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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02915 A shorte declaration of the mistery of iniquity Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616? 1612 (1612) STC 13056; ESTC S4697 142,624 224

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cruelty thereof executed by the Ks. power whereby they make our lord the K. gilty of all the imprisoment banishment persecution which by the Kings power they impose vpon all the faithfull subiects of the King who with stād their abhominations But aboue all let our the King for the glory of God and for the salvation of the Kings owne soule suffer vs the Kings servants thus far to prevaile with the King that our Lord the King would but search the scriptures whereby the K. knowes he must be directed if he wil be saved and let the King see with his owne eie what showe of warrant can be found that the King should take vnto himself power to Elect Bishops Oh wee beseech the King that the successive possession and the goodly apparence of this power may nothinge sway with our lord the King herein but let the King set before his eies the worthy recorded remembrance by the spirit of God of Cyrus King of Persia who brought furth the vessells of the house of the lord which Nabuchadnezzer had taken out of Ierusalem had put them in the house of his God Ezra 1.7.11 Not regarding the monuments of his predecessors great cōquest nor the dispoyling of his Gods of such bewtifull ornaments nor the departing with treasure of so great value All these respects could not hinder this King for restoring the vessells of the house of the Lord. Let our lord the K. be no lesse mynded to the house Church of God but let our lord the King freely restore at once to the Church and house of God the whole glorious power of Christ the onely King thereof and perticulerly that most bewtifull ornament of Election and ordination of the Bishops and deacons thereof who ought to be elected ordeyned according to the rule of the holy ghost Act. 14.23 6.3 and who ought to be qualified withall and every one of those gifts and graces set downe vp Th-appostle 1. Tim. 3. Tit. 1. yea their wives childrē also or els it is grevious iniquity to chuse them And who must onely by their Office beare those names titles which the holy ghost hath given them and lead or rule by that power which Christ hath appointed and by those lawes and ordinances and live by those maintenāces if they stand need And will our lord the King change all these and manie mo lawes statutes and ordinances which Christ Iesus the mediator and King of the new Testament hath appointed and ordeyned in his Church Will the King take this power to himself to Elect in such manner and such men as the King thinkes good And give names titles and power such as best pleaseth the King Hath Iesus-Christ with his blood purchased to himself this honor to be the head of his Church Ephes 5. And hath he shewed himself a faithfilll Mediator And hath he bene accounted worthy of more glory then Moses And hath he builded his owne house himself Heb. 3. And shall he be dispoyled of all his honor And will our lord the King be entised by evill men to enter vpon the inheritance of the Sonne of God in appointing and by the Kings power suffering to be appointed Lords and lawes in and over the house of God which are not according to the patterne Which lords because Christ is not their buckler nor faith their sheild nor the sword of the spirit the weapon of their warfare they have deceitfully seduced our lord the King bringing themselves vnder his protection for their defence and getting the Ks. sword into their hands to destroy all that speake or write against them preferring their owne Kingdome before either Christs Kingdome or the kingdome State of our lord the King as wee have already shewed vnto the King in that they with such loveing patience suffer and permitt so manie thousands of Romists who by their profession and the practices of some of them are dangerously opposite to the Kingdome of Christ and to the King and State But these Lords Bs. Cannot in anie wise endure one that doth faithfully seeke for reformation because such are onely adversaries to their kingdome Wee still pray our lord the King that wee may be free from suspect for haveing anie thoughts of provoking evill against them of the Romish religion in regard of their profession if they be true faithfull subiects to the King for wee do freely professe that our lord the King hath no more power over their consciences then over ours and that is none at all for our lord the King is but an earthly King and he hath no aucthority as a King but in earthly causes and if the Kings people be obedient true subiects obeying all humane lawes made by the King our lord the King can require no more for mens religion to God is betwixt God and themselves the King shall not answere for it neither may the King be iugd betwene God and man