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A82570 The copies of all letters, papers and other transactions between the Commissioners of the Parliament of England, and the Parliament and Committee of Estates of the kingdom of Scotland, from February 10. 1647. until July 8. 1648. Whereby it may appear, what the endeavors of the kingdom of England have been to keep a good understanding, and to preserve the union between the nations: and how the seizing of Barwick and Carlisle by Papists and other notorious delinquents (against whom both kingdoms lately joyned in war as enemies to the happiness and peace of both) was countenanced (if not procured) by the Scotish nation, contrary to several treaties and agreements between the kingdoms of England & Scotland. England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.; Scotland. Parliament.; Scotland. Parliament. Committee of Estates. 1648 (1648) Wing E1284D; Thomason E459_21; ESTC R205096 35,678 61

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That the said Captain Wogan and his Troop Sir Philip Musgrave Sir Thomas Glemham and Colonel George Wray the said Sir Marmaduke Langdale and Sir Lewis Dives may by your Lordships power and authority be Apprehended and Delivered to us which if your Lordships shall not think fit to do but that they shall have freedom and shelter in this kingdom The kingdom of England and our selves are free from all the evils and ill consequences that upon their contrivances and practises may arise or happen to either or both kingdoms By command of the Commissioners of the Parliament of England JOHN SQUIB A Paper delivered in to the Parliament of Scotland May 2. concerning the seizing of Barwick Edenburgh May 2. 1648. ALthough we had Information long since That some Delinquents had a Design to seize the Town of Barwick upon Tweed wherefore we gave your Lordships notice by our Letter of the 14 of March last at which time we had the like Information concerning the City of Carlisle yet the kingdom of England and our selves were careful in all things to preserve the Treaties betwixt both kingdoms and to avoid every thing that might have the least colour of a Breach or administer occasions of Jealousies betwixt them yet observing the great flocking together of English Delinquents in this City We could not but apprehend That they had some desperate Design against the Parliament and kingdom of England And now after we have long expected your Lordships Resolutions upon our several Demands of some principal men amongst those Delinquents We are informed That some of them with divers other English Delinquents that went from this City of Edenburgh and forded the River Tweed did upon Friday last the 28 of April the same day return back over the Bridge and in an Hostile way seized upon the said Town of Barwick and keeps it by force contrary to several Treaties betwixt both kingdoms which being so We do by vertue of the large Treaty Declare to your Lordships That all those who have seized and taken the said Town of Barwick or do now hold and keep the same in a Hostile way as a Garison To be Enemies and Traytors to the Parliament and kingdom of England and in Arms against them And likewise all English men who shall any ways be ayding assisting or abetting to them or shall furnish them with any Moneys Horses Arms Ammunition Corn or other Victual or provisions whatsoever and to be punished accordingly And do in the Name of Both Houses of the Parliament of England demand That your Lordships in order to the repressing of them do Declare them Enemies to this kingdom And likewise all those of the Scotish Nation who shall ayd them with Money Horse Arms Ammunition Corn or any other Victuals or provisions whatsoever And to the end that they may not be stored with provisions out of this kingdom We desire That publication of such Declaration as your Lordships shall make in this case may be made forthwith not onely in Edenburgh but in all parts of this kingdom near the said Town of Barwick upon Tweed And because we hear that Carlisle is seized in like maner We desire your Lordships Orders and Declarations may extend to both All which considering the many ways whereby these kingdoms are engaged to one another and your Lordships late Declarations of your Resolutions to preserve the happy Union betwixt them we cannot doubt but that your Lordships will do effectually and with speed By command of the Commissioners of the Parliament of England JOHN SQUIB A Letter from the Parliament of Scotland to the Parliament of England Right Honorable THe Parliament of Scotland now assembled being resolved by all fair and just means to endeavor the preserving and entertaining the Brotherly Union and good correspondency betwixt the kingdoms to which by so many bonds and tyes they are mutually obliged Yet being very sensible that the many just and necessary Desires given in by their Commissioners by order from this kingdom for the good of Religion of His Majesty and for the Interests of Scotland have not received a satisfactory Answer and