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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59994 The true impartial history and wars of the Kingdom of Ireland its situation, division into provinces; shires &c., its ancient inhabitants, manners, customs and the state it was in at its being first invaded and conquer'd by the English in the reign of K. Henry II : with the several revolts and rebellions of the natives and by what means they have been reduced to obedience in the reign of our several kings and queens : but most particularly relating to all the memorable skirmishes, battels, sieges ... since the grand revolution under the reign of Their Present Majesties K. William and Q. Mary ... Shirley, James, 1596-1666. 1692 (1692) Wing S3489A; ESTC R30144 94,983 204

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but being too soon discovered he was obliged to Retreat which he did with the loss but of one Man Spring coming on Lewis the Fourteenth was not altogether unmindful of his Promise but sent Five thousand French with some Cloaths and Ammunition in lieu of which Succours as many Irish were sent to France under the leading of Lieutenant General Maccarty who having been taken Prisoner by the Inniskilling-Men upon the great Overthrow had by this time made his escape for which Colonel Hamilton Governour of Inniskilling where he had been detained Prisoner was questioned but upon Trial producing a Letter from his Superiour Officer for what he had done the matter passed over Colonel Woosley about this time had the Castle of Killesandra delivered to him upon Summons the Garrison being terrified into a compliance upon Notice he was about to spring a Mine under it the Garrison consisting of 160 Men were conducted to Cavan and many other Castles and advantageous Places were frighted at the approach of our Forces or compelled to Surrender and great Plenty abounded in the English Camp by reason those that brought it received Silver Money when on the other side King Iames had caused Brass Money to be coined and an Order to pass it at certain Rates though it was not a Twentieth part of the value yet prohibited it in Payments in his Custom-house and Exchequer and having called a pretended Irish Parliament they anulled the Act of Settlement and all other Acts favourable to the Protestants relating to Matters Civil or Ecclesiastical so that Protestant Bishops and Ministers were out and Popish Bishops and Priests advanced to their Benefices and great Oppressions used on all hands but whilst this was doing Charlemont a strong Fortress of the Enemies that had been all the Winter blocked up finding no Succours of Provision though some of our Men got in over the Morass which hastened the consumption of their Provision beat a Parley and after some debate about Articles they were agreed upon they being in their Orders as followeth That all the Garrison viz. the Governour Officers Soldiers Gunners and all other Inhabitants the Deserters who run from our Camp since the first of September precedent only excepted and all other persons in the said Garrison shall have their Lives secured and march out with their Arms Bag and Baggage Drums beating Colours flying Match lighted and Bullet in Mouth each Officer and Soldier Twelve Charges of Powder with Match and Ball proportionable and their Horses without any molestation in their Persons and Goods now in their possession not belonging to the Stores upon any pretence whatsoever that the said Garrison may march the nearest way to Dundalk and not be compelled to march above 8 or 9 miles a day That all sick and wounded Officers and all other persons that are not able to march at present may remain within the said Garrison till they are able to march and then to have a Pass to go to the next Irish Garrison That none of the Army under his Grace the Duke of Schomberg's Command shall enter the said Fort except such as are appointed by him to take possession till the Garrison be marched clear out of the Gates That there shall be a sufficient Convoy appointed for the said Garrison to conduct it to the place before-mentioned That they shall deliver fully and wholly without any Embezelment or Diminution all the Stores belonging to the said Fort and that an Officer shall be immediately admitted to take an Account of them That the Fort shall be put into the possession of such Forces as his Grace shall think fit at Eight of the Clock on Wednesday the Fourteenth of May 1690. and the Garrison shall march out an hour before the outward Gate shall be delivered to such Forces as the General shall appoint in case a supply of one Months Provision for 800 men be not brought into the Garrison for Relief between the signing of these Articles and the time the place is articled to be delivered up That the above-mentioned Articles shall be inviolably performed on both sides without any Equivocation Mental Reservation or Fraud whatsoever according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof Lastly That all Acts of Hostility shall cease between the said Garrison and Army so soon as Notice can be given on both sides Thus after a long holding out this strong Place was forced into a compliance notwithstanding the Enemy had put such confidence in it that many of those abroad proposed it as a last Refuge if things came to a greater Extremity its Scituation and Strength giving them Incouragement to hope it was Impregnable and indeed it had baffled our Men in some Attempts they made on it and held out so long contrary to expectation however at last we find that was agreed to be Surrendred and accordingly it was Surrendred and the Governour Teague O Regan and the Garrison who had near consumed all their Provision marched out in number 800 they left 17 Pieces of brass Cannon 2 Mortars and a considerable quantity of Ammunition And this Place by Nature and Art being exceeding strong greatly availed to the keeping all that part of the Country in awe And what more exceedingly heartned the Soldiers was the News that the King of England had left Whitehall on the fourth of Iune and was coming for Ireland with a considerable Army great Sums of Money Stores of Ammunition and all things necessary for the vigorous carrying on and expediting the War Nor were they deceived in the Report for on the fourteenth of Iune he landed at Carickfergus and went from thence to Belfast where he was waited on by Duke Schomberg and many of the great Officers and with him came not only some of the Irish Nobility but a great many of that Country who had fled for England to avoid the Danger that threatned from the Papists and great was the Joy of the Protestants for his Arrival and as much on the other hand the Terrour and Consternation of the Papists His Majesty soon after his Landing ordered 200000 1. to be brought on shoar and fifteen Tun of Half-pence and Farthings of the new Tin coin and gave notice to all the Agents of Regiments to bring in their Accompts within three days that they might receive the Moneys due to the Soldiers and care thereupon was taken to clear their Quarters and discharge the Country The King thus landed to the great Joy of all the Protestants every one laboured who should be formost in shewing their humble Gratitude for his Exposing his Royal Person to so many Dangers for their Safety whereupon the Gentlemen of the County of Down c. presented this Address To the King 's most Excellent Majesty Great Sir WE the Sheriffs and Iustices ●f the Peace and Gentlemen of the County of Down and Antrim do most heartily Congratulate your Majesty's safe Arrival into this Kingdom and do humbly offer your Majesty our unfeigned Thanks for the great
