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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65576 The works of that late most excellent philosopher and astronomer, Sir George Wharton, bar. collected into one volume / by John Gadbvry ... Wharton, George, Sir, 1617-1681.; Gadbury, John, 1627-1704.; Rothmann, Johann. Chiromancia. English. 1683 (1683) Wing W1538; ESTC R15152 333,516 700

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silly Pamphlets by that profest Mountebank in Astrology John Booker to vindicate my self from the Calumnies Scandals and false accusations which his unsatiable Ambition and implacable malice hath most wickedly accused me of And thereby I shall discover how much his Envy to my Pen and Person hath transported him beyond the bound of modesty and rendered him incapable both of Reason and Knowledg in the Art whereof he professes himself to be a Master I have in part answered Mr. Lilly in my Prognostication for the ensuing year 1647. And here according to my promise I shall Catechise John Booker and both of them as occasion serves The subject or matter here intended is the notable Conjunction of the 2. Malevolent Planets in the Sign Taurus upon the 12 of June this year 1646. the effects whereof will be in great force untill the 21. day of October 1647. Which Conjunction hath lately been most ignorantly treated of by John Booker in a certain Pamphlet of his stiled A Bloody ●rish Almanack c. and many false observations hath he drawn thence and published not upon any 〈◊〉 grounds in Astrology but meerly out of his inv●t●r●t m●lice and hatred to the Kingdom of Ireland wher●by ●●th that and this Kingdom hath been d●luded ●nd Astrology shamefully perverted and defumed In which respect as likewise upon this occasion to free my s●lf from his former Aspersions I have published the following discourse wherein the same Conj●nction of Saturn and M●rs is more artificially handled and also their future Opposition with a touch concerning the next Conjunction which will happen in the Sign Gemini the Ascendant of London which will be far more terrible and of greater concernment to London and other parts of this Kingdom than the Conjunction in Taurus can be to Ireland I have palpably unmasked his malice discovered his ignorance divulged and corrected his Errors and misapplications of the Effects of this Coelestial meeting If his immodest Language hath any where incited me to too much freedom of speech I shall crave his excuse when he beggs my Pardon for his former Insolencies I hate not his or any mans person but his Sin The method is Rough cast like my self if the matter be better polished I care not I know I shall not please all neither would I some for want of Judgment and come for want of Love and others for lack of Loyalty will condemn me but none of these do I regard It is to the Impartial and juditious I appeal and to their judgment only will I submit And if they please to adventure but their Patience as I have done my Pains which is not a little I doubt not of the issue I have no ungodly ends in this or any other of my writings my Wishes are full as good as John Bookers I wish all happiness to the King and Queens Majesty and the Royal Progeny and an end to the Miseries of this languishing Kingdom I love and wish for the Book of Common-Prayer again that was Sealed with the Blood of so many Martyrs till which be I expect not to see Religion in its purity I delight not in War nor can I pray for an unjust or Dishonourable Peace From my Study in an honest Cavalier● houses in York-shire the 10 of Sept. 1646. So saith a true and free born English-man an abhorror of all manner of Treasons and Rebellions one that loveth all manner of Christians and is a great honourer of True and Lawful Parliamenis Geo. Wharton Bellum Hybernicale c. NOT many days before the famous and sometimes flourishing University and City of Oxford was sacrificed as a Peace-offering by some of the more Pacifical Lords and accordingly surrendered upon Articles otherwise honourable into the sacrilegious hands of the Sectaries and Schismaticks of this Kingdom viz. in this year 1646. which is from the Creation of the world 5595. to omit all other frivolous and fruitless computations and Chronologies wherein Booker hath foolishly stuffed and crammed up a malitious lying Pamphlet by him styled A Bloody Irish Almanack c. upon Friday the twelfth day of June there happened a notable Conjunction of the two malevolent Planets Saturn and Mars Which Conjunction notwithstanding it did not manifest it self with any storms thunder or lightning as John Booker prognosticated in his un-sainted state-lying-K●lendar nor hath been the Prodromus of such loss ruin destruction and desolation to the Kingdom of Ireland as is mentioned in the said Pamphlet yet questionless the effects of that malicious meeting have already been notably shewed both in Ireland and in many other Kingdoms and Countries Cities and Towns and upon particular Persons who had any congruency therewith in the Radix or Revolution of their Nativities But to the intent that this barking mungrel may not delude the ignorant with his pedling