considering the many great and imminent dangers threatning Religion His Majesties Person and Authority yea Monarchical Government it self and the Peace and Union of these two kingdoms of Scotland and England by the power and prevalency of Sectaries and their Adherents Have thought fit to make these just and necessary Demands to the Honorable Houses of the Parliament of England to which the Parliament desires a clear and satisfactory Answer not having the least thought or intention to encroach upon the National Rights of the kingdom of England nor to intrench upon the Priviledges of Parliament But their Zeal to the Glory of God their Loyalty to their King and their desire of Unity betwixt the kingdoms hath moved them to make these inclosed Demands whereby Religion may be setled according to the Covenant His Majesty may enjoy His Freedom and Just Rights And so by setling a Religious and safe Peace the present Confusions and Distempers may be removed and all occasions of Mistakes and Differences betwixt the two kingdoms prevented This is all I have in command from the Parliament In whose Name this is subscribed by Edenburgh 26 April 1648. Your Lordships affectionate Friend and humble Servant Loudoun Canc ' President of the Parliament Desires of the Parliament of Scotland to the Honorable Houses of the Parliament of England FIrst It is desired That an effectual course be taken by the Houses for enjoyning the Covenant to be taken by all the Subjects of the Crown of England conform to the first Article of the Treaty and conform to the Declaration of both kingdoms in Anno 1643. By which all who would not take the Covenant were declared to be publique Enemies to Religion and the Countrey and that they are to be censured and punished as professed adversaries and Malignants and that Reformation and Uniformity in Religion be setled according to the Covenant That as the Houses of Parliament have agreed to the Directory of Worship so they would take a real course for practising therof by all the Subjects of England and Ireland That the Confession of Faith transmited by the Assembly of Divines to the Houses be approved And that Presbyterian Government with a subordination of the lower Assemblies to the higher be setled and fully established in England and Ireland And that effectual course be taken for suppressing and extirpating all Heresies and Schisms particularly Socinianism Arminianism Arrianism Anabaptism Antinomianism Erastianism Familism Brownism and Independency And for perfecting of what is yet further to be done for extirpating of Popery and Prelacy and suppressing the practice of the Service-Book commonly called The Book of English Common-Prayer Secondly That conform to the former desires of this Kingdom the Kings Majesty may come with Honor Freedom and Safety to some of His Houses in or near London That the Parliaments of both kingdoms may make their
wherein they offer to joyn with your Lordships do contain full security for Religion For the Kings Majesty For the Covenant For the Treaties And all other things which in the Judgements of Both Parliaments was necessary for the setling of a safe and well-grounded Peace in both Kingdoms and preservation of the Union Therefore we hope your Lordships will judge that it really answers your Lordships Desires However We shall with all possible speed send your Lordships Answer to the Parliament of England As to the other part of your Lordships Answer to our Paper wherein we by the command of Both Houses have engaged the Faith of the kingdom of England that their Forces shall do no prejudice nor disturb the Peace or quiet of the kingdom of Scotland we might justly have expected an answerable Engagement from your Lordships for the Armies and Forces of this kingdom that they should do no prejudice or disturb the Peace and quiet of the kingdom of England but it appears far otherwise to our present apprehension for although your Lordships do express that you will not interrupt the Union betwixt the kingdoms nor violate any of the Articles of the Solemn League and Covenant wherein we most willingly and heartily joyn with your Lordships yet your Lordships having said in the beginning of your Lordships Paper That you could return no Answer to ours of the first of June until just satisfaction were given to your necessary Desires of the 26 of April which your Lordships sent to the Parliament of England and there being no mention by your Lordships of Desires to any other kingdom or person whatsoever and your Lordships affirming that you raise new Forces for your own securities and for obtaining your Pious and Loyal Desires which should they relate to your Lordships Desires before expressed sent to the Parliament of England then the words might seem to imply that you raised your Forces against them wherein because your Lordships expression is something doubtful and may raise Jealousies betwixt the Kingdoms however we know your Lordships cannot intend any such thing being in so strict a Union with them and it being agreed by the large Treaty confirmed by Act