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A57919 Historical collections of private passages of state Weighty matters in law. Remarkable proceedings in five Parliaments. Beginning the sixteenth year of King James, anno 1618. And ending the fifth year of King Charls, anno 1629. Digested in order of time, and now published by John Rushworth of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; Rushworth, John, 1612?-1690. 1659 (1659) Wing R2316A; ESTC R219757 913,878 804

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Propositions from either side to give distaste and lessen the Friendship between the two Crowns The Duke returned answer that all assurance and satisfaction shall be given concerning this Alliance And after Sir Digby's arrival at the Court of Spain he protested to him solemnly that the King desired it and swore for himself that he desired nothing more Hereupon Digby debated with him That the remembrance of their former Demands was yet unpleasing in England the difference of Religion the Opinions of Divines and the Cases of Conscience were still the same insomuch that his Majesty and his Servants had just cause to cease for ever from all thoughts this way Nevertheless they did not slight nor disrelish an Alliance with Spain for many of the greatest eminency in England judge it equally valuable with any other of Christendom though it be esteemed a matter of infinite difficulty Here the subtil Spaniard might perceive our forwardness though our Ambassador seemed to speak aloof off and with reservation The debate had this result that the difficulties should be digested into certain Heads and select Persons appointed for Conference but the Intent thereof was that the Kings on either side should not be interessed nor their names therein used till by the clearing of particulars there should be great appearances that the business would take effect Now because the difference of Religion was supposed the onely difficulty of moment it was thought fit to break the matter to the Cardinal of Toledo and the Kings Confessor and one Father Frederick a learned Jesuite having the repute of a Moderate man Upon the review of these proceedings Sir Iohn Digby advised the King not to suffer his other resolutions to be interrupted by this Overture which might be set on foot as a meer device to stagger the French Treaty and to keep his Majesty from declaring himself opposite to Spain in the business of Cleves and Iuliers which still remained uncompounded nevertheless he might be pleased for a while to suspend the conclusion of the Match with France and entertain this motion and to this end he desired from him not a formal Commission to treat but onely a private Instruction for his Direction and Warrant Such remote Conferences made way for that solemn slow-paced Treaty of the many years following wherein the advantage lay on the Spaniards side who were indeed very formal and specious in it but no way vehement and vigorous if we might suppose them in any sort real But the King of England having a prevalent inclination this way when he was once drawn in and elevated with hope was so set upon it that he would grant all things possible rather then break it off and was impatient of dissembling his own eagerness The business was mainly carried on by Conde Gondomar who was exquisitely framed for it and by facetious wayes taking the King in his own humor prevailed mightily The King removes all blocks that lie in the way of this Darling Design and studies all the wayes of rendring himself acceptable to Spain The Wall of this Island the English Navy once the strongest of all Christendome now lyes at road unarmed and fit for ruine Gondomar as was the common voice bearing the King in hand that the furnishing of it would breed suspition in the King his Master and avert his minde from this alliance Moreover the Town of Flushing the Castle of Ramakins in Zealand and Brill in Holland which were held by way of caution from the united Provinces to insure their dependency upon England the King resolved to render up as being meerly cautionary and none of his Propriety He rid his hands of those places to prevent requests and Propositions from the King of Spain who claimed the propriety in them and Gondomar put hard for them being accounted the Keys of the Low Countries Such was the Kings care and contrivance to keep faith with those Confederates and not offend Spain And to render this a politick action it was urged that the advantage of those Holds was countervailed by the vast expence in keeping them Howbeit the power of the English Interest in that State was by this means cut off and taken away and the alienation between King Iames and the United Provinces which appeared in latter times and was nourished by Bernevelt the head of the Arminian Faction and a Pensioner of Spain is now increased by the discovery and observation of these late Spanish compliances But the King of Spain and his Ministers had given but slender proof of any great affection yea or of sincere intention and upright dealing in this great affair For Sir Iohn Digby received certain Articles in matter of Religion after a Consultation had with their Divines which appeared very unworthy and were utterly rejected by him Yet afterwards upon a private Conference between him and some others to whom the cause had been committed a Qualification was therein conceived though not delivered as a matter there approved And the same Speeches after his return into England proceeded between him and Gondomar and were brought to that Issue that the King thought fit to acquaint a select number of his Council therewith who having heard the report of the former proceeding delivered their opinion That they found very probable ground for him to enter into a publike Treaty with as much assurance of good success as in such a case might be expected whereupon Sir Iohn Digby by Commission under the Great Seal was authorized to treat and conclude the Marriage and because the matter of Religion was in chief debate those qualified Articles that were brought out of Spain were sent back signed with the Kings hand who added something to them by way of clearer explanation They were to this effect THat the Popes Dispensation be first obtained by the meer Act of the King of Spain That the Children of this Marriage be not constrained in matter of Religion nor their Title prejudiced in case they prove Catholikes That the Infanta's Family being Strangers may be Catholikes and shall have a decent place appointed for all Divine Service according to the use of the Church of Rome and the Ecclesiasticks and Religious persons may wear their proper Habits That the Marriage shall be celebrated in Spain by a Procurator according to the Instructions of the Council of Trent and after the Infanta's arrival in England such a solemnization shall be used as may make the Marriage valid according to the Laws of this Kingdome That she shall have a competent number of Chaplains and a Confessor being Strangers one whereof shall have power to govern the Family in Religious matters In the allowing of these Articles the King thus exprest himself Seing this Marriage is to be with a Lady of a different Religion from us it becometh us to be tender as on the one part to give them all satisfaction convenient so on the other to admit nothing that may blemish our Conscience or
the Ambassadors person as some are said to have done yet for using railing speeches against him calling him Divel or words to that purpose it was His Majesties pleasure that that fellow without any further delay on the morrow in the forenoon be publickly and sharply whipt thorow London beginning at Algate and so through the streets along by the place where the affront was offered towards Fleetstreet and so to Temple-Bar without any manner of favor The people were enraged at Gondomar through a perswasion that he abused the King and State to advance the designs of Spain By means of his power with the King he had transported Ordinance and other warlike Provisions to furnish the Spanish Arsenals and it was believed that he underhand wrought the sending of Sir Rob. Mansel into the Mediterranean Sea to fall upon the Pirates of Algier The Merchants of this Kingdom by them much infested being also induced to move for this Expedition wherein the English fleet performed gallantly and advancing within the reach of Cannon and small shot which from the Land showred like Hail upon them fired the Pirates ships within their own Harbor Nevertheless hereby our Strength was diverted our Treasure exhausted and the Spanish fleet and Merchants secured from those Robbers and Spain left at liberty to assist in subduing the Palatinate In the mean while our Kings Affairs in Germany notwithstanding the many Complaints grew more and more desperate In Bohemia the Emperor having well nigh subdued and setled the Country proceeded to the Tryal and Execution of the Authors of the late Commotions some were condemned to perpetual imprisonment and others to death and the Heads of many eminent persons were fixt on the Towers in Prague and their bodies quartered After this the Emperor began both in Austria and Hungaria to imprison divers that assisted the Bohemians and caused Proces to be made against them The Marquess of Iagerndorfe who stirred in the County of Glatsburgh and raised forces by Commission from the Elector Palatine published Letters against the Executions in Bohemia as cruel and barbarous The Emperor put forth an Answer and said That the Marquess published those things maliciously forasmuch as in Bohemia was the Original sedition and the head that infected the members That some few persons Authors of the troubles not in hatred of their Religion but for their Rebellion have been punished by the hand of Justice And he declared further That the like exemplary Justice should not be done in other places but that the Articles of the Peace should be observed By this time the Parliament having sate about four moneths King Iames was desirous to give them a time of vacancie The Lord Treasurer by the Kings command declared unto the Houses That his Majesty by the advice of his Privy Council thought fit to adjourn the Parliament lest the season of the year by the continual concourse of people should cause Infection Also that the Lieutenans and Justices might be in the Country And the Adjournment keeping the Parliament still in being was better then Proroguing That his Majesty had already redressed corruption in Courts of Justice and by his Proclamation called in the Patents of Inns of Osteries and of Gold and Silver-Thread and cherished the Bill against Informers and Monopolies The Commons were troubled at this Message and desired a Conference with the Lords and moved them to petition the King to forbear the Adjournment The King takes notice of it and the Treasurer acquainted the Lords that a Petition of this nature could not be pleasing to his Majesty it seeming to derogate from his Prerogative who alone hath power to call adjourn and determine Parliaments The Commons at a further Conference declared their hearty sorrow and passionate grief at the Kings resolution which they said cut off the performance of what they had consulted and promised for the Publique weal. The Lords sitting in their Robes the King came and made a Speech takes notice of his Message to both Houses and gave their Lordships thanks for obeying the same and acknowledging his power to call adjourn and dissolve Parliaments and for refusing to join with the Commons in the Petition for Non-adjournment And whereas some had given out that no good had been done this Parliament He put them in mind that the two Patents grievous to the Commonwealth were called in and that the Parliament had censured the Offenders for an example to all ages And if they desired it he offered them eight or ten days longer sitting to expedite Bills but said that at the request of the Commons he would not grant it The Lords had a Conference with the Commons after which they moved the King to continue their sitting for fourteen days which was granted and the Commons were satisfied with the resolution of Adjournment A Committee of both Houses afterwards attending the King he told them how ill he took it that the Commons should dispute his reasons of Adjournment all power being in him alone to call adjourn prorogue and dissolve Parliaments And on Iune 4. he declared for an Adjournment till November following And that he will in the mean time of his own authority redress Grievances And his Majesty as General Bishop of the Land did offer his prayers to God for both the Houses and admonished them That when they go into the Country they give his people a good accompt and satisfaction both as to the Proceedings and to the Adjournment of the Parliament The House of Commons immediately before their recess taking to heart the miseries of the Palatinate resolved that the drawing back in so good a Cause should not be charged on their slackness And thereupon drew up this following Declaration with an universal consent THe Commons assembled in Parliament taking into most serious consideration the present state of the Kings Children abroad and the generally afflicted estate of the true Professors of the same Christian Religion professed by the Church of England in Foreign parts And being touched with a true sense and fellow féeling of their distresses as Members of the same Body do with unanimous consent in the name of themselves and the whole body of the Kingdom whom they represent declare unto his most excellent Majesty and to the whole World their hearty grief and sorrow for the same and do not only join with them in their humble and devout prayers unto Almighty God 〈◊〉 protect his true Church and to avert the dangers now threatned but also with one heart and voice do solemnly protest That if His Maies●●● pious endeavors by Treaty to procure their peace and safety shall not take that good effect which is desired in Treaty Wherefore they humbly beseech His Majesty not to suffer any longer delay That then upon signification of His Majesties pleasure in Parliament they shall be ready to the utmost of their powers both with their lives and fortunes to assist him so as that by the Divine
most famous Prince have polished with Learning and Arts of Prudence would assent to the Father of lights illuminating the Christian world We easily apprehend how much it would conduce to the Publick peace that being King of Scotland you should join in one Kingdom those Nations and Islands divided either by the bars of the Mountains or by the depths of the Ocean For your Majesty seems for that very reason to be made Lord of so many Provinces that they might more easily and quickly receive healing and salvation from him whom they obey Wherefore we even then besought God by continual ●rayers who gives salvation to Kings that so many blessings by his grace conferred upon you by which you are admirable in the sight of Potentates might bring safety to Britain and joy to the Church A blessed hope from above not long ago shined upon us when we understood that you were desirous of a Catholick alliance and that the ●ssue which should succeed in the inheritance and government of those Nations might be begotten of a Catholick mother We can scarcely express how much joy Gregory the Fifteenth of blessed memory our Predecessor brought us when he made us one of the Congregation of those Cardinals whom he would have to take cognisance of the English Match While we discoursed of a matter of so great importance we expressed a singular propension of mind towards your Majesty and were both tender of your praises and desirous to provide for your happiness And now being by the consent of the Apostolical Senate advanced to this station where we are to watch and ward for all earthly Monarchs we cannot sufficiently declare what a care and desire we have of Great Britain and the honor of so great a King It seems to have been a special providence of God that the first Letters which we received reigning in the seat of S. Peter were those which the most noble Charls Prince of Wales wrote to our Predecessor as a testimony of his affection to the Popes of Rome And since we now desire that this venerable Marriage should by the blessing of God be perfected we resolved to write unto you without expecting Letters first from you for Charity is the honor of the Papal Empire and although most powerful Kings do homage to us in this seat yet we account it glorious charity so perswading to descend to humble prayers so that we may gain souls to Christ. First therefore we desire you to perswade your self that there is no Prince in the Christian world from whom you can expect more evidence of fatherly affection then from the Pope who desires to embrace you a most desired Son with the arms of Apostolical charity We know with what a Letter Gregory the Fifteenth excited you to obtain so great a glory And since we have succeeded him we will not only imitate his inclinations towards you but will exceed them We hope we shall shortly have news out of England that your Majesty is favorable to the Catholick interest and that the Catholicks who live there whom the Father of mercies hath vindicated into the liberty of the sons of God being freed from the fear of punishment enjoy your Royal protection He who is rich in mercy will reward such a purpose with some signal happiness The Kingdoms of the Earth will applaud your Majesty and the Host of Heaven will wage war for you Though sinners gnash their teeth and Impiety powerful to raise sedition threaten yet Europe hopes she shall see King James triumphing in the Roman Church and increasing the example of his Ancestors by new works of Piety We do not distrust that the time of Gods good pleasure is now at hand when they who recommend to History the praises of the British Religion shall not always speak of the deeds of another Age but may be able to propose the present Government as a pattern of imitation to the Ages following Your Ancestors call upon you who have left you so powerful and so famous an inheritance who believed that the gates of the kingdom of Heaven were opened to mankind with the Popes keyes Certainly it cannot be that your Majesty should dare either to contemn or condemn the belief of so many Ages and the judgment of so many Kings who have deserved well of you Do you not see that by your Majesties opinion they are deprived of Heaven who left you a Kingdom while you contend that they erred in the worship of their Religion By this means it would be that whom the Universal Church believes to be Citizens of Heaven and to reign as Coheirs with Christ in that everlasting Country you who are descended of them should snatch them out of Heaven and thrust them into the bottomless pit of Error and the prison of hellish torments Do you not perceive your bowels yearn at the thought of so ungrateful an offence Are not such deliberations repugnant to your Royal temper which nevertheless so many Nations of Europe are forced to reprehend while it dissents from the Seat of the Apostles Let the splendor of so great glory allure your eyes which looks out of Heaven upon you and reaches you out a hand ready to reduce by your means the Kingdom of Britain into the Sanctuary of God with the conduct of Angels and acclamations of men A long time ago Christian religion lay all along in the world squalid and deformed with anguish affrighted with the threats of Tyrants But that Emperor whom we owe to Great Britain Constantine the Great the Defender of the Popes authority and the Avoucher of the Roman Faith did not only bring her out of her lurking places but called her to an Empire He is a fit pattern of imitation for your Majesty not those Kings who have transgressed and dissipated the Everlasting Covenant We call you O most wished for Son from this Watch-Tower of the World into the Society of his Glory Adde one day to your past years which all posterity may celebrate with a grateful memory Put a Mitre of Eternal Glory upon your head that in the time of your Reign we may say with the Holy Apostle I have seen a new Heaven in Britain and a new City descending from Heaven and a guard of Angels upon her Walls If that should come to pass we shall make reckoning that our Reign hath been happy to mankinde This our Sollicitude we believe will be so grateful unto you That we verily hope upon the receipt of our Letter you will forthwith increase the advantage of the Catholicks which live there Which if you shall do you will exceedingly oblige us and we shall consign to you the King of Kings debtor of so great benefit who so long as he shall preserve your Royal Family in eminent Happiness shall second the wishes of the Roman Church and bring ioy to the holy Prelates Dated at Rome at St. Peters sub annulo Piscatoris 15 Octob. 1623. The first year of our Reign Nobilissimo