Pains and Hazard your Majesty does undergo in restoring us to our Religion Liberties and Properties and do not doubt but as God has made your Majesty miraculously Instrumental in re-establishing those Blessings in the Kingdom of England so he will in this distressed Country which that he may do and grant your Majesty a long and prosperous Reign over us is the hearty wish and prayer of Your Majesty's Faithful and most Obedient Subjects and Servants c. On this Occasion likewise the Clergy of the Churches in the Province of Ulster presented their Address as did the Presbyterians and those of their Perswasion in the North of the Kingdom The like from the Mayor Aldermen c. of London-Derry and another from the Soveraign Burgesses and Inhabitants of Belfast which created a high Satisfaction and more general Rejoycing And here it was that Mr. Walker that so bravely defended London-Derry accompanied with divers of the Clergy waited upon his Majesty and Congratulated his happy Arrival in the Kingdom And Parties were sent out to observe the Motions of the Enemy The King intent upon the great Affair he came about stayed not for many Ceremonies and Complements but being well refreshed went to Hilsbourgh and from thence to Newry where a great part of the Army that had been under the General lay of which he took a view and ordered all things to the best Advantage for carrying on the War nor was the Measures taken slow in Executing And now whilst this is doing let us turn a little towards Dublin and see how Affairs stand in the Metropolis of the Kingdom It was not to be doubted but upon the King 's landing with an Additional Army the Papists would have been more concerned than they were but I know not upon what false Topick they grounded their Hopes their Concern was not so great as might have been expected from so eminent a Danger whether it was to abate the Courage of the Protestants and startle them into a Mistake of some private Design they had against the King or that they had some old Prophesies which they too much relied upon for their Success or that they trusted to the number of their Army remains doubtful but however they kept up their Courage beyond expectation The Protestants in Dublin guessed it proceeded from the false News that 100000 men were ready to rise in England and recall King Iames or declare for a Common-wealth and that the French Fleet being very powerful at Sea would not fail to intercept the King of England's Return and so they fancied they had him as it were in a Trap. And indeed in this immergency the Affronts the Protestants every where received without any hope of Redress made them not know what to think of their Condition nor was it long e're the Chief of them were imprisoned and the rest were told They would be glad e're long to go to Mass in a short time And they were put into frequent frights of having their Houses fired about their Ears or at the least to be plundered of all they had And it seems it was debated That if it came to a Battel and the Irish were worsted the City should be set on fire if not the Protestants massacred But it is said King Iames opposed it and on the 16th of Iuly marched out of Dublin to joyn with about 5000 Foot sent from France and one Regiment of them being Dutch and mostly Protestants great care was taken to keep them from startling and the whole Irish Army was composed of about 40000 men besides 15000 that remained in Garrisons and 6000 of the Militia under the Command of Colonel Luttrel and Mac Gillicuddy who was ordered as his Assistant in the Government of the City And hereupon a hasty Order came out that all who walked the Streets without Bayonets or Swords should be seized And thereupon a great many Protestants who could not get such Weapons were taken up and many of them Imprisoned And another Order That upon pain of Death not above five Protestants besides the Family should meet together So that the Churches which had till this time been kept open were shut up and Dr. King Dean of St. Patrick's imprisoned Yet such was the Zeal of the Protestants in these dangerous times that they gathered considerable Contributions for the Maintenance of the dispos sest Clergy and for such as were Prisoners till they were forced to desist all the Goals and many of the Churches being crowded with Prisoners not only Citizens but such as had been brought from Galloway Kilmainham and other places many of them were stifled by crowding and wanting of Air and others almost famished for want of Sustenance It would be too tedious to enumerate all the particular Sufferings of the Protestants their frequent Allarms Fears and many other Disturbances Therefore let it suffice that though sorrow lasted for a night Joy came in the morning as by the Sequel will be Evident The two Armies being now in the Field the Irish however declined fighting all they could and it was given out That King Iames designed to lead them about the Banks of the River Boyne to weary out the English as thinking they could not pass that Stream if defended on the other side and after he had so done to cross the Country and go for Limerick However least the English should push on and give him Battel he resolved to provide for the worst and therefore ordered Sir Patrick Trant the first Commissioner of his Revenue to have shipping ready at Waterford to carry him off if things came to Extremity for at last he found unless he abandoned Dublin which was proposed to be defended he could not avoid fighting above ten days for the King of England impatient of delay possessed himself of almost all the Passes and Posts that were advantageous to bring the Enemy to a Battel and many Skirmishes happened between Parties abroad wherein our men gained the advantage The Enemy by this time being Encamped near Dundalk and strongly guarding a Pass call'd Four-mile-Bridge which was very difficult to force it was resolved that our Army should march to Market-hill and therefore to fall into the great Road that leads from Armagh to Dundalk whereupon Major Scravenmore was sent out with a Detachment of 300 Horse and 20 Dragoons to view the Road and Passes and find a convenient place to En●●mp in and discover if possible the posture of the Enemy which was so well performed that a small Party of theirs seeing this Detachment betimes in the Morning marching towards Market-hill supposed it to be the Vauntguard of the whole Army and therefore gave the Alarm to their Camp that our Army was almost upon them which without sending to know the certainty put them into such a fear that they fired their Camp and marched away which being certified to the King it appeared so strange that it could not presently gain credit But being in a short time confirmed from all