trash nor detract from or otherwise abuse a whole Nation with his nauseous and menacing expressions I have assumed a liberty of publishing this following Discourse which is void of all Envy Malice or Partiality but freely modestly and sincerely relating whatsoever concerns this Coelestial Meeting according to the Rules of Art and the Judgment of the most approved Astrologers Ancient and Modern Wherein the judicious and indifferent Readers may plainly and orderly perceive the Ignorance and Malice of this trifling Parasite And rightly understand the Nature and Quality of the Effects of this Coelestial Congress when they shall begin to operate how long continue what Nations or Countries are therein principally concerned and how far the Kingdom of Ireland in particular concluding whether or no that so long oppressed Kingdom be ordained for the stage whereon such Bloody-minded Hell-hounds as himself are to perpetrate their Cruelty I will not trouble the Judicious Reader with any Examples of such Events as have formerly happened in England or elsewhere upon the like Conjunctions For that I acknowledge him to have Collected in part But I will first examine the Foundation whereupon he hath raised this so deformed a Structure and accordingly proceed either by adhering to him where he hath stumbled on any truth or in dissenting from and Correcting him where I meet with his Mistakes Ignorance and Malice And first I will Artificially erect the Figure of Heaven according to the Doctrine of Regiomontanus to the true or apparent time of this Conjunction and afterwards compare it with that which Booker hath published for I dare not take this or any other upon trust either from him or Mr. Lilly whereby I shall presume not only to discover his want of skill in this ordinary piece of Astronomy but likewise to benefit some others as Ignorant as himself if any such can be who desire to learn the exact manner of erecting the Figure of Heaven by this one Example for any moment of time out of the Tables of Directions First then we are to enquire at what time these two Planets are conjoyned I perceive that Booker hath endeavoured to follow Eichstadius and
proved Mars is the strongest save only the Moon and Jupiter the weakest but Mercury in all the Figure as will appear to any Man that will take the pains to collect the Dignities and Debilities of the Planets respectively in the Figure And therefore he hath good reason to doubt of himself and to suspect the Scottish Nation will become Converts which if they did not we Malignants should have questioned whether they had any Religion or Faith at all But to the matter Mars in the eleventh House presages something else than amicorum inimicitias if you had not abused Guido Bonatus Colum. 571. and in him the whole Kingdom whose words if he had not been interrupted by this unmannerly Clown had been thus Mars in 11 a domo significat paucitatem lucri seu profectus in rebus de quibus speratur utilitas quod cadent in inimicitias amicorum significat diminutionem substantiae desperabunt homines de rebus in quibus habebatur fiducia quibus sperabatur That is Mars in the eleventh House foretells but little profit or gain in those things by which profit was expected and that they shall fall at enmity with their Friends Also the diminution of their Substance and that men shall utterly despair of ever obtaining what they most trusted to and expected This Aphorism carries a great deal of Matter in it in relation it hath to the differences depending and impending betwixt the Scots and the Parliament And therefore it was not held fitting to be published or communicated by our Mysterious Merlin without a Fee The plain English of it is that according to Natural causes it is most evident that the Parliament c. shall be frustrated in their expectation that they shall be much deceived and deprived of the Profit and Commodity which might have accrued unto them by having the King at their own disposal And that for this cause they shall fall at difference with and incur the dislike and enmity of those that were formerly their Friends and Confederates who shall account them no otherwise than such as have forgot and neglected their Covenant with God and Man c. And hereupon they despair of the Scottish Religion because it is come nearer the Kings and of their Faith because they have not so much credulity as to interest them alone in the disposal of His Majesties Person And hence arise new Discords and Contentions and greater Taxes are imposed than ever upon the poor Kingdom whereby Mens Estates are exhausted and consumed and fresh Miseries daily approaching if not timously prevented What he cites out of Haly concerning Jupiter's positure in the eleventh House I have sufficiently Answered and explained before upon the words which he quoted from Bonatus for the same thing And thus far hath Mr. Lilly made his Progress in Preaching Peace and Tranquility to the People to what purpose I have sufficiently declared And now he comes to the Quality of the Year wherein I scorn to detract the least scruple from him of what 's his due but shall agree with him in every thing which he performs but