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A61358 State tracts, being a farther collection of several choice treaties relating to the government from the year 1660 to 1689 : now published in a body, to shew the necessity, and clear the legality of the late revolution, and our present happy settlement, under the auspicious reign of their majesties, King William and Queen Mary. William III, King of England, 1650-1702.; Mary II, Queen of England, 1662-1694. 1692 (1692) Wing S5331; ESTC R17906 843,426 519

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for it being terrified by the greatness of the danger would have compounded so far as to have taken away the Penal Laws against Papists and so have set them upon a Level with other English Subjects provided the Test might have been continued and the Government secured from falling into the hands of that Faction all such offers were despised and rejected with scorn Nor would any thing content the Bigotry and Arbitrary humour of those who were then in the Saddle less than the total enslaving of the Nation and the Re-establishment of that Idolatrous Religion from which our Ancestors had freed themselves with so much Bravery and Generosity in the beginning of the last Century In this deplorable Condition His then Highness the Prince of Orange found these Kingdoms when he came to relieve us from the greatest Oppressions He heard the Voice of the People that earnestly invited him over to their Rescue and taking it as undoubtedly it was for the Voice of God complied and God hath made us All happy with the desired success Had the late King James stuck firmly to the Interests of his People He would thereby have easily secured his own and if they could have found He had had what he assured both Houses of Parliament King's Speech to both Houses of Parliament May 30. 1685. in a Speech he made to them A true English heart as Jealous of the Honour of the Nation as they themselves could be he might have carried by God's Blessing and their Assistance as he then said the Reputation of it yet higher in the World than ever it had been in the time of any of his Ancestors He wanted not some about him at the first especially that would gladly have given him faithful Counsel Those that were able to advise him well and were real Friends to Him as they were true to their Religion and to the Interest of their Countrey and A Wise Man says my incomparable Author Memoirs of Philip de Comines lib. 3. c. 5. p. 159. in a Prince's Retinue is a great Treasure and Security to his Master if one has the Liberty to speak truth and the other the Discretion to believe him But unhappy Prince He was resolvedly bent by the force of his own Superstition the Power and Influence of the Priests and Jesuits that continually attended on him and the Directions from France upon the total Destruction of our Reformed Religion that Pestilent Northern Heresy our Liberties and our Properties and was upon the point of effecting that Tremendous Design but God in his Wise Providence with Infinite Mercy and Compassion to this almost Ruined Land and People saw it meet to give check to that Imperial Carreer with a hitherto shalt thou come and no further HE REMOVETH KINGS AND SETTETH UP KINGS In this Volume you have a full Account of our late happy Revolution with almost all the steps and measures that were taken in it and a justification of our present Settlement 'T was God's doing and it ought ever to be marvellous in our eyes We have now a King and Queen professing the same Faith with our selves who as He came over to preserve our Dearest Interests the Protestant Religion and to restore to Vs our invaded Laws and Liberties found the Nation generally disposed to receive him as the Mighty Deliverer under God of this Church and State The hand of Heaven conducted him with safety up to London and all the Kingdom called him Blessed and in a sence of Joy and Gratitude to Him and His Royal Consort The whole Body of the Nation by their Representatives in Parliament have recognized and acknowledged Their present Majesties to be their Lawful and Rightful Sovereign Liege Lord and Lady And how could we do less than own them for our King and Queen who by such an amazing turn have redeemed from Slavery both our Souls and Bodies if we pretend to any value for our Holy Religion or any English Love of Liberty We have a King of an Extraordinary Personal Valour and Conduct that hath very often already ventured his Life and still resolves to despise all difficulties and hazards himself that His People may reap the fruit of them in their own Peace and Prosperity and that the Protestant Religion may be established to us and our Children to future Generations The Queen is as Supream in Her Vertue as in Her Dignity and hath shewed a most Eminent Resolution as well as a most Prudent Care in all the Administrations of the Government when the Absence of the King hath obliged Her to take the Exercise of the Regal Power upon Her So that the Nation may now hope to enjoy a lasting Felicity from the Royal Protection of both Their Majesties whose constant endeavours we are assured from themselves will be imployed to procure and support the Interest and Honour of it and the Benefit Safety and Ease of their People they throughly understanding the Truth of Mons Gourville's Observation who had been long enough here in England Memoirs of what past in Christendom from the War begun 1672. to the Peace concluded 1679. p. 33 34. to know the Humour of our Court and People and Parliaments to conclude Qu'un Roy d'Angleterre qui veut estre l'homme de son peuple est le plus Grand Roy du monde mais s'il veut estre quelque chose d'avantage par Dieu il n'est plus rien i. e. That a King of England who will be the MAN of his People is the greatest King in World but if he will be something more he is nothing at all I may venture therefore to Prophesy that this King and Queen will take the same care to continue as they have already done to make themselves the DARLING of their People and no Good English Man can wish for more but that this King and Queen may long Reign and that the Tripple Alliance of their Sacred Majesties their Parliaments and their People may never be dissolved Little needs be said concerning the usefulness of such Collections as these THAT formerly published having received sufficient Approbation from Persons of Learning and Knowledg The benefit of them is the same with what redounds from a true History not of Battels and Sieges Births Marriages and Deaths of Princes which are temporary and momentary things but of the Legal Government of a Nation struggling with Arbitrary Power and Illegal Proceedings so far forth as it was invaded within the time mentioned in the Title A CATALOGUE OF THE TRACTS Contained in This Second Volume 1. THE Earl of Clarendon's Speech about disbanding the Army September 13. 1660. Fol. 1 2. The State of England both at home and abroad in order to the Designs of France considered 6 3. Of the Fundamental Laws or Politick Constitution of this Kingdom 22 4. London's Flames revived Or an Account of several Informations exhibited to a Committee appointed by Parliament Sept. 25. 1666. to inquire into the burning of London
from those Contentions whilest every one pretended to all the Marks which are to attend upon the true Church except only that which is inseparable from it Charirity to one another My Lords and Gentlemen This Disquisition hath cost the King many a Sigh many a sad Hour when he hath considered the almost irreparable Reproach the Protestant Religion hath undergone from the Divisions and Distractions which have been so notorious within this Kingdom What pains he hath taken to compose them after several Discourses with learned and pious Men of different Perswasions you will shortly see by a Declaration He will publish upon that Occasion by which you will see His great Indulgence to those who can have any Protection from Conscience to differ with their Brethren And I hope God will so bless the Candor of His Majesty in the Condescentions he makes that the Church as well as the State will return to that Unity and Unanimity which will make both King and People as happy as they can hope to be in this World My Lords and Gentlemen I shall conclude with the Kings hearty thanks to you not only for what you have done towards Him which hath been very signal but for what you have done towards each other for the excellent correspondence you have maintained for the very seasonable Deference and Condescention you have had for each other which will restore Parliaments to the Veneration they ought to have And since His Majesty knows that you all desire to please him you have given him ample Evidence that you do so He hath appointed me to give you a sure Receipt to attain that good End it is a Receipt of His own prescribing and therefore is not like to fail Be but pleased your selves and perswade others to be so contrive all the ways imaginable for your own Happiness and you will make Him the best pleased and the most happy Prince in the World THE State of ENGLAND Both at HOME and ABROAD In Order to The Designs of France CONSIDERED To the READER THIS Discourse being imaginarily Scened and yet really performed out of the Treasure of a very great Minister of State 's Capacity it was thought fit to be Published now and not before because that Respect ought to be payed to the Secret of his Majesty's Affairs so as nothing should anticipate the King 's own Labours to give the People Satisfaction in his due time touching the tender Care that He is graciously pleased to take of all his Subjects in point of Honour Safety Freedom Union and Commerce which nothing could more advance then the Conclusion of the Treaty newly made betwixt England and the States of the United Provinces which without Flattery may be demonstrated to Men of Understanding to aim at nothing but the Good of His Subjects in general exempt from all manner of private Interest whatsoever Blessed be God then that it is so happily concluded and that we have a King whom nothing can ever alienate from the true Interest of his Realms nor no corrupt Counsellour let him be thought to be never so Powerful or Crafty in order to his own Advantages prevent the Wisdom and Integrity of such a Prince from prevailing above the Artifices and Frauds of those who would perswade the Nation were they competent Masters of their Art enough so to do that those Counsellors who are not interested can be less prudent or successful then such as did make it their Business to appropriate all to themselves and nothing to their Master The French King is much commended for his Parts and Activity but let us see him out-do the King of England in this particular of the Treaty both in Courage and Conduct and then I shall be apt to attribute his Grandeur as much to natural Abilities as extraordinary Fortune but not before THE State of England c. THE Adventure which happened unto me lately is of so extraordinary a nature and contains so many important Discoveries in relation to the publick Good in its Progress that I should prove defective towards my Countrey if I did not candidly publish all the Passages both touching the Occasion and Effects of what followed from this Accident Know then that a Peer of the Realm of England and one whose Merit Quality and the Place which he holds in the Administration of the Affairs of the Kingdom are remarkable did invite sundry of his Lordship's best Friends to a magnificent Feast and amongst the rest he had the kindness not to omit me out of the number where the excellence of the Chear which he made to his Guests after a most noble manner put the whole Company into such a refined humour of conversing together that the Entertainment was but one intire pleasing Debate how to express our compleat enjoying of each other I was not wanting with the uttermost of Vigour and Solace to uphold the Genious of this Conference But as the freest speakers do commonly come by the worst in Discourse and are the soonest exposed to enterfiering lashes I found my self to be attacqued in so many places at once with the swiftness of other Mens Reasons and Wits who held the opposite Arguments that although I were something heated yet there remained unto me presence of mind enough and success of Intervalls to get insensibly out of the Press whilst the Disorder and Confusion lasted which is usual at such Meetings into another room I retired then pursuing the Opportunity into a fair Gallery which surprised my Eyes with the rich Ornaments wherewith it was furnished but not without trouble neither and a Curiosity beyond the Opticks of the Place which increased there so as I was diverted from any farther Consideration of the Furniture because the Place seemed to lie too near the Enemy to dwell any longer upon those Objects Wherefore I went into another Chamber hard by which instantly filled me with new Apprehensions by the means of several large Looking-Glasses hanging on the Walls which shewed me my own proper Figure at length on every side and from thence imprinted in my wounded Imagination as many Adversaries as there were angular Reflections out of each Mirrour that appeared to pursue me so furiously that I ran on violently with my head forwards in order to some Escape to the door of another Chamber adjoyning thereunto which opened with such Resistance when I thrust against it as if it had been forced with a Petard And thus falling in the Attempt I was so stunned that it was a good while after before I could come to my self again But at last having partly recovered my spirits I was surprised with a fresh astonishment as much amazed me as the former had done that I repeated for when I began to open my eyes half way finding that till then they had been altogether unuseful to me I attributed the Disorder to want of Sight often feeling in regard of the Darkness of the Room to try whether they were still in my head or not
to have been perverted from the Protestant to the Popish Religion whereby not only great Encouragement hath been given to the Popish Party to enter into and carry on most Devilish and Horrid Plots and Conspiracies for the Destruction of His Majesties Sacred Person and Government and for the Extirpation of the True Protestant Religon But also if the said Duke should succeed to the Imperial Crown of this Realm nothing is more manifest than that a Total Change of Religion within these Kingdoms would ensue For the Preservation whereof Be it Enacted by the King 's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the said James Duke of York shall be and is by the Authority of this present Parliament Excluded and made for ever uncapable to Inherit Possess or Enjoy the Imperial Crown of this Realm and of the Kingdoms of Ireland and the Dominions and Territories to them or either of them belonging or to have exercise or enjoy any Dominion Power Jurisdiction or Authority in the same Kingdoms Dominions or any of them And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if the said James Duke of York shall at any time hereafter challenge claim or attempt to possess or enjoy or shall take upon him to use or exercise any Dominion Power or Authority or Jurisdiction within the said Kingdoms or Dominions or any of them as King or Chief Magistrate of the same That then he the said James Duke of York for every such Offence shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of High Treason and shall suffer the Pains Penalties and Forfeitures as in case of High Treason And further That if any Person or Persons whatever shall assist or maintain abett or willingly adhere unto the said James Duke of York in such challenge claim or attempt or shall of themselves attempt or endeavour to put or bring the said James Duke of York into the Possession or Exercise of any Regal Power Jurisdiction or Authority within the Kingdoms and Dominions aforesaid or shall by Writing or Preaching advisedly publish maintain or declare That he hath any Right Title or Authority to the Office of King or Chief Magistrate of the Kingdoms and Dominions aforesaid that then every such Person shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of High Treason and that he suffer and undergo the Pains Penalties and Forfeitures aforesaid And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That he the said James Duke of York shall not at any time from and after the Fifth of November 1680 return or come into or within any of the Kingdoms or Dominions aforesaid And then he the said James Duke of York shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of High Treason and shall suffer the Pains Penalties and Forfeitures as in case of High Treason And further That if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall be aiding or assisting unto such Return of the said James Duke of York That then every such Person shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of High Treason and shall suffer as in Cases of High Treason And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That he the said James Duke of York or any other Person being guilty of any of the Treasons aforesaid shall not be capable of or receive Benefit by any Pardon otherwise than by Act of Parliament wherein they shall be particularly named and that no Nole prosequi or Order for stay of Proceedings shall be received or allowed in or upon any Indictment for any of the Offences mentioned in this Act. And be it further Enacted and Declared And it is hereby Enacted and Declared That it shall and may be lawful to and for any Magistrates Officers and other Subjects whatsoever of these Kingdoms and Dominions aforesaid and they are hereby enjoyned and required to apprehend and secure the said James Duke of York and every other Person offending in any of the Premisses and with him or them in case of Resistance to fight and him or them by Force to subdue For all which Actings and for so doing they are and shall be by virtue of this Act saved harmless and indemnified Provided and it is hereby Declared That nothing in this Act contained shall be construed deemed or adjudged to disenable any other Person from inheriting and enjoying the Imperial Crown of the Realms and Dominions aforesaid other than the said James Duke of York But that in case the said James Duke of York should survive his now Majesty and the Heirs of his Majesty's Body The said Imperial Crown shall descend to and be enjoyed by such Person or Person successarily during the Life of the said James Duke of York as should have inherited and enjoyed the same in case the said James Duke of York were naturally dead any thing contained in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That during the Life of the said James Duke of York this Act shall be given in charge at every Assizes and General Sessions of the Peace within the Kingdoms Dominions and Territories aforesaid and also shall be openly Read in every Cathedral Church and Parish Church and Chappels within the aforesaid Kingdoms Dominions and Territories by the several respective Parsons Vicars Curates and Readers thereof who are hereby required immediately after Divine Service in the Fore-noon to read the same twice in every year that is to say on the 25th of December and upon Easter-day during the Life of the said James Duke of York This BILL was Read Three Times and Passed and sent up to the Lords for their Concurrence Some particular Matters of Fact relating to the Administration of Affairs in Scotland under the Duke of LAUDERDALE Humbly offered to Your Majesty's Consideration in Obedience to Your Royal Commands 1. THE Duke of Lauderdale did grosly misrepresent to your Majesty the Condition of the Western Countries as if they had been in a state of Rebellion though there had never been any opposition made to your Majesty's Authority nor any Resistance offered to your Forces nor to the execution of the Laws But he purposing to abuse your Majesty that so he might carry on his sinistrous Designs by your Authority advised your Majesty to raise an Army against your peaceable Subjects at least did frame a Letter which he sent to your Majesty to be signed by your Royal Hand to that effect which being sent down to your Council Orders was thereupon given out for raising an Army of Eight or Nine thousand men the greatest part whereof were Highblanders and notwithstanding that to avert threatning the Nobility and Gentry of that Country did send to Edenburgh and for the security of the Peace did offer to engage that whatsoever should be sent to put the Laws in execution should meet with no affront and that they would become Hostages for their safety yet
not unknown to your Majesty how restless the Endeavours and how bold the Attempts of the Popish Party for many years last past have been not only within this but other your Majesties Kingdoms to introduce the Romish and utterly to extirpate the true Protestant Religion The several Approaches they have made towards the compassing this their Design assisted by the Treachery of perfidious Protestants have been so strangely successful that 't is matter of Admiration to Us and which we can only ascribe to an Over-ruling Providence that your Majesties Reign is still continued over Us and that We are yet assembled to consult the means of our preservation This bloody and restless Party not content with the great Liberty they had a long time enjoyed to excercise their own Religion privately amongst themselves to pertake of an equal Freedom of their persons and Estates with your Majesties Protestant Subjects and of an Advantage above them in being excused from chargeable Offices and Employments hath so far prevailed as to find countenance for an open and avowed practice of their Superstition and Idolatry without controul in several parts of this Kingdom Great swarms of Priests and Jesuits have resorted hither and have here exercised their Jurisdiction and been daily tampering to pervert the Consciences of your Majesties Subjects Their Opposers they have found means to disgrace and if they were Judges Justices of the Peace or other Magistrates to have them turned out of Commission and in contempt of the known Laws of the Land they have practised upon people of all Ranks and qualities and gained over divers to their Religion some openly to profess it others secretly to espouse it as most conduced to the service thereof After some time they became able to influence matters of State and Government and thereby to destroy those they cannot corrupt The continuance or Prorogation of Parliaments has been accommodated to serve the purposes of that Party Money raised upon the People to supply your Majesties extraordinary Occasions was by the prevalence of Popish Councils imployed to make War upon a Protestant State and to advance and augment the dreadful Power of the French King though to the apparent hazard of this and all other Protestant Countries Great numbers of your Majesties Subjects were sent into and continued in the service of that King notwithstanding the apparent Interest of your Majesties Kingdoms the Addresses of the Parliament and your Majesties gracious Proclamations to the contrary Nor can We forbear to mention how that at the beginning of the same War even the Ministers of England were made Instruments to press upon that State the acceptance of one demand among others from the French King for procuring their peace with him that they should admit the publick exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion in the United Provinces the Churches there to be divided and the Romish Priests maintained out of the publick Revenue At home if Your Majesty did at any time by the Advice of Your Privy-Council or of Your two Houses of Parliament Command the Laws to be put in Execution against Papists even from thence they gained advantage to their Party while the edge of those Laws was turned against Protestant Dissenters and the Papists escaped in a manner untoucht The Act of Parliament enjoining a Test to be taken by all Persons admitted into any Publick Office and intended for a security against Papists coming into Employment had so little effect that either by Dispensations obtained from Rome they submitted to those Tests and held their Offices themselves or those put in their places were so favourable to the same Interests that Popery it self has rather gained than lost ground since that Act. But that their business in hand might yet more speedily and strongly proceed at length a Popish Secretary since Executed for his Treasons takes upon him to set afoot and maintain correspondencies at Rome particularly with a Native Subject of Your Majesties promoted to be a Cardinal and in the Courts of other Forreign Princes to use their own form of Speech for the subduing that Pestilent Heresie which has so long domineered over this Northern World that is to root the Protestant religion out of England and thereby to make way the more easily to do the same in other Protestant Countries Towards the doing this great Work as Mr. Coleman was pleased to call it Jesuits the most dangerous of all Popish Orders to the Lives and Estates of Princes were distributed to their several Precincts within this Kingdom and held joint Councils with those of the same Order in all Neighbour Popish Countries Out of these Councils and Correspondencies was hatcht that damnable and hellish Plot by the good Providence of Almighty God brought to light above two Years since but still threatning us wherein the Traitors impatient of longer delay reckoning the prolonging of Your Sacred Majesties Life which God long Preserve as the Great Obstacle in the way to the Consummation of their hopes and having in their prospect a Proselyted Prince immediately to succeed in the Throne of these Kingdoms resolved to begin their Work with the Assassination of Your Majesty to carry it on with Armed Force to destroy Your Protestant Subjects in England to Execute a second Massacre in Ireland and so with ease to arrive at the suppression of our Religion and the subversion of the Government When this Accursed Conspiracy began to be discovered they began the smothering it with the Barbarous Murther of a Justice of the Peace within one of Your Majesties own Palaces who had taken some Examinations concerning it Amidst these distractions and fears Popish Officers for the Command of Forces were allowed upon the Musters by special Orders surreptitionsly obtained from Your Majesty but Counter-Signed by a Secretary of State without ever passing under the Tests prescribed by the aforementioned Act of Parliament In like manner above fifty new Commissions were granted about the same time to known Papists besides a great number of desperate Popish Officers though out of Command yet entertain'd at half pay When in the next Parliament the House of Commons were prepared to bring to a legal Tryal the principal Conspirators in this Plot that Parliament was first Prorogued and then Dissolved The Interval between the Calling and Sitting of this Parliament was so long that now they conceive Hopes of covering all their past Crimes and gaining a seasonable time and advantages of practising them more effectually Witnesses are attempted to be corrupted and not only promises of Reward but of the Favour of your Majesty's Brother made the Motives to their Compliance Divers of the most considerable of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects have Crimes of the highest nature forged against them the Charge to be supported by Subornation and Perjury that they may be destroyed by Forms of Law and Justice A Presentment being prepared for a Grand Jury of Middlesex against your Majesty's said Brother the Duke of York under whose Countenance all the
unlawful manner among others Henry Carr George Broome Edw. Berry Benj. Harris Francis Smith Sen. Francis Smith Jun. and Jane Curtis Citizens of London Which Proceedings of the said Sir Will. Scroggs are a high Breach of the Liberty of the Subject destructive to the Fundamental Laws of this Realm contrary to the Petition of Right and other Statutes and do manifestly tend to the introducing of Arbitrary Power VI. That he the said Sir Will. Scroggs in further Oppression of his Majesty's Liege People hath since his being made Chief Justice of the said Court of Kings Bench in an Arbitrary manner granted divers general Warrants for Attaching the Persons and Seizing the Goods of his Majesty's Subjects not named or described particularly in the said Warrants By means whereof many of his Majesty's Subjects have been vexed their Houses entered into and they themselves grievously oppressed contrary to Law VII Whereas there hath been a Horrid and Damnable Plot contrived and carried on by the Papists for the Murthering the King the Subversion of the Laws and Government of this Kingdom and for the Destruction of the Protestant Religion in the same All which the said Sir William Scroggs well knew having himself not only Tried but given Judgment against several of the Offenders nevertheless the said Sir Will. Scroggs did at divers times and places as well sitting in Court as otherwise openly Defame and Scandalize several of the Witnesses who had proved the said Treasons against divers of the Conspirators and had given Evidence against divers other Persons who were then untried and did endeavour to disparage their Evidence and take off their Credit whereby as much as in him lay he did traiterously and wickedly suppress and stifle the Discovery of the said Popish Plot and Encourage the Conspirators to proceed in the same to the great and apparent Danger of his Majesty's Sacred Life and of the well-established Government and Religion of this Realm of England VIII Whereas the said Sir William Scroggs being advanced to be Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench ought by a sober grave and vertuous Conversation to have given a good Example to the King's Liege People and to demean himself answerable to the Dignity of so Eminent a Station yet he the said Sir William Scroggs on the contrary by his frequent and notorious Excesses and Debaucheries and his Prophane and Atheistical Discourses doth daily affront Almighty God dishonour his Majesty give countenance and incouragement to all manner of Vice and Wickedness and bring the highest scandal on the publick Justice of the Kingdom All which Words Opinions and Actions of the said Sir William Scroggs were by him spoken and done traiterously wickedly falsly and maliciously to alienate the Hearts of the King's Subjects from his Majesty and to set a Division between him and them and to subvert the Fundamental Laws and the Establisht Religion and Government of this Kingdom and to Introduce Popery and an Arbitrary and Tyrannical Government and contrary to his own knowledge and the known Laws of the Realm of England and thereby he the said Sir William Scroggs hath not only broken his own Oath but also as far as in him lay hath broken the King Oath to his People whereof he the said Sir William Scroggs representing his Majesty in so high an Office of Justice had the Custody for which the said Commons do Impeach him the said Sir William Scroggs of the High-Treason against our Sovereign Lord the King and his Crown and Dignity and other the High Crimes and Misdemeanours aforesaid And the said Commons by Protestation saving to themselves the Liberty of Exhibiting at any time hereafter any other Accusation or Impeachment against the said Sir William Scroggs and also of Replying to the Answer that he shall make thereunto and of Offering proofs of the Premises or of any other Impeachments or Accusations that shall be by them exhibited against him as the Case shall according to the Course of Parliament require Do pray that the said Sir Will. Scroggs Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench may be put to Answer to all and every the Premises and may be committed to safe Custody and that such Proceedings Examinations Tryals and Judgments may be upon him had and used as is agreeable to Law and Justice and the Course of Parliaments Resolved That the said Sir William Scroggs be Impeached upon the said Articles The Humble Petition of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common-Council Assembled on the Thirteenth of January 1680. To the King 's most Excellent Majesty for the Sitting of this present Parliament Prorogu'd to the Twentieth Instant Together with the Resolutions Orders and Debates of the said Court Commune Concil ' tent ' in Camera Guildhall Civitatis London Die Jovis decimo tertio die Januarii Anno Domini 1680. Annoque Regni Domini nostri Carol ' Secundi nunc Regis Angl ' c. Tricesimo secundo coram Patient ' Ward Mil ' Major ' Civitatis London Thoma Aleyn Mil ' Bar ' Johanne Frederick Mil ' Johanne Lawrence Mil ' Georgio Waterman Mil ' Josepho Sheldon Mil ' Jacobo Edwards Mil ' Roberto Clayton Mil ' Aldermannis Georgio Treby Ar ' Recordatore dictae Civit ' Johanne Moore Mil ' Willielmo Pritchard Mil ' Henrico Tulse Mil ' Jacobo Smith Mil ' Roberto Jeffery Mil Johanne Shorter Mil ' Thoma Gould Mil ' Willielmo Rawsterne Mil ' Thoma Beckford Mil ' Johanne Chapman Mil ' Simone Lewis Mil ' Thoma Pilkington Ar ' Ald'ris Henrico Cornish Ar ' Ald'ro ac unum vicecom ' dictae Civitatis necnon Major ' parte Comminarior ' dictae Civitatis in Communi Concil ' tunc ibidem Assemblat ' THis Day the Members that serve for this City in Parliament having communicated unto this Court a Vote or Resolution of the Honourable House of Commons whereby that House was pleased to give Thanks unto this City for their manifest Loyalty to the King their Care Charge and Vigilance for the Preservation of his Majesty's Person and of the Protestant Religion This Court is greatly sensible of the Honour thereby given to this City and do declare That it is the fixt and uniform Resolution of this City to persevere in what they have done and to contribute their utmost Assistance for the Defence of the Protestant Religion His Majesty's Person and the Government Established It was now unanimously Agreed and Ordered by this Court That the Thanks of this Court be given to the Members that serve for this City in Parliament for their good Service done this City and their Faithfulness in discharging their Duties in that Honourable and great Assembly Upon a Petition now Presented by divers Citizens and Inhabitants of this City representing their Fears from the Designs of the Papists and their Adherents and praying this Court to acquaint his Majesty therewith and to desire That the Parliament may sit from the Day
to which it stands Prorogued until they have sufficiently provided against Popery and Arbitrary Power This Court after some Debate and Consideration had thereupon did return the Petitioners Thanks for their Care and good Intention herein And did thereupon nominate and appoint Sir John Lawrence Sir Robert Clayton Knights and Aldermen Mr. Recorder Sir Thomas Player Kt. Mr. John Du Bois John Ellis Esq and Mr. Michael Godfrey Commoners to withdraw and immediately to prepare a Petition to his Majesty upon the Subject matter of the said Petition who accordingly withdrawing after some time returned again to this Court and then presented the Draught of such a Petition to his Majesty The Tenor whereof followeth Viz. To the King 's most Excellent Majesty c. After reading whereof It is agreed and ordered by this Court Nemine Contradicente That the said Petition shall be presented to his Majesty this Evening or as soon as conveniently may be And the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor is desired to present the same accompanied with Sir John Lawrence Sir Joseph Sheldon Sir James Edwards Knights and Aldermen Mr. Recorder Deputy Hawes Deputy Da●●l John Nichols John Ellis Esquires Mr. Godfrey and Capt. Griffith Commoners who are now nominated and appointed to attend upon his Lordship at the Presenting thereof Ward Mayor Commune Concil ' tent ' 13 Januarii 1680. Annoque Regis Car. II. 32. IT is Agreed and Ordered by this Court Nemine Contradicente That the Humble Petition to His Majesty from this Court now read and agreed upon shall be presented to His Majesty this Evening or as soon as conveniently may be And the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor is desired to Present the same accompanied with Sir John Lawrence Sir Joseph Sheldon and Sir James Edwards Knights and Aldermen Mr. Recorder Deputy Hawes Deputy Daniel John Nichols John Ellis Esquires Mr. Godfrey and Capt. Griffith Commoners who are now nominated and appointed to attend upon his Lordship at the Presenting thereof Wagstaffe To the KING 's most Excellent Majesty The Humble Petition of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common-Council Assembled Most Humbly sheweth THat Your Majesty's great Council in Parliament having in their late Session in pursuance of Your Majesty's Direction entred upon a strict and impartial Inquiry into the horrid and execrable Popish Plot which hath been for several years last past and still is carried on for destruction of Your Majesty's Sacred Person and Government and extirpation of the Protestant Religion and the utter Ruine of Your Majesty's Protestant Subjects and having so far proceeded therein as justly to attaint upon full Evidence one of the five Lords impeached for the same and were in further Prosecution of the remaining Four Lords and other Conspirators therein And as well the Lords Spiritual and Temporal as the Commons in Your said Parliament assembled having Declared That they are fully satisfied that there now is and for divers years last past hath been a horrid and Treasonable Plot and Conspiracy contrived and carried on by those of the Pupish Religion in Ireland for Massacring the English and subverting the Protestant Religion and the Ancient established Government of that Kingdom And Your said Commons having Impeached the Earl of Tyrone in order to the bringing him to Justice for the same And having under Examination other Conspirators in the said Irish Plot. And Your said Commons having likewise impeached Sir William Scroggs Chief Justice of Your Majesty's Court of Kings Bench for Treason and other great Crimes and Misdemeanors in endeavouring to subvert the Laws of this Kingdom by his Arbitrary and Illegal proceedings And having voted Impeachments against several other Judges for the like Misdemeanors Your Petitioners considering the continual Hazards to which Your Sacred Life and the Protestant Religion and the Peace of this Kingdom are exposed while the Hopes of a Popish Successor gives Countenance and Encouragement to the Conspiratours in their wicked Designs And considering also the Disquiet and Dreadful Apprehensions of Your good Subjects by reason of the Miseries and Mischiefs which threaten them on all parts as well from Foreign Powers as from the Conspiracies within Your several Kingdoms against which no sufficient Remedy can be provided but by Your Majesty and Your Parliament were extreamly surprized at the late Prorogation whereby the Prosecution of the Publick Justice of the Kingdom and the making the Provisions necessary for the Preservation of Your Majesty and Your Protestant Subjects hath received an interruption And they are the more affected herewith by reason of the Experience they have had of the great Progress which the emboldned Conspirators have formerly made in their Designs during the late frequent Recesses of Parliament But that which supports them against Dispair is the Hopes they derive from Your Majesty's Goodness That Your Intention was and does continue by this Prorogation to make way for Your better Concurrence with the Counsels of Your Parliament And Your Petitioners humbly hope That Your Majesty will not take Offence that your Subjects are thus Zealous and even impatient of the least Delay of the long hoped for Security whilst they see your precious Life invaded the true Religion undermined their Families and innocent Posterity likely to be subjected to Blood Confusion and Ruine and all these Dangers encreased by reason of the late Endeavours of Your Majesty and Your Parliament which have added Provocation to the Conspirators but have had little or no Effect towards securing against them And they trust Your Majesty will graciously accept this Discovery and Desire of their Loyal Hearts to preserve Your Majesty and whatever else is dear to them and to strengthen Your Majesty against all Popish and Pernicious Counsels which any ill affected Persons may persume to offer They do therefore most humbly Pray That Your Majesty will be graciously pleased as the only means to quiet the Minds and extinguish the Fears of Your Protestant People and prevent the imminent Dangers which threaten Your Majesty's Kingdoms and particularly this Your Great City which hath already so deeply suffered for the same to permit Your said Parliament to Sit from the Day to which they are Prorogued untill by their Counsels and Endeavours those good Remedies shall be provided and those just Ends attained upon which the Safety of Your Majesty's Person the preservation of the Protestant Religion the Peace and Settlement of Your Kingdoms and the Welfare of this Your Ancient City do so absolutely depend For the pursuing and obtaining of which good Effects Your Petitioners unanimously do offer their Lives and Estates And shall ever Pray c. Vox Patriae Or the Resentments and Indignation of the Free-born Subjects of England against Popery Arbitrary Government the Duke of York or any Popish Successor being a true Collection of the Petitions and Addresses lately made from divers Counties Cities and Boroughs of this Realm to their respective Representatives chosen to serve in the Parliament
held at Oxford March 21 1680. HE was certainly no Fool that first said Parliaments were the Pulse of the People 'T is from thence Wise State-Physitians take their Diagnosticks What Sentiments our late Parliament had of our Modern Affairs is obvious in their Printed Votes and Addresses Nor will it be less plain what is the Common Sense of the Body of the People in this Juncture of iminent Danger if the Unanimous Addresses from so many considerable parts of England be regarded No sooner was the late Parliament surprizingly Prorogued Jan. 10. 1680 1 in the very Crisis of Business and when they had so many excellent Bills before them and had made so hopful a Progress in unvailing the horrid Popish Plot which still like an Ill Spright haunts and Night-mares us and in bringing Criminals to Justice but presently the whole Nation was startled and forthwith as Convulsions are first perceived in the Head the same Day a considerable Number of Eminent Citizens of London Presented the following Address to their Major To the Right Honourable Sir Patience Ward Knight Lord Mayor of the City of London WE the Citizens of the said City on behalf of our selves and others our Fellow Citizens being very apprehensive of the great and iminent Dangers that this Metropolis and the whole Protestant Intrest are expos'd to by the Horrid and Devilish Designs of the Papists and their Adherents And being sensible that they are increas'd and heightned by the Surprizing Prorogation of this present Parliament do most humbly recommend to your Lordship the Particulars hereunder mentioned I. That your Lordship will be pleased to cause the several Watches of this City to be doubled this Night and so to continue and cause some House-keepers to watch in person and a sufficient Ward to be kept by Day II. To cause the several Chains in the several Streets of this City to be put up this Night and so to continue III. That your Lordship will be pleas'd to keep the Keys of the several Gates of this City this Night and so to continue IV. To cause the several Gates of this City to be kept Lock'd up every Lord's Day and permit the several Wicket-Doors only to be opened V. That your Lordship will not permit any Body of Armed Souldiers greater or less other than the Trained Bands of this City to march through any part of the same VI. That your Lordship will forthwith Order a Meeting of the Common Council of this City Which his Lordship was pleased favourably to receive and read and then gave the Gentlemen answer That he was very apprehensive of the Danger of this City and had done something already to have full Watches and intended to go out himself to see that they were kept and assured them that he would seriously consider their Desires and take all the care that lay in him to prevent the Danger that so threatned them The very same day and before it was possible the news or thoughts of any Prorogation could reach so far the Grand Jury of Shropshire in the name and behalf of themselves and that whole County thought fit to express their hearty Concurrence with and thanks to the then House of Commons for their Zealous Proceedings against the most Dangerous Popish Interest in the Termes following To the Honourable Ric. Newport Esq and Sir Vincent Corbet Bar. Knights of the Shire in this present Parliament for the County of Salop Jan. 10. 1680. WHereas the Honorable the Commons in this Parliament assembled have to the great satisfaction of the Nation caused their Votes to be published thereby letting the Kingdom know the Candour and Integrity of their Proceeding which they desire may be examined in the face of the Sun but fully satisfying us with what Wisdom Constancy and Courage in this time of iminent danger they have endeavoured to secure our King our Religion the Government and our Liberties We the Grand-Jury Impannelled for the Body of this County of Salop being extreamly sensible how worthily you have discharged the Trust reposed in you and finding our Opinions therein seconded by the Unanimous Resolution of the rest of our County do believe our selves in all Justice obliged humbly to testify unto you how much we rejoyce in the Proceeding you have made how heartily we concur with your wise Resolutions and how earnestly we desire they may be brought to perfection and in particular the Bill to Exclude the D. of York That so we and our Posterity may be delivered from the apparent Danger of Popery and the necessary Consequences thereof Tyranny and Oppression and remain Free Protestant Subjects to acknowledge evermore the Service and Obligation we owe to Patriots that have serv'd us so faithfully Signed by all the Members of the Grand-Jury being 17 of the most considerable Gentlemen of the County January 13. 1680 1. A Common Council being held at Guild-Hall several Eminent Citizens Presented the following Petition To the Right Honourable Sir Patience Ward Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London and the Right Worshipful the Aldermen and Commons in Common-Council Assembled The humble Petition of the Citizens and Inhabitants of the said City Sheweth THat we being deeply sensible of evils and mischiefs hanging over this Nation in general and this City in particular in respect of the danger of the Kings Person the Protestant Religion and our well establish'd Goverment by the continued hellish and damnable designs of the Papists and others their adherents And knowing no way under heaven so effectual to preserve His Royal Majesty and us from the utter ruin and destruction threatned as by the speedy sitting of this present Parliament the surprising Prorogation of which greatly adds to and increases the just fears and jealousies of your Petitioners minds We your Petitioners do therefore beseech your Lordship and this Honorable Court to acquaint His Majesty with these our fears and apprehensions and that it is our humble and earnest desire as well as yours that His Majesty would be pleased for the utter defeating the wicked and bloudy purposes of our Enemies to permit this present Parliament which stands Prorogued to the 20th of this instant January then to Assemble and continue to sit until they have effectually secured us against Popery and Arbitrary Power and Redressed the manifold Grievances which at present we groan under and for our immediate security that you will be pleased to order whatsoever else shall be thought necessary and expedient by your Lordship and this Honourable Court in this time of imminent danger for the safety of this great City And your Petitioners shall ever Pray c. The Address of the Free-holders of the County of Middlesex to Sir William Roberts Knight and Nicholas Raynton Esq Knights of the Shire WE the Freeholders of this County have in great Confidence of your Integrity Wisdom and Courage now chosen You to Represent Us in the next Parliament to be holden at Oxford on the 21st Day of this present March. And
Zeal for the Protestant Religion of your Loyalty to his Majesty's Person and Government and of your faithful Endeavours for the Preservation of the Laws our Rights and Properties we now return you our most hearty Thanks and have unanimously chosen you to represent this County at the Parliament to be holden at Oxford the 21st of March next And though we have not the least distrust of your Wisdom to understand or of your Integrity and Resolution to maintain and promote our common Interests now in so great hazard yet we think it meet at this time of imminent Danger to the King and Kingdom to recommend some things to your Care And particularly we do desire 1. That as hitherto you have so you will vigorously prosecute the Execrable Popish Plot now more fully discovered and proved by the Trial of William late Viscount Stafford 2. That you will promote a Bill for excluding James D. of York and all Popish Successors from the Imperial Crown of this Realm as that which under God may probably be a present and effectual means for the preservation of his Majesty's Life which God preserve the Protestant Religion and the well-established Government of this Kingdom 3. That you will endeavour the frequent meetings of Parliaments and their sitting so long as it shall be requisite for the dispatch of those great Affairs for which they are convened as that which is our only Bulwark against Arbitrary Power 4. That you will endeavour an happy and necessary Union amongst all his Majesty's Protestant Subjects by promoting those several good Bills which were to that end before the last Parliament And that till these things be obtained which we conceive necessary even to the Being of this Nation you will not consent to bring any Charge upon our Estates And we do assure you that we will stand by you with our Lives and Fortunes in Prosecution of the good ends before recited The Address of the Town of Hertford February 21. 1680 1. To the Right Worshipful Sir William Cooper Baronet and Sir Thomas Byde Knight WE the Free-men and Inhabitants of the Burrough of Hertford in the County of Hertford having unanimously Chosen You our Representatives to Sit in the next ensuing Parliament to be holden at Oxford the 21st of March next cannot but with all Thankfulness acknowledge your most faithful Endeavours and unwearied Pains in serving us in the last Parliament searching into and discovering the late damnable Hellish Popish Plot The preservation of His Majesty's Person the Protestant Religion and the well established Government of the Realm To secure the Meeting and Sitting of frequent Parliaments to assert our undoubted Right of Petitioning and to punish such who would have betrayed those Rights To promote a happy Union amongst all His Majesty's Protestant Subjects to Repeal the Act of the 35th of Queen Elizabeth and the Corporation Act and particularly for what Progress hath been made in the Bill of Exclusion of all Popish Successors the principal Cause of all the Miseries and Ruine impending these Kingdoms in general beseeching You as now our Representatives to prosecute the same good Ends and Purposes until the Nation shall be throughly secured against Popery and Arbitrary Power both in Church and State And further in imitation of the ever Renowned City of London We Request You in our behalf to present our humble Acknowledgements to the Right Honorable the Earl of Essex and by him to all the rest of those Right Honorable Peers for their late Excellent Petition and Advice to His Majesty and for all the rest of all their Faithfull Services and Endeavours they have performed for the Protestant Interest of the Nation The Address of the Gentry and Free-holders of the County of Essex To Sir Henry Mildmay and John Lemot Honeywood Esquire Unanimously Re elected Knights for the Shire Feb. 22. 1680 1. Gentlemen THe Faithful Discharge of that Trust we formerly gave You is the true Inducement of our Chusing You again to be our Representatives being abundantly satisfied not only in Your Care and Prudence in General but also in Your Particular Care and Unwearied Diligence in Your Conscientious Endeavours to secure His Majesty's Royal Person the Protestant Religion and Government of the Realm To Unite all His Majesty's Protestant Subjects To Repeal the Act of the 35th of Elizabeth To Assert our just and ancient Rights and Priviledges and particularly that of Petitioning and to punish those who were studious to betray them For Your two excellent Addresses and Publishing Your Votes Endeavouring to secure the Meeting and Sitting of Frequent Parliaments To destroy and root out Popery by securing us against all Popish Successors and particularly by passing a Bill against James Duke of York without which we are highly sensible that all other means will be ineffectual and the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom and government it self left in great danger it being inconsistent with our Oath by which we swear against the Pope's Supremacy whil'st a Popish King himself owns it and it being against the Essence of Government that People should obey him who by his Principles as a Papist is bound to destroy them And as we do heartily thank You for Your past worthy Behaviour herein so we have chosen You to Act on our behalf in the next Parliament to be holden at Oxford in full trust and considence that with Courage and Integrity You will persevere in the same good Endeavours pursuing all things that shall be found for our Publick Good and Safety And in full Assurance that You will not consent to the disposal of any of our Moneys till we are effectually secured against Popery and Arbitrary Power And untill the Fleet and Garisons are settled in the hands of such as are Persons of known Loyalty and Fidelity to the King and Kingdom and true Zeal and Affection for the Protestant Religion and we do resolve by Divine Assistance to stand by You therein with our Lives and Fortunes 'T is observable That this Address being openly read to their Representatives and confirm'd by the Unanimous and loud Acclamations of the Free-holders for further demonstration that it was the Sense of each individual person of that Numerous Assembly it was offered that so many as agreed to it should say Ay upon which they all cried out Ay Ay. And if any were otherwise minded they were desired to express their Dissent by saying No At which there was Altum Silentium not one to be heard saying No. The Address of the Gentry and other Free-holders of the County of Surrey being in number about 2000 Feb. 23. 1680 1. To Arthur Onslow and George Evelin Esquires elected Knights for this County in the ensuing Parliament whose Session is appointed at Oxon the 21st of the following Month. WE the Free-holders of the County of Surrey having in the two former Parliaments chosen you to be our Representatives and being fully satisfied in your Faithfullness and Care to preserve the Protestant Religion
His Majesty's Royal Person the good Government of the Nation by Law and in securing our Rights and Liberties for your real Endeavours herein we joyntly return our hearty Thanks and have now chosen you again to be our Representatives in this Parliament And though we have not the least Suspicion or Doubt of your Wisdom and Integrity in Acting for our Common Good now as we apprehend in great danger yet we judge it expedient to discover our Minds and hearty Desires in the Particulars following viz. I. That you 'll continue vigorously to prosecute the horrid Popish Plotters and endeavour thay may be brought to condign punishment especially all Sham-Plotters which we esteem the worst of Villains II. That you will insist on a Bill for excluding all Popish Successors to the Crown which we believe an effectual Means under God for preserving the Protestant Religion His Majesty's Life and Tranquillity with the well established Government of the Kingdom and securing it to our Posterity III. That you endeavour passing a Bill for Regulating Elections and the Frequency of Parliaments for dispatch of those weighty Affairs of the Nation that shall from time to time be before them which we judge the best prevention of an Arbitrary Power IV. That you perservere in Asserting our Right of Legal Petitioning for removing our just Grievances and pass a Bill if there be no Law to punish such that shall obstruct it V. That you will use your utmost Endeavours to bring in a Bill against Pluralities of Church-Livings Non-residency and Scandalous Ministers of which there are too many in most Counties VI. That you will endeavour to preserve His Majesty's Person to root out Popery and prevent Arbitrary Government and use your utmost Endeavours to unite His Majesty's Protestant Subjects VII Lastly That you will not consent to any Money-Bill till the foresaid Particulars be effected and in so doing we hereby promise to stand by you with our Lives and Fortunes The Address of the Free-holders of the County of Leicester To the Right Honourable Benet Lord Sherrard and Sir John Hartopp Baronet as it was audibly read in Court by the Sheriff and unanimously approved of by the said Free-holders immediately after their Election 24 Febr. 1680 1. WE the Free-holders of the County of Leicester having chosen you to be our Representatives in the Two last Parliaments being highly sensible of the care you have taken to secure his Majesty's Royal person the Protestant Religion our Liberties and Properties as also your Endeavours further to discover and prosecute the horrid Popish Plot spread over the Realm of England and others of His Majesty's Dominions with your zealous promoting an happy Union of all good Protestants in this Land not only by good and wholesome Laws for that End but by Repealing those which were destructive to it and especially for your persisting in the Exclusion of James Duke of York and all other Popish Successors from inheriting the Imperial Crown of England which we esteem the only Security under God of His Majesty's Person and Dominions Likewise your Vindicating our fundamentally Right of Petitioning His Majesty for frequent Sitting of Parliaments by your particular Marks of Displeasure laid upon the Opposers of it For all which and other good Laws you were about to make we give you most hearty Thanks And having now again Unanimously chosen you for the ensuing Parliament if you shall continue the prosecution of the aforementioned absolutely necessary Things we shall stand by you with our Lives and Fortunes The Address of the Gentry and Free-holders of the County of York publickly read in Court and fully consented to by the whole Assembly by a general Acclamation at their Election March 2. To the Right Honourable Charles Lord Clifford and Henry Lord Fairfax May it please your Lordships THe Assurance we had of your Fidelity and Activity for the Service of our King and Country in the Parliament which began at Westminster the 6th of March 1678. Was the only Reason of our Choice of you to Represent us in the last Parliament and our experience of your Faithfulness and Diligence in the same Service the last Parliament is the only Ground of our uncontradicted Choice of you again this Day into the same Trust for the ensuing Parliament appointed to meet at Oxford the 21th instant And we judge it our Duty as good Protestants Loyal Subjects and True Englishmen not only to express our hearty Concurrence with you in but also to return you our real and publick Thanks for the many good Things you did and were about to do in both the last Parliaments and more especially for your seasonable Addresses to His Majesty your Necessary Votes Resolutions Orders and Bills whereby you have endeavoured 1. To preserve the Protestant Religion His Majesty's Person and the Kingdoms of England and Ireland from the many Dangers which threaten them 2. To Exclude a Popish Successor 3. To Unite all His Majesty's Protestant-Subjects 4. To purge out the Corruptions which abound in Elections of Members to serve in Parliament And 5. To secure us for the future against Popery and Arbitrary Power And we intreat you to proceed in a Parliamentary way to the Accomplishment of these Excellent Things and we assure you that these things being done we shall with great chearfullness be willing to supply His Majesty to the utmost of our Ability with Money for the securing of His Interest and Honour both at home and abroad A Letter agreed upon by the Mayor and Inhabitants of the Borough of Bridgwater to be sent to their Burgesses chosen on the 26th of February Sir Halswel Tynt and Sir John Malet WE greet you both with our most humble and hearty Service and by these inform you that on Saturday the 26th past with all becoming Calmness and Fairness we Elected you to be our Burgesses and Representatives in the ensuing Parliament We do also Unanimously approve of that great Care and indefatigable Industry which the last Parliament took in and toward the securing of the Protestant Religion than which nothing is more dear to us His Majesty's Sacred Person and Government together with the Vindication and Preservation of our Native Rights Liberties and Priviledges For their utmost Endeavour to bring the Betrayers of the same together with all the principal Conspirators in that most damnable and hellish Popish Plot to condign punishment not omitting our grateful Acknowledgments of those many Good Bills which they had prepared And moreover for all those worthy Votes Resolutions and orders made and past in that most Loyal and never-to-be-forgotten Parliament whereof one of you in the last and both of you in former Parliaments to our great comfort and encouragment approved your selves faithful Members We do also humbly and heartily Desire and Petition you to follow their good Precedent and Example in this ensuing Parliament to do your utmost to secure the King's Person with the Protestant Religion which we apprehend with deep sense
presented them upon their being elected Knights for the County at Lewis March the 3d. Gentlemen HAd we not heard well of Your Fidelity in discharging former Publick Trusts we had not this day called You to the same Imploy for they that betray or neglect our service once shall never receive our Trust again And though we have no intention to limit or circumscribe the Power we have laid in You yet we must desire and with that earnestness as becometh those that beg for no less than the life of their King Government Religion Laws Liberties and Properties yea the very Lives and beings of all the Protestants in the World That You would please as our Representatives to have an especial regard to these particulars following 1. That you would effectually secure His Majesty's Royal Life and the Lives of all His Majesty's Protestant Subjects by a firm and Legal Association 2. That You would repeat the Endeavours of the Two former Worthy Parliaments in barring the Door against all Popish Successors to the Crown and in particular against James Duke of York and Arbitrary Government 3. That You would be incessant in Your Endeavours for uniting His Majesty's Protestant Subjects 4. That You would further search into the bottom of those Damnable and Hellish Plots of the Papists that have been laid against His Majesty's Life the Protestant Religion and Government and to bring those Horrid Criminals to Justice 5. That You would not forget those Execrable Villains that by receiving Pension betrayed our Trusts and our Liberties in the late Long Parliament but do such Exemplary Justice on them that all others for the future may fear and do no more so wickedly And in doing these Great things and all others that You shall judge necessary for the Peace Safety and Prosperity of the Nation we shall not only stand by you as Thankful Acknowledgers of Your Service but reckon it our Duty if any hazard threaten you to defend You as Worthy Patriots with our Lives and Fortunes The Cheshire Address To the Honourable Henry Booth Esq and Sir Robert Cotton Kt. and Bar. being chosen Knights for that County March the 7th Immediately after their Election the Right Honourable the Lord Colchester and the Lord Brandon presented then a Paper containing the Sentiments and Desires of the Gentry and Free-holders in these words WE the Gentry and Free-holders of the County Palatine of Chester who have by a free and unanimous Consent Re-elected You to be our Representatives in Parliament do thankfully acknowledge Your joynt Integrity and concurrence with the Worthy and Eminent Members of the Last who in so Signal and never to be forgotten a manner of Petitioning promoted the Union Support and Growth of the True Protestant Religion Established by Law And the only Expedient we think to perpetuate these to our Posterity is to adhere to what the late Parliament designed relating to the Duke of York and all Popish Successors to provide for the Defence and Safety of His Majesty's Person vigorously to pursue the Discovery of the horrid Popish Plot and to punish all Sham-plotters whom we esteem the worst of Villains without which His Majesty can neither be easie nor secure These with those great and Excellent things then under their Considerations make us confident of Your Sincerity and Proceedings which that they may be successful is our prayer and will be the support of all those who wish the happiness of His Majesty and these distressed Kingdoms We likewise desire the Votes may continue to be Printed that till the effects of your endeavours on which depends the happiness both of Church and State are accomplished we may be truly acquainted with your proceedings The Northamptonshire Address March the 8th To John Parkhurst and Miles Fleetwood Esquires then elected Knights for that County Gentlemen THat we are extreamly satisfied of Your faithful and honest discharge of the great Trust reposed in You by this County of Northampton in the last Parliament is most evident by our Hearty Thanks we now return You and by our Unanimous Electing of You again to serve for us in the next Parliament to be holden at Oxford Gentlemen We find by Experience you so well judge of the sense of our Countrey that we need not tender You our Thoughts in many Particulars Only as the Preservation of His Majesty's Sacred Person the Protestant Religion and our Properties are of the greatest Concern and most dear unto us So more especially we recommend them unto you desiring You to use Your utmost Endeavours 1. That there may be a more full and perfect Discovery of that most Hellish Popish Plot and all other Sham-Plots 2. That we may be secured against a Popish Successor 3. That there may be found means of Uniting His Majesty's Protestant Subjects against the Common Enemy Gentlemen In pursuance of these good Ends and such others as You shall think conducing to the happiness of the King and Kingdom We shall stand by You with our Lives and Fortunes The Address of the Town of Taunton March 11th To Edmund Prideaux and John Trenchard Esquires Worthy Sirs WE do most Heartily acknowledge Your great Wisdom Courage and Faithfulness in the Discharge of the Trust by Us Reposed in You as Members of the late Dissolved Parliament whose Worthy Endeavours for the Happiness of the King and Kingdom exceedingly Rejoyced the hearts of True English and Protestant Spirits and will make them Famous to Posterity And now Sirs having a full assurance of Your Perseverance in the same good Works we have persumed again to make Choice of You as Our Representatives in the Ensuing Parliament desiring Your Acceptance of that great Trust And begging You as that wherein the Glory of God the Interest of the Protestant Religion the Safety and Welfare of the King and Kingdom is highly concerned to Prosecute as shall be Guided by the Wisdom of that Honourable House these following Particulars viz. 1. That some effectual course may be taken for the Safety of His Majesty's Sacred Person and Government which have been and still are in extreme danger by the abominable Plots and Atempts of Papists 2. That further Search be made into the Horrid Popish Plot and the Plotters and Abettors thereof brought to condign Punishment 3. That You will joyn with the rest of that Honourable House whereof You are now Chosen to be Members in repeating the Endeavours of the Two last Worthy Parliaments to bar all Papists and especially James Duke of York from the exercise of the Royal Authority of this Kingdom 4. That You will with all diligence endeavour the Uniting of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects and the Repealing those severe Laws that are obstructive thereof 5. That all good Endeavours be used for the securing of our Religion and Property and the just Rights and Priviledges of the Subject 6. That some Law may be made for the preventing of the Excesses and Exorbitances in the Elections of Members of Parliament and of undue
of his Understanding fully declares it However here is such a stroke and exercise of Absolute power as Dissolves the Government and brings us all into a State of Nature by discharging us from the ties which by virtue of Fundamental Stipulations and Statute Laws we formerly lay under forasmuch as we know no King but a King by Law nor no Power he hath but a legal Power Which through disclaiming by a challenge that the whole Legislative Authority does reside in himself he hath thrown the Gantler to three Kingdoms and provokes them to a tryal whether he be ablest to maintain his Absoluteness or they to justifie their being a free People And by virtue of the same Royal will and pleasure that he annuls which he calls suspending the Laws enjoyning the Tests and the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and commands that none of these Oaths and Declarations shall at any time hereafter be required to be taken he may in some following Royal Papers give us White-hall or Hampton Court Edicts conformable to those at Verfailles which at all times hereafter we shall be bound to submit unto and stand obliged to be ruled by instead of the Common Law and Statute Book Nor is the taking upon him to stamp us new Laws exclusively of Parliamentary concurrence in the virtue of his Royal Prerogative any thing more uncouth in it self or more disagreeable to the Rules of the Constitution and what we have been constantly accustomed unto than the cassing disabling and abrogating so many old ones which that obsolete out of date as well as ill favoured thing upon Monarchs called a Parliament had a share in the enacting of I will not say that our Addressers were conscious that the getting an Absolute Power in his Majesty to be owned and acknowledged was one of the Ends for which the late Declaration was calculated and emitted but I think I have sufficiently demonstrated both that such a power it issueth and flows from and that such a power is plainly exercised in it Which whether their coming now to be told and made acquainted with it may make them repent what they have done or at least prevent their being accessory to the support of this Power in other mischievous effects that are to be dreaded from it I must leave to time to make the discovery it being impossible to foretell what a People fallen into a phrenzie may do in their paroxisms of distraction and madness Nor was the scruing himself into the possession of an Absolute power and the getting it to be owned by at least a part of the people the only Motive to the publishing the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience in England and the Proclamation for a Toleration in Scotland but a second inducement that sway'd unto it was the undermining and subverting the Protestant Religion and the opening a door for the introduction and establishment of Popery Nor was it from any compassion to Dissenters that these two Royal Papers were emitted but from his Majesty's tender love to Papists to whom as there arise many advantages for the present so the whole benefit will be found to redound to them in the issue We are told as I have already mentioned that the King is resolved to convert England or to die a Martyr and we may be sure that if he did not think the suspending the penal Laws and the dispensing with requiring of the Tests and the granting Liberty and Toleration to be means admirably adapted thereunto he would not have acted so inconsistently with himself nor in that opposition to his own designs as to have disabled these Laws and vouchsafed the Freedom that results thereupon Especially when we are told by the Liege Jesuit that the King being sensible of his growing old finds himself thereby obliged to make the greater haste and to take the larger steps lest through not living long enough to effect what he intends he should not only lose the glory of converting three Kingdoms but should leave the Papists in a worse condition than he found them His Highness the Prince of Orange very justly concludes this to be the thing aim'd at by the present Indulgence and therefore being desired to approve the Suspension of the Test Acts and to co-operate with his Majesty for the obtaining their being Repealed was pleased to answer That while he was as well as professeth himself a Protestant he would not act so unworthily as to betray the Protestant Religion which he necessarily must if he should do as he was desired Her Royal Highness the Princess of Orange has likewise the same apprehension of the tendency of the Toleration and Indulgence and therefore was pleased to say to some Scots Ministers that did themselves the honor and performed the duty that became them in going to wait upon her that she greatly commended their having no accession to the betraying of the Protestant Religion by their returning home to take the benefit of the Toleration What an indelible Reproach will it be to a company of men that pretend to be set for the defence of the Gospel and who stile themselves Ministers of Jesus Christ to be found betraying Religion thro justifying the Suspension of so many Laws whereby it was established and supported and whereby the Kingdoms were fenced about and guarded against Popery while these two noble Princes to the neglect of their own Interest in His Majesty's Favour and to the provoking him to do them all the prejudice he can in their Right of Succession to the Imperial Crown of Great Britain do signifie their open dislike of that Act of the King and that not only upon the account of its Illegality and Arbitrariness but by reason of its tendency to supplant and undermine the Reformed Religion And they are strangely blind that do not see how it powerfully operates and conduceth to the effecting of this and that in more ways and methods than are easie to be recounted For thereby our divisions are not only kept up at a time when the united Counsels and strength of all Protestants is too little against the craft and power of Rome but they who have Addressed to thank the King for his Royal Papers and become a listed and enrolled Faction to abet and stand by the King in all that naturally follows to be done for the maintaining his Declaration and justifying of the usurped Authority from which it issues 'T is matter of a melancholy consideration and turns little to the credit of Dissenters that when they of the Church of England who had with so great indiscretion promoted things to that pass which an easie improvement of would produce what hath since ensued are through being at last enlightned in the designs of the Court come so far to recover their wits as that they can no longer do the service they were wont and which was still expected from them there should be a new Tribe of men muster'd up to stand in their room and who by their
humbly Pray That His Majesty would Consent to this Expedient in order to a future Settlement And hope that such a Temperament may be thought of as that the Army now on Foot may not give any Interruption to the proceeding of a Parliament But if to the great Misfortune and Ruin of these Kingdoms it should prove otherwise we further declare That we will to our utmost defend the Protestant Religion the Laws of the Kingdom and the Rights and Liberties of the Subject A Letter from a Gentleman at King's-Lynn December 7. 1688. To his Friend in London Sir THE Duke of Norfolk came to Town on Wednesday Night with many of the chiefest of the County and yesterday in the Market-place received the Address following which was presented by the Mayor attended by the Body and many hundreds of the Inhabitants To his Grace the most Noble Henry Duke of Norfolk Lord Marshal of England My Lord THE daily Allarms we receive as well from Foreign as Domestick Enemies give us just Apprehensions of the approaching Danger which we conceive we are in and to apply with all earnestness to your Grace as your great Patron in all humble Confidence to succeed in our Expectations That we may be put into such a posture by your Grace's Directions and Conduct as may make us appear as zealous as any in the Defence of the Protestant Religion the Laws and Ancient Government of this Kingdom Being the desire of many hundreds who must humbly callenge a Right of your Grace's Protection His Grace's Answer Mr. Mayor I Am very much obliged to you and the rest of your Body and those here present for your good Opinion of me and the Confidence you have that I will do what in me lies to support and defend the Laws Liberties and Protestant Religion in which I will never deceive you And since the coming of the Prince of Orange hath given us an opportunity to declare for the defence of them I can only assure you that no Man will venture his Life and Fortune more freely for the Defence of the Laws Liberties and Protestant Religion than I will do and with all these Gentlemen here present and many more will unanimously concur therein and you shall see that all possible Care shall be taken that such a Defence shall be made as you require AFter which the Duke was with his Retinue received at the Mayor's House at Dinner with great Acclamations and his Proceedings therein have put our County into a Condition of Defence of which you shall hear further in a little time our Militia being ordered to be raised throughout the County Our Tradesmen Seamen and Mobile have this morning generally put Orange Ribbon on their Hats Ecchoing Huzza's to the Prince of Orange and Duke of Norfolk All are in a hot Ferment God send us a good Issue of it Lynn-Regis Decemb. 10. 1688. Sir BY mine of the 7th Instant I gave you an Account of the Address of this Corporation to his Grace the Duke of Norfolk and of his Grace's Answer thereto Since which his Grace has sent for the Militia Troops and put them in a posture of Defence as appears by the ensuing Speech The Duke of Norfolk's second Speech at Lynn I Hope you see I have endeavoured to put you in the posture you desired by sending both for Horse and Foot of the Militia and am very glad to see such an Appearance of this Town in so good a Condition And I do again renew my former Assurances to you that I will ever stand by you to Defend the Laws Liberties and the Protestant Religion and to procure a Settlement in Church and State in concurrence with the Lords and Gentlemen in the North and pursuant to the Declaration of the Prince of Orange And so God save the King The Declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in and about the Cities of London and Westminster Assembled at Guild-hall Dec. 1688. WE doubt not but the World believes that in this great and dangerous Conjuncture we are heartily and zealously concerned for the Protestant Religion the Laws of the Land and the Liberties and Properties of the Subject And we did reasonably Hope that the King having Issued His Proclamation and Writs for a Free Parliament we might have rested Secure under the Expectation of that Meeting But His Majesty having withdrawn Himself and as we apprehend in order to His Departure out of this Kingdom by the pernicious Counsels of Persons ill-affected to our Nation and Religion we cannot without being wanting to our Duty be silent under those Calamities wherein the Popish Counsels which so long prevailed have miserably Involved these Realms We do therefore Unanimously resolve to apply our Selves to His Highness the Prince of Orange who with so great Kindness to these Kingdoms so vast Expence and so much Hazard to his own Person hath Undertaken by endeavouring to procure a Free Parliament to rescue Us with as little Effusion as possible of Christian Blood from the Imminent Dangers of Popery and Slavery And we do hereby Declare That we will with our utmost Endeavours assist his Highness in the obtaining such a Parliament with all speed wherein our Laws our Liberties and Properties may be Secured the Church of England in particular with a due Liberty to Protestant Dissenters and in general the Protestant Religion and Interest over the whole World may be Supported and Encouraged to the glory of God the Happiness of the Established Government in these Kingdoms and the Advantage of all Princes and States in Christendom that may be herein concerned In the mean time we will endeavour to preserve as much as in us lies the Peace and Security of these great and populous Cities of London and Westminster and the Parts adjacent by taking care to Disarm all Papists and secure all Jesuits and Romish Priests who are in our about the same And if there be any thing more to be performed by us for promoting his Highness's generous Intentions for the Publick good we shall be ready to do it as occasion shall require W. Cant. Tho. Ebor. Pembroke Dorset Mulgrave Thanet Carlisle Craven Ailesbury Burlington Sussex Barkelay Rochester Newport Waymouth P. Winchester W. Asaph Fran. Ely Tho. Roffen Tho. Petriberg P. Wharton North and Grey Chandos Montague T. Jermyn Vaughan Carbery Culpeper Crewe Osulston WHereas His Majesty hath privately this Morning withdrawn Himself we the Lords Spiritual and Temporal whose Names are subscribed being assembled at Guild-hall in London having Agreed upon and Signed a Declaration Entituled The Declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in and about the Cities of London and Westminster Assembled at Guild-hall 11. Decemb. 1688. Do desire the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembroke the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Weymouth the Right Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishop of Ely and the Right Honourable the Lord Culpeper forthwith to attend his Highness the Prince of Orange with the said Declaration and at the same
our just and due Acknowledgments for the happy Relief You have brought to us and that we may not be wanting in this present Conjuncture we have put our selves into such a Posture that by the Blessing of God we may be capable to prevent all ill Designs and to preserve this City in Peace and Safety till your Highness's Happy Arrival We therefore humbly desire that your Highness will please to repair to this City with what convenient speed you can for the perfecting the great Work which Your Highness has so happily begun to the general Joy and Satisfaction of us all December the 17th 1688. THE said Committee this day made Report to the Lieutenancy that they had presented the said Address to the Prince of Orange and that His Highness received them very kindly December the 17th 1688. By the Lieutenancy Ordered That the said Order and Address be forwith Printed Geo. Evans To his Highness the Prince of Orange The Humble Address of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common Council assembled May it please Your Highness WE taking into Consideration your Highness's fervent Zeal for the Protestant Religion manifested to the World in your many and hazardous Enterprizes which it hath pleased Almighty God to bless You with miraculous Success We render our deepest Thanks to the Divine Majesty for the same And beg leave to present our most humble Thanks to your Highness particularly for your appearing in Arms in this Kingdom to carry on and perfect your glorious Design to rescue England Scotland and Ireland from Slavery and Popery and in a Free Parliament to establish the Religion the Laws and the Liberties of these Kingdoms upon a sure and lasting Foundation We have hitherto look'd for some Remedy for these Oppressions and Imminent Dangers We together with our Protestant Fellow-Subjects laboured under from His Majesty's Concessions and Concurrences with Your Highness's Just and Pious purposes expressed in Your gracious Declaration But herein finding Our Selves finally disappointed by his Majesty's withdrawing Himself We presume to make Your Highness Our Refuge And do in the Name of this Capital CITY implore Your Highness's Protection and most humbly beseech Your Highness to vouchsafe to repair to this CITY where Your Highness will be received with Universal Joy and Satisfaction The Speech of Sir George Treby Kt. Recorder of the Honourable City of London to his Highness the Prince of Orange Dec. 20. 1688. May it please your Highness THE Lord Mayor being disabled by Sickness your Highness is attended by the Aldermen and Commons of the Capital City of this Kingdom deputed to Congratulate your Highness upon this great and glorious Occasion In which labouring for Words we cannot but come short in Expression Reviewing our late Danger we remember our Church and State over-run by Popery and Arbitrary Power and brought to the Point of Destruction by the Conduct of Men that were our true Invaders that brake the Sacred Fences of our Laws and which was worst the very Constitution of our Legislature So that there was no Remedy left but the Last The only Person under Heaven that could apply this Remedy was Your Highness You are of a Nation whose Alliances in all Times has been agreeable and prosperous to us You are of a Family most Illustrious Benefactors to Mankind To have the Title of Soveraign Prince Stadtholder and to have worn the Imperial Crown are among their lesser Dignities They have long enjoyed a Dignity singular and transcendent viz. To be Champions of Almighty God sent forth in several Ages to vindicate his Cause against the greatest Oppressions To this Divine Commission our Nobles our Gentry and among them our brave English Soldiers rendred themselves and their Arms upon your appearing GREAT SIR When we look back to the last Month and contemplate the Swiftness and Fulness of our present Deliverance astonish'd we think it miraculous Your Highness led by the Hand of Heaven and called by the Voice of the People has preserved our dearest Interests The Protestant Religion which is Primitive Christianity restor'd Our Laws which are our ancient Title to our Lives Liberties and Estates and without which this World were a Wilderness But what Retribution can We make to your Highness Our Thoughts are full-charged with Gratitude Your Highness has a lasting Monument in the Hearts in the Prayers in the Praises of all good Men among us And late Posterity will celebrate your ever-glorious Name till Time shall be no more Chapman Mayor Cur ' special ' tent ' die Jovis xx die Decemb ' 1688. Annoque RR. Jacobi Secundi Angl ' c. quarto THIS Court doth desire Mr. Recorder to print his Speech this day made to the Prince of Orange at the time of this Court 's attending his Highness with the Deputies of the several Wards and other Members of the Common Council Wagstaffe His Highness the Prince of Orange's Speech to the Scots Lords and Gentlemen With their Advice and his Highness's Answer With a true Account of what past at their Meeting in the Council-Chamber at Whitehall January 7th 168● His Highness the Prince of Orange having caused Advertise such of the Scots Lords and Gentlemen as were in Town met them in a Room at St. James's upon Monday the Seventh of January at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon and had this Speech to them My Lords and Gentlemen THE only Reason that induced me to undergo so great an Vndertaking was That I saw the Laws and Liberties of these Kingdoms overturned and the Protestant Religion in Imminent Danger And seeing you are here so many Noblemen and Gentlemen I have called you together that I may have your Advice what is to be done for Securing the Protestant Religion and Restoring your Laws and Liberties according to my Declaration As soon as his Highness had retired the Lords and Gentlemen went to the Council-Chamber at Whitehall and having chosen the Duke of Hamilton their President they fell a consulting what Advice was fit to be given to his Highness in this Conjuncture And after some hours Reasoning they agreed upon the Materials of it and appointed the Clerks with such as were to assist them to draw up in Writing what the Meeting thought expedient to advise his Highness and to bring it in to the Meeting the next in the Afternoon Tuesday the Eighth Instant the Writing was presented in the Meeting And some time being spent in Reasoning about the fittest way of Coveening a General Meeting of the Estates of Scotland At last the Meeting came to agree in their Opinion and appointed the Advice to be writ clean over according to the Amendments But as they were about to part for that Dyet the Earl of Arran proposed to them as his Lordship's Advice that they should move the Prince of Orange to desire the King to return and call a Free Parliament which would be the best way to secure the Protestant Religion and Property and to
in your Kingdoms as here in the Roman Empire But now we refer it even to your Majesty to judg what condition we can be in to afford you any Assistance we being not only Engaged in a War with the Turks but finding our selves at the same time unjustly and barbarously Attacked by the French contrary to and against the Faith of Treaties they then reckoning themselves secure of England And this ought not to be concealed that the greatest Injuries which have been done to our Religion have flowed from no other than the French themselves who not only esteem it lawful for them to make perfidious Leagues with the sworn Enemies of the Holy Cross tending to the destruction both of us and of the whole Christian World in order to the checking our Endeavours which were undertaken for the glory of God and to stop those Successes which it hath pleased Almighty God to give us hitherto but further have heaped one Treuchery upon another even within the Empire it self The Cities of the Empire which were Surrendred upon Articles signed by the Dauphin himself have been exhausted by excessive Impositions and after their being exhausted have been Plundred and after Plundring have been Burned and Razed The Palaces of Princes which in all times and even in the most destructive Wars have been preserved are now burnt down to the ground The Churches are Robbed and such as submitted themselves to them are in a most Barbarous manner carried away as Slaves In short It is become a Diversion to them to commit all manner of Insolences and Cruelties in many places but chiefly in Catholick Countries exceeding the Cruelties of the Turks themselves which having imposed an absolute necessity upon us to secure our selves and the holy Roman Empire by the best means we can think on and that no less against them than against the Turks we promise our selves from your Justice ready assent to this That it ought not to be imputed to us if we endeavour to procure by a just War that security to our selves which we could not hitherto obtain by so many Treaties and that in order to the obtaining thereof we take measures for our mutual Defence of Preservation with all those who are equally concerned in the same Design with us It remains that we beg of God that he would Direct all things to his glory and that he would grant your Majesty true and solid Comforts under this your great Calamity we embrace you with tender Affections of a Brother At Vienna the 9th of April 1689. The Declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled at Westminster concerning the Misgovernment of King James and filling up the Throne Presented to King William and Queen Mary by the right Honourable the Marquess of Hallifax Speaker to the House of Lords With His Majesties most gracious Answer thereunto WHereas the late King James the Second by the Assistance of divers Evil Counsellors Judges and Ministers Imploy'd by Him did endeavour to Subvert and Extirpate the Protestant Religion and the Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom By Assuming and Exercising a Power of Dispensing with and Suspending of Laws and the Execution of Laws without consent of Parliament By Committing and Prosecuting divers Worthy Prelates for humbly Petitioning to be Excused from concurring to the said assumed Power By 〈◊〉 and causing to be executed a Commission under the great Seal for erecting a Court called The Court of Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes By Levying Mony for and to the Use of the Crown by pretence of Prerogative for other time and in other manner than the same was granted by Parliament By raising and keeping a standing Army within this Kingdom in the time of Peace whithout consent of Parliament and Quartering Soldiers contrary to Law By causing several good Subjects being Protestants to be Disarmed at the same time when Papists were both Armed and Imployed contrary to Law By violating the Freedom of Election of Members to serve in Parliament By Prosecutions in the Court of King's-Bench for Matters and Causes cognizable only in Parliament and by divers other Arbitrary and Illegal Courses And whereas of late Years Partial Corrupt and Unqualified Persons have been returned and served on Juries in Tryals and particularly divers Jurors in Tryals for High-Treason which were not Free-holders And Excessive Bail hath been required of Persons committed in Criminal Cases to elude the Benefit of the Laws made for the Liberty of the Subjects And Excessive Fines have been Imposed And Illegal and Cruel Punishments inflicted And several Grants and Promises made of Fines and Forfeitures before any Convictions or Judgment against the Persons upon whom the same were to be Levied All which are utterly and directly contrary to the known Laws and Statutes and Freedom of this Realm And whereas the said late K. James the Second having abdicated the Government and the Throne being thereby vacant His Highness the Prince of Orange whom it hath pleased Almighty God to make the glorious Instrument of Delivering this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power did by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and divers principal Persons of the Commons cause Letters to be written to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal being Protestants and other Letters to the several Counties Cities Universities Burroughs and Cinque-Ports for the Chusing of such Persons to represent them as were of Right to be sent to Parliament to Meet and Sit at Westminster upon the 22d Day of January in this Year 1688 in order to such an Establishment as that their Religion Laws and Liberties might not again be in danger of being Subverted Upon which Letters Elections having been accordingly made And thereupon the said Lord's Spiritual and Temporal and Commons pursuant to their respective Letters and Elections being now Assembled in a Full and Free Representative of this Nation taking into their most serious Consideration the best Means for attaining the Ends aforesaid do in the first place as their Ancestors in like Case have usually done for the Vindicating and Asserting their Ancient Rights and Liberties Declare That the pretended Power of Suspending of Laws or the Execution of Laws by Regal Authority without Consent of Parliament is Illegal That the pretended Power of Dispensing with Laws or the Execution of Laws by Regal Authority as it hath been assumed and exercised of late is Illegal That the Commission for erecting the late Court of Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes and all other Commissions and Courts of the like Nature are Illegal and Pernicious That levying of Mony for or to the Use of the Crown by pretence of Prerogative without grant of Parliament for longer time or in other manner than the same is or shall be granted is Illegal That it is the Right of the Subjects to Petition the King and all Commitments and Prosecutions for such Petitioning are Illegal That the Raising or Keeping a standing Army within the Kingdom in time of Peace unless it be with
would not have been a very melancholy Present Have not you frank and dutiful Expressions that cheerfulness and vivacity in your Looks rendred much more acceptable much more valuable No Prince in Christendom loves a cheerful giver so well as God Almighty does and he of all Gifts a cheerful Heart and therefore I pray let not a cloudy and disconsolate face be the only or the best sign of Piety and Devotion in the Heart I must ask your Pardon for misplacing much of this Discourse which I should have mentioned when I came to speak of the Ministers Bill they I hope will endeavour to remove these new marks of Dinstinction and Reproaches and keep their Auditories from being imposed upon by such Characters and Descriptions The King hath passed this Act very willingly and done much to the end of this Act before yet hath willingly admitted you to be Sharers and Partners with Him in the Obligation I may say confidently His Majesty hath never denied His Confirmation to any Man in Possession who hath asked it and they have all the effect of it except such who upon Examination and Enquiry appeared not worthy of it and such who though they are pardoned cannot yet think themselves worthy to be preferr'd His Majesty well knows that by this Act he hath gratified and obliged many worthy and pious Men who have contributed much to His Restauration and who shall always receive fresh Evidence of His Majesties Favour and Kindness but he is not sure that he may not likewise have gratified some who did neither contribute to His coming in nor are yet glad that he is in how comes it else to pass that he receives such frequent informations of Seditious Sermons in the City and the Countrey in which all Industry is used to alienate the Affections of the People and to infuse Jealousies into them of the King and His Government They talk of introducing Popery of evil Councellors and such other old Calumnies as are pardoned by this Act of Indempnity His Majesty told You when he was last here what Rigour and Severity He will hereafter use how contrary soever it is to his Nature in these Cases and conjured You My Lords and Gentlemen to concur with him in this just and necessary Severity which I am sure You will do with Your utmost Vigilance and that You will believe that too much ill cannot befall those who do the best they can to corrupt His Majesties Nature and to extinguish His Mercy My Lords and Gentlemen I told You I was to acquaint you with some things His Majesty intends to do during this Recess that You may see He will give no intermission to His Own thoughts for the Publick good though for a time He Dispences with Your Assistance He doth consider the infinite Importance the Improvement of Trade must be to this Kingdom and therefore His Majesty intends forthwith to Establish a Council for Trade consisting of some Principal Merchants of the several Companies to which he will add some Gentlemen of Quality and Experience and for their greater Honour and Encouragement some of my Lords of His own Privy Council In the next Place His Majesty hopes that a well-setled Peace and Gods great Blessing upon Him and You this Nation will in a short time flourish to that Degree that the Land of Canaan did when Esau found it necessary to part from his Brother For their riches were more then that they might dwell together and the land wherein they were could not bear them because of their cattel We have been Our selves very near this Pinacle of happiness and the hope and Contemplation that We may be so again disposes the King to be very solicitous for the Improvement and Prosperity of His Plantations abroad where there is such large room for the Industry and Reception of such who shall desire to go thither and therefore His Majesty likewise intends to erect and establish a Councel for those Plantations in which persons well qualified shall be wholly intent upon the good and advancement of those Plantations There are two other particulars which I am commanded to mention which were both mentioned and recommended to You by His Majesty in his Declaration from Breda The one for the Confirmation of Sales or other Recompence for Purchasers The other for the composing those Differences and Distempers in Religion which have too much disturbed the Peace of the Kingdom Two very weighty particulars in which His Majesty knows You have spent much time and concerning which he should have heard from You before this time if You had not met with great difficulties in the Disquisition of either For the First His Majesty hath not been without much thought upon the Argument and hath done much towards the Accommodation of many particular Persons and You shall not be at Your Journeys end before His Majesty will put that Business concerning Sales into such a way of Dispatch that he doubts not You will find a good Progress made in it before Your coming together again and I believe the Persons concerned will be very much to blame if they receive not good Satisfaction And some of You who stay in Town shall be advised and consulted with that Setlement The other of Religion is a sad Argument indeed It is a Consideration that must make every religious heart to bleed to see Religion which should be the strongest obligation and cement of Affection and brotherly kindness and compassion made now by the Wranglings of passionate and froward Men the ground of all animosity hatred malice and revenge And this unruly and unmanly Passion which no question the Divine Nature exceedingly abhors sometimes and I fear too frequently transports those who are in the right as well those who are in the wrong and leaves the latter more excusable then the former when men who find their manners and dispositions very conformable in all the necessary obligations of humane Nature avoid one anothers Conversation and grow first unsociable and then uncharitable to each other because one cannot think as the other doth And from this separation we intitle God to the Patronage of and Concernment in our Fancies and Distinction and purely for his sake hate one another heartily It was not so of old when one of the most ancient Fathers of the Church tells us That Love and Charity was so signal and eminent in the Primitive Christians that it even drew Admiration and Envy from their Adversaries Vide inquiunt ut invicim se diligunt Their Adversaries in that in which they most agreed in their very prosecution of them had their Passions and Animosities amongst themselves they were only Christians that loved and cherished and comforted and were ready to die for one another Quid nunc illi dicerent Christiani si nostra viderent tempora says the incomparable Grotius How would they look upon our sharp and virulent Contentions in the Debates of Christian Religion and the bloudy wars that have proceeded
houses in Holborn at the same time That he was at the Fire in the Temple but was not engaged to do any thing in it And said that Gyfford told him that there were English French and Irish Roman Catholicks enough in London to make a very good Army and that the King of France was coming with 60000 Men under pretence to shew the Dauphin his Dominions but it was to lay his Men at Deep Bulloign Callis and Dunkirk to be in an hours Warning to be Landed in England and he doubted not but it would be by the middle of June and by that time all the Catholicks here will be in readiness all were to rise in order to bring him in That the Papists here were to be distinguished by Marks in their Hatts that the said Father Gyfford doubted not but he should be an Abbot or a Bishop when the work was over for the good service he hath done That at their Meeting Father Gyfford used to tell them it was no more sin to kill a Heretick then a Dog and that they did God good Service in doing what Mischiefs they could by firing their houses That it was well Sir Edmondbury Godfrey was Murdered for he was their Devilish Enemy That Coleman was a Saint in Heaven for what he had done And saith he is fearful he shall be Murthered for this Confession Father Gyfford having sworn him to Secresie and told him he should be Damned if he made any Discovery and should be sure to be killed and that he should take the Oaths because he was a House-keeper and that it was no sin And saith That Gyfford and Roger _____ told him when their Forces meet about the middle of June then have at the VOTES and ADDRESSES Of the Honourable House of Commons ASSEMBLED IN PARLIAMENT Made this present Year 1673 Concerning Popery and other Grievances March 29. 1673. The Parliaments Address to his Majesty for the Removal of Grievances in England and Ireland WE your Majesties most Loyal Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament assembled conceiving our selves bound in necessary Duty to your Majesty and in Discharge of the Trust reposed in us truly to inform your Majesty of the Estate of your Kingdom And though we are abundantly satisfied that it hath been your Royal Will and Pleasure that your Subjects should be governed according to the Laws and Customs of this Realm yet finding that contrary to your Majesties gracious Intention some Grievances and Abuses are crept in We crave Leave humbly to represent them to your Majesties Knowledge and Desire 1. That the Imposition of 12 d. per Chaldron upon Coals for the providing of Convoys by Vertue of an Order from Council dated the 15th of May 1672 may be recalled and all Bonds taken by Virtue thereof cancelled 2. That your Majesties Proclamation of the 24th of December 1672 for preventing of Disorders which may be committed by Soldiers and whereby the Soldiers now in your Majesties Service are in a manner exempted from the ordinary Course of Justice may likewise be recalled 3. And whereas great Complaints have been made out of several parts of this Kingdom of divers Abuses committed in Quartering of Soldiers That your Majesty would be pleased to give Order to redress those Abuses and in particular that no Soldiers be hereafter Quartered in any private Houses and that due Satisfaction may be given to the Inn-keepers or Victuallers where they lye before they remove 4. And since the continuance of Soldiers in this Nation will necessarily produce many Inconveniences to your Majesties Subjects We do humbly present it as our Petition and Advice That when this present War is ended all your Souldiers which have been raised since the last Session of Parliament may be Disbanded 5. That your Majesty would be likewise pleased to consider of the Irregularities and Abuses in pressing Soldiers and to give Order for the Prevention thereof for the future 6. And although it hath been the Course of former Parliaments to desire Redress in their Grievances before they proceeded to give a Supply yet we have so full Assurance of your Majesties Tenderness and Compassion towards your People that we humbly prostrate our selves at your Majesties feet with these our Petitions desiring your Majesty to take them into your Princely Consideration and to give such Orders for the Relief of your Subjects and the Removing these Pressures as shall seem lest to your Ro●al Wisd●m Address touching Ireland WE your Majesties most Loyal Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament assembled taking into Consideration the great Calamities which have formerly befallen your Majesties Subjects of the Kingdom of Ireland from the Popish Recusants there who for the most part are profest Enemies to the Protestant Religion and the English Interest and how they make use of your Majesties gracious Disposition and Clemency are at this time grown more insolent and presumptuous than formerly to the apparent Danger of that Kingdom and your Majesties Protestant Subjects there the Consequence whereof may likewise prove very fatal to this your Majesties Kingdom of England if not timely prevented And having seriously weighed what Remedies may be most properly applied to those growing Distempers do in all Humility present your Majesty with these our Petitions 1. That for the Establishment and Quieting the Possessions of your Majesties Subjects in that Kingdom your Majesty would be pleased to maintain the Act of Settlement and Explanatory Act thereupon and to recall the Commission of Enquiry into Irish Affairs bearing Date the 17th of January last as containing many new and extraordinary Powers not only to the Frejudice of particular Persons whose Estates and Titles are thereby made liable to be questioned but in a manner to the Overthrow of the Acts of Settlement And if purs●●d may be the Occasion of great Charge and Attendance to many of your Subjects in Ireland and shake the Peace and Security of the whole 2. That your Majesty would give Order that no Papist be either continued or hereafter admitted to be Judges Justices of the Peace Sheriffs Coroners or Mayors Sovereigns or Portrieves in that Kingdom 3. That the Titular Popish Archbishops Bishops Vicars-General Abl●●s and all other exercising Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction by the Popes Authority and in particular Peter Talbot pretended Archbishop of Dublin for his notorious Disloyalty to your Majesty and Disobedience and Contempt of your Laws may be commanded by Proclamation forthwith to depart out of Ireland and all other your Majesties Dominions or otherwise to be prosecuted according to Law And that all Convents Seminaties and Publick Popish Scholes may be dissolved and suppressed and the Secular Priests commanded to depart under the Penalty 4 That no Irish Papist be admitted to inhabit in any part of that Kingdom unless duly licensed according to the aforesaid Acts of Settlemen● and that your Majesty would be pleased to recall your Letters of the 26th of February 1671. And the Proclamation thereupon whereby general Licence is
given to such Papists as inhabit in Corporations there 5. That your Majesties Letters of the 28th of September 1672. and the Order of Council thereupon whereby your Subjects are required not to prosecute any Actions against the Irish for any Wrongs or Injuries committed during the late Rebellion may likewise be recalled 6. That Colonel Talbot who hath notoriously assumed to himself the Title of Agent of the Roman Catholicks in Ireland be immediately dismissed out of all Command Military and Civil and forbidden Access to your Majesties Court. 7. That your Majesty would be pleased from time to time out of your Princely Wisdom to give such further Order and Directions to the Lord Lieutenant or other Governour of Ireland for the time being as may best conduce to the Encouragement of the English Planters and Protestants Interest there and the Suppression of the Insolencles and Disorders of the Irish Papists there These our humble Desires we present to your Majesty as the best means to preserve the Peace and Safety of that your Kingdom which hath been so much of late in Danger by the Practices of the said Irish Papists particularly Richard and Peter Talbot and we doubt not but your Majesty will find the happy Effects thereof to the great Satisfaction and Security of your Majesties Person and Government which of all earthly things is most dear to your Majesties most Loyal Subjects Ordered October 20. 1673. THat an Address be made to his Majesty by such Members of this House as are of his Majesties Privy-Council to acquaint his Majesty that it is the humble desire of this House that the intended Marriage of his Royal Highness with the Dutchess of Modena be not consummated and that he may not be Married to any Person but of the Protestant Religion And the same Day the Parliament was Prorogued till Monday next The Address of the Parliament to his Majesty WE your Majesties most Humble and Loyal Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament assembled being full of Assurance of your Majesties gracious Intentions to provide for the Establishment of Religion and the Preservation of your People in Peace and Security and foreseeing the dangerous Consequences which ●ay follow the Marriage of his Royal Highness the Duke of York with the Princess of ●●●dena or any other of the Popish Religion we hold our selves bound in Conscience ●●d Duty to represent the same to your Sacred Majesty not doubting but these constant Testimonies which we have given your Majesty of our true and loyal Affections to your Sacred Person will easily gain a Belief that these our humble Desires proceed from Hearts still full of the same Affections toward your sacred Majesty and with intentions to establish your Royal Government upon those true Supports of the Protestant Religion and the Hearts of your People with all Humility desiring your Majesty to take the same into your Princely Consideration and to relieve your Subjects from those Fears and Apprehensions which at present they lie under from the Progress hath been made in that Treaty We do therefore humbly intreat your Majesty to consider that if this Match do proceed it will be a means to disquiet the Minds of your Protestant Subjects at home and to fill them with endless Jealousies and Discontents and will bring your Majesty into such Alliances abroad as will prove highly prejudicial if not destructive to the Interest of the very Protestant Religion it self And we find by sad Experience that such Marriages have encreased and encouraged Popery in this Kingdom and given opportunity to Priests and Jesuits to propagate their Opinions and seduce great Numbers of your Majesties Subjects And we do already observe how much the Party is animated with the hopes of this Match which were lately discouraged by your gracious Concessions in the last Meeting in this Parliament That we greatly fear this may be an Occasion to lessen the Affections of the People to his Royal Highness who is so nearly related to the Crown and whose Honour and Esteem we desire may always be intirely preserved That for another Age more at the least this Kingdom will be under the continual Apprehensions of the Growth of Popery and the Danger of the Protestant Religion Lastly We consider that this Princess having so near a Relation and Kindred to many Eminent Persons of the Court of Rome may give them great Opportunities to promote their Designs and carry on their Practices among us and by the same means penetrate into your Majesties most Secret Counsels and more easily discover the State of the whole Kingdom And finding that by the Opinions of very Learned Men it is generally admitted that such Treaties and Contracts by Proxies are dissolvable of which there are several Instances to be produced We do in all humbleness beseech your Majesty to put a stop to the Consummation of this intended Marriage And this we do the more importunately desire because we have not yet the Happiness to see any Issue of your Majesty's that may succeed in the Government of these Kingdoms which Blessings we most heartily pray Almighty God in his due time to bestow upon your Majesty and these Kingdoms to the unspeakable Joy and Comfort of all your Majesty's Subjects who desire nothing more than to continue under the Reigns of your Majesty and your Royal Posterity for ever October 30. 1673. Mr. Secretary Coventry brought from his Majesty an Answer to the Address presented to him touching the Duke of York as followeth C. R. HIS Majesty having received an Address from the House of Commons presenting their humble Desire that the intended Marriage betwixt his Royal Highness and the Princess of Modena may not be Consummated Commanded this Answer to be returned That he perceived the House of Commons have wanted a full Information of this Matter the Marriage not being barely intended but Compleated according to the Forms used amongst Princes and by His Royal Consent and Authority Nor could He in the least suppose it disagreeable to His House of Commons His Royal Highness having been in the view of the World for several Months engaged in a Treaty of Marriage with another Catholick Princess and yet a Parliament held during the time and not the least Exception taken at it An Address ordered to be presented to His Majesty concerning a Marriage between his Royal Highness and the Princess of Modena and a Committee appointed to that purpose A Committee appointed for preparing a Bill for a general Test to distinguish between Protestants and Papists and those that shall refuse to take it be incapable to enjoy any Office Military or Civil or to sit in either Houses of Parliament or to come within five miles of the Court. The House adjourned till Monday October 31. 1673. Resolved That the House considering the present Condition of the Nation will not take into any further Debate the Consideration of any Aid or Supplies or Charge upon the Subjects before the time of Payment of
out of the Hands of the Possessor than purely those of his own Conscience which is worthy Mr. Considerer's highest Consideration I shall only take notice of one Objection more and then conclude fearing I have too much trespass'd on your Patience already It 's very hard says he that a man should lose his Inheritance because he is of this or that Perswasion in Matters of Religion And truly Gentlemen were the Case only so I should be intirely of his mind But alass Popery whatever Mr. Considerer is pleas'd to insinuate in not an harmless innocent Perswasion of a Number of Men differing from others in matters relating to Christian Religion but is really and truly a different Religion from Christianity it self Nor is the Inheritance he there mentions an Inheritance only of Black-Acre and White Acre without any Office annexed which requires him to be par Officio But the Government and Protection of several Nations the Making War and Peace for them the Preservation of their Religion the Disposal of Publick Places and Revenues the Execution of all Laws together with many other things of the greatest Importance are in this Case claimed by the Word Inheritance which if you consider and at the same time reflect upon the Enslaving and Bloody Tenents of the Church of Rome more particularly the Hellish and Damnable Conspiracy those of that Communion are now carrying on against our Lives our Religion and our Government I am confident you will think it as proper for a Wolf to be a Shepherd as it is for a Papist to be the Defender of our Faith c. The Old Gentleman had no sooner ended his Discourse but I returned him my hearty Thanks for the Trouble he had been pleased to give himself on this Occasion and I could not but acknowledge he had given me great Satisfaction in that Affair what it will give thee Charles I know not I am sure I parted from him very Melancholy for having been a Fool so long Adieu I am thy Affectionate I. D. A Collection of Speeches IN THE House of Commons In the Year 1680. The Lord L. Speech My Lords MAny have been the Designs of the Papists to subvert this poor Nation from the Protestant Religion to that of the See of Rome and that by all the undermining Policies possibly could be invented during the Recess of Parliament even to the casting the Odium of their most Damnable Designs on the Innocency of his Majesties most Loyal Subjects We have already had a taste of their Plottings in Ireland and find how many unaccountable Irish Papists dally arrive which we have now under Consideration My Lord Dunbarton a great Romanist has Petitioned for his stay here alledging several Reasons therein which in my Opinion make all for his speedy Departure for I can never think his Majesty and this Kingdom sufficiently secure till we are rid of those Irish Cattel and all others besides for I durst be bold to say that whatsoever they may pretend there is not one of them but have a destructive Tenet only they want Power not Will to put it in force I would not have so much as a Popish Man nor a Popish Woman to remain here nor so much as a Popish Dog or a Popish Bitch no not so much as a Popish Cat that should pur or mew about the King We are in a Labyrinth of Evils and must carefully endeavour to get out of them and the greatest danger of all amongst us are our conniving Protestants who notwithstanding the many Evidences of the Plot have been industrious to revile the Kings Witnesses and such an one is R L'E who now disappears being one of the greatest Villains upon the Earth a Rogue beyond my Skill to delineate has been the Bugbear to the Protestant Religion and traduced the King and Kingdoms Evidences by his notorious scribling Writings and hath endeavoured as much as in him lay to eclipse the Glory of the English Nation he is a dangerous rank Papist proved by good and substantial Evidence for which since he has walked under another disguise he deserves of all Men to be hanged and I believe I shall live to see that to be his State He has scandalized several of the Nobility and detracted from the Rights of his Majesty's great Council the Parliament and is now fled from Justice by which he confesses the Charge against him and that shows him to be guilty My humble Motion is that this House Address to his Majesty to put him out of the Commission of Peace and all other Publick Employments for ever Speeches in the Honourable House of Commons Mr. Speaker IN the Front of Magna Charta it is said Nulli negabimus nulli differimus Justitiam we will defer or deny Justice to no Man to this the King is Sworn and with this the Judges are intrusted by their Oaths I admire what they can say for themselves if they have not read this Law they are not fit to sit upon the Bench and if they have I had almost said they deserve to lose their Heads Mr. Speaker The State of the poor Nation is to be deplored that in almost all ages the Judges who ought to be Preservers of the Laws have endeavoured to destroy them and that to please a Court-Faction they have by Treachery attempted to break the Bonds asunder of Magna Charta the great Treasury of our Peace it was no sooner passed but a Chief Justice in that day perswades the King he was not bound by it because he was under Age when it was passed But this sort of Insolence the next Parliament resented to the ruine of the pernicious Chief Justice In the time of Richard the Second an unthinking dissolute Prince there were Judges that did insinuate into the King that the Parliament were only his Creatures and depended on his Will and not on the Fundamental Constitutions of the Land which Treacherous Advice proved the Ruine of the King and for which all those evil Instruments were brought to Justice In his late Majesties Time his Misfortunes were occasioned chiesly by the Corruptions of the Long Robe his Judges by an Extrajudicial Opinion give the King Power to raise Money upon an extraordinary Occasion without Parliament and made the King Judge of such Occasions Charity prompts me to think they thought this a Service to the King but the sad Consequences of it may convince all Mankind that every illegal Act weakens the Royal Interest and to endeavour to introduce Absolute Dominion in these Realms is the worst of Treasons because whilst it bears the Face of Friendship to the King and Designs to be for his Service it never fails of the contrary effect The two great Pillars of the Government are Parliaments and Juries it is this gives us the Title of Free-born English-men for my Notion of Free-English-men is this that they are ruled by Laws of their own making and tried by Men of the same Condition with themselves The Two great
and undoubted Priviledges of the People have been lately invaded by the Judges that now sit in Westminster-hall they have Espoused Proclamation against Law they have discountenanced and opposed several legal Acts that tended to the sitting of this Honourable House they have grasped the Legislative Power into their own Hands as in that Instance of Printing the Parliament was considering that matter but they in the interim made their private Opinion to be Law to supersede the Judgment of this House They have discharged Grand Juries on purpose to quel their Presentments and shelter great Criminals from Justice and when Juries have presented their Opinion for the sitting of this Parliament they have in disdain thrown them at their Feet and told them they would be no Messengets to carry such Petitions and yet in a few days after have encouraged all that would spit their Venom against the Government they have served an Ignorant and Arbitrary Faction and been the Messengers of Abhorrences to the King Mr. Speaker What we have now to do is to load them with shame who have bid defiance to the Law they are guilty of Crimes against Nature against the King against their Knowledge and against Posterity The whole frame of Nature doth loudly and daily petition to God their Creator and Kings like God may be addressed to in like manner by Petition not Command They likewise knew it was lawful to petition Ignorance can be no Plea and their Knowledge aggravates their Crimes The Children unborn are bound to curse such Proceedings for 't was not petitioning but Parliaments they abhorr'd The Atheist pleads against a God not that he disbelieves a Deity but would have it so Tresilian and Belknap were Judges too their Learning gave them Honour but their Villanies made their Exit by a Rope The end of my Motion therefore is That we may address warmly to our Prince against them let us settle a Committee to enquire into their Crimes and not fail of doing Justice upon them that have perverted it let us purge the Fountain and the Streams will issue pure November the 17th being appointed for consideration of His Majesty's Message the Order being read it was moved by a worthy Member THAT as long as Popery hangs over us we could do nothing and we ought to represent our condition to the King and then when we had secured our Religion and Property we should be ready to do any thing that might make the King happy and great A Second I am sorry that Tangier that is a Supply is moved for at so unseasonable a time I confess Tangier is of great moment but we have now in hands that which is of greater moment than ten Tangiers put together The consideration of that before we are secure in our Religion at home is as when an Enemy was landed we should afterwards go to fortifie the Coasts of Kent And being told us by His Majesty we should secure our selves against Popery by all ways but meddling with the Succession and should rest there we are prevented of what is our preservation And the providing for Tangier now will be the weakening of our Security When Tangier was put into the hands of the English first there was an Article that there should continue a Popish Church and the Religion that belonged to it to continue their Lives but not to be replenish'd with new And if it be enquir'd into I believe it will be found the number of them is not yet decreased It is not long since there was a Popish Governour there many Papists and Souldiers gone thither lately from Ireland It is not a little Sum that will do what is needful there and if it should be a considerable one that should be given for it it may be made use of to raise an Army there so that we run into a great Inconveniency by providing for it I think we ought to consider well of it before we do And yet I am not for sullenly saying we will raise no Money but for clearly stating the Case by an Address to the King A Third I am only to acquaint you That Tangier is not to be maintained without your Support A Fourth All things are to be considered comparatively and if it be made an Argument against the Duke's Bill that is at the Head of an Army in Scotland and that in Ireland there are ten Papists to one Protestant his great interest in the Fleet and being Admiral and Tangier being a Seminary of Papists then sure you have a special Argument to take Tangier into your Consideration and Money may be for that Service But then this Parliament do not ask Petitions of Grace but of Right And will you part with your Money without any Security You have often done so and what are you the better for it I long for the time when we may give Money to make the King great but if things must go on as they do I am for a plain Bargain to know what we shall have for our Money For my part I only desire our Security but if we should give Money I suppose you will take care what hands we put it in and there ought to be a Trust Let us Address His Majesty A Fifth We are told Tangier is of Importance it is a Nursery of Papists And we are likewise told The Irish sent thither a part of the Irish Army and they take the Oath that is no Security Was not the Lord Bellassis Governour of Tangier and Hull and the Pensioners Captain all at a time and took the Oaths those Souldiers for ought I know may be brought hither and the asking for a Supply for it at this time is very unreasonable because Parliaments have been put off two or three years and whilst there are people that dare make a difference between the King and this House we shall never be safe Let us represent our Condition as boldly as may stand with good manners It is not to be endured to see the Duke preferred before the King as he was as if Arguments of his Greatness and Power were Arguments strong enough to hinder the Bill He hath violated the Law and we needed not to have gone this way to work if we could have had Justice against him but he is too great for that let us Address His Majesty A Smith If Tangier be wholly under the Duke's Care and Protection and such a Seminary for Papists as hath been represented I think no motion to have a Supply for it is unseasonable and am against it order the bringing in the state of it A Seventh I spoke the fence of the City formerly and do so now again and in the name of the greatest part of the Commonalty of the City of London and we do declare That we are ready to give Money half we have nay all and be content to set up again and get new Estates if we can but be secured The burning of London justly laid upon the Papists and
keeping Watch since the Plot hath cost the City above 100000 l. The City of London is the Bulwark of our Religion And is it not said the Duke is at the head of 30 or 40000 men The Lieutenancy and Justices how are they molded for his turn And if you do nothing now in this House we must all without any more ado try to make a Peace with him as well as we can I 'll never do it And will you for the sake of one man destroy three Kingdoms An Highth He moved that the Representation might declare That we see no Security but removing the Duke of York A Ninth We discoursing of Tangier at this time is like Nero's Fiddling whilst Rome was consuming by Fire If it be in a good condition we cannot help it if in a bad one we are not in a posture to do it Pray consider the condition by what 's past when King Henry the Eighth was for Supremacy the Kingdom was for it when King Henry the Eighth was against it the Kingdom was against it When King Edward the Sixth was a Protestant the Kingdom was so when Queen Mary was a Papist the Kingdom was so when Queen Elizabeth was a Protestant the Kingdom so again Regis ad exemplum c. And I believe even in King Edward the Sixth's time the Bishops themselves would not have been for throwing out such a Bill as this And if King Edward had promised any thing for the preservation of the Protestant Religion so that Mary might succeed the Pope would no way have contrived so great a Favour The bidding us prevent Popery and the letting alone a Popish Successor is as if a Physician should come to a man in a Pleurisie and tell him he may make use of any Remedies but letting of Blood the Party must perish that being the only Cure I am not at present for giving of Money that being to the State as Food to the Stomach if that be clean meat turns to good Nourishment but if it be out of order it breeds Diseases And so it is in the State if that be not in order too We have been often deceived and by the same men again Was not 200000 l. given for the Fleet in 74 and was any of it employed that way Money given for an actual War with France employed for a dishonourable Peace Never so many Admirals and so few Ships to guard us never more Commissioners of the Treasury and so little Money never so many Counsellors and so little Safety Let us address His Majesty A Tenth I 'll never be for giving of Money for promoting Popery and a Successor a publick Enemy to the Kingdom and a Slave to the Pope Whilst he hath 11 to 7 in the Council and 63 to 31 in the House of Lords we are not secure And if my own Father had been one of the 63 I should have voted him an Enemy to the King and Kingdoms and if we cannot live Protestants I hope we shall dye so The Eleventh Redress our Grievances first and then and not till then Money Tangier never was nor will be a place of Trade Tituan and Sally so near they will never trade with us to destroy themselves and can never be for our Advantage And I have many years wonder'd at the Council that have been for the keeping of it and am of opinion that Popery may be aimed at by it and that our Councils are managed at Rome from whence I saw a Letter from a Friend dated the 21th of October with the Heads of the King's Speech in it to this effect That His Majesty would command them not to meddle with the Succession That he would ask no Money That he would stand upon the Confirmation of the Lord Danby's Pardon and That the keeping of Tangier was to draw on Expences and was it not would be for the blowing of it up Twelfth I am for a Representation Thirteenth I remember before the last Session of Parliament there was a Council held at Lambeth and there hatched a Bill against Popery It was for the breeding of Children of a Popish Successor which admitted the thing and it was called a Bill against Popery but we called it the Popish Bill I am for the Church of England but not for the Church-men of the late Bishop of St. Asaph on his Death-bed good man could hardly forbear declaring himself which his Epitaph did Ora pro Anima ordered to be written upon his Tomb. We are told the other day we ought to make the Duke a Substantive to stand by himself That there was less danger of a General without an Army than an Army without a General And I have read in Pliny which was most to be feared an Army of Lyons with an Hare to their General or an Army of Hares with a Lyon to their General and it was concluded that an Army of Hares with a Lyon to their General was most to be feared of the two His Majesty is inclosed by a sort of Monsters who endeavour to destroy and I hope to move against them before we rise and though we have lost our last Bill we have not lost our Courage and Hearts Fourteenth His Majesty desires your Advice and Assistance it is seldom which is very kind and though you shall think fit not to give the latter it 's but mannerly to give the first And I hope you will not resent any Injury if any there were done by the House of Lords on the King who though he cannot cure all ill in one day he can ruine all And I acquaint you there is a very great Weight laid upon this Session of Parliament and upon the agreeing of the King with the People on which depends the Welfare of the Protestants abroad and hope you will not go about to Remonstrate now Fifteenth If you had sent the Duke's Lord Craven's and Mulgrave's Regiment to Tangier it would supply the Place with Men and Disband the Lord Oxford's Regiment and the Money on those imployed would bear much of the share of this Then the House Resolved to appoint a Committee to draw up an Address upon the Debate of this House to represent His Majesty the State and Condition of the Kingdom in Answer to His Majesties Message about Tangier The SPEECHES of several Learned and Worthy Members of the Honourable House of Commons for Passing the Bill against the Duke of York Mr. Speaker THE Gentleman that spoke last seems to intimate that we ought to have a due regard to the Kings Brother and consider what infinite disadvantages will accrew to us if we are too hasty in our Resolutions as before the Duke is found guilty to proceed to pass a Bill for Exclusion for that nothing but War and Bloodshed can be expected from it therefore he says we ought to be moderate and find out a Medium to secure the Protestant Religion notwithstanding the Duke may be a Papist Now Gentlemen I give you the Dictates of my
