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A65422 Popery anatomized, or, A learned, pious, and elaborat treatise wherein many of the greatest and weightiest points of controversie, between us and papists, are handled, and the truth of our doctrine clearly proved : and the falshood of their religion and doctrine anatomized, and laid open, and most evidently convicted and confuted by Scripture, fathers, and also by some of their own popes, doctors, cardinals, and of their own writers : in answer to M. Gilbert Brown, priest / by that learned, singularly pious, and eminently faithful servant of Jesus Christ M. John Welsch ...; Reply against Mr. Gilbert Browne, priest Welch, John, 1568?-1622.; Craford, Matthew. Brief discovery of the bloody, rebellious and treasonable principles and practises of papists. 1672 (1672) Wing W1312; ESTC R38526 397,536 586

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suppose that the judgement were to fall but upon the committers of this sin only it were too great but it would reach further to a whole Kingdom wherein it were committed if by repentance and execution of Justice it were not prevented For shal Abimelech King of Gerar Gen. 20.9 fear the judgement of GOD upon his whole Kingdom for one adultery only intended and that in ignorance And what may a whole Land then fear for such abominable Idolatry in so clear a light of the Gospel And shal the ten Tribes fear the wrath of GOD Josh 22.21 to be kindled against the whole Congregation of Israel for the rebellion of the other two Tribes in setting up an altar to sacrifice upon as they thought And what should we fear then against this whole Land if there were altars reared up not to worship GOD on but the Idol of Babel And if Achans theft Josh 7. suppose both the person and the sin was unknown yea suppose there was no suspicion neither of the one nor of the other spoyled all Israel of GODS presence made them fall before their enemies and made the LORD refuse to be in the midst of them unless the sin and person was tryed and searched and the Anathema taken away And would not Babels Idolatry be much more effectual to spoyl all the Land if it were defiled therewith of GODS presence to make us fall before our enemies and to make the LORD to depart from us suppose it were but in one person seeing the sin is more odious in the LORDS eyes our light greater and we more obliged then they were And suppose that this abomination should be but in privat families yet it is a fretting canker as the Apostle saith 2. Tim. 2.17 that when it hath infected a member of the body it will infect the rest if it be not prevented by cutting off the festered member And the Apostle saith 1. Cor. 5.6 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump And experience hath taught that by process of time a little leck hath sunk a great ship and one person infected with the pestilence hath infected a whole Kingdom The first Idolatrie of the land of Canaan began with Teraphim Jehovae silver sanctified to the LORD to be an Image Jud. 17.5.3 but afterward it grew up to the worship of Baal and Ashtaroth ch 2.13 It was in the beginning but in one only family the family of Micah ch 17.1 but in process of time it passed from that family to the Tribe of Dan ch 18. and from that Tribe to all the rest of the Tribes ch 2.13.14 till at the last all Israel sinned and did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD So there is no question Sir if your Majesty put not to your hand as you have begun to do it will get foot in this Land and it would pass from families to Tribes from privat houses to Temples from the worship of the round bread to the worship of stocks and stones and so by one degree to another till it have made all guilty what by infecting what by communicating with their sins and then bring the fearful vengeance of GOD upon all And suppose Sir that you have not need to be taught of any for that light and understanding wherewith the LORD hath anointed you in so great a measure beyond many doth teach you all things and your Majesty hath laid so sure foundation of maintenance both of Justice and Religion within your Land and hath begun so substantially to prosecute the same for the which from our hearts we render glory and praise to GOD. So that all further exhortation of your Majesty would seem to be superfluous Yet I must borrow leave at your Majesty to be bold with all humbleness of mind and reverence of heart to GOD and to your Majesty to beseech you by the price of JESUS CHRIST your LORD to stirr up the bowels of your compassion over this desolat Countrey For upon whom are the eyes of all Israel 1. Kings 3.20 but upon you Sir And what King is there under Heaven under whose Government the Gospel hath had so free a passage and the Church of GOD hath had ●●ch●●●nrity and liberty in such peace for so long a 〈◊〉 a whole Kingdom without Heresie or Schism 〈◊〉 under your Majesties Government So that we were both ungrate to GOD and to you Sir if with all thanksgiving we did not acknowledge it Take therefore for examples these worthy Kings who have received a good report in the Word of the LORD and now resting from their labors have received that incorruptible Crown of glory Put on their affections Sir and follow their actions that your report here and Crown hereafter may be equal or rather above theirs Let your heart melt Sir with good Josias 2. Kings 22.19 not for our fathers transgressions as he did but for our own sins and the sins of this Land Ezek. 9.4 For GOD regarded not the time of their ignorance Acts 17.30.31 Rom. 2.16 when the Gospel shined not but now since that light is broken forth he admonisheth all men to repent because he hath set a day which cannot be far off wherein he will judge every one by the Man CHRIST JESUS according to his Gospel And if that great Angel had not descended unto us with that little Book open in his right hand Rev. 10.1.2 and the Land had not been once purged of Idolatry we should not have sinned but now we have no cloke for our sin John 15.21.24 Stir up your anger with Moses Sir who suppose he was the meekest man upon the face of the whole earth Num. 12.3 yet when he saw the golden Calf his anger was kindled Exod. 32.19 that he brake the Tables of stone the LORDS own work and writ burnt the Calf in the fire br●yed it in powder scattered it on the waters and made the people to drink thereof Follow the example of good Jehosaphat Sir who fought the LORD his GOD 2. Chron. 27.4.20 walked in his precepts lifted up his heart to the wayes of the LORD purged his land of Idolatrie And first sent Levits with his own Princes to teach all the Cities of his Kingdom the Law of the LORD and after being admonished by the Prophet for helping of the wicked and loving them who hated the LORD suppose he was his neighbor King joyned in affinity with him he so repented that he went from the one end of his Kingdom to the other even from Beersheba to mount Ephraim and brought his people to the LORD their GOD and established Religion and Justice in all the Cities of his Kingdom and therefore the LORD was with him he prospered and had riches and honor in abundance What joy of heart Sir brought Ezechias to the hearts of all the godly as well indwellers as strangers when he purged his land of Idolatrie 2. Chron. 29. and 30.31 brake the brazen Serpent which the people had abused opened the doors of
resemblance with the lamb hath such clokes of styles is so deceivable and is such a strong delusion as the Scripture testifies of it Is it any wonder suppose the beginnings of this mystery and of the whoredoms of this Queen be not distinctly marked and set down Ninthly it is likely enough that the great credit wherein the first Bishops of Rome was for their piety and godliness and the lofty estat of their successors after them together with their cruelty and tyranny did so dazel on the one side the eyes of the godly that they were not inquisitive in marking the changes and beginnings of their corruptions and so bridled the mouthes of other some that they durst not write the things they saw and if they writ any thing they writ it but barely and corruptly for the tyranny of your Church was such that none durst mutter against your Church and Religion but he was taken without further as an heretick and condemned and executed where ever your tyranny reached Last of all suppose they had been written by the Histories of every age and that distinctly yet considering the universal power craft and policy of your Church and Kingdom is it any wonder suppose they be not now extant at all but either burnt or else so falsified and corrupted that the beginnings thereof should not have been perceived For seeing in the purer times when the power and dominion of your Church was not yet come to the hight such was the ambition and falshood of your Popes that in the presence of a Council of 217. Bishops in Carthage anno 430. where Augustin was present they did alledge a false Canon of the Council of Nice for to have established their supremacy and under one of their hands sent it to the Council by their Legats the which was espyed and found out by the whole Council that not only it was decreed and ordained in that Council he should have no prerogative over the Churches of Africk and that none should appeal to him under the pain of deposition and excommunication but al●o he was rebuked by the Fathers of that Council in their letters to him If he was so bold then what marvel suppose since he hath falsified and corrupted every History and Writing that he saw might bear any wayes witness of the corruptions tyrannies and abominations of that Church and Religion of his And hence it is I am sure that we find so little written of the beginnings of their corruptions and of them that resisted it And your Index expurgatorius devised in the Council of Trent for blotting out every thing in the writings of men that might testifie of your corruptions doth also sufficiently witness unto the world what ye did in the former times So to conclud this suppose we could not assign to you the circumstances of the changes of your Religion yet it follows not but your Religion and Church may be corrupted and decayed But to satisfie your demand suppose I hope the things already said will satisfie the consciences of the godly What crave you that all the circumstances of changes in your Religion may be assigned to you First then I say there is nothing that may serve either to make the man of God w●se unto salvation or yet that may make him perfect in every good work but the Scripture testifies For it is able to do both these If these circumstances then serve either for salvation or perfection I say they are set down in the Scripture so that we need not to go to Histories to search the same The first then ye crave is the time when the change began The Scripture