Queene was proclaimed Nobles sworne and the strength of England gathered yet in short time almightie God ouerthrew it again without any bloodshed by one vertuous woman Q. Marie Protestancie ouerthrone by a vvoman vvithout any bloodshed Vertue of Q. Marie Author of danger positions l 2 cap. 14. Her Rom. Religion In the arraignment of F Garnat D Doue lib. of Recusancie vvil haue Bellarm. to be a Protest or at lest no perfect Papist who all the time of her life liued so chastly and religiously that all her enemies could not to this day fasten the least suspicion of vice vpon her And whome euen Protestants write to haue Bene of nature and disposition verie milde and pittifull VVhich argueth that they wel deserued the seueritie which shee shewed towards them And so earnest a Roman Catholick shee was as the Protestants write of her that there was Not these thousand yeares a more obedient daughter to the Church of Rome than she was VVherby yow may iugde of the impudencie of Doctor Reinolds who in his Confer pag. 583. denieth not onely all the former Princes but euen Queene Marie euer to haue alowed the Popes absolute spirituall supremacie or as he speaketh the Popes Monarchie but onely to haue granted him such a preheminence as the Duke of Venice hath in that state But with her in the yeare 1558. ended all the glorie of Catholick Princes of England Who except King Henrie 8. for a few yeares and King Edward 6. had continewed from the yeare 598. till the forsaid yeare 1558. the space almost of a thousand yeares And after rose a new kind of Protestancie differing from that of King Edward the childs time Not as I said before through any miracles or strange vertue of the Preachers therof or their ouercomming their aduersaries in Disputation but against the will of all the Bishops and a great parte of the Nobilitie by the counsel of meere Lay men and the authoritie of a woman who was induced to make this change not for zeale of religion which shee little regarded but to assure her state the more because shee feared if she acknowledged the authoritie of the Church of Rome her birth might be called in question But of the cause maner and meanes of erecting Protestancie we shall speake more in the second booke Epilogue HItherto gentle Reader thou hast heard 53. Princes of England successiuly beleeuing and professing the Rom. Catholick faith besides 70. and more others who reigned ouer certain partes of England whiles it was deuided into diuers Kingdoms whose names onely I will here set downe Kings of Kent 13. Ethelbert Edbald Ercombert Egbert Lotharius Edricus VVith●ed Edbert Edilbert Alri●us Edilbert-pren Cuthred and Baldred Kings of the East Saxons 9. Sebert Sigebert Sigher S. Sebba Sighard Senfred Offa Sclred Swithed Kings of Eastengland 13. to wit Redwald Carpwald S. Sigebert Egris Anna Ethelere Ethelwald Adulph Elwald Beorna Ethelred Saint Ethelbright S Edmund kings of middle England 17. Namely Peda Vulpher Ethelred Coenred Ceolred Ethelbald Bernred Offa Egfert Kenulph Saint Kenelm Ceolwulph Bernulph Ludecan VVithlof Bertulph Burdred Kings of the Northpart of England 18. Edwin Saint Oswald Oswin Oswi Egfrid Alfrid Ostred Kenred Ostrie Ceolwulph Egbert Ostwuld Mollo Alred Ethelbert Alswald Ostred Athelred and some kings also of the South Saxons Consider I pray thee now the number of these kings which is aboue 120 far aboue the smallest number of two Protestant Princes Consider their sex and age who almost all were men and of mature yeares VVheras of the Protestant Princes one was a childe the other a woman Consider their wisdome and valour in which they were inferior to no Princes in Christendome Consider their vertue which was so great as there are more Kings of Ingland Saints than of all Christendome besides Consider the end for which they first embraced the faith which was nether to enioy their lust nor to get any Church goods nor to assure their temporall state but to gaine heauen Consider the Counsellors whose aduise they followed herein were not ignorant and laye men but vertuous and learned Diuines Consider the motiues which drew them to the Catholick religion to witt rare vertue great learning admirable miracles of their first preachers Finally consider how long they continewed in their faith to wit almost a thousand yeares and how almost in euery Kings time here liued some notable men who with rare vertue and miracles haue confirmed their faith Consider I say all this and then iudge whither the Catholick religion of so many and so worthie Kings or the Protestant faith of one Child and one woman be more likely to be good and to come from God Can we thinke that so many Princes of mature yeares and iudgment should be blinde rather then one child a woman that these could see that in so few yeares which all they could not perceaue in a thousand That these two should hit vpō Gods truth for temporall endes rather thā they for spirituall That that should be
at the common receaued opinion of the Eucharist And in loc Com. titul de potest Eccles he plainly saith that VVicklefe plaied the made man Doctor Caius also lib. 2. dt Antiquit. pag. 268. obiecteth Wicklife to the oxonians as a disgrace to their vniuersity Caius And Stow in his Chronicles describeth Bale Oldcastell and others his followers as notorious malefacors and rebells to their Prince Stovv Luther yea Luther himselfe explicat Art 30. speaking of Hussits who were Wicklefists in Bohemia so termed of Hus Wicklefs principall scholler saith So D. Doue of Recusancie vvill haue Bellarmin a Protestant or no perfect Papist They do not well who make me a Hussit for he held not with me And in disput Anno 40. tom 1. pag. 493. Hus saith he tought horrible and diuelish blasphemie So far was Luther from accounting Wicklefs followers for Protestants 4. Finally the Sheriffes in England euer since Wicklefs time do take on oath to persecute Lollards 4 The Sheriffs svvear to pesecute VViclefists which was the vulger name of Wiclefs followers Which King Edward 6. Queene Elizabeth and his present maiestie and Ministers would not suffer nor the Protestant Sheriffs would take such an oath if they accounted Wiclefists Protestants And it being thus manifest that Wicklef and his companie were no Protestants much more manifest it is that no other English man before King Henrie 8. his time was Protestant Cranmer Which thing Cramner neuer doubted of when as Bale reporteth Cent. 8. cap. 90. he offered to defend Protestancie not vsed in Engl for one thousand years befor K Edvv. 6. that the religion apointed by King Edward 6. was more pure and agreable to Gods word than what said he had bene vsed in England this thousand years So clear it was in Cramners iudgment that Protestancie had not bene vsed in England for one thousand years before him But because some Protestants do hope to find some foating of their religion in the ancient Britons before that time let vs see of what religion they were that therby it may appear that nether English nor British were euer Protestants before Luthers time CHAP. III. That the ancient Britons were neuer Protestants VVhy Protestants chaleng the Britons 1. THe reason why Fox Bale Fulke othert calleng the ancient Britons for Protestāts is not because that they can proue that thy held their fundamental point of Iustification by faith or any other substanciall point of Protestancy