Gentleman answered Mr. Speaker I wonder that Noble Lord should thus interrupt me for I have not positively affirmed any thing at all of the Duke though I have said nothing but what in my Judgment I thought might be truth and I shall not change my mind for his being displeased at it but however I am very well satisfied to say no more but only that I remember that Honourable Person by the Bar told us he would not speak to the prudential part against the Bill and truly Sir I think he has kept his Word very exactly and that whereas another Member before him objected That it was possible the Duke might turn Protestant I would only answer that I do not think it possible that any Person that has been bred up in the Protestant Religion and hath been weak enough for so I must call it to turn Papist should ever after in that respect be wise enough to turn Protestant and therefore Sir upon the whole matter my humble Motion is That the Bill may pass Debates in the House of Commons Jan. 7. 1680. upon His Majesties Message The First Speech by an Honourable Gentleman HIS Majesties relies not only on the Dictates of his own Judgment but is confirmed by the Judgment of the House of Lords but many of them have gained their Honour by Interest rather than Merit His Majesty hath given no Answer to several of your Addresses when you say nothing can secure you but this Bill that he should propose other means but if we have not the Bill we are deprived of the means to preserve His Majesties Life Person and Government I never knew that Tangier was more considerable than all the Three Kingdoms Is it time to be silent or not Why is all this stir for a Man that desires the Throne before His Majesty is dead He is in all the Plot either at one end or other who took evidence of London Fire Arbitrary Power was at the end and no Religion like Popery to set up That I will pay the Duty and Allegiance of an English-man to an English Prince But Popery and Arbitrary Power must be rooted out Can you hope for any Good while this Man is Heir an Apostate from his Religion his Government is the most dangerous Our Ministers of State give us little hopes from Whitehall I hope they will be Named First set a Brand on all them that framed the Answer and all them that shall lend Money by way of Anticipation desire him to take Advice of His Parliament rather then private Men or to let us go home and attend His Service when he shall again call for us The Second Speech by another Person of Hour I am afraid we are lost we have done our Parts shewed our selves good Subjects but some stand between the King and us to promote the Duke of York's Interest Those that advised the King not to pass the Bill deserve to be Branded The Third Speech by an Honourable Gentleman We have made the modestest Request that ever People did in such a time of Danger we have neither passed a Bill nor obtained a kind Answer our Trust must be in our Votes When the King bid us look into the Plot like well-meaning Countrey-Gentlemen we looked into the Tower we should have looked into Whitehall There the Plot is hatched cherished and brought up It would be well if all against the Bill were put out of Councel and all of this House were put out of Commission that were for it I had rather the Moors had Tangier the French King Flanders than the Pope had Eugland The Fourth Speech by a Person of Honour I think the Debate is upon a Message from the King and the most especial part is about the Bill I concur with that Noble Person rather than with all the rest But begin with the first his Majesty hath suffered us twice to address upon the Bill yet the Lords have not admitted one Conference I believe every man came unwillingly into this Bill have any that were against it proposed any thing for our Security if they will let them stand up and I will sit down I have advised with Men that know the Laws Religion and Government they say if you will preserve this Government this Law this Bill must pass We have received no expedient from the Lords the State of the Nation lies at their Door they sit to hear Causes they mind you of Mr. Seymour but say nothing of the Bills In Richard the Second his Time some Lords were said to be Lords in the King's Pocket but had no shoulders to support him It 's plain our evil comes from evil Ministers There are some that will have a Prince of one Religion on the Throne to rule the People of another a Popish Prince and a Protestant Kingdom will any Ministers of parts unless they have an indifferency of Religion think this consistent I dedicate my Allegiance to the King they to another Person so the Kingdom must be destroy'd either this limited Monarchy must stand or come to Blood on the other side Water-Monarchy is absolutely supported by little men of no Fortune and he that takes mean and low men to make Ministers of sets up for Popery and Arbitrary Government The King hath Counsels born if you have a Popish Prince and a Protestant Parliament will the King ever concur with them in matters of Religion and Property are not your Estates sprinkled with Abbey-Lands If he asks Money will you trust him must Foreigners comply with a Prince that in effect hath no People We must be overcome with France and Popery or the Body will get a new Head or the Head a new Body The Fifth Speech by a Person of Honour The House was unwilling at first to enter into a Debate about Expedients and I am not prepared to propound them any thing you have heard proposed by the King in Print if you had them they will do you no harm One day you say the King had been a good Prince if he had good Company and good Councils no great Complement to the King he offers you any thing but the Bill I humbly make my motion to try it The Sixth Speech by an Honourable Gentleman I think it becomes that Gentleman very well to be of the Opinion he is though no man else in this House I wish the D. was of that Opinion his Father desired him The Lords rejected the Bill but I am afraid the King solicited or else they would not it 's some mens interest to be for the D. but while they are at Court we shall never have it Foreign Persons have given Influence at Court the French Ministers access to Court inclines me to believe some body is paid for it The Court is a Nurcery of Vice they transmit them into the Countrey and none but such men are imployed The Seventh Speech by an Honourable Gentleman The Question now before you is Whether any other means be effectual
rest shelter themselves the Grand Jury were in an unheard of and unpresidented and illegal manner discharged and that with so much haste and fear lest they should finish that Presentment that they were prevented from delivering many other Indictments by them at that time found against other Popish Recusants Because a Pamphlet came forth Weekly called The Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome which exposes Popery as it deserves as ridiculous to the People a new and arbitrary Rule of Court was made in your Majesty's Court of King's Bench rather like a Star-Chamber than a Court of Law That the same should not for the future be Printed by any Person whatsoever We acknowledge your Majesty's Grace and Care in issuing forth divers Proclamations since the Discovery of the Plot for the banishing Papists from about this great City and Residence of your Majesty's Court and the Parliament but with trouble of Mind we do humbly inform your Majesty That notwithstanding all these Prohibitions great Numbers of them and of the most dangerous Sort to the Terrour of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects do daily resort hither and abide here Under these and other sad Effects and Evidences of the Prevalency of Popery and its Adherents We Your Majesty's Faithful Commons found this your Majesty's distressed Kingdom and other parts of your Dominions labouring when we assembled And therefore from our Allegiance to your Majesty our Zeal to our Religion our Faithfulness to our Country and our Care of Posterity We have lately upon mature deliberation proposed one Remedy of these Great Evils without which in our Judgments all others will prove vain and fruitless and like all deceitful Securities against certain Dangers will rather expose your Majesty's Person to the greatest hazard and the people together with all that 's valuable to them as Men or Christians to utter Ruine and Destruction We have taken this Occasion of an Access to your Majesty's Royal Presence humbly to lay before your Majesty's great Judgment and Gracious Consideration this most dreadful design of introducing Popery and as necessary consequences of it all other Calamities into your Majesty's Kingdoms And if after all this the private Suggestions of the subtle Accomplices of that Party and Design should yet prevail either to elude or totally obstruct the faithful Endeavours of Us your Commons for an Happy Settlement of this Kingdom We shall have this remaining Comfort That we have freed our selves from the Guilt of that Blood and Desolation which is like to ensue But our only Hope next under God is in your Sacred Majesty That by your Great Wisdom and Goodness we may be effectually secured from Popery and all the Evils that attend it and that none but persons of known Fidelity to your Majesty and Sincere Affections to the Protestant Religion may be put into any Employment Civil or Military that whilst we shall give a Supply to Tangier we may be assured we do not augment the Strength of our Popish Adversaries nor encrease our own Dangers Which Desires of your faithful Commons if your Majesty shall graciously vouchsafe to grant We shall not only be ready to assist your Majesty in Defence of Tangier but do whatsoever else shall be in our Power to enable your Majesty to protect the Protestant Religion and Interest at Home and abroad and to Resist and Repel the Attempts of your Majesty's and the Kingdoms Enemies The Humble Address of the House of Commons presented to His Majesty upon Tuesday the 21. Day of December 1680. In Answer to His Majesty's Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament upon the 15th Day of the same December May it please Your most Excellent Majesty WE your Majesty's most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled have taken into our serious Consideration your Majesty's Gracious Speech to both your Houses of Parliament on the 15th of this instant December and do with all the grateful Sense of Faithful Subjects and sincere Protestants acknowledge your Majesty's great Goodness to us in renewing the Assurances you have been pleased to give us of your readiness to concur with us in any means for the Security of the Protestant Religion and your Gracious Invitation of us to make our Desires known to your Majesty But with grief of Heart we cannot but observe that to these Princely Offers your Majesty has been advised by what Secret Enemies to Your Majesty and your People we know not to annex a Reservation which if insisted on in the instance to which alone it is applicable will render all your Majesty 's other Gracious Inclinations of no effect or advantage to us Your Majesty is pleased thus to limit your promise of concurrence in the Remedies which shall be proposed that they may consist with preserving the Succession of the Crown in its due and legal course of Descent And we do humbly inform your Majesty that no Interruption of that Descent has been endeavoured by us except only the Descent upon the Person of the Duke of York who by the wicked Instruments of the Church of Rome has been manifestly perverted to their Religion And we do humbly represent to your Majesty as the Issue of our most deliberate Thoughts and Consultations that for the Papists to have their hopes continued that a Prince of that Religion shall succeed in the Throne of these Kingdoms is utterly inconsistent with the Safety of your Majesty's Person the Preservation of the Protestant Religion and the Prosperity Peace and Welfare of your Protestant Subjects That your Majesty's Sacred Life is in continual danger under the prospect of a Popish Successor is evident not only from the Principles of those devoted to the Church of Rome which allow that an Heretical Prince and such they term all Protestant Princes Excommunicated and deposed by the Pope may be destroyed and murther'd but also from the Testimonies given in the prosecution of the Horrid Popish Plot against divers Traitors Attainted for designing to put those accursed Principles into practice against your Majesty From the expectation of this Succession has the number of Papists in your Majesty's Dominions so much encreased within these few years and so many been prevailed with to desert the true Protestant Religion that they might be prepared for the Favours of a Popish Prince assoon as he should come to the possession of the Crown and while the same Expectation lasts many more will be in the same danger of being perverted This it is that has hardned the Papists of this Kingdom animated and confedederated by their Priests and Jesuits to make a common Purse provide Arms make application to Foreign Princes and sollicite their Aid for imposing Popery upon us And all this even during your Majesty's Reign and while your Majesty's Government and the Laws were our protection It is your Majesty's Glory and true Interest to be the Head and Protector of all Protestants as well abroad as at home But if these Hopes remain what
Alliances can be made for the advantage of the Protestant Religion and Interest which shall give confidence to your Majesty's Allies to joyn so vigorously with your Majesty as the State of that Interest in the World now requires while they see this Protestant Kingdom in so much danger of a Popish Successor by whom at the present all their Councils and Actions may be eluded as hitherto they have been and by whom if he should succeed they are sure to be destroyed We have thus humbly laid before your Majesty some of those great Dangers and Mischiefs which evidently accompany the expectation of a Popish Successor The certain and unspeakable Evils which will come upon your Majesty's Protestant Subjects and their posterity if such a Prince should inherit are more also than we can well enumerate Our Religion which is now so dangerously shaken will then be totally overthrown Nothing will be left or can be found to protect or defend it The execution of old Laws must cease and it will be vain to expect new ones The most sacred Obligations of Contracts and Promises if any should be given that shall be judged to be against the interest of the Romish Religion will be violated as is undeniable not only from Argument and Experience elsewhere but from the sad experience this Nation once had on the like occasion In the Reign of such a Prince the Pope will be acknowledged Supream though the Subjects of this Kingdom have sworn the contrary and all Causes either as Spiritual or in order to Spiritual Things will be brought under his Jurisdiction The Lives Liberties and Estates of all such Protestants as value their Souls and their Religion more than their secular Concernments will be adjudged forfeited To all this we might add That it appears in the discovery of the Plot that Forreign Princes were invited to assist in securing the Crown to the Duke of York with Arguments from his great Zeal to establish Popery and to extirpate Protestants whom they call Hereticks out of his Dominions and such will expect performance accordingly We further humbly beseech Your Majesty in Your great Wisdom to consider Whether in case the Imperial Crown of this Protestant Kingdom should descend to the Duke of York the opposition which may possibly be made to his possessing it may not only endanger the farther descent in the Royal Line but even Monarchy it self For these Reasons we are most humble Petitioners to your most Sacred Majesty That in tender commiseration of your poor Protestant people Your Majesty will be gratiously pleased to depart from the Reservation in Your said Speech and when a Bill shall be tendred to your Majesty in a Parliamentary way to disable the Duke of York from inheriting the Crown Your Majesty will give your Royal Assent thereto and as necessary to fortify and defend the same that your Majesty will likewise be gratiously pleased to Assent to an Act whereby your Majesty's Protestant Subjects may be enabled to Associate themselves for the defence of your Majesty's Person the Protestant Religion and the Security of your Kingdoms These Requests we are constrained Humbly to make to your Majesty as of absolute Necessity for the safe and peaceable Enjoyment of our Religion Without these things the Alliances of England will not be valuable nor the People encouraged to contribute to your Majesties Service As some farther means for the Preservation both of our Religion and Propriety We are Humble Suiters to your Majesty that from henceforth such Persons onely may be Judges within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales as are Men of Ability Integrity and known Affection to the Protestant Religion And that they may hold both their Offices and Sallaries Quam diu se bene gesserint That several Deputy-Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace fitly qualified for those Imployments having been of late displaced and others put in their room who are Men of Arbitrary Principles and Countenancers of Papists and Popery such only may bear the Office of a Lord-Lieutenant as are Persons of integrity and known Affection to the Protestant Religion That Deputy-Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace may be also so qualified and may be moreover Men of Ability of Estates and interest in their Countrey That none may be Imployed as Military Officers or Officers in your Majesties Fleet but Men of known Experience Courage and Affection to the Protestant Religion These our Humble Requests being obtained we shall on our part be ready to Assist your Majesty for the Preservation of Tangier and for putting your Majesties Fleet into such a Condition as it may preserve your Majesties Soveraignty of the Seas and be for the Defence of the Nation If your Majesty hath or shall make any necessary Allyances for defence of the Protestant Religion and Interest and Security of this Kingdom this House will be ready to Assist and stand by your Majesty in the support of the same After this our humble Answer to your Majesties Gracious Speech we Hope no evil Instruments whatsoever shall be able to lessen your Majesties Esteem of that Fidelity and Affection we bear to your Majesties Service but that your Majesty will always retain in your Royal Breast that Favourable Opinion of us your Loyal Commons that those other Good Bills which we have now under Consideration Conducing to the Great Ends we have before mentioned as also all Laws for the Benefit and Comfort of your People which shall from time to time be tendred for your Majesties Royal Assent shall find acceptance with your Majesty The Report of the Committee of the Commons appointed to Examine the Proceedings of the Judges c. THis Committee being Inform'd that in Trinity-Term last the Court of Kings-Bench discharg'd the Grand Jury that serv'd for the Hundred of Ossulston in the County of Middlesex in a very unusual manner proceeded to enquire into the same and found by the Information of Charles Umfrevil Esq Foreman of the said Jury Edward Proby Henry Gerard and John Smith Centlemen also of the said Jury That on the 21st of June last the Constables attending the said Jury were found Defective in not presenting the Papists as they ought and thereupon were ordered by the said Jury to make further Presentments of them on the 26. following on which Day the Jury met for that purpose when several Peers of this Realm and other Persons of Honour and Quality brought them a Bill against James Duke of York for not coming to Church But some exceptions being taken to that Bill in that it did not set forth the said Duke to be a Papist some of the Jury Attended the said persons of Quality to receive satisfaction therein In the mean time and about an Hour after they had received the said Bill some of the Jury attended the Court of Kings-Bench with a Petition which they desired the Court to present in their Name unto His Majesty for the Sitting of this Parliament Upon which the Lord
although we do not in the least question your Faithfulness to the true Interest of this Nation nor your Prudence in the Management thereof yet esteeming it greatly our Duty in this unhappy Juncture wherein our Religion Lives Liberties Properties and all that is dear unto us are in such iminent danger to signifie our pressing Dangers unto You. And accordingly we do request That in the next Parliament wherein we have chose You to Sit and Act That You will with the greatest Integrity and most undaunted Resolution joyn with and assist the other Worthy Representatives and Patriots of this Nation in the searching into and preventing the Horrid and Hellish Vill●nies Plots and Designs of that wicked and restless sort of People the Papists both in this and the Neighbouring Kingdoms And making some honourable Provision for the Discovery thereof In securing to us the Enjoyment of the True Protestant Religion and the well established Government of this Kingdom In Promoting the happy and long prayed for Union among all His Majesties Protestant Subjects In Repealing the 35th of Elizabeth the Corporation-Act and all other Acts which upon experience have proved injurious to the true Protestant Interest In Asserting the Peoples unquestionable Rights of Petitioning In removing our just Fears by reason of the great Forces in this Kingdom under the Name of Guards which the Law hath no knowledge of In preventing the Misery Ruine and utter Destruction which unavoidably must come upon this and the neighbouring Nations if James Duke of York or any other Papist shall ascend the Royal Throne of this Kingdom And lastly in securing to us our Legal Right of Annual Parliaments which under God will unquestionably prove the highest security of all that is good and desirable to us and our Posterity after us Always assuring our selves that you will not in any wise consent unto any Money-Supply until we are effectually secured against Popery and Arbitrary Power And particularly we desire you to give the most hearty Thanks of this County to that Noble Peer the Earl of Essex and by him to the rest of those Noble and Renowned Peers who were pleased lately and so seasonably to offer their Petition and Advice to His Majesty In the pursuance of all which Needful Worthy and Excellent Ends we shall as in duty bound stand by you with our Lives and Fortunes A Letter of Thanks from the Grand-Jury of the County of Worcester to the Knights of this Shire Dated Jan. 12. 1680. Honoured Sirs WE the Grand-Jury of the County of Worcester at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace held for the said County the 11th day of Jan. in the 32d year of the King's Majesties Reign do hereby in the behalf of our selves and the County for which we serve return you our most hearty Thanks for your constant and unwearied Attendance upon the Service of His Majesty and your Country in this present Parliament in a Time of such iminent danger And especially of your concurrence in those Methods that have been taken for the Security of His Majesties Sacred Person the Protestant Religion and the Properties of His Majesties Subjects against the Hellish Plots of the Papists and their Adherents And we do humbly request your continuance therein and shall ever pray for the preservation of the Person of our most Gracious Sovereign and that God will direct and unite his Councils and upon all occasions testifie that we are Honoured Sirs Your very Humble Obliged and Thankful Servants This was signed by all the said Grand-Jury and directed to the Honourable Colonel Samuel Sandys and Thomas Foley Esquires Members of this present Parliament A Letter from the Ancient and Loyal Borough of North-Allerton in Yorkshire Dated Jan. 14. 1680. to their Burgesses in Parliament Honoured Sirs THe unexpected and sudden News of this Day 's Post preventing us from sending those due Acknowledgments which the greatness of your Services for Publick Good have merited from us we have no better way now left us to express our Gratitude and the highest Resentments of your Actions before and in your last Sessions of Parliament than to manifest our Approbation thereof by an Assurance that if a Dissolution of this present Parliament happen since you have evidenced so sufficiently your Affections to His Majesties Royal Person and Endeavours for the preserving the Protestant Religion our Laws and Liberties we are now resolved if you are pleas'd to continue with us to continue you as our Representatives And do therefore beg your Acceptance thereof and farther that you will continue your Station during this Prorogation faithfully assuring you that none of us desire to give or occasion you the Expence or Trouble of a Journey in order to your Election if such happen being so sensible of the too great expence you have been at already in so carefully discharging the Trust and Confidence reposed in you by Gentlemen Your Obliged and Faithful Friends and Servants Signed by the Burgesses and Electors of North-Allerton and directed to Sir Gilbert Gerrard and Sir Henry Calverly Burgesses for the Borough of North-Allerton in Yorkshire The same day the Grand-Jury of Reading Presented the following Paper to the Mayor of that Town Berkshire ss The Petition of the Grand-Jury of the Borough of Reading at the Sessions holden at the said Borough Jan. 14. 1680. To the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town and Borough of Reading The Humble Petition of the Grand-Jury of the said Town in behalf of themselves and others the Inhabitants of the same Sheweth THat your Petitioners are deeply sensible of the Great and Iminent Dangers and Mischiefs that threaten Us as well as the whole Nation by the implacable Malice and Endeavour of our Enemies to introduce Popery and Arbitrary Government to Subvert the Protestant Religion and our well-establisht Laws and to deprive us of our undoubted Rights and Liberties We therefore humbly entreat you that you would take it into your consideration that no Person whatsoever may be imployed encouraged or empowered to act in any wise in this Corporation that hath been Voted and Deemed in Parliament a Betrayer of the Rights of the People of England And your Petitioners shall Pray c. Soon after the Amazing Dissolution happened and His Majesty having then Declared his pleasure to Summon and Hold the next Parliament not at Westminster which in all Ages has been generally the usual place of Convening those Assemblies as being most conveniently situate near the Metropolis of the Kingdom where all Persons may be much better accommodated than elsewhere but at the City of Oxford several Noble Lords thought it their Duty humbly to Represent the Inconveniencies which in their apprehensions would attend such chargeable Removal and submissively to offer their Advice to His Majesty to alter that Resolution in the following Petition which being presented to His Majesty by that Noble Peer of approved Loyalty and Prudence the Right Honourable the Earl of Essex His Lordship
being accompanied with several other Lords at the Delivery thereof thus expressed himself The Earl of Essex's Speech at the Delivering the following Petition to His most Sacred Majesty Jan. 25. 1680. May it please your Majesty THe Lords here present together with divers other Peers of the Realm taking notice that by Your late Proclamation Your Majesty has declared an intention of calling a Parliament at Oxford and observing from History and Records how unfortunate many Assemblies have been when called at a Place remote from the Capital City as particularly the Congress in Henry the Second's time at Clarendon Three several Parliaments at Oxford in Henry the Third's time and at Coventry in Henry the Sixth's time With divers others which have proved very fatal to those Kings and have been followed with great mischief on the whole Kingdom And considering the present posture of affairs the many jealousies and discontents which are amongst the People We have great Cause to apprehend that the consequences of a Parliament now at Oxford may be as fatal to Your Majesty and the Nation as those others mentioned have been to the then Reigning Kings and therefore we do conceive that we cannot answer it to God to Your Majesty or to the People If we being Peers of the Realm should not on so Important an Occasion humbly offer our advice to Your Majesty that if possible Your Majesty may be prevailed with to alter this as we apprehend unseasonable Resolution The Grounds and Reasons of our Opinion are contained in this our Petition which We humbly Present to Your Majesty To the King 's most Excellent Majesty The Humble Petition and Advice of the Lords under-named Peers of the Realm Humbly Sheweth THat whereas Your Majesty hath been pleased by divers Speeches and Messages to Your Houses of Parliament rightly to represent to them the Dangers that Threatned Your Majesty's Person and the whole Kingdom from the Mischievous and wicked Plots of the Papists and the sudden Growth of a Foreign Power unto which no stop or remedy could be Provided unless it were by Parliament and an Union of Your Majesty's Protestant Subjects in one Mind and one Interest And the Lord Chancellor in Pursuance of Your Majesty's Commands having more at large Demonstrated the said Dangers to be as great as we in the midst of our Fears could Imagine them and so pressing that our Liberties Religion Lives and the whole Kingdom would be certainly Lost if a speedy Provision were not made against them And Your Majesty on the 21st of April 1679. Having called unto your Council many Honourable and Worthy Persons and declared to them and the whole Kingdom That being sensible of the evil Effects of a single Ministry or private Advice or Forreign Committee for the General Direction of your Affairs Your Majesty would for the future Refer all things unto that Council and by the constant Advice of them together with the frequent use of your great Council the Parliament Your Majesty was hereafter Resolved to Govern the Kingdoms We began to hope we should see an end of our Miseries But to our unspeakable Grief and Sorrow we soon found our Expectations Frustrated The Parliament then subsisting was Prorogued and Dissolved before it could perfect what was intended for our Relief and Security and though another was thereupon called yet by many Prorogations it was put off till the 21st of October past and notwithstanding Your Majesty was then again pleased to acknowledge that neither Your Person nor Your Kingdom could be safe till the matter of the Plot was gone thorow It was unexpectedly Prorogued on the 10th of this Month before any sufficient Order could be taken therein all their Just and Pious Endeavours to save the Nation were overthrown the good Bills they had been Industriously preparing to Unite all Your Majesties Protestant Subjects brought to nought The discovery of the Irish Plot stifled The Witnesses that came in frequently more fully to declare That both of England and Ireland discouraged Those Forreign Kingdoms and States who by a happy conjunction with us might give a Check to the French Power disheartned even to such a Despair of their own Security against the growing greatness of that Monarch as we fear may induce them to take new Resolutions and perhaps such as may be fatal to us The Strength and Courage of our Enemies both at home and abroad increased and our selves left in the utmost danger of seeing our Country brought into utter Desolation In these Extremities we had nothing under God to comfort us but the Hopes that Your Majesty being touched with the Groans of Your perishing People would have suffered Your Parliament to meet at the Day unto which it was Prorogued and that no further interruption should have been given to their Proceedings in Order to their saving of the Nation But that failed us too For then we heard that Your Majesty by the private suggestion of some Wicked Persons Favourers of Popery Promoters of French Designs and Enemies to Your Majesty and the Kingdom without the Advice and as we have good Reason to believe against the Opinion even of Your Privy-Council had been prevailed with to Dissolve it and to call another to meet at Oxford where neither Lords nor Commons can be in Safety but will be daily exposed to the Sword of the Papists and their Adherents of whom too many are crept into Your Majesties Guards The Liberty of speaking according to their Consciences will be thereby Destroyed and the Validity of all their Acts and Proceedings consisting in it left Disputable The Straitness of the Place no way admits of such a concourse of Persons as now follows every Parliament the Witnesses which are necessary to give Evidence against the Popish Lords such Judges or others whom the Commons have Impeached or had resolved to Impeach can neither bear the Charge of going thither nor trust themselves under the Protection of a Parliament that is it self Evidently under the power of Guards and Soldiers The Premises considered We Your Majesties Petitioners out of a Just Abhorrence of such a dangerous and pernicious Council which the Authors have not dared to avow and the direful Apprehensions of the Calamities and Miseries that may ensue thereupon do make it our most Humble Prayer and Advice That the Parliament may not sit at a Place where it will not be able to Act with that Freedom which is necessary and especially to give unto their Acts and Proceedings that Authority which they ought to have amongst the People and have ever had unless Impaired by some Awe upon them of which there wants not Precedents And that Your Majesty would be graciously pleased to Order It to Sit at Westminster it being the usual Place and where they may Consult and Act with Safety and Freedom And your Petitioness shall ever Pray c. Monmouth Kent Huntington Bedford Salisbury Clare Stanford Essex Shaftsbury Mordant Evers Paget Grey Herbert Howard Delamer The Counties
the King to be Presented and Delivered by which Petition it was shown that whereas there had been and was a most damnable Plot against the Royal Person of our said Soveraign Lord the King the Protestant Religion and well Established Government of this Realm for which Plot several of the Principal Conspirators were impeached by Parliament and whereby it was humbly prayed that the Parliament which was prorogued to the 26th day of January next ensuing in the said Year might then sit to Try the Offenders and to redress the pressing Grievances not otherwise to be Redressed And that Thomas Whitfield late of the said Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields in the Liberty aforesaid and the County aforesaid Yeoman John Smallbones late of the said Parish within the Liberty aforesaid in the County aforesaid Woodmonger and William Laud late of the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid Yeoman being persons ill-affected and Contriving Devising and Intending as much as in them lay to hinder the sitting of the said Parliament as was prayed by the said Petition and also to hinder the Trial of the said Offenders and Redressing the said Grievances the said 20th day of December in the said one and Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our said Soveraign Lord the King as Rioters and Disturbers of the Peace of our Soveraign ●ord the King for the Disturbing of the Peace of our said Soveraign Lord the King with Force and Arms at the said Parish within the Liberty aforesaid in the County aforesaid Unlawfully and Riotously did Assemble themselves and being so then and there assembled with Force and Arms then and there Unlawfully Riotously and Injuriously the said Petition being delivered by one William Horsley to them the said Thomas Whitfield John Smallbones and William Laud at their Request and for the subscribing their Names thereunto if they should think fit did Tear in pieces in contempt of our said Sovereign Lord the King and of his Laws to the evil Example of all others in the like Cases offending and against the Peace of our said Soveraign Lord the King his Crown and Dignity The Names of the Grand-Jury that found the Bill are these William Jacob Thomas Trevor Erasmus Browne Henry Dugley Richard Streete John Henly John Weston Martin Frogg John Pierce Robert Pinke Nathanael Wilkinson Edward Whitefoot John Gentle Thomas Harris William Fortune Roger Higdon James Harrold Cornelius Rickfield ☞ George Wright Apothecary ☞ Walter Wright Apothecary ☞ Adam Langley Apothecary Upon Wednesday the 7th of this instant January many Gentlemen and eminent Citizens who had been concerned for managing the Petition for the Sitting of the Parliament upon the 26th instant met together and agreed upon the method of finishing the same and of nominating fit Persons for the Presenting it to His Majesty which being accordingly done these Gentlemen following viz. Sir Gilbert Gerrard Baronet Son-in-Law to the late Bishop of Durham Francis Charlton Esq John Ellis Esq John Smith Esq Johnson of Stepney Esq Ellis Crispe Esq Anthony Selby Esq Henry Ashurst Esq Tho. Smith Esq Gentlemen of good Worth and Estates and several of whom have been eminent Sufferers for His Majesty did this 13th of January attend His Majesty with it at Whitehall when being introduced to His Royal Presence Sir Gilbert Gerrard kneeling presented this Petition To the King 's most Excellent Majesty The humble Petition of Your Majesty's most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects Inhabitants in and about the City of London whose Names are here-under subscribed Sheweth THat whereas there has been and still is a most Damnable and Hellish Popish Plot branched forth into the most Horrid Villianies against Your Majesty's most Sacred Person the Protestant Religion and the well Established Government of this Your Realm for which several of the principal Conspirators stand now impeached by Parliament Therefore in such a time when Your Majesty's Royal person as also the Protestant Religion and the Government of this Nation are thus in most imminent Danger We Your Majesty's most Dutiful and Obebient Subjects in the deepest sense of our Duty and Allegiance to Your Majesty Do most humbly and earnestly pray That the Parliament which is prorogued until the 26th day of January may then sit to Try the Offenders and to redress all our most important Grievances no otherwise to be redressed And Your Petitioners shall ever pray for Your Majesty's long and prosperous Reign 〈◊〉 expressed himself to this effect Sir I have a Petition from many thousands of your Majesty's Dutiful and Loyal Subjects in and about Your City of London which I 〈…〉 in their Names and desire Your Majesty would be pleased to read it To which His Majesty gave this Gracious answer I know the substance of it already I am Head of the Government and will take care of it and then received the Petition it being a great Roll of above 100 Yards in length and carried it away in His Hand The Judgment and Decree of the University of Oxford pass'd in their Convocation July 21. 1683. against certain Pernicious Books and Damnable Doctrines destructive to the Sacred Persons of Princes their State and Government and of all Human Society Published by Command ALtho' the barbarous Assassination lately enterprized against the person of his Sacred Majesty and his Royal Brother engage all our thoughts to reflect with utmost detestation and abhorrence of that execrable Villainy hateful to God and Man and pay our due acknowledgements to the Divine Providence which by extraordinary methods brought it to pass that the breath of our Nostrils the anointed of the Lord is not taken in the pit which was prepared for him and that under his shadow we continue to live and enjoy the Blessings of his Government Yet notwithstanding we find it to be a necessary duty at this time to search into and lay open those impious Doctrines which having of late been studiously disseminated gave rise and growth to those nefarious attempts and pass upon them our solemn publick Censure and Decree of Condemnation Therefore to the honour of the holy and undivided Trinity the preservation of Catholick truth in the Church and that the King's Majesty may be secur'd from the attempts of open and bloudy enemies and the machinations of Traiterous Hereticks and Schismaticks We the Vice Chancellor Doctors Proctors and Masters Regent and not Regent met in Convocation in the accustom'd manner time and place on Saturday the 21 of July in the Year 1683. concerning certain Propositions contained in divers Books and Writings published in English and also in the Latin tongue repugnant to the holy Scriptures Decrees of Councils Writings of the Fathers the Faith and Profession of the Primitive Church and also destructive of the Kingly Government the safety of his Majesty's Person the Publick Peace the Laws of Nature and bonds of humane Society By our Unanimous assent and consent have Decreed and Determin'd in manner and form following Proposition 1. All Civil Authority is derived originally from
in the Statutes exprest We also order the before-recited Books to be publickly burnt by the hand of our Marshal in the Court of our Schools Likewise we order that in perpetual memory hereof these our Decrees shall be entered into the Registry of our Convocation and that Copies of them being communicated to the several Colleges and Halls within this University they be there publickly affixt in the Libraries Refectories or other fit Places where they may be seen and read of all Lastly We command and strictly enjoyn all and singular Readers Tutors Catechists and others to whom the care and trust of Institution of Youth is committed that they diligently instruct and ground their Scholars in that most necessary Doctrine which in a manner is the Badge and Character of the Church of England of submitting to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the King as Supreme or unto Governors as unto them that are sent by him for the Punishment of evil doers and for the Praise of them that do well Teaching that this Submission and Obedience is to be clear absolute and without exception of any state or order of Men Also that all Supplications Prayers Intercessions and giving of Thanks be made for all Men for the King and all that are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and Honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour And in especial manner that they press and oblige them humbly to offer their most ardent and daily Prayers at the Throne of Grace for the preservation of our Soveraign Lord King Charles from the attempts of open Violence and secret Machinations of perfidious Traitors That he the Defender of the Faith being safe under the defence of the most High may continue his Reign on Earth till he exchange it for that of a late and happy Immortality The Case of the Earl of Argyle Or an exact and full Account of his Trial Escape and Sentence As likewise a Relation of several Matter of Fact for better clearing of the said Case Edinburgh 30. May 1682. SIR THE Case of the late Earl of Argyle which even before the Process led against him you was earnest to know was at first I thought so plain that I needed not and grew afterwards so exceedingly mysterious that I could not for some time give you so perfect an account of it as I wished But this time being still no less proper the exactness of my Narrative will I hope excuse all delays The design against him being now so clear and the grounds founded on so slender that to satisfie all unbyass'd Persons of his Integrity there needs no more but barely to represent matter of Fact I should think shame to spend so many words either on arguments or relation were it not lest to strangers some mystery might still be suspected to remain concealed And therefore to make plain what they can hardly believe though we we clearly see it At His Royal Highness arrival in Scotland the Earl was one of the first to wait upon him and until the meeting of our last Parliament the World believed the Earl was as much in his Highness favour as any intrusted in His Majesties affairs in this Kingdom When it was resolved and His Majesty moved to call the Parliament the Earl was in the Country and at the opening of it he appeared as forward as any in His Majesties and his Highness service but it had not sat many days when a change was noticed in his Highness and the Earl observed to decline in his Highness favour In the beginning of the Parliament the Earl was appointed one of the Lords of the Articles to prepare matters for the Parliament and named by his Highness to be one of a Committee of the Articles for Religion which by the custom of all Scots Parliaments and His Majesties instructions to his Commissioner at this time was the first thing treated of In this Committee there was an Act prepared for securing the Protestant Religion which Act did ratifie the Act approving the Confession of Faith and also the Act containing the Coronation Oath appointed by several standing Acts of Parliament to be taken by all our Kings and Regents before their entry to the exercise of the Government This Act was drawn somewhat less binding upon the Successor as to his own profession but full as strictly tying him to maintain the Protestant Religion in the publick profession thereof and to put the Laws concerning it in execution and also appointing a further Test beside the former to exclude Papists from places of publick trust and because the fines of such as should act without taking the Test appeared no better then discharged if falling in the hands of a Popish Successor and some accounting any limitation worse than an exclusion and all being content to put no limitation on the Crown so it might consist with the safety and security of the Protestant Religion it was ordained that all such fines and forfaultures should appertain the one half to the informers and the other half should be bestowed on pious uses according to certain Rules expressed in the Act. But this Act being no wise pleasing to some it was laid aside and the Committee discharged any more to meet and instead of this Act there was brought in to the Parliament at the same time with the Act of Succession a short Act ratifying all former Acts made for the security of the Protestant Religion which is the first of the printed Acts of this Parliament At the passing of this Act the Earl proposed that these words And all Acts against Popery might be added which was opposed by the Advocate and some of the Clergy as unnecessary but the motion being seconded by Sir George Lockhart and the then President of the Session now turned out it was yielded to and added without a Vote and this Act being still not thought sufficient and several Members desiring other additions and other Acts a promise was made by his Royal Highness in open Parliament that time and opportunity should be given to bring in any other Act which should be thought necessary for further securing the Protestant Religion But though several persons both before and after passing the Act for the Test here subjoyned did give in memorials and overtures yet they were never suffered to be read either in Articles 〈◊〉 Parliament but in place of all this Act for the Test was still obtruded and nothing of that nature suffered to be heard after once that Act past though even at passing it the promise was renewed As for the Test it was first brought into the Parliament without mentioning the Confession of Faith and after several hours debate for adding the Confession of Faith and many other additions and alterations it was past at the first presenting albeit it was earnestly prest by near half the Parliament that it might be delayed till
Highness c. Montrose Errol Marshall Marr Glencarne Winton Linlithgow Perth Strathmore Roxburgh Queensberry Airley Kintore Breadalbane Lorne Levingston Bishop of Edinburgh Elphinston Rosse Dalziel Treasurer Deputy Praeses Advocate Justice Clerk Collin●oun Tarbet Haddo Lundie This day the Test was subscribed by the above-written Privy-Councellors and by the Earl of Queensberry who coming in after the rest had taken it declared that he took it with the Explication following The Earl of Queensberries Explanation of the Test when he took it HIS Lordship declared that by that part of the Test That there lies no obligation to endeavour any change or alteration in the Government c. He did not understand himself to be obliged against Alterations in case it should please His Majesty to make alterations of the Government of Church or State HALYRVDEHOVSE Sederunt vigesimo primo Die Octobris 1681. His Royal Highness c. Winton Perth Strathmore Queensberry Ancram Airley Lorne Levingston Bishop of Edinburgh Treasurer Deputy Praeses Register Advocate Collintoun This day the Bishop of Edinburgh having drawn up a long Explication of the Test to satisfie the many Objections and Scruples moved against it especially by the conformed Clergy presented it to the Council for their Lordships Approbation which was ordered to be read but the Paper proving prolix and tedious his Highness after reading of a few Leaves interrupted saying very wittily and pertinently That the first Chapter of John with a Stone will chase away a Dog and so break it off Yet the Bishop was afterward allowed to print it if he pleased Sederunt quarto Die Novembris 1681. His Royal Highness c. Montrose Praeses Perth Ancram Levingston President of Session Advocate Winton Strathmore Airley Bishop of Edinburgh Treasurer Deputy Lundie Linlithgow Roxburgh Balcaras Esphynstoun Register This day the Eari of Argyle being about to take the Test as a Commissioner of the Treasury and having upon Command produced a Paper bearing the sense in which he took the Test the precedeing day and in which he would take the same as a Commissioner of the Treasury Upon consideration thereof it was resolved that he cannot sit in Council not having taken the Test in the sense and meaning of the Act of Parliament and therefore was removed The Earl of Argyle's Explication of the Test when he took it I Have considered the Test and I am very desirous to give obedience as far as I can I 'm confident the Parliament never intended to impose contradictory Oaths Therefore I think no Man can explain it but for himself Accordingly I take it as far as it is consistent with it self and the Protestant Religion And I do declare That I mean not to bind up my self in my station and in a lawful way to wish and endeavour any alteration I think to the advantage of Church or State not repugnant to the Protestant Religion and my Loyalty And this I understand as a part of my Oath But the Earl finding as hath been narrated this his Explication though accepted and approven by his Highness and Council the day before to be this day carped and offended at and advantages thereupon soughtand designed against him did immediately draw up the following Explanation of his Explication and for his own vindication did first communicate it to some privately and thereafter intended to have offered it at his Trial for clearing of his defences The Explanation of his Explication I Have delayed hitherto to take the Oath appointed by the Parliament to be taken by the first of January next But now being required near two Months sooner to take it this day peremptorily or to refuse I have considered the Test and have seen several Objections moved against it especially by many of the Orthodox Clergy notwithstand whereof I have endeavoured to satisfie my self with a just Explanation which I here offer that I may both satisfie my conscience and obey Your Highness and Your Lordships commands in taking the Test though the Act of Parliament do not simply command the thing but only under a Certification which I could easily submit to if it were with Your Highness favour and might be without offence but I love not to be singular and I am very desirous to give obedience in this and every thing as far as I can and that which clears me is that I am confident what ever any Man may think or say to the prejudice of this Oath the Parliament never intended to impose contradictory Oaths and because their sense they being the framers and imposers is the true sense and that this Test injoyned is of no private interpretation nor are the Kings Statutes to be interpreted but as they bear and to the intent they are made Therefore I think no Man that is no private Person can explain it for another to amuse or trouble him with it may be mistaken glosses But every Man as he is to take it so is to explain it for himself and to endeavour to understand it notwithstanding all these exceptions in the Parliament which is its true and genuine sense I take it therefore notwithstanding any scruple made by any as far as it is consistant with it self and the Protestant Religion which is wholly in the Parliaments sense and their true meaning which being present I am sure was owned by all to be the securing of the Protestant Religion founded on the Word of God and contained in the Confession of Faith Recorded J. 6 p. 1. c. 4. And not out of scruple as if any thing in the Test did import the contrary but to clear my self from all cavils as if thereby I were hand up further then the true meaning of the Oath I do declare that by that part of the Test that there lies no obligation on me c. I mean not to bind up my self in my station and in a lawful way still disclaiming all unlawful endeavours to wish and endeavour any alteration I think according to my conscience to the advantage of Church or State not repugnant to the Protestant Religion and my Loyalty and by my Loyalty I understand no other thing then the words plainly bear to wit the duty and allegiance of all Loyal Subjects and this explanation I understand as a part not of the Test or Act of Parliament but as a qualifying part of my Oath that I am to Swear and with it I am willing to take the Test 〈◊〉 Your Royal Highness and Your Lordships allow me or otherwise in submission to Your High 〈◊〉 and the Councils pleasure I am content to be held as a refuser at present The Councils Letter to His Majesty Concerning their having committed the Earl of Argyle May it please your Sacred Majesty THE last Parliament having made so many and so advantageous Acts for securing the Protestant Religion the Imperial Crown of this Kingdom and Your Majesties Sacred Person whom God Almighty long preserve and having for the last and as the best way
those vast Lands Jurisdictions and Superiorities justly forfaulted to His Majesty by the Crimes of your deceased Father preferring your Family to those who had served His Majesty against it in the late Rebellion but also pardoned and remitted to you the Crimes of Leasing-making and misconstruing His Majesties and his Parliaments proceedings against the very Laws above-written whereof you were found guilty and condemned to die therefore by the High Court of Parliament the 25th of August 1662. and raised you to the Title and Dignity of an Earl and being a Member of all His Majesties Judicatures Notwithstanding of all these and many other favours you the said Archibald Earl of Argyle being put by the Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council to take the Test appointed by the Act of the last Parliament to be taken by all persons in publick Trust you instead of taking the said Test and swearing the same in the plain genuine sense and meaning of the words without any equivocation mental reservation or evasion whatsoever you did declare against and defame the said Act and having to the end you might corrupt others by your pernicious sense drawn the same in a Libel of which Libel you dispersed and gave abroad Copies whereby ill impressions were given of the King and Parliaments proceedings at a time especially when His Majesties Subjects were expecting what submission should be given to the said Test and being desired the next day to take the same as one of the Commissioners of His Majesties Treasury you did give into the Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council and owned twice in plain judgment before them the said defamatory Libel against the said Test and Act of Parliament declaring That you had considered the said Test and was desirous to give obedience as far as you could whereby you clearly insinuated that you was not able to give full obedience In the second Article of which Libel you declare That you were confident the Parliament never intended to impose contradictory Oaths thereby to abuse the people with a belief that the Parliament had been so impious as really and actually to have imposed contradictory Oaths and so ridiculous as to have made an Act of Parliament which should be most deliberate of all humane actions quite contrary to their own intentions after which you subsumed contrary to the nature of all Oaths and to the Acts of Parliament above cited that every man must explain it for himself and take it in his own sense by which not only that excellent Law and the Oath therein specified which is intended to be a Fence to the Government both of Church and State but all other Oaths and Laws shall be rendered altogether useless to the Government If every man take the Oaths imposed by Law in his own sense then the Oath imposed is to no purpose for the Legislator cannot be sure that the Oath imposed by him will bind the takers according to the design and intent for which he appointed it and the Legislative Power is taken from the Imposers and settled in the taker of the Oath and so he is allowed to be the Legislator which is not only an open and violent depraving of His Majesties Laws and Acts of Parliament but is likewise a settling of the Legislative Power on private Subjects who are to take such Oaths In the third Article of that Paper you declare That you take the Test in so far only as it is consistent with it self and the Protestant Religion by which you maliciously intimate to the people That the said Oath is inconsistent with it self and with the Protestant Religion which is not only a down right depraving of the said Act of Parliament but is likewise a misconstruing of His Majesties and the Parliaments proceedings and misrepresenting them to the people in the highest degree and in the tenderest points they can be concerned and implying that the King and Parliament have done things inconsistent with the Protestant Religion for securing of which that Test was particularly intended In the Fourth Article you do expresly declare that you mean not by taking the said Test to bind up your self from wishing and endeavouring any alteration in a lawful way that you shall think fit for advancing of Church and State whereby also it was designed by the said Act of Parliament and Oath That no man should make any alteration in the Government of Church and State as it is now established and that it is the Duty of all good Subjects in humble and quiet manner to obey the present Government Yet you not only declare your self but by your example you invite others to think themselves loosed from that Obligation and that it is free for them to make any alteration in either as they shall think fit concluding your whole Paper with these words And this I understand as a part of my Oath which is a treasonable invasion upon the Royal Legislative Power as if it were lawful for you to make to your self an Act of Parliament since he who can make any part of an Act may make the whole the Power and Authority in both being the same Of the which Crimes above mentioned you the said Archibald Earl of Argyle are Actor Art and Part which being found by the Assize you ought to be punished with the pains of Death fort●ulture and escheat of Lands and Goods to the terror of others to commit the like hereafter An Abstract of the several Acts of Parliament upon which the Indictment against the Earl of Argyle was grounded Concerning raisers of Rumours betwixt the King and his people Chap. 20.1 Statutes of King Robert 1. IT is defended and forbidden That no man be a Conspirator or Inventer of Narrations or Rumours by the which occasion of discord may arise betwixt the King and his people And if any such man shall be found and attainted thereof incontinent be shall be taken and put in Prison and there shall be surely keeped up ay and while the King declare his will anent him Act 43. of Par. 2. King James 1. March 11. 1424. Leasing-makers forfault Life and Goods ITem It is ordained by the King and whole Parliament that all Leasingmakers and tellers of them which may engender discord betwixt the King and his people wherever they may be gotten shall be challenged by them that power has and ryne L●●e and Goods to the King Act 83. Par. 6. James 5. Dec. 10. 1540. Of Leasing-makers ITem Touching the Article of Leasing-makers to the Kings Grace of his Barons great men and Leiges and for punishment to be put to them therefore the Kings Grace with advice of his three Estates ratifies and approves the Acts and Statutes made thereupon before and ordains the same to be put in execution in all points and also Statutes and ordains That if any manner of person makes any evil Information of his Highness to his Barons and Leiges that they shall be punished in such manner and by the same punishment as
depraving His Majesties Laws For if such Foundations were laid Judges and Lawyers had a dangerous employment there being nothing more ordinary than to fall into differences and mistakes of the sense and meaning of the Laws and Acts of Parliament But such Crimes cannot be inferred but with and under the qualifications above mentioned of malicious and perverse designs joyned with licentious wicked and reproachful speeches spread abroad to move Sedition and dislike of the Government And the said Laws were never otherwise interpreted nor extended in any case And therefore the Explication libelled neither as taken complexly nor in the several expressions thereof nor in the design of the ingiver of the same can in Law import against him all or any of the Crimes libelled In like manner the Pannel conjoyns with the grounds above-mentioned the Proclamation issued forth by His Majesties privy Council which acknowledges and proceeds upon a Narrative that scruples and jealousies were raised and spread abroad against the Act of Parliament enjoyning the Test For clearing and satisfaction whereof the said Proclamation was issued forth and is since approved by His Sacred Majesty The Kings Advocates Argument and Plea against the Earl of Argyle HIS Majesties Advocate for the foundation of his Debate does represent That His Majesty to secure the Government from the Rebellious Principles of the last Age and the unjust Pretexts made use of in this from Popery and other Jealousies as also to secure the Protestant Religion and the Crown called a Parliament and that the great security resolved on by the Parliament was this excellent Test in which that the old jugling Principles of the Covenant might not be renewed wherein they still swore to serve the King in their own way the Parliament did positively ordain That this Oath should be taken in the plain genuine meaning of the words without any evasion whatsoever Notwithstanding whereof the Earl of Argyle by this Paper does invent a new way whereby no man is at all bound to it For how can any person be bound if every man will only obey it as far as he can and as far as he conceives it consistent with the Protestant Religion and with it self and reserve to himself notwithstanding thereof to make any alteration that he thinks consistent with his Loyalty And therefore His Majesties Advocate desires to know to what the Earl of Argyle or any man else can be bound by this Test what the Magistrate can expect or what way he can punish his Perjury For if he be bound no farther than he himself can obey or so far as this Oath is consistent with the Protestant Religion or it self quomodo constat to whom or what is he bound And who can determine that Or against what alteration is the Government secured since he is Judg of his own alteration So that that Oath that was to be taken without any evasion is evaded in every single word or Letter and the Government as insecure as before the Act was made because the taker is no farther bound than he pleases From which it cannot be denied but his Interpretation destroys not only this Act but all Government since it takes away the security of all Government and makes every mans Conscience under which Name there goes ordinarily in this Age Humour and Interest to be the rule of the takers obedience Nor can it be conceived to what purpose Laws but especially Oaths needed to be made if this were allowed or how this cannot fall under the 197th Act Par. 7. James 6. whereby it is statuted That no man interpret the Statutes otherwise than the maker understood For what can be more contrary to the taking of them in the makers sense than that every man should obey as far as they can and be allowed to take them in a general sense so far as they are consistent with themselves and the Protestant Religion without condescending wherein they do not agree with the Protestant Religion and that they are not bound not to make any alteration which they think good for the States For all these make the rule of obedience in the taker whereas the positive Law makes it to be in the maker Or how could they be punished for Perjury after this Oath For when he were quarrelled for making alterations against this Oath and so to be perjured he might easily answer That he took this Oath only in so far as it was consistent with the Protestant Religion and with a Salvo that he might make any alteration that he thought consistent with his Loyalty And as to these Points upon which he were to be quarrelled he might say he did not think them to be inconsistent with his Loyalty think we what we pleased and so needed not to be perjured except he pleased to decide against himself for in these Generals he reserves to himself to be still Judge And this were indeed a fine security for any Government And by the same rule that it looses this Oath it shews a way of loosing all Oaths and Obedience and consequently strikes at the root of all Laws as well as this whereas to shun all this not only this excellent Statute 107. has secured all the rest but this is common Reason And in the opinion of all Divines as well as Lawyers in all Nations Verba juramenti intelliguntur secundum mentem intentionem ejus cui fit juramentum Which is set down as the grand position by Sanderson whom they cite pag. 137. and is sounded upon that Mother-Law Leg. 10. Cui interrogatus f.f. de interrogationibus in Jure faciendis and without which no man can have sense of Government in his head or practise it in any Nation Whereas on the other hand there is no danger to any tender Conscience since there was no force upon the Earl to take the Oath but he took it for his own advantage and might have abstained 2. It is inferred from the above-written matter of Fact That the Earl is clearly guilty of contravention of the 10. Act Parl. 10 James VI. whereby the Leiges are commanded not to write any purpose of Reproach of His Majesties Government or misconstrue his proceedings whereby any misliking may be raised betwixt his Highness his Nobility or his people And who can read this paper without seeing the King and Parliament reproached openly in it For who can hear that the Oath is only taken as far as it is consistent with it self and the Protestant Religion but must necessarily conclude that in several things it is inconsistent with it self and the Protestant Religion For if it were not inconsistent with it self and the Protestant Religion why this Clause at all but it might have been simply taken For the only reason of hindering it to be taken simply was because of the inconsistency ergo there behooved necessarily to be an inconsistency And if there be any inconsistency with the Protestant Religion or any contradiction in the Oath it self can there be
any thing a greater reproach on the Parliament or a greater ground of mislike to the people And whereas it is pretended That all Laws and Subsumptions should be clear and these are only inferences It is answered That there are some things which the Law can only forbid in general and there are many inferences which are as strong and natural and reproach as soon or sooner than the plainest defamations in the world do for what is openly said of reproach to the King does not wound him so much as many seditious insinuations have done in this Age and the last So that whatever was the Earls design albeit it is always conceived to be unkind to the Act against which himself debated in Parliament yet certainly the Law in such cases is only to consider what effect this may have amongst the people and therefore the Acts of Parliament that were to guard against the misconstruing of His Majesties Government do not only speak of what was designed but where a disliking may be caused and so judgeth ab effectu And consequentially to the same emergent reason it makes all things tending to the raising of dislike to be punishable by the Act 60. Parl. 6. Q. Mary and the 9. Act Parl. 20. James VI. So that the Law designed to deter all men by these indefinite and comprehensive expressions And both in this and all the Laws of Leasing-making the Judges are to consider what falls under these general and comprehensive words Nor could the Law be more special here since the makers of Reproach and Slander are so various that they could not be bound up or exprest in any Law But as it evidently appears that no man can hear the words exprest if he believe this paper but he must think the Parliament has made a very ridiculous Oath inconsistent with it self and the Protestant Religion the words allowing no other sense and having that natural tendency even as if a man would say I love such a man only in so far as he is an honest man he behooved certainly to conclude that the man was not every way honest So if your Lordships will take measures by other Parliaments or your Predecessors ye will clearly see That they thought less than this a defaming of the Government and misconstruing His Majesties proceedings For in Balmerino's Case the Justices find an humble Supplication made to the King himself to fall under these Acts now cited Albeit as that was a Supplication so it contained the greatest expressions of Loyalty and offers of Life and Fortune that could be exprest yet because it insinuates darkly That the King in the precedeing Parliament had not favoured the Protestant Religion and they were sorry he should have taken Notes with his own hands of what they said which seems to be most innocent yet he was found guilty upon those same very Acts And the Parliament 1661. found his Lordship himself guilty of Leasing-making tho he had only written a Letter to a private Friend which requires no great care nor observation but this paper which was to be a part of his own Oath does because after he had spoken of the Parliament in the first part of this Letter he thereafter added That the King would know their Tricks which words might be much more applicable to the private persons therein designed than that the words now insisted on can be capable of any such Interpretation And if either Interpretations upon pretext of exonering of Conscience or otherwise be allowed a man may easily defame as much as he pleases And have we not seen the King most defamed by Covenants entered into upon pretence to make him great and glorious by Remonstrances made to take away his Brother and best Friend upon pretence of preserving the Protestant Religion and his Sacred person And did not all who rebelled against him in the last Age declare That they thought themselves bound in duty to obey him but still as far as that could consist with their respect to the Protestant Religion and the Laws and Liberties which made all the rest ineffectual And whereas it is pretended That by these words I take the same in as far as it is consistent with it self and the Protestant Religion nothing more is meant but that he takes it as a true Protestant His Majesties Advocate appeals to your Lordships and all the Hearers if upon hearing this expression they should take it in this sense and not rather think that there is an inconsistency For if that were possible to be the sense what need he say at all As far as it is consistent with it self Nor had the other part As far as it is consistent with the Protestant Religion been necessary for it is either consistent with the Protestant Religion or otherwise they were Enemies to the Protestant Religion that made it Nor are any Lawyers or others in danger by pleading or writing for these are very different from and may be very easily pleaded without defaming a Law and an Oath when they go to take it But if any Lawyer should say in pleading or writing That the Test was inconsistent or which is all one that it were not to be taken by any man but so far as it was consistent with it self and the Protestant Religion no doubt this would be a crime even in pleading tho pleading has a greater allowance than deliberate swearing has And as there is nothing wherein there is not some inconveniency so the inconveniency of defaming the Government is much greater than that of any private mans hazard who needs not err except he please Whereas it is pretended That before the Earl gave in this Explication there were other Explications spread abroad and Answers read to them in Council and that the Council it self gave an Explication It is answered That if this paper be Leasing-making or misconstruing His Majesties proceedings and Treasonable as is contended then a thousand of the like offences cannot excuse it And when the King accused Noblemen Ministers and others in the year 1661. for going on in the Rebellions of that Age first with the Covenanters and then with the Usurpers it was found no Defence That the Nation was over-grown with those Crimes and that they were thought to be duties in those days Yea this were to invite men to offend in multitudes And albeit sometimes these who follow the examples of multitudes may thereby pretend this as an excuse to many yet this was never a formal defence against Guilt nor was ever the chief of the Offenders favourable on that Head And it is to be presumed That the Earl of Argyle would rather be followed by others than that he would follow any example But His Majesties Advocate does absolutely decline to debate a point that may defame a constant and standing Act of Parliament by leaving upon record a memory of its being opposed Nor were this Relevant except it could be said the Council had allowed such Explications which reflected
when he came of Age was to swear in Person with all his Family and afterwards with all his People of Scotland a Covenant containing an Enumeration of all the points of Popery and a most solemn Renunciation of them somewhat like our Parliament Test his first Speech to the Parliament of England was Copious on this Subject and he left a Legacy of a Wish on such of his Posterity as should go over to that Religion which in good manners is suppressed It is known K. James was no Conquerour and that he made more use of his Pen than his Sword so the Glory that is peculiar to his Memory must fall chiefly on his Learned and Immortal Writings and since there is such a Veneration expressed for him it agrees not ill with this to wish that his Works were more studied by those who offer such Incense to his Glorious Memory IX His Majesty assures his People of Scotland upon a certain Knowledge and long Experience that the Catholicks as they are good Christians so they are likewise dutiful Subjects but if we must believe both these equally then we must conclude severely against their being Good Christians for we are sure they can never be good Subjects not only to a Heretical Prince if he does not extirpate Hereticks for their beloved Council of the Lateran that decreed Transubstantiation has likewise decreed that if a Prince does not extirpate Hereticks out of his Dominions the Pope must depose him and declare his Subjects absolved from their Allegiance and give his Dominions to another so that even his Majesty how much soever he may be a Zealous Catholick yet he cannot be assured of their fidelity to him unless he has given them secret assurances that he is resolved to extirpate Hereticks out of his Dominions and that all the Promises which he now makes to these poor wretches are no other way to be kept than the Assurances which the Great Lewis gave to his Protestant Subjects of his observing still the Edict of Nantes even after he had resolved to break it and also his last promise made in the Edict that repealed the Edict of Nantes by which he gave Assurances that no violence should be used to any for their Religion in the very time that he was ordering all possible Violences to be put in execution against them X. His Majesty assures us that on all Occasions the Papists have shewed themselves good and faithful Subjects to him and his Royal Predecessors but how Absolute soever the King's Power may be it seems his Knowledge of History is not so Absolute but it may be capable of some Improvement It will be hard to find out what Loyalty they shewed on the Gunpowder Plot or during the whole progress of the Rebellion of Ireland if the King will either take the words of King James of Glorious Memory or K. Charles the first that was indeed of pious and blessed Memory rather than the penners of this Proclamation it will not be hard to find Occasions where they were a little wanting in this their so much boasted Loyalty and we are sure that by the Principles of that Religion the King can never be assured of the Fidelity of those he calls his Catholick Subjects but by engaging to them to make his Heretical Subjects Sacrifices to their Rage XI The King declares them capable of all the Offices and Benefices which he shall think fit to bestow on them and only restrains them from invading the Protestant Churches by force so that here a door is plainly opened for admitting them to the Exercise of their Religion in Protestant Churches so they do not break into them by force and whatsoever may be the Sense of the term Benefice in its antient and first signification now it stands only for Church Preferments so that when any Churches that are at the King's Gift fall vacant here is a plain intimation that they are to be provided to them and then it is very probable that all the Laws made against such as go not to their parish Churches will be severely turned upon those that will not come to Mass XII His Majesty does in the next place in the vertue of his Absolute Power Annul a great many Laws as well those that Established the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy as the late Test enacted by himself in person while he represented his Brother upon which he gave as strange an Essay to the World of his absolute Justice in the Attainder of the late Earl of Argile as he does now of his Absolute Power in condemning the Test it self he also repeals his own Confirmation of the Test since he came to the Crown which he offered as the clearest Evidence that he could give of his Resolution to maintain the Protestant Religion and by which he gained so much upon that Parliament that he obtained every thing from them that he desired of them till he came to try them in the Matters of Religion This is no Extraordinary Evidence to assure his People that his Promises will be like the Laws of the Medes and Persians which alter not nor will the disgrace of the Commissioner that Enacted that Law lay this matter wholly on him for the Letter that he brought the Speech that he made and the Instructions which he got are all too well known to be so soon forgotten and if Princes will give their Subjects reason to think that they forget their Promises as soon as the turn is served for which they were made this will be too prevailing a Temptation on the Subjects to mind the Princes promise as little as it seems he himself does and will force them to conclude that the Truth of the Prince is not so absolute as it seems he fancies his Power to be XIII Here is not only a repealing of a great many Laws and established Oaths and Tests but by the Exercise of the Absolute Power a new Oath is imposed which was never pretended to by the Crown in any former time and as the Oath is Created by this Absolute Power so it seems the Absolute Power must be supported by this Oath since one branch of it is an Obligation to maintain his Majesty and his Lawful Successors in the Exercise of this their Absolute Power and Authority against all deadly which I suppose is Scotch for Mortals now to impose so hard a yoke as this Absolute Power on the Subject seems no small stretch but it is a wonderful exercise of it to oblige the Subjects to defend this it had been more modest if they had been only bound to bear it and submit to it but it is a terrible thing so far to extinguish all the remnants of natural Liberty or of a Legal Government as to oblige the Subjects by Oath to maintain the Exercise of this which plainly must destroy themselves for the short execution by the Bow-strings of Turkey or by sending Orders to Men to return in their Heads being an Exercise of
Years after that he called no Parliament notwithstanding the Law for Triennial Parliaments and the manner of his Death and the Papers printed after his Death in his Name having sufficiently shewed that he was equally sincere in both those Assurances that he gave as well in that relating to Religion as in that other relating to frequent Parliaments yet upon his Death a new set of Addresses appeared in which all that Flattery couldinvent was brought forth in the Commendations of a Prince to whose Memory the greatest kindness can be done is to forget him and because his present Majesty upon his coming to the Throne gave some very general Promise of maintaining the Church of England this was magnified in so extravagant a strain as if it had been a Security greater than any that the Law could give tho' by the regard that the King has both to it and to the Laws it appears that he is resolved to maintain both equally since then the Nation has already made it self sufficiently ridiculous both to the present and to all succeeding Ages it is time that at last men should grow weary and become ashamed of their Folly XII The Nonconformists are now invited to set an Example to the rest and they who have valued themselves hitherto upon their Opposition to Popery and that have quarrelled with the Church of England for some small Approaches to it in a few Ceremonies are now solicited to rejoyce because the Laws that secure us against it are all plucked up since they enjoy at present and during pleasure leave to meet together It is natural for all men to love to be set at ease especially in the matter of their Consciences but it is visible that those who allow them this favour do it with no other design but that under a pretence of a General Toleration they may Introduce a Religion which must persecute all equally It is likewise apparent how much they are hated and how much they have been persecuted by the Instigation of those who now Court them and who have now no game that is more promising than the engaging them and the Church of England into new Quarrels and as for the Promises now made to them it cannot be supposed that they will be more lasting than those that were made some time ago to the Church of England who had both a better Title in Law and greater Merit upon the Crown to assure them that they should be well used than these can pretend to The Nation has scarce forgiven some of the Church of England the Persecution into which they have suffered themselves to be cosened tho' now that they see Popery barefaced the Stand that they have made and the vigorous Opposition that they have given to it is that which makes all men willing to forget what is past and raises again the Glory of a Church that was not a little stained by the Indiscretion and Weakness of those that were too apt to believe and hope and so suffered themselves to be made a Property to those who would make them a Sacrifice The Sufferings of the Nonconformists and the Fury that the Popish party expressed against them had recommended them so much to the Compassions of the Nation and had given them so just a pretension to favour in a better time that it will look like a Curse of God upon them if a few men whom the Court has gained to betray them can have such an ill Influence upon them as to make them throw away all that Merit and those Compassions which their Sufferings have procured them and to go and court those who are only seemingly kind to them that they may destroy both them and us They must remember that as the Church of England is the only Establishment that our Religion has by Law so it is the main body of the Nation and all the Sects are but small and stragling parties and if the Legal Settlement of the Church is dissolved and that body is once broken these lesser bodies will be all at Mercy and it is an easie thing to define what the Mercies of those of the Church of Rome are XIII But tho' it must be confessed that the Nonconformists are still under some Temptations to receive every thing that gives them present ease with a little too much kindness since they lie exposed to many severe Laws for which they have of late felt the weight very heavily and as they are men and some of them as ill Natured men as other people so it is no wonder if upon the first surprises of the Declaration they are a little delighted to see the Church of England after all its Services and Submissions to the Court so much mortified by it so that taking all together it will not be strange if they commit some Follies upon this occasion Yet on the other hand it passes all imagination to see some of the Church of England especially those whose Natures we know are so particularly sharpned in the point of Persecution chiefly when it is levelled against the Dissenters rejoice at this Declaration and make Addresses upon it It it hard to think that they have attained to so high a pitch of Christian Charity as to thank those who do now Despitefully use them and that as an earnest that within a little while they will Persecute them This will be an Original and a Master-piece in Flattery which must needs draw the last degrees of Contempt on such as are capable of so abject and sordid a Compliance and that not only from all the true Members of the Church of England but likewise from those of the Church Rome it self for every man is apt to esteem an Enemy that is brave even in his Misfortunes as much as he despises those whose minds sink with their Condition for what is it that these men would Address the King Is it because he breaks those Laws that are made in their Favour and for their Protection and is now striking at the Root of all Legal Settlement that they have for their Religion Or is it because that at the same time that the King professes a Religion that condemns his Supremacy yet he is not contented with the Exercise of it as it is warranted by Law but carries it so far as to erect a Court contrary to the express words of a Law so lately made That Court takes care to maintain a due proportion between their Constitution and all their Procedings that so all may be of a piece and all equally contrary to Law They have suspended one Bishop only because he would not do that which was not in his power to do for since there is no Extrajudiciary Authority in England a Bishop can no more proceed to the Sentence of Suspension against a Clergy-man without a Tryal and the hearing of Parties than a Judge can give a Sentence in his Chamber without an Indictment a Tryal or a Jury and because one of the greatest bodies of
then first of all assure you very positively that their Highnesses have often declared as they did it more particularly to the Marquiss of Albeville His Majesties Envoy Extraordinary to the States that it is Their Opinion That no Christian ought to be persecuted for his conscience or be ill used because he differs from the publick and Established Religion And therefore They can consent that the Papists in England Scotland and Ireland be suffered to continue in their Religion with as much Liberty as is allowed them by the States in these Provinces in which it cannot be denied that they enjoy a full Liberty of conscience And as for the Dissenters Their Highnesses do not only consent but do heartily approve of their having an entire Liberty for the full exercise of their Religion without any trouble or hindrance so that none may be able to give them the least disturbance upon that account And their Highnesses are very ready in case his Majesty shall think fit to desire it to declare their willingness to concur in the setling and confirming this Liberty and as far as it lies in them they will protect and defend it and according to the Language of Treaties They will confirm it with their Guaranty of which you made mention in yours And if his Majesty shall think fit further to desire their concurrence in the repealing of the Penal Laws they are ready to give it provided always that those Laws remain still in their full vigour by which the Roman Catholicks are shut out of both Houses of Parliament and out of all publick Employments Ecclesiastical Civil and Military As likewise all those other Laws which confirm the Protestant Religion and which secures it against all the attempts of the Roman Catholicks But their Highnesses cannot agree to the repeal of the Test or of those other Penal Laws last mentioned that tend to the security of the Protestant Religion since the Roman Catholicks receive no other prejudice from these then the being excluded from Parliaments or from publick Employments And that by them the Protestant Religion is covered from all the Designs of the Roman Catholicks against it or against the publick safety and neither the Test nor these other Laws can be said to carry in them any severity against the Roman Catholicks upon account of their Consciences They are only provisions qualifying men to be Members of Parliament or to be capable of bearing Office by which they must declare before God and Men that they are for the Protestant Religion So that indeed all this amounts to no more than a securing the Protestant Religion from any prejudices that it may receive from the Roman Catholicks Their Highnesses have thought and do still think that more than this ought not to be ask'd or expected from them since by this means the Roman Catholicks and their posterity will be for ever secured from all trouble in their Persons or Estates or in the Exercise of their Religion and that the Roman Catholicks ought to be satisfied with this and not to disquiet the Kingdom because they cannot be admitted to sit in Parliament or to be in Employments or because those Laws in which the Security of the Protestant Religion does chiefly consist are not repealed by which they may be put in a condition to overturn it Their Highnesses do also believe that the Dissenters will be fully satisfied when they shall be for ever covered from all danger of being disturbed or punished for the free Exercise of their Religion upon any sort of pretence whatsoever Their Highnesses having declared themselves so positively in these matters it seems very plain to me that They are far from being any hindrance to the Freeing Dissenters from the Severity of Penal Laws since they are ready to use their utmost endeavours for the Establishing of it Nor do They at all press the denying to the Roman Catholicks the Exercise of their Religion provided it be managed modestly and without Pomp or Ostentation As for my own part I ever was and still am very much against all those who would persecute any Christian because he differs from the publick and established Religion And I hope by the Grace of God to continue still in the same mind for since that Light with which Religion illuminates our minds is according to my sense of things purely an effect of the Mercy of God to us we ought then as I think to render to God all possible Thanks for his Goodness to us and to have pity for those who are still shut up in Error even as God has pitied us and to put up most earnest prayers to God for bringing those into the way of Truth who stray from it and to use all gentle and friendly methods for reducing them to it But I confess I could never comprehend how any that profess themselves Christians and that may enjoy their Religion freely and without any disturbance can judge it lawful for them to go about to disturb the Quiet of any Kingdom or State or to overturn Constitutions that so they themselves may be admitted to Employments and that those Laws in which the Security and Quiet of the established Religion consists should be shaken It is plain that the Reformed Religion is by the Grace of God and by the Laws of the Land enacted both by King and Parliament the publick and established Religion both in England Scotland and Ireland and that it is provided by those Laws that none can be admitted either to a place in Parliament or to any publick Employment except those that do openly declare that they are of the Protestant Religion and not Roman Catholicks and it is also provided by those Laws that the Protestant Religion shall be in all time coming secured from the Designs of the Roman Catholicks against it In all which I do not see that these Laws contain any Severity either against the Persons or Estates of those who cannot take those Tests that are contrary to the Roman Catholick Religion all the inconveniences that can redound to them from thence is that their Persons their Estates and even the Exercise of their Religion being assured to them only they can have no share in the Government nor in Offices of Trust as long as their Consciences do not allow them to take these Tests and they are not suffered to do any thing that is to the prejudice of the Reformed Religion Since as I have already told you Their Highnesses are ready to concur with his Majesty for the Repeal of those Penal Laws by which Men are made liable to fines or other Punishments So I see there remains no difficulty concerning the Repealing the Penal Laws but only this that some would have the Roman Catholicks render'd capable of all publick Trusts and Employments and that by consequence all those should be repealed that have secured the Protestant Religion against the designs of the Roman Catholicks where others at the same time are not less
earnest to have those Laws maintained in their full and due vigour and think that the chief Security of the established Religion consists in the preserving of them Sacred and unshaken It is certain that there is no Kingdom Common-Wealth or any constituted Body or Assembly whatsoever in which there are not Laws made for the Safety thereof and that provide against all Attempts whatsoever that disturb their peace and that prescribe the Conditions and Qualities that they judge necessary for all that shall bear Employments in that Kingdom State or Corporation And no man can pretend that there is any Injury done him that he is not admitted to Imployments when he doth not satisfie the Conditions and Qualities required Nor can it be denied that there is a great difference to be observed in the conduct of those of the Reformed Religion and of the Roman Catholicks towards one another The Roman Catholicks not being satisfied to exclude the Reformed from all places of Profit or of Trust they do absolutely suppress the whole Exercise of that Religion and persecute all that profess it and this they do in all those places where it is safe and without danger to carry on that rigour And I am sorry that we have at this present so many deplorable Instances of this severity before our Eyes that is at the same time put in practice in so many different places I would therefore gladly see one single good reason to move a Protestant that fears God and that is concerned for his Religion to consent to the Repealing of those Laws that have been enacted by the Authority of King and Parliament which have no other tendency but to the security of the Reformed Religion and to the restraining of the Roman Catholicks from a capacity of overturning it these Laws inflict neither Fines nor Punishments and do only exclude the Roman Catholicks from a share in the Government who by being in Employments must needs study to encrease their party and to gain to it more Credit and Power which by what we see every day we must conclude will be extreamly dangerous to the Reformed Religion and must turn to its great prejudice Since in all places those that are in publick Employments do naturally Favour that Religion of which they are either more or less And who would go about to perswade me or any man else to endeavour to move Their Highnesses whom God hath honoured so far as to make them the Protectors of his Church to approve of or to consent to things so hurtful both to the Reformed Religion and to the publick Safety Nor can I Sir with your good leave in any way grant what you apprehend That no prejudice will thereby redound to the Reformed Religion I know it is commonly said that the number of the Roman Catholicks in England and Scotland is very inconsiderable and that they are possessed only of a very small number of the places of Trust Tho even as to this the case is quite different in Ireland Yet this you must of necessity grant me that if their numbers are small then it is not reasonable that the publick Peace should be disturbed on the account of so few persons especially when so great a favour may be offered to them such as the free Exercise of their Religion would be And if their numbers are greater then there is so much the more reason to be afraid of them I do indeed believe that Roman Catholicks as things at present stand will not be very desirous to be in publick Offices and Imployments nor that they will make any attempts upon the Reformed Religion both because this is contrary to Law and because of the great inconveniencies that this may bring at some other time both on their Persons and their Estates yet if the Restraints of the Law were once taken off you would see them brought into the Government and the chief Offices and Places of Trust would be put in their hands nor will it be easie to his Majesty to resist them in this how stedfast soever he may be for they will certainly press his hard in it and they will represent this to the King as a matter in which his Conscience will be concerned and when they are possessed of the publick Offices what will be left for the Protestants to do who will find no more the support of the Law and can expect little Encouragement from such Magistrates And on the other hand the advantages that the Roman Catholicks would find in being thus set loose from all restraints are so plain that it were a loss of time to go about the proving it I neither can nor will doubt of the sincerity of his Majesties intentions and that he has no other design before him in this matter but that all his Subjects may enjoy in all things the same Rights and Freedom But plain Reason as well as the Experience of all Ages the present as well as the past shews that it will be impossible for Roman Catholicks and Protestants when they are mixed together in places of Trust and publick Employments to live together peaceably or to maintain a good Correspondence together They will be certainly always jealous of one another For the Principles and the Maxims of both Religions are so opposite to one another that in my opinion I do not see how it will be in the power of any Prince or King whatsoever to keep down those Suspitions and Animosities which will be apt to arise upon all occasions As for that which you apprehend that the Dissenters shall not be delivered from the Penal Laws that are made against them unless at the same time the Test be likewise repealed This will be indeed a great unhappiness to them but the Roman Catholicks are only to blame for it who will rather be content that they and their Posterity should lie still under the weight of the Penal Laws and exposed to the hatred of the whole Nation than he still restrained from a capacity of attempting any thing against the Peace and the Security of the Protestant Religion And be deprived of that small advantage if it is at all to be reckoned one of having a share in the Government and publick Enjoyments since in all places of the World this has been always the priviledge of the Religion that is established by Laws and indeed these Attempts of the Roman Catholicks ought to be so much the more suspected and guarded against by Protestants in that they see that Roman Catholicks even when liable to that Severity of Penal Laws do yet endeavour to perswade his Majesty to make the Protestants whether they will or not dissolve the Security which they have for their Religion And to clear a way for bringing in the Roman Ca●●●licks to the Government and to publick Employments In which case there would remain no relief for them but what were to be expected from a Roman Catholick Government Such then will be very unjust to
time be safely conducted thither Nor can I avoid pleasing my self with those joyful and hopeful thoughts when I reflect upon the various steps of Divine Providence by which they are brought into that nearness of legally inheriting these Crowns Certainly there is a voice that speaketh loud to this purpose not only in Gods denying a Legitimate Issue to the Late King and in his taking away from time to time all the Lawful Male Off-spring of his present Majesty but in the uniting their Highnesses in Marriage even to the crossing a certain Persons Inclinations whom I forbear to Name as well as to the disgusting of a Neighbouring Monarch and to the defeating the busie endeavours of the Popish Party But I must return to our Author whose Injustice to their Highnesses and his malice against their Honour Interest and Reputation knows neither end nor bounds For upon Monsieur Fagel's having ask'd Who would go about to advise him or any man else to endeavour to perswade their Highnesses whom God has so far honoured as to make them Defenders of his Church to approve and promote things so dangerous and hurtful both to the Reformed Religion and to the publick safety as the Repealing of the Test Laws would be our Author does hereupon with his wonted Friendship Equity and Candor to those Excellent Princes tells us that he hath not met with so bold a Declaration as this of calling them the Protectors of Gods Church and that the ascribing it to them is a detracting from the Honour of Kings and Monarchs who will not Abdicate from themselves to any other so glorious a Title And in pursuance of his rancour towards their Highnesses he runs out in his way of Wit and Learning into a most silly and impertinent Discourse about the Nature of a Church and accuseth the Prince and Princess as if by having this Character conferred upon them they had a design to usurp from his Majesty of Great Brittain the stile of Defenders of the Faith and to challenge to themselves the being the Protectors of the Church of England Surely this Gentleman does by vertue of his Popish Zeal and Irish Understanding believe that no Titles are due to Princes in reference to the Church of God but what are derived from the Papal Chair Whereas I dare say that Monsieur Fagel in bestowing this Title upon Their Highnesses did not dream of the Roman Pontif but had been taught it by God Almighty whom I take to be the Supream and true Fountain of Honour who is pleased to character such Princes as do cherish and favour his Church by the Name of Nursing Fathers and Nursing Mothers which is the term that the Pensionary useth in reference to their Highnesses And as it is their own merit which according to the Tenor of the Divine Creation hath entitled them to this glorious stile so they are neither to be ridicul'd nor hectored out of that duty of countenancing and supporting the Reformed Religion nor to be deterred by bold and empty words from those compassionate generous and Princely Offices to sincere Orthodox Believers by which they have deserved it And while others glory in the enjoyment of the Titles of most Christian and most Catholick Kings which their Vassalage to the See of Rome their contributing to the Exaltation of the Triple Crown and their being the Popes Executioners in the shedding the Blood of Saints hath procured unto them 't is enough for their Highnesses to be by the Suffrage of all true Protestants and that agreeably to the Doctrine and Authority of the Sacred Scriptures had in esteem and reverenced for Nutritii and Protectors of Gods Church Nor do they appropriate this stile to themselves tho' they account it the brightest among all their Titles but they acknowledge it to belong equally to many others and are afflicted at nothing more than that all Potentates may not justly claim a share in it And as the Pensionary's ascribing it unto their Highnesses was out of no design to usurp upon the King of Englands Title of Defender of the Faith nor to affix any Authority unto them over that Church so it will be no presumption to add that all of the Reformed Religion in that Kingdom how much soever differing in little and circumstantial things among themselves are yet so far sensible of the obligations they are under to Their Highnesses and of the benefits they have all the Assurance to expect from them hereafter that without meaning ill either to the King or to any one else they will unanimously join in stiling them Defenders of the Christian Reformed Faith and Protectors of Gods Church professing the Protestant Religion And they will easily know with whom they are to be angry and against whom to direct their Resentments Mijn Heer Fagel had said that if the Dissenters cannot during his Majesties Reign be eased from the Penal Laws unless the Tests be also abrogated that this will be an unhappiness unto them but for which the Roman Catholicks are only to be blamed who chuse rather to be contented that they and their Posterity should remain still obnoxious to the Penal Laws and exposed to the hatred of the whole Nation than be restrained from a capacity of attempting any thing against the peace and security of the Reformed Religion Our Author whose envy and injustice against Their Highnesses is not yet fully spent doth in his imprudent and indiscreet way obtrude from hence upon the World that the Nonconformists as well as the Roman Catholicks may hereby see where their true Interest stands and that they are extreamly obliged to those in whose Name this advice is given for the Consolation afforded them in the condition under which they are stated by Law Which is as much as if he should harangue the Nonconformists into discontentment against the Prince and Princess by assuring them that they are to hope for no relief against the Penal Laws by any favour of theirs Whereas the Dissenters are not only told that their Highnesses are willing to consent but that they do fully approve that they should have an entire Liberty for the full exercise of their Religion without being obnoxious to receive any prejudice trouble or molestation upon that account So that the heat which our Author would enflame the Dissenters unto against their Highnesses ought to turn and spend it self against the Papists who rather than part with the Tests which the Nonconformists are as much concerned to have maintained as they of the National Communion can be are resolved to keep all the Penal Laws in force and to leave the Dissenters under the dread and apprehension of them But this they may be fully perswaded of that if they can escape the edge of them during this Kings Reign they will be in no danger from them in case the Nation come once to be so happy as to see their Highnesses seated on the Throne For as much as they have not only their word which was hitherto
from the publick and established Religion As to the first it is sufficiently known that according to the judgment of the Church of Rome we are Hereticks and that Heresie being Crimen laesae Majestatis Divinae we are therefore the worst of Traitors and liable to the Penalties of the greatest High Treason And thereupon we are not only declared to be infamous and sentenced to be deprived of all Honor and Dignity and to be incapable of all Offices and have our Estates confiscated and seised but we are condemned to be burnt and if that cannot conveniently be effected it is both made lawful and meritorious to extirpate us by War or Massacre as shall be best and most safe for the Church of Rome In order whereunto not only all Laws made for our Security are declared to be null and that no promises made unto us ought to be kept but all Princes that neglect to destory and extirpate us are proclaimed to be deposed And sutable hereunto has their carriage been for many ages to such as differ from them in Articles of Faith and will not joyn in their Superstitions and Idolatries In proof where of I neither need to insist upon the infinite Murders committed by the Inquisition the most Devilish Engine of Cruelty that ever the World was acquainted with nor to reflect so far backward as the Parisian and Irish Massacres or the infinite Slaughters perpetrated heretofore in France Germany and the Low Countreys c. seeing we have such fresh and doleful evidences of the mercy and gentleness of the Papal Church in the ungrateful inhumane perjurious and salvage persecutions executed so lately in France and Piedmont If it be the effect of Royal and Paternal affection in the King of England to his Subjects that all he endeavoureth is to treat them as becomes a common Father without making any distinction between one and another as our Author is pleased to call it in his Testimony concerning him what cruel Parents must many Princes of the Roman Communion be who act with that difference towards their people that while they cherish and embrace some they tear out the Bowels and suck the blood of others And if no Society destitute of such tender and Christian affections can merit the name of a Church we hence learn where to fasten the character of being the Mother of Harlots In that we not only know whose Doctrine it is that whom She cannot convert She ought to destroy but that we have observed her to have been in all Ages drunk with the Blood of Saints All the commendations our Author bestows upon the King of England are not only either so many accusations of His Majesties insincerity in the Papal Faith or infallible indications that both the King pardon the expression and his Minister are Hypocritical Dissemblers but they are stabbing and twinging Satyr's against Mother Church and the Holy Father and against his Brittanick Majesties dear Brother and Ally the French King Nor can we be guilty either of Crime or Indecency in the worst we can say of the Church of Rome and the Most Christian King seeing we have in equivalent Terms a President for it both from so good a Catholick and so wise a Minister of a great Monarch as our honourable Author is And tho I begin to grow weary of conversing with so impertinent a man yet I am bound to wait upon him a little longer and while the Reader can reap no advantage by any thing he says to see whether it be not possible to lay hold of an occasion from his Ignorance and Folly to communicate things that may be more solid and instructive The sixth thing therefore whereof I accused him and for which I promised to call him to an account is his egregious ignorance in relation to Government Laws Customs and matters of Fact Mijn Heer Fagel tells us that the Test Laws being enacted by King and Parliament for the Security of the Reformed Religion and the Roman Catholicks receiving no prejudice by them but being meerly restrained from getting into a condition to subvert it therefore Their Highnesses could not consent to their Repeal And he further adds that there is no Kingdom Common-wealth or any constituted Body and Society in which there are not Laws made for the safety thereof which not only provide against all attempts that may disturb their peace but which prescribe such conditions as they judge necessary for the discerning who are qualified to bear Employments To which he again subjoins that there is a great difference between the conduct of these of the Reformed Religion towards Roman Catholicks which is moderate and only to prevent their getting into a capacity to do hurt and that of those of the Roman Catholick Religion towards the Reformed who not being satisfied to exclude them from places of Trust do both suppress the whole Exercise of their Religion and severely persecute all that profess it And he finally adds that both Reason and the Experience of the present as well as past Ages do shew that it is impossible for Roman Catholicks and those of the Reformed Religion when joyned together in places of Trust and publick Employment to maintain a good Correspondence live in mutual peace and to discharge their Offices quietly and to the publick Good Now from these several passages which carry their own evidence along with them our Author takes occasion both to vent his foolish and ridiculous Politicks and to proclaim his ignorance in History and of the most obvious matters of Fact However we shall have the patience to hearken to what he hath been pleased to say and shall examine it piece by piece as we go along And the first thing he does is to acquaint us with a mighty Mystery of State and which none but so great a Minister could have been able to have revealed namely that tho the King and Parliament upon the first Revolution with respect to Religion and the introducing and setting up the Reformed Religion thought fit to make those Laws which they judged necessary for its preservation yet that it does not follow that his present Majesty and a Parliament would be of the same mind but that they might enact Laws of a differing Nature from the former and re-establish Religion into the same State in which it was before the Reformed Doctrine and Worship was set up We are much obliged to our Author for this discovery though I must add that this it is to trust a Fool with secrets for he will be sure to be blabbing For tho he subjoin that he will not say that matters would be pushed so far yet he hath already told us enough to make us understand both what his own hopes are and what is designed by the Papal party if they could compass a Parliament of a Complexion and Temper to their mind But there are two fatal things which lye in their way One is that neither progressing nor closeting bribing nor threatning can
equally partake in publick Trusts and Employments He must pardon me if I not only say he is mistaken but that it is a down-right Falsehood and that herein he betrays his wonted ignorance or at least gives us a new discovery of the insincerity that is natural to him Nor would he have vented this in so general Terms but that he did foresee if he should have condescended to particulars how easy it would have been for persons of very ordinary acquaintance either with History or the World to have both contradicted and refuted him And if there were some one or other small City where by reason of the Fewness of those of one Religion to exercise the Government and to take care of the Welfare of the Society those of the other Religion are sometimes received into Employments in order to prevent the inconveniencies which the want of a competent number of Magistrates would be attended with and where the Jealousie and Fear of being swallowed up by some envious and potent Neighbour may lay them under a necessity of agreeing better together than otherwise they would or than the principles of some of them incline them unto must we thence conclude that it ought to be so in a great Kingdom where there is so vast a number of Protestants admirably qualified with Wisdom Interest and Estates to discharge all the Offices of the Government and to manage the universal care of the Society without running the hazard of the many mischiefs that would accompany the taking the Papists into partnership with them Nor could Mijn Heer Fagel in representing what is safe or unsafe to so great and noble a Nation take notice of what is practised upon necessity in some mean Town or Corporation supposing that it were there as our Author alledgeth without transgressing against all the Rules both of prudence and decency But as the Pensionary had no where in his Letter affirmed that there were not any States or Cities in which the Protestants and Papists bear Office in Government together but had only said that Reason and Experience do shew us how impossible it will be for them when joyned together in places of Trust and publick Employments to maintain a good Correspondence and to live peaceably with one another so this is found to be so just a truth and so pertinently observed that in all the places where it hath been practised tho not in Germany as our Author ignorantly suggests they have not only lived in continual heats and dissentions but have often come to open Hostility against each other Nor hath it meerly fallen out thus in private and particular States within themselves but the like evils have often followed and ensued where more States have associated into Union for the common preservation of the Generality and where the Government hath been in some in the hands of Protestants and in others executed by Roman Catholicks Of this we have diverse Examples in the Cantons of Switzerland where thro the Magistrates being in some Cantons of the Reformed and in others of the Roman Catholick Religion they have not only been often hindred from joyning and acting vigorously as they ought to have done for the interest of all and the benefit of the common Confederation and Union but they have sometimes come to open ruptures and have been embarqued in War against one another And forasmuch as our Author makes bold to say That there was never any Christian Kingdom where the Religion that the Prince professeth and which had in former ages been Dominant was so far laid aside and banished that his Subjects professing the same with himself were shut out and precluded from Trusts and Employments I will take the freedom to tell him that it is so gross and palpable a Falsehood that none but a person of his ignorance and impudence would have had the face to have asserted it For there are Christian Kingdoms that have done more than this amounts unto and who to prevent the danger of having Papists preferred to Trusts and Employments in case a Prince of their Religion should come to the Throne have been so wise as to declare Roman Catholicks incapable either of obtaining or keeping the Soveraignty And it was in the vertue of such a Law and by reason of the dread of it that Christina Queen of Sweden upon the having taken up a resolution to turn Papist chose to demit her Crown before she declared her self as knowing that immediately after such a Declaration she would have been deposed from the Throne and possibly not have had so liberal an allowance assigned her afterwards as by that conduct she did obtain Nor is it unknown to any except it be to such as our Author is for natural and acquired accomplishments that there were not only Laws in Scotland for precluding a Popish Prince from coming to the Government but that the same thing was imployed in the English Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy as being Oaths of such a frame and nature that it had been most incongruous to impose them upon Subjects to a King of the Roman Catholick Religion And tho these two Nations did not improve the advantage which they had by means of their legal provisions to hinder the present King from inheriting the Crowns of the respective Realms yet those Laws serve to inform us how far some Christian Kingdoms thought it lawful to go and to what heighth to Act not only against Popish Subjects but against Catholick Princes themselves Yea the time was that the very Papists were so far from condemning the having men of their Religion debarred from Trusts and Employments in Protestant Kingdoms under a Popish Prince that they made the Test Laws by which they are shut out from Offices and Declared incapable of them the great Argument against the necessity of having the Bill passed for excluding the Duke of York from the Crown and improved them as the main Engine for allaying the fears of the Nation under the apprehensions they had of his being a Roman Catholick and coming to the Throne But by their different Language now from what it was then all Englishmen understand how far they are to be believed in other cases and whether the many promises which they do make at this time in order to a further design and the putting a new Trick upon the Nation ought to be depended on by them whom they have already deceived And whereas upon Mijn Heer Fagel's having observed that the conduct of Roman Catholicks is much more severe towards Protestants than that of those of the Reformed Religion towards Papists our Author is pleased to reply that in order to judge as we should of that different procedure we are to consider whether it be not less just to banish a Religion that had been so long dominant as the Roman Catholick had been than to withstand the introduction of a new Religion that would depress and supplant the old All I shall say in reference to this is
Penal Laws against Papists yet to do it in their present Circumstances and at such a conjuncture as this were the highest act of folly in the world and a betraying both their own safety and that of their Religion Had the Roman Catholicks forbore to assume a liberty till it had been legally given them they had been the more capable objects of such a Grace but to bestow it upon them after they have in contempt and defiance of all our Laws taken it 't were to justify their usurpation and approve their crime Could they have been contented with the private practice of their Worship and the non-exaction of the penalties to which our Statutes make them liable without leaping into all Offices of Trust and Command and invading our Seats of Judicature our Churches and our Universities their modesty might have wrought much upon the generosity and candor of all sort of Protestants but their audacious wresting all power into their hands and their laying aside all those that have either any zeal for our Civil Rights or for the Protestant Religion is enough to kindle our further indignation in stead of influencing us to thoughts of moderation and lenity And should we once begin to cancel our Laws according to the measure and proportion that they break them and usurp upon them no man can tell where that will terminate and they will be sure to turn it into an encouragement to further attempts For having in compliance with their Impudence and to absolve them from the guilt of their Crimes and Treasons abrogated the Laws against Popery they will not fail in a little while to betake themselves to the same Methods for obtaining the abolition of all the Laws for Protestancy 'T is but for the King to declare that he will have all his Subjects to be of his own Religion and then by the Logick of the late Cant which he used in his Speech to the Council at Windsor That they who are not for him are against him we must immediately either turn Papists or be put into the same List with them and be thought worthy of the same Royal Displeasure which they are become obnoxious unto who cannot find it to be their duty and interest to destroy the Tests And Mr. Pen's Argument of being afraid of His Majesties and the Papists power and yet to provoke it Good Advice p. 43. will hold in the one case as well as in the other Nor do I see but that the Court may improve another Topick of his against us Ibid. p. 44. viz. That we were ill Courtiers by setting him up first to give him Roast-meat and then to beat him with the Spit by refusing to be of his Religion To which I may add that the brutal severities exercised towards Protestants in France and Piedmont are but ill inducements to prevail upon a Reformed Nation to give Liberty to Papists 'T is an Axiom founded in the light of Nature as well as an Oracle of Revelation That with what measure any do mete unto others it shall be measured to them again and that whatsoever any would that we should do to them they should do so to us Would the Papists once perswade Catholick Rulers to give Indulgence to those of our Religion it would be an argument that they acted sincerely in their pleading against Penal Laws for matters of Religion and would mightily prevail upon all of the Reformed Communion to Repeal such Statutes as are Enacted against them But while they continue and increase their Persecution against us in all places where they have power I do not see how they can reasonably expect that we should believe them either to be just or honest or to deserve any measure of lenity Reprizals are the onely methods whereby to bring them to peaceable and equal Terms Had Protestant Princes and States given Papal Soveraigns to understand that they would act upon the same square that they do and retaliate upon those of the Romish Faith whatsoever should be inflicted because of Religion upon those of ours I have ground to think that the Clergy in France and Savoy would have had more discretion than to have been Instrumental in stirring up the late Persecutions and of instigating Rulers to such unparallelled Barbarities 'T is not many years since a Prince in Germany begun to treat Protestants with an unjust severity and to Banish them his Countrey contrary to his word and the Stipulation he had made with them but upon the Duke of Brandenburg's both threatning and beginning to do so by the Roman Catholicks in his Dutchy of Cleve the other Prince immediately forbare his rigour and the Protestants had fair Quarter allowed them And therefore if Mr. Pen and his Catholick Friends in stead of reproaching the Church of England of justifying by her principle the King of France and the Inquisition would prevail for abolishing the one and for putting an end to Persecution by the other they would thereby do more for inclining the Nations to Tolerate Papists than either by all their invidious Satyrs against the conformable Clergy or by their Panegyricks upon a Popish Monarch and the Romish Church In the mean time 't is most unreasonable for them to demand or expect and unwise as well as unseasonable for British Protestants to consent to the Abrogation of the Tests and the Repealing of the Penal Laws against Papists Moreover though 't is possible that we might defend our selves against the dangers that might ensue upon it had we a Prince of our own Religion on the Throne yet it would be to surrender our selves unto their power and to expose our selves to their Discretion should we venture to do it while a Papist of His Majesties humour hath the weilding of the Scepter One of the main Arguments by which Mr. Pen would perswade us against all apprehension of danger from the Papists in case the Test and Penal Laws were abolished is the inconsiderableness of their number in comparison of Protestants Good Advice p. 49. And yet if there be so many ill Men in the Nation as he intimates Letter 3d. p. 12. who being of no Religion are ready upon the motives of worldly Interest to take upon them the profession of any were it not for fear of being at one time or another called to an account I do not see but that as the Papists through having the King on their side are already possessed of what he stiles the Artificial Strength of the Kingdom why they may not in a short while were those Laws once destroyed by which the Atheistical and profane sort of Men are kept in awe come to obtain too much of the natural strength of it and raise their number to a nearer equality to that of Protestants And though they should never multiply to any near proportion yet we may easily imagine what a few hands may be able to do when Authorized by a Popish Soveraign and seconded by a well-disciplin'd Army commanded by Roman Catholicks
what Mr. Pen intends when he tells us that such a Bargain will be driven with the Kingdom as will make the Church of England think that half a Loaf had been better than no Bread Good Adv. p. 43. and that one year will shew the Trick and mightily deceive her and the opportunity of her being preserved lost and another Bargain driven mightily to her disadvantage Ibid. p. 42. But as it will be impossible for Papists and Dissenters should they conspire together to be able to effect it considering the interest which her integrity in the Protestant Religion and her tenderness for the Rights and Liberties of the Kingdoms have justly acquired unto her so it were both the most foolish as well as criminal thing which any pretending themselves Protestants can be guilty of to be in any measure accessory unto it For as there is nothing in reference to their own Religious Liberties and the Priviledges of the Nation which they may not undoubtedly expect from her Justice as well as from her Mercy and Moderation so there is no means left within our view either to give a lasting Peace and a firm settlement to Three distracted Kingdoms or to bring the Protestant Interest into such a condition as may ballance the Papal grandure in Europe and give check to the rage of Persecution in all places but her happy advancement to the Thrones of Great Brittain and Ireland when it shall please God to remove his Majesty Until which time I hope all who call themselves Protestants will submit to the worst of fate rather than to fall under the Curse of this Age and Ignominy with all that shall come after for becoming an United Party with the Church of Rome in any of her Designs how plausible soever they may appear The Ill Effects of Animosities 'T IS long since the Court of England under the Authority of the late King and his Brother was embark'd in a design of subverting the Protestant Religion and of introducing and establishing Popery For the two Royal Brothers being in the time of their Exile seduced by the Caresses and Importunities of their Mother allured by the Promises and Favours of Popish Princes and being wheedled by the Crafts and Arts of Priests and Jesuites who are cunning to deceive and know how to prevail upon persons that were but weakly established in the Doctrine and wholly strangers to the practice and power of the Religion they were tempted from they not only abjured the Reformed Religion and became reconciled to the Church of Rome but by their Example and the Influence which they had over those that depended upon them both for present Subsistence and future Hopes they drew many that accompanied them in their Banishment to renounce the Doctrine Worship and Communion of the Church of England though in the War between Charles the First and the Parliament they had pretended to fight for them in equal conjunction with the Prerogatives of the Crown So that upon the Restoration in the year 1660 they were not only moulded and prepared themselves for promoting the desires of the Pope and his Emissaries but they were furnished with a stock of Gentlemen out of whom they might have a supply of Instruments both in Parliament and elsewhere to co-operate with and under them in the methods that should be judged most proper and subservient to the Extirpation of Protestancy and the bringing the Nation again into a Servitude to the Triple Crown And besides the Obligations that the Principles of the Religion to which they had revolted laid them under for eradicating the established Doctrine and Worship they had bound themselves unto it by all the Promises and Oaths which persons are capable of having prescribed unto and exacted of them Nor can any now disbelieve his late Majesty's having lived and died a Papist who hath either heard what he both said and did when under the prospect of approaching Death and past hope of acting a part any longer on the present Stage or who have seen and read the two Papers left in his Closet which have been since published to the World and attested for Authentick by the present King And had we been so just to our selves as to have examined the whole course of his Reign both in his Alliances Abroad and his most Important Counsels and Actions at Home or had we hearkened to the Reports of those who knew him at Collen and in Flanders we had been long ago convinced of what Religion he was Nor were his many repeated Protestations of his Zeal for Protestancy but in order to delude the Nation till insensibly as to us and with safety to himself he had overturned the Religion which he pretended to own and had introduced that which he inveighed against And while with the highest asseverations he disclaimed the being what he really was and with most sacred and tremendous Oaths professed the being what he was not his Religion might in the mean time have been traced through all the signal Occurrences of his Government and have been discerned written in Capital Letters through all the material Affairs wherein he was engaged from the Day he ascended the Throne till the Hour he left the World His entring into two Wars against the Dutch without any provocation on their part or ground on his save their being a Protestant State his being not only conscious unto but interposing his Commands as well as Encouragements for the burning of London His concurrence in all the parts of the Popish Plot except that which the Jesuites with a few others were involved in against himself his stifling that Conspiracy and delivering the Roman Catholicks from the Dangers into which it had cast them His being the Author of so many forged Plots which he caused to be charged on Protestants His constant Confederacies with France to the disobliging his people the betraying of Europe the neglect of the reformed in that Kingdom and the encouraging the Design carried on against them for their Extirpation His entailing the Duke of York upon the Nation contrary to the Desires and Endeavours of three several Parliaments and that not out of Love to his person but Affection to Popery which he knew that Gentleman would introduce and establish All these besides many other things which might be named were sufficient Evidences of the late King's Religion and of the Design he was engaged in for the Subversion of Ours So that it would fill a sober person with amazement to think that after all this there should be so many sincere Protestants and true English Men who not only believed the late King to be of the reformed Religion but with an insatiableness thirsted after the Blood of those that durst otherwise represent him And had it not been for his receiving Absolution and Extream Unction from a Popish Priest at his Death and for what he left in writing in the two Papers found in his strong Box he would have still passed for a Prince
who had lived and died a cordial and zealous Protestant and whosoever had muttered any thing to the contrary would have been branded for a Villain and an execrable person But with what a scent and odor must it recommend his Memory to them to consider his having not onely lived and died in the Communion of the Church of Rome in contradiction to all his publick Speeches solemn Declarations and highest Asseverations to his People in Parliament but his participating from time to time of the Sacrament as Administred in the Church of England while in the interim he had Abjured our Religion stood reconciled to the Church of Rome and had obliged himself by most sacred Vows and was endeavouring by all the Frauds and Arts imaginable to subvert the established Doctrin and Worship and set up Heresy and Idolatry in their room And it must needs give them an abhorrent Idea and Character of Popery and a loathsom representation of those trusted with the Conduct and Guidance of the Consciences of Men in the Roman Communion that they should not onely dispense with and indulge such Crimes and Villanies but proclaim them Sanctified and Meritorious from the end which they are calculated for and levelled at And for his dear Brother and renowned Successor who possessed the Throne after him I suppose his most partial Admirers who took him for a Prince not onely merciful in his Temper and imbued with all gracious Inclinations to our Laws and the Rights of the Subject but for one Orthodox in his Religion and who would prove a zealous Defender of the Doctrine Worship and Discipline of the Church established by Law are before this time both undeceived and filled with Resentments for his having abused their Credulity deceived their Expectations and reproached all their Gloryings and Boastings of him For as it would have been the greatest Affront they could have put upon the King to question his being of the Roman Communion or to detract from his Zeal for the introduction of Popery notwithstanding his own antecedent Protestations as well as the many Statutes in force for the preservation of the Reformed Religion so I must take the liberty to tell them that his Apostacy is not of so late Date as the World is made commonly to believe For though it was many Years concealed and the contrary pretended and dissembled yet it is most certain that he Abjured the Protestant Religion soon after the Exilement of the Royal Family and was reconciled to the Romish Church at St. Germains in France Nor were several of the then suffering Bishops and Clergy ignorant of this though they had neither the Integrity nor Courage to give the Nation and Church warning of it And within these five Years there was in the custody of a very worthy and honest Gentleman a Letter written to the late Bishop of D. by a Doctor of Divinity then attending upon the Royal Brothers wherein the Apostacy of the then Duke of York to the See of Rome is particularly related and an Account given how much the Dutchess of Tremoville though without being her self observed had heard the Queen Mother glorying of it bewailed it as a dishonour unto the Royal Family and as that which might prove of pernicious consequence to the Protestant Interest But though the old Queen privately rejoyced and triumphed in it yet she knew too well what disadvantage it might be both to her Son and to the Papal Cause in Great Brittain to have it at that Season communicated and divulged Thereupon it remained a Secret for many Years and by virtue of a Dispensation he sometimes joined in all Ordinances with those of the Protestant Communion But for all the Art Hypocrisy and Sacrilege by which it was endeavoured to be concealed it might have been easily discerned as manifesting it self in the whole Course of his Actions And at last his own Zeal the Importunity of the Priests and the Cunning of the late King prevailing over Reasons of State he withdrew from all Acts of Fellowship with the Church of England But neither that nor his refusing the Test enjoyned by Law for distinguishing Papists from Protestants though thereupon he was forced both to resign his Office of Lord High Admiral c. nor his declining the Oath which the Laws of Scotland for the securing a Protestant Governour enjoyn to be taken by the High Commissioner nor yet so many Parliaments having endeavoured to get him Excluded from Succession to the Crown upon the account of having revolted to the See of Rome and thereby become dangerous to the Established Religion could make impression upon a wilfully deluded and obstinate sort of Protestants but in defiance of all means of Conviction they would perswade themselves that he was still a Zealot for our Religion and a grand Patriot of the Church of England Nor could any thing undeceive them till upon his Brother's Death he had openly declared himself a Roman Catholick and afterwards in the fumes and raptures of his Victory over the late Duke of Monmouth had discovered and proclaimed his Intentions of overthrowing both our Religion and Laws Yea so closely had some sealed up their Eyes against all beams of Light and hardned themselves against all Evidences from Reason and Fact that had it pleased the Almighty God to have prospered the Duke of Monmouth's Arms in the Summer 85. the present King would have gone off the Stage with the Reputation among them of a Prince tender of the Laws of the Kingdom and who notwithstanding his own being a Papist would have preserved the Reformed Religion and have maintained the Church of England in all her Grandure and Rights And though his whole Life had been but one continued Conspiracy against our Civil Liberties and Priviledges he had left the Throne with the Character and under the Esteem of a Gentleman that in the whole course of his Government would have regulated himself by the Rules of the Constitution and the Statutes of the Realm Now among all the Methods fallen upon by the Royal Brothers for the undermining and subverting our Religion and Laws there is none that they have pursued with more Ardor and wherein they have been more successful to the compassing of their Designs than in their dividing Protestants and alienating their Affections and embittering their Minds from and against one another And had not this lain under their prospect and the means of effecting it appeared easie they might have been Papists themselves while in the mean time they had been dispensed with to protest and swear their being of the Reformed Religion and they might have envied our Liberties and bewailed their Restriction from Arbitrary and Despotical Power but they never durst have entertained a Thought of subverting the Established Religion or of altering the Civil Government nor would they ever have had the boldness to have attempted the introducing and erecting Popery and Tyranny in their room And whosoever should have put them upon reducing the Nation