and Lymerick during the Sieges of those Places it was required that three Witnesses should give Testimony as to the Premisses one of them to be a Protestant in every particular matter for proof of each Persons qualification as to the Articles who claims to have been within the said City or Town and thereby to be comprised within the said Articles or either of them And on the Sixth of April the Lord's Justices of the Council and Kingdom sat to hear and examine the Claims exhibited before them by such Persons as made their Application to them sitting M●nday Wednesday and Friday weekly for that purpose And that nothing might be wanting to encourage and promote the Trade of the Kingdom Ships daily arrived in the Ports with Provision and other Necessaries insomuch that after a long Scarcity Plenty began again to be restored to a prospect of a greater height than ever by which the Calamities and Sufferings appeared to vanish and the Joy of the People the Protestants especially to be restored more than ever especially under the Conduct and Government of Affairs of those prudent Persons that are put into Power and Trust. The Kingdom of Ireland thus settled and in a fair way to Happiness his Majesty was in Flanders drawing his Forces together to prosecute his Victories on that side and compleat the Felicity of his Kingdoms when in the mean while some ill Men of restless Spirits at home were labouring under hand to disquiet us by endeavouring to hold Correspondence with the Common Enemy and Encouraging him to invade their Native Kingdoms but Providence as at all times so now more particularly timely discovered their dark Projects and sinister Designs whereupon many were apprehended and imprisoned in divers places in order to be brought to Justice and Condign Punishment yet this did not so much discourage the French King but that he got his Fleet very early in a readiness as it is generally supposed to Invade England but the Winds appeared to stand on our side and kept them in their Harbours contrary to their Expectations though he had drawn down his Forces on the Coast of Normandy c. to Embark on his Men of War and Transport-ships as occasion should offer Our Fleet in the mean while was hastned out to oppose them and the Dutch Squadrons with much Celerity joyned us so that on the 19th of May they stood away to the South-west in search of the French Fleet and about six Leagues from Cape Barsleur got sight of them who with much presumption bore down upon us having the Weather-gage the Wind at South-west and about Eleven in the Morning they Engaged Admiral Russel who commanded our Red Squadron The sight continued hot on both sides till about Three in the Afternoon Turville the French Admiral being very much worsted and fearing to be hemmed in by our Blue Squadron and the Dutch who laboured to get the Wind of the Enemy bore away but not so speedily but that the Blew Squadron had time enough to come in and Engage him about Six so that another hot Dispute continued till about Ten at night the French making a Retreating fight in which some of their Ships were blown up and others sunk All Night it was very calm and foggy the next Morning and ab●ut Eight it began to clear up the Wind at East-North-East when the French Fleet appeared about Two Leagues to the Leeward of ours much less in number than the day before being but Thirty six Men of War standing away to their own Coast whilst ours pursued them and both Fleets upon a great Calm came to an Anchor the Dutch who now had the Van being within a League of them and on the One and twentieth they weighed and stood away and we after them Admiral Russel taking his Course towards Barsleur having sight of several Ships under the shoar but by this time many of them were got into the first Harbours they came to so that fear and too much haste caused several of them to run aground to prevent our Coming up with them But it availed little for Vice-Admiral Delaval hotly pursuing Fliers who put in made under Cape de Wick their Squadrons being now broken and separated with much difficulty got in with light Frigats Fire-ships and Armed-Boats and in spight of the Fire the French made from their Ships and from their Platform on shoar Captain Heath laid the Royal Sun of France on Board with his Fireship and burnt her being the French Admiral of 104 Guns and Captain Green burnt the Conquerdant of 102 Guns and another Ship of 80 Guns was burnt by the Boats that were sent out after the Men were taken from it and some other Vessels with little loss of Men on our side Captain Fowlis attempted to burn the Royal Sun but was set on fire by an accidental shot from the Enemy supposed to be made red hot for that purpose Monsieur Gaberet's Ship Admiral of the French Blew Squadron perished in the fight amongst the rest Whilst these things were doing Admiral Russel with the Red Squadron stood with the Enemies Ships who were got into the Bay of La Hogue and sent Vice-Admiral Rook with a Squadron of Light Frigats and Fireships and all the Boats he had with him well armed to burn the Ships he had there penn'd up which succeeded so well that Six were burnt that Night and with the same Resolution Six more were burnt the next Morning Three of them being Three-deck'd Ships carrying a great Force of Men and Guns and the other Three from sixty to seventy Guns and one of Fifty six Guns was overset and utterly lost So that the whole number in that Bay was destroyed the Men in the Boats on this occasion behaving themselves with much Bravery and Resolution insomuch that they took possession of several of the French Ships and turned the Guns upon the Platform that fired upon them from the Land in the sight of the French and Irish Camp that lay near the shoar Many of the French Seamen perished with their Ships those on shoar refusing to fetch them off and a great many were taken Prisoners So that in the main we destroyed about One and twenty of their biggest Ships and of other Frigats Crafts and Transport-ships to the number of Thirty and this without the loss of any Ship on our side unless Fireships that were spent on the Enemy For this Signal Victory the Admiral caused a Solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God to be held on Board the Fleet and had the Wind been more timely favourably few of the French that engaged had escaped This happy News caused great Rejoycing in all their Majesties Dominions and in the Courts of the Confederate Princes And now to shew God's more signal Favour and Mercy towards us a Hellish Conspiracy was discovered that had been carried on to destroy his Majesty beyond the Seas by Assassination influenced by the greatest Persons in the French Court to their Eternal Infamy as it was deposed upon Oath and this was undertaken by one de Grandual a Captain of Dragoons in the French Service and one Dumot a Walloon who had the last Year agreed