but only because for a whil they disagreed from our S. Austin in some things to wit about the time of keeping Easter and manner of baptizing and such rites as S. Austin speaketh in Beda lib. 2. cap. 2. and cerimonies And also because they thinck that by reason of scarsitie of Records we cannot proue that Britons held these points of our faith which Protestants do deny Which reasons will serue as wel to proue that the Ancient Britons were Brownists or Anabastis as that they were Protestants But God willing we will shew by irrefragable testimonies of Antiquity that albeit the ancient Britons were some time infected with some ancient heresy lib. 1. c. 1. as hath bene shewed before yet they euer held so many points of Catholicke religiō as they neuer could be Protestants but quite opposit to them 2. And as for the religion of the Britons for the first 300. yeares after Christ which was the time in the persecution of the primitiue Church that may be easily gathered by the religion which they professed streight after the persecution was ended vnder their glorious Contriman the first Christian Emperour Constantine the great Both because there is no mention of any alteration made by them in religion all that time and also because Gildas cap. 9. and Saint Beda lib. 1. cap. 4. and 8. write that till the time of Arian heresy or as Bale cent 1. cap. 70. Fox in his Protestat Fulke annotat in 2. Cor. 12. testify till the time of S. Austins comming there was no change of their religion Let vs see therefore what religion they professed in Constantins time 3. First they builded saith S. Beda lib. 1. Antient Britons Catholiks Miracles beleued in places of Martyrdoms Temple of holie Martyrs cap. 7. a Temple of a meruailous rich vvorke in the place vvhere S. Alban vvas martired and belieued in that place sick persons to be cured many miracles to be wrought Secōdly they builded saith he l. 1 c. 8. Temples of holy Martirs And the like did Constantin himselfe Euseb lib. 3. de vit cap. 47. To this D. Abbots against D. Bishop p. 173. answereth That Constantin by building Churches in the honor of Martyrs ment not to honor their persons but to celebrat their names Obiectiō This glosse destroieth the Text. Ansvver For if the word matyrs do signifie their persons he in building Churches in honor of Martyrs ment Obiectiō therby to honor their persons Ansvver And as to To honor Martyrs by building Churches is to honor them by a religious act build Churches is no ciuil or prophane act as is to built Trophes or such monuments but a religious act so to honor Martyrs by building of Churches is to giue thē religious honor And if Christians by building of Churches in honor of Saints had ment no more than an honorable memory of their names whie did they neuer build Churches in honor of Princes or of any persons aliue or dead whose names they might honorablie remember besids that to celebrat ones name not to honor his person is to implie cōtradiction For by celebrating a name we intend not to make such a sound or such letters famous but cheefly and principally the person signified therby And to make a person famous is it no honor to him And if we make him famous by a religious act as Constantin made the Martyrs famous by building of Churches wee giue him a religious honor Collins Wherfore Collins in his sermon at Paules Crosse 1607. dedicated to the Archb. of Canterb. and allowed of him saith pag. 52. that building of Churches to Saints was one cause of Protestants for forsaking our Church 3 Pariers for dead and in honor of Saints 4. Moreouer Constantin as Euseb saith lib. 4. de Constant ●60 caused himselfe to be buried in the Church of the Apostles Ita vt post obitum etiam precibus illis quae eo loci ad honorem Apostolorum futurae essent dignus haberetur Behould Cōstantin hoping after his death to be holpen by prayers See his maiesties allovvance of Constantins religion in all points in Confer at Hampton Court pag. 69. Obiectiō and those made in honor of the Apostles which are two especiall points of Papistrie To this D. Abbots l. cit pag. 177. answereth that Eusebius mistooke Constantins meaning for he desired no prayers to be made for his soule Because he said lib 4. cap. 63 Now indeed I know that I am a
and cap. 26. calleth them celestis Sacrificij sedem Seats of the heauenly sacrifice and reprehendeth Priests for sacrificing seldom calleth their sacrifices Sacrosancta Christi Sacrificia 1 Altars of stone Priests Sacrifices Most holy sacrifices of Christ Which argueth that they then had true sacrifices true Altars true Priests 2 Vovves of Chastitie and of Monkish life No mariage for monks after their vovv Suearing by our ladie and Saints Beda And touching Vowes he condemneth cap. 26. Kings for breaking them condemneth one King for marying a woman who had vowed Perpetuam Viduitatis castimoniam Perpetuall chastitie in VVidowhood And exclameth against an other King for forsaking Monks life and calleth his mariage after his vow Praesumptiuas nuptias Pretended mariage Finally cap. 26. he testifieth that the Britons vsed to sweare by God and by our Lady and all Saints All these points of Catholick religion Gildas toucheth Church in honor of Saints Monks Anchorets and nameth no one point of Protestancie As for S. Beda he saith lib. 1. cap. 27. that they had a Church built in honor of S. Martin cap. 11. and lib. 2. cap. 2. That they had Monks and Anchorets l. 1. cap. 17. that S. German with whome they agreed in religion by a fewe sprincles of holy vvater assvvaged tempests and droue avvay Diuels c. 18. that he caried about his neck a bag of reliques Holie vvater Reliques by which putting it to a blinde womans eye he restored her sight Ibid. That they went to S. Albans to giue God praise 3 Thanks to God by Saints Lent Pilgrimage and thancks by him S. Alban and there tooke of the dust where the holy Martirs blood vvas shed cap. 20. Obserued the 40. dayes of Lent deuoutly singing Aleluia after Easter Ibid. God saith Beda gaue S. German and S. Luphus prosperous passage home for their ovvne vertues sake Prosperous successe attributed in parte to Saints and also at the intercession of the blessed martyr S. Alban All these proofes affordeth S. Beda that the Britons were Roman Catholicks before Saint Austins coming and no one proofe that they were Protestants Galfrid 7. Galfrid also lib. 9. c. 12. saith that in this time Saint Dubricius the Archb. of Wales was Apostolice sedis Legatus that is Popes legat the Popes Legat. Malmsb. lib. 1. Reg. c. 1. Malmesb. Huntingt And Hunting lib. 2. say that King Arthur trusting in an Image of our B. Ladie vvhich he put in his vveapons Some hope of help by images he alone put his enemies to flight vvith great slaughter Stow also Chron. p. 61. saith that King Arthurs body was found in K. Henrie 2. time with a leaden Crosse fastned to that side of the stone that lay next his body Stovv Burial vvith Crosses Caius also a Protest lib de Antiq. Cantab. pag. 75. Caius Priuiledges procured from Popes citeth letters of Pope Honorius dated Anno 624. in which the Pope confirmeth the priuiledges which his Predecessors had giuen to the Briton Students and prohibiteth any Archb. or Bishop to excommunicat the students Such authoritie did the Britons acknowledg the Popes to haue ouer them Bale Orders after the Rom. manner Catholik Monkerie