going to Heaven upon their confessing their Sins to a Priest and their receiving Absolution the Eucharist and Extream Unction need not look after Repentance towards God Conversion to Holiness nor a Life of Faith Love Mortification and Obedience which the Protestant Religion upon the Authority of the Gospel obligeth them unto in order to the obtaining of Eternal Happiness And as the late Apostates to Popery in England are chiefly such who were notorious for Looseness Prophaneness and Immorality and were the Scandal of our Religion while they professed it and while in our Church were not properly of it So it is from among Men of this stamp and character that their late Majesties have found Persons assisting and subservient to their Despotical and Arbitrary Designs For whosoever takes a Survey of the Court-Faction and considereth who have been the Advocates for Encroachments upon our Liberties and Abetters of Vsurpations over our Rights they will find them to have been principally the profligate and debauched among the Nobility and Gentry the mercenary ignorant and scandalous among the Clergy the Off-scouring and such as are an Ignominy to Human Nature among the Yeomanry and Peasants And it was in order to this villanous End that the Royal Brothers have endeavoured so industriously to debauch the Nation and have made Sensuality and Profaneness the Qualifications for Preferment and the Badges of Loyalty And if among those that appear for the Preservation of the Liberties of their Country there be any that deserve to be stiled Enemies to Religion and Vertue as I dare affirm that they owe their Immoralities to Court-Education Converse and Example so I hope that though they have not hitherto been all of them so happy as to have left their Vices where they learned them yet that they will not continue to disparage the good Cause which they have espoused with an unsutable Life nor give their Adversaries reason to say that while they pretend to seek the Reformation of the State they are both the Deriders of Sobriety and Vertue without which no Constitution can long subsist and guilty of such horrid Oaths Cursing Imprecations Blasphemies and uncleannesses which naturally as well as morally and meritoriously dispose Nations to Subversion and Extirpation Finally Being through the bitter Effects which have ensued upon our Divisions made apprehensive and jealous one of another it hath from thence come to pass that while the Care of the Conformists hath been to watch against the growth of the Dissenters and the sollicitude of the Nonconformists hath been how to prevent the Rage of the bigotted Church-men the Papists in the mean time without being heeded or observed have both incredibly multiplied and made considerable Advances in their designs of ruining us For whensoever the Court was to take a signal step towards Popery and Arbitrary Power there was a clamour raised of some menacing Boldness of the Dissenters And if the Nation grew at any time alarmed by reason of the Favour shewn to the Roman Catholicks and of some visible Progress made towards the Kings becoming Despotical all was immediately hush'd with a shout and cry of the Government and Church's being in imminent hazard from the Dissenters Yea whensoever the Papists and their Royal Patrons stood detected of having been conspiring against our Religion and Civil Liberties all was diverted and stifled by putting the Kingdom upon a false Scent and by hounding out their Beagles upon the Nonconformists So that the Eyes and Minds of Protestants being imployed in reference to what was to be apprehended and feared from one another the working of our Popish Enemies either escaped our Observation or were heeded by most only with a superficial and unaffective Glance And while our Church-men stood prepossessed by the Court with a dread and jealousy of the Dissenters all that was said and written of a Conspiracy carryed on by the Papists against our Laws and Religion was entertained and represented by the prejudiced Clergy as an Artifice only of the Dissenters for compassing an Indulgence from the Parliament which in case such a Plot had obtained the belief that a Matter of so great Danger and Consequence required would have been easily granted being the only rational Expedient for the preservation of the established Religion and the Legal Government Nor did our Enemies question but that having enflamed our Divisions and raised our Animosities to so great a height rather than the one party would lay aside their Severities and the other let fall their Resentments we would even be contented to lye at their Mercy and submit our selves to the Pleasure and Discretion of the Court and Papists And there have not wanted some peevish foolish and ill Men of both Parties who rather than sacrifice their Spleen and Passion and abandon their particular Quarrels for the Interest and Safety of the whole have been inclined to expose the Protestant Religion and English Liberties to the Hazards wherewith they were apparently threatned and to suffer all Extremities meerly to have the satisfaction of seeing those whom they respectively hate involved with them under the same miseries But as this was such a degree of Madness and Infatuation as could proceed from nothing but brutish Rage and argues no less than a Divine Nemesis so I hope they are but few that now stand infected with these passionate Sentiments and Inclinations and remain thus hardned in their mutual Prejudices And to those I have nothing to say nor the least Advice to administer but shall leave them to their own Follies as Persons to whose Conviction no Discourse though never so rational can be adapted and whom only Stripes can work upon 'T is to such therefore as are capable of hearkning to Reason and who are ready to embrace any Counsel that shall be found adjusted to the Common Interest that I am to address what remains to be represented and said in the following Leaves For all Parties of Protestants having seen how far our Enemies have improved our Divisions and Rancours to the compassing their wicked and ambitious Designs and the robbing us of all that good and generous Men account valuable they are at last convinced of the necessity we have been and are reduced unto of altering the measures of our acting towards one another and both of laying aside our Persecutions and of exchanging our Wranglings among our selves into a joint contending for the Faith of the Gospel and the Rights of the Nation For what the Gentleman so lately in the Throne intends and aims at is not any longer matter of meer Suspicion and Jealousy but of demonstrable Evidence and unquestionable Certainty His Mask and Vizor of Zeal for the preservation of the Church of England and of tender regard for the Laws of the Land were laid by and put off and his Resolutions of governing Arbitrarily and of introducing Popery were become obvious to all Men whom Reason and Sense have not forsaken and left The Papists whom it was thought much a
Means for preserving themselves 't is become a necessary Duty and an indispensible Service to Mankind to deal plainly and above-board that so by describing Kings as they are and setting them in a true and just Light we may prevent the Peoples being further imposed upon or if through suffering themselves to be still deceived they come to fall under Miseries and Persecutions they may lay all their Distresses and Desolations at the Door of their own Folly in not having taken care how to avoid what they were not only threatned with but whereof they were warned and advertised History of the Times For as I am not of Sir Roger l'Estrange's mind That if we cannot avoid being distrustful of our Safety yet it is extremely Vain foolish and extravagant to talk of it so I am very sensible how many of the French Ministers by painting forth their King more like a God than a Man and by possessing their People with a belief of Wisdom Justice Grace and Mercy in Him of which they knew him destitute they both emboldned Him to attempt what he hath perpetrated and laid them under Snares which they knew not how to disentangle themselves from in order to escape it Nor would the King of England have acted with that neglect of the future Safety of the Papists nor have exposed them to the Resentment and hereafter Revenge of three Nations by the Arbitrary and Illegal Steps he hath made in their Favor if he intended any thing less than the putting Protestants for ever out of Capacity and Condition of calling them to a Reckoning and exacting an Account of them which neither He nor they about him can have the weakness to think they have sufficiently provided against without compelling us by an Order of à la mode France Missionaries to turn Catholicks or by adjudging us to Mines and Galleys according to the Versailles President for our Heretical Stubbornness or which is the more expeditious way of Converting three Kingdoms to cause Murther the Protestant Inhabitants according to the Pattern which his Loyal Irish Catholicks endeavored to have set anno 1641. for the Conversion of that Nation Had his Majesty been contented with the bare avowing and publishing himself to be of the Communion of the Church of Rome and of challenging a Liberty though against Law for the Exercise of his Religion it might have awakened our Pity and Compassion to see him embrace a Religion where there are so many Impediments of Salvation and in doing whereof he was become obnoxious unto the Imprecation of his Grandfather who wished the Curse of God to fall upon such of his Posterity as should at any time turn Papists but it would have raised no intemperate Heats in the Minds of any against him much less have alienated them from the Subjection and Obedience which are due unto their Sovereign by the Laws of the several Kingdoms and the Fundamental Rules of the respective Constitutions Or could He have been contented with waving the rigorous Execution of the Laws against Papists of whatsoever Quality Rank or Order they were and with the bestowing personal and private Favors upon those of his Religion it would have been so far from begetting Rancor or Discontent in his Protestant Subjects that they would not only have connived at and approved such a Procedure and those little Benignities and Kindnesses but had the Papists quietly acquiesced in them and modestly improved them it might have been a means of reconciling the Nation to more Lenity towards them for the future and might have influenced our Legislators when God shall vouchsafe us a Protestant on the Throne to moderate the Severities to which by the Laws in being they are obnoxious and to render their Condition as easie and safe as that of other Subjects and only to take care for precluding them such Places of Power and Trust as should prevent their being able to hurt us but could bring no damage or inconvenience upon themselves But the King instead of terminating here and allowing only such Graces and Immunities to the Papists as would have been enough for the placing them in the private Exercise of their Religion with Security to them and without any threatning Danger to us He hath not only suspended all the penal Laws against Roman Catholicks but He hath by an usurped Prerogative that is paramount to the Rules of the Constitution and to all Acts of Parliament dispensed with and disabled the Laws that enjoin the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy and which appoint and prescribe the Tests that were the Fences which the Wisdom of the Nation had erected for preserving the Legislative Authority securing the Government and keeping Places of Power Magistracy and Office in the hands of Protestants and thereby of continuing the Protestant Religion and English Liberties to our selves and the Generations that shall come after us And as if this were not sufficient to awaken us to a Consideration of the danger we are in of having our Religion supplanted and overthrown He hath not only advanced the most violent Papists unto all Places of Military Command by Sea and Land but hath establish'd many of them in the chief Trusts and Offices of Magistracy and Civil Judicature so that there are scarce any continued in Power and Employment save they who have either promised to turn Roman Catholicks or who have engaged to concur and assist to the Subverting our Liberties and Religion under the Mask and Disguise of Protestants 'T is already evident that it is beyond the help and relief of all Peaceable and Civil means to preserve and uphold the Protestant Religion in Ireland and that nothing but Force and an intestine War can retrieve it unto and re-establish it there in any degree of Safety Nor is it less apparent from the Arbitrary and Tyrannous Oath ordained to be required of His Majesties Protestant Subjects in Scotland whereby they are to swear Obedience to Him without Reserve that our Religion is held only precariously in that Kingdom and that whensoever He shall please to command the Establishment of Popery and to enjoin the People to enter into the Communion of the Church of Rome he expects to have his Will immediately conformed unto and not to be disputed or controlled But lest what we are to expect from the King as to the Extirpation of the Reformed Religion and the inflicting the utmost Severities upon his Protestant Subjects that Papal Rage armed with Power can inable him unto may not so fully appear from what hath been already intimated as either to awaken the Dissenters out of the Lethargy into which the late Declaration hath cast them or to quicken those of the Church of England to that zealous care vigilancy and use of all Lawful means for preserving themselves and the Protestant Religion that the impendent Danger wherewith they are threatned requires at their hands I shall give that farther Confirmation of it from Topicks and Motives of Credibility Moral Political
Edward VI. but had the Royal Faith of Q. Mary laid to pledg in a Promise made to the Men of Suffolk that nothing should be done towards its Subversion or whereby they might be hindred in the free Exercise of it But as neither Law nor Promise could prove restraints upon Mary to hinder her from subverting Religion and burning Protestants so the Obligation of Gratitude that she was under to the Men of Suffolk for their coming in so seasonably to her Assistance against the D. of Northumb. who was in the field with an Army in the name of the Lady Jane Gray whom the Council had proclaimed Queen could not excuse them from sharing in the Severity that others met with it being observed that more of that County were Burnt for Religion than of any other Shire in England And 't is greatly to be feared that this piece of her Example will not escape being conform'd unto by the King in his Carriage towards those that eminently served him as well as all the rest of it in his Behaviour towards Protestants in general Nor is it possible to conceive that the Papists living at that ease and quietness which they did under his late Majesty of whose being of their Religion they were not ignorant as appears by the Proofs they have vouchsaf'd the World of it since his death would have been in so many plots for destroying him and at last have hastned him to his Fathers as can be demonstrated whensoever it is seasonable had they not been assur'd of more to be attempted by his Successor for the Extirpation of Protestants than Charles could be wrought up unto or prevail'd upon to expose his Person and Crown to the danger and hazard of For as it is not merely a Prince's being a Papist and mild gentle and favorable to Catholicks that will content the fiery Zealots of the Roman Clergy and the Regular Orders but he must both gratifie their Ambition in exalting them to a Condition above all others and serve their inhuman Lusts and brutal Passions in not suffering any to live in his Dominions that will not renounce the Northern Heresie so it is not more incredible that they should dispatch a Prince by an infusion in a Cup of Tea or Chocolate whom tho' they knew to be a Papist yet they found too cold and slow in promoting their Designs than that they should have murder'd another by a consecrated Dagger in the hand of Ravilliac the one being both more easie to be detected and likelier to derive an universal Hatred and Revenge upon them than the other And as the King 's being conscious of that parricide committed upon his Brother plainly tells us that there is nothing so abominable and barbarous which he hath not a Conscience that will swallow and digest so the Promotion of the Catholick Cause being the Motive to that horrid Crime we may be sure that what is hitherto done in favor of Papists falls much short of what is intended there being something more meritorious than all this amounts unto needful to attone for so barbarous a Villany which can be nothing else but the extirpating the Protestant Religion out of the three Kingdoms Nor is it probable that the present King who is represented for a Person ambitious of Glory would lose the Opportunities wherewith the present posture of Affairs in the World presents him of being the Umpire and Arbiter of Christendom and of giving check to the Grandeur and Usurpations of a neighboring Monarch to whom all Europe is in danger of becoming enslaved if he were not swallowed up in the Thoughts of a Conquest over the Consciences Laws and Liberties of his own People and of subjugating his Dominions to the Sea of Rome and had he not Hopes and Assurances of Aid and Assistance therein from that Monarch as he is emboldned and encouraged thereunto by his Pattern and Example What the Papists have all along been endeavoring for the Subversion of our Religion during and under the Reigns of Protestant Princes may yet farther inform and confirm us what they will infallibly attempt upon their having gotten one into the Throne who is not only in all things of their own Faith but of an Humor agreeable unto their Desires and of a Temper every way suited and adapted to their Designs Tho' the Protestant Religion had obtain'd some entrance into several States and Kingdoms and had made some considerable spread in Europe before it came to be generally received and established upon Foundations of Law in England yet they of other Countries were little able to defend themselves from the Power and Malice of the Church of Rome and of Popish Princes and many of them were very unsuccessful in Endeavors of that nature till England in Qu. Elizabeths time by espousing their Cause and undertaking their Quarrel not only wrought out their Safety but made them flourish This the Court of Rome and the Priests grew immediately sensible of and have therefore moulded all their Counsels ever since against England as being both the Bulwark of the Protestant Religion and the Ballance of Europe All the late attempts for the Extirpation of the Protestant Religion in France and elsewhere are much to be ascribed to the Confidence the Papists had in the late King and his Brother of their giving no Discouragement nor Obstruction to so holy a Design and thereupon as the first Edicts for infringing the Liberty and weakning and oppressing Protestants in France and the persecution in Hungary commenced and bore date with the Restoration of the Royal Family and multiplied and encreased from year to year as they grew into farther assurance of the Royal Brothers approving as well as conniving at what was done so that for the abolition of the Edict of Nants and the total Suppression of the Reformed Religion in France was emitted upon his present Majesty's being exalted to the Throne and the encouragement he gave them to a Procedure which as he now justifies he will hereafter imitate It were to suppose English Protestants exceedingly unacquainted with the History of their own Nation to give a long Deduction of what the Papists have attempted for the Extirpation of our Religion while we had Princes on the Throne whose Belief and Principles in Christianity led them to assert and defend the Reformation and who had Courage as well as Integrity to punish those that conspired against it Their many Conjurations against Queen Elizabeths Person and their repeated Endeavors of bringing in Foreigners and of betraying the Nation to the Spaniards who were to convert the Kingdom as they had done the West-Indies by killing the Inhabitants are sufficiently known to all who have allowed themselves leisure to read or who have been careful to remember what they have been often told by those that have inspected the Memoirs of those times The Gunpowder-plot with the Motives unto it and the extent of the mischief it was shapen for together with the insurrection they
that upon pretended Occasions arising from the Abuse of this Indulgence or for some alledged Crimes wherein they and all other Protestants are to be involved tho their supineness and excess of Loyalty continue to be their greatest Offences this Liberty will not only be withdrawn and the old Church of England Severities revived but some of the new à là mode à France Treatments come upon the Stage and be pursued against them and all other perverse and obstinate British Hereticks The Declaration for Liberty of Conscience being injurious to the Church of England and not proceeding from any inward and real good Will to the Dissenters it will be worth our pains to inquire into and make a more ample Deduction of the Reasons upon which it was granted that the Grounds of emitting it being laid under every Man's view they who have Addressed may come to be asham'd of their Simplicity and Folly they who have not may be farther confirm'd both of the Unlawfulness and Inconveniency of doing it and that all who preserve any regard to the Protestant Religion and the Laws of England may be quickened to the use of all legal and due means for preventing the mischievous Effects which it is shapen for and which the Papists do promise themselves from it The Motives upon which His Majesty published the Declaration may be reduced to three of which as I have already made some mention so I shall now place every one of them in its several and proper light and give such Proofs and Evidence of their being the great and sole Inducements for the Emitting of it that no rational Man shall be able henceforth to make a doubt of it The first is the King's winding himself into a Supremacy and Absoluteness over the Law and the getting it acknowledged and calmly submitted unto and acquiesced in by the Subjects The Monarchies being Legal and not Despotical bounded and regulated by Laws and not to be exercised according to mere Will and Pleasure was that which he could not digest the thoughts of when a Subject and had been heard to say That he had rather Reign a day in that Absoluteness that the French King doth than an Age tied up and restrained by Rules as his Brother did And therefore to perswade the Prince of Orange to approve what he had done in dispensing with the Laws and to obtain him and the Princess to joyn with His Majesty and to employ their Interest in the Kingdom for the Repealing the Test Acts and the many other Statutes made against Roman Catholicks he used this Argument in a Message he sent to their Royal Highnesses upon that Errand that the getting it done would be greatly to the Advantage and for the increase of the Prerogative but this these two noble Princes of whose Ascent to the Throne all Protestants have so near and comfortable a Prospect were too Generous as well as Wise to be wheedled with as knowing that the Authority of the Kings and Queens of England is great enough by the Rules of the Constitution without grasping at a new Prerogative Power which as the Laws have not vested in them so it would be of no use but to inable them to do hurt And indeed it is more necessary both for the Honor and Safety of the Monarch and for the Freedom and Security of the People that the Prerogative should be confined within its ancient and legal Channels than be left to that illimited and unbounded Latitude which the late King and his present Majesty have endeavored to advance and screw it up unto That both the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience in England and the Proclamation for a Toleration in Scotland are calculated for raising the Sovereign Authority to a transcendent Power over the Laws of the two Kingdoms may be demonstrated from the Papers themselves which lay the Dispensing Power before us in terms that import no less than his Majesty's standing Free and absolved from all Ties and Restraints and his being cloathed with a Right of doing whatsoever he will For if the Stile of Royal Pleasure to suspend the Execution of such and such Laws and to forbid such and such Oaths to be required to be taken and this in the virtue of no Authority declared by the Laws to be resident in his Majesty but in the virtue of a certain vagrant and indeterminate thing called Royal Prerogative as the Power exercised in the English Declaration is worded and expressed be not enough to enlighten us sufficiently in the matter before us the Stile of Absolute Power which all the Subjects are to obey without reserve whereby the King is pleased to chalk before us the Authority exerted in the Scots Proclamation for the stopping disabling and dispensing with such and such Laws as are there referred unto and for the granting the Toleration with the other Liberties Immunities and Rights there mentioned is more than sufficient to set the Point we are discoursing beyond all possibility of rational controll As 't is one and the same Kind of Authority that is claimed over the Laws and Subjects of both Kingdoms tho for some certain reasons it be more modestly designed and expressed in the Declaration for a Liberty in England that it is in the Proclamation for a Toleration in Scotland so the utmost that the Czar of Mosco the great Mogul or the Turkish Sultan ever challenged over their respective Dominions amounts only to an Absolute Power which the King both owns the Exertion of and makes it the Fountain of all the Royal Acts exercised in the forementioned Papers And as the improving this challenged Absolute Power into an Obligation upon the Subjects to obey his Majesty without reserve is a Paraphrase upon Despotical Dominion and an advancing it to a Pitch above what any of the Ancient or Modern Tyrants ever dream'd of and beyond what the most servile part of Mankind was ever acquainted with till the present French King gave an Instance of it in making his mere Will and pleasure to be the Ground and Argument upon which his Reformed Subjects were to renounce their Religion and to turn Roman Catholicks so it is worth considering whether His Majesty who glories to imitate that Foreign Monarch may not in a little time make the like Application of this Absolute Power which his Subjects are bound to obey without reserve and whether in that case they who have Addressed to thank him for his Declaration and thereby justified the Claim of this Absolute Power being that upon which the Declaration is superstructed and from which it emergeth can avoid paying the Obedience that is demanded as a Duty in the Subject inseparably annexed thereunto That which more confirms us that the English Declaration and the Scots Proclamation are not only designed for the obtaining from the Subjects an Acknowledgment of an Absolute Power vested in the King but that no less than the Usurpation and Exercise of such a Power can warrant and support them are
about him who thrust the last King out of the Throne to make room for his present Majesty much scruple to put a Protestant Successor by it if they can find another Papist as Bigotted as this to advance unto it However were they on the Throne to morrow here is both a Foreign Jurisdiction brought in and set up to Rival and control theirs and they are deprived of all means of being secured of the Loyalty and Fealty of a great number of their Subjects Nor will His Majesty's certain Knowledge and long Experience whereof he boasts in the Scots Proclamation that the Catholicks as it is their Principle to be good Christians so it is to be dutiful Subjects be enough for their Royal Highnesses to rely upon their Religion obliging them to the contrary towards Princes whom the Church of Rome hath adjudged to be Hereticks A second Instance wherein this pretended Royal Prerogative is exercised Paramount to all Laws and which nothing but a claim of Absolute Power in his Majesty can support and an Acknowledgment of it by the Subjects make them approve the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience and the Proclamation for Toleration is the stopping disabling and suspending the Statutes whereby the Tests were enacted and thereby letting the Papists in to all Benefices Offices and Places of Trust whether Civil Military or Ecclesiastick I do not speak of Suspending the Execution of those Laws whereby the being Priests or taking Orders in the Church of Rome or the being reconciled to that Church or the Papists meeting to celebrate Mass were in one degree or another made Punishable tho the King 's dispensing with them by a challenged Claim in the Crown be altogether Illegal for as divers of these Laws were never approved by many Protestants so nothing would have justified the making of them but the many Treasons and Conspiracies that they were from time to time found guilty of against the State And as the Papists of all Men have the least cause to complain of the Injustice Rigor and Severity of them considering the many Laws more Cruel and Sanguinary that are in Force in most Popish Countries against Protestants and these enacted and executed merely for their Opinions and Practices in the Matters of God without their being chargeable with Crimes and Offences against the Civil Government under which they live so were it necessary from Principles of Religion and Policy to relieve the Roman Catholicks from the forementioned Laws yet it ought not to be done but by the Legislative Authority of the Kingdoms and for the King to assume a Power of doing it in the vertue of a pretended Prerogative is both a high Usurpation over the Laws and a Violation of his Coronation Oath Nor is it any Commendation either of the Humanity of the Papists or of the Meekness and Truth of their Religion that while they elsewhere treat those who differ from them in Faith and Worship with that Barbarity they should so clamorously inveigh against the Severities which in some Reformed States they are liable unto and which their Treasons gave the Rise and Provocation unto at first and have been at all times the Motives to the Infliction of But they alone would have the Allowance to be Cruel wherein they act consonantly to their own Tenets and I wish that some Provision might be made for the future for the Security of our Religion and our Safety in the Profession of it without the doing any thing that may unbecome the Merciful Principles of Christianity or be unsuitable to the meek and generous Temper of the English Nation and that the Property of being Sanguinary may be left to the Church of Rome as its peculiar Priviledge and Glory and as a more distinguishing Character than all the other Marks which she pretends unto That which I am speaking of is the Suspending the Execution of those Laws by which the Government was secured of the Fidelity of its Subjects and by which they in whom it could not confide were merely shut out from Places of Power and Trust and were made liable to very small Damages themselves and only hindered from getting into a Condition of doing Mischief to us All Governments have a Right to use means for their own Preservation provided they be not such as are inconsistent with the Ends of Government and repugnant to the Will and Pleasure of the Supreme Sovereign of Mankind and it is in the Power of every Legislative Assembly to declare who of the Community shall be capable or incapable of publick Imploys and of possessing Offices upon which the Peace Welfare and Security of the whole Politick Body does depend Without this no Government could subsist nor the People be in Safety under it but the Constitution would be in constant danger of being Subverted and the Privileges Liberties and Religion of the Subjects laid open to be overthrown And should such a Power in Legislators be upon weak Suspitions and ill grounded Jealousies carried at any time too far and some prove to be debarred from Trusts whose being imployed would import no Hazard yet the worst of that would be only a disrespect shewn to individual Persons who might deserve more Favor and Esteem but could be of no Prejudice to the Society there being always a sufficient number of others fit for the discharge of all Offices in whom an entire Confidence may be reposed And 't is remarkable that the States General of the United Provinces who afford the greatest Liberty to all Religions that any known State in Europe giveth yet they suffer no Papists to come into Places of Authority and Judicature nor to bear any Office in the Republick that may either put them into a Condition or lay them under a Temptation of attempting any thing to the Prejudice of Religion or for the betraying the Liberty of the Provinces And as 't is Lawful for any Government to preclude all such Persons from publick Trusts of whose Enemity and ill Will to the Establishment in Church or State they have either a moral Certainty or just Grounds of Suspition so 't is no less lawful to provide Tests for their Discovery and Detection that they may not be able to mask and vizor themselves in order to getting into Offices and thereupon of promoting and accomplishing their mischievous and malicious Intentions Nor is it possible in such a case but that the Tests they are to be tried by must relate to some of those Principles by which they are most eminently distinguished from them of the National Settlement and in reference whereunto they think it most piacular to dissemble their Opinion Nor have the Papists cause to be offended that the Renouncing the Belief of Transubstantiation should be required as the distinguishing Mark whereby upon their refusal they may be discerned when all the Penalty upon their being known is only to be excluded from a Share in the Legislation and not to be admitted to Employments of Trust and Profit
which the Prince filleth in that Government so that he dare neither venture to Disinherit Them nor impose upon them such Terms and Conditions as their Consciences will not suffer them to comply with while either these States remain Free or while such English and Scots as retain a Zeal for Religion and the Ancient Laws and Rights of their respective Countries can retreat thither under hopes of Admission and Protection And so closely are the Interests of all Protestants in England and Scotland woven and inlaid with the Interest of the United Netherlands and such is the singular regard that both the one and the other bear to the Reformed Religion the Liberty of Mankind and their several Civil Rights that it is impossible for his Majesty to embark in a Design against the One without resolving at the same time upon the Ruin of the Other Neither will the One be able to subsist when once the Other is Subdued and Enslaved As Philip the Second of Spain saw no way so compendious for the restoring himself to the Sovereignty and Tyrannous Rule over the Dutch as the Subjugating of England that help'd to support and assist them which was the ground of Rigging out his Formidable Armado and of his design against England in 1588 so his British Majesty thinks no Method so Expeditious for the Enslaving his own People as the endeavoring first to subdue the Dutch And as upon the one hand it would be of a threatning Consequence to Holland could the King subjugate his own People extirpate the Protestant Religion out of his Dominions and advance himself to a Despotical Power so upon the other hand could he conquer the Dutch we might with the greatest certainty Date the woful Fate of Great Britain and the loss of all that is valuable to them as Men and Christians from the same Moment and Period of time They are like the Twins we read of whose Destiny was to live and die together and which soever of the two is destroyed first all the Hope and Comfort that the other can pretend unto is to be last devoured Now after the Advances which his Majesty had made towards the Enslaving his Subjects and the Subverting the Reformed Religion in his Kingdoms he finds it necessary before he venture to give the last and fatal Stroke at home and to enter upon the plenary Exercise of his Absolute Power in laying Parliaments wholly aside in cancelling all Laws to make way for Royal Edicts or Declarations of the Complexion of the former and in commanding us to turn Roman Catholicks or to be Dragoon'd I say he thinks it needful before he proceeds to these to try whether he can Subdue and Conquer the Dutch and thereby remove all hopes of Shelter Relief Comfort and Assistance from his own People when he shall afterwards fall upon them And how much soever the Court endeavors to conceal its Design and strives to complement the States General into a Confidence that all Alliances between them and the Crown of England shall be maintained and preserved yet they not only speak their Intentions by several open and visible Actions but some of them cannot forbear to tell it when their Blood is heated and their Heads warm'd with a liberal Glass and a lusty Proportion of Wine Thence it was that a Governing Papist lately told a Gentleman after they two had drank hard together That they had some Work in England that would employ them a little time but when that was over they would make the Dutch fly to the end of the World to find a resting place Delenda est Carthago is engraven upon their Hearts as being that without which Rome cannot arrive at the Universal Monarchy that it aspires after It was upon a formed Design of a War against the United Provinces that the King hath for these two Years stirred up and incited as well as countenanced and protected the Algerines in their Piracies that through their weakning and spoiling the Dutch before-hand it may be the more easie a matter for him to Subdue them when he shall think fit to begin his Hostilities 'T is in order to thi● that he hath entred into new and secret Alliances with other Princes the purpott of which is boldly talk'd of in London but whether believ'd at the Hague I cannot tell For as Monsieur Barrillion and Monsieur Bonrepos present Transactions at Whitehall relate to something else than merely to the affair of Hudson's Bay so Prince George's errand to Denmark is of more importance than a bare Visit or a naked Compelment to his Brother 'T is upon this design that all that great Marine Preparation hath been so long making in the several Ports of England but to the hindering the execution whereof some unexpected and not foreseen accidents have interposed And it is in subserviency not to be disquieted at Home while he is carrying on this holy War Abroad that the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience in England and the Proclamation for a Toleration in Scotland are granted and published 'T is well enough known how that after the French King had among many other severities exercised against Protestants made them uncapable of Employments and Commands yet to avoid the consequences that might have ensued thereupon while he was engaged in a War against the Emperor the King of Spain and the States of Holland and to have the aid of his Reformed Subjects he not only intermitted and abated in many other rigours towards them but in Anno 1674 restored them to a capacity of being employed and preferred And that this did not flow from any compassion tenderness or good will towards them his carriage since the issue of that War and the miserable condition he hath reduced them to does sufficiently testifie and declare Nor can we forget how that the late King after a rigorous execution of the penal laws for several years against Dissenters yet being to enter into an unjust War against the United Provinces Anno 1672. not only forbore all proceedings of that kind but published a Declaration for suspending the Execution of all those Laws and for the allowing them liberty of Assembling to worship God in their separate Meetings without being hindred or disturbed What Principle that proceeded from and to what End it was calculated appeared in his behaviour to them afterwards when neither the danger the Nation was in from the Papists nor the application of several Parliaments could prevail for lonity towards them much less for a legal Repeal of those implitick and unreasonable Statutes Nor does the present Indulgence flow from any kindness to Fanaticks but it is only an artifice to stifle their Discontents and to procure their assistance for the destroying of a Foreign Protestant State And it may not be unworthy of observation that as the Declaration of Indulgence Anno 1672 bore date much about the same time with the Declaration of War against the Dutch so at the very Season that his present Majesty
emitted his Declaration for Liberty of Conscience there were Commissions of Reprisal prepared and ready to be granted to the English East-India Company against the Hollanders but which were suppressed upon the Court 's finding that they whom the suspending the Execution of so many Laws and the granting such Liberties Rights and Immunities to the Papists had disgusted and provoked were far more numerous and their resentments more to be apprehended than they were whose murmurings and discontents they had silenced and allay'd by the liberty that was granted Now as it will be at this juncture when the Protestant Interest is so low in the World and the Reformed Religion in so great danger of being Destroyed a most wicked as well as an imprudent Act to contribute help and aid to the Subjugating a People that are the chief Protectors of the Protestant Religion that are left and almost the only Asserters of the Rights and Liberties of Mankind so it may fill the Addressers with confusion and shame that they should have not only justified an Act of His Majesty's that is plainly designed to such a mischievous End but that they should by the Promises and Vows that they have made Him have emboldned His Majesty to continue his purposes and resolutions of a War against the Dutch Which as it must be funestous and fatal to the Protestant Cause in case he should prosper and succeed so howsoever it should issue yet the Addressers who have done what in them lyes to give encouragement unto it will be held betrayers of the Protestant Religion both abroad and at home and judged guilty of all the Blood of those of the same Faith with them that shall be shed in this Quarrel That Liberty ought to be allowed to men in matters of Religion is no Plea whereby the King 's giving it in an illegal and Arbitrary manner can be maintained and justified Since ever I was capable of exercising any distinct and coherent acts of Reason I have been always of that mind that none ought to be persecuted for their Consciences towards God in matters of Faith and Worship Nor is it one of those things that lye under the power of the Sovereign and Legislative Authority to grant or not to grant but it is a Right setled upon Mankind antecedent to all Civil Constitutions and Humane Laws having its foundation in the Law of Nature which no Prince or State can legitimately violate and Infringe The Magistrate as a Civil Officer can pretend or claim no Power over a People but what he either derives from the Divine Charter wherein God the Supreme Institutor of Magistracy has chalk'd out the Duty of Rulers in general or what the People upon the first and original Stipulation are supposed to have given him in order to the Protection Peace and Prosperity of the Society But as it does no where appear that God hath given any such Power to Governors seeing all the Revelations in the Scripture as well as all the Dictates of Nature speak a contrary Language so neither can the People upon their chusing such a one to be their Ruler be imagined to transfer and vest such a Power in him forasmuch as they cannot divest themselves of a Power no more than of a Right of believing things as they arrive with a Credibility to their several and respective Understandings As it is in no Man's Power to believe as he will but only as he sees cause so it is the most irrational Imagination in the World to think they should transfer a Right to him whom they have chosen to govern them of punishing them for what it is not in their power to help Nor can any thing be plainer than that God has reserved the Empire over Conscience to himself and that he hath circumscribed the Power of all Humane Governors to things of a civil and inferior Nature And had God convey'd a Right unto Magistrates of commanding Men to be of this or that Religion and that because they are so and will have others to be of their mind it would follow that the People may conform to whatsoever they require tho by all the Lights of Sense Reason and Revelation they are convinced of the Falshood of it Seeing whatsoever the Sovereign rightfully Commands the Subjects may lawfully obey But tho the persecuting People for Matters of mere Religion be repugnant to the Light of Nature inconsistent with the Fundamental Maxims of Reason directly contrary to the Temper and Genious as well as to the Rules of the Gospel and not only against the Safety and Interest of Civil Societies but of a Tendency to fill them with Confusion and to arm Subjects to the cutting of one anothers Throats yet Governors may both deny Liberty to those whose Principles oblige them to destroy those that are not of their mind and may in some measure Regulate the Liberty which they vouchsafe to others whose Opinions tho they do not think dangerous to the Peace of the Community yet through judging them Erroneous and False they conceive them dangerous to the Souls of Men. As there is a vast difference betwixt Tolerating a Religion and approving the Religion that is Tolerated so what a Government doth not approve but barely permits and suffers may be brought under Restrictions as to time place and number of those professing it that shall assemble in one Meeting which it were an Undecency to extend to those of the justified and established way Now whatsoever Restrictions or Regulations are enacted and ordained by the Legislative Authority in reference to Religions or Religious Assemblies they are not to be stop'd disabled or suspended but by the same Authority that enacted and ordained them The King says very truly That Conscience ought not to be constrained nor People forced in matters of mere Religion But it does not from thence follow unless by the Logick of Whitehall that without the concurrence of a Parliament he should suspend and dispense with the Laws and by a pretended Prerogative relieve any from what they are Obnoxious unto by the Statutes of the Realm His saying that the forcing People in matters of Religion spoils Trade depopulates Countries discourageth Strangers and answers not the End of bringing all to an Uniformity for which it is employ'd would do well in a Speech to the Houses of Parliament to perswade them to Repeal some certain Laws or might do well to determine his Majesty to assent to such Bills as a Parliament may prepare and offer for relieving Persons in matters of Conscience but does not serve for what it is alledged nor can it warrant his suspending the Laws by his single Authority And by the way I know when these very Arguments were not only despised by his Majesty and rediculed by those who took their Cue from Court and had Wit to do it as by the present Bishop of Oxford in a very ill-natur'd Book called Ecclesiastical Polity but when the daring to have mentioned them would
till after the expiration of twenty Years In the same manner when he had resolved to Repeal the Edict of Nantes and had given injunction for the Draught by which it was to be done he at the same season gave the Protestants all assurances of Protection and of the said Edicts being kept Inviolable To which may be added that shameful and detestable Chicanery in passing his Sacred and Royal Word that no violence should be offered any for their Religion tho at that very moment the Dragoons were upon their March with orders of exercising all manner of Cruelties und Barbarities upon them So that his Majesty of Great Britain hath a Pattern lately sent him and that by the Illustrious Monarch whom he so much admires and whom he makes it his Ambition and Glory to imitate Nor are we without proofs already how insignificant the King's Promises are except to delude and what little confidence ought to be put in them The disabling and suspending the 13th Statute of his late Parliament in Scotland wherein the Test was Confirmed and his departing from all his Promises Registred in his Letter as well as from those contained in the Speech made by the Lord Commissioner pursuant to the Instructions which he had undoubtedly receiv'd together with his having forgotten and receded from all his Promises made to the Church of England both when Duke of York and since he came to the Crown are undeniable evidences that his Royal Word is no more Sacred nor Binding than that of some other Monarchs and that whosoever of the Protestants shall be so foolish as to rely upon it will find themselves as certainly disappointed and deceived as they of the Reformed Religion elsewhere have been And while they of the Established way find so small security by the Laws which the King is bound by his Coronation Oath to observe the Dissenters cannot expect very much from a naked Promise which as it hath not a solemn Oath to enforce it so 't is both Illegal in the making and contrary to the principles of his Religion to keep Nor is it unworthy of observation that he hath not only departed from his Promises made to the Church of England but that we are told in a late Popish Pamphlet Intituled A New Test of the Church of England's Loyalty Published as it self says by Authority that they were all conditional to wit by vertue of some Mental Reservation in his Majesty's Breast and that the Conformable Clergy having failed in performing the Conditions upon which they were made the King is absolved and discharged from all Obligation of observing them The Church of England says he must give his Majesty leave not to nourish a Snake in his Bosom but rather to withdraw his Royal Protection which was promised upon the account of her constant fidelity Which as it is a plain threatning of all the Legal Clergy and a denunciation of the unjust and hard measure they are to look for so it shakes the Foundation upon which all credit unto and reliance upon his Majesty's Word can be any ways placed For tho Threatnings may have tacit Reserves because the right of executing them resides in the Threatner yet Promises are incapable of all latent conditions because every Promise vests a Right in the Promisee and that in the virtue of the words in which it is made But it is the less to be wondred at if his Majesty fly to Equivocations and Mental Reserves being both under the conduct of that Order and a Member of the Society that first taught and practised this treacherous piece of Chicanery However it may inform the Dissenters that if they be not able to answer the End for which they are depended upon or be not willing in the manner and degree that is expected or if it be not for the Interest of the Catholick Cause to have them indulged in all these cases and many more the King may be pronounced acquitted and discharged from all the Promises he hath given them as having been merely stipulatory and conditional And as he will be sure then finem facere ferendae alienae personae to lay aside the disguise that he hath now put on so if they would reflect either upon his temper or upon his Religion they might now know haud gratuitam in tanta superbia comitatem that a person of his pride would not stoop to such Flattery as his Letter to Mr. Alsop expresseth but in order to some design But what need other proof of the fallaciousness of the two Royal Papers and that no Protestants can reasonably depend upon the Royal Word there laid to pledge for the continuation of their Liberty but to look into these too Papers themselves where we shall meet expressions that may both detract from our belief of his Majesty's sincerity and awaken us to a just jealousie that the Liberty and Toleration granted by them are intended to be of no long standing and duration For while he is pleased to tell us that the granting his Subjects the free use of their Religion for the time to come is an addition to the perfect Enjoyment of their Property which has never been invaded by His Majesty since his coming to the Crown He doth in effect say that His Fidelity Truth and Integrity in what he grants in reference to Religion is to be measured and judged by the Verity that is in what He rells us as to the never having Invaded our Property And that I may Borrow an Expression from Mr. Alsop and to no less Person than to the King himself namely That tho we pretend to no refined Intellectuals nor presume to Philosophise upon Mysteries of Government yet we make some pretence to the Sense of Feeling and whatever our Dullness be can discern between what is exacted of us according to Law and what we are rob'd of by an Exerclse of Arbitrary Power For not to insist upon the violent Seisure of Mens Goods by Officers as well as Soldiers in all parts of England which looks like an Invasion upon the Properties of the Subject nor to dwell upon his keeping an Army on foot in time of Peace against the Authority as well as without the Countenance of Law which our Ancestors would have stiled an Invasion upon the whole Property of the Kingdom I would fain know by what Name we are to call his Levying the Customs and the Additional Excise before they were granted unto him by the Parliament all the legal Establishment of them upon the Nation having been only during the late King's Life till the Settlement of them upon the Crown was again renewed by Statute It were also worth his Majesties telling us what Titles are due to the Suspending the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge a Beneficio and the turning the President of Magdalen's in Oxford out of his Headship and the Suspending Dr. Fairfax from his Fellowship if there be not an Invasion upon our Property seeing every part of this is against all
Exercise of his Absolute Power against all deadly Nor is it difficult to assign the reason of the Deformity that appears in his Majesty's present Actings towards his Dissenting Protestant Subjects in those two Kingdoms For should there be no Restriction upon the Toleration in Scotland to hinder the greatest part of the Presbyterians from taking the Advantage of it the Bishops and Conforming Clergy would be immediately forsaken by the generality if not all the People and so an issue would not only be put to the Division among Protestants in that Kingdom but they would become an united and thereupon a formidable Body against Popery which it is not for the Interest of the Roman Catholicks to suffer or give way unto Whereas the more unbounded the Liberty is that is granted to Dissenters in England the more are our Divisions not only kept up but increased and promoted especially through this Freedom's arriving with them in an illegal way without both the Authority of the Legislative Power and the Approbation of a great part of the People it being infallibly certain that there is a vast number of all Ranks and Conditions who do prefer the abiding in the Communion of the Church of England before the joyning in Fellowship with those of the Separate and Dissenting Societies Upon the whole this different Method of proceeding towards Dissenting Protestants in Matters mere Religious shews that all this Indulgence and Toleration is a Trick to serve a present juncture of Affairs and to advance a Popish and Arbitrary Design and that the Dissenters have no Security for the continuance of their Liberty but that when the Court and Jesuitick end is compassed and obtained there is another course to be steered towards them and instead of their hearing any longer of Liberty and Toleration they are to be told that it is the Interest of the Government and the Safety and Honor of his Majesty to have but one Religion in his Dominions and that all must be Members of the Catholick Church and this because the King will have it so which is the Argument that hath been made use of in the making so many Converts in France They who now suffer themselves to be deluded into a Confidence in the Royal Word will not only come to understand what Mr. Coleman meant in his telling Pere de la Chaise that the Catholicks in England had a great work upon their hand being about the Extirpation of that Heresie which hath borne sway so long in this Northern part of the World but they will also see and feel how much of the Designs of Rome was represented in that passage of the Pope's Nuncio's Letter dated at Brussels Aug. 9. 1674. wherein upon the Confidence which they placed in the Duke of York which is not lessened since he came to the Crown he takes the confidence to write That they hoped speedily to see the total and final Ruin of the Protestant Party And as Protestant Dissenters have no Security by the Declaration and Proclamation for the continuance of their Liberty so they that have by way of Thanksgiving Addressed to the King for those Royal Papers have not only acted very ill in reference both to the Laws and Rights of the Kingdoms and of Religion in general but they have carried very unwisely in relation to their own Interest and the avoiding the Effects of that Resentment which most Men are justly possessed with upon the illegal Emission of these Arbitrary and Prerogative Papers I shall not enter upon any long Discourse concerning this new Practice of Addressing in general it having been done elsewhere some years ago but I shall only briefly intimate that it was never in fashion unless either under a weak and precarious Government or under one that took illegal Courses and pursued a different Interest from that of the People and Community As he who Ruleth according to the standing Laws of a Country over which he is set needs not seek for an Approbation of his Actions from a part of his Subjects the Legality of his Proceedings being the best Justification of him that Governs and giving the truest Satisfaction to them that are Ruled so he who enjoys the love of all his People needs not look for Promises of being assisted stood by and defended by any one Party or Faction among them there being none from whom he can have the least Apprehension of Opposition and Danger It was the want of a legal Title in Oliver Cromwel and his Son Richard to the Government that first begot this Device of Addressing and brought it upon the Stage in these British Nations and it was the Arbitrary Procedures of the late King as it is of his present Majesty and their acting upon a distinct Bottom from that of the Three Kingdoms that hath revived and does continue it Nor is there any thing that hath rendered those two Princes more contemptible abroad and proclaimed them Weaker at home than their recurring unto and solliciting the Flatteries and Aid of the Mercenary Timorous Servile and for low and personal Ends byass'd part of their Subjects and thereby telling the World that neither the Generality nor the most Honorable of their People have been united in their Interest nor Approvers of the Counsels that have been taken and pursued And if any thing did ever cast a Dishonor upon the English Nation it hath been that loathsome Flattery and slavish Sycophancy wherewith the Addressers both now and for some years past have stuffed their Applications to the two Royal Brothers The Throne that is sustained and upheld by the Pillars of Law and Justice needs not to hew out unto its self other Supporters nor lean upon the crooked and weak Stilts of the insignificant and for the most part deceitful as well as brib'd Vows of a sort of Men who will be as ready upon the least disgust to cry Crucifie to morrow as they were for being gratified may be in their Lusts Humors and Revenges and at the best in some separate Concern to cry Hosanna to day I shall decline prosecuting what concerns the Honor or Dishonor of him to whom the Addresses are made or how Politick or Impolitick the Countenancing and Encouraging them is and shall apply my self to this new Sett of Addressers and endeavor to shew how Foolish as well as Criminally they have acted Nor is it an Argument either of their Prudence or Honesty or of their acting with any Consistency to themselves that having so severely inveighed against the Addresses that were in fashion a few years ago and having fastened all the Imputations and Reproaches upon those that were Accessary to them which that Rank of Addressers could be supposed to have deserved they now espouse the Practice which they had condemned and in reference to as Arbitrary and unjustifiable an Act of His present Majesty as the most illegal one the late King was guilty of or the worst Exercise or Prerogative for which any heretofore either
Proclamation dated at Windsor the 28th of June 1687 for granting further Liberty in Scotland and which was published there by an Order of the Privy Council of that Kingdom bearing date at Edinburgh the 5. of July This Superfoetation of one Proclamation after another in reference to the same thing is so apportioned and parallel to the late French method of emitting Edicts in relation to those of the Reformed Religion in that Kingdom that they seem to proceed out of one mint to be calculated for the same end and to be designed for the compassing and obtaining the like effects For assoon as an Alarm was taken at the publishing of some unreasonable and rigorous Edict there used often to follow another of a milder strain which was pretended to be either for the moderating the severities of the former or to remove and rectifie what they were pleased to call misconstructions unduly put upon it but the true end whereof was only to stifle and extinguish the Jealousies and Apprehensions that the other had begotten and excited and which had they not been calmed and allay'd might have awakened the Protestants there to provide for their safety by a timely withdrawing into other Countries if they had not been provoked to generous endeavours of preventing the final suppression of their Religion and for obviating the ruin which that Court had projected against them and was hastning to involve them under Nor does my suspicion of his Majesties pursuing the same design against Protestants which the great Louis glories to have accomplished proceed merely from that conjunction of Counsels that all the world observes between Whitehall and Versailles nor merely from the Kings abandoning his Nephew and Son-in-law the Prince of Orange and not so much as interposing to obtain satisfaction to be given him for the many Injuries Damages Spoiles and Robberies as well as Affronts done him by that haughty Monarch when one vigorous Application could not fail to effect it nor yet merely from that agreeableness in their proceedures through the King of England's imitating that Foreign Potentate and making the whole course that hath been taken in France the Pattern of all his actings in Great Britain but I am much confirmed in my fears and jealousies by remembring a passage in one of Mr. Coleman's Letters who as he very well knew what the then Duke of York had been for many years engaged in against our Religion and Civil Lberties and under what Vows and Promises he was not to desist from prosecuting what had been resolved upon and undertaken so he had the confidence to say that his Master's design and that of the King of France was one and the same and that this was no less as he farther informs us than the extirpating the Northern Heresie Had the King of England acted with sincerity from that noble Principle that Conscience ought not to be constrained nor People forced in matters of mere Religion as he would delude weak and easie People to believe and had not all his Arbitrary and illegal proceedings in granting Liberty to Dissenting Protestants been to subserve and promote other Designs which it is not yet seasonable and convenient to discover and avow he would have then acted with that conformity to the Principle he professeth to be under the Influence and Government of and with that consonancy and harmonious agreeableness in all the degrees of Indulgence vouchsafed to those of the Reformed Religion in England and Scotland that differ from them of the Established way that there would have needed no second Proclamation apporting new measures of Liberty and favour to Scots Dissenters seeing they would have had it granted them at first in the same latitude and illimitedness that it was bestowed upon the English Nonconformists But when Princes carry on and pursue mischievous designs under the palliations of Religion publick good and the Right of Mankind it comes often to pass through adapting their methods to what they mean and intend and not to what they pretend and give out that their crafty projections by being not sufficiently accommodated to their purposes prove ineffectual to the compassing what was aim'd at and this forceth them to a new Game of Falshood and Subtilety but still under the old varnish and gloss and obligeth them to have recourse to means that may be more proportioned than the former were for their reaching the End that they ubtimately drive at Thence it is that those Rulers who are engaged in the Prosecution of wicked and unjustifiable Designs are necessitated not only to apply themselves to opposite Methods towards different Parties and those such as must be suited and apportioned to their discrepant Interest without the accommodating of which they can neither hope to mould them to that tame and servile Compliance nor work them up to that active and vigorous abetting of their malicious and crafty Projections as is necessary for the rendring them Successful but they are forced to vary their Proceedings towards one and the same Party and that as well when the ways they have acted in towards them are found inadequate to the end unto which they were calculated as when the mischief hid under them comes to be too soon discovered This weak and short-sighted People fancy to arise from an uncertainty in Princes Counsels and from their being at no Consistency with themselves but they who can penetrate into Affairs and that do consider things more narrowly can easily discern that all this Variation Diversity and shifting of Methods in Rulers Actings proceed from other Causes and that it is their Stability and Perseverance in an illegal and wicked Design that compels them to those crooked and contrary Courses either for the gaining the unwary and ill-applied Concurrence of their Subject to the hastning Distress and Desolation upon themselves or for the throwing them into that Lethargy and under that Supineness as may hinder them from all Endeavors of obstructing and diverting the Evils that their Governours are seeking to bring upon them Nor is there a more certain Indication of a Princes being engaged in a Design contrary to the good and happiness of the Society over which he is set than his betaking himself to illegal ways upon pretence of promoting the ease and benefit of his People or according as he finds his Subjects to differ in their particular Interests his applying himself to them in Methods whereof the contrariety of the one to the other renders them the more proper and adapted to ensnare the divided Factions through accosting each of them with something that they are severally fond of Legal means are always sufficient to the pursuing and compassing legal Ends and whatsoever is for the general good of the Community may either be obtained by Courses wherein the Generality find their united Interest and common Felicity or else by Application to a Parliament freely and duly chosen which as it represents the whole Politick Society so there may be expected most Compassion and
Tenderness as well as Wisdom and Prudence for redressing the Grievances easing the Troubles and providing for the Benefit and Safety of all that are wrapt up in and represented by them And as every Prince who sincerely seeks and pursues the Advantage of his People will so adjust and attemper all his Actions towards them that his whole Carriage shall be uniform and all the Exercises of his Governing Power meet in the benefit of the Community as so many lines from a circumference uniting in their Centre so there needs no other proof that these two or three late Actions of His Majesty which a foolish sort of men are apt to interpret for favours and to account them effects of Compassion and Kindness are but to conceal his Malice and to subserve as well as cover some fatal and pernicious Design that he is carrying on against his Protestant Subjects than that while he is gratifying a few of them in one thing he is at the same time robbing all of them of many and that while he is indulging the Dissenters with a freedom from the penal Laws for matters of Religion he is invading the Properties and subverting the Civil Rights of the three Nations and changing the whole Constitution of the Government He that strips us of what belongs unto us as we are English and Scots men cannot mean honestly in the favours he pretends to vouchsafe us as we are Christians nor can he that is endeavouring to enslave our Persons and to subject our Estates to his arbitrary Lust and Pleasure intend any thing else by this kindness granted to Fanaticks in matters of Religion than the dividing them from the rest of the People in what concerns the Civil Interest and external happiness of the Community and to render them an engaged Faction to assist and abet him in enthralling the Kingdoms Whosoever considers the whole Tenor of His Majesty's other Actings in proroguing and dissolving Parliaments when he finds them uncompliant with his Popish and Despotical Ends his keeping on foot a formidable Army against all the Laws of the Land and upon no other intention but to maintain him in his Usurpations over our Rights and to awe us into a tame and servile submission to his Prerogative Will his filling all places of Judicature with weak as well as treacherous persons who instead of administring Justice may be the Instruments of Tyranny his robbing men of their Estates by judicial forms and under pretence that nullum tempus occurrit Regi after they have been quietly enjoyed by the Subjects for several hundred years his advancing none to Civil or Military Employs but whom he hath some confidence in as to the finding them ready to execute his despotical Injunctions and his esteeming no persons loyal and faithful to himself save those who are willing to betray their Country and be Rebels and Traitors against the Legal Constitution I say whosoever considers all this and a great deal more of the same hue and complexion cannot imagine unless he be under a judicial blindness and a strange infatuation that any thing arriving from the King tho it may be a matter wherein they may find their present ease and advantage should proceed from compassion and good will to his Protestant Subjects but that it must be only in order to promote a distinct interest from that of his People and for the better and more easie accomplishing of some wicked and unjustifiable Design And tho his Majesty would have us believe that the reasons moving him to the emission of this second Proclamation were the sinistruous Interpretations which either have or may be made of some Restrictions in his former yet it is not difficult even without being of his Privy Council to assign a truer motive and a more real and effectual cause of it For as that of the 12 of February came forth attended with so many limitations not easie to be digested by men of Wisdom or Honesty lest if it had been more unconfined and extensive and should have opened a door for all Scots Dissenters to have gone in and taken the benefit of it the generality of Protestants in that Kingdom abstracting from the Bishops Curates and a few others should have joined in the separate Interest and thereby have become an united Body against Popery but upon finding that hardly any would purchase their freedom from the penal Laws at so dear a rate as to do things so unbecoming Men and Christians as the conforming to the Terms therein prescribed obliged them unto and that as they of the National Communion were alarm'd and disgusted so fesh or none of the Dissenting Fellowships were pleased and that both were not only angry at the many illegal favours and threatning advantages bestowed upon the Papists but were grown so sensible of the Design carrying on against the Protestant Religion and the Liberties and Privileges of the Subject that tho they could not renounce their respective Tenets in the matters wherein they differed yet they were willing to stifle their Heats and Animosities and to give that Encouragement Aid and Assistance to one another as was necessary for their common safety upon these Cnnsiderations his Majesty if he would have spoken fincerely ought to have said that he had published this new Proclamation in order to hinder Scots Protestants from uniting for their mutual defence against Turkish Tyranny and Romish Idolatry in hopes thereby to continue and exasperate their undue and passionate heats and to steep them not only in divided and opposite interests but to make them contribute to the suppressing and ruining each other or at least to look on unconcernedly till he have ripened his Designs against them both and be prepared for extirpating the Reformed Religion and for subverting the Fundamental as well as Statute Laws and for bringing such to the Stake and Gibbet as shall have the Integrity to assert the one or the Courage to plead for the other And yet in his last Proclamation wherein he grants a more illimited Freedom than in the former and promiseth to protect all in the Exercise of Their Protestant Religion as he Disdainfully and Ignominiously calls it there is a Clause that may discourage all honest Men from owning their Liberty to the Authority that bestows it and from which it is derived and conveyed to them For not being satisfied to superstruct his pretended Right of Suspending Stopping and Disabling Laws upon his Sovereign Authority and Prerogative Royal but as knowing that these give no such Pre-eminence and Jurisdiction over the Laws of the Kingdom he is pleased to challenge unto himself an Absolute Power as the Source and Spring of that Exorbitant and Paramount Claim which he therein exerciseth and exerts And forasmuch as Absolute Power imports his Majesties being loose and free from all Ties and Restraints either by Fundamental Stipulations or superadded Laws it is very Natural to observe that he allows the Government under which we were born and to which
Treason or Felony yet it cannot be with any colour of Reason inferred from thence that the King can entirely Suspend the Execution of those Laws relating to Treason or Felony Unless it is pretended that he is cloathed with a Despotick and Arbitrary Power and that the Lives Liberties Honors and Estates of the Subjects depend wholly on his good Will and Pleasure and are entirely subject to him which must infallibly follow on the King 's having a Power to Suspend the Execution of Laws and to Dispense with them Those Evil Counsellors in order to the giving some Credit to this strange and execrable Maxim have so conducted the Matter that they have obtained a Sentence from the Judges declaring that this Dispensing Power is a Right belonging to the Crown as if it were in the Power of the Twelve Judges to offer up the Laws Rights and Liberties of the whole Nation to the King to be disposed of by him Arbitrarily and at his Pleasure and expresly contrary to Laws enacted for the Security of the Subjects In order to the obtaining this Judgment those Evil Counsellors did before-hand examine secretly the Opinion of the Judges and procured such of them as could not in Conscience concur in so pernicious a Sentence to be turned out and others to be substituted in their rooms till by the Changes which were made in the Courts of Judicature they at last obtained that Judgment And they have raised some to those Trusts who make open Profession of the Popish Religion tho those are by Law rendred Incapable of all such Employments It is also Manifest and Notorious that as his Majesty was upon his coming to the Crown received and acknowledged by all the Subjects of England Scotland and Ireland as their King without the least Opposition tho he made then open Profession of the Popish Religion so he did then Promise and Solemnly Swear at his Coronation that he would maintain his Subjects in the Free Enjoyment of their Laws Rights and Liberties and in particular that he would maintain the Church of England as it was established by Law It is likewise certain that there have been at diverse and sundry times several Laws enacted for the Preservation of those Rights and Liberties and of the Protestant Religion And among other Securities it has been enacted That all Persons whatsoever that are advanced to any Ecclesiastical Dignity or to bear Office in either University as likewise all others that should be put in any Imployment Civil or Military should declare that they were not Papists but were of the Protestant Religion and that by their taking of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the Test yet these Evil Counsellors have in effect annulled and abolished all those Laws both with relation to Ecclesiastical and Civil Employments In order to Ecclesiastical Dignities and Offices they have not only without any colour of Law but against most express Laws to the contrary set up a Commission of a certain number of Persons to whom they have committed the Cognisance and Direction of all Ecclesiastical Matters in the which Commission there has been and still is one of His Majesties Ministers of State who makes now publick Profession of the Popish Religion and who at the time of his first professing it declared that for a great while before he had believed that to be the only true Religion By all this the deplorable State to which the Protestant Religion is reduced is apparent since the Affairs of the Church of England are now put into the Hands of Persons who have accepted of a Commission that is manifestly Illegal and who have executed it contrary to all Law and that now one of their chief Members has abjured the Protestant Religion and declared himself a Papist by which he is become incapable of holding any Publick Employment The said Commissioners have hitherto given such proof of their Submission to the Directions given them that there is no reason to doubt but they will still continue to promote all such Designs as will be most agreeable to them And those Evil Counsellors take care to raise none to any Ecclesiastical Dignities but Persons that have no Zeal for the Protestant Religion and that now hide their Unconcernedness for it under the specious Pretence of Moderation The said Commissioners have Suspended the Bishop of London only because he refused to obey an Order that was sent him to Suspend a Worthy Divine without so much as citing him before him to make his own Defence or observing the common Forms of Process They have turned out a President chosen by the Fellows of Magdalen College and afterwards all the Fellows of that College without so much as citing them before any Court that could take legal Cognisance of that Affair or obtaining any Sentence against them by a Competent Judge And the only reason that was given for turning them out was their refusing to chuse for their President a Person that was recommended to them by the Instigation of those Evil Counsellors tho the Right of a Free Election belonged undoubtedly to them But they were turned out of their Freeholds contrary to Law and to that express provision in the Magna Charta That no Man shall loose Life or Goods but by the Law of the Land And now these Evil Counsellors have put the said College wholly into the Hands of Papists tho as is abovesaid they are incapable of all such Employments both by the Law of the Land and the Statutes of the College These Commissioners have also cired before them all the Chancellors and Arch-deacons of England requiring them to certifie to them the Names of all such Clergy-men as have read the King's Declaration for Liberty of Conscience and of such as have not read it without considering that the reading of it was not enjoyned the Clergy by the Bishops who are their Ordinaries The Illegality and Incompetency of the said Court of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners was so notoriously known and it did so evidently appear that it tended to the Subversion of the Protestant Religion that the Most Reverend Father in God William Archbishop of Canterbury Primate and Metropolitan of all England seeing that it was raised for no other end but to oppress such Persons as were of eminent Vertue Learning and Piety refused to sit or to concur in it And tho there are many express Laws against all Churches or Chappels for the Exercise of the Popish Religion and also against all Monasteries and Convents and more particularly against the Order of the Jesuits yet those Evil Counsellors have procured orders for the building of several Churches and Chappels for the Exercise of that Religion They have also procured diverse Monasteries to be erected and in contempt of the Law they have not only set up several Colleges of Jesuits in diverse places for the corrupting of the Youth but have raised up one of the Order to be a Privy Counsellor and a Minister of State By all
by Hundreds of Thousands at once 4. Because the Dragooners have made more Converts than all the Bishops and Clergy of France 5. The Parliament ought to establish one standing Army at the least because indeed there will be need of Two that one of them may defend the People from the other 6. Because it is a thousand pities that a brave Popish Army should be a Riot 7. Unless it be Established by Act of Parliament The Justices of Peace will be forced to suppress it in their own Defence for they will be loth to forfeit an hundred Pounds every day they rise out of Complement to a Popish Rout. 13 H. 4. c. 7. 2 H. 5. c. 8. 8. Because a Popish Army is a Nullity For all Papists are utterly disabled and punishable besides from bearing any Office in Camp Troop Band or Company of Soldiers and are so far disarmed by Law that they cannot wear a Sword so much as in their Defence without the allowance of four Justices of the Peace of the County And then upon a March they will be perfectly Inchanted for they are not able to stir above five Miles from their own Dwelling-house 3. Jac. 5. Sect. 8.27 28 29.35 Eliz. 2.3 Jac. 5. Sect. 7. 9. Because Persons utterly disabled by Law are utterly Unauthorized and therefore the void Commissions of Killing and Slaying in the Hands of Papists can only enable them to Massacre and Murder To the King 's Most Excellent Majesty The Humble Petition of William Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and divers of the Suffragan Bishops of that Province now present with him in behalf of themselves and others of their absent Brethren and of the Clergy of their respective Diocesses Humbly sheweth THAT the great averseness they find in themselves to the distributing and publishing in all their Churches your Majesty's late Declaration for Liberty of Conscience proceeds neither from any want of Duty and Obedience to your Majesty our Holy Mother the Church of England being both in her Principles and in her constant Practice unquestionably Loyal and having to her great Honour been more than once publickly acknowledg'd to be so by your Gracious Majesty Nor yet from any want of due tenderness to Dissenters in relation to whom they are willing to come to such a Temper as shall be thought fit when that Matter shall be considered and settled in Parliament and Convocation But among many other Considerations from this especially because that Declaration is founded upon such a Dispensing Power as has been often declared Illegal in Parliament and particularly in the years 1662 and 1672. and in the beginning of your Majesty's Reign and is a matter of so great Moment and Consequence to the whole Nation both in Church and State that your Petitioners cannot in Prudence Honour or Conscience so far make themselves Parties to it as the distribution of it all over the Nation and the solemn Publication of it once and again even in God's House and in the Time of his Divine Service must amount to in common and reasonable Construction Your Petitioners therefore most Humbly and Earnestly beseech your Majesty that you will be ciously pleased not to insist upon their Distributing and Reading your Majesty's said Declaration And Your Petitioners as in Duty bound shall ever Pray Will. Cant. Will. Asaph Fr Ely Jo. Cicestr Tho. Bathon Wellen. Tho. Peterburgen Jonath Bristol His Majesties Answer was to this effect I Have heard of this before but did not believe it I did not expect this from the Church of England especially from some of you If I change my Mind you shall hear from me if not I expect my Command shall be obeyed The PETITION of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal for the Calling of a Free Parliament Together with his Majesty's Gracious Answer to their Lordships To the KING 's most Excellent Majesty The Humble Petition of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal whose Names are subscribed May it please your Majesty WE your Majesty's most loyal Subjects in a deep sense of the Miseries of a War now breaking forth in the Bowels of this your Kingdom and of the Danger to which your Majesty's Sacred Person is thereby like to be exposed and also of the Distractions of your People by reason of their present Grievances do think our selves bound in Conscience of the duty we owe to God and our holy Religion to your Majesty and our Country most humbly offer to your Majesty That in our Opinion the only visible Way to preserve your Majesty and this your Kingdom would be the Calling of a Parliament Regular and Free in all its Circumstances We therefore do most earnestly beseech your Majesty That you would be graciously pleased with all speed to call such a Parliament wherein we shall be most ready to promote such Counsels and Resolutions of Peace and Settlement in Church and State as may conduce to your Majesty's Honour and Safety and to the quieting the Minds of your People We do likewise humbly beseech your Majesty in the mean time to use such means for the preventing the Effusion of Christian Blood as to your Majesty shall seem most meet And your Petitioners shall ever pray c. W. Cant. Grafton Ormond Dorset Clare Clarendon Burlington Anglesey Rochester Newport Nom. Ebor. W. Asaph Fran. Ely Tho. Roffen Tho. Petriburg Tho. Oxon. Paget Chandois Osulston Presented by the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury the Arch-Bishop of York Elect the Bishop of Ely and the Bishop of Rochester the 17th of November 1688. His Majesty's most Gracious Answer My LORDS What You ask of Me I most passionately desire And I promise You upon the Faith of a King That I will have a Parliament and such an One as You ask for as soon as ever the Prince of Orange has quitted this Realm For How is it possible a Parliament should be Free in all its Circumstances as You Petition for whil'st an Enemy is in the Kingdom and can make a Return of near an Hundred Voices The Lords Petition with the King's Answer may be printed Novemb. 29. 1688. The P. O.'s Letter to the English Army Gentlemen and Friends WE have given you so full and so true an Account of Our Intentions in this Expedition in Our Declaration that as We can add nothing to it so We are sure you can desire nothing more of us We are come to preserve your Religion and to restore and establish your Liberties and Properties and therefore We cannot suffer Our selves to doubt but that all true English men will come and concur with Us in Our desire to secure these Nations from POPERY and SLAVERY You must all plainly see that you are only made use of as Instruments to enslave the Nation and ruin the Protestant Religion and when that is done you may judge what ye your selves ought to expect both from the cashiering of all the Protestant and English Officers and Soldiers in Ireland and by the Irish Soldiers being brought over to be put in your places
and of which you have seen so fresh an instance that we need not put you in mind of it You know how many of your Fellow-Officers have been used for their standing firm to the Protestant Religion and to the Laws of England and you cannot flatter your selves so far as to expect to be better used if those who have broke their word so often should by your means be brought out of those Straits to which they are reduced at present We hope likewise that you will not suffer your selves to be abused by a false Notion of Honour but that you will in the first place consider what you owe to Almighty God and your Religion to your Country to your Selves and to your Posterity which you as Men of Honour ought to prefer to all private Considerations and Engagements whatsoever We do therefore expect that you will consider the Honour that is now set before you of being the Instruments of serving your Country and securing your Religion and We will ever remember the Service you shall do Us upon this Occasion and will promise unto you that We shall place such particular Marks of our Favour on every one of you as your Behaviour at this time shall deserve of Us and the Nation in which we will make a great Distinction of those that shall come seasonably to join their Arms with ours and you shall find us to be Your Well-wishing and Assured Friend W. H. P. O. Prince George 's Letter to the King SIR WITH a Heart full of Grief am I forced to Write what Prudence will not permit me to say to your Face And may I e'er find Credit with your Majesty and protection from Heaven as what I now do is free from Passion Vanity or Design with which Actions of this Nature are too often accompanied I am not ignorant of the frequent Mischiefs wrought in the World by factious pretences of Religion but were not Religion the most justifiable Cause it would not be made the most specious pretence And your Majesty has always shewn too uninterested a Sense of Religion to doubt the just Effects of it in one whose Practices have I hope never given the World cause to censure his real conviction of it or his backwardness to perform what his Honour and Conscience prompt him to How then can I longer disguise my just Concern for that Religion in which I have been so happily Educated which my Judgment throughly convinces me to be best and for the Support of which I am so highly interested in my Native Country And is not England now by the most endearing Tie become so Whilst the restless Spirits of the Enemies of the REFORMED RELIGION back'd by the cruel Zeal and prevailing Power of France justly alarm and unite all the Protestant Princes of Christendom and engage them in so vast an Expence for the support of it can I act so degenerous and mean a part as to deny my Concurrence to such worthy Endeavours for disabusing of your Majesty by the Reinforcement of those Laws and Establishment of that Government on which alone depends the well-being of your Majesty and of the PROTESTANT RELIGION in Europe This Sir is that irresistible and only Cause that cou'd come in Competition with my Duty and Obligations to your Majesty and be able to tear me from You whilst the same Affectionate Desire of serving You continues in me Could I secure your Person by the Hazard of my Life I should think it could not be better Employed And wou'd to God these Your distracted Kingdoms might yet receive that satisfactory Compliance from your Majesty in all their justifiable pretensions as might upon the only sure Foundation that of the Love and Interest of your Subjects establish your Government and as strongly Unite the Hearts of all your Subjects to You as is that of SIR Your Majesty's most Humble and most Obedient Son and Servant The Lord Churchill 's Letter to the King SIR SInce Men are seldom suspected of Sincerity when they act contrary to their Interests and though my dutiful Behaviour to your Majesty in the worst of Times for which I acknowledge my poor Services much over paid may not be sufficient to incline You to a charitable Interpretation of my Actions yet I hope the great Advantage I enjoy under Your Majesty which I can never expect in any other change of Government may reasonably convince Your Majesty and the World that I am acted by a higher Principle when I offer that violence to my inclination and interest as to desert Your Majesty at a time when your Affairs seem to challenge the strictest Obedience from all your Subjects much more from one who lies under the greatest personal Obligations imaginable to Your Majesty This Sir could proceed from nothing but the inviolable Dictates of my CONSCIENCE and a necessary concern for my RELIGION which no good man can oppose and with which I am instructed nothing ought to come in Competition Heaven knows with what partiality my dutiful Opinion of Your Majesty hath hitherto represented those unhappy Designs which inconsiderate and self-interested men have framed against Your Majesty's true Interest and the Protestant Religion But as I can no longer joyn with such to give a pretence by Conquest to bring them to effect so will I always with the hazard of my Life and Fortune so much your Majesty's due endeavour to preserve Your Royal Person and Lawful Rights with all the tender Concern and dutiful Respect that becomes SIR Your Majesty's most Dutiful and most Obliged Subject and Servant The Princess Ann of Denmark 's Letter to the Queen Madam I Beg your pardon if I am so deeply affected with the surprising News of the Princes being gon as not to be able to see You but to leave this Paper to Express my humble Duty to the King and your Self and to let You know that I am 〈◊〉 to absent my self to avoid the King's Displeasure which I am not able to bear ●ur ther against the Prince or my Self And I shall stay at so great a distance as not to return before I hear the happy News of a Reconcilement And as I am confident the Prince did not leave the King with any other design than to use all possible means for His Preservation so I hope You will do me the Justice to believe that I am uncapable of following Him for any other End Never was any one in such an unhappy Condition so divided between Duty and Affection to a Father and a Husband and therefore I know not what to do but to follow one to preserve the other I see the general falling off of the Nobility and Gentry who avow to have no other end than to prevail with the King to secure their Religion which they saw so much in danger by the Violent Counsels of the Priests who to promote their own Religion did not care to what dangers they exposed the King I am fully perswaded that the Prince of
3. By taking the Children of Protestant Noblemen and Gentlemen sending them abroad to be bred Papists making great Funds and Donations to Popish Schools and Colleges abroad bestowing Pensions on Priests and perverting Protestants from their Religion by Offers of Places Preferments and Pensions 4. By disarming Protestants while at the same time he employed Papists in the Places of greatest Trust Civil and Military such as Chancellor Secretaries Privy Councellors and Lords of Session thrusting out Protestants to make room for Papists and intrusting the Forts and Magazines of the Kingdom in their hands 5. By Imposing Oaths contrary to Law 6. By giving Gifts and Grants for exacting of Mony without Consent of Parliament or Convention of Estates 7. By Levying and keeping on foot a standing Army in time of Peace without consent of Parliament which Army did exact Locality free and day Quarters 8. By Employing the Officers of the Army as Judges through the Kingdom and imposing them where there were held Offices and Jurisdictions by whom many of the Leiges were put to Death summarily without legal Tryal Jury or Record 9. By imposing exorbitant Fines to the Value of the Parties Estates exacting extravagant Bail and disposing Fines and Forfaulture before any Process or Conviction 10. By Imprisoning Persons without expressing the Reason and delaying to put them to Tryal 11. By causing pursue and forfault several Persons upon stretches of old and obsolete Laws upon frivolous and weak pretences upon lame and defective Probations as particularly the late Earl of Argyle to the scandal and reproach of the Justice of the Nation 12. By Subverting the Right of the Royal Boroughs the Third Estate of Parliament imposing upon them not only Magistrates but also the whole Town Council and Clerks contrary to the Liberties and express Charters without the pretence either of Sentence Surrender or Consent So that the Commissioners to Parliaments being chosen by the Magistrates and Councils the King might in effect as well nominate that entire Estate of Parliament many of the said Magistrates put in by him were avowed Papists and the Burghs were forced to pay Mony for the Letters imposing these Illegal Magistrates and Council upon them 13. By sending Letters to the chief Courts of Justice not only ordering the Judges to stop and desist sine die to determine Causes but also ordering and commanding them how to proceed in Cases depending before them contrary to the express Laws And by changing the Nature of the Judges Gifts ad vitam aut culpam and giving them Commissions ad bene placitum to dispose them to compliance by Arbitrary Courses turning them out of their Offices when they did not comply 14. By granting Personal Protections for Civil Debts contrary to Law All which are utterly and directly contrary to the known Laws Freedoms and Statutes of this Realm Therefore the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland find and declare That King James the Seventh being a profest papist did assume the Regal Power and acted as a King without ever taking the Oath required by Law and have by advice of Evil and Wicked Counsellors invaded the Fundamental Constitution of the Kingdom and altered it from a Legal limited Monarchy to an Arbitrary and Despotick Power and hath exercised the same to the subversion of the Protestant Religion and the violation of the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom Inverting all the Ends of Government whereby he hath forfaulted the Right to the Crown and the Throne is become vacant And whereas his Royal Highness William then Prince of Orange now King of England whom it hath pleased the Almighty God to make the glorious Instrument of delivering these Kingdoms from Popery and Arbitrary Power did by advice of several Lords and Gentlemen of this Nation at London for the time call the Estates of this Kingdom to meet the Fourteenth of March last in order to such an Establishment as that their Religion Laws and Liberties might not be again in danger of being subverted And the said Estates being now assembled in a full and free Representative of this Nation taking to their most serious consideration the best means for attaining the Ends aforesaid Do in the first place as their Ancestors in the like cases have usually done for the vindicating and asserting their Ancient Rights and Liberties declare That by the Law of this Kingdom no Papist can be King or Queen of the Realm nor bear any Office whatsoever therein nor can any Protestant Successor exercise the Regal Power until he or she swear the Coronation Oath That all Proclamations asserting an Absolute Power to cass annul and disable Laws the erecting Schools and Colleges for Jesuits the inverting Protestant Chapels and Churches to publick Mass-houses and the allowing Mass to be said are contrary to Law That the allowing Popish Books to be printed and dispersed is contrary to Law That the taking the Children of Noblemen Gentlemen and others sending and keeping them abroad to be bred Papists The making Funds and Donations to Popish Schools and Colleges the bestowing Pensions on Priests and the perverting Protestants from their Religion by offers of Places Preferments and Pensions are contrary to Law That the disarming of Protestants and imploying Papists in the Places of greatest Trust both Civil and Military the thrusting out Protestants to make room for Papists and the entrusting Papists with the Forts and Magazines of the Kingdom are contrary to Law That the Imposing Oaths without Authority of Parliament is contrary to Law That the giving Gifts or Grants for raising of Mony without the Consent of Parliament or Convention of Estates is contrary to Law That the employing Officers of the Army as Judges through the Kingdom or imposing them where there were several Offices and Jurisdictions and the putting the Lieges to death summarily and without legal Tryal Jury or Record are contrary to Law That the imposing extraordinary Fines the exacting of exorbitant Bail and the disposing of Fines and Forfaultures before Sentence are contrary to Law That the Imprisoning Persons without expressing the reason thereof and delaying to put them to Tryal are contrary to Law That the causing pursue and forfault Persons upon Stretches of old and obsolete Laws upon frivolous and weak Pretences upon lame and defective Probation as particularly the late Earl of Argyle are contrary to Law That the nominating and imposing Magistrates Councils and Clerks upon Burghs contrary to the Liberties and express Charters is contrary to Law That the sending Letters to the Courts of Justice ordaining the Judges to stop or desist from determining Causes or ordaining them how to proceed in Causes depending before them and the changing the Nature of the Judges Gifts ad vitam aut culpam unto Commissions Durante bene placito are contrary to Law That the granting Personal Protections for Civil Debts is contrary to Law That the forcing the Lieges to depone against themselves in Capital Crimes however the Punishment be restricted is contrary to Law
That the using Torture without Evidence or in ordinary Crimes is contrary to Law That the sending of an Army in a Hostile manner upon any part of the Kingdom in a peaceable time and exacting of Locality and any manner of free Quarter is contrary to Law That the charging the Lieges with Law-burroughs at the King's instance and the imposing of Bands without the Authority of Parliament and the suspending the Advocates from their Imployments for not compearing when such Bands were offered were contrary to Law That the putting of Garisons on private Mens Houses in a time of peace without the consent of the Authority of Parliament is contrary to Law That the opinion of the Lords of Session in the two Causes following were contrary to Law viz. 1. That the concerting the demand of a Supply for a Forfaulted Person although not given is Treason 2. That Persons refusing to discover what are their private thoughts and judgments in relation to points of Treason or other Mens actions are guilty of Treason That the fining Husbands for their Wives withdrawing from the Church was contrary to Law That Prelacy and Superiority of any Office in the Church above Presbyters is and hath been a great and unsupportable Grievance and Trouble to this Nation and contrary to the Inclinations of the Generality of the People ever since the Reformation they having Reformed from Popery by Presbyters and therefore ought to be abolished That it is the Right and Privilege of the Subjects to protest for remand of Law to the King and Parliament against Sentences pronounced by the Lords of Session providing the same do not stop execution of the said Sentences That it is the Right of the Subjects to Petition the King and that all Imprisonments and Prosecutions for such Petitions are contrary to Law That for redress of all Grievances and for the amending strengthning and preserving of the Laws Parliaments ought to be frequently called and allowed to sit and the freedom of Speech and Debate secured to the Members And they do claim and demand and insist upon all and sundry the Premisses as their undoubted Right and Liberties and that no Declarations Doings or Proceedings to the prejudice of the People in any of the said Premisses ought in any ways to be drawn hereafter in consequence and example but that all Forfaultures Fines loss of Offices Imprisonments Banishments Pursuits Persecutions and Rigorous Executions be considered and the Parties seized be redressed To which demand of the Rights and Redressing of their Grievances they are particularly incouraged by his Majesty the King of England his Declaration for the Kingdom of Scotland of the _____ day of October last as being the only means for obtaining a full Redress and remead therein Having therefore an entire Confidence That his said Majesty the King of England will perfyte the Deliverance so far advanced by him and will still preserve them from the Violation of the Rights which they have here asserted and from all other Attempts upon their Religion Laws and Liberties The said Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland do resolve That William and Mary King and Queen of England France and Ireland ●e and Be Declared King and Queen of Scotland to Hold the Crown and Royal Dignity of the said Kingdom of Scotland to them the said King and Queen during their Lives and the longest Liver of them and that the sole and full exercise of the Royal Power be only in and exercised by him the said King in the Names of the said King and Queen during their joynt lives And after their deceases the said Crown and Royal Dignity of the said Kingdom to be to the Heirs of the Body of the said Queen Which failing to the Princess Ann of Denmark and the Heirs of her Body Which also failing to the Heirs of the Body of the said William King of England And they do pray the said King and Queen of England to accept the same accordingly And that the Oath hereafter mentioned be taken by all Protestants of whom the Oath of Allegiance and any other Oaths and Declarations might be required by Law instead thereof And that the said Oath of Allegiance and other Oaths and Declarations may be Abrogated I A. B. Do sincerely Promise and Swear That I will be Faithful and bear True Allegiance to Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary So help me God A Proclamation declaring William and Mary King and Queen of England to be King and Queen of Scotland Edinburgh April 11. 1689. WHereas the Estates of this Kingdom of Scotland by their Act of the Date of these Presents have Resolved That WILLIAM and MARY King and Queen of England France and Ireland Be and Be declared King and Queen of Scotland to hold the Crown and Royal Dignity of the said Kingdom of Scotland to them the said King and Queen during their Lives and the longest Liver of Them and that the Sole and Full Exercise of the Regal Power be only in and Exercised by the said King in the Names of the said King and Queen during their joynt Libes As also the Estates having Resolved and Enacted an Instrument of Government or Claim of Right to be presented with the Offer of the Crown to the said King and Queen They do Statute and Ordain that William and Mary King and Queen of England France and Ireland be accordingly forthwith Proclaimed King and Queen of Scotland at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh by the Lyon King at Arms or his Deputs his Brethren Heraulds Macers and Pursevants and at the Head-Burghs of all the Shires Stewarties Bailliaries and Regalities within the Kingdom by Messengers at Arms. Extracted forth of the Meeting of the Estates by me Ja. Dalrymple Cls. God save King WILLIAM and Queen MARY The Manner of the King and Queen taking the Scotish Coronation Oath May 11. 1689. THis day being appointed for the publick Reception of the Commissioners viz. The Earl of Argyle Sir James Montgomery of Skelmerly and Sir John Dalrymple of Stair younger who were sent by the Meeting of the Estates of Scotland with an Offer of the Crown of that Kingdom to Their Majesties they accordingly at three of the Clock met at the Council-Chamber and from thence were Conducted by Sir Charles Cotterel Master of the Ceremonies attended by most of the Nobility and Gentry of that Kingdom who reside in and about this place to the Banqueting-House where the King and Queen came attended by many Persons of Quality the Sword being carried before them by the Lord Cardrosse and Their Majesties being placed on the Throne under a Rich Canopy they first presented a Letter from the Estates to his Majesty then the Instrument of Government Thirdly a Paper containing the Grievances which they desired might be Redressed and Lastly an Address to His Majesty for turning the Meeting of the said Estates into a Parliament All which being Signed by his Grace the Duke of Hamilton as President of the Meeting and
read to their Majesties the King returned to the Commissioners the following Answer WHen I engaged in this Vndertaking I had particular Regard and Consideration for Scotland and therefore I did emit a Declaration in relation to That as well as to this Kingdom which I intend to make good and effectual to them I take it very kindly that Scotland hath expressed so much Confidence in and Affection to Me They shall find Me willing to assist them in every thing that concerns the Weal and Interest of that Kingdom by making what Laws shall be necessary for the Security of their Religion Property and Liberty and to ease them of what may be justly grievous to them After which the Coronation-Oath was tendred to Their Majesties which the Earl of Argyle spoke word by word directly and the King and Queen repeated it after him holding Their Right Hands up after the manner of taking Oaths in Scotland The Meeting of the Estates of Scotland did Authorize their Commissioners to represent to His Majesty That that Clause in the Oath in relation to the rooting out of Hereticks did not import the destroying of Hereticks And that by the Law of Scotland no Man was to be persecuted for his private Opinion And even Obstinate and Convicted Hereticks were only to be denounced Rebels or Outlawed whereby their Moveable Estates are Confiscated His Majesty at the repeating that Clause in the Oath Did declare that He did not mean by these words That He was under any Obligation to become a Persecutor To which the Commissioners made Answer That neither the meaning of the Oath or the Law of Scotland did import it Then the King replyed That He took the Oath in that Sense and called for Witnesses the Commissioners and others present And then both Their Majesties Signed the said Coronation-Oath After which the Commissioners and several of the Scotish Nobility kissed Their Majesties Hands The Coronation OATH of England The Arch-bishop or Bishop shall say WIll You solemnly Promise and Swear to govern the People of this Kingdom of England and the Dominions thereto belonging according to the Statues in Parliament agreed on and the Laws and Customs of the same The King and Queen shall say I solemnly Promise so to do Arch-bishop or Bishop Will You to Your Power cause Law and Justice in Mercy to be Executed in all Your Judgments King and Queen I Will. Arch-bishop or Bishop Will You to the utmost of Your Power Maintain the Laws of God the true Profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed Religion Established by Law And will You Preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of this Realm and to the Churches committed to their Charge all such Rights and Priviledges as by Law do or shall appertain unto them or any of them King and Queen All this I Promise to do After this the King and Qeen laying His and Her Hand upon the Holy Gospels shall say King and Queen The Things which I have here before Promised I will Perform and Keep So help me God Then the King and Queen shall kiss the Book The Coronation OATH of Scotland WE William and Mary King and Queen of Scotland faithfully Promise and Swear by this Our solemn Oath in presence of the Eternal God that during the whole course of Our Life we will serve the same Eternal God to the uttermost of Our Power according as he has required in his most holy Word reveal'd and contain'd in the New and Old Testament and according to the same Word shall maintain the True Religion of Christ Jesus the Preaching of his holy Word and the due and right Ministration of the Sacraments now Received and Preached within the Realm of Scotland and shall abolish and gainstand all false Religion contrary to the same and shall Rule the People committed to our Charge according to the Will and Command of God revealed in his aforesaid Word and according to the laudable Laws and Constitutions received in this Realm no ways repugnant to the said Word of the Eternal God and shall procure to the utmost of Our Power to the Kirk of God and whole Christian People true and perfect Peace in all time coming That we shall preserve and keep inviolated the Rights and Rents with all just Privileges of the Crown of Scotland neither shall we transfer nor alienate the same That we shall forbid and repress in all Estates and Degrees Reif Oppression and all kind of wrong And we shall Command and Procure that Justice and Equity in all Judgments be keeped to all persons without exception as the Lord and Father of all Mercies shall be merciful to us And we shall be careful to root out all Hereticks and Enemies to the true Worship of God that shall be Convicted by the true Kirk of God of the aforesaid Crimes out of Our Lands and Empire of Scotland And we faithfully affirm the things above written by Our Solemn Oath God save King WILLIAM and Queen MARY Proposals humbly offered to the Lords and Commons in the present Convention for settling of the Government c. My Lords and Gentlemen YOV are Assembled upon Matters of the highest Importance to England and all Christendom and the result of your Thoughts in this Convention will make a numerous Posterity Happy or Miserable If therefore I have met with any Thing that I think worthy of your Consideration I should think my self wanting in that duty which I owe to my Country and Mankind if I should not lay it before You. If there be as some say certain Lineaments in the Face of Truth with which one cannot be deceiv'd because they are not to be counterfeited I hope the Considerations which I presume to offer You will meet with your Approbation That bringing back our Constitution to its first and purest Original refining it from some gross Abuses and supplying its Defects You may be the Joy of the present Age and the Glory of Posterity FIrst 'T is necessary to distinguish between Power it self the Designation of the Persons Governing and the Form of Government For 1. All Power is from God as the Fountain and Original 2. The Designation of the Persons and the Form of Government is either First immediately from God as in the Case of Saul and David and the Government of the Jews or Secondly from the Community chusing some Form of Government and subjecting themselves to it But it must be noted that though Saul and David had a Divine Designation yet the People assembled and in a General Assembly by their Votes freely chose them Which proves that there can be no orderly or lasting Government without Consent of the People Tacit or Express'd and God himself would not put Men under a Government without their Consent And in case of a Conquest the People may be called Prisoners or Slaves which is a state contrary to the Nature of Man but they cannot be properly Subjects till their Wills be brought to submit to the Government
STATE TRACTS Being a Farther COLLECTION OF Several Choice Treatises Relating to the GOVERNMENT From the YEAR 1660. to 1689. Now Published in a Body to shew the Necessity and clear the Legality of the Late REVOLUTION and Our present Happy SETTLEMENT under the Auspicious Reign of Their MAJESTIES King William and Queen Mary LONDON Printed and are to be Sold by RICHARD BALDWIN near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane MDCXCII PREFACE to the READER THE Main and Principal Design of making this following Collection was to preserve entire in this Second Volume some other Excellent Tracts of equal esteem and value with the former which made that Book so much obtain among the Learned and Curious as that the whole Impression of it is already near sold And as it cannot but be very entertaining to Vs in the reading of them who do yet so sensibly remember what we then felt and looked for worse to fall on us every day than other so it will certainly be of great Benefit and Advantage to our Posterities in future who may considerably profit themselves by our Misfortunes This is a Collection that in the general will set forth the true and Legal Constitution of our Ancient Famous English Government which of all the Countries in Europe Memoirs of Philip de Comines Kt. lib. 5. cap. 18. p. 334. in Octavo Printed 1674. where I was ever acquainted says the Noble Lord of Argenton is no-where so well managed the People no-where less obnoxious to Violence nor their Houses less liable to the Desolations of War than in England for there the Calamities fall only upon the Authors 'T was a true Observation that this Great Man made of the Justice of our Gallant Ancestors in his days how miserable the Successive Generations have deviated from the vertue of their steps how much the strict Piety of their Manners and the noble Bravery of their Spirits Tempers and Complexions have been enervated and dissolved by the later looseness supine carelesness and degeneracy the present Age hath great reason to bewail and 't is hoped that those to come will be hereby cautioned to grow wiser and better by those past Follies and Miscarriages In particular Here will be seen the dangerous Consequences of keeping up a standing Army within these Kingdoms in a time of Peace without consent of Parliament The Trust Power and Duty of Grand Juries and the great Security of English-mens Lives in their faithful discharge thereof The Right of the Subject to Petition their King for Redress of their Wrongs and Oppressions and that Access to the Sovereign ought not to be shut up in case of any Distresses of his People The Spring of all our late private Mischievous Councils and Cabals and the Special Tools that were thought fittest for Preferment to be imployed under a colour of Authority to put all those concerted Designs in motion and execution The Parliament's Care in appointing a Committee to examine the Proceedings of the Forward and Active Judges upon several Cases that were brought before them of grand importance to the Common-weal Peace and Safety of the Nation ☞ and the Resolution of the House of Commons upon their Report That the Judges said Proceedings were Arbitrary and Illegal destructive to Publick Justice a high and manifest Violation of their Oaths a Scandal to the Reformation an usurpation of the Legislative Power to themselves and a means to subvert the Fundamental Laws of this Kingdom And the several Grievances that this Nation hath long been labouring under for the Advancement of Popery Arbitrary Dominion and the unmeasurable Growth and Power of France There are likewise interspersed in this Volume several Matters of Fact relating to the Male-Admininistration of Affairs in Scotland under Duke Lauderdale and his Favourites as also a Large and Faithful Account of the late Earl of Argyle's Tryal Escape and Sentence with divers other things for the better clearing of his Case In a word This Collection will discover to us the Mysteries of the Monarchy in the two Late Reigns and the Abused Trust of Government in those Princes by a Dispencing Power both in Ecclesiastical and Civil Matters to Tyrannize over their Subjects who in the mean while were taught by s●me Passive-Obedience and Non-Resistance Doctrine-holders That all their Duty was tamely to submit to and patiently sigh under their daily Sufferings and Oppressions and I think we bore them so long till we were within one throw more of loosing all our good old Laws and Constitutions and even the Government it self Our Miseries were lately so great and many as you will find here that it is impossible for any one better and more fully to express them than in the words of a very Learned and Judicious Author who hath thus given us a just and lively Representation of them Our Laws says he were trampled under foot and upon the matter abolished to set up Will and Pleasure in their room under the Cant and Pretence of Dispencing Power Our Constitution was overthrown by the Trick of New Charters and by closetting and corrupting Members of Parliament Men were required under pain of the highest Displeasure to consent Some Considerations about the most proper way of raising Money in the present Conjuncture Printed Octob. 1691. and concur to the sacrificing their Religion and the Liberty of their Countrey The worthiest honestest and bravest Men in England had been barbarously murthered and to aggravate the Injustice which was done them all bad been varnished over with a Colour of Law and the Formality of Tryals not unlike the Case of Naboth and Ahab Those whom the Law declared Traytors were in defiance of the National Authority introduced into our Councils and the Conduct of Affairs put into their hands Our Vniversities were invaded by open Force those who were in the lawful possession of the Government of Colledges turned out and Papists sent thither in their room And if that Attempt had throughly prospered the Churches and Pulpits would soon have followed It were vain to go about to enumerate Particulars In a word the Nation was undone All was lost The Judges were suborned or threatned to declare that the King was Master of all the Laws and the Bishops were required to publish this New-created Prerogative in all the Churches of England by the Mouths of the Clergy which when some of them refused to do representing to the King with the utmost submission and modesty that neither Conscience nor Justice permitted them to do what he desired they were prosecuted at Law as if they had been guilty of some great Crime Letters were written and intercepted by which it appeared evidently that the change of our Religion was determined and that Popery was to be brought in with all speed least the opportunity should be lost And for the better compassing this pious design our Civil and Parliamentary Rights were to be taken away in Ordine ad Spiritualia And when the Nation and those who were concerned
With several other Informations concerning other Fires in Southwark Fetter-Lane and elsewhere 27 5. Votes and Addresses of the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament made 1673. concerning Popery and other Grievances 49 6. A Letter from a Parliament-man to his Friend concerning the Proceedings of the House of Commons this last Session begun the 13th of October 1675. 53 7. A Speech made by Sir William Scroggs one of His Majesty's Serjeants at Law to the Right Honourable the Lord Chancellor of England at his admission to the Place of one of His Majesty's Justices of the Court of Common-Pleas 56 8. A Discourse upon the Designs Practises and Councels of France 59 9. An Answer to a Letter written by a Member of Parliament in the Countrey upon the Occasion of his reading of the Gazette of the 11th of December 1679. wherein is the Proclamation for further proroguing the Parliament till the 11th of November next ensuing 67 10. The Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftsbury's Speech in the House of Lords March 25. 1679. 71 11. The Instrument or Writing of Association that the true Protestants of England entred into in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth 73 12. The Act of Parliament of the 27th of Queen Elizabeth in Confirmation of the same 74 13. A Word without doors concerning the Bill for Succession 76 14. A Collection of Speeches in the House of Commons in the Year 1680. 81 15. A Copy of the Duke of York's Bill 91 16. Some particular Matters of Fact relating to the Administration of Affairs in Scotland under the Duke of Lauderdale 93 17. The Impeachment of the Duke and Dutchess of Lauderdale with their Brother the Lord Hatton presented to his Majesty by the City of Edenburgh The matters of fact particularly relating to the Town of Edenburgh humbly offered for His Majesty's information 96 18. His Majesty's Declaration for the dissolving of His late Privy Council and for constituting a New One made in the Council-Chamber at White-hall April 20. 1679. 99 19. The M●ssage from the King by Mr. Secretary Jenkins to the Commons on the 9th of November 1680. 102 20. The Address to His Majesty from the Commons on Saturday the 13th of November 1680. Ibid. 21. The Address of the Commons in Parliament to His Majesty to remove Sir George Jeffreys out of all publick Offices 103 22. His Majesty's Message to the Commons in Parliament relating to Tangier 104 23. The Humble Address of the Commons assembled in Parliament presented to His Majesty on Monday the 29th of November 1680. in answer to that Message ibid. 24. The Humble Address of the House of Commons presented to His Majesty on Tuesday the 21st of December 1680. in answer to His Majesty's Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament upon the 15th day of the same December 107 25. The Report of the Committee of the Commons appointed to examine the Proceedings of the Judges c. 109 26. The Report from the Committee of the Commons in Parliament appointed by the Honourable House of Commons to consider of the Petition of Richard Thompson of Bristol Clerk and to examine Complaints against him And the Resolution of the Commons in Parliament upon this Report for his Impeachment for High Crimes and Misdemeanors on Friday the 24th of December 1680. 116 27. Articles of Impeachment of Sir William Scroggs Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench by the Commons in Parliament assembled in their own Name and in the name of all the Commons of England of High Treason and other great Crimes and Misdemeanors 119 28. The Humble Petition of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common Council assembled on the 13th of January 1680. to the King 's Most Excellent Majesty for the sitting of the Parliament prorogued to the 20th then instant together with the Resolutions Orders and Debates of the said Court 122 29. Vox Patriae Or the Resentments and Indignation of the Free-born Subjects of England against Popery Arbitrary Government the Duke of York or any Popish Successor being a true Collection of the Petitions and Addresses lately made from divers Counties Cities and Burroughs of this Realm to their Respective Representatives chosen to serve in the Parliament held at Oxford March 21 1680. 125 30. The Speech of the Honourable Henry Booth Esq at Chester the 2d of March 1680 1 〈◊〉 his being elected One of the Knights of the Shire for that County to serve in the Parliament summon'd to meet at Oxford the 21st of the said Month. 147 31. An Account of the Proceedings at the Sessions for the City of Westminster against Thomas Whitfield Scrievener John Smallbones Woodmonger and William Laud Painter for tearing a Petition prepared to be presented to the King for the sitting of the Parliament with an Account of the said Petition presented on the then 13th Instant and His Majesty's Gracious Answer 150. 32. The Judgment and Decree of the Vniversity of Oxford passed in their Convocation July 21 1683. against certain pernicious Books and damnable Doctrines destructive to the Sacred Persons of Princes Their State and Government and of all Humane Society 153 32. The Case of the Earl of Argyle Or an Exact and Full Account of his Tryal Escape and Sentence As likewise a Relation of several Matters of Fact for better clearing of the said Case 151 33. Murther will out Or The King's Letter justifying the Marquess of Antrim and declaring that what he did in the Irish Rebellion was by direction from His Royal Father and Mother and for the Service of the Crown 217 34. Vox Populi Or The Peoples claim to their Parliaments sitting to redress Grievances and to provide for the Common safety by the known Laws and Constitution of the Nation 219 35. The Security of English-mens Lives Or The Trust Power and Duty of the Grand Juries of England explained according to the Fundamentals of the English Government and the Declarations of the same made in Parliament by many Statutes 225 36. The Speech and Carriage of Stephen Colledge before the Castle at Oxford on Wednesday Aug. 31. 1681. taken exactly from his Mouth at the place of Execution 255 37. The Speech of the late Lord Russell to the Sheriffs together with the Paper delivered by him to them at the place of Execution July 21. 1683. 262 38. To the King 's Most Excellent Majesty the Humble Petition of Algernoon Sidney Esq 266 39. The very Copy of a Paper delivered to the Sheriffs upon the Scaffold on Friday Dec. 7. 1683. by Algernoon Sidney Esq before his Execution there 267 40. Of Magistracy 269. Of Prerogatives by Divine Right 270. Of Obedience 271. Of Laws 272. By Mr. Samuel Johnson 41. Copies of two Papers written by the late King Charles II. published by His Majesty's Command Printed in the Year 1686. 273. 42. A Letter containing some Remarks on the Two Papers writ by His late Majesty King Charles II. concerning Religion 274
43. A Brief Account of particulars occurring at the happy death of our late Soveraign Lord K. Ch. 2d in regard to Religion faithfully related by his then Assistant Mr. Jo. Huddleston 280 44. Some Reflections on His Majesty's Proclamation of the Twelfth of Feb. 1686 7. for a Toleration in Scotland together with the said Proclamation 281 45. His Majesty's Gracious Declaration to all his Loving Subjects for Liberty of Conscience 287 46. A Letter containing some Reflections on His Majesty's Declaration for Liberty of Conscience Dated April 4. 1687. 289 47. A Letter to a Dissenter upon Occasion of His Majesty's Late Gracious Declaration of Indulgence 294 48. The Anatomy of an Equivalent 300 49. A Letter from a Gentleman in the City to his Friend in the Countrey containing his Reasons for not reading the Declaration 309 50. An Answer to the City Minister's Letter from his Countrey Friend 314 51. A Letter from a Gentleman in Ireland to his Friend in London upon ocasion of a Pamphlet entituled A Vindication of the Present Government of Ireland under his Excellency Richard Earl of Tyrconnel 316 52. A Plain Account of the Persecution laid to the Charge of the Church of England 322 53. Abby and other Church Lands not yet assured to such possessors as are Roman-Catholicks dedicated to the Nobility and Gentry of that Religion 326 54. The King's Power in Ecclesiastical matters truly stated 331 55. A Letter writ by Mijn Heer Fagel Pensioner of Holland to Mr. James Stewart Advocate giving an Account of the Prince and Princess of Orange's thoughts concerning the Repeal of the Test and the Penal Laws 334 56. Reflections on Monsieur Fagel's Letter 338 57. Animadversions upon a pretended Answer to Mijn Heer Fagel's Letter 343 58. Some Reflections on a Discourse called Good Advice to the Church of England c. 363 59. The ill effects of Animosities 371 60. A Representation of the Threatning Dangers impending over Protestants in Great-Britain With an Account of the Arbitrary and Popish ends unto which the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience in England and the Proclamation for a Toleration in Scotland are designed 380 61. The Declaration of his Highness William Henry by the Grace of God Prince of Orange c. of the Reasons inducing him to appear in Arms in the Kingdom of England for preserving of the Protestant Religion and for restoring the Laws and Liberties of England Scotland and Ireland 420 62. His Highnesses Additional Declaration 426 63. The then supposed Third Declaration of his Royal Highness pretended to be signed at his head Quarters at Sherborn-Castle November 28. 1688. but was written by another Person tho yet unknown 427 64. The Reverend Mr. Samuel Johnson's Paper in the year 1686. for which he was sentenc'd by the Court of Kings-Bench Sir Edward Herbert being Lord Chief Justice and Sir Francis Wythens pronouncing the Sentence to stand Three times on the Pillory and to be whipp'd from Newgate to Tyburn which barbarous Sentence was Executed 428 65. Several Reasons for the establishment of a standing Army and Dissolving the Militia by the said Mr. Johnson 429 66. To the King 's Most Excellent Majesty the Humble Petition of William Archbishop of Canterbury and divers of the suffragan Bishops of that Province then present with him in behalf of themselves and others of their absent Brethren and of the Clergy of their respective Diocesses with His Majesty's Answer 430 67. The Petition of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal for the calling of a free Parliament together with His Majesty's Gracious Answer to their Lordships Ib. 68. The Prince of Orange's Letter to the English Army 431 69. Prince George his Letter to the King 432 70. The Lord Churchill's Letter to the King 432 71. The Princess Ann of Denmark's Letter to the Queen 433 72. A Memorial of the Protestants of the Church of England presented to their Royal Hignesses the Prince and Princess of Orange 433 73. Admiral Herbert's Letter to all Commanders of Ships and Seamen in His Majesty's Fleet. 434 74. The Lord Delamere's Speech 434 75. An Engagement of the Noblemen Knights and Gentlemen at Exeter to assist the Prince of Orange in the defence of the Protestant Religion Laws and Liberties of the People of England Scotland and Ireland 435 76. The Declaration of the Nobility Gentry and Commonalty at the Rendezvouz at Nottingham November 22. 1688. 436 77. His Grace the Duke of Norfolk's Speech to the Mayor of Norwich on the 1st of December in the Market-place of Norwich 437 78. The Speech of the Prince of Orange to some principal Gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire on their coming to join his Highness at Exeter Novemb. 15. 1688. 437 79. The True Copy of a Paper delivered by the Lord Devonshire to the Mayor of Darby where he Quartered Novemb. 21. 1688. 438 80. A Letter from a Gentleman at Kings-Lynn Decemb. 7. 1688. to his Friend in London With an Address to his Grace the most Noble Henry Duke of Norfolk Lord Marshall of England Ibid. 81. His Grace's Answer with another Letter from Lynn-Regis giving the D. of Norfolk's 2d Speech there Decemb. 10. 1688. 439 82. The Declaration of the Lord 's Spiritual and Temporal in and about the Cities of London and Westminster Assembled at Guild-Hall Decemb. 11. 1688. Ibid. 83. A Paper delivered to his Highness the Prince of Orange by the Commissioners sent by His Majesty to treat with him and his Highness's Answer 1688. 440 84. The Recorder of Bristoll's Speech to his Highness the Prince of Orange Monday Jan. 7. 1688. 441. 85. The Humble Address of the Lieutenancy of the City of London to his Highness the Prince of Orange Decemb. 12. 1688. 442 86. The Humble Address of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common-Council Assembled to his Highness the Prince of Orange 443 87. The Speech of Sir Geo. Treby Knight Recorder of the Honourable City of London to his Highness the Prince of Orange Decemb. 20. 1688. Ibid. 88. His Highness the Prince of Orange's Speech to the Scotch Lords and Gentlemen with their Advice and his Highness's Answer with a true Account of what past at their meeting in the Council Chamber at White-Hall Jan. 7. 1688 9. 444 89. The Emperor of Germany's Account of K. James's Misgovernment in joining with the K. of France the Common Enemy of Christendom in his Letter to K. James 446 90. The Declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled at Westminster concerning the Misgovernment of K. James and filling up the Throne Presented to K. William and Q. Mary by the Right Honourable the Marquess of Hallifax Speaker to the House of Lords with His Majesty's Most Gracious Answer thereunto 447 91. A Proclamation Declaring William and Mary Prince and Princess of Orange to be King and Queen of England France and Ireland c. 449 92. The Declaration of the Estates of Scotland concerning the Misgovernment of K. James the 7th
