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A43038 Divine meditations upon some of the virtuous, and vitious women, in the Scriptures wherein, as in a glass, every one may see their own faces; whether fair, or foul; deformed, or comely. A work worthy their spare-hours; which, by the grace of God, may work an holy emulation in many, either to equal, or out-vie their sex in virtue. By William Harvey, minister of the Word of God. Harvey, William, minister of the Word. 1661 (1661) Wing H1092B; ESTC R216453 24,926 90

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foul the road is in comparison of what it was Here is one of Nilus Breed a Woman-Crocodile one whose Tears and actions were not onely feigned but mischievous See how impudently and shamelesly she courts him And she said Ly with me Gen. xxxix 7. By this Imperative voice like another Herricano sh● thought to blow up the chast youth with a Gust and frame him to her Will The first Onset having a repulse she thought to weary him through importunity wherefore she solicits him day by day to condescend Verse 10. but the powder will not take and therefore she goes another way to work and trie if opportunity will do it But alone together and none of the men within she caught him by his garment saying Ly with me Verse 12. Yet for all this Fire the Tinder will not burn Joseph is impregnable and being armour of Proof no bullet can pierce him Now hear and wonder when all her strings break she cries Whore first and basely pretends a Rope offered her The Hebrew Servant which thou hast brought unto us came in unto me to mock me Verse 17. O the wickedness of an imperious whorish woman Who would think so fair a face had so foul an heart A Box so externally pol shed should be replenished with such venom But no marvel for a graceless woman to outvy a Serpent The Whore now is Carted let every bed und filed throw dirt upon her for she is hatefull to God a bane to Youth injurious to her husband and a shame to her Sex And you Young ones in your spring and Fl●wer look upon Joseph the world's mirrour the Chast the Vertuous Can you view this piece and not be in love with it Can you read this and give your strength to wowen Yield not to a Common Prostitute When this Syren sings stop your ears you run else on a Rock or Quick-sand Let your part upon the Stage of this would be Chastitie that you may go off with a Plaudite Keep your virginity untouched so shall you be fit Temples for the Holy Ghost Christ was lay'd in a new Tomb if you would have his Company let your Conversation be pure and chast Meditations upon Delilah HEre is another of the same Form an excellent proficient in the Black-Art one that Coun'd her Lesson perfectly She was prettily seen in Rhetorick for she could speak well and a Logician too being expert in Fallacies She prostitutes and gives Sampson her Body but not her heart though she gained his to his destruction Sampson was a Nazarite from his Youth a Type of Christ an Enemy to the Philistines and a destroyer of their Country by divine appointment The Lords plough with his heifer and promise to give her each of them eleven hundred pieces of silver to get out of him where his great strength lay See how cunningly she carries it the Gipsey hath Hony in her mouth but Gall in her heart Tell me I pray thee where thy great Strength lyeth and so by her importunity urging him from time to time that his Soul was vexed unto death he tells her all his heart and he that with the Jaw-bone of an Ass slew a thousand men she makes an Ass of him puts out his Eyes and now he grinds in the Mill and is become a Fool to the Vacircumcised O the mazie and false heart of an ungracious Woman No Toad more replete with poyson then such an unsanctified Creature A Vitious woman cancels the bonds of Religion and Nature A pure Maremaid Monster half woman half fish or rather an incarnate Devil to betray a confiding Lover into the hands of implacable enemies That of the Poët with me is Canonical Believe not such a woman though she should breath her last What act so horrid that a Mercenarie Strumpet will not do All former Familiaritie amorous dalliance and mutual embracings are all buried in Oblivion Who would trust a Whore for grease her in the fist and if she can shee 'l damn thee All the Plagues of Egypt are blessings to this Cannibal If thou fearest God tenderest the Peace of thy conscience and mind'st the Salvation of thy pretious Soul fly the sight of this Basilisk For Riddles she is a Lamia for enchantments a Circe for Cruelty