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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A92601 A proclamation or act by the Parliament of Scotland, for the proclaiming of Charles Prince of Wales, King of great Brittain, Franee [sic], and Ireland, through all the market places in that kingdom. Also the remonstrance of the Navie to rhesupream [sic] power of the kingdom, the Commons assembled in the Parliament of England, and to his Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax. Febr. 12. 1648. Imprimatur Gilbert Mabbott. Scotland. Parliament.; Brooke, Richard, Capt.; Hadock, Richard. 1649 (1649) Wing S1326; Thomason E542_8; ESTC R203725 8,112 16

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the Cooke be allowed 3 l. per mensem and no other Officer belonging to the Gunner Gun-roome or Boatswaine except each a Mate be allowed above foure Mast mens pay from the State but what the Gunner or Boatswaine shall allow out of their own meanes That the Steward Quarter-Master Gunners Mate Boateswain● Mate Carpenters mate be allowed 40 s. per mensem fore mast men clear of all charges have 20 s. per mensem which severall sums though to some as to our selves may seeme to large yet if granted may prevent the multiplicity of cheates formerly amounting to much more and induce those Seamen fallen off to returne to your service That the Minister and Chirurgion have such allowance as the State shall thinke fit That every Captaine with the approbation of the power electing him may make choice of all his Officers in the respective ships That all Captaines or Masters of Marchant men ships being Commanders in chief may have to the full value of twenty pounds of his own adventure and his bill of Portage free of custome and excise That all Masters mates have 15 l. of their own adventure upon the said accompt That all Chirurgions Pursers Gunners Boatswanes Carpenters and Cookes have ten pounds upon the same Accompt That all their mates with Quarter-masters and of their quallitie have eight pounds upon the same accompt That all fore Mast-men have five pounds upon the same Accompts That all such as by sufficient testimony shall make it appear they are not of ability either by charge of Children or losse otherwise to make good their above-said adventurers accordingly may be enabled to sell the same at the end of the voyage to him that will buy it That thereby men may be incouraged to fight for defence of Ships and Marchants goods this being but in liew of our Ton Custome free formerly allowed and since taken away That the names of the severall Captains Masters Mates Gunners Boat-waynes Carpenters Cookes Quartermasters Ministers and Chirurgion and four Mast-men with all other inferiour Sea-men be with the names of the severall Ships and Pinnaces they serve in inrolled and the Pay establisht respectively paid them in whole when in service and halfe pay in the vacation thereof provided they take no other imployment whereby as they shall not be occasioned through the apprehension of want by fraud to provide in time of service for maintenance when out of it So upon the setting forth of any summers or winters Fleete men in every degree fit for imployment will be alwayes ready to man them And if any in what place soever maymed or dying in this service of the State shall leave or have a wife and Children or either of them to slenderly provided for to give them convenient sustenance for their subsistance aliment education And the State in a blessed imitation of the most flourishing Common-wealths of old and the Netherlands at this instant shall ordaine some certain provision for such maimed persons Relict or Orphans sutable to their severall respective conditions and exigencies It will be an act not only well pleasing to God and worthy our profession of Religion but for many demonstrable reasons of great utility in the mayne such donatives being in effect but as a scattering before a harvest or as Saloman hath it a casting of bread upon the waters repayable in a little time with greater abundance And whereas it is and may be falsty suggested that all disaffected persons being excluded A sufficient number of common Seamen for the service of the Navy cannot be raysd or found We are confident these our humble desires granted to the satisfaction of all wel-affected persons there shall be no such necessity to indanger so principall a defence of the Kingdoms peace and safety as is the Navy in the trust of such inveterate Enemies to it but that it may be supplyed and had had we our desires on the 5. of July last in our first Proposalls formerly with men of known affections and integrity to the State In summe since shipping is of greatest concernment to this Nation one of whose if not chief Royalities hath ever been the dominions of the Seas as deriving to it wealth and defence either by letter of mart or Trade and we our selves dubble obliged by publique interest as English and particul●r vocation as Seamen to our utmost abilitles to advance the same have with as much brevity as we could presented to this Honourable Assembly this expedient humbly imploring as time and affaires shall admit maturity and seasonablenesse freedom of enlargement Right Honourable IT hath been heard at least in Parable That a poor Man by his Wisdome hath