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A56199 Romes master-peece, or, The grand conspiracy of the Pope and his iesuited instruments, to extirpate the Protestant religion, re-establish popery, subvert lawes, liberties, peace, parliaments, by kindling a civill war in Scotland, and all His Majesties realmes, and to poyson the King himselfe in case hee comply not with them in these their execrable designes revealed out of conscience to Andreas ab Habernfeld, by an agent sent from Rome into England, by Cardinall Barbarino, as an assistant to con the Popes late nuncio, to prosecute this most execrable plot, (in which he persisted a principall actor severall yeares) who discovered it to Sir William Boswell His Majesties agent at the Hague, 6 Sept. 1640. he, under an oath of secrecie, to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury (among whose papers it was casually found by Master Pyrnne, May, 31. 1643) who communicated it to the King, as the greatest businesse that ever was put to him / published by authority of Parliament by William Prynne ... Prynne, William, 1600-1669.; Habervešl z Habernfeldu, Ondřej.; Boswell, William, Sir, d. 1649.; Laud, William, 1573-1645. 1644 (1644) Wing P4056; ESTC R7561 44,036 61

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ROMES MASTER-PEECE OR The Grand Conspiracy of the Pope and his Iesuited Instruments to extirpate the Protestant Religion re-establish Popery subvert Lawes Liberties Peace Parliaments by kindling a Civill War in Scotland and all his Majesties Realmes and to poyson the King himselfe in case hee comply not with them in these their execrable Designes Revealed out of Con●cience to Andreas ab Habernfeld by an Agent sent from Rome into England by Cardinall Barbarino as an Assistant to Con the Popes late Nuncio to prosecute this most Execrable Plot in which he persisted a principall Actor severall yeares who discovered it to Sir William Boswell his Majesties Agent at the Hague 6 Sept. 1640. He under an Oath of Secresie to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury among whose Papers it was casually found by Master Prynne May 31. 1643. who communicated it to the King As the greatest businesse that ever was put to him Published by Authority of Parliament By William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne Esquire 1 COR. 4. 5. The Lord will bring to light the hidden things of Darknesse and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts and then shall every man have praise of God It is Ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning Printing this first day of August 1643. that this Book Intituled Romes Master-Peece be forthwith Printed by Michael Spark Senior Iohn White The second Edition Printed at London for Michael Sparke Senior 1644. TO The Right Honourable ROBERT Earle of WARWICK Baron of LEEZE AND LORD ADMIRALL of all the Parliaments Sea Forces Right Honourable YOur eminent zealous Sincerity and incomparable Activity both by Sea and Land in defence of our undermined endangered Protestant Religion Lawes Liberties Parliament Nation against the many late secret Plots and open Hostilities of Antichristian Romish Vipers who for sundry yeares together have desperately conspired and most vigorously prosecuted their utter extirpation and now almost accomplished this their infernall Designe unlesse Gods infinite mercy which hath never hitherto beene wanting to us in times of greatest extremity miraculously disappoint it hath induced me to dedicate this Master-p●ece of the Romanists and Jesuites Iniquity to your most Noble Patronage Wherein your Lordship may summarily behold the most horrid conspiracy against our Reformed Religion and the very life of the King our Soveraigne in case he comply not with them as now alas He doth overmuch in all things that ever was discovered to the world and clearly descry who have beene the reall originall Contrivers Fomenters of all those late bloody civill warres which have suddenly transformed our peaceable pleasant delectable Edens of England Ireland Scotland into most desolate rufull Acheldamaes yea Golgothaes to the just amazement of our selves and astonishme●t of all our Neighbour Nations who now more lament our present Infelicity then ever their envied our pristine Tranquility It was an admirable act of Divine Providence that a principall Actor in this Conspiracy sent from Rome to promote it should out of remorse of conscience prove the first Revealer of it to Sir William Boswell But it was a farre more wonderfull hand of God that after this Plot had been long concealed from publique knowledge by Canterbury who smothered it hee should unexpectedly rayse Me up from my forraigne Close Prison of Mount-Orgueil Castle in Jersey where Canterbury and his Confederates had intombed me sundry yeares as a dead man out of minde whom they remembred no more reputing me among the number of those that go down into the pit and as one quite cut off by their hands never likely to rise up again till the generall Resurrection and not only reduce me with Honour and Triumph to my Native Countrey restore me to my former liberty and Profession by the Parliaments impartiall Iustice and make my former and my fellow Sufferers unjust Censures the ruine of the S●archamber Highcommission and Prelates who censured us but likewise beyond all expectation send this Archprelate though the Kings chief Favourite a Prisoner to the Tower of London to which I was first of all committed by his malice and employ me to search his Papers there where he had formerly twice searched mine by his Instruments and therehy make Me both the Discoverer and Publisher of this second Gunpowder Plot to the world after a long concealment of it and that in a time most seasonable which otherwise in all probability had never come to light O the depth of the Riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his Judgments and his wayes past finding out This adorable strange Providence of the God of Heaven who revealeth the deep and secret things and knoweth what is in the darknesse and makes known unto us the Kings matter as it should ascertaine us of his future Protection