was done to this effect THat our Soveraign Lord King Iames of Famous Memory at the Suit of both Houses of Parliament and by the powerful operation of his Majesty that now is gave consent to break off the Two Treaties with Spain touching the Match and the Palatinate and to vindicate the many wrongs and scorns done unto his Majesty and his Royal Children Besides if the King of Spain were suffered to proceed in his Conquests under pretence of the Catholick Cause he would become the Catholick Monarch which he so much affects and aspires unto Also amidst these Necessities our late King considered That he might run a hazard with his people who being so long inured to Peace were unapt to War that the uniting with other Provinces in this undertaking was a Matter of exceeding Difficulty This drew him to new Treaties for regaining his Children right which were expulsed by the Friends and Agents of Spain and wherein his Majesty proceeded as far as the wisest Prince could go and suffered himself to be won unto that which otherwise was impossible for his Royal Nature to endure He considered also the many Difficulties abroad the Duke of Bavaria by Force and Contract had the Palatinate in his own possession most of the Electors and Princes of Germany were joyned with him The Estates of the other Princes most likely to joyn in a War of Recovery were seized and secured and all by a Conquering Army Besides the Emperor had called a Diet in which he would take away all possibility of recovering the Honor and Inheritance of the Palatinate thus it stood in Germany And in France the King there chose to sheath his Sword in the Bowels of his own Subjects rather then to declare against the Catholick Cause In the Low-Countreys the Sect of the Arminians prevailed much who inclined to the Papists rather then to their own safety notwithstanding that the Enemy had a great and powerful Army near them so that his Majesty was inforced to Protect and Countenance them with an Army of Six thousand from hence with a Caution of the like Supply from thence if required Moreover he sought Alliance with France by a Match for his Royal Majesty that now is thereby to have Interest in that King and to make him a Party The last consideration was his Majesties own Honor who had labored with the two Kings of Denmark and Sweden and the German Princes from whom he received but cold Answers they refusing to joyn unless they first saw his Majesty in the Field But of this he was very tender unless the League were broken or he first warred upon The Forces of an Army were considered and the way of proceeding whether by Invasion or Diversion The Charges thereof appeared in Parliament to be Seven hundred thousand pounds a year besides Ireland was to be fortified the Forts here repaired and a Navy prepared he thought it feasible to enter into a League with the French King and the Duke of Savoy and Venice Hereupon an Army was committed to Count Mansfield the charge whereof came to Seventy thousand pounds a Moneth for his Majesties part also he commanded the preparing of this great Fleet All which so heartned the Princes of Germany that they sent Ambassadors to the Kings of Denmark and Sweden and those two Kings offered a greater Army both of Horse and Foot to which his Majesty was to pay a proportion Count Mansfields Army though disastrous produced these happy effects First It prevented the Diet intended by the Emperor Secondly The German Princes gained new courage to defend themselves and oppose their Enemies Thirdly The King of Denmark hath raised an Army with which he is marched in person as far as Minden Moreover the Confederates of France and Italy have prosecuted a War in Milan and Peace is now made by the French King with his own Subjects so that by this means breath is given to our Affairs This Parliament is not called in meer Formality upon his Majesties first coming to the Crown but upon these Real Occasions to consult with the Lords and Commons Two Subsidies are already given and gratiously accepted but the Moneys thereof and much more are already disbursed A Fleet is now at Sea and hastning to their Rendezvous the Army is ready at Plimouth expecting their Commanders His Majesties Honor Religion and the Kingdomes safety is here engaged besides he is certainly advised of Designs to infest his Dominions in Ireland and upon our own Coasts and of the Enemies increase of Shipping in all parts These things have called the Parliament hither and the present Charge of all amounts to above Four hundred thousand pounds the further prosecution whereof the King being unable to bear hath left it to their Consultations His Majesty is verily perswaded That there is no King that loves his Subjects Religion and the Laws of the Land better then himself and likewise that there is no people that better loves their King which he will cherish to the uttermost It was thought that this place had been safe for this Assembly yet since the Sickness hath brought some fear thereof his Majesty willeth the Lords and Commons to put into the Ballance with the fear of the Sickness his and their great and weighty occasions Then the Lord Treasurer added That the late King when he died was indebted to the City of London 120000 l. besides Interest and indebted for Denmark and the Palatinate 150000 l. and indebted for his Wardrobe 40000 l. That these debts lie upon his Majesty that now is who is indebted upon London 70000 l. That he hath laid out for his Navy 20000 l. and 20000 l. for Count Mansfield And for Mourning and Funeral expences for his Father 42000 l. For expences concerning the Queen 40000. The Navy will require to set it forth in that Equipage as is requisit for the great Design his Majesty hath in hand and to pay them for the time intended for this Expedition 300000 l. After this Conference the Commons fell into high Debates alleaging That the Treasury was mis-employed that evil Councels guided the Kings Designs that our Necessities arose through Improvidence that they had need to Petition the King for a strait hand and better Counsel to Manage his Affairs And though a former Parliament did engage the King in a War yet if things were managed by contrary Designs and the Treasure misemployed This Parliament is not bound by another Parliament to be carried blindfold in Designs not guided by sound Counsel and that it is was not usual to grant Subsidies upon Subsidies in one Parliament and no Grievances redressed There were many Reflections upon the Dukes miscarriages likewise they reassumed the Debate concerning Montague and they resolved That Religion should have the first place in their Debates and next unto it the Kingdoms Safety and then Supplies Other particulars were likewise insisted on That the King be desired to Answer in full Parliament to the Petition
Majesty will be likewise pleased strictly to command all your Iudges and Ministers of Iustice Ecclesiastical and Temporal to sée the Laws of this Realm against Popish Recusants to be duly executed And namely that the Censure of Excommunication be declared and certified against them and that they be not absolved but upon publick satisfaction by yielding to Conformity Answ. His Majesty leaves the Lawes to their Course and will order in the point of Excommunication as is desired X. That your Majesty will be pleased to remove from places of Authority and Government all such persons as are either Popish Recusants or according to direction of former Acts of State to be justly suspected Answ. This his Majesty thinks fit and will give order for it XI That present order be taken for disarming all Popish Recusants legally convicted or justly suspected according to the Laws in that behalf and the Orders taken by his late Majesties Privy-Council upon reason of State Answ. The Laws and Acts in this Case shall be followed and put in due execution XII That your Majesty be also pleased in respect of the great resort of Recusants to and about London to command forthwith upon pain of your indignation and severe execution of the Laws that they retire themselves to their several Countries there to remain confined within Five miles of their places Answ. For this the Laws in force shall be forthwith executed XIII And whereas your Majesty hath strictly commanded and taken order that none of the natural born Subjects repair to the hearing of Masses or other Superstitious Service at the Chappels or Houses of Foreign Ambassadors or in any other places whatsoever we give your Majesty most humble thanks and desire that your Order and Commandment therein may be continued and observed and that the Offenders herein may be punished according to the Laws Answ. The King gives assent thereto and will see that observed which herein hath been commanded by him XIV That all such Insolencies as any that are Popishly affected have lately committed or shall hereafter commit to the dishonor of our Religion or to the wrong of the true Professors thereof be exemplarily punished Answ. This shall be done as is desired XV. That the Statute of 1 Eliz. for the payment of Twelve-pence every Sunday by such as shall be absent from Divine service in the Church without a lawfull excuse may be put in due execution the rather for that the penalty by Law is given to the poor and therefore not to be dispenced withal Answ. It is fit that this Statute be executed and the Penalties shall not be dispenced withal XVI Lastly That your Majesty would be pleased to extend your Princely care also over the Kingdom of Ireland that the like courses may be there taken for the restoring and establishing of true Religion Answ. His Majesties cares are and shall be extended over the Kingdom of Ireland and he will do all that a Religious King should do for the restoring and establishing of true Religion there And thus most gracious Soveraign according to our duty and zeal to God and Religion to your Majesty and your safety to the Church and Common-wealth and their peace and prosperity we have made a faithfull Declaration of the present Estate the causes and remedies of this increasing disease of Popery humbly offering the same to your Princely care and wisdom The Answer of your Majesties Father our late Soveraign of famous memory upon the like Petition did give us great comfort of Reformation but your Majesties most gracious promises made in that kinde do give us confidence and assurance of the continual performance thereof In which comfort and confidence reposing our selves we most humbly pray for your Majesties long continuance in all Princely felicity The Petition and Answer being read it was further intimated to the Commons That as his Majesty took well their minding him of the care of Religion so he would have done and granted the same things though they had never petitioned him neither doth he place his Answer to this Petition as a wheel to draw on other affairs and designs but he leaves them to move in their own Sphere and what he hath done in this particular comes from these two Fountains Conscience and Duty to his Father who in his last speech recommended unto him the Person but not the Religion of his Queen At the same time the Duke signified to both Houses that by the Kings command he was to give an account of the Fleet and the preparations thereof and said that the first and last time he had the happiness to speak in that Auditory it was of the Spanish Treaty and then he was so happy as to be honored and applauded by both Houses of Parliament and he made no question but speaking now with the same heart he should be no less acceptable to them And he made this request to the House of Commons to believe that if any hath spoken or shall speak in discharge of his conscience his zeal of Reformation any thing which may seem to reflect upon some particular persons he shall be the last man that will apply this to himself because he is confidently assured of two things first that they are just not to fall upon him without cause and secondly that himself shall do nothing that unbecomes a faithfull Englishman And for the Method of his ensuing Discourse he chose rather to speak by way of Objection and Answer then in one continued Speech as a speedier means to give the Commons satisfaction Object 1. By what Counsel those Designs and Actions of War were carried and enterprised Answ. By the Counsel of the Parliament appointed according to the Act of both Houses the 23. of March 1623. by those Counsels his Majesty was guided and applied himself accordingly for the defence of the Realm the securing of Ireland the assisting of our Neighbors and others our Friends and Allies and for the setting forth the Navy-Royal His Majesty looking into his purse saw enough to do all the former Actions but not this latter For when he came to consider of the Navy there was neither money nor preparations yet looking upon the Affairs of Christendom he found that of most necessity Hereupon his Majesty of famous memory did him viz. the Duke the honor as to write from Newmarket to him at London a Letter to this effect That looking into the Affairs of Christendom he found it necessary that a Royal-Fleet shou●d be prepared and set in readiness but that he had no Money wherefore himself meaning the Duke and his Friends must begin to lay it out and no doubt but others would follow and by this means the King might lie the longer concealed and undiscovered in the Enterprise as bearing the name of the Subject onely and other Princes in hope to draw him on would sooner come to the business Upon this Letter the Duke said he leaped into the Action with all alacrity and
and he will improve it to your honor and the good of Religion as you issue nothing that is loss so you will bring home something that is gain and henceforward maintain the War by the perquisites thereof make but once an Entrance it may afterwards be maintained with profit when the Enemy is declared you may have Letters of Mart none shall be denied I have not been so idle but I shall make Propositions of advantage whither your selves may go and shall have the honey of the business August 9. 1625. After the Commons returned from the House of Lords they made Report of this Business unto the House which occasioned variety of Opinions Some were for giving the King present Supply who had made so gracious an Answer to the Petition for Religion and given direction that the same should be Inrolled pressing further That this Supply was not for the Kings own particular Wants but for the Honor and Defence of the Kingdom and that it might prove dangerous not to comply with the King in a modest and just desire Others were of a contrary minde and said It was requisite to present to his Majesty the means how he may live glorious at home and how he may be feared abroad by having his Designs better mannaged and an Enemy Declared Then may spurs be added to the Sea-horse and the King of Spain infested at a lesser charge and we better secured from Papists at home whose hearts are knit with the Spaniard and whose Estates may liberally contribute to the War and the great Sums given for Honors and Offices would go far in setting forth a Fleet at Sea and the Subject not be always importuned for Supply But the further Debate of this Business was put off till the next day being Wednesday the Tenth of August The next day the King sends a Message to the Commons wherein he takes notice that the House intended to enter into Consideration of divers heads concerning the King and the Common-wealth that he was pleased with their good intentions but desired them to consider his Affairs which require a speedy dispatch the season of the year was far spent yet the time not unseasonable for the Design that if the Plague should happen in the Navy the Action would be lost that if any of the House should be touched with the sickness much inconvenience would ensue by an abrupt breaking up therefore desires a present Answer about Supply if not he will take more care of the Commons then they will of themselves and will make as good a shift for himself as he can to go through with this present occasion and offereth that the Parliament shall meet again in Winter at what time they please upon his Royal word and hold together till they have perfected all things for the good of the Common-wealth and the King which are now in conception and desires them to consider it was the first Request that ever he made unto them Hereupon some earnestly pressed the giving of two Subsidies and two Fifteens his Majesties honor and the Necessity of his Affairs requiring it as it appeared out of Considerations already frequently represented Others replied that Necessity is a dangerous Counsellor and is a continual Argument of Supplies in all Parliaments that those Counsellors who have put the King and Kingdom into such a Necessity and hazard ought to answer for it whosoever they be that if the State of things will not admit a Redress of Grievances surely there is not so much necessity for money to give Subsidy upon Subsidy in one Parliament is not usual in the Eighteenth year of Henry the third there was one punished for pressing of more Subsidies when Subsidies had been granted before in that Parliament In the end it was proposed that a Report be made to the King that they have regard to his Honor Necessity and Safety and the safety of the Kingdom and that they will assist his Majesty in any honorable Action grounded upon sound Councils and that something be drawn up in writing to that purpose accordingly the House agreed upon a short Declaration which was assented unto without a Negative WE the Knights Cittzens and Burgesses of the Commons House of Parliament being the Representative body of the whole Commons of this Realm abundantly comforted in his Majesties late gracious Answer touching Religion and his Message for the care of our health do Solemnly protest and vow before God and the world with one heart and voice that we are all resolved and do hereby declare that we will ever continue most Loyal and obedient Subjects to our most gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles and that we will be ready in convenient time and in a Parliamentary way freely and dutifully to do our utmost endeavors to discover and reform the Abuses and Grievances of the Realm and State and in like sort of afford all necessary Supply to his most Excellent Majesty upon his present and all other his just Occasions and Designs most humbly beseeching our said Dear and Dread Soveraign in his Princely wisdom and goodness to rest assured of the true and hearty affections of his poor Commons and to esteem the same to be as we conceive it is indeed the greatest worldly reputation and security that a just King can have and to accompt all such as slanderers of the peoples affections and Enemies to the Common-wealth that shall dare to say the contrary This Declaration was sent to the King by such of the Privy-Council as were Members of the House Notwithstanding the King perceiving the House resolved against Supply without Redress of Grievances and in their Debates to reflect upon some great Persons near unto him the 12th of August sent to the House of Peers a Commission directed to several Lords for the Dissolution of the Parliament whereupon the Gentleman-Usher was commanded to signifie to the Speaker of the House of Commons that the Lords had received his Majesties Commission which was read unto both Houses whereupon the Commons with their Speaker went up presently to the Lords heard the Commission read and the Parliament declared to be dissolved At this Parliament begun and holden by Prorogation at Westminster the 18th day of Iune Anno Regis Caroli Primo 1625. these Acts were passed 1. AN Act for the punishing of divers Abuses committed on the Lords-Day commonly called Sunday 2. An Act to enable the King to make Leases of Lands parcel of the Dutchy of Cornwal 3. An Act for the ease of obtaining Licenses of Alienation and in the pleading of Alienations with licence or of Pardons of Alienations without licence in the Court of Exchequer or elsewhere 4. An Act to restrain Tipling in Inns and Ale-houses 5. An Act for the Subsidy of the Clergy 6. An Act for the two Subsidies of the Temporalty 7. An Act that this Session of Parliament shall not determine by his Majesties assent to this and some other Acts. 8. An Act