Purgatoire Austeritie of life Britons of the same religion vvith the Frēch In this time also saith Bale Cent. 14. cap. 6. Palladius was sent of Pope Celestin to set order amongst the Scotts after the Roman maner And cap. 11. Brigit wrought great wonders with holy water And Cent. 1. cap. 53. Aegiptian Monkerie so he termeth our Monkerie about the yeare 530. vnder Abbot Congel tooke great strength and increase And that S. Columba and Saint Brendan who filled France Germanie Ierland with Monkes and which Brendan Cent. 14. cap. 78. he confesseth to haue held Purgatorie were scollers to this Congel To which he addeth Cent. 1. cap. 50. That Gildas a Briton of this time did seeke the solitarie places of the desert and vse heirecloth next his skin And cap. 61. That Kentigernus vsed goat skinnes and a strait coole Which is no fashon of Protestats Finally S. Sampson a Briton Bishop going in those times out of Britany into France his religion was not onely there admitted for Catholick but him self also had there a Bishoprick giuen to him And his Kinsmā S. Maglorius being a Briton was ordered by him to dispense the quickening bodie of our Lord Real presence Mattins Masse Did eat barley and beane bread on VVensday and friday tooke no meate did afflict his flesh with continuall wearing of hearcloth did watchfully say the prayers of the night which are termed Mattins and prostrat before the Altar did sing Letanies and finally offered sacrifice to God Surius Tom. 5. What signe is there here of Protestancie or rather not of earnest Papistrie Britons in S. Austins time differ not in faith but about Easter S Austins 8. And as for the faith of the Britons in S. Austins time that besides some few ceremonies differed in nothing from S. Austins faith but onely about the time of keeping Easter as may be proued many wayes First by S. Austin him selfe who in Beda lib. 2. cap. 2. speaketh thus to the Britons Though in manie other points yow doe contrary to our custom not faith or rather contrarie to the custom of the Vniuersall Church Yet if yee will agree with vs in three things That is to celebrat Easter in due time to accomplish the mistery of baptisme according to the maner of the holy Roman and Apostolick Church and lastly preach to the English Nation the worde of God all your other ceremonies not heresies rites fashons and customs though they be contrarie to oures we will suffer and bear with them Behould S. Austin though so earnest a Papist as hath bene shewed before yet offering to ioyne with the Britous if they would amend onely three things wherof the first onely concerned faith the other two concerned ceremonies and charity Would he thinck we who was so nice in matters of religion as he would not ioine with the Britons vnles they conforned them selues to him in certain ceremonies haue not much more exacted their conformitie in Masse vse of Images and such like points of religion as it is euident he vsed if they had differed from him in such matters Besides yow see that the other things wherin they differed from him were but as he speaketh ceremonies rites fashions and customs Secondly the Britons them selues in Beda lib. 2. c. 2. publickly confessed that that was the true vvay of righteousnes vvhich S. Austin shevved And the onely reason which they giue there why they would not ioyne with him was pride as they imagined in him Thirdly S. Beda though a perfect Papist as hath bene shewed before by the confession of Protestants yet findeth no more fault with the Britons than S. Austin did The Britons religion by the Irish and Scotts 9. But yet more fully will
left their Contrie Praedicare Papismum to preach Papistrie Surius Tom. 3. Baron An. 631. Bishops of Scotland consecrated of the P. And about the yeare 631. which was soone after the custome of Scotland was saith the Author of S. Wirons life for the Inhabitants to chuse their Bishop then to send him to Rome to be consecrated by the Pop● as S. VViro was Of whome it is also written that King Pepin of France confessed his sinnes to him 11. Thus thou seest gentle Reader that albeit ther be so great scarcitie of ancient records of British matters yet on the one side their cōsent with the Rom. religiō in many substantiall points Beza Praefat Bibl. ad Cond Perkins Refor Cathol such as Beza Parkins and others confesse to be quite opposit to Protestancie is euidently proued many waies And doubtles their like agreemēt in more points would be found if more ancient monumēts of those times were extant And on the other side ther is no one ancient monumēt or scroul which testifieth that they held any one substantiall point of Protestancie as Iustification by faith onely Communion of bare bread and Wine Denied Purgatorie or prayer for dead prayer to Saints such like But Protestāts claime them onely because we for lack of ancient records can not shew particulerly that they agreed with vs in all points of faith As if all were Protestants whome we could not shew particulerly to haue agreed with vs in all points or it may not suffice any reasonable man to shew particulerly that they agreed with vs in many substātiall points shew the same generally in all other points besides one into which they vpon ignorāce Because nether S. Austin nor others foūd any other falt with the matter of their faith nor Protestants can shew any other Hovv it is proued by the Britons that the Cathol faith is the true faith of Christ Fox Bale in which point also Protestants dissent from the Britons as wel as we And if vnto this euidency of the Catholick Roman religion of the Britons yow adioine what Fulk Fox Bale generally all Protestants write of the certain truth of their religion it will euidently follow that the Roman faith is the true faith of Christ For Fox in his Protestation saith That religiō remained in the Britons vncorrupt the word of Christ truly preached till the coming of S. Austin Bale Cent. 1. cap. 90. There was alwaies amongst the Britons preaching of truth most sure doctrine such worship as was by Gods cōmandement giuē of the Apostles to the Churches And pag. 73. calleth the Britons Church of S. Austins time Veram Christi Ecclesiam Fulk And Fulk 2. Cor. 12. calleth the Britons of S. Austins time Catholicks and saith with them Christian religion had continewed euer since the Apostles times And thus hauing shewed that before Luthers time there was nether English nor British Protestant in all England Let vs now see when and how Protestācie first began in Germanie and after in England CHAP. IIII. VVhen where wherfore and how Luther began to preach Protestancie 1. LVther hauing bene long time an Austin Frier and all his life before so earnest a Romā Catholick as you heard him self confesse supra cap. 1. Sleidan lib. 1. fol. 1. and Fox in his Acts p. 770. and others cōtest began in the yeare 1517. and on the morrow saith Fox pag. 771. after all Saints in the cittie of VVittenberg in Saxonie to oppose him self against the Catholick faith in the matter of Indulgences by publishing and manteining certaine Conclusions against them The place year and daye vvhen Luther began Protestancie This as all Protestant writters agree was the place the time the matter wherin Luther began first to publish their doctrine His Maisters therin were as he saith 4. Luthers maisters of protestancie Neque abhominibus neque per homines VVhen Luther