of our Church and State against these Romish Conspirators whose trayterous Designes hee hath formerly most admirably discovered and frustrated from time to time So it should adde much dignity and acceptation to this Discovory and enlarge our gratulations to God for it To his Blessing I shall in my Prayers recommend this Master-Piece together with your Lordships Person and all your Heroick Endeavours for our Religions our Republikes security and for ever remaine Your Lordships most affectionate Servant William Prynne SInce the first Publishing in Print of the ensuing Plot and Letters by Authority and Directions from the House of Commons which imployed me in this service I have been credibly informed by some Friends that many inoredulous over suspitious Malignants who think there is as much falshood dishonesty in others as in themselves have questioned the Truth of the ensuing Plot Letters Papers and confidently if not impudently averred them to be meere Fictions without any shadow proofe reason ground at all but their own malicious misbeliefe But to satisfie all the world in this Particular and these slanderous Infidels too if not ●rodigiously obstinate I doe here attest upon the faith and honour of a Christian First that I found all these ensuing Letters Papers in the Archbishop of Canterburies Chamber in the Tower of London under his own custody when I was unexpectedly employed by the Close Committee in that undesired service of searching it which the Archbishop himself his Servants the Gentlemen and Souldiers who then accompanied me with those who employed me can witnesse and have already oft attested Secondly that they were all Originals no● Copies under the severall hands and Seals of Sir William Boswell Knight the Kings own Leger Embassador at Hague in the N●therlands Andreas ab Habernfeld a Noble Bohemian Physitian to the Queen of Bohemia a man of known sincerity and untainted reputation The Archbishop of Canterbury who must be the sole forger of the Plot and Letters if fained and of the King himself As the Letters Papers themselves o●t viewed by divers of the Lords Commons and other persons of quality for their satisfaction all now remaining in the Custody of a
Committee of the House of Commons where any incredulous Thomas who dares trust his own senses may view them at his leasure will evidence to all who know their Hands or Seales Thirdly that the Archbishop himselfe and his Servants have confessed the verity reality of the Plot and Papers to divers who repaired to them for their own resolution therein and the Archbishop in his late Petition to the Lords in Parliament for restitution of these Papers hath againe fully acknowledged their reality Fourthly which puts all out of question had these Letters Papers been Forgeries or Impostures not reall verities his Majesty himselfe or the Oxford Mercury for him at least the Archbishop Sir William Boswell Andreas ab Habernfeld or some of their Instruments being all living and the Presses open would long ere this have detected this forgery and disclaimed these Papers and Letters in Print which neither of them have done in seven Months space whereas each of them on the contrary as I am informed have avouched these severall Letters Papers to be genuine and their own Finally it had been a strange over-sight yea madnesse in my self and a great dishonour to a most impolitique devise in the Parliament to publish forged Letters in these eminent living Persons names who want neither will meanes nor power immediately to detect refute and manifest such a grosse Imposture to all the world to the eternall infamy of the Publishers Let Malignants and Papists then with all others who have any sparks of Honesty or Policy remaining in them henceforth rest assured of the verity reality of this Plot these Papers though they have formerly doubted of them else let them perish in their groundlesse Infidelity who will neither believe the King the Archbishop Sir William Boswell nor Hab●rnfeld under their Hands and Seales nor yet the Parliament nor Discoverer of them by an admirable unexpected Divine Providence who abhorres all fictions frauds Impostures whatsoever and can doe nothing against the truth but for the truth I shall only adde this to the Premises that the multitude of his Majesties royall Letters of Grace and Discharges of Popish Recusants Priests Iesuits together with his Marriage-Articles Oathes Letter to the Pope and other evidences lately published in The Popish Royall Favourite the late horrid Rebellion in Ireland the Rebels seising of the Goods Estates and Persons of all the English Protestans there to the Kings use and their bloody massacre by blood-thirsty Papists For the exaltation of the holy Roman Catholike Church and the advancement of his Maiesties service c. And that by vertue of his Majesties speciall Commission under the Great Seale of Scotland and Letters of direction sent therewith for the effecting of this great Work which Commission together with the Arguments evidencing the reality thereof you may read at large in the Mystery of iniquity newly published pag. 34. to 42. his Majesties Articles of Pacification with those Rebels ratified under the Great Seale of England wherein he cals these bloody Rebels his Roman Catholike Subjects and good Subiects in some copies and gives them Authority to persecute his Protestant Subiects in Irelands with license to send such Agents to his Majesty from time to time as they shall think fit accepting a grant of thirty thousand eight hundred pound from them and making their base Irish money currant in England by a speciall Proclamation his sending for the Souldiers sent by the Parliament into Ireland to subdue the Rebels and for Irish Rebels too into England and that By his Maiesties speciall Commission and Authority as Mercurius Aulicus informs us twice together and administring an Oath to every Officer and Souldier that shall be transported To the utmost of his power and hazard of his life to fight against the Forces now under the conduct of the Earle of Essex and against all other Forces whatsoever that are or sha●l be raised under what pretence soever contrary to his Majesties Command or Authority in defence of our Protestant Religion Lawes Liberties All these particulars laid together will infallibly demonstrate the reality of this designe and how farre it hath prevailed even with the King himselfe whose heart and person now wholly captivated and stolne away from the Parliament and Kingdome by these Conspirators the good God rescue out of their Traytorly hands and restore unto us in d●e season which shall be the prayer of the Publishe● of this Plot William Prynne Errata COurteous Reader I pray correct these Presse-errours which during my absence at St. Albanes have through the Printers oversight escaped the Presse in this Edition Page 4. l. 1. r. suffer p. 7. l. 20. na●●ragio p. 9. l. 29. them and most p. 15. l. 6. quam p. 28. l. 3. not brooke l. 27. his zeale 1. 