tells you That the mystery of iniquity began to work even then in the Apostles days and that it doth already work and so grew on from degree to degree till he that withheld it was removed that is till the Empire of Rome began to decay and the seat of it removed from thence as the Fathers expounded it Augustin Chrysostome Jerome and so the city left to the Pope the man of sin for him to set his throne there for Rome that seven hilled City Rev. 17 9 behoved to be the seat of the Antichrist as it was fore told by the Scripture So if you will believe the Scripture you have the time What crave you next The place I say the Scripture testifieth of the same that that mystical Babylon which Bellarmin lib. 2. de Rom. Pontif. cap 2. Rev. 17. your chief champion grants to be Rome that sits upon s●ven hills that had the dominion over the Kings of the earth that is the place where first your Church and Religion began to decay So there the place if you will believe the Scripture What crave you next The author The Scripture also hath fore told That the beast that came out of the bottomless pit and slew the witnesses of God and made war with the Saints and overcame them and made all to worship the image of the beast and the harlot Babel the city of Rome the mother of whoredoms who made all Nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication Rev. 12 7. and 14.8 That is your head and Church they are the authors and mothers of this decay and corruption What is the fourth thing ye require The Church that said against the same The Scripture will tell you that too The two witnesses of God whom she killed the woman that fled in the wilderness the Saints with whom she made war and who would not worship the beast nor receive his image the hundred forty and four thousand that John saw standing with the Lamb on mount Sion who was not defiled with your idolatry but followed the Lamb whith●rsoever he went Rev. 11. and 12 and 13. and 14. These then are the true Church which spake against your corruptions who are like unto Eliahs seven thousand that had not bowed their knees to Baal What crave you more The matter it self they said against The Scripture and ye will believe will satisfie you in this point also The doctrine then that was said against Was the mystery of iniquity that deceivableness of unrighteousness that strong delusion 1. Thess 2 Rev. 13. That doctrine of the dragon that spiritual idolatrie and abomination Rev. 17.18 That doctrine of Devils in forbidding marriage and commanding abstinence of meat c. 1. Tim. 4. What crave you last The number from whom they departed The Scripture will also bear witness of this seeing your Religion is a departure from the faith 1. Thess 2. then all these that ever professed the faith of Jesus set down in his written Word even the Lord Jesus the head the Apostles the layers of the foundation the primitive Churh the woman that fled in the wilderness the Saints with whom ye made war and all the elect and chosen of God that abhorred your idolatrie These are the true Churches from whom you departed What now crave you more Will not the
4. That it is impossible to fulfil the whole Law and Vega a Papist saith lib 11. in consil cap 20 That venial sins are properly against the Law Upon the which I reason He that daylie transgresses the law fulfills not nor is not able to fulfil the law for to fulfill the law and transgress the law are contrarie but your own doctrine is that no man can keep himself at least from venial sins and Vega as hath been said saith that venial sins are against the law Therefore if your selves speak true no man is able to fulfil the law I conclud therefore that this doctrine of yours is contrarie to the doctrine of Jesus Christ and his Apostles set down in the Scripture and also contrarie to the doctrine of the Fathers and contrarie to the doctrine of the most learned and chief Doctors of your Roman Church And this for the second point of your doctrine SECTION VIII Whither a man by his Free-will may resist the will of GOD. Master Gilbert Brown THirdly Our doctrine is that man of his Free-will may resist the will of God which is contrary to their doctrine ratified by Act of Parliament in the year 1560. And also against their Psalm book of Geneva Yet our doctrine is the doctrine of Christ For Christ said to them of Jerusalem How oft would I have gathered together thy children but you would not Matth. 23.37 And S. Steven Ye stiff-necked and of uncircumcised hearts and ears ye alwayes resist the holy Ghost as your fathers your selves also Acts 7 51. The same was the faith and belief of the Apostle S. Peter saith Our Lord is not willing that any perish but that all return to pennance 2. Pet. 3.9 And S. Paul hath Our Savior God wills all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth 1. Tim. 2.4 This was the doctrine of the Prophets before Psal 5.5 Ezec. 18.23 and 33.11 Now then if God wills that all men should return and yet all men doth not the same whereof proceeds it but of their Free-will which will not work with the will of God Therefore our Savior saith in sundrie places If thou wilt enter into life keep my commands If thou wilt be perfect go and sell all that thou hast Matth. 19.17 He that will follow me let him deny himself Luke 9.23 Master John Welsch his Reply As for this third point of doctrine I cannot wonder enough what ye mean by it For have you sold your self so far to untruth and lying that for to bring the truth of God which we profess in hatred you will father on us that doctrine which never so much as once entred into our thoughts let be to teach it or write it Did you think when you writ this that the truth of it would never come to light Or thought you that ye regarded not to be controlled of lying at the last so being that for a season ye might make our Religion to be more abhorred through your calumnie But frost and falshood as they say will never have a fair hinder end If you mean then by resisting the will of God a voluntary disobedience and repining against the Spirit of God and his revealed will in his Word as the testimonies which ye quote here imports Then I say there was never man of our Religion that professed taught or writ the contrary and ye will not find a syllable neither in the Confession of our Faith confirmed by the Act of Parliament neither in our Psalm book to the contrary For our doctrine is flat contrary to this to wit that man of his Free-will resists that that is good and chooses the contrary So ye fight here with your own shadow And if ye mean any other thing set it down in plain termes and I hope by his grace it shal be answered So I cannot wonder enough what ye mean to write and subscribe so manifest an untruth Now surelie M. Gilbert I think it had been greater wisdom to you to have saved your own credit and not for a little hatred to our Religion to have blotted your self with lying and untruth for ever I would pray thee Christian Reader if thou wilt not credit me read our Confession thy self and I hope thou shalt wonder with me what the man meant in subscribing so manifest a calumnie This for the third point SECTION IX Concerning Transubstantiation and Christs real and substantial Body and Blood in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper Master Gilbert Brown Fourthly Our doctrine is that our Savior gave his true flesh and very body and blood under the forms of bread and wine to be eaten of his Disciples at his last Supper and that to be received by their very mouth And this I say by the written Word is the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles Christ saith John 6.51 And the bread which I will give you is my flesh for the life of the world And at the latter Supper Take ye and eat ye this is my body And Drink ye all of this For this is my blood of the New Testament which shal be shed for many unto remission of sins Matth 26.27.28 And in S. Mark This is my body and this is my blood of the New Testament which shal be shed for many Mark 14.22.24 And S Luke saith This is my body which is given for you and this is the calice of the New Testament in my blood which shal be shed for you Luke 22.19.20 This same is the doctrine of the Apostles For S. Paul saith This is my body which shal be delivered for you and this calice is the New Testament in my blood and whosoever shal eat this bread and drink the calice of our Lord unworthily he shal be guilty of the body and blood of our Lord. And after For he that eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks judgement to himself not decerning the body of our Lord 1. Cor. 11.24.25 27.29 And in the chapter befo e The calice of benediction which we do bless is it not the communication of the blood of Christ And the bread which we break is it not the participation of the body of the Lord 1. Cor. 10.10 M. John Welsch his Reply I come now to the fourth point of your doctrine your Transubstantiation and real presence The first ye quote is the 6. of John And the bread which I will give is my flesh c. This makes nothing for your real presence For first our Savior speaks not here of that sacramental eating and drinking of his flesh and blood in this sermon which was not instituted a year after that For he speaks here of that eating and drinking of his flesh and blood without the which there is no life So our Savior testifies in the 53. verse Except ye eat saith he the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood ye have no life in you But your selves grants that men may be saved without that sacramental eating therefore