Let them be heretikes Turcks Iewes or what soever it apperteynes not to the earthly power to punish them in the least measure This is made evident to our lord the King by the scriptures When Paul was brought before Gallio deputie of Achaia and accused of the Iewes for persuading men to worship God contrary to the law Gallio said vnto the Iewes if it were a matter of wronge or an evill deed o ye Iewes I would according to right mainteyne you he drave them from the iudgment seat Act. 18.12.17 shewing them that matters of wrong and evill deeds which were betwixt man man apperteyned onely to the iudgment seat and not questions of religion The like is shewed by the Twne clerke of Ephesus in Act. 19.38.39 And further Paul being in like case accused of manie thinges Act. 24. in the 25. chap. he appeales to Cesars iudgment seat where he saith he ought to be judged approveing and justifieing thereby that Cesars power judgment seat was the holy Ordināce of God and our Saviour Christ is himself obedient therevnto comaunds teacheth his Disciples obedience but this judgment seat power which was of God had nothinge to do in the causes of the Religion of God as our lord the King may see for if it had then could not our Saviour Christ have comaunded obedience therevnto but he must have vtterly overthrowne his owne kingdome and power Neither could Th'appostle Paul have said he ought to be judged at Cesars judgment seat if Cesar had or might have judged in causes of Religion to God for then had he vtterly overthrowne the Office of his Appostle-ship and then had he submitted his Appostle-ship wholy to the judgment of Cesar and so had the power and aucthority of it bene altogether destroyed made of no effect which might in no wise be Now let our lord the K. whose honor it is wisely to judg in thinges that differ judg whether there be in these daies anie other earthly power or anie other spirituall power
of God did ever by example practice nor by rule comaund nor give power that anie should be compelled by anie bodily punishment to obey their lawes and Ordinances which were infalibly true holy and good How much lesse ought our lord the King to comaund or give a power to Arch-Bs lord Bs. men full of the spirit of error to make lawes Canons with aucthority from the King to compell by imprisoment sharpe persecutions the Kings true subiects and people of God vnto the obediente thereof who for their religion to God although they be contrary mynded to the K. therein ought not seeing they deserue not to be punished either with death or bonds this is cōfirmed to the K. by the testimony of King Agrippa and noble Festus the governor who adiuged Paul to have done nothing worthy of death or bonds but that he might have bene loosed if he had not appealed to Cesar yet Paul was contrary mynded to Cesar to the jewes in his religion to God But they iudged him by the lawe of Nations by the power of which law the Kings of the nations are to rule judg according to their owne severall lawes against which law Paul had not transgressed for his cause was concerning the faith of Iesus Christ which could not be judged by that law And let our lord the King give his servants leave to comend this to the Kings best observatiō which is worthy to be observed that where soever in the new testament throughout the professors of the faith of Iesus were adiudged by earthly rulers Governors for anie thinge that they did or held of conscience to God of faith to Iesus Christ if earthly Rulers and Gouernors tooke the cause in hand by their power the iudgment was alwaes wicked and abhominable And if our lord the King will but begin his obseruation at the fore-runner of Christ Iohn Baptist whome Herod put in prisō and beheaded And then let the King come to Iesus Christ whome they iudged and crucified finding no evill he had done And so if it please the K. to looke throughout the whole booke of the Act. there the King knowes how the disciples of Christ were imprisoned threatned beaten stoned The made Saul hauock with his letters of Comission and entred into every house and drew out both men wemen and put them in prison Then Herod stretched furth his hand and vexed certen of the Church and Killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sword and Caught Peter and put him in prison Then were Paul and Sylas taken at Philippi by the Gouernors and people and were sore beaten cast into prison and the Iailer comaunded to kepe them surey being charged to preach Ordinances which were not lawfull for the Romans to receive nor observe Here may our lord the King see a true patterne how the people of God are persecuted when the Civill power doth iudg their cause of their faith and profession in their religion to God Thus have worldly Gouernors delt with the Church of Christ when the disciples fell vnder their censure for their faith to God And all these sentences of death bonds and persecutions the King can iugd to be vniust and vnlaw full in