That Images may be used for the instruction of the Ignorant and excitation of Devotion V. That in the same Homily it is plainly expressed That the attributing the defence of certain Countries to Saints is a spoiling God of his honor and that such Saints are but Dii tutelares of the Gentiles Idolators The said Richard Montague hath notwithstanding in his said Book Entituled A Treatise concerning the Invocation of Saints affirmed and maintained That Saints have not onely a Memory but a more peculiar Charge of their Friends and that it may be admitted That some Saints have a peculiar Patronage Custody Protection and Power as Angels also have over certain Persons and Countries by special deputation and that it is no impiety so to believe Whereas in the seventeenth of the said Articles it is resolved That God hath certianly Decreed by his Counsel secret to us to deliver from Curse and Damnation those whom he hath chosen in Christ out of mankinde and to bring them by Christ to everlasting Salvation wherefore they which be endued with so excellent a benefit of God be called according to Gods purpose working in due season they through Grace obey the Calling they be justified freely walk Religiously in good works and at length by Gods mercy attain to everlasting felicity He the said Richard Montague in the said Book called The Appeal doth maintain and affirm That men justified may fall away and depart from the state which once they had they may arise Again and become new men possibly but not certainly nor necessarily and the better to countenance this his opinion he hath in the same Book wilfully added falsified and charged divers words of the sixteenth of the Articles before mentioned and divers other words both in the Book of Homilies and in the Book of Common-Prayer and so misrecited and changed the said places he doth alleadge in the said Book called The Appeal endeavouring thereby to lay a most wicked and malicious scandal upon the Church of England as if he did herein differ from the Reformed Churches of England and from the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas and did consent to those pernitious Errors which are commonly called Arminianism and which the late famous Queen Elizabeth and King Iames of happy memory did so piously and diligently labour to suppress That the said Richard Montague contrary to his Duty and Allegiance hath endeavored to raise great Factions and Divisions in this Common-wealth by casting the odious and scandalous name of Puritans upon such his Majesties loving Subjects as conform themselves to the Doctrine and Ceremony of the Church of England under that name laying upon them divers false and malicious Imputations so to bring them into jealousie and displeasure with his most Excellent Majesty and into reproach and ignominy with the rest of the people to the great danger of Sedition and Disturbance in the State if it be not timely prevented That the Scope and end of the said Richard Montague in the Books before mentioned is to give encouragement to Popery and to withdraw his Majesties Subjects from the true Religion established to the Roman Superstition and consequently to be reconciled to the Sea of Rome All which he laboreth by subtile and cunning ways whereby Gods True Religion hath been much scandalized those Mischiefs introduced which the wisdom of many Laws hath endeavored to prevent the Devices and Practices of his Majesties Enemies have been furthered and advanced to the great peril and hazard of our Soveraign Lord the King and of all his Dominions and loving Subjects That the said Richard Montague hath inserted into the said Book called The Appeal divers passages dishonorable to the late King his Majesties Father of famous memory full of bitterness railing and injurious Speeches to other persons disgracefull and contemptible to many worthy Divines both of this Kingdom and of other Reformed Churches beyond the Seas impious and profane in scoffing at preaching meditating and conferring Pulpits Lectures Bible and all shew of Religion all which do aggravate his former Offences having proceeded from malicious and envenomed heat against the Peace of the Church and the sincerity of the Reformed Religion publickly professed and by Law established in this Kingdom All which Offences being to the dishonor of God and of most mischievous effect and consequence against the good of this Church and Commonwealth of England and of other his Majesties Realms and Dominions The Commons assembled in Parliament do hereby pray That the said Richard Montague may be punished according to his Demerits in such exemplary manner as may deter others from attempting so presumptuously to disturb the Peace of Church and State and that the Book aforesaid may be suppressed and Burnt Whether an Answer was made to these Articles by Mr Montague we cannot tell for upon search we can finde none About the same time his Majesty being informed that there was great liberty taken by divers of his Subjects to resort to the hearing of Masse at Durham-house in the Lodgings of a Foraign Ambassodor the Privy Council taking notice thereof and accounting it scandalous to this Church and of ill example to be suffered at any time but much more in this time of Parliament required the Bishop of Durham to apprehend such of his Majesties Subjects as should be present at the Masse and to commit them to Prison There was also a Letter sent from the Attorney-General to the Judges of the Circuits to direct their Proceedings against Recusants to this effect THat their Lordships will not omit to publish the Kings Gracious and Religious Determination to go on really and constantly in this way and that out of his bounty and goodness he hath published his Resolution under the Great Seal of England That whatsoever Revenue or Benefit shall arise hereby from Purses of Popish Recusants shall be set apart from his own Treasure and be wholly imployed for the Service of the Commonwealth and shall not be dispensed with to any of what degree soever nor diverted by any the Suits of his Servants or Subjects 2. That their Lordships will be pleased at their first coming into every County within their Circuit to command the Clerk of Assise and Clerk of the Peace to be carefull for the Indictment of Popish Recusants without respect of Persons of what Degree of Honor or Office soever and that they neither make nor suffer to be made any omission or mistaking in their Indictment or other proceedings and that the next Term within ten dayes of the beginning of the Term they give or send to him viz. the Attorney a note in writing who stand indicted of new and that they fail not to certifie the Recusants convicted into the Exchequer by that time That at their Lordships first coming into the County they call the Iustices of Peace then present and the Grand-Iury men to give their Lordships true Information of the Recusants of any Note or Name in that Country and that
the Clink But I am of opinion that if you had curiously enquired upon the Gentleman who gave the Information you should have found him to be a Disciple of the Iesuites for they do nothing but put tricks on these poor men who do live more miserable lives then if they were in the Inquisition in many parts beyond the Seas By taking the Oath of Allegiance and writing in defence of it and opening some points of high consequence they have so displeased the Pope that if by any cunning they could catch them they are sure to be burnt or strangled for it And once there was a plot to have taken Preston as he passed the Thames and to have shipt him into a bigger Vessel and so to have transported him into Flanders there to have made a Martyr of him In respect of these things King James always gave his protection to Preston and Warrington as may be easily shewed Cannon is an old man well-affected to the Cause but medleth not with any Factions or Seditions as far as I can learn They complain their Books were taken from them and a Crucifix of Gold with some other things which I hope are not carried out of the house but may be restored again unto them For it is in vain to think that Priests will be without their Beads or Pictures Models of their Saints and it is not improbable that before a Crucifix they do often say their prayers I leave the things to your best consideration and hope that this Deed of yours together with my Word will restrain them for giving offence hereafter if so be that lately they did give any I heartily commend me unto you and so rest Your very loving Friend G. Canterbury By this time the Commons had prepared an Humble Remonstrance to the King in Answer to his Majestie 's and the Lord Keeper's Speech Most Gracious Soveraign WHereas your Majesty hath béen pleased of late at sundry times and by several means to impart unto us your Royal pleasure touching some passages and procéedings in this present Parliament We do first with unspeakable joy and comfort acknowledge your Majesties grace and favor in that it hath pleased you to cause it to be delivered unto us by the Lord Kéeper of your Great Seal in your own Royal presence and before both Houses of Parliament That never King was more loving to his people nor better affected to the right use of Parliaments withal professing your most gracious resolution to hear and redress our just Grievances And with like comfort we acknowledge your Majesties goodness shining at the very entrance of your glorious Reign in commanding the Execution of the Laws established to preserve the true Religion of Almighty God in whose service consisteth the happiness of all Kings and Kingdoms Yet let it not displease your Majesty that we also express some sense of just Grief intermixed with that great Ioy to sée the careful procéedings of our sincere Intentions so misreported as to have wrought effects unexpected and we hope undeserved First touching the Charge against us in the matter concerning Mr. Cook We all sincerely protest That neither the words mentioned in your Maiesties Message nor any other of seditious effect were spoken by him as hath béen resolved by the House without one Negative voice Howsoever in a Spéech occasionally uttered he let fall some few words which might admit an ill construction whereat the House being displeased at the delivery of them as was expressed by a general and instant Check he forthwith so explained himself and his intention that for the present we did forbear to take them into consideration which since we have done And the effect thereof had before this appeared if by important businesses of your Maiesties service we had not béen interrupted The like interruption did also befall us in the Case of Doctor Turner wherein the Question being formerly stated a Resolution was ordered to have béen taken that very day on which we received your Maiesties command to attend you But for our own procéedings We humbly beséech your Maiesty to be truly informed That before that Overture from Doctor Turner out of our great and necessary care for your honor and welfare of your Realm We had taken into serious Consideration the Evils which now afflict your people and the Causes of them that we might apply our selves unto the fittest remedies In the pursuit whereof our Committées whatsoever they might have done have in no particular proceeded otherwise then either upon ground of knowledge in themselves or proof by examination of Witnesses or other Evidence In which course of service for the publick good as we have not swerved from the Parliamentary ways of our Predecessors so we conceive that the discovery and reforming of Errors is so far from laying an aspersion upon the present Time and Government that it is rather a great honor and happiness to both yielding matter to great Princes wherein to exercise and illustrate their noblest vertues And although the grievous Complaints of the Merchants from all parts together with the Common service of the Subiects well-affected to those who profess our Religion gave us occasion to debate some businesses that were partly Forein and had relation to affairs of State yet we beseech your Maiesty to rest assured it was exceeding far from our intention either to traduce your Counsellors or disadvantage your Negotiations And though some examples of great and potent Ministers of Princes heretofore questioned in Parliament have been alleadged yet was it without paralleling your Maiesties Government or Councils to any Times at all much less to Times of Exception Touching the Letter of Your Majesties Secretary it was first alleaged by your Advocate for his own Iustification and after by direction of the Committée produced to make good his Allegation And for the search at the Signet Office the Copy of a Letter being divulged as in your Majesties Name with pregnant cause of suspition both in the Body and Direction thereof to be supposititious the Committée out of desire to be cléered therein did by their Order send some of themselves to the Signet Office to search whither there were any Records of Letters of that nature without Warrant to the Officer for any much less for a general search But touching Publick Records we have not forborn as often as our businesses have required to make search into them wherein we have done nothing unwarranted by the Laws of your Realm and the constant usage of Parliaments And if for the ease of their Labors any of our Committées have desired the help of the Officers Repertories or Breviats of Direction We conceive it is no more then any Subject in his own affairs might have obtained for ordinary Fées Now concerning Your Majesties Servants and namely the Duke of Buckingham We humbly beséech Your Majesty to be informed by us your Faithful Commons who can have no private end but your Majesties Service and the good of
in the chief Court of Admiralty in the name of the said late King and of the Lord Admiral against them for Fifteen thousand pound taken Piratically by some Captains of the said Merchants ships and pretended to be in the hands of the East India Company and thereupon the Kings Advocate in the name of Advocate for the then King and the said Lord Admiral moved and obtained one Attachment which by the Serjeant of the said Court of Admiralty was served on the said Merchants in their Court the sixteenth day of March following whereupon the said Merchants though there was no cause for their molestation by the Lord Admiral yet the next day they were urged in the said Court of Admiralty to bring in the Fifteen thousand pounds or go to prison wherefore immediately the Company of the said Merchants did again send the Deputy aforesaid and some others to make new suit unto the said Duke for the release of the said Ships and Pinaces who unjustly endeavoring to extort money from the said Merchants protested that the Ships should not go except they compounded with him and when they urged many more reasons for the release of the said Ships and Pinaces the Answer of the said Duke was That the then Parliament must first be moved The said Merchants therefore being in this perplexity and in their consultation the three and twentieth of that moneth even ready to give over that Trade yet considering that they should lose more then was demanded by unlading their ships besides their voyage they resolved to give the said Duke Ten thousand pounds for his unjust demands And he the said Duke by the undue means aforesaid and under colour of his Office and upon false pretence of Rights unjustly did exact and extort from the said Merchants the said Ten thousand pounds and received the same about the 28. of April following the discharge of those Ships which were not released by him till they the said Merchants had yielded to give him the said Duke the said Ten thousand pounds for the said Release and for the false pretence of Rights made by the said Duke as aforesaid VII Whereas the Ships of our Soveraign Lord the King and of his Kingdoms aforesaid are the principal strength and defence of the said Kingdoms and ought therefore to be always preserved and safely kept under the command and for the service of our Soveraign Lord the King no less then any the Fortresses and Castles of the said Kingdoms And whereas no Subject of this Realm ought to be dispossessed of any his Goods or Chattels without order of Justice or his own consent first duly had and obtained The said Duke being Great Admiral of England Governor-General and Keeper of the said Ships and Seas and thereof ought to have and take a special and continual care and diligence how to preserve the same The said Duke in or about the end of Iuly last in the first year of our Soveraign Lord the King did under the colour of the said Office of Great Admiral of England and by indirect and subtile means and practices procure one of the principal Ships of his Majesties Navy-Royal called the Vantguard then under the Command of Captain Iohn Pennington and six other Merchants Ships of great burden and value belonging to several Persons inhabiting in London the Natural Subjects of his Majesty to be conveyed over with all their Ordnance Munition Tackle and Apparel into the parts of the Kingdom of France to the end that being there they might the more easily be put into the hands of the French King his Ministers and Subjects and taken into their possession command and power And accordingly the said Duke by his Ministers and Agents with menaces and other ill means and practices did there without order of Justice and without the consent of the said Masters and Owners unduly compel and inforce the said Masters and Owners of the said six Merchants Ships to deliver their said Ships into the said possession command and power of the said French King his Ministers and Subjects and by reason of his compulsion and under the pretext of his power as aforesaid and by his indirect practices as aforesaid the said Ships aforesaid as well the said Ship Royal of his Majesty as the others belonging to the said Merchants were there delivered into the hands and command of the said French King his Ministers and Subjects without either sufficient security or assurance for redelivery or other necessary caution in that behalf taken or provided either by the said Duke himself or otherwise by his direction contrary to the duty of the said Offices of Great Admiral Governor-General and Keeper of the said Ships and Seas and to the faith and trust in that behalf reposed and contrary to the duty which he oweth to our Soveraign Lord the King in his place of Privy-Counsellor to the apparent weakening of the Naval strength of this Kingdom to the great loss and prejudice of the said Merchants and against the liberty of those Subjects of our Soveraign Lord the King that are under the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty VIII The said Duke contrary to the purpose of our Soveraign Lord the King and his Majesties known zeal for the maintenance and advancement of the true Religion established in the Church of England knowing that the said Ships were intended to be imployed by the said French King against those of the same Religion at Rochel and elswhere in the Kingdom of France did procure the said Ship Royal and compel as aforesaid the said six other Ships to be delivered unto the said French King his Ministers and Subjects as aforesaid to the end the said Ships might be used and imployed by the said French King in his intended War against those of the said Religion in the said Town of Rochel and elswhere within the Kingdom of France And the said Ships were and have been since so used and imployed by the said French King his Ministers and Subjects against them And this the said Duke did as aforesaid in great and most apparent prejudice of the said Religion contrary to the purpose and intention of our Soveraign Lord the King and against his duty in that behalf being a sworne Counsellor to his Majesty and to the great scandal and dishonor of this Nation And notwithstanding the delivery of the said Ships by his procurement and compulsion as aforesaid to be imployed as aforesaid the said Duke in cunning and cautelous manner to mask his ill intentions did at the Parliament held at Oxford in August last before the Committee of both Houses of Parliament intimate and declare that the said Ships were not nor should they be so used and imployed against those of the said Religion as aforesaid in contempt of our Soveraign Lord the King and in abuse of the said Houses of Parliament and in violation of that Truth which every man should profess These three Articles were aggravated by Mr. Glanvile