29. strong strang p. 29. l. 33. Chaplaine p. 31. l. 10. men these l. 15. yet come into the Kings p 34. l. 29. his destiny l. 40. reasonable l. 46. dele as p. 35. l 26. conspired In the Margin p. 22. l. 18. small r. female ROMES MASTER-PEECE IF there be any professing the Protestant Religion within the Kings Dominions or elsewhere who are yet so wilfully blinded as not to discern so so●tishly incredulous as not to believe any reall long-prosecuted conspiracy by former secret practises and the present warres to extirpate the Protestant Religion re-establish Popery and inthrall the people in all three Kingdomes notwithstanding all visible effects and transparent Demonstrations of it lively set forth in the late Declaration of the Lords and Commons concerning the Rise and Progresse of the Grand Rebellion with other Remonstrances of that nature most visibly appearing in the late Articles of Pacification made by his Majesties Authority and approbation with the Irish Rebels contrary to divers Acts of Parliament passed by the King this present Session Let them now advisedly fixe their Eyes Minds upon the ensuing Letters and Discoveries seised on by Master Prynne in the Archbishops Chamber in the Tower May 31. 1643. by Warrant from the Close Committee to search his Papers there being unexpectedly commanded on that service and then they must needs acknowledge it an indubitable verity Since Sir William Boswell the Archbishop himselfe if not his Majesty and those who revealed this Plot were perswaded of its reality upon the first Dis●overy before it brake forth openly in Ireland and England Who and what the Authour of this Discovery was who the chiefe active instruments in the Plot when and where they assembled in what vigorous manner they daily prosecuted it how effectually they proceeded in it how difficult it is to dissolve or counter-work it without speciall diligence the Relation it selfe will best discover Whose verity if any question these Reasons will inforce beliefe First That the Discoverer was a chiefe Actor in this Plot sent hither from Rome by Cardinall Barbarino to assist Con the Popes Legate in the pursute of it and privy to all the particulars therein discovered
within their custody Bristol Chester Ireland Wales most of the Westerne parts and all his Forces in their power this Discoverer an eye and ●are-witnesse of destinie from the Legates owne vaunt will informe his Majesty and all his Protestant Subjects who will tremble at the very apprehension of it that they have an Indian poysoned Nut reserved for him amongst this Iesuiticall societie or if it be lost a poysoned Knife perchance or some other Instrument to dispatch him out of the World and so to get the possession protection of the Prince whom they will educate in their Antichristian Religion which how possible how probable it is for them considering their present power and indeavours to effect it their poysoning of the Emperor Henry the seventh in the sacred host of King Iohn in the Chalice their stabbing of Henry the third of France with a K●ife in the belly of Henry the fourth his successor first in the mouth next in the heart-strings though all of their owne Religion because they would not humour the Pope in every unreasonable demand though Henry the fourth turned an Apostate from the Protestant Religion wherein hee was bred restored the Iesuites formerly banished out of France rased the Pillar erected in Paris as a●standing Monument of their Treasons against their Soveraignes and built them a stately Colledge to secure his life from their Ass●ssination which yet would not save him from their butchery Together with their pistolling of the Prince of Orange and poysoning of King Iames himself as the Legate boasted may informe his Majestie and all his faithfull Protestant Subjects especially such as by their confederating with them in these their wars have done nought but executed advanced their fore-named designes whom it concernes now very neerly to prevent if possible such a sad Catastrophe of that bloodie Tragedie which hath been acted overlong in Ireland England by these Conspirators fore-plotted treasons The execrable horridnesse and reality whereof made the very Discoverer of the Plot out of remorse of conscience to desert the Conspirators conspiracie and that bloody Religion which begot it and therfore should much more incite all such in his Majesties Army who are cordially faithfull to their Soveraigne Religion Countrey Posterity and have hitherto ignorantly acted these conspirators treasonable designes under colour of serving the King to consider with remorse of conscience whose Instruments they have thus long been whose treasons they have ripened what Protestant blood they have shed how much they have weakened impoverished betrayed their own Protestant party who have really stood for God Religion King Countrey Parliament against these Romish conspirators and what hopes what advantages they have given these confederates both in England and Ireland to overtop suppresse and ere long utterly to extirpate the Protestant Religion themselves and all other cordially pro●essing it as they have done many thousands of them already And then upon all these sad most serious considerations the very thoughts whereof should cause their soules to bleed and tremble speedily to desert these trayterous Papists