that these Rulers and Gouernors had no lawfull power nor aucthority to iudg Christ nor his disciples for matters of faith they being in all other thinges obedient to their lawes But men wil say all this is answered in one word They were heathen Rulers Now if our lord the K. will challeng a Prerogative or power becaus he professeth Christ then let it be lawfull for the King servants to tell the King that it he will professe to be a disciple of Christ that gives the King no power to do anie of all these thinges to imprison to banish to put to death that belongs onely to his earthly Kingdome for Christ and Appostles had no such power given them neither taught they the disciples to take vpon them anie such power and to execute it vpon the contrary mynded but taught them the cōtrary to instruct thē with meeknes and by preaching the word seeke their conversion with all long suffering and not to destroy them by severe punishments yea the disciples of Christ must wait and labor for the grafting in againe of the Iewes according to the prophesies of the scriptures Rom. 11.24.27 and therefore the King knowes they may not be destroyed although they be the greatest enimies of Christ that are vpon the earth and have and yet do cast the greatest reproach and contempt vpon Christ with such words as are most fearfull to vtter yet must the disciples of Christ wait for their conversion and not worke their destruction And let our lord the King call to mynd how the Appostle Paul teacheth all the disciples of Christ to be mynded towards all infidells Rom. 1. 14.15 where he saith Iam debter both to the Grecian and to the Barbarian both to the wise and to the vn wise And the same Appostle 1. Cor. saith To the Iewes I become as a Iew to them that are vnder the law as though I were vnder the law to them that are without the law as though I were without the law to the weake I become as weake that I may wīne the weake I am made saith Th-appostle all thinges to all men that I might by all meanes save some All these instructions and directions are for our lord the King to direct the King how he should go in and out with holines all meeknes before his people to wynne them to Christ and not to set vp a Cruell Hyrarchy to make havock of the K. people as Saul did pulling them out of their houses both men and wemen casting them into prisons forceing them to flee the land and persecuting them with all cruelty May the King suffer all this to be done by his power vpon this ground of being a Christian King the Kings servants shewe the King yet once againe in all humility that Christ the King did not so himself he never appointed to be punished anie one man for desobeing his Gospell with the least bodily punishment And therefore wee instantly exhort our lord the King that the King would be no longer seduced by those most dangerous deceivers that have gottē the Kings power to punish those that Christ the King of Israell would not punish that persuade the King that the King hath the same power in the Kingdome and over the house and people of Christ that the Kings of Israell had in that Kingdome and over that house and people of God as it was the Church of God Wee according to our great weaknes have shewed to our lord the King before that the King cannot challeng that power meaning onely in respect of Religion And wee will by the Kings favour repeat the substāce of the whole ground in few words and wee beseech the King that wee may the rather do
it in that the whole cause depends thereon And wee repeat it vnto the King in these few words which shall never be disanulled or made void whilst the heavens and earth endure not because they are our words God forbid anie such arrogancie should possesse our harts but they shall never be made void neither shall anie ever be able to gain-say them with anie shew of truth because they are the words of the everlasting God of truth whereby wee shew vnto the King that the King cannot have that power in respect of Religion to God in the kingdome and over the house and Israell or people of Christ now that the Kings of Israell had in the old Testament or in the tune of the law The ground wee repeat vnto the King is this That the kingdome of Israell was an earthly or worldly kingdome an earthly or worldly Temple Tabernacle or house an earthly or worldly people and the King an earthly King who in and over all that kingdome Temple and people could require onely earthly obedience But the kingdome of Christ now is an heavenly kingdome not of this world his Temple Tabernacle or house an heavenly Temple Tabernacle or house his people a heavenly or spirituall people not of this world and the King Christ Iesus a heavenly spirituall King requiring spirituall obedience Therefore our lord the King can not as a King have anie power over this kingdome Temple Tabernacle house and People of God in respect of the Religion of God because our lord the King his kingdome is an earthly kingdome and to our lord