of Parliament in both kingdoms that neither shall denounce War but three moneths warning is first to be given yet for the avoiding of all mistakes and misapprehensions that may arise we likewise Desire that your Lordships would make a more full and clear Declaration in that point which may give the Parliament and Kingdom of England assurance that the Forces and Kingdom of Scotland shall do nothing to the prejudice or to the disturbance of the Peace and quiet of the kingdom of England and that your Lordships would give us an Answer to our Paper of the sixth of this present June concerning your Lordships Declaring against those in Barwick and Carlisle and their adherents in this kingdom whereunto your Lordships are not pleased to say any thing in the Answer we have now received By command of the Commissioners of the Parliament of England EDVVARD FOX A copy of the Paper sent to the Committee of Estates 17 Junii 1648. concerning their declaring against those in Barwick and Carlisle and that the Scotish Forces shall not be employed to the prejudice of England Edenburgh 17 Junii 1648. VVE the Commissioners of the Parliament of England have long waited for a satisfactory Answer to our many Papers given to your Lordships and the Honorable the Parliament of Scotland concerning our Demand That your Lordships would declare against those Delinquents Papists Enemies to the kingdom and Parliament of England who contrary to the Treaties betwixt both kingdoms have seized and do hold the Towns of Barwick and Carlisle and those of this kingdom who assist them or adhere to them We have from time to time made known to your Lordships what credible informations we have received of several stores of Arms Ammunition and Provisions that have gone to them out of this kingdom which we might justly expect your Lordships would not have suffered considering the strict Union that is betwixt England and Scotland although there had been no particular agreements concerning the aforesaid Towns But seeing the Commanders in those Towns have still free recourse to this City and they are not onely supplyed but much incouraged by the delay of your Lordships Resolutions which being so much to the prejudice of the Kingdom of England and the business of so great importance to the Peace of both kingdoms We should much fail in the discharge of our Duties if we cease not earnestly to press your Lordships which hereby we do for your Answer to our several Papers concerning Barwick and Carlisle We do likewise further Desire That as we by the command of Both Houses of the Parliament of of England have engaged the Faith of that kingdom That their Armies and Forces shall not do any thing to the prejudice of the kingdom of Scotland or disturb the peace and quiet thereof so your Lordships would make the like Ingagement That the Armies and Forces of this kingdom shall not do any thing to the prejudice or disturbance of the peace and quiet of the kingdom of England which if your Lordships shal deny or delay considering how ambiguous your Lordships expressions were upon this business in the Paper of the Parliament of Scotland of the 7 of June instant it must needs increase the fears and jealousies of all honest men in both kingdoms who wish and hold themselves obliged to endeavor the continuing and preserving the happy Union betwixt them By command of the Commissioners of the Parliament of England EDVVARD FOX A copy of the Paper sent to the Committee of Estates 22 Junii 1648. With the Three Propositions to be sent to the King BOth Houses of the Paliament of England have commanded us to communicate to your Lordships their Resolutions inclosed concerning the Propositions to be sent to His Majesty and we have further in charge to desire your Lordships to prepare such Propositions as you shall judge fit and necessary for the Kingdom of Scotland that they may be sent to His Majesty with all convenient speed We hope your Lordships will take this and our former Papers to which we have yet received no Answer into your speedy consideration we being confident your Lordships will finde the offers and proceedings of the Parliament of England so reasonable and so just according to former Agreements betwixt both kingdoms and the Grounds whereupon both Kingdoms were engaged in this Cause that we shall speedily be inabled by your Lordships Answer to give such an account to Both Houses as may be a ground of further mutual confidence betwixt both kingdoms and may disappoint the hopes and expectations of the Papists and Malignants who endeavor to break that Conjunction wherein both kingdoms by the blessing of God are so hapily United and all of us have entred into a Solemn Covenant to God and one to another to