that spake against the Pope I will but note their persons Robert Grosshed John Gryllis a p●eaching Frier anno 1253. Gregory Ariminensis Franciscus de Rupe Scissa Taulerus in Germany Gerardus Rhidit Michael de Cesena Petrus de Carbona and Joannes de Poliaco Joannes Rithetalanda anno 1360. Armachanus the Archbish p in Ireland 1360. Nicolas Orem Matthias Parisiensis Nilus A●chbishop of Thessalonica John Wicleff and the Lord Cobham and sundry others Master Gilbert Brown M. John hath set down here a number of (a) It is false obscure and infamous persons for the most part justly (b) And this also condemned for heresies without their works or books whereby they affirm this that he alledges and all (c) This is also false for Gerard and Dulcimus Navarrensis which I first cited was almost 400. years before M. Luther and Calvin and the Waldenses was more then 300. years before them two hundred years before Calvin began their Religion or thereabout Of the which I contend not whether they spake against the Pope or not For all hereticks from the beginning have barked against the Pope But our contention is whether such heads of Religion as they denyed were heresies or not which as yet M. John hath not (d) But these heads is proven that the Pope is the Antichrist and Rome Babel they are not hereticks therefore our Religion was before Martin Luther proved nor is not able to defend these whom he calls his worthy men for appearantly by this all hereticks are worthy men by him albeit they be not of his Religion in all things Master John Welsch his Reply You calumniat our Religion of novelty and say Martin Luther begin it anno 1517. Unto the which I answered That our Religion hath Christ Jesus in the Old and New Testament to be the Author thereof and hath the primitive Church many hundred years thereafter to be the teachers and professors thereof the which I have proved already by some examples and that even till the smoak of that Antichristian darkness of yours did overspread all as it was fore-told by the holy Ghost At the which time also the Lord did reserve his own elect to himself even these hundred and forty and four thousand which did not bow their knees to your Baal as it was fore-prophesied whereof also a great many is recorded in Histories and of whom I set down some examples here Upon the which I reason That Religion which is warranted by the Scripture and professed in the primitive Church c. and hath sundry that taught and professed it and that even in the midst of Popery when it was at the hight thereof is not a new Religion nor invented by Martin Luther But ours is such as hath been proved Therefore unrighteous and blasphemous must ye be who slanders the Lords truth and Religion of novelty and fathers it upon flesh and blood whereof he is the Author Your answer to the first two we have examined Now let us see your answer to this First you say they are obscure men I answer If you call them obscure because they wanted the outward glory wealth and renown of this world Then suppose it were so yet have they Jesus Christ the Prince of life who was called a carpenters son Matth. 13.54 55 56. and his Prophets of whom some were herd-men Amos 1.2 and his Apostles who were fisher-men Mat. 4.18.21 his Church which consists not of many wise mighty or noble but of the foolish weak and vile of the world for them God hath chosen to confound the wise and noble 1. Cor. to be companions with them and so they are the liker both the Head and the members It is true indeed your Popes and Clergy are not obscure for they have the wealth and glory of the world But as Bernard said to the Pope In this they succeed not to Christ or Peter but to Constantine But they receive their good things in this life with the rich glutt●n and therefore they must receive their pain with h●m in the life to come But why do you call these obscure whom I named here Are not some of them Friers some of them Provincials of Gray-Friers some of them Masters and Rulers of Universities some of them excellently learned which your own Church cannot deny some of them Bishops and Archbishops some of them Noble-men and some of them as namely the Greek and Eastern Churches in number learning purity of doctrine and godliness far exceeding your Papistical Church Who is worthy or famous if these be obscure Are all men obscure and infamous to you but your Popes and those who submit their necks to him And if you think these too obscure men to be called worthy men then behold yet M. Gilbert more noble personages who have resisted your Popes Monarchy As King Philip le Bell of France the Prelats of France joyning with him in his Dominions about the year of God 1300. And Edward the third King of England despised the Popes curse and appealed from him to God about the year of God 1346. And also sundry Emperors as Constantine the fifth Leo his son and Constantine the sixth in the East and Henry the 4. and Henry the 5. and Frederick the 2. in the West Will you call these Kings and Princes of the whole world obscure men So all sorts of men M. Gilbert both rich and poor Princes and subjects and these also within your own bowels being overcome with the strength of the truth of God have spoken against your Religion Why you call them infamous and hereticks justly condemned I know not except it be because they taught and professed the truth of God and condemned your Antichristian idolatry and abominations But all are not infamous and hereticks whom ye call so and surely if murderers hereticks adulterers Sodomites open bargainers with the Devil and the vile monsters of the earth is to be called obscure infamous and hereticks then your Popes are to be called so who of all men that ever the earth hath born have been the vilest monsters and hereticks as I have proved in my other Treatise concerning the Mass and the Antichrist You say next that you contend not whether they have spoken against the Pope or not for all hereticks have ever barked against him that sore against your heart M. Gilbert because you cannot deny but ye have taught this doctrine with us and if it be so M. Gilbert that these men and Churches and many thousands more of all sorts have taught this doctrine with us many hundred years before Martin Luther for the first two which I named was almost 400. years before him then why were you so shameless both to write it and also speak it to blind your poor Countrey-men to their and your damnation that our Religion was begun by Martin Luther and never professed before him So leave off M. Gilbert to beguile the simple and ignorant people with this sottish and
As to the second who is he that hath caused all to worship the first Beast that is hath brought again that tyrānous cruelty dominion over the poor Church of God in setting up idolatry and abolishing the true worship of God which the Heathen Emperors did but the Popes of Rome For was not the Emperor of the East excommunicat because he would not suffer Images in the Temples Have not they filled the world with their Idolatry as hath been proved Who have made war with the Saints oppressed them in all the parts where their dominion might reach but they France Germany England Scotland the Low Countreys and all Europe bear witness unto this As to the third who by lying wonders have deceived the world but they And as to the fourth who hath healed the deadly wound of the first Beast in setting up an Empire here in the West in the person of Charles the Great which was more then three hundred years so deadly wounded through the incursion of other Nations that there was no Empire in the West Who I say did all this but the Popes of Rome Giving unto them the style or bare name but taking by little and little the substance of the whole Empire to themselves so that Theodorick à Niem saith lib. 3. cap. 43. The Roman Empire is so little now in Almany that there is some Bishops or Archbishops that will spend twise as much as they will do of all the lands that is under their subjection And some Princes have more land then the Emperor hath And if ye will look to Rome saith he and Italy it was once the seat of the Empire but now the Emperor hath nothing of it but the style As to the fifth Who is he who hath caused make the Image of the Beast and given a spirit unto it that it should speak That is who have set up a very Image of the Roman Monarchy and Hierarchy in the whole frame of their government in the Church of God but the Popes of Rome So that the whole frame of their government and Hierarchy is a lively pattern and image of the Roman Empire For as in the Roman Empire there was an Emperor whom all did worship as God unto whom there was joyned a Senat who was next in authority to him so is the frame of the government of the Papistical Kingdom There is a Monarch the Pope whom all are compelled when they come in his sight to worship as an earthly God to whose sentence all must stand to who judgeth all but can be judged of none who hath joyned with him a Senat of Cardinals who are next him in authority Secondly as in the Roman Monarchy the Emperor took upon him not only the highest Kingly authority in all matters civil but also the Priestly authority and power over Religion and not that only but also to be Tribuns over the people who had the power of forbidding and annulling of all decrees made by other Magistrats Even so the Popes of Rome have usurped all these three First the highest Royal authority over all Kings and Princes next to be Lords over Religion so that as Antoninus one of his Archbishops saith Summa part 3. tit 22. c. 5. He may creat new Religions thirdly to be Tribuns that is to disanul whatsoever decree or judgement of any Bishop or inferior Judges yea of Synodal and General Councils if they be not ratified by him Thirdly as in Rome was the head of the Empire the Emperor and his Senat with him and as the Emperors had their Magistrats under them in all their Provinces and places of their dominions from whom all their authority was and who was at their beck and commandment So in the Popes Kingdom the Pope who is the head and the Senat of Cardinals which is next him in authority have their seat in Rome and they according to the old pattern of the Roman Empire have their Bishops Archbishops Abbots Priors Monks Friers c. in all the places of their dominion under them who have their whole authority from him and who all are his sworn men So here is then the lively image of the former beast And as to the sixth Who did kill all them that would not worship the image and this frame of government of Popes Cardinals Bishops Archbishops c. and their Religion but the Popes of Rome The blood of infinit thousands do testifie this And what hath brought all under their bondage both one and other that none might buy or sell that is neither brook Civil nor Ecclesiastical offices but those who were marked with his mark that is took on them his profession and was Catholicks as he termes them Is not this sufficiently known that none might have offices nor benefices in the Church but they that received his mark orders from him And none might brook their Kingdoms and civil dignities in so far as lay in his power but these that were of his profession Rex venit ante fores surans prius urbis honores Post homo fit Papae recipit quo dante coronam Clement lib. 2. tit 9. And Erasmus saith in his Adagles That neither Baptism nor marriage nor sacrifice nor psalms nor prayer nor Sacrament nor grave in the Papistical Kingdom are given without money Now last of all to what Kingdom or Church under heaven since this Revelation was written doth the number of the name of the Beast here set down agree but to the Latin Kingdom of the Popes and their Latin Church for here is set down the name of the Kingdom of Antichrist The number of the name of the Beast here set down is 666. and the λ α τ ε ι 30 1 300 5 10   ν ο σ.     50 70 200.   all which being joyned together maketh 666. letters of the name of this Antichristian Kingdom 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 amounts to the same number of 666. For what is the name of the Popish Kingdom and Hierarchie Is not the Church called the Latin Church Is not all the exercises of their Religion almost in Latin And suppose the Old Testament be written in Hebrew and the New in Greek yet have they not condemned the Originals as corrupted And have they not authorized the Latin interpretation as only authentical So that Papacie is the very Kingdom of Latins Now the letters of this Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies Latin for the Revelation was written in Greek doth amount to the same number 666. And what other Kingdom or Monarchy under heaven can show whose name is such that the letters thereof amounteth to this number Ireneus an ancient Writer yea so ancient that he saw and heard Polycarpus who was one of Johns Disciples who received this Revelation mentioneth that the name of this Beast in this prophesie is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iren. lib. 5. cap. 25. Sed Latinis nomen 666. numerum habet valde verisimile est quia
