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A62650 Two journeys to Jerusalem containing first, a strange and true account of the travels of two English pilgrims some years since, and what admirable accidents befel them in their journey to Jerusalem, Grand Cairo, Alexandria, &c. by H.T. Secondly the travels of fourteen Englishmen in 1669. from Scanderoon to Tripoly, Joppa, Ramah, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, the river Jordan, the Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah, and back again to Aleppo. By T.B. VVith the rare antiquities, monuments, and memorable places and things mentioned in holy Scripture: and an exact description of the old and new Jerusalem, &c. To which is added, a relation of the great council of the Jews assembled in the plains of Ajayday in Hungaria in 1650. to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ. By S.B. an Englishman there present. VVith an account of the vvonderful delusion of the Jews, by a counterfeit Messiah or false Christ at Smyrna, in 1666. and the event thereof. Lastly, the fatal and final extirpation and destruction of the Jews throughout Timberlake, Henry, d. 1626.; Brett, Samuel.; R. B., 1632?-1725? Journey to Jerusalem.; T. B. 1692 (1692) Wing T1277A; ESTC R219326 92,206 197

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in one night Of the arrival of Brute Of the Two Giants Corineus and Gogmagog Of King Lear and his three Daughters Of Belin and Brennus who took the City of Rome Of the manner of Iulius Caesars invading Brittain and of the Valour of Voadicia under whose conduct the Brittains slew seventy thousand Romans with many other remarkable particulars VII Mariamne Wife to King Herod VIII Clotilda Queen of France IX Andegona Princess of Spain The whole adorned with Poems and Pictures to each History By R. B. Price One Shilling XIII WOnderful Prodigies of Judgment and Mercy discovered in above 300 memorable Histories containing 1. Dreadful Judgments upon Atheists Blasphemers and perjured Villains 2. The miserable ends of many Magicians c. 3. Remarkable predictions and presages of approaching death and how the event has been answerable 4. Fearful Judgments upon bloudy Tyrants Murderers c. 5. Admirable Deliverances from imminent dangers and deplorable distresses at Sea and Land Lastly Divine goodness to Penitents with the Dying Thoughts of several famous Men concerning a future state after this Life Imbellished with divers Pictures Price One Shilling XIV UNparallel'd Varieties or the Matchless Actions and Passions of Mankind display'd in near 400 notable instances and examples Discovering the transcendent effects 1. Of Love Friendship and Gratitude 2. Of Magnanimity Courage and Fidelity 3. Of Chastity Temperance and Humility And on the contrary the Tremendous Consequences 4. Of Hatred Revenge and Ingratitude 5. Of Cowardice Barbarity and Treachery 6 Of Vnchastity Intemperance and Ambition Imbellished with proper Figures Pr. 1. s. XV. THE Kingdom of Darkness Or the History of Demons Specters Witches Apparitions Possessions Disturbances and other wonderful and supernatural Delusions Mischievous Feats and Malicious Impostures of the Devil Containing near Fourscore memorable Relations Forreign and Domestick both Antient and Modern Collected from Authentick Records Real Attestations Credible Evidences and asserted by Authors of Undoubted Verity Together with a Preface obviating the common Objections and Allegations of the Sadduces and Atheists of the Age who deny the Being of Spirits Witches c. With Pictures of several memorable Accidents Price One Shilling XVI SUrprizing Miracles of Nature and Art in 2 parts containing 1. The Miracles of Nature or the wonderful Signs and Prodigious Aspects and Appearances in the Heavens Earth and Sea With an Account of the most famous Comets and other Prodigies from the Birth of Christ to this time II. The Miracles of Art describing the most Magnificent Buildings and other curious Inventions in all Ages as the Seven Wonders of the World and many other excellent Structures and Rarities throughout the Earth Beautified with Pictures Pr. 1 Shilling XVII THE carlet Whore or the wicked Abominations and horrid Cruelties and Persecutions of the Pope and Church of Rome displayed Being a brief Relation of their Bloody Practices and Inhumane Tortures inflicted upon Protestants for many hundred years past to this present in all Countreys where they had Authority and Dominion namely in Piedmont Bohemia Germany Poland Lithuania France Italy Spain Portugal Holland Scotland Ireland and England Containing among many other particulars The Original and Practices ●f the Spanish Inquisition The Massacre at Paris The bloody Massacre in Ireland 1641. wherein above two hundred Thousand innocent Protestants were barbarously murdered and the Prophecy thereof by Arch-bishop Vsher Forty years before it happened The Spanish Invasion The Gun-powder-Treason with the several Plots and Contrivances of the Priests and Jesuits for Extirpating the Protestant Religion till the time of our Glorious Deliverance from Popery and Slavery by the Accession of their most Excellent Majesties King William and Queen Mary to the Throne of these Kingdoms With an Abstract of the Cruel Persecutions lately exercised upon the Protestants in France and Savoy in the years 1686 and 1687. Together with a short Account of Gods Judgments upon Popish Persecutors Published for a Seasonable warning to all Protestants to inform them what they must expect from that bloody Generation of Antichristians Price One Shilling Miscellanies● XVIII DElights for the Ingenious in above Fifty Select and choice Emblems Divine and Moral Ancient and Modern Curiousl● Ingraven upon Copper Plates with Fifty delightful Poems and L●ts for the more Lively Illustration of each Emblem Wherby Instruction and good Counsel may be promoted and furthered by an honest and pleasant Recreation To which is perfixed An incomparable Poem intituled Majesty in Misery or an Imploration to the King of Kings written by his late Majesty K. Charles I with his own Hand during his Captivity in Carisbrook Castle in the Isle of wight 1648. With a curious Emblem Collected by R. B. Pr. 25. 