The Copies of all LETTERS PAPERS And other TRANSACTIONS Between the Commissioners of the Parliament of England And the Parliament and Committee of Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland From February 10. 1647. until July 8. 1648. Whereby it may appear What the Endeavors of the Kingdom of England have been to keep a good Understanding and to preserve The Union between the Nations AND How the SEIZING of Barwick and Carlisle by Papists and other notorious Delinquents against whom both Kingdoms lately joyned in War as Enemies to the Happiness and Peace of both was countenanced if not procured by the Scotish Nation contrary to several Treaties and Agreements between the Kingdoms of England Scotland LONDON Printed for Edward Husband Printer to the Honorable House of Commons August 14. 1648. The Copy of a Letter from the Commissioners of the Parliament of England to the Right Honorable The Earl of Londoun Lord High Chancellor of Scotland SIR WE are sent from both Houses of the Parliament of England Commissioners unto the Committee of Estates Convention of Estates and Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland And hearing that the Committee of Estates do meet this day we do intreat your Lordship to move them on our behalf That they would be pleased to appoint in what way we may impart to them what we have in command from both Houses with as much speed as may stand with their conveniency wherein you will do a special favor unto My Lord Edenburgh 10 Febr. 1647. Your Lordships most humble Servants William Ashhurst John Birch The Lord Chancellors Answer to the Commissioners Letter Right Honorable I Did communicate your Letter yesterday to the Committee of Estates who have commanded me to make known to you That they will take your Desire into consideration and return an Answer speedily And I shall be ready upon all occasions to testifie that I am Holyrood house 11 Feb. 1648. Your most humble Servant Loudoun Canc. The copy of a Letter from the Commissioners to the Lord Chancellor SIR VVE do acknowledge your Lordships favor in presenting the Desires in our former Letter unto the Right Honorable The Committee of Estates And now after we have resided here so many days we judge it our duty both to let their Lordships know in general wherefore we are sent to them and to inable our selves to give some account to Both Houses of the Parliament of England what we do in pursuance of their Commands Therefore we do further humbly intreat your Lordship To communicate this inclosed Paper to the Right Honorable Committee of Estates whose Resolutions we shall attend concerning the way of our further Proceedings and ever remain Edenburgh 15 Feb. 1647. My Lord Your Lordships most humble Servants William Ashhurst John Birch A copy of the first Paper sent by the Commissioners of England to the Committee of Estates of Scotland concerning the Vnion betwixt the Kingdoms VVE the Commissioners of both Houses of the Parliament of England have in charge from them to Declare unto the Committee of Estates Convention of Estates and Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland That it is their unfeigned Desire and shall be their constant Endeavors to maintain and preserve a good Correspondence a right Understanding and a perpetual Brotherly Agreement between the Parliament and Kingdom of England and the Parliament and Kingdom of Scotland And that they do sincerely intend to do all things which with Honor and Justice lies in their Power to give Satisfaction unto their Brethren of Scotland To which end they have sent us that all contrary Impressions or Apprehensions that possibly might arise may be removed and their unfeigned Desire manifested to continue the happy Conjunction betwixt these two Kingdoms in the Common Cause and against the Common Enemy wherein they have been so long through the Blessing of God United it being that whereunto we are deeply obliged by so many mutual Engagements and wherein the glory of God the Interest of all that profess the true Reformed Religion and the Tranquility and Peace of both these Kingdoms are so much concerned Upon which considerations we cannot doubt but that the like Affection and Desire will be manifested by the Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland your Lordships and all others in Power and Trust under them Edenburgh 15 Febr. 1647. By Command of the Commissioners of the Parliament of England JOHN SQUIB A copy of the Lord Chancellors Letter to the Right Honorable the Earl of Notingham and the other Commissioners My Lord and Gentlemen I Received your Letter of the 15. with the inclosed Paper which I communicated to the Committee of Estates who have appointed me to desire that you would be pleased to make known the Commission or Powers you have from the two Houses of the Parliament of England after which they will take your Desires speedily into consideration This being all I have in command at this time I rest 21 February 1648. My Lord and Gentlemen Your most humble Servant LOUDOUN Canc ' A Letter of Credence from the Parliament of England to the Parliament of Scotland for the Commissioners hereafter named Right Honorable VVE are commanded by both Houses of Parliament to signifie unto you That they have nominated and appointed Charls Earl of Notingham Henry Earl of Stanford and Bryan Stapilton Robert Goodwyn William Ashhurst and Colonel John Birch Esquires Committees