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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00256 Articles to be enquired of, vvithin the Diocesse of Sarisbury, in the first visitation of the right reuerend father in God, Martin, by the prouidence of God, Lord Bishoppe of Sarum holden in the yeere of our Lord God, 1619. Church of England. Diocese of Salisbury. Bishop (1618-1619 : Fotherby); Fotherby, Martin, Bishop of Salisbury, 1559-1619. 1619 (1619) STC 10329.3; ESTC S2106 13,680 20

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withinyour parish openly or priuately in any Noble or Gentlemans house or in any other place be of good sincere religion life and conuersation and be diligent in teaching and bringing vp of youth whether they haue béene examined allowed and licencedfor Schoolmasters by the Ordinarie in that behalfe and how many seuerall Schoolemasters haue you and what be their names 2 Whether your Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters doe themselues receiue the holy Communion as often as they ought to doe and whether doe all their Schollers which be of age sufficient and of capacity by instruction to receiue the Lords Supper come to the Communion either in your Church or where their Parents dwel once euerie yeare and be diligent to heare common-praier 3 Whether the Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters either priuate or publicke do teach their schollers the Catechisme authorised by publicke authoritie at the least once euery week and do instruct examine them in the same or do teach any other Catechisme and what Catechisme it is that they do so teach 4 Whether your Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters or any of them bée knowne or suspected to reade vnto their schollers priuatelie any vn lawful books or priuatlie to instruct them in their yong yéeres either in Poperie superstition or disobedience or contempt to his Maiestie and his lawes Ecclesiasticall by publicke authoritie allowed 5 Whether your Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters or any of them vnder pretence of Catechising their schollers which is a most godly order carefully by them to be obserued do kéepe Lectures readings or exposition in diuinitie in their houses hauing repaire vnto them of people not being of their owne familie and houshold 6 What Reccusant Papists are there in your parish and whether doe they or any of them kéep any Schoolemaster in their house which commeth not to Church to heare Diuine Seruice receiue the Communion what is his name and how long hath he taught 7 Whether the Schoolemasters within your parish doe teach his or their schollers any other Grammar thenthat which is commonly called the Kings Grammar set forth by the authoritie of K. Henry the eight teaching the prescript forme thereof whereby their schollers may perfectly vnderstand their Grammer rules and constructions Articles concerning the Parishioners and other of the Laity 1 VVHether is there any in your parish that hath or dooth impugne the Kings Maiesties supremacy and authoritie in causes Ecclesiasticall or doe any way or in any part impeache the same being restored to the Crowne by the lawes of this Realme established in that behalfe 2 Whether is there any in your parish that de●…ieth the Church of England by law established vnder the Kings most excellent Maiestie to be a true and Apostolicall church teaching and maintaining the doctrine of the Apostles 3 Whether is there any in your parish that doth impugne any of the Articles of Religion agréed vpon in Anno 1562. and established in the Church of England 4 Whether is there any in your parish that doth impugne or speak against the rites and ceremonies established in the Church of England or the lawfull vse of them you shall present their names 5 Whether are there any in your parish that do impugne the gouernment of the Church of England vnder the Kings most excellent Maiesty by Archbishops Bishops Deanes Archdeacons and the rest that beare office in the same affirming that the same is Antichristian or repugnant to the word of God 6 Whether is there any in your parish that doe impugne the forme of consecrating ordaining of Archbishops Bishops Priests or Deacons affirming that the same is repugnant to the word of God or that they who are so ordered in that forme are not lawfully made 7 Whether is th●…re any in your parish that doth hold or frequent any conu●…nticles or priuate méetings and there do conferre or agrée vpon any priuate orders other then such as are by the Canons set forth by publique authoritie to be by them or any others in Church gouernment obserued 8 Whether any person haue lurked and tippled in Tauernes or Ale-houses on Sondaies or other holidaies or vsed his or their manuall craft or trade or kéepe their shops open vpon the said daies