together to kill the King and for that purpose went to Loo whilst his Majesty was there but missing of their wicked purpose they went back to Paris and there remaining during the Winter they engaged one Leefdale in the same pernicious Design agreeing to Attack the King either upon a March or when he should ride out to see the Troops but an Almighty Hand held them from their Executing what they so wickedly intended and saved his Anointed to be a Joy and Comfort to his People and a Scourge to the Common Enemy who though good at close Villanies and purchasing of Towns yet not to stand in Competition at fair Valour and Heroick Bravery as has all along appeared by Retreats and strong Encampments when urged to Battel in a fair Field yet no doubt a short time will let us see the difference between true Manhood and Politick D●lays and Precautions Ireland is now waiting to Receive her Right Honourable Lord Deputy with all the Demonstrations of Joy that a willing Nation can express sutable to the great Expectations she has to be yet more happy under the Auspicious Conduct of so worthy a Hero and wise Dispencer of Justice and an Encourager and Propagator of the Protestant Religion c. Thus we see through God's Blessing upon their Majesties Arms this Kingdom is once again in a happy way to be prosperous and more entirely happy than ever FINIS
delighted Nations from the Storms of Discontent and Trouble From all which we may conclude That if Ireland ever was desirous to be in a prosperous state the time is come that puts that Opportunity into the hands of her Inhabitants to become a happy People When on the other hand had things succeeded as too many of them unadvisedly wished some few Months since they might instead of being at perfect Liberty been the Sons and Daughters of Slavery and the most severest of Bondages under the French Tyranny which how easie that Yoke is to bear the Subjects of France have fatally experienced in the Reigns of many of their former Kings but more especially under Lewis XIV to avoid which the more discerning part have undergone a voluntary Exile and become a scattered People over the Face of the Earth finding better usage in barbarous Nations This I hope may suffice to warn the Irish to consider where their Interest lies and to embrace their Majesties Protection as their true Asylum A TRUE and IMPARTIAL HISTORY OF THE Kingdom of Ireland DESCRIBING Its Situation Ancient Inhabitants Manners Customs and the State it was found in at the Time it was Invaded and Conquered by the English in the Reign of King Henry II. c. THE Kingdom of Ireland is of no mean Extent but rather very large and considerable It is an Island it is bounded on the East with England and Scotland on the West with the main Ocean on the South with part of France and Normandy and on the North with the Ducalidonian Sea It is as all other Islands sur●ounded with Water containing in Length 40● and in Breadth 200 Miles and is especially parted or divided into four Provinces viz. Munster which is again divided into the Counties of Limerick Kerrey Waterford Cork Desmon and the Holy Cross in Tipperary 2. The Province of Leinster divided into the Counties of the East and West Meaths Kilkenney Caterlough King's County Kildare Wexford Dublin and Wicklow 3. The Province of Conno●●●● divided into the Counties of Clare Thumond Majo Sligo Letarim and Roscomon 4. The Province of Vlster divided into the Counties of Tyrconnel Tyrone Cavan Coleraine Monaghan Antrim Down Armah and Lough and these are for the most part at this day replenished with many considerable Cities and Towns of which I shall have occasion to speak in the Series of this History as they shall fall in their proper places The Country is naturally very fruitful and seems by the Soil always to have been so though the Natives have not appear'd very active in improving it as being naturally given up to floath or to live by War and Rapine As for the first Peopling it after Noah's Flood it remains very much if not altogether in the dark the Natives having been imposed on by Monks and Bards a sort of Rimers and Fortune-Tellers with Fables for Reality though it is conjectured by the Learned that this Island was Peopled upon the Confusion of Tongues at Babel soon after the Flood and the Irish Historians of the best account tell us That one Bastolenus encouraged by the Example of Nim●od in Syria settled his Monarchy in the Western Islands and amongst others peopled this yet where he kept his head Residence no mention is made but that his three Sons ruling there had War with Giants that grew up in the Land and rebelled against them and that afterward divers Scythians roving to seek Adventures got footing there and so they go on in the doubtful Paths of Uncertainty a great way farther But true it is that according to our own Histories and those of other Nations the Irish began very early to rove abroad and in their Boats and such kind of Ships as they had coming frequently ashore in England and Scotland and other Places did great Mischief by Burning and Plundering but were frequently met withal and a great many of them killed Nor do we find that the Romans when they conquered Britain extended their Arms to Ireland It is held they were Converted to the Christian Religion by St. Iames the Apostle and some give large grounds for it but their Authors will have it done by one Pala●inus sent thither to that purpose by Pope Celestine but more especially perfected by St. Patrick to whom they ascribe a thousand Incredibilities But to leave these Conjectures that are not greatly pertinent to our Matter we now come nearer to that for which we have more Warrant and Certainty The first Acquaintance that the English had with the Irish as to any thing that is remarkable was in the Reign of Henry the Second of England their chief Communication being with France whether they sent several Bands of Soldiers to help them against the English who were Waring there under their King for the Recovery of his Right in the Provinces that were his Grand-father's which he having pretty well settled turned his Thoughts upon Ireland where he heard they were at Variance among themselves the whole Land being divided under many Petty Princes when it luckily happened a business fell out that gave him an easie Inlet to the Conquest of it for in the Year 1167. the Eastern Part of the Island along the Sea being possessed by Dormat Mac-mur King of Leinster his Cruelties had highly incensed his Subjects against him and what more raised their Fury was the Injury he did to Morice King of Meath by wheedling away his Queen and living with her in Adultery so that the inraged Husband seeking Reparation and Revenge invaded his Countries by the Assistance of Roderick O Conor King of Connaught at the Terror of whose Approach Dormat being detested by and forsaken of his Subjects was forced to flie to England and there implored Protection which upon taking an Oath of Fidelity and Obedience to the King was freely given him and Henry with a Sum of Money procured leave of Pope Adrian an English-man promoted to