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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A86192 The declaration of Mr. Alexander Henderson, principall minister of the word of God at Edenbrough, and chiefe commissioner from the Kirk of Scotland to the Parliament and Synod of England: made upon his death-bed. Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646. 1648 (1648) Wing H1431; Thomason E443_1; ESTC R204706 7,437 16

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5. sess. 7 Junij 1640 that branded us maliciously with an intention to shake off civill and dutifull obedience due to Soveraignty verbatim ex Registro and to diminish the Kings greatnesse and authority and for clearing of our loyalty Wee in our names and in the name of all the rest of the Subjects and congregations whom wee represent did in all humility represent to his grace and the Lords of his Majesties most honourable privie Councell and declared before God and the World that wee never had nor have any thought of withdrawing our selves from that humble and dutifull obedience to his Majestie and his government which by the descent and under the Raigne of 107 Kings is most cheerfully acknowledged by us and our predecessors and we never had nor have any intention or desire to attempt any thing that may tend to the dishonour of God or diminution of the Kings greatnesse and authority but on the contrary acknowledging with all humble thankfullnesse the many recent favours bestowed upon us by his Majesty and that our quietnesse stability and happinesse depends upon the safety of the Kings Majesties Person and maintenance of his greatnesse and Royall authority who is Gods Vicegerent set over vs for the maintenance of Religion and administration of Justice wee did solemnly sweare not only our mutuall concurrence and assistance for the cause of Religion and to the uttermost of our power with our meanes and lives to stand to the defence of our dread Soveraigne his person and authority in the preservation and defence of the true Religion Lawes and Liberties of this Kirke and Kingdom but also in every cause which may concerne his Majesties honour to concurre with our friends and followers in quiet manner or in armes as wee should bee required of his Majestie his Councell or any having his authority according to the Lawes of this Kingdome and the duty of good Subjects And though some malignant Spirits wrest maliciously Some words of our Covenant Act. 3. contrary to the true meaning thereof as if wee intended thereby to restrayne our allegiance contrary to the Apostles precept and nature of our duty and make Religion a back-dore for Rebellion to enter in at if there bee any of the simpler zealous sort that conceive the Sense to be such or if there bee any others that would make use of it for their politique ends wee disclaime them and I declare before God and the world that it was farre from the intention of those that contrived it to wrong the King and his posteritie as the plaine words of that Article in the close doe clearly beare and the foresaid supplication doth manifestly declare their intent being only to have setled a conformity in Kirke government throughout all his Majesties dominions which they conceived would have strengthened his Majesties authority and made him and his posterity more glorious but since wee finde many invincible difficulties and intollerable inconveniences arise chiefely from those who invited us to enter therein for their assistance in the accomplishment thereof in that Kirke and so clearly that they intend to delude us with vaine glosses and distinctions to the destruction of true Protestant Religion and Monarchicall government and perceive to our great griefe that wee have beene abused with most false aspersions against his Majestie the most Religious Prudent and best of Kings I doe further declare before God and the World that they are guilty of the breach of the Sacred Covenant and that wee have discharged our duty thereof which is only promissory conditionall as all oathes de futuro are by endeavouring to effectuate it quantum in nobis erat and that wee are absolved in foro Poli Soli of any oath or vow conteined therein in so farre as concernes the setling of Religion in the Kirke of England and Ireland and that wee are only bound thereby to preserve the Reformation of Religion in our own Kirke and Kingdome confirmed by his sacred Majesty in Parliament and to restore our native King to his Just Rights Royall Throne and Dignity in as full and ample a manner as ever any of his Royall predecessors injoyed them and that the mouthes of all Malignants may bee stopped that it may not bee said Presbytery fetters Monarchy as Independency destroyes it who cast up to us the holy league and covenant of France as a pattern on the mont of ours Therefore I exhort and conjure you again and again in the bowells of our Lord Christ and words of a dying man especially my brethren of the Ministry as you expect a blessing from God upon this distressed distracted