ere they get all into their power and unite all their heads hearts hands forces to the Parliaments party who had so good cause to take up defensive arms to prevent the imminent ruine which otherwise is like to befall both King Kingdome Religion Parliament Liberty Property Posterity ere we be aware especially since the most cowardly unworthy yeelding up of Bristoll a fit Inlet for the maligant Welch Papists Irish Rebels who have conspire to come over hither with all expedition and are lately landed here in great multitudes since the pacification made with them to cut all our throats 11. That those Protestants who now side with Popish conspirators when they have accomplished their designes whatsoever they may now fancy to themselves shall find no more mercy or favour from them then the greatest Roundheads if they comply not with them in all things and even in Popery it selfe for if they will not spare the Kings own person and life after so many favours graces extended to them as they will not if we believe this Relation or the late story of King Henry the fourth of France yet fresh in memory what inferiour person can think to be secure to fare better then the King himselfe And if Con the Legate to insinuate himselfe into the Kings and Palatines favours at the fi●st when he had no interest in them would not so much as advi●e the Legat of Colen to mediate for the Palsgrave lest peradventure the King of Spaine should report that the Pope had patronized an here●●●all Prince as the Rela●ion attests though he promised the King effectually to do it How can Prince Rupert Maurice or any other Commanders in the Kings Army when they have fully accomplished the Popes and these his Instruments designes under whose banner they ignorantly yet really militate and promote his cause in steed of the Kings and Kingdomes to whom they and theirs have been so much ingaged hope to receive the least dram of favour pity muchlesse any recompence from the Pope and Popish party if they continue hereticks still notwithstanding all their present goodly promises Will they think● you part with any other inheritances to them then who will not so much as now mediate for them to regaine their own Will these who have butchered so many thousands of innocent Protestants in Ireland in England even before they were sure of the day without any provocation given spare any mothers sonne of them alive if they once erect their Trophees over them Certainly the experience of all former ages compared with the present may fully resolve all that the very tender mercies of these wicked ones will be nought but extreme cruelty and if they prevaile wee all must perish without distinction sooner or later unlesse wee will turne Apostates and lose our Religion God Heaven soules to save our transitory lives Finally therefore let the serious consideration of all the premises instruct us to learne wisdome from these our adversaries let their indefatigable industry subtill policy sincere fidelity cheerfull constancy bountifull liberality fraternall unanimity undaunted magnanimity indissolvable confederacy and uninterrupted pertinacie in prosecuting establishing propagating their Antichristian Religion Treasons designes excite all Protestants according to their severall late Covenants and Protestations much forgotten to equalize if not transcend them in all these in defending securing propagating our true Christian Religion protecting our King Kingdomes Parliament Lawes Liberties Posterity all we yet have or hereafter hope for from that imminent ruine which these Popish conspirators threaten to them Fore-warned fore-armed if now we perish through our owne private dissentions folly cowardize covetousnesse trechery security or monstrous credulity that these conspirators and Papists now in Armes fight onely for the King and establishment of the Protestant Religion as it was in Queen Elizabeths dayes against whom they plotted so many Treasons even for her very Religion
fairest buildings of Nobles Knights and Gentlemen the more commodiously to seduce them Thirdly that these Iesuits and conspirators hold weekely constant uninterrupted intelligence with the Pope and Romish Cardinals and have many spies or intelligence● of all sorts about the King Court City Noblemen Ladies Gentlemen of quality and in all quarters of the Kingdome to promote this their damnable Plot. Fourthly that the Pope for divers late yeeres hath had a known avowed Legat C●● by name openly residing even in London neere the Court of purpose to reduce the King and his Kingdoms to the obedience of the Church of Rome and the Queen at least another Legor at Rome trading with the Pope to facilitate the designe to wit one Hamilton a Scot who receives a pension out of the Exchequer granted to another Protestant of that name who payeth it over unto him to palliate the businesse from the peoples knowledge by which meanes there hath been a constant allowed Neg●tiation held between Rome and England without any open interruption 5. That the Popes Legate came over into England to effect this project and kept ●is residence here in London for the better prosecution thereof by the Kings own● privity and consent And whereas by the ancient Law and Custome of the Real●e ●et in force even in times of Popery no Legat whatsoever coming from Rome ought to ●rosse the Seas or land in England or any the Kings Dominions without the Kings own Petition calling and request to the Pope and before hee had taken a ●olemne Oath or Pr●te●station to bring and attempt nothing in word or deed to the prejudice of the Rights Priviledges Laws and Customs of the King and Realm This Legat for ought appears was here admitted without any such cautionary Oath which would have crossed the chiefe end of his legation which was to prejudice all men and our Religion too Yea whereas by the Statutes of the Realm it is made no lesse then high Treason for any Priests Iesuits or others receiving orders or Authority from the Pope of Rome to set footing in England or any the Kings Dominions to seduce any of his Subjects to Popery and Popish Recusants much lesse then Priests Jesuits Legats ought not to remain within ten