St. Peter's Chair that he might Conquer Ireland promising moreover throughly to establish the Christian Religion and bring it to an Acknowledgment of the See of Rome but whilst he was preparing to pass the Seas new Troubles arose in his French Territories that required his Presence yet by his Letters Patents he gave Leave with Encouragement to his Nobles and such others as were willing to go for Ireland Dormat impatient of his Exile mainly upon this Concession solicited Richard the King's Son promising not only his Daughter a very beautiful young Lady in Marriage but great Possessions in the Country when he should be restored and all his Territories after his Death The young Prince being of a Warlike Temper and thirsting after Glory resolved though his Father was absent to undertake this Expedition and early the next Spring sailed from Bristol with divers Ships on Board which were thirty Knights sixty Esquires and three hundred Archers the first English-men ever known to land in a Hostile-manner in Ireland and being met by Dormat with such Forces as he
and now Dublin wherein was a strong Garison commanded by Colonel Iones being the only place of strength that held out the Marquess laid Siege to it with a brave Army to appearance but it seems there were too many Irish in it for the Besieged taking the advantage of the carelesness of the Camp made at first very slender Sallies but finding the advantage they sallied with their whole strength and beating the Besiegers out of their Works followed them into their Camp which occasioned such Terrour and Confusion that the Irish fled and left the English and some few French to stand to it but being over●owered by the vigorous Attacks they at ●ength after a sharp and bloody Dispute gave ●way and were forced to raise the Siege whilst ●he Besieged became Masters of their Camp ●nd an extraordinary rich Booty and more Forces arriving from England Fortune went against them almost every where And now London-Derry being besieged that Siege was ●aised by Sir Charles Coot but what yet was a greater Terrour Cromwell a vowed and mor●al Enemy to the Irish landed with seven Regiments of Foot four Regiments of Horse ●nd one of Dragoons bringing along with him ●he Title of Lord Governour or Lieute●ant of Ireland and had to bring over ●hese Forces forty Sail of Ships with ●attering Pieces Mortars Ammunition ●nd all other Warlike Stores and Materials He staid a while to visit Dublin and ●hen marched with a compleat Army to ●esiege Drogheda wherein was a strong Gar●ison of English and Irish it being upon ●he Rumour of his Approach reinforced with Two thousand five hundred Foot and Three ●undred Hor●e and although it was stoutly ●efended yet it was carried by Force and by the too cruel Order of the General all were put to the Sword not respecting Age ●or Sex except a very few who hid them●elves for many Days till the Fury was over And here it is the more to be lamented be●ause this Brunt fell mostly upon many brave English Gentlemen who were got into the Place to Defend it for their King Othe● Towns were likewise taken by Storm an● treated at the like rate so that a bloody Vengeance seemed to fall heavy upon a great many that were Innocent for the Sins of the Guilty who had so lately polluted the Land wit● Innocent Blood and now kept mostly out o● the way in the Mountains Bogs and Fastne●ses however being at last hunted from plac● to place a great number fell by the Swor● Famine and Pestilence insomuch that the Lan● was greatly Depopulated a third part of th● People being wasted and had severe Task Masters over them that made them Groan ●nder their Burthens till Charles the Secon● came to lighten their Sholders and resto●● them again their Peace and Ea●e by Accessio● to the Crown upon the Happy Restauration so that the People wearied with their forme● Miseries began to be out of love with Wa● and Insurrections and seemed mightily inclin●ble to Peace And indeed the King too care to place such Ministers of State among them especially the Lords Lieutenants an● Lords Justices that they had no reasonabl● cause to complain of their Usage either i● Affairs Civil or Military and indeed th● Tranquility the Kingdom enjoyed made th● People in a great measure forget what the● had suffered They traded to France an● Spain with the product of their Native Soil the Rivers and Lakes likewise affording the● plenty of Fish which they transported fo● Wine and other Commodities Nor did the●● Thoughts appear to be elevated above what was reasonable till the Death of the King But when King Iames the Second ascended his Brother's Throne and declared himself a Roman Catholick then it was the Irish Papists began to prick up their Ears and to expect Advantages beyond their Abilities publickly declaring The Day was their own and that the Protestant Religion must go down But it seems in this as in their other Aims they took such Measures as made them shoot wide of their Mark The Earl of Tyrconnel who had been raised by King Iames when Duke of York from a mean to a considerable Figure was looked upon as a fit Instrument to carry on the Design in that Kingdom and therefore upon the re-calling of the Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon he was made Lord-Lieutenant and soon gave the Irish great Hopes of Superiority over the English in that Kingdom by first Cashiering the Protestant Soldiers and Officers that were in Arms and then the Officers and Ministers of Justice And though there were Complaints made against him at the English Court yet they were not regarded but he the rather encouraged in his Enterprizes insomuch that things run so high that many feared a fatal Event and divers left thereupon the Kingdom some going for Holland others for Scotland and England and in such a method Matters continued to be pushed violently on till News came of a purposed Invasion of the Kingdom of England by the Prince of Orange now our Soveraign then Tyrconnel be●tir'd himself to secure Ireland Imprisoning such as he suspected and Disarming others draining the Garrisons of the most expert Irish Soldiers that were Papists and sending them over to the number of Three thousand or thereabout to the Assistance of his Master but they did him far more hurt than good by increasing the Peoples Fears that were but before suggested And indeed the whole English Nation Revolting in a manner from King Iames and what was more remarkable a great part of the Army he had been so long Training up at a vast Expence Upon the Landing of the Prince with his Forces the Irish Forces that had been sent over in expectation of Mountains found that they were not only dwindled into less than Mole-hills but themselves in a miserable Condition not only at the point of starving when Disbanded with the rest of the Forces by the Earl of Feversham but almost exposed to the Fury and violent Resentment of the People who had conceived a Hatred against them so that at last submitting they were taken care of and most of them shipped for the Emperour's Service against the Turks Tyrconnel was not idle in Ireland upon the News he had from England of King Iames his Flight to France but calling a Council mostly of his Creatures told them That now it was their time to stand up for their Country and secure it against all Opposers and that for his part if even his Master should command him to deliver up the Sword he should think it in such ● Iuncture his Duty to Refuse it And immediately not only spread the News throughout the Country but caused the Irish every where to take Arms such as they could get ●o ●ha● the Tumultuous Rabble getting together plundered the Protestant Houses drove away their Cattel fired their Stacks of Corn and Hay murthered some and barbarously used others insomuch that the Terrour working in all such as could fled for their Lives leaving their Substance