gracious Pardon of his now Majesty granted to the said Duke and vouchsafed in like manner to all his Subjects at the time of his most happy Inauguration and Coronation Which said Pardon under the Great Seal of England granted the said Duke beareth date the 10. day of February now last past and here is shewn forth unto your Lordships on which he doth most humbly rely And yet he hopeth your Lordships in your Justice and Honor upon which with confidence he puts himself will acquit him of and from those misdemeanors offences misprisions and crimes wherewith he hath been charged And he hopeth and will daily pray that for the future he shall by Gods grace so watch over his actions both publick and private that he shall not give any just offence to any The Duke having put in this Answer earnestly moved the Lords to send to the Commons to expedite their Reply and the Commons did as earnestly desire a Copy of his Answer The next day his Majesty wrote this Letter to the Speaker TRusty and Welbeloved We greet you well Our House of Commons cannot forget how often and how earnestly we have called upon them for the speeding of that Aid which they intended us for our great and weighty affairs concerning the safety and honor of us and our Kingdoms And now the time being so far spent that unless it be presently concluded it can neither bring us Money nor Credit by the time which themselves have prefixed which is the last of this Moneth and being further deferred would be of little use we being daily advertised from all parts of the great preparations of the Enemy ready to assail us We hold it necessary by these our Letters to give them our last and final admonition and to let them know that we shall account all further delays and excuses to be express denials And therefore we will and require you to signifie unto them that we do expect that they forthwith bring in their Bill of Subsidy to be passed without delay or Condition so as it may fully pass the House by the end of the next week at the furthest Which if they do not it will force us to take other resolutions But let them know if they finish this according to our desire that we are resolved to let them sit together for the dispatch of their other affairs so long as the season will permit and after their recess to bring them together again the next Winter And if by their denial or delay any thing of ill consequence shall fall out either at home or abroad We call God and man to witness that We have done our part to prevent it by calling our People together to advise with us by opening the weight of our occasions unto them and by requiring their timely help and assistance in these Actions wherein we stand engaged by their own Councels And we will and command you that this Letter be publickly read in the House About this time there happened at three a clock in the afternoon a terrible storm of Rain and Hail in and about the City of London and with it a very great Thunder and Lightening The graves were laid open in S. Andrews Church-yard in Holborn by the sudden fall of the Wall which brought away the Earth with it whereby many Coffins and the Corps therein were exposed to open view and the ruder sort would ordinarily lift up the lids of the Coffins to see the posture of the dead Corps lying therein who had been buried of the Plague but the year before At the same instant of time there was a terrible Storm and strange Spectacle upon Thames by the turbulencie of the waters and a Mist that arose out of the same which appeared in a round Circle of a good bigness above the waters The fierceness of the Storm bent it self towards York-House the then habitation of the Duke of Buckingham beating against the stairs and wall thereof And at last this round Circle thus elevated all this while above the water dispersed it self by degrees like the smoke issuing out of a Furnace and ascended higher and higher till it quite vanished away to the great admiration of the beholders This occasioned the more discourse among the Vulgar in that Doctor Lamb appeared then upon Thames to whose Art of Conjuring they attributed that which had happened The Parliament was then sitting and this Spectacle was seen by many of the Members out of the windows of the House The Commons agreed upon this ensuing Petition to his Majesty concerning Recusants To the Kings most Excellent Majesty YOur Majesties most obedient and loyal Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament assembled do with great comfort remember the many Testimonies which your Majesty hath given of your sincerity and zeal of the true Religion established in this Kingdom and in particular your gracious Answer to both Houses of Parliament at Oxford upon their Petition concerning the Causes and Remedies of the Increase of Popery That your Majesty thought fit and would give order to remove from all Places of Authority and Government all such persons as are either Popish Recusants or according to direction of former Acts of State justly to be suspected which was then presented as a great and principal cause of that mischief But not having received so full redress herein as may conduce to the peace of this Church and safety of this Regal State They hold it their duty once more to resort to your Sacred Majesty humbly to inform you that upon examination they find the persons underwritten to be either Recusants Papists or justly suspected according to the former Acts of State who now do or since the first sitting of the Parliament did remain in places of Government and Authority and Trust in your several Counties of this your Realm of England and Dominion of Wales The Right Honorable Francis Earl of Rutland Lieutenant of the County of Lincoln Rutland Northampton Nottingham and a Commissioner of the Peace and of Oyer and Terminer in the County of York and Justice of Oyer from Trent Northwards His Lordship is presented to be a Popish Recusant and to have affronted all the Commissioners of the Peace within the North-Riding of Yorkshire by sending a Licence under his Hand and Seal unto his Tenant Thomas Fisher dwelling in his Lordships Mannor of Helmsley in the said North-Riding of the said County of York to keep an Alehouse soon after he was by an Order made at the Quarter-Sessions discharged from keeping an Alehouse because he was a Popish convict Recusant and to have procured a Popish Schoolmaster namely Roger Conyers to teach Schollers within the said Mannor of Helmsley that formerly had his Licence to teach Schollers taken from him for teaching Schollers that were the children of Popish Recusants and because he suffered these children to absent themselves from the Church whilest they were his Schollers for which the said Conyers was formerly complained of
Bill shew and declare against Roger Manwaring Clerk Dr. in Divinity That whereas by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm the free Subiects of England do undoubtedly inherit this Right and Liberty not to be compelled to contribute any Tax Tollage Aid or to make any Loans not set or imposed by common consent by Act of Parliament And divers of his Majesties loving Subjects relying upon the said Laws and Customes did in all humility refuse to lend such sums of Moneys without Authority of Parliament as were lately required of them Nevertheless he the said Roger Manwaring in contempt and contrar● to the Laws of this Realm hath lately preached in his Majesties presence two several Sermons That is to say the fourth day of July last one of the said Sermons and upon the 29. day of the same Moneth the other of the said Sermons both which Sermons he hath since published in print in a Book intituled Religion and Allegiance and with a wicked and malitious intention to seduce and misguide the Conscience of the Kings most excellent Majesty touching the observation of the Laws and Customes of this Kingdom and of the Rights and Liberties of the Subjects to incense his Royal displeasure against his good Subjects so refusing to scandalize subvert and impeach the good Laws and Government of this Realm and the Authority of the High Court of Parliament to alienate his Royal heart from his People and to cause jealousies sedition and division in the Kingdom He the said Roger Manwaring doth in the said Sermons and Book perswade the Kings most excellent Majesty First that his Majesty is not bound to keep and observe the good Laws and Customes of this Realm concerning the Rights and Liberties of the Subjects aforementioned And that his Royal Will and Command in imposing Loans Taxes and other Aids upon his people without common consent in Parliament doth so far binde the Consciences of the Subjects of this Kingdom that they cannot refuse the same without peril of eternal damnation Secondly that those of his Majesties loving Subjects which refused the Loan aforementioned in such manner as is before recited did therein offend against the Law of God against his Majesties Supreme Authority and by so doing became guilty of Impiety Dissoialty Rebellion and Disobedience and liable to many other Taxes and Censures which he in the several parts of his Book doth most falsly and malitiously lay upon them Thirdly that authority of Parliaments is not necessary for the raising of Aids and Subsidies that the slow proceedings of such Assemblies are not fit for the supply of the urgent necessities of the State but rather apt to produce sundry impediments to the just designs of Princes and to give them occasion of displeasure and discontent All which the Commons are ready to prove not only by the general scope of the same Sermons and Book but likewise by several Clauses Assertions and Sentences therein contained and that he the said Roger Manwaring by preaching and publishing the Sermons and Book aforementioned did most unlawfully abuse his holy function instituted by God in his Church for the guiding of the Consciences of all his Servants and chiefly of Soveraign Princes and Magistrates and for the maintenance of the peace and concord betwixt all men especially betwixt the King and his People and hath thereby most grievously offended against the Crown and Dignity of his Majesty and against the Prosperity and good Government of this State and Common-wealth And the said Commons by protestation saving to themselves the Liberty of exhibiting at any time hereafter any other occasion or impeachment against the said Roger Manwaring and also of replying to the answers which he the said Roger shall make unto any of the matters contained in this present Bill of Complaint and of offering further proof of the premises or of any of them as the Cause according to the Course of Parliament shall require do pray that the said Roger Manwaring may be put to answer to all and every the premises and that such proceeding examination trial judgement and exemplary punishment may be thereupon had and executed as is agreeable to Law and Iustice. This Declaration ingrossed in Parliament being read Mr. Pym addressed himself to the Lords in this manner THat he should speak to this Cause with more confidence because he saw nothing out of himself that might discourage him If he considered the matter the Offences were of an high nature of easie proof if he considered their Lordships who were the Judges of their own interest their own honour the example of their Ancestors the care of their Posterity would all be Advocates with him in this Cause on the behalf of the Commonwealth if he considered the King our Soveraign the pretence of whose Service and Prerogative might perchance be sought unto as a Defence and Shelter for this Delinquent he could not but remember that part of his Majesties Answer to the Petition of Right of both Houses that he held himself bound in conscience to preserve those Liberties which this man would perswade him to impeach He said further that he could not but remember his Majesties love to Piety and Justice manifested upon all occasions and he knew love to be the root and spring of all other passions and affections A man therefore hates because he sees somewhat in that which he hates contrary to that which he loves a man therefore is angry because he sees somewhat in that wherewith 〈◊〉 ●ngry that gives impediment and interruption to the accomplishment of that which he loves If this be so by the same act of his Apprehension by which he believes his Majesties love to Piety and Justice he must needs believe his hate and detestation of this man who went about to withdraw him from the exercise of both Then he proceeded to that which he said was the Task enjoyned him to make good every Clause of that which had been read unto them which that he might the more clearly perform he prepounded to observe that order of parts unto which the said Declaration was naturally dissolved 1. Of the Preamble 2. The Body of the Charge 3. The Conclusion or Prayer of the Commons The preamble consisted altogether of recital first of the Inducements upon which the Commons undertook this complaint The second of those Laws and Liberties against which the offence was committed The third of the violation of those Laws which have relation to that offence From the connexion of all those recitals he said there did result three Positions which he was to maintain as the ground-work and foundation of the whole Cause The first that the form of Government in any State could not be altered without apparent danger of ruine to that State The second the Law of England whereby the Subjects was exempted from Taxes and Loans not granted by common consent of Parliament was not introduced by any Statute or by any Charter or Sanction of Princes but was
House fearing a sudden dissolution fell into consideration of the weak estate of the Kingdom and of our Friends and Allies abroad of the great strength of the House of Austria and the King of Spains ambition aspiring to an universal Monarchy and his present great preparations for war Hereupon the House was moved to name a select Committee to represent these things to his Majesty with the danger like to insue to this Kingdom if the Parliament be dissolved without a happy conclusion But being satisfied by the Lords of the privy Councel that there was no such cause of fear as the House apprehended the naming of a Committee was for that time deferred Having met in our Collections with a Letter of Mr. Allureds to old Mr. Chamberlain of the Court of Wards and being a concurrent proof to the Passages this day in the House We have thought fit here to mention it viz. Sir YEsterday was a day of desolation among us in Parliament and this day we fear will be the day of our dissolution Upon Tuesday Sir John Elliot mo●ed that as we intended to furnish his Majesty with money we should also supply him with Counsel which was one part of the occasion why we were sent by the Countrey and called for by his Majesty And since that House was the greatest Councel of the Kingdom where or when should his Majesty have better Counsel then from thence So he desired there might be a Declaration made to the King of the danger wherein the Kingdom stood by the decay and contempt of Religion the insufficiency of his Generals the unfaithfulness of his Officers the weakness of his Councels the exhausting of his Treasure the death of his men the decay of Trade the loss of Shipping the many and powerful Enemies the sew and the poor Friends we had abroad In the enumerating of which the Chancellor of the Dutchy said it was a strange language yet the House commanded Sir John Elliot to go on then the Chancellor desired if he went on that himself might go out whereupon they all bad him begon yet he stayed and heard him out and the House generally inclined to such a Declaration to be presented in an humble and a modes● manner not prescribing the King the way but leaving it to his Iudgment for reformation So the next day being Wednesday we had a Message from his Majesty by the Speaker that the Session should end on Wednesday and that therefore we should husband the time and dispatch the old businesses without entertaining new intending to pursue their Declaration they had this Message yesterday morning brought them which I have here inclosed sent you which requiring not to cas● or lay any aspersion upon any Minister of his Majesty the house was much affected to be so restrained since the House in former times had proceeded by finding and committing John of Gaunt the Kings Son and others and of late have medled with and sentenced the Lord Chancellor Bacon and the Lord Treasurer Cranfield Then Sir Robert Philips spake and mingled his words with weeping Mr. Prynne did the like and Sir Edward Cook overcome with passion seeing the desolation likely to ensue was forced to sit down when he began to speak through the abundance of tears yea the Speaker in his Speech could not refrain from weeping and shedding of tears besides a great many whose great griefs made them dumb and silent yet some bore up in that storm and incouraged others In the end they desired the Speaker to