a Devil She is so ugly that no Pen can draw her to the Life She is a Sea of Mischiefs which no Line can sound and a Remora that puts a stop to Vertue in all Vessels that sail by her Sampson of a thousand Tun Burthen was stay'd by it and so hailed a shore by the Vncircumcised and then rifled What should I say of this Witch Mount Aetna spits not forth more Fire and her Smoak ascends from the bottomless Pitt The wish of Velerius Maximus to his friend shall be mine to every individual Det Deus omnipotens ut omnipotenti faemina semper libereris The Omnipotent God deliver thee from an Omnipotent woman Meditations upon Jezebel FRom Evil to worse Here have I met with a pretious Saint One whose Religion was a Cloak to cover her Villany a Sheep in shew a Fox indeed a Wolf in Cruelty These three may be compar'd to the three Furies Alecto Megaera and Tisyphone but of all the Degrees this is Superlative and falls short of none but the Devil which may seem a Paradox too It were hard to compose a Play of her the Scene being in Hell and the Stage so Tragical enough to fright the Spectatours But see an Act or two and then discede the House with an Hiss Ahab being denyed Naboth's Vineyard more sick in Mind then Body throws himself on the Bed where like the troubled Sea the Waters cast up mire and dirt There 's no Peace saith my God to the wicked In this Distraction comes up the Monntebank who to recover him applies Poyson making the Cure worse then the Disease A dear Purchase when a man exchangeth his Soul for a Vineyard But see the Devilishness of this Woman She writes Letters in Ahab 's name and seals them with his Seal and sends them to the Elders and Nobles Mark the Contents Proclaim a Fast and set Naboth on high among the People and set two Sons of Belial before him to bear witness against him saying Thou didst blaspheme God and the King and then carry him out and stone him that he may dye 1 Kings xxi 9 10. O incomparable villany impietie in the abstract A Woman a Devil rather Must Religion be a Bawd to Murther It must but it aggravates the Sin and contracts more guilt to the Soul Feigned Sanctitie is a double iniquitie and they sin twice who do it under a pretense of Holiness This hath ever been the Common-road to all horrid and black deeds When we had no King in Israel and every man did as seemed best in his own eyes Religion brought up the rear and the Scattered Troops of Hypocrisie rallied and fought under that Banner Should the Devil appear dreadfull he would scare the
Witch her self Our pretended Triennial and long-winded Parliament who made this Kingdom another Ach●ldamae a Field of Blood and place of dead men's Sculls put this vizard on Reformation the glorious name of Reformation was all the Cry When we were made worse then Gally slaves among the Turks or God's people in Egypt who made Brick without Straw and through intolerable burdens and impositions even weary of our lives yet the Libertie of the Subject and Reformation was pretended But God pitying our miseries looked through the pillar of Fire and of the Cloud on the Host of these Egyptians and troubled them he took off their Chariot-wheels that they drave heavily and the Rump though not drowned was Sacrificed in the Fire There is not a Sectary but hath Religion for his pretense Religion hat been the Common-sewer through which all Kenels have run and like the Physicians Catholicon applyed to all foul disseases But a seeming Saint is a real Devil Now to our Theme again She was the first painted woman we read of not like the Picts to terrifie but to attract Furious Jehu came to Jezreel Jezebel paints her face and tires her head and looks out at a window 2 King ix 30. By this she thought to captivate him before whom two Kings could not stand Her first Complement was Had Zimri peace who slew his Master As if she had been no Homicide though she murdered Naboth O the Deadness of a cauterised Soul Coul'd she speak this and yet guilty of innocent Blood Truly Custom in Sin takes from us all since and feeling of it No judgment so fearfull as a benummed Conscience when one perpetrates a sin and never mindes it The Sea that 's now calm when a storm comes will prove turbulent and cause it to rage and foam Waters which are stopped when the Banks give way break in with more violence At one time or other thou wilt say to thy Conscience as Ahab to Elijah Hast thou found me out O mine enemy hast thou found me Tuta esse scelera secura non possunt Thy sins may to thy thinking be safe but cannot be secure Thy Conscience will