verissimum regnum hoc Ε χ χ λ η.   5 20 20 30 8   σ ι α Ι τ α. 200 10 1 10 300 1 λ ι η α.     30 10 20 1     habet vocabulum Latini enim sunt qui nunc regnant And as the letters of this Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 amounteth to this number 666. so doth the letters of these Latin words Ecclesia Italica written in Greek letters and of the Hebrew word ROMIITH that signifieth R O M I 200 6 40 10 I TH     10 400     Romam Is not this much now that this number of 666 agrees to the name of the Papistical Kingdom both in Hebrew Greek and Latin In Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Latin in Hebrew ROMIITH that is Rome in Latin Ecclesia Italica that is the Italian Church For Italie is called Latium that is Latin What more would any man require Will not this suffice to make it manifest that the Popes are the Antichrist to whom every thing prophesied of the Antichrist by the Apostle Paul and this Revelation of the second Beast do so fitly agree So that there can be none under heaven unto whom they can be applyed but only to the Popes of Rome But yet for the full manifestation of this point we will go to the 17. of the Revelation For as his Kingdom was figured under a Beast that had two horns like the Lamb in the 13. chapter so there is the principal throne and seat of his Kingdom figured under a great harlot with whom the Kings and Nations of the earth have committed fornication The which harlot is most gloriously decked and richly apparelled Who hath a cup of gold in her hand full of abomination in whose fore-head a name is written A Mystery that Babylon that mother of whoredoms who is drunken with the blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus which is that great city which reigneth over the Kings of the earth which sitteth upon seven mountains For the maintenance of whose Kingdom ten Kings yeelded up their power and authority to fight against the Lamb and to overcome him That this great City is the City of Rome it is so plain that he is more then blind that sees it not For what City did reign over the Nations when this Revelation was received but Rome And what City since the Pope clamb up to his Kingdom hath done the same but Rome And what City sitteth upon seven hills but Rome whose names are yet known As testifieth Capitolinus Palatinus Aventinus Caelius Exquilinus Quirinalis Viminalis And what City hath been the mother of all spiritual and bodily fornication of all idolatry and abomination but Rome Yea what City hath been so enriched with gold purple and precious stones but Rome And what City hath been drunken with the blood of the Martyrs and Saints but Rome All these things are so manifest that not only some of the Fathers as Jerome in praefat ad Didymum in Epist ad Algasium and Tertullian contra Marci lib. 13. advers Judaeos cap. 9. saw it But some of themselves confess it that this Babylon is Rome Both Bellarmin grants it plainly and also the Rhemists do not deny it For that great Jesuit Bellarmin saith lib. 1. cap. 2. That John in the Revelation every where calls Rome Babylon and confirms this first by the testimony of Tertullian and then by the circumstances of the text For saith he there was no other City at that time that did reign over the Nations but Rome And it is most notorious saith he that Rome sits on seven hills Lib. 4. cap. 4. What now would ye have more And in another place It appears saith he that in the time of the Antichrist Rome shal be made desolat and shal be burnt as it is gathered out of the 17. of the Revelation and this shal not be until the end of the world These are plain speeches And I say this great City of Rome which is called here mystical Babylon is not described here as she was the seat of the Heathen Emperors when they reigned in her as the Roman Church saith but as she is and hath been the seat of the Antichrist For in the time of the Emperors she made not the Kings of the earth commit fornication with her that is she did not pollute them with her idolatry and Religion as it is fore-told of this Rome for she left every Kingdom free to use their own Idolatry and superstition But Rome since she began to be the throne and seat of the Antichrist the Popes of Rome have propagated her idolatry and worship to all Nations and have made all Nations drunken with the wine of her fornication and have obtruded her Religion to all Nations against their will with fire and sword And from thence have proceeded all the wars and blood-sheds in many Nations of Europe because they did go out of her and departed from their idolatry Further all the parts of her description here agrees to Rome having the show of Christianity and not as she was Heathen under the Heathen Emperors as that purple and scarlet wherewith she was clad that gilding with gold and precious stones and pearls which the Archbishop of Ratisbon Albertus Magnus and the Gloss interprets of the simulation of piety and meekness the spiritual graces of God as faith hope charity all which say they she shal in hypocrisie pretend but yet in truth have nothing such but cruelty and ungodliness the which can no wayes agree with Rome as she was in her Gentilism therefore of necessity Papistical Rome is here described and not Heathen Rome Thirdly that Rome is here described which was upholden by the Beast unto whom the ten Kings yeelded up their power to fight against the Lamb as is manifest by the 12. and 13 verses of that 17 chapter But this Beast is not the Empire of Rome but the Antichristian Kingdom for these ten Kings had not received their Kingdoms all that time that the Roman Emperors were Heathen and long after Therefore Rome as it is the seat of the Antichrist and not as it was the seat of the Roman Empire is here descrybed And the Rhemists say in their annotations upon this place that some expons these ten Kings of ten Kingdoms into which the Roman Empire shal be divided which shal all serve Antichrist therefore Rome as it is here described m●st be the seat of the Antichrist Last of all the Revelation speaks here of that Rome that shal be burnt with fire and be made desolat by the ten Kingdoms which God should stir up to hate her and he speaks here of that Rome which shal be casten in the midst of the sea after the which shal follow the day of Judgement But this cannot be Rome as it was the seat of the Roman Empire but as it is the seat of the Antichristian Kingdom for it is more then a thousand years since
own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy Without natural affection truce-breakers false accusers incontinent c. Traitors heady high-minded c. From such turn away TO THE LOVERS OF THE Reformed Religion in Britain and Ireland Grace mercy and peace DEarly beloved in the Lord The great increase of Popery every where is so visibly seen and so evidently known that to speak any thing to prove and evidence the same were altogether needless seeing he is a great stranger in our Israel that knoweth it not But alace there is very great decay of zeal and hatred against that Whore that if our glorious Predecessors whose excellent Motto it always was No peace with Rome were alive they would wonder to see us so brutish and sensless indifferent and lukewarm in ae matter of so great moment wherein the honor and glory of God the eternal happiness and felicity of our own and our posterities souls and the safety and preservation of Kings Kingdoms our lives estats and all that is near and dear to us is so much and so nearly concerned Therefore for letting us see our hazard in all and every one of these as we have revised and republished the above written excellent Treatise of that learned godly and eminently zealous and faithful servant of Christ M. John Welsch whose memory is very precious in the Church of Christ who doth learnedly and plainly to any ordinary capacity discover the abominations of that Whore and solidly prove her doctrine both to be most heretical and damnable and her self to be the very Antichrist that all who love the truth of God and the salvation of their immortal souls may be stirred up to a just zeal and indignation against her So we have thought fit to subjoyn this following Treatise for discovering to all and every one who love the Reformed Religion and resolve to adhere thereto what treasonable and bloody principles and inhumane and matchlesly cruel practises are maintained and committed by Papists in reference both to Kings Princes and People who profess the Reformed Religion and consequently what all and every one of us may expect to meet with if Popery prevail that so being convinced of our hazard both in body and soul and in all that is near and dear to us we may be stirred up to a real hatred and indignation against that Whore and may be much in the exercise of prayer repentance and other lawful and commanded duties for the putting a stop to the growth of the spreading abominations of that Whore which is earnestly prayed for by Yours for the truth M. C. A BRIEF DISCOVERY OF THE BLOODY REBELlious and treasonable Principles and Practises of Papists SECTION I. Showing that the principles of Papists are treasonable and rebellious against the person and authority of Princes and peace of Kingdoms c. And the excuses of H. T. the Author of the Manual of Controversies are proved to be frivolous and naught THE Church of Rome was formerly most hateful to the Churches of Christ in Britain and Ireland not only because of her most damnable and heretical doctrine but also because of the rebellious and treasonable principles and practises maintained and committed by her against the persons and authority of Princes and peace of Kingdoms her faith being accounted faction and her Religion rebellion Therefore Papists of late have endeavored by all means to ingratiat themselves in the favor of Princes and Magistrats making ample profession of loyalty and fidelity and charging Protestants with the odious crime of disloyalty And thus we see their late Writers denying and