leave the Chair and Mr. Whitby was to come into it that they might speak the freer and the frequenter and commanded no man to go out of the House upon pain of going to the Tower Then the Speaker humbly and earnestly besought the House to give him leave to absent himself for half an hour presuming they did not think he did it for any ill intention which was instantly granted him then upon many Debates about their Liberties hereby infringed and the eminent danger wherein the Kingdom stood Sir Edward Cook told them he now saw God had not accepted of their humble and moderate carriages and fair proceedings and the rather because he thought they dealt not sincerely with the King and with the Countrey in making a true Representation of the causes of all these miseries which now he repented himself since things were come to this pass that he did it not sooner and therefore he not knowing whether ever he should speak in this House again would now do it freely and there protested that the author and cause of all those miseries was the Duke of Buckingham which was entertained and answered with a chearful acclamation of the House as when one good Hound recovers the scent the rest come in with a full cry so they pursued it and every one came on home and laid the blame where they thought the fault was and as they were Voting it to the Question whether they should name him in their intended Remonstrance the Sole or the Principall cause of all their miseries at home and abroad The Speaker having been three hours absent and with the King returned with this Message That the House should then rise being about eleven a clock and no Committees stould sit in the afternoon till to morrow morning What we shall expect this morning God of Heaven knows We shall meet timely this morning partly for the businesse sake and partly because two days since we made an Order that whosoever comes in after prayers payes twelve pence to the poor Sir excuse my hast and let us have your prayers whereof both you and we have here need So inscribling haste I rest Affectionately at your service Thomas Alured This 6. of June 1628. The Message mentioned in this Letter of the 6. of Iune is already before expressed Friday 6. Iune Mr. Speaker brings another Message from the King the day following IN my service to this House I have had many undeserved favours from you which I shall ever with all humbleness acknowledge but none can be greater then that testimony of your confidence yesterday shewed unto me whereby I hope I have done nothing or made any representation to his Majesty but what is for the honour and service of this House and I will have my tongue cleave to my mouth before I will speak to the disadvantage of any Member thereof I have now a Message to deliver unto you Whereas his Majesty understanding that ye did conceive his last Message to restrain you in your just Priviledges to complain of any of his Ministers These are to declare his intentions that he had no meaning of barring you from what hath been your Right but only to avoid all scandals on his Councel and Actions past and that his Ministers might not be nor himself under their names taxed for their Counsel unto his Majesty and that no such particulars should be taken in hand as would ask a longer time of consideration then what
of all the Members of our Church except onely of some schismatical persons who have of late years taken the boldnesse to broach their contrary corrupt opinions we desire should not be called in question or doubt But howsoever it hath pleased your Majesty to our exceeding great comfort by many Testimonies to declare your own constant resolution to maintain the said Religion yet we see how your gracious purposes are therin crost and into what a miserable condition your whole Kingdom is likely by that means to be reduced we shall earnestlie endeavour as that which doth nearly concerne us the safety and prosperitie of your Majestie and people which are in such sort disordered that ruine thereby threatned to both may by Gods blessing be prevented being most heartilie sorrie that these occasions are offered which did thus hinder our proceedings And therefore as well for dignity and necessitie of the matter as for that we conceive it to be the most speedy and effectual way by uniting of all our hearts and endeavours to dispatch all other businesse of importance particularlie those which may seem more immediatlie to respect your Majesties profit We pray that our resolutions of preferring this businesse before all others may be acceptable to your Majestie to whom both in the matter and manner of our proceedings we desire to give all possible satisfaction Whereunto the King thus Answered GEntlemen this Answer being somewhat long may in reason require some time to reply unto it since as most of you cannot but judge this giveth no satisfaction Therefore I shall give you some short notes upon it I cannot think that whereas you alledge that the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage was brought in against the priviledge of your House That you will offer to take so much priviledge from every one of your members as not to allow them the liberty to bring in any Bill whatsoever although it be in your power when it is brought in to do with it what you think good And I cannot imagine you coming together by my power and to treat of things that I propound unto you can deny me that Prerogative to commend or offer my Bill unto you though in this particular I must confess that this Bill was not to have been offered to you in my Name as that Member of your House can bear witness As for the cause of delay in my businesse being Religion there is none of you shall have a greater care for the true preservation of it then my self which since it is confessed by your Answer You must either think I want power which cannot be or that I am very ill councelled if it be in so much danger as you affirm Though I may say much of this I will say no more but that for all this I shall not stop mine ears to you upon this subject so that in form and matter you transgresse not your limits as for Tunnage and Poundage I do not so much desire it out of greediness of the thing being perswaded you will make no stop in it when you once take it in hand as out of a desire to put an end to those Questions that do arise between me and some of my Subjects thinking it a strange thing if you should give Ear to those complaints and not to take the sure and speedy way to decide them Besides I must think it strange that this business of Religion should only be a hinderer of my Affaires whereas I am certainly informed all other things go according to their ordinary course therefore I must still be instant with you that you proceed with Tunnage and Poundage with diligence not looking to be denied in so just a desire and you must not think it strange i● I finding you slack give you such further quickning as I shall find cause Hereupon Secretary Cook did acknowledge that at the presenting of the Bill of Tunnage to be read he said his Majesty much desired it but it was a mistake that his Majesty commanded it Wednesday the 4. of February THe House fell into debate of the Kings Declaration published in print to prohibite dispute or preaching one way or other concerning the matters mentioned in the Declaration alledging in the debate that the main end thereof was to suppress the Puritan party and yet to give liberty to the contrary side and they conceived that Bishop Laud and Bishop Montague mentioned in the last Remonstrance had advised the King to that Declaration Bishop Laud being advanced since the last Session of Parliament to be Bishop of London and Mr. Montague since that time made Bishop of Chichester And a Warrant was grantted to the Attourney General to draw up a pardon for him but whereas the Warrant was but for one the Attourney put four into the pardon viz. Bishop Montague Doctor Cosens Doctor Sibthorp and Doctor Manwaring Tuesday the 10. of February WHilst the House was in debate touching matters of Religion the Ware-house of Mr. Rolls Merchant and Member of the House then sitting in Parliament was locked up by a Pursuevant and himself called forth from the Committee and served with a Subpoenâ This gave occasion of smart debates in the House some said they were made the subject of scorn and contempt others conceived this to be a bone thrown in by them that have drawn a cloud on the true Religion to divert or interrupt them in the prosecution of that matter and they desired the messenger might be sent for and be examined by what procurement this Subpoenâ was taken forth Sir Humphrey May Chancellor of the Duchy and one of the Privy Councel assured the House that this neither proceeded from King nor Councel and therefore desired it might be searched into the bottome And it was afterwards cleared by Master Atturney General by his writing a Letter to Mr. Rolls that the serving a Subpoenâ upon him was a mistake and prayed that a favourable interpretation might be given of that matter Upon report from the Committee for Tunnage and Poundage Sir Iohn Wolstenholme Mr. Dawes and Mr. Carmarthan were ordered to appear at the Barr on Friday next and report was made to the House that Master Atturney notwithstanding his Letter did give order for the processe against Mr. Rolls and that in the Bill preferred in the Exchequer it was expressed the Merchants did plot practice and combine against the peace of the Kingdome This business being a matter of weight the further consideration thereof was appointed for another day and no member might go out of Town without Licence Thursday the 12. of February THe House was turned into a Committee concerning the business of Tunnage and Poundage and several Merchants did Petition that their goods were not only seized but informations preferred in Star-Chamber against them The Committee in their debate inclined that the Merchants might have their goods before they enter upon the Bill for Tunnage and Mr. Noy expressed himself
declared for War he pursued Peace and resolved to close with Spain hoping to heal the Breach by that Alliance The House of Commons before they granted Subsides resolved to try the Kings Spirit by this Petition and Remonstrance which laid open the distempers of those times with their causes and cures Most Gratious and Dread Soveraign WE Your Majesties most Humble and Loyal Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses now Assembled in Parliament who represent the Commons of Your Realm full of hearty sorrow to be deprived of the Comfort of Your Royal Presence the rather for that it proceeds from the want of Your health wherein we all unfeignedly do suffer In all humble manner calling to minde Your Gracious Answer to our former Petition concerning Religion which notwithstanding Your Majesties Pious and Princely intentions hath not produced that good effect which the danger of these times doth séem to us to require And finding how ill Your Majesties goodness hath béen requited by Princes of different Religion who even in time of Treaty have taken opportunity to advance their own ends tending to the subversion of Religion and disadvantage of Your Affairs and the Estate of Your Children By reason whereof Your ill affected Subjects at home the Popish Recusants have taken too much encouragement and are dangerously increased in their number and in 〈◊〉 insolencies We cannot but be sensible thereof and therefore humbly represent what we conceive to be the causes of so great and growing Mischeifs and what be the Remedies I. The Uigilancy and Ambition of the Pope of Rome and his dearest Son the one aiming at as large a Temporal Monarchy as the other at a Spiritual Supremacy II. The Devillish Positions and Doctrines whereon Popery is built and taught with Authority to their Followers for advancement of their Temporal ends III. The distressed and miserable estate of the Professors of true Religion in Foreign parts IV. The Disasterous accidents to Your Majesties Children abroad expressed with rejoycing and even with contempt of their persons V. The strange Confederacy of the Princes of th● Popish Religion aiming mainly at the advancement of theirs and subverting of ours and taking the advantages conducing to that end upon all occasions VI. The great and many 〈◊〉 raised and maintained at the charge of the King of Spain the 〈◊〉 of that League VII The expectation of the Popish Recusants of the Match with Spain and féeding themselves with great hopes of the consequences thereof VIII The interposing of Forein Princes and their Agents in the behalf of Popish Recusants for connivance and favor unto them IX Their open and usual resort to the Houses and which is worse to the Chappels of Foreign Ambassadors X. Their more then usual concourse to the City and their frequent Conventicles and Conferences there XI The education of their Children in many several Seminaries and Houses of their Religion in Forein parts appropriated to the English Fugitives XII The Grants of their just Forfeitures intended by Your Majesty as a Reward of Service to the Grantees but beyond Your Majesties intention transferred or compounded for at such mean rates as will amount to little less then a Toleration XIII The Licentious Printing and dispersing of Popish and Seditious Books even in the time of Parliament XIV The swarms of Priests and Iesuits the Common Incendiaries of all Christendom dispersed in all parts of your Kingdom And from these causes as bitter Roots we humbly offer to Your Majesty That we foresée and fear there will necessarily follow very dangerous effects both to Church and State For I. The Popish Religion is incompatible with ours in respect of their Positions II. It draweth with it an unavoidable dependency on Forein Princes III. It openeth too wide a gap for Popularity to any who shall draw too great a party IV. It hath a restless spirit and will strive by these Gradations if it once get but a connivancy it will press for a Toleration if that should be obtained they must have an equality from thence they will aspire to Superiority and will never rest till they get a Subversion of the true Religion The Remedies against these growing Evils which in all Humility we offer unto Your most Excellent Majesty are these I. That séeing this inevitable necessity is faln upon Your Majesty which no Wisdom or Providence of a peaceable and pious King can 〈◊〉 Your Majesty would not omit this just occasion spéedily and e●●ectually to take Your Sword into Your hand II. That once undertaken upon so honorable and just grounds Your Majesty would resolve to pursue and more publickly avow the aiding of those of our Religion in Forein parts which doubtless would reunite the Princes and States of the Union by these disasters disheartned and disbanded III. That Your Majesty would propose to Your Self to manage this War with the best advantage by a diversion or otherwise as in Your déep judgment shall be found fittest and not to rest upon a War in these parts onely which will consume Your Treasure and discourage Your People IV. That the bent of this 〈◊〉 and point of Your S●●●d may be against that Prince whatsoever opinion of potency he hath whose Armies and Treasures have first diverted and since maintained the War in the Palatinate V. That for securing of our Peace at home Your Majesty will be pleased to review the parts of our Petition formerly delivered unto Your Majesty and hereunto annexed and to put in execution by the care of choice Commissioners to be thereunto especially appointed the Laws already and hereafter to be made for preventing of dangers by Popish Recusants and their wonted evasions VI. That to frustrate their hopes for a future age our most Noble Prince may be timely and happily married to one of our own Religion VII That the Children of the Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom and of others ill-affected and suspected in their Religion now beyond the Seas may be forthwith called home by your means and at the charge of their Parents or Governors VIII That the Children of Popish Recusants or such whose Wives are Popish Recusants be brought up during their Minority with Protestant Schoolmasters and Teachers who may sow in their tender years the Séeds of true Religion IX That Your Majesty will be pleased spéedily to revoke all former Licences for such Children and Youth to travel beyond the Seas and not grant any such Licence hereafter X. That Your Majesties Learned Council may receive Commandment from Your Highness carefully to look into former Grants of Recusants Lands and to avoid them if by Law they can and that Your Majesty will stay Your Hand from passing any such Grants hereafter This is the sum and effect of our humble Declaration which we no ways intending to press upon Your Majesties undoubted and Regal Prerogative do with the fulness of our Duty and Obedience humbly submit to Your most Princely consideration The glory of God whose cause it is