miles of the City of London nor come yet into the King or Princes Courts the better to avoid such trayterous and most dangerous Conspirators Treasons and attempts as are daily divised and practised by them against the King and Common-weal Yet notwithstanding this Popes Legate and his confederates have not only kept redence for divers yeeres in or neer London and the Court and enjoyed free liberty without disturbance or any prosecution of the Lawes against them to seduce his Majesties Nobles Courtiers Servants Subjects every where to their griefe and prejudice but likewise had familiar accesse to and conference with the King himselfe under the name notion authority of the Popes Legat by all Arts Policies Argument to pervert and draw him with his three Kingdomes into a new subjection to the Sea of Rome as Cardinall Pool the last Popes Legat extant in England before this in Queen Maries raigne reconciled her and the Realm to Rome to their intolerable preiudice An act so inconsistent with the Laws of the Realm with his Majesties many ancient and late Remonstrances Oathes Protestations to maintaine the Protestant Religion without giving way to any back-sliding to Popery in such sort as it was maintained and professed in the purest times of Q. Elizabeth c. as may well amaze the world which ever lookes more at reall Actions then verball Protestations 6. That the Popish party Conspirators have lately usurped a soveraign power not only about the Lawes and Magistrates of the Realm which take no hold of Papists but by the Parliaments late care against them here but even over the King himself who either cannot or dares not for feare perchance of poysoning or other assassination oppose or banish these horrid Conspirators from his Dominions Court but hath a long time permitted them by vertue of his marriage articles to prosecute this plot without any publike opposition or dislike by whose powerfull authority and mediation all persons may easily divine Alas what shal become of the poore sheepe when the Shepheard himself not only neglects to chase and keep out these Romish wolves but permits them free accesse into and harbor in the sheepfold to assault if not devour not only his flock but Person too Either Saint Iohn was much mistaken in the Character of a good Shepheard and prescribing this injunction against such seducers If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evill de●ds And the Fathers the Canonists deceived in this Maxime Qui non prohibet malum quod potest jubet or else the premises cannot be tolerated or defended by any who professe themselves enemies or opposites to the Pope Priests or Church of Rome or true Defend●rs of the Protestant reformed Religion 7. That these conspirators are so potent as to remove from Court and publiqu● Offices all such as dare strenuously oppose their plots as the example of Secretary Cooke with other Officers lately removed in Ireland the Articles of Pacificatio● there lately made with the Rebels evidence and plant others of their owne party and confederacie both in his Majesties Court Privie Councell Closet Bedchamber if not Bed and about the Prince to corrupt them And how those that are th● invironed with so many industrious potent seducers of all sorts who have so many snares to intrap so many enticements to withdraw them both in their Beds Bed-chambers Closets Councels Courts where ever they goe or come should possibl● continue long untainted unseduced without an omnipotent protection of which none can be assured who permits or connives at such dangerous temptations is ● thing scarce credible in divine or humane reason if Adams Solomons and other Apostacies by such means be duly pondered He who sailes in the midst of dangerous rocks may justly feare and expect a wracke 8. That the late Scottish troubles wars were both plotted and raised by thes● Iesuiticall Conspirators of purpose to force the King to resort to them and thei● Popish party for aid of Men and Money against the Scots and by colour thereof to raise an Army of their owne to gaine the King into their power and then to wi● or force him to what conditions they pleased who must at leastwise promise the● an universal toleration of their Religion throughout his Dominions ere they woul● yeeld to assist him And in case they conquer or prevaile he must then come ful●ly over to their party or else be sent packing by them with a poysoned Fig to another world as his Father they say was its likely by their instruments or procurement they
protection I commend your Majestie and all your Affairs and am Yorke 13. Lambeth Septemb. 11. 1640. Your Majesties most humble faithfull servant W. Cant. As I had ended these whether with the labour or indignation or both I fell into an extream faint sweat I pray God keep me from a Fever of which three are down in my Family at Croyden These Letters came late to me the expresse being beaten back by the winde The Archbishops indorcement with his own hand Received from the King Sept. 16. 1640 For your sacred Majestie Yours Apostyled The Kings Answer to the Plot against him c. Sir William Boswels second Letter to the Archbishop May it please your Grace THis evening late I have received your Graces dispatch with the enclosed from his Majestie by my Secretary Oueart and shall give due account with all possible speed of the same according to his Majesties and your Graces commands praying heartily that my endeavours which shall be most faithfull may also prove effectuall to his Majesties and your Graces content with which I do most humbly take leave being alwayes Hagh 24. Sept. 1640. S. Angel ● Your Graces most dutifull and humblest servant William Boswell The Archbishops indorcement Received Sept. 30. 