and Commissioners of Both Houses of the Parliament of England to the Parliament of Scotland and therefore in the name of the two Houses of Parliament we are to desire the Parliament of Scotland to give unto them or any two of them full credit in those things which shall be propounded by them from and on the behalf of Both Houses of Parliament Westminster 31. Jan. 1647. Your Lordships very affectionate Friends and Servants E. Manchester Speaker of the House of Peers pro tempore William Lenthal Speaker of the House of Commons A Letter from the Commissioners to the Lord Chancellor of Scotland My Lord THe Last night we received in a Letter from your Lordship that which upon Saturday the 19. of this moneth your Lordship was pleased to deliver to us by word of mouth from the Committee of Estates in Answer whereunto we did then shew unto your Lordship our Letters of Credence unto the Parliament of Scotland whereof because we have a Duplicate we have for better satisfaction sent you inclosed one of the Originals which we doubt not will give satisfaction unto the Right Honorable Committee of Estates to whom both Houses of the Parliament of England are so desirous to shew all respect that we are confident they would have sent to them also a particular Letter of Credence if it could have been judged necessary or usual Besides we did then shew unto your Lordship that both Houses of the Parliament of England did upon the 29. of January last pass Instructions which having the force of an Ordinance of Parliament are both a Commission and Instructions
Applications to Him for obtaining His Royal Assent to such Desires as shall be by them presented to Him for establishing of Religion as is above exprest and setling a well grounded Peace Thirdly That all the Members of both Houses who have been faithful in this cause may freely and safely return and attend their charges The City of London may enjoy its Liberty and Priviledges which it had before the late encroachment of the Army The Parliament may sit and voyce with Freedom and Safety Both kingdoms without interruption or disturbance may make their Applications to His Majesty And the settling of Religion and Peace may not longer be hindred and obstructed It is desired That the present Army of Sectaries under the command of Thomas Lord Fairfax of Camerone be disbanded and none employed but such as have or shall take the Covenant and are well-affected to Religion and Government excepting from the said disbanding the Garisons necessary to be kept up by the Parliament of England for security of that kingdom which are desired to be commanded by such as have or shall take the Covenant and are well-affected to Religion and Government as aforesaid Endenburgh the 26 day of April in Anno 1648. Loudoun Canc ' President of the Parliament A Letter from the Lord Chancellor the 10 of May 1648. My Lords and Gentlemen THe inclosed contains the Parliaments Answer to your former Papers and as to that Paper which you sent me yesterday the Answer will be returned either this night or to morrow This is all I have in command and so I rest Your affectionate Friend and humble Servant Loudoun Canc ' President of the Parliament A copy of the Answer of the Parliament of Scotland 2 May to the Commissioners Papers of the 19 and 29 of April 1648. concerning the persons demanded by the Commissioners Edenburgh 2 of May 1648. THe Estates of Parliament have considered the two Papers bearing date the 19. and 29. of April presented to them from the Commissioners of both Houses of the Parliament of England to which they return this Answer That the persons remanded not being as they are informed in this Kingdom they think it not necessary to insist upon giving the Reasons of their former Answer but if the Commissioners of both Houses shall think it fitting they will appoint a Committee to confer with them anent those Articles of the Large Treaty mentioned in your papers and how far either kingdom stands ingaged thereby wherein they are confident to give all just satisfaction Extract out of the Books of Parliament by me Sir Alexander Gibson of Dury Knight and Clerk of His Majesties Registers Councel and Rolls and under my Sign and Subscription Manual Alex. Gibson Cler. Regist Memor received this the 10. of May 1648. in a Letter from the Lord Chancellor of the said 10. of May. A Paper delivered by the Commissioners in to the Parliament of Scotland the 9. of May 1648. pressing them to declare against those that had seized Barwick and Carlisle and to prevent their supplies of Arms Ammunition and Provisions out of Scotland Edenburgh May 9. 