began to preach Protestancie he intēded no reformatiō at all Fox Sleidan lib. 1. fol. 1. Luther at first impugned pardons onely to boult out truth vvith submissiō to the Church Galat. fol. 208. his gift of knowledg his owne studie and his outward and inward tentations By wh●ch last instructor perhaps he meaneth his black maister whome as we shall see herafter he confesseth him self to haue had 2. As for the end wherfor Luther began his new doctrin that could not be any reformation of religion by him then intended For as Fox confesseth pag. 771. In the beginning of this controuersie Luther nether dreamed nor suspected of any change that might happen in the Ceremonies And not in the beginning onely but euen a year after For Fox l. cit speaking of the year 1516. saith thus All this while Luther neuer thought of any alteration to come of any Ceremonie much les such a reformation of doctrine Ceremonies as after did follow And a Protest writer of Paralippomena Vspergen whome Fox much followeth saith An. 1518. Luther shewed him self to come in publick against his will but could not staie him self Yea Luther him self in loc Com. Clas 4. confesseth that he fell into this faction so he termeth it by chance and against his wil. And L. de Captiu fol. 5. By force saith he I was drawne into this quarell And epist ad Leon. 10. fol. 4. Eckius saith he drew me into this vnexpected quarrell catching me in a small word about the Supremacie which by chance slipt from me How then could this man intend reformation of religion by his preaching against the old religion if as Fox said Luther impugneth a religion and yet meaneth not to amēd it for a yeare after he did not so much as dreame of any reformation no not in ceremonies with what conscience think we did he impugne the old religiō whiles he neither ment nor dreamed to reforme it 3. Luther sought not Gods glorie beginning protestancie In like sorte the end for which Luther began to impugne the Cathol faith could not be Gods glorie For what glory could he intēd by his new preaching who ment not to make any alteration at all in Gods religion Besides that he often times offered both by word writing to giue ouer his new doctrine if he might not be bound to recant or his aduersaries bound to silence For as Fox hath pag. 772. Luther 4 times offered to suppresse Protestantisme Sleidan Engl. lib. 1. fol. 6. and in fol. 9. in writing to Cardinall Caietan Anno 1518. he promised to proceed no further in any mention therof so that his aduersaries were likewise bound to keep silence And saith Fox if the Bishop of Rome wold haue bene content with this submission of Luther he had neuer bene touched any further of him And againe in the yeare 1520. as Cooper hath in Chron. he submitted himselfe to the P. of Rome so that he might not be compelled to recant And as Doct. Whitaker lib. cont Dur. pag. 11. If at the
them both of as much iustice in this life and glorie in the next as anie Saint in heauen had or hathe Luthers doctrin taketh avvaie the fear of God in this life For as for the fear of God in this life he taketh that away by assuring those that haue his iustifying faith that all their sinnes are forgiuen and all punishment due vnto them remitted Which securitie Caluin some what increased by adding that who once hath iustifying faith can neuer leese it which two points who soeuer firmely beleeueth I see not how or why he can fear God in this life For how can he fear God in this life who is sure that nether he can leese Gods fauor nor be punished of him for any sin which he commiteth And in the next life too And as for fear of God in the next world first Luther tooke quite away Purgatorie and though he left Hell yet not for his followers whome he assured that beleuing as he tought them they could not be damned whatsoueer they did So rich saith he lib. de Captiu cap. de Euchar. is a Christian as he can not leese his saluation with what sinnes soeuer vnles he will not beleeue for no sinnes can damne him Taketh also avvaie fear of m●n And as touching fear of man also he tooke that away as much as he could For a Christian saith he 2. Galat. fol. 66. is free from all lawes and subiect to no creature And lib. de Captiu A Christian is bound to no law but to Gods No law can be imposed vpon Christians by any right ether of men or Angels but as much as they will themselues Which doctrine D. Whitaker cont Dur. pag. 726. expoundeth thus The conscience is bound to no law but Gods And pag. 731. The particuler lawes of Magistrats haue no command ouer the consciēce Which who beleeueth need not fear to break any mās law if he can keep it secret Luthers doctrin taketh avvay exercise of all vnpleasing things In like sorte Luther remoued from his followers all difficult and hard things For he tought them that Gods commandements were impossible to be kept Confession Satisfaction Abstinēce Fasting austerity of life he ether condemned or accounted no more acceptable to God than feasting and pampering our bodies 6. And on the other side touching pleasures delites of this world he licensed Bishops Priests Monks Friers Giueth licence to enioy all pleasures Nonnes to break their vowes of chastitie pouerty and obedience and to marie to to get riches Luthers general indulgence to sin and to liue at their owne commād gaue leaue to the people to read and vnderstand Scriptures according to their priuat spirits to make choise of their Pastors and to take all or a good part of Church liuings He freed Princes from all Ecclesiasticall subiection and graunted to all sortes of people a licence to eate at what time and what meat they list yea he gaue a generall and direct indulgence for to syn For 2. Galat. fol. 66. A Christian saith he hath nothing to do with the lavv and sin 3. Galat. fol. 114. sin in vs is no sin And fo 140. If sin vex the think that it is at it is indeed but an imagination ibidem True diuinity teacheth that there is no sin in the world any more fol. 138. Christ saith he is the only sinner And his whole drift in that booke is to extinguish in his followers all feeling of sin or remorse of conscience therof Luthers quiet of conscience in extinguishing remorse of sin Luther Serm. de nativv B. Mariae and this he termeth quiet of Conscience And withall this as I said he assureth euery one of his followers that they are as iust as our blessed ladie and if they beliue as he teacheth them as sure of heaune as she is And do we maruel to see common people to embrace so secure and pleasing a religion Surely we need maruell no more than to see water run the lower way or stones rolle downe the hill But alas poore soules who like silly fishes are caught with this pleasing bat to their euerlasting death For this learning cometh not from aboue but as S. Iames speaketh is earthly sensuall and diuelish what religion of God can that be which abandoneth al fear of God what piety can that be which remoueth the exercise of hard things as for the most parte the acts of vertue are What Christianity can that be which ioyneth league with the flesh and the world which Christians renounce in their baptisme And these motiues I haue noted in the spreading of Luthers doctrine But let vs hear the foresayd Surueyer 7. First saith he cap. 8. Luther and his parteners saught to persuade the Pope and Bishops to to their reformation Luthers means of spreading