out against a powerful Army backed by almost a whole Kingdom it may very well compare with the most famous Siege that ever was mentioned in History Major-General Kirk soon after these Succours got in came to London-Derry and was received with all the Demonstrations of Joy a People in so ruinous a Condition could bestow and having viewed the Walls and Fortifications blessed himself to think that such slight Works could ever have been defended so long against such an Army Things in London-Derry being settled as well as the shortness of time would permit it was agreed that Mr. Walker should go for England and present his Majesty with an Address in his own and the Names of the principal Persons that had been in the Town during the Siege where he was very graciously received and his Majesty as a Mark of his Favour for the signal Services he had done him ordered him 5000 pound and a Promise of his further Regard Whilst this Siege lasted the Inniskilling-Men and others of the Protestant Party abroad were not idle but a Detachment of 600 Men were sent under the Cammand of Colonel Stewart got into the Isle of Inch and hearing the Irish had fortified themselves in Tully he sent a commanded Party of sixty Musquetiers and beat them out when more Forces coming to him he and other Commanders raised some small Fortifications in the Island and there succoured a great many Protestants who fled from the Enemy with their Cattel and Substance and others that had been stripped of all and came naked beating divers Parties of the Irish that attempted to force him from his strength and the Duke of Berwick being sent this way with 1500 Horse attempted to force Ralfamulin where a small Party of our Men quartered but having timely notice getting to their Arms and Barrocading the Street the Enemy after a sharp Dispute drew off with the Loss of 240 Men and on our part only Lieutenant Coningham and a few private Soldiers and a Lieutenant wounded However very desirous to bring these Parts into Subjection nothing was omitted that Threats or Alurements could effect but neither of them prevailed against the stedfast Loyalty of the Protestants they too sadly remembred how often they had broke their words and how little they esteemed keeping it with those they termed Hereticks One fatal Instance of which take for many It happened that the Lord Galmoy being abroad with a Party took Captain Dixie prisoner by surprize in his Father's House which House he set on fire and with him brought away Cornet Charlton but hearing one Brian Mac King●or Mac Gurrie a Captain of the Irish Army had been taken by our Men and was Prisoner at Cran he sent to the Governor of the Castle to offer Captain Dixie in Exchange vowing upon his Honour so soon as Gurrie came Dixie should be sent them This was well accepted and Guerrie was sent but Galmoy thereupon ordered the two Young Gentlemen to be tried by a Council of War for receiving a Commission from England and being sentenced had orders to prepare to die the next day but in the mean time great Endeavours were used and Promises made them of Life and Preferment if they would turn Papists and adhere to King Iames. But they generously rejected the Offer and preferred their Religion before the saving their Lives and although Mac Gurrie interceded mainly for them and reproached the Lord Galmoy with the Stain of his Honour after his solemn Promise in Writing yet he would hear nothing on their behalf but caused them to be hanged upon one Russel's Sign Post whilst he made merry there and not content with their Lives he ordered their Heads to be cut off and tossed to the Soldiers to play at Foot-ball with which when they had misused for a time he caused to be set up on the Market-Cross at Belturbet This made I say the rest more cautious to trust their Mercy whereupon the French General Rosne resolute to subdue them came within the shot of their Cannon to encourage the Soldiers that were gathering in those parts against them but a shot had spoiled his Undertaking had it not fallen a little too short yet it beat up the Stones which wounded him in the Leg and his Horse in the Body and killed two Troopers insomuch that frighted with this Disaster he gave over the Attempt But greater Actions than these attended the Fate of Ireland the English Army so long expected was embarqued and came on with a fair Wind being discovered some Leagues at Sea by the longing People who watched for it on the shore and proclaimed its arrival by their loud Shouts and Acclamations of Joy and on the Thirteenth of August 1689. Duke Schombergh who commanded the Forces landed at Carickfurgus and after a short Enquiry into the state of the Kingdom he sent two Regiments to Belfast and having refreshed himself and that part of the Army that landed with him he directed his March to find out the Enemy being every where received by the Protestants with the greatest Expressions of joy imaginable At the Terrour of whose approach the Castle and Town of Antrim was deserted and our Men took possession of it leaving there a Garrison of fif●y Soldiers under the Command of Captain Ormsby and many other Places and Passes were secured But Carickfurgus refusing upon Summons to Surrender a part of the Army sate down before it and the next day the Cannon and Mortars were planted against it whilst the Trenches were opened and no sooner they heard the English speak to them in a Dialect of War from the mouths of their Cannon but they beat a Parley but the main import of their Request being to send to King Iames to have his leave to Surrender it was rejected and the Mortars and Cannon began to play against the Town very furiously they answering us with their Cannon in like manner especially anoying our Men with two Pieces advantageously planted in the Lord Dungale's House yet our Bombs did great Execution beating down and setting many Houses on fire Several of our Ships that lay in a Line played likewise their Cannon on the other side and no less indamaged the Besieged whereupon they again desired a Parley but insisting to March out with their Cloaths and Baggage the Duke would not agree to it only allowing them to be Prisoners of War and again the Batteries were renewed they again hung out a white Flag to Parley and upon submitting to a Surrender were allowed to be conducted to the next Irish Garrison whereupon Sir Henry Ingoldsby marched in with his Regiment and took posse●sion of the Place By this time fifty Sail of Ships came up the Lough on board which were a Regiment of Horse and four of Foot who joyning the Army the General marched towards Belfast and were two miles beyond Lisnoygarney on the 2d of September which made the Enemy retreat with much Precipitation yet they took so much time as to set