6 d. XIX EXcellent Contemplations Divine and Moral Written by the Magnanimous and truly Loyal A. L. Capel Baron of Hadham Together with some Account of his Life and his affectionate Letters to his Lady the day before his Death with his Heroick Behaviour and last Speech at his Suffering Also the Speeches and Carriages of D. Ham. and the E. of Holl. who suffered with him With his pious Advice to his Son Price 1 s. XX. WInter Evenings Entertainments in 2 Parts Containing 1 Ten Pleasant Relations of man● R●●e and Notable Accidents and Occurrences with brief Remarks upon every one 2. Fifty Ingenious Rid●les with their Explanations and useful Observations and Morals upon each Enlivened with above 60 Pictures for illustrating every Story and Riddle Excellently Accommodated to the Fancies of Old or Young and useful to chearful Society and Conversation Price One Shilling XXI DElightful Fables in Prose and Verse none of them to be found in Aesop but collected from divers Ancient and Modern Authors with Pictures and proper Morals to every Fable Several of them very pertinent and applicable to the present times Published as a means which in all Ages hath been found for pleasure and likewise for instruction in the prudent conduct of our Lives and Actions By R. B. Price Bound One Shilling Divinity XXII THE Divine Banquet or Sacramental Devotions consisting of Morning and Evening Prayers Contemplations and Hymns for every day in the Week in order to a more Solemn Preparation for the worthy Receiving of the Holy Communion Representing the several steps and degrees of the Sorrow and sufferings of our blessed Saviour till he gave up the Ghost As 1. His Agony in the Garden 2. His being betrayed by Judas 3. His being falsly Accused Smitten B●ffe●ed and Spit upon before Caiaphas the high priest 4. His Condemnation Scourging Crowning with T●o●●s and being delivered to be Cruc●fi●d by Pontius Pilate 5. His bearing his C●oss to Golgotha 6. His Crucifixion and bitter Passion 7. Our Saviours Institution of the Blessed Sacrament Together with brief Resolutions to all those Scruples and Objections usually alledged for the omission of this important Duty With Eight curious Sculptures proper to the several parts with Graces Imprimatur Z. Isham R. P. D. Hen. Epis. Lond. à Sacris Price One
of Levi stood up and made a Speech concerning the End of their Meeting And this said he is To examine the Scriptures concerning Christ whether he be already come or whether we are to expect his coming In examining this Question they searched the Old Testament with great Care and Labour most part of that day to be resolved in the Truth having many Bibles to that end About which Point began a dispute that lasted many hours which at last drave to this Conclusion That the Major part of this Assembly were of Opinion That Christ was not Come But some others of the Assembly having strictly Examined the Scriptures and finding them so plain for his coming were inclined to think that Christ was come Being the rasher moved so to think by the consideration of the great Judgment that hath been upon them these 1600. years By reason whereof they have been as a Cast-off and Vagabond People which consideration pr●vailed so far upon many others as drave them not only to think but to conclude That Christ was come I remember one of them in Conference with others seemed to be very apprehensive of the great and long desolation of their Nation ever since their Destruction by the Roman Empire and imputed their Afflictions to their Non-repenting of such a wickedness as to kill the Lord from Heaven And comparing their present with other Judgments which their Nation had suffered he ingenuously confessed he did believe it was for some wickedness that their Nation was guilty of And that one of their great Sins he thought was the spilling of the Blood of the Prophet sent from God to their Nation and so many Massacres that have been committed by the several Sects and Factions among them For said he we are no Idolaters nor are we guilty of Idolatry And therefore I think we have not had this heavy Judgment upon us for that but surely it is the spilling the Blood of Jesus the Prophet sent from God and for Massacring those that loved him And this was the sum of what was Disputed the Second Day of their Meeting and so they ceased until the next morning The THIRD Day being Assembled together again the Point chiefly agitated was concerning the Manner of Christs Coming And that they said should be like a Mighty Prince in the Power and Authority of a King Yea in greater power than ever King had And that he will deliver their Nation out of the Power of their Adversaries and restore them to their Kingdom again And that the Nations should be of their Religion and Worship God after