the King belongs onely all earthly obedience service and duty which ought to suffice anie earthly man And the God of all Grace give our lord the King a gracious hart fully to be satisfied and contented with that great honor power and dignity that belongs vnto the King and to give glory and honor to God for it that it may go well with the King and his posterity for ever And the God of heaven deliver the King from all such enchanters of Egipt as shall perswade the King to take vpon him the power of the Kings of Israel over the Church of Christ onely for the setting vp and supporting of their High Priest hood with vrim and Thummim with Pompe and power and the Leviticall revenewes of Israell which they challeng and hold as apperteyning thervnto forceing the Kings people by cruelty to obey them as though with them onely remayned the oracles of God And now if they will shew anie manner of vprightnes vnto God or faithfulnes to the King or anie regard to Gods people let them not mainteyne their kingdome which they have obteyned of the King by deceit and flatteries as is prophesied Dan. 11.21 Let them not mainteyne it by the Kings sword and power but let them come furth with that sword and power whereof they glory so much and vse so little and mainteyne their names power cruelty with it and wee professe before God the whole hoast of heaven before our Lord the King and all his people that if they can prove evidently to our consciences by the holy word of God that wee may obey them in all their Canons and decrees and give them those names and titles without the everlasting destructiō of our soules and bodies in hell yea if they can but prove that wee ought to rest or depend vpon their iugdments vnderstandings in the exposition of anie one part of Gods word or that they have power to ordeyne and appoint anie one Ordinance or the manner of administring anie one Ordinance in the worship of God and Church of Christ wee profess vnto our lord the King wee will yeild them all the obedience they require But if they will prove these thinges onely by Conuotation Canons how can our lord the King require that the Kings servants should dishonor God by casting his holy truth away and with it the salvation of our soules and depend vpon their Canons and yeild them obedience and perish both in soules and bodies Wee have rather chosen thus to say downe our lives at the feet of our lord the King in presenting the cause into the Kings presence Saying with Ester If we perish we perish for coming thus boldly vncalled into the Kings presence but we will wait with hope and expectation that through the gracious worke of the lord the King will hold furth his golden rod that wee may live and not so onely but also that by the Kings meanes comfort and delivrance shall appeare vnto Israell And that our lord the King will say as that great King of Persia said Ezra 1.2 The lord God of heaven hath given me many Kingdomes of the earth and hath comaunded me to build him an house in Ierusalem who is he amongst you of all his people with whome his God is let him go to Ierusalem build the house of the lord God of Israell And as King Darius said Ezra 6.7.16 Suffer the worke of the house of God that the Israelites may build this house of God in his place that they may offer sweet odours vnto the God of heaven and pray for the Kings life and for his sonnes And as Artahshashte King of Persia said Ezra 7.23 what soever is by the comaundement of the God of heaven let it be done spedily for the house of the God of heaven for why should he be wroath against the Realme of the King and his children Thus beseeching the director of all harts to direct the Kings hart in these thinges wee continew praying for the King and his Sonne and the Kings Realmes and children That the King and his seed to Gods glory may sitt vpon the throne of Great Brittane whilst the earth endures possessing from God wisedome and Riches and Honor befitting the dignity of their high Renowne that they may walke in the waies of god that god according to his promisse may prolong their dayes And the Lord give all the Kings people faithfull vpright and honest harts that they may all with one hart as one man Feare God and Honor and obey the King with all the honor and obedience that hath or can be due to anie earthly King or Prince which is all earthly and worldly obedience with lands goods bodie and life And wee most humbly supplicate our Lord the King and all the honorable and worthy Gouernors vnder the King that they will not suffer them selves to be missed in judgment in condemning vs as movers of Sedition and our bookes for seditions bookes because wee differ from the recieved profession of Religion in the land but that they will according to that great gravity and wisedome that is vpon them wey what Sedition is and they will easly find that to professe and teach a differing judgment in Religion to the State cannot be proved Sedition for then had our Saviour Christ and all his Disciples bene found seditious persons which neuer could be proved against