1648. BY our Paper of the second of this Moneth we did Declare That those who had seized the Town of Barwick upon Tweed and kept it as a Garison were Enemies and Traytors to the Parliament and kingdom of England and all others of the English Nation who were any ways ayding or assisting to them and the like for the City of Carlisle And forasmuch as what they have done herein was against the Large Treaty and Act of Pacification passed by the King and Parliaments of both kingdoms and considering the great mischief that might follow upon it if they should be furnished with Arms Ammunition and Provisions out of this kingdom we did for prevention thereof Demand That your Lordships would likewise speedily Declare against them and all of this Nation who should ayd or assist them but we are very sorry in a business of so great concernment to the peace and good of both kingdoms we should have cause to complain after a weeks expectation that we have not received any Answer from your Lordships especially now being informed that several loads of Arms Ammunition and provisions have since the second of this Moneth been conveyed out of this kingdom into the said Town of Barwick which we hope was onely done by some particular Malignants and dis-affected persons of this kingdom and not by any allowance or connivance from your Lordships it being so directly against not onely the Treaties betwixt both kingdoms but against the Solemn League and Covenant wherein we have sworn not to suffer our selves directly nor indirectly by whatsoever combination perswasion or terror to be divided or withdrawn from the blessed Union and Conjunction of these kingdoms either by making defection to the contrary party or by giving our selves to a detestable indifferency or neutrality in this cause and therefore all those who have taken the Covenant must needs ingage God against them if they any ways ingaged with or assist those men in Barwick and Carlisle who as we are informed have many Papists come daily to joyn with them and themselves are of the Popish and Prelatical party who have been in Arms against both kingdoms and against that cause wherein we have been happily United and to which God hath given a blessing of Victory and Success and as we are most confident that not onely the Parliament of England but also all the Religious persons and those who have been faithful in this cause in England will still be United against those in Barwick and Carlisle and all other our common Enemies so we cannot doubt but that your Lordships actions and determinations will be such as shall speak you to have the same affections and resolutions to the preservation of the Union betwixt these kingdoms and to the maintenance of this cause against the common Enemies of it that ever you had from which if either kingdom do recede it can onely be an advantage to the Rebels of Ireland and the Popish and Prelatical party of England and Scotland but must be a reproach loss and infinite hazard to all the rest which we are well assured the kingdom of England will no ways be guilty of and we hope the same of your Lordships that your proceedings will be such as we shall never hereafter have cause to remember How many of our English Delinquents did lately resort hither How long they had shelter and freedom here How often we did by Directions and in the Name of the Parliament of England Demand some of the chief of them to be delivered to us and had them not How many meetings and consultations they had in this City How they went from hence when they did take Barwick and Carlisle some of those Soldiers as we are informed having for divers weeks before had Free-quarter in this kingdom and divers of them pay as themselves affirmed That those who are now
the said Act or Proposition And after Your Majesties assent given to the three Propositions now tendred to Your Majesty and to such Acts of Parliament as shall be offered by Both Houses for confirmation thereof Then Both Houses of Parliament will Treat with Your Majesty concerning the future settlement of the Government of the Church the settlement of the Militia and upon the rest of the Propositions formerly tendred to Your Majesty at Hampton Court That the Houses of the Parliament of England do desire That such Propositions as shall be fit and necessary for the kingdom of Scotland may be prepared to be sent to His Majesty with all convenient speed A Paper from the Committee of Estates of Scotland of the 8. of July to the Commissioners of England in answer to some of their former Papers At Endenburgh the 8. of July 1648. VVE the Committee of Estates of the Parliament of the kingdom of Scotland do return this answer to your Lordships Papers of the 17. and 22. of June That although our Commissioners at London did often for some Moneths together after the return of our Army out of England attend without any answer to their Papers and the just Desires of this kingdom and at several times for many days could obtain no hearing Yet the Parliament notwithstanding of their important business and that this last Session was very short did always immediately after the receipt of your Lordships Letters and Papers read them and returned such answers as they conceived ought to satisfie and particularly to your Desires concerning Barwick and Carlisle as likewise to that Ingagement which you were pleased to offer upon the advance of the Army under the command of the Lord Fairfax into the North of England towards our border which therefore we shall not here repeat