are forced none will abide you And said further That there was a Man beyond sea had prophesied That in sixty six if the King did not settle the Romish Religion in England he would be banished out of the Kingdom and all his Posterity And Collins further said That he being lately turned a Roman Catholick he would not be a Protestant for all the World He wished Graunger again in the hearing of his Wife which he affirmed to the Committee to turn his Religion for all the said Prophesie would come to pass in Sixty six Robert Holloway of Darking aforesaid informed That one Stephen Griffin a Papist said to him That all the bloud that had been shed in the late civil War was nothing to that which would be shed this year in England Holloway demanded a reason for these words in regard the Kingdom was in peace and no likelihood of trouble and said Do you Papists intend to rise and cut our throats when we are asleep Griffin answered That 's no matter if you live you shall see it Ferdinand de Massido a Portuguese and some Years since a Romish Priest but turning Protestant Informed That one Father Taff a Jesuite did the last year tell him at Paris That if all England did not return to the Church of Rome they should all be destroyed the next Year Mr. Samuel Cottman of the Middle-Temple Barister Informed That about two Years since one Mr. Jeviston a Popish Priest and called by the Name of Father Garret did perswade him to turn Papist and he should want neither Profit nor Preferment Mr. Cottman objected that he intended to practise the Law which he could not do if he turned Papist because he must take the Oath of Supremacy at his being called to the Bar and if he were a Papist he must not take it Mr. Jeviston replied Why not take the Oath It is an unlawful Oath and void ipso facto And after some pause said further First take the Oath and then I will convert you He said further The King will not own ' himself to be Head of the Church And said further You in England that set up the Dutch to destroy our Religion shall find that they shall be the Men to PULL DOWN YOURS Mr. Stanley an Officer to the Duke of Ormond in Ireland Informed That coming out of Ireland with one Oriel who owned himself of the Order of the Jesuites and commissioned from the Pope to be Lord Primate of Ireland and Archbishop of Armah and falling into some Discourse with him he told him That there had been a Difference between him and some other of the Jesuites in Ireland and that part of the Occasion was that one Father Walsh and some other of the Jesuites there did dispense with the Papists in Ireland to take the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy by virtue of a standing Commission from the Pope which he had to do it during this King's Life and Oriel thought they ought not to do it by virtue of the standing Commission but should take a new Commission from the Pope every Year to do it And likewise That he brought eight Boys out of Ireland whom he intended to carry to Flanders to breed up in some of the Colledges there And at his taking Shipping to go for Flanders he shaked his Foot towards England terming it Egypt and said He would not return into England till he came with 50 thousand Men at his heels A French Merchant being a Papist living in St. Michael's Lane London writes in a Letter to his Friend That a great number of Men and Arms were ready here if those he wrote to were ready there He being upon the Intercepting of this Letter searched forty Fire-locks were found in his House ready loaden which were carried to Fishmongers-Hall a Month or more before the Fire and he committed to Prison but since released A Poor Woman retaining to one Belson's House a Papist about Darking in Surrey was follicited that she and her husband would turn Roman Catholicks which if they did voluntarily Now they would be accepted of but if they staid a little longer they would be forced whether they would or no and then they would not be esteemed This was deposed before Sir Adam Brown a Member of Parliament A Complaint being made against a Sugar-Baker at Fox-hall his House was searched by Lieutenant Collonel Luntly who found there several Guns with such Locks as no English-man who was at the taking of them could discharge together with Brass Blunderbusses and Fire-works of a furious and burning nature Trial being made of a small part of them the Materials were discerned to be Sulphur Aquavitae and Gun-powder whatever else In a Letter to Sir John Frederick and Mr. Nathanail Heron from Horsham in Sussex the 8th of September 1666. Subscibed Henry Chowne Wherein is mentioned that the said Henry Chowne had thoughts to come to London that week but that they were in Distraction there concerning the Papists fearing they would shew themselves all that day And that he had been to search a Papist's House within six miles of that place He with another Justice of Peace met the Gentleman's Brother who is a Priest going to London whom they searched and found a Letter about him which he had received that Morning from his Sister twenty miles off from him wherein is expressed That a great Business is in hand not to be committed to Paper as the times be Your Committee have thought fit to give no Opinion upon these Informations but leave the matter of Fact to your Judgments I am commanded to tell you That your Committee have several other things of this nature under their Inquiry AS a further Instance of the audacious and insolent Behaviour of these Popish Recusants take the following Copy of Verses made and then scattered abroad by some of their Party in Westminster-Hall and several other places about the City and elsewhere in the Kingdom COvre la feu ye Hugonots That have so branded us with Plots And henceforth no more Bonfires make Till ye arrive the Stygian Lake● For down ye must ye Hereticks For all your hopes in sixty six The hand against you is so steady Your Babylon is faln already And if you will avoid that hap Return into your Mothers lap The Devil a Mercy is for those That Holy Mother-Church oppose Let not your Clergy you betray Great Eyes are ope and see the way Return in time if you will save Your Souls your Lives or ought you have And if you live till sixty seven Confess you had fair Warning given Then see in time or ay be blind Short time will shew you what 's behind Dated the 5th Day of November in the Year 1666. and the First Year of the Restoration of the Church of Rome in England NOt long after the Burning of London Mr. Brook Bridges a young gentleman of the Temple as he was going to attend Divine Service in the Temple-Church in a Pew there
me for he had something to say And I answered him If he had any thing to say I should be so civil to give him the hearing when I had time for then I was in haste Then he came the next Day with the same Request and I returned the Answer Then the third time being Wednesday he came again and used great Importunity and expressed some Kindnesses as if he had been a Suitor and prevailed with me to go into the Burrough with him to an Ale-house where were two Men more of his Company And after some little Discourse he propounded to me this wicked and horrid Design which I was to have been engaged in with them that is to let them into my Master's house to set it on fire And for a Reward they promised me two thousand Pounds which Sum I was to receive at the Fleece-Tavern in Holborn enquiring for a Room in the said Tavern called the Figure Nine Then coming out of the Ale-house they would fain have had me away with them saying Come let us take Coach and go into Fleet-street for said they there we have a Priest of ours who lodges at a Grocer's that shall confess you and give you the Sacrament I told him I could not possibly go then So this John Satterthwait went homewards with me almost to my Master's house and as we went along he charged me that I should not divulge it to any Person in the World living for if I did I should certainly die for it and that quickly in this World and be damned in the other Then he came on the next Day and gave me the same Charge to keep it secret And then on Saturday he came and enquired of me the best time that he might come to do this most horrid and devilish Action saying Would not Four or Five of the Clock be a good time And I said Yes Accordingly he came and conveyed himself into the Dye-house or thereabouts while Nine or ten of the Clock that Evening about which time the Fire was discovered Whereupon with the Fear and Dread he had put upon me I did deny it to the Company that came in to quench it but after that he was there whom I saw amongst the rest of the Company But I had much Horrour upon my Conscience and after some short time I confess'd the whole Crime for which I now die And my Examination before Justice Reading and Justice Freeman was all true And this I affirm and do desire all Protestants to believe that John Satterthwait kindled those three Fires in my Master's House First in the Dye-house by the Pump Secondly in the Buttery And Thirdly in the Garret Which last Fire he kindled whilst the People were putting out the other See the large Account of this called A Warning to Servants and a Caution to Protestants Printed in the Year 1680. An Account of the Firing Mr. Robert Bird 's House in Fetter-Lane April the 10th 1679. by the Perswasion of Nicholas Stubbs a Papist ELizabeth Oxley Servant to Mr. Robert Bird upon her Examination saith That about Michaelmas last she was acquainted with Nicholas Stubbs who had several times used many Perswasions to turn her Papist and after her shewing a liking to it and that he supposed she embraced that Perswasion in his Discourse to her at several times he told her that before the 28th of June next she should see all the Protestants destroyed that were in England that the Pope should be King over England that all that would turn to the Popish Religion should live far better than now they did that all the Land were Hereticks and it were a meritorious Act to destroy them and that all such as were Papists should have Marks upon their Hats whereby to distinguish them from Protestants that they might not be destroyed amongst them Adding that the Nation do believe that all things will be over before the 23d Day of June but they would be deceived for all should be destroyed at or before that time That the D. of Y. was the bravest Prince living and that he was gone out of the Kingdom lest the Hereticks should cut off his Head and he would not return till they were destroyed that the Lords in the Tower would not one of them suffer for they would come off well euough being to be tried by the Lords and that the Scaffolds were set up for fashion sake That she telling the said Stubbs that she was hired to live with one Mr. Bird about the middle of Fetter-Lane he used Perswasions to her at several times to set Fire on her Masters house telling her if she would do it he would give her 5 l. and gave her half a Crown and said he would have other Houses in Holborn Fired at the same time by others That she being with the said Stubbs on Sunday before the said Fire promised to Fire her Masters House on Thursday or Friday night following and accordingly on Thursday night she took a Candle and set Fire to her Masters Papers in his Study which were in a kind of a Press and they being on a Light Fire she shut the Doors and went up Stairs into her own Chamber in the top of the House and packed up her own things and undressed her self lest her Master should suspect her and there stayed till a great knocking was at the Door and the Watch-men crying out Fire whereupon she run down Stairs and cried Fire and her Master gave her the Keys to open the Door which done all Hands were employed to quench the Fire And she saith she did not set Fire on her Master's house out of any Malice to him nor with intent to rob him but meerly to carry on the Design which Stubbs had proposed to her and out of hopes of his Reward Nicholas Stubbs upon his Examination owns and sets forth to have used Discourses to the said Elizabeth as she declareth in her Examinations and saith he did perswade her to fire her Masters house and was to give her five Guineas for doing it besides half a Crown in Hand And saith that one Father Gyfford a Priest and his Confessor had put him upon this Business and told him it was no sin to Fire all the houses of Hereticks and Hugonots That he acquainted Flower alias Darby and one Roger _____ another Irish man that Lodged at the Coach and Horses in the same Street That the said Father Gyfford promised him a 100 l. for the same and told him he was to have the Money from the Church That they used to meet the said Gyfford and other two Persons in St. James Fields in the dark of the Evening and to discourse of these Matters and that the several Informations that he had given the said Elizabeth Oxley he had from the said Father Gyfford and saith Flower and Roger _____ told the said Stubbs they would carry on the said Fire and that they had Fire-Balls for that purpose and that they would fire other
extraordinary Action of destroying the Queens Renunciation and then invading the Spanish Netherlands upon it An Action hardly to be paralell'd in the Story of the whole World for a Concurrence of so many enormous Circumstances There was in it The Publick Faith of the two Crowns which is the only Security of Government and the Bond of Humane Society There was in it The Solemnity of an Oath at the very Altar which is the most Sacred Tye of a Christian There was also The highest Profession and Assurance of Friendship imaginable which is accompted one of the most binding Obligations betwixt Man and Man And then there was a Brother a Cousin and an Infant in the Case which makes it Matter of Humanity and Honour And yet all these Cords were as easily broken as Bulrushes This single President may serve however for a warning to all Princes and States not to leave themselves at the mercy of Men of such Principles But his most Christian Majesty is not the only Prince that has been abused by Corrupt and Ambitious Ministers Your next observation was That they are the greatest Intermedlers in the World in other Peoples Affairs that they embroil all wherever they come and that there 's hardly any Rebellion but they are in the bottom of it For their Money walks in all the Courts and Councils of Christendom nay and beyond it too For 't is said that the last Grand Vis●er was their Pensioner Was it not France that debauch'd Scotland first and afterwards England into the late Rebellion Nay did they not stand still and look on to see the C●owning of the Work which they themselves began in the Execrable Murther of the late King and did they not refuse to our Gracious and Persecuted Sovereign even a Retreat in their Dominions How did they prolong the War in Portugal What Havock have they made in Poland and what work in Hungary And are they not this Day in Counsel with the Port against the Empire and undermining the Bulwark of Christendom How have they dash'd England against Holland blinded the Eyes of several Princes of the Empire and baffled all Mediations towards a General Peace Did they not formerly under the Colour of Protecting Germany cut off Alsatia from the Empire and in a word this has been their Practice wheresoever they have come They covet Harbours in Spain says the Admirable Baron de● Isola Leagues in the Empire Factions in Poland Wars in England and Holland Passes into Italy and the Sovereign Arbitrage every where Their Quiet consists in the Trouble of all others and their Advantage is in the Publick Calamities Nor have they any other way then by dividing and weakening of the parts to master the whole which is the Capital Design And if so There 's no Fence against a Common Enemy but a Common Union It is already made appear by what is above said how dangerous they are to Mankind The next hint you gave me was to consider on 't Whether the English may reasonably expect any better Quarter from them then other People in which point I shall only lay the matter before you and leave you the Judge on 't The Four main Interests of a Nation are Religion Reputation Peace and Trade For the First of these we shall neither fare the better nor the worse but lose just as much for being of another Communion as his Catholick Majesty gets by being of the same The Question now on Foot is a Communion of State not of Faith The Alcoran and the Gospel go hand in hand and at the same time the Protestants are protected in Hungary and persecuted in France To say nothing of the Encouragements they give there to the Jansenists which may for ought we know prove the greatest Blow to the Church of Rome that ever it received since the Reformation But what do I talk of Religion in a Cause that is dipp'd in Christian Blood and in the Tears of Widows and Orphans A Cause that is propagated by Sacriledge Rapes Depopulation Slavery Oppression and at least a Million of Lives sacrificed to it already The very Thought of it is enough to strike the Soul of any Man with Horrour and Indignation If you would see how tenderly they have handled us in the Business of Reputation Pray do but cast an Eye upon the Character of an English-man in their Politique de France Quant a ce qui est des Anglois ils n'ont aucuns amis ce sont des gens sans Foy sans Religion sans Probite sans Justice aucune defians legers au dernier point Cruels Impatiens Gourmands Superbes Audacieux Avares Propres pour les coups de main et pour une promte execution mais incapables de conduire une Guerre avec judgment Leur Pais est assez bon pour vivre mais il n' est pas assez riche pour leur fournir les moyens de sortir de faire aucune conqueste aussi n' ont ils jamais rien conquis excepte L' Irelande dont les habitans sont fobiles mauvais Soldats c. i. e. As for the English they are a People without Friends without Faith Religion Honesty or Justice Distrustful and Fickle to the highest Degree imaginable Cruel Impatient Gluttonnous Proud Audacious they will do well enough for a Rubber at Cuffs or a sudden Exploit but they understand nothing at all of the Government of a War The Country is passable enough for them to live in but not rich enough to offer at any Conquest abroad nor did they ever make any but upon the Irish which are a weakly People and ill Soldiers I think it were not amiss in this place to desire our Impertinent Undertaker to turn back to the History of Philip de Valois and he shall there find there that our Edward the III. made a Shift with one Army to beat 60000 French and leave betwixt Thirty and forty Thousand of them upon the place and with another Army in the Bishoprick of Durham to defeat as many Scots and cut off 15000 of them too And it must not be here omitted that this Scotch Army was also animated by French Counsels I would not willingly run out a Letter into a Volume so that all other Reflections apart I shall only add that if the English had not once recovered the Field and another time made it good in two of the greatest Actions of late that have yet passed betwixt the Imperialists and the French 't is the Opinion of Wise Men that the later would not have had much to brag of upon the Success of this War And this in some degree is acknowledged by the Author of a French Relation of the Actions betwixt the two Armies in 1675 1676 and 1677 how Romantical soever in other Cases Speaking of the Battle under the Command of the Count de Lorge after the Death of the Vicount Turenne these are his words Et a rendre justice aux Anglois aux
Irlandois on peut dire qu'on leur doit une bonne partie de cette victoire That is to say And to give the English and Irish their due France is indebted to them in a large measure for this Victory But now to our Politician again Ils se haissent les uns les autres sont en division continuelle soit pour la Religion soit pour le Government The English says he hate one another and are still quarrelling either about Religion or Government These Indecencies would almost make a Man call them Names but let us pass without one angry word from the Interest of our Reputation to that of our Peace and enquire how they stand affected to us upon that point To say that England has not for a long time had any Troubles either at home or abroad which the French have not promoted or improv'd to their own advantage is to say no more than that they deal with us as they do with all the World beside so that we must e'en have recourse again to their Politicks for some particular Mark of their Favour where you shall find that our State-Mountebank has not yet shewn all his Tricks but puts himself with a very grave and fore-casting Countenance upon the very Project of our Ruine Une Guerre de France de trois ou quatre ans contre eux les ruinera entierement ainsi il semble qu'il ne faut point faire de paix avec eux qu' a des Conditions qui nous soient tres avantageuses A War says he of three or four Years with France would absolutely destroy the English so that methinks we should not entertain any Peace with them but upon very profitable Terms And then a little after In fine says he the way to undo the English is to make them keep an Army on foot and there 's no fear of their Landing in France but to their certain destruction unless they should be invited by a Rebellion without which their Troops will in a short time most undoubtedly fall foul one upon another To keep them upon continual Expence 't is but giving them the Alarm upon the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey Wight and Man Ireland and the Cinque Ports by which means they will be put upon the Charge of Fortifications and Garrisons which will perswade the People that the King intends to set up a Standing Army and an Arbitrary Government So long as this holds the Nation will never be at quiet but torment themselves with Fears and Jealousies which may be easily fomented by Letters in Cypher to such or such particular Persons and in such sort to be intercepted as shall be found convenient These Letters may give a Hint of a Descent in Ireland and elsewhere which would dispose the Irish who mortally hate the English to a Revolt and among the suspicious Multitude they would pass for Gospel This Contrivance would make the Scots also to bethink themselves of recovering their Liberty where there must be Parties made and the Sects encourag'd one against another especially the Roman Catholicks must be fairly handled and private Assurance given in the Name of the King of England to the Benedictins who are easie enough to be impos'd upon that they shall be restor'd to all their former Benefits according to the Printed Monasticon which will presently make the Roman Catholicks declare themselves and the Monks will move Heaven and Earth for the bringing of Matters about But then Care must be taken to carry on the Report that the King is of the Romish Religion which will distract the Government and throw all into an Absolute Confusion From hence we may gather First What Opinion the French have of us Secondly That it is not only their Desire and Study but a formed Design to embroyl us Thirdly That they will stick at nothing neither to compass that End be it never so foul Fourthly This Libeller has trac'd us out the very Methods of their working As by amusing the People with forged Letters of Intelligence where the first Author of the Plot must miraculously discover it By filling the Peoples Heads with Fears and Jealousies and leaving no Stone unturn'd in England Scotland and Ireland to stir up a Rebellion Why has he not advis'd the Poysoning of all our Fountains too which would have been a Course of as much Christianity and Honour But that this Trifler may not glorifie himself too much in his wondrous Speculations take Notice that he is only the Transcriber not the Author of this goodly Piece for the Original was betwixt Richlieu and Mazarine and it amounts to no more in effect than an imperfect History of the French Dealings with us for a long time and particularly in our late Troubles To come now from his most unmannerly Malice to his Reason of State if I am not mistaken England might longer subsist in a War with France than France could in a Peace within it self the heaviest of all Judgments when a Nation must be wicked upon necessity And again when he says That England cannot hurt France by a Descent unless call'd in by a Rebellion He never considers That if England had an Army a-foot and stood inclin'd to make use of it that way we should not be long without an Invitation For we see what the Bourdelois c. did upon their own Bottom and without any Forreign Encouragement and the whole Business miscarried only for want of a vigorous Second Lastly Give me leave to say that he has extreamly over-shot himself in one thing more for tho' this has been realty the Practice of the French and is at this day the very Model and Rule by which their Emissaries govern themselves it should yet have been kept as the greatest Secret in the World for the owning of these Inglorious Artifices in Publick makes it one of the grossest Libels that ever was written against the French Government to say nothing of his oversight in disobliging the Roman Catholicks and laying Snares to trepan them The Question of Trade has been so beaten already that there remains little to be added to it Nor in truth needs it since it is agreed on all hands that the French set up for an Universal Commerce as well as for an Universal Monarchy And in effect the one is but a necessary consequent upon the other Nor is it enough it seems for us to be design'd upon by them without lending them our Hands towards the Cutting of our own Throats For upon a sober and judicious Estimate we are Losers by our Trade with France at least a Million and an half per Annum I shall conclude this Head with one passage more out of our Pelitiques of France And you 'll say 't is a pleasant one too but it must be under the Rose Upon a presupposal of Mischief that 's a Brewing in England Now says he it will be our Business to renew our Alliance with Holland we can wheedle them into an
certain that in all Absolute Governments the poorest Countreys are always most favourably dealt with When the Ancient Nobility and Gentry there cannot enjoy their Royalties their Shrevaldoms and their Stewardaries which they and their Ancestors have possessed for several hundreds of years but that now they are enjoyned by the Lords of the Council to make Deputations of their Authorities to such as are their known Enemies Can we expect to enjoy our Magna Charta long under the same Persons and Administration of Affairs If the Council-Table there can Imprison any Nobleman or Gentleman for several years without bringing him to Trial or giving the least Reason for what they do can we expect the same Men will preserve the Liberty of the Subject here I will acknowledge I am not well vers'd in the particular Laws of Scotland but this I do know that all the Nothern Countries have by their Laws an undoubted and inviolable Right to their Liberties and Properties yet Scotland hath out-done all the Eastern and Southern Countries in having their Lives Liberties and Estates subjected to the Arbitrary Will and Pleasure of those that Govern They have lately plundered and harrassed the richest and wealthiest Countries of that Kingdom and brought down the Barbarous Highlanders to devour them and all this without almost a colourable Pretence to do it Nor can there be found a Reason of State for what they have done but that those wicked Ministers designed to procure a Rebellion at any Rate which as they managed was only prevented by the miraculous Hand of God or otherwise all the Papists in England would have been Armed and the fairest Opportunity given in the just time for the Execution of that Wicked and Bloudy Design the Papists had and it is not possible for any Man that duly considers it to think other but that those Ministers that Acted that were as guilty of the Plot as any of the Lords that are in question for it My Lords I am forced to speak this the plainer because till the Pressure be fully and clearly taken off from Scotland 't is not possible for me or any Thinking Man to believe that Good is meant us here We must still be upon our Guard apprehending that the Principle is not changed at Court and that these Men that are still in Place and Authority have that Influence upon the Mind of our Excellent Prince that he is not nor cannot be that to us that his own Nature and Goodness would incline him to I know your Lordships can order nothing in this but there are those that hear me can put a perfect Cure to it until that be done the Scottish Weed is like Death in the Pot Mors in Olla But there is something too now I consider that most immediately concerns us their Act of Twenty two thousand Men to be ready to invade us upon all Occasions This I hear that the Lords of the Council there have treated as they do all other Laws and expounded it into a standing Army of Six thousand Men. I am sure we have Reason and Right to beseech the King that that Act may be better considered in the next Parliament there I shall say no more for Scotland at this time I am afraid your Lordships will think I have said too much having no concern there But if a French Noble-Man should come to dwell in my House and Family I should think it concern'd me to ask what he did in France for if he were there a Felon a Rogue a Plunderer I should desire him to live elsewhere and I hope your Lordships will do the same thing for the Nation if you find the same cause My Lords give me leave to speak two or three Words concerning our other Sister Ireland thither I hear is sent Douglas's Regiment to secure us against the French Besides I am credibly informed that the Papists have their Arms restored and the Protestants are not many of them yet recovered from being the suspected Party the Sea-Towns as well as the In-land are full of Papists That Kingdom cannot long continue in the English Hands if some better Care be not taken of it This is in your Power and there is nothing there but is under your Laws therefore I beg that this Kingdom at least may be taken in consideration together with the State of England For I am sure there can be no Safety here if these Doors be not shut up and made sure THE INSTRUMENT OR Writing of Association THAT THE True Protestants of ENGLAND entred into IN THE Reign of Q. Elizabeth FOrasmuch as Almighty God hath Ordained Kings Queens and Princes to have Dominion and Rule over all their Subjects and to preserve them in the Possession and Observation of the true Christian Religion according to his holy Word and Commandment And in like sort that all Subjects should Love Fear and Obey their Soveraign Princes being Kings or Queens to the utmost of their Power at all times to withstand pursue and suppress all manner of Persons that shall by any means intend and attempt any thing dangerous or hurtful to the Honour States or Persons of their Soveraigns Therefore we whose Names are or shall be subscribed to this Writing being Natural Born Subjects of this Realm of England and having so gracious a Lady our Soveraign Elizabeth by the Ordinance of God our most rightful Queen Reigning over us these many Years with great Felicity to our inestimable Comfort And finding lately by divers Depositions Confessions and sundry Advertisements out of Foreign Parts from credible Persons well known to her Majesties Council and to divers others That for the furtherance and Advancement of some pretended Title to the Crown it hath been manifested that the Life of our gracious Soveraign Lady Queen Elizabeth hath been most dangerously to the Peril of her Person if Almighty God her perpetual Defender of his Mercy had not revealed and withstood the same By whose Life we and all other her Majesties True and Loyal Subjects do enjoy an inestimable benefit of Peace in this Land do for the Reasons and Causes before alledged not only acknowledge our selves most justly bound with our Lives and Goods for her Defence in her Safety to persecute suppress and withstand all such Intenders and all other her Enemies of what Nation Condition and Degree whatsoever they shall be or by what Council or Title they shall pretend to be her Enemies or to attempt any Harm upon her Person but do further think it our bounden Duties for the great Benefit of Peace Wealth and Godly Government we have more plentifully received these many Years under her Majesties Government then any of our Forefathers have done in any longer time of any other Progenitors Kings of this Realm Do declare and by this Writing make manifest our bounden Duties to our said Sovereign Lady for her Safety And to that end We and every of us First Calling to Witness the Name of Almighty God do Voluntarily and
Heart without either Passion or Prejudice and should be as willing as any Person to agree with what that Gentleman hath proposed if any such Reason can be brought to enforce it For my part I think it absolutely impossible that this Kingdom can be safe or the Protestant Religion succeed under a Popish Successor for do but Review the Ancient and Modern Histories and you shall find how Protestants have lived under a Popish King have they not been Massacred Butchered and Enslaved in Germany France and in our own Countries notwithstanding all the Laws Vows and Promises to the contrary Are not the Tenets of the Papists destructive to the Protestant Religion which is Heresie and that Faith is not to be kept with such See the barbarous Usage of the Protestants in Piedmont and in Queen Maries Time How then can we expect any better success for by how much a Popish Prince seems to be Religious by so much ought he to be looked upon desperately dangerous for since the Papists make such Plotting and Designing to subvert our Religion under a Protestant Prince how much more will they act against us under a Popish Successor For to think to Restrain a Prince under the Power of a penal Law thereby to secure Religion is no more than to tye Sampson with Cords for will not the Courteors be flattered by their Prince to imitate the same Religion with him and then will not we Protestants be discountenanced and none but Priests and Jesuites have Dominion over us For my part if you pass not this Bill we shall all agree to have our Throats cut and I have no patience at all for that you see how the Duke of York being a Papist they have all the dependency on him and hope to perfect their Villanies Therefore take away this General and this Army may be secured and then being united at home we need not fear what all the Papists in the World can do unto us when we fight for the maintenance of our Laws and Religion by Exclusion of a Popish Prince and rather withstand any Violence that shall be brought against us than be in Danger every day to have our Throats cut by those that are amongst us One Gentleman was pleased to say that it was a Papist Jesuits Bill and that which they brand the Papists withall viz Deposing of Princes I do say as to that That we do not Depose James D. of Y. but as being a Papist considering the sad Consequence that will ensue for should we admit a Papist we should give away the Crown for he would only have the Title the Pope would be our Sovereign And we ought to prevent any such Usurpers who no doubt would make havock of our Estates if he spares us our Lives To tell us that Exclusion will cause a Civil War I am of the contrary Opinion for it will be more conducing to the Preservation of the Kings Person and Government our Laws Lives and Religion to be Unanimous Whereas Oppression Fire and Faggot might cause People to Rebel and be Mutunous when the other would be a means to unite us As I will give you a reason why we cannot restrain him otherwise or use moderation towards him for suppose I were riding a full speed on the Road on a secure Horse a Gentleman passing by desired me to be moderate for that I would kill my Horse when at the same time he knows that if I slacken my pace I shall have my throat cut by thieves that are swiftly pursuing me therefore I cannot be moderate in this case unless I will fling away my Life And I will lay down another Similitude that is if I were Sayling to the East-Indies and passing the Equinoctial Line most of the Sea-men were distempered through Heat and on their sick Beds but it being told them that the Ship is in danger of sinking for there springs a Leak upon which they all arise and instantly fall to Pump but the Chyrurgeon acquaints them that if they do not work more moderately they will get the Calenture and so destroy themselves but they give him only the Hearing knowing that if they cease never so little they are all drowned in the Deep therefore in this case there can be no Moderation And to give an Instance in Holy Writ Moses was a meek and mild Man and a moderate Man but seeing an Egyptian and an Israelite fighting he immediately slew the Egyptian for he knew it was to no purpose to be moderate with him and afterwards seeing two Israelites fighting endeavoured to part them telling them they were Brethren and ought to be moderate so we must place it upon the right Object and not suffer our selves and Posterity to be irrecoverably undone Another Speech by a Worthy Gentleman Mr. Speaker NO Man hath a greater Veneration for the Royal Family than my self to which I am obliged both in gratitude and Duty I am bold to say that I have a great esteem and honour for the D. of Y. Yet I must before the passing of this Bill to dissent from that worthy Gentleman that thinked it a Bill of Rigour for it is as I conceive a Bill of Grace and Mercy Vote for it as a Favour for the D. I am sure it is so to the Royal Family they cannot be safe till the Bill be passed in tenderness to one Branch we must endanger the whole That worthy Gentleman that moved last seems to intimate that the passing this Bill is against our Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy I admire his Mistake and it is the first time I ever heard the Protestant Oaths cited to justifie a Popish Successor it is urged we are sworn to the King his Heirs and lawful Successors it is true we are so but not obliged to any in the Kings life time but himself for that were Treason He has no Heirs or Successors by Law during his own Life Non est Heres viventis We are likewise told we are designing a Bill to UNITE the Protestant Interest but will divide it because many true Protestants are for the true Heir and for the D. of Y. if he be so which may occasion the Effusion of much Blood amongst us Mr. Speaker UNITY is desired by all yet let us be glad to divide from such Men for when this Bill is passed their false Loyalty will be a Crime and we know not what Character to give it and what Punishment to assign them LOYALTY is a Correspondency and Submission to the Law it is that surrounds the King and makes his Person Sacred It is hinted that we must Impeach the Duke I should be for that if he did not withdraw I will not say fly from Justice if we Impeach him being absent we can only Attaint him and should he survive the King and be then Lawful Heir the Descent of the Crown takes off all Attainders and such Proceedings were only an Illusion and would indeed involve us in Blood Let us disable
him 't is absolutely necessary without 't is impossible to salve I perceive no Gentleman here has confidence to deny the Loyalty of the Fact or excuse the black Crimes that appear before us Why do they not answer the Evidence that is now come in If it be false contradict it if true what is the Reason of this Debate Is not the King alive Is not all Loyalty due to him Love hates a Competitor much more a Crown A Speech spoke by the same Worthy Member upon the Irish Informations given in at the Bar in Writing THIS is not so much a Discovery as a Confirmation of the Discovery of the Plot although some inconsiderate Men are apt to give Credit to the dying Words of some Men. This agrees exactly with Oates his first Discovery It adds to the strength of what Coleman's Letters imported but so deplorable is our Condition we are in danger we see the Knife is even at our Throats but none seeks to take it out of our Enemies hand You have Witnesses against a Great Person one before another now he is a Lord a Privy Counsellor and sits in Council still My Lord of Tyrone he is in the Gate-House but not secured There is one Informant tells you they received Incouragement from the D. of Y. and that he promised them Assistance I call not the Truth of this in question but we see they make use of these great Names so that even in this Kings time we are not secure a day without the Bill They have Reason to believe that a Popish Successor will assist them in their Rebellion Now we see why our Ministers made a Peace We thought our Security to be in the French Kings being involved in a War Now I say the reason of the Nimeguen Plenipotentiaries making a Peace is seen to have the French King be at Liberty to send Men into Ireland Here you have a full Confirmation of this Evidence We see our danger both at home and abroad and what posture we are in if any means be left for our Security Let these Depositions be Printed that the Country may see our Danger if we will not Impeach the Earl of Tyrone presently if he should write into Ireland I am afraid he will find too much Favour there consider the Case of this Lord the Privy Councellor he is a great Man and a Lawyer if I thought we could not reach him we would not go about to Impeach him Agree with the Lords in their Vote and desire them to agree with you that the Papists may not draw their Incouragement from a Popish Successor Another Speech by a Person of Honour Mr. Speaker I Have not hitherto troubled you and am so sensible of my own inabilities in comparison of so many wiser and abler Men in this House that 't is with great unwillingness I rise up to speak but when I hear the Honour and Justice of this House call'd in question as it was by that Honourable Member which spake last I cannot I confess bear it with patience but must as I think it my Duty endeavour to vindicate the Justice of the House for I must profess Sir that in my Judgment this Bill is so far from an unjust thing that it is rather a Favour to him since if he were proceeded against by Impeachment for the Crimes he is accused of by several Witnesses he might perhaps forfeit more than a Crown which for our Safeties only we go about to exclude him from enjoying And since it is undoubtedly in the Power of Parliaments to dispose of such Successions it seems very hard with me to tax this House with Unjustice for so doing upon so great reason and necessity as now requires it I will not Sir at all deny the many great Services mentioned by that Honourable Member the Duke has done the Nation at Sea nor will I say any thing at all in Derogation of any one of them but yet I do not think he fought for us when he was asleep There are several things Sir wherein this Nation hath been betrayed I will not say any of them directly upon him but when I think of some of them I am very much startled and know not well what to believe for when I consider that in the Fire of London there were several outlandish Men taken in the very act of Firing a House and being delivered to the Guard were presently set at Liberty by the Officer that commanded it and that such a Man should ever since not only continue but increase in the Duke's Favour to the greatest Degree imaginable I must confess I do not like it and I think it looks very ill When I also think of the general Design which plainly appears to have been carried on all along to destroy the People and to weaken the Nation as much as possible as apapears by the Treachery was used at Chatham and the French's standing still while the Dutch and we cut one anothers Throats this also in my Judgment is very ill nor doth it appear better that it was taken ill that the D. of Monmouth when he was sent into Scotland did not cut those poor miserable Peoples Throats But that Prince had too much humanity and discretion than to do it But I do not particularly charge any Person with these There are many things Sir spoken of by the witnesses you have heard relating to the Duke as also several things in the Letters you have heard read I shall not repeat any of them I will only tell you a Passage comes into my mind and I do not tell it for the sake of the Story but that it appears to me by it that the Duke was either somewhat concerned in the Plot or at least to hinder the discovery of it for the D. speaking publickly to all that were round him of one Le Faire that was accused by Mr. Bedloe to have been one of Sir E. B. Godfreys Murderers and one of the Queens servants he said that could not be because there was no such Man as Le Faire about the Queen but yet it so fell out they say that in some little time after there was a Bond found under this Man 's own hand and he proved to be one of the Queens Servants and run away upon this Business Now Sir if this were so 't is impossible the other should be true and if a Prince or any Man speaks an untruth it is a fault so hateful to me that I must confess I know not what to call it nor what Name to give it It is the Devil I shall trouble you Sir with one thing more which comes into my mind and if true is as bad as any thing can be There was Sir a French Protestant came o're to the King to make Proposals for the Interest of the Protestant Religion Here a Person of Honour standing up said He never heard a Prince so Reflected upon in his life Upon which the House cried Go on Go on The
besides the Bill I have heard none proposed in this Parliament the last Parliament thought not fit to debate them they were so weak but hath this Plot been no longer than 1678. We gave 250000 l. to fight the Dutch and assist them that had a Design to subdue us and the Protestant Religion which is not well settled Have all the Laws been put in Execution against the Papists But a few Apprentices going to pull down a Bawdy-house with a Red Cloth on a Pole was made Treason but what hath been done with the Plot in the intervals of Parliament The Lords have confirmed the King in his Opinion but did not the Proviso for the D. come from the Lords House I believe the Lords do not fear him but I believe the Plot is more dangerous than ever To rely upon any Remedy but this Bill will expose your Selves and your Religion The Eighth Speech by an Honourable Gentleman You have heard several Propositions but first make an end of one It is long since we thought in this House we were not secure without the Bill some have not yet considered of it and I think we never shall To make an Act of Association against the D. is to say Let him be lawful King and then fight against him Another way is Banishment if it be during the Kings life truly you run into more dangers rather then remove them if you talk of Banishment during the D. Life that is Exclusion if the D. be a Papist exclude all Papists from inheriting Some talk of an Act pass they would not satisfie their Consciences I am sure a Vote to Exclude him will not Popery encreases upon hopes the D. may come to the Crown we ought to take care of this Presumption Will not Papists expect to have their Religion established when the D. is next I wonder men will pretend to plead for Loyalty to one that they may never come to use it some say Cannot the D. change his Religion Must not the Two Houses joyn Did not Queen Mary do it Regis ad Exemplum most will conform To make Arguments of this Bill is to lessen it the King bids you go on to other things let 's declare all other things are ineffectual without this Bill We cannot think our selves safe to rely on any thing else is not only insufficient but dangerous The Ninth Speech by an Honourable Gentleman Now I see the House is full so considerate I am bound to give my Thoughts The Reason the Verity of the Bill hath formerly been debated and Precedents are Printed to shew it hath been done It will be a Reproach to us when dead in our Graves if we do not whatever any Parliament did to preserve Religion When we received the Kings Message I was perswaded he was over-ruled by other men for he saith What shall come in a Parliamentary Way how comes the King to know what 's done in Parliament When Clifford set up bare-fac'd for Popery he brought the King to come frequently to the House of Lords Cranmer saith That King Henry the Eighth passed the Act of 6 Articles in an Un-Parliamentary way by the Kings coming and solliciting Henry the Fourth in a Record called The Indempnity of the Peers and Commons the King being in haste for Money sends a Message desires he may debate the matter with them they return Answer Parliaments ought to debate free It 's entred into the Rolls That the King shall neither come to one House or other Danby's solliciting could not move them the King comes and he prevails Some Lords have little Estates some little Consciences some less Religion The King calls it an Opinion and tells you he is confirmed in it by the House of Lords he may come to take up other Resolutions if the Parliament go away and leave this work undone The King is in the highest Danger though some men think they shall be accounted Loyal for opposing an Act of Parliament it is but a Nick-name King James in his Speech 1603 thought it his Security to comply with his Parliament Nay He would betray his Country and Posterity in not doing it Remember what care the last King took to have his Posterity maintain the Protestant Religion Remember Queen Mary broke her Word for Conscience sake every day a Security would draw me from the Bill Queen Elizabeths Association against the Queen of Scots in the Act of Parliament was an Exclusion she was but a Woman but had wise Counsellors Prelates then did not fear the frown of a Prince Surely when the King sees so many Gentlemen of this House so firm he will take their Advise and Prorogue them and then pass the Bill I find not a Man that hath understanding but saith We are undone without it We have not Compounded yet for our Throats as some at Whitehall have done there is no next best the only way to preserve the Protestant Religion is to pass the Bill what is as secure as this must be amounting to Exclusion We can't save his Personal Dignity but with the loss of our Laws and Lives too I would to God the King knew how well this House doth love him The Tenth Speech by an Honourable Gentleman Consider whether the Dis-inheriting of a lawful Prince be Injustice or not or whether we ought not rather to trust to the Providence of Almighty God The Eleventh Speech by an Honourable Gentleman I should be glad the last Gentleman would make it good that we are to trust to the Providence of Almighty God rather than do as he supposes an unlawful Act but can he prove it unlawful can the King Lords and Commons do an unlawful Act must we not have a Supream Power But to hint it to something is to say it is not Supream was there not Machinations every year against Queen Elizabeth but she took away the Scotch Queen I wonder we have this Answer till I consider who is at the Kings Ear and have had an Interest carried on so long The denial of this is the denial of every thing you see where there are divers Medicines yet but one conducing to the end you shall have a Popish King if that be allowed with Power to compel and corrupt you you shall have what you will to protect you but you shall be under the power of one to destroy you The Frogs must have a Government but they must have a Stork for their King Samson's Locks will be grown again by that time he comes in There is a Lion in the Lobby keep him out say I no says some open the Door we will chain him when he 's come in Would you have a King that would neither court you nor protect you you would have a Parliament to make Judges and Bishops then sure the Long-House will be Jure divino you can have no Security under the Copes of Heaven without this Bill A Copy of the Duke of YORK 's Bill WHereas James Duke of York is notoriously known
and does hereby Dissolve it and from this time excuses your farther attendance here but with his repeated Thanks for your Service hitherto and with the assurance of his Satisfaction in you so far that he should not have parted with you but to make way for this new Constitution which he takes to be as to the Number and Choice the most proper and necessary for the uses he intends them And as most of you have Offices in his Service and all of you particular Shares in his Favour and good Opinion so he desires you will continue to exercise and deserve them with the same Diligence and good Affections that you have hitherto done and with confidence of his Majesty's Kindness to you and of those Testimonies you shall receive of it upon other occasions Therefore upon the present Dissolution of this Council his Majesty appoints and commands all those Officers he hath named to attend him here to morrow at Nine in the Morning as his Privy-Council together with those other Persons he designs to make up the number and to each of whom he has already signed particular Letters to that purpose and commands the Lord Chancellor to see them issued out accordingly which is the Form he intends to use and that hereafter they shall be signed in Council so that nothing may be done unadvisedly in the Choice of any Person to a Charge of so great Dignity and Importance to the Kingdom Names of the Lords of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy-Council HIS Highness Prince Rupert William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Heneage Lord Finch Lord Chancellor of England Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury Lord President of the Council Arthur Earl of Anglesey Lord Privy-Seal Christopher Duke of Albemarle James Duke of Monmouth Master of the Horse Henry Duke of Newcastle John Duke of Lauderdale Secretary of State for Scotland James Duke of Ormond Lord Steward of the Houshold Charles Lord Marquess of Winchester Henry Lord Marquess of Worcester Henry Earl of Arlington Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold James Earl of Salisbury John Earl of Bridgewater Robert Earl of Sunderland one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State Arthur Earl of Essex first Lord Commissioner of the Treasury John Earl of Bath Groom of the Stole Thomas Lord Viscount Falconberg George Lord Viscount Hallifax Henry Lord Bishop of London John Lord Roberts Denzil Lord Holles William Lord Russel William Lord Cavendish Henry Coventry Esq one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State Sir Francis North Knight Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Sir Henry Capell Knight of the Bath first Commissioner of the Admiralty Sir John Ernle Knight Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Thomas Chicheley Knight Master of the Ordnance Sir William Temple Baronet Edward Seymour Esquire Henry Powle Esquire Whitehall April 11. 1679. HIS Majesty being this day in Council did cause such of the aforementioned Lords and others who were then present to be Sworn Privy-Counsellors which being done they took their places accordingly His Majesty was also pleased to declare that he intended to make Sir Henry Capell Knight of the Bath Daniel Finch Esquire Baronets Sir Thomas Lee Sir Humphrey Winch Sir Thomas Meers Edward Vaughan and Edward Hales Esquires Commmissioners for the Execution of the Office of Lord High Admiral of England And his Majesty being afterwards come into the House of Peers in his Royal Robes and the House of Commons attending his Majesty was pleased to make this Speech My Lords and Gentlemen I Thought it requisite to acquaint you with what I have done now this day which is That I have Established a new Privy-Council the Constant number of which shall never exceed Thirty I have made choice of such Persons as are Worthy and able to Advise Me and am Resolved in all My Weighty and Important Affairs next to the Advice of my Great Council in Parliament which I shall very often Consult with to be Advised by this Privy-Council I could not make so great a Change without acquainting both Houses of Parliament And I desire you all to apply your selves heartily as I shall do to those things which are necessary for the good and safety of the Kingdom and that no time may be lost in it The Message from the King by Mr. Secretary Jenkins to the Commons on the 9th of November 1680. CHARLES R. HIs Majesty desires this House as well for the satisfaction of His People as of Himself to expedite such Matters as are depending before them relating to Popery and the Plot and would have them rest assured That all Remedies they can tender to his Majesty conducing to those Ends shall be very acceptable to him Provided they be such as may consist with preserving the Succession of the Crown in its due and legal course of Descent The Address to his Majesty from the Commons Saturday November 13. 1680. May it please your most Excellent Majesty WE Your Majesty's most Loyal and Obedient Subjects the Commons in this Present Parliament assembled having taken into our most serious Consideration Your Majesty's Gracious Message brought unto us the ninth day of this instant November by Mr. Secretary Jenkins do with all thankfulness acknowledge Your Majesty's Care and Goodness in inviting us to expedite such Matters as are depending before us relating to Popery and the Plot. And we do in all Humility represent to Your Majesty that we are fully convinced that it is highly incumbent upon us in discharge both of our Duty to Your Majesty and of that great Trust reposed in us by those whom we represent to endeavour by the most speedy and effectual ways the Suppression of Popery within this Your Kingdom and the bringing to publick Justice all such as shall be found Guilty of the Horrid and Damnable Popish Plot. And though the Time of our Sitting abating what must necessarily be spent in the choosing and presenting a Speaker appointing Grand Committees and in taking the Oaths and Tests enjoyned by Act of Parliament hath not much exceeded a Fortnight yet we have in this Time not only made a considerable Progress in some things which to us seem and when presented to Your Majesty in a Parliamentary way will we trust appear to Your Majesty to be absolutely necessary for the Safety of Your Majesties Person the effectual Suppression of Popery and the Security of the Religion Lives and Estates of Your Majesties Protestant Subjects But even in relation to the Tryals of the Five Lords impeached in Parliament for the Execrable Popish Plot we have so far proceeded as we doubt not but in a short time we shall be ready for the same But we cannot without being unfaithful to Your Majesty and to our Country by whom we are entrusted omit upon this occasion humbly to inform Your Majesty that our Difficulties even as to these Tryals are much encreased by the evil and destructive Councels of those Persons who advised Your Majesty first to the Prorogation and then to the Dissolution of the last
Parliament at a time when the Commons had taken great pains about and were prepared for those Tryals And by the like pernicious Councels of those who advised the many and long Prorogations of the present Parliament before the same was permitted to sit whereby some of the Evidence which was prepared in the last Parliament may possibly during so long an Interval be forgotten or lost and some Persons who might probably have come in as Witnesses are either dead have been taken off or may have been discouraged from giving their Evidence But of one mischievous Consequence of those dangerous and unhappy Councels we are certainly and sadly sensible namely That the Testimony of a material Witness against every of those Five Lords and who could probably have discovered and brought in much other Evidence about the Plot in general and those Lords in particular cannot now be given vivâ voce Forasmuch as that Witness is unfortunately dead between the Calling and the Sitting of this Parliament To prevent the like or greater Inconveniences for the future We make it our most humble Request to Your Excellent Majesty that as You tender the Safety of Your Royal Person the Security of Your Loyal Subjects and the Preservation of the True Protestant Religion You will not suffer your Self to be prevailed upon by the like Councels to do any thing which may occasion in consequence though we are assured never with Your Majesties Intention either the deferring of a full and perfect Discovery and Examination of this most wicked and detestable Plot or the preventing the Conspirators therein from being brought to speedy and exemplary Justice and Punishment And we humbly beseech your Majesty to rest assured notwithstanding any Suggestions which may be made by persons who for their own wicked purposes contrive to create a distrust in your Majesty of Your People That nothing is more in the Desires and shall be more the Endeavours of us Your faithful and loyal Commons than the promoting and advancing of your Majesties true Happiness and Greatness The Address of the Commons in Parliament to his Majesty to remove Sir George Jeffreys out of all Publick Offices WE your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Commons in Parliament assembled having received a Complaint against Sir George Jeffreys Knight your Majesties Chief Justice of Chester and heard the Evidence concerning the same and also what he did alledge and prove in his Defence And being thereupon fully satisfied that the said Sir George Jeffreys well knowing that many of your Loyal Protestant Subjects and particularly those of your Great and Famous City of London out of Zeal for the Preservation of the Protestant Religion your Majesties Royal Person and Government and in hopes to bring the Popish Conspirators to speedy Justice were about to Petition to your Majesty in an Humble Dutiful and Legal way for the Sitting of this Parliament the said Sir George Jeffreys not regarding his Duty to your Majesty or the welfare of your People did on purpose to serve his own private Ends and to create a Mis-understanding between your Majesty and your Good Subjects though disguised with pretence of Service to your Majesty maliciously declared such Petitioning sometimes to be Tumultuous Seditious and Illegal and at other times did presume publickly to insinuate and assert as if your Majesty would deprive your Citizens of London of their Charters and divers other Priviledges Immunities and Advantages and also of your Royal Favour in case they should so Petition and also did publickly declare that in case they should so Petition there should not be any Meeting or Sitting of Parliament thereby traducing your Majesty as if you would not pursue your Gracious Intentions the rather because they were grateful to your good Subjects do in most humble manner beseech your Majesty to remove the said Sir George Jeffreys out of the said Place of Cheif Justice of Chester and out of all other Publick Offices and Employments under your Majesty His Majesty by Mr. Secretary Jenkins was pleased to return Answer to this Address That he would consider of it His Majesties Message to the Commons in Parliament Relating to Tangier CHARLES REX HIs Majesty did in His Speech at the opening of this Session desire the Advice and Assistance of His Parliament in relation to Tangier The Condition and Importance of the Place obliges His Majesty to put this House in mind again that He relies upon them for the support of it without which it cannot be much longer Preserved His Majesty does therefore very earnestly Recommend Tangier again to the due and speedy Consideration and Care of this House The Humble Address of the Commons in Parliament assembled Presented to His Majesty Monday 29th day of November 1680. in Answer to that Message May it please your Most Excellent Majesty WE Your Majesties most Obedient and Loyal Subjects The Commons in Parliament Assembled having with all Duty and Regard taken into our serious Consideration Your Majesties late Massage relation to Tangier cannot but account the present Condition of it as Your Majesty is Pleased to represent in Your said Message after so vast a Treasure expended to make it Useful not only as one Infelicity more added to the afflicted Estate of Your Majesties Faithful and Loyal Subjects but as one result also of the same Councels and Designs which have brought Your Majesties Person Crown and Kingdoms into those great and imminent Dangers with which at this day they are surrounded And we are the less surprised to hear of the Exigencies of Tangier when we remember that since it became a part of Your Majesties Dominions it hath several times been under the Command of Popish Governours particularly for some time under the Command of a Lord Impeached and now Prisoner in the Tower for the Execrable and Horrid Popish Plot That the Supplies sent thither have been in great part made up of Popish Officers and Soldiers and that the Irish Papists amongst the Soldiers of that Garrison have been the Persons most Countenanced and Encouraged To that part of your Majesties Message which expresses a reliance upon this House for the support of Tangier and a recommendation of it to our speedy care We do with all humility and reverence give this Answer That although in due Time and Order we shall omit nothing incumbent on Us for the preservation of every part of your Majesties Dominions and advancing the prosperity and flourishing Estate of this your Kingdom yet at this time when a Cloud which has long threatned this Land is ready to break upon our heads in a storm of Ruine and Confusion to enter into any further consideration of this matter especially to come to any resolutions in it before we are effectually secured from the imminent and apparent Dangers arising from the Power of Popish Persons and Councils We humbly conceive will not consist either with our Duty to your Majesty or the Trust reposed in Us by those we represent It is
said Report Resolved Nemine contradicente THat Richard Thompson Clerk hath publickly defamed his Sacred Majesty preached Sedition vilified the Reformation promoted Popery by asserting Popish Principles decrying the Popish Plot and turning the same upon the Protestants and endeavoured to subvert the Liberty and Property of the Subject and the Rights and Privileges of Parliament and that he is a Scandal and Reproach to his Function And that the said Richard Thompson be impeached upon the said Report and Resolution of the House And a Committee is appointed to prepare the said Impeachment and to receive further Instructions against him and to send for Persons Papers and Records Articles of Impeachment of Sir William Scroggs Chief Justice of the Court of King ' s-Bench by the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled in their own Name and in the Name of all the Commons of England of High-Treason and other great Crimes and Misdemeanors I. THat he the said Sir William Scroggs then being Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench hath traiterously and wickedly endeavoured to subvert the Fundamental Laws and the Establisht Religion and Government of this Kingdom of England and instead thereof to introduce Popery and an Arbitrary and Tyrannical Government against Law which he has declared by divers Traiterous and Wicked Words Opinions Judgments Practices and Actions II. That he the said Sir William Scroggs in Trinity Term last being then Chief Justice of the said Court and having taken an Oath duly to Administer Justice according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm in pursuance of his said Traiterous Purposes did together with the rest of the said Justices of the same Court several days before the end of the said Term in an Arbitrary manner discharge the Grand Jury which then served for the Hundred of Oswaldston in the County of Middlesex before they had made their Presentments or had found several Bills of Indictment which were then before them whereof the said Sir William Scroggs was then fully informed and that the same would be tendered to the Court upon the last day of the said Term which day then was and by the known Course of the said Court hath always heretofore been given unto the said Jury for the delivering in of their Bills and Presentments by which sudden and illegal Discharge of the said Jury the Course of Justice was stopt maliciously and designedly the Presentments of many Papists and other Offenders were obstructed and in particular a Bill of Indictment against James Duke of York for absenting himself from Church which was then before them was prevented from being proceeded upon III. That whereas one Henry Carr had for some time before Publish'd every week a certain Book Intituled The weekly Packet of advice from Rome Or the History of Popery wherein the Superstitions and Cheats of the Church of Rome were from time to time exposed he the said Sir William Scroggs then Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench together with the other Judges of the said Court before any Legal Conviction of the said Carr of any Crime did in the same Trinity Term in a most Illegal and Arbitrary manner make and cause to be entred a certain Rule of that Court against the Printing of the said Book in Haec Verba Dies Mercurii proxime post tres Septimanas Sanctae Trinitatis Anno 32 Car. II. Regis ORdinatum est quod Liber intitulat ' The weekly Packet of Advice from Rome Or The History of Popery Non ulterius imprimatur vel publicetur per aliquam personam quamcunque Per Cur ' And did cause the said Carr and divers Printers and other Persons to be served with the same which said Rule and other Proceedings were most apparently contrary to all Justice in Condemning not only what had been written without hearing the Parties but also all that might for the future be written on that Subject A manifest countenancing of Popery and discouragement of Protestants an open Invasion upon the Right of the Subject and an encroaching and assuming to themselves a Legislative Power and Authority IV. That he the said Sir William Scroggs since he was made Chief Justice of the King 's Bench hath together with the other Judges of the said Court most notoriously departed from all Rules of Justice and Equality in the Imposition of Fines upon Persons convicted of Misdemeanours in the said Court and particularly in the Term of Easter last past did openly declare in the said Court in the Case of one Jessop who was convicted of Publishing False News and was then to be sined That he would have regard to Persons and their Principles in imposing of Fines and would set a Fine of 500 l. on one Person for the same Offence for the which he would not Fine another 100 l. And according to his said Unjust and Arbitrary Declaration he the said Sir Will. Scroggs together with the said other Justices did then impose a Fine of 100 l. upon the said Jessop although the said Jessop had before that time proved one Hewit to be convicted as Author of the said false News and afterwards in the same Term did fine the said Hewit upon his said Conviction only five Marks Nor hath the said Sir Will. Scroggs together with the other Judges of the said Court had any regard to the Nature of the Offences or the Ability of the Persons in the imposing of Fines but have been manifestly partial and favourable to Papists and Persons affected to and promoting the Popish Interest in this time of imminent Danger from them And at the same time have most severely and grievously oppressed his Majesty's Protestant Subjects as will appear upon view of the several Records of Fines set in the said Court By which arbitrary unjust and partial Proceedings many of his Majesty's Liege People have been ruined and Popery countenanced under colour of Justice and all the Mischiefs and Excesses of the Court of Star-Chamber by Act of Parliament suppressed have been again in direct opposition to the said Law introduced V. That he the said Sir Will. Scroggs for the further accomplishing of his said traiterous and wicked Purposes and designing to subject the Persons as well as the Estates of his Majesty's Liege People to his lawless Will and Pleasure hath frequently refused to accept of Bail though the same were sufficient and legally tendered unto him by many Persons accused before him only of such Crimes for which by Law Bail ought to have been taken and divers of the said Persons being only accused of Offences against himself declaring at the same time That he refused Bail and committed them to Gaol only to put them to Charges and using such furious Threats as were to the terrour of his Majesty's Subjects and such scandalous Expressions as were a dishonour to the Government and to the Dignity of his Office And particularly That he the said Sir Will. Scroggs did in the Year 1679 commit and detain in Prison in such
and Corporations throughout England were generally so well satisfied with the Proceedings of the Honourable House of Commons in the last Parliament That as soon as they heard of the Dissolution they Resolved to chuse the very same respective Persons again and contriv'd to make their Elections without putting the Gentlemen chosen to any Charge Thereby to crush that Pernicious Custom of over-ruling Debauchery at Choice of Members which had not only scandaliz'd the Nation but almost impoyson'd and destroyed the very Constitution of our Parliaments A Letter from the famous Town of Kingston upon Hull to Sir Michael Wharton Kt. and William Gee Esq Burgesses for that Town in the late Parliament Worthy Gentlemen WE understand you have signified to us our Magistrates your willingness to represent in the ensuing Parliament and that they have gratefully accepted of your generous Offer which if they had communicated to us our joynt compliance would have been readily manifested for we are so sensible of your integrity in the late Parliament by your indefatigable care and pains in endeavouring the security of His Majesties Sacred Person as also our Religion and Property that we cannot but rejoyce that you are pleased again to offer us that kindness which your former good Service hath engaged us to become Suitors for We do therefore return you our hearty thanks and you may be confident without your appearance or the least charge to have all our Suffrages Nemine contradicente and will as our Obligations bind us stand by your Proceedings as becomes Loyal Subjects and true Englishmen subscribing our selves Your obliged and affectionate Friends and Servants c. Which was subscribed by Matthew Johnson Esq Sheriff of the said Town and 122 more of the most Eminent Burgesses and Electors Another Letter from Lewis in Sussex on the like Occasion To their late Worthy Representatives Richard Bridger and Thomas Pellam Esquires Gentlemen WE are sensible of the great Trouble and Charge you have been at as our Representatives and of your great Care and Constancy for which we return you our hearty Thanks with our earnest Request that you would be pleased once more to favour us in the same capacity And you will thereby much Oblige Your Faithful Friends and Servants This was Subscribed by near 150 of the Inhabitants of Lewis aforesaid On the 4th of February The City of London Assembled in Common-Hall consisting of several Thousand Livery-Men having by an Unanimous Voice Elected their Old Representatives Returned them their Thanks in a Paper there Publickly Read and Approved of with a General Consent The Address of the City of London To the Honoured Sir Robert Clayton Knight Thomas Pilkington Alderman Sir Thomas Player Knight and William Love Esq late and now chosen Members of Parliament for this Honourable City of London WE the Citizens of this City in Common-Hall Assembled having Experienced the great and manifold Services of you our Representatives in the Two last Parliaments by your most faithful and unwearied Endeavours to Search into and discover the depth of the horrid and hellish Popish Plots to preserve His Majesty's Royal Person the Protestant Religion and the well established Government of this Realm to secure the Meeting and Sitting of frequent Parliaments to Assert our undoubted Rights of Petitioning and to punish such who would have Betrayed those Rights to promote the happy and long-wished for Union amongst all His Majesty's Protestant Subjects to Repeal the 35th of Elizabeth and the Corporation-Act and especially for what Progress hath been made towards the Exclusion of all Popish Successors and particularly of James Duke of York whom the Commons of England in the two last Parliaments have Declar'd and we are greatly sensible is the Principal Cause of all the Ruine and Misery impending these Kingdoms in general and this City in particular For all which and other your constant and faithful Management of our Affairs in Parliament we offer and return to you our most hearty Thanks being confidently assur'd that you will not consent to the granting any Money-Sudply until you have effectually Secur'd us against Popery and Arbitrary Power Resolving by Divine Assistance in pursuance of the same Ends to stand by you with our Lives and Fortunes And likewise there was offered another Paper directed to the Sheriffs purporting their Thanks to the several Noble Peers for their late Petition and Advice to His Majesty which was as followeth To the Worshipful Slingsby Bethel and Henry Cornish Esquires Sheriffs of the City of London and Westminster WE the Citizens of the said City in Common-Hall Assembled having read and diligently perus'd the late Petition and Advice of several Noble Peers of this Realm to His Majesty whose Counsels we humbly conceive are in this unhappy Juncture highly seasonable and greatly tending to the Safety of these Kingdoms We do therefore make it our most hearty Request that you in the Name of this Common-Hall will return to the Right Honourable the Earl of Essex and by him to the rest of those Noble Peers the Grateful Acknowledgment of this Assembly Which being Read and Approved of by a General Acclamation the Sheriffs promised to give their Lordships the Thanks of the Common-Hall in pursuance of their Request The Address of the City of Westminster Febr. 10. 1680 1. To the Honoured Sir William Poultney and Sir William Waller Knights Unanimously Elected Members of the ensuing Parliament for the Ancient City of Westminster WE the Inhabitants of this City and the Liberties thereof Assembled retaining a most grateful and indelible Sence of your prudent Zeal in the late Parliament in searching into the depth of the horrid and hellish Plots of the Papists against His Majesty's Royal Person the Protestant Religion and the Government of the Realm and in endeavouring to bring the Authors of Wicked Counsels to condign punishment And remembring also your faithful discharge of that great Trust reposed in you in vindicating our undoubted Right of Petitioning His Majesty That Parliaments may Sit for the Redress of our Grievances which Hereditary Priviledge some Bad Men would have wrested out of our Hands upon whom you have set such a just Brand of Ignominy as may deter them from the like Attempts for the time to come And further reflecting upon your vigorous Endeavours to secure to us and our Posterity the Profession of the True Religion by those Just Legal and Necessary Expedients which the great Wisdom of the Two last Parliaments fixed upon and adhered to Do find our selves obliged to make our open Acknowledgement of and to return our hearty Thanks for your eminent Integrity and Faithfulness your indefatigable Labour and Pains in the Premises not once questioning but you will maintain the same good Spirit and Zeal to secure His Majesty's Royal Person and to preserve to us the Protestant Religion wherein all good Subjects have an Interest against the secret and subtil Contrivances and open Assaults of the Common Enemy as also our Civil Rights and Properties
against the Incroachments of Arbitrary Power In pursuance of which Great and Good Ends we shall always be ready as we are obliged to adhere to you our Honoured Representatives with the utmost hazard of our Persons and Estates City of Chichester the same Day After the Unanimous Choice of John Braman and Richard Farington Esquires who serv'd for that City in the late Parliament they had the Sence of that Eminent City delivered to them by a Worthy Person in the Name and by the Consent of the rest in the following Speech Gentlemen THe Faithful discharge of the like high Trust we formerly gave you is the true Inducement of our chusing you again And as we heartily thank you for your past worthy Behaviour in Parliament and in a particular manner for your being for the Bill of Exclusion for the Bill of Uniting all His Majesty's Subjects for Vindicating our almost lost Right of Petitioning for frequent Parliaments and for your endeavour to call those wretched Pensioners to an Account that betray'd the Nation in the late Long Parliament So we pray you to persevere in your faithful Service of us until the Nation be throughly secured against Popery and Arbitrary Power And since that Famous and Renowned Bulwark of the Protestant Religion the ever-to-be-honoured City of London have commanded their Sheriffs to present their Thanks to the true English and Noble Earl of Essex and by him to the rest of those Right Honourable Peers for their late Excellent Petition and Advice to His Majesty so we being willing to imitate so Good and Great an Example do desire you in our names to present in like manner our humble and hearty Thanks to the said Earl and those Noble Lords Borough of Colchester February 15. 1680 1. After the Election made a great Number of the Free-Burgesses of this Corporation agreed upon the following Address to be presented to their Representatives To the Honourable Sir Harbottle Grimston Baronet and Samuel Reynolds Esq now chosen Burgesses for our Corporation of Cochester in the County of Essex WE the Free-Burgesses of the said Corporation being deeply sensible of the unspeakable danger threatning His Majesty's Life and the Protestant Religion and the well established Government of this Kingdom from the Hellish Designs of the Papists and their wicked Adherents And that our Religion and Liberties can only under God be secured to us and our Posterity by wholsome Advice in Parliament Have now chosen you to represent us there in confidence of your Integrity and Courage to discharge so great a Trust in this time of Imminent Danger And we do desire you to allow us to speak our stedfast Resolution with utmost hazard of our Lives and Fortunes to shew our Approbation of what shall be resolved in Parliament for maintaining the Protestant Religion and our Liberties against Popery and Arbitrary Government And we hope you will endeavour to the utmost of your Power to disable James Duke of York and all other Popish Pretenders from Inheriting the Imperial Crown of this Realm And we shall pray for your good success Here we cannot but inform the Reader That the Notorious Thompson in his Popish Intelligence of the 15th of March would insinuate as if there were no such Address by Printing a Story That the Mayor Aldermen and some others of this Town being Assembled on February 28. 1680 1. A Printed Paper purporting to be the manner of the Election and containing also an Address made to the Members c. was read amongst them and that none of the Assembly would own his Consenting to or making that Paper or Address Touching which it must be Noted 1. That the Mayor and several of these Gentlemen were disobliged by being Out-Voted and much offended because they could not carry it for their Friend Sir Walter Clarges and so had no Reason to Address to the Members duly and fairly Elected because they had vigorously appeared for a contrary Party 2. That there are in that Pamphlet in relating the manner of the Election some galling Truths or if you please Reflections which possibly had better been spared and therefore no wise man would own the making it But for the Address it self 't is certain That it was agreed upon consented unto and will be Justified by the far greater part of the Electors of this Antient and Eminently Loyal Borough of which 't was thought fit here to give this brief Account for obviating any slanderous Objection that might be made on that occasion The Address of the Gentlemen and Free-holders of Bedford To the Right Honourable the Lord Russel and Sir Humphrey Munnox Elected Knights for that Shire on the 14th of February 1680 1. WHen it pleased His Majesty to summon His Peers and Commons of this His Realm to meet Him at Westminster in the last Parliament we accordingly then Chose You to Act on our behalf And being abundantly satisfied not only in Your Courage Integrity and Prudence in general but also in Your particular Care and faithful conscientious Endeavours 1. To assert our Right of Legal Petitioning for Redress of our just Grievances and to punish those who were studious to betray it 2. To secure the Meeting and Sitting of frequent Parliaments already by Law provided for for the preservation of our Lives Liberties and Estates and for the support of His Sacred Majesty and even of the Government it self 3. To Repeal the Act of the 35th of Elizabeth whereby all true Protestants might possibly in case of a Popish Successor from which God of his infinite Mercy defend us be liable to utter Ruine Abjuration and perpetual Banishment .4 To secure his Majesty's Royal Person the Protestant Religion and well Established Government of this Realm 5. To destroy and root out Popery 6. To use the most effectual means conducing to so good an End viz. The Exclusion of a a Popish Successor both by name and otherwise We have therefore now chosen you again to represent us in like manner in this Parliament called to be held at Oxford in full Trust and Confidence that with the same Courage and Integrity you will persevere in the same good Endeavours pursuing all things that by joynt consent of your Fellow-Members shall be found for our publick Good and Safety And in full assurance that you will not consent to the disposal of any of our Moneys till we are effectually secured against Popery and Arbitrary Power do resolve by Divine Assistance to stand by you therein The Address of the Gentry and Free-holders of the County of Suffolk to their Representatives Chosen the 14th of February 1680 1. presented to them by Sir Philip Skippon in the name and by consent of the rest of the Electors To the Honourable Sir Sam. Barnardiston and Sir Will. Spring Baronets Knights of the Shire for the County of Suffolk Gentlemen WE the Free-holders of this County having chosen you our Representatives in the last Parliament in which we had satisfactory Demonstration of your
of mind to be in imminent Danger from all Popish Attempts and Conspiracies whatsoever As also to take Care for the Exclusion and Prevention of any Popish Successor from inheriting the Imperial Crown of this Realm In the firm and faithful Discharge of that great Trust we have reposed in you whereof we do not in the least doubt withal confidently believing That you will not charge our Estates till we are effectually secured from Popery and Arbitrary Government We do assure you That we will stand by you with our Lives and Fortunes And we shall ever pray for your good Success The Sense of the Gentry and Free-holders of the County of Nottingham to Sir Scroop How and John White elected Knights of the Shire there Febr. 22. as it was delivered in the following Speech made by a worthy Gentleman in the Name and by and with the Consent and Approbation of the whole Company of Electors Gentlemen WE give you hearty Thanks for your good Service in the late Parliaments and for accepting the same Trust again And we desire you to persevere in the same steps you have before made for the Preservation of His Majesty's Royal Person against the wicked Attempts of the Hellish Plotters And for the Defence of Religion and Property against Popery and Arbitrary Power and that you would be sparing of our Money until those things are effectually secured and a sure Foundation laid of an happy Union between the King and his People by the removal of those Evil Instruments who through private Interest and Ambition make it their business to divide their Affections The Barkshire Address to the Gentlemen Unanimously Elected to serve for that County Feb. 28. 1680 1. To the Worshipful William Barker and Richard Southby Esquires now Chosen to be the Representatives of the County of Berks. WE the Free-holders of this County being abundantly satisfied of your Faithful Discharge of the great Trust we reposed in you in the last Parliament in your Care and constant Attendance is the true Inducement of our Chusing you again this Day to be our Representatives in this Parliament to be holden at Oxford and do return you our hearty Thanks 1. That you have asserted our Right of the Legal Petitioning for Redress of our just Grievances and punishing those who labour to betray it 2. For endeavouring to preserve his Majesty's Royal Person the Protestant Religion and the Established Government of this Realm 3. In using the most effectual Means conducing to so good an End viz. the Excluding of James Duke of York or any Popish Successor from ever Inheriting this Crown being the only way as we imagine under God to destroy and root Popery out of this Realm 4. For endeavouring the frequent Meeting and Sitting of Parliaments already by Law provided for the preservation of our Lives Liberties and Estates for the support of his Majesty and the Government it self 5. For Repealing the 35th of Queen Elizabeth whereby all true Protestants might not be liable to utter Ruine and perpetual Banishment 6. For your Inspection into the Illegal and Arbitrary Proceedings of the Courts in Westminster-Hall as destructive to publick Justice and violating the Rights of the Subjects and in effect to subvert the Ancient Constitution of Parliaments and the Government of this Kingdom 7. That you laboured for an Happy and Necessary Union amongst all his Majesty's Protestant Subjects as being the surest way to defend the true Religion from all the evil Attempts of our Popish Adversaries 8. For Repealing the Corporation Act. And now our Request is That you will not consent to any Money-Bill till the aforesaid particulars be throughly effected and in so doing we do hereby engage to stand by you with our Lives and Fortunes The Address of the Town of Dover To Thomas Papillon and William Stokes Esquires the late and now new elected Members to serve in Parliament for the Town and Port of Dover in the County of Kent WE the Mayor Jurats and Commonalty of the said Town of Dover having duly considered the good Abilities and great Faithfulness of you who have been our Representatives in the two preceeding Parliaments and have therein given demonstration of your Loyalty to his Majesty and for the Security of his Majesty's Kingdoms do with all gratefulness return you our hearty thanks and do pray that in pursuance of the Trust we have now again reposed in you you will with the same Candor and Faithfulness endeavour the Security of his Majesty's Person the Protestant Religion and his Majesty's Protestant Subjects by your utmost endeavours for the perfecting of those good Bills that were before you in the last Parliament in prosecution of which we will stand by you with our Lives and Fortunes The Address of the Borough of New-Castle under Line as it was read in the Town-Hall by the Recorder and fully consented to by the Inhabitants March the 3d. To the Right Worshipful Sir Thomas Bellot Bar. and William Loveson Gower Esq now Chosen Burgesses for the Borough of New-Castle under Line WE the Mayor Aldermen and Free-Burgesses Inhabitants of the aforesaid Borough being deeply sensible of your faithful Discharge of the great Trust reposed in you the two last Parliaments and of the unspeakable Danger threatning his Majesty's Life the Protestant Religion and the well-established Government of this Kingdom from the Hellish Designs of the Papists and their Adherents And that our Religion and Liberties can only under God be secured to us and our Posterities by the wholesome Advice of Parliaments have now chosen you again to represent us in the next ensuing Parliament to be held at Oxford March 21st instant in confidence of your continued Faithfulness Integrity and Courage still to Discharge so great a Trust especially in this time of so imminent Danger And we do hereby declare That to our utmost power though with the hazard of our Lives and Fortunes we will maintain and approve of what shall be resolved in Parliament for the maintaining the Protestant Religion against Popery and Arbitrary Government And we also having already had such Experience of your Affections to the Kingdoms Interest hope that you will not consent to the Disposal of any of our Moneys till we are effectually setured against Popery and then a Charge upon us to the half of what we enjoy will be chearfully accepted by us And we hope that you will also endeavour to the utmost of your Power to disable James Duke of York and all other Popish Pretenders from Inheriting the Imperial Crown of this Realm And thereby you will lay a firm Obligation upon us who will heartily and unfeignedly pray for your good Success in so weighty an undertaking Signed Ralph Wood Mayor Nath. Beard and Will. Middleton Justices and by the Aldermen and Capital Burgesses and above 200 more of the Chief Inhabitants with their own hands The Address of the Gentry and other Free-holders of the County of Sussex To Sir Will. Thomas and Sir John Fagg
Returns And that some effectual Provision may be made for the meeting of frequent Parliaments and for their sitting to redress Grievances and to make such wholsome Laws as shall be necessary for the welfare of this Nation 7. That some effectual course be taken to give a check to Prophaneness and Debauchery which threaten Ruine or at least exceeding great Prejudice to the Kingdom In prosecuting of all which worthy Acts we shall endeavour your Defence with our Lives and Fortunes The Humble Address of the Young Men of the Borough of Taunton To Edmund Prideaux and John Trenchard Esquires who were Unanimously chosen by the Inhabitants to be Representatives of the said Borough to serve in this Parliament which is to Sit at Oxford March 21 1680 1. SIRS THough we are not immediately Concern'd in the Electing Members to Serve in Parliament yet being deeply sensible that we shall bear an equal share with others in the same Common Danger and Universal Slavery which Hell and Rome have been and still are with joint and unwearied Endeavours attempting to involve these Protestant Nations in we cannot without charging our selves with unparallell'd Ingratitude omit the returning you our hearty Thanks for that good and eminent Service you did both us and the Nation in the late Dissolved Parliament That you did with such inflamed Zeal with such undaunted Courage and Resolution endeavour the Security of our Religion Liberty and Property against that cursed Popish Faction who were the Invaders of them particularly we deem our selves infinitely obliged for the great Care you manifested in the preservation of His Majesty's Sacred Person in your strenuous prosecution of the Horrid and Damnable Popish Plot and in that your Attempts were so Brisk and Vigorous from the preventing of an Arbitrary and Tyrannical Power which we cannot but Unanimously abhor Liberty and Property being an Inheritance which as Englishmen we are born unto And above all we commend your Courage and Prudence in prosecuting that happy Expedient of Excluding a Popish Successor from Inheriting the Imperial Crown of this Realm without which we judge it utterly impossible that the Protestant Religion can be secured to us or that our necks can be long free from that Romish Yoke which neither we nor our Fathers were able to bear And now sith it hath pleased our Gracious King to Issue forth His Royal Proclamation signifying His pleasure to meet His People again in Parliament We cannot but Address our selves to you the Representatives of this Borough Humbly Requesting That you would according to the Trust Reposed in you Vigorously prosecute those Counsels that have a Tendency to an happy Settlement of Affairs both in Church and State particularly our Unanimous Request to you is 1. That forasmuch as the late Horrid and Hellish Plot hath according to the Votes of the preceeding Parliaments received Life and Countenance from James Duke of York you would expedite a Bill for the utter Incapacitating him ever to sway the Scepter of these Kingdoms and that the Bill of Association may be annexed whereby all His Majesty's Subjects may be enabled to oppose him or any of his Accomplices in case he should attempt to possess himself of the same 2. To take such Measures as your Wisdom shall agree upon for the Uniting of the Protestant Interest in these Nations 3. That the Artillery and Militia of the Nation be setled in the Hands of Men of known Integrity Courage and Conduct and that all Papists and Popishly affected Persons now in places of Publick Trust be Discharged which if effected may be ameans to prevent those great Fears and Jealousies which are apt otherwise to be nourished amongst us 4. That you proceed to the Tryal of the Popish Lords together with all other Criminal Offenders and go on sifting to the bottom that Execrable Plot which hath been and we must fear still is carried on to take away His Majesty's Life whom God long preserve to root out the Fundamental Laws of this Realm as also to introduce Popery into the Church and Tyranny into the State 5. That you take Cognizance of the Illegal and Arbitrary Proceedings of Courts as well Ecclesiastical as Civil as you have begun that so the Laws may not be wrested against the Protestant Dissenters nor stretched in favour of Popish Recusants As also to consider the unpresidented Finings and Imprisonings whereby many of His Majesty's truly Loyal Subjects have been grievously oppressed 6. That you would speedily think of some good Expedient for the Regulating of Elections as also for Removing of those Oaths and Tests which have proved no small hinderance to divers Worthy Protestants from being Useful Instruments in Serving their King and Country in Church and State These things worthy Sirs we humbly offer to your Considerations not as Directors but Remembrancers out of a Principle of Loyal Zeal for his Majesty's Security and our Countries Tranquility And assure your selves in the Prosecution of these truly Noble Designs we will defend you with our Lives and Fortunes accounting our dearest Blood a Tribute due to the Safety of our King and Country when called for in their Defence The Address of the Ancient Town of Winchelsea a Branch of the Cinque-Ports To their Barons Sir Steven Lenord and Creswel Draper Esquire elected in their absence March 4. and ordered by the Mayor and Jurates to be presented to them the said Mr. Draper serving for them in the last Parliament Mr. Draper YOu may assure your self That we are very highly satisfied with your unwearied Pains as also of your honest Discharge of the great Trust we reposed in you in the last Parliament by our hearty Thanks we now return you and by our Unanimous Electing you again to serve for us in the next Parliament to be holden at Oxford And Gentlemen as for you both WE know you are so sensible of our Condition that we need not tender you our Thoughts in many particulars only the Preservation of his Sacred Majesty's Person our Religion and Properties which are of the greatest Concern and most dear unto us And especially in order thereunto we commend unto you and desire you to use your utmost Endeavours 1. That there may be a full and perfect Discovery of that most Hellish and Damnable Popish Plot in England and Ireland and all other Sham-Plots which have been wickedly Contriving and Acting for many years past 2. That effectual Means be used for Uniting all his Majesty's Protestant Subjects against the common Enemy both at home and abroad 3. That all effectual Means and Ways may be provided to secure us against a Popish Successor and particularly against James Duke of York 4. That you will endeavour as far as in you lies That a Law may be made for putting our Free-Lands and Houses under a Voluntary Register that thereby this Kingdom may be a just and honourable Fund whereby Moneys may be taken up upon all urgent Occasions and so prevent the great Ruines we now
Is he a wise man who if his house be falling by reason of too much weight upon the roof will lay more upon it rather than propt it up and take off some of the weight So they who take the Church to consist of Ceremonies must pardon me that I am not of their opinion since the word of God warrants no such thing and my reason tells me that they are too much interested in the cause to be fit judges for with them he is accounted a good Son of the Church who keeps a great stir about Ceremonies though he live never so ill a life and perhaps is drunk when he performs his Devotion but if a man seem to be indifferent as to Ceremonies and make them no more than indeed they be yet in Practice Conforms more than he that makes a great noise about them though he live never so godly a life and as near as he can to the rule of God's word yet he is a Fanatick and an enemy to the Church but God Almighty tells us he will have mercy and not Sacrifice Gentlemen They who accuse me for an enemy to the King and Church have left you out of the story but I hope I shall not forget you but remember on whose errand I am sent and as I have hitherto stuck to your interest I hope nothing will draw me aside from it and if I know my own heart I am perswaded that neither rewards threats hopes nor fears will prevail upon me I desire nothing but to promote God's glory and the interest of the King and people and if it shall please God to let me see the Protestant Religion and Government established I shall think I have lived long enough and I shall be willing at that instant to resign my breath Gentlemen I thought good to say this to you and I thank you for your patience and hope I shall so behave my self in your Service that I shall make it appear I am sensible of the honour you have done me I humbly thank you all An Account of the Proceedings at the Sessions for the City of Westminster against Thomas Whitfield Scrivener John Smallbones Woodmonger and William Laud Painter for Tearing a Petition prepared to be presented to the King's Majesty for the Sitting of the Parliament With an Account of the said Petition presented on the 13th instant and His Majesty's Gracious Answer IT being the undoubted Right of the Subjects of England Vide the Resolutions of the Law Cook Jurisdict of Courts 79. Hobart 220. Vel. Magna Chart. Exl. Spencer 51. Vide the Proclamations of K. Charles I. and warranted by the Law of the Land and the general Practice of all former Times in an humble manner to apply themselves to His Majesty in the Absence of Parliaments by Petition for the Redress of their Grievances and for the obtaining such things as they apprehend necessary or beneficial to the safety and well being of the Nation And it being their Duty to which they are bound by the expres words of the Oath of Allegiance * I do Swear from my Heart That I will hear Faith and true Allegiance to His Majesty His Heirs and Successors and Him and Them will Defend to the uttermost of my power against all Conspiracies and Attempts whatsoever which shall be made against His or Their Persons Their Crown and Dignity And will do my best endeavour to disclose and make known unto His Majesty His Heirs and Successors all Treasons and Trayterous Conspiracies which I shall know or hear of to be against him or any of them to represent to Him any danger which they apprehend Threatning His Royal Person or His Government divers Persons in and about the City of Westminster considering the too apparent and unspeakable Danger His Majesty and His Kingdoms are in from the Hellish Plots and Villainous Conspiracies of the Bloody Papists and their Adherents and conceiving no sufficient or at least so fit Remedy could be provided against it but by the Parliament by whom alone several Persons accused of these accursed Designs can be brought to Tryal did prepare and sign a Petition humbly representing to His Majesty the imminent danger His Royal Person the Protestant Religion and the Government of this Nation were in from that most damnable and hellish Popish Plot branched forth into several the most Horrid Villainies For which several of the principal Conspirators stand impeached by Parliament and thereby humbly praying that the Parliament might Sit upon the 26th of January to try the Offenders and to Redress the important Crievances no otherways to be redressed of which Thomas Whitfield John Smallbenes and William Laud Inhabitants in Westminster taking notice upon the 20th day of December last they sent to Mr. William Horsley who had signed and promoted the Petition and in whose custody it was to bring or send it to them for that they desired to sign it And thereupon Mr. Horsley attended them and producing the Petition in which many Persons had joyned he delivered it at their request to be by them read and signed but Mr. Whitfield immediately tore it in pieces and threw it towards the Fire and Smallbones catching it up said That he would not take 10 s. for the Names and then they declared that they sent for it for that very purpose and owned themselves all concerned in the design Upon Mr. Horsley's complaint hereof to a Justice of the Peace a Warrant was granted against them and they being taken thereupon after examination of the matter were bound to appear and answer it at the next quarter Sessions of the Peace for the City of Westminster and upon Friday the 9th of January instant the Sessions being holden and there being present several Justices of the Peace that are eminent Lawyers the matter was brought before them and the Grand Jury Indicted the said Whitfield Smallbones and Laud as followeth viz. The City Borough and Town of Westminster in the County of Middlesex THe Jurors for our Soveraign Lord the King upon their Oath do present that whereas the Subjects and Liege People of the Kings and Queens of this Realm of England by the Laws and Customs of the Realm have used and been accustomed to represent their Publick Grievances by Petition or by any other submissive way And that the 20th day of December in the one and Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. at the Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields within the Liberty of the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter of the City Borough and Town of Westminster in the County of Middlesex a Petition written in paper was prepared and Subscribed with the hands of divers the said King's Subjects and Liege People to the Jury unknown and to our said Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second Directed and to our said Soveraign Lord
the People 2. There is a mutual compact tacit or express between a Prince and his Subjects and that if he perform not his duty they are discharg'd from theirs 3. That if lawful Governors become Tyrants or govern otherwise than by the Laws of God and Man they ought to do they forfeit the Right they had unto their Government Lex Rex Buchanan de Jure Regni Vindiciae contra tyrannos Bellarmine de Conciliis de Pontifice Milton Goodwin Baxter H. C. 4. The Sovereignty of England is in the three Estates viz. King Lords and Commons The King has but a co-ordinate Power and may be over-ruled by the other two Lex Rex Hunton of a limited and mix'd Monarchy Baxter H. C. Polit. Catech. 5. Birthright and proximity of Blood give no title to Rule or Government and it is Lawful to preclude the next Heir from his Right of Succession to the Crown Lex Rex Hunt's Postscript Doleman History of Succession Julian the Apostate Mene Tekel 6. It is Lawful for Subjects without the Consent and against the Command of the Supreme Magistrate to enter into Leagues Covenants and Associations for defence of themselves and their Religion Solemn League and Covenant Late Association 7. Self-preservation is the Fundamental Law of Nature and supersedes the Obligation of all others whenever they stand in competition with it Hobbs de Cive Leviathan 8. The Doctrine of the Gospel concerning patient suffering of Injuries is not inconsistent with violent resisting of the higher Powers in case of Persecution for Religion Lex Rex Julian Apostat Apolog. Relat. 9. There lies no Obligation upon Christians to Passive Obedience when the Prince Commands any thing against the Laws of our Country And the Primitive Christians chose rather to die than resist because Christianity was not yet settled by the Laws of the Empire Julian Apostate 10. Possession and strength give a right to Govern and Success in a Cause or Enterprize proclaims it to be Lawful and Just to pursue it is to comply with the Will of God because it is to follow the Conduct of his Providence Hobbs Owen's Sermon before the Regicides Jan. 31. 1648. Baxter Jenkin's Petition Octob. 1651. 11. In the state of Nature there is no difference between good and evil right and wrong the state of Nature is a state of War in which every Man hath a right to all things 12. The Foundation of Civil Authority is this natural right which is not given but left to the Supreme Magistrate upon Men's entring into Societies and not only a Foreign Invader but a Domestick Rebel puts himself again into a state of nature to be proceeded against not as a Subject but an Enemy And consequently acquires by his Rebellion the same right over the Life of his Prince as the Prince for the most heinous Crimes has over the Life of his own Subjects 13. Every Man after his entring into a Society retains a right of defending himself against Force and cannot transfer that right to the Common-wealth when he consents to that Union whereby a Common-wealth is made and in case a great many Men together have already resisted the Common-wealth for which every one of them expecteth Death they have liberty then to joyn together to assist and defend one another Their bearing of Arms subsequent to the first breach of their Duty though it be to maintain what they have done is no new unjust act and if it be only to defend their Persons is not unjust at all 14. An Oath superadds no obligation to pact and a pact obliges no further than it is credited And consequently if a Prince gives any Indication that he does not believe the Promises of Fealty and Allegiance made by any of his Subjects they are thereby freed from their subjection and notwithstanding their Pacts and Oaths may lawfully rebel against and destroy their Sovereign Hobbs de Cive Leviathan 15. If a People that by Oath and Duty are oblig'd to a Sovereign shall sinfully dispossess him and contrary to their Covenants chuse and covenant with another they may be obliged by their latter Covenant notwithstanding their former Baxter H. C. 16. All Oaths are unlawful and contrary to the Word of God Quakers 17. An Oath obliges not in the sense of the Imposer but the Takers Sheriffs Case 18. Dominion is founded in Grace 19. The Powers of this World are Usurpations upon the Prerogative of Jesus Christ and it is the Duty of God's People to destroy them in order to the setting Christ upon his Throne Fifth-Monarchy Men. 20. The Presbyterian Government is the Scepter of Christ's Kingdom to which Kings as well as others are bound to submit and the King's Supremacy in Ecclesiastical Affairs asserted by the Church of England is injurious to Christ the sole King and Head of his Church Altare Damascenum Apolog. relat Hist Indulgen Cartwright Travers 21. It is not lawful for Superiors to impose any thing in the Worship of God that is not antecedently necessary 22. The duty of not offending a weak Brother is inconsistent with all human Authority of making Laws concerning indifferent things Protestant Reconciler 23. Wicked Kings and Tyrants ought to be put to Death and if the Judges and inferior Magistrates will not do their office the Power of the Sword devolves to the People if the major part of the People refuse to exercise this Power then the Ministers may Excommunicate such a King after which it is lawful for any of the Subjects to kill him as the People did Athaliah and Jehu Jezabel Buchanan Knox. Goodman Gilby Jesuits 24. After the sealing of the Scripture-Canon the People of God in all ages are to expect new Revelations for a rule of their Actions * Quakers and other Enthusiasts and it is lawful for a private Man having an inward motion from God to kill a Tyrant † Goodman 25. The example of Phineas is to us instead of a Command for what God has commanded or approved in one Age must needs oblige in all Goodman Knox. Naphtali 26. King Charles the First was lawfully put to Death and his Murtherers were the blessed Instruments of God's Glory in their Generation Milton Goodwin Owen 27. King Charles the First made War upon his Parliament and in such a case the King may not only be resisted but he ceaseth to be King Baxter We decree judge and declare all and every of these Propositions to be False Seditious and Impious and most of them to be also Heretical and Blasphemous infamous to Christian Religion and destructive of all Government in Church and State We farther decree that the Books which contain the foresaid Propositions and impious Doctrines are fitted to deprave good Manners corrupt the Minds of unwary Men stir up Seditions and Tumults overthrow States and Kingdoms and lead to Rebellion murther of Princes and Atheism it self And therefore we interdict all Members of the University from the reading the said Books under the Penalties
next morning the draught being so much changed and interlined that many even of the most engaged in the Debate did not sufficiently understand it and though they took notes knew not precisely how it stood And this was indeed the Earls case in particular and the cause why in Voting he did forbear either to approve or disapprove His part in the debate was that in the entry of it he said that he thought as few Oaths should be required as could be and these as short and clear as possible That it was his humble opinion that a very small alteration in these Acts which had been used these twenty years might serve for it was manifest and he attested the whole Parliament upon it That the Oath of Allegiance and Declaration had effectually debarred all Fanaticks from getting into places of trust all that time It was true some Papists had swallowed the Oath of Allegiance and therefore a word or two only of addition to guard against them was all he judged necessary And there after where in the close of the Act The Kings Sons and Brothers were intended to be dispensed with from taking the Test he opposed the exception and said it was our happiness that King and People were of one Religion and that they were so by Law That he hoped the Parliament would do nothing to loose what was fast nor open a gap for the Royal Family to differ in Religion their example was of great consequence one of them was as a thousand and would draw the more followers if once it appeared to the people that it were honourable and a priviledge to be of another Religion And therefore he wished if any exception were it might be particular for his Royal Highness but his Highness himself opposing this the Earl concluded with his fear that if this exception did pass it would do more hurt to the Protestant Religion than all the rest of that Act and many other Acts could do good Whilst these Acts about Religion were in agitation his Highness told the Earl one day in private to beware of himself for the Earl of Errol and others were to give in a Bill to the Parliament to get him made liable to some debts they pretended to be Cautioners in for his Father and that those that were most forward in His Majesties service must be had a care of The Earl ●aid he knew there was no ground for any such Bill and he hoped neither the Earl of Errol nor any other should have any advantage of him upon any head relating to His Majesties service His Highness told others likewise he had given the Earl good advice But shortly after the above-mentioned debates there were two Bills given into the meeting of the Articles against the Earl one by the Earl of Errol the other by His Majesties Advocate who alledged he did it by command for otherwise he acknowledged it was without his line The Earl of Errol's claim was that the Earl of Argyle might be declared liable to relieve him and others of a debt wherein they alledged they stood bound as Cautioners for the late Marquess of Argyle the Earl's Father To which the Earl answered that he had not got his Fathers whole Estate but only a part of it and that expressly burdened with all the debts he was liable to pay whereof this pretended debt was none and that the Marquess of Huntly who at that time was owing to the Marquess of Argyle 35000 l. Sterl had got 4000 l. Sterl of yearly Rent out of the Marquess of Argyle's forfaulture without the burden of any debt so that both by Law and Equity the Earl could not be liable the Marquess of Huntly and not he having got that which should bear this relief and which should indeed have payed the far greatest part of the Marquess of Argyle's debt the same having been undertaken for Huntly by Argyle either as Cautioner for Huntly or to raise money to pay his debt Besides that the Earl of Errol can never make it appear that he or his Predecessors were bound for the Marquess of Argyle in the third part of the sums he acclaims yet some were much inclined to believe Errol on his bare assertion His Majesties Advocates claim was to take from the Earl his heritable Offices of Sheriff c. especially that of Justice-General of Argyle-Shire the isles and other places which last is nevertheless only a part of the general Justitiary of all Scotland granted to his Predecessors some hundred of years ago for honourable and onerous causes and constantly enjoyed by them until expressly surrendered in his late Majesties hands for a new Grant of the above-mentioned Justitiary of Argyle c. And this new Grant was also confirmed by many Acts of Parliament and particularly by His Majesties Royal Father of Blessed Memory in the Parliament holden by him Anno 1633. As likewise by His Majesty that now is whom God long preserve his new Gift and Charter after several Debates before him in Anno 1663. and 1672. Which new Gifts and Charters were again ratified by a special instruction from His Majesty in the Parliament 1672. So that albeit several late Gifts of Regality granted to the Marquess of Athol Marquess of Queensberry and others may be questioned because granted since the Acts of Parliament discharging all such Gifts in time coming yet the Earl of Argyl's rights are good as being both of a far different nature and granted long before the said Acts of Parliament and in effect the Earl his rights are rather confirmed by these prohibitive Acts because both anterior to and excepted from them as appears by the Act Salvo Jure 1633. Wherein the Earls rights are particularly and fully excepted in the body of the printed Act. When these things appeared so plain as not to be answered It was alledged that upon the forfaulture of the late Marquess of Argyl his Estate was annexed to the Crown and so could not be gifted to the Earl by His Majesty wherein they soon discovered a design to forfault him if any pretence could be found But the Act of Forfaulture being read and containing no such thing but on the contrary a clear power left to His Majesty to dispose of the whole and the Earl telling them plainly that these that were most active to have his Father forfaulted were very far from desiring his Estate to be annexed to the Crown seeing it was in expectation of Gifts out of it they were so diligent that pretence of the annexation was past from but yet the design was no wise given over for there was a proposition made and a Vote carried in the Articles that a Committee should be appointed with Parliamentary power to meet in the intervals of Parliament to determine all controversies could be moved against any of the Earls rights Which was a very extraordinary device and plainly carried by extraordinary influences Upon this the Earl applyed to the Parliament where this Vote was to be
that I disown and renounce all such Principles Doctrins or Practices whether Popish or Fanatical which are contrary unto and inconsistent with the said Protestant Religion and Confession of Faith And for testification of my obedience to my most gracious Soveraign Charles the II. I do affirm and swear by this my solemn Oath that the Kings Majesty is the only Supreme Governour of this Realm over all Persons and in all Causes as well Ecclesiastical as Civil And that no Foreign Prince Person Pope Prelate State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Preheminency or Authority Ecclesiastical or Civil within this Realm And therefore I do utterly renounce and forsake all Foreign Jurisdictions Powers Superiorities and Authorities And do promise that from henceforth I shall bear Faith and true Allegiance to the Kings Majesty his Heirs and lawful Successors and to my power shall assist and defend all Rights Jurisdictions Prerogatives Priviledges Preferments and Authorities belonging to the Kings Majesty his Heirs and lawful Successors And I further affirm and swear by this my solemn Oath That I judge it unlawful for Subjects upon pretence of Reformation or any other pretence whatsoever to enter into Covenants or Leagues or to Gonvocate Conveen or Assemble in any Councils Conventions or Assemblies to Treat Consult or Determine in any matter of State Civil or Ecclesiastick without His Majesties special Command or Express License had thereto or to take up Arms against the King or these Commissionate by him And that I shall never so rise in Arms or enter into such Covenants or Assemblies And that there lies no obligation on me from the National Covenant or the Solemn Leag●e and Covenant commonly so called or any other manner of way whatsoever to endeavour any Change or Alteration in the Government either in Church or State as it is now established by the Laws of this Kingdome And I Promise and Swear That I shall with my utmost power Defend Assist and Maintain His Majesties Jurisdiction foresaid against all deadly And I shall never decline His Majesties Power and Jurisdiction as I shall answer to God And finally I affirm and swear That this my solemn Oath is given in the plain genuine sense and meaning of the words without any equivocation mental reservation or any manner of evasion whatsoever and that I shall not accept or use any dispensation from any creature whatsoever So help ne God The Bishop of Aberdeen and the Synods Explanation of the Test WE do not hereby swear to all the particular Assertions and Expressions of the Confession of Faith mentioned in the Test but only to the uniform Doctrine of the Reformed Churches contained therein II. We do not hereby prejudge the Churches Right to and Power of making any alteration in the said Confession as to the ambiguity and obscure expressions thereof or of making a more unexceptionable frame III. When we swear That the King is Supreme Governour over all Persons and in all Causes as well Ecclesiastick as Civil and when we swear to assert and defend all His Majesties Rights and Prerogatives this is reserving always the intrinsick unalterable power of the Church immediately derived from Jesus Christ to wit the power of the Keys consisting in the preaching of the Word administration of the Sacraments ordaining of Pastors exercise of Discipline and the holding of such Assemblies as are necessary for preservation of Peace and Vnity Truth and Purity in the Church and withal we do hereby think that the King has a power to alter the Government of the Church at his pleasure IV. When we swear That it is unlawful for Subjects to meet or convene to treat or consult c. about matters of State Civil and Ecclesiastick this is excepting meetings for Ordination publick Worship and Discipline and such meetings as are necessary for the conservation of the Church and true Protestant Religion V. When we swear There lies no obligation on us c. to endeavour any change or alteration in Government either in Church or State we mean by Arms or any seditious way VI. When we swear That we take the Test in the plain and genuine sense of the words c. we understand it only in so far as it does not contradict these Exceptions The Explanation of the Test by the Synod and Clergy of Perth BEcause our Consciences require the publishing and declaring of that express meaning we have in taking the Test that we be not mis-interpreted to swear it in these glosses which men uncharitable to it and enemies to us are apt to put upon it and because some men ill affected to the Government who are daily broachers of odious and calumnious Slanders against our Persons and Ministry are apt to deduce inferences and conclusions from the alledged ambiguity of some Propositions of the Test that we charitably and firmly do believe were never intended by the Imposers nor received by the Takers Therefore to satisfie our Consciences and to save our Credit from these unjust imputations we expressly declare That we swear the Test in this following meaning I. By taking the Test we do not swear to every Proposition and Clause contained in the Confession of Faith but only to the true Protestant Religion founded upon the Word of God contained in that Confession as it is opposed to Popery and Fanaticism II. By swearing the Ecclesiastick Supremacy we swear it as we have done formerly without any reference to the assertory Act. We also reserve intire unto the Church it s own intrinsick and unalterable power of the Keys as it was exercised by the Apostles and the pure primitive Church for the first three Centuries III. By swearing That it is unlawful to Convocate convene or assemble in any Council Conventions or Assemblies to treat consult c. in any matter of State Civil or Ecclesiastick as we do not evacuate our natural Liberty whereby we are in freedom innocently without reflection upon or derogating to Authority or persons intrusted with it to discourse in any occasional meeting of these things so we exclude not those other meetings which are necessary for the well-being and Discipline of the Church IV. By our swearing it unlawful to endeavour any change or alteration in the Government either of Church or State we mean that it is unlawful for us to endeavour the alteration of the specifick Government of Monarchy in the true and lineal Descent and Episcopacy V. When we swear in the genuine and literal sense c. we understand it so far as it is not opposite or contradictory to the foresaid exceptions They were allowed to insert after the Oath before their Subscriptions these words or to this purpose We under-written do take this Oath according to the Explanation made by the Council approved by His Majesties Letter and we declare we are no further bound by this Oath EDINBVRGH The sederunt of the Council Sederunt vigesimo secundo Die Septembris 1681. His Royal
Earl unless they had his Royal Highness's and their Lordships special License and Warrant to that effect which is usual in the like Cases And by the said Petition humbly supplicated that his Highness and the Council would give special Order and Command to the said Sir George Lockhart the said Earls ordinary Advocate to consult and plead for him in the foresaid Criminal Process without incurring any hazard upon that account His Royal Highness and Lords of the said Privy Council did refuse the desire of the said Petition but allowed any Lawyers the Petitioner should employ to consult and plead for him in the Process of Treason and other Crimes to be pursued against him at the instance of His Majesties Advocate And also the said Alexander Dunbar having and holding in his hands another Act of the said Lords of Privy Council of the date the 24th of the said month relative to and narrating the said first Act and proceeding upon another supplication given in by the said Earl to the said Lords craving That his Royal Highness and the said Lords would interpose their Authority by giving a positive and special Order and Warrant to the said Sir George Lockhart to consult and plead with him in the foresaid Criminal Process conform to the tenor of the Acts of Parliament mentioned and particularized in the said Petition and frequent and known practice in the like cases which was never refused to any Subjects of the meanest quality His Royal Highness and Lords of Privy Council having considered the foresaid Petition did by the said Act adhere to their former Order allowing Advocates to appear for the said Earl in the Process foresaid as the said Acts bear and produced the said Acts and Procuratory foresaid to the said Sir George Lockhart who took the same in his hands and read them over successive and after reading thereof the said Alexander Dunbar Procurator and in name and behalf foresaid solemnly required the said Sir George Lockhart as the said Noble Earls ordinary Advocate and as a Lawyer and Advocate upon the said Earls reasonable expence to consult and advise the said Earls said Process at any time and place the said Sir George should appoint to meet thereupon conform to the foresaid two Acts of Council and Acts of Parliament therein mentioned appointing Advocates to consult in such matters which the said Sir George Lockhart altogether refused Whereupon the said Alexander Dunbar as Procurator and in Name foresaid asked and took Instruments one or more in the hands of me Notary publick undersubscribed And these things were done within the said Sir George Lockhart's Lodging on the South side of the Street of Edinburgh in the Lane-Mercat within the Dining-room of the said Lodging betwixt Four and Five hours in the Afternoon Day Month Year Place and of His Majesties Reign respective foresaid before Robert Dicksone and John Lesly Servitors to John Camphell Writer to His Majesties Signet and Dowgall Mac. Alester Messenger in Edinburgh with divers others called and required to the Premisses Ita esse Ego Johannes Broun Notarius publicus in Premissis requisitus Attestor Testantibus his meis signo subscriptione manualibus solitis consuetis Broun Witnesses Robert Dicksone Dowgall Mac. Alester John Lesly Decemb. 5. 1682. The Opinion of divers Lawyers concerning the Case of the Earl of Argyle WE have considered the Criminal Letters raised at the instance of His Majesties Advocate against the Earl of Argyle with the Acts of Parliament contained and narrated in the same Criminal Letters and have compared the same with a Paper or Explication which is libelled to have been given in by the Earl to the Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council and owned by him as the sense and explication in which he did take the Oath imposed by the late Act of Parliament Which Paper is of this tenor I have considered the Test and am very desirous to give chedience as far as I can c. And having likewise considered that the Earl after he had taken the Oath with the explication and sense then put upon it it was acquiesced to by the Lords of Privy-Council and he allowed to take his place and to sit and Vote And that before the Earls taking of the Oath there were several papers spread abroad containing objections and alledging inconsistencies and contradictions in the Oath and some thereof were presented by Synods and Presbyteries of the Orthodox Clergy to some of the Bishops of the Church It is our humble Opinion that seeing the Earls design and meaning in offering the said Explication was allenarly for the clearing of his own Conscience and upon no facrious or seditious design and that the matter and import of the said paper is no contradiction of the Laws and Acts of Parliament it doth not at all import any of the Crimes libelled against him viz. Treason Leasing making depraving of His Majesties Laws or the Crime of Perjury but that the glosses and inferences put by the Libel upon the said paper are altogether strained and unwarrantable and inconsistent with the Earls true design and the sincerity of his meaning and intention in making of the said Explication Wednesday the 12th of December the day of compearance assigned to the Earl being now come he was brought by a guard of Souldiers from the Castle to the place appointed for the Trial and the Justice Court being met and fenced the Earl now Marquess of Queensberry then Justice-General the Lords Nairn Collingtoun Forret Newtoun and Hirkhouse the Lords of Justitiary sitting in Judgment and the other formalities also performed the Indictment above set down Num. 24. was read and the Earl spoke as follows The Earl of Argyle's Speech to the Lord Justice General and the Lords of the Justitiary after he had been arraigned and his Indictment read My Lord Justice General c. I Look upon it as the undeniable priviledge of the meanest Subject to explain his own words in the most benign sense and even when persons are under an ill Character the misconstruction of words in themselves not ill can only reach a presumption or aggravation but not any more But it is strange to alledge as well as I hope impossible to make any that know me believe that I could intend any thing but what was honest and honourable suitable to the Principles of my Religion and Loyalty tho I did not explain my self at all My Lord I pray you be not offended that I take up a little of your time to tell you I have from my Youth made it my business to serve His Majesty faithfully and have constantly to my power appeared in his Service especially in all times of difficulty and have never joined nor complied with any Interest or Party contrary to His Majesties Authority and have all along served him in his own way without a frown from His Majesty these thirty years As soon as I passed the Schools and Colledges I went to travel to France and Italy and
the frailty of humane Affairs and Constitutions and vicissitude of things and circumstances do constantly require in the most exact Constitutions under Heaven And the clause does not so much as import that there is a present necessity of alteration but it was a necessary and rational prospect That albeit at present all things under Heaven had been done to secure the Religion and Government yet there might occur Cases that would require new helps alterations and remedies And it is not pretended in this Case for the Pannel That he desires to alleviate or take off words truly treasonable or having an ill design by the mixing of fair and safe dutiful and submissive Expressions which indeed are Protestations contrariae facto For there is nothing in his Explanation that either in his design or in the words themselves being rationally and naturally interpreted can infer the Crimes libelled or any of them And the Pannel's known Principles and known Practices do not only clear that Loyalty that he has profest before the Lords of Justitiary and instructed by unquestionable Docuements but they put him far from the suspicion of these damnable Principles related in the Reply Of which the whole tract of his Life hath been an intire evidence of his abhorrency and detestation And in the last place It is thought strange why that should be represented as an affront or disgrace to the Government That the Parliament imposed a Test which the Pannel is not able to take simply And it is not pretended That he hath defamed written or spoken against the Test it self or for the inconvenience of it but only that he hath not been able to see the good ground upon which it may be simply taken And this were to condemn him for want of sight or sense when the Law hath punished no man for not taking the Test but only turned him out of the Government And it is as strange an Inference That because the Pannel declares He believes the Parliament meaned no Contradiction and would take the Test in as far as it is consistent that therefore he said the Parliament imposed Contradictions Which is so far from a rational Induction that the Contradiction of these Subsumptions in all congruity of Language and Sense is necessarily true And therefore the last part of that Clause in so far as it is consistent is a Consequence inferred upon the former viz. I believe the Parliament designed to impose no Contradictions ergo I take the Test as consistent and in so far as it must be consistent if the Parliament did not impose Contradictions as certainly they have not and to convince the world that in this sense this Explanation is receivable it was proposed in Council and allowed and therefore without the highest reflection it cannot now be quarrelled Sir George Lockhart 's second Plea for the Earl of Argyle by way of Reply upon the King's Advocate SIR George Lockhart Duplies That the Defender repeats and oppones his former Desences which are no ways eluded nor satisfied by the Reply made by His Majesties Advocate And altho it be easie for the Kings Advocate out of his zeal to pretend and argue Crimes of the highest Nature upon Inferences and Consequences neither consistent with the Pannel's designs nor with his words and expressions yet there cannot be a more dangerous foundation laid for the security and interest of the Government and the security and protection of the Subjects than that Crimes should be inferred but from clear evident and express Laws and plain palpable Contravention of these Laws it being both against the Laws of God and Man that a Man should be made an Offender for a word and especially for expressions which according to Sense and Reason and considering the time and place where they were spoken by the Pannel viz. as a Member of His Majesties Privy-Council and in presence of his Royal Highness and the Members of Council and when required to take the Test were safe and Innocent and it were against all Law and Reason to suppose that the Pannel either did or designed to do any thing which may or did import the Crimes libelled against him And whereas it is pretended That the Oath required and imposed by Act of Parliament was for the security of the Government and that the Pannel by his Explanation does evade the Oath by taking it only so far as it is consistent with the Protestant Religion and his own Loyalty whereof he was Judge It is answered That the pretence is most unwarrantable and the security of His Majesties Government is not at all endangered as God forbid it should tho the Pannel and a Thousand more had simply refused the Test or had taken it in a sense which does not satisfie the Law it being competent to publick Authority to consider whether the Pannels Oath in the terms of the Explication wherein he did take it does satisfie the Act of Palriament or not And if not there can be no rational consequence inferred thereupon but that he is holden as a Refuser of the Oath and liable to the Certification of the Act of Parliament of not assuming and continuing in any publick Trust And no more was intended or designed by the Act of Parliament it self than strictly to make the Oath in the true and genuine sense and meaning of the Parliament an indispensible qualification of persons admitted to publick Trust So that it is not at all material to dispute whether the Pannel's Explication can be looked upon as a full satisfaction of the Act which whether it should or not it can import no Crime against him it not being consistent with Sense and Reason that a person who absolutely refuseth the Test upon the scrupulosity of his Conscience albeit he be not capable of publick Trust should be notwithstanding looked upon as guilty of no Crime and yet another who was willing to go to a greater length albeit he did demur and scruple as to the full length that he should be reputed criminal and guilty of a Crime 2. The Pannel repeats and conjoyns with this the grounds above mentioned contained in his Defences viz. That neither the Crimes libelled nor any other Crime were ever pretended or made use of against any others who did spread abroad Objections of an high nature which yet were so favourably looked upon as to be construed only to proceed from scrupulosity of Conscience as also the satisfaction endeavoured is in such terms and by such condescensions as do take in and justifie the whole terms of the Explication libelled It is of great moment and whereof the Lords of Justitiary are desired to take special notice both for clearing the absolute innocence of the Pannel's meaning and intention and to take off all possible misconstruction that can be wrested or detorted from the tenor and expressions of the libelled Explication That the Pannel was put to and required to take the Oath before the Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council did pass