1640 Sir William Boswell his acknowledgement that he hath received the Kings directions and my Letters Sir William Boswels third Letter to the Archbishop sent with the larger discovery of the Plot. May it please your Grace VPon receipt of his Majesties Commands with your Graces Letters of 9. and 18. Sept last I dealt with the party to make good his offers formerly put in my hand and transmitted to your Grace This he hopes to have done by the inclosed so far as will be needfull for his Majesties satisfaction yet if any more particular explanation or discovery shall be required by his Majestie or your Grace He hath promised to adde thereunto whatsoever he can remember and knowes of truth And for better assurance and verification of his integrity he professeth himselfe ready if required to make oath of what he hath already declared or shall hereafter declare in the businesse His name he conjures me still to conceale though he thinks his Majestie and your Grace by the Character he gives of himselfe will easily imagine who he is having been known so generally through Court and City as he was for three or foure yeers in the quality and imployment he acknowledgeth by his Declaration inclosed himselfe to have held Hereupon he doth also redouble his most humble and earnest suit unto his Majestie and your Grace to be most secret and circumspect in the businesse that he may not be suspected to have discovered or had a hand in the same I shall here humbly beseech your Grace to let me know what I may further doe for his Majesties service or for your Graces particular behoof that I may accordingly endeavour to approve my selfe as I am Hagh 15. Octob. 1460. Your Graces most dutifull and obliged servant William Boswell The Archbishops indorcement Received Octob. 14. 1640. Sir William Boswell in prosecution of the great businesse If any thing come to him in Cyphers to send it to him The large particular Discovery of the Plot and Treason against the King Kingdom and Protestant Religion and to raise the Scottish Wars Illustrissime ac Reverendissime Domine ACcepta suae Regiae Majestati simulac Reverentiae Tuae suisse offerta nostra lubentes ex animo percepimus Adesse vobis benignitat●m Numinis hoc unicum nobis Index est quo stimulus datu● ut tantò alacrius liberaliusque illa quibus vitae discrimen utriusque statusque Regni Angliae tum Scotiae eximiae Majestatis sede de●urbatio intendatur effundamus detegamus Ne autem ambagibus superfluis dilatetur Oratio nonnulla quae tantum ad rem necessaria praemittemus Sciant primò bonum istum virum per quem sequentia deteguntur in pulvere isto Pontificio esse natum educatum qui in dignitatibus Ecclesiasticis aetates consump●it Tandem praesentis Negotii expeditioni par invent●● Consilio mandato D●mini Card●nalis Barbarini ad auxilium Domino Cuneo adjunctus est penes quem in officio ita diligens ac sedulus inventus ut spes magnae promotionis ipsi data fuerit ipse vero boni Spiritus ductus instinctu ut ●t dulcia promissa contempsit agnitisque Religionis Pontificiae vanitatibus quarum alias defensor fuerat severissimus malitia etiam sub vexillo Papali militantium notata gravari Conscientiam suam senserat quod onus ut deponeret ad Orthodoxam Religionem animum convertit Mox ut Conscientiam ●uam exoneraret machinatum in tot innocentes Animas scelus revelandum censuit levamen se percepturum si in sinum amici talia effundat Quo facto ab eodem amico serio conmonitus verae conversionis Charitisque exemplar ostenderet libera●et ab imminenti discrimine innocentes tot Animas In cujus monita lubens consenserat calamoque sequentia excipiendum dederat ex quibus Articuli non ita pridem tuae Reverentiae oblati luculenter explicari demonstrari poterunt 1 Ante omnia ut Cardo rei recipiatur sci●ndum est omnes istas quibus tota Christianitas hodie concutitur factiones exoriri ab Jesuitica ista Chamea Sobole cujus quatuor per orb●m luxuriant ordines Primi Ordinis sunt Ecclesiastici quorum Religionis promotoria est c●rar● Secundi Ordi●is sunt Politici quorum officium est statum Regnorum Rerumque publicarum quo quomodo intentare turbare reformare Tertii Ordinis sunt S●●ulares quorum proprium est Regibus Principibusque ad officia sese obtrudere insinuare immiscere se rebus forensibus emptionibus venditionibusque quae civilia sunt occupari Quarti Ordinis Exploratores sunt sortis inferioris homines qui servitiis Magnatum Principum Baronum Nobilium Civium sese sub nittunt animis dominorum imposituri II. Tot ordinum societatem Regnum Anglicanum alit Vix enim tota Hispania Gallia Italia tantam multitudinem Jesuitarum quantam unicum Londinum exhibere posset Ubi plus ●uam 50 Scoti Jesuitae reperiuntur Ibi sedem iniquitatis dicta societas sibi elegit Conspiravitque in Regem Regique fidelissimos inprimis vero Dominum Archiepiscopum Cantuariensem etiam in regnum utrumque III. Certo certius enim est Determi●asse societatem nominatam reforma●ione universali Regnum Angliae tum Scotiae adficere Determinatio ergò finis in●ert necessario determinationem mediorum ad finem IIII. Ad promovendum ergo susceptum scelus Titulo Congregationis Fidei propagandae dicta societas sese insignivit quae Caput Collegii Pontificem Romanum substitutum executorem Cardi●alem Barbarinum agnoscit V. Patronus Societatis primarius Londi●i est Legatus Pontificius qui curam negotii gerit in cujus sinum saex illa proditorum omnia explorata hebdomadatim deponit Impetrata
to lest peradventure it might be said by the Spaniard that the Pope of ROME had patronized an hereticall Prince In the meane time Cuneus smelling from the Archbish. most trusty to the King that the Kings mind was wholy pen●ulous or doubtfull Resolved That he would move every stone and apply his forces that he might gaine him to his party Certainly confiding that he had a meanes prepared For he had a command to offer a Cardinalls Cap to the Lord Archbishop in the name of the Pope of ROME and that hee should allure him also with higher promises that hee might corrupt his sincere minde Yet a fitting occasion was never given whereby he might insinuate himselfe into the Lord Archbishop for the Scorpion sought an Egge Free accesse was to be impetrated by the Earl and Countesse of Arundel likewise by Secretary Windebanke The intercession of all which being neglected he did flie the company or familiarity of Cuneus worse then the plague He was likewise perswaded by others of no mean rank well known to him neither yet was he moved 7. Another also was assayed who hindred accesse to the detestable wickednesse Secretary Cook he was a most bitter hater of the Jesuites from whom he intercepted accesse