any thing like an Artist though he stumble of it against his will his Quotation of Bonatus Pag. 55. by great Fortune is very true and pertinent whereby is proved a Year of sc●rcity of Corn and other Provision for the use of Man But the application of his next Aphorism out of Haly is very illicite and ignorant for although he affirm it shall assuredly come to pass in those parts of this Kingdom which lye South-East and full South from London but nothing so violently as in the Kingdom of Ireland I shall prove him here an errand Botcher For if he had understood the Aphorism Saturn ought to be infortunate in alto loco and elevated above all the other Planets or otherwise it hath no signification which he is not in this Figure for although he be weak in his Essential Dignities yet considering his other Accidental Fortitudes he is indifferent strong and powerful so that the Aphorism will not serve for this Position And if you will know the principal ways by which a Planet may be said to be Elevated above another they are three viz. In respect of their Latitude from the Ecliptique Nearness to their Auges Position in the Figure A Planet is said to be Elevated above another according to Ganivetus cap. 1. differ 3. of his Book Entituled Amicus Medicorum who hath greatest Northern Latitude from the Ecliptique Now if we Calculate rightly we shall find Mars Elevated above all the rest of the Planets the Moon excepted for he hath 3 degrees of North Latitude and Saturn's Latitude is Meridional no less than 2 degrees 6 min. So Jupiter hath 0. degree 47 min. of North Latitude Venus 1 degree 10 min. and Mercury 2 degrees 5 min. both South and the Moon indeed hath 4 degrees 47 min. of North Latitude So that in respect of Latitude Saturn is the most depressed of all the Planets in the Figure and the Moon most Elevated next Mars and then Jupiter The next way is in respect of a Planets propinquity to his Auge according to Albohazen Haly in his Comment upon Ptolomy So that the Planet which is nearest the Summity of his Epicycle is Elevated above another which is further removed thence and if we consider here which of the Planets is most Elevated secundum Augem we shall find that Mercury is in Apog Epicicli 12 March Mars is in Apog Eccentr the 14 of March and Saturn is not in Apog Epicicli until the fourth of May following So that this way Mercury and Mars are both Elevated above Saturn And here by the way will I put Mr. Merlin in mind of one mistake in this kind committed in his England's Prophetical Merlin Pag. 78. Where he hath put Saturn transire Apog on 20 Martii Jupiter Epicicli sui superiorem partem 23 Martii whereas Saturn is in Apog Epicicli the 10 of March and Jupiter the 13. So but only ten days Error in each committed The third way by which a Planet may be said to be Elevated is in respect of their places in the Figure as he that is above the Earth is more Elevated than he that is under the Horizon he that is in the twelfth House is Elevated above another Planet in the Ascendant he that is in the eleventh above any in the twelfth and he that is in the tenth above any other in the Figure as indeed Saturn is now And if all the Planets were under the Horizon then that which is nearest to the Ascendant is said to be most Elevated but this is not so much considered by Astrologers as their Elevation in respect of Latitude and of their proximity to their Auges or if it were yet you see there is two to one against Wil. Lilly For Saturn is neither Elevated above all the other Planets in respect of Latitude nor in respect of his Auge and therefore that
Reason why the Irish may not challenge as much freedom and Priviledge in the enjoyment of their Religion as is allowed the Independents Anabaptists Brownists and at the least a hundred more Sects and Schismes within the Lines of Communication who have Libe●ty without any restraint or limitation to exercise their Gifts as they term it both publickly and privately To Preach and Write what they please and even to cloy the Press with ●heir Heresies and Schismes And if we look back upon the Original ground of the Irish Insurrection was it not high time think you for the Irish after they were denyed any reasonable Answer to their Propositions which were sent and delivered in an humble and peaceable manner to the Parliament by Commissioners of that Kingdom who were dismissed hence without any hopes of having their grievances redressed which notwithstanding were far greater and more intolerable than those which the Scots pretended when they clearly perceived so many pernicious Plots and damnable Designs daily inventing against them and with what Acrimony the Roman Catholicks here were proceeded against after the third of November 1640. After so much swearing and forswearing to take off the Earl of Strafford's Head And the Parliament electing a new Deputy of their own mould and metal to be sent over in his stead And His Majesties Person in continual hazard by the frequent Tumults of the Sectarists and Schismaticks Was it not time I say their Nation being thus neglected and threatned His Majesties Person being not exempt from danger and all this occasioned