The Parliament also upon consideration of the great dangers threatning Religion His Majesties Person and Authority yea Monarchy it self and the peace and happiness of these kingdoms strictly united by Covenant Treaties and so many near relations Did upon the 26 of April last send such Demands to the Houses of the Parliament of England as they conceived to be just and necessary To which they did upon the 15. day of May return a very general answer relating to a more particular satisfaction to be expected from your Lordships And the Committee of Estates did on the 23. day of May last desire to know if your Lordships had received any further Instructions for satisfying the Desires of this kingdom To which your Lordships answered That as yet you had not received any neither have we since that time heard any thing concerning the said Desires from your Lordships Which we cannot but look upon as a great contempt and neglect of this kingdom and an evidence of no great forwardness nor inclination towards a peace or settlement or Resolution to entertain that Amity and good correspondense betwixt the Nations which we by Treaties Messages and all imaginable means have still studied to preserve And had a satisfactory answer been returned to these our necessary Desires all the Inconveniences which hereafter may insue would probably have been prevented which we have still since that time patiently expected and acted nothing as to an Ingagement in hopes thereof But finding the dangers to all that is dearest to us still increasing No satisfaction nor so much as an answer offered to these our just and necessary Desires No security to Religion but rather a greater danger thereunto from the Propositions now communicated unto us No hope of Safety or Freedom thereby to His Majesties Person and as little of Freedom to the Honorable Houses of the Parliament Ease to the oppressed Subjects of England or Security to either Nation We have therefore resolved to pursue our duties in order to all these as Christians as Subjects and as Brethren joyn'd together in Covenant upon the grounds contained in the inclosed Declaration which we desire your Lordships would be pleased to communicate to the Honorable Houses By command of the Committee of the Estates of Parliament ARCH PRIMEROSE Cler. Vnto this Paper the English Commissioners returned no Answer in regard the Scotish Army had then invaded England The Commissioners of both Houses of the Parliament of England sent to the Committee of Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland for a safe Pass to return into England which they granted and therewith sent a Letter to the Commissioners a Copy whereof is as followeth Right Honorable I Am commanded by the Committee of Estates in Answer to your Lordships Desires of the 19. of this instant July to return to your Lordships from them the inclosed Pass And when your Lordships shall be pleased to acquaint them with the time of your parting from hence they will be ready if you insist thereupon to appoint a competent Convoy to attend your Lordships for so much of the way as you shall think necessary your Lordships engaging the Publique Faith of the Kingdom of England for their safe return I am likewise commanded by the Committee to shew your Lordships That by their Orders the Towns of Barwick and Carlisle are for the Peace of both Kingdoms secured from the Sectaries and that just satisfaction being given to the necessary Desires of this Kingdom not only these Towns shall be put in the condition they were in formerly and their Fortifications slighted but likewise all the Forces of the kingdom of Scotland now in England shall immediately be recalled and return And that they will still inviolably observe on their parts the Union and brotherly Correspondence betwixt the kingdoms The Committee having employed one Mr. Thomas Hamilton Gentleman about a moneth ago to London as a publique Servant of theirs they have commanded me to shew your Lordships their Desire that no let nor hindrance be offered to him in his return which would be contrary to the Law of Nations and their expectations I shall adde nothing from my self but that I am Eden last July 1648. My Lords Your Lordships most humble Servant Crayford and Lindsey The Answer of the Commissioners to the Letter from the Lord Treasurer of the last of July 1648. Right Honorable VVE have received yours of the last of July and to that part thereof which concerns publique business we cannot give your Lordship any Answer but have thought good to let your Lordship understand That an Order is come to our hands Dated the 22. of July 1648. by which we are recalled and thereby our powers of any further Transaction of business with your Lordship otherwise then in order to our return we conceive are Determined as to that part wherein your Lordship hath been pleased to manifest your care for our safe Pass and Convoy we return your Lordship thanks We are Edenburgh 1 Augusti 1648. My Lord Your Lordships most humble Servants C Notingham Bryan Stapleton Robert Goodwyn John Birch FINIS