and publish their Proclamation explaining the Oath and declaring the genuine sense and meaning thereof namely That it did not tye to the whole Articles of the Confession of Faith ratified by Act of Parliament James 6. and which as to several Articles thereof had occasioned the scruples and difficulties and alledged inconsistency and contradiction betwixt the last part of the Oath and the said Confession and betwixt some of these Articles and the Currant of the Protestant Doctrine received and contained in the Syntagma of the Protestant Confessions And therefore if the Pannel at that time did think fit for the clearing and exoneration of his own Conscience to use the expressions in the Explication libelled and yet with so much duty and confidence of the Parliaments Justice as to their meaning and intention That the Parliament never intended to impose contradictory Oaths and that he did take it so far as it was consistent with it self and the Protestant Religion not knowing then whether the whole Confession was to be reputed a part of the Oath and doubting there-anent and which the Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council and his Sacred Majesty by his approbation since have thought a difficulty of so great moment as it was fit to clear the same by a publick Proclamation How now is it possible that any Judicatory under Heaven which proceeds upon the solid grounds of Law and Reason and who it cannot be doubted will have a just regard to the intrinsick Principles of Justice and to all mens security that they can now believe all or any of the Crimes libelled should be in the least inferred from all or any of the expressions contained in the said Explication But that on the contrary it was a warrantable allowance and Christian practice condemned by the Law and Custom of no Nation That having scruples in the matter of an Oath which should be taken in Truth Judgment and Righteousness and upon full deliberation and with a full assurance and sincerity of mind That he did plainly openly and clearly declare the sense in which he was willing to take it and if Authority did allow it as the genuine sense of the Oath the Pannel to be holden as a Taker of the Oath And if upon farther consideration Authority think not that habetur pro Recusante and a Refuser of the Oath but no ways to be looked upon as a criminal or guilty person And the Pannel repeats and conjoyns with this point of the Reply that point in his Defence whereby he positively offers to prove 1. That his Explication and the sense wherein he took the Oath was heard and publickly given and received in Council and the Pannel thereafter allowed to take his place and sit and vote in that Sederunt 2. The Pannel also offers positively to prove That the tenor and terms of his Sense and Explication wherein he did take the Oath is contained in that Solid Learned and Pious Vindication written by the Bishop of Edenburgh in answer to the Objections and alledged inconsistencies and contradictions in the Oath and which Vindication was publickly read in Council and so far approved that it was allowed to be printed and published and was accordingly dispersed and spread abroad And it is not of the least import that the Proclamation of the Lords of Privy-Council altho it does oft allow the same to be taken by the Clergy yet at the same time they expresly declare the genuine sense and meaning of the Parliament not to comprehend the whole Articles of the Confession which was not cleared before the Pannel's taking his Oath And whereas it is pretended That the Acts of Parliament libelled upon against Leasing-makers depravers of His Majesties Laws do obtain and take place where-ever there are any words or expressions that have a tendency in themselves or by a natural consequence and rational inferences to reflect upon the Government or misconstrue His Majesties Proceedings and that the Explication libelled is such and that it was found so in the Case of Balmerino albeit it was drawn up by way of humble Petition and Address to His Majesty and with great Protestations and Expressions of Loyalty It is answered The Acts of Parliament libelled upon are oponed and the 43d Act Par. 8. James 6. and the other Acts making the depraving of His Majesties Laws to be Crimes do expresly require that Speeches so judged be perverse licentious Speeches ex natura sua probrosa and reproachful and spoke animo defamandi and which could not receive any other rational Construction which cannot in the least be applied to or subsumed upon the words or Explication given in by the Pannel And Law and Reason never infers or presumes a Crime where the thing is capable of a fair and rational Construction and where it was done palam and publickly and in presence of His Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council whereof the Pannel had the honour to be a Member Persons committing and designing to commit Crimes making use of Times and Places and Companies of another nature on whom their suggestions and insinuations may prevail But it is a violence to the common Reason of mankind to pretend that a person of the Pannel's Quality having the honour to serve His Majesty in most eminent Capacities and devoted to His Majesties Interest and Service beyond the strictest ties of Duty and Allegiance by the transcendent Favours he had received that the Pannel in those Circumstances and in presence of his Royal Highness and Lords of Privy Council should design to declame and defacto declame against and defame His Majesties Government To suppose this is absolutely contradictory to the common Principles and Practices of Law and common Topicks of Reason And as to Balmerino's Case it is answered That the Lords of Justitiary are humbly desired to call for and peruse the said Petition and Books of Adjournal which was certainly a defamatory Libel of His Majesties Father of blessed Memory and of the States of Parliament in the highest degree being expresly that there was nothing designed but an innovation of the Protestant Religion and the subversion and over-turning the Liberties and Priviledges of the Parliament and the Constitutions of the Articles and other things of that kind which made certainly of it self a most villanous and execrable Libel containing the highest Crimes of Treason and Perduellion and was not capable of any good sense or interpretation but was absolutely pernicious and destructive So that it is in vain to pretend that the said Libel did contain Prefaces and Protestations of Loyalty which no Law regards even in simplici injuria maledicto tho committed by a private person cum praefatione salvo honore or the like and which were certainly ridiculous to sustain in a Libel concerning Crimesof Treason And whereas it is pretended That tho others were guilty of these Crimes it does not excuse the Earl that the Lords of Privy-Council cannot remit Crimes and the neligence
of the Kings Officers cannot prejudg his Interest It is answered The Pannel is very confident that neither the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council consisting of persons of eminent Loyalty and Judgment nor His Majesties Officers were capable of any such escape as is pretended and if the tenor of the Pannel's Explication did in the least import the high and infamous Crimes libelled as beyond all peradventure it does not it were strange how the same being contained in the aforesaid Vindication and the whole Clauses thereof justified that this should have been looked on as no Crime and allowed to be published And the Pannel neither does nor needs to make farther use thereof but to convince all dis-interested persons that his Explication can import no Crime And whereas it is pretended That the Crime of Treason is inferred from the fundamental Laws of the Kingdom and from that Clause of the Pannel's Explication whereby he declares he is not bound up by any thing in this Oath not to endeavour any alteration in a lawful way which being an indefinite proposition is equipollent to an universal and is upon the matter coincident with a Clause which was rebellious in its consequences contained in the Solemn League and Covenant It is answered That it is strange how such a plain and innocent Clause whereby beyond all question he does express no more than was naturally imported the Crime of Treason which no Lawyer ever allowed except where it was founded upon express Law Luce Meridiana Clarior And indeed if such stretches and inferences can make men guilty of Treason no man can be secure And the words in the Pannel's Declaration are plain and clear yet non sunt cavillanda and import no more but that in his station and in a lawful way and consistent with the Protestant Religion and his Loyalty he might endeavour any alteration to the advantage of Church and State And was there ever any loyal or rational Subject that does or can doubt that this is the natural import of the Oath And indeed it were a strange Oath if it were capable of another sense and being designed for the security of the Government should bind up mens hands to concur for its advantage And how was it possible that the Pannel or any other in the capacity of a Privy-Councellor or a Member of the Parliament would have satisfied his Duty and Allegiance in other terms And whereas it is pretended that there was the like case in the pretended League and Covenant it is answered The Assertion is evidently a Mistake and tho it were the Argument is altogether inconsequential For that League and Covenant was treasonable in it self as being a Combination entred into without His Majesties Authority and was treasonable in the glosses that were put upon it and was imposed by absolute violence on the Subjects of this Kingdom And how can the Pannel be in the least supposed to have had any respect to the said League and Covenant when he had so often taken the Declaration disowning and renouncing it as an unlawful and sinful Oath and concurred in the many excellent Laws and Acts of Parliament made by His Majesty condemning the same as seditious and treasonable And whereas it is pretended That the Pannel is guilty of Perjury having taken the Oath in another sense than was consistent with the genuine sense of the Parliament and that by the Authority cited he doth commento eludere Juramentum which ought always to be taken in the sense of him that imposeth the Oath It is answered The Pretence is most groundless and Perjury never was nor can be inferred but by the commission or omission of something directly contrary to the Oath And altho it is true That where an Oath is taken without any Declaration of the express sense of the persons who take it it obliges sub poena Perjurii in the sense not of the taker but of the imposer of the Oath because expressing no Sense Law and Reason presumes there is a full acquiescence in the sense and meaning of the imposer of the Oath and then if an Oath be not so taken he that takes it is guilty of Perjury Yet there was never Lawyer nor Divine Popish or Protestant but agree in this That whatever be the tenor of the Oath if before the taking thereof the party in express terms does publickly and openly declare the sense in which he takes it it is impossible it can infer the Crime of Perjury against him in any other sense this not being Commentum excogitatum after the taking of the Oath And if this were not so how is it possible in Sense and Reason that ever any Explication or Sense could solve the Scruples of a mans Conscience For it might be always pretended That notwithstanding of the express sense wherein he took it he should be guilty of Perjury from another sense And that this is the irrefragable opinion of all Divines of whatever peswasion is not only clear from the Authority above-mentioned even those who allow of reserved senses but more especially by the universal suffrage of all Protestant Divines who tho they do abominate all thoughts of Subterfuges or Evasions after taking of the Oath yet they do always allow and advise for the safety and security of a doubting and scrupulous Conscience that they should express and declare before the taking of the Oath the true sense and meaning wherein they have freedom to take it and for which Sandersone de Juramento is cited Prelct 6. Sect. 10. pag. 75. where his words are Sane ut inter Jurandum omnia recte fiant expedit ut de verborum sensu inter omnes partes quarum interest liquido constet quod veteribus dictum liquido Jurare And an Oath being one of the highest Acts of Devotion containing Cultum Latriae there is nothing more consonant to the Nature of all Oaths and to that Candor Ingenuity and Chrstian simplicity which all Law and Religion requires in such cases The Kings Advocate 's Third Plea against the Earl of Argyle HIS Majesties Advocate conceives he has nothing to answer as to depraving Leasing-making and mis-interpreting c. save that this Oath was only designed to exclude Recusants and consequently the Pannel may thereby be debarred from his Offices but not made guilty of a Crime To which he Triplies 1. If ever the Earl had simply refused that had been true but that did not at all excuse from defaming the Law for a defamer is not punished for refusing but for defaming 2. It he had simply refused the Government had been in no more hazard but if men will both retain their places and yet take the same in such words as secure not the Government it were strange to think that the design of the Law being to secure against mens possessing who will not obey that yet it should allow them possession who do not obey Nor is the refuser here in a better case than the Earl
man's sense which he thinks agrees less with the words albeit they may be thought by others to be reconcileable another way III. All this looks like designed Mistakes and Traps for should any man swear unless he understand And where an Oath is granted to be ambiguous can any man understand unless in want of the Imposers help he explain it for himself IV. Was ever a Man's explaining an Oath for himself before taking it far less his bare saying that he must explain it before he take it alledged to be The overturning of all Laws and Oaths and the usurping of the Legislative power and making of new Laws Certainly to offer to answer such things were to disparage common Reason And lastly this is strange Doctrine from the Advocate who himself in Council did allow not only the Earl his Explanation but that Explanation to the Clergy contrary as appears by their Scruples to what they that took it thought either the Parliaments design or the plain words of the Test could bear and certainly different from the sense many had already taken it in and wherein others were commanded to take it And whatever the Advocate may cavil to insnare the Earl sure he will not allow that by his explaining this Oath he himself hath taken on him the Legislative power of the Parliament far less though he should acknowledg it will any believe that he hath or could thereby make all Laws or Oaths useless By this you see what strange stuff he pleads which deserves no answer But says the Advocate the Earl affirms He takes the Test only as far as it consists with it self and with the Protestant Religion by which he most maliciously insinuates that it is inconsistent with both But first this only is not the Earl's but the Advocates addition Secondly I would soberly ask the Advocate or any Man Whether the Test as it includes the Confession in general and consequently all contained in it was not either really or at least might not have been apprehended to be inconsistent with it self Else what was the use or sense of the Councils explanation wherein it is declared That men do not swear to every proposition of the Confession but only to the Protestant Religion therein contained And if it was either inconsistent or apprehended to be so how could the Earl or any honest Man swear it in other terms with a safe Conscience But Thirdly If Parliaments be fallible and this Oath as being ambiguous needed the Councils explanation to clear it from inconsistencies must the Earl's words when he was to swear That he took it in so far as it was consistent be in this Case understood as spoken maliciously and with a criminal intent when all Sense Reason and Religion made this caution his duty And if it be so criminal for one going to swear to suppose a possibility of inconsistencies in it Is it not manifestly more criminal in others plainly to confess and grant that there are inconsistencies in it after they have swallowed it in gross without any explanation whatsoever But says the Advocate The Earl hath invented a new way whereby no Man is at all bound to the Test For how can any Man be bound if he will obey only as far as he can And yet it will be hard even for the Advocate tho he sometimes attempts indeed more than he and all the World with him can do To tell how a Man can obey farther And I am sure that in a matter of this kind viz. The free tender of an Oath all discreet men will judge the Earl's offer both frank and obliging Then he asks To what the Earl is bound if he be bound no further than he himself can obey Manifest confusion and never either spoke by the Earl nor at all pertinent to his case besides he freely acknowledges that all men are bound to more than they can do or so far as the Test is consistent with it self and the Protestant Religion a strange doubting or yet I dare say imports as much as His Majesty expects of any and more than the Advocate will ever perform But says the Advocate who can determine to what the Earl is bound Which says plainly That either the Test agrees with it self and the Protestant Religion in nothing or that the Protestant Religion is nothing both which the Earl thinks far from truth But the Advocate 's reasoning reflects far more on the Councils Explanation where it is plainly said That the Confession is not sworn to in the Test but only the Protestant Religion contained in the Confession so that the Protestant Religion indefinitely is that which is said to be sworn to Now pray is it not much worse for a Man to say That by taking the Test he swears only to the Confession as it contains or agrees with the Protestant Religion which is in effect to set the Protestant Religion at variance with its own Confession and so to reproach and ranverse the standard and make void the very security that the Parliament intended than to say That he swears the Test as it agrees with it self and the Protestant Religion which imports no such insinuation But from these pleasant Principles he jumps into this Fantastick Conclusion That therefore it cannot be denied but the Earl's interpretation destroys not only this Act but all Government and makes every Man's Conscience or Humour the Rule of his obedience But first as to the whole of his arguing the Earl neither invents says nor does any thing except that he offered his Explanation to the Council which they likewise accepted Secondly What mad inferences are these You say you will explain this Oath for your self therefore you overturn all Government and what not Whereas it is manifest on the other hand That if the Earl apprehending as he had reason the Oath to be ambiguous and in some things inconsistent had taken it without explaining it for himself or respect to its inconsistency it might have been most rationally concluded that in so doing he was both impious and perjured Thirdly It is false that the Earl doth make his Conscience any other way the rule of his obedience than as all honest men ought to do That is as they say To be Regula regulata in conformity to the undoubted Regula regulans the eternal rules of truth and righteousness as is manifest by his plain words As for what the Advocate insinuates of Humour instead of Conscience it is very well known to be the Ordinary reproach whereby men that have no Conscience endeavour to defame it in others But the Advocate is again at it and having run himself out of all consequences he insists and inculcates that the Earl had sworn nothing But it is plain that to swear nothing is none of the crimes libelled Secondly The Earl swears positively to the Test as it is consistent with it self and the Protestant Religion which certainly is something unless the Advocate prove as he insinuates that there is
nothing in the Test consistent with either And 3dly If the Protestant Religion and the Earl his reference to it be nothing then is not only the Council sadly reproached who in their Explanation declare this to be the only thing sworn to in the first part of the Test but our Religion quite subverted as far as this Test can do it But next for the Treason the Advocate says That the Earl expresly declares he means not by the Test to bind up himself from wishing or endeavouring in his station and in a lawful way any alteration he shall think for the advantage of Church or State whereby says he the Earl declares himself and others loosed from any obligation to the Government and from the duty of all good Subjects and that they may make what alterations they please A direct contrariety instead of a just consequence as if to be tied to Law Religion and Loyalty were to be loosed from all three Can there be a flatter and more ridiculous contradiction Next the Advocate pretends to found upon the fundamental Laws of this and all Nations Whereby it is Treason for any Man to make any alterations he thinks fit for the advantage of Church or State But first The Earl is not nor cannot be accused of so much as wishing much less endeavouring or making any alteration either in Church or State only he reserves to himself the same freedom for wishing which he had before his Oath and that all that have taken it do in effect say they still retain 2dly For a man to endeavour in his station and in a lawful way such alterations in Church or State as he conceives to their advantage not repugnant to Religion and Loyalty is so far from being Treason that it is the duty of every Subject and the sworn Duty of all His Majesty's Councellors and of all Members of Parliament But the Advocate by fancying and misapplying Laws of Nations wresting Acts of Parliaments adding taking away chopping and changing words thinks to conclude what he pleases And thus he proceeds That the Treason of making Alterations is not taken off by such qualifications of making them in a lawful way in ones station to the advantage of Church or State and not repugnant to Religion or Loyalty But how then Here is a strange matter Hundreds of Alterations have been made within these few years in our Government and in very material Points and the King 's best Subjects and greatest Favourites have both endeavoured and effectuate them And yet because the things were done according to the Earl's qualifications instead of being accounted Treason they have been highly commended and rewarded The Treasury hath been sometimes in the hands of a Treasurer sometimes put into a Commission backward and forward And the Senators of the College of Justice the right of whose places was thought to be founded on an Act of Parliament giving His Majesty the prerogative only of presenting are now commissioned by a Patent under the great Seal both which are considerable alterations in the Government which some have opposed others have wished and endeavoured and yet without all fear of Treason on either hand only because they acted according to these qualifications in a lawful way and not repugnant to Religion and Loyalty But that which the Advocate wilfully mistakes for it is impossible he could do it ignorantly is that he will have the endeavouring of alterations in general not to be of it self a thing indifferent and only determinable to be good or evil by its qualifications as all men see it plainly to be but to be forsooth in this very generality intrinsically evil a Notion never to be admitted on Earth in the frail and fallible condition of humane Affairs And then he would establish this wise Position by an example he adduces That rising in Arms against the King for so sure he means it being otherwise certain that rising in Arms in general is also a thing indifferent and plainly determinable to be either good or evil as done with or against the King's Authority is Treason and says If the Earl had reserved to himself a liberty to rise in Arms against the King tho he had added in a lawful manner yet it would not have availed because and he says well This being in it self unlawful the qualification had been but shams and contrariae facto But why then doth not his own reason convince him where the difference lies viz. That rising in Arms against the King is in it self unlawful whereas endeavouring alterations is only lawful or unlawful as it is qualified and if qualified in the Earl's Terms can never be unlawful But says the Advocate The Earl declares himself free to make all alterations and so he would make Men believe that the Earl is for making All or Any without any reserve whereas the Earl's words are most express that he is Neither for making all or any but only for wishing and endeavouring for such as are good and lawful and in a lawful way which no Man can disown without denying common reason nor no sworn Councellor disclaim without manifest Perjury But the Advocate 's last conceit is That the Earl's restriction is not as the King shall think fit or as is consistent with the Law but that himself is still to be judge of this and his Loyalty to be the standard But first The Earl's restriction is expresly according to Loyalty which in good sense is the same with according to Law and the very thing that the King is ever supposed to think Secondly As neither the Advocate nor any other hitherto have had reason to distinguish the exercise and actings of the Earl●s Loyalty from those of His Majesty's best Subjects so Is it not a marvellous thing that the Advocate should profess to think for in reality he cannot think it the Earl's words His Loyalty which all men see to be the same with his Duty and Fidelity or what else can bind him to his Prince capable of any quibble far more to be a ground of so horrid an accusation And whereas the Advocate says The Earl is still to be judge of this It is but an insipid calumny it being as plain as any thing can be That the Earl doth nowise design His thinking to be the rule of Right and Wrong but only mentions it as the necessary application of these excellent and unerring Rules of Religion Law and Reason to which he plainly refers and subjects both his thinking and himself to be judged accordingly By which it is evident that the Earl's restriction is rather better and more dutiful than that which the Advocate seems to desiderate And if the Earl's restrictions had not been full enough it was the Advocate 's part before administrating the Oath to have craved what more he thought necessary which the Earl in the Case would not have refused But it is believed the Advocate can yet hardly propose restrictions more full and suitable to Duty
than the fore-mentioned of Religion Law and Reason which the Earl did of himself profer As for what His Majesty's Advocate adds That under such professions and reserves the late Rebellions and disorders have all been c●rried on and fomented It is but a meer vapour for no Rebellion ever was or can be without a breach of one or other of the Earl's qualifications which doth sufficiently vindicate that part of the Earl's Explanation The Advocate insists much that Any is equivalent to All and that All comprehends Every particular under it which he would have to be the deadly Poyson in the Earl's words And yet the Earl may defy him and all his detracters to find out a Case of the least undutifulness much less of Rebellion that a Man can be guilty of while he keeps within the excellent Rules and Limitations wherewith his words are cautioned I could tell you further that so imaginary or rather extravagant and ridiculous is this pretended Treason that there is not a person in Scotland either of those who have refused or who by the Act are not called to take the Test that may not upon the same ground and words be impeach't viz. That they are not bound and so without doubt both may and do say it by the Test in their station c. to wish and endeavour any alteration c. Nay I desire the Advocate to produce the Man among those that have taken the Test that will affirm that by taking it he hath bound up himself never to wish or endeavour any alteration c. according to the Earl's qualifications and I shall name Hundreds to whom his Highness as you have heard may be added that will say they are not bound up So that by this conclusion if it were yielded all Scotland are equally guilty of Treason the Advocate himself to say nothing of His Royal Highness not excepted Or if he still think he is I wish he would testify under his hand to the World that by his Oath he is bound up never to wish nor endeavour any alteration he thinks to the advantage of Church or State in a lawful way nor in his station though neither repugnant to the Protestant Religion nor his Loyalty And if this he do he does as a Man if not of Sense at least of Honour but if not I leave a blank for his Epithets But that you may see that this whole affair is a deep Mystery pray notice what is objected against the last part of the Explanation This I understand as a part of my Oath Which says the Advocate is a Treasonable invasion upon the Royal Legislative power as if the Earl could make to himself an Act of Parliament since he who can make any part of an Act may make the whole And then say I farewell all Takers of the Test with an Explanation whether the Orthodox Clergy or Earl Queensberry tho himself Justice General who were allowed by the Council so to do seeing that whether they hold their Explanation for a part of their Oath or not yet others may and in effect all men of sense do understand it so And thus in the Advocate 's Opinion they have Treasonably invaded the Legislative Power and made an Act of Parliament to themselves Neither in that Case can the Councils allowance excuse them seeing not only the Earl had it as well as they but even the Council it self cannot make an Act of Parliament either for themselves or others But Sir I protest I am both ashamed and wearied of this trifling and therefore to shut up this Head I shall only give a few remarks First you may see by the Acts of Parliament upon which the Advocate founds his Indictment That as to Leasing-making and depraving Laws all of them run in these plain and sensible terms The inventing of Narrations the making and telling of Lies the ●ttering of wicked and untrue Calumnies to the slander of King and Government the depraving of his Laws and misconstruing his Proceedings to the engendering of discord moving and raising of batred and dislike betwixt the King and his People And as to Treason in these yet more positive terms That none impugn the dignity and authority of the Three Estates or seek or procure the innovation or diminution thereof Which are things so palpable and easily discerned and withal so infinitely remote both from the Earl's words and intentions or any tollerable construction can be put on either that I confess I never read this Indictment but I was made to wonder that its forger and maker was not in looking on it deterred by the just apprehensions he might have not only to be sometime accused as a manifest depraver of all Law but to be for ever accounted a gross and most disingenuous perverter of common sense The Earl's words are sober respectful and dutifully spoken for the exoneration of his own Conscience without the least insinuation of either reflection or slander much less the impugning of the Authority of Parliament as the Earl may appeal not only to His Majesty's true and Royal sense but to the most scrupulous and nice affecters of the exactest discerning besides that they were first formally tendered in Council for their approbation and by them directly allowed How then can any Man think that they could be charged with the greatest and vilest of crimes Leasing-making Depraving Perjury and Treason But the Advocate tells us That there are some things which the Law commonly forbids in general and that some inferences are as natural and strong and reproach as soon or sooner than the plainest defamations But what of all this Must therefore such generals be left to the phantastick application of every wild imagination to the confounding of the use of Speech and subverting of humane Society and not rather be still submitted to the judgment of common sense for their true and right understanding and the deducing thence these strong and natural inferences talk'd of Of which good sense if the Advocate do but allow a grain weight it is evident that the inferences he here Libels against the Earl must infallibly be cast and by all rational unbiassed men be found strange unnatural and monstrous For Sir Secondly pray observe these rational and sound Maxims he founds his Inferences on and they are manifestly these First That he who says he will only obey as far as be can invents a new way whereby no man is at all bound to obey 2dly That he who in the midst of Hundreds of exceptions and contradictions objected against an Oath injoyned by Act of Parliament and still unanswered says That he is confident the Parliament never intended to impose contradictory Oaths reproaches the Parliament 3dly That he that says he must explain an ambiguous Oath for himself before he take it renders all Laws and Oaths useless and makes himself the Legislator 4thly That he that says that he takes this Oath as far as it is consistent with it self and the Protestant
Praerogativas Ejusdem Et quod non intendo per hujusmodi juramentum vel juramenta quovis modo me obligare qui minus libere loqui consulere aut consentire valeam in omnibus singulis Reformationem Religionis Christianae Gubernationem Ecclesiae Anglicanae Praerogativam Coronae ejusdem Reipublicae vel commoditatem earundem quoquo modo concernentibus ea ubique exequi reformare quae mihi in Ecclesia Anglicana reformanda videbuntur Et secundum hanc interpretationem intellectum hunc non aliter nequa alia modo dictum juramentum me praestiturum protestor profiteor That is to say In the name of God Amen Before you c. It neither is nor shall be my will or meaning by this kind of Oath or Oaths and however the words of themselves shall seem to sound or signify to bind up my self by vertue hereof to say do or endeavour any thing which shall really be or appear to be against the Law of God or against our most Illustrious King of England or against his Laws and Prerogatives And that I mean not by this my Oath or Oaths any ways to bind up my self from speaking consulting and consenting freely in all and every thing in any sort concerning the Reformation of the Christian Religion the Government of the Church of England and the Prerogative of the Crown of the Commonwealth thereof or their advantage and from executing and reforming such things as I shall think need to be reformed in the Church of England And according to this Explanation and sense and not otherwise nor in any other manner do I protest and profess that I am to take and perform this Oath Nor did that excellent Person says Mr. Fuller smother this privately in a corner but publickly interposed it three several times once in the Charter-house before authentick Witnesses again upon his bended knees before the high Altar in view and hearing of many People and Bishops beholding him when he was consecrated and the third time when he received the Pall in the same place Now would it not be very strange if the like liberty should not be allowed to the Earl under His Majesty in reference to the Test which Henry the VIIIth a Prince that stood as much on his Prerogative as ever any did vouchsafe to this Thomas Cranmer who as another Historian observes acted fairly and above-board But there wanted then the high and excellent Designs of the great Ministers the rare fidelity of Councellors sound Religion and tender piety of Bishops solid Law and Learning of Advocates incorruptible Integrity of Judges and upright honesty of Assizers that now we have to get Archbishop Cranmer accused and condemned for Leasing-making depraving Laws Perjury and Treason to which Accusation his Explanation was certainly no less obnoxious than the Earl's But I hasten to the fourth and last Head of the Earl's Additional Defences viz. The removing certain groundless Pretences alledged by the Advocate for aggravating the Earl's Offence As 1. That the Earl being a Peer and Member of Parliament should have known the sense of the Parliament and that neither the Scruples of the Clergy nor the Council's Proclamation designed for meer Ignorants could any way excuse the Earl for offering such an Explanation But first the Advocate might have remembred that in another Passage he taxes the Earl as having debated in Parliament against the Test whereby it is easie to gather that the Earl having been in the matter of the Test a dissenter this quality doth rather justify than aggravate the Earl's Scrupling 2dly If the Proclamation was designed for the meer Ignorants of the Clergy as the Advocate calls them who knew nothing of what had past in Parliament an Explanation was far more necessary for the Earl who knows so little of what the Advocate alledges to have past in Parliament viz. That the Confession of Faith was not to be sworn to as a part of the Test that of necessity as I think he must know the contrary Inasmuch as first this is obvious from the express tenor of the Test which binds to own and profess the true Protestant Religion contained in the Confession of Faith and to believe the same to be agreeable to the Word of God as also to adhere thereto and never to consent to any change contrary to or inconsistent with the said Protestant Religion and Confession of Faith Which to common sense appears as plain and evident as can be contrived or desired But 2dly It is very well known that it was expresly endeavoured and carried in Parliament that the Confession of Faith should be a part of the Test and Oath For the Confession of Faith being designed to be sworn to by an Act for securing the Protestant Religion which you have heard was prepared in the Articles but afterwards thrown out when this Act for the Test was brought into the Parliament some days after by the Bishop of Edinburgh and others the Confession was designedly left out of it But it being again debated that the bare naming of the Protestant Religion without condescending on a Standard for it was not sufficient the Confession of Faith was of new added And after the affirmative Clause for owning it and adhering to it was insert upon a new motion the negative never to consent to any alteration contrary to or inconsistent with the said Protestant Religion and Confession of Faith was also subjoined But not without a new debate and opposition made against the words And Confession of Faith by the Bishop of Edinburgh until at length he also yielded All which it is hoped was done for some purpose And if at that time any had doubted of the thing he had certainly been judged most ridiculous For it was by that addition concluded by all That the Confession was to be sworn And further it appears plainly by the Bishop of Edinburgh his Vindication that when he wrote it he believed the Confession was to be sworn to for he takes pains to justify it though calumniously enough alledging That it was hastily compiled in the short space of four days by some Barons and Ministers in the infancy of our Reformation Where by the by you see that he makes no reckoning of what the Act of Parliament to which the Test refers expresly bears viz. That that second Ratification 1567. which we only have recorded was no less then seven years after this Confession was first exhibited and approven Anno 1560. But moreover he tells us That the Doctors of Aberdeen who refused the Covenant were yet willing not only to subscribe but to swear this Confession of Faith Which again to answer the Bishops Critick of Four days was more than 70. years after it was universally received It 's true that when the Bishop finds himself straitned how to answer Objections he is forced to make use of the new Gloss I shall not call it of Orleans whereby the Protestant Religion is made to be
another making a Speech that no Man understood a third all the time of the reading repeating Lord have mercy upon me miserable sinner Nay even an Advocate after being debarred a few days because albeit no Clerk yet he would not take it without the benefit of his Clergy viz. the Councils Explanation was yet thereafter admitted without the Warrant of the Councils Act but all this in the Case of so many other was right and good Further the Council expresly declare the Earl to be Guilty before he had ever said one word in his own defence Thereafter some of them become his Assizers and others of them witness against him and after all they do of new concern themselves by a Second Letter to His Majesty wherein they assert That after full debate and clear probation he was found guilty of Treason c. to have a sentence past against him and that of so high a nature and so dreadful a consequence as suffers no person to be unconcerned far less their Lordships his Judges who upon grounds equally just and which is more already predetermined by themselves may soon meet with the same measure not only as Concealers of Treason but upon the least pretended disobedience or non-compliance with any Act of Parliament and after all must infallably render an account to God Almighty He bids them therefore lay their hands to their bearts and whatever they shall judge he is assured that God knows and he hopes all unblassed men in the World will or may know he is neither guilty of Treason nor any of the Crimes libelled He says he is glad how many out-do him in asserting the true Protestant Religion and their Loyalty to His Majesty only he hadds If he could justify himself to God as he can to His Majesty he is sure he might account himself the happiest man alive But yet seeing he hath a better hope in the mercy of God through Jesus Christ he thereupon rests whether he finds Justice here on Earth or not He says he will add nothing to move them either to tenderness or pity he knows that not to be the place and pretends to neither from them He pleads his Innocence and craves Justice leaving it to their Lordships to consider not so much his particular Case as what a Preparative it may be made and what may be its Consequences And if all he hath said do neither convince nor persuade them to alter their judgment yet he desires them to consider whether the Case do not at least deserve to be more fully represented and left to His Majecty's wisdom and justice seeing that if once the matter pass upon record for Treason it is undoubted that hundreds of the best and who think themselves most innocent may by the same methods fall under the like Condemnation whenever the King's Advocate shall be thereto prompted And thus you have a part of what the Earl intended to have said before pronouncing Sentence if he had not made his Escape before the day Yet some things I perceive by his Notes are still in his own breast as only proper to be said to His Majesty I find several Quotations out of the Advocate 's printed Books that it seems he was to make some use of but seeing it would have been too great an interruption to have applied them to the places designed I have subjoined them together leaving them to the Advocate 's own and all mens consideration It was by some remarked That when the Lords of Justitiary after the ending of the first days debate resolved that same night to give judgment upon it they sent for the Lord Nairn one of their number an old and infirm man who being also a Lord of the Session is so decayed through age that he hath not for a considerable time been allowed to take his turn in the Outer-house as they call it where they judge lesser Causes alone But notwithstanding both his age and infirmity and that he was gone to bed he was raised and brought to the Court to consider a Debate a great deal whereof he had not heard in full Court and withal as is informed while the Clerk was reading some of it fell of new asleep It was also remarked that the Lords of Justitiary being in all five viz. the Lord Nairn above-mentioned with the Lords Collintoun Newtoun Hirkhouse and Forret the Libel was found relevant only by the odds of three to two viz. the Lord Nairn aforesaid the Lord Newtoun since made President of the Session and the Lord Forret both well enough known against the Lord Collintoun a very ingenious Gentleman and a true old Cavalier and the Lord Hirkhouse a learned and upright Judge As for the Lord Justice General who was also present and presided his vote according to the constitution of the Court was not asked But to return to my Narrative the Earl as I have already told you did not think fit for reasons that you shall hear to stay till His Majesty's return came to the Council's last Letter but taking his opportunity made his escape out of the Castle of Edinburgh upon Tuesday the Twentieth of December about eight at night and in a day or two after came His Majesty's Answer here subjoined The King's Answer to the Council's Letter December 18. 1681. C. R. MOST dearly c. having this day received your Letter of the 14th instant giving an account that our Advocate having been ordered by you to insist in that Process raised at our instance against the Earl of Argyle he was after full debate and clear probation found guilty of Treason and Leasing-making betwixt us our Parliament and our People and the reproaching our Laws and Acts of Parliament We have now thought fit notwithstanding of what was ordered by us in our Letter to you of the 15th of November last hereby to authorize you to grant a Warrand to our Justice General and the remanent Judges of our Justice Court for proceeding to pronounce a Sentence upon the Verdict of the Jury against the said Earl nevertheless it is our express pleasure and we do hereby require you to take care that all execution of the Sentence be stopped until we shall think fit to declare our further pleasure in this Affair For doing whereof c. Which Answer being read in Council on the Thursday and the Court of Justiciary according to its last Adjournment as shall be told you being to meet upon the Friday after a little hesitation in Council whether the Court of Justiciary could proceed to the Sentence of Forfaulture against the Earl he being absent it was resolved in the affirmative And what were the grounds urged either of hesitation or resolution I cannot precisely say there being nothing on record that I can learn But that you may have a full and satisfying account I shall briefly tell you what was ordinarily discoursed a part whereof I also find in a Petition given in by the Countess of Argyle to the Lords
time coming and to have forfaulted amitted and tint all and sundry his Lands Tenements annual-rents Offices Titles Dignities Tacks Steedings Rowmes Possessions Goods and Geere whatsumever pertaining to him to our Sovereign Lord to remain perpetually with his Highness in property Which was pronounced for Doom 23 Dec. 1681. After the reading and publshing whereof The Earl's Coat of Arms by order of the Court was also torn and ranversed both in the Court and at the Mercat-Cross Albeit some thought that this was rather a part of the Execution which His Majesty's Letter discharges than a necessary Solemnity in the Publication and the Advocate himself says p. 61. of his printed Criminals That it should only be practised in the Crime of Perduellion but not in other Treasons The Reasons and Motives of the Earl's Escape with the Conclusion of the whole Narrative THE Earl's Escape was at first a great surprise both to his Friends and Unfriends for as it is known that his Process in the beginning did appear to the less concerned more like a piece of pageantry than any reality and even by the more concerned was accounted but a politick Design to take away his Offices and lessen his Power and Interest So neither did any of his Friends fear any greater hazard nor did most of his Unfriends imagine them to be more apprehensive Whereby it fell out that upon report of his Escape many and some of his Well-wishers thought he had too lightly abandoned a fair Estate and the probable expectation he might have had of His Majesty's favour As also some that were judged his greatest Adversaries did appear very angry as if the Earl had taken that course on purpose to load them with the odium of a design against his life And truly I am apt to think it was not only hard and uneasie for others to believe that a Person of the Earl's quality and character should upon so slender a pretence be destroyed both as to life and fortune but also that he himself was slow enough to receive the impressions necessary to ripen his Resolution and that if a few Accidents as he says himself happening a little before his escape had not as it were opened his eyes and brought back and presented to him several things past in a new light and so made all to operate to his final determination he had stayed it out to the last Which that you may the better understand you may here consider the several Particulars that together with what he himself hath since told some Friends apparently occurred to him in these his second thoughts in their following order And first you have heard in the beginning of this Narrative what was the first occasion of the Earl his declining in his Highness's favour You may also remember that his Majesty's Advocate takes notice that he debated against the Act enjoining the Test in the Parliament And as I have told you he was indeed the Person that spoke against excepting the King's Brothers and Sons from the Oath then intended for securing the Protestant Religion and the Subjects Loyalty not thinking it fit to complement with a Privilege where all possible caution appears rather to be necessary And this a Reverend Bishop told the Earl afterwards had downright fired the kiln What thereafter happened in Parliament and how the Earl was always ready to have laid all his Offices at his Majesty's feet And how he was content in Council to be held a Refuser of the Test and thereby incur an intire deprivation of all publick Trust is above fully declared and only here remembred to shew what Reason the Earl had from his first coming to Edinburgh in the end of October to think that something else was intended against him than the simple devesting him of his Employments and Jurisdictions And yet such was his assurance of his Innocence that when ordered by the Council to enter his Person in Prison under the pain of Treason he entered freely in an Hackney Coach without either hesitation or noise as you have heard 2dly The same day of the Earl's Commitment the Council met and wrote as I have told you their Letter to his Majesty above set down Num. 22. Wherein they expresly charge him with Reproaching and depraving but yet neither with Perjury nor Treason and a few days after the Earl wrote a Letter to his Highness wherein he did endeavour to remove his Offence in terms that it was said at first had given satisfaction But yet the only return the Earl had was a Criminal Summons containing an Indictment and that before any Answer was come from His Majesty And then so soon as his Majesty's Answer came there was a new Summons sent him with a new Indictment adding the Crimes of Treason and Perjury to those of Reproaching and Depraving which were in the first Libel as you have heard above whereby you may perceive how early the Design against the Earl began to grow and how easily it took encrease from the least encouragement 3dly When the Earl petitioned the Council for Advocates to plead for him Albeit he petitioned twice and upon clear Acts of Parliament yet he had no better Answer than what you have above set down And when the Earl's Petition naming Sir George Lockhart as his ordinary Advocate was read in Council his Highness openly threatned that in case Sir George should undertake for the Earl he should never more plead for the King nor him But the Earl taking Instruments upon Sir George his refusal and giving out that he would not answer a word at the Bar seeing the benefit of Lawyers according to Law was denied him Sir George and other Lawyers were allowed to assist him but still with a grudge Likewise afterwards they were questioned and convened before the Council for having at the Earl's desire signed their positive Opinion of the Case At which time it was also said in Council by his Highness That their fault was greater than the Earl's However we see that as he was the occasion of the anger so he hath only found the smart of it 4thly The whole Process with the Judgment of the Lords of Justitiary and Verdict of the Assize whereby the Earl was found guilty as you have seen notwithstanding of what hath so plainly appeared and was so strongly pleaded in his behalf of Leasing-making Depraving and Treason Is of it self a clear demonstration that either the highest punishment was intended for so high a guilt or that at least it was no small humiliation that some designed for him It being equally against reason and prudence setting aside the Interest of Justice to strain things of this nature beyond the ends truly purposed and which in effect are only the more to be suspected the more they are concealed 5thly The Process being carried on to the Verdict of the Assize and the Council being tied up by His Majesty's Letter before pronouncing Sentence to send a particular account to His Majesty of what
for the Life of the injured Lord was broken as is manifest by his liberty now obtained by Law Witnesses may come prepared and tell plausible Stories in open Court if they know from the Prosecutor to what they must answer and have agreed and acquainted each other with the Tales they will tell and have resolved to be careful that all their Answers to cross Interrogatories may be conformable to their first Stories And if these relate only to Words spoken at several times in private to distinct Witnesses in such a case Evidence if given in open Court may seem to be very strong against the Person accused though there be nothing of truth in it But if such Witnesses were privately and separately examined by the Grand Inquest as the Law requires and were to answer only such Questions as they thought fit and in such order as was best in their Judgments and most natural to find out the Truth of the Accusation so that the Witnesses could not guess what they should be asked first or last nor one conjecture what the other had said which they are certain of when they know beforehand what the Prosecutor will ask in Court of every of them and what they have resolved to answer if the Inquest should put them out of their Road and then compare all their several Answers together they might possibly discern marks enough of falsehood to shew that their Testimonies ought not to be depended upon where Life is in question By what is now said the reasonableness of this Institution of Secrecy may be discerned in respect to the discovery of Truth and the protection of the Innocent from malicious Combinations and Perjuries Yet the same Secrecy of the King's Counsel is no less necessary to reserve the guilty for punishment when the Evidence against any party accused is not manifest and full it may be kept without prejudice under Secrecy until further enquiry and if sufficient proof can afterwards be made of the Offence an Indictment may be found by a Grand Inquest and the Party brought to answer it But when the Examinations are in open Court or the King's Council any other way divulged and the Evidence is weak and less than the Law requires 't is not probable that it will be more or stronger and should an Indictment be found and the Party tried by a Petit Jury whilst the Evidence is not full they must and ought to acquit him and then the further prosecution for the same Offence is for ever barred though his guilt should afterwards be manifest and confessed by himself From hence may certainly be concluded That Secrecy in the Examinations and Enquiries of Grand Juries is in all respects for the Interest and advantage of the King If he be concerned to have secret Treason Felonies and all other Enormities brought to light and that none of the Offenders should escape Justice if the gain of their Forfeitures be thought his Interest which God forbid then the first notices of all dangerous Crimes and wicked Confederacies ought to be secretly and prudently pursued and searcht into by the Grand Inquest the Accusers and Witnesses ought not to publish in a Court before a multitude what they pretend to know in such Cases until the discretion of so many honest Men of the Neighbourhood hath first determined whether their Testimony will amount to so good and full Evidence that it may be made publick with safety to the King and People in order to Justice Else they are obliged by Oath to lock up in their own Breasts all the Circumstances and Presumptions of Crimes until they or such as shall succeed in the same Trust shall have discovered as they believe Evidence enough to convict the Accused and then and not before they are to accuse the Party upon Record by finding the Bills as it 's usually called But when Bills are offered without satisfactory Evidence and they neither know nor can learn any more they ought for the King's sake to indorse Ignoramus upon them lest his Honour and Justice be stained by causing or permitting such Prosecution of his People in his own name and at his Suit as shall appear upon their Tryal and Acquittal to have been frivolous or else malicious designs upon their Lives and Fortunes If it should be said That whatsoever Reasons there are for this Oath of Secrecy yet it cannot deprive the King of the benefit of having the Evidence made publick if he desires it and that the Grand Jury do not break their Oaths when the King or the Prosecutor for him will have it so 'T is not hard to shew that such Notions have no foundation in Law or Reason and seem to come from Men who have not well studied the first Principles of the English Government or of True Religion Whosoever hath learnt that the Kings of England were ordained for the good Government of the Kingdom in the Execution of the Laws must needs know that the King cannot lawfully seek any other benefit in judicial proceedings than that common Right and Justice be done to the People according to their Laws and Customs Their Safety and Prosperity are to be the Objects of his continual Care and Study that being the highest concern The Greatness and Honour of a Prince consists in the Virtue Multitude Wealth and Prowess of his People and his greatest Glory is by the excellency of his Government so to have encouraged Virtue and Piety that few or no Criminals are to be found in his Dominions Those who have made this their principal aim have in some places so well succeeded as to introduce such a Discipline and rectitude of Manners as rendred every man a Law unto himself Gar. de la Veg Hist de los Incas As it is reported in the History of Peru that though the Laws were so severe as to make very small Crimes capital yet it often fell out that not one man was put to death in a year within the whole compass of that vast Empire The King 's only benefit in finding out and punishing Offenders by Courts of Justice are the preservation and support of the Government the protection of the Innocent revenging their wrongs and preventing further mischiefs by the terrors of exemplary Punishments The King is the head of Justice in the esteem of our Laws and the whole Kingdom is to expect right to be done them in his several Courts instituted by Law for that purpose Therefore Writs issue out in his name in all cases where relief is sought by the Subject and the wrongs done to the Lives or Limbs of the People are said to be done against the Peace of the King his Crown and Dignity reckoning it a dishonour to him and his Government that Subjects should not whilst they live within the Law enjoy Peace and Security It ought to be taken for a scandal upon the King when he is represented in a Court of Justice as if he were partially concerned or
between them for my part I never did I came to Oxford with my Lord Howard whom I look upon to be a very honest worthy Gentleman my Lord Clare my Lord Paget and my Lord Huntingdon and this Capt. Brown and Don Lewis were in my company and came along with us as they were my Lord Howard's Friends Brown I have known I believe two or three months but Lewis I never saw before that day they said they came with my Lord Howard I take God to witness I never had but one sixpence or any thing else to carry on any design and if it were to save my life now I can't charge any man in the world with any design against the Government as God is my witness or against his Majesty or any other person As for what Arms I had and what Arms others had they were for our own defence in case the Papists should make any attempt upon us by way of Massacre or any Invasion or Rebellion that we should be ready to defend our selves God is my witness this is all I know If this be a Plot this I was in but in no other But never knew of any numbers or times appointed for meeting but we said one to another that the Papists had a Design against the Protestants when we did meet as I was a man of general Conversation and in case they should rise we were ready but then they should begin the Attempt upon us This was my business and is the business of every good Subject that loves the Laws of his Country and his King For England can never hope to be happy under those Blood-thirsty men whose Religion is Blood and Murther which I do with all my Soul and did ever since I knew what Religion was abhor and detest viz. the Church of Rome as pernicious and destructive to humane Societies and all Government I beseech God that every Man of you may unite together as Protestants against this common Foe Gentlemen it is my sence and I do in that believe I am as certainly murthered by the hands of the Papists as Sir Edmundbury Godfrey himself was though the thing is not seen These Witnesses certainly are mercenary men and I beseech God Almighty to have mercy upon their Souls and forgive them and either by his Judgments or mercies reclaim them that they shed no more innocent blood There is not a man of them that I know of that ever heard me say or do any bit of Treason in my life This is the first I mayn't say it is but almost the twentieth Sham-Plot that they have endeavoured to put upon the Nation to delude the People and put off their own damnable Plot. This is not the first but I think the sixteenth or seventeenth I pray God that my blood may be the last I pray God defend every man's blood and all Protestants in England from the hand of these bloody Papists by whose means I die this Death and if they shall go on in this nature I hope the good God will open every mans eyes to see it before he feels it And I beseech you if you have any love for your King your Country and the Protestants unite together if you are Protestants I pray God those that deserve the name let them be called how they will either Dissenters or Church of England men that they may unite together like men like Christians against the common Foe who will spare neither the one side nor the other but beat you one against another like two Pitchers the last that stands they will certainly destroy if they can This is my sence and God is my witness I speak my Conscience I do not know Mr. Sheriff whether there be any thing else I have to say or no. We have a good God and I beseech every man that hears me this day for we live in a sinful Age good People and it behoveth every one of you it cannot be long before all that look upon me in this condition must lie down in the Dust and God knows must come into an eternal estate either for Mercy or Judgment I beseech you in the name of God he is a God of Mercy and a God of Patience and long suffering that you would break off your Sins by Repentance and serve a good God who must be your Friend at last or else you are lost to Eternity O Lord how ungrateful wretches are we that have a God of such infinite Mercy and goodness that affords us our Life our Health and a thousand Mercies every day and we like ungrateful People not deserving the name of Men or Christians live riotous lives in Debauchery and Swearing in Malice and the Lord knows how many Evils I beseech God that I may be this day a means in the hand of God to bring some of their Souls over to him I beseech you remember what I say Indeed I do not know I have been so strangely used since I have been a Prisoner what to say being brought from one Affliction to another that my Body is worn out and my Memory and Intellects have failed me much to what they were I can't remember what I have to say more but that the Lord Jesus Christ would bless my Country and preserve it from Popery and in mercy bless his Majesty good God be merciful to him make him an instrument in thy hands to defend his Protestant Subjects Lord in mercy defend him from his Enemies good God bless this People good Lord continue the Gospel of Jesus Christ thy Gospel in its purity to us and our Posterity as long as the Sun and Moon endureth O Lord save all that call upon thee be merciful to all thy Servants all thy People that put their trust in thee good Lord deliver them from the hands of their Enemies good Lord let their Lives and Bodies and Souls be all precious in thy sight O merciful God put a stop to these most wicked Conspiracies of thy Enemies and the Nations Enemies the Papists let no more Protestant blood be shed but this of mine I beseech thee O my God O Lord look upon me O Lord bless me O good God receive me into thy blessed presence by Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and Redeemer in whom alone I put my trust for Salvation It is thee O God that I trust in thou righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth All Popery all Pardons all Popes and Priests all Dispensations I disown and will not go out of the World with a lye in my mouth From the sincerity of my heart I declare again that what I 've said to you is the very Sentiments of my Soul as God shall have mercy upon me and to the best of my knowledge I desire the Prayers of you good People while I am here and once more I beseech you to think upon Eternity every one of you that hear me this day the Lord turn your Hearts and Souls if you have been wicked livers if you
do live wicked lives the Lord in mercy convert you and shew you your danger for I as little thought to come to this as any man that hears me this day and I bless God I have no more deserved it from the hands of men than the Child that sucks at his Mothers breast I bless my God for it I do say I have been a sinner against my God and he hath learned me Grace ever since I have been a Prisoner I bless my God for a Prison I bless my God for Afflictions I bless my God that ever I was restrain'd for I never knew my self till he had taken me out of the World Therefore you that have your liberties time and precious opportunities be up and be doing for God and for your Souls every one of you To his Son Where is my dear Child Mr. Sheriff I made one request to you you gave me an imperfect Answer you said you were of the best Reformed Church in the world the Church of England according to the best Reformation in the world I desire you for the satisfaction of the world to declare what Church that is whether Presbyterian or Independant or the Church of England or what Colledge Good Mr. Sheriff for your satisfaction for 20 years and above I was under the Presbyterian Ministry till his Majesties Restauration then I was conformable to the Church of England when that was restored and so continued till such time as I saw Persecution upon the Dissenting People and undue things done in their Meeting-places then I went among them to know what kind of people those were and I take God to witness since that time I have used their Meetings viz. the presbyterians others very seldom and the Church of England I did hear Dr. Tillotson not above three weeks before I was taken I heard the Church of England as frequently as I heard the Dissenters and never had any prejudice God is my witness against either but always heartily desired that they might unite and be Lovers and Friends and I had no prejudice against any man and truly I am afraid that it is not for the Nations good that there should be such Heart-burnings between them That some of the Church of England will preach that the Presbyterians are worse than the Papists God doth know that what I say I speak freely from my heart I have found many among them truly serving God and so I have of all the rest that have come into my company Men without any manner of Design but to serve God serve his Majesty and keep their Liberties and Properties men that I am certain are not of vicious lives I found no Dammers or those kind of People amongst them or at least few of them To his Son Kissing him several times with great passion Dear Child Farewell the Lord have mercy upon thee Good people let me have your Prayers to God Almighty to receive my Soul And then he Prayed and as soon as he had done spake as followeth The Lord have mercy upon my Enemies and I beseech you good People whoever you are and the whole World that I have offended to forgive me whomever I have offended in word or deed I ask every man's pardon and I forgive the World with all my soul all the Injuries I have received and I beseech God Almighty forgive those poor Wretches who have cast away their souls or at least endangered them to ruine this body of mine I beseech God that they may have a sight of their Sins and that they may find mercy at his hands Let my blood speak the justice of my Cause I have done And God have mercy upon you all To Mr. Crosthwait Pray Sir my Service to Dr. Hall and Dr. Reynall and thank them for all their kindnesses to me I thank you Sir for your kindness The Lord bless you all Mr. Sheriff God be with you God be with you all good People The Executioner Ketch desired his pardon and he said I do forgive you The Lord have mercy on my Soul The SPEECH of the Late Lord RUSSEL to the SHERIFFS Together with the PAPER deliver'd by him to them at the place of Execution on July 21. 1683. Mr. SHERIFF I Expected the Noise would be such that I could not be very well heard I was never fond of much speaking much less now Therefore I have set down in this Paper all that I think fit to leave behind me God knows how far I was always from Designs against the King's Person or of altering the Government and I still pray for the Preservation of both and of the Protestant Religion I am told that Captain Walcot has said some things concerning my knowledge of the Plot I know not whether the Report is true or not I hope it is not For to my knowledg I never saw him or spake with him in my whole Life and in the Words of a dying Man I profess I know of no Plot either against the King's Life or the Government But I have now done with this World and am going to a better I forgive all the World and I thank God I die in Charity with all Men and I wish all sincere Protestants may love one another and not make way for Popery by their Animosities The PAPER deliver'd to the SHERIFFS I Thank God I find my self so composed and prepared for death and my Thoughts so fixed on another World that I hope in God I am now quite weaned from setting my heart on this Yet I cannot forbear now in setting down in Writing a fuller Account of my Condition to be left behind me than I 'll venture to say at the place of Execution in the noise and clutter that is like to be there I bless God heartily for those many Blessings which he in his infinite Mercy has bestowed upon me through the whole course of my Life That I was born of worthy good Parents and had the Advantages of a Religious Education which I have often thank'd God very heartily for and look'd upon as an invaluable Blessing For even when I minded it least it still hung about me and gave me checks and has now for many years so influenced and possessed me that I feel the happy Effects of it in this my extremity in which I have been so wonderfully I thank God supported that neither my imprisonment nor the fear of Death have been able to discompose me to any degree but on the contrary I have found the Assurances of the Love and Mercy of God in and through my blessed Redeemer in whom only I trust and I do not question but that I am going to partake of that fulness of Joy which is in his presence the hopes thereof does so wonderfully delight me that I reckon this as the happiest time of my Life tho' others may look upon it as the saddest I have lived and now die of the Reformed Religion a true and sincere Protestant and in the Communion of the Church
of England though I could never yet comply with or rise up to all the heights of many People I wish with all my Soul all our unhappy Differences were removed and that all sincere Protestants would so far consider the Danger of Popery as to lay aside their Heats and agree against the Common Enemy and that the Church-men would be less severe and the Dissenters less scrupulous For I think Bitterness and Persecution are at all times bad but much more now For Popery I look on it as an Idolatrous and Bloody Religion and therefore thought my self bound in my station to do all I could against it And by that I foresaw I should proture such great Enemies to my self and so powerful ones that I have been now for some time expecting the worst And blessed be God I fall by the Axe and not by the Fiery Tryal Yet whatever apprehensions I had of Popery and of my own severe and heavy share I was like to have under it when it should prevail I never had a thought of doing any thing against it basely or inhumanely but what could well consist with the Christian Religion and the Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom And I thank God I have examin'd all my actings in that matter with so great care that I can appeal to God Almighty who knows my heart that I went on sincerely without being moved either by Passion By-ends or ill-design I have always loved my Country much more than my life and never had any Design of changing the Government which I value and look upon as one of the best Governments in the World and would always have been ready to venture my life for the preserving it and would have suffered any Extremity rather than have consented to any Design to take away the King's Life Neither ever had Man the impudence to propose so base and barbarous a thing to me And I look on it as a very unhappy and uneasy part of my present Condition That in my Indictment there should be so much as mention of so vile a Fact tho' nothing in the least was said to prove any such Matter but the contrary by the Lord Howard Neither does any body I am confident believe the least of it So that I need not I think say more For the King I do sincerely pray for him and wish well to him and to the Nation That they may be happy in one another that he may be indeed the Defender of the Faith That the Protestant Religion and the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom may be preserved and flourish under his Government and that He in his Person may be happy both here and hereafter As for the share I had in the Prosecution of the Popish Plot I take God to witness That I proceeded in it in the Sincerity of my heart being then really convinced as I am still that there was a Conspiracy against the King the Nation and the Protestant Religion And I likewise profess That I never knew any thing either directly or indirectly of any Practice with the Witnesses which I look upon as so horrid a thing that I could never have endured it For I thank God Falshood and Cruelty were never in my Nature but always the farthest from it imaginable I did believe and do still That Popery is breaking in upon the Nation and that those who advance it will stop at nothing to carry on their Design I am heartily sorry that so many Protestants give their helping hand to it But I hope God will preserve the Protestant Religion and this Nation Though I am afraid it will fall under very great Tryals and very sharp Sufferings And indeed the Impiety and Prophaneness that abounds and appears so scandalously bare-fac'd every where gives too just reason to fear the worst things which can befall a People I pray God prevent it and give those who have shew'd Concern for the Publick Good and who have appear'd hearty for the true Interest of the Nation and the Protestant Religion Grace to live so that they may not cast a reproach on that which they endeavour to advance which God knows has often given me many sad thoughts And I hope such of my Friends as may think they are touch'd by this will not take what I say in ill part but endeavour to amend their ways and live suitable to the Rules of the true Reformed Religion which is the only thing can administer true Comfort at the latter end and revive a man when he comes to Dye As for my present Condition I bless God I have no repining in my heart at it I know for my Sins I have deserved much worse at the hands of God so that I chearfully submit to so small a Punishment as the being taken off a few years sooner and the being made a Spectacle to the World I do freely forgive all the World particularly those concerned in taking away my life and I desire and conjure my Friends to think of no Revenge but to submit to the holy Will of God into whose Hands I resign my self entirely But to look back a little I cannot but give some touch about the Bill of Exclusion and shew the Reasons of my appearing in that Business which in short is this That I thought the Nation was in such danger of Popery and that the expectation of a Popish Successor as I have said in Parliament put the King's life likewise in such danger that I saw no way so effectual to secure both as such a Bill As to the Limitations which were proposed if they were sincerely offered and had pass'd into a Law the Duke then would have been excluded from the power of a King and the Government quite alter'd and little more than the name of a King left So I could not see either Sin or Fault in the one when all People were willing to admit of t'other but thought it better to have a King with his Prerogative and the Nation easie and safe under him than a King without it which must have bred perpetual Jealousies and a continual struggle All this I say only to justifie my self and not to enflame others Though I cannot but think my Earnestness in that matter has had no small influence in my present Sufferings But I have now done with this World and am going to a Kingdom which cannot be moved And as to the Conspiring to seize the Guards which is the Crime for which I am Condemned and which was made a constructive Treason for taking away the King's Life to bring it within the Statue of Ed. the 3d. I shall give this true and clear account I never was at Mr. Shepheard's with that Company but once and there was no undertaking then of securing or seizing the Guards nor none appointed to view or examine them Some Discourse there was of the feasibleness of it and several times by accident in general Discourse elsewhere I have heard it mention'd as a thing might
had received from Christ they were the Judges even of the Scripture it self many years after the Apostles which Books were Canonical and which were not And if they had this power then I desire to know how they came to lose it and by what Authority men separate themselves from that Church The only pretence I ever heard of was because the Church has fail'd in wresting and interpreting the Scripture contrary to the true sence and meaning of it and that they have imposed Articles of Faith upon us which are not to be warranted by God's word I do desire to know who is to be Judge of that whether the whole Church the Succession whereof has continued to this day without interruption or particular men who have raised Schims for their own advantage This is a true Copy of a Paper I found in the late King my Brothers Strong Box written in his own Hand JAMES R. The Second Paper IT is a sad thing to consider what a world of Heresies are crept into this Nation Every man thinks himself as competent a Judge of the Scriptures as the very Apostles themselves and 't is no wonder that it should be so since that part of the Nation which looks most like a Church dares not bring the true Arguments against the other Sects for fear they should be turned against themselves and confuted by their own Arguments The Church of England as 't is call'd would fain have it thought that they are the Judges in matters Spiritual and yet dare not say positively that there is no Appeal from them for either they must say that they are Infallible which they cannot pretend to or confess that what they decide in matters of Conscience is no further to be followed then it agrees with every mans private Judgment If Christ did leave a Church here upon Earth and we were all once of that Church how and by what Authority did we separate from that Church If the power of Interpreting of Scripture be in every mans brain what need have we of a Church or Church-men To what purpose then did our Saviour after he had given his Apostles power to Bind and Loose in Heaven and Earth add to it that he would be with them even to the end of the World These words were not spoken Parabolically or by way of Figure Christ was then ascending into his Glory and left his Power with his Church even to the End of the World We have had these hundred years past the sad effects of denying to the Church that Power in matters Spiritual without an Appeal What Country can subsist in peace or quiet where there is not a Supream Judge from whence there can be no Appeal Can there be any Justice done where the Offenders are their own Judges and equal Interpreters of the Law with those that are appointed to administer Justice This is our Case here in England in matters Spiritual for the Protestants are not of the Church of England as 't is the true Church from whence there can be no Appeal but because the Discipline of that Church is conformable at that present to their fancies which as soon as it shall contradict or vary from they are ready to embrace or joyn with the next Congregation of People whose Discipline and Worship agrees with their Opinion at that time so that according to this Doctrine there is no other Church nor Interpreter of Scripture but that which lies in every mans giddy brain I desire to know therefore of every serious Considerer of these things whether the great work of our Salvation ought to depend upon such a Sandy Foundation as this Did Christ ever say to the Civil Magistrate much less to the People that he would be with them to the end of the World Or did he give them the Power to forgive Sins St. Paul tells the Corinthians Ye are Gods Husbandry ye are Gods Building we are Labourers with God This shews who are the Labourers and who are the Husbandry and Building And in this whole Chapter and in the preceeding one St. Paul takes great pains to set forth that they the Clergy have the Spirit of God without which no man searcheth the deep things of God and he concludeth the Chapter with this Verse For who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him But we have the mind of Christ Now if we do but consider in humane probability and reason the powers Christ leaves to his Church in the Gospel and St. Paul explains so distinctly afterwards we cannot think that our Saviour said all these things to no purpose And pray consider on the other side that those who resist the truth and will not submit to his Church draw their Arguments from Implications and far fetch'd Interpretations at the same time that they deny plain and positive words which is so great a Disingenuity that 't is not almost to be thought that they can believe themselves Is there any other foundation of the Protestant Church but that if the Civil Magistrate please he may call such of the Clergy as he thinks fit for his turn at that time and turn the Church either to Presbytery Independency or indeed what he pleases This was the way of our pretended Reformation here in England and by the same Rule and Authority it may be altered into as many more Shapes and Forms as there are Fancies in mens Heads This is a true Copy of a Paper written by the late King my Brother in his own Hand which I found in his Closet JAMES R. A LETTER Containing some Remarks on the Two Papers writ by His late Majesty King CHARLES the Second Concerning Religion SIR I Thank you for the two Royal Papers that you have sent me I had heard of them before but now we have them so well attested that there is no hazard of being deceived by a false Copy you expect that in return I should let you know what impression they have made upon me I pay all the reverence that is due to a Crowned Head even in Ashes to which I will never be wanting far less am I capable of suspecting the Royal Attestation that accompanies them of the truth of which I take it for granted no man doubts but I must crave leave to tell you that I am confident the late King only copied them and that they are not of his Composing for as they have nothing of that free Air with which he expressed himself so there is a Contexture in them that does not look like a Prince and the beginning of the first shews it was the effect of a Conversation and was to be communicated to another so that I am apt to think they were Composed by another and were so well relished by the late King that he thought fit to keep them in order to his examining them more particularly and that he was prevailed with to Copy them lest a Paper of that nature might have been made a
and it is in these Words Which all our Subjects are to obey without reserve And this is the carrying Obedience many sizes beyond what the Grand Seignior ever yet claimed For all Princes even the most violent Pretenders to Absolute Power 'till Lewis the Great 's time have thought it enough to oblige their Subjects to submit to their Power and to bear whatsoever they thought good to impose upon them but till the Days of the late Conversions by the Dragoons it was never so much as pretended that Subjects were bound to Obey their Prince without Reserve and to be of his Religion because he would have it so Which was the only Argument that those late Apostles made use of so it is probable this qualification of the Duty of Subjects was put in here to prepare us for a terrible le Roy le veut and in that case we are told here that we must Obey without Reserve and when those Severe Orders come the Privy Council and all such as execute this Proclamation will be bound by this Declaration to shew themselves more forward than any others to obey without Reserve and those poor pretensions of Conscience Religion Honour and Reason will be then reckoned as Reserves upon their Obedience which are all now shut out III. These being the grounds upon which this Proclamation is founded we ought not only to consider what Consequences are now drawn from them but what may be drawn from them at any time hereafter for if they are of force to justify that which is inferred from them it will be full as just to draw from the same premises an Abolition of the Protestant Religion of the Rights of the Subjects not only to Church-Lands but to all Property whatsoever In a word it Asserts a Power to be in the King to command what he will and an Obligation in the Subjects to Obey whatsoever he shall Command IV. There is also mention made in the Preamble of the Christian Love and Charity which his Majesty would have established among Neighbours but another dash of a Pen founded on this Absolute Power may declare us all Hereticks and then in wonderful Charity to us we must be told that we are either to Obey without Reserve or be burnt without Reserve We know the Charity of that Church pretty well It is indeed fervent and burning and if we have forgot what has been done in former Ages France Savoy and Hungary have set before our Eyes very fresh Instances of the Charity of that Religion While those Examples are so green it is a little too imposing on us to talk to us of Christian Love and Charity No doubt His Majesty means sincerely and his Exactness to all his Promises chiefly to those made since he came to the Crown will not suffer us to think an unbecoming Thought of his Royal Intentions but yet after all tho' it seems by this Proclamation that we are bound to Obey without Reserve it is hardship upon hardship to be bound to Believe without Reserve V. There are a sort of People here Tolerated that will be hardly found out and these are the Moderate Presbyterians Now as some say that there are very few of those People in Scotland that deserves this Character so it is hard to tell what it amounts to and the calling any of them Immoderate cuts off all their share in this Grace Moderation is a quality that lyes in the mind and how this will be found out I cannot so readily guess If a Standard had been given of Opinions or Practices then one could have known how this might have been distinguished but as it lies it will not be easy to make the Discrimination and the declaring them all immoderate shuts them out quite VI. Another Foundation laid down for repealing all Laws made against the Papists is That they were Enacted in King James the Sixth's Minority with some harsh expressions that are not to be insisted on since they shew more the heat of the Penner than the Dignity of the Prince in whose name they are given out But all these Laws were ratifyed over and over again by King James when he came to be of full Age and they have received many Confirmations by King Charles the First and King Charles the Second as well as by his present Majesty both when he represented his Brother in the Year 1681 and since he himself came to the Crown so that whatsoever may be said concerning the first Formation of those Laws they have received now for the course of a whole hundred Years that are lapsed since King James was full of Age so many Confirmations that if there is any thing certain in Humane Government we might depend upon them but this new coyned Absolute Power must carry all before it VII It is also well known that the whole Settlement of the Church Lands and Tythes with many other things and more particularly the Establishment of the Protestant Religion was likewise enacted in King James's minority as well as those Penal Laws so that the Reason now made use of to annul the penal Laws will serve full as well for another Act of this Absolute Power that shall abolish all those and if Maximes that unhinge all the Securities of Human Society and all that is sacred in Government ought to be lookt on with the justest and deepest prejudices possible one is tempted to lose the respect that is due to every thing that carries a Royal Stamp upon it when he sees such grounds made use of as must shake all Settlements whatsoever for if a prescription of 120 Years and Confirmations reiterated over and over again these 100 Years past do not purge some Defects in the first Formation of those Laws what can make us secure But this looks so like a fetch of the French Prerogative Law both in their Processes with Relation to the Edict of Nantes and those concerning Dependences at Mets that this seems to be a Copy from that famous Original VIII It were too much ill nature to look into the History of the last Age to examine on what grounds those Characters of Pious and Blessed given to the Memory of Q Mary are built but since K. James's Memory has the Character of Glorious given to it if the Civility of the fair Sex makes one unwilling to look into one yet the other may be a little dwelt on The peculiar Glory that belongs to K. James's Memory is that he was a Prince of great Learning and that he imployed it chiefly in writing for his Religion of the Volume in Folio in which we have his Works two thirds are against the Church of Rome one part of them is a Commentary on the Revelation proving that the Pope is Antichrist another part of them belonged more naturally to his Post Dignity which is the warning that he gave to all the Princes and States of Europe against the Treasonable and Bloody Doctrines of the Papacy The first Act he did
and it seems they intend to make us know that part of their Doctrine even before we come to feel it since tho' some of that Communion would take away the horror which the Fourth Council of the Lateran gives us in which these things were decreed by denying it to be a General Council and rejecting the Authority of those Canons yet the most learned of all the Apostates that has fallen to them from our Church has so lately given up this Plea and has so formally acknowledged the Authority of that Council and of its Canons that it seems they think they are bound to this piece of fair dealing of warning us before hand of our Danger It is true Bellarmin says The Church does not always execute the Power of Deposing Heretical Princes tho' she always retains it one Reason that he assigns is Because she is not at all times able to put it in Execution so the same reason may perhaps make it appear unadviseable to Extirpate Hereticks because that at present it cannot be done but the Right remains intire and is put in execution in such an unrelenting manner in all places where that Religion prevails that it has a very ill Grace to see any Member of that Church speak in this strain and when neither the Policy of France nor the Greatness of their Monarch nor yet the Interests of the Emperour joyned to the Gentleness of his own temper could withstand these Bloody Councils that are indeed parts of that Religion we can see no reason to induce us to believe that a Toleration of Religion is proposed with any other design but either to divide us or to lay us asleep till it is time to give the Alarm for destroying us IV. If all the Endeavours that have been used in the last four Reigns for bringing the Subjects of this Kingdom to an Unity in Religion have been ineffectual as His Majesty says we know to whom we owe both the first beginnings and the progress of the Divisions among our selves the gentleness of Queen Elizabeth's Government and the numbers of those that adhered to the Church of Rome made it scarce possible to put an end to that Party during her Reign which has been ever since restless and has had Credit enough at Court during the three last Reigns not only to support it self but to distract us and to divert us from apprehending the danger of being swallowed up by them by fomenting our own Differences and by setting on either a Toleration or a Persecution as it has happened to serve their Interests It is not so very long since that nothing was to be heard at Court but the supporting the Church of England and the Extirpating all the Nonconformists and it were easie to name the persons if it were decent that had this in their mouths but now all is turned round again the Church of England is in Disgrace and now the Encouragement of Trade the Quiet of the Nation and the Freedom of Conscience are again in Vogue that were such odious things but a few Years ago that the very mentioning them was enough to load any Man with Suspicions as backward in the King's Service while such Methods are used and the Government as if in an Ague divided between hot and cold fits no wonder if Laws so unsteadily executed have failed of their effect V. There is a good reserve here left for Severity when the proper Opportunity to set it on presents it self for his Majesty declares himself only against the forcing of men in matters of meer Religion so that whensoever Religion and Policy come to be so interwoven that meer Religion is not the Case and that publick Safety may be pretended then this Declaration is to be no more claimed so that the fastning any thing upon the Protestant Religion that is inconsistent with the publick Peace will be pretended to shew that they are not persecuted for meer Religion In France when it was resolved to extirpate the Protestants all the Discourses that were written on that Subject were full of the Wars occasioned by those of the Religion in the last Age tho' as these was the happy occasions of bringing the House of Bourbon to the Crown they had been ended above 80 Years ago and there had not been so much as the least Tumult raised by them these 50 Years past so that the French who have smarted under this Severity could not be charged with the least Infraction of the Law yet Stories of a hundred years old were raised up to inspire into the King those Apprehensions of them which have produced the terrible effects that are visible to all the World There is another Expression in this Declaration which lets us likewise see with what Caution the Offers of favour are now worded that so there may be an Occasion given when the time and Conjuncture shall be favourable to break through them all it is in these words So that they take especial Care that nothing be preached or taught amongst them which may any ways tend to alienate the hearts of our People from Us or Our Government This in it self is very reasonable and could admit of no Exception if we had not to do with a set of men who to our great Misfortune have so much Credit with His Majesty and who will be no sooner lodged in the Power to which they pretend then they will make every thing that is preached against Popery pass for that which may in some manner alienate the Subjects from the King VI. His Majesty makes no doubt of the Concurrence of his Two Houses of Parliament when he shall think it convenient for them to meet The hearts of Kings are unsearchable so that it is a little too presumptuous to look into his Majesties secret thoughts but according to the Judgments that we would make of other mens thoughts by their Actions one would be tempted to think that his Majesty made some doubt of it since his Affairs both at home and abroad could not go the worse if it appeared that there was a perfect understanding between him and His Parliament and that his people were supporting him with fresh Supplies and this House of Commons is so much at his Devotion that all the World saw how ready they were to grant every thing that he could desire of them till he began to lay off the Mask with relation to the Test and since that time the frequent Prorogations the Closetting and the pains that has been taken to gain Members by Promises made to some and the Disgraces of others would make one a little inclined to think that some doubt was made of their Concurrence But we must confess that the depth of his Majesties Judgment is such that we cannot fathom it and therefore we cannot guess what his Doubts or his Assurances are It is true the words that come after unriddle the Mistery a little which are when his Majesty shall think it convenient for them to
meet for the meaning of this seems plain that His Majesty is resolved that they shall never meet till he receives such Assurances in a new round of Closetting that he shall be put out of doubt concerning it VII I will not enter into the Dispute concerning Liberty of Conscience and the Reasons that may be offered for it to a Session of Parliament for there is scarce any one point that either with relation to Religion or Politicks affords a greater variety of matter for Reflection and I make no doubt to say that there is abundance of Reason to oblige Parliaments to review all the Penal Laws either with relation to Papists or to Dissenters but I will take the boldness to add one thing that the King 's Suspending of Laws strikes at the root of this whole Government and subverts it quite for if there is any thing certain with relation to English Government it is this that the Executive Power of the Law is entirely in the King and the Law to fortifie him in the Management of it has cloathed him with a vast Prerogative and made it unlawful on any pretence whatsoever to resist him whereas on the other hand the Legislative Power is not so entirely in the King but that the Lords and Commons have such a share in it that no Law can either be made repealed or which is all one suspended but by their consent so that the placing this Legislative Power singly in the King is a subversion of this whole Government since the Essence of all Governments consists in the Subjects of the Legislative Authority Acts of Violence or Injustice committed in the Executive part are such things that all Princes being subject to them the peace of mankind were very ill secured if it were not unlawful to resist upon any pretence taken from any ill Administrations in which as the Law may be doubtful so the Facts may be uncertain and at worst the publick Peace must always be more valued than any private Oppressions or Injuries whatsoever But the total Subversion of a Government being so contrary to the Trust that is given to the Prince who ought to execute it will put men upon uneasie and dangerous Inquiries which will turn little to the Advantage of those who are driving matters to such a doubtful and desperate Issue VIII If there is any thing in which the Exercise of the Legislative Power seems indispensable it is in those Oaths of Allegiance and Tests that are thought necessary to Qualifie men either to be admitted to enjoy the protection of the Law or to bear a share in the Government for in these the Security of the Government is chiefly concerned and therefore the total Extinction of these as it is not only a Suspension of of them but a plain repealing of them so it is a Subverting of the whole Foundation of our Government For the Regulation that King and Parliament had set both for the Subjects having the protection of the State by the Oath of Allegiance and for a share in the places of Trust by the Tests is now pluckt up by the roots when it is declared That these shall not at any time hereafter be required to be taken or subscribed by any persons whatsoever for it is plain that this is no Suspension of the Law but a formal repeal of it in as plain words as can be conceived IX His Majesty says that the Benefit of the Service of all his Subjects is by the Law of Nature inseparably annexed to and inherent in his Sacred Person It is somewhat strange that when so many Laws that we all know are suspended the Law of Nature which is so hard to be found out should be cited but the Penners of this Declaration had best let that Law lie forgotten among the rest and there is a scurvy Paragraph in it concerning self-Preservation that is capable of very unacceptable Glosses It is hard to tell what Section of the Law of Nature has markt either such a Form of Government or such a Family for it And if his Majesty renounces his Pretensions to our Allegiance as founded on the Laws of England and betakes himself to this Law of Nature he will perhaps find the Counsel was a little too rash but to make the most that can be the Law of Nations or Nature does indeed allow the Governours of all Societies a Power to serve themselves of every Member of it in the cases of Extream Danger but no Law of Nature that has been yet heard of will conclude that if by special Laws a sort of men have been disabled from all Imployments that a Prince who at his Coronation Swore to maintain those Laws may at his pleasure extinguish all these Disabilities X. At the end of the Declaration as in a Poscript His Majesty assures his Subjects that he will maintain them in their Properties as well in Church and Abbey Lands as other Lands but the chief of all their Properties being the share that they have by their Representatives in the Legislative Power this Declaration which breaks thro' that is no great Evidence that the rest will be maintained and to speak plainly when a Coronation Oath is so little remembred other Promises must have a proportioned degree of Credit given to them as for the Abbey Lands the keeping them from the Church is according to the Principles of that Religion Sacriledge and that is a mortal Sin and there can no Absolution be given to any who continue in it and so this Promise being an Obligation to maintain men in a mortal Sin is nul and void of it self Church-Lands are also according to the Doctrine of their Canonists so immediately God's Right that the the Pope himself is the only Administrator and Dispencer but is not the master of them he can indeed make a truck for God or let them so low that God shall be an easie Landlord but he cannot alter God's Property nor translate the Right that is in him to Sacrilegious Laymen and Hereticks XI One of the Effects of this Declaration will be the setting on foot a new run of Addresses over the Nation for there is nothing how impudent and base soever of which the abject flattery of a slavish Spirit is not capable It must be confest to the Reproach of the Age that all those strains of flattery among the Romans that Tacitus sets forth with so much just scorn are modest things compared to what this Nation has produced within these seven Years only if our Flattery has come short of the Refinedness of the Romans it has exceeded theirs as much in its loathed Fulsomeness The late King set out a Declaration in which he gave the most solemn Assurances possible of his adhering to the Church of England and to the Religion established by Law and of his Resolution to have frequent Parliaments upon which the whole Nation fell as it were into Raptures of Joy and Flattery but though he lived four
has been formerly thought the whole Constitution of this Church and Kingdom which we dare not do till we have the Authority of Parliament for it It is to recommend to our People the Choice of such Persons to sit in Parliament as shall take away the Test and Penal Laws which most of the Nobility and Gentry of the Nation have declared their Judgment against It is to condemn all those great and worthy Patriots of their Country who forfeited the dearest thing in the World to them next a good Conscience viz. The Favour of their Prince and a great many honorable and profitable Employments with it rather than consent to that Proposal of taking away the Test and Penal Paws which they apprehend destructive to the Church of England and the Protestant Religion and he who can in Conscience do all this I think need scruple nothing For let us consider further what the Effects and Consequences of our Reading the Declaration are likely to be and I think they are Matter of Conscience too when they are evident and apparent This will certainly render our Persons and Ministry infinitely contemptible which is against that Apostolical Canon Let no Man despise thee Titus 2.15 That is so to behave himself in his Ministereal Office as not to fall under Contempt and therefore this obliges the Conscience not to make our selves ridiculous nor to render our Ministry our Counsels Exhortations Preaching Writing of no Effect which is a thousand times worse than being silenced Our Sufferings will preach more effectually to the People when we cannot speak to them but he who for Fear or Cowardise or the Love of this World betrays his Church and Religion by undue Compliances and will certainly be thought to do so may continue to Preach but to no purpose and when we have rendred our selves ridiculous and contemptible we shall then quickly fall and fall unpitied There is nothing will so effectually tend to the final Ruine of the Church of England because our Reading the Declaration will discourage or provoke or misguide all the Friends the Church of England has can we blame any Man for not preserving the Laws and the Religion of our Church and Nation when we our selves will venture nothing for it Can we blame any Man for consenting to Repeal the Test and Penal Laws when we recommend it to them by Reading the Declaration Have we not reason to expect that the Nobility and Gentry who have already suffered in this Cause when they hear themselves condemned for it in all the Churches of England will think it time to mend such a Fault and reconcile themselves to their Prince and if our Church fall this way is there any reason to expect that it should ever rise again These Consequences are almost as evident as Demonstrations and let it be what it will in it self which I foresee will destroy the Church of England and the Protestant Religion and Interest I think I ought to make as much Conscience of doing it as of doing the most immortal Action in Nature To say that these mischievous Consequences are not absolutely necessary and therefore do not affect the Conscience because we are not certain they will follow is a very mean Objection Moral Actions indeed have not such necessary Consequences as natural Causes have necessary Effects because no moral Causes act necessarily Reading the Declaration will not as necessarily destroy the Church of England as Fire burns Wood but if the Consequence be plain and evident the most likely thing that can happen if it be unreasonable to expect any other if it be what is plainly intended and designed either I must never have any regard to Moral Consequences of my Actions or if ever they are to be considered they are in this case Why are the Nobility and Gentry so extreamly averse to the Repeal of the Test and Penal Laws Why do they forfeit the King's Favour and their Honourable Stations rather than comply with it If you say that this tends to destroy the Church of England and the Protestant Religion I ask whether this be the necessary consequence of it whether the King cannot keep his promise to the Church of England if the Test and Penal Laws be Repealed We cannot say but this may be And yet the Nation does not think fit to try it and we commend those great men who deny it and if the same questions were put to us we think we ought in Conscience to deny them our selves And are there not as high probabilities that our Reading the Declaration will promote the Repeal of the Test and Penal Laws as that such a Repeal will ruine our Constitution and bring in Popery upon us Is it not as probable that such a complyance in us will disoblige all the Nobility and Gentry who have hitherto been firm to us as that when the power of the Nation is put into Popish Hands by the Repeal of such Tests and Laws the Priests and Jesuirs may find some salvo for the King's Conscience and perswade him to forget his Promise to the Church of England and if the probable ill consequences of Repealing the Test and Penal Laws be a good reason not to comply with it I cannot see but that the as probable ill consequences of Reading the Declaration is as good a reason not to read it The most material Objection is that the Dissenters whom we ought not to provoke will expound our not Reading it to be the effect of a persecuting Spirit Now I wonder Men should lay any weight on this who will not allow the most probable consequences of our Actions to have any influence upon Conscience For if we must compare consequences to disoblige all the Nobility and Gentry by reading it is likely to be much more fatal than to anger the Diffenters and it is more likely and there is much more reason for it that one should be offended than the other For the Dissenters who are wise and considering are sensible of the snare themselves and though they desire Ease and Liberty they are not willing to have it with such apparent hazard of Church and State I am sure that tho' we were never so desirous that they might have their Liberty and when there is opportunity of shewing our inclinations without danger they may find that we are nations without danger they may find that we are not such Persecutors as we are represented yet we cannot consent that they should have it this way which they will find the dearest Liberty that ever was granted This Sir is our Case in short the Difficulties are great on both sides and therefore now if ever we ought to besiege Heaven with our Prayers for Wisdom and Counsel and Courage that God would protect his Church and Reformed Christianity against all the devices of their Enemies Which is the daily and hearty Prayer of SIR Your Friend and Brother May 22. 1●88 POSTSCRIPT I Have just now seen H. Care 's Paper
Inclinations as well as against their Rule And can we imagine that they can have no force at all upon the common people Therefore we cannot in Conscience pronounce these words in the Ears of the people whose Souls are committed to our Charge For we should hereby lay a snare before them and become their Tempters instead of being their Instructers and in very fair and reasonable Construction we shall be understood to sollicite them to Apostacy to leave the Truth of the Gospel for Fables and the mistakes of men a reasonable and decent Worship for Superstition and Idolatry a true Christian Liberty for the most intollerable Bondage both of Soul and Body If any will forsake our Doctrine and Fellowship which yet is not ours but Christs at their own peril be it But as for us We are resolv'd by the Grace of God to lay no stumbling block in their way nor to be accessary to their ruin that we may be able to declare our integrity with S. Paul That we are pure from the blood of all Men. III. In the next place We are to declare in the King's Name That from henceforth the Execution of all and all manner of Penal Laws in matters Ecclesiastical for not coming to Church or not receiving the Sacrament or for any other Nonconformity to the Religion Established or for or by Reason of the Exercise of Religion in any manner whatsoever be immediately Suspended and the farther Execution of the said Penal Laws and every of them is hereby Suspended What! All and all manner of Laws in matters Ecclesiastical VVhat the Laws against Fornication Adultery Incest For these are in Ecclefiastical matters VVhat All Laws against Blasphemy prophaneness open Derision of Christian Religion Yet these crimes are punishable by no other Laws here than such as have been made in favour of the Established Religion How shall the Lord's day be observ'd VVhat shall hinder covetous men to plow and Cart and follow their several Trades upon that day since all the Laws that secure this observance and outward countenance of respect to the Christian Religion are by this general expression laid aside Besides these words for not coming to Church or not receiving the Sacrament or for any other Nonconformity to the Religion Established cannot in Conscience be read by us in our Churches because they may be a Temptation to young unguided people to neglect all manner of Religious Worship and give them occasion of depriving themselves of such opportunities of grace and salvation as these Penal Laws did often oblige them to use For being discharg'd attendance on our Service they are left at Liberty to be of any Religion or none at all Nay Christian Religion is by these general terms left at discretion as well as the Church of England For men may forsake us to become Jews or Mahometans or Pagan Idolaters as well as to be Papists or Dissenters for any care taken in this Declaration to prevent it And even of such as pretend to be Christians there either are or may be such Blasphemous Sects so dishonourable to our Common Lord and Master as are incapable of all publick encouragement and allowance for that would involve the Government in the Imputation of those Blasphemies and the whole Nation in that Curse and Vengeance of God which such provocations may extorts Wherefore it is not out of any unreasonable opinion of our selves nor disaffection to Protestant Dissenters that we refuse to publish this Indulgence but out of a tender care of the Souls committed to us especially those of the weaker sort to whom we dare not propose an Invitation to Popery and much less any thing that may give countenance or encouragement to Irreligion It is said indeed that we are not required to approve but to read it To this Sir you have very well answer'd that Reading was Teaching it or if it be not so absolutely in the nature of the thing yet in common Construction I am afraid it would have been understood But we do not stand in need of this Excuse for if there be any passages in it that are plain temptations to Popery or Licentiousness it cannot consist with our duty either to God or the Church to read them before our people As for the dispensing power and the Oaths and Tests required to qualifie men for Offices Military and Civil I must leave them to the Consideration of those who nearer concern'd and therefore reasonably presum'd to understand them better Nor do I envy his Majesty the use of his Popish Subjects though I do not know what service they may be capable of doing more than other Men. This Nation has for some time made hard shift to subsist without much of their Aid and against the wills of several of them But now they are become the only necessary men and seem to want nothing but Number to fill all places Military and Civil in the Kingdom in the mean time the Odiousness of their persons and the Insolence of their Behaviour with their way of menacing strange things makes some abatement of the merit of their service Lastly The respect which we have for his Majesties Service will not permit us to Read the Appendix to the Declaration Where the flower of the Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom are something hardly reflected on as persons that will not contribute to the peace and honour of the Nation because they would consent to the taking away the Laws against Papists that they be put into a Condition to give us Laws The persons here reflected on VVe know to be the chief for Ability and Interest and Inclination to serve the King and therefore cannot do his His Majesty that disservice as to be publishers of their disgrace and make our selves the Instruments of alienating from his Majesty the Affections of his best Subjects Nay we find in our selves a strange difficulty to believe that this could come from His Majesty who has experienc'd their faithfulness upon so many and pressing Occasions This could not well proceed from any but a Stranger to those Honourable persons and the Nation and a greater Stranger to shame and good manners and what have we to do to publish the Venome and Vitulency of a Jesuit A Letter from a Gentleman in Ireland to his Friend in London upon occasion of a Pamphlet Entituled A Vindication of the present Government of Ireland under his Excellency Richard Earl of Tyrconnel SIR AS soon as the Letter Entituled A Vindication of the present Government of Ireland c. came to my hands I set upon Answering it with the same expedition and plainness of Style as uses to accompany naked Truth which needs not the cloathing of sophistical Arguments or florid Expressions to recommend it to the unprejudic'd part of Mankind And indeed upon the very first reading of every Paragraph of it the slightness of the Arguing or the notorious Falshood of the Matter of Fact did so evidently appear that a man of
it hath been to cut the Tacklings and to steer contrary to the Pilot's Directions he thinks such safer by far shut up under Hatches then set at Liberty or employ'd to do mischief As for his supposition of 30000 men to be sent out of Ireland into Handers I cannot tell what to make on 't Let them crack the Shell that hope to find the Kernel in it For my part I despair though the readiness of the English Souldiers of Ireland who at twenty four hours warning came into England to serve His Majesty in the time of Monmouth's Rebellion ought to have been remembered to their advantage and might serve to any unprejudic'd person as a Pattern of the Loyalty and good Inclinations of all the Protestants in that Kingdom if his Majesty had had occasion for them VVhether the Parliament will Repeal the Test for those several weighty Reasons our Author says are fitter for contemplation than Discourse tho methinks it would be pleasant to see a House of Common sit like the Brethren at a silent Meeting is not my Province to determine As likewise VVhether they will so much consider that Grand Reason the King will have it so for his Conscience and theirs may differ or what the diffenters will do I cannot tell One thing I am sure of there will be no such Stumbling-block in the way of the King's desires when they meet as the present condition of Ireland they will be apt when His Majesty tells them they shall have their equal shares in Employments when they have Repealed the Laws to say Look at Ireland see what is done there where the Spirit of Religion appears bare fac'd and accordingly compute what may become of us when we have removed our own legal Fences since they now leap over those Hedges what may we expect when they are quite taken away Poyning's Law is a great grievance to our Author and here in one word he discovers that 't is the dependance this Kingdom has on England he quarrels at 'T is fit the Reader should understand that Law enacted when Poynings was Lord Deputy makes all the English Acts of Parliament of force in Ireland we are therefore so fond of that Law and cover so much to preserve our dependance on England that all the Arguments our Author can bring shall not induce us to part with it I will not reflect in the least on the Courage of the Irish I know there are several brave men among them but they have had the misfortune to fall under the Consideration of as our Author softens it but the plain sence is been beaten by a warlike Nation And I question not unless they behave themselves modestly in their Prosperity they will again fall under the Consideration of the same Nation 't is better we should live in peace and quietness but the Choice is in their hands and if they had rather come under our consideration again than avoid it let them look to the Consequence Another advantage which may accrue to Ireland by a Native as a Governour our Author reckons to be His personal knowledge of the Tories and their Harbourers and his being thereby better capacitated to suppress them Malicious People would be apt to infer from this Suggestion that his Excellency had occasion formerly to be familiarly acquainted with such sort of Cattle I have heard indeed that one of our bravest English Princes Henry the during the Extravagancies of his youth kept Company with publick Robbers and often shar'd both in the Danger and Booty But as soon as the Death of his Father made way for his Succession to the Crown he made use of his former acquaintance of their Persons and Haunts to the extirpating and dissolving the greatest knot of Highway-men that ever troubled England My Lord therefore in imitation of this great Prince no doubt will make use of his Experience that way to the same end And I readily assent to the Author that no English Governour can be so fit to clear that Kingdom of Tories and that for the same reason he gives us There are two other Advantages remaining one is his Excellency's having already made different Parties in that Kingdom the Objects of his Love and Hatred let the Offences of the one or the Merits of the other be never so conspicuous Whether the Brittish can draw any comfort from his Excellency's knowledge of them this way is fit to be debated The other is the probality of his getting the Statute for benefit of Clergy in favour of Cow-Stealers and House Robbers Repealed and where by the way there is a severe Rebuke given to our English Priests for their ill-placed Mercy to Irish Offenders A fault I hope they will be no more guilty of Whether these Advantages be so considerable as to move his Majesty to continue a Man for other more weighty Reasons absolutely destructive to this Kingdom or whether some of them might not be performed by an English Governour His Majesty is the only Judge Only this I am sure of The King if he were under any Obligations to His Minister has fully discharged them all and has shewed himself to be the best of Masters in giving so great and honourable an Employment to his Creature and continuing him in it so long notwithstanding the decrease of his own Revenue and the other visible bad effects of his Management the Impoverishment of that Kingdom amounting to at least two Millions of Mony And His Majesty may be now at liberty without the least imputation of Breach of promise to his Servant to restore us to our former flourishing condition by sending some English Nobleman among us whose contrary Methods will no doubt produce different effects To conclude methinks the comparison between His Majesty and Philip of Macedon when he was drunk is a little too familiar not to say unmannerly and that between Antipater and my Lord Tyrconnel is as great a Complement to the latter But provided my Lord be commended which was our Author's chief design he cares not tho' the comparison does not hold good in all points 't is enough that we know we are Govern'd by such a Prince that neither practises such Debauches himself nor allows of them in his Servants But we are not beholding to the Author for the knowledge of this should a Foreigner read his Pamphler or get it interpreted to him he would be apt and with reason to conclude that His Majesty as much resembled Philip in a Debauch as my Lord Tyrconnel doth sober Antipater I have now done with all that seems of any weight in our Author's Pamphlet and can see nething in his Postscript that deserves an Answer All that I will say is That his Recipes bear no proportion to our desperate Disease and he will prove not to be a Physitian but a pretending Quack who by ill applied Medicines will leave us in a worse Condition than he found us I shall conclude with telling you That your Letter which enclosed
Their Highnesses who shall blame them for any inconveniency that may arise from thence since they have declared themselves so freely on this Subject and that so much to the advantage even of the Roman Catholicks And since the Settlements of matters sticks at this single point that Their Highnesses cannot be brought to consent to things that are so contrary to Laws already in being and that are so dangerous and so hurtful to the Protestant Religion as the admitting of Roman Catholicks to a share in the Government and to places of Trust and the repealing of those Laws that can have no other effect but the Securing of the Protestant Religion from all the Attempts of the Roman Catholicks against it would be You Write That the Roman Catholicks in these Provinces are not shut out from Employments and places of Trust But in this you are much mistaken For our Laws are express excluding them by name from all share in the Government and from all Employments either of the Policy or Justice of our Country It is true I do not know of any express Law that shuts them out of Military Employments that had indeed been hard since in the first Formation of our State they joyned with us in defending our publick Liberty and did us eminent service during the Wars therefore they were not shut out from those Military Employments for the publick sifety was no way endanger'd by this both because their numbers that served in our Troops were not great and because the States could easily prevent any Inconvenience that might arise out of that which could not have been done so easily if the Roman Catholicks had been admitted to a share in the Government and in the Policy or Justice of our State I am very certain of this of which I could give very good proofs that there is nothing which Their Highnesses desire so much as that his Majesty may reign happily and in an intire Confidence with his Subjects and that his Subjects being perswaded of his Majesties fatherly affection to them may be ready to make him all the returns of duty that are in their Power But their Highnesses are convinced in their Consciences that both the Protestant Religion and the safety of the Nation would be exposed to most certain Dangers if either the Tests or those other Penal Laws of which I have made frequent mention should be repealed Therefore they cannot consent to this nor concur with his Majesties Will for they believe they should have much to Answer for to God if the consideration of any present advantage should carry them to consent and concur in things which they believe would be not only dangerous but mischievous to the Protestant Religion Their Highnesses have ever paid a most profound duty to his Majesty which they will always continue to do for they consider themselves bound to it both by the Laws of God and of Nature But since the matter that is now in hand relates not to the making of new Laws but to the total Repealing of those already made both by King and Parliament they do not see how it can be expected of them that they should consent to such a Repeal to which they have so just an aversion as being a thing that is contrary to the Laws and Customs of all Christian States whether Protestants or Papists who receive none to a share in the Governments or to publick Employments but those who profess the publick and established Religion and that take care to secure it against all attempts whatsoever I do not think it necessary to demonstrate to you how much their Highnesses are devoted to his Majesty of which they have given such real Evidences as are beyond all verbal ones and they are resolved still to continue in the same Duty and Affection or rather to encrease it if that is possible I am SIR Yours c. Nov. 4. 1687. Reflexions on Monsieur Fagel's Letter SIR I Shall endeavour to Answer yours as fully and briefly as possible 1. You desire to know whether the Letter I sent you be truly Monsieur Fagel's or not 2. Whether their Highnesses gave him Commission to Write it 3. How far the Dissenters may rely on their Highnesses word 4. What effects it has on all sorts of People Sir Roman Catholicks may be pardoned if they endeavour to make that Letter pass for an Imposture it is their Interest so to do and they are seldom wanting to promote that let the methods be never so indirect which they are forced to make use of It does indeed spoil many hopeful Projects of theirs But how any Protestant among us can really doubt the truth of it is strange to me Some things carry their own evidence along with them I take this Letter to be one of that kind I do not desire you to believe me upon my bare affirmation that I know it to be genuine tho this be most true but shall offer my Reasons to convince you that it cannot be otherwise First The Letter is like its Author the matter is weighty the Reasoning solid the Stile grave full and clear like that of a Lawyer It has an Air all over which as well shews the Religion and Temper of its Writer as the Matter and Method of it do his Capacity and Judgment Now all these Qualities make up the Character of Monsieur Fagel Secondly There are the same grounds to believe this Letter to be M. Fagel's as there are to believe any thing you have not seen Viz. The constant Asseverations of Persons of undoubted Credit that come from Holland who all agree in it and assure us of it M. Fagel own'd it to several English Gentlemen and many both here and in Holland knew two Months ago that such a Letter was written a Forgery would before this time have been detected especially such a one as ruines the Designs of the Triumphing Party Thirdly It was written by M. Fagel in answer to Letters from Mr. Stewart sent by his Majesties special Orders and Mr. Stewart had both an English and Latin Copy sent him Therefore the English Copy is not called a Translation but it is a sort of Original For you are not to doubt but the matter was ordered so that her Royal Highness might peruse it as well as his Majesty In the next place you would know whether their Highnesses gave Order to Monsieur Fagel to write it I wish Sir you would take the pains to read the Letter over again and consider who this Monsieur Fagel is He is Pensionary of Holland and first Minister of State raised to that Dignity by the Prince's Favour he Answers Letters written to him which are ordered by his Majesty to be Communicated to their Highnesses In his Answer he gives an Account of their Highnesses Opinions about the Repeal of the Penal Laws and Test matters of a National Concern and of the greatest Importance Now you must have a strange Opinion of Monsieur Fagel if you think him capable
of so great an indiscretion or rather Imposture as to write such a Letter of his own Head The Letter it self Demonstrates that whoever writ it is no Fool and the Circumstances I have marked show that he is no Knave And indeed the Substance of it is not new it only repeats to his Majesty the same Answer which the Prince and Princess had formerly given to his Majesties Envoy there In short you may leave the whole Matter to this plain Issue If this Letter be a false one it will be disowned if a true one it will be owned Their Highnesses love not to do things that will not bear the Light It is evident they did not intend the Matter of it should be a Secret having told it to Monsieur D' Albeville as often as he in his discreet VVay necessitated them to do it But how it came to be printed I cannot inform you justly however you shall have my Conjecture I remember as soon as it was noised about Town that Mr. Stewart had received a Letter of such a Nature from Monsieur Fagle care was taken that the VVriter of the common News Letters which are dispersed over the Kingdom should insert in them that their Highnesses had declared themselves for the Repeal of the Test This Pia Fraus might I suppose give occasion to the printing of the Letter as the VVisdom and Policy of our States-men in putting Mr. Stewart on writting such Letters had procured 〈◊〉 I say Letters for Monsieur Fagel had five or six on that Subject before he answered so unwilling were they in Holland to return an Answer since they could not give one that was pleasing or do any thing that looked like medling The third thing you desired to be satisfied in is Whether the Dissenters may re●y on their Highnesses Word I am as apt to mistrust Princes Promises as you are But shall now give you my Reasons why I think the Dissenters may safely do it And at the same time because of the Affinity of the Matter I will tell you why I think we may all rely on their Highness for our Civil Liberties as well as the Dissenters may do for Liberty of Conscience Much of what I have to say is equally applicable to them both yet because I know you have had an Account of Her Royal Highness better than I can give you I shall for the most part speak only of the Prince My first Reason is the certainest of all Reasons That it will be His Highnesses Interest to settle Matters at Home which only can be done by a Legal Tolleration or Comprehension in Matters of Religion and by restoring the Civil Liberties of the Nation so much invaded of late That this will be his Interest is evident if his Designs lye abroad as it 's certain they do Designs at home and abroad at the same time are so inconsistent that we see his Majesty tho raised above his Fears at home by his late Victory and invited abroad by all that can excite his Appetite for Glory cannot reconcile them The Truth is one that would undertake it is in the same Condition with Officers that beat their Men to make them fight they have Enemies before and behind But you may happily object that Princes do not always follow their true Interests of which it is not difficult in this Age to give several fatal Instances I answer That it is to be presumed that Princes as well as other Men will follow their Interests till the contrary appear and if they be of an Age to have taken their Fold and have till such an Age kept firm to their Interests the Presumption grows strong but if their Inclinations the Maxims of their Families the Impressions of their Education and all their other Circumstances to side with their Interest and lead them the same way it is hardly credible they should ever quit it Now this being the present Case we have all the certainty that can be had in such Matters The Prince of Orange has above these 15 years given so great proof of his Firmness and Resolution as well as of his Capacity and Conduct in opposing the Grand Ravisher I may add the Betrayers too of Liberty and Religion that he is deservedly by all impartial Men owned to be the Head of the Protestant Interest A Headship which no Princes but the Kings of England should have and none but they would be without it Now one may rationally conclude That when the Prince shall joyn to his present Possession of this Headship a more natural Title by being in a greater Capacity to act he will not degrade himself nor lay aside Designs and Interests which ought to be the Glory of England as they are indeed the Glory of his Family acquired and derived to him by the Blood of his Ancestors and carried on and maintained by himself with so much Honour and Reputation I might add here That the Prince is a Man of a sedate even Temper full of Thoughts and Reflections one that precipitates neither in Thinking Speaking nor Acting is cautious in resolving and promising but firm to his Resolutions and exact in observing his Word Inform your self and you 'll find this a part of his Character and conclude from hence what may be presumed from his Inclinations Now as to the Maxims of his Family let us compare them a little where it may be decently done The French King broke his Faith to his Protestant Subjects upon this single Point of Vain glory that he might shew the World he was greater than most of his Predecessors who tho they had the same Inclinations were not potent enough to pursue them effectually as he has done to the everlasting Infamy of his Name and Reign The Maxims of the French Kings have been how to outvie each other in Robbing their Neighbours and Oppressing their Subjects by Perfidiousness and Cruelty But those of the Family of Orange on the contrary have been to Rescue Europe from its Oppressors and maintain the Protestant Interest by Vertue Truth Honour and Resolution knowing that such Methods are as necessary to make Protestant Princes and States flourish as Vice and Oppression are to maintain Popish Government No Popish Prince in Europe can pretend to have kept his Word to his Protestant Subjects as the Princes of Orange have always done to their Popish Subjects at Orange and elsewhere and the Papists have often broke their Word to that Family and have been and are its declared Enemies and tho the Princes two Great Grand-Fathers Admiral Coligny and Prince William were assassinated by the Authority and with the Approbation of that whole Party yet it cannot be made appear that ever the Princes of that Family failed in keeping their Word even to such Enemies or used their own Popish Subjects the worse for it in making distinction between them and their other Subjects or influenced the States to use theirs so I say the States who a low their R.