the zeal of our true Religion in which we have béen born and wherein by Gods grace we are resolved to die the safety of Your Majesties person who is the very life of Your people the happiness of Your Children and Posterity the honor and good of the Church and State dearer unto us then our own lives having kindled these affections truly devoted to Your Majesty And séeing out of our duty to Your Majesty we have already resolved to give at the end of this Session one intire Subsidy for the present relief of the Palatinate onely to be paid in the end of February next which cannot well be effected but by passing a Bill in a Parl●●mentary course before Christmas We most humbly beséech Your Majesty as our assured hope is that You will then also vouchsafe to give life by Your Royal Assent to such Bills as before that time shall be prepared for Your Majesties honor and the general good of Your people And that such Bills may be also accompanied as hath béen accustomed with Your Majesties Gracious Pardon which procéeding from Your own méer Grace may by Your Highness direction be drawn to that Latitude and Extent as may best sort with Your Majesties bounty and goodness And that not onely Felons and Criminal Offenders may take benefit thereof but that Your good Subjects may receive ease thereby And if it shall so stand with Your good pleasure That it may extend to the relief of the old Debts and Duties to the Crown before the First year of Your Majesties Reign to the discharge of Alienations without Licence and misusing of Liveries and Oustre le Maine before the first Summons of this Parliament and of concealed Wardships and not suing of Liveries and Oustre le Maines before the Twelfth year of Your Majesties Reign Which gratious Favor would much comfort Your good Subjects and ease them from vexation with little loss or prejudice to Your own profit And we by our daily and devout Prayers to the Almighty the Great King of Kings shall contend for a blessing upon our endeavors and for Your Majesties long and happy Reign over us and for Your Childrens Children after You for many and many Generations The House had sufficient cause to set forth the danger of true Religion and the Miseries of the Professors thereof in Foreign parts when besides the great wound made in Germany and the cruelties of the prevailing House of Austria the Protestants in France were almost ruined by Lewis the Thirteenth being besieged at once in several places as in Montauban by the King and in Rochel by Count Soysons and the Duke of Guise And for their relief the King of England prevailed nothing by sending of Sir Edward Herbert since Baron of Cherbury and after him the Viscount Doncaster Ambassador for Mediation The King having Intelligence of the former Remonstrance wrote his Letter to the Speaker To Our Trusty and Welbeloved Sir Thomas Richardson Knight Speaker of the House of COMMONS Mr Speaker WE have heard by divers Reports to our great grief That our distance from the Houses of Parliament caused by our indisposition of health hath imboldned the fiery and popular Spirits of some of the House of Commons to argue and debate publickly of the matters far above their reach and capacity tending to our high dishonor and breach of Prerogative Royal. These are therefore to command you to make known in our Name unto the House That none therein shall presume henceforth to meddle with any thing concerning our Government or deep matters of State and namely not to deal with our dearest Sons Match with the Daughter of Spain nor to touch the honor of that King or any other our Friends and Confederates And also not to meddle with any mans particulars which have their due motion in our ordinary Courts of Iustice. And whereas we hear they have sent a Message to Sir Edwin Sandis to know the reasons of his late restraint you shall in our Name resolve them That it was not for any misdemeanor of his in Parliament but to put them out of doubt of any question of that nature that may arise among them hereafter you shall resolve them in our Name That we think our self very free and able to punish any mans misdemeanors in Parliament as well during their sitting as after Which we mean not to spare hereafter upon any occasion of any mans insolent behavior there that shall be ministred unto us And if they have already touched any of these points which we have forbidden in any Petition of theirs which is to be sent unto us it is our pleasure that you shall tell them That except they reform it before it come to our hands we will not deign the hearing nor answering of it Dated at New-Market 3 Dec. 1621. Hereupon they drew up another Petition which they sent accompanied with the former Remonstrance Most Dread and Gratious Soveraign WE your most humble and loyal Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses Assembled in the Commons House of Parliament full of grief and unspeakable sorrow through the true sence of your Majesties displeasure expressed by your Letter lately sent to our Speaker and by him related and read unto us Yet comforted again with the assurance of your grace and goodness and of the sincerity of our own intentions and procéedings whereon with confidence we can relie In all humbleness beséech your most Excellent Majesty that the loyalty and dutifulness of as faithful and loving Subjects as ever served or lived under a gratious Soveraign may not undeservedly suffer by the mis-information of partial and uncertain Reports which are ever unfaithful Intelligencers But that your Majesty would in the clearness of your own Iudgment first vouchsafe to understand from our selves and not from others what our humble Declaration and Petition resolved upon by the Universal voice of the House and proposed with your gratious Favor to be presented unto your Sacred Majesty doth contain Upon what occasion we entred into consideration of those things which are therein contained with what dutiful respect to your Majesty and your service we did consider thereof and what was our true intention thereby And that when your Majesty shall thereby truly discern our dutiful affections you will in your Royal Iudgment frée us from those heavy charges wherewith some of our Members are burthened and wherein the whole House is involved And we humbly beséech your Majesty that you will not hereafter give credit to private Reports against all or any of the Members of our House whom the whole have not censured until your Majesty have béen truly informed thereof from our selves And that in the mean time and ever we may stand upright in your Majesties grace and good opinion than which no worldly consideration is or can be dearer unto us When your Majesty had Reassembled us in Parliament by your Royal Commandment sooner then we expected and did vouchsafe by the mouths
most loving Kinsman C. P. Given at Our Palace of Saint Iames 14 Martii 1621. To the Right Honorable the Lord Balthazar of Zuniga Right Honorable and Wel-beloved Friend BEcause we have divers times been informed by your Friends of your singular propension and zeal towards our Affairs we neither will nor ought to leave you unsaluted at this time you have so well deserved of us But it will be no small accession of your good will if you continue as you have begun to promote by your assistance our concernments with his Majesty our Welbeloved Brother which by what way it may best be done our Ambassador the Baron John Digby will be able to direct you to whom we have intrusted the residue of that matter And if during his residence there he may make use of your singular Humanity and Favor with the King in his Negotiation it will be most acceptable to us and render us who were by your deservings already forward to oblige you most forward for the future to deserve well of you which we shall most willingly testifie as occasion offers not onely in word but in deed J. R. Given at our Palace of Theobalds March 14. 1621. Sir Walter Aston the Leiger Ambassador had managed that Treaty by directions received from Digby and now Digby remained at large in it and had communication of the Passages from him The Spaniards proceed in the Match with a very formal appearance for at this very time the Emperors Ambassador in Spain had discoursed of a Marriage between his Masters Son and the Infanta but was presently answered That the Kings hands were tied by a Treaty on foot with the King of Great Brittain and in this particular they seemed as said the English Agent to deal above board In the mean time the Privy Council by the Kings Commandment consulted about the raising of Moneys to defend the Palatinate They appointed the Keeper of the Records in the Tower to search for all such writings as concerned the Levies of Men at the Publick charge of the Countrey from the time of King Edward the Third until this present Likewise they directed Letters of the tenor following to the Justices of the Courts at Westminster and to the Barons of the Exchequer WHat endeavors his Majesty hath used by Treaty and by all fair and amiable ways to recover the patrimony of his Children in Germany now for the most part withholden from them by force is not unknown unto all his loving ●ubjects since his Majesty was pleased to communicate to them in Parliament his whole proceedings in that business Of which Treaty being of late frustrate he was inforced to take other resolutions namely to recover that by the Sword which by other means he saw no likelihood to compass For which purpose it was expected by his Majesty that his people in Parliament would in a cause so nearly concerning his and his Childrens interest have chearfully contributed thereunto But the same unfortunately failing his Ma●esty 〈◊〉 constrained in a case of so great necessity to try the dutiful affections of his ●●ing Subjects in another way as his Predecessors have done in former times by propounding unto them a voluntary contribution And therefore as your selves have already given a liberal and worthy example which his Majesty doth take in very gratious part so his pleasure is and we do accordingly hereby authorise and require your Lordships as well to countenance and assist the service by your best means in your next Circuits in the several Counties where you hold General Assizes as also now presently with all convenient expedition to call before you all the Officers and Attorneys belonging to any his Majesties Courts of Iustice and also all such others of the Houses and Societies of Court or that otherwise have dependence upon the Law as are meet to be treated withal in this kinde and have not already contributed and to move them to joyn willingly in this contribution in some good measure answerable to that your selves and others have done before us according to their means and fortunes Wherein his Majesty doubteth not but beside the interest of his Children and his own Crown and Dignity the Religion professed by his Majesty and happily flourishing under him within this Kingdom having a great part in the success of this business will be a special motive to incite and perswade them thereunto Nevertheless if any persons shall out of obstinacy or disaffection refuse to contribute herein proportionably to their Estates and Means you are to certifie their names unto this Board And so recommending this service to your best care and endeavor and praying you to return unto us Notes of the names of such as shall contribute and of the sums offered by them We bid c. Letters to the same effect were directed to the High Sheriffs and Justices of Peace of the several Counties and to the Majors and Bailiffs of every City and Town-Corporate within the Kingdom requiring them to summon all of known Abilities within their Jurisdictions and to move them to a chearful contribution according to their Means and Fortunes in some good measure answerable to what others well-affected had done before them And to make choice of meet Collectors of the Moneys and to return a Schedule of the names of such as shall contribute and the sums that are offered by them that his Majesty may take notice of the good inclinations of his Subjects to a cause of such importance as likewise of such others if any such be as out of obstinacy or disaffection shall refuse to contribute About this time George Abbot Archbishop of Canterbury began to fall into disgrace at Court his enemies taking the advantage of a late sad misfortune for shooting at a Deer with a Cross-bow in Bramzil Park he casually killed the Keeper Upon this unhappy accident it was suggested to the King who already disgusted him for opposing the Match with Spain That in regard of his eminent rank in the Church it might administer matter of Scandal which was aggravated by such as aspired unto his place and dignity The Bishop of Lincoln then Lord Keeper informed the Marquess of Buckingham That by the Common Law of England the Archbishops whole estate was forfeited to the King and by the Common Law which is still in force he is made irregular ipso facto and so suspended from all Ecclesiastical Function until he be restored by his Superior which was the Kings Majesty in this rank and order of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction To adde affliction to the afflicted said he will be against his Majesties nature yet to leave a man of Blood Primate and Patriark of all his Churches is a thing that sounds very harsh in the Old Councils and Cannons and the Papists will not spare to censure it The King made choice of the Lord Keeper the Bishops of London Winton Rochester St. Davids and Exeter Sir Henry Hobart Justice Doderidge Sir Henry Martin
and Doctor Stuart to inform him of the nature of this cause and the scandal that might arise thereupon and to certifie what the same may amount unto whither to an irregularity or otherwise and what means may be found for redress However this consultation was managed the Archbishop was not deprived but a Plant was growing up that over-topped him whilst he lived and after his decease obtained the Primacy Doctor Laud who was first chosen to the Bishoprick of St. Davids by the Mediation of the Lord Keeper Williams and was consecrated by the Bishops of London Worcester Chichester Ely Landaff and Oxon the Archbishop in the mean time was not thought irregular for the Casual Homicide This Bishop Doctor Laud was looked upon in those times as an Arminian and a fierce opposer of Puritans and while he lived in Oxford suspected to incline to Popish Tenents as may appear by his Letter of Complaint sent to his Patron Doctor Neal then Bishop of Lincoln against a Sermon preached by Robert Abbot Doctor of the Chair in Oxford in which Letter he inclosed this amongst other Passages of the Doctors Sermon viz. That men under pretence of Truth and Preaching against the Puritans strike at the heart and root of Faith and Religion now established among us That this Preaching against the Puritans was but the practice of Parsons and Campions counsel when they came into England to seduce yong Students And when many of them were afraid to lose their places if they should professedly be thus the counsel they then gave them was That they should speak freely against the Puritans and that should suffice And they cannot intend that they are accounted Papists because they speak against the Puritans But because they indeed are Papists they speak nothing against them If they do at any time speak against the Papists they do beat a little upon the Bush and that softly too for fear of troubling or disquieting the Birds that are in it I Came time enough saith Mr. Laud to be at the rehearsal of this Sermon upon much perswasion where I was fain to sit patiently and hear my self abused almost an hour together being pointed at as I sate For this present abuse I would have taken no notice of it but that the whole University apply it to me and my own Friends tell me I shall sink my credit if I answer not Dr. Abbot in his own Nevertheless in a business of this kinde I will not be swayed from a patient course onely I desire your Lordship to vouchsafe me some direction what to do c. The Arminian Sect opposed by King Iames and by his special concurrence lately broken in the Netherlands by the beheading of Barnevalt the cheif of them began in his latter times to spring up in England and was countenanced by the said Prelate who had newly obtained the opinion and favor of the Marquess of Buckingham The Kings main design then not suffering the suppressing of that way which in common judgment was inclined to Popery or he thought to recover all his losses and to salve all misfortunes by the Spanish Match And for this cause he released multitudes of Priests and Popish Recusants then imprisoned which the Spaniards professed to be a great demonstration of the Kings sincere affection to confirm the correspondence and amity between the Crowns And that this enlargement might be the more expedite and less chargeable the King gave directions to the Lord Keeper Williams Bishop of Lincoln THat whereas he had formerly given order for the release of Recusants by removing them from the several Goals of this Kingdom to be bailed before the Justices of his Bench And finding that this course will be troublesome to the poorer sort of them he doth now require that Writs be directed to the Justices of Assizes enabling and requiring them to enlarge such Recusants as they shall finde in their several Goals upon such conditions and securities as were required by the Judges of his Bench. Accordingly the Writs were issued forth under the Great Seal and the Lord Keeper wrote to the Judges on this manner THat the King having upon deep Reasons of State and in expectation of the like correspondence from Forein Princes to the Professors of our Religion resolved to grant some Grace to the imprisoned Papists had commanded him to pass some Writs under the Broad Seal for that purpose Wherefore it is his Majesties pleasure that they make no niceness or difficulty to extend his Princely favor to all such as they shall finde prisoners in the Gaols of their Circuits for any Church Recusancy or refusing the Oath of Supremacy or dispersing of Popish Books or any other point of Recusancy that shall concern Religion onely and not matters of State But a general offence was taken at this Indulgence to Papists and the Lord Keepers Letter to the Judges which how the Keeper endevored to renounce may be seen in his Letter written to a Person of Honor. AS the Sun in the Firmament appears unto us no bigger then a Platter and the Stars are but as so many Nails in the Pummel of a Saddle because of the enlargement and disproportion between our eye and the object So is there such an unmeasurable distance between the deep resolution of a Prince and the shallow apprehensions of common and ordinary people That as they will ever be judging and censuring so they must needs be obnoxious to error and mistaking The King is now a most Zealous Intercessor for some case and refreshment to all the Protestants in Europe which were unreasonable if he did now execute the rigor of his Laws against the Roman Catholicks Our Viperous Countrymen the English Iesuites in France had many moneths before this favor granted invited the French King by writing a malicious Book to put all the Statutes in execution against the Protestants in those parts which were Enacted in England against the Papists and as they falsly informed severely executed Besides these Papists are no otherwise out of prison then with their shackles about their heels sufficient Sureties and good Recognizances to present themselves at the next Assizes and their own demeanor and the success of his Majesties Negotiations must determine whether they shall continue in this Grace But to conclude from the favor done to the English Papists that the King savors the Romish Religion is a composition of Folly and Malice little deserved by a gratious Prince who by Word Writing Exercise of Religion and Acts of Parliament hath demonstrated himself so resolved a Protestant As for his own Letter to the Iudges he said it recited onely four kindes of Recusancy capable of the Kings clemency not so much to include them as to exclude many other Crimes bearing the name of Recusancy as using the Function of a Romish Priest seducing the Kings Leige-people from the established Religion aspersing the King Church or State or the present Government All which Offences being