disowning the doctrine of Rebellion and Parricide that our Divines have justly charged them with For H T. the Author of the Manual of Controversies c. printed at Doway 1671 calleth it a loud slander to charge Papists with maintaining that if the Pope excommunicat a Tyrant or heretical Prince his own subjects may lawfully kill him Therefore to unmask a little the bloody rebellious and treasonable principles of Papists we shal prove First that it is no slander but a real truth that the Church of Rome holdeth that if the Pope excōmunicateth a King his own subjects may lawfully kill him 2. That the Pope can dispense with the alleageance of subjects to their Princes and if he so dispense then they are loosed from subjection and alleageance to them 3. That no faith nor oath is to be kept with Hereticks 4 That the Pope and Synagogue of Rome have been the Authors of warrs combustions and confusions in Christian Churches and Kingdoms all Europe over 5. That their continual practise ever since the Reformation hath been to plot and practise treasons and rebellions assassinations and murders both of Princes and people who professed the Reformed Religion 6. That whereever they got the upper-hand and dominion in any Kingdom or Common-wealth they have practised most unheard-of cruelties and barbarous inhumanities against the professors of the Protestant Reformed Religion For the first and second of these points to wit that Papists hold that if the Pope excommunicat a King his own subjects may lawfully kill him And that the Pope can dispense with the alleageance of subjects to their Princes and if he so dispense then they are loosed from subjection and alleageance to them I shal evidence it to be their commonly received doctrine both by the writings of their approved Doctors and Bulls of their Popes and their dayly practises And lest they say we wrong them we shal for the most part set down the words of the Authors themselves 1. I shal begin with Doctor Ranchin a Papist and a famous Lawyer in France in his Book intituled A review of the Council of Trent lib. 2. cap. 10. who setteth down these following positions as commonly received in the Church of Rome to wit That it is necessare to salvation to believe that every creature is subject to the Pope of Rome That he it set over Emperors and Kingdoms That he carryeth both the temporal and spiritual sword That he may depose Emperors c. and transfer their Empires and Dominions from one line to another That he may absolve subjects from their oath of alleageance That upon just cause be may set up a King in every Kingdom for he is the overseer of all Kingdoms in Gods stead That it belongeth to the Pope to correct Kings when they offend Much more hath this Author to this purpose 2. But let us hear their own Doctors themselves Augustinus Triumphus de potest Eccles quaest 46. art 2. as Doctor Usher citeth him saith There is no doubt but that the Pope may depose all Kings when there is a reasonable cause so to do Thomas Aquinas their Angelical Doctor holdeth 22. quast 12 art 2. That so soon as a Prince is denounced excommunicat for Apostasie ipso facto his subjects are free from his soverainity and absolved from the oath of alleageance which they are bound to him Bannes and
Gregory de Valentia his scholers hold That not only total apostosie but partial also such as heresie is here meant Now to profess the Protestant Religion is damnable heresie with them and therefore consequently any Protestant Prince is here concluded by their interpretation Suarez holdeth That Church-men may use a coactive power against Princes even to dethrone them his words are Pontificem summum potestate coactivâ in Reges uti posse usque ad depositionent etiam à Regno si causa subsit Suarez opusc lib. 3. de primatu sum Pontif. cap. 23. Azorius their great Casuist asserteth That the jurisdiction and power of the Emperor hath its being existence and dependance from the Pope And upon this occasion telleth us how many Emperors the Pope hath deposed and that the Emperor is but the Popes minister elected by him for the defence of the Church Azorius inst Mor. part 2. lib. 10. Emmanuel Sa after he had studied the point forty years affirmeth That the rebellion of a Clergy-man is no treason because he is no subject That all Clergy-men are exeemed from the lawes of Magistrats by a divine positive law is mantained by Bellarmin de Cler. lib. 1. cap. 28. de Pont. Rom. lib. 2. cap. 26. Soto de just jure lib. 5. cap. 44. art 1. Cajetan Tom. 1. opusc tract 1. de potest Pap. cap. 27. Turrecremata lib. 2. c. 93. Gregory de Valentia tom 3. disp 5. quaest 11. punct 1. Suarez in opusc lib. 4. de immunit Eccles cap. 4. num 3. cap. 8. num 9. and the Rhemists in Rom. 8. Cardinal Baronius informeth us by the example of Dacius Bishop of Milan his dealing against the Arriant that these Bishops deserve no blame ought to suffer no envy who use all means that they may not live under an heretical Prince His words are Quo exemplo satis intelligas non mereri calumniam neque invidiam Episcopos illos pati debere Qui ne sub haeretico Principe degant omnem lapidem volvunt Annal. anno 538. § 89. So that Papists may raise treasons rebellions commit parricide on the persons of Kings rather then live under a Protestant Prince This is evil doctrine but worse followeth for they directly maintain that they may any manner of way kill Kings Princes or people if in the least suspect to them of heresie that is of the Protestant Religion which these following instances prove M. Allen Principal of the Jesuits Colledge at Rhemes in a solemn Oration said It is permitted to us to kill Kings Franciscus de Verone in his Apologie for John Chastel grants allowance to every privat man to murder the heretick as he meets him if publick means be wanting of making him away by the Magistrat Dominicus Bannes in 2. quaest 12. art 2. resolves that they need not in this case expect any sentencing of the matter by Pope or any other but when the knowledge of the fault is evident subjects may lawfully if so be they have sufficient strength exempt themselves from subjection to their Princes before any declaratory sentence of a Judge His words are Quando adest evidens notitia criminis licitè possunt subditi si modo ijs vires suppetant eximere se à potestate suorum Principum ante Judicis sententiam declaratoriam Suarez maintaineth that an heretical King after sentence of excommunication given against him is absolutly deprived of his Kingdom so that he cannot possess it by any just title therefore from thenceforth may be handled altogether as a Tyrant and consequently he may be killed by any privat person and a little after he addeth that in this a Christian Kingdom dependeth upon the Pope that he may not only advise and consent that the Kingdom depose a King that is hurtful to it but also command and compel them to do it Hear his own words Post sententiam latam omninò privatur Regno ita ut non possit justo titulo illud possidere ergo ex tunc poterit omninò tanquam Tyrannus tractari consequenter à quocunque privato poterit interfici Suarez defens fid Cathol lib 6. cap. 4. § 14. Pendet Christianum Regnum à Pontifice in hoc ut possit non solum consulere aut consentire ut regnum Regem sibi perniciosum deponat sed etiam praecipere cogere utad ●aciat § 17. Joannes Mariana telleth us That if the Pope excommunicat a King and declare him a Tyrant that he may be made away either by open force and arms whether by violent breaking into the Court or by joyning of battel is a matter confessed yea by deceit and ambushes too as Ehud did in killing Eglon the King of Moab Indeed it would argue a braver mind to profess open enmity and publickly to rush in upon the enemy of the Commonwealth But it is no less prudence to take advantage by fraud and ambushes because it is done without stir and ●ess danger surely both publick and privat And in end he concludeth That it is lawful to take away his life by any art whatsoever with this proviso only that he be not constrained either wittingly or unwittingly to be the cause of his own death yet poyson him you may if so that the venom be externally applyed by some other he that is to be killed helping nothing thereto namely when the force of the poyson is so great that a seat or garment being infected therewith it may have strength to kill Joan. Mariana de Regis Instit lib 1. cap. 7. Franciscus de Verone in his Apology for John Chastel part 1. cap. 7. determineth That Kings and Princes which are not Roman Catholicks may be lawfully killed by any privat person and that the killing of them is a generous vertuous heroick exploit to be compared with the greatest and most praise-worthy actions a most holy worthy commendable praiseful work These that conspire against the life of such Kings and Princes are magnanimous persons their courage more then humane heroick divine their punishments are true martyrdoms they shal receive reward in heaven Lest Papists think we wrong him I shal set down his own words Reges Principes non Romani Catholici possunt de jure occidi etiam à privat â personâ illud factum est generosum cum virtute conjunctum heroicum comparandum cum maximis summa laude dignis factis esse sanctissimum humanissimum dignissimum laudatissimum commendatissimum c. Eos qui in vitam talium Regum Principum conjurant esse animosos machinatores fortitudinem eorum esse plusquam humanam supplicia eorum non nisi vera martyria appellanda Qui sunt aliquando praemium accepturi in vitâ aeternâ And again part 2. cap. 12. 15. Necessarium quocunque casu religionem confirmari etiam morte Regum It is necessary in any case that Religion be maintained even with the death of Kings Antonius Arnold in an Oration against the Jesuits affirmeth