bear the Character which is vulgarly ascribed to him and if the greatest indication of the wisdom and integrity of Princes be the prudence and sincerity of their Ministers but that we may thence come under a necessity of entertaining meaner thoughts than we otherwise would both of the Moral and Intellectual Capacity of him to whom this Gentleman is indebred both for his Titles and the Function he is exalted unto Whereas on the other hand besides many signal Evidences which have filled all Europe with admiration of the admirable Wisdom inflexible Integrity eminent Vertues Religious tho' calm and discreet Zeal and steddy and impartial Justice of his Highness the Prince of Orange our Ideas of him as a person under whose Government Conduct and Shadow all good men may promise themselves happiness are not a little heightned by the consideration of the excellent Qualities of Monsieur Fagel whose advancement as Pensionary of Holland to the first Ministry in that State is owing to the Princes Grace and Recommendation Which Eminent Trust as he hath all along discharged with Honour to his Highness Reputation to himself and to the Satisfaction of those who are interested in the Affairs of that Republick so by nothing hath he more merited an universal esteem and praise from all Protestants and acquitted himself more worthily towards God and their Serene Highnesses than by that Letter wherein he was honoured to declare their thoughts and in which he hath with so much wisdom moderation and convincing light expressed both their Highnesses Sentiments and his own as well concerning the English Laws the Papists may and the Dissenters ought to be favoured with the Repeal of as concerning those which no wise Non-conformist desires to have rescinded and which to humour the Papists with the Abrogation of were no less than to expose the Nation to ruine and to lay the Reformed Religion open to be totally subverted Now this Excellent Letter and which hath produced all the good Effects that honest men long'd for but knew not before how to compass our Anonymous Answerer is pleased with an Indignation and angry Resentment and in hopes to exasperate his Majesty of Great Britain against their Serene Highnesses to stile a kind of Manifest in reference to most important Affairs which even Mr. Stewart who in obedience to the injunctions of his Soveraign had with so much importunity sollicited their Highnesses Opinion about the Repeal of the Penal and Test Laws he says could not have expected And of whom to testifie his exact and intimate knowledge and to recompence him for the unfortunate service he had been employed in and to encourage his readiness to future drudgery he is pleased by a creation of his own as being the Substitute of the Fountain of Honour to confer the Title of Dr. upon But certainly had this Anonymous Writer the sense and prudence of an ordinary man he would not under the present conjuncture of Affairs talk of Manifests nor put people in mind of them at a season when most persons of all ranks and qualities are so much disgusted and when they at Whitehall are so lavish in their provocations towards some who if they were not strangely fortified against all tincture of Resentment are known to be capable of doing them irreparable prejudice and who by such a Manifest as there is cause enough to emit might not only disturb their proceedings but with the greatest facility blow up at once both all their hopes and projections I would fain know of this modest and discreet Gentleman whether if their Highnesses had ordered a Letter to be written declarative of their Opinion for the Abrogation of the Tests by what name he would have judged it worthy to be called and whether if he had bestowed upon it the Title of a Manifest he would have thereby intended to fasten upon it an imputation of presumption and reproach All good men have reason mightily to bewail their Highnesses condition seeing according to this rate of proceeding towards them it is in the power of the Papal Ecclesiasticks in England when they please to prevail upon the King to reduce them to the uneasie circumstances either of offending against their Consciences or of displeasing him For there is no more requisite towards the bringing them into this unhappy Dilemma but that Father Peters or any other of the Tribe who have an Ascendency over his Majesty do persuade him to desire their Highnesses Thoughts in reference to such particulars wherein it is neither consistent with their Religious Principles nor agreeable with their Honour to comply with his Majesties Judgment and Inclinations For if in prudence they decline the returning of an Answer they are sure not only to be censured as guilty of neglect incivility and rudeness but they do thereby administer an advantage to their Enemies of diffusing reports to their prejudice thro' the Nation as if they approved all those Court-methods which for no other reason save upon the meer motives of respect and wisdom they avoided openly to disallow And if on the other hand they suffer themselves to be overcome by importunities and thereupon give an Answer agreeable to the Dictates of their own minds but which is found to interfere with the prepossessions wherewith his Majesty is imbued then their Lot is to have it called by the unkind and ignominious Title of a Manifest One would think that Letter ought to have been mentioned by a softer name if we do but consider its being written not only with the utmost modesty that becomes the Relation Their Highnesses stand in to the King and which is any ways agreeable to their own quality but that it is enforced with all the Reasons that may serve to demonstrate that their Opinion is the result of conviction and judgment and not the effect of humour nor a sentiment they are meerly determined unto by their interest But we see no Term is too hard to be bestowed upon a Paper that hath so much prejudiced the Priests in their designs and laid so great an obstruction in the way of those methods which they had proposed to themselves for the robbing England of the Protestant Religion And whereas our Author tells us that tho' Mr. Stewart did not account himself obliged to answer Monsieur Fagel's Letter yet one who extreamly esteems and honoureth Mr. Stewart thinks the Publick too much concerned not to have the weakness of the reasonings in it detected and to have it made appear that the inferences deduced from them are no ways convincing I can easily believe that Mr. Stewart did not judge himself obliged to answer the Pensionary's Letter and all men do account it a piece of wisdom in him to forbear endeavouring it For tho' he be much better qualified for such an undertaking than our Author yet he could not but be sensible that it was not to be attempted with any hope of success And if our Author had been endow'd with any measure of discretion he would
persons to sit in Parliament and to exercise Offices in Church and State is only to declare that they do believe there is not any Transubstantiation in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper or in the Elements of Bread and Wine at or after the Consecration by any persons whatsoever and that the Invocation of the Virgin Mary or any other Saint and the Sacrifice of the Mass as they are now used in the Church of Rome are Superstitious and Idolatrous And this Declaration the Non-conformists are of all people the most inclinable and forward to make and therefore very far by vertue of those Statutes from standing incapable of any Trust Office and Employment that other Subjects are admitted unto Nor hath there been a Protestant Dissenter since the first hour that these Laws were enacted that ever scrupled to take the Tests or that was precluded from Office and Employment for refusing them But on the contrary several of the most famous Dissenters such as Sir John Hartop Alderman Love and Mr. Eyles persons who at all times have kept at the greatest distance from Communion with the Church of England by reason of her Forms and Ceremonies are known to have chearfully made the Declaration contained in the Test Laws and thereupon to have sit as Members in divers Parliaments And as a further demonstration of the impudence and dishonesty of our Author in this particular it is not unworthy of remark that tho' the King hath taken upon him to dispense with the Tests and to prohibit the requiring them yet the Dissenters who have since that time been preferred to publick Trusts continue still to take them and go to the respective Courts where by Law the Declaration is enjoined to be exacted and there demand the being admitted to make it Tho' in the mean season they cannot be unsensible that it is the thing in the World whereby they most highly offend his Majesty it being both a proclaiming the Illegality of that Authority which he challengeth of dispensing with Laws and a defeating so far as lieth in them his great design as well as artifice for the introducing of Popery which his Soul is so much in travel with And were not this Author both a person of a most depraved Conscience and destitute of all common sense he would never have slandered Monsieur Fagel and so egregiously perverted his plain meaning as to tell us that tho' he be a Hollander and a Non-conformist yet he thanks God for the Test Laws by which his Non-conforming Brethren in England of what degree and quality soever they be stand excluded from Publick Employments For every one that will be so kind to himself and so just to the Pensionary as to read his Letter will immediately discern that there is not one word in it upon which to superstruct this calumny and accusation seeing he therein affirms in repeated and emphatical Terms that all contained in and designed by the Test Laws is the securing the Reformed Religion thro' the having provided that none be allowed to sit in Parliament nor admitted to Publick Offices except they declare that they are of the Reformed and not of the Roman Catholick Religion So that how Monsieur Fagel's Non-conformity Brethren in England should come to be affected by these Laws so as to receive any prejudice by them is that which none but a person of our Author's wit integrity and candor could have had the faculty either to conceive or alledge But that we may come to the second particular there is the less reason to wonder at this Gentleman's calumniating Mijn Heer Fagel and affixing dull tho' malicious Forgeries of his own unto him if we do but consider-with what petulancy and injustice he treats Their Serene Highnesses and at the gate of their own Court assumeth the confidence to misrepresent lessen and asperse them The nearness which those Princes stand in to the ascending the English Throne and the joyful prospect which all Protestants have of it exciteth a discontent and rage in our Author which he knows not how either to suppress or govern For not to mention what we learn of the kindness of Roman Catholicks to an Heir professing the Reformed Religion from the proceedings of Sixtus Quintus and the Papists in France towards Henry 4. we are sufficiently instructed what good will they bear to a Protestant Successor by the Bull which Clement 8. published about the End of Queen Elizabeth's Reign For the Supream and Infallible Head does therein ordain That when it should happen to that miserable Woman to die they should admit none to the Crown quantumque propinquitate sanguinis niterentur nisi ejusmodi essent qui fidem Catholicam non modo tolerarent sed omni ope ac studio promoverent more majorum jurejurando se id praestituros susciperent whatsoever Right and Title they should have thereunto by vertue of their next affinity in blood unless they should first swear not only to tolerate but to advance and establish the Romish Religion Nor can I avoid being filled with fear and reverence to the safety of some certain persons when I remember how Cardinal Baronius commends Irene for murdering the Emperor her Son because he was against the Worship of Images and not only calls it Justitiae zelum a righteous zeal but adds Christum docuisse summum pietatis genus esse in hoc adversus filium esse fidelem That Christ hath taught the perfiction of Religion in such a case to consist in fidelity to the Church tho' by destroying one that was both her Son and her Soveraign 'T is a high piece of injustice in our Author towards Their Highnesses and calculated for no other end but to alienate his Majesties affections from them when he tells us that the thing aimed at in the writing of the Pensionary's Letter as well as that pursued in the manner of publishing it was to obstruct the King's righteous pious designs and to render them unpracticable For the Letter being written in obedience to the Command of Their Highnesses to declare their Opinion in reference to the several matters about which it treateth it plainly follows that tho' Mijn Heer Fagel be accountable for the manner of cloathing and delivering their thoughts and for the Order and Method in which things are digested and possibly for the ratiocinations by which they are supported and enforced yet that the Prince and Princess are the persons who are alone responsible for the End unto which it was intended And it appears to have been so far from their intentions thereby to obstruct and defeat any pious and just designs of his Majesty that nothing can be more visible than that as it is admirably adapted to the giving ease and security to all his Protestant Subjects so it offereth means for relieving the Papists from the severe Laws to which they are liable and for the granting them a Warranty in a legal way for the exercise of their Religion Nor doth it
discourage any kind of favour towards them save that which the concession whereof would not only be inconsistent with the peace and safety of those of the Reformed Religion in England but which might enflame the Nation to such Resentments as would in all likelihood both endanger his Majesties Person and Crown and come at last to issue in the reducement of the Roman Catholicks to worse circumstances than they have hitherto been acquainted with But to proceed with our Author to whom it is so natural to act foolishly and with sauciness and injustice that neither the Character he is said to bear nor the Quality of the Persons of whom he speaks can either restrain his intemperance or correct his rudeness and indiscretion For Monsieur Fagel having said that he believes there are many Roman Catholicks who under the present state of Affairs will not be very desirous to be in Publick Offices and Employments nor use any attempts against those of the Reformed Religion and that not only because they know it to be contrary to Law but lest it should at some other time prove prejudicial to their Persons and States Our Author is so unjust as well as imprudent as to call this a menacing not only of all the Non-conformists and Roman Catholicks in England but a threatning of his Majesty and an insulting over him And from thence he takes occasion to add that he hopes God will inable his Majesty to repress and prevent the effects of these menaces and furnish him with means of mortifying those who do thus threaten and insult over him It certainly argues a strange weakness and distemper of mind to call so modest and soft an expression both a menacing of the King and of all his Catholick Subjects when I dare say it proclaimeth the sense of all among the Papists who are endowed with any measure of Wisdom and is nothing else save a Declaration of the measure by which they do at this day regulate and conduct themselves But the injustice of our Author towards Their Highnesses in his Reflections upon the forementioned expression of the Pensionary's is his intending them by the persons that do threaten his Majesty and insult over him For did he take Mijn Heer Fagel for the only guilty person in reference to this Phrase which he miscalls a Menace it would be a strange detracting in him from the Power and Glory of his Majesty of Great Brittain to wish him sufficient means whereby to shun the effects of a Gentleman 's threatning whose highest Figure in the World is meerly to be a Minister in a Republick Nor would he bring down his Master to so low a level as to make it the highest Object of his Hopes concerning so great a Monarch that he shall be able to mortifie a person who whatsoever his Merit be yet his Fortune is to fill no sublimer a Post So that it can be no other save the Prince and Princess whom our Author in his usual way of injustice petulancy and indiscretion does here character represent and intend And what he thereupon means by the Kings having power in his hands and by his hoping that God would furnish him with means by which he may mortifie them is not a matter of difficult penetration even by persons of the most ordinary capacities For the several methods that have been projected and are still carrying on for the debarring them from the Succession to the Imperial Crowns of England Scotland and Ireland to which they have so Just and Hereditary a Right are sufficient to detect unto us what our Author intends and serve as a Key whereby to open the scope and meaning of his Expressions But whatsoever the Papal and Jesuitick Endeavours may be for the obstructing and preventing their Ascending the Thrones of Great Brittain I dare say that all the effects they will have will be only the discovering the folly and malice of those that attempt it and that they can never be able to compass and accomplish it For as their Highnesses have both that interest in the Love and Veneration of all Protestants and so indisputable a Title that it is impossible they should be precluded either by Force or in a way to which their Enemies may affix the Name of Legal so there is no great cause to apprehend or fear their being supplanted by their King 's having Male Issue of a vigour to live considering both his Majesties condition and the Queens which is such that they can never communicate bona stamina vitae And for the Papists being able to Banter a suppositious Brat upon the Nation tho' there are many among them villanous enough to attempt it we have not only the watchfulness of Divine Providence to rely upon for preventing it but there are many faithful and waking Eyes that will be ready and industrious to discover the Cheat. And if the People once perceive that there hath been a contrivance carried on for putting so base an affront upon a noble and generous Kingdom and of committing so horrid a wrong against such Vertuous and Excellent Princes I do not know but that their Resentment of it may rise so high as that all who are discovered to have been accessory unto it may undergo the like fate that they of old did who were found to have been conscious and contributory unto the thrusting the Eunuch Smerdis into the Persian Throne Nor do I in the least doubt but that the same Righteous Wise and Merciful God who prevented the like villany when designed in the time of Queen Mary and which was advanced so far that some Priests had the wickedness and impudence both to give thanks in the publick Churches for her Majesties safe delivery of a Prince and also to describe the Beauty and Features of the Babe tho' all she had gone with amounted only to a Tympany of Wind and Water I say that I do not question but that the same God will out of his Immense Grace and Sapience find ways and methods of which there are many within the compass of his Infinite Understanding by which so hellish a piece of villany if there be any such projected and promoting may be brought into light and disappointed And truly when I consider the Christian and Royal Vertues wherewith their Highnesses are imbued and how they are furnished with all the Moral Intellectual and Religious accomplishments that are requisite for adapting them to weild Scepters and which render them not only so agreeable to the necessities and desires of all good people but so admirably qualified to answer both the present posture of Affairs in Europe and the Exigencies of those that are oppressed and afflicted I grow into a confidence that as the Church of God both in Brittain and elsewhere and the circumstances in which so many Countreys are involved do bespeak and crave their Exaltation to the Thrones of the Brittish Dominions so that they are both destined of God unto them and will in due
never violated laid to pledge for their relief and ease but in that their Interest as well as their Principles will oblige them to be compassionate and tender to all sorts of Protestants and if they cannot be so Fortunate as to unite them yet to exercise equal kindness and favour towards them Having examined what our Author in his impertinent way venteth in unjust Reflections against their Highnesses and having in some measure chastned him for them tho' not to the Degree he does deserve I come now in the third place to call him to an account for his calumniating the States of these Provinces and for his endeavouring to possess the minds of their Popish Subjects with dissatisfaction and prejudice towards them And if he be the person whom most men take him for tho' he may have herein acted suitably to himself yet he hath behaved disagreeably to his character and unworthy of the Post which his Master hath placed him in Nor need we from henceforth to doubt but that he does all the ill Offices he can between his Majesty of Great Brittain and this Government seeing he hath by slanders destitute of all Foundation most maliciously studied to raise differences betwixt them and their own Subjects And if the Intelligence which he transmits to Whitehall be as equally distant from truth and sincerity as the Memoirs are which he hath here published we may easily conjecture what little credit ought to be given unto it tho' at the same time we cannot but discern the end that it must be shappen and designed unto Nor was there the least occasion administred by mijn Heer Fagel in his Letter by which our Author could be provoked to attack these States with so much rudeness injustice and falshood as he hath done in his Answer For all that the Pensionary had said and which it seems threw our Author into a raging fit was only that their Highnesses could consent that the Papists in England Scotland and Ireland should be suffered to exercise their Religion with as much freedom as is allowed them in these Provinces in which they enjoy a full liberty of Conscience And as the time hath been and may hereafter come Wherein the English Roman Catholicks would have thought and may again account such a Liberty for a happiness so I do not understand if the condition of the Roman Catholicks in these Countreys be as our Author describes it with what consistency either to Reason or with themselves the Papists in England should have so often heretofore in their Pleas for a Toleration have made the Liberty vouchsafed their Brethren in these Provinces not only a motive for their own being capable of Indulgence but to have represented it as the largest measure of the freedom they desired and which they would have been thankful for Seeing this Gentleman according to his accustomed manner of truth and ingenuity takes upon him to assure us That as there can be no greater persecution than what the Papists undergo in the exercise of their Religion in Guelderland Freesland Zeland and the Province of Groningue so that the Liberty which they even enjoy in Holland is so mean and inconsiderable that it doth not deliver them from being subject to daily fines and molestations Surely this man is either very unacquainted with what is done upon the account of Religion in other parts of the World or else he must needs think that the most brutal severities to some are Acts of Merit while gentle restrictions upon others are mortal Crimes otherwise he could never write at this ignorant and extravagant rate wherein all persons must discern his folly as well as insincerity and neglect of truth For we have too many deplorable evidences daily before our Eyes besides those which arrive with us by reports of unquestionable credit of a stranger kind of Persecution exercised towards those of the Reformed Religion in France and Piedmont than any which the Roman Catholicks in these Provinces can be alledged to be under except it be by one of our Author's veracity and discretion Neither needs there any other Refutation of the calumny with which he asperseth the Supream and Subordinate Magistrates of this Country in reference to the treating their Popish Subjects with horrid Severities nor a clearer proof that those of the Romish Communion do esteem themselves to be in a condition of peace freedom and ease under this Government than that of their behaviour during the late War carried on by the French King against these States which he gave out both at Rome and at several other Courts in Europe to have been undertaken in favour and for the restoring of the Roman Catholick Religion For had they lain under that grievous persecution and those tragical hardships in the practice of it which our Author would impose the belief of upon the World they would not have failed to welcome that Monarch as their happy Deliverer and would have united in a general Insurrection against the States for their having been Tyrannous over them But instead of that most of them acquitted themselves with the same Zeal for the support of this Government and in defence of their Country that other Subjects did Which demonstrates beyond all controul that they do not judge themselves to be in so wretched and miserable circumstances as this bold and calumnious Person represents them to be And whereas Monsieur Fagel in justification of the necessity of preserving the Test Laws by which the Papists are precluded from Employments and Places of Trust and to rectifie a mistake in Mr. Stewart about his conceiving the Roman Catholicks to continue capable of bearing publick Offices in this Commonwealth had said that by the Laws of this Republick they are expresly shut out from all the Employments both of Policy and Justice Our Author does hereupon with the highest Injustice and with all the acrimony he can accuse the States not only of departing from the express Terms of the Pacification of Gant but of violating the Articles of the Vnion at Utrecht which was the Foundation upon which this Government was both originally erected and doth still subsist And with his wonted degree of knowledge and prudence he further adds That the Provinces and most of the Cities would not have entred into the foresaid Vnion but upon condition that they of the Roman Catholick Religion should at all times possess the Government And particularly that Amsterdam had it stipulated unto them under the Guaranty of the Prince of Orange that none of the Reformed Religion should be allowed a Place to assemble in either within the Walls or without so far as the Jurisdiction of the City did extend One would have little expected that a person living in the Communion of the Romish Church as our Author professeth himself to do should upbraid these States with the violation of Articles relating unto a Grant made unto any for their Security in the free Exercise of their Religion at a season when
Popish Soveraigns not only account it their glory to break all Laws Oaths and Edicts by which Protestants had their Religion together with many other Rights and Priviledges established and confirmed unto them but who with a salvageness and barbarity which scarce any Age can parallel seek to extirpate their Religion and destroy them And all this attempted and pursued against them not only without their being guilty of any crime by which they might have deserved to lose the favour of their Princes and to forfeit protection in the free exercise of their Religion and their safety as to their Persons and Estates which had been sworn unto them and secured by Authentick Laws But when one of the chiefest motives unto it was their Loyalty and the Merit that they had laid upon their respective Soveraigns which by a new way of gratitude was thought fit to be thus recompensed and rewarded And if we be not as I have formerly said strangely deceived in the Person and Character of our Author this charge upon the States of these Provinces is the effect of a most prodigious folly as well as of inveterate malice in that his Master contrary both to the Laws of the Realms his often repeated Promises and his Coronation Oath assumes a power of introducing those into Offices who by the Statutes of the Land stand precluded from them and of thrusting them out who alone are the Person that are legally capable of them Which manner of proceeding in his Majesty hath besides the injustice that attends it towards all that are laid aside a signal piece of ingratitude accompanying it to many of them as having been the Persons whose Zeal for his Person brought him to the Throne and whose courage maintained him in it But I shall not think it enough meerly to have exposed his imprudence and indiscretion in the forementioned accusation against the whole Governing Body of this Country but I shall likewise shew it to be false slanderous and unjust in every part and branch of it And that I may act with more truth and candour than our Author hath done I do acknowledge that at the first commencement of the War against the King of Spain for the defence of the Laws and Priviledges of these and the neighbouring Provinces that not only they of the Reformed Religion but likewise the Roman Catholicks took Arms and hazarded their Lives and Estates in that just quarrel And I do also grant that thereupon there was Liberty of Conscience allowed and established by several Treaties in the vertue of which both parties were to be equally tolerated and the one not to disturb or disquiet the other Nor was there ever any thing done by way of Ordinance or Law to lessen or restrain the liberty of the Papists nor to abridge much less deprive them of any Power Jurisdiction and Authority that they possessed so long as they remained faithful in the common cause and behaved themselves with Equity Justice and Peace towards those who had withdrawn from the Roman Communion But such was the ascendency of the Priests over the Roman Catholicks and so powerful was their influence upon them that in a little time they not only hindred and molested the Protestants in the exercise of their Religion and committed many unjust and cruel severities against them but they proceeded to various attempts of betraying the Rights and Civil Liberties of the whole Country and of enslaving it both to the Tyranny of the King of Spain and to the bloudy and cruel Inquisition So that from hence it became a matter of necessity rather than at first of choice that the Government should be disposed into Protestant hands and that the liberty of the Papists should have those limits and regulations given unto it as might render it both consistent with the peace freedom and safety of those of the Reformed Religion and with the preservation of the Civil Rights and Priviledges of these Provinces This is the account which all who have written with any knowledge and integrity of the Transactions of those Times do give us of the many Changes and Revolutions that fell out in reference to Religion till all matters both concerning it and the Political Government of these Countreys came to be established in the Form and Way wherein they do still continue and subsist And this I do undertake to make good by all publick Authentick and approved Histories if our Author shall have the confidence to insist upon the justification of his criminations And all that I shall at present direct men unto for the confirmation of what I have said is that admirable Apology of William I. Prince of Orange whom his present Highness does in Wisdom Steddiness and true temperate Christian Zeal so signally imitate and which that great Prince who was the first and happy Founder of this Republick published in defence of himself and of those actings for which the slavish and mercenary Factors of Rome and Spain had traduced and aspersed him But let us advance to a particular Examination of those matters of Fact upon which our Author challengeth these States for violating their Faith with their Roman Catholick Subjects And the things he is pleased to specifie are their departing from the Terms of the Pacification of Gant and their breaking the Articles of the Vnion agreed unto at Utrecht 1597. Nor am I unwilling to acknowledge that soon after the Pacification concluded at Gant there were several indecent and undiscreet things done contrary to the purport and tendency of it both by those of the Romish and by them of the Reformed Religion Which proceeded from the Superstitious Fury of the former and the imprudent Zeal of the latter Yet it is certain that the ground of its coming to be rendred wholly ineffectual arose from a design of the King of Spain's under the cloak and palliation of that Treaty to subvert the Civil Rights and Priviledges of all the Provinces to the Defence and Preservation of which the Roman Catholicks as well as Protestants were sworn and bound by the said Pacification For after that Philip II. had in compliance with the necessity of this Affairs consented unto and ratified all the Terms Provisions and Conditions which both the Papists and the Reformed had in that Pacification League and Confederacy insisted upon and agreed to adhere unto it was soon after discovered by Letters intercepted to Don John who was at that time constituted Governour over the Low Countreys that all which Philip aim'd at was thro the having rendred them secure by the Ratification of that Treaty to take advantages whereby to enslave them and under the Covert of it to provide himself of means by which he might be established in an unbounded Tyranny over them So that by reason of what was detected in those Letters and from Don John's proceeding to possess himself of Namur and his endeavouring to corrupt and debauch the German Troops which were in the States service and paid by them
together with the defection of many of the Roman Catholicks from all the Terms of that Pacification the War came again to be revived against the King of Spain and all that had been agreed unto at Gant was rendred ineffectual and overthrown And I would fain know of our Learned and Wise Author how the States of the Seven Provinces are more guilty of the violation of that Pacification by making the Protestant Religion to be that of the publick Establishment within their Territories and Jurisdiction than the King of Spain and the States of the Spanish Netherlands are in their denying a Toleration of the Protestant Religion in those Provinces seeing I am sure it was agreed and sworn unto in that Pacification And as for the Union concluded at Vtrecht the Terms whereof our Author upbraids these States with a departure from It will be no difficult matter to shew how his knowledge and sincerity are in reference to this particular of one measure and piece For tho' diverse of the Provinces which entred into that Union did thereby enjoy a Liberty of chusing and determining which of the two Religions should have the stamp of the publick establishment within their own Jurisdictions yet it was then and there ordained that the Protestant Religion alone should be publickly professed and have the protection of the Laws in the Provinces of Holland and Zealand And as the other Provinces were left to do as they should judge best for the peace and safety of their respective Territories and the support and defence of the Union so it is a thing wherein all that have written with any integrity do agree that the alterations which were afterwards made in these Provinces or in reference unto them concerning Religion were either resolved and decreed in the Provincial Assemblies of the States of those several Provinces or else in the meetings of the States-General where not only the Deputies of those several Provinces were present and consenting but behoved to have the approbation of their Principals in order to the rendring those Alterations legal and binding Nor is it unworthy to be observed that the chief occasion for shutting the Roman Catholicks out of the Government and for depressing the Romish Religion from being Dominant arose from the Papists themselves in that not only contrary to their stripulations and promises they were found in the verture of a malice imbib'd from their Religion to be upon all occasions committing violences and outrages against the Reformed but in that the Roman Catholick Magistrates and many others of that Communion were discovered to retain too great an inclination to Spain and to be ready to abandon and betray the Freedom and Civil Rights of their Countrey instead of continuing stedfast and faithful in the defence of them as they had covenanted and sworn In a word as neither the Articles of the Union at Vtrecht nor any other Terms agreed upon before the Abdication of the King of Spain which was not until Anno 1581. can be called the Fundamental Laws of the Government of this Republick tho' they may be stiled conditions upon which such and such Provinces Associated for mutual defence against the Spanish Power and Tyranny so it is undeniable that by reason of the many dangers they found themselves exposed unto and the hazards they had run of being betrayed again into the hands of the Spaniard through their having suffered the Magistracy to remain any wherein Papists and thro' their having allowed the Roman Catholick Religion to be publickly preached and exercised they thereupon re-assumed and gave a new frame unto their Union in the Year 1583. in which it was agreed and enacted by all the Provinces that from that time forward the Reformed Religion should alone be openly professed and preached and that none but Protestants should from that time be admitted to any Office of Policy and Justice in the Government And as this is the true Fundamental Law upon which this State hath since so happily subsisted and flourished so there can be nothing objected against the Justice of it but what will lye against all States of the World who have always changed and moulded their Laws as they have been necessitated in order to self-preservation And so remote from all truth is our Author 's affirming the Roman Catholicks to have been upon these Alterations brought under Persecution that Sir William Temple whom the World will much sooner believe than this Gentleman tho' possibly he may bear the same character which that worthy person once did does assure us in his excellent Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands That no Papist can here complain of being pressed in his Conscience of being restrained from his own manner of Worship in his House or obliged to any other abroad and that all such who ask no more than to serve God and save their own Souls have as much Freedom Ease and Security as they can desire Yea it is demonstrable that the Roman Catholicks enjoy advantages under this Government which they have not in Popish States In that being suffered to exercise their Relgion so far as is necessary to attain all the ends of it if it be capable of affording them any whereon they can hereafter find themselves happy they are delivered from the Tyranny of Priests over their Persons and Estates and hindred from being in a condition to do that ill to others which the Doctrines of their Church would both tempt them unto and justifie them in And as to that which our Author says of the injustice done to the City of Amsterdam and of the violating the Conditions towards the Roman Catholicks there upon which under the guaranty of the Prince of Orange they came into the Vnion he is mistaken in that whole matter and betrays only his ignorance infidelity or both For the Conditions which he mentioneth were the result of an Agreement made Anno 1578. when upon the Nassovian Army's coming before their City to attack them they abandoned the Party and Interest of the King of Spain whom they had till that time adhered unto and came into an Alliance with the rest of the Towns of the Province to oppose him in defence of the Priviledges of these Countreys And as this was a year before the Vnion concluded at Vtrecht into which Amsterdam entred at the same time that Gelderland Zutphen Holland Zealand and Utrecht did so they joined in the Vnion upon the same Terms that the other Towns of their own Province had agreed unto Nor could the Prince of Orange be Guaranty in reference to the conditions specified in the Vnion forasmuch as tho the Act of Vnion was signed Jan. 23. 1579. yet the Prince did not sign it till the May following And that the Roman Catholick Magistrates came to be divested of the Government contrary to the Articles made with them when they forsook the party of the King of Spain they have none to blame for it but themselves nor was
there that injustice in it which our Author does imagine For not being satisfied to remain disobedient and refractory to an Edict and Decree of the Arch-Duke Matthias and the Council of State who Anno 1578. had appointed that wheresoever there were a hundred Families of those professing the Reformed Religion that they should there be allowed a Church or Chappel for the exercise of their Worship they not only broke all their capitulations made with the Protestants thro oppressing them in various severe unjust method's and in denying them a decent and convenient place in which they might bury their dead but they were found to be still inclining to the Spanish Interest and ready to espouse it upon the first convenient opportunity And therefore the Protestants who were by much the majority partly to relieve themselves from the sufferings which were daily inflicted upon them contrary to stipulations and Articles and partly to prevent the mischiefs which would have ensued to the whole Country should that City have been betrayed again into the power and hands of the Spaniards assumed the Government to themselves and eased the other party of the Trust which they had so unwisely and unrighteously managed Nor can our Author deny but that since they took on them the Ruling Authority they have exercised it with all the moderation that can be expressed And have been so far from returning to the Roman Catholicks the like measures which themselves had met with that they have in no one thing given them cause to complain unless they should quarrel that they are kept out of capacity of doing the mischief their priests would otherway's be ready to excite them unto and which their Religion would countenance them in But it is now time that I should proceed to the fourth thing for which I promised to call our Anonymous Answerer to an account And were he not of a singular Forehead and of a peculiar complexion from all others he could not have had the impudence to endeavour to deceive the world into a belief that the Protestant Dissenters in England stand listed by their Highnesses into the same rank with the Papists and that they are hereafter to expect to be shut up into the same state and condition Certainly he must either have an Antipathy woven into his nature against all truth and sincerity or else thro having long accustomed himself to the misreporting of persons and to the giving false representations of things he must at last have acquired an incurable Habit otherwise it were impossible to prevaricate to that degree from truth in every thing he medleth with and which he undertaketh to say For Mijn Heer Fagel having declared that the reason why their Highnesses can not agree to the Repeal of the Test Laws is because they are of no other tendency than to secure the Reformed Religion from the designs of the Roman Catholicks and that they contain only conditions and provisions whereby men may be qualified to be Members of Parliament and to bear publick Offices Our Author hereupon tells us That the Nonconformists as well as the Roman Catholicks do apprehend that they receive a great deal of damage by those Laws and do account them extremely prejudicial to their Persons and Families And where as Monsieur Fagel had said that he would be glad to hear one good Reason whereby a Protestant fearing God and concerned for his Religion could be prevailed upon to consent to the Repealing of these Laws which have been enacted by the Authority of King and Parliament and that have no other tendency save the providing for the safety of the Reformed Religion and the hindring Roman Catholicks from being in a capacity to subvert it Our Author in way of reflection upon this tells us that it is not only a Childish demand but that it is to be hop'd that the pensionary will from hence be brought to acknowledg how trifling and weak all those Reasons are by which he would preclude the Nonconformists as well as the Roman Catholicks from publick Employments So that by these and many other passages equally false and disingenuous in our Author 's pretended Answer which for brevity's sake I forbear to mention it is apparent that he endeavours to perswade the world into a belief that the Dissenters are staed by their Highnesses in the same rank and condition with the Papists and are to expect to be treated in the same manner in case it please the Almighty God to bring Their Highnesses to the Throne One would wonder at this sudden and strange change in the opinion and conduct of the Papists towards the Nonconformists that they who were represented by them a while ago ' as unfit to live in His Majesties Dominions should now come to be accounted the Kings best and most Faithful Subjects and worthy to be advanced to the chief Trusts and Employ's 'T is but a few years since that all the Laws enacted against them were judged to be too few and gentle and therefore they had Laws executed upon them to which the Legislators had never made them obnoxious but now the Roman Catholicks are become so tender of their ease and safety that out of pure kindness unto them if any will be so foolish as to believe it they must have Laws abrogated which in the worst times and during the most illegal and barbarous procedures against them they were never affected with nor suffered the least prejudice by And whereas it was the only way for persons heretofore to make their Court at St. James's by declaiming against the Dissenters as Rebels and Traitors and by putting them into a salvage Dress to be run upon as beasts of prey it is now grown the only method of becoming gracious at Whitehall to proclaim their Loyalty and to cry them up for the only people in whom his Majesty with safety to his Person and Crown can repose a confidence But under all the Shapes which the Papists do assume they may be easily discovered to retain the same malice to the Reformed Religion and only to act those various and opposite parts in order the better to subvert it And the Dissenters being harassed and oppressed before and indulged and caressed now was upon the same motive of hatred unto it and in subserviency to its extirpation The method's are altered but the design is one and tho they have changed their Tools yet they remain constant in the pursuance of the same End While they of the Church of England were found compliant with the ways which the Factors for Rome thought serviceable thereunto they were not only the Favourites of the Court and of the whole Popish party but were gratified at least as was pretended with a rigorous execution of the Penal Laws upon Dissenters But there remaining several steps to be taken for the introduction of Popery and the extirpation of the Reformed Religion which they of the National Communion would not go along with them in they are forced to
prove effectual to give them the slenderest ground of confidence of their obtaining a Parliament of that mould and constitution And the second is that all the Members must take the Tests before they can be a Legal Parliament and then there is little probability that they who can make the Declaration required in these Laws will be inclinable to Repeal them especially at a season when their own safety as well as that of the Protestant Religion renders it so necessary to have them maintained Whatsoever any Body of men by what name soever they be called or within what walls soever they assemble shall attempt to do without first having taken the Tests is ipso facto null and void in Law and will serve to no Legal purpose but to make themselves obnoxious to the severest punishments which the Justice of a provoked and betrayed Nation can be able to inflict upon them So that we do not doubt what the King would do for the re-establishing Popery and banishing the Protestant Religion could he get a Parliament to his mind but our hope is that he will not and the better to prevent it we will endeavour to keep our Test Laws But to go on with our Author who with his accustomed ignorance but personating here the wisdom of a Solon or a Lycurgus takes upon him to instruct us that as nothing can be called the fundamental Law of a Kingdom or a Republick but what was enacted at the commencement of that State or Society before any alterations could fall out in it with reference to Religion so nothing deserves the name of such a Law save that which is to the advantage and benefit of all the Subjects It were not amiss here to enquire by what Authority our Author fastens on Mijn Heer Fagel this Term of Fundamental Law in reference to the Tests seeing he never used it in his Letter much less applyed it to such a purpose But falsifying is so natural to this Gentleman that he could not avoid it even when he might have been sensible that he would not escape the being challenged for it There is a Countrey in the world that is said to bear no poysonous animal nor had it need seeing if any number of the Natives be of the mould and frame that some are there are brutal and venemous Creatures enough in it tho there be neither Toad nor Serpent there But may not the Test Laws answer the end they were designed unto of being a Fence about Religion tho they be none of the Fundamental Laws of the Government It is not the name that alone gives value to a Law but the Sanction of the Legislative Authority and the usefulness of it to the publick good A Statute that was occasioned by a necessity arising in reference to the publick Safety ought as much to be stood by and upheld while that necessity continues as if it were an original Law and Coaeval with the Constitution And if it was the indispensable dependance of the Welfare and Safety of the Community upon such and such Provisions at first that gave them the Name of Fundamental Laws I am sure that under our present Circumstances we may call the Test Laws absolutely needful if we assume not the vanity to stile them Fundamental Besides I would fain know of our Author that if all Laws lye exposed to an easie Abrogation that are not coaeval with the Kingdom what will then become of the Magna Charta for Liberty of Conscience which his Majesty not only promiseth but undertakes to make irrepealable And withal may not some Laws be as necessary to the being and preservation of a State under the notion of Protestant as others are to its being and subsistence under the consideration of an embodied and formed Society Every Society is bound to use all necessary means to preserve it self and while it maketh no provisions in order thereunto that derive inconvenience upon others unless it be only to keep them from being able to do hurt it would be a wickedness as well as a folly to neglect them In a word as the making no Laws necessary for the Safety of a people under any knowledge of God they may be grown up into but what were coaeval with their first formation into a Kingdom or Republick were the weakning and undermining the Security of the Christian Religion in all parts of the world where it hath obtained to be embraced and setled so by the same reason that it is lawful to make provisions for the preservation of Christianity in a State professing the Gospel of Jesus Christ it is also lawful to make the like provisions for the Security of the Reformed Religion in these Kingdoms and Common-wealths which have judged it to be their duty to God and their Souls to receive and establish it And for our Author 's saying that no Law deserves to be called Fundamental save that which is to the benefit and advantage of all the Subjects it is wholly impertinent to the case for which it is alledged and does no way's attack or weaken what the Pensionary had said For as the Laws contended for to be maintained were never stiled Fundamental so many thousands may have benefit by a Law whom nevertheless all persons of sense and wisdom will account unfit to be advanced to publick Trusts As no man will judge it unreasonable to require that all who are held capable of publick employments should have some degree of wit and understanding so I think it is very reasonable that they should be qualified with so much honesty as to be well affected to the Government as it is by Law established And to speak properly it is not the Law that makes the Papists uncapable of Offices and Employments it only declares they shall not be admitted because they were incapable before and had made themselves unfit to be trusted partly through their dependance upon a forraign power that is at enmity with the State and seeks to subvert it and partly by reason of that principle which they are possessed with of its being their duty to destroy us whensoever they can And as it 's a great favour vouchsafed by the Government to suffer such to live under it as stand so ill affected to it and want only means to overthrow it so if the Roman Catholicks will not be content with the first without the latter it will be a great temptation upon the Kingdom to deprive them of the Priviledge they have because they would not be content with it unless they might obtain that which the Nation could not grant without being Felo de se and without abandoning the means both of our safety here and Happiness hereafter And whereas our Author takes the confidence to tell us That there are many States and Cities in Germany where without the giving occasion to any disturbance the Government is shared between Papists and Protestants and where both those of the Roman Catholick and Reformed Religion do
some of the material Doctrines of the Roman Church may notwithstanding the Charity which we retain towards the Bulk of them make us justly apprehensive that one or more of their Leaders are intirely in the Interest of the Church of Rome For as the Popish Emissaries know how to put themselves into all shapes for the increasing and heightning divisions among Protestants and for the exposing as well as supplanting of our Religion so the design promoted in the foresaid Papers of destroying all the Legal Fences against Popery and of letting the Papists into the Legislative and whole Executive Power of the Government gives the World too much ground to suspect out of whose mint and forge writings of this stamp and mettle do proceed Secondly It should not a little contribute to augment our Jealousie that they who without being false to their Religious Tenets cannot joyn to assist Protestants in case the Papists should attempt to cut our Throats or endeavour to impose their Religion upon the Nation by Military force should of all men study to overthrow that Security which we have by the Test Laws whose whole tendency is onely to prevent the Papists from getting into a condition to extirpate our Religion and destroy us Is it not enough that they have rob'd the Kingdom of the Aid of so many as they have leavened with their Doctrine in case the King upon despairing to establish Popery by a Parliament should imploy his Janizaries to compel us to receive it and should set upon the converting Protestants in England in the way that the French Monarch hath converted the Huguenots but that over and above this they should be doing all they can to deprive us of all the Legal Security whereby we may be preserved from the Power of the Papists Surely 'twere not Charity and good Nature but stupidity and folly not to suspect the tendency of such a design when we find it pursued and carried on by a person that stiles himself a Quaker But then when besides this we find that 't is Mr. William Pen who is the Author of those Papers and the great Instrument in advancing this projection we have the more cause to suspect some sinistrous thing at the bottom of it For first he is under those Obligations to His Majesty which as they may put a biass upon his Understanding so they afford ground enough to Protestants to look upon him no otherways than as one Retained against them 'T was through his present Majesties Intercession with the late King that he obtained the Proprietorship of Pensilvania and from his Bounty that he had the Propriety of Three whole Counties bordering upon it superadded thereunto And as this cannot be but a strong Obligation upon so grateful a person as Mr. Pen why he should effectually serve the King and make his Will in a very great degree the measure of his actings so it ought to be an Inducement to others to be the more jealous of all he say's and not to surrender themselves too easily either to his Magisterial Dictates upon the one hand or to his smooth Flatteries upon the other He must have either laid a mighty merit upon the two Royal Brothers of both whose Religion we are at last convinced or he must have come under Obligations of doing them very considerable service in reference to that which they were most fond of compassing otherways we have little cause to think that he would have been singled out from all the rest of the Kingdom to be made the object of so special favour and of so eminent liberality For though there might be a debt owing to his Father Sir William Pen yet they must be extreamly weak who conceive there was no other motive to the forementioned Donation save Honour and Justice in the two Royal Brothers for having it discharged Seeing many of the noblest Families in England who had spent their Blood and wasted their Estates in fighting for the Crown while Sir William Pen was all along ingaged against it were not only left without all kind of Compensation for what they had eminently acted and as eminently suffered in behalf of the Monarchy but could never get to be reimbursed one farthing of the vast Sums which they had lent the late King and his Father upon the security of the Royal Faith Secondly Mr. Pen hath too far detected himself in these very Discourses not to give us ground to suspect what they are calculated for and whereunto they are subservient For besides his justifying the King's turning so many Gentlemen of the Church of England out of all Office and Imploy by saying they are not fit to be trusted who are out of the King's Interest he further tells us that the King being mortal it is not good sense that he should leave the power in those hands that to his face shew their aversion to the Friends of his Communion Letter first For as this implies no less than that they ought to have the whole Legal and Military Power of the three Kingdoms put into their hands that they may be in a condition to preclude the right Heir from Succession to the Crown or prescribe such Laws to her as they please in case they should think fit to admit her so a very small measure of Understanding will serve to instruct us what the Papists esteem to be an aversion to them and in what manner had they the power in their hands they think themselves obliged to treat us upon that account And as we have had occasion to know too much of his Majesties Temper and Design as well as to whose Guidance he hath implicitely resigned himself not to be sensible what he esteems his Interest so we need no other evidence what it amounts unto to be in it than the seeing so many displaced from all share in the administration whose Quality gives them a Right and their Abilities a fitness for the chiefest and most honourable Trusts and whom as the King by reason of their services to himself as well as the Crown cannot lay aside without the highest ingratitude so their known Loyalty to his person and zeal for the grandure of the Monarchy is such that nothing could take them off from concurring in his Councils and promoting his Designs but the conviction they are under of their tendency to the subversion of Religion and the altering of the Legal Government And as we have reason to suspect what the foresaid Papers are intended to promote both upon the account of the Author's being Quaker and because not onely of the many Obligations he is under to His Majesty but his being so intirely in his Interest as appears by his influence into Councils the great stroke he hath in all Affairs and from his being one of the King 's principal Confidents so upon looking into those Discourses we find several things obtruded on us for truth and proposed in order to wheedle and insnare us into an abrogation of the Laws
enacted for our security which to every ones knowledge are so palpably false that we have all the ground that may be both to question and suspect his sincerity and to conclude that his Masters do not purpose to confine themselves within the bounds that he is pleased to chalk out for them and which he undertakes they shall be contented with for their allotment For what can be remoter from Truth than that the Test Laws were designed as a preamble to the Bill of Exclusion as he phrases it Letter first and that they were contrived to exclude the Duke of York from the Crown as he expresseth it p. 15. of his Good Advice c. when it is most certain that as the Test in 73. was made long before there were or could be any thoughts of it and was enacted by a Parliament against whose Loyalty there can be no exception so there was a clause in the last Test Act by which it was provided that he should not be obliged to take it Again what can be more repugnant to experience than that the King onely desires ease for those of his Religion Good Adv. p. 44. and that the Papists desire no more than a Toleration and are willing upon those Terms to make a perpetual peace with the Church of England Good Advice p. 17. For do we not daily see Protestants turned out of all Places of Trust Authority and Command and Papists advanced into all Offices Military and Civil Could the King have been contented with a Non-execution of the Laws against those of his Communion and could they have been satisfied with such an Indulgence and have modestly improved it 'T is not improbable but that such a behaviour would have so far prevailed upon the ingenuity and good nature of the generality of Protestants that without needing to have been importuned they would have repealed all the Penal Laws against Roman Catholicks But the methods which have been pursued by his Majesty and them shews both that they aim at no less than the Domination and that we must be very willing to be deceived if we either credit Mr. Pen or suffer our selves to be influenced by him after his obtruding upon us for truths matters which our very senses inable us to refute It may justly make us question his sincerity and beget a suspition in all thinking people of the sinistrous design these Papers are adapted unto when we find him endeavouring to cajole the Nation to an abrogation of the Laws by which our Religion and Safety are secured by telling us That the King's word is enough for us to rely upon if they were gone Good Advice p. 49. and that he could easily pack a Parliament for Repealing them if he did not seek a more lasting and more agreeable security to his Friends Letter third p. 12. and that if they were abolished 't is below the Glory of our King to use ways so unlike the rest of his open and generous principles as to endeavour to get a Parliament afterwards returned that is not duly chosen Letter second p. 15. and that he is a Prince of that Honour Conscience and generoas nature as not by invading the Rights of the Church of England to become guilty of an injustice and irreligion he hath so often so solemnly and earnestly spoken against Letter second p. 11. He must needs take us to be strangely unacquainted with the whole Tenor of the King's Actings in England as well as in Scotland and Ireland and to be persons of very weak understandings and of an easie belief if he think we are to be imposed upon and decoy'd by such Topicks as these to absolish the Tests or that after what we have seen and felt contradictory to those Panegyricks and inconsistent with those beautiful and lofty Characters fastned upon his Majesty we should believe Mr. Pen to mean nothing but well and honestly towards the Protestant Interest in what he so earnestly solliciteth the Church of England and the Dissenters in the forementioned Papers to concurr and consent unto I do acknowledge that what he hath said about Liberty due to men in matters of meer Religion and by way of rebuke unto and reflection upon the Wisdom and Justice of those that either are or have been for persecution is very strong and convincing but I must withall add that it is all at this time very needless and impertinent For the Church of England is so sensible of the Iniquity as well as folly of that Method that there is no ground to suspect She will ever be guilty of it for the future They whom no Arguments could heretofore convert the Court whose Tools they were in that mischievous and Unchristian work and by whom they were instigated to all the severities which they are now blamed for by objecting it to them as their Reproach and Disgrace and by seeking to improve the resentments of those who had suffered by Penal Laws to become an united party with the Papists for their subversion hath brought them at once to be asham'd of what they did and to Resolutions of promoting all Christian Liberty for the time to come And should there be any peevish and ill-natur'd Ecclesiasticks who upon a turn of Affairs would be ready to reassume their former principles and pursue their wonted course we may be secure against all fear of their being successful in it not only by finding the Majority as well as the more learned both of the dignified and inferior Clergy unchangeably fixed and determined against it but by having the whole Nobility and Gentry and those Noble Princes whose right it will be next to ascend the Throne fully possessed with all the generous and Christian purposes we can desire of making provision for Liberty of Conscience by a Law Nor can I forbear to subjoyn how surprizing it ought to be to all Protestants that while Mr. Pen expresseth so much charity for the Papists he entertaineth so little for the Church of England He would perswade us that if the Penal and Test Laws were abrogated the Papists would be so far afterward from seeking to shake the Constitution of the Church of England or from breaking in upon the Liberty that is now vouchsafed unto Dissenters or from endeavouring to make their Religion National that they would not onely be contented with a bare Toleration but that upon their enjoyment of ease by Law they would turn good Countrymen and come in to the Interest of the Kingdom Letter first Whereas at the same time he would have us believe that all the Protestations of those in the Communion of the Church of England for exercising Moderation in time to come are but the Language of their fear that their promises are not to be trusted Good Advice p. 54. and that the Dissenters deserve to be begged for Fools should they be satisfied with any less assurance than the abolition of the Penal and Test Laws ibid. p. 55. 'T is enough not onely to excite
our Jealousie but to stir up severer passions to be told at a season when we know what the Catholicks are doing in France and in most other places where they have any power that the Papists through having burnt their fingers with persecution may be grown so wise as to do so no more and yet to have it asserted in the same Page that they who can be prevailed upon to believe that the Church of England is sorry for what She hath done and that she will not be guilty of such a thing again have little reason to quarrel at the unaccount ableness of Transubstantiation Good Advice p. 8. Nor is it becoming one who stiles himself a Protestant no more than it is consistent with Truth to extenuate our being scandal'd at the severity upon Protestants in France by affirming that he can parallel some of the severest passages in that Kingdom out of the Actions of some Members of the Church of England in cool Blood ibid. p. 7. And though I have all the kindness imaginable for Mr. Pen's Person and am loath to think otherways of him as to his Religious Principles than as his avowed profession discovers him yet these and diverse passages more of that kind together with the accession he must necessarily have had to the apprehension and imprisonment of Mr. Gray c. for abandoning the Benedictine Order are things I can neither reconcile to the title he assumes nor to his many Discourses for Repealing the Test Laws And to speak freely considering the Nature of our Laws against Papists and that it was their manifold Treasons and onely our care to preserve our selves that both gave the first rise unto them and has necessitated their continuance I know neither how to construe that Assertion of Mr. Pen's Good Advice p. 13. that the Principle which the Church of England acts by justifies the King of France and the Inquisition nor that other Letter first of there having been eight times more Laws made for ruining men for their Conscience since the Church of England came to be the National Establishment than were all the time that Popery was in the Chair Nor can this be designed to any other end but the giving the Church of Rome the commendation of Mercy and Moderation above a Protestant Church For as 't is certain that the one Law of Burning and Extirpating Hereticks was a thousand fold worse and hath produced infinitely more Sanguinary effects than all the Laws and Rigours that the Church of England can be charged with so there is nothing can be falser than that either her Principle or Practice do parallel or justifie the barbarous and brutal severities of the French King and the Inquisition Moreover were all Protestants agreed that Liberty in meer matters of Religion should be immediately granted in a Legal way yet I do not see how the Papists should pretend to any benefit by it or be able to lay a just claim to a share in it So that the foundation which Mr. Pen goes upon of mens having a Right to be indulged in matters of Religion is too narrow to support the structure he raiseth upon it For though there may be some things retained in Popery which may be called matters of Religion yet in the bulk and complex of it it is a Conjuration against all Religion and a Conspiracy against the Peace of Societies and the Rights of Mankind 'T is one of the Crimes as well as the Miseries of this Age that out of a dread of some and in complacence to others we have avoided representing Popery in its native colours and calling it by the Names properly due unto it But I have always thought that 't is better fail in our Courtship to Men than in our duty to God and fidelity to the Interest of Jesus Christ and the safety of Mankind Nor do I doubt but that they will be better approved in the Great day of Account who Character Persons Doctrines and Practices as the Scripture doth than they who that they may accommodate themselves unto and be acceptable with the world speak of them in a softer stile Now if either Blasphemies against God or Tyrannies over Men if either the defacing the Ideas of a Deity or corrupting the Principles of Vertue and Moral Honesty if either the subverting the foundations of natural Religion or the overthrowing the most essential Articles of the Christian Faith if either the most avowed and bold affronts offered to heaven or the bloodiest and most brutal outrages executed against the best of men if all these be sufficient to preclude a party from the benefit of Liberty due to people in Religious Matters I am sure none have reason to challenge it in behalf of the Papists nor cause to complain if it be denied them Can there be any thing more unreasonable than that they should claim a Toleration in a Protestant State whose Principles not only allow but oblige them to destroy us as soon as their power inables them to do it Is not the Doctrine of the Pope's Supremacy and his having a Right to Depose Kings and absolve Subjects from their Allegiance together with that of breaking Faith to Hereticks and the extirpating all those who cannot believe as the Church of Rome doth mighty inducements to those whom they have baptized with that Name and to whom they long to exercise that courtesie for the Repealing of the Penal and Test Laws against Papists Nor are these Principles falsely charged upon them but they are the Oracular Decisions of their General Councils and Popes whom they stile Infallible So that Mr. Pen's Book and Letters which seem to have been written not so much in favour of Dissenting Protestants as of Roman Catholicks can little advantage the latter even allowing the Principle which he goes upon and admitting all he hath said for Mens Right to Liberty in meer matters of Religion to be unanswerable And his telling us Good Adv. p. 42. that Violence and Tyranny are not natural consequences of Popery does onely discover his kindness to Rome and the little Friendship and care he hath for the Protestant Interest For we know both the Principles of their Religion too well and have at all times experienced and do at this day feel the effects of them too sensibly to be deluded by this kind of Sophistry and imposed upon by so palpable a Falsehood to abandon the means of our safety Wheresoever any Popish Rulers Act with Gentleness and Moderation towards those whom their Church hath declared Hereticks 't is either because there are Political Reasons for it as might be easily shewed in reference to all those States and Governments which he mentions or because there are some Princes of the Roman Communion in whom the Dictates of Humane Nature are more prevalent than those of their Religion But should the gentle Temper of the English Nation sway them beyond the strict obligations of duty and make them willing to Repeal the
could they once get to have a share in the Legislation and to be legally stated in all places of Trust and Power What need we had of a legal security for our Religion in case of a Papists coming to inherit the Crown not onely the late King who thorowly knew his Brothers temper and bigottry but those Loyal Zealots who with an unhappy vigour opposed the Bill of Exclusion were sensible of and therefore besides all the security which we have for our Religion by the Statutes in force they offered many other provisions for its protection and several of them very threatning to the Monarchy which we might have had established into Laws if through our pursuit of the point of Exclusion we had not been so improvident as to despise and reject them He that dares attempt so much as he hath done in opposition unto and defiance of all our Laws what will he not have the confidence to undertake and be in a condition to accomplish if these obstructions were out of his way The Penal Laws cannot prejudice the Papists in this King's Reign seeing he can connive at the non-execution of them and the Repeal of them now cannot benefit the Papists when he is gone because if they do not behave themselves modestly we can either re-establish them or enact others which they will be as little fond of But their abrogation at this time would infallibly prejudice us and would prove to be the pulling up of the Sluces and the throwing down the Dikes which stem the deluge that is breaking in upon us and which hinder the threatning waves from overflowing us And whereas Mr. Pen would obtrude upon weak and credulous Men That if these Laws were Repealed the King is willing to give us other for our security and that he would onely exchange the security and not destroy it Letter 2d p. 11. he must pardon us if we do not easily believe him after what we know of his Majesties natural Genius and Religious Bigottry and after what we have seen and experienced in the whole course of his Government And if there be no other way of giving the King an opportunity of Keeping his word with the Church of England in preserving her and maintaining our Religion but the Repealing of the Penal and Tests Laws as he intimates unto us Good Adv. p. 50. we have not found the Royal Faith so sacred and inviolable in other instances as to rob our selves of a Legal defence and protection for to depend upon the precarious one of a bare promise which his Ghostly Fathers whensoever they find it convenient will tell him it was unlawful to make and which he can have a Dispensation for the breaking of at what time he pleaseth Nor do we remember that when he pledged his Faith unto us in so many Promises that the parting with our Laws was declared to be the condition upon which he made and undertook to perform them Neither can any have the confidence to alledge it without having recourse to the Papal Doctrine of Mental Reservation Which being one of the Principles of that Order under whose conduct he is makes us justly afraid to rely upon his word without further Security However we do hereby see with what little sincerity Mr. Pen Writes and what small regard he hath to His Majesty's honour when he tells the Church of England That if She please and like the terms of giving up the Penal and Test Laws against Papists that then the King will perform his word with her Good Adv. p. 17. but that otherways it is She who breaks with him and not he with her ib p. 44. Though something may be said for the Repealing of all Penal Laws in reference to every perswasion that is called Religion how incongruously soever it may claim that Name yet 't is inconsistent with the safety of all Civil Government and a plain betraying of the Civil Liberties as well as the established Religion in Great Brittain not to allow the precluding those from places of Trust of whose fidelity we can have no assurance And therefore as all that Mr. Pen hath alledged for abolishing the Tests is miserably silly so he hath thereby too manifestly detected the small regard he bears to the safety of the Kingdoms and the Protestant cause not to be suspected in every thing else which he hath more plausibly and reasonably asserted For as all Governments have an unquestionable Right to use means whereby to preserve themselves so 't is not onely lawful but expedient that they should have Tests by which it may be known who are fit to be trusted with the Legislative and Executive power Without this no Constitution can subsist nor Subjects be in any security under it Neither can any Reasons be advanced against the Test Laws but what are of equal force against exacting Oaths of Allegiance and Promises of Fidelity from those whom the Government thinks meet to Employ One might think that Mr. Pen should allow as much to the Parliament of England as he challengeth to himself in his Government of Pensilvania For I find that not onely such shall be precluded from a share in the Government there who shall either be convicted of ill Fame and unsober Coversation or who shall not acknowledge Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and Saviour of the World Chap. 2d of their Constitutions and Laws but that none shall be either chosen into Office or so much as admitted to choose but who solemnly declare and promise Fidelity to William Pen and his Heirs Chap. 57. This I take not onely to be equivalent unto but something more than our Tests do amount unto For whereas there may be several whom the Quakers may judge persons of unsober Conversation who may be true to the Civil Interest of their Country and willing to the utmost of their power to preserve the Peace and promote the Prosperity of it we have no ground to believe the like of Papists in relation to the welfare and safety of a Protestant State And that not onely because they acknowledge a Forraign Jurisdiction inconsistent with and paramount to ours but because they are obliged by the Principles of their Religion whensoever they find themselves able to destroy and extirpate us I 'm sure that the Motives which in 73 and 78 enforced to the Enacting of the Test Laws do at this season plead more effectually for the continuing them Nor had we so much cause then of being afraid of Popery or to be apprehensive of having our Religion overturned by Papists which were the Inducements to the making of those Laws as we have ground to dread it at this time and to be jealous of it under the present conjuncture And the more that the Roman Catholicks and their Advocates press to have these Laws abolished the more fear they excite in us of their design if they knew how to effect it and make us the more resolved to hazard all we have to
maintain them For as no Papist is prejudiced by them in his person or property so they are the most innocent and moderate security we can have for the preservation of our selves and of our Religion Nor could any thing justifie the Wisdom of the Nation in being without them so long but that we were not till then suspicious of the Religion of the Regnant Prince nor apprehensive before of the misfortune of having a Popish Successor And whereas Mr. Pen tells us that it were ridiculous to talk of giving liberty of Conscience and at the same time imagine that the Tests ought to be continued Good Adv. p. 59. We may not onely reply that Liberty of Conscience has no Relation to Mens being admitted unto Civil Trusts but that the same is practised in several States and Governments both Popish and Protestant and in Pensilvania it self where I suppose Liberty of Conscience is allowed For as we find freedom vouchsafed to Men in matters of Religion both in Holland and in diverse Protestant States in Germany without their being capable of Claiming a share in the Magistracy so though the Protestant Religion be tolerated in Collen yet it is with a preclusion of all of that Religion from Authority Whatsoever else Mr. Pen says upon this head is so despicably weak that as I neither judge it worthy to be taken notice of nor have Room to do it so I am confident that be his Religion what it will which by reason of his late Papers I have more Reason to suspect than ever he writes as much against his conscience and Judgment as against the Pattern and Example which he hath set us in Pensilvania I confess the Dissenters are under more temptations than other Protestants to wish for and to endeavour the Abrogation of the Penal Laws And as this makes them to be the more particularly applied unto by the Court for the promoting of it so it renders them the more liable to be influenced by Discourses of the nature and complexion that Mr. Pen's are of But I hope they will consider that the preservation of the Protestant Religion to themselves their posterity and the Kingdom is more valuable than a little temporal ease and which they onely hold by the precarious tenure of the King's word Surely they cannot be so infatuated as to think that the Papists love them or that they will trust them any longer than they have occasion to use them I would think that it should both make them blush to find themselves coupled with Roman Catholicks in Courts and Employments while their fellow Protestants are shut out and make them jealous that they are onely made use of for some mischievous and sinistrous end They can never hope to lay such a merit upon the Court as the Church of England hath done and her reward may forewarn them what they are to expect when they have done the job that is allotted for them His Majesties sincerity in giving liberty to Dissenting Protestants may be easily guessed at by his ordering 26 poor Scots Dissenters to be sent to the Barbadoes for slaves and this both since the Emitting of his First Proclamation for a Toleration and without the having any thing objected to them but what concerned their Consciences in matters of Religion The Terms upon which Phanaticks are to enjoy his Majesties favour and how long they are to expect the continuance of that mighty Grace we have declared by himself as they stand recorded in my Lord Melfort's Letter to the Presbyterian Ministers in Scotland Namely That he intends to continue their Liberty if he have suitable encouragement and concurrence from them in their Doctrine and Practice and if they concur with him in removing of the Penal Laws This is the Task that they are indulged and preferred for and 't is a wonder that they do not foresee that their destiny will be one and the same in case they have once done it as if they do it not This is the Fountain of all his Majesties friendship to them and the glorious assertion of its having been always his Principle that Conscience ought not to be constrained and that none ought to be persecuted for meer matters of Religion is at last dwindled into this that he will give them Liberty so long as they will concurr and cooperate with him in his introducing of Popery and till they have destroyed the Laws by which our own Religion is fenced about and defended Certainly it is high time to consider what this is which is exacted of them and what hazard they not onely expose the Nation and the Gospel unto but what guilt they derive upon themselves if they undertake and pursue it Nor can they promote the Repealing of the Penal Laws against Papists and the Test Statutes without running themselves under the guilt of Perjury and the making themselves chargeable before God with all the blood that was shed in the War between King Charles I. and the Parliament For as one of the Articles of the Solemn League and Covenant was to endeavour to extirpate Popery so the countenance and incouragement which that Prince gave to Papists was a main ingredient in the State of the Quarrel for which they drew their Swords against him and in the assertion whereof so many thousands lost their lives Can they now be willing to act in direct opposition to that Covenant which rather than renounce and disclaim the obligatory force of many of them have suffered so much or would they have the guilt of all the blood lye upon them which was shed in the former long and fatal War I 'm perswaded that many who are most forward to pursue the Abrogation of the Tests and Penal Laws against Papists never gave themselves leave to think what they are hurried unto Mr. Pen tells them he will beg them for Fools if they do it not Good Advice p. 54. and I dare take upon me to say that they are most Execrable Knaves and Villains if they do it Is it possible they should be so deprived of all understanding as not to perceive themselves meerly trick't upon and made use of for Tools to promote a Design which others have the wisdom and integrity not to be instrumental in when Jeffreys who a while ago said on the Bench Shew me a Fanatick and I will shew you a Knave and that 't was impossible to be a Fanatick and not to be a Rebel should now caress them as his Majesties best and most Loyal Subjects and tell them upon their being advanced to Offices That he is glad to find honest men come to be employed which was the Complement he lately bestowed upon Sir John Shorter 'T is likely they may be told that if they will fall in with the Papists for destroying the Church of England that they shall be secured from the Resentments of the next Heir by having the Monarchy made dissolvable into a Republick upon his Majesties death And this would seem to be
to the Church of Rome or upon rendring the Monarchy unlimited and independent on the Law would have been thought to have laid a Snare for exposing the Papists to greater Severities than they were obnoxious unto before and to have projected the robbing the Crown of the Prerogatives which belong unto it by the Rules of the Constitution and to which it was so lately restored And the despair of succeeding would have rendred the Royal Brothers deaf to all Importunities from Romish Emissaries and Court Minions Neither the Promises and Oaths which they had made and taken beyond Sea to introduce Popery nor their Ambition to advance themselves beyond the restraint of Laws and the Controul of Parliaments would have prevailed upon them to have encountred the Hazards and Difficulties which in case of the Union of English Protestants must have attended and ensued upon Attempts and Endeavours of the one kind and of the other Or should their beloved Popery and their own Bigottedness in the Romish Superstition have so far transported them beyond the bounds of Wisdom and Discretion as to have appeared possessed with an Intention of subverting the Protestant Religion and of enslaving the Nation to the Superstition and Idolatry of Rome they would have been made soon to understand That the Laws which make it Treason to own the Jurisdiction of the Pope or to seduce the meanest Subject to the Church of Rome were not enacted in vain and that those as well as many more made for the Security of the Protestant Religion and to prevent the growth and introduction of Popery were not to be dallied and plaid withal Or should they have been so far infatuated and abandoned of all Understanding as out of a foolish and haughty Affectation of being Absolute to have attempted the Alteration of the Civil Government they would have been immediately and unanimously told That the People have the same Right to their Liberties that the King hath to the Prerogatives of the Crown And if they would not have been contented with what belongs unto the Prince by the Common and Statute-Laws of the Realm but had invaded the Priviledges reserved unto the Subject they would have been made to know that they might not onely be withstood in what they strove to Usurp contrary to Magna Charta the Petition of Right and other Laws of the Kingdom but that thereby they forfeited and might be disseized of what either appertained unto the Crown by fundamental Agreements or hath been since settled upon the Monarch by Statute-Laws Nor could any thing have emboldened his late Majesty and the present King to Enterprizes of the one kind or the other but the prospect of begetting a Misunderstanding Jealousie and Rancor among Protestants and thereby both of making them instrumental to the ruin of one another and contributary to the loss of English Liberty and the Reformed Religion which they equally value and esteem and to the setting up Popery and Tyranny which the one detesteth and abhorreth no less than the other Though all English Protestants have ever been at an Accord in all the Essentials and Vitals of Religion yet from the very beginning of the Reformation there have been Differences among them concerning Ecclesiastical Government and Discipline and about Forms Rites and Ceremonies of Worship And had they consulted either their Duty to God or the common Interest of Religion they might have found ways either for removing the occasions of them or they ought to have lived together as Brethren notwithstanding the differences which were among them in those things But how much wiser are the Children of this World than those of the Kingdom of God and of Jesus Christ For though the differences among the Papists do far exceed ours both in their number and in the Importance of those things wherein they disagree yet they do mutually tolerate and bear with one another The matters wherein they differ are neither made the Terms of their Church-Communion nor the Grounds of mutual Excommunications and Persecutions But alas one Party among us hath been always endeavouring to cut or stretch others to their own Size and have made those things which themselves stile Indifferent both the Qualifications for admission to the Pastoral Office and the Conditions of Fellowship in the Ordinances of the Gospel Nor is it to be expressed what Advantages were hereby administred all along to the Common Enemy and what Sufferings peaceable and orthodox Christians were exposed unto from their peevish and angry Brethren And though these Things with the Heats begotten among all and the Calamities undergone by one side were not the cause of that funestous War betwixt Charles the First and the Parliament yet they were an occasion of diverting Thousands from the side which the Persecuting Church-men espoused and engaging them in the behalf of the two Houses in the Quarrel which they begun and carried on against that Prince for defence of the Civil Liberties Priviledges and Rights of the People but some of the Mitred Clergy were so far from being made wise by their own and the Nations Sufferings as upon their Restoration to hearken to moderate Counsels and to decline their former Rigours and Severities that they became the Tools and Instruments of the Court not onely for reviving but for heightning and enflaming all the Differences which had formerly been among English Protestants For the Royal Brothers finding nothing more adapted and subservient than this to their Design of altering the Government and subverting Religion they animated those waspish and impolitick Ecclesiasticks not onely to pursue the Restoration of all those things which had given rise and occasion to former Dissentions and Persecutions but to lay new Snares for alienating many persons of unspotted lives and tender Consciences from the Church and of rendring them obnoxious to suffer in their Names Persons and Estates And what a satisfaction was it to the late King and his Brother to find the old Episcopal Clergy prepared through Principles of revenge as well as from Love of Domination Ambition and Covetousness to fall in with the Design not onely of Increasing Divisions among Protestants both by making the Conditions of entring upon the Pastoral Function narrower and for screwing Conformity with the Church in her Forms and Ceremonies of Worship into Tests for admission to Magistracy and Civil Trusts but of obtaining several Laws against Dissenters whereby the Penalties to which they foresaw that People would become liable were rendred greater than they had been before and their Sufferings made more merciless inhumane and intolerable For though his late Majesty had by a Declaration dated at Breda promised Indulgence to all Protestants that would live peaceably under the Civil Government yet it was never in his Thoughts to perform it and the previous Obligations which he was under to the Church of Rome had a virtue to supersede and cancel his Engagements to English Hereticks And all he intended by that Declaration was onely to wheedle
and lull those into a tameness of admitting his Return into his Dominions whom a jealousie of being afterwards persecuted for their Consciences might have awakened to withstand and dispute it And to give him his due he never judged himself longer bound to the observation of Promises and Oaths made to his People than until without hazard to his Person and Government he could violate and break them Accordingly he was no sooner seated in the Throne of his Ancestors and those whom he had been apprehensive of Resistance and Disturbance from put out of Capacity and Condition of attempting any thing against him but he thought himself discharged from every thing that the Royal Word and Faith of a Prince had been pledged and 〈◊〉 to stake for in that Declaration and from that day forward acted in direct opposition to all the Parts and Branches of it For having soon after his Return obtained a Parliament moulded and adapted both to his Arbitrary and Popish Ends he immediately set all his Instruments at work for the procuring of such Laws to be Enacted as might divide and weaken Protestants and thereby make us not onely the more easie Prey to the Papists but afford them an advantage through our Scuffles of undermining our Religion with the less notice and observation How such persons came to be chosen and to constitute the Majority of the House of Commons who by their Actings have made themselves Infamous and Execrable to all Ages were a matter too large to penetrate at present into the Reasons of but that which my Theme conducts me to observe is That as they sacrificed the Treasure of the Nation to the profuseness and prodigality of the Prince and our Rights and Liberties to his Ambition and Arbitrary Will so they both introduced and established those Things which have been a means of dividing us and by many severe and repeated Laws they subjected a great number of industrious English-men and true Protestants to Excommunications Imprisonments rigorous and multiplied Fines and all this for Matters onely relating to their Consciences and for their Obedience to God in the Ordinances of his Worship and House And notwithstanding the late King 's often pretended compassion to the Dissenters it will be hard to discern them unless in Effects which proceed from very different and opposite Principles The distance which he kept them from his Person and Favour the influencing these Members of both Houses that depended upon him to be the Authors and Promoters of Severities against them the enjoyning so often the Judges and Justices of Peace to execute the Laws upon them in their utmost rigour the instigating the Bishops and Ecclesiastical Courts if at any time they relented in their Prosecutions to pursue them with fresh Citations and Censures the arraigning them not onely upon the Statutes made intentionally against Dissenters but upon those that were originally and solely enacted against the Papists these and other Procedures of that Nature are the onely Proofs and Evidences which I can find of the late King's Bowels Pity and Tenderness to them And whereas the weak Church-men were imposed upon to believe that all the Severity against the Nonconformists was the Fruit of his Zeal for the Protestant Religion and for the security of the Worship and Discipline established by Law they might have easily discovered if Passion Prejudice Wealth and Honour had not blinded them that all this was calculated for Ends perfectly destructive to the Church and inconsistent with the Safety and Happiness of all Protestants For as his seeking oftner than once to have wriggled himself into a Power of superseding and dispensing with those Laws and suspending their Execution plainly shews that he never intended the support and preservation of the Church by them so his non-execution of the Laws against Papists his conniving at their encrease his perswading those nearest unto him to reconcile themselves to the See of Rome as he did among others the late D. of Monmouth his countenancing the Roman Catholicks in their open and intollerable Insolencies and his advancing them to the most gainful and Important Places and trusts sufficiently declare that he never had any love to Protestants or care of the Reformed Religion but that all his designs were of a contrary tendency and his fairest Pretences for the Protection and Grandure of the Church of England adapted to other ends Thus the Royal Brothers having obtained such Laws to be enacted whereby one Party of Protestants was armed with means of oppressing and persecuting all others neither the necessity of their Affairs at any time since nor the Application and Interposure of several Parliaments for removing the Grounds of our Differences and Animosities by an Indulgence to be past into a Law could prevail either upon his late Majesty or the present King to forgoe the Advantage they had gotten of keeping us in mutual Enmity and thereby of ministring to their projection of supplanting our Religion and re-establishing the Faith and Worship of the Church of Rome Hereupon the last King not onely refused to consent to such Bills as diverse late Parliaments had prepared for indulging Dissenters and for bringing them into an union of Counsels and Conjunction of Interest with those of the Church of England for resisting the Conspiracies of the Papists against our Legal Government and Established Religion but he rejected an Address for suspending the Execution of the Penal Laws against Dissenters which was offered and presented unto him by that very Parliament which had framed and enacted those cruel and hard Laws And as the Royal Brothers have made it their constant Business to cherish a Division and Rancour among Protestants and to provoke one Party to persecute and ruine another so nothing could more naturally fall in with the Design of Arbitrariness or be more subservient to the betraying the Nation●● Papal Idolatry and Jurisdiction For several Penal Laws against a considerable Body of People do either expose them against whom they are enacted to be destroyed by the Prince with whom the executive Power of the Law is trusted and deposited or they prove a Temptation to such as are obnoxious of resigning themselves in such a manner to the Will and Pleasure of the Monarch for the obtaining his connivancy at their violation of the Laws as is unsafe and dangerous for the common Liberty and Good of the Kingdom For in case the Supreme Magistrate pursue an Interest distinct from and destructive to that of his People they who the Law hath made liable to be oppressed are brought under Inducements of becoming so many Parisans for abetting him in his Designs in hopes of being thereupon protected from the Penal Statutes the execution whereof is committed to him And as it is not agreeable to the Wisdom and Prudence which ought to be among Men nor to the Mercy and Compassion which should be among Christians for one party to surrender another into the Hands and Power of the Soveraign to be
while ago to see connived at in the exercise of their Worship in private Houses are allowed now to practise their Idolatry openly in our chief Towns and in the Metropolitan City of the Kingdom to usurp the publick Churches and Cathedrals Those Catholick Gentlemen whom heretofore it was matter of surprise to see countenanced with the private Favour of the Prince are now advanced to the supream Commands in the Army and the principal Trust in Civil Affairs The Recusant Lords whose enlargement out of the Tower we could not but look upon as an unpresidented Violation both of the Laws of the Land and of the Rights and Jurisdiction of Parliament being committed thither by the Authority of the House of Lords upon a Charge and Impeachment of High Treason by the Commons of England in Parliament assembled were now honoured to be Members of the Privy Council and exalted to be chief Ministers of State They whom the Statutes of the Realm make subject to the severest Penalties for Apostacy to Rome are not only protected from the edg of the Laws but maintained in Parochial Incumbencies and Headships of Colledges Our Orthodox Clergy are not only inhibited to preach against Popery but are illegally Reprimanded Silenced and Suspended for discharging that Duty which their Consciences Offices Oaths and the Laws of the Kingdom oblige them unto And such whom neither the Ecclesiastical nor Westminster Courts can arraign and proceed against we have a new Court of Inquisition erected for the adjudging and punishing of them So that it is not the Dissenters who are the only Persons to be struck at and ruined but the Conformists are to be treated after the same manner and to share in the common Lot whereunto all honest and sincere Protestants are destined and designed Even they who were the Darlings of Whitehall and St. Jameses and recompensed with Honours and Titles for betraying the Rights and Priviledges of Corporations persecuting Dissenters and heading Addresses wherein Parliaments were reproached the Course of Justice against Popish Offenders was slandered the illegal and arbitrary procedures of the Court applauded and justified and all that were zealous for our Laws and Liberties stigmatized with the names of Villains and Traitors are now themselves for but discouraging Popish Assemblies and attempting to put the Laws in execution against Priests who had publickly celebrated Mass not only check'd and rebuked but punished with Seisure and Imprisonment Nor are our Religion and Civil Liberties meerly supplanted and undermined by illegal Tricks glossed over with the Varnish of judicial Forms but they are assaulted and battered in the face of the Sun without so much as a palliation to give their procedures a plausible figure And the King being brought to a despair of managing the Parliament to his barefaced Purpose of Popery and Arbitrariness and of prevailing with them to establish Tyranny and Idolatry by Law notwithstanding their having been as industriously pack'd and chosen to answer such a Design as Art Bribery and Authority could reach and notwithstanding their having been obsequious in their first Session to an excess that has proved unsafe to themselves and the Nation he became resolved not to allow them to meet any more but to set up a-la-mode de France and to his personal Commands seconded with the Assent of his durante-beneplacito-Judges to be acknowledged and obeyed for Laws So that they who were formerly seduced into a good Opinion of him are not only undeceived but provoked to warm Resentments for having had their credulity and easiness of belief so grosly abused And as the converting so vast a number of well-meaning but wofully deluded People who had suffered themselves to be hoodwink'd and fatally hurried to betray their Religion Country and Posterity to the Ambition and Popish Bigottry of the Court was a design becoming the Compassion Mercy and Wisdom of God so the Method's and Means whereby they are come to be enlightned and proselyted are a signal vindication of the Sapience and Righteousness of God in all those tremendous steps of his Providence by which our Enemies have been emboldned to detect and discover themselves For though their continuing so long to have a good opinion of the present King and their abetting him so far in the undermining our Religion and invading our Liberties may seem to have proceeded not so much from their Ignorance as from their Obstinacy and Malice yet God who penetrates into the Hearts of Men may have discovered some degrees of sincerity in their Pretentions and Carriages though accompanied with a great deal of folly and unmanliness Nor are the Lords ways like to ours to give Persons over as unteachable and irreclaimable upon their withstanding every measure of Light and the resisting even those Means which were sufficient and proper for their Conviction but he will try them by new and extraordinary Methods and see whether Feeling and doleful Experience may not convert those upon whom Arguments and Moral Evidence could make no impressions And there being among those formerly misled and deluded Protestants many who retained a Love for their Country a Care for their Posterity and a Zeal for the Gospel and Reformed Religion even when their Actions imported the contrary and seem'd to betray them the singling and weeding out such from among the Court-Faction and Party is a compensation both for the defeatment of all endeavours for the prevention of the Evils that have overtaken us and for the Distresses and Calamities under which we do at present lie and groan And if there be joy in Heaven upon the conversion of a Sinner with what thankfulness to God and joy in themselves should they who have so many years wrestled against the encroachments of Popery and Arbitrariness and who have deeply suffered in their Names Persons and Estates upon that account welcome and embrace their once erring and misled but now enlightned reclaimed and converted Brethren And in stead of remembring or upbraiding them with the opposition and rancour which they expressed against our Persons Principles and Ways let there be no Language heard from us but what may declare the joy we have in our selves for their conversion and the entire trust and confidence which we put in them The first Duty incumbent therefore upon Dissenters towards those of the Church of England is to believe that notwithstanding there have been many of them so long Advocates and Partisans for the Court through ignorance of what was aimed at and intended they are nevertheless as really concerned as any others and as truly zealous for the preservation of the Protestant Religion and for maintaining the legal Rights and Liberties of the Subject and when occasion shall offer will approve themselves accordingly 'T is a ridiculous as well as a mischievous Fancy for one Party to confine all Religion only to themselves or to circumscribe all the ancient English Ardor for the common Rights of the Nation to such as are of their particular Fellowship and Perswasion
there being sincere Christians and true Englishmen among those of all Judgments and Societies of Protestants and among none more than those of the Communion of the Church of England It were the height of Wickedness as well as the most prodigious Folly to imagine that the Conformists have abandoned all Fidelity to God and cast off all care of themselves and their Country upon a mistaken Judgment of being Loyal and Obedient to the King The contrary is plain enough they knew as well as any that the giving to Caesar the Things that are Caesar's lay them under no Obligation of surrendring unto him the Things that are God's nor of sacrificing unto the Will of the Sovereign the Priviledges reserved unto the People by the Fundamental Rules of the Constitution and by the Statutes of the Realm And they understand as well as others that the Laws of the Land are the only measures of the Prince's Authority and of the Subjects Fealty and where they give him no Right to Command they lay them under no tye to Obey And though here and there a Dissenter has written against Popery with good Success yet they have been mostly Conformable Divines who have triumphed over it in elaborate Discourses and who have beaten the Romish Scriblers off the Stage Nor can it be thought that they who have so accurately related and vindicated the History and asserted and defended the Doctrine of the Reformation should either tamely relinquish or be wanting in all due and legal Ways to uphold and maintain it And though some few of the Nonconformists have with sufficient strength and applause used their Pens against Arbitrariness in detecting the Designs of the Royal Brothers yet they who have generally and with greatest Honour appeared for our Laws and Legal Government against the Invasions and Usurpations of the Court have been Theologues and Gentlemen of the Church of England Nor in case of further Attempts for altering the Constitution and enslaving the Nation will they shew themselves unworthy the having descended from Ancestors whose Motto in the high Places of the Field was nolumus Leges Angliae mutari They who have so often justified the Arms of the Vnited Netherlands against their Rightful Princes the Kings of Spain and so unanswerably vindicated their casting off Obedience to those Monarchs when they had invaded their Priviledges and attempted to establish the Inquisition over them cannot be ignorant what their own Right and Duty is in behalf of the Protestant Religion and English Liberties for the Security whereof we have not only so many Laws but the Coronation Oaths and Stipulations of our Kings And those Gentlemen of the Church of England who appeared so vigorously in three Parliaments for excluding the Duke of York from the Succession to the Crown by reason of a Jealousy of what through being a Papist he would attempt against our Religion and Priviledges in case he were suffered to ascend the Throne cannot be now to seek what becomes them towards him having seen and felt what before they only apprehended and feared For if the Law that entaileth the Succession upon the next of Kin and obligeth the Subjects to admit and receive him not only may but ought to be dispensed with in case the Heir thro' having imbib'd Principles which threaten the Safety and are inconsistent with the Happiness of the People hath made himself incapable to inherit we know by a short Ratiocination how far we stand bound to a Prince on the Throne who by Transgressing against the Laws of the Constitution hath abdicated himself from the Government and stands virtually Deposed For whosoever shall offer to Rule Arbitrarily does immediately cease to be King de jure seeing by the Fundamental Common and Statute Laws of the Realm we know none for Supream Magistrate and Governor but a limited Prince and one who stands circumscribed and bounded in his Power and Prerogative And should the Dissenters entertain a belief that the Conformists are less concerned and zealous than themselves for the Protestant Religion and Laws of the Kingdom they would not only Sin and offend against the Rules of Charity but against the Measures of Justice and daily Evidences from Matters of Fact For neither they nor we owe our Conversion to God and our practical Holiness to the Opinions about Discipline Forms of Worship and Ceremonies wherein we differ but the Doctrines of Faith and Christian Obedience wherein we agree 'T is not their being for a Liturgy a Surpliss or a Bishop that hath heretofore influenced them to subserve the Court in Designs tending to Absoluteness but they were seduced unto it upon Motives whereof they are now ashamed and the ridiculousness and folly of which they have at last discever'd Nor is the multitude of profligate and scandalous persons with which the Church of England is crowded any just impeachment of the Purity of her Doctrine in the Vitals and Essentials of Religion or of the Vertue and Piety of many of her Members For as it is her being the only Society established by Law that attracts those Vermin to her Bosom so it is her being restrained by Law from debarring them that keeps them there to her reproach and to the grief of many of her Ecclesiasticks Neither is it the fault of the Church of England that the Agents and Factors for Popery and Arbitrary Power have chosen to pass under the name of her Sons but it proceeds partly from their Malice as hoping by that means to disgrace her with all true English-men as well as with Dissenters and partly from their Craft in order thereby the better to conceal their Design and to shrowd themselves from the Censure and Punishment which had it not been for that Mask they would have been exposed unto and have undergone And I dare affirm that besides the Obligations from Religion which the Conformists are equally under with Dissenters for hindring the introduction of Popery there are several Inducements from interest which sway them to prevent its establishment wherein the Dissenters are but little concerned For though Popery would be alike afflictive to the Consciences of Protestants of all Persuasions yet they are Gentlemen and Ministers of the Church of England whole Livings Revenues and Estates have been threatned in case it had come to be established Nor would the most Loyal and obsequious Levites provided they resolve to continue Protestants be willing that their Personages and Incumbencies to which they have have no less Right by Law than the King hath to the Excise and Customs should be taken from them and bestowed upon Romish Priests by an Act of Despotical Power and of unlimited Prerogative And for the Gentlemen as I think few of them would hold themselves obliged to part with their purses to High-way-Padders though such should have a pattent from the King to rob whomsoever they met upon the Road so there will not be many inclined to suffer their Mannours and Abbey-Lands to which they have so
good a Title to be ravished from them either by Monks or Janizaries though authorised thereunto by the Princes Commission Even they who had formerly suffered themselves to be seduced to prove in a manner Betrayers of the Rights and Religion of their Country will now being undeceived not only in conjunction with others withstand the Court in its prosecution of Popish and Arbitrary Designs but through a generous exasperation for having been deluded and abused will judge themselves obliged in vindication of their Actings before to appear for the Protestant Religion and the Laws of England with a Zeal equal to that wherewith they contributed to the undermining and supplanting of them For they are not only become more sensible than they were of the Mischiefs of Absolute Government so as for the future to prize and assert the Priviledges reserved unto the people by the Rules of the Constitution and chalk'd out for them in the Laws of the Land but they have such a fresh view of Popery both in its Heresies Blasphemies Superstitions and Idolatries and in the Treachery Sanguinariness Violence and Cruelty which the Papal Principles mould influence and oblige Men unto that they not only entertain the greatest abhorrency and detestation imaginable for it but seem resolved not to cherish in their Bosom a Thing so abominable to God execrable to good Men and destructive to Humane as well as to Christian Societies Nor are the Dissenters meerly to believe that the Conformists are equally zealous as themselves for the Reformed Religion and English Rights but they are to consider them as the only great and united Body of Protestants in the Kingdom with whom all other parties compared bear no considerable proportion For though the Nonconformists considered abstractly make a vast number of honest and useful people yet being laid in the Scale with those of the Episcopal Communion they are but few and lye in a little room And whosoever will take the pains to ballance the one against the other even where Dissenters make the greatest Figure and may justly boast of their Multitude they will soon be convinced that the number of the other doth far transcend and exceed them And if it be so in Cities and Corporations where the greatest Bulk of Dissenters are it is much more so in Country Parishes where the latter bear not the proportion of one to a hundred Nor doth the Church of England more exceed the other parties in her number than she doth in the quality of her Members For whereas they who make up and constitute the separate Societies are chiefly persons of the middle Rank and Condition the Church of England doth in a manner vouch and claim all the Persons of Honour of the Learned professions and such as have valuable Estates for her Communicants And though the other sort are as necessary in the Common-wealth and contribute as much to its Strength Prosperity and Happiness yet they make not that Figure in the Government nor stand in that Capacity of having influence upon Publick Affairs For not only the Gentlemen of both the Gowns who by reason of their Calling and Learning are best able to defend our Religion and vindicate our Laws and Priviledges with their Tongues and Pens but they whose Estates Reputation and Interest recommendeth them to be elected Members of the great Senate of the Nation as well as they who by reason of their Honours and Baronages are Hereditary Legislators are generally if not all of the Communion of the Church of England So that they who conform to the established Worship and Discipline are to be look'd upon and acknowledged as the great Bulwark of the Protestant Religion in England and the Hedge and Fence of our Civil Liberties and Rights And though it be true that this great Breach made upon our Religion and Laws is fallen out under their hand while the poor Dissenters had neither accession to nor were in a condition to prevent it yet seeing their own Consciences do sufficiently load and charge them for it with Shame and Ignominy it were neither candid nor at this Juncture seasonable to upbraid it to them or improve it to their Dishonour and Reproach For as they have tamely look'd on and connived till our Religion and Liberties are so far undermined and supplanted so it is they alone who have been in a condition of stemming the Inundation of Idolatry and Tyranny with which we were threatned and of repairing our Breaches and reducing the Prerogative to its old Channel and making Popery sneak and retreat into its holes and corners again And should the Church of England have been overthrown and devoured what an easie Prey would the rest have been to the Romish Cormorants And could the King under the Conduct of the Jesuits and with the assistance of his Myrmidons have dissolved the established Worship and Discipline they of the Separation would have been in no capacity to support the Reformed Religion nor able to escape the common Ruine and Persecution 'T is therefore the Interest as well as the Duty of the Dissenters to help maintain and defend those Walls within the skreen and shelter whereof their own Huts and Cottages are built and stand And the rather seeing the Conformists are at last though to their own Religion's and the Nations Expence become so far enlightned as to see a necessity of growing more amicable towards them and to enlarge the Terms of their Communion grant an Indulgence to all Protestants that differ from them And as we ought to admire the Wisdom of God in those Providences by which Protestants are taught to lay aside their Animosities and let fall their Persecutions of one another so it would be a Contradiction both to the principles and repeated Protestations of Dissenters to aim at more than such a Liberty as is consistent with a National Ecclesiastick Establishment Yea it were to proclaim themselves both Villains and Hypocrites not to allow their Fellow-Protestants the Exercise of their Judgments with what further Profits and Emoluments the Law will grant them provided themselves may be discharged from all obnoxiousness to Penalties and Censures upon the account of their Consciences and be admitted a free and publick Practice of their own respective Modes of Discipline and be suffered to worship God in those ways which they think he hath required and enjoyned them And were England immediately to be rendred so happy as to have a Protestant Prince or Princess as we are not now quite out of hopes ascend the Throne and to enjoy a Parliament duly chosen and acting with freedom no one party of the Reformed Religion among us must ever expect to be established and supported to the denial of Liberty to others much less to be by Law empowered to ruine and destroy them Should it please Almighty God to bring the Princess of Orange to the Crown though the Church of England may in that case justly expect the being preserved and upheld as the National