but the same that was in Christ and his Appostles times in which times all earthly power was in the hands of earthly Kings and Princes and them that were in aucthority vnder them and Christ and his Appostles diminished not Kings and Princes of the least tittle thereof And all spirituall power was in the hands of Christ and his Appostles that were in aucthority vnder him of which spirituall power aucthority Christ nor his Appostles would suffer no earthly K. to diminish them of the least tittle thereof but rather gave them their lives if then our lord the K. do deserue that earthly Kings and Princes had the same power then that Kings and Princes have now and that Kings Princes had no power then over mens religion which was spirituall and belonged to Christ men were then to give vnto God that which was Gods and vnto Cesar and so vnto all earthly Princes onely that which apperteyned to them Then let our lord the King judg by what warrant of Gods word the King can now take to himself a spirituall power and set vp an Hyrarchy of Arch Bishop Lord B. and give aucthority to them to make lawes and Canons of Religion and to give them power to compell men vnto the obedience there of by such seveer courses as they have done Let our lord the King consider and the Lord give the K. wisedome therein that if no King nor Prince could have set vp such an Hyrarchy with such power and titles then but they had vtterly troden vnder foot all the dignity and power of Christ and his Appostles for Christ and his Appostles must have bene subiect therevnto neither may anie King set vp such an Hyrarchy now because it doth vtterly tread vnder foot all the dignity and power of Christ and his Appostles as well now as it had done then for wee have now Christ and his Appostles in all their power dignity as well as they had in those dayes according to that saying of our Saviour Christ in the parable They have Moses and the Prophetts And wee humble beseech our lord the K. a little to suffer the foolishnes of his servants although wee may seeme as fooles vnto the king herein If there had bene such a steaing Hyrarchy set vp in Christ and Th-appostles daies would the Hyrarchy have suffered vs that are thousands of the K. of great Brittans subiects to have gone to Christ his Appostles to have asked them whether wee should have obeyed them or no in all their Canons and ordinances And whether wee should have given thē those titles of superiority and all that ruling power which they challeng over vs the Kings subiects sureby they will say they would not have denyed vs that liberty to have gone in so waighty a cause and being so manie to have asked Counsell of Christ and his Appostles what wee should have done 20. thousands being ignorant and 10. thousands being doubtfull whether anie such power might be submitted too or no and thousands being out of all doubt that it might not be submitted vnto they will say they would not have denyed vs but wee knowe what their Canons would have made of it and wee may suspect justly that they would have enformed the King that it were very dangerous to suffer so manie to go vnto Christ and his Appostles for counsell and that it were not fitt to suffer such giddy heads to have that libertie for makeing rents and divisions and that it were much more safety for the King to suffer them to make all whole by their power and to subdue such busie refractary spirits Let the King with fauour suffer his servants thus to speake by the way least peraduenture anie such thinges come in the way And wee the Kings servants now takeing it for granted that the Arch Bs. and lord Bs. that professe such great holines would not have deneyd vs to have gone to Iesus Christ and his Appostles to be directed And if Christ and his Appostles had in the hearing of all our owne eares being so ma witnesses comaunded vs absolutely not to yeild the Arch-Bs and lord Bs. anie such power or names could wee yeld it them Although the Arch-Bs and Lord Bs. should with 20. thousands of witnesses affirme that Christ and his Appostles spake otherwise to their hearing Would our lord the King thinke it equall that wee should be forced to beleeue their hearing because they are lord Bs. contrary to the hearing of our owne eares being so manie witnesses of one Nation and tongue besides hundreth thousands of witnesses of other Nations tongues Wee knowe our lord the K. would thinke it no more equall if the case were so that wee should be forced to beleeve the lord Bs. hearīg then that they should be forced to beleeve our hearing Then iugd O King for the case is all one and the same for wee have Christ and his Appostles in their writings and they do absolutely speake to our vnderstandings that in no wise there ought to be anie such Hyrarchy of Arch Bs. and Lord Bs. in Christs Church And the Lord Bs. say that Christ and his Appostles speakes to their