the Parish where the said Murther shall be committed shall be immediately put out of Their Majesties Protection and Orders shall thereupon be given that they be proceeded against as Spies and Enemies according to the course of Law And soon after another Proclamation was published on the occasion of these Murthers setting forth THat whereas by Examination of divers persons it does appear that a Romish Priest calling himself Father Christopher Brown who has lived many Months in several places within his Majesties Iurisdiction and Power without being molested on account of his Orders or Religion has been if not the first Contriver and principal Director and Counsellor yet a main Abettor and Encourager of the late barbarous Murthers of Their Majesties Soldiers near this City and whereas several others have been found to have been guilty of the said Murthers who are fled from Iustice their Lordships do promise a Reward of Five pounds to such persons not guilty of the same as shall apprehend and secure the said Christopher Brown and Ten pounds for every of the other persons and a Pardon to such though privy to the said Murthers as shall apprehend any of the said Offenders This proceeding stopped the Issue of Blood that way and rendred the Soldiers more secure in their Quarters and other Places where they came the Irish for fear of being taken notice of giving them every where in the places subject to Their Majesties better Usage About the latter end of April Lieutenant-General Ginkle came from Kilkenny to Dublin and many of the General Officers to consult with the Lords Justices about the Affairs of the Campaign and concert Matters advantageous to their Majesties Service and the Monmouth Yatch arrived with Money to that purpose as likewise several Ships with Recruits of Horse and Foot So that the Train of Artillery being by this time drawn out the Soldiers began to draw from their Winter-Quarters nearer Dublin and Waggons and Carriages were provided on all hands and Parties were sent out to remove the Enemies Posts that the Spring being come the Forage might not be wastfully destroyed Some of Captain Green's Militia Dragoons marching into the Enemies Quarters killed divers of the Rapparees and set fire to the place that harboured them And Quarter-Master Chalagan with a Party beat the Enemies Party abroad took divers Prisoners and some of note with a considerable Booty and by lying in the Marish Fields a great many of the Enemies best Horse died and their Provision grew very scanty which occasioned many to desert some going to their Habitations and others coming over to us where such as were able were received About the middle of April 1691. one Captain Fitz-Gerald of the Enemies Party marched out with about 700 Men of the standing Troops to attack a strong Stone-house called Croghan near Philips-Town which although it was guarded only by a Corporal and 8 or 9 Soldiers made a resolute Defence killing about 12 of the Enemy and had done them greater damage had not their Powder failed at what time they were constrained to Capitulate and give up the place However we were not long behind-hand with them for on the Fourth of the next Month a small Party of our Troops was marched by Major Wood from Mountmelick to Castle-Cuff with 300 Foot being Detachments of Colonel Lloyd's and the Lord George Hamilton's Regiments and 50 Horse of Colonel Bierly's and dividing his Foot into several Parties in order to surprize the Rapparees in the Bogs and Woods and with his Horse kept along the skirts of the Bogs to hinder their getting off by which mea●s about 70 of them were killed and a Booty recovered which he sent away and a Guard of 30 Men and in the mean while with 30 Foot and 34 Horse beyond the Toger of Mallyhone when about Ten in the Morning he discovered two Bodies of Men of the Enemies Army each about 400 marching silently between the Woods and the Mountains but when they found our Men had espied them they beat up their Drums Upon this the Major drew up his Horse and Foot in a ploughed Field and bid them Defiance so that the Enemies Granadiers thinking that our Men discouraged at their number would have run came over the Hedge but finding they stood firm to expect them they stood not advancing any further In the mean while a Detachment of the Enemy charged those Men on the side of the Wood that were sent away with the Booty whereupon the Major wheeled off by the Skirts of the Wood to succour them who defended themselves by firing very briskly on the Enemy being commanded by Lieutenant Ellis and having got the Horse and Foot over the Bog 80 more of his Men came to him and thereupon he ordered the Foot to march in two Divisions on each side the River he marching between them with the Horse when being advanced somewhat near the Enemy and thinking the Horse might do most Service in taking a Compass about and falling on the Rear wheeled about with an Intention to Surround them which they perceiving and at the same time being pressed very hardly by the Foot began to make an orderly Retreat which the Major perceiving broke in upon their Flank with the Horse which put them to rout and disorder and soon after to open flight whilst our Horse and Foot pursued them through the Woods and down to the Bogs killing about 150 and among them Captain Charles and 2 Lieutenants taking Prisoners Major Iohn Fitz-Patrick who commanded them and 5 Captains 9 Lieutenants and 2 Ensigns belonging to the several Regiments of Colonel Butler Colonel Robert Grace Colonel Luttrels Dragoons Colonel Moor and Sir Maurice Eustace and about 150 private Soldiers among which were 6 Serjeants 17 Corporals an Adjutant-Major a Chyrurgeon 3 Drums and about 150 Musquets Which Victory is to be accounted the more brave and great because the Courage and Resolution of our Men carried it against such odds we having only a Corporal killed and Adjutant Robinson with two Foot Soldiers and a Trooper wounded Nor was this all the Success about this time for 110 Foot commanded by Captain Clayton being sent for from Cork to relieve the Garrison of Ballymaggooly they were in their march observed by a considerable Body of the Enemies Horse but they durst not Attack them yet those that were relieved marched out about Twelve in the Evening commanded by Captain Thorncroft and Lieutenant Hays and about break of Day they were discovered by about 300 of the Enemies Horse and and Dragoons who it was thought lay in wait for them as also a considerable number of Rapparees and our Men being all Foot thought not the open Fields secure against the Horse but for their better Defence drew into an old Pound having a Wall about it Breast-high when by this time the Enemies advance Party coming up offered them Quarter but they answered only by the firing of their Musquets however all the Enemies Troops being come up they