his doctrin out of the Surueyer This is euident by Luthers to P Leo to the Archb. of Mentz and others But finding small encouragement of them they vvere driuen saith he to flie to the ciuil Magistrats the rather to moue them to their reformation they laboured by all means they could to make the Popish Clergie most odious vnto them They inueighed against their pride against their superfluities against their corruptions They perswaded the Princes that Bishops and Abbots had too much and told free citties that notwitstāding their freedome in respect of the Emperor yet they were subiect to their Bishops and were not saith he discontented that so good an occasion was offered them to procure their greater libertie Moreouer Luther and his were content to yeeld to much against their mind with many vnequall conditions So at last the ciuil Magistrats began a reformation The Pope the Bishops and the cheefest of the Clergie impugned it VVherupon their liuings which they had in any of those territories were seased into the hands of the ciuil Magistrates Thus you see euen by the confessiō of Protestants that Luther could not persuade his religion to the chiefest of the Clergie but spred it by temporizing with Princes and States with yeelding too much euē against his mind with exciting cities to rebell against their Bishops and take their liuings from them VVhich whither it be an Apostolike kind of proceeding or no I durst make the Surueier himselfe iudge Sure I am that he greatly condemneth the like proceding of Caluin cap. 2. and feareth that Puritans will in time vse the like course to reforme him and his Company CHAP. VI. VVhen by whome wherfore and how Protestancie began first in England 1. IN the first booke yow haue heard how all our Christian Kings to K. Henry 8. were Roman Catholickes Now it commeth to shew when wherfore how he altered the Religion of all his Forfathers and Predecessors About the yeare 1527. The Protest diuines in German vvold not auovv K. Henries deuorce Sleidan Engl. lib. 10. fol. 139. Causes of K. Henrie 8. reuolt from the Pope out of Cooper and Stovv
He fel in loue with M. Anne Bullen daughter to Syr Thomas Bullen who not cōdescending to his lust vnles he made her his wife he made earnest suit to Pope Clement to be diuorced from Queene Catherin daughter to the King of Spaine with whome he had bene maried 20. yeares and had had by her diuers children vpon pretence that she had bene maried before to Prince Arthur his brother But the Pope taking great deliberation and longe time in the matter King Henry in the yeare 1531. not vpon any dislike of the Popes religion but vpon occasion of delay as both Cooper and Stow say in their Chronicles made by the Pope in the matter of his diuorcement displeasure of such reports as he heard had bene made of him to the Court of Rome thirdly pricked forward by some coūsellers to follovv the exāple of Germās caused proclamatiōs to be made in the 29. of Septēber forbidding all subiects to procure any things from the Court of Rome And not content with this to spite the Pope more he compelled the Clergy the same year to giue him 130. thousand poūds with the Title of the headship of England K. Hen. diuorced from his first vvife after he had maried a second so far forth as the word of God did permit And in the year 1533. of his own authority he married Anne Bullē a good wile after made Cranmer diuorce him frō his former wife than liuing For which vnchristiā proceeding being excōmunicated by the Pope he was more enraged And therefore in the year 1534. Protestāts brag of procuring the title of the head of the Church to K. Henrie by Act of Parliamēt made him self head of the Church which title Barnes a Protestāt saith as Fox recordeth that the K. got by his his fellowes labors And Tindal the Apostle as Protestāts cal him of Englād who thē liued writing An. 1533 to Frith of K. Hēries intentiō against the Pope Clergy saith thus in Fox p. 987 I smell a Counsell to be takē litle for the Clergies profit in time to come VVhy K. Henr. reuolted from the P. out of Tindal But yow must vnderstād that it is not of pure hart for loue of the truth but to auēg himself to eate the whores flesh drink the marow of her bones which because it is vrittē somwhat enigmaticaly K. Henr. forsooke the P. not for loue of truth but for spite and couetousnes Beginning of Protestancie in England An. 1530. Counselars therto laie men Motiues spite and Cauetousnes Fox expoundeth in the margēt thus eating the vvhores fleshe is to spoile the Popes Church only for the pray spoile therof Thus yow see it euident euē by the confession of Protestants both the yeare when K. Henry 8 began to reuolt frō the Pope To wit 1530. his Counsellers therin to wit no Bishops nor Diuines but Laymen who hoped as they were to be partakers of the pray And his motiue ther vnto not dislike of the P. religiō or like of a better but malice against his persō couetusnes of the Church goods And out of these two foūtains haue sprōg since all the Protestācie of Engl. which whether they were liker to be foūtains of Gods or the Diuels religiō I leaue to euery one to iudg 2. Protestancie quite altereth K. Henries procedings And as the motiues so his alteratiō were malice couetuosnes so his proceding after was euer cruell couetous blooddy quite differēt frō his procedings in the former time For wheras before in 22. years of his Regn he had bene gētle put none of his nobility to death besides the Duke of Buckingham Fearle of Suffolk for treason In 16. yeares after of six Queenes which he had he put away two wherof one died for sorow other two he beheaded the one for adultery the other for incest also a thing vnheard of befor in Enlgish Q. the fift he caused to be opened for to saue the child in her belly Bloudie proceding of K. Henrie after change of religion first Protest Queene of England executed for adultery incest Queens Cardinals Abbotts Dukes Marques Earles Lords Coūtesse Marquesse Rauin and the sixt he ment to haue executed for heresie Of Cardidals he beheaded one cōdemned an other brought the third to death with greefe and sorow Of Lords Abbots he hanged drawed and quatered six Priors fiue besids a great number of Priests Monks and Friers And of the Nobility he condemned one Duke to perpetual prison beheaded a Marquesse beheaded two Earles one Earles sonne and heire and fiue of his Vnckle 's all in one day beheaded six Lords and one Lords sonne and heire hanged one Lord beheaded one Countesse attainted one Marquesse and of knights gentlemen and others executed great numbers And for his couetousnes of Church goods besides the 130. thousand poundes exacted as before of the Clergy the very same yeare he suppressed the Hospitall of S. Iames nere to Charing Crosse Anno 1532. suppressed the priory of the Trinity in London Anno 1534. suppressed the houses of the Obseruant Friers in Englād and tooke to himselfe all fruits and tenths of all spirituall goods and promotions An. 1534. tooke the reliques and cheefest Iuells out of Monasteries Anno 1536. suppressed all religious houses to the value of 200. poundes and vnder and tooke all their lands and grounds The number of these houses saith Stow were 276. the value of their lands then 32000. pounds and more by the year The moueable goods as they vvere sould at Robinhood penorthes amonted to more thā one