their Manner For they held that the Messiah will not alter their Religion whensoever he cometh And therefore began to conclude That Christ was not come For Jesus said they the great Prophet when he came began to alter our Religion therefore he was not the true Messiah And farther when Jesus came whom some call the True Messiah he began presently to pluck down our Religion and set up his own therefore he was not the True Messiah Thus some of them concluded But some did not But they went from this Dispute to another concerning his Parentage They did all agree in this That he shall be born of a Virgin according to the Praedictions of the Prophets in the Old Testament And in this also That he should be born of a Virgin of mean Note and Parentage among their Nation as was the Virgin Mary that bare Iesus the great Prophet from God And upon this many of them seemed to incline to think that Christ was come but left it to the next Day when they should again Meet together The FOURTH Day The Assembly being met the Propounder demanded what they thought Whether Christ was come or no They said They thought he was come But they Answered thus That if he were come he was no other than Elias because Elias came formerly in great power and with great power he declared it in slaying the Priests of Baal and for fulfilling the Scriptures he was opposed by Ahab and Iezebel And so they esteemed this Man whom they called Iesus to be that same Elias Moreover others said That they thought he was more than a Mortal Man in that he so strangely Ascended up into Heaven which some of our Fore-fathers saw and this was all that was done on the Fourth Day The FIFTH Day The Assembly being Met they went about the same Question that was Controverted the day before and took it into Examination again to answer them that said Elias was not the Messiah They of the contrary Opinion did argue the love and care of Elias for the good of their Nation That he left them Elisha his Disciple to teach and instruct the People And this they took to be the care of the Messiah These were their chief Arguments to maintain their Opinion The same day towards night came into Question among them what then he was that said He was the Son of God and was Crucified by their Ancestours But because this was a Great Question among them they deferred the farther Consideration thereof until the next day The SIXTH Day there were some Pharisees that stood up who were the great Enemies of Christ and said they would undertake to answer the last Question And would by no means yield that he was The Christ. And these are the Reasons they gave for their Opinion viz. 1. Because he came into the World like an ordinary and inferior Man not with his Scepter and Royal Power For they affirmed That the coming of Christ would be Glorious 2. Reason they pleaded against him was the meanness of his Birth in that his Father was a Carpenter and this they said was a dishonour of which when Christ comes he will not be capable 3. Reason They accused him to be a False Christ and an Enemy to Moses Law in doing and suffering his Disciples to do unlawful Works on the Sabbath Day For they believed they said that the True Messiah will exactly keep the Law of Moses Now though it were replied that the Gospel doth testifie of Christ that he did fulfil the Law of Moses yet they rejected that answer because they did not believe and own the Gospel But these reasons did not satisfie the Council there still remaining doubts in them concerning Christ. So that after the Pharisees had done speaking there stood one up Rabbi Abraham and objected against the Pharisees The Miracles that Christ wrought while he was upon the Earth viz. The Raising of the Dead to life again his making the Lame to walk the Blind to see the Dumb to speak by what Power I pray you my Brethren did he them With that the Pharisees arose and desired to answer him and this is the answer they returned before the Council Perhaps said they this Iesus was an Impostor and Magician and so was enabled to do those Miracles And for our parts we believe that all the Miracles he did were done by Magick and Charms
any thing were capable to reduce that miserably deluded People certainly one would think these continu'd Frowns and Accents of his displeasure against all their Interprises as it ought to confirm the Truth of the Christian Profession so it should even constrain them to hasten to it For the Wrath is come upon them to the uttermost In the Reign of the famous Abas Sophy of Persia and Grand-Father to the present Emperor the Nation being low and somewhat exhausted of Inhabitants it entred into the mind of this Prince a Wise and Prudent Man and one who exceedingly studied the Benefit of his Subjects to seek some expedient for the Revival and Improvement of Trade and by all manner of Priviledges and Immunities to encourage other contiguous Nations to Negotiate and Trade amongst them and this Project he fortified with so many Immunities and used them so well who came that repairing from all Parts to his Country in a short time the whole Kingdom was filled with multitudes of the most Industrious People and Strangers that any way bordered on him It happened that amongst those who came innumerable Flocks of Jews ran thither from all their Dispersions in the East attracted by the gain which they universally make where evere they set footing by their innate Craft Sacred Avarice and the excessive Extorti●ns which they continually Practise And it was not many