Establishment yet all other Protestants may very rationally promise themselves an Indulgence and that not only from the Mildness and compassionate Sweetness of her Temper but from the Influence which the Prince her Husband will have upon her who as he is descended from Ancestors whose Glory it was to be the Redeemers of their Country from Papal Persecution and Spanish Tyranny so his Education Generosity Wisdom and many Heroick Vertues dispose him to embrace all Protestants with an equal Tenderness and to erect his Interest upon the being Head and Patron of all that profess the Reformed Religion Had the late Duke of Monmouth been victorious against the Forces of the present King and inabled to have wrested the Scepter out of his Hand though all Protestants might thereupon have expected and would certainly have enjoyed an equal freedom without the liableness of any party to Penal Laws for matters of Religion yet he would have been careful and I have reason to believe that it was his purpose to have had the Church of Eng. preserved and maintained and that she should have suffered no alteration but what would have been to her Strength and Glory through an enlargement of the Terms of her Communion and what would have been to the Praise of her Moderation and Charity through her being perswaded to bear with such as differ from her in little things and could not prevail with themselves to partake with her in all Ordinances Upon the whole it is both the prudence and safety of Dissenters as they would escape Extirpation themselves and have Religion conveyed down to Posterity to unite their Strength and Endeavours to those of the Church of England for the upholding her against the assaults of Popish Enemies who pursue her Subversion As matters have been circumstanced and stated in England there hath not been an Affront or Injury offered or done unto her by the Court which did not at the same time reach and wound the Dissenters 'T is not her being for Episcopacy Ceremonies and imposed Set-Forms of Worship the things about which she and the Nonconformists differ that she hath been not long since maligned and struck at by the Man in Power and his Popish functo but it is for being Protestant Reformed and Orthodox Crimes under the Guilt whereof Dissenters were equally concerned and involved Being therefore in opposition to the common Cause of Religion that the late Court of Inquisition was erected over her Ecclesiasticks all Protestants jointly resented the Wrongs which she sustain'd and not only to sympathize with those dignified and lower Clergy which were called to suffer but to espouse her Quarrel with the same warmth that we would our own And as we are to look upon those of the Episcopal Communion to be the great Bulwark of the Protestant Religion and Reformed Interest in England so it was farther incumbent on Dissenters towards them and a Duty which they owe to God the Nation and themselves not to be accessary to any thing through which the legal Establishment of the Church of England might have been by an Act of pretended Regal Prerogative weakned and supplanted I never counsel the Dissenters to renounce their Principles nor to participate with the Prelatical Church in all Ordinances on the Terms to which they have straitned and narrowed their Communion For while they remain unsatisfied of the lawfulness of those Terms and Conditions they cannot do it without offending God and contracting Guilt upon their Souls nor will they of the Church of England in Charity Justice and Honesty expect it from them For whatsoever any Man believeth to be Sin it is so to him and will by God be imputed as such till he be otherwise enlightned and convinced nor are the Dissenters to be false and cruel to themselves in order to be kind and friendly to them But that which I would advise them unto is that after the maintaining the highest measure of Love to the conformable Congregations as Churches of Christ and the esteeming their Members as Christian Protestant Brethren notwithstanding the several things wherein they judge them to err and to be mistaken that they would not by any Act and Transactions of theirs betray them into a Despotical Power not directly nor indirectly acknowledge any Authority paramount unto and superseding the Laws by which the Church of England is established in its present Form Order and Mode of Jurisdiction Discipline and External Worship Whatsoever Ease arrived to the Dissenters through the Kings suspending the Execution of the Penal Laws without their Address and Application they might receive it with Joy and Humility in themselves and with thankfulness to God nor was there hereby any prejudice offered on their part to the Authority of the Law or Offence or Injury given or done to the conformable Clergy Nor is it without grief and regret that the Church-men have been forced to behold the harassing spoiling and imprisonment of the Nonconformists while in the mean time the Papists were suffered to assemble to the Celebration of their Idolatrous Worship without Censure and Controul And had it been in their power to remedy it and give Relief to their Protestant Brethren they would with delight and readiness have embrac'd the occasion and opportunity of doing it But alas instead of having an advantage put into their hand of contributing to the Relief of the Dissenters which I dare say many of them ardently wish and desire they were compelled contrary to their Inclination as well as their Interest to become instrumental in persecuting and oppressing them Nor does the late King covet a better and a more legal advantage against the Conformists than that they would refuse to pursue Dissenters and decline molesting them with Ecclesiastical Censures and civil Punishments So that their condition was to be pityed and bewailed in that they were hindered from acting against the Papists though both enjoyed by Law and influenced thereunto by Motives of self-Preservation as well as by tyes of Conscience while in the mean time they were forced to prosecute their fellow-Protestants or else to be suspended and deposed and put out of their Offices and Employments And tho I believe that they would at last have more Peace in themselves and be better accepted with God in the great Duty of their Account should they have refused to disturb and prosecute their Protestant Brethren and scorn to be any longer Court-Tools for weakning and undermining the Reformed Cause and Interest yet I could not but leave them to act in this as they should be perswaded in themselves and as they judged most agreeable to Principles of Wisdom and Conscience In the interim the Dissenters have all the Reason in the World to believe that the Proceedings of the Clergy and Members of the Church of England against them were not the Results of their Election and Choice but the Effects of moral Compulsion and Necessity Nor will any Dissenter that is prudent and discreet blame them for a matter
which they cannot help but bear his Misfortune and Lot with Patience in himself and with Compassion and Charity towards them and have his Indignation raised only against that Court which forced them to be instrumental in their Oppression and Trouble The Protestant Dissenters could not be so far void of sense as to think that the Person lately in the Throne bore them any good-Will but his drift was to screw himself into a Supremacy and Absoluteness over the Law and to get such an Authority confessed to be vested in him as when he pleased he might subvert the Established Religion and set up Popery Forby the same Power that he can dispense with the Penal Statutes against the Nonconformists he may also dispense with those against the Roman Catholicks And whosoever owneth that he hath a Right to do the first doth in effect own that he hath a Right to do the last For if he be allowed a Power for the superseding some Laws made in reference to Matters of Religion he may challenge the like Power for the superseding others of the same kind And then by the same Authority that he can suspend the Laws against Popery he may also suspend those for Protestancy And by the same Power that he can in defiance of Law indulge the Papists the Exercise of their Religion in Houses he may establish them in the publick Celebration of their Idolatry in Churches and Cathedrals yea whereas the Laws that relate to Religion are enacted by no less Authority than those that are made for the Preservation of our Civil Rights should the K. be admitted to have an Arbitrary Power over the one it is very like that by the Logick of Whitehall he might have challeng'd the same Absoluteness over the other Nor do I doubt but that the eleven Judges who gratified him with a Despoticalness over the former would when required grant him the same over the latter I know the Dissenters have been under no small Temptations both by reason of being hindred from enjoying the Ordinances of the Gospel and because of many grievous Calamities which they suffer for their Nonconformity of making Applications to the K. for some Relief by his suspending the Execution of the Laws but they must give me leave to add that they ought not for the obtaining of a little Ease to have betrayed the Kingdom and Sacrifice the Legal Constitution of the Government to the Lust and Pleasure of a Popish Prince whom nothing less would serve than being Absolute and Despotical And had he once been in the quiet Possession of an Authority to dispense with the Penal Laws the Dissenters would not long have enjoyed the Benefit of it Nor could they have denied him a Power of reviving the Execution of the Law which is part of the Trust deposited with him as Supreme Magistrate who have granted him a Power of Suspending the Laws which the Rules of the Government precluded him from And as he might whensoever he pleased cause the Laws to which they were Obnoxious to be executed upon them so by virtue of having an Authority acknowledged in him of superceding the Laws he might deprive them of the Liberty of meeting together to the number of Five a Grace which the Parliament thought fit to allow them under all the other Severities to which they were subjected Nor needs there any further Evidence that the Prince's challenging such a Power was an Usurpation and that the Subjects making any Application by which it seem'd allowed to him was a betraying of the Ancient Legal Government of the Kingdom whereas the most Obsequious and Servile Parliament to the Court that ever England knew not only denied this Prerogative to the late King Charles but made him renounce it by revoking his Declaration of Indulgence which he had emitted Anno 1672. And as it will be to the perpetual Honour of some of the Dissenters to have chosen rather to suffer the Severities which the Laws make them liable unto than by any Act and Transaction of theirs to undermine and weaken either the Church or the State so it will be a means both of endearing them we hope not only to the Prince of Orange now by a miraculous Providence brought in amongst us but to future Parliaments and of bringing them and the Conformists into an Union of Counsels and Endeavours against Popery and Tyranny for ever which is at this season a thing so indispensibly necessary for their common Preservation Especially when through a new and more threatning Alliance and Confederacy with France than that in 72 the King had not only engaged to act by and observe the same Measures towards Protestants in England which that Monarch hath vouchsafed the World a Pattern and Copy of in his carriage towards those of the Reformed Religion in France but had promised to disturb the Peace and Repose of his Neighbours and to commence a War in conjunction with that Prince against Foreign Protestants For as the King 's giving Liberty and Protection to the Algerines to frequent his Havens and sell the Prizes which they take from the Dutch is both a most infamous Action for a Prince pretending to be a Christian and a direct Violation of his Alliance with the States General so nothing can be more evident than that he thereby sought to render them the weaker for him to assault and that he was resolved if some unforeseen and extraordinary Providence had not interposed and prevented to declare War against them the next Summer in order whereunto great Remises of Money were already ordered him from the French Court So that the Indulgence which he pretends to be inclinable to afford the Dissenters was not an effect of Kindness and Good-will but an Artifice whereby to oblige their Assistance in destroying those Abroad of the same Religion with themselves Which if he could once compass it were easie to foresee what Fate both the Dissenters and they of the Communion of the Church of England were to expect Who as they would not then have known whither to retreat for shelter so they would have been destitute of Comfort in themselves and deprived of Pity from others not only for having through their Divisions made themselves a Prey to the Papists at Home but for having been accessary to the Ruin of the Reformed State Abroad and which was the Asilum and Sanctuary of all those that were elsewhere oppressed and persecuted for Religion Gloria Deo Optimo Maximo Honos Principi nostri celcissimo pientissimo A Representation of the Threatning Dangers Impending over Protestants in Great Britain With an Account of the Arbitrary and Popish Ends unto which the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience in England and the Proclamation for a Toleration in Scotland are designed THey are great Strangers to the Transactions of the World who know not how many and various the Attempts of the Papists have been both to hinder all Endeavours towards a Reformation and to overthrow and subvert it
is in other Princes of the same Communion or that they are more regardless of Fame and less concerned how future Generations will brand their Memories than other Papal Monarchs seem to be that they have suffered themselves to be prevailed upon to violate the Promises and Oaths they were bound by to their Protestant Subjects seeing the Emperor is character'd for a Person of a meek and gentle Temper and of the goodness of whose Nature there remain some shadows interwoven with the bloody streaks of the Hungarian Persecution And the French King though he stand not much commended for Sweetness and Benignity of Disposition is known to be unmeasurably Ambitious of having his name transmitted to Posterity in Letters of Greatness and Honor which his behaviour towards his Subjects of the Reformed Religion is no ways adapted unto but calculated to make him hereafter listed with Nero and Julian As to the Duke of Savoy there seems by the whole course of his other Actions to be a certain Greatness of Mind in him not easily consisting with that savage and brutal Temper which the Cruelties he hath exercised upon the Protestants in Piedmont would intimate and denote But it ariseth from the Mischievousness and Pestilency of their Religion their Bigottry in it and their having put themselves so entirely under the conduct of the Clergy particularly of the Jesuits who are for the most part a Sett of Men especially the latter that through acting in the Prospect of no other Ends but the Grandeur Wealth and Domination of the Church of Rome do with an unlimited Rage and a peculiar kind of Malice persecute all that have renounced Fellowship with it and care not if they Sacrifice the Honor Glory and Safety of Monarchs and bring their Kingdoms into Contempt and Desolation by rending them weak poor and dispeopled provided they may wreek their Spleen and Revenge upon those whose Religion is not only dissonant from theirs but should it prevail to be the Religion of the Legislators and Rulers of Nations those Springs of Wealth would be immediately dried up by which their Superior Clergy and all their Religious Orders are enriched and fed up in Idleness And should the People come to be generally imbued with Principles of Gospel Light and Liberty they would immediately shake off a blind and slavish Dependence upon Pope and Priests and thereby subvert the Foundation upon which the Monarchick Grandeur of the Romish Church and their whole Religion is superstructed and destroy the Engine by which they are inabled to Lord it over the Bodies Estates and Consciences of Men. And if Protestants every where especially under Popish Rulers were not under a strange Infatuation they would look for no fairer Quarter from Papists than what their Brethren have met with in France and Piedmont nor would they rely upon the Faith of any King that stiles himself a Roman Catholick seeing Sacred Promises tremendous Oaths and the most Authentick Declarations are but Papal Arts and Tricks sanctified at Rome whereby to lull Subjects into a Security and delude them into a neglect of all means for preserving themselves and their Religion till their Rulers can be in a condition of obeying the Decrees of the fourth Lateran Council that enjoyns Kings to destroy and extirpate Hereticks under pain of Excommunication and of having both their Subjects absolved from Allegiance to them and their Territories given away to others and till without running any Hazard they may comply with the Ordinance of the Council of Constance which not only releaseth them from all Obligation of keeping Faith to Hereticks but requires them to violate it and accordingly made Sigismond break his Faith to John Hus whom in defiance of the Security given him by that King they caused to be condemned and Burn'd Nor is the Practice and late Example of the Great Louis designed for less than a Pattern by which all Popish Princes are to act and his Proceedings are to be the Copy and Moddel which they who would merit the name of Zealous Catholicks and be esteemed dutiful Sons of the Church are to transcribe and limn out in Lines of Force Violence and Blood and for the better corresponding with the Original to imploy Dragoons for Missionaries And tho I will not say but that there may be some Popish Princes who through an extraordinary Measure of good Nature and from Principles of Compassion woven into their Constitution previously to all notices of Revelation whether real or pretended and who through Sentiments imbib'd from a generous Education and their coming afterwards to be under the Influence and Management of wise and discreet Counsellors may be able to resist the malignant Impressions of their Religion and so be preserved from the Inhumanities towards those of different Perswasions from them in the things of God which their Priests would lay them under Obligations unto by the Doctrines of the Romish Faith yet there appears no reason why an understanding Man should be induced to believe that the King of England is likely to prove a Prince of that great and noble Temper there being more than enough both to raise a Jealousie and beget a Perswasion that there is not a Monarch among all those who are commonly stiled Catholicks from whom Protestants may justly dread greater Severities than from Him or look for worse and more Barbarous Treatments I am not ignorant with what Candor we ought by the Rules of Charity and good Manners to speak of all Men whatsoever their Religion is nor am I unacquainted with what Veneration and Deference we are to discourse of Crowned Heads but as I dare not give those flattering Titles unto any of which there are not a few in some of the late Addresses presented to the King by an inconsiderable and foolish sort of Dissenting Preachers so I should not know how to be accountable to God my own Conscience or the World should I not in my Station as a Protestant and as a Lover of the Laws and Liberties of my Country offer something whereby both to undeceive that weak and short-sighted People whom their own being accommodated for a Season by the Declaration of Indulgence hath deluded into an Opinion that His Majesty cherisheth no thoughts of subverting our Religion and also further to enlighten and confirm others in the just Apprehensions they are possessed with of the Design carrying on in Great Britain and Ireland for the Extirpation of Protestancy and that the late Declaration for Liberty of Conscience is emitted in Subserviency thereunto and calculated by the Court toward the paving and preparing the way for the more facile Accomplishment of it And while Mercenary Sycophants by their Flatteries infect and corrupt Princes and by their representing them to the World in Colours disagreeable from their Tempers and Dispositions and in milder and fairer Characters than any thing observable in them either deserveth or correspondeth with do delude Subjects into such Opinions of them as beget a neglect of
and Historical as may serve to place it in the brightest Light and fullest Evidence that a matter future and yet to come which is only the object of our prospect and dread and not of our feeling and experience is capable of It ought to be of weight upon the minds of all English Protestants that the King of Great Britain is not only an open and avow'd Papist but as most Apostates use to be a fiery Bigot in the Romish Religion and who as the Leige Letter from a Jesuit to a Brother of the Order tells us is resolved either to Convert England to Popery or to dye a Martyr Nor were the Jewish Zealots of whose rageful Transports Josephus gives us so ample an Account nor the Dervises among the Turks and Indians of whose mad Attempts so many Histories make mention more brutal in their Fanatical Heats than a Popish Bigot useth to be when favored with Advantages of exerting his Animosity against those who differ from him if he be not carefully watched against and restrained Beside the innumerable Instances of the Tragical Effects of Romish Bigottry that are to be met with in Books of all kinds we need go no farther for an Evidence of it than to consult the Life of Dominick the great Instigator and Promoter of the Massacre of the Waldenses and the Founder of that Order which hath the Management of the Bloody Inquisition together with the Life of Henry the Third of France who contrary to the Advice of Maximilian the Emperor and the repeated Intreaties of the wisest of his own Counsellors the Chancellor de l' Hospital and the President de Thou not only revived the War and Persecution against his Reformed Subjects after he had seen what Judgments the like Proceedings had derived upon his Predecessors and how prejudicial they had proved to the Strength Glory and Interest of his Crown and Kingdom but he entred into a League with those that fought to depress abdicate and depose him and became the Head of a Faction for the destroying that part of his Subjects upon whom alone he could rely for the defence of his Person and support of his Dignity Nor were the Furies of the Duke de Alva heretofore or the present Barbarities of Louis the Fourteenth so much the Effects of their haughty and furious Tempers as of their Bigottry in their inhuman and sanguinary Religion That the King of England is second to none in a blind and rageful Popish Zeal his Behaviour both while a Subject and since he arrived at the Crown doth not only place it beyond the limits of a bare Suspition but affords us such Evidences of it as that none in consistency with Principles of Wisdom and Discretion can either question or contradict it To what else can we ascribe it but to an excessive Bigottry That when the Frigot wherein he was Sailing to Scotland anno 1682. struck upon the Sands and was ready to sink he should prefer the Lives of one or two pitiful Priests to those of Men of the greatest Quality and receive those Mushroons into the Boat in which himself escaped while at the same time he refused to admit not only his own Brother-in-Law but divers Noblemen of the Supremest Rank and Character to the benefit of the same means of Deliverance and suffered them to perish though they had undertaken that Voyage out of pure respect to his Person and to put an Honor upon him at a Season when he wanted not Enemies Nor can it proceed from any thing but a violent and furious Bigottry that he should not only disoblige and disgust the two Universities of whose Zeal to his Service he hath receiv'd so many seasonable and effectual Testimonies but to the Violation both of the Laws of God and the Kingdom offer force to their Consciences as well as to their Rights and Franchises and all this in favor of Father Francis whom he would illegally thrust into a Fellowship in Cambridge and of Mr. Farmer whom he would arbitrarily obtrude into the Headship of a College in Oxford who as they are too despicable to be owned and stood for in Competition against two famous Universities whose greatest Crime hath been an Excess of Zeal for his Person and Interest when he was Duke of York and a measure of Loyalty and Obedience unto him since he came to the Crown beyond what either the Rules of Christianity or the Laws of the Kingdom exact from them so he hath ways enough of expressing Kindness and Bounty to those two little contemptible Creatures and that in Methods as beneficial to them as the Places into which he would thrust them can be supposed to amount unto and I am sure with less Scandal to himself and less Offence to all Protestants as well as without offering Injury to the Rights of the University or of compelling those learned grave and venerable Men to perjure themselves and act against their Duties and Consciences The late Proceedings towards Dr. Burnet are not only contrary to all the Measures of Justice Law and Honor but argue a strange and furious Bigottry in His Majesty for Popery there being nothing else into which a Man can resolve the whole Tenor of his present Actings against Him seeing setting aside the Doctor 's being a Protestant and a Minister of the Church of England and his having vindicated the Reformation in England from the Calumnies and Slanders wherewith it was aspersed by Sanders and others of the Roman Communion and the approving himself in some other Writings worthy of the Character of a Reformed Divine and of that esteem which the World entertains of him for Knowledge in History and all other parts of good Learning there hath nothing occurred in the whole Tenor and Trace of his Life but what instead of Rebuke and Censure hath merited Acknowledgments and the Retributions of Favor and Preferment from the Court. Whosoever considers his constant Preaching up Passive Obedience to such a Degree and Height as he hath done may very well be surprised at the whole Method of their present Actings towards him and at the same time that they find cause to justifie the Righteousness of God in making them the Instruments of his Persecution whom in so many ways he had sought to oblige they may justly conclude that none save a Bigotted Papist could be the Author of so insuitable as well as illegal and unrighteous Returns For as to all whereof he is accused in the Criminal Letters against him bearing date the 19th of April 1687. I my self am both able to assert his Innocence and dare assure the World that none of the Persons whom he is charged to have conspired with against the King would have been so far void of Discretion knowing his Principles as to have transacted with him in Matters of that kind but whether his Letters since that to the Earl of Middletoune with the Paper inclosed in one of them have administred any Legal Ground for their Second Citation
I shall not take upon me to determine and will only say that as I heartily wish he had not in those Letters afforded them any probable Pretence for proceeding against him so there are Excesses of Loyalty in them to attone for the utmost Indiscretions his words are capable of being wrested unto nor can any thing but Papal Malice and Romish Chicanerie construe and pervert them so far contrary to his Intentions as to make Crimes and much less to make Treasons of them Now as nothing can be of more portentous Omen to British and Irish Protestants than to have a Popish Bigot exalted to Rule over them so through a Concurrence of ill Nature and a deficiency in Intellectuals met in him with this furious Zeal and Bigottry they are the more to expect whatsoever his Power inables him to inflict that is Severe and Dreadful 'T is possible that a Ruler may be possessed with a Fondness and Valuation of Popery as the only Religion wherein Salvation is to be obtained and therefore in his private Judgment and Opinion sentence all to eternal Flames who cannot herd with him in the same Society and yet he may through a great measure of Humanity and from an extraordinary Proportion of Compassion and Meekness woven into his Nature hate the imbrueing his Hands in their Blood or treating those with any Harshness whose supposed Misbelief is their only Crime and that finding them in all other Respects Vertuous Peaceable and Industrious He may leave them to the decretive Sentence of the Sovereign and infallible Judge without disturbing or meddling with them himself Nor is it impossible but that there may be a Prince so far Bigotted in Popery as to have Inclination and Propensity to force all under his Authority to be of his Religion or else to destroy and extirpate them yet through being of that largeness of Understanding and Political Wisdom as to be able to penetrate into the Hazards of attempting it and to foresee the Consequences that may ensue upon it in reference to the Peace and Safety of his Government as well as the Wealth and Power of his Dominions he may come to check and stifle his furious Inclinations and chuse rather to leave his Subjects at quiet than to impoverish weaken and dis-people his Country either by destroying them or by driving them to abandon his Territories in order to find a Shelter and Sanctuary in other places But where as in the King of England a small Measure of Understanding accompanied with a large share of a Morose Fierce and Ill Nature and these attended with Insolency and Pride as they usually are in weak and froward People come to have a Bigottry in such a Religion as Popery superadded to them whose Doctrines and Principles instigate and oblige to Cruelty towards all of other Perswasions there Protestants do find nothing that may incourage to hope for Security and Protection under a Prince of that Temper and Complexion but all that does affect and impress their Minds bids them prepare for Persecution and to look for the utmost Rigors and Severities that Pride Malice brutal Zeal back'd and supported with Force and Power can execute and inflict And how much such a Prince's Religion proves too weak to restrain him from Uncleannesses and other Immoralities by so much the more is he to be dreaded in that he thinks to compound for and expiate Crimes of that Nature by his Cruelty to Hereticks and his offering them up in Sacrifices of Attonement to the Tripple Crown Nor are the Priests either displeased with or careful to disswade Princes from Offences of that kind though they know them to be great Provocations to God and of mischievous Example to Subjects seeing they are Masters of the Art of improving them to the Service of Holy Church and the Advantage of the Catholick Faith For instead of imposing upon those Royal Transgressors the little and Slavish Penances of Pilgrimages Whippings and going Bare-foot they require them to make Satisfactions for those and the like Crimes by the pious and meritorious Acts of Murthering Protestants and of extirpating the Northern Heresie And as one of the French Whores of State is reported to have been a Person that hath principally instigated to all the Cruelties against the Reformed in France so no doubt but as she did it under the Influence and Conduct of her Confessors to compensate for her Adulteries so she advised and perswaded Louis to it upon Motives of the same nature Nor do they who have the guidance of Consciences at White-hall want matter of the same kind to improve and work upon and as there are of the licentious Females that will be glad of attoning for their filthy Pollutions by Acts so agreeable to the Articles of their Religion so there are some who as they have Influence enough upon the King to Counsel Him to the like Methods so they will find Him sufficiently disposed to compound for his Loathsom and Promiscuous Scatterings at a rate so suitable to his Temper as well as to the Doctrines of the Papal Faith If any be deluded into a good Opinion of His Majesty and brought to flatter themselves with Expectations of their being protected in the Profession of the Protestant Religion they may be easily undeceived and prevailed upon to change their Sentiments if they will but consider his Behaviour towards Protestants in the Post wherein he formerly stood and what his carriage was to them while he was fixed in a meaner and more subordinate Station than now he is Though there have been many whose Behaviour in their private Condition would have rendred them thought worthy to Rule if their Actions after their Advancement to governing Power had not confuted the Opinion entertained concerning them yet here have been very few that have approved themselves Just and Merciful after their attaining to Sovereignty whose Carriage in an inferior Station had been to the Damage and general Hurt of Mankind as far as their narrow Power and Interest would extend It ought therefore to lay us under a Conviction what we are to expect from His Majesty on the Throne when we find the whole Thread and Series of his Conduct while a Subject to have been a continued Design against our Religion and an uninterrupted Plot for the Subversion of our Laws and Liberties 'T is sufficiently known how active he always was to keep up and inflame the Differences among Protestants and how he was both a great Promoter of all the severe Laws made against Dissenters and a continual Instigator to the rigorous Execution of them So that his affirming it to have been ever his Judgment that none ought to be oppressed and persecuted for Matters of Religion nor to be hindered in Worshipping God according to their several Perswasions serves only to inform us either with what little Honesty Honor and Conscience He acted in concurring to the making of the foresaid Laws or what small Faith and Credit is now to be
given to his Declaration and to what he hath since the Emission of it repeated both in his Speech to Mr. Penn and in his Letter to Mr. Alsop And to omit many other Instances of his kindness and Benignity to the Fanaticks whom he now so much hugs and caresseth it may not be amiss to remember them and all other Protestants of that barbarous and illegal Commission issued forth by the Council of Scotland while he as the late King 's High Commissioner had the Management of the Affairs of that Kingdom by which every Military Officer that had command over twelve Men was impower'd to impannel Juries Try Condemn and cause to be put to Death not only those who should be found to disclaim the King's Authority but such as should refuse to acknowledge the King 's new modelled Supremacy over that Church in the pursuance and Execution of which Commission some were Shot to Death others were Hang'd or Drowned and this not only during the Continuance of the Reign of his late Majesty but for above a Year and a half after the present King came to the Crown But what need is there of insisting upon such little Particulars wherein he was at all times ready to express his Malice to Protestants seeing we have not only Dr. Oates's Testimony and that of divers others but most Authentick Proofs from Mr. Coleman's Letters of his having been in a Conspiracy several Years for the Subversion of our Religion upon the meritorious and sanctified Motive of extirpating the Northern Heresie Of which beside all the Evidence that four Successive Parliaments arrived at I know several who since the Duke of York ascended the Throne have had it confirmed unto them by divers Foreign Papists that were less reserved or more ingenuous than many of that Communion use to be To question the Existence of that Plot and his present Majesties having been Accessary unto and in the Head of it argues a strange Effrontery and Impudence through casting an Aspersion of Weakness Folly and Injustice not only upon those Three Parliaments that seem'd to have retained some Zeal for English Liberties but by fastening the same Imputations upon the Long Parliament which had shewed it self at all times more Obsequious to the Will of the Court than was either for their own Honor or the Safety and Interest of the Kingdom and who had expressed a Veneration for the Royal Family that approached too much upon a degree of Idolatry Whosoever considers that Train of Counsels wherein the King was many Years engaged and whereof we felt the woful Effects in the Burning of London the frequent Prorogation and Dissolution of Parliaments the widening and exasperating Differences among Protestants the stirring up and provoking Civil Magistrates and Ecclesiastical Courts to persecute Dissenters and the maintaining Correspondencies with the Pope and Catholick Princes abroad to the dishonor of the Nation and danger of our Laws and Religion cannot avoid being apprehensive what we are now to look for at his Hands nor can be escape thinking that he esteems his Advancement to the Crown both a Reward from Heaven for what he hath done and plotted against these three Kingdoms and an Opportunity and Advantage administred to him for the Perfecting and Accomplishment of all those Designs with which he hath been so long Bigg and in Travel for the Destruction of our Religion the Subversion of our Laws and the Re-establishment of Popery in these Dominions The Conduct and Guidance under which His Majesty hath put himself and the fiery Temper of that Order to whose Government he hath resigned his Conscience may greatly add to our Fears and give us all the Jealousie and Dread that we are capable of being impressed with in reference to Matters to come that there is nothing which can be Fatal to our Religion or Persons that we may not expect the being called to conflict with and suffer For tho most of the Popish Ecclesiasticks especially the Regulars bear an inveterate Malice to Protestants and hold themselves under indispensible Obligations of eradicating whatsoever their Church stiles Heresie and have accordingly been always forward to stir up and provoke Rulers to the use and Application of Force for the Destruction of Protestants as a Company of perverse and obstinate Hereticks adjudged and condemned to the Stake and Gibbet by the infallible Chair yet of all Men in the Communion of the Romish Church and of their Religious Orders the Jesuits are they who do most hate us and whose Counsels have been most Sanguinary and always tending to influence those Monarchs whose Consciences they have had the guiding and conducting of to the utmost Cruelties and Barbarities towards us What our Brethren have had measured out to them in France through Father de la Chaise's Influence upon that King and through the bewitching Power and Domination he hath over him in the quality of his Confessor and as having the Direction of his Conscience may very well alarm and inform us what we ought to expect from His Majesty of Great Britain who hath surrendered his Conscience to the Guidance of Father Peters a Person of the same Order and of the like mischievous and bloody Disposition that the former is 'T is well observed by the Author of the Reasons against Repealing the Acts of Parliament concerning the Test that Cardinal Howard's being of such a meek and gentle Temper that is able to withstand the Malignity of his Religion and to preserve him from concurring in those mischievous Counsels which his Purple might seem to oblige him unto is the reason of his being shut out from Acquaintance with and Interest in the English Affairs transacted at Rome and that whatsoever his Majesty hath to do in that Court is managed by his Ambassador under the sole Direction of the Jesuits So that it is not without cause that the Jesuit of Liege in his intercepted and lately printed Letter tells a Brother of the Order what a wonderful Veneration the King hath for the Society and with what profound Submission he receives those Reverend Fathers and hearkens to whatsoever they represent Nor is His Majesty's being under the Influence of the Jesuits through having one of them for his Confessor and several of them for his Chief Counsellors and principal Confidents the only thing in this Matter that awakens our Fear in what we are to expect from his armed Power excited and stir'd up by that fiery Tribe but there is another Ground why we ought more especially to dread him and that is his being entred and enrolled into the Order and become a Member of the Society whereby he is brought into a greater Subjection and Dependence upon them and stands bound by Ties and Engagements of being obedient to the Commands of the General of the Jesuits and that not only in Spirituals but in whatsoever they shall pretend to be subservient to the Exaltation of the Church and for upholding the Glory of the Tripple Crown This
is a Mystery which few are yet acquainted with and which both His Majesty and the Order judge it their Interest to have industriously concealed but whereof the World may ere long receive that convictive Intelligence that there will be no room left for suspecting the Truth of it and whereof a Jesuit in the late printed Letter from Liege hath given us already sufficient Intimation both in telling us That the King of England stiles himself a Son of the Society and how that he wrote to Father de la Chaise that he would account every Injury done to the Jesuits to be a wrong committed against himself Neither is it so surprising as it may seem at first view that the King should list himself a Member of the Order seeing there have been four other Crowned Heads of whose Entrance and Matriculation into the Society there is all the Evidence and Assurance imaginable And tho one of them is acknowledged to have been in the Classis of the Directors while the other three are generally believed to have been in the Form of the Directed yet such was the Power of the Society over them all that a great part of the Cruelty exercised towards Protestants both in the last Age and in this is to be ascribed to that implicit and blind Obedience which they were bound to yield to the Injunctions of the Order and to the Commands of the General Philip the Second of Spain who was the first King that entred into the Order and who did it upon Motives of Policy in hopes by their means to have compassed the Universal Monarchy which he was aspiring after and who through being in the Classis of Directors had Advantages of using and improving and not of being in that degree of Servitude unto them which the others have been yet to what barbarous Cruelties did they over-rule and instigate him not only to the Destruction of unconceivable Numbers of his Subjects whose only Crime was that they could not believe as the Church of Rome doth which issued in the depopulating some of his Dominions and his being deposed from the Sovereignty in others but to the Sacrificing his Son and Heir Prince Charles whom to gratifie the Society he caused upon an Accusation of his favoring the Low-Country Hereticks and the being himself tainted with Lutheranism to be murthered in his own Court and Palace Sigismond of Poland who was the second Crowned Head admitted into the Order through complying with the Counsels and serving the Wrath Rage and Passions of the Jesuits in endeavoring to suppress Religion in Swedeland to which he was Heir and in striving to subvert their Civil Rights drew upon himself the Resentment and Wrath of that Nation to such a degree that they abdicated him and his Heirs from the Government and advanced another to the Throne Casimire who was also King of Poland is reckoned to be the third Sovereign Prince that entered into the Society and he through coming under the Domination of the Jesuits and being bound to follow their Directions and to execute whatsoever the General of the Order thought fit to enjoyn for the Promotion and Benefit of the Church became not only an Instrument of a severe Persecution against all sort of Dissenters from the Romish Faith so that many were put to Death and more driven to abandon their Country but through committing many things in the course of his Government that were prejudicial to the Rights and thereupon disgustful to the Polish Nobility they conceived such an Aversion and Hatred for him that to avoid the Effects of their Resentment and Indignation he was forced to lay down his Crown and to chuse to end his days in France in no higher a Post and under no more glorious a Character than that of Abbot of St. German There is a fourth Prince and who is yet in being that is generally believed to be enrolled into the Order and the Persecution he hath carried on in Hungary contrary to his natural Temper and to all the Rules of Interest and Policy and to the Violation of his Promises and Oaths for continuing unto them the Liberty of their Religion is both too probable an Evidence of it and a strong Confirmation of the Cruelties which the Jesuits instigate Princes unto over whom they have Influence and whom they have wheedled into Engagements of obeying their Commands and pursuing their Injunctions And as the desolating of Hungary through a long and bloody War and the tempting the Turks to invade the Austrian Territories are some of the Effects that have ensued upon the Emperor's complying with the fierce and heady Counsels of the Jesuits so we have not seen all the Mischiefs that the Persecution which they have engaged him in against Protestants is like to issue in tho beside the disgusting several Electoral Princes and States in Germany and the furnishing the Ottoman Potentate with Encouragements of continuing the War there are wonderful Advantages afforded by it to embolden the French King in his Encroachments upon the Empire which otherways he would not have dared to attempt and whereof the result at last may prove fatal to the Imperial Dignity and to the whole House of Austria Now what the Protestants in Great Britain and Ireland ought to dread from the King upon his being entred into a Society that hath breathed nothing but Fire and Blood since its first Institution I leave to the serious Consideration of all Men who value their Lives Liberties and Estates and that do not think of renouncing their Religion and turning Papists Nor is it to be imagined that the King before he can be supposed well settled on the Throne and while under a declining State of Body as well as in an advanced Age having the weight of Four and fifty upon his Shoulders beside something else that he is obliged to the Earl of Southesk for which I shall not mention would have taken so many bold wide and Illegal Steps for the Supplanting our Religion and Laws and for the Introduction and Establishment of Popery and Tyranny and this not only to the losing and disobliging his former Votaries and Partizans but to the strange Allarming and Disgusting most Persons of Honor Quality and Interest in the Three Kingdoms were he not beside the being under the Sway of his own Bigottry and the strong Ballance of a large Measure of ill Nature bound by Ties of implicit Obedience to the Commands of that extravagant and furious Society to the promoting of whose Passions and Malice rather than his own Safety and Glory or the lasting Benefit of the Roman Catholicks themselves the whole Course of his Government hitherto seems to have been shapen and adapted The Occasion and Subject of the late Contest between him and the Pope which hath made so great a Noise not only at Rome but through all Europe may serve to convince us both of the extraordinary Zeal he hath for the Society and of the transcendent Power they have over
him and that 't is no wonder he should exact an Obedience without reserve from his Subjects in Scotland seeing he himself yields an Obedience without reserve to the Jesuits 'T is known how that by the Rules of their Institution no Jesuit is capable of the Mitre and that if the Ambition of any of them should tempt him to seek or accept the Dignity of a Prelate he must for being capacitated thereunto renounce his Membership in the Order Yet so great is His Majesties Passion for the Honor and Grandeur of the Society and such is their Domination and absolute Power over him that no less will serve him neither would they allow him to insist upon less than that the Pope should dispense with Father Peters being made a Bishop without his ceasing to be a Jesuit or the being transplanted into another Order And this the old Gentleman at Rome hath been forced at last to comply with and to grant a Dispensation whereby Father Peters shall be capable of the Prelature notwithstanding his remaining in the Ignatian Order the Jesuits through their Authority over the King not suffering him to recede from his Demand and His Majesty's Zeal for the Society not permitting him to comply either with the Prayers or the Conscience and Honor of the Supreme Pontiff Not only the King's Unthankfulness unto but his illegal Proceedings against and his Arbitrary invading the Rights of those who stood by him in all his Dangers and Difficulties and who were the Instruments of preventing his Exclusion from the Crown and the chief means both of his Advancement to the Throne and his being kept in it are so many new Evidences of the ill will he bears to all Protestants and what they are to dread from him as Occasions are Administred of Injuring and Oppressing them and may serve to convince all impartial and thinking People that his Popish Malice to our Religion is too strong for all Principles of Honor and Gratitude and able to cancel the Obligations which Friendship for his Person and Service to his Interest may be supposed to have laid him under to any heretofore Had it not been for many of the Church of England who stood up with a Zeal and Vigor for preserving the Succession in the right Line beyond what Religion Conscience Reason or Interest could conduct them unto he had never been able to have out-wrestled the Endeavors of Three Parliaments for ex-excluding him from the Imperial Crown of England And had it not been for their Abetting and standing by him with their Swords in their Hands upon the Duke of Monmouth's Descent into the Kingdom Anno 1685 he could not have avoided the being driven from the Throne and the having the Scepter wrested out of his Hand Whosoever had the Advantage of knowing the Temper and Genius of the late King and how afraid he was of embarking into any thing that might import a visible Hazard to the Peace of his Government and draw after it a general Disgust of his Person will be soon satisfied that if all his Protestant Subjects had united in their Desires and concurred in their Endeavors to have had the Duke of York debarred from the Crown that his late Majesty would not have once scrupled the complying with it and that his Love to his Dear Brother would have given way to the Apprehension and Fear of forfeiting a Love for himself in the Hearts of his People especially when what was required of him was not an Invasion upon the Fundamentals of the Constitution of the English Monarchy nor dissonant from the Practice of the Nation in many repeated Instances Nor can there be a greater Evidence of the present King 's ill Nature Romish Bigottry and prodigious Ingratitude as well as of the Design he is carrying on against our Religion and Laws than his Carriage and Behavior towards the Church of England tho I cannot but acknowledge it a righteous Judgment upon them from God and a just Punishment for their being not only so unconcerned for the Preservation of our Religion and Liberties in avoiding to close with the only Methods that were adapted thereunto but for being so Passionate and Industrious to hasten the Loss of them through putting the Government into ones hands who as they might have foreseen would be sure to make a Sacrifice of them to his beloved Popery and to his inordinate Lust after despotical and Arbitrary Power And as the only Example bearing any Affinity to it is that of Louis XIV who in recompence to his Protestant Subjects for maintaining him on the Throne when the late Prince of Conde assisted by Papists would have wrested the Crown from him hath treated them with a Barbarity whereof that of Antiochus towards the Jews and that of Diocletian and Maximian towards the Primitive Christians were but scanty and imperfect Draughts so there wants nothing for compleating the Parallel between England and France but a little more time and a fortunate Opportunity and then the deluded Church-men will find that Father Peters is no less skillful at Whitehall for transforming their Acts of Loyalty and Merit towards the King into Crimes and Motives of their Ruin than Pere de la Chaise hath shewn himself at Versailles where by an Art peculiar to the Jesuits he hath improved the Loyalty and Zeal of the Reformed in France for the House of Bourbon into a reason of alienating that Monarch from them and into a ground of his destroying that dutiful and obedient People It will not be amiss to call over some of his Majesty's Proceedings towards the Church of England that from what hath been already seen and felt both they and all English Protestants may the better know what they are to expect and look for hereafter Tho it be a Method very unbecoming a Prince yet it shews a great deal of Spleen to turn the former Persecution of Dissenters so maliciously upon the Prelatical and Conforming Clergy as his Majesty doth in his Letter to Mr. Alsop in stiling them a Party of Protestants who think the only way to advance their Church is by undoing those Churches of Christians that differ from them in smaller Matters Whereas the Severity that the Fanaticks met with had much of its Original at Court where it was formed and designed upon Motives of Popery and Arbitrariness and the Resentment and revengeful Humor of some of the old Prelates and other Church-men that had suffered in the late times was only laid hold of the better to justifie and improve it And tho it be too true that many of the dignified Rank as well as of the little Levites were both extremely fond of it and contentiously pleaded for it yet it is as true that most of them did it not upon Principles of Judgment and Conscience but upon Inducements of Retaliation for conceived Injuries and upon a belief of its being the most compendious Method to the next Preferment and Benefice and the fairest way of standing
thro a sentence inflicted upon them by no legal Court of Judicature but by 5 or 6 mercenary persons supported by a tyrannous and arbitrary Commission his Majesty in his Proclamation for Toleration in Scotland bearing date Febr. 12. doth among many other Laws cass disable and dispense with the Law enjoining the Scots Test tho it was not only enacted by himself while he represented his Brother as his high Commissioner but hath been confirmed by him in Parliament since he came to the Crown Surely it is as easie to depart from a promise made in a Declaration as 't is to absolve and discharge himself from the obligation of a Law which he first concurred to the enacting of and gave the creating Fiat unto as the late King's Commissioner and hath since ratified in Parliament after he was come to the Throne As there is no more infidelity dishonor and injustice so there is less of absolute power and illegality in doing the one than the other Nor is it possible for a rational man to place a confidence in his Majesty's Royal word for the protection of our Religion and the Ch. of England mens enjoying their possessions seeing he hath not only departed from his Promise made to the Council immediately after his Brother's death but hath violated his Faith given to the Parliament of England at their first Session which we might have thought would have been the more sacred and binding by reason of the Grandeur State and Quality of the Assembly to which it was pledged If we consider how much Protestants suffered what number of them was burnt at the Stake as well as Murdered in Goals beside the vast Multitudes who to avoid the Rage and Power of their Enemies were forced to abandon their Country and seek for shelter in foreign Parts and what Endeavors of all kinds were used for the Extirpation of our Religion under Q. Mary we may gather and learn from thence what is to be dreaded from James II. who is the next Popish Prince to her that since the Reformation hath sat on the Throne of England For though there be many things that administer grounds of Hope that the Papists will not find it so easie a matter to bring us in shoals to the stake nor of that quick and easie dispatch to suppress the Protestant Religion and set up Popery at this time as they found it then yet every thing that occurs to our Thoughts or that can affect our Understandings serves not only to perswade us into a belief that they will set upon and endeavor it but to work us up to an Assurance that his Majesty would take it for a diminution of his Glory as well as reflection upon his Zeal for the Church of Rome not to attempt what a Woman had both the Courage to undertake and the Fortune to go through with And there is withal a Concurrence of so many things both abroad and at home at this Juncture which if laid in the ballance with the Motives to our hope of the Papists miscarrying may justly raise our Fears of their prospering to a very sad and uncomfortable height Whosoever shall compare these two Princes together will find that there was less danger to be apprehended from Mary and that not only upon the score of her Sex but by reason of a certain gentleness and goodness of Nature which all Historians of Judgment and Credit ascribe unto her than is to be expected from the present King in whom a Sourness of Temper Fierceness of Disposition and Pride joined with a peevishness of humor not to bear the having his will disputed or controlled are the principal Ingredients into his Constitution and which are all strangely heightned and enflamed by contracted distempers of Body and thro' furious Principles of Mind which he hath imbib'd from the Jesuits who of all Men carry the Obligations arising from the Doctrines of the Popish Religion to the most outragious and inhuman Excesses Nor can I forbear to add that whereas the Cruelty which that Princess was hurried into even to the making her Cities common Shambles and her Streets Theatres of Murder for Innocent Persons for which she became hated while she lived and her Memory is rendred infamous to all Generations that come after was wholly and entirely owing to her Religion which not only proclaims it lawful but a necessary duty of Christianity and an Act meriting a peculiar Crown of Glory in Heaven to destroy Hereticks 't is to be feared there will be found in the present King a spice of revenge against us as we are Englishmen as well as a measure heapt up and running over of furious Papal Zeal against us as we are Protestants Beside the Wrath he bears unto us for our departure from the Communion of the Romish Church and our Rebellion against the Triple Crown the War wherein many of the Kingdom were engag'd against his Father and the issue of it in the Execution of that Monarch is what he hath been heard to say That he hopes to revenge upon the Nation And all that the City of London underwent thro' that dreadful Conflagration 1666. of which he was the great Author and Promoter as well as the Rescuer and Protector of the Varlets that were apprehended in their spreading and carrying on the fire is but earnest in respect of what is design'd farther to be paid them for the having been the great Supporters of that War both by continu'd Recruits of Men and repeated Supplies of Treasure Tho' it was Qu. Marys misfortune and proved the misery of Protestants that she was under the Influence of Popish Bishops and of Religious of several Orders by whom she was whetted on and provoked to those Barbarities wherewith her Reign is stain'd and reproach'd yet she had no Jesuits about her to whom all the other Orders are but punies in the arts of wheedling and frighting Princes forward to Cruelty The Society being then but in its Infancy and the distance between its Institution which was in 1540. and the time of her coming to the Crown which was A. 1553. not affording season enough for their spreading so far abroad as they have since done nor for the perfecting themselves to that degree in the methods of Butchery and in the Topicks whereby to delude Monarchs to serve and promote their sanguinary Passions as they have in process of time attain'd unto Nor have the Protestants now any security for their Religion whereby it or themselves may be preserv'd from the attempts of his Majesty for the Extirpation of both but what our Predecessors in the same Faith had in the like kind tho' not to the same measure and degree when Qu. Mary arrived at the Throne For tho' our Religion was of late fenced about with more Laws and we had Royal Promises oftner repeated for the having it preserv'd and our selves protected in the Profession of it yet it is certain that it had not only receiv'd a legal Establishment under K.
were prepared for in case it had succeeded and the foreign aid they had been solliciting and were promised and all for the extirpation of English Hereticks are things so modern and which we have had so many times related to us by our Fathers that it is enough barely to intimate them The Irish Massacre in which above 200000 were murder'd in cold blood and to which there was no provocation but that of hatred to our Religion and furious zeal to extirpate Hereticks ought at this time to be more particularly reflected upon as that which gives us a true scheme of the manner of the Church of Rome's converting Protestant Kingdoms and being the Copy they have a mind to write after and that in such Characters and lines of blood as may be sure to answer the Original At the season when they both entred upon and executed that hellish conjuration they were in a quiet and peaceable enjoyment of the private exercise of their Religion yea had many publick meeting-places thro the means of the Queen and many great friends which they had at Court and were neither disturbed for not coming to Church nor suffered any severities upon the account of their Profession but that would not satisfie nor will any thing else unless they may be allowed to cut the throats or make bonefires of all that will not join with them in a blind obedience to the Sea of Rome and of worshipping S. Patrick The little harsh usages which the Papists at any time met with there or in England they derived them upon themselves by their Crimes against the State and for their Conspiracies against our Princes and their Protestant Subjects For till the Pope had taken upon him to depose Queen Elizabeth and absolve her Subjects from their Allegiance and till the Papists had so far approved that Act of his Holiness as to raise Rebellions at home and enter into treasonable confederacies abroad there were no Laws that could be stiled severe enacted in England against Papists and the making of them was the result of necessity in order to preserve our selves and not from an inclination to hurt any for matters of mere Religion Such hath always been the moderation of our Rulers and so powerful are the incitements to lenity which the generality of Protestants through the influence and impression of their Religion especially they of a more generous education have been under towards those of the Roman Communion that nothing but their unwearied restlesness to disturb the Government and destroy Protestants hath been the cause either of enacting those Laws against them that are stiled rigorous or of their having been at any time put into execution And notwithstanding that some such Laws were enacted as might appear to savour of severity yet could they have but submitted to have dwelt peaceably in the Land they would have found that their mere belief and the private practice of their Worship would not have much prejudiced or endangered them and that tho the Laws had been continued unrepealed yet it was only as a Hedge about us for our protection and as Bonds of obligation upon them to their good behaviour To which may be added that more Protestants have suffered in one year by the Laws made against Dissenters and to the utmost height of the penalties which the violation of them imported and that by the instigation of Papists and their influence over the late King and his present Majesty than there have Papists from the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's Reign to this very day tho there was a difference in the punishments they underwent However we may from their many and repeated attempts against us while we had Princes that both would and could chasten their insolencies and inflict upon them what the Law made them obnoxious unto for their outrages gather and conclude what we are now to expect upon their having obtained a King imbu'd with all the persecuting and bloody principles of Popery and perfectly baptised into all the Doctrines of the Councils of Lateran and Constance And it may strengthen our faith as well as increase our fear of what is purposed against and impends over us in that they cannot but think that the suffering our Religion to remain in a condition to be at any time hereafter the Religion of the State and of the universality of the People may not only prove a means of retrieving Protestancy in France and of assisting to revenge the barbarities perpetrated there upon a great and innocent people but may leave the Roman Catholicks in England exposed to the resentment of the Kingdom for what they have so foolishly and impudently acted both against our Civil Rights and Established Religion since James II. came to the Crown and may also upon the Government 's falling into good hands and Magistrates coming to understand their true Interest which is for an English Prince to make himself the Head of the Protestant cause and to espouse their quarrel in all places give such a Revolution in Europe as will not only check the present Career of Rome but cause them repent the methods in which they have been engaged These things we may be sure the Papists are aware of and that having proceeded so far they have nothing left for their security from punishments because of crimes committed but to put us out of all capacity of doing our selves Right and them Justice and he must be dull who does not know into what that must necessarily hurry them It being then as evident as a matter of this nature is capable of what we are to expect and dread from the King both as to our Religion and Laws we may do more than presume that the late Declaration for liberty of Conscience and the Proclamation for a Toleration are not intended and designed for the benefit and advantage of the Reformed Religion and that whatsoever motives have influenced to the granting and emitting of them they do not in the least flow or proceed from any kindness and good will to Protestant Dissenters And though many of those weak and easie People may flatter themselves with a belief of an interest in the Kings favour and suffer others to delude them into a persuasion of his bearing a gracious respect towards them yet it is certain that they are People in the world whom he most hates and who when things are ripe for it and that he hath abused their credulity into a serving his Ends as far as they can be prevailed upon and as long as the present Juggle can be of any advantage for promoting the Papal Cause will be sure not only to have an equal share in his displeasure with their Brethren of the Church of England but will be made to drink deepest in the cup of fury and wrath that is mingling and preparing for all Protestants No provocation from their present behaviour tho it is such as might warm a person of very cool temper much less offences of another complexion
administred by any of them shall ever tempt me to say they deserve it or cause me to ravel into their former and past carriages so as to fasten a blot or imputation upon the party or body of them whatsoever I may be forced to do as to particular persons among them For as to the generality I do believe them to be as honest industrious useful and vertuous a people tho many of them be none of the wisest nor of the greatest prospect as any party of men in the Kingdom and that wherein soever their carriage even abstracting from their differences with their Fellow Protestants in matters of Religion hath varied from that of other Subjects they have been in the Right and have acted most agreeably to the interest and safety of the Kingdom But it can be no reflection upon them to recall into their memories that the whole tenor of the King's actings towards them both when Duke of York and since he came to the Crown hath been such as might render it beyond dispute that they are so far from having any singular room in his favour that he bears them neither pity nor compassion but that they are the objects of his unchangeable indignation For not to mention how the Persecutions that were observed always to relent both upon his being at any distance from the late King and upon the abatement of his influence at any time into Counsels were constantly revived upon his return to Court and were carried on in degrees of severity proportionable to the figure he made at Whitehall and his Brothers disposedness and inclination to hearken to him surely their memories cannot be so weak and untenacious but they must remember how their sufferings were never greater nor the Laws executed with more severity upon them than since his Majesty came to ascend the Throne As it is not many years since he said publickly in Scotland that it were well if all that part of the Kingdom which is above half of the Nation where the Dissenters were known to be most numerous were turned into a hunting field so none were favoured and promoted either there or in England but such as were taken to be the most fierce and violent of all others against Fanaticks Nor were men preferred either in Church or State for their learning vertue or merit but for their passionate heats and brutal rigours to Dissenters And whereas the Papists from the very first day of his arrival at the Government had beside many other marks of his Grace this special Testimony of it of not having the penal Statutes to which they stood liable put in execution against them all the Laws to which the Dissenters were obnoxious were by his Majesty's Orders to the Judges Justices of the Peace and all other Officers Civil and Ecclesiastical most unmercifully executed Nor was there the least talk of lenity to Dissenters till the King found that he could not compass his Ends by the Church of England and prevail upon the Parliament for repealing the Tests and cancelling the other Laws in force against Papists which if they could have been wrought over unto the Fanaticks would not only have been left Pitiless and continued in the Hands of the furious Church men to exercise their Spleen upon but would have been surrendred as a Sacrifice to new Flames of Wrath if they of the Prelatical Communion had retained their wonted Animosity and thought it for their Interest to exert it either in the old or in fresh Methods But that Project not succeeding his Majesty is forced to shift Hands and to use the Pretence of extending Compassion to Dissenting Protestants that he may the more plausibly and with the less Hazard suspend and disable the Laws against Papists and make way for their Admission into all Offices Civil and Military which is the first Step and all that he is yet in a Condition to take for the Subversion of our Religion And all the celebrated Kindness to Fanaticks is only to use them as the Cat 's Paw for pulling the Chesunt out of the Fire to the Monkey and to make them stales under whose Shroud and Covert the Church of Rome may undermine and subvert all the legal Foundations of our Religion which to suffer themselves to be Instrumental in will not in the Issue turn to the Commendation of the Dissenters Wisdom or their Honesty Nor is there more Truth in the King 's declaring it to have been his constant Opinion that Conscience ought not to be constrained nor People forced in Matters of mere Religion than there is of Justice in that malicious Insiuuation in his Letter to Mr. Alsop against the Church of England That should he see cause to change his Religion he should never be of that Party of Protestants who think their only way to advance their Church is by undoing those Churches of Christians that differ from them in smaller Matters Forasmuch as he is in the mean time a Member of the most Persecuting and Bloody Society that ever was cloathed with the name of a Church and whose Cruelty towards Protestants he is careful not to Arraign by fastning his Offence at Severity upon Differences in smaller Matters which he knows that those between Rome and us are not nor so accounted of by any of the Papal Fellowship It were to be wished that the Dissenters would reflect and consider how when the late King had emitted a Declaration of Indulgence Anno 1672. upon pretended Motives of Tenderness and Compassion to his Protestant Subjects but in truth to keep all quiet at home when in Conjunction with France he was engaging in an unjust War against a Reformed State abroad and in order to steal a Liberty for the Papists to Practise their Idolatries without incurring a Suspition himself of being of the Romish Religion and in hope to wind up the Prerogative to a Paramount Power over the Law and how when the Parliament condemned the Illegality of it and would have the Declaration recalled all his Kindness to Dissenters not only immediately vanished but turned into that Rage and Fury that tho both that Parliament addressed for some Favor to be shew'd them and another voted it a Betraying of the Protestant Religion to continue the Execution of the Penal Laws upon them yet instead of their having any Mercy or Moderation exercised towards them they were thrown into a Furnace made seven times hotter than that wherein they had been scorched before And without pretending to be a Prophet I dare prognosticate and foretell that whensoever the present King hath compassed the Ends unto which this Declaration is designed to be subservient namely the placing the Papists both in the open Exercise of their Religion and in all publick Offices and Trusts and the getting a Power to be acknowledged vested in him over the Laws that then instead of the still Voice calmly whispered from Whitehall they will both hear and feel the Blasts of a mighty rushing Wind and
the many Laws and Rights which a Jurisdiction is challenged over and exerted in reference unto in the Papers stiled by the forementioned Names All confess a Royal Prerogative settled on the Crown and appertaining to the Royal Office nor can the Supreme Magistrate be executed and discharged to the Advantage and Safety of the Community without a Power affixed unto it of superceding the Execution of some Laws at certain Junctures nor without having an Authority over the Rights of particular Men in some incident cases but then the received Customs of the respective Nations and the universal Good Preservation and Safety of the People in general are the Measures by which this Prerogative in the Crown is to be regulated and beyond which to apply or exert it is an Usurpation and Tyranny in the Ruler All the Power belonging to the Kings and Queens of England and Scotland ariseth from an Agreement and Concession of the People wherein it is stipulated what Rights Liberties and Privileges they reserved unto themselves and what Authority and Jurisdiction they delegated and made over unto the Sovereign in order to his being in a Condition to protect and defend them and that they may the better live in Peace Freedom and Safety which are the Ends for which they have chosen Kings to be over them and for the compassing whereof they originally submitted unto and pitched upon such a Form of Civil Administration Nor are the Opinions of particular Men of what Rank or Order soever they be to be admitted as an Exposition of the Extent of this Prerogative seeing they through their Dependencies upon the King and their Obnoxiousness to be influenced by selfish and personal Ends may enlarge it beyond what is for the Benefit of the Community but the immemorial course of Administration with the Sense of the whole Society signified by their Representatives in Parliament upon emerging Occasions are to be taken for the Sense Paraphrase and Declaration of the Limits of this Royal and Prerogative Power and for any to determine the Bounds of it from the Testimonies of Mercenary Lawyers or Sycophant Clergy-men in Cases wherein the Parliament have by their Votes and Resolutions settled its Boundaries is a Crime that deserves the severest Animadversion and which it is to be hoped a true English Parliament will not let pass unpunished Now a Power arising from Royal Prerogative to suspend and disable a great number of Laws at once and they of such a Nature and Tendency as the great Security of the People consists in their being maintained and which the whole Community represented in Parliaments have often disallowed and made void Princes meddling with so as to interrupt their Execution and Course is so far from being a Right inherent in the Crown that the very pretending unto it is a changing of the Government and an overthrowing of the Constitution De Laudib Leg. Angl. c. 9. Fortescue says That Rex Angliae populum Gubernat non merâ potestate Regiâ sed politicâ quia populus iis legibus gubernatur quas ipse fert the King of England doth not so properly Govern by a Power that is Regal as by a Power that is Political in that he is bound to Rule by the Laws which the People themselves chuse and enact And both Bracton and Fleta tell us Bract. l. 2. c. 16. Flet. l. 2. c. 17. That Rex Angliae habet superiores viz. legem per quam factus est Rex ac Comites Barones qui debent ei fraenum ponere the King of England hath for Superiors both the Law by which he is constituted King and which is the measure of his Governing Power and the Parliament which is to restrain him if he do amiss And thereupon we have not only that other Saying of Bracton Lib. 3. cap. 9. That Nihil aliud potest Rex nisi id solum quod jure potest The King can do nothing but what he can do by Law But we have that Famous Passage in our Parliament Rolls Rot. Parl. 7. Hen. 4. Num. 59 Non est ulla Regis prerogativa quae ex justitia aequitate quicquam derogat That there is no Prerogative belongs to the King by which he can decline from acting according to Law and Justice So careful were our Ancestors both in England and Scotland to preserve their Laws from being invaded and superceded by their Kings that they have not only by divers Parliamentary Votes and Resolutions and by several Statutes declared all Dispensations by the King from Laws and enjoyned Oaths to be null and void and not admittable by the Judges or other Executors of Law and Justice but they have often Impeached Arraigned and Condemned those to one Penalty or another that have been found to have counselled and advised Kings to an Usurpation of Power over the Laws and to a Violation of established and enacted Rules It would draw this Discourse to a length beyond what is intended should I mention the several Laws against Papists as well as against Dissenters that are suspended stop'd disabled and dispensed with in the two fore-mentioned Royal Papers and it would be an extending it much more should I make the several Reflections that the matter is capable of and which a Person of a very ordinary Understanding cannot be greatly to seek for I shall therefore only take notice of two or three Efforts which occur there of this Royal Prerogative and Absolute Power which as they are very bold and ample Exertions of them for the first time so should the next Exercises of them be proportionable there will be nothing left us of the Protestant Religion or of English Liberties and we must be contented to be Papists and Slaves or else to stand adjudged to Tyburn and Smithfield One is the Suspending the Laws which enjoyn the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the prohibiting that these Oaths be at any time hereafter required to be taken by which single Exercise of Royal Prerogative and Absolute Power the two Kingdoms are not only again subjected to a Foreign furisdiction the Miseries whereof they groaned under for several Ages but as the King is hereby deprived of the greatest Security he had from his Subjects both to himself and the Government so the Crown is rob'd of one of its chiefest Jewels namely an Authority over all the Subjects which was thought so essential to Sovereignty and Royal Dignity that it was annexed to the Imperial Crown of England and adjudged inherent in the Monarch before the Reformed Religion came to be received and established And it concerns their Royal Highnesses of Orange to whom the Right of succeeding to the Crown of Great Britain unquestionably belongs to consider whether his Majesty may not by the same Authority whereby he alienates and gives away so considerable and inherent a Branch of the Royal Jurisdiction transfer the Succession it self and dispose the Inheritance of the Crown to whom he pleaseth Nor will they
seeing it hath been and still is their Custom to require the Belief of the Corporal Presence in the Sacrament as that upon the not Acknowledgment whereof we are to be accounted Hereticks and to stand condemned to be Burnt which is somewhat worse than the not being allowed to sit in the Two Houses of Parliament or to be shut out from a Civil or Military Office Neither are they required to Declare much less to Swear that the Doctrine of Transubstantiation is False or that there is no such thing as Transubstantiation as is affirmed in a Scurrilous Paper written against the Loyalty of the Church of England but all that is enjoyned in the Test Acts is that I A. B. do declare that I do believe that there is not any Transubstantiation in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper or in the Elements of Bread and Wine at or after the Consecration thereof by any Prrson whatsoever Tho the Parliament was willing to use all the Care they could for the discovering Papists that the Provision for our Security unto which those Acts were designed might be the more effectual yet they were not so void of Understanding as to prescribe a Method for it which would have exposed them to the World for their Folly 'T is much different to say Swear or Declare that I do believe there is not any Transubstantiation and the saying or declaring that there is not a Transubstantiation the former being only expressive of what my Sentiment or Opinion is and not at all affecting the Doctrine it self to make or unmake it other than what it is independently upon my Judgment of it whereas the latter does primarily Affect the Object and the Determination of its Existence to such a Mode as I conceive it and there are a thousand things which I can say that I do not believe but I dare not say that they are not Now as 't is the dispensing with these Laws that argues the King's assuming an Absolute Power so the Addressing by way of Thanks for the Declaration wherein this Power is exerted is no less than an owning and acknowledging of it and that it rightfully belongs to him There is a third thing which Shame or Fear would not suffer them to put into the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience in England but which they have had the Impudence to insert into the Proclamation for a Toleration in Scotland which as it carries Absolute Power written in the forehead of it so it is such an unpresidented Exercise of Despoticalness as hardly any of the Oriental Tyrants or even the French Leviathan would have ventured upon For having stop'd disabled and suspended all Laws enjoyning any Oaths whereby our Religion was secured and the Preservation of it to us and our Posterity was provided for he imposeth a new Oath upon his Scots Subjects whereby they are to be bound to defend and maintaim him his Heirs and lawful Successors in the Exercise of their Absolute Power and Authority against all deadly The imposing an Oath upon Subjects hath been always look'd upon as the highest Act of Legislative Authority in that it affects their Consciences and requires the Approbation or Disapprobation of their Minds and Judgments in reference to whatsoever it is enjoyned for whereas a Law that affects only Mens Estates may be submitted unto tho in the mean time they think that which is exacted of them to be Unreasonable and Unjust And as it concerns both the Wisdom and Justice of Law-givers to be very tender in ordaining Oaths that are to be taken by Subjects and that not only from a care that they may not prostitute the Name of God to Prophanation when the matter about which they are imposed is either light and trivial or dubious and uncertain but because it is an Exercise of Jurisdiction over the Souls of Men which is more than if it were only exercised over their Goods Bodies and Privileges so never any of our Kings pretended to a Right of enjoyning and requiring an Oath that was not first enacted and specified in some Law and it would have been heretofore accounted a good Plea for refusing such or such an Oath to say there was no Statute that had required it It was one of the Articles of High Treason and the most material charged upon the Earl of Strafford that being Lord Deputy of Ireland he required an Oath of the Scots who inhabited there which no Law had ordained or prescribed which may make those Counsellors who have advised the King to impose this new Oath as well as all others that shall require it to be taken upon his Majesty's bare Authority to be a little apprehensive whether it may not at some time rise in Judgment against them and prove a Forfeiture of their Lives to Justice And as the imposing an Oath not warranted by Law is an high Act of Absolute Power and in the King an altering of the Constitution so if we look into the Oath it self we shall find this Absolute Power strangely manifested and displayed in all the Parts and Branches of it and the People required to Swear themselves his Majesty's most obedient Slaves and Vassals By one Paragraph of it they are required to Swear that it is unlawful for Subjects on any pretence or for any Cause whatsoever to rise in Arms against him or any Commissioned by him and that they shall never resist his Power or Authority which as it may be intended for a Foundation and means of keeping Men quiet when he shall break in upon their Estates and overthrow their Religion so it may be designed as an Encouragement to his Catholick Subjects to set upon the Cutting Protestants Throats when by this Oath their Hands are tied up from hindering them It is but for the Papists to come Authorised with his Majesty's Commission which will not be denied them for so meritorious a Work and then there is no Help nor Remedy but we must stretch out our Necks and open our Breasts to their Consecrated Swords and Sanctified Daggers Nay if the King should transfer the Succession to the Crown from the Rightful Heir to some zealous Romanist or Alienat and dispose of his Kingdoms in way of Donation and Gift to the Pope or to the Society of the Jesuits and for the better securing them in the Possession hereafter should invest and place them in the Enjoyment of them while he lives the Scots are bound in the virtue of this Oath tamely to look on and calmly to acquiesce in it Or should his Physicians advise him to a nightly Variety of Matrons and Maids as the best Remedy against his malignant and venomous Heats all of that Kingdom are bound to surrender their Wives and Daughters to him with a dutiful Silence and a profound Veneration And if by this Oath he can secure himself from the Opposition of his Dissenting Subjects in case through recovery of their Reason a Fit of ancient Zeal should surprize them he is otherways
have provok'd the then Duke of York's Indignation and have exposed the Party that did it to Discountenance and Disgrace The Question is not what is convenient to be done in some measure and degree and in reference to those whose Religion does not oblige them to destroy all that differ from them when they have opportunity for it but the Point in debate is who hath the legal Power of doing it and of fixing its Bounds and Limits It was never pretended that the King ought to be shut out from a Share in Suspending and Repealing Laws but that the sole Right of doing it belongs to him is what cannot be allowed without changing the Constitution and placing the whole Legislative Authority in His Majesty And as it is an Usurpation in the King to challenge it and a Treachery in English Subjects to acknowledge it so the Inconveniences that this or that Party are in the mean time exposed unto through the Laws remaining in Force are rather to be endured than that a Power of giving Ease and Relief farther than by Connivance should be confessed to reside in any one in whom the Laws of the Community have not placed it 'T is better to undergo Hardships under the Execution of unjust Laws than be released from our Troubles by a Power Usurped over all Laws For by the one the Measures of Government as well as the Rights and Privileges of a Nation are destroy'd whereas by the other only a part of the People are Afflicted and unduly dealt with While we are govern'd by Laws tho several of them may be Injust and Inconvenient yet we are under a Security as to all other things which those Laws have not made liable but when we fall under an illimited Prerogative and Absolute Power we have no longer a Title unto or a hedge about any thing but all lies open to the Lust and Pleasure of him in whom we have owned that Power to be seated A Liberty is what Dissenters have a Right to Claim and which the Legislative Authority is bound by the Rules of Justice and Duty as well as by Principles of Wisdom and Discretion to grant And I am sorry that while they stood so fair to obtain it in a Legal and Parliamentary way any of them by acknowledging a Right in another to give it and that in a manner so Subversive of the Authority of Parliaments should have rendred themselves unworthy to receive it from them to whom the Power of Bestowing it does belong Not but that a Toleration will be always due to their Principles but I know not whether the particular Men of those Principles who have by their Addresses betray'd the Kingdom may not come to be judged to have forfeited all Share in it for their Crime committed against the Constitution and the whole Politick Society Nor is there any thing more Just and Equal than that they who surrender and give away the Rights both of Legislators and Subjects should lose all Grace and Favor from the former and all Portion among the latter And how much soever some Protestant Dissenters may please themselves with the Liberty that at present they enjoy in the virtue of the two Royal Papers yet this may serve to moderate them in their Transports of Gladness that they have no solid Security for the Continuance of it For should a Parliament null and make void the Declaration for Liberty and impeach the Judges for declaring a Power vested in the King to suspend so many Laws and for forbearing upon the King's Mandat to execute them the Freedom that the Dissenters possess would immediately vanish and have much the same Destiny that the Liberty had which was granted unto them by the Declaration of Indulgence Anno 1672. Or should the Parliament be willing to grant Ease and Indulgence to all Protestants by a Bill prepared for Repealing of all the Laws formerly made against them and should only be desirous to preserve in force the Laws relating to the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the Statutes which enjoyn the Tests of whose Execution we never more wanted the Benefit in order to our Preservation from Popery and which an English Parliament cannot be supposed willing to part with at a time when our Lives Estates and Religion are so visibly threatned to be swallowed up and destroyed by the Papists In that case we may confidently believe that the King instead either of Assenting to such a Bill for separate Favor to Protestants or persevering in his Compassion and Kindness of continuing the Suspension of the Laws against Dissenters he would from an inveterate Enmity as well as from a new contracted Resentment be stirred up and enraged to the putting the Laws in Execution with greater Rigor and Severity than hath been seen or felt heretofore And all that the Addressers would then reap by the Declaration would be to undergo the furious Effects of Brutal Rage in their Persecutors and to be unpitied by the Kingdom and unlamented by their fellow Protestants Or should his Majesty in favor to his good Catholicks resolve against the Meeting of a Parliament or to Adjourn and Prorogue them whensoever he shall find that instead of confirming what he hath done they shall make null his Declaration vote his pretended Prerogative Illegal and Arbitrary and fall upon those Mercenary and Perjured Villains who have allowed him a Power transcendent to Law yet even upon that Supposal which is the best that can be made to support Mens hopes in the continuance of the present Liberty the Protestant Dissenters would have but slender Security all the Tenure they have for the Duration of their Freedom being only Precarious and depending merely upon the King's Word and Promise which there is small ground to rely upon Nor can He be true to them without being false to his Religion which not only gives Him leave to break his Faith with Hereticks but obligeth Him to it and to destroy them to boot and that both under the pain of Damnation and of forfeiting his Crown and losing his Dominions And how far the Promise and Royal Word of a Catholick Monarch is to be trusted unto and depended upon we have a modern Proof and Evidence in the Behavior of Louis de Grand towards his Reformed Subjects not only in Repealing the many Edicts made and confirmed by himself as well as his Ancestors for the free Exercise of their Religion but in the Methods he hath always observed namely to promise them protection in the profession of their Faith and practice of their Worship when he was most stedfastly resolved to subvert their Religion and was about making some fresh advance and taking some new step for its Extirpation Thus when he had firmly purposed not to suffer a Minister to continue a year in the Kingdom he at the same time published an Edict requiring Ministers to serve but three Years in one Place and not to return to the Church where they had first Officiated
commended or promised to stand by him For tho the Matter and Subject of the Arbitrary Act of him now upon the Throne be not as to every Branch of it so publickly Scandalous as some of the Arbitrary Proceedings of the late King were as relating to a Favor which Mankind hath a just Claim unto yet it is every way as Illegal being in reference to a Privilege which his Majesty hath no Authority to grant and bestow And were it not that there are many Dissenters who preserve themselves Innocent at this Juncture and upon whom the Temptation that is administred makes no Impression the World would have just ground to say that the Fanaticks are not governed by Principles but that the Measures they walk by are what conduceth to their private and personal Benefit or what lyes in a Tendency to their Loss and Prejudice And that it was not the late King's Usurping and exerting an Arbitrary and illegal Power that offended them but that they were not the Objects in whose Favor it was exercised 'T is also an Aggravation of their Folly as well as their Offence that they should revive a Practice which the Nation was grown asham'd of and whereof they who had been guilty begun to repent through having seen that all the former Declarations Assurances and Promises of the Royal Brothers which tempted to Applications of that kind were but so many Juggles peculiar to the late Breed of the Family for the deceiving of Mankind and that never one of them was performed and made good But the Transgression as well as the Imprudence of the present Addressers is yet the greater and they are the more Criminal and Inexcusable before God and Men in that they might have enjoyed all the Benefits of the King's Declaration without acknowledging the Justice of the Authority by which it was granted or making themselves the Scorn and Contempt of all that are truly Honest and Wise by their servile Adulations and their Gratulatory Scriblers unbecoming English-men and Protestants They had no more to do but to continue their Meetings as they had sometimes heretofore used to do without taking notice that the present Suspension of the Laws made their Assembling together more safe and freed them from Apprehensions of Fines and Imprisonments Nor could the King how much soever displeased with such a Conduct have at this time ventured upon the expressing Displeasure against them seeing as that would have been both to have proclaimed his Hypocrisie in saying That Conscience ought not to be constrained nor People forced in matters of mere Religion and a discovering the villainous Design in Subserviency to which the Declaration had been emitted so it were not possible for him after what he hath published to single out the Dissenters from amongst other Protestants and to fall upon all before Matters are more ripe for it might be a means of the Abortion of all his Popish Projections and of saving the whole Reformed Interest in Great Britain Neither would the Church of England-men have envied their Tranquility or have blamed their Carriage but would have been glad that their Brethren had been eased from Oppressions and themselves delivered from the grievous and dishonorable Task of prosecuting them which they had formerly been forced unto by Court-Injunctions and Commands And as they would have by a Conduct of this Nature had all the Freedom which they now enjoy without the Guilt and Reproach which they have derived upon themselves by Addressing so such a Carriage would have wonderfully recommended them to the Favor of a true English Parliament which tho it would see cause to condemn the King's Usurping a Power of Suspending the Laws and to make void his Declaration yet in gratitude to Dissenters for such a Behavior as well as in Pity and Compassion to them as English Protestants such a Parliament would not fail to do all it could to give them relief in a legal way Whereas if any thing Enflame and Exasperate the Nation to revive their Sufferings it will arise from a Resentment of the unworthy and treacherous Carriage of so many of them in this critical and dangerous Juncture But the Terms which through their Addressing they have owned the receiving their Liberty and Indulgence upon does in a peculiar manner enhance their Guilt against God and their Country and strangely adds to the Disgust and Anger which Lovers of Religion and the Laws of the Nation have conceived against them For it is not only upon the Acknowledgment of a Prerogative in the King over the Laws that they have received and now hold their Liberty but it is upon the Condition That nothing be preached or taught amongst them that may any ways tend to alienate the Hearts of the People from his Majesty's Person and Government He must be of an Understanding very near allied unto and approaching to that of an Irish-man who does not know what the Court-Sense of that Clause is and that his Majesty thereby intends that they are not to preach against Popery nor to set forth the Doctrines of the Romish Church in Terms that may prevent the Peoples being infected by them much less in Colours that may render them Hated and Abhorred To accuse the King's Religion of Idolatry or to affirm the Church of Rome to be the Apocalyptick Babylon and to represent the Articles of the Tridentine Faith as Faithful Ministers of Christ ought to do would be accounted an alienating the Hearts of their Hearers from the King and his Government which as they are in the foresaid Clauses required not to do so they have by their Addressing confessed the Justice of the Terms and have undertaken to hold their Liberty by that Tenor. And to give them their due they have been very Faithful hitherto in conforming to what the King Exacts and in observing what themselves have assented to the Equity of For notwithstanding all the Danger from Popery that the Nation is exposed unto and all the Hazard that the Souls of Men are in of being poysoned with Romish Principles yet instead of Preaching or Writing against any of the Doctrines of the Church of Rome they have agreed among themselves and with such of their Congregations as approve their Procedure not so much as to mention them but to leave the Province of defending our Religion and of detecting the Falshood of Papal Tenets to the Pastors and Gentlemen of the Church of England And being ask'd as I know some of them that have been why they do not preach against Antichrist and confute the Papal Dectrines they very gravely reply that by preaching Christ they preach against Anti-christ and that by Teaching the Gospel they refute Popery which is such a piece of fraudulent and guilful Subterfuge that I want words to express the knavery and criminalness of it What a reserve and change have I lived to see in England from what I beheld a few years ago It was but the other day that the Conformable Clergy
were represented by some of the Dissenters not only as favorers of Popery but as endeavouring to hale it in upon us by all the methods and ways that lay within their circle and yet now the whole defence of the Reformed Religion must be entirely devolved into their hands and when all the sluces are pulled up that had been made to hinder Popery from overflowing the Nation they must be left alone to stem the Inundation and prevent the Deluge They among the Fanaticks that boasted to be the most avowed and irreconcileable Enemies of the Church of Rome are not only become altogether silent when they see the Kingdom pester'd with a swarm of busie and seducing Emissaries but are both turned Advocates for that Arbitrary Paper whereby we are surrendred as a Prey unto them and do make it their business to detract from the reputation and discourage the Labours of the National Ministers who with a zeal becoming their Office and a Learning which deserves to be admired have set themselves in opposition to that croaking fry and have done enough by their excellent and unimitable Writings to save People from being deluded or perverted if either unanswerable confutations of Popery or demonstrative defences of the Articles and Doctrines of the Reformed Religion can have any efficacy upon the minds of Men. Among other fulsom Flatteries adorning a Speech made to his Majesty by an Addressing Dissenter I find this hypocritical and shameful Adulation namely that if there sholud remain any seeds of Disloyalty in any of his Subjects the transcendent goodness exerted in his Declaration would mortifie and kill them To which he might have added with more truth that the same transcendent goodness had almost destroyed all the seeds of their honesty and mortified their care and concernment for the Interest of Jesus Christ and for the Reformed Religion Their old strain of zealous Preaching against the Idolatry of Rome and concerning the coming out of Babylon my People are grown out of fashion with them in England and are only reserved and laid by to recommend them to the kindness and acceptation of Foreign Protestants when their occasions and conveniencies draw them over to Amsterdam Whoever comes into their Assemblies would think for any thing that he there hears delivered from their Pulpits that She which was the Whore of Babylon a few years ago were now become a Chast Spouse and that what were heretofore the damnable Doctrines of Popery were of late turned Innocent and Harmless Opinions The King's Declaration would seem to have brought some of them to a melius inquirendum and as they are already arrived to believe a Roman Catholick the best King that they may in a little time come to esteem Papists for the best Christians The keeping back nothing that is profitable to save such as hear them and the declaring the whole Counsel of God that are the terms upon which they received their Commission from Jesus Christ and wherein they have Paul's practice and example for a pattern would seem to be things under the Power of the Royal Prerogative and that the King may supercede them by the same Authority by which he dispenses with the Penal Statutes Which as it is very agreeable unto and imported in his Majesty's Claim of being obeyed without reserve so the owning this Absolute power with that annex of challenged obedience does acquit them from all obligations to the Laws of Christ when they are found to interfer with what is required by the King But whether God's Power or the King 's be superior and which of the two can cassate the others Laws and whose wrath is most terrible the Judgment day will be able and sure to instruct them if all means in this World prove insufficient for it The Addressers know upon what conditions they hold their Liberty and they have not only observed how several of the National Clergy have been treated for preaching against Popery but they have heard how divers of the Reformed Ministers in France before the general Suppression were dealt with for speaking against their Monarch's Religion and therefore they must be pardoned if they carry so as not to provoke his Majesty tho in the mean time through their Silence they both betray the Cause of their Lord and Master and are unfaithful to the Souls of those of whom they have taken upon them the Spiritual guidance As for the Papers themselves that are stiled by the name of Addresses I shall not meddle with them being as to the greatest part of them fitter to be exposed and ridicul'd either for their dullness and pedantry or for the Adulation and Sycophancy with which they are fulsomly stuft than to deserve any serious consideration or to merit Reflections that may prove instrumentive to Mankind Only as that Address wherein his Majesty is thanked for his restoring God to his Empire over Conscience deserveth a rebuke for its Blasphemy so that other which commends him for promising to force the Parliament to ratifie his Declaration tho by the way all he says is that he does not doubt of their concurrence which yet his ill success upon the Closetting of so many Members and his since Dissolving that Parliament shews that there was some cause for the doubting of it I say that other Address merits a severe Censure for its insolency against the legislative Authority And the Authors of it ought to be punished for their crime committed against the Liberty and Freedom of the two Houses and for encouraging the King to invade and subvert their most essential and fundamental Privileges and without which they can neither be a Council Judicature nor Lawgivers After all I hope the Nation will be so ingenuous as not to impute the miscarriages of some of the Nonconformists to the whole Party much less to ascribe them to the Principles of Dissenters For as the points wherein they differ from the Church of England are purely of another nature and which have no relation to Politicks so the influence that they are adapted to have upon men as members of Civil Societies is to make them in a special manner regardful of the Rights and Franchises of the Community But if some neither understand the tendency of their own Principles nor are true and faithful unto them these things are the personal faults of those men and are to be attributed to their ignorance or to their dishonesty nor are their Carriages to be counted the effects of their religious Tenets much less are others of the Party to be involved under the reproach and guilt of their imprudent and ill conduct Which there is the more cause to acknowledge because tho the Church of England has all the reason of the world to decline Addressing in that all her legal Foundation as well as Security is shaken by the Declaration yet there are some of her Dignitaries and Clergy as well as divers of the Members of her Communion who upon motives of Ambition Covetousness
Fear or Courtship have enrolled themselves into the List of Addressers and under pretence of giving thanks to the King for his promise of protecting the Archbishops Bishops and Clergy and all other of the Church of England in the free exercise of their Religion as by Law established have cut the throat of their Mother at whose breasts they have suck'd till they are grown fat both by acknowledging the usurped Prerogative upon which the King assumes the Right and Authority of emitting the Declaration and by exchanging the legal standing and security of their Church into that precarious one of the Royal Word which they fly unto as the bottom of her Subsistence and trust to as the wall of her defence And as most of the Members of the Separate Societies are free from all accession to Addressing and the few that concurred were merely drawn in by the wheedle and importunity of their Preachers so they who are of the chiefest Character and greatest reputation for Wisdom and Learning among the Ministers have preserved themselves from all folly and treachery of that kind The Apostle tells us that not many wise not many noble are called which as it is verified in many of the Dissenting Addressers so it may serve for some kind of Apology for their low and sneaking as well as for their indiscreet and imprudent behaviour in this matter And it is the more venial in some of them as being not only a means of ingratiating themselves as they fansie with the King who heretofore had no very good opinion of them but as being both an easie and compendious method of Attoning for Offences against the Crown of which they were strongly suspected and a cheap and expenceless way of purchasing the pardon of their Relations that had stood actually accused of High Treason Nor is it to be doubted but that as the King will retain very little favour and mercy for Fanaticks when once he has served his Ends upon them so they will preserve as little kindness for the Papists if they can but obtain relief in a legal way And as there is not a People in the Kingdom that will be more loyal to Princes while they continue so to govern as that Fealty by the Laws of God or Man remains due to them so there are none of what Principles or Communion soever upon whom the Kingdom in its whole interest come to lye at stake may more assuredly and with greater confidence depend than upon the generality of Dissenting Protestants and especially upon those that are not of the Pastoral Order The severities that the Dissenters lay under before and their deliverance from Oppression and Disturbance now seconded with the Kings expectation and demands of thanksgiving Addresses were strong Temptations upon men void of generosity and greatness of spirit and who are withal of no great political Wisdom nor of prospect into the Consequences of Councils and Tricks of State to act as illegally in their thanks as his Majesty had done in his bounty So that whatsoever Animadversion they may deserve should they be proceeded against according to their demerit yet it is to be hoped that both they and the Addressers of the former stamp may all find room in an Act of Indemnity and that the Mercy of the Nation towards them will triumph over and get the better of its Justice As it would argue a strange and judicial infatuation should they proceed to farther excesses and think to escape the Punishment due to one Crime by committing and taking sanctuary in another thro improving their Complements into actions of Treachery so all their hope of Pardon as well as of Lenity and Moderation from a true Protestant and rightly constituted Authority depends upon their conduct and behaviour henceforward and their not suffering themselves to be hurried and deluded into a cooperation with the Court for the obtaining of a Popish Parliament All their endeavours of that kind would but more clearly detect and manifest their treachery to Religion and the Kingdom it not being in their power to out-vote the honest English part of the People so as to help the King to such a House of Commons as he desires and were it possible that thro their assistance in conjunction with violence and tricks used in Elections and Returns by the Court such a House of Commons might be obtained as would be serviceable to Arbitrary and Papal Ends yet neither the King nor they would be the nearer the compassing what is aim'd at it being demonstrable that the majority of the House of Lords are never to be wrought over to justifie this illegal Declaration or to grant the King a Power of Suspending Laws at his pleasure nor to give their Assent to a Bill for Repealing the Test Acts and the Statutes that enjoyn and require the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy And if they should be so far left of God and betray'd by those among themselves whom the Court hath gained as to become guilty of so enormous an act of folly and villany and should the Election of the next Parliament be the happy juncture they wait for and the improving their interest as well as the giving their own Votes for the Choice of Papists into the House of Commons be what they mean by an essential proof of their Loyalty and of the sincerity of their humble Addresses See Mr. Alsop's Speech to the King and that whereby they intend to demonstrate that the greatest thing they have promised is the least thing they will perform for his Majesties service and satisfaction as in that case they will deserve to forfeit all hopes of being forgiven so it would be an infidelity to God and Men and a cruelty to our selves and our Posterity not to abandon them as betrayers of Religion expunge them out of the Roll of Protestants strip them of all that wherein free Subjects have a Legal Right and not to condemn them to the utmost punishments which the Laws of the Kingdom adjudge the worst of Traitors and Malefactors unto There are some who thro hating of them do wish their miscarrying and offending to so unpardonable a degree that they may hereafter be furnished with an advantage both of ruining them and the whole Dissenting Party for their sakes But as the love that I bear unto them and the perswasion and belief I have of the truth of their Religious Principles do make me exceeding sollicitous to have them kept and prevented from being hurried and transported into so fatal and criminal a behaviour so I desire to make no other excuse for my plain dealing towards them but that of Solomon who tells us that faithful are the wounds of a friend while the kisses of an Enemy are deceitful and that he who rebukes a man shall find more favour afterwards than he who flattereth with the tongue POSTSCRIPT SInce the foregoing Sheets went to the Press and while they were Printing off there is come to my hands a new