hūdred thousand pounds It was a pitifull thing saith he to heare vvhat a lamentation the poore people in the Countrey made for them For there was great hospitality kept among them and as it was thought more than 10. thousand persons Maisters and seruants had lost their liuings by the putting downe of those houses Anno. 1538. All Abbeis and religious houses were suppressed and S. Thomas of Canterbury Shrine pulled downe which was saith Stow built of stone aboue a mans hight The vpper part of timber which was couered with plates of gould damasked with gould wier which groūd of gould was again couered iewels of gould 10. or 12. croouped with gould wier into the said ground of gould Many of these rings hauing stones in them brooches Images Angels pretious stones and great pearles c The spoile of which shrine in gould and pretious stones saith he filled two great Chests the which six or eight strong men could do no more than carie one of them at once out of the Church By which one may gather the inestimable riches which King Henrie got by all Abbeis and Shrines Moreouer Anno 1540 he suppressed the knights of the Rhodes And finally An. 1505. all Chanteries Colledges hospitals were giuē to the K. And yet not content withall these Church goods VVhat mischeef one point of Protesancie brought
Laurence Saint Paulin What madnes were it to leaue these to follow those CHAP. XIII That Luthers doctrine was neuer confessed by Catholicks to be sufficient to saluation 1. YOw heard before that the aduersaries of S. Austins doctrine as wel the Britons then as the Protestants now confessed that he brought the true way to saluation and that many great learned men haue followed him and come to heauē by the way which he taught which testimonie proceeding from aduersaries mouthes must needes seeme to be the cōfession of most euident manifest truth Here now it cometh in place to shew that no one Catholick euer acknowledged that Luthers doctrine was the way to saluation or that any haue commen to heauen by following him which I shew First That no Cath. allovved Luthers doctrin as Protest do S. Austins because not onely Pope Leo but also the generall Councell of Trent confirmed by the Pope which no Catholick thinketh can erre hath condemned and accursed his doctrin And his bookes are forbidden to be read vnder paine of excommunicatiō Secondly because euery Catholick beleeueth professeth that who keepeth not the Catholick faith wholly vnuiolated shall without all doute perish euerlastingly Thirdly because no Catholicks words can be produced wherin hope of saluation is afforded to Luther his followers But on the contrarie as many Catholicks as write or preach condemne his doctrin for flat heresie Luthers doctrin condemned by all Kind of Christians By Greciās By Anabaptists By Caluinists By Engl. Protestāts By hovv manie our Engl. Protest religion is condemned See Ihonson against Iacob and him self all his obstinat followers for hereticks out of Noes Arke out of Christs fould out of Gods Church out of al hope of saluation so long as they follow Luther 2. Nay not onely Catholicks alow not Luthers doctrine but euen all other Christians besides condemne it The Grecians as is sayd condemn Protestants for Hereticks The Anabaptists as Luther saith account them worse than Catholicks him self affirmeth his followers to be seuen times worse than Papists Caluin iudgeth Luthers opinion of the Eucharist lesse tollerable than the Papists Sutclif addeth that it is hereticall by inference of such conclusions as may be gathered therof The Brownists esteeme our Protestant religion a medle or mode religiō A thousand Ministers in their petition exhibited to his Maiestie 1603. affim that it containeth abuses enormities which they can shew not to be agreable to Gods word Others propose some hundred of doubts against it as yow may see in the booke of Quaeres and the late silenced Ministers in their solemne printed Challeng made to the Bish protestāts saie that if that be truth which the Bishops maintain against them that then that is false which they both maintain against Catholicks and that The silenced preachers prefer the Cath. faith befor the Protestant The foundation of Engl Protest faith condemned by Protestāts Confor at Hampton Court p. 6. their departure from the Pope can not be iustified but that he yea Christ Iesus and his hauenly truth in him haue had great wronge Finally his Maiestie with the tacit consent of the Bishops condemned all the Englishe Bibles the very foundation of our Protestants faith as ill translated and gaue order to translate the Bible a new CHAP. XIIII That Luther neuer confirmed his doctrine by miracles 1. SOme Protestants say that Luther needed no miracles for confirmation of his Doctrine because saith Feild lib. 3. of the Church c. 48. we teach nothing contrary to the confirmed receaued doctrine of the Church of God then in the world when these differences betwene vs and our aduersaries began This impudent saying of his may be ioyned to an other which he hath L. cit cap. 42. That ther is no materiall difference amongst the Protestants See Sleid. lib. 5. fol. 65. no not betwene Luther and Zuinglius in matter of the Sacrament nor betwene Illyricus and others about originall sinne nor betwene Osiander and others about Iustification as shal be iustified saith he against the prowdest Papist of them all But as for the strangnes of Luthers doctrine to all the Church of his time that hath appeared sufficiently here to fore and shall yet more hereafter Wherfore Protestants ascribe two kind of miracles to Luther the one inuisible which Luther him self challengeth to 4. in Isaiam c. VVhat miracles Luther chalenged Luthers allegation of his miracles disproued 35. where hauing tould that Catholicks obiect vnto him that he could not cure a lame horse but was altogether destitute of miracles replieth that by his preaching the spirituall blinde began to see the truth the deaf heard the Gospel The lame that sate in superstition and Idolatrie walk But great fondnes it is to alleadg such miracles for confirmation of his doctrine First because we demand visible miracles Secondly Because Luther saith he wrought those supernaturall effects but no man seeth them Thirdly Because euery Sectmaister can say so Fourthly Because the question is whether his doctrine be such as it can work these spirituall effects Therfore fond it were to prooue his doctrine to be such by these effects vnles the effects were seene or more manifest than the truth of his doctrine This is to prooue idem per idem or ignotum per ignotius For it is all one to say Luthers doctrine worketh those spirituall effects and to say that it is true One poore frier creeping out of a blind cloister began Protestancie See Brētius ansvvering the like miracle wrought by zuinglius in recognit cont Bullenger or at least it is as doubtfull Fox Acts p. 789. and others aleadg this for a notable miracle that one man and a pore Frier creeping out of a blind Cloister should be set vp against the Pope and almost the whole world and work that which all the learned men before him could neuer compasse Mark good Reader how he confesseth his religion to haue begun of one mā and of one Frier creeping out of a blinde Cloister against almost the whole world and not compassed before of all the learned men that were 2. But as I said before this is as great a miracle as to see stones roule from a hil such a one as that notable strumpet bragged of to Socrates saying that her doctrine and p rswasion was more potent than his because she with a few words could drawe cause she with a few wordes could draw his scollers to follow her But Socrates rightly answered that it was no maruel because he lead them vp the hil to vertue she drew them downe the hill to pleasure Pleasure of marrying hauing mony and liuing at commaund drew so many Friers and Nonnes after Luther Pleasure of eating flesh at all times neuer fasting neuer confessing neuer satisfying drew so many lay people after him Pleasure of liuing out of all spituall subiection and getting of Church goods and liuings drew so many Princes after him And great
a side all famous men antiquitie could not shew the like For in holines he surpassed S. Antony in eloquence S. Cyprian in knowledg S. Austin S. Gregor Turon S. Gregor also of Tours who knew him greatly cōmendeth him lib. 10. de Gestis Francorum c. 1. S. Beda lib. 1. c. 13. saith S. Beda See S. Damasen orat 2. de defunctis He was a man of the greatest vertue learning of his tyme. And who will see more of this vertuous man may reade his life in Ioannes Diacon in S. Beda lib. 2. c. 1. Here I will content my self with the iudgment of our famous and ancient King Alfred K. Alfred who thus commendeth him The true seruant of God the Roman Pope Christs Vicar Gregory a man of considerat fortitude King Alfred Praefat Pastoral without rashnes indued with cheefe wit wisdome and Counsel an infinit treasor because he wonne the greatest part of mankinde to heauen the best man of the Romans most abounding in greatnes of courage and most free of Maiestie This was the iudgment of our great King touching S. Gregory and of the same minde were all our Catholick writers as yow may see in Florēt an 605. Malmesb. 1. Reg. c. 3. Westmon an 605. and others In so much as D. Reinolds in his Confer p. 583. Ancient English men writeth that our Ancestors had a reuerend opinion of the Pope long after S. Gregory for S. Gregories sake To these Catholicks I will ad also the verdict of a few Protestants Protestāts D VVhitaker D. Whitaker cont Dur. p. 397. saith He was a learned and holy Bishop and p. 502. I confesse Gregory to haue bene a good and holy man Godvvin Godwin in vita August a good man that blessed and holy Father Gregory Item This good man being made Pope tooke especiall care of sending Preachers into this Land D. Sutclif Subuers c. 2. D. Sutclif Gregory and Eleutherius were Bishops and famous men in the Church for their painful labors and constancy in teaching the truth Bale cent 1. c. 68. saith he was the excellent of all the Bishops of Rome for learning and life That against his will and striuing to the contrary and at last compelled he succeded Pope Pelagius That he was a learned and good man founded hospitals inuited pilgrims to his table sent things necessary to the Monks of Hierusalem and maintained three thousand Virgins And c. 7 He reduced the Goths from Arianisme to the Church professed himselfe by writing the Seruant of Gods seruants that therby he might appeare most far from all ambition and desire of command Bell in his Wofull Cry p. 62. saith Bel. Gregory was a holy Bishop indeed And in his Suruey p. 156. He was vertuous and learned pag. 480. D Humfrey Luth Gal. 4 I tink Greg vvas loued c. 5. the vvorld hath in admiration the holines of Gregory A man of sufficient credit Willet in his Synopsis A modest and humble Bishop D. Humfrey Iesuitismi part 2. pag. 624. Gregory surnamed Great and indeed great a great man and indued with many vertues of deuine grace Thus Protestants account of saint Austins Maister 2. As for S. Austin himself Godwin in Aug. saith He was a man of exceeding tall stature well fauoured S. Austins vertuous deeds and of a very amiable countenance And as for his great holines it appeareth many wayes For first being very yonge he forsooke all the pleasures and commodities of the world and became a Monk entering into S. Gregories monastery which no doubt was a Nurserie of vertue Where as Greg. saith ex Beda lib. 1. c. 27. he was brought vp from his youth in regular discipline and according to his rule imitated the forme and rule vsed in the Primitiue Church of the Fathers among whome all things were common where he so exceeded in vertue as he was made Superior ouer the Monastery ex Greg. lib. 7. epist 112. Secondly at Saint Gregories commandement he left his owne Contry where he serued God in quietnes and came to preach the Gospell both so far of as our Contry is from Rome to such barbarous people as our Nation then was Thirdly after he entred into England he liued so vertuously that albeit he prooued no doubt his doctrine by great learning and confirmed it as shal be shewed hereafter by many and great miracles yet as saint Beda affirmeth lib. 1. c. 26. our Contry was conuerted more by the holines of him and his fellowes liues than by any other meanes See Hunting lib. 3. After they were now entred saith Beda lib. cit into their lodging they began to exercise the Apostolick order of liuing of the primitiue Church S. Austins and his fellovves Apostolick life seruing God in continuall prayer watching and fasting and preaching the word of life to as many as they could despising the commodities of the world as things none of their owne taking of them onely whome they instructed so much as might serue their necessities liuing them selues according to that they taught other and being redy to suffer both troubles and death it self in defense of the truth they taught VVherby many did beleeue and were baptized marueling much at the simplicitie of their innocent liuing and at the sweetnes of their heauenly doctryn Infrà The King him self being much delighted with the puritie of their life and the example of their godly conuersation as also with their sweete promises which to be true they prooued with many miracles did beleeue and was baptized VVhat paines he tooke first in persuading our Nation the Christian faith which was then addicted to Idolatrie after in instructing them who were so rude and ignorant in all faith and lastly in baptizing and administring the sacraments hauing some times to Christen ten thousand at a tyme none can expresse Capgraue in his life saith he went trough England on foote preaching S. Austins paines and frequent praier Had the gift of miracles and of Prophecie and most cōmonly barefoote and had callum in genibus by frequency of prayers Much paines also he tooke vvith the VVelch men in two Councels besides disputation wrought miracles in their sight He had the gift of miracles ex Greg. apud Bedam lib. 1. c. 31. And of Prophecie Beda lib. 2. c. 2. This briefly was the admirable and Apostolick holines of life of Saint Austin and his fellowes which no doubt he cōcluded with a happie death For his Epitaph recorded by S. Beda lib. 2. c. 3. witnesseth after he had conuerted King Ethelbert and his people to the faith of Christ fulfilling in peace the dayes of his office died the 26. of May. Vvitnesses of S. Austins holines S. Gregor 4. Thirdly for the witnesse of those that liued with S. Austin First is S. Gregory himself who best knew him and was best able to iudg of his vertue He writing to King Ethelbert in Beda lib. 1. c. 32.
saith that S. Austin had bene brought vp in the rule of Religion and was by the grace of God of much vertue And lib. 9. epist. 58. writing to S. Austin him self saith I haue much hope that by the grace of God thy Creator and our Redemer Lord and God Christ Iesus thy sinnes are alredy forgiuen thee and that thou art therfore choosen that by thee other mens sinnes may be pardoned Nether shalt thou haue sorow of any sinne hereafter who endeuourest by conuersion of many to make ioye in heauen And surely who considereth what great perfection Saint Gregory lib. 4. epist. 24. requireth in a Pastor to wit that he be Pure in thought notable in work discret in silence profitable in speeche neare to all in compassion aboue all in contemplation fellow by humility to all that do well stout through zeale of Iustice against the vices of the offending will nothing doubt but Saint Austin whome he chose to so high a function was an excellent perfect man And lib. 5. epist 52. he saith Austins zeale and indeuor is well known to vs. and repeateth it epist 53. 58. 59. Likwise of the Popes soone after succeeding to S. Gregory Diuers other Popes he is highly commended Of Pope Boniface 4. in Malmsbury lib. 1. Pont. p. 208. he is called the holy Doctor Of Pope Honorius ibidem p. 209. Austin of holy remembrance Of Gregory 3. ibidem p. 210. Austin of blessed memorie Of Leo 3. ibid. p. 211. Blessed Augustin Besides by them who liued with him and saw his happy end he is called in his Epitaph Authors of his epih tap Blessed Austin Stow Chron. p. 67. or as Godwin hath Saint Austin 5. Fourthly Vvitnesses of S. Aust holines after his tyme. touching the testimony of those that liued after Saint Austins tyme the first is Saint Beda whose testimony of his holy life is already set downe to which I add that lib. 2. c. 3. he calleth him the deerly beloued man of God holy Father Austin S. Beda and lib. 4. c. 27. The blessed Father Austin In a Councell of all the Bishops of England held anno 747. A Coūncell in England in presence of King Ethelbald and all his Nobility it was apointed That the day of our Father Saint Austin be kept holy as writeth Malmesbury 1. lib. Pont. p. 197. and Fox lib. 2. p. 128. After that King Kenulph and all his Bishops Dukes K. Kenulph and his Bishops and Nobles and Nobility writing to Pope Leo 3. say thus Austin of blessed memory most gloriously gouerned the Churches of England ex Malmesb. 1. Reg. pag. 31. S. Odo In the letters of S. Odo Archbishop of Canterbury in Malmesbury 1. Pont. pag. 201. he is called Austin of blessed memory Of Ethelwerd lib. 2. Ethelvverd c. 1. 5. he is called Holy Austin seruant of Christ and innumerable miracles wrought by him Malmesbury 1. Pont. pag. 196. Malmesb. saith thus How great the merits of Austin are before God the great miracles do shew which after so many ages he worketh not suffering Kent yea all England to become slow in honoring of him Huntington Of Huntington lib. 3. pag. 321. he is called the seruant of God man of God to haue imitated the Apostolicall life of the Primitiue Church to haue led a most clean life Of Houeden 1. Houeden part Annal. he is called the glorious Doctor of the whole Kingdom the notable Founder of Christian Faith and Religion And in like sorte is he commended for a great saint of Westmon Chron. an 596. VVestm Marian others Odo chron 583. calleth them tim●●tes Deum Marianus ibidem And finally of all writers domesticall and foraine who writt of him before our times 6. Fifthly touching the proofe of Saint Austins holines by the holy life of the Church which he here founded that is euident to all them that reade our Ecclesiasticall Histories The holines of our church founded by S. Austin And so manifest as Fox lib. 2. pag. 114. citeth and approueth these words out of ancient Chronicles In the Primitiue Church of England Religion shined most purely so that Kings Princes Dukes Consuls Barons rulers of the Church incensed with a desire of heauen entred into Monkerie volontary exile and solitarie life forsooke the world and followed Christ. And the same hath Huntington lib. 5. in Prolog and Houeden 1. Confessed by Protestants Fox part Annal. pag. 412. And the same Fox p. 123. saith I do reade and also do credit that the Clergy of that tyme S. Austins tyme of England applyed nothing that was worldly but gaue themselues to preaching and teaching the word of our Sauiour See more in Fox p. 132. 133. Cambden and fillowed the life that they preached by giuing good example Cambden in descript Britan. pag. 345. saith that tyme was most fruitfull of Saints And pag. 628. he braggeth that no Kingdom hath so many canonized Martyrs and Confessors as England hath Of some England vvas called religios● Anglia of others Paradisus Dei See Baron to 9. Serra de reb Mogunt lib. 3. nota 55. Protestāts confesse S. Austine holines Fox and that it which before tymes was called a fertill Prouince of Tyrants may now be called a fertill Contrie of Saints And who will see more of the great holines of our Clergy may reade Beda lib. 3. c. 26. Othlon in vita S. Bonifacij Marcellin in vita S. Suiberti Serrarius de Mogunt lib. 3. 7. Lastly for the confession of Protestants Fox in his Acts pag. 105. saith of Saint Austin and his fellowes thus At length when the King had well considered the honest conuersation of their life and mooued with their miracles wrought through Gods hands by them he heard them more gladly and lastly by their holsom exhortations and example of godly life he was by them conuerted and christened in the yeare 596. And the same he repeateth againe pag. 116. Bilson Bilson lib. Of Obedience pag. 57. saith Austin and his fellowes came with religion to God and submission to Princes Cooper Bishop Cooper anno 599. calleth Austin and his fellowes godly and learned men And anno 630. calleth Paulinus one of the company a holy Bishop Stow Chron. pag. 65. Stovv saith that S. Austin and his fellowes liued in the feare of God Godwin in vita August saith Godvvin He was a Monke of great vertue and calleth him Saint Austin And in vita Paulini saith Paulin his companion was called away to receaue the glorious reward of his blessed labors Holinshed And Holinshed in the Historie of England Austin and his company arriued at Canterbury where he made his abode by the Kings permission exercised the life of Apostles in fasting watching and prayers preaching the word of God to as many as they could despising all worldly pleasures as not appertaining to them receauing onely of them whome they taught things seeming