●●o had been so mainly Instrumental in re●●oring them that Peace they had so ra●●ly ●orfeited and had leisure during almost a ●ree Years to repent of the trouble they had ●●ven the Kingdom and of the Losses them●●lves sustained Whilst this Joy lasted care was taken to ●●der the Garrisons and provide them with ●●ch Necessaries where they were wanting as ●ight serve for the Winter Stores and put the ●oldiers in a good plight Nor was the Joy 〈◊〉 these Successes bounded in this Island but ●read into remote Countries so that in the ●amps of the Allies the Cannon was fired ●nd all other Demonstrations of a high satis●●ction for the Success of their Majesties ●●ms were set on foot though the French Commanders especially in their Camps laboured to extenuate these brave and vigorous Undertakings crowned with such ample Success least it could dishearten and abate the Courage of their Men who already by their frequent deserting seemed to grow weary of a War wherein they too plainly found that instead of what they formerly gained by Plundering and laying defenceless Places waste they must expect nothing but Blows and severe Treatment On the First of November following these Transactions the Irish Entirely left the English Town of Lymerick Embarking o● the Transport-ships in the Shannon whe● Sailing for France one of those Ships having on Board Four hundred Men beside● Stores and Furnitures of divers kinds running foul on a Rock overset and about On● hundred Men were drowned though n● diligence was wanting to endeavour thei● preservation Upon the marching out of the Irish ou● Soldiers marched in and Garrisoned th● English Town and now Sir David Collie● was made Governour of the City of Lymerick and the Lord O Brian of th● County of the said City And on the Six●● of this Month the French Squadron consisting of Eighteen Men of War Six Fire-ships and Twenty Transport-ships who brought about Ten thousand Arms Wine and Brandy for Sale and much Provision fell down about Two Leagues below Scaltery viz. the Men of War but their Transport-ships were suffered to remain nearer to take in Provisions and other Necessaries for Transportation of the People they were to take on Board And Major-General Talmash having settled and ordered things to the best Advantage in the City gave place to the new Governour and departed for Dublin where he was received with many Expressions of Joy according to the true merit of his Courage and Conduct in this War Upon this great turn of Fortune many of their Ringleaders going away in the French Ships the Rapparees found themselves abandoned and in great Distress so that they were constrained to come in and submit so that the face of things appeared to be strangely changed Uproar and Confusion being turned into a calm Peace so that most of the English and Dutch Regiments c. prepared to Embark for England where they soon after Arrived and passed for Flanders where they were for the Winter Season quartered advantagiou●ly in divers Towns to hinder the Incursi●ons of the French The General having put an end to the War of Ireland being highly caressed and treated in Dublin Embarked for England on the Monmouth Yatch where he received the Applause and high Commendations of the People in all places where he passed The King received him very graciously and Created him Earl of Athlone c. The Parliament likewise sent their Thanks to him for the good Service he had done desiring him to Communicate the same to all the Officers that had served under him in this Expedition And he together with them was highly Entertained at a Noble Treat by the City of London The Soldiers now returning a Proclamation was Issued forth for their well abearing and behaving themselves in their March Quarters and making due Payment And so great was the Joy of the Irish Nobility and Gentry for restoring that Kingdom to Peace and Tranquility that in humble Gratitude they made the following Address to his Majesty viz. WE Your Majesties Most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects crave leave in the first place to offer our most humble Thanks to the Divine Majesty by whom you Reign for having Raised and Inspired your Majesty for the Deliverance of these Oppressed Nations and for preserving Your Royal Person so frequently exposed to danger but never in greater than in the Kingdom and Cause of the Protestants in IRELAND What was then so graciously undertaken by Your Majesty in Person is now so happily finished by the Success of Your Arms that we owe to Your Majesty's Courage and Conduct next to the Divine Providence the Restoration of our Religion and Civil Rights and Liberties We beseech Your Majesty to Accept this Recognition as the first Fruits of our Redemption till we are able to make a more Solemn and Parliamentary Acknowledgment to Your Majesties Iust Title to our Allegiance not only in Right of this Crown but in Gratitude to our great Deliverer and Conqueror of Your Majesty's Enemies We are sure Your Majesty will effectually preserve those You have so generously Delivered and we hope Your Majesty shall never have occasion to doubt the steady and united Affections of the Protestants of IRELAND in the Service of your Crown and Dignity from Principles of Inclination Duty and Interest all which makes us unanimously and heartily to pray for the Sacred Person Victorious Arms and Iust and Gentle Government of King WILLIAM and Queen MARY with Peace and Continuance over us On the Two and twentieth of December Sarsfield having got together Two thousand six hundred Men Women and Children set Sail from Cork for France he thought to have carried a greater Number but was deceived by their Deserting him as did the whole Regiments of Mac Dermo Brian O Neal and Colonel Felix O Neal upon the Advice they received of the ill Treatment of the Irish that were already Landed in France where the Officers were generally displaced or made to serve in lower Stations even to Common Soldiers and French Men set over them Ireland being now in a fair way to a Settlement Colonel Foulk Governour of Dublin had Orders to Disband the Irish Regiments that came over to us upon the Surrender of Lymerick except Fourteen hundred which were appointed for the Emperour's Service the which though they prosessed a great willingness to serve their Majesties they submitted to and had Two Cobs a Man given them Gratis most of them going to their Habitations or Employments On the Three and twentieth of Ianuary being the first day of the Term the Right Honourable Sir Charles Porter Lord Chancellour and Thomas Conningsby Esquire Lords Justices of the Kingdom came to the Court of Kings Bench accompanied by divers of the Privy Council and other Persons of Quality where they took the Oaths and Subscribed the Declaration required by the late Act of Parliament made in England After which the Judges of other Courts and Persons of different Quality and Employments did the like About this time