Kirke and Kingdome upon you and your posterity as you desire to remove Gods heavie Judgements from this miserable Land the Sword and Pestilence and what else may follow which I tremble to thinke of to stand fast and firme to this poynt of your Covenant which you were bound to before by the Law of God and of this Land and never suffer your selves by all the gilded allurement of this world which will prove bitter and deceitfull at last to relinquish it Stand fast to your Native King most gracious to this Land farre beyond all his predecessors none owes greater obligation to him then the Ministry and Gentry let not an indelible charracter of Ingratitude lye upon us that may turne to our ruine The Protestants of France when they were happy in the free profession of their Religion suffred themselves to bee abused and misled by some great ones unto a Rebellion against Lewis 13 their Naturall King which cost many of them their Lives and Estates and the losse of all their hostage Townes and might have endangred their libertie of conscience if the King had not beene very gracious to them the Templers pride and ambition rendred them formidable to all Christian Kings and made them to bee cut off in the twinkling of an eye The Jesuites are running hedlong to that same height and our Bishops not contenting themselves with moderation were made instruments of their own destruction as some of our brethren before by their Indiscretion inforced King James to set them up wherefore I beseech you my brethren of the Ministrie to carry your selves mildly toward all men Tit. 3. and obediently towards the King and his subordinate Officers Rom. 13. Preach salvation to your stocks 1. Pet. 2. and meddle not with them that are seditious keepe your selves within the bounds of our blessed Saviours Prov. 24. Commission and doe not as the Bishops did intrench upon the civill Magistrates authority that yee may live in Peace and Godlinesse together as becometh the messengers of the Lord Christ non eripit terrestria qui Regna dat coelistia God of his mercy grant you all the Spirit of Love and Union that you may Joyne as one man to Redeeme the honour of this ancient Nation which lyes a bleeding in Forraigne parts where it was once so famous for its valour and fidelitie even to forraign Kings to redeeme it I say even with your Lives and Fortunes according to your Solemne Covenant and the duty of your allegiance to your Native King consider I beseech you your own interests besides honour and conscience and never rest untill you have restored him fully to his Royall Throne and Dignity let us his Native Subjects bee his best shield and buckler under God to defend him from all enemies and to transmit his Scepter to his posterity so long as the Sunne and Moone endureth and let our forces bee imployed for the Restitution of the most Religious and Vertuous Queene of Bohemiae and her distressed Children to their just Inheritance and for the pulling down of the Antichrist and enlarging of our Lord Christs Kingdome throughout all the World C. Tacitus In tanta Republicae necessitudine suspecto Senatus populique Imperio ob certamina potentium avaritiam Magistratuum invalido legum auxilio quae vi ambitu postremo pecunia turbabantur omnem potestatem ad unum reddire Pac is interfuit non aliud discordanis Patriae remedium quam ut ab uno regeretur FINIS
Tertull. ad Scapul Colimus Imperatorem sic quomodo nobis licet ipsi expedit ut hominem a Deo secundum quicquid est a Deo consequtum solo Deo minorem hoc ipse volet Sic enim omnibus major est dum solo Deo minor est Idem Apologet. Circa Majestatem Imperatoris Infamamur Nunquam tamen Albiniani vel Nigriani vel Cassiani inveniri potuerunt Christiani Lactant. Lib. 5. Instit. ca. 8. Ideo mala omnia rebus humanis quotidie ingravescunt quia Deus hujus mundi Effector Gubernator derelictus est quia susceptae sunt multae Impiae Religiones quia nec coli quidem vela paucis Deo sinitur Malach. 3. Returne unto me and I will returne unto you saith the Lord of Hosts but you said wherein shall wee returne will a man robbe his Gods yet have yee robbed mee but yee say wherein have wee robbed thee In Tithes and offrings yee are cursed with a curse because ye robbed mee even this whole Nation THE DECLARATION OF Mr. ALEXANDER HENDERSON Principall Minister of the word of God at Edenbrough and chiefe Commissioner from the Kirk of Scotland to the Parliament and Synod of England Made upon his Death-bed HOSEA 10. For now they say we have no King because we feared not the Lord What should a King doe to us PSAL. 63. The King shall rejoyce in God and all that sweare by him shall rejoyce in him And the mouth of them that speake Lies shall be stopped PRINTED An. Dom. 1648. The Declaration of Master ALEXANDER HENDERSON VVHEREAS the greatest part of the distempered People of these miserable distracted Kingdoms have beene and are wofully abused and misled with malicious misinformations against his sacred Majesty especially in point of Religion and morall-Wisdome whereof I confes with great griefe