as we said before and the Kingdom interdicted but also King James was by a Bull sent unto England a little before Queen Elizabeths death excluded from the Crown and all that were not Roman Catholicks were declared incapable of and excluded from the succession whereof his Majesty complaineth in his Apologie For B●llarmin tells King James Tort pag. 19 That the Pope claims a d●uble right to England one by reason o● his Apostolick power which he extends over all men according to that Charter Psal 44. Thou shalt establish them Princes over all the earth The other proper by a right of Dominion for saith he England and Ireland are the Churches Dominions the Pope is direct Lord and the King his vassal XXI Neither were they less active in stirring up wars and combustions in other Kingdoms for a Priest of their own named John Brown aged seventy two in his voluntary confession to a Committee of Parliament set down by M. Prin in his introductiō to Canterburies doom p 202. saith That the Jesuits who are the Popes agents were the only cause of the troubles which fell out in Muscovia when under pretence to reduce the Latin Church and plant themselves and destroy the Greek Church the poor King Demetrius and his Queen and these that followed him from Polonia were all in one night murdered by the usurper of the Crown and the true progeny rooted out That they were the only cause that moved the Sweds to take arms against their lawful King Sigismund and chased him to Poland and neither he nor his successors were ever able to take possession of Sweden for the J●suits intention was to bring in the Romish Religion and root out the Protestants They were the only cause that moved the Polonians to take arms against the said Sigismund because they had perswaded him to marry two sisters c. They were the sole cause of the war in Germany and Bohemia which began anno 1619. which caused the death of many thousands They have been the cause of the civil wars in France moving the King to take arms against his own subjects the Protestants where innumerable people have lost their lives for the Jesuits intentions were to set their Society in all Cities and Towns conquered by the King and quite to abolish the Protestants They were the cause of the murder of the last King of France They were the only projectors of the Gun-powder treason and their penitents the actors there●f XXII M. Baxter in his key for Catholicks chap. 45. 46 47 48 49 proveth at large by good evidence that the Jesuits had a special hand in the late Civil War that burnt in the bowels of these three Nations till it had near consumed them Whose evidence I intreat that the Reader would read and seriously ponder From all which I hope it is evident enough that the Pope and Church of Rome have been the continual Authors and instigators to wars and combustions in Christian Churches and Kingdoms SECTION IV. That the continual practise of Papists ever since the Reformation hath been to plot and practise bloody and treasonable Conspiracies Assassinations and Murders both of Princes and People who profess the Reformed Religion IN the former Section we have proven that the Pope and Synagogue of Rome have been the grand Authors of warrs confusions and combustions in Christian Churches and Kingdoms In this Section we are to prove that not only have they been the Authors and instigators to bloody wars and confusions in Christian Churches and Kingdoms but that in all Protestant or Reformed Churches Kingdoms or States they have been secretly and under-hand always plotting and practising bloody and treasonable conspiracies assassinations and murders both of Princes and people who profess the Reformed Religion It would be too tedious to declare at large what plots and conspiracies the Pope and his dependers and vassals have had in all the Reformed Churches ever since Luthers Reformation we only shal instance some few not our near hand in France Ireland and in Britain I. I told in the former Section how the Pope and his sworn vassals were the Authors of the massacre of Paris anno 1572. which was surely hatched in hell and carried on with all the subtilty of that old Serpent for when the Pope and Court of Rome and Queen Catharin de Medicis and Charles the 9. her son saw that fire and fagot and force of war could not undo the Protestants they said come and let us deal subtily with them and ensnare them by pretences of friendship and flatteries therefore they not only concluded a peace with them but gave the sister of the King of France to the King of Navarre in marriage that so they might massacre the Protestants at the marriage and they suspecting no treachery came to the City of Paris where the Queen of Navarre was poysoned by a pair of perfumed gloves and the Admiral and the greatest part of the Protestant Nobility were all massacred in a morning the massacre was so cruel that it made the river run with blood and there were thirty thousand Protestants killed in one moneths time of which more afterward II. We also hinted before how King Henry the 3. of France although he lived and died a Papist and while he was Duke of Anjou had foughten several battels against the Protestants and was one of the plotters in the massacre of Paris yet because he did not joyn with the holy League and obey the Popes will in all things the Pope excommunicated him and stirred up James Clement a Jacobin Monk to commit that horrible parricide upon his Royal person III. We did also a little touch how his successor King Henry the 4. was opposed and molested by the Pope and the holy League his sworn servants and excommunicat and the Spaniards brought in the Kingdom to joyn with the holy League to his ruine But God so blessed his enterprises that he foyled them often but he being weary of war and consulting with flesh and blood for peace and ease to himself and quyet to his Kingdom turned Papist and sought absolution from the Pope and at length obtained it But because they thought him not a heart Papist and cordial for them in all things they plot his death by secret assassination and after several attempts one whereof wounded him in the mouth R●villac stroke him through the very heart although to please the Pope he caused recall the Jesuits which for their bloody principles and practises were banished the Kingdom So this is the Pope and his Jesuits method when they cannot overcome any Prince that they think no cordial favorer of theirs by open hostility they excite and stimulat some scholer or other of theirs secretly to assassinat him For John Chastel a scholer of the Jesuits who stroke King Henry the fourth of France in the mouth and broke out one of his teeth intending to have cut his throat when he was examined confessed that he being guilty of
a great crime was kept prisoner by the Jesuits in the chamber of meditations where after they had long terrified his soul they propounded to him a way to lessen his torments in hell to wit to kill the King which the miserable wretch promised and attempted Whereupon the Colledge of the Jesuits was searched and many persons seized on among which was found a book in the praise of James Clement the murderer of King Henry the 3 written by the Jesuit Guignard containing many arguments and reasons to prove it was lawful and just to kill King Henry the 3. together with many incitements and motives to make away his successor King Henry the 4. then reigning The themes given to young scholars were found to be about King killing with praises of the attempt and exhortations to it Likewise Bariere another wretch who had attempted to kill King Henry the 4. being examined confessed that the Jesuit Varadius Rector of the Colledge of the Jesuits had incited and adjured him upon the Sacrament of confession and the communion of the Lords body to kill the King assuring him that if he suffered for it he should obtain martyrdom Moreover Ravillac in his examination shewed sufficiently by whose instructions he was perswaded to murther King Henry the 4. for he gave this reason why he did it because the King would make war with God in as much as he prepared war against the Pope who is God which is the plain doctrine of the Church of Rome So the Jesuits at the Popes instigation never ceased till they had assassinated both these Kings of France Henry the 3. and Henry the 4. So Peter du Moulin chap. 5. IV. William Prince of Orange being one of the blessed instruments the Lord imployed for the delivery of the Netherlands from the Spanish tyranny and Popish idolatry therefore the Popish faction carrying an implacable hatred to him they stirred up one Joanville to kill him and for encouraging him in this devilish attempt a Frier perswaded him that he should go invisible and for that effect he gave him some characters in paper and little frogs bones and other conjurations whereby he being animated to that wicked deed went lay in wait and shot the Prince with a pistol through the throat But he through Gods goodness recovering they stirred up Baltazar Gerard to make a second attempt upon him who shot him through the stomack and vital parts so that he presently died V. But leaving these forraign instances let us come home to Britain where we will see a wonderful Tragedy of secret bloody treasons plotted and carried on for the ruine of Queen Elizabeth King James c. and the whole Reformed Religion professed in these lands For so soon as the Pope perceived that Queen Elizabeth intended in earnest to shake off that Romish yoke and that all his flattery and fair dealing could not reduce her to his obedience she refusing to permit his Nuncio to enter her Kingdom he falls to his old course and anno 1569. Pope Pius the 5. excommunicats her as we said before absolving all her subjects from her obedience and ●ursing all that should longer obey her giving her Kingdom to the King of Spain But fearing that a war might be dangerous and of doubtful event he thought the most compendious way to ruine her was to send over his Agents to England to cause proclaim his Bull there and to excite the Papists in England to rebellion against her and to endeavor by all means to assassinat her For he thought this would either win her or at least it would strengthen the King of Spains hands when he knew that there were secret plottings in England for to accomplish his design Therefore he sent over his Bull declaratory by one Morton an English fugitive who bringing it to Rodolf a Florentin divers copies of it were first secretly scattered among the Papists and then the Brieve it self fixed on the gate of London-house by which time the Priests and other Agents for Rome had wrought so far with sundry Nobles and Gentle-men of eminency whom they either found or could make discontented with the Reformed Religion or Government or whom they discerned to be ambitiously affected that they never rested plotting one treason and rebellion after another For in that same year wherein the Popes Bulls was here scattered among the Papists the Earls of Northumberland and Westmerland and sundry other their complices fell out in actual rebellion But that not taking effect they used more secret and hidden wayes for carrying on their mischief For L. Aubespine a French Ambassador of the Guisian faction solicited one Mocdy to kill the Queen by laying gun powder under her chamber and secretly firing it But although that was discovered yet they did not cease but all that Queens time they were still plotting treasons such as the treasons of Stuckly in Ireland of the Stanlies in Darbishyre of John Trogmorton and Brook of Sanders and Bristow of the Nortons Barn and Mather of Doctor Story and Shirwin Parsons Campian and Kirly and many other Priests and Jesuits to the number of 120. of Somervail and his adherents of Mayn Nilson Thomson and the rest of that crue of Payn and his fifty resolutes hyred by the Pope to murder the Queen Of Francis Throgmorton Paget and Englfield Of bloody Pary of Babington Tichburn and the rest of that pack Of the same Babington Charnock and Savace on a second devilish design Of Lopoz of Stanly of Cullen of York and Williams c. with infinit mo that never came to light yea Garnet Winter Catesby Treshame and others in the last year of Queen Elizabeth travelled with the King of Spain to joyn with the Papists in England to depose the Queen and to extirpat Religion Thus they never rested all the time of that Queen to plot treasons and rebellions against her And is it not well known how the Duke of Guise and his faction in France did enter in the holy League to root out all the Protestants In prosecution whereof they warred and rebelled against their natural Soveraigns King Henry the 3. and King Henry the 4. while several hundreds of thousands of the subjects were killed and destroyed and the whole Kingdom almost wasted and depopulated and way made for the Spaniard to conquer the Kingdom with whom the Leaguers joyned and brought his forces unto the Kingdom And if his wars in the Netherlands and the loss of his Armado anno 1588. had not weakned him he might have conquequested all France But did King James feel them any quieter in Scotland Surely no. For beside the hazard he was in from them in his infancy and minority he felt also their treasons and rebellions when come to age For the Earls of Angus Huntly and Arrol the Lords Maxwel Hares and others made a conspiracy for bringing in the Spaniard with whom they were to joyn forces for the ruine of King and Kingdom and afterward brake out in open rebellion