by their own fellow Subjects to associate and unite themselves and to stand upon their Guard for the preservation of their Religion Lives and Liberties And was it more Rebellion in them by the known Laws of this or that Land to raise Forces for the necessary defence of their Kingdom than in the English or Scots to raise so many great Armies that have fought against His Majesty under the pretence of Fighting for him whilst yet there hath been no body to oppose him but themselves I remember a few Verses that were written by some body Anno 1641. they resemble the form of a Petition directed to His Majesty by the considerate Catholicks of Ireland They are pretty ones and therefore I will here give you them as I had them from a Friend MOst gracious Soveraign grant that we may have Our ancient Land and Faith 't is all we crave Your English and your Scots not so content Claim all that 's Yours by Act of Parliament Their Tyranny we hate Confess your Right 'T is not 'gainst you 't is against them we Fight Whilst you were King we were your Subjects Scorn To be their Slaves we 're Fellow-Subjects born Heavens bless your Majesty increase your Powers You being your Self again we still are Yours But to return again to John Booker for I will not lose him yet I would gladly demand a Reason from him in Art for his menacing of France or Spain with vengeance for assisting the Irish Or why the Pope should come in any danger of hazarding his Triple Crown in the Quarrel Unless the States intend to advance for Italy If they do they may do well to transmit the Directory to Rome as the pre-cursor of a new Reformation there But I am afraid Sir Thomas his Courage will cool at the conceit Nor is it pertinent to the handling of this Conjunction for Booker to tell us an old story of the Spanish Armado in 88. or of the Gun-powder Treason 1605. The wickedness of those Devilish attempts are both thought on and abhorred by every true English Christian. Or of what concernment is the Decollation of Mary Queen of Scots Anno 1587. to the Kingdom of Ireland because that when she was Beheaded Saturn was in Taurus as now he is Or of Saturn and Mars their being conjoyned in the Year 1588. a little before the Spanish Armado appeared upon the English Coast Does not John Booker here most wretchedly confound himself Instead of going about to prove Saturn's Progress through Taurus Ominous to Ireland he contrarily produces Examples which prove that Position dangerous to England and Scotland For whatever his meaning be he instances not any one thing hurtful to Ireland in either of those Years And then he robs Sir Christopher Heydon of more than a whole Page concerning the general Occurrences in the World which happened in 88. without any mention made of that most Learned and Judicious Knight And so he proceeds to fill up the remainder of his Malicious Pamphlet with railing at the Irish telling them how they have ever been most Rebellious and Treacherous to the English Nation and have most Barbarously and Inhumanely Murthered many thousand Souls c. But we know of another Kingdom that hath sometimes been more Rebellious and Treacherous than they for less cause But I never heard of any Souls that ever either of them Murthered I speak not this to justifie or maintain any inhumane Action in Ireland or elsewhere for my Nature abhors all manner of Cruelty to the worst of Men I think I could not harm either Mr. Lilly or John Booker in word or deed if I had them in my power but rather use them with all civil respect and courtesie if they were worse than they be nor to countenance Treason and Rebellion That I need not it hath been sufficiently done by a far greater Power But the thing I aim at is to unmask Booker's inveterate hatred to that distressed Nation who if he were but half so Charitable as he is either unreasonable or ignorant he would not attempt to Assassine the Honour of a whole Nation with his Invectives but rather suspend these his rash Censures and wish a happy Union than the confusion of so many Christians The remainder of his Pamphlet tends to the Defence of Astrology wherein he still plays the Thief with Sir Chr. Heydon and of the Planet Venus her appearance in the day time at the Birth of our most hopeful Prince Charles which he saith if she presignifieth any thing was the Miseries of this Kingdom Because saith he it is usual and an ordinary thing for Venus to be seen in the day time I grant him that it is both usual and ordinary but not always at the Birth at Princes It is both usual and ordinary for Saturn and Mars to be in Conjunction and shall we therefore say it presignifies nothing I confess I have not seen any Authors that handle such Appearances nor hath Booker any other Authority than his foolish Fancy for saying she was the Prodromus of these unhappy differences in England But he that shall make inspection into the Positure of the Heavens when Venus was in Apog Eccentrici or in her greatest distance from the Sun shall find matter more than ordinary whereon to fix his Contemplations And I am of Opinion that her glorious appearance at the Nativity of our hopeful Prince Charles did presignifie things not yet