of heart my selfe to have been amongst many moe of my coate none of the least who out of Imaginary feares and Jealousies were made reall Instruments to advance this un-naturall Warre wherein so much Innocent Protestant blood hath beene shed and so much downright Robbery committed without f●ate or shame of sinne to the scandall of the true Reformed Religion as cannot but draw downe heavy Judgements from Heaven upon these infatuated Nations and more particularly upon us who should have instructed them in the way of Truth Peace and Obedience I conceived it the duty of a good Christian especially one of my profession and in the condition that I lie expecting God Almighty ' s-call not only to acknowledge to the All-mercifull God with a humble sincere remorse of Conscience the greatnesse of this offence which being done in simplicity of Spirit I hope with the Apostle Paul to obteine Mercy because I did it through Ignorance But also for the better satisfaction of all others to publish this Declaration to the view of the World to the intent that all those especially of the Ministery who have beene deluded with mee may by God's Grace and my example though a weake and meane Instrument not only bee undeceived themselves but also stirred up to undeceive others with more alacritie and facilitie that the scandall may bee removed from our Religion and Profession and the good King restored to his just Rights and truly honoured and obeyed as God's-Annoynted and Vice-gerent upon earth and the poore distressed Subjects freed from those intollerable Burdens and Oppressions which they lye groaning under piercing Heaven with their teares and cries and a solid Peace setled both in Kirke and Commonwealth throughout all his Majesties Dominions to the glory of God and of our blessed Mediator and Saviour the Lord Christ I doe therefore Declare before God and the World that since I had the honour and happinesse to converse and conferre with his Majesty with all sort of freedome especially in matters of Religion whither in relation to the Kirke or State which like Hypocrates Twins are lynked together that I found him the most intelligent man that ever I spoke with as fair beyond my expression as expectation grounded upon the Information that was given mee before I knew him by such as I thought should have known him I professe that I was oft-times astonish'd with the solidity and quicknesse of his Reasons and Replies wondred how hee spending his time so much in sports and recreations could have attained to so great knowledge and must confesse ingenuously that I was convinced in Conscience and knew not how to give him any reasonable satisfaction yet the sweetnesse of his disposition is such that whatsoever I said was well taken I must say that I never met with any Disputant let be a King and in matters of so high concernment of that milde and calme temper which convinced mee the more and made mee thinke that such Wisdom and Moderation could not bee without an extraordinary measure of divine grace I had heard much of his carriage towards the Priests in Spaine and that King James told the Duke of Buckingham upon his going thither that he durst venture his Sonne Charles with all the Jesuites in the World hee knew him to bee so well grounded in the Protestant Religion but could never beleeve it before I observed all his actions more particularly those of devotion which I must truly say are more then ordinary I informed my selfe of others who had served him from his Infancy and they all assured me that there was nothing new or much inlarged in regard of his troubles either in his private or publique way of exercise twice a day constantly morning and evening for an houres space in private twice a day before dinner and supper in publique besides preachings upon Sundayes Tuesdayes and other extraordinary times and no businesse though never so weighty and urgent can make him forget or neglect this his tribute and duty to Almighty God O that those who sit now at the helm of these weather beaten Kingdomes had but one halfe of his true piety and wisdome I dare say that the poore oppressed Subject should not bee plunged into so deepe Gulfes of impiety and miserie without compassion or pittie I dare say if his advice h●d beene followed all the bloud that is shed and all the repain that is committed should have beene prevented If I should speake of his Justice magnanimity charity sobriety chastity patience humility and of all his both Christian and Morall vertues I should runne my selfe into a panegyricke and seeme to flatter him to such as doe not know him if the present condition that I lye in did not exeem me from any such suspition of worldly ends when I expect every houre to bee called from all transitory vanities to eternall felicitie and the discharging of my conscience before God and men did not oblige me to declare the truth simply and nakedly in satisfaction of that which I have done ignorantly though not altogether innocently If I should relate what I have received from good hands and partly