at the bridge of Dee as is proved at large in a Treatise intituled A Discovery of the unnatural and trayterous conspiracy o● Scottish Papists c. printed by King James special command 1592. And as soon as he entered England Watson and Clerk instilled treasons unto sundry Nobles and Gentle-men against the King and Prince before the Coronation But that not succeeding they fall next to the Gun-powder treason designing to blow up King Parliament all at one blow they hiring the cellers of the Parliament-house in which they laid 36. barrels of gunpowder and 1000. billets and 500. fagots and if God had not discovered their wickedness by a singular providence both King Queen Prince Nobles Knights Citizens Burgesses yea the whole Parliament had all gone with at one blow I spare to speak of the continual treasons and rebellions in Ireland both in Queen Elizabeth and King James reign Or of that memorable design of the Spanish Armado anno 1588. Which however it was attempted by Spain yet all men may know that the English and Scottish Papists kept continual correspondence and were combined with the Spaniard And of the thundering Bull of Pope Sixtus the 5. then sent abroad for confirmation of the several Bulls made by his predecessors Pius the 5. and Gregory the 13. against Queen Elizabeth to the end our Papists might more cheerfully assist in that bloody enterprise Nor were the Papists less active in King Charles the first his reign as M Prin and M. Baxter have evidenced at large Prin in several treatises especially in a treatise intituled Romes Master-piece shows what great plots they had either to ruine King and Kingdom or to procure liberty for the profession of Popery M. Baxter in his Key of Catholicks chap. 45. seqq proveth at large that they plotted contryved and carried on that late change of Government in the State and that cruel and abominable parricide committed on the Royal person of King Charles the first Peter du Moulin junior Chaplain to the Kings Majesty in his vindication of the sincerity of the Protestant Religion in the point of obedience to Soveraigns chap. 2. pag. 58.59 testifieth That the year before the Kings death a select number of English Jesuits were sent from their whole party in England first to Paris to consult with the Faculty of Sorbon then altogether Jesuited to whom they put this question in writing That seeing the State of England was in a likely posture to change Government whither it was lawful for the Catholicks to work that change for the advancing and securing of the Catholicks cause in England by making away the King whom there was no hope to turn from his heresie Which was answered affirmatively After which the same persons went to Rome where the same question being propounded and debated it was concluded by the Pope and his Council that it was both lawful and expedient for the Catholicks to promote that alteration of State What followed that consultation and sentence all the world knoweth The same Author relateth That when the news of that horrible execution came to Roan a Protestant Gentle-man of good credit was present in a great number of Jesuited persons where after great expressions of joy the greatest of the company to whom all gave ear spake much after this sort The King of England at his marriage had promised us the reestablishing of the Catholick Religion in England and when he delayed to fulfil his promise we summoned him from time to time to perform it We came so far as to tell him that if he would not do it we should be forced to take these courses which would bring him to his destruction We have given him lawful warning and when no warning would serve we have kept our vow to him since he would not keep his word to us The said Author likewise relateth That in pursuance of the fore-mentioned conclusion at Rome many Jesuits came over who take several shapes to go about their work but most of them took party in the army About thirty of them were met by a Protestant Gentle-man between Roan and Deep to whom they said taking him for one of their party that they were going to England and would take arms in the Independant army and endeavor to be Agitators Much more hath he to this purpose M. Baxter likewise proveth that many Jesuits did enter in the army and swarmed through the Countrey under the name of Independants Seekers Quakers Levellers c. endeavoring to ruine the Reformed Religion by railing against the Church Ministery Ordinances c. From all which it is evident that the grand work of the Pope and Jesuits his Janisaries is to plot and carry on treasons and bloodshed in Protestant Kingdoms and Commonwealths which they have been still about since the Reformation And no wonder the Priests and Jesuits lay life and all at the stake to accomplish bloody and traiterous designs seeing they are sworn and ingaged by oath to make this their work For the Pope binds all the Jesuits and Priests by oath to inculcat their principles of treason into their proselyts and to stir them up upon all occasions to act it as will be evident to any who will but read the rules of Ignatius Loyola the father of the Jesuits Or the testimony of Pope Urban the 8. in his Bull of Canonization of Ignatius Loyola Touching that Society that beyond all other fraternity they are the chief and most strenuous propugners of the Popes authority And how far do the Jesuits extend their vow of blind obedience Even to the killing of Kings raising of treasons and rebellions whereever they can have access So that Watson in his Quodlibets and other secular Priests have proven and concluded the Jesuits traitors both for tenets and practise But not only are the Jesuits bound by oath to assassinations and rebellions but also the secular Priests themselves who are not Jesuits are bound unto the Pope himself in his Constitutions for ordering of the English Colledge at Rome by oath to propagat rebellion For thus speaks Martin Aspilcueta Doctor Novarrus lib. 3. consil resp concil 1. de regular cited by Doctor Burges At Rome in the Colledge of the English it is a Statut and Papal Constitution that whoever will be admitted into that Colledge he be tyed to swear that after so many years he will travel unto England for defence of the Catholick faith and there preach it both in publick and privat Now what Faith it is that they are bound to preach the treasons and rebellions raised by them can best evidence Now their great work is to corrupt the judgements of their followers and instruments of assassination and treason with poysonous positions touching the nature of such facts and bribe their consciences with strong baits of reward and glory to all that will undertake the acting of treasons and rebellions at their instigation which is a strong incentive to them For men that
are either sensible of Religion or desirous of glory will easily be induced to any attempt which is pronounced not only lawful but noble and meritorious for advancement of their Religion And the Priests and Jesuits perswasions are the more forcible by reason of the great influence they have upon Papists of both sexes and the power they exercise over their consciences and the esteem and honor they have among them because that they do hazard their lives to do them service which doth exceedingly endear them to them and makes them more apt to drink down any poysonous principles that they infuse And so under pretext of Religion they at their pleasure involve them in desperat treasons For whither will they not lead them by advancing the Popes authority over all in ordine ad spiritualia and by dayly telling them that the Protestants are a pack of excommunicat and damnable hereticks which all Catholicks are to look upon as such and ought to prosecute them as the Pope shal command and direct It would be too tedious to show how often and with what arguments they have excited up their followers to treasons and rebellions For what rewards have been promised to traitors if they do the deed and what glory of Martyrdom they purchase in heaven in case they miscarry is better known then I can declare I shal only bring a few instances First one William Parrey a Popish traitor acknowledged That he had promised at Rome to kill Queen Elizabeth about which he was much troubled in his conscience till he lighted upon D. Allens book which taught that Princes excommunicat for heresie were to be deprived of Kingdom and life which book saith he did vehemently excite me to prosecute my attempt Secondly when the Gun-powder treason was hatching Catesby and some others at first had scruples of the lawfulness of it upon which they consult father Garnet and others of their ghostly fathers who all pronounce it lawful and full of merit and encourage them in it Catesby had also grounded himself upon the doctrine of father Cresuel in his Philopater who asserteth That a Prince manifestly heretical falleth from all Princel● p●wer and authority even before any legal sentence pass d by the Pope against him To both which he added the infallible jugement of Clement the 8. who in two several Breves one directed to the Catholick Nobility and Gentry of England the other to father Garnet enjoyned them not to permit any but a Catholick Prince to succeed Queen Elizabeth Hence he concluded He who then might lawfully he kept out may now as lawfully be thrust out Pope Clement enjoyned the former Ergo we may do the latter And thus