preserved a City Sure I am that it incomb● every one of what capacity soever to intend Publick Safety and the contribution of a Mite adds to the common Treasury So that incouraged by the integrity of my ayme at generall good which is able to screen all other defects and render my undertakings benignly accepted I humbly present this small body of Observations Whence as from a Perspective set to blear eyes may be upon your maturer and more Judicious scanning deduces some more advantagious expediences for constituting and preserving a Navie to the Nations unspekable good in securing it and its Trade then hath yet been happily explor'd and the late Act touching Regulating the Officecrss of the Navie and Customes hath greatly incited me here to while in many thing● concurring therewith it hath Anticipated the presentment though as it is well known to many not the draught of this humble Petition and tender which hath past the discusse and received the approved vogae of the most expert in my vocation Sea-men of whom upon Command I can give a competent List for any Service at Sea the State can or shall require but though all met in the Centre yet selfeishnesse that bane to the Publick raigning in most I found some descriptions in running of their lines to the Circumference of particular Interest not being impatient of longer obstructions by the want of Harmony in Circumstantialls onely I have presumed declining the Ostentation of their Subscriptions to personate a Publique part and without injury to them whilest in a zealous right to our Common Parent our Countrey in their names made this humble presentment Rich Brooke That Captaine Richard Brooke the presenter hereof may not be suspected to overshoot in his Suggestions We whose Names are Subscribed in our Mutuall affections to the Common Government which we conceive the precedent Animadversions may notably advance Humbly for our selves and number of our friends and fellow Sea-men addresse our desires that they may be forthwith taken into consideration thereupon an exceeding advance of Service to the State Whereto we shall faithfully with our lives and fortunes ever adhere against all opposers Richard Haddoke Vice-Admirall Capt. Richard Fermes Capt. Henry West Capt. William Bunducke Capt. Thomas Merryott Capt. George Dakins Capt. Thomas Spalding Capt. Richard Ingle Capt. Jonas Reeve Capt. Joseph Jordaine Capt. William Tadnall Mr. John Jussif Mr. Francis Floyd Mr. William Darkis Mr. John Kent Mr. William Beale Mr. William Bunduck Junior Mr. John Ewell Mr. Deubers Sotherne Mr. Humphrey Morris Mr. Thomas Downton Mr John Feeld William Godfrey Mr. Jeremiah Trevise Mr. Robert Hudson William Simkleere GOD save the KING At Edenburgh the fifth day of February 1649. THE Estates of Parliament presently conveened in this second Sessions of the second Triennall Parliament by vertue of an Act of the Committee of Estates who had power and authority from the last Parliament for conveening the Parliament considering that for asmuch as the Kings Majesty who lately reigned is contrary to the Dissent and Protestation of this Kingdom now removed by a violent death and that by the Lords blessing there is left unto us a righieous Heir lawfull Successour Charles Prince of Scotland and Wales now King of Great Brittain France and Ireland We the Estates of Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland do therefore most unanimously and cheerfully in recognisance and acknowledgment of his just Right Title and Succession to the Crown of these Kingdoms hereby proclaim and declare to all the World that the said Lord and Prince Charls is by the Providence of God and by the lawfull right of undoubted Succession and dissent King of Great Brittain France and Ireland whom all the Subjects of this Kingdom are bound humbly and faithfully to obey maintain and defend according to the Nationall Covenant and the Solemn League and Covenant betwixt the Kingdomes with their lives and goods against all deadly as their only righteous Soveraign Lord and King and because his Majesty is bound by the Law of God and fundamentall Lawes of this kingdome to rule in righteousnesse and equity for the honour of God the good of Religion and the wealth of his People It is hereby declared That before He be admitted to the Exercise of His Royall Power He shall give satisfaction to this kingdome in these things that concern the security of Religion the Vnion betwixt the kingdomes and the good and peace of this kingdom according to the Nationall Covenant and the solemn League and Covenant for the which end we are resolved with all possible expedition to make our humble and earnest Addresses vnto His Majesty For the Testification of all which We the Parliament of the kingdom of Scotland publish this our acknowledgment of His just Right Title and Succession to the Crown of these kingdoms at the Marcket Crosse of Edenburgh with all usuall Solemnities in the like Cases and ordain His Royal Name Portract and Seal to be vsed in the publike Writings and Judicaturies of the kingdom and in the Mint-house as was usually done to His Royall Predecessours and command this Act to be proclaimed at all the Market Crosses of the Royall Burghs within this kingdome and to be printed that none may pretend ignorance GOD save King CHARLES the second FJNJS