we were Sworn and stood bound to be hereby subverted and changed and that thereupon we are not only Absolved and Acquitted from the Allegiance and Fealty we were formerly under to his Majesty but are indispensably obliged by the Ties and Engagements that are upon us of maintaining and defending the Constitution and Government to apply our selves to the use of all Means and Endeavors against him as an Enemy of the People and a Subverter of the legal Government wherein all the Interest he had or could lawfully claim was an Official Trust and not an Absolute Power or a Desp●tical Dominion the first whereof he hath deposed and abdicated himself from by challenging and usurping the latter And should any Scots Dissenter either in his entrance upon the Liberty granted by this Proclamation or in Addressing by way of Thankfulness for it take the least notice of this Freedoms flowing from the King which cannot be done without Recognising this Absolute Power in his Majesty as the Fountain of it he is to be look'd upon as the worst of Traitors and deserves to be proceeded against both for his Accession unto and justifying the Subversion of the Laws Liberties and Government of his Country and for betraying the Rights of all Free-born Men. For those few Reflections in the foregoing Sheets which this new Proclamation may not only seem to render useless and frustrate the end whereunto they were intended but may make the publishing any Animadversions upon that which the King by departing from does himself Censure and Condemn be esteemed both a failure in Ingenuity and Candor and a want of regard to those Measures of Justice which ought to be observed towards all Men and more especially towards Crowned Heads I shall only say that as the Proclamation arrived with me too late to hinder and prevent the Communication of them to the Publick so I have this farther to add in Justification of their being published that it will thereby appear that what his Majesty stiles Sinistruous Interpretations made of some Restrictions mentioned in his former are no other than the just natural genuine and obvious Constructions which they lye open unto and are capable of and which a Man cannot avoid fastning upon them without renouncing all Sense and Reason And while the King continues to disparage and asperse all sober and judicious Reflections upon that Royal Paper by charging upon them the unjust and reproachful Character of Sinistruous Interpretations it is necessary as well as equal that the whole matter should be plainly and impartially represented to the World and that the Dection be remitted and left to the understanding and unbyass'd part of Mankind who are the Calumniators and Slanderers they who accuse the Proclamation of importing such Principles Consequences and Tendencies or he and his Ministers who think they have avoided and answered the Imputations fastened upon it when they have loaded them with hard and uncivil Terms For tho he be pleased to assume to himself an Absolute Power which all are bound to obey without reserve and in the virtue of which he Suspends Stops and Disables what Laws he pleaseth yet I do not know but that his Intellectuals being of the Size of other Mens and that seeing neither his Sovereignty nor Catholicalness have vested in him an Inerrability why we may not enter our Plea and Demur to the Dictates of his Judgment tho we know not how to withstand the Efforts of his Power Nor shall I subjoyn any more save that whereas his Majesty declares so many Laws to be disabled to all Intents and Purposes he ought to have remembred that beside other Intents and Purposes that several of them may hereafter serve unto as the Papists may possibly come to have Experience there is one thing in reference to which he cannot even at present hinder and prevent their Usefulness and Efficacy and that is not only their raising and exciting all just Resentments in the minds of free-born and generous Men for his challenging a Power to Suspend and Cassate them but their remaining and continuing Monuments of his Infidelity to the Trust reposed in him of his departure from all Promises made at and since his entering upon the Government and of his Invading and Subverting all the Rules of the Constitution The Declaration of His Highness William Henry by the Grace of God Prince of Orange c. Of the Reasons inducing him to appear in Arms in the Kingdom of England for Preserving of the Protestant Religion and for Restoring the Laws and Liberties of England Scotland and Ireland IT is both certain and evident to all Men that the Publick Peace and Happiness of any State or Kingdom cannot be preserved where the Laws Liberties and Customs established by the Lawful Authority in it are openly Transgressed and Annulled More especially where the Alteration of Religion is endeavored and that a Religion which is contrary to Law is endeavored to be introduced Upon which those who are most immediately concerned in it are Indispensably bound to endeavor to preserve and maintain the established Laws Liberties and Customs and above all the Religion and Worship of God that is established among them And to take such an effectual Care that the Inhabitants of the said State or Kingdom may neither be deprived of their Religion nor of their Civil Rights Which is so much the more Necessary because the Greatness and Security both of Kings Royal Families and of all such as are in Authority as well as the Happiness of their Subjects and People depend in a most especial manner upon the exact Observation and Maintenance of these their Laws Liberties and Customs Upon these grounds it is that we cannot any longer forbear to Declare That to our great Regret we see that those Counsellors who have now the chief Credit with the King have overturned the Religion Laws and Liberties of those Realms and subjected them in all things relating to their Consciences Liberties and Properties to Arbitrary Government and that not only by Secret and Indirect ways but in an open and undisguised manner Those Evil Counsellors for the advancing and colouring this with some plausible Pretexts did invent and set on foot the King 's Dispensing Power by virtue of which they pretend that according to Law he can Suspend and Dispence with the Execution of the Laws that have been enacted by the Authority of the King and Parliament for the Security and Happiness of the Subject and so have rendered those Laws of no Effect Tho there is nothing more certain than that as no Laws can be made but by the joynt Concurrence of King and Parliament so likewise Laws so enacted which secure the Publick Peace and Safety of the Nation and the Lives and Liberties of every Subject in it cannot be Repealed or Suspended but by the same Authority For tho the King may pardon the Punishment that a Transgressor has incurred and to which he is condemned as in the cases of
which they do evidently show that they are restrained by no Rules or Law whatsoever but that they have subjected the Honors and Estates of the Subjects and the establish'd Religion to a Despotick Power and to Arbitrary Government in all which they are served and seconded by those Ecclesi●stical Commissioners They have also followed the same Methods with relation to Civil Affairs For they have procured orders to examine all Lords-Lieutenants Deputy-Lieutenants Sheriffs Justices of Peace and all others that were in any publick Imployment if they would concur with the King in the Repeal of the Test and Penal Laws and all such whose Consciences did not suffer them to comply with their Designs were turned out and others were put in their places who they believed would be more compliant to them in their designs of defeating the intent and Execution of those Laws which had been made with so much Care and Caution for the Security of the Protestant Religion And in many of these places they have put professed Papists tho the Law has disabled them and warranted the Subjects not to have any regard to their Order They have also invaded the Privileges and seised on the Charters of most of those Towns that have a right to be represented by their Burgesses in Parliament and have procured Surrenders to be made of them by which the Magistrates in them have delivered up all their Rights and Privileges to be disposed of at the Pleasure of those Evil Counsellors who have thereupon placed new Magistrates in those Towns such as they can most entirely confide in and in many of them they have put Popish Magistrates notwithstanding the Incapacities under which the Law has put them And whereas no Nation whatsoever can subsist without the Administration of good and impartial Justice upon which Men Lives Liberties Honors and Estates do depend those Evil Counsellors have subjected these to an Arbitrary and Despotick Power In the most important Affairs they have studied to discover before-hand the Opinions of the Judges and have turned out such as they found would not conform themselves to their Intentions and have put others in their places of whom they were more assured without having any regard to their Abilities And they have not stuck to raise even professed Papists to the Courts of Judicature notwithstanding their Incapacity by Law and that no regard is due to any Sentences flowing from them They have carried this so far as to deprive such Judges who in the common Administration of Justice shew that they were governed by their Consciences and not by the Directions which the others gave them By which it is apparent that they design to render themselves the absolute Masters of the Lives Honors and Estates of the Subjects of what Rank or Dignity soever they may be and that without having any regard either to the Equity of the Cause or to the Consciences of the Judges whom they will have to submit in all things to their own Will and Pleasure hoping by such ways to intimidate those other Judges who are yet in Imployment as also such others as they shall think fit to put in the rooms of those whom they have turned out and to make them see what they must look for if they should at any time act in the least contrary to their good liking and that no Failings of that kind are pardoned in any Persons whatsoever A great deal of Blood has been shed in many places of the Kingdom by Judges governed by those Evil Counsellors against all the Rules and Forms of Law without so much as suffering the Persons that were accused to plead in their own Defence They have also by putting the Administration of Justice in the Hands of Papists brought all the Matters of Civil Justice into great Uncertainties with how much exactness and Justice soever that these Sentences may have been given For since the Laws of the Land do not only exclude Papists from all places of Judicature but have put them under an Incapacity none are bound to acknowledge or to obey their Judgments and all Sentences given by them are null and void of themselves so that all Persons who have been cast in Trials before such Popish Judges may justly look on their pretended Sentences as having no more Force than the Sentences of any private and unauthorised Person whatsoever So deplorable is the case of the Subjects who are obliged to answer to such Judges that must in all things stick to the Rules which are set them by those Evil Counsellors who as they raised them up to those Imployments so can turn them out of them at pleasure and who can never be esteemed Lawful Judges so that all their Sentences are in the Construction of the Law of no Force and Efficacy They have likewise disposed of all Military Imployments in the same manner For tho the Laws have not only excluded Papists from all such Imployments but have in particular provided that they should be disarmed yet they in contempt of those Laws have not only armed the Papists but have likewise raised them up to the greatest Military Trusts both by Sea and Land and that Strangers as well as Natives and Irish as well as English that so by these means they having rendered themselves Masters both of the Affairs of the Church of the Government of the Nation and of the course of Justice and subjected them all to a Despotick and Arbitrary Power they might be in a capacity to maintain and execute their wicked Designs by the assistance of the Army and thereby to enslave the Nation The dismal Effects of this Subversion of the established Religion Laws and Liberties in England appear more evidently to us by what we see done in Ireland where the whole Government is put into the hands of Papists and where all the Protestant Inhabitants are under the daily Fears of what may be justly apprehended from the Arbitrary Power which is set up there which has made great Numbers of them leave that Kingdom and abandon their Estates in it remembering well that Cruel and Bloody Massacre which fell out in that Island in the year 1641. Those Evil Counsellors have also prevailed with the King to declare in Scotland that he is cloathed with Absolute Power and that all the Subjects are bound to obey him without Reserve upon which he has assumed an Arbitrary Power both over the Religion and Laws of that Kingdom from all which it is apparent what is to be looked for in England as soon as Matters are duly prepared for it Those great and insufferable Oppressions and the open Contempt of all Law together with the Apprehensions of the said Consequences that must certainly follow upon it have put the Subjects under great and just Fears and have made them look after such lawful Remedies as are allowed of in all Nations yet all has been without effect And those Evil Counsellors have endeavored to make all Men apprehend the loss of
Honor and Happiness of those Nations may be established upon Lasting Foundations Given under our Hand and Seal at our Court at the Hague the Tenth day of October in the Year 1688. William Henry Prince of Orange By His Highness's Special Command C. HUYGENS. His Highness's Additional Declaration AFter we had prepared and printed this our Declaration we have understood that the Subverters of the Religion and Laws of those Kingdoms hearing of our Preparations to assist the People against them have begun to retract some of the Arbitrary and Despotick Powers that they had assumed and to vacate some of their Injust Judgments and Decrees The Sense of their Guilt and the distrust of their Force have induced them to offer to the City of London some seeming Relief from their Great Oppressions hoping thereby to quiet the People and to divert them from demanding a Secure Re-establishment of their Religion and Laws under the shelter of our Arms. They do also give out that we intend to Conquer and Enslave the Nation And therefore it is that we have thought fit to add a few words to our Declaration We are Confident that no Persons can have such hard thought of us as to imagine that we have any other Design in this Undertaking than to procure a Settlement of the Religion and of the Liberties and Properties of the Subjects upon so sure a Foundation that there may be no danger of the Nations relapsing into the like Miseries at any time hereafter And as the Forces that we have brought along with us are utterly disproportioned to that wicked Design of Conquering the Nation if we were capable of intending it so the Great Numbers of the Principal Nobility and Gentry that are Men of Eminent Quality and Estates and Persons of known Integrity and Zeal both for the Religion and Government of England many of them being also distinguished by their constant Fidelity to the Crown who do both accompany us in this Expedition and have earnestly solicited us to it will cover us from all such Malicious Insinuations For it is not to be imagined that either those who have invited us or those that are already come to assist us can joyn in a wicked Attempt of Conquest to make void their own lawful Titles to their Honors Estates and Interests We are also confident that all Men see how little weight there is to be laid on all Promises and Engagements that can be now made since there has been so little regard had in time past to the most solemn Promises And as that imperfect Redress that is now offered is a plain Confession of those Violations of the Government that we have set forth so the Defectiveness of it is no less Apparent for they lay down nothing which they may not take up at Pleasure and they reserve entire and not so much as mentioned their Claims and Pretences to an Arbitrary and Despotick Power which has been the Root of all their Oppression and of the total Subversion of the Government And it is plain that there can be no Redress nor Remedy offered but in Parliament by a Declaration of the Rights of the Subjects that have been invaded and not by any Pretended Acts of Grace to which the Extremity of their Affairs has driven them Therefore it is that we have thought fit to declare That we will refer all to a Free Assembly of the Nation in a Lawful Parliament Given under our Hand and Seal at our Court in the Hague the 24th day of October in the Year of our Lord 1688. William Henry Prince of Orange By His Highness's Special Command G. HUYGENS. By his Highness William Henry Prince of Orange A Declaration Printed in the Year 1688. WE have in the course of our whole Life and more particularly by the apparent Hazards both by Sea and Land to which we have so lately exposed our Person given to the whole World so high and undoubted Proofs of our fervent Zeal for the Protestant Religion that we are fully confident no true English-man and good Protestant can entertain the least Suspicion of our firm Resolution rather to spend our dearest Blood and perish in the Attempt than not carry on the Blessed and Glorious Design which by the Favour of Heaven we have so successfully begun to Rescue England Scotland and Ireland from Slavery and Popery and in a Free Parliament to Establish the Religion the Laws and the Liberties of those Kingdoms upon such a sure and lasting Foundation that it shall not be in the Power of any Prince for the future to introduce Popery and Tyranny Towards the more easy Compassing this great Design we have not been hitherto deceived in the just Expectation we had of the Concurrence of the Nobility Gentry and People of England with Us for the Security of their Religion the Restitution of the Laws and the Re-establishment of their Liberties and Properties Great Numbers of all Ranks and Qualities having joyned themselves to us and others at great Distances from Us have taken up Arms and Declared for Us. And which we cannot but particularly mention in that Army which was Raised to be the Instrument of Slavery and Popery may by the special Providence of God both Officers and common Souldiers have been touched with such a feeling sense of Religion and Honour and of true Affection for their Native Country that they have already deserted the Illegal Service they were ingaged in and have come over to Us and have given us full Assurance from the rest of the Army That they will certainly follow this Example as soon as with our Army we shall approach near enough to receive them without the Hazard of being prevented and betray'd To which end and that we may the sooner execute this just and necessary Design we are ingaged in for the publick Safety and Deliverance of these Nations We are resolved with all possible Diligence to advance forward that a Free Parliament may be forthwith called and such Preliminaries adjusted with the King and all things first settled upon such a foot according to Law as may give Us and the whole Nation just Reason to believe the King is disposed to make such necessary Condescensions on his part as will give intire Satisfaction and Security to all and make both King and People once more happy And that we may effect all this in the way most agreeable to our Desires if it be possible without the Effusion of any Blood except of those execrable Criminals who have justly forfeited their Lives for betraying the Religion and Subverting the Laws of their Native Country We do think fit to declare That as we will offer no Violence to any but in our own necessary Defence so we will not suffer any Injury to be done to the Person even of a Papist provided he be found in such Place and in such Condition and Circumstances as the Laws require So we are resolved and do declare that all Papists who shall be found
in open Arms or with Arms in their Houses or about their Persons or in any Office or Imployment Civil or Military upon any Pretence whatsoever contrary to the known Laws of the Land shall be treated by Us and our Forces not as Soldiers and Gentlemen but as Robbers Free-Booters and Banditti they shall be incapable of Quarter and intirely delivered up to the Discretion of our Soldiers And We do further declare that all Persons who shall be found any ways aiding and assisting to them or shall march under their Command or shall joyn with or submit to them in the Discharge or Execution of their Illegal Commissions or Authority shall be looked upon as Partakers of their Crimes Enemies to the Laws and to their Country And whereas we are certainly informed that great Numbers of armed Papists have of late resorted to London and Westminster and parts adjacent where they remain as we have reason to suspect not so much for their own Security as out of a wicked and barbarous Design to make some desperate Attempt upon the said Cities and their Inhabitants by Fire or a sudden Massacre or both or else to be the more ready to joyn themselves to a Body of French Troops designed if it be possible to land in England procured of the French King by the Interest and Power of the Jesuits in Pursuance of the Engagements which at the Instigation of that pestilent Society his most Christian Majesty with one of his Neighbouring Princes of the same Communion has entred into for the utter Extirpation of the Protestant Religion out of Europe Tho we hope we have taken such effectual care to prevent the one and secure the other that by God's Assistance we cannot doubt but we shall defeat all their wicked Enterprises and Designs We cannot however forbear out of the great and tender Concern We have to preserve the People of England and particularly those great and populous Cities from the cruel Rage and bloody Revenge of the Papists to Require and expect from all the Lord-Lieutenants Deputy-Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace Lord-Mayors Mayors Sheriffs and all other Magistrates and Officers Civil and Military of all Counties Cities and Towns of England especially of the County of Middlesex and Cities of London and Westminster and parts adjacent that they do immediately disarm and secure as by Law they may and ought within their respective Counties Cities and Jurisdictions all Papists whatsoever as Persons at all times but now especially most dangerous to the Peace and Safety of the Government that so not only all Power of doing mischief may be taken from them but that the Laws which are the greatest and best Security may resume their Force and be strictly Executed And We do hereby likewise Declare that We will Protect and Defend all those who shall not be afraid to do their Duty in Obedience to these Laws And that for those Magistrates and others of what condition soever they be who shall refuse to assist Us and in Obedience to the Laws to Execute vigorously what we have required of them and suffer themselves at this Juncture to be cajoled or terrified out of ther Duty We will esteem them the most Criminal and Infamous of all Men Betrayers of their Religion the Laws and their Native Country and shall not fail to treat them accordingly resolving to expect and require at their hands the Life of every single Protestant that shall perish and every House that shall be burnt or destroyed by their Treachery and Cowardise William Henry Prince of Orange Given under our Hand and Seal at our Head-quarters at Sherburn Castle the 28th day of November 1688. By his Highness special Command C. HUYGENS. The following Paper was Published by Mr. Samuel Johnson in the Year 1686. for which he was Sentenc'd by the Court of King's Bench Sir Edward Herbert being Lord Chief Justice to stand three times on the Pillory and to be whipp'd from Newgate to Tyburn Which barbarous Sentence was Executed An Humble and Hearty Address to all the English Protestants in this present Army Gentlemen NExt to the Duty which we owe to God which ought to be the principal Care of Men of your Profession especially because you carry your Lives in your Hands and often look Death in the Face The second Thing that deserves your Consideration is The service of your Native Country wherein you drew your first Breath and breathed a free English Air. Now I would desire you to consider how well you comply with these two main Points by engaging in this present Service Is it in the Name of God and for his Service that you have joyned your selves with Papists who will indeed fight for the Mass-book but burn the Bible and who seek to Extirpate the Protestant Religion with Your Swords because they cannot do it with their Own And will you be Aiding and Assisting to set up Mass-houses to Erect that Popish Kingdom of Darkness and Desolation amongst us and to train up all our Children in Popery How can you do these Things and yet call your selves Protestants And then what Service can be done your Country by being under the Command of French and Irish Papists and by bringing the Nation under a Foreign Yoke Will you help them to make forcible Entry into the Houses of your Country-men under the Name of Quartering directly contrary to Magna Charta and the Petition of Right Will you be Aiding and Assisting to all the Murders and Outrages which they shall commit by their void Commissions Which were declared Illegal and sufficiently blasted by both Houses of Parliament if there had been any need of it for it was very well known before That a Papist cannot have a Commission but by the Law is utterly Disabled and Disarmed Will you exchange your Birth-right of English Laws and Liberties for Martial or Club-law and help to destroy all others only to be eaten last your selves If I know you well as you are English Men you hate and scorn these Things And therefore be not unequally yoaked with Idolatrous and Bloody Papists Be Valiant for the Truth and shew your selves Men. The same Considerations are likewise humbly offered to all the English Seamen who have been the Bulwark of this Nation against Popery and Slavery ever since Eighty Eight Several Reasons for the Establishment of a standing Army and Dissolving the Militia By Mr. S. Johnson 1. BEcause the Lords Lieutenants Deputy Lieutenants and the whole Militia that is to say the Lords Gentlemen and Free-holders of England are not fit to be trusted with their own Laws Lives Liberties and Estates and therefore ought to have Guardians and Keepers assigned to them 2. Because Mercenary Soldiers who fight for twelve Pence a Day will fight better as having more to lose than either the Nobility or Gentry 3. Because there are no Irish Papists in the Militia who are certainly the best Soldiers in the World for they have slain Men Women and Children
Orange designs the King's safety and preservation and hope all things may be composed without more Blood-shed by the calling a Parliament God grant a happy End to these Troubles that the King's Reign may be prosperous and that I may shortly meet You in perfect peace and safety till when let me beg You to continue the same favourable Opinion that You have hitherto had of Your most Obedient Daughter and Servant ANNE A Memorial of the Protestants of the Church of England Presented to their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Orange YOur Royal Highnesses cannot be ignorant that the Protestants of England who continue true to their Religion and the Government Established by Law have been many ways troubled and vexed by restless contrivances and designs of the Papists under pretence of the Royal Authority and things required of them unaccountable before God and Man Ecclesiastical Benefices and Preferments taken from them without any other Reason but the King's Pleasure that they have been summoned and sentenced by Ecclesiastical Commissioners contrary to Law deprived of their Birth-Right in the free Choice of their Magistrates and Representatives divers Corporations dissolved the Legal Security of our Religion and Liberty established and ratified by King and Parliament annull'd and overthrown by a pretended Dispensing Power new and unheard of Maxims have been preached as if Subjects had no Right but what depends on the King's Will and Pleasure The Militia put into the Hands of persons not qualified by Law and a Popish Mercenary Army maintained in the Kingdom in time of Peace absolutely contrary to Law The Execution of the Law against several high Crimes and Misdemeanours superseded and prohibited the Statutes against Correspondence with the Court of Rome Papal Jurisdiction and Popish Priests suspended that in Courts of Justice those Judges are displaced who dare acquit them whom the King would have Condemned as happened to Judg Powel and Holloway for acquitting the Seven Bishops Liberty of chusing Members of Parliament notwithstanding all the Care taken and Provision made by Law on that behalf wholly taken away by Quo Warranto's served against Corporations and the three known Questions All things carried on in open view for the Propagation and Growth of Popery for which the Courts of England and France have so long joyntly laboured with so much Application and Earnestness Endeavours used to perswade your Royal Highnesses to consent to Liberty of Conscience and abrogating the Penal Laws and Tests wherein they fell short of their aim That they most humbly implore the Protection of your Royal Highnesses as to the 〈◊〉 ending and incroachments made upon the Law for maintenance of the Protestant Religion our Civil and Fundamental Rights and Priviledg and that Your Royal Highness would be pleased to insist that the Free Parliament of England according to Law may be restored the Laws against Papists Priests Papal Jurisdiction c. put in Execution and the Suspending and Dispensing Power declared null and void the Rights and Priviledges of the City of London the free Choice of their Magistrates and the Li●●●ties as well of that as other Corporations restored and all things returned to their 〈◊〉 Channel c. Admiral Herbert 's Letter to all Commanders of Ships and Seamen in His Majesties Fleet. Gentlemen I Have little to add to what his Highness has express'd in general Terms besides laying before you the dangerous way you are at present in where Ruin or Infamy must inevitably attend you if you don't joyn with the Prince in the Common Cause for the Defence of your Religion and Liberties for should it please God for the sins of the English Nation to suffer your Arms to prevail to what can your Victory serve you but to enslave you deeper and overthrow the true Religion in which you have liv'd and your Fathers dy'd Of which I beg you as a Friend to consider the Consequences and to reflect on the Blot and Infamy it will bring on you not only now but in all After-Ages That by Your means the Protestant Religion was destroy'd and your Country depriv'd of its Ancient Liberties And if it pleases God to bless the Prince's Endeavours with success as I don't doubt but he will consider then what their Condition will be that oppose him in this so good a Design where the greatest Favour they can hope for is their being suffer'd to end their Days in Misery and Want detested and despised by all good Men. It is therefore and for many more Reasons too long to insert here that I as a true English-man and your Friend exhort you to joyn your Arms to the Prince for the Defence of the Common Cause the Protestant Religion and the Liberties of your Country It is what I am well assured the major and best part of the Army as well as the Nation will do so soon as convenience is offered Prevent them in so good an Action whilst it is in your power and may it appear That as the Kingdom hath always depended on the Navy for its Defence so you will yet go further by making it as much as in you lies the Protection of her Religion and Liberties and then you may assure your selves of all Marks of Favour and Honour suitable to the Merits of so great and glorious an Action After this I ought not to add so inconsiderable a thing as that it will for ever engage me to be in a most particular manner Your faithful Friend and humble Servant AR. HERBERT Aboard the Leyden in the Gooree Lord Delamear 's Speech THE occasion of this is to give you my Thoughts upon the present Conjuncture which concerns not only you but every Protestant and Free-born Man of England I am confident that wishes well to the Protestant Religion and his Country and I am perswaded that every Man of you thinks both in danger and now to lie at stake I am also perswaded that every Man of you will rejoyce to see Religion and Property settled if so then I am not mistaken in my Conjectures concerning you Can you ever hope for a better Occasion to root out POPERY and SLAVERY than by joining with the P. of O. whose Proposals contain and speak the Desires of every Man that loves his Religion and Liberty And in saying this I will invite you to nothing but what I will do my self and I will not desire any of you to go any further than I will move my self neither will I put you upon any Danger where I will not take share in it I propose this to you not as you are my Tenants but as my Friends and as you are Englishmen No Man can love Fighting for its own sake nor find any pleasure in danger And you may imagine I would be very glad to spend the rest of my days in peace I having had so great a share in Troubles but I see all lies at stake I am to chuse whether I will be a Slave and a Papist or a
Protestant and a Free man and therefore the Case being thus I shall think my self false to my Country if I sit still at this time I am of Opinion that when the Nation is Deliver'd it must be by Force or by Miracle It would be too great a presumption to expect the latter and therefore our Deliverance must be by Force and I hope this is the Time for it a Price is now put into our Hands and if it miscarry for want of Assistance our Blood is upon our own Heads and he that is passive at this Time may very well expect that God will mock when the Fear of Affliction comes upon him which he thought to avoid by being indifferent If the King prevails farewel Liberty of Conscience which has hitherto been allowed not for the sake of the Protestants but in order to settle Popery You may see what to expect if he get the better and he hath lately given you of this Town a taste of the Method whereby he will maintain his Army And you may see of what sort of People he intends his Army to consist and if you have not a mind to serve such Masters then stand not by and see your Country-men perish when they are endeavouring to defend you I promise this on my Word and Honour to every Tenant that goes along with me That if he fall I will make his Lease 〈◊〉 good to his Family as it was when he went from home The thing then which ●●se ●esire and your Country does expect from you is this That every Man that hath a to●rable Horse or can procure one will meet me on Boden-Downs to morrow where I Rendezvouz But if any of you is rendred unable by reason of Age or any other just Excuse then that he would mount a fitter person and put five Pounds in his Pocket Those that have not nor cannot procure Horse let them stay at home and assist with their Purses and send it to me with a particular of every Mans Contribution I impose on no Man but let him lay his Hand on his Heart and consider what he is willing to give to recover his Religion and Liberty and to such I promise and to all that go along with 〈…〉 if we prevail I will be as industrious to have him recompensed for his Charge and ●●azard as I will be to seek it for my self This Advice I give to all that stay behind That when you hear the Papists have committed any Out-rage or any Rising that you will get together for it is better to meet your danger than expect it I have no more to say but that I am willing to lose my Life in the Cause if God see it good for I was never unwilling to die for my Religion and Country An Engagement of the Noblemen Knights and Gentlemen at Exeter to Assist the Prince of Orange in the Defence of the Protestant Religion Laws and Liberties of the People of England Scotland and Ireland WE do engage to Almighty God and to his Highness the Prince of Orange and with one another to stick firm to this Cause and to one another in the Defence of it and never to depart from it until our Religion Laws and Liberties are so far secured to us in a Free-Parliament that we shall be no more in danger of falling under Popery and Slavery And whereas we are engaged in the Common Cause under the Protection of the Prince of Orange by which means his Person may be exposed to Danger and to the desperate and cursed Designs of Papists and other bloody Men we do therefore solemnly engage to God and to one another That if any such Attempts be made upon him we will pursue not only those that made them but all their Adherents and all we find in Arms against us with the utmost Severity of just Revenge in their Ruin and Destruction and that the executing any such Attempt which God of his Infinite Mercy forbid shall not deprive us from pursuing this Cause which we do now undertake but that it shall encourage us to carry it on with all the Vigour that so Barbarous Approach shall deserve The Declaration of the Nobility Gentry and Commonalty at the Rendezvouz at Nottingham Nov. 22. 1688. WE the Nobility Gentry and Commonalty of these Northern Counties assembled together at Nottingham for the Defence of the Laws Religion and Properties according to those free-born Liberties and Priviledges descended to us from our Ancestors as the undoubted Birth-right of the Subjects of this Kingdom of England not doubting but the Infringers and Invaders of our Rights will represent us to the rest of the Nation in the most malicious dress they can put upon us do here unanimously think it our Duty to declare to the rest of our Protestant Fellow-Subjects the Grounds of our present Undertaking We are by innumerable Grievances made sensible that the very Fundamentals of our Religion Liberties and Properties are about to be rooted out by our late Jesuitical Privy Council as hath been of late too apparent 1. By the King's dispensing with all the Establish'd Laws at his pleasure 2. By displacing all Officers out of all Offices of Trust and Advantage and placing others in their room that are known Papists deservedly made incapable by the Establish'd Laws of our Land 3. By destroying the Charters of most Corporations in the Land 4. By discouraging all Persons that are not Papists preferring such as turn to Popery 5. By displacing all honest and conscientious Judges unless they would ●●ntrary to their Consciences declare that to be Law which was meerly arbitrary 〈…〉 By branding all Men with the name of Rebels that but offered to justifie the Law 〈…〉 a legal course against the arbitrary proceedings of the King or any of his corrupt Ministers 7. By burthening the Nation with an Army to maintain the Violation of the Rights of the Subjects 8. By discountenancing the Establish'd Reformed Religion 9. By forbidding the Subjects the benefit of Petitioning and const●●ing them Libellers so rendring the Laws a Nose of Wax to serve their Arbitrary 〈…〉 And many more such-like too long here to enumerate We being thus made sadly sensible o● he Arbitrary and Tyrannical Government that is by the Influence of Jesuitical Counsels coming upon us do unanimously declare That not being willing to deliver our Posterity over to such a Condition of Popery and Slavery as the aforesaid Oppressions inevitably threaten we will to the utmost of our power oppose the same by joining with the Prince of Orange whom we hope God Almighty hath sent to rescue us from the Oppressions aforesaid will use our utmost Endeavours for the recovery of our almost ruin'd Laws Liberties and Religion And herein we hope all good Protestant Subjects will with their Lives and Fortunes be assistant to us and not be bugbear'd with the opprobrious Terms of Rebels by which they would fright us to become perfect Slaves to their Tyrannical Insolences and Usurpations
for we assure our selves that no rational and unbyassed Person will judge it Rebellion to defend our Laws and Religion which all our Princes have sworn at their Coronations Which Oath how well it hath been observed of late we desire a Free Parliament may have the Consideration of We own it Rebellion to resist a King that governs by Law but he was always accounted a Tyrant that made his Will his Law and to resist such an one we justly esteem no Rebellion but a necessary Defence And in this Consideration we doubt not of all Honest Mens Assistance and humbly hope for and implore the great Gods Protection that turneth the Hearts of People as pleaseth him best it having been observed That People can never be of one Mind without his Inspiration which hath in all Ages confirmed that Observation Vox Populi est Vox Dei The present restoring of Charters and reversing the oppressing and unjust Judgment given on Magdalen Colledg Fellows is plain are but to still the People like Plums to Children by deceiving them for a while but if they shall by this Stratagem be fooled till this present Storm that threatens the Papists be past as soon as they shall be resetled the former Oppression will be put on with greater vigour But we hope in vain is the Net spread in the sight of the Birds For 1. the Papists old Rule is That Faith is not to be kept with Hereticks as they term Protestants tho the Popish Religion is the greatest Heresie And 2. Queen Mary's so ill observing her Promises to the Suffolk-men that help'd her to the Throne And above all 3. the Popes dispensing with the breach of Oaths Treaties or Promises at his pleasure when it makes for the service of Holy Church as they term it These we say are such convincing Reasons to hinder us from giving Credit to the aforesaid Mock-Shews of Redress that we think our selves bound in Conscience to rest on no Security that shall not be approved by a Freely Elected Parliament to whom under God we refer our Cause His Grace the Duke of Norfolk 's Speech to the Mayor of Norwich on the First of December in the Market-place of Norwich Mr. Mayor NOT doubting but you and the rest of your Body as well as the whole City and Country may be Alarmed by the great Concourse of Gentry with the numerous Appearance of their Friends and Servants as well as of your own Militia here this Morning I have thought this the most proper place as being the most publick one to give you an Account of our Intentions Out of the deep sense we had that in the present unhappy Juncture of Affairs nothing we could think of was possible to secure the Laws Liberties and Protestant Religion but a Free Parliament WE ARE HERE MET TO DECLARE That we will do our utmost to defend the same by declaring for such a Free Parliament And since His Majesty hath been pleased by the News we hear this day to order Writs for a Parliament to sit the Fifteenth of January next I can only add in the name of my Self and all these Gentlemen and others here met That we will ever be ready to support and defend the Laws Liberties and Protestant Religion And so GOD SAVE THE KING To this the Mayor Aldermen and the rest of the Corporation and a numerous Assembly did concur with his Grace and the rest of the Gentry His Grace at his lighting from his Horse perceiving great numbers of Common People gathering together called them to him and told them He desired they would not take any occasion to commit any Disorder or Outrage but go quietly to their Homes and acquainted them that the King had ordered a Free Parliament to be called The Speech of the Prince of Orange to some Principal Gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire on their coming to joyn his Highness at Exeter the 15th of Nov. 1688. THO we know not all your Persons yet we have a Catalogue of your Names and remember the Character of your Worth and Interest in your Country You see we are come according to your Invitation and our Promise Our Duty to God obliges us to protect the Protestant Religion and our Love to Mankind your Liberties and Properties We expected you that dwelt so near the place of our Landing would have joyn'd us sooner not that it is now too late nor that we want your Military Assistance so much as your Countenance and Presence to justifie our declar'd Pretensions rather than accomplish our good and gracious Designs Tho we have brought both a good Fleet and a good Army to render these Kingdoms happy by rescuing all Protestants from Popery Slavery and Arbitrary Power by restoring them to their Rights and Properties established by Law and by promoting of Peace and Trade which is the Soul of Government and the very Life-Blood of a Nation yet we rely more on the goodness of God and the Justice of our Cause than on any Humane Force and Power whatever Yet since God is pleased we shall make use of Human Means and not expect Miracles for our Preservation and Happiness let us not neglect making use of this gracious Opportunity but with Prudence and Courage put in Execution our so honourable Purposes Therefore Gentlemen Friends and Fellow-Protestants we bid you and all your Followers most heartily Welcom to our Court and Camp Let the whole World now judg if our Pretensions are not Just Generous Sincere and above Price since we might have even a Bridge of Gold to return back But it is our Principle and Resolution rather to die in a good Cause than live in a bad One well knowing that Vertue and True Honour is its own Reward and the Happiness of Mankind Our Great and Only Design The true Copy of a Paper delivered by the Lord Devonshire to the Mayor of Darby where he quarter'd the one and twentieth of November 1688. WE the Nobility and Gentry of the Northern parts of England being deeply sensible of the Calamities that threaten these Kingdoms do think it our Duty as Christians and good Subjects to endeavour what in us lies the Healing of our present Distractions and preventing greater And as with grief we apprehend the said Consequences that may arise from the Landing of an Army in this Kingdom from Foreign parts So we cannot but deplore the Occasion given for it by so many Invasions made of late Years on our Religion and Laws And whereas we cannot think of any other Expedient to compose our Differences and prevent Effusion of Blood than that which procured a Settlement in these Kingdoms after the late Civil Wars the Meeting and Sitting of a Parliament freely and duly Chosen we think our selves obliged as far as in us lies to promote it And the rather because the Prince of Orange as appears by his Declaration is willing to submit his own Pretensions and all other Matters to their Determination We heartily Wish and
So that Conquest may make Way for a Government but it cannot constitute it Secondly There is a Supreme Power in every Community essential to it and inseparable from it by which if it be not limited immediately by God it can form it self into any kind of Government And in some extraordinary Occasions when the Safety and Peace of the Publick necessarily require it can supply the Defects reform the Abuses and re-establish the true Fundamentals of the Government by Purging Refining and bringing Things back to their first Original Which Power may be called The Supreme Power Real Thirdly When the Community has made choice of some Form of Government and subjected themselves to it having invested some Person or Persons with the Supreme Power The Power in those Persons may be called The Supream Power Personal Fourthly If this Form be a mix'd Government of Monarchy Aristocracy and Democracy and for the easie Execution of the Laws the Executive Power be lodg'd in a single Person He has a Supream Power Personal quoad hoc Fifthly The Supreme Power Personal of England is in Kings Lords and Commons and so it was in Effect agreed to by King Charles the First in his Answer to the nineteen Popositions and resolved by the Convention of the Lords and Commons in the year 1660. And note That the Acts of that Convention tho' never confirmed by Parliament have been taken for Law and particularly by the Lord Chief Justice Hales Sixthly The Supreme Power Personal of England fails three Ways 1. 'T is dissolved For two Essential Parts fail 1. a King 2. a House of Commons which cannot be called according to Constitution the King being gone and the Freedom of Election being destroyed by the Kings Incroachments 2. The King has forfeited his Power several Ways Subjection to the Bishop of Rome is the Subjection against which our Laws cry loudest And even Barclay that Monarchical Politician acknowledges That if a King alienate his Kingdom or subject it to another he forfeits it And Grotius asserts That if a King really attempt to deliver up or subject his Kingdom he may be therein resisted And that if the King have part of the Supreme Power and the People or Senate the other part the King invading that part which is not his a just Force may be opposed and he may lose his Part of the Empire Grotius de Bello c. Cap. 72. But that the King has subjected the Kingdom to the Pope needs no Proof That he has usurp'd an absolute Power superieur to all Laws made the Peoples Share in the Legislative Power impertinent and useless and thereby invaded their just Rights none can deny 'T were in vain to multiply Instances of his Forfeitures And if we consider the Power exercis'd by him of late it will most evidently appear to all who understand the English Constitution that it admits of no such King nor any such Power 3. The King has deserted 1. By incapacitating himself by a Religion inconsistent with the Fundamentals of our Government 2. By forsaking the Power the Constitution allow'd him and usurping a Foreign one So that tho the Person remained the King was gone long ago 3. By Personal Withdrawing Seventhly The Supreme Power Real remains in the Community and they may act by their Original Power And tho every Particular Person is notwithstanding such Dissolution Forfeiture or Desertion subject to the Laws which were made by the Supreme Power Personal when in Being yet the Communities Power is not bound by them but is paramount all Laws made by the Supreme Power Personal And has a full Right to take such Measures for Settling the Government as they shall think most sure and effectual for the lasting Security and Peace of the Nation For we must note that it was the Community of England which first gave Being to both King and Parliament and to all the other Parts of our Constitution Eighthly The most Renowned Politician observes That those Kingdoms and Republicks subsist longest that are often renewed or brought back to their first Beginnings which is an Observation of Self-evident Truth and implies That the Supreme Power Real has a Right to renew or bring back And the most-ingenious Lawson observes in his Politica That the Community of England in the late Times had the greatest Advantage that they or their Ancestors had had for many Ages for this purpose tho God hid it from their Eyes But the wonderful Concurrence of such a series of Providences as we now see and admire gives ground to hope That the Veil is removed and the Nation will now see the Things that concern their Peace Ninthly The Acts done and executed by the Supreme Power Personal when in Being have so modell'd the Parts and Persons of the Community that the Original Constitution is the best justest and the most desirable The Royal Family affords a Person that both Heaven and Earth point out for King There are Lords whose Nobility is not affected by the Dissolution of the Government and are the subject Matter of a House of Lords And there are Places which by Custom or Charter have Right to choose Representatives of the Commons Tenthly There are inextricable Difficulties in all other Methods For 1. There is no Demise of the King neither Civil nor Natural 2. There is consequently no Descent 3. The Community only has a Right to take Advantage of the King's Forfeiture or Desertion 4. Whatever other Power may be imagin'd in the two Houses as Houses of Parliament it cannot justify it self to the Reason of any who understand the Bottom of our Constitution 5. By this Method all Popish Successors may be excluded and the Government secured in case all the Protestants of the Family die without Issue And this by the very Constitution of England And the Question can never arise about the Force or the Lawfulness of a Bill of Exclusion 6. The Convention will not be oblig'd to take Oaths c. Eleventhly If these things be granted and the Community be at Liberty to act as above it will certainly be most advisable not only for the Security and Welfare of the Nation but if rightly understood for the Interest of their Royal Highnesses to limit the Crown as follows To the Prince of Orange during his Life yet with all possible Honour and Respect to the Princess whose Interests and Inclinations are inseparably the same with his Remainder to the Princess of Orange and the Heirs of her Body Remainder to the Princess of Denmark and the Heirs of her Body Remainder to the Heirs of the Body of the Prince of Orange Remainder as an Act of Parliament shall appoint This will have these Conveniences among others 1. Husband and Wife are but one Person in Law and her Husbands Honour is hers 2. It puts the present Kingly Power into the best Hand in the World which without Flattery is agreed on by all Men. 3. It asserts the above said Power in the
Government is ours their Servants were Slaves and their Kings and Emperours Wills were their Laws their People had no Magna Charta's to show nor Fundamental Compacts and so could plead no injustice in any command the frame of the Government Warranted all those commands that had the Royal pleasure Their Political Power was more extensive than their Moral Power The People were wholly at the Mercy of the Prince All their Laws were Acts of Grace not fundamental Reserves and inherent Rights and therefore in Spirituals they had no Cause to resist and in Temporals they might not as was observed above If they had been under limited Governments as we are we might have heard of Blows as well as Words St. Paul was never so virulent with his Tongue as when he was smitten contrary to Law Obj. 3. But the Person of the King is sacred and must not he touched Answ I say so too but it is his just Power that makes him so And therefore in dangerous times he is to be counselled and perswaded to secure himself by keeping within the Sanctuary of the Laws and holding them forth for the Publick Good by gaining the Affections of the People and being content with that measure of Power that is proper to the Government For if he doth not Right may and ought to be defended and resistance for the Publick good of Illegal Commissioned Forces is not resisting the King's Person but his Forces nor his Power but his Force without Power If none would execute the King's contradictory Commands none would resist and if he will against all Justice Prudence and Perswasions joyn with wicked Men and wilfully expose himself to the mercy of blind Bullets charge is to be given to all that none kill him wittingly or wilfully the hand that lifted him up may not pull him down God forbid that any should think of killing him de industrâ or despair of his repentance before God does nothing past can prejudice a Penitent before God and I hope not before Men thus the King's person and power will be safe in the midst of a Civil War not so safe as in peaceable times but as safe as can consist with the Subjects Right when their Religion and Laws Liberty and Property are Violently invaded And therefore if any thing befall his person by their hands it is but a chance and accidental thing which may happen also in peaceable times This shows that Resisting the King 's illegal commission'd Forces in defence of their own just Rights is not resisting the Ordinance of God and consequently no Sin and then the Conscience is not tyed otherwise than the Laws of the Land and the particular Frame of the government tyes it Obj. 4. But to resist the King or his Commissioners is against the Frame of the Government it being a Monarchy and against the Laws and Statutes of the Realm Answ If it be so it is a great Sin but as it is certain this is a Monarchy so it is certain that it is limited in the Foundation otherwise the King would have all the Legislative Power and the Parliment no Authority or Right but derived from him and then he must be Arbitrary and we Slaves and all our Laws must be acts of Grace not Fundamental Rights Not from any inherent power reserved at the Institution to our selves and never submitted to the Princes but from the gracious condescention of an Absolute Monarch which is contrary to the Story of all times which shows that the people ever claimed Liberty and Property according to their Ancient Laws and Customs not as a Gift but as a Right inherent in themselves and never Transferred Aliened or Conveyed to any King but Declared Recognized and Confirmed to them by many I shall therefore suppose what I think none can upon sufficient grounds deny that the King is bound by all the sacred Tyes of God and Man to govern by the Laws and not otherwise neither by a Foreign Law nor by one of his own framing nor by any Word or Will contrary to Law seeing nothing can have the force of Law here but what has the joynt Consent of King and Parliament and that in a Parliamentary way and this shows us in the Terms of Submission that are sworn to on both sides The King and the people by a joynt consent makes Laws and make them the common Rule betwixt them the King swears to observe the Laws and the people swear to obey the King and to leave the Execution of the Laws to the King to be managed for the publick good Therefore as long as he governs by Law he and all his Ministers are safe enough from Resistance the Resister being lyable to be punished both by God and Man and the sole administration being left to the King Subjects all but himself to Criminal process and even himself to Civil but his person and power are safe in both he may be severe in the Execution of the Laws many times but not unjust As if he will not suspend a Burthensom Law or Revive an Antiquated one when the publick good requires it This may render him uncharitable or imprudent but he is safe yet For though he be bound to proceed according to Law yet he is not tyed to proceed always according to the best Methods when there are diverse But if he stop the Courts of Justice erect new ones or proceed contrary to Law he Acts without Authority and against his own Authority and puts on a kind of a Vizard that his Subjects can neither know him nor their Duty for it is the Laws that direct them to the person of the King and their own Duty without which they could know neither And if the End be not the publick good it is downright Injustice as well as politically powerless Necessity indeed may justifie a Political unlawful Act for the Publick good As in case of an Invasion to burn a garrison rather than it should be a refuge for the Enemy or to open Sluces and to drown a part of the Country for though these things have not the form of the Law they have the reason and that is Publick good And therefore it is not Law but Necessity not the King's Command but Publick good that warrants these Acts. And when Peace returns the Injured are to have satisfaction made by the Publick not as of Charity but as of Justice which shows that the Law looks upon it as a Trespass justified only by Necessity and the Publick good And the particular Persons here have reason to be quiet and make no resistance because they shall reap double benefit by it one in the Publick good and another from the Publick Treasure But it does not follow that if the King in an angry mood should command his guards to fire Newmarket because he had lost an Horse-race there or had a mind to have a Bonefire because he had won one that the Inhabitants might not resist them Obj. 5. By what Law
to publish all his Arbitrary Declarations and in particular one that strikes at their whole Settlement and has ordered Process to be begun against all that disobey'd this illegal Warrant and has treated so great a number of the Bishops as Criminals only for representing to him the Reasons of their not obeying him if likewise the King is not satisfied to profess his own Religion openly though even that is contrary to Law but has sent Ambassadors to Rome and received Nuntio 's from thence which is plainly Treason by Law if likewise many Popish Churches and Chappels have been publickly opened if several Colledges of Jesuits have been set up in divers parts of the Nation and one of the Order has been made a Privy Counsellor and a principal Minister of State and if Papists and even those who turn to that Religion though declared Traitors by Law are brought into all the chief Employments both Military and Civil then it is plain That all the Rights of the Church of England and the whole establishment of the Protestant Religion are struck at and designed to be overturned since all these things as they are notoriously illegal so they evidently demonstrate That the great design of them all is the rooting out of this Pestilent Heresy in their stile I mean the Protestant Religion In the next place If in the whole Course of Justice it is visible that there is a constant practising upon the Judges that they are turned out upon their varying from the Intentions of the Court and if Men of no Reputation nor Abilities are put in their places if an Army is kept up in time of Peace and Men who withdraw from that illegal Service are hanged up as Criminals without any colour of Law which by consequence are so many Murders and if the Souldiery are connived at and encouraged in the most enormous Crimes that so they may be thereby prepared to commit greater ones and from single Rapes and Murders proceed to a rape upon all our Liberties and a destruction of the Nation if I say all these things are true in fact then it is plain that there is such a dissolution of the Government made that there is not any one part of it left found and entire and if all these things are done now it is easy to imagine what may be expected when Arbitrary Power that spares no Man and Popery that spares no Heretick are finally established Then we may look for nothing but Gabelles Tailles Impositions Benevolences and all sorts of illegal Taxes as from the other we may expect Burnings Massacres and Inquisitions In what is doing in Scotland we may gather what is to be expected in England where if the King has over and over again declared that he is vested with an Absolute Power to which all are bound to obey without reserve and has upon that annulled almost all the Acts of Parliament that passed in K. James the Ist's Minority though they were ratified by himself when he came to be of age and were confirmed by all the subsequent Kings not excepting the present We must then conclude from thence what is resolved on here in England and what will be put in execution as soon as it is thought that the Times can bear it When likewise the whole Settlement of Ireland is shaken and the Army that was raised and is maintained by Taxes that were given for an Army of English Protestants to secure them from a new Massacre by the Irish Papists is now all filled with Irish Papists as well as almost all the other Imployments it is plain That not only all the British Protestants inhabiting that Island are in daily danger of being butchered a second time but that the Crown of England is in danger of losing that Island it being now put wholly into the hands and power of the Native Irish who as they formerly offered themselves up sometimes to the Crown of Spain sometimes to the Pope and once to the Duke of Lorrain so are they perhaps at this present treating with another Court for the sale and surrender of the Island and for the Massacre of the English in it If thus all the several Branches of our Constitution are dissolved it might be at least expected that one part should be left entire and that is the Regal Dignity and yet even that is prostituted when we see a young Child put in the reversion of it and pretended to be the Prince of Wales concerning whose being born of the Queen there appear to be not only no certain Proofs but there are all the Presumptions that can possibly be imagined to the contrary No Proofs were ever given either to the Princess of Denmark or to any other Protestant Ladies in whom we ought to repose any Confidence that the Queen was ever with Child that whole matter being managed with so much Mysteriousness that there were violent and publick Suspitions of it before the Birth But the whole Contrivance of the Birth the sending away the Princess of Denmark the sudden shortning of the Reckoning the Queen 's sudden going to St. James's her no less sudden pretended Delivery the hurrying the Child into another Room without shewing it to those present and without their hearing it cry and the mysterious Conduct of all since that time no satisfaction being given to the Princess of Denmark upon her Return from the Bath nor to any other Protestant Ladies of the Queen's having been really brought to bed These are all such evident Indications of a base Imposture in this matter that as the Nation has the justest reason in the World to doubt of it so they have all possible reason to be at no quiet till they see a Legal and Free Parliament assembled which may impartially and without either Fear or Corruption examine that whole matter If all these Matters are true in fact then I suppose no Man will doubt that the whole Foundations of this Government and all the most sacred Parts of it are overturned And as to the truth of all these Suppositions that is left to every Englishman's Judgment and Sense The Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy no Badges of Slavery THE Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Crown of England having been invaded and broke in upon by the Power of the Court of Rome in K. Henry the Eighth 's time all Foreign Power was abolished and the Antient Legal Supremacy restor'd and by many additional Acts corroborated But all that was done of that kind in K. Henry the Eighth 's time was undone again in Queen Mary's and therefore in the first Year of Queen Elizabeth's Reign an Act of Parliament was made Intituled All Antient Jurisdiction restored to the Crown A Repeal of divers Statutes and Reviver of others and all foreign Power Abolished Which Act recites that whereas in the Reign of R. H. 8. divers good Laws were made and established as well for the utter extinguishment and putting away of all Vsurped and Foreign Powers and
recites the daily Experiences that many of his Majesty's Subjects that adhere in their Hearts to the Popish Religion by the Infection drawn from thence by the wicked and devillish Counsel of Jesuits Seminaries and other like Persons dangerous to the Church and State are so far perverted in the point of their Loyalties and due Allegiance to the King's Majesty and the Crown of England as they are ready to entertain and execute any Treasonable Conspiracies and Practices And for the better Trial how his Majesty's Subjects stand affected in point of their Loyalties and due Obedience Enacts that it shall be lawful for any Bishop in his Diocess or any two Justices of the Peace whereof one to be of the Quorum within the Limits of their Jurisdiction out of the Session to require any Person of the age of eighteen Years or above which shall be convict or indicted of Recusancy other than Noblemen c. or which shall not have received the Sacrament twice within the Year then next past or any Person passing in or through the Country unknown that being examined upon Oath shall confess or not deny him or her self to be a Recusant and to take the Oath therein after expressed viz. c. The Oath of Allegiance So that by the occasion of imposing the Oath and by the appointing it to be tendred only to Papists or suspected Papists it is apparent that the Design of the Law-makers was to detect such Persons as were perverted or in danger to be perverted in their Loyalty by Infection drawn from the Popish Religion The form of the Oath makes it yet more evident being wholly levell'd against any Opinion of the Lawfulness of deposing the King or practising any Treason against him upon pretence of his being excommunicated or deprived by the Pope and against any Opinion of the Pope's Power to discharge Subjects from their Oaths of Fidelity to their Princes It runs thus viz. I A. B. Do truly and sincerely profess testify and declare in my Conscience before God and the World that our Soveraign Lord King James is lawful and rightful King of this Realm and of all his Majesty's Dominions and Countries And that the Pope neither of himself nor by any Authority of the Church or See of Rome or by any other means with any other hath any Power or Authority to depose the King or to dispose any of his Majesty's Kingdoms or Dominions or to authorize any Foreign Prince to invade or annoy him or his Countries or to discharge any of his Subjects of their Allegiance or Obedience to his Majesty or to give licence or leave to any of them to bear Arms raise Tumults or to offer any Violence or Hurt to his Majesty's Royal Person State or Government or to any of his Majesty's Subjects within his Majesty's Dominions Also I do swear from my Heart that notwithstanding any Declaration or Sentence of Excommunication or Deprivation made or granted or to be made or granted by the Pope or his Successors or by any Authority derived or pretended to be derived from him or his See against the said King his Heirs and Successors or any Absolution of the said Subjects from their Obedience I will bear Faith and true Allegiance to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors and him and them will defend to the uttermost of my Power against all Conspiracies and Attempts whatsoever which shall be made against his or their Persons their Crown and Dignity by reason or colour of any such Sentence or Declaration or otherwise and will do my best endeavour to disclose and make known unto his Majesty his Heirs and Successors all Treasons and traiterous Conspiracies which I shall know or hear of to be against him or any of them And I do further swear that I do from my Heart abhor and detest and abjure as impious and heretical this damnable Doctrine and Position That Princes which be excommunicated or deprived by the Pope may be deposed or murthered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever And I do believe and in Conscience am perswaded that neither the Pope nor any Person whatsoever hath Power to absolve me of this Oath or any part thereof which I acknowledg by good and lawful Authority to be lawfully administred unto me and I do renounce all Parsons and Dispensations to the contrary And all these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledg and swear according to these express words by me spoken and according to the plain and common Sense and Vnderstanding of the same words without any Equivocation or mental Evasion or secret Reservation whatsoever And I do make this Recognition and Acknowledgment heartily willingly and truly upon the true Faith of a Christian So help me God And the Statute of 7 Jacobi cap. 6. recites that Whereas by a Statute made in the third Year of the said King's Reign the form of an Oath to be ministred and given to certain Persons in the same Act mentioned is limited and prescribed tending only to the Declaration of such Duty as every true and well affected Subject not only by bond of Allegiance but also by the Commandment of Almighty God ought to bear to the King his Heirs and Successors Which Oath such are infected with Popish Superstition do oppugne with many false and unsound Arguments the just defence whereof the King had therefore undertaken and worthily performed to the great contentment of all his Subjects notwithstanding the Gainsayings of Contentious Adversaries And to shew how greatly the King 's Loyal Subjects do approve the said Oath they beseech his Majesty that the said Oath be administred to all his Subjects The Pope and Authority of the See of Rome run through the first Paragraph Notwithstanding any Declaration or Sentence of Excommunication c. Governs the second Paragraph Excommunicated and deprived the Pope are the material words in the third Paragraph The fourth is added in Majorem cautelam in opposition to the Popish Doctrine of Dispensing with Oaths Absolving Subjects from their Allegiance Equivocations Mental Evasions c. So that as the Oath of Supremacy did but enforce the Antient Oath of Fealty with an acknowledgment of the Queen 's supream Authority in Ecclesiastial Causes and things as well as Temporal and a Renunciation of all Foreign Jurisdictions so the Oath of Allegiance does but enforce the same old Oath of Fealty by obliging the Subjects of England expresly to disown any lawful Authority in the Pope or See of Rome to depose invade or annoy the King his Dominions or Subjects And notwithstanding any Sentence of Excommunication Deprivation c. by the Pope c. to bear Faith and true Allegiance to the King his Heirs and lawful Successors And to abjure that Position that it is lawful to depose Princes that are Excommunicated or Deprived by the Pope Whatever is added is either Oath over and above what was exprest in the old Oath of Fealty is but as Explanatory of it and branching it out
Administration of Justice Belongeth to the Office of a King But the fullest account of it in few words is in Chancellor Fortescue Chap. XIII which Passage is quoted in Calvin's Case Coke VII Rep. Fol 5. Ad Tutelam namque Legis Subditorum ac eorum Corporum bonorum Rex hujusmodi erectus est ad hanc potestatem a populo effluxam ipse habet quo ei non licet potestate alia suo populo Dominari For such a King That is of every Political Kingdom as this is is made and ordained for the Defence or Guardianship of the Law of his Subjects and of their Bodies and Goods whereunto he receiveth power of his People so that he cannot Govern his People by any other power Corollary 1. A Bargain 's a Bargain 2. A Popish Guardian of Protestant Laws is such an Incongruity and he is as Unfit for that Office as Antichrist is to be Christ's Vicar CHAP. II. Of Prerogatives by Divine Right I. GOvernment is not matter of Revelation if it were then those Nations that wanted Scripture must have been without Government whereas Scripture it self says That Government is The Ordinance of Man and of Humane Extraction And King Charles the First says of this Government in particular That it was Moulded by the Wisdom and Experience of the People Answ to XIX Prop. II. All just Governments are highly Beneficial to Mankind and are of God the Author of all Good they are his Ordinances and Institutions Rom. 13.1 2. III. Plowing and Sowing and the whole business of preparing Bread-Corn is absolutely necessary to the subsistence of Mankind This also cometh forth from the Lord of Hosts who is wonderful in Counsel and excellent in Working Isa 28. from 23. to 29th Verse IV. Wisdom saith Counsel is mine and sound Wisdom I am Vnderstanding I have strength By me Kings Reign and Princes decree Justice By me Princes Rule and Nobles even all the Judges of the Earth Prov. 8.14 V. The Prophet speaking of the Plowman saith His God doth instruct him to discretion and doth teach him Isa 28.26 VI. Scripture neither gives nor takes away Mens Civil Rights but leaves them as it found them and as our Saviour said of himself is no Divider of Inheritances VII Civil Authority is a Civil Right VIII The Law of England gives the King his Title to the Crown For where is it said in Scripture That such a Person or Family by Name shall enjoy it And the same Law of England which has made him King has made him King according to the English Laws and not otherwise IX The King of England has no more Right to set up a French Government than the French King has to be King of England which is none at all X. Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesars neither makes a Caesar nor tells who Caesar is nor what belongs to him but only requires Men to be just in giving him those supposed Rights which the Laws have determined to be his XI The Scripture supposes Property when it forbids Stealing it supposes Mens Lands to be already Butted and Bounded when it forbids removing the antient Land-marks And as it is impossible for any Man to prove what Estate he has by Scripture or to find a Terrier of his Lands there so it is a vain thing to look for Statutes of Prerogative in Scripture XII If Mishpat Hamelech the manner of the King 1 Sam. 8.11 be a Statute of Prerogative and prove all those particulars to be the Right of the King then Mishpat Haccohanim the Priest's custom of Sacrilegeous Rapine Chap. 2.13 proves that to be the Right of the Priests the same wood being used in both places XIII It is the Resolution of all the Judges of England that even the known and undoubted Prerogatives of the Jewish Kings do not belong to our Kings and that it is an absurd and impudent thing to affirm they do Coke 11. Rep. p. 63. Mich. 5. Jac. Give us a King to Judge us 1 Sam. 8.5 6 20. Note upon Sunday the Tenth of November in this same Term the King upon Complaint made to him by Bancroft Archbishop of Canterbury concerning Prohibitions was informed that when Question was made of what matters the Ecclesiastical Judges have Cognizance either upon the Exposition of the Statutes concerning Tythes or any other Thing Ecclesiastical or upon the Statute 1 Eliz. concerning the High Commission or in any other Case in which there is not express Authority by Law the King himself may decide it in his Royal person and that the Judges are but the Delegates of the King and that the King may take what Causes he shall please to determine from the Determination of the Judges and may determine them himself And the Archbishop said That this was clear in Divinity That such Authority belongs to the King by the Word of God in Scripture To which it was answered by me in the presence and with the clear consent of all the Justices of England and Barons of the Exchequer That the King in his own person cannot adjudge any Case either Criminal as Treason Felony c. but this ought to be determined and adjusted in some Court of Justice according to the Law and Custom of England And always Judgments are given Ideo consideratum est per Curiam so that the Court gives the Judgment And it was greatly marvelled That the Archbishop durst inform the King that such absolute power and authority as is aforesaid belonged to the King by the Word of God CHAP. III. Of OBEDIENCE I. NO Man has any more Civil Authority than what the Law of the Land has vested in him Nor is he one of St. Paul's Higher Powers any farther or to any other purposes than the Law has impowr'd him II. An Usurped Illegal and Arbitrary power is so far from being the Ordinance of God that it is not the Ordinance of Man III. Whoever opposes an Usurped Illegal and Arbitrary Power does not oppose the Ordinance of God but the Violation of that Ordinance IV. The 13. of the Romans commands Subjection to our Temporal Governours Verse 4. because their Office and Imployment is for the publick welfare For he is the Minister of God to Thee for Good V. The 13. of the Hebrews commands Obedience to spiritual Rulers Verse 17. Because they watch for your Souls VI. But the 13. of the Hebrews did not oblige the Martyrs and Confessors in Queen Mary's Time to obey such blessed Bishops as Bonner and the Beast of Rome who were the perfect Reverse of St. Paul's Spiritual Rulers and whose practice was murthering of Souls and Bodies according to the true Character of Popery which was given it by the Bishops who compiled the Thanksgiving for the Fifth of November but Archbishop Laud was wiser than they and in his time blotted it out The Prayer formerly run thus To that end strengthen the Hands of our Gracious King the Nobles and Magistrates of the
Land to cut off these workers of Iniquity whose Religion is Rebellion whose Faith is Faction whose practice is murthering of Souls and Bodies and to root them out of the Confines of this Kingdom VII All the Judges of England are bound by their Oath 18 Edw. III. 20 Edw. III. Cap. 1.2 and by the duty of their place to disobey all Writs Letters or Commands which are brought to them either under the little Seal or under the great Seal to hinder or delay common Right Are the Judges all bound in an Oath and by their places to break the 13 of the Romans VIII The Engagement of the Lords attending upon the King at York June 13. 1642. which was subscribed by the Lord Keeper and Thirty Nine Peers besides the Lord Chief-Justice Banks and several others of the Privy-Council was in these words We do engage our selves not to Obey any Orders or Commands whatsoever not warranted by the known Laws of the Land Was this likewise an Association against the 13 of the Romans IX A Constable represents the King's person and in the Execution of his Office is within the purview of the 13 of the Romans as all Men grant but in case he so far pervert his Office as to break the Peace and commit Murther Burglary or Robbery on the Highway he may and ought to be Resisted X. The Law of the Land is the best Expositor of the 13 of the Romans Here and in Poland the Law of the Land There XI The 13 of the Romans is receiv'd for Scripture in Poland and yet this is expressed in the Coronation Oath in that Country Quod si Sacramentum meum violavero Incola Regni nullam nobis Obedientiam praestare tenebuntur And if I shall violate my Oath the Inhabitants of the Realm shall not be bound to yield me any Obedience XII The Law of the Land according to Bracton is the highest of all the Higher Powers mentioned in this Text for it is superior to the King and made him King Lib. 3. Cap. 26. Rex habet superiorum Deum item Legem per quam factus est Rex item Curiam suam viz. Comites Barones and therefore by this Text we ought to be subject to it in the first place And according to Melancthon It is the Ordinance of God to which the Higher Powers themselves ought to be subject Vol. 3. In his Commentary on the Fifth Verse Wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for Wrath but also for Conscience sake He hath these words Neque vero haec tantum pertinent ad Subditos sed etiam ad Magistratum qui cum fiunt Tyranni non minus dissipant Ordinationem Dei quam Seditiosi Ideo ipsorum Conscientia fit rea quia non obediunt Ordinationi Dei id est Legibus quibus debent parere Ideo Comminationes hic positae etiam ad ipsos pertinent Itaque hujus mandati severitas moveat omnes ne violationem Politici status putent esse leve peccatum Neither doth this place concern Subjects only but also the Magistrates themselves who when they turn Tyrants do no less overthrow the Ordinance of God than the Seditious and therefore their Consciences too are guilty for not obeying the Ordinance of God that is the Laws which they ought to obey So that the Threatnings in this place do also belong to them wherefore let the severity of this Command deter all men from thinking the Violation of the Political Constitution to be a light Sin Corollary To destroy the Law and Legal Constitution which is the Ordinance of God by false and arbitrary Expositions of this Text is a greater Sin than to destroy it by any other means For it is Seething the Kid in his Mothers Milk CHAP. IV. Of LAWS I. THere is no Natural Obligation wereby one Man is bound to yield Obedience to another but what is founded in paternal or patriarchal Authority II. All the Subjects of a patriarchal Monarch are Princes of the Blood III. All the people of England are not Princes of the Blood IV. No Man who is Naturally Free can be bound but by his own Act and Deed. V. Publick Laws are made by publick consent and they therefore bind every man because every man's consent is involved in them VI. Nothing but the same Authority and Consent which made the Laws can Repeal Alter or Explain them VII To judge and determine Causes against Law without Law or where the Law is obscure and uncertain is to assume Legislative power VIII Power assumed without a Man's consent cannot bind him as his own Act and Deed. IX The Law of the Land is all of a piece and the same Authority which made one Law made all the rest and intended to have them all Impartially Executed X. Law on One Side is the Back-Sword of Justice XI The Best Things when Corrupted are the Worst and the wild Justice of a State of Nature is much more desirable than Law perverted and over-rul'd into Hemlock and Oppression Copies of Two Papers Written by the Late King CHARLES II. Published by His MAJESTIES Command Printed in the Year 1686. The First Paper THE Discourse we had the other Day I hope satisfied you in the main that Christ can have but one Church here upon Earth and I believe that it is as visible as that the Scripture is in Print That none can be that Church but that which is called the Roman Catholick Church I think you need not trouble your self with entring into that Ocean of particular Disputes when the main and in truth the only Question is Where that Church is which we profess to believe in the two Creeds We declare there to believe one Catholick and Apostolick Church and it is not left to every phantastical man's head to believe as he pleases but to the Church to whom Christ left the power upon Earth to govern us in matters of Faith who made these Creeds for our Directions It were a very Irrational thing to make Laws for a Country and leave it to the Inhabitants to be the Interpreters and Judges of those Laws For then every man will be his own Judge and by consequence no such thing as either right or wrong Can we therefore suppose that God Almighty would leave us at those uncertainties as to give us a Rule to go by and to leave every man to be his own Judge I do ask any ingenuous man whether it be not the same thing to follow our own Fancy or to interpret the Scripture by it I would have any man shew me where the power of deciding matters of Faith is given to every particular man Christ left his power to his Church even to forgive Sins in Heaven and left his Spirit with them which they exercised after his Resurrection First by his Apostles in these Creeds and many years after by the Council at Nice where that Creed was made that is called by that name and by the power which they
after the Fifth Century the Doctrine of one Individual Essence was received If you will be farther informed concerning this Father Petau will satisfie you as to the first Period before the Council of Nice and the leared Dr. Cudworth as to the second In all which particulars it appears how variable a thing Tradition is And upon the whole matter the examining Tradition thus is still a searching among Books and here is no living Judge XII If then the Authority that must decide Controversies lies in the Body of the Pastors scattered over the World which is the last retrenchment here as many and as great Scruples will arise as we found in any of the former Heads Two difficulties appear at first view the one is How can we be assured that the present Pastors of the Church are derived in a just Succession from the Apostles there are no Registers extant that prove this So that we have nothing for it but some Histories that are so carelesly writ that we find many mistakes in them in other Matters and they are so different in the very first links of that Chain that immediately succeeded the Apostles that the utmost can be made of this is that here is an Historical Relation somewhat doubtful but here is nothing to found our Faith on so that if a Succession from the Apostles times is necessary to the Constitution of that Church to which we must submit our selves we know not where to find it besides that the Doctrine of the necessity of the Intention of the Minister to the Validity of a Sacrament throws us into inextricable difficulties I know they generally say that by the Intention they do not mean the inward Acts of the Minister of the Sacrament but only that it must appear by his outward deportment that he is in earnest going about a Sacrament and not doing a thing in jest and this appeared so reasonable to me that I was sorry to find our Divines urge it too much till turning over the Rubricks that are at the beginning of the Missal I found upon the head of the Intention of the Minister that if a Priest has a number of Hosties before him to be consecrated and intends to Consecrate them all except one in that case that Vagrant Exception falls upon them all it not being affixed to any one and it is defined that he Consecrates none at all Here it is plain that the secret Acts of a Priest can defeat the Sacrament so this overthrows all certainty concerning a Succession But besides all this we are sure that the Greek Churches have a much more uncontested Succession than the Latines So that a Succession cannot direct us And if it is necessary to seek out the Doctrines that are universally received this is not possible for a private man to know So that in ignorant Countries where there is little Study the people have no other certainty concerning their Religion but what they take from their Curate and Confessor since they cannot examine what is generally received So that it must be confessed that all the Arguments that are brought for the necessity of a constant infallible Judge turn against all those of the Church of Rome that do not acknowledge the Infallibility of the Pope for if he is not infallible they have no other Judge that can pretend to it It were also easie to shew that some Doctrines have been as Universally received in some Ages as they have been rejected in others which shews that the Doctrine of the present Church is not always a sure measure For five Ages together the Doctrine of the Pope's Power to depose Heretical Princes was received without the least Opposition and this cannot be doubted by any that knows what has been the State of the Church since the end of the Eleventh Century and yet I believe few Princes would allow this notwithstanding all the concurring Authority of so many Ages to fortisie it I could carry this into a great many other Instances but I single out this because it is a point in which Princes are naturally extream sensible Upon the whole matter it can never enter into my mind that God who has made Man a Creature that naturally enquires and reasons and that feels as sensible a pleasure when he can give himself a good account of his Actions as one that sees does perceive in comparison to a blind man that is led about and that this God that has also made Religion on design to perfect this Humane Nature and to raise it to the utmost height to which it can arrive has contrived it to be dark and to be so much beyond the penetration of our Faculties that we cannot find out his mind in those things that are necessary for our Salvation and that the Scriptures that were writ by plain men in a very familiar Stile and addrest without any Discrimination to the Vulgar should become such an unintelligible Book in these Ages that we must have an infallible Judge to expound it and when I see not only Popes but even some Bodies that pass for General Councils have so expounded many passages of it and have wrested them so visibly that none of the Modern Writers of that Church pretend to excuse it I say I must freely own to you that when I find that I need a Commentary on dark passages these will be the last persons to whom I will address my self for it Thus you see how fully I have opened my mind to you in this matter I have gone over a great deal of ground in as few words as is possible because hints I know are enough for you I thank God these Considerations do fully satisfie me and I will be infinitely joyed if they have the same effect on you I am yours THis Letter came to London with the return of the first Post after his late Majesties Papers were sent into the Country some that saw it liked it well and wished to have it publick and the rather because the Writer did not so entirely confine himself to the Reasons that were in those Papers but took the whole Controversie to task in a little compass and yet with a great variety of Reflections And this way of examining the whole matter without following those Papers word for word or the finding more fault than the common concern of this Cause required seemed more agreeing to the respect that is due to the Dead and more particularly to the Memory of so great a Prince but other considerations made it not so easie nor so adviseable to procure a License for the Printing this Letter it has been kept in private hands till now those who have boasted much of the Shortness of the late King's Papers and of the length of the Answers that have been made to them will not find so great a disproportion between them and this Answer to them A Brief Account of particulars occurring at the happy Death of our late Soveraign Lord King Charles
II. in regard to Religion faithfully related by his then Assistant Mr. Jo. Hudleston UPON Thursday the Fifth of February 1685. Between Seven and Eight a Clock in the Evening I was sent for in haste to the Queens Back-stairs at Whitehall and desired to bring with me all things necessary for a dying Person Accordingly I came and was order'd not to stir from thence till further notice being thus obliged to wait and not having had time to bring along with ●●e the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar I was in some Anxiety how to procure it In this conjuncture the Divine Providence so disposing Father Bento de Lewis a Portugez came thither and understanding the circumstance I was in readily profer'd himself to go to St. James's and bring the Most Holy Sacrament along with him Soon after his departure I was call'd into the King's Bed-Chamber where approaching to the Bed side and kneeling down I in brief presented his Majesty with what Service I could perform for God's Honour and the happiness of his Soul at this last Moment on which Eternity depends The King then declared himself That he desired to die in the Faith and Communion of the Holy Roman Catholick Church That he was most heartily sorry for all the Sins of his life past and particularly for that he had deferred his Reconciliation so long That through the Merits of Christ's Passion he hoped for Salvation That he was in Charity with all the World That with all his Heart he Pardon'd his Enemies and desired Pardon of all those whom he had any wise offended and that if it pleased God to spare him longer life he would amend it detesting all Sin I then advertis'd his Majesty of the benefit and necessity of the Sacrament of Penance which Advertisement the King most willingly embracing made an exact Confession of his whole Life with exceeding Compunction and Tenderness of Heart which ended I desired him in farther sign of Repentance and true sorrow for his Sins to say with me this little short Act of Contrition O my Lord God with my whole Heart and Soul I detest all the Sins of my Life past for the Love of Thee whom I love above all things and I firmly purpose by thy Holy Grace never to offend thee more Amen Sweet Jesus Amen Into thy Hands Sweet Jesus I commend my Soul Mercy Sweet Jesus Mercy This he pronounced with a clear and audible voice which done and his Sacramental Penance admitted I gave him Absolution After some time thus spent I asked his Majesty if he did not also desire to have the other Sacraments of the Holy Church administred unto him He reply'd By all means I desire to be partaker of all the helps and Succours necessary and expedient for a Catholick Christian in my condition I added and doth not your Majesty also desire to receive the Pretious Body and Blood of our dear Saviour Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist His Answer was this If I am worthy pray fail not to let me have it I then told him it would be brought to him very speedily and desired his Majesty that in the interim he would give me leave to proceed to the Sacrament of Extreme Unction he replyed with all my Heart I then Anoyled him which as soon as perform'd I was call'd to the door whither the Blessed Sacrament was now brought and delivered to me Then returning to the King I entreated His Majesty that he would prepare and dispose himself to receive At which the King raising up himself said let me meet my Heavenly Lord in a better posture than in my Bed But I humbly begg'd His Majesty to repose himself God Almighty who saw his Heart would accept of his good intention The King then having again recited the fore-mentioned Act of Contrition with me he received the most Holy Sacrament for his Viaticum with all the Symptoms of Devotion imaginable The Communion being ended I Read the usual Prayers termed the Recommendation of the Soul appointed by the Church for Catholicks in his Condition After which the King desired the Act of Contrition O my Lord God c. to be repeated this done for his last Spiritual encouragement I said Your Majesty hath now received the Comfort and Benefit of all the Sacraments that a good Christian ready to depart out of this World can have or desire Now it rests only That you think upon the Death and Passion of our Dear Saviour Jesus Christ of which I present unto you this Figure shewing him a Crucifix lift up therefore the Eyes of your Soul and represent to your self your sweet Saviour here Crucified Bowing down his Head to kiss you His Arms stretched out to Embrace you His Body and Members all Bloody and Pale with Death to Redeem you And as you see him Dead and fixed upon the Cross for your Redemption So have his Remembrance fixed and fresh in your Heart beseech him with all humility That his most precious Blood may not be shed in vain for you And that it will please him by the Merits of his bitter Death and Passion to pardon and forgive you all your Offences and finally to receive your Soul into his Blessed hands and when it shall please him to take it out of this Transitory World to grant you a joyful Resurrection and an Eternal Crown of Glory in the next In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen So Recommending His Majesty on my Knees with all the Transport of Devotion I was able to the Divine Mercy and Protection I withdrew out of the Chamber In Testimony of all which I nave hereunto subscribed my Name JO. HVDLESTON Some REFLECTIONS on His Majesties Proclamation of the Twelfth of February 1686 7. for a Toleration in Scotland together with the said Proclamation I. THE Preamble of a Proclamation is oft writ in hast and is the flourish of some wanton Pen but one of such an extraordinary nature as this is was probably more severely Examined there is a new designation of his Majesties Authority here set forth of his Absolute Power which is so often repeated that it deserves to be a little searched into Prerogative Royal and Soveraign Authority are Terms already received and known but for this Absolute Power as it is a new Term so those who have coined it may make it signifie what they will The Roman Law speaks of Princeps Legibus solutus and Absolute in its natural signification importing the being without all Ties and Restraints then the true meaning of this seems to be that there is an Inherent Power in the King which can neither be restrained by Laws Promises nor Oaths for nothing less than the being free from all these renders a Power Absolute II. If the former Term seemed to stretch our Allegiance that which comes after it is yet a step of another nature tho' one can hardly imagine what can go beyond Absolute Power
The Pope published a Bull in print against the restoring of Abby-Lands which Dr. Burnet affirms also Ap. Fol. 403. It is notoriously false they both asserting the contrary Dr. Burnet's Words in that very place are these The Pope in plain terms refused to ratifie what the Cardinal had done and soon after set out a severe Bull cursing and condemning all that held any Church Lands Seventhly and lastly The succeeding Popes have been clearly of this opinion Pope Pius the Fourth who immediately succeeded this Paul confirm'd the Counoil of Trent and therein damned all the detainers of Church-Lands and tho he was much importuned to confirm some Alienations made by the King of France to pay the debts of the Crown yet he absolutely refused it F. Pauls H. C. Trent 713. Pope Innocent the Tenth first protested against the Alienations of Church Lands in Germany that were made at the great Treaty of Munster and Osnaburg A. D. 1648. and when that would not do by his Bull Nov. 26. in the very same Year damns all those that should dare to retain the Church-Lands and declares the Treaty void Infirmnentum pacis c. Innocentii 10 me declaratio nullitatis Artic. c. and all their late Popes in the Bulla caenae do very solemnly Damn and Excommunicate all who usurp any Jurisdiction Fruits Revenues and Emoluments belonging to any Ecclesiastical person upon account of any Churches Monasteries or other Ecclesiastical Benefices or who upon any occasion or cause Sequester the said Revenues without the Express leave of the Bishop of Rome or others having lawful power to do it c. And tho upon Geod-Friday there is published a general Absolution yet out of that are expresly excluded all those who possess any Church Lands or Goods who are still left under the sentence of Excommunication Toleti Instr Sacerd. and his Explicatio casuum in Bulla caenae Dni reserva From which consideration it 's evident that it never was the design of the Pope to confirm the English Church Lands to the Lay-possessors but that he always urg'd the necessity of restoring of them to religious uses in order to which the papists prevailed to have the statute of Mortmain repealed for 20 Years In Queen Elizabeth's Reign the factious party that was manag'd wholy by Romish ●missaries demanded to have Abbtes and such Religious Houses restored for their Vse and A. D. 1585. in their petition to the Fa●hament they set it down as a 〈◊〉 Doctrine that things once dedicated to Sacred Vses ought so to remain by the Word of God for ever and ought not to be converted to any private Vse Bishop Bancrofts Sermon at p. c. A. D. 1588. p. 25. And that the Church of Rome is still gaping after these Lands is evident from many of their late Books as the Religion of M. Luther lately printed at Oxford p. 15. The Monks wrote Anathema upon the Registers and Donations belonging to Monasteries the weight and essect of which curses are both felt and dreaded to this day To this End the Monasti●●● Anglicanum is so diligently preserved in the Vatican and other Libraries in the popish Countries and especially this appears from the obstinate refusal of this present Pope to confirm these Alienations tho it be a matter so much controverted and which would be of that vast Use towards promoting their Religion in this Kingdom If therefore the Bishops of Rome did never confirm these Alienations of Church-Lands but earnestly and strictly required their Restitution if they have declared in their Authentick Canons that they have no power to do it and both they and the last general Council pronounce an heavy Curse and Anathema against all such as detain them Then let every one that possesseth these Lands and yet own either of these Foreign Jurisdictions consider that here is nothing left to excuse him from Sacriledge and therefore with his Estate he must derive a curse to his posterity There is scarcely any Papist but that is forward to accuse King Henry the 8th of Sacriledge and yet never reflects upon himself who quietly possesseth the Fruits of it without Restitution either let them not accuse him or else restore themselves Now whatever opinions the papists may have of these things in the time of health yet I must desire to remember what the Jesuits proposed to Cardinal Pool in Doctor Pary's Days Viz. That if he would encourage them in England they did not doubt but that by dealing with the Consciences of those who were dying they should soon recover the greatest part of the Goods of the Church Dr. Burnet's Hist Vol. 2. p. 328. Not to mention that whensoever the Regulars shall grow numerous in England and by consequence burthensome to the few Nobility and Gentry of that perswasion they will find it necessary for them to consent to a Restitution of their Lands that they may share the burthen among others For so vast are the Burthens and Payments that that Religion brings with it that it will be found at length an advantagious Bargain to part with all the Church Lands to indemnifie the rest And I am confident that the Gentry of England that are Papists have found greater Burthens and Payments since their Religion hath been allow'd than ever they did for the many years it was forbid and this charge must daily encrease so long as their Clergy daily grows more numerous and their few Converts are most of them of the meanest Rank and such as want to be provided for And that 's no easie matter to force Converts may appear from that Excellent Observation of the great Emperour Charles the Fifth who told Queen Mary That by endeavouring to compel others to his own Relegion he had tired and spent himself in vain and purchas'd nothing by it but his own dishonour Card. Pool in Heylin's Hist Ref. p. 217. And to conclude this Discourse had the Act of Pope Julius the Third by his Legate Cardinal Pool in confirming of the Alienation of Church Lands in England been as valid as is by some pretended yet what shall secure us from an Act of Resumption That very Pope after that pretended Grant to Cardinal Pool published a Bull in which he Excommunicated all that kept Abby-Lands or Church Lands Burnet's Hist Vol. 2. p. 3●9 by which all former Grants had there been any were cancell'd His Successor Pope Paul the Fourth retrieved all the Goods and Ecclesiastical Revenues that had been alienated from the Church since the time of Julius the Second and the chief Reasons that are given why the Popes may not still proceed to an Act of Resumption of these Lands in England amount only to this That they may stay for a fair opportunity when it may be done without disturbing the peace of the Kingdom From all which it 's evident that the detaining of Abby-Lands and other Church-Lands from the Monks and Friars is altogether inconsistent with the Doctrine and Principles of the Romish Religion The King's
Power in Ecclesiastical Matters truly stated HIS present Majesty having erected an High-Commission Court to enquire of and make redress in Ecclesiastical Matters c. Q. Whether such a Commission as the Law now stands be good or not And I hold that the Commission is not good And to maintain my Opinion herein I shall in the first place briefly consider what Power the Crown of England had in Ecclesiastical or Spiritual Matters for I take them to be synonymous Terms before 17 Car. 1. ca. 11. And Secondly I shall particularly consider the Act of 17 Car. 1. ca. 11. And Thirdly I shall consider 13 Car. 2. ca. 12. And by that time I have fully considered these three Acts of Parliament it will plainly appear that the Crown of England hath now no Power to erect such a Court. I must confess and do agree That by the Common Law all Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction was lodged in the Crown and the Bishops and all Spiritual Persons derived their Jurisdiction from thence And I cannot find that there were any Attempts by the Clergy to divest the Crown of it till William the First 's Time and his Successors down to King John the Pope obtained four Points of Jurisdiction First Sending of Legates into England Secondly Drawing of Appeals to the Court of Rome Thirdly Donation of Bishopricks and other Ecclesiastical Benefices And Fourthly Exemption of Clerks from the Secular Power Which four Points were gained within the space of an hundred and odd Years but with all the Opposition imaginable of the Kings and their People and the Kingdom never came to be absolutely inslaved to the Church of Rome till King John's Time and then both King and People were and so continued to be in a great measure in Henry the Third's Time and so would in all likelihood have continued had not wise Edward the First opposed the Pope's Usurpation and made the Statute of Mortmain But that which chiefly brake the Neck of this was That after the Pope and Clergy had endeavoured in Edward the Second's Time and in the beginning of Edward the Third to usurp again Edward the Third did resist the Usurpation and made the Statutes of Provisors 25 Ed. 3. and 27 Ed. 3. And Richard the Second backed those Acts with 16 Rich. 2. ca. 5. and kept the Power in the Crown by them Laws which being interrupted by Queen Mary a bloody Bigot of the Church of Rome during her Reign there was an Act made in 1 Eliz-ca 1. which is Intituled Keeble's Stat. An Act to restore to the Crown the ancient Jurisdiction over the Estate Ecclesiastical and Spiritual and abolishing all foreign Powers repugnant to the same From which Title I collect three things First That the Crown had anciently a Jurisdiction over the Estate Ecclesiastical and Spiritual Secondly That that Jurisdiction had for some time been at least suspended and the Crown had not exercised it Thirdly That this Law did not introduce a new Jurisdiction but restored the old but with restoring the old Jurisdiction to the Crown gave a Power of delegating the Exercise of it And as a Consequence from the whole that all Jurisdiction that is lodged in the Crown is subject nevertheless to the Legislative Power in the Kingdom I shall now consider what Power this Act of 1 Eliz. 1. declares to have been anciently in the Crown and that appears from Sect. 16 17 18. of the same Act. Section 16. Abolisheth all Foreign Authority in Cases Spiritual and Temporal in these VVords And to the intent that all the Vsurped and Foreign Power and Authority Spiritual and Temporal may for ever be clearly extinguished and never to be used or obeyed within this Realm or any other Your Majesties Dominions or Countries 2 May it please Your Highness that it may be further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that no Foreign Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate Spiritual or Temporal shall at any time after the last Day of this Session of F●●liament use enjoy or exercise any manner of Power Jurisdiction Superiority Authority Preheminence or Priviledge Spiritual or Ecclesiastical within this Realm or within any other Your Majesties Dominions or Countries that now be or hereafter shall be but from thenceforth the same shall be clearly Abolished out of this Realm and all other Your Highness's Dominions for ever any Statute Ordinance Custom Constitutions or any other Matter or Cause whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And after the said Act hath abolished all Foreign Authority in the very next Section Sect. 17. It annexeth all Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction to the Crown in these VVords And that also it may likewise please your Heghness That it may be Established and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That such Jurisdictions Priviledges Superiorities and Preheminencies Spiritual and Ecclesiastical as by any Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Power or Authority hath heretofore been or may lawfully be exercised or used for the Visitation of the Ecclesiastical State and Persons and for Reformation Order and Correction of the same and of all manner of Errors Heresies Schisms Abuses Offences Contempts and Enormities shall for ever by Authority of this present Parliament be Vnited and Annexed to the Imperial Crown of this Realm From these VVords That such Jurisdiction c. as by any Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Power or Authority had then-to-fore been exercised or used were annexed to the Crown I observe That the Four things aforesaid wherein the Pope had incroached were all restored to the Crown and likewise all other Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that had been exercised or used in this Kingdom and did thereby become absolutely vested in the Crown Then Section 18. Gives a Power to the Crown to assign Commissioners to excrcise this Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in these VVords And that Your Highness Your Heirs and Successors Kings or Queens of this Realm shall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Act by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England to Assign Name and Authorize when and as often as Your Highness Your Heirs or Successors shall think meet and convenient and for such and so long time as shall pleass Your Highness your Heirs or Successors such Person or Persons being natural born Subjects to Your Highness Your Heirs or Successors as Your Majesty Your Heirs or Successors shall think meet to Exercise Vse Occupy and Execute under Your Highness Your Heirs and Succ●ssors all manner of Jurisdictions Priviledges and Preheminencies in any wise touching or concerning any Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction within these Your Realms of England and Ireland or any other Your Highness's Dominions and Countries 2. and to visit Reform Redress Order Correct and Amend all such Errors Heresies Schisms Abuses Offences Contempts and Enormities whatsoever which by any manner of Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Power Authority or Jurisdiction can or may lawfully be Reformed Ordered Redressed Corrected Restrained and Amended to the pleasure of Almighty God the Increase of Vertue and the Conservation
heal all Breaches This Proposal seemed to dissatisfie the whole Meeting and the Duke of Hamilton their President Father to the Earl but they presently parted Wednesday the Ninth of January they met at three of the Clock in the same Room and Sir Patrick Hume took notice of the Proposal made by the Earl of Arran and desired to know if there was any there that would second it But none appearing to do it he said That what the Earl had proposed was evidently opposite and inimicous to his Highness the Prince of Orange's Undertaking his Declaration and the good Intentions of preserving the Protestant Religion and of Restoring their Laws and Liberties exprest in it and further desired that the Meeting should declare this to be their Opinion of it The Lord Cardross seconded Sir Patrick's Motion It was answered by the Duke of Hamilton President of the Meeting That their Business was to prepare an Advice to be offered to the Prince and the Advice being now ready to go to the Vote there was no need that the Meeting should give their Sense of the Earl's Proposal which neither before nor after Sir Patrick's Motion any had pretended to own or second so that it was fallen and out of doors and that the Vote of the Meeting upon the Advice brought in by their Order would sufficiently declare their Opinion This being seconded by the Earl of Sutherland the Lord Cardross and Sir Patrick did acquiesce in it and the Meeting Voted unanimously the Advice following To His Highness the Prince of Orange WE the Lords and Gentlemen of the Kingdom of Scotland Assembled at your Highness's desire in this Extraordinary Conjunction do give your Highness our Humble and Hearty Thanks for your Pious and Generous Undertaking for Preserving of the Protestant Religion and Restoring the Laws and Liberties of these Kingdoms In order to the Attaining these Ends our humble Advice and Desire is That your Highness take upon You the Administration of all Affairs both Civil and Military the Disposal of the Publick Revenues and Fortresses of the Kingdom of Scotland and the doing every Thing that is necessary for the Preservation of the Peace of the Kingdom until a general Meeting of the States of the Nation which we humbly desire your Highness to Call to be holden at Edinburgh the Fourteenth day of March next by your Letters or Proclamation to be published at the Market-Cross of Edingburgh and other Head-Boroughs of the several Shires and Stewartries as sufficient Intimation to All concerned and according to the Custom of the Kingdom And that the Publication of these your Letters or Proclamation be by the Sheriffs or Stewart Clerks for the Free-holders who have the value of Lands holden according to Law for making Elections and by the Town-Clerks of the several Burroughs for the meeting of the whole Burgesses of the respective Royal Burroughs to make their Elections at least Fifteen Days before the Meeting of the Estates at Edingburgh and the Respective Clerks to make Intimation thereof at least Ten Days before the Meetings for Elections And that the whole Electors and Members of the said Meeting at Edingburgh qualified as above Exprest be Protestants without any other Exception or Limitation whatsoever to Deliberate and Resolve what is to be done for securing the Protestant Religion and Restoring the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom according to your Highness's Declaration Dated at the Council-Chamber in White hall the Tenth Day of January 1689. This Address being Subscribed by Thirty Lords and about Eighty Gentlemen was presented in their presence at St. James's by the Duke of Hamilton their President to his Highness the Prince of Orange who thanked them for the Trust they reposed in him and desired time to consider upon so weighty an Affair Upon the Fourteenth of January his Highness the Prince of Orange met again with the Scots Lords and Gentlemen at St. James's And spoke to them as follows My Lords and Gentlemen IN persuance of your Advice I will until the Meeting of the States in March next give such Orders concerning the Affairs of Scotland as are necessary for the Calling of the said Meeting for the preserving of the peace the applying of the publick Revenue to the most pressing Vses and putting the Fortresses in the Hands of persons in whom the Nation can have a just Confidence And I do further assure you That you will always find me ready to concur with you in every Thing that may be found necessary for Securing the Protestant Religion and Restoring the Laws and Liberties of the Nation The Earl of Crawfourd desired of his Highness That himself the Earl of Louthian and others come to Town since the Address was presented might have an opportunity to Subscribe it which was accordingly done His Highness Retired and all shewed great Satisfaction with his Answer The Emperor of Germany 's Account of K. James 's Misgovernment in joyning with the King of France the Common Enemy of Christendom in his Letter to King James viz. LEOPOLD c. WE have received your Majesties Letters dated from St. Germans the sixth of February last by the Earl of Carlingford your Envoy in our Court By them we have understood the Condition your Majesty is reduced to and that you being deserted after the Landing of the Prince of Orange by your Army and even by your Domestick Servants and by those you most consided in and almost by all your Subjects you have been forced by a sudden Flight to provide for your own Safety and to seek Shelter and Protection in France Lastly that you desire Assistance from us for the recovering your Kingdoms We do assure your Majesty that as soon as we heard of this severe turn of Affairs we were moved at it not only with the common sense of Humanity but with much deeper Impressions suitable to the sincere Affection which we have always born to you And we were heartily sorry that at last that was come to pass which tho we hoped for better things yet our own sad thoughts had suggested to us would ensue If your Majesty had rather given Credit to the Friendly Remonstrances that were made you by our late Envoy the Count de Kaunitz in our Name than the deceitful Insinuations of the French whose chief aim was by fomenting continual Divisions between you and your People to gain thereby an Opportunity to insult the more securely over the rest of Christendom And if your Majesty had put a stop by your Force and Authority to their many Infractions of the Peace of which by the Treaty at Nimegen you are made the Guarantee and to that end entred into Consultations with us and such others as have the like just Sentiments in this matter We are verily persuaded that by this means you should have in a great measure quieted the Minds of your People which were so much exasperated through their aversion to our Religion and the publick Peace had been preserved as well