a Treaty of a Match since in Eighty Eight even while there was a Treaty of Peace their Armado came upon us Again we shall find it was forbidden in the best people in the world to marry with a differing Religion The injunction the reason and the effect are laid down in Deuteronomy to the Jews And if we descend to our own Books and Chronicles we shall find that God hath crossed if not cursed our alliance and association particularly with the Spanish Nation the position of that Country and the disposition of that People being as it were so malignant and ill-agreeing with us The Prince of the greatest performance that ever this Kingdom or Christendom had was the Black Prince Yet our Chronicle records that going into Spain to settle Don Pedro in that Kingdom besides the monstrous ingratitude and peafidiousness of the Spaniard who failed in the performance of those Conditions he had promised which caused the miserable Revolt in France to the loss of our inheritance the Prince was so poisoned in that Country that he never had his health after Moreover he beseeched his Lordship to observe that all the Marriages which the Heirs and Princes of this Crown have made in England for these last six-score years except the several second Matches of Henry the Eight have been onely and no-where else but with Spain which how little God hath blest the success shews Prince Arthur married the Spanish Kings daughter We know God took him away suddenly within a very small time and without any issue In a Politick respect we would yet make a second Match so Prince Henry afterwards King married the same daughter But doubtless God was less pleased with that Match which was less lawful and therefore God took away all the male-children of it and left only a daughter in whose short Reign was shed more blood for the true Religion in six years then for the false in these succeeding sixty years We made then a third Adventure and Marriage with Spain Queen Mary with King Philip which was so discontenting to the People that it caused Wyats Rebellion so discomfortable to the Queen that it brake her heart being left and neglected of her Husband and so dishonorable and prejudicial to the Kingdom that merely for the Spaniards sake we having no difference at all with France we lost Calis in six days which had been above two hundred years in our possession He added lastly Though I have not so much judgment nor so little wit as to presume to advise where to match yet I assume so much as to think a Match at home cannot be held any ways inconvenient We find the first and the last of our Kings that ever matched with their Subjects were Ed. 4. and Hen. 8. From which two Matches God as it were to shew the less we rely upon others abroad the more he will help us himself at home gave two daughters two Elizabeths two such Queens then which there were never two more blessed Instruments of Gods glory and this Kingdoms good by establishing Peace in the Land and Religion in the Church until his Majesties happy coming who brought both with him The French were very jealous of the Conjunction between Spain and England and thought it the safest way to make peace at home and imploy their strength to bound the Incroachments of Spain and the House of Austria By which means a bitter Persecution ceased in that Kingdom The Protestants of France were permitted to call home their banished Ministers to build their ruined Temples and to enjoy their liberty in Religion This benefit did the Kings closing with Spain procure to a people almost ruined But after all the Kings concessions the Spaniards contrived new delays and proposed harder terms The Pope had obliged the Catholick King to see the Conditions performed and to protract the Marriage till matters in England were in perfect execution Whereupon the Divines advise that King that the Promises of Marriage be made presently but the Consummation thereof and the delivering of the Infanta be deferred till May the year following And the death of Pope Gregory did strengthen this contrivance For the Spanish Ministers pretended that in regard there was no Contract but a Treaty only on foot the Dispensation which lay in the Nuncio's hands was by the Popes death suspended and a Ratification from the new Pope was requisite before any further progress could be made Cardinal Barberine was chosen Successor to Gregory the Fifteenth and took the name of Urban the Eight Soon after his election he wrote these ensuing Letters the one to King Iames the other to Prince Charls Serenissimo IACOBO Magnae Britanniae Regi Illustri URBANUS P. ● VIII SErenissime Rex salutem lumen Divinae gratiae Scotiae regnum quod inclytos terris Reges sanctissimosque coelo cives peperit cum ad Cardinalatus nostri patrocinium pertinuerit laetitiae simul ac moeroris uberem nobis materiam afferebat Exultabamus gaudio cogitantes in ea Regione quam Romanorum arma expugnare omnino non potuerunt Romanae Ecclesiae fidem feliciter triumphasse Scotumque Regem nullum hactenus extitisse qui Pontificiae authoritatis hostis obierit At enim vertebatur in luctum cythara nostra cum ad praesentium temporum miserias oculos lachrymis manantes converteremus Videmini enim laborante discordiarum patre obliti esse eum qui nutrivit vos contristati nutricem vestram Hierusalem Quare Apostolica sedes quae populos istos jampridem Christo genuit moerore conficitur dum tam praecla●am haereditatem verti videt ad extraneos damnique sui magnitudinem Britannorum Regum laudibus istarumque Provinciarum gloria metitur Id vero praeter caetera dolendum orbi Christiano videtur Jacobum regem Catholicorum regum prolem sanctissimae Parentis filium à Pontifice Maximo atque à Majoribus suis in Religionis cultu dissentire Si enim sublime istud ingenium quod literarum studiis prudentiae artibus Rex celeberrimus excoluisti affulgenti Patri luminum assentiretur facilè conjicit Christiana Respublica quanto publicae concordiae bono factum esset ut Nationes istas Insulasque aut montium claustris aut Oceani gurgitibus dissitas Scoticus rex imperio conjungeres Videtur enim Majestas tua ob eam rem facta esse tot Provinciarum domina ut ab eo cui parent facilius celeriusque Regna ista medelam ac salutem acciperent Quare assiduis precibus jam tum eum venerabamur qui dat salutem Regibus ut to Divinae clementiae beneficia quibus in conspectu Potentium admirabilis es ad Britanniae incolumitatem Ecclesiae gaudium conferret Affulsit autem nobis non ita pridem beata spes oriens ex alto cum te Austriacae affinitatis cupidum cognovimus ex Catholica matre progigni exoptantem eos qui tuam haereditatem adire populosque istos ditione tenere debent
that your so vehement desire of a Catholick marriage is a certain voice of God calling you and disposing all things sweetly For it is not necessary that the Omnipotent should always thunder with the voice of his greatness because secret counsels themselves directing men into the way of Salvation are words by which the Eternal Wisdom speaks and declares the command of a Deity Wherefore we have ever endeavored to the utmost of our power that this Honorable Marriage by the blessing of God might be finished From hence you may perceive that none could have been advanced to this heighth of humane Affairs from whom you may expect more expressions of good will or fruits of bounty For your Ancestors which tamed Heretical Impieties and not onely revered but vindicated the Roman Hierarchy do recommend you a most Noble Prince to the Papal Charity For when Monsters of new Opinions broke into the Bulwarks of the Northern Ocean they bridled the endeavors of the wicked with wholesome arms and did not change the truth of God into a lye And if you as you write shall in good earnest glory more in the imitation of your Ancestors then that you are descended of Kings we easily foresee how great joy to the Church of Rome and how great felicity to the British Kingdoms these words do promise which deserve to be written in the Book of Life Such good turns O most desired Son the venerable Assembly of the Scotish Kings exacts and expects from you whose actions without doubt he condemns who revolts from their Religion The Catholick Kings of all Europe require this of you for how can their Concord be the Vow of your care as long as you dissent from them in a matter of the greatest importance that is in the veneration of holy Rites The Roman Church which England reverenced long ago as the Mistress of Truth whose belief you confess you hate not desires forthwith to open unto you the Gates of the Heavenly Kingdom and to bring you back into the possession of your Ancestors Think that now in Spain you are become a spectacle to God and Men and that you shall always be the desire and care of our Reign Take heed most Noble Prince that the Counsels of those who prefer worldly interests before heavenly do not obdure your heart Make glad the Host of Heaven which will fight in your Camps and return O most wished for Son into the embraces of the Church which desires you with the applause and favor of Men and Angels that so rejoycing in your Marriage we may sing with joy The Lord hath reigned and put on comeliness Certainly you who desire the Marriage of a Catholick Virgin ought to espouse the heavenly Bride with whose beauty Solomon the wisest of Kings boasts himself to have been enamored For this is the Wisdom by which Kings reign whose Dowry is the splendor of Glory and an eternal Principality and your Ancestors sought her in the Sanctuary of the Roman Church severed from the contagion of the World and reposing in the Wisdom of God We who write to you this Exhortation and testifie our Papal Charity desire to have your name renowned in the Histories of all Ages and that you may be recorded amongst those Princes who deserving well on Earth of the Kingdom of Heaven are become the example of Vertue to posterity and the measure of wishes We beseech the Father of Lights that this blessed hope by which he promiseth us the return of so great a Prince by the conduct of the Holy Ghost may forthwith fructifie and bring Salvation to Great Britain and joy to all the Christian World Dated at Rome at St. Peters sub annulo Piscatoris die 15 Octob. 1623. in the First year of our Reign Notwithstanding this great business of State began to look with an ill aspect by the concurrence of various Passages tending to a Rupture of the Treaty In England the Spanish Ambassadors demands grew high and peremptory yet the King to give them content directed the Lord Keeper and other Commissioners to draw up a Pardon of all Offences past with a Dispensation for those to come to be granted to all Roman Catholicks obnoxious to any Laws against Recusants and then to issue forth two General Commands under the Great Seal of England The one to all Judges and Justices of Peace and the other to all Bishops Chancellors and Commissaries not to execute any Statute against them The General Pardon was passed in as full and ample manner as themselves could desire or pen it But to that vast Prohibition to the Judges and Bishops some stop was made by the Advice of the Lord Keeper for these Reasons First Because the publishing of this General Indulgence at one push might beget a General Discontent if not a Mutiny but the instilling thereof into the peoples knowledge by little and little by the favors done to particular Catholicks might indeed loosen the Tongues of a few particular persons who might hear of their Neighbors Pardon and having vented their dislikes would afterwards cool again and so his Majesty might with more conveniency by degrees inlarge his favors Secondly Because to forbid the Judges against their Oaths and the Justices of Peace who are likewise sworn to execute the Law of the Land is a thing unpresidented in this Kingdom and would be a harsh and bitter Pill to be digested without some preparative The two Ambassadors with much ado consented That the matter should rest till the end of Six Moneths or the Infanta's arival yet they did it with a shew of discontent as if the King performed nothing The disaffection of these Ministers was supposed to be one rub in the way of this Alliance And on the other side some of the Princes followers in Spain being zealous of the Protestant Religion disliked the Match and shewed their aversness to it Sir Edmund Verney struck an English man a Sorbon Doctor a blow under the Ear for visiting and laboring to pervert one of the Princes Pages who was sick of a mortal Feaver Divers derided the Popish Ceremonies and Spanish Garb and slighted the Country and some committed irreverent actions in the Kings own Chappel Hereupon they began to disgust the English and to rail at Gondomar for informing the King and State That the Prince might be made a Catholick Moreover those many Irish that subsisted by Pensions from the Crown of Spain did no good offices and the French and Venetian Ambassadors in that Court were conceived not to be idle But there were greater things then these The Duke of Buckingham the Princes Companion and Guardian was much disrelished by the Court of Spain His French garb the height of his spirit and his over-great familiarity with the Prince were things opposite to the way and temper of that grave sober and wary people And the Council of Spain took exceptions that he should come with such a superintendent power in that great
danger of death for want of water to quench his thirst more desired water then I thirst and desire the good and comfortable success of this Parliament and blessing upon your Counsels that the good issue of this may expiate and acquit the fruitless issue of the former And I pray God your Counsels may advance Religion and the Publick weal and the good of me and my Children Feb. 21. The Commons presented Sir Thomas Crew for their Speaker who prayed an Excuse which being denied he made this Speech SInce I cannot bring an Olive-branch in my mouth as a sign of my peace and that God in whose hands are the hearts of Kings without whose providence a sparrow doth not fall to the ground whom no man can resist hath inclined your Majesty to cast your eye of grace on me and to confirm me in this place I am taught in the best School that Obedience is better then Sacrifice And will only say with a learned Father Da Domine quod jubes jube quod vis Otherwise I have great cause to be afraid of such a Charge to be executed before so great a Majesty and in so great an Assembly but that I hope your Majesty will extend your Scepter of grace as Ahashuerus did to sustain me in my fainting Your Majesty is Princeps Haereditarius descended from both the Roses and hath united both the Kingdoms At your first entrance you wrought a wonder in the Tumult of our Cares and Cloud of our Fears happening upon the death of the late Queen by the bright beams of your Sunshine which a Poet elegantly expressed Mira cano sol occubuit nox nulla secuta est There was a David in Hebron and no Ishbosheth to disturb your peaceable entrance but the Acclamations of all your Subjects and Commons concurring to express their great contentment This was no sudden flash of joy but a constant blessing by the continuance of the Gospel and true Religion maugre the malice and hellish invention of those who would have blown up all at once but God laughed them to scorn and they fell into their own trap These things I leave to your Majesties Royal remembrance as a duty to be practised and to be expressed by our thankfulness to our holy God for it is a good thing to be thankfull Non est dignus dandis qui non agit gratias pro datis Since my designment to this place I called to mind these Statutes of late times and find two of especial note The first of 32 H. 8. which was called Parlamentum doctum for the many good Laws made for the setling of Possessions The other 39 Eliz. which by a reverend Divine was called Parlamentum pium because the Subjects thereby were enabled to found Hospitals without Licence of Mortmain or Ad quod damnum And other charitable Laws which I omit being not perpetual And I likewise called to mind many glorious offers made by your Majesty and other good Provisions at the two last Meetings Now your Majesty hath stretch'd forth your Scepter to call us to you again and hath made a Declaration that all jealousies and distractions might be removed and the memory of Parliament-Nullities might be buried And my desire is that your Majesties influence may distill upon us and you proceed in such a sweet harmony and conjunction that Righteousness and Peace may kiss each other and that Mercy and Truth may meet and the World may say Ecce quàm bonum quàm jucundum Regem Populum convenire in unum And for perfecting of this work the good Bills against Monopolies Informers and Concealers may now pass and receive strength with a general liberal and Royal Pardon according to the bounty of the late Queen That so this Parliament may be called Felix Doctum Pium which will be good to your Subjects and no diminution to your Revenue or derogation to your Prerogative which in your Majesties hands is as a Scepter of gold but in others hands is a Rod of iron I need not speak in the praise of the Fundamental Common-Laws Veritas temporis filia Time hath sufficiently justified them Monarchy is the best Government and of Monarchies those which are hereditary The best supply of your Majesties wants is in Parliament where the Subject is bound by his own consent other courses of Benevolence come heavily The Subjects enjoy the Gospel freely by your protection and your Majesty may be safe in their Loyalty Other safeties are but as Ajax his Shield a weight rather then a defence Their desire is that the good Laws for Religion may be confirmed and that the generation of Locusts the Jesuites and Seminary-Priests which were wont to creep in corners and do now come abroad may be by the execution of these good Laws as with an East-wind blown over the Sea Our late Queen Elizabeth lived and died in peace the Pope cursed her but God blessed her And so shall your Majesty having God to your Friend find safety in the Ark of true Religion and when you are old and full of days land you in Heaven And then our hopeful Prince which sprang out of your own loins shall sway that Scepter which you must leave to enjoy a Crown celestial And God in his due time will restore the distressed Princess her Husband and Royal Issue to that Inheritance which is now possessed by the usurping sword of their Enemies Whereof we are the more confident because that Country was heretofore a Sanctuary in our distress when Religion was here persecuted Cato was wont to say Hoc sentio Carthago destruenda est But I say Hoc sentio Palatinatus recuperandus est The question was put to a Lacedemonian Why their City wanted Walls Who answered Concord was their Walls Your Majesty under God is a sole and entire Monarch whose Walls are the Ocean without and fortified within with a Wall of Brass the bond of Unity and Religion And happy is that place of which it may be said as of Ierusalem It is a City at unity within it self Neither is your Government confined within the limits of this Kingdom but extends it self to Ireland where your Majesties care and pains in our late Imploiment gave divers provident Directions for the setting forth of Religion the reforming of Courts of Justice and inflicting punishment on the Disturbers of the Publick peace And I was Ocularis testis that you have made these ample Endowments of Churches out of your own Excheated Revenue as will be to your honor in all posterity But my desire is as well in the beginning as in all other our proceedings our words may be vera pauca ponderosa Therefore with your Gratious Favor according to antient Presidents we are humble Suitors That you would be pleased to allow our antient Priviledges And that for our better Attendance our Persons Goods and necessary Attendants may be free from Arrests and that we may have liberty of free Speech