vnderstandings that there power and names are not cōtrary to Christs words Can our lord the King that is accompted a most wise and iust Prince in his iudgment iudg that wee are all bound to cast away our owne vnderstandings of Christs speaking and are to be compelled to beleeve and vnderstand Christ to speake as the lord Bs. vnderstād Christs speaking Oh let our lord the King with compassion consider whether ever since the heavens and earth were created there was a more vnequall extreame cruelty then this that the Kings people should be compelled in a cause that concernes the everlasting condemnation of their soules bodyes to Hell of force to submitt their soules and bodies to the vnderstanding of the Lord Bs. that are not able to direct themselves from the waies of death but are perished every man that ever bare that Office with those names and power if they repented not thereof although they had no other sinne and they also that do now beare that Office with those titles power shall likewise all perish to everlasting destruction if they do not repent thereof and cast it away the spirit of the lord hath spoken it Reuel 19.20 the Beast was taken and with him that false Prophet that wrought myracles before him whereby he deceived them that received the Beasts marke and them that worshipped his jmage these both were cast aliue into a lake of fire burning with brimstone And thus manifesting to our lord the K. that Iesus Christ is onely K. of Israell that sitts vpō Davids throne therefore onely hath the power of the King of Israel and none may partake with him in that kingdome and power who had the Spirit without measure and yet neither he nor his Appostles that had the Spirit without error to deliuer the Counsels
them neither could Tertullus with all his Oratory prove Paul a mover of Sedition to Felix the Gouernor who was willing to pleasure the Iewes in this matter Act. 24. if he could have found anie advantage against Paul but vnder all that excellent and mighty Gouerment of Cesar vnder whome there was so manie wise Kings and noble Gouernors difference in Religion could never be proved Sedition against the S●ate Neither could it ever be proved Sedition in all or anie of those that differed from the professiō of Religiō established in Q. Maries daies although they taught and professed the same as even the Lord B. them selves will confesse And it is neither accounted nor found Sedition in divers excellent well Gouerned Nations round about to professe and teach a differing judgment in Religion from the profession generally established as our Lord the King and all his worthy Gouernors see and knowe It is but the false surmise and accusation of the Scribes and Phariseis who feared their owne kingdome and of Demetrius the Silver-smith with the Craftsmen whose Craft was in danger whereby they gott their goods Act. 19. they them selves raised tumults and moved Sedition and ever laid the blame vpon the Disciples even so is it now and ever wil be that such as feare their owne kingdome and private gayne do and will falsly accuse the Disciples of Christ as movers of Sedition against the State And if the lord Bs will not be found false accusers herein as their predecessors have bene thē lett thē if they can forbeare to accuse before they have cause But let them take heed least when they shall see fyve in one house devided three against two and two against three the father devided against the sonne and the sonne against the father ect let them take heed they call not that Sedetion if they do they shall call Christ a sower of Sedetion for what was his disire but that the fire of such Sedetion should be kindled Luk. And may it please our Lord the King and all that are in authority of Gouerment vnder the King with their wise judgment to consider that it wil be a straing thinge to condemne men for Sedetion who professe and teach that in all earthly thinges the Kings power is to be submitted vnto and in heavenly or spirituall thinges if the King or anie in authority vnder him shall exercise their power against anie they are not to resist by anie way or meanes although it were in their power but rather submitt to give their lives as Christ his Disciples did and yet kepe their consciences to God and they that teach anie other Doctrine let them be held accursed VVE being yet through the helpe of our God most disirous to a wakē all you of our owne Nation out of that dead securiy and spirituall slumber wherein as in the Sea you are all over whelmed and finding no better nor anie so fitt portion of Gods word to effect these our vnfained disires as this prophesie of our Saviour Christ Mat. 24.15 which prophesieth of daies of so great tribulation and it is repeated Mark 13. and Luk. 17. and Luk. 21. all which places of the Evangelists must be most carefully and diligently compared together because the wise reader shall find by good observation that there are 4. Prophesies of our Saviour Christs by the Evangelists