bark and bite and without Repentance that worm live to perpetuitie Lake Prometheus his Vulture it will continually gnaw thy heart and add to the measure of thy endless torments She paints her Face and paints her Sin which nothing can wash off but Tears of contrition in the blood of Christ But hath she no Sisters living Yes and such who are called Christians too which make their sins out of measure sinfull We have many Jezebels who when natural Beautie falls short they would repair by art Angli quasi Angeli said a Pope once of some of our Boys who were brought before him but should be have seen some of our Women he would have changed his Tale and instead of Angels have given them the deserved Epithete of incarnate Devils Many so dawb and slaver their faces that they look more like Puppets then women and pictures rather then living Creatures As for Hypocrisie and seeming Holiness that shew of Godliness denying the power not such an harvest since Adam as in our pretended times of Reformation Well mark the result Jezebel was devoured by Dogs Repent you degenerate women that you become not a prey to the Devil Meditations upon Athaliah THE Way as yet I see is very foul I thought the last would admit no Comparison but I have now met with her Match They may very well go for Sisters for they are as like as two Twins bloody Nimrods both and mighty Hunters before the Lord. I may say of this as is Recorded of Caligula (a) Lutum Sanguine maceratum Suet. a Lump of clay soaked in Blood Her Complexion was altogether sanguine and no water could quench her Thirst but choice Spirits of Life for She destroys all the (b) 2 Kin. xi 1. Seed Royal. Ambition is the Cut-throat of nearest Relations and where it reigns there 's no room for Vertue Like Hell and the Grave it 's never satisfied If a Crown be the Gain all the H●unds are let loose How many have broke their Necks in the pursuit of it Nay how many have damned their Soul to Climb up this Culmen It is so sweet a Bait that many Gudgeons have nibbled so long at it that they have been caught to their Destruction Caesar and Pompey were great Gamesters at it One could brook no Superiour the other scorned a Competitiour but their Exit was miserable and their Sun went down in Blood Great Alexander who grieved he had not more Worlds to Conquer was nipped in the Eud and confined within a winding-Sheet and a Coffin Bajazet the Turk whom once all Asia could not hold was at last cooped up in a Cage where he might complain to his Mahomet and dolefully Tune forth his Misfortunes Crook'd-Back Richard the Vsurper who to gain a Crown murdered his Nephews in the Tower and drowned his own Natural Brother the Duke of Clarence in a But of Malmsey after three Years and odd Moneths Reign had his full Compensation and Retribution For he was slain in Bosworth field and being besmeared with dirt and blood was tyed behind a Pursivant to the Scoff and Wonder of both Armies But what need I search the Records or look back to Antiquity 'T is fresh in our Memories Oliver Cromwel whose Name not long since was terrible as Captain Drake's was to the Spaniards What Seas of Blood did he wade through What Numbers of Fatherless Children and Widows did he make whose Cryes and Complaints would have forced a Sympathy from an hard-hearted Jew to condole with them Into what Miseries were the Royal Party those noble Souls who fought for God and their King plunged Loyalty and Piety would then have made any miserable King Saul (c) 1 Sam. xv 9. saved alive the best of the Sheep and of the Oxen and of the Fatlings and of the Lambs but every thing that was vile and refuse he utterly destroyed But here on the contrary the best of men and the fattest harmless as Sheep and innocent as Lambs the nobly-born true-hearted Gentry and the Orthodox Clergy were hailed to the Slaughter and the vile refuse and rascal People the rebellious and schismatical were reserved Ambition onely Ambition was the Devil that let loose that accursed Blood-Hound But mark his sad Catastrophe His Vale to the world was unhappy for He (d) Intravit ut Vulpes regnavit ut Lupus mortuus est ut Canis Dictum de Bonifacio Octavo Papa came in like a Fox He reigned as a Wolf and dyed like a Dog And behold this miscreant Woman Hell's fourth Fury after awhile being put forth the Ranges is slain 2 King xi 16. Sic transit gloria Mundi Thus the seeming Glory of the world vinisheth And the Bladder blow up with Wind with one Spurn is gone Meditations upon Sapphira Acts v. WE say The nigher the church the farther from God and