armed with poysoned Divinity he and his followers resolved most desperatly to go on with that wickedness Also Oneil first and Tyron afterwards had the publick approbation of the University of Salamanca in Spain before they displayed their rebellious banners From all which the Reader may perceive in what a poor case any Prince or Republick stands into where Papists have any power or strength Is not both the Kings life and his Kingdom and posterity in dayly hazard of utter ruine and undoing Object But lest it should be said that these were the the facts of some treacherous spirits especially the Jesuits who have been incendiaries as well in their writings as in their practises yet the more moderat Catholicks have ever condemned these facts and writings and many of them have been content to have granted to the King all that the Sorbon Doctors and Parliament of Paris have granted to the King of France Answer 1. These treasons and rebellions have not only been done by some obscure hot-brained Papists and Jesuits but also approved by their most learned approved Writers yea commended by the Pope himself who in their judgement is infallible For did not Pope Pius the 5. excommunicat and depose Queen Elizabeth and gave her Kingdom to Philip of Spain as we hinted before which Bull of excommunication was confirmed by his successors Gregory the 13. and Sixtus the 5 And not only doth the Pope excommunicat and depose Kings but also he doth approve of killing of Kings For we told you before that Pope Sixtus the 5. gave thanks unto God in open Consistory for the horrible murder and assassination committed by James Clement upon Henry the third of France which Oration was published by the Papists and printed at Paris by Nicolas Neville and Rollin Thory with approbation of their Doctors Boucher de Creil and Ancelin And is not the fore-cited resolution of Pope Urban half an approbation of King-killing when he saith He esteemed them not to be murderers who possessed with the zeal of the Catholick Church against these that were excommunicat should happen to kill any of them And did not Pope Paul the 5. permit Garnet and Oldcorn who were taken and executed in England for the Gun-powder treason to be put in the Catalogue of Martyrs their picture to be worn in medals their image to be set upon the Altars in Churches and their bones worshipped as holy relicks And Gerard another of the Gun-powder traitors who fled was permitted publickly to take confessions in S. Peters Church at Rome And Tosmond another of these hellish conspirators was made publick Penitentiary at Rome and Confessor to the Pope himself after they were fled for that hellish Gun-powder plot And doth not Franciscus de Verone write an Apology in defence of John Chastel who attempted the murther of King Henry the 4. of France Now either the Papists must acknowledge these assassinations and murders to be lawful or they must condemn the Pope as erring in approving of them which will strike against the foundation of their Religion to wit That the Pope cannot err Now therefore albeit some Papists in words profess a dislike of Jesuitical practises yet still they hold of the Pope for the whole frame of their Religion and vow obedience to all his publick definitions and so must approve of the most vile parricide imaginable if the Pope command or approve of it 2. It is an ordinary stratagem of Papists to profess to abhor Jesuitical tenets to lull us asleep to get their wickedness acted with less suspicion Among many instances might be given I shal give one in Queen Elizabeths time when after that Pope Pius his Bull came out against her some seminary Priests admired and extolled that Bull and blasphemously said It was indyted by the holy Ghost yet presently after they set out a book on purpose to lull the Queen and State asleep to admonish the Papists of England not no practise any mischief upon the Queen because Catholicks might use no other armes but tears prayers watchings and fastings against their adversaries and yet in the mean time they never rested plotting one treason after another A list whereof I set down before And even Watson and other Priests who did write against the Jesuits rebellious practises were the
much less do we hold that the Pope may loose all subjects from their oath of loyalty and command that a Jesuit stob or poyson a King when he turneth enemy to the Roman faith Satan himself cannot charge us with these therefore we intreat that none would hearken to the Author of Philanax Anglicus or the like who endeavor to traduce and calumniat us as if the Protestants of integrity did teach and practise rebellion c. Look to our Confessions and the approved writings of our Doctors and to the practises of Protestants in the Kingdoms and Common-wealths where they live and they will be forced to confess we own no such doctrine Who more loyal subjects then the Protestants in France to King Henry the third and King Henry the fourth They owned them assisted and fought for them when almost all others abandoned them How faithful were our predecessors in Scotland to King James they crowned him in his cradle they preserved him owned and assisted him and made him a glory to Europe for understanding learning and wisdom I shal not insist further on this seeing Peter du Moulin hath learnedly vindicated the Reformed Churches from this false aspersion hatched in hell of purpose to alienat the affections of the Magistrat from us But this only say as we desire to render to God the things that are Gods so we desire to render to Cesar the things that are Cesars But to conclud Doth not the truth and honor of God which ought to be dearer to us then our own salvation our own and posterities welfare and safety in body soul and all that is near and dear to us call us to consider and seriously to lay to heart the increase and prevalency of Popery Since the Reformation there was never generally more prevailing of Popery and more hazard of being ruined thereby then now and yet never less sense thereof zeal against it In former times the least appearance of the prevalency of Popery did alarm all to deal according to their place and station most seriously for suppressing thereof I shal not insist in shewing how zealous our predecessors in Scotland were against Popery and how they left no mean unessayed for total extirpation thereof out of the land nor how ready they were upon the least appearance of any danger to discover the danger and petition and supplicat the Kings Majesty and Estats of Parliament for remedy For instance when news came of the preparation of the Spanish Armado 1588. what fasting praying and humiliation was all the Land over and all other means essayed for preventing that dismal-like stroke And anno 1592. when the plots of the Popish Lords who had conspired to bring in the Spaniards in the Kingdom was discovered what zeal and forwardness did all the Land show for defence of the Reformed Religion and suppressing of Popery I will not I say insist at large on these seeing the Acts of our Parliaments wherein there are so many excellent statuts and laws made against Popery and the Histories of these times doth abundantly declare what ze●l and hatred all ranks and degrees had against that Romish Whoor But I shal only make this inference If they had such love to the truth and such zeal against Antichrist who had not such light and were not so strongly engaged as we are shal they not arise in judgement against us and condemn us For should not the truths of God be as precious to us as to our predecessors Are there not as many obligations lying upon us as was upon them Is not Popery that same damnable Antichristian idolatry now that it was then Why then are we so dreadfully lukewarm and indifferent and so little zealous against it Should we be silent when Christ suffers If in any thing and at any time we be obliged to confess him before men and to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the Saints is it not in this thing and at this time when Antichrist is endeavoring to rob us of the purity of the Gospel and to entangle us with the yoke of his Idolatry and superstition Do we not see what we may expect if Popery prevail notwithstanding of all their specious pretences and fair and plausible insinuations The massacre of Paris the Spanish Inquisition and their unheard-of cruelty in Ireland to our own flesh and blood together with the Marian days in England ought never to be forgotten by us but alwayes raise in us a perfect detestation of and holy zeal and indignation against that Scarlet Whoor What may we expect if Popery prevail but that sad Dilemma either to be burnt at a stake or loose our souls and bodies eternally for the portion of these that worship the Beast and receive his mark is to be casten in that lake that burneth night and day Rev. 14.10.11 THE CONCLVSION NOw although we can expect nothing but either loss of life and all that is near and dear to us or to loose our souls eternally if Popery prevail yet how little concerned are we in these matters How luke warm and indifferent are we in this age and generation as to any Religion How few are they that are stirred up to deal with God by prayer and supplication for continuing of the Gospel in purity with us and to lay seriously to heart the abounding iniquity of these days that may justly provoke the Lord to give us up to the tyranny of Antichrist It is true many apprehend no hazard from Antichrist and think that all the noyse that is made of the prevalency of Popery is without any real ground and cause But let such think what they please yet really our hazard is not so little as is apprehended if we consider the diligence activity and vigilancy of Antichrist upon the one hand and the lightness unstability lukewarmness and Gallio-like temper of this generation together with the dreadful evils whereby the Lord is provoked to remove the candlestick and give us up to strong delusions to believe lies on the o her hand I. First I say if we consider the diligence and activity of Antichrist for is not Antichrist as active and diligent as ever Hath he not been still endeavoring by all manner of way to get his deadly wound cured and the Reformed Churches brought again under his subjection and especially Britain and Ireland which he looks upon as his great eye-sore Therefore he hath erected for educating of the children of Scots and English Papists a Colledge at Doway in Flanders another at Rome the third at Valladolit in old Castile a fourth in Sevil in Spain a fifth in S. Omers in Artois a sixth in Madrid in new Castile in Spain a seventh in Lovain in Brabant an eight in Liege in Luikland a ninth in Ghent in Flanders Now these that are educated in these Colledges especially at Rome they are bound by oath to come over to Britain and Ireland for propagating of Popery and accordingly some comes over to