set downe together which are 1. the destruction of Ierusalem 2 ly the daies of the exaltation of the man of sin sene and discovered 3. ly the days of the Sonne of Man in the brightnes of his coming for the consuming and abolishing of the Mistery of Iniquity the abhomination of desolation the Man of sin And lastly the day of Christs coming to judgment Every one of these Prophesies must be diversly considered of with their proper apperteynings for the true and holy vnderstanding thereof and not confounded together Two whereof wee have and shall by the grace of God speake of as God shall enable vs 1. the exaltation seene and discovered and the dangers of those daies 2. ly of the days of the Sonne of Man in the brightnes of his coming for the consuming of the Man of sinne as being most fitt Scriptures to stir you vp to the consideration of your spirituall estates and standings and to direct you therein the Scriptures wee meane not wee if you will not harden your neckes and perish in the waies of death and sinne And as wee have endeauored to proboake you to looke vp that you might see the abhomination of desolation set vp in the holy place how the kingdome of the Man of sinne is even within you all that submitt your selves in anie obedience to the power of the first or second Beast bearing the Beasts mark or the print of his name so shall wee also be willing with the helpe of our God to stir you vp to consider of the great dāger that our saviour Christ hath fore-shewed shal be in these daies when men see the abhomination of desolation set vp and according to our Saviours exhortation begin to flee as all that have eies may see men now begin to do The danger that Christ foretold of is that in those days which are these daies manie shall come who now are come in Christs name and say Loe heere is Christ Loe there is Christ and manie false Christ shall arise and manie false Prophetts and shall shewe great signes and wonders so as if were possible they should deceive the very elect Way then with your selves whether you had not need to consider when the daies are so dangerous perillous as if it were possible the very elect should be deceived such is the danger of these daies by reason of the false professions of Christ and false Prophetts that do arise And seeing the false Prophetts are the Teachers and mainteyners of the false professions wee shall endeauor to discover them both vnder one and will onely speake of such false Prophetts and professions as are amongst you and knowne to you not burthening you with the multitude of straing and forreyn false Prophetts and false professions that are in the world whereof wee generally admonish you to beware of but it is full time that you tooke to those false professions and false Prophetts that are amonge you if you have anie regard at all of Gods glory or the salvation of your owne soules And seeing wee cannot speake of the false Christs or false professions of Christ that are amongst you but wee must name them wee pray it may not be offensive that wee tearme them by such names and titles as men distinguish them The first where of is that great and so much applauded profession of Puritanisme The which profession to prove it is a false profession yea and such a false profession as wee know not the like vpon the earth wee shall not need to produce anie testimony but your owne for whereas in your so manie bookes you
cry out of the thinges that are amisse among you and sue and supplicate and yet still continew in your former waies you testifie hereby against your selves that you are vnreformed and that there is a way of reformation wherein you would be if you might have leave or license to enter thereinto which seeing you cannot obteyne you iustify it lawfull to walke in an vnreformed profession of Religion vpon this ground because you may not have leave by act of Parliament to reforme What falser profession can be found vpon the earth then this of yours who professe that you knowe a way of much truth where in you would walke but you do not because you cannot by the superior power be permitted Let this suffice in this place to prove that you walke in a false profession of Christ by your owne acknowledgment calling dayly for liberty that you might reforme your selves but seing it will not be granted you go on in the false way you disaprove of Your grounds and reasons wee shall hereafter by Gods assistance try but in the meane time let Gods people knowe that there will never warrant be found to give men liberty for anie time to deferr to eschew evill and to refrayne to do good for feare of men or in obedience vnto men or vnder anie pretence what soever Most wicked and false is that profession and most false Prophetts are all those that professe and teath such a doctrine that men are not bound without anie delay al respects laid aside with all speed to eschew evil and do good as that true Prophett David did and taught who saith Psal 119.60 I made