other Ambassadors will do so no more I am a good Master that never doubted of him for I know him to be so good a Schollar of mine that I say without van●ty he will not exceed his Masters Dictates And I trust the Report not the worse he made because it is approved by you all yet I believe an honest man as much as all the World and the rather because he was a Disciple of mine And I am glad he hath so well satisfied you and thank you heartily for taking it in so good part as I finde you have done The Lords having debated those high Matters of State which the King put into their hands delivered their opinions That his Majesty cannot with honor and safety and with the conveniency of State and Religion proceed any further in the Treaty of the Princes Marriage nor relie any longer upon the Treaty for the recovery of the Palatinate in which Vote the Commons concurred with them And in this manner both Houses Addressed themselves to the King May it please your most Excellent Majesty WE are come unto you imployed from your most faithful Subjects and Servants the Lords and Commons assembled in this present Parliament And first They and we do give most humble and hearty thanks unto Almighty God that out of his gracious goodness he hath been pleased now at last to dispel the Clouds and Mists which for so many years have dimmed the eyes of a great part of Christendom in the business whereof we do now consult And secondly We acknowledge our selves most bound unto your Majesty that you have been pleased to require the humble Advice of us your obedient Subjects in a Case so important as this is which hitherto dependeth between your Majesty and the King of Spain Which we jointly offer from both Houses no one person there dissenting or disagreeing from the rest And it is upon mature consideration and weighing many particulars of sundry natures that finding so much wan● of Sincerity in all their Proceedings We super totam materiam present this our humble Address unto your Majesty That the Treaties both for the Marriage and the Palatinate may not any longer be continued with the honor of your Majesty the safety of your People the welfare of your Children and Posterity as also the assurance of your antient Allies and Confederates Reasons were also presented to fortifie this Vote Whereas the Propositions of the Match were at the first no more then Liberty of Conscience to the Infanta and her Family which the King might in honor grant The Spaniards taking advantage of the Prince's being in Spain importuned a General Connivence of Religion to the diminution of the Kings Soveraignty and against the usage of other Catholick Princes in the like Treaties and to the discouragement of all his well-affected Subjects And this they have labored with the Pope being of mischievous consequence During this Treaty the Popish Faction hath mightily increased And whereas heretofore they were wont to be divided some taking part with the Secular Priests and some with the Iesuites they are united which is a matter of great consequence considering they do as well depend on Spain for Temporal matters as on Rome for Spiritual And they cannot be suppressed as long as the Treaty holds They have by this Treaty devoured our Allies and the Protestant party in Germany and elswhere to the decay of true Religion and to the jealousie of our Friends beyond the Seas During this Treaty of Love they have spoiled his Majesties Son-in-law of his Lands and Honors and notwithstanding promises of Restitution still invaded his Rights and at length turned pretended Difficulties into apparent Impossibilities They have deluded our King and offered indignity to our Prince by importuning him again and again to a Conversion contrary ●o the Law of Hospitality and the Priviledge of Princes The Insincerity of their Proceedings is to be seen by that former Overture of Marriage for the late Prince Henry which after many specious Motions was followed with a disavowing of their own Ambassador and a scornful Proposition made to the King of the Prince's altering his Religion As also by the Treaty of Bruxels where the Lord Weston found nothing but Delays and Deceit and after divers peremptory Commands from Spain for his Majesties satisfaction it wrought no other effect then the Besieging and taking of Heidelburgh insomuch that the Ambassador was forced to protest and return To these things were added the Translation of the Electorate to the Duke of Bavaria and the Letter of the King of Spain to Conde Olivares with the Conde's Answer which imported that the Match was never intended As also after the Prince had taken a hazardous Journey they devised a shift by a Iuncto of Divines to let him come home without the Lady These Reasons were presented to the King by the universal consent of the House of Commons Hereupon the King came to Parliament and made a Speech deliberative enquiring into the Condition of the War which they advised and the means to uphold and carry it on My Lords and Gentlemen all I Have cause first to thank God with my heart and all the faculties of my mind that my Speech which I delivered in Parliament hath taken so good effect amongst you as that with an unanimous consent you have freely and speedily given me your Advice in this great Business for which I also thank you all as heartily as I can I also give my particular thanks to the Gentlemen of the Lower House for that I heard when some would have cast Jealousies and Doubts between me and my people they presently quelled those motions which otherwise might indeed have hindred the happy Agreement I hope to find in this Parliament You give me your Advice to break off both the Treaties as well concerning the Match as the Palatinate And now give me leave as an old King to propound my Doubts and hereafter to give you my Answer First it is true that I who have been all the days of my life a peaceable King and have had the honor in my Titles and Impresses to be stiled Rex Paci●icus should be loth without necessity to imbroil my self with War far from my Nature and from my Honor which I have had at home and abroad in endeavouring to avoid the effusion of Christian blood of which too much hath been shed and so much against my heart I say that unless it be upon such a Necessity that I may call it as some say merrily of Women Malum necessarium I should be loth to enter into it And I must likewise acquaint you that I have had no small hope given me of obtaining better Conditions for the Restitution of the Palatinate and that even since the sitting down of the Parliament But be not jealous or think me such a King that would under pretence of asking your Advice put a scorn upon you by disdaining and rejecting it For you
I deserved better at their hands After this the King purposing to signifie to the King of Spain That his Parliament had advised him to break off the Treaties and to recover the Palatinate by War The notice of a sharp Petition against Popish Recusants framed by the House of Commons and sent up to the Lords for their Concurrence did a little stagger his Resolution as appeareth by the following Letter written with his own hand to Secretary Conway I Doubt not but you have heard what a stinging Petition against the Papists the Lower House have sent to the Higher House this day that they might joyntly present it unto me Ye know my firm resolution not to make this a War of Religion and seeing I would be loth to be Coney-catched by my people I pray you stay the Post that is going to Spain till I meet with my Son who will be here to morrow morning Do it upon pretext of some more Letters ye are to send by him and if he should be gone hasten after him to stay him upon some such pretext and let none living know of this as you love me And before two in the afternoon to morrow you shall without fail hear from me Farewell James R. The Petition which the King called a stinging one was intended to be presented to his Majesty from both Houses in form as followeth May it please your most Excellent Majesty WE your Majesties most humble and Loyal Subjects the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled having to our singular Comfort received your Princely Resolution upon our humble Petition to dissolve the two Treaties of the Match and of the Palatinate and having on our parts with all alacrity and readiness humbly offered our assistance to your Majesty to maintain the War which may ensue thereupon Yet withal sensibly finding what Seditious and Traiterous Positions those Incendiaries of Rome and professed Engines of Spain the Priests and Iesuites infuse into your natural born Subjects what numbers they have seduced and do daily seduce to make their dependance on the Pope of Rome and King of Spain contrary to their Allegiance to your Majesty their Liege Lord What daily resort of Priests and Iesuites into your Kingdoms what Concourse of Popish Recusants much more then usual is now in and about the City of London what boldness yea what insolency they have discovered out of the opinion conceived of their foreign Patronage what publick resort to Masses and other Exercises of the Popish Religion in the houses of foreign Ambassadors there is daily to the great grief and offence of your good Subjects what great preparations are made in Spain sit for an Invasion the bent whereof is as probable to be upon some part of your Majesties Dominions as upon any other place what encouragement that may be to your Enemies and the Enemies of your Crown to have a party or but the opinion of a party within your Kingdoms who do daily increase and combine themselves together for that purpose what disheartening of your good and loving Subjects when they shall see more cause of fear from their false-hearted Countreymen at home then from their professed Adversaries abroad what apparent dangers by Gods providence and your Majesties wisdom and goodness they have very lately escaped which the longer continuance upon those Treaties upon such unfitting Conditions fomented by your own ill-affected Subjects would surely have drawn upon your Majesty and your State Do in all humbleness offer unto your sacred Majesty these their humble Petitions following I. That all Iesuites and Seminary Priests and all others having taken Orders by any Authority derived from the Sea of Rome may by your Maiesties Proclamation be commanded forthwith to depart out of this Realm and all other your Highness ' s. Dominions and neither they nor any other to return or come hither again upon peril of the severest penalty of the Laws now in force against them and that all your Majesties Subjects may hereby also be admonished not to receive entertain comfort or conceal any of that viperous brood upon penalties and forfeitures which by the Lawes may be imposed upon them II. That your Majesty would be pleased to give streight and speedy charge to the Iustices of Peace in all parts of this Kingdom that according to the Laws in that behalf made and the Orders taken by your Majesties Privy-Councel heretofore for policy of State they do take from all Popish Recusants legally convicted or justly suspected all such Armor Gunpowder and Munition of any kinde as any of them have either in their own hands or in the hands of any other for them and to see the same safely kept and disposed according to the Law leaving for the necessary defence of their house and persons so much as by the Law is prescribed III. That your Majesty will please to command all Popish Recusants and all other who by any Law or Statute are prohibited to come to the Kings Court forthwith under pain of your heavy displeasure and severe Execution of your Laws against them to retire themselves their wives and families from or about London to their several dwellings or places by your Laws appointed and there to remain confined within five miles of their dwelling places according to the Lawes of this your Realm And for that purpose to discharge all By-past Licences granted unto them for their repair hither And that they presume not any time hereafter to repair to London or within ten miles of London or to the Kings Court or to the Princes Court wheresoever IV. That your Majesty would forbid and restrain the great resort and concourse of your own Subjects for the hearing of Masse or other Exercises of the Romish Religion to the houses of foreign Ambassadors or Agents residing here for the service of their several Princes or States V. That where of late in several Counties in this Realm some have been trusted in the places of Lord-Lieutenants Deputy-Lieutenants Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer Iustices of Peace and Captains of their Countries which are either Popish Recusants or Non-Communicants by the space of a year now last past or which do not usually resort to the Church to Divine service and can bring no good Certificate thereof that your Majesty would be pleased to discharge them from these places of trust by which they have that power in the Countrey where they live as is not fit to be put into the hands of persons so affected VI. That your Majesty would be pleased generally to put the Lawes in due Execution which are made and stand in force against Popish Recusants And that all your Iudges Iustices and Ministers of Iustice to whose care these things are committed may by your Maiesties Proclamation be commanded to do their duty therein VII That seeing we are thus happily delivered from that danger which these Treaties now dissolved and that use which your ill-affected Subiects made thereof would certainly have
against the Countrey or Dominion which of right appertain and are in truth the just and lawful possession of the King of Spain or the Lady Infanta Isabella And in case any such Hostility shall be acted contrary to this his Majesties intention all such Commissions which shall be granted to that purpose by the said Count Mansfield his Majesty doth declare to be void and that all payments shall cease That on the contrary if Obedience be given hereunto the King wisheth the Count all good success for the recovery of the Palatinate and reestablishment of the Peace in Germany against the Duke of Bavaria and those that are the troublers of the Peace And for the performance hereof the King caused Count Mansfield to take an Oath That he would conform according to the Contents of the said Commission and Declaration of his Majesty which Oath was almost in Terminis of what is before expressed This Army consisting of Twelve Regiments was intended to Land in France but being ready for Transport the French notwithstanding their Promise and the Treaty of Marriage demurred yet not plainly denied their passage Nevertheless the whole Army was shipped and put over to Calice and after a tedious stay in hope yet to land and pass through the Countrey they were forced to set sail for Zealand Neither were they suffered to land there coming so unexpectedly upon the States and in a hard Season for Provision of Victuals Thus they were long pent up in the Ships and suffered the want of all Necessaries by which means a Pestilence came among them and raged extreamly so that they were thrown into the Sea by Multitudes insomuch that scarce a Third part of the men were landed the which also afterward mouldred away and the Design came to nothing The Papist formerly danted by the Breach of the Spanish Match was now again revived by the Marriage-Treaty with France And at this time upon the Death of William Titular Bishop of Calcedon most of the English Secular Priests did Petition the Pope that another Bishop might be sent over into England there to Ordain Priests give Confirmation and exercise Episcopal Jurisdiction Among others Matthew Kellison and Richard Smith were presented And though the Regulars were opposite to the Seculars in this matter yet those of the Order of St. Benedict joyned with the Seculars and Rudesin Barlo President of the English Benedictines at Doway wrote a Letter in their behalf to the Congregation at Rome named of the Propagation of the Faith Dated the Twelfth of December One thousand six hundred twenty and four In which Letter was this passage That there were above Sixty Benedictine Monks in England and that it is not to be doubted said he For that it is already seen the good success under the First Bishop That another Bishop being Constituted there would be more joyful fruits within one two years in the English Mission then hitherto hath been for Sixty years now elapsed But not long after the Episcopal party prevailing Pope Urban the Eight created Richard Smith Bishop of Calcedon and sent him into England with Episcopal Authority over the Priests within the English Dominions King Iames after he had been troubled with a Tertian Fevor four Weeks finding himself near the end of his days called unto him Charles Prince of Wales his onely Son to whom he recommended the Protection of the Church of England advised him to love his Wife but not her Religion and exhorted him to take special care of his Grand-Children the Children of the Elector Palatine by his Daughter and to employ the power he left him to reestablish them in the Estate and Dignities of their Father And lastly he recommended to him his Officers who had faithfully served him and on the Seven and twentieth of March gave up the ghost And shortly after Bishop Laud delivered to the hands of the Duke of Buckingham brief Annotations or Memorables of the Life and Death of King Iames viz. I. HE was a King almost from his Birth II. His great Clemency that he should Reign so long and so moderately that knew nothing else but to Reign III. The difficult times in Scotland during his Minority as much perplexed with Church as State Factions IV. His admirable Patience in those yonger times and his Wisdom to go by those many and great difficulties till God opened him the ways to his just Inheritance of this Crown V. His peaceable Entry into this Kingdom contrary to the fears at home and the hopes abroad not without Gods great blessing both on him and us VI. His Ability as strong in Grace as Nature to forgive some Occurrences VII The continuance of full Two and twenty years reign all in Peace without War from Foreign Enemy or Rebellion at home VIII The infinite advantage which people of all sorts might have brought to themselves and the enriching of the State if they would have used such a Government with answerable care and not made the worst use of peace IX Gods great mercy over him in many deliverances from private Conspirators and above the rest that which would have blown up his Posterity and the State by Gun-powder X. That in all this time of his Reign of England he took away the life of no one Nobleman but restored many XI That the sweetness of his nature was scarce to be paralleld by any other XII It is little less then a Miracle that so much sweetness should be found in so great a heart as besides other things sickness and death it self shewed to be in him XIII Clemency Mercy Justice and holding the State in Peace have ever been accounted the great Vertues of Kings and they were all eminent in him XIV He was not onely a preserver of Peace at home but the great Peace-maker abroad to settle Christendom against the common enemy the Turk which might have been a glorious work if others had been as true to him as he was to the common good XV. He was in private to his Servants the best Master that ever was and the most free XVI He was the justest Man that could sit between parties and as patient to hear XVII He was bountiful to the highest pitch of a King XVIII He was the greatest Patron to the Church which hath been in many Ages XIX The most Learned Prince that his Kingdom hath ever known for matters of Religion XX. His integrity and soundness in Religion to write and speak believe and do live and die one and the same and all Orthodox XXI His tender love to the King his Son our most gratious Soveraign that now is and his constant Reverence in performance of all duties to his Father the greatest Blessing and greatest Example of this and many Ages XXII The Education of his Majesty whom we now enjoy and I hope and pray we may long and in happiness enjoy to be an able King as Christendom hath any the very first day of his Reign the benefit whereof is
of your Honors and mine own I must intreat you likewise to consider of the Times we are in how that I must adventure your lives which I should be loth to do should I continue you here long and you must venture the Business if you be slow in your resolutions Wherefore I hope you will take such grave Counsel as you will expedite what you have in hand to do Which will do me and your selves an infinite deal of honor You in shewing your love to me and me that I may perfect that work which my Father hath so happily begun Last of all Because some malicious men may and as I hear have given out that I am not so true a Keeper and Maintainer of the true true Religion that I profess I assure you that I may with S. Paul say that I have been trained up at Gamaliels feet And although I shall be never so arrogant as to assume unto my self the rest I shall so far shew the end of it that all the World may see that none hath been nor ever shall be more desirous to maintain the Religion I profess then I shall be Now because I am unfit for much speaking I mean to bring up the fashion of my Predecessors to have my Lord Keeper speak for me in most things Therefore I have commanded him to speak something unto you at this time which is more for formality then any great matter he hath to say