to the King he entertained many of them according to their deserts he diligently inquired into their factions by which means every incitement breaththing a magneticall attractive power to the Popish party was ineffectuall with him for nothing was so dear unto him that might incline him to wickednesse Hereupon being made odi●us to the Patrons of the Conspiracy he was endangered to be discharged from his Office it was laboured for three yeers space and at last obtained Yet notwithstanding there remained on the Kings part a knot hard to be untied for the Lord Archbishop by his constancy interposed himselfe as a most hard rock When Cuneus had understood from the Lord Archbishops part that he had laboured in vain his malice and the whole Societies waxed boyling hot soon after ambushes began to be prepared wherwith the Lord Archbishop together with the King should be taken Likewise a sentence is passed against the King for whose sake all this businesse is disposed because nothing is hoped from him which might seem to promote the Popish religion but especially when he had opened his minde that he was of this opinion that every one might be saved in his own religion so as he be an honest and pious man 8. To perpetrate the Treason undertaken the criminall Execution at VVestminster caused by some writings of Puritans gave occasion of the first fire which thing was so much exasperated exaggerated by the Papists to the Puritans that if it remained unrevenged it would be thought a blemish to their Religion The flames of which fire the subsequent Book of Prayers increases 9. In this heat a certain Scotish Earl called Maxfield if I mistake not was expedited to the Scots by the Popish party with whom two other Scotish Earls Papists held correspondency he ought to stir up the people to Commotion and rub over the injury afresh that he might enflame their minds precipitate them to Arms by which the hurtfull disturber of the Scotish Liberty might be slain 10. There by one labour snares are prepared for the King for this purpose the present businesse was so ordered that very many of the English should adhere to the Scots That the King should remaine inferiour in Armes who therupon should be compelled to crave assistance from the Papists which yet he should not obtaine unlesse he would descend unto conditions by which he should permit Universall liberty of the exercise of the Popish Religion for so the affairs of the Papists would succeed according to their desire To which consent if he should shew himself more difficult there should be a present remedy at hand For the Kings Son growing now very fast to his youthfull age who is educated from his tender age that hee might accustome himselfe to the Popish party the King is to bee dispatched For an Indian Nut stuffed with most sharp poyson is kept in the Society which Cuneus at that time shewed often to me in a boasting manner wherein a poyson was prepared for the King after the example of his Father 11. In this Scottish Commotion the Marquesse of Hamelton often dispatched to the Scots in the Names of the King to interpose the royall Authority whereby the heat of minds might be mitigated returned notwithstanding as often without fruit and without ending the businesse His Chaplaine at that time repaired to us who communicated some things secretly with Cuneus Being demanded of me injest Whether also the Jewes agreed with the Samaritans Cuneus thereunto answered would to God all Ministers were such as he what you will may be hence conjectured 12. Things standing thus there arrived at London from Cardinall Richelieu Mr. Thomas Chamberlaine his Chaplain and Almoner a Scot by Nation who ought to assist the Colledge of the confederate Society and seriously to set forward the businesse to leave nothing unattempted whereby the first heat might be exasperated For which service he was promised the reward of a Bishopricke He cohabited with the Society foure moneths space neither was it lawfull for him first to depart untill things succeeding according to his wish he might be able to return back again with good newes 13. Sir Toby Matthew a Iesuited Priest of the order of politicians a most vigilant man of the chief heads to whom a bed was never so dear that he would rest his head theron refreshing his body with sleep in a chair for an houre or two neither day nor night spared his machinations a man principally noxious and himselfe the Plague of the King and Kingdom of England a most impudent man who flies to all banquets and feasts called or not called never quiet alwaies in action perpetuall motion thrusting himselfe into all conversations of Superiours he urgeth conferences familiarly that he may fish out the minds of men what ever he observeth thence which may bring any commodity or discommodity to the part of the conspirators he communicates to the Popes Legat the more secret things he himself writes to the Pope or to Cardinall Barbarino In sum he adjoines himself to any mans company no word can be spoken that he will not lay hold on and accommodate to his party In the mean time whatever he hath fished out he reduceth into a Catalogue and every summer carrieth it to the generall Consistory of the Jesuites politicks which secretly meets together in the Province of Wales where he is an acceptable guest There Councells are secretly hammered which are most meet for the convulsion of the Ecclesiastick and politick estate of both Kingdoms 14. Capiaine Read a Scot dwelling in Longacre-streete ne●r the Angell Taverne a secular Jesuite who