haist and delayed not to keepe thy comaundements And so wee proceed to shew that all your Puritane Prophetts so called are false Prophetts and such as our Saviour Christ fortells of who say Loe Here is Christ but comaunds beleeve them not And although wee might prove you all false Prophetts because you teach manie false doctrines yet wee hold it the most easy and plaine way for the vnderstanding of all to shew you to be false Prophetts because you are not sent nor called of God herein shall you have the least deceaveable shewe for your selves But before wee speake of your not being called sent of God which must appeare by your Election and ordination vnto the Office or worke of a Bishop or Pastor for other Prophetts wee knowe none amongst you wee will set downe the gifts and graces wherewith they are to be qualified that are to be elected and ordeyned and vndertake that Office as also how their wives childrē are to be qualified And these are the words of him that said Let there be light and there was light And of him that said thou shalt have no other Gods before my face and of the Law-giver all whose lawes are perfect lawes These are his words and this is his law Let a Bishop or Pastor be the husband of one wife watching temperate modest harborous apt to teach and able to exhort with wholsome doctrine and to convince them that say against it nor given to wyne no striker not given to filthy lucre but gentle no fighter not covetous one that can rule his owne house honestly haveing children vnder obedience withall reverence Let him not be a yong Disciple or newly planted in Let him be well reported of even of them that are without Let his wife be honest no evill speaker sober faithfull in all thinges This is the law of God 1. Tim. 3. Tit. 1. according to this law in every perticuler must a Bishop or Pastor and his wife and children be qualified for it is the law of the perfect law-giver And thou shall have no other Bishop or Pastor before his face This wee set downe to put you and the people of God in mynd to looke first that you their Bishops or Pastors be thus qualified for all that are not so both in them selves and their wives and children are not sent of God to be Pastors of his flock but are false Prophetts in the first degree for God sendeth none but those that are according to his owne rule and hereby may you see that every holy man and excellent preacher may not be a Bishop and Pastor over the house of God And now Election and Ordination which is the doore and way whereby the true Bishops and Pastors of the flock do enter The holy ghost doth teach Act. 14.23 that election and Ordination were performed in and by the Church or Congregation with fasting and praier this is the doore way and all that have entred by anie other way are theves and robbers as our Saviour Christ testifieth Ioh. 10. Are you not all now at once convinced and must you not all be forced to confesse that you have no such Election nor Ordination is your purchased Election of Patrons either perticuler men or of deane and Echapter or some Colledg or the private Election of some frend like vnto this holy order of Election which Christ hath appointed in his Church to be made with the gracious free full consent of every hart tongue in the whole congregation how woefull and wretched is the estate of you all if you repent not that joyne in this great wickednes to deprive the Church of Christ of such a blessed and comfortable ordinance of Christ how blessed and confortable a thinge were it for a holy people so to Elect their Pastors that should lead them and feed them with the wholesome word of doctrine and Exhortation and watch over their soules in the lord And what a blessed comfort were it for a holy man to be so elected of a holy people so should a Godly people have holy Pastors over them whom they would all love and reverence and so should Godly Pastors have a holy people to followe them whome they would carefully feed and cherish and this is the Ordinance of God and law of Election but to get an Election for monie either of a mans owne or of his frends or by private favour or frendship or beholdinges to men and so corruptly to become a Pastor over a flock of people diversly affected and manie openly prophane and wicked here is an vnholy Election of an vnholy Pastor over a corrupt and vnholy flock this is not to enter in by the dore but to clyme vp another way which seeing you all do not anie one of you entring by that holy Election which Christ hath appointed Christ him selfe hath adiudged you all not to be the shepherds of the sheepe but to be theeves and robbers And thus are you all false Prophetts how shall you be able to stand before the lord in this matter or how can you iustifie your selves before men will you make the word of the lord of no effect and blesse your selves in your owne waies if you shall still do so as you have long done yet shall you not be blessed of the lord in that you do herein