years but by this means they had so impoverished the rest and especially the natural Subjects of Persia that the Clamor of it reached to the Ears of the Emperour and indeed it was Intolerable for even his own Exchequer began to be sensible of it as well as his Peoples Purses and Estates which they had almost Devoured How to repress this Inormity and remedy this Inconvenience without giving Vmbrage to the rest of those profitable strangers now setled in his Dominions by falling severely upon the Jews on the sudden he long consulted and for that end call'd to his Advice his Chief Ministers of State the Musti and expounders of the Law After much dispute 't was at last found that the Jews had already long since forfeited their Lives by the very Text of the Alcoran where it is express'd That if within 600 years from the promulgation of that Religion they did nor u●iversally come in and Profess the Mahumetan Faith they should be destroyed The Zealous Emperor would immediately have put this Edict in Execution but by the Interc●ssion of the Musti and the rest of the Doctors 't was thought fit to suspend it for the present But that these growing Evils might in time have a period his Majesty Commanded that all the Chochammi Rabbins and Chief amongst the Jews should immediately appear before his Tribunal and make Answer to some Objections that were to be propounded to them The Iews being accordingly convened the Sophy Examines them about several Passages of their Law and particularly concerning the Prophet Moses and those Rites of his which seemed to have been so long annihilated amongst them since the coming of Isai for so they call Iesus after whom they pretend their Mahomet was to take place and all other Predictions to determine The Iews much terrified with the manner of these Interrogatories and dubious what the meaning and drift of them might signifie told the Emperor That for Christ they did not believe in him but that they expected a Messiah of their own to come who should by his Miraculous power deliver them from their Oppressors and subdue all the World to his Obedience At this Reply the Sophy appe●red to be much Incensed How says he Do you not then believe Christ of whom our very Alcoran makes so Honourable mention as that he was the Spirit of God sent down from him and returning to him c. If we Believe him Why do not you What say you for your selves you Incredulous Wretches The Confounded Jews perceiving the Emperour thus provoked immediatly prostrated themselves on the ground humbly supplicating him to take pity on his Slaves who acknowledged themselves altogether unable to Dispute with his Majesty That for the Christians they seemed indeed to them to be gross Idolaters Men who did not Worship God but a C●ucified Malefactor and a Deceiver which still the more displeased the Sophy not induring they should so Blaspheme a Person for whom their Alcoran had so great Reverence However for the present he dis●embles his resentmemt T is well says he you do not believe the God of the Christians But tell me What think you 〈◊〉 our Great Prophet Mahomet This Demand exceedingly perplexed them not knowing what to Reply and indeed it was contrived on pu●pos● that convincing them of Blasphemy as they esteemed it against their Prophet the Sophy might find a specious and legal pretence toruine and destroy them without giving any jealousie or suspicion to the rest of the strangers who were Trafficking in his Country of several other Religions but who were not in the least obnoxious to his displeasure After along pause secret conference with ōne another it was at last resolved among them That though they had deny'd Christ they would yet say nothing Positively against Mahomet Therefore they told the Emperour though their Religion forbad them to believe any Prophet save Moses c. yet they did not hold Mahomet for a false Prophet in as much as he was descended of Ismael the Son of Abraham and that they desired to remain His Majesties humble Vassals and Slaves and craved His pitty on them The Sophy easily perceiving the Cunning and wary Subterfuge of their Reply told them This should not serve their turn That they were a People of dissolute Principles and that under pretence of their long expected Messiah they persisted in a false Religion and kept off from Proselyting to the true Belief and therefore required of them to set a positive Time when their Messiah was to appear for that he would Support them no longer who had impos'd on the World and Cheated his people now so many Years But withal assuring them that he would both Pardon Protect them for the time they should Assign provided they did not go about to abuse him by any incompetent Procrastinations but assign the Year precisely of his Coming when if accordingly he did not Appear they were Sons of Death and should all of them either Renounce their Faith or be certainly Destroy'd and their Estates Confiscated The poor Iews though infinitely Confounded with this unexpected Demand and Resolution of the Sophy after a second Consultation among themselves which the Emperour granted contriv'd to give him this answer That according to their Books and Prophecies their Messiah should infallibly Appear within Seventy years prudently as they thought believing that either the Emperour or They should be all of them Dead before that time and that in the interim such Alterations might emerge as all this would be forgotten or averted and that at the worst a good sum of Money would reverse