for his detestable office performed wherby he had perverted a certain Minister of the Church with secret incitements to the Popish religion with all his family taking his Daughter to Wife for a recompence obtained a rent or impost upon butter which the Country people are bound to render to him procured for him from the King by some chief men of the Society who never want a spur wherby he may be constantly detained in his Office In his house the businesse of the whole Plot is concluded where the Society which hath conspired against the King the Lord Archbishop both Kingdoms meet together for the most part every day but on the day of the Carrier● or Posts dispatch which is ordinarily Friday they meet in greater numbers for then all the Intelligencers assemble and confer in common what things every of them hath fished out that Week who that they may be without suspi●ion send their secrets by Toby Matthew or Read himselfe to the Popes Legat he transmits the compacted pacquet which he hath purchased from the Intelligencers to Rome With the same Read the Letters brought from Rome are deposited under faired Titles and Names who by him are delivered to al to whom they appertain For all and every of their Names are known to him Vpon the very same occasion Letters also are brought hither under the covert of Father Philip he notwithstanding being ignorant of things from whom they are distributed to the Conspirators There is in that very ●use a publik Chappell wherin an ordinary Jesuite con●ecrates and dwels there In the said Chappell Masses are daily celebrated by the Jesuites and it serves for the baptizing of the Children of the House and of some of the Conspirators Those who assemble in the forenamed house come frequently in Coaches or on Horse back in Lay-mens habit and with a great Train wherwith they are diguised that they may not be known yet they are Jesuites and conjured members of the Society All the Papists of ENGLAND contribute to this Assembly lest any thing should be wanting to promote the undertaken Designe Vpon whose treasury one Widdow owner of the Houses wherein Secretary Windebanke now dwelleth dead above three Yeares since bestowed fourty thousand English pounds so likewise others contribute above their abilities so as the businesse may be promoted unto its desired end 16. Besides the foresaid Houses there are Conventicles also kept in other more secret places of which verily they confide not even among themselves for fear lest they should be discovered First every of them are called to certain Innes one not knowing of the other hence they are severally led by Spies to the place where they ought to meet otherwise ignorant where they ought to assemble lest peradventure they should be surprised at unawares 17. The Countesse of Arundel a strenuous She-Champion of the Popish Religion bends all her Nerves to the Vniversall Reformation whatsoever she hears at the Kings Court that is done secretly or openly in words or deeds she presently imparts to the Popes Legat with whom she meets thrice a day sometimes in Arundel ● House now at the Court or at Tarthal He scarce sucks such things by the Claw The Earl himselfe called now about three years since this year ought to go to Rome without doubt to consult there of serious things concerning the Designe with gifts and speeches the Iesuites watch diligently to their Masses At Greenwich at the Earles costs a feminine School is maintained which otherwise is a Monastery of Nunnes for the young Girls therein are sent forth hither and thither into forraine Mon●steries beyond the Seas Master Porter of the Kings Bed-chamber most addicted to the Popish religion is a bitter enemy of the King he reveales all his greatest secrets to the Popes Legat although he very rarely meets with him yes his wife meets him so much the oftner who being informed by her husband conveyes secrets to the Lega● In all his actions he is nothing inferiour to Toby Matthew it cannot be uttered how diligently he watcheth on the businesse His sonnes are secretly instructed in the Popish Religion openly they professe the Reformed The eldest is now to receive his Fathers Office under the King which shall be A Cardinals hat is provided for the other if the Designe shall succeed well Above three yeares past the said Master Porter was to be sent away by the King to Maroco but he was prohibited by the Society lest the businesse should suffer delay thereby He is a Patron of the Iesuites for whom for the exercise of Religion he provides Chappels both at home and abroad Secretary Windebanke a most fierce Papist is the most unfaithfull to the King of all men who not onely betraies and reveales even the Kings greatest secrets but likewise communicates Counsels by which the designe may be best advanced He at least thrice every week converseth with the Legat in Nocturnal conventicles and reveales those things which he thinkes fit to be knowne for which end he hired a house neare to the Legates house whom he often resorts to through the Garden doore for by this vicinity the meeting is facilitated The said Secretary is bribed with gifts to the party of that coniured Society by whom he is sustained that he may the more seriously execute his Office He sent his Sonne expresly to Rome who ought to insinuate himselfe into the Roman Pontif. Sir Digby Sir Winter Master Mountague the younger who hath been at Rome my Lord Sterling a Cosen of the Earle of Arundels a Knight the Countesse of Newport the Dutchesse of Buckingham and many others who have sworne into this conspiracy are all most vigilant in the designe Some of those are inticed with the hope of Court others of Politicall Offices Others attend to the sixteene Cardinals Caps that are vacant which are therefore detained idle for some yeares that they may impose a vaine hope on th●se who expect them The President of the aforesaid Society was my Lord Gage a Iesuite Priest dead above three yeares since He had a Palace adorned with lascivious pictures which counterfeited prophanenesse in the house but with them was palliated a Monastery wherin forty Nunnes were maintained hid in so great a Palace It is situated in Queenes-street which the statue of a Golden Queene adornes The secular Iesuites have bought all this street and have reduced it into a guadrangle where a Iesuiticall Colledge is tacitly built with this hope that it might be openly finished as soone as the universall reformation was begunne The Popes Legat useth a threefold Character or Cipher One wherewith he communicates with all Nuncioes Another with Cardinall Barbaraino onely A third wherewith he covers some greater secrets to bee communicated What soever things he either receiveth from the Society or other spies those he packes up together in one bundle dedicated under