or any of them and espectally in the time of Diuine seruice 9 Whether are there any in your Parish that doe or haue profaned the Lords day called Sonday or other Holidaies contrarie to the orders of the church of England prescribed in that behalfe 10 Whether hath any person in your Parish quarrelled or stricken or vsed any violence vnto or with your Minister or any other in the Church or Churchyard or vsed himselfe disorderlie in the Church by ●…lthy and profane talke or any other rude and immodest behauiour 11 Whether is that due reuerence and humble submission vsed within your chur●… chapple in the time of Diuine seruice as by the 18. constitution is prescribed and whether each one in the Church or chappell doe apply and order himselfe there in time of Diuine 〈◊〉 as by the letter part of the same constitution is most commendably enioyned 12 Whether the Churchwardens and Questmen from time to time do their diligence in not suffering any idle persons or loiterers to abide either in the Churchyard or Church porch in seruice or Sermon time but causing them either to come into the Church to heare diuine seruice or to depart and not to disturb●… such as are hearers there 13 Whether the Churchwardens doe prouide against euery Communion with the aduice of the Minister a sufficient quantitie of fine white bread and of good and wholsome wine for the number of the communicants that shall receiue and that to be brought in a cleane and swéet standing pot of pewter or other pure metall 14 Whether haue any in your Parish béene Godfathers or Godmothers to their owne children Or whether your Minister or any Godfathers or Godmothers haue vsed or doe vse any other forme answere or speach in Baptisme then is in the booke of common praier appointed or whether any which haue not communicated be admitted to be Godfathers or Godmothers contrarie to the twentie ninth Canon 15 Whether is there any in your parish that doth refuse to haue their children baptized or themselues to receiue the communion at the hands of your Minister because hee is no Preacher you shall present their names And if your Minister since the publishing of the said booke of Canons haue receiued any such persons being not of his owne cure to the communion or baptized any of their children you shall likewise present him 16 Whether doe all the Fathers Mothers Masters Mistresses cause their children seruants and apprentices to come to the catechisme vpon the Sondaies and Holidaies before euening prayer to heare and to be instructed and taught therein and those that ●…e not their duties herein you present their names 17 Whether haue you or your Predecessors Church-wardens suffered any playes feasts banquets church-ales drinkings or any other
profane vsages to be kept in your church chappels or churchyard or ●…els to ●…rung superstitio●…e vpon holidaies or Eues abrogated by the booke of common-prayer contrary to the 88. canon 12 How many inhabitants within your Parish men or women aboue the age of sixtéene yéeres do refuse to frequent Diuine seruice established by publike authority of this Realme or to receiue the holy Communion or are negligent therein what be their names and of what degrée state or trade of life are ●…hey you are to present them all ●…f both forts 19 Whether haue you or your Predecessors brought vnto my Lord Bishop or his Chauncellour within fortie daies next after Easter the names of all such as haue not communicated that Easter before contrary to the 11. 2. Canon 20 Whether do any of the Inhabitants of your said parish entertaine within their house any soiurners lodgers or any common resorters and guests who refuse to frequent Diuine seruice or receiue the holic Communion as aforesaid what be their names of what quality or condition are they 21 Whether are any of the said Popish Recusants of insolent behauiour not without publike offence or doe boldly busie themselues in seducing and withdrawing others either abroad or in their owne families by instructing their children in Popish Religion or by refusing ●…o entertaine any especially in place of greatest seruice or trust but such as concur with them in opinion of religion and what be their names that so do 22 How long the said Popish Recusants haue obstinately abstained either from Diuine seruice or from the Communion as is aforesaid whether of any long time or only since his Maiesties raigne and how long 23 What persons aforesaid within your parish either for the offence aforesaid or for any other contumacy or crime doe remaine excommunicated what bee their names and for what cause and how long haue they so stood excommunicate 24 Whether were you the Churchwardens and Questmen chosen by the consent of the Minister and parishioners in Easter●…ke according vnto the 89. and 90. canons and whether haue the churchwardens before you giuen vp a iust accompt for their time and deliuered to you their Successors whatsoeuer money or other things of right belonging to the church which was in their hands according to the 89. Canon 25 Whether doe all persons aboue the age of sixtéene yéeres vsualie reso●…t to hears Diuine seruice vpon sondaies and holidaies approued and whether hath each one of your Parishioners being aboue the age of sixtéene yeares as aforesaide receiued the holy communion thrice this last yeare chiefely once at Easter in your Parish Church knéeling If no then you shall present their names which haue not so done 26 Whether haue you a fit Parish Clerke aged 20. y●…res atleast of honest conuersation sufficient for reading and writting and whether he be payed his wages without fraud●… according to the most auncient customs of your Parish If not then by whom is he so defrauded and denied and whether he be chosen by the Parson or Uicar or by whom according to the 91. Canon 27 Whether haue any in your Parish béene maried within the prohibite degrées forbidden by the Lawe and expressed in a certaine Table published by authority in Anno 1563 If yea then your shall present their names and whether haue you the said Table publikely set vp in your Church and fastened to some conuenient place 28 Whether doth any heretofore diuorced kéepe company with any other at bed and at boord as man wife what be their names when and where they maried and how long haue they so continued 29 Whether haue you any in your Parish which heretofore being popish Recusants or Sectaries haue since conformed themselues come to Church to heare Diuine seruice and receiue the Sacraments If yea then who they are And how long since haue they so conformed themselues and whether doe they still remaine and abide in that conformity 30 Whether haue you any in your parish to your knowledg or by common fame and report which haue committed adulterie fornication or incest or any bawdes harborers or receiuers of such persons or publikely suspected thereof which haue not béen publikely punished to your knowledge If yea then with whom and whether are there anie which are by common fame and report reputed taken to be common drunkards blasphemers of Gods holy name common and vsual swearers filthic speakers raylers sowers of discord amongst their neighbours or speakers against Ministers marriages Usurers contrarie to the statute made in the 37. yeare of K. Henry the eight Symonicall persons fighters brawlers or quarrellers in Church or Churchyard you shall not faile to present their names 31 Whether haue any in your parish receiued or harboured any woman gotten with childe out of wedlock and suffered them againe to depart without pennance first inflicted vpon them by their ordinary You shall truelie present aswel the partie harbouring as harboured and who is suspected to haue committed incontinencie with her 32 Whether anie person or persons suspected or detected heretofore of Incontinency and therfore departing out of your parish for a season is now returned againe or in what place else is he or she now abiding to your knowledge or as you haue heard you shal not faile to present the whole truth in that behalfe 33 Whether are there in your parish anie wils not yet prooued or goods of the dead dying intestate left vnadministred by the authority of the Ordinarie in that behalfe you shall not faile to present the Executors and all others faulty and culpable therein 34 Whether 〈◊〉 any of or within your parish affirme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that the sacred Synode of this nation assembled by the 〈◊〉 authority is not the true Church of England by representati●… or hath or dooth any of your parish affirme th●… no persons either of the Clergie or La tie that were not personally present in the said la●… Synode are 〈◊〉 to the decrées thereof in causes Ecclesiasticall made and ratified by the Kings supreame authority because they gaue not vp their voices vnto them you shall present their names 35 Whether is there any among you that ha●… or do●… 〈◊〉 the aforesaid late Synod saying or affirming that the same was a company o●… such persons as did conspire together against godly and religious Professors of the Gospell and that therefore both they and their procéedings in that behalfe are and ought to be dispised and contemned or words to the like effect you shall not faile to present their names 36 Whether there bee any person or persons Ecclesiasticall or temporall within your Parish or else where within this Dioces that haue retained and kept in their custodie or that read sell vtter disperse cary or deliuer to others any English books or Libels set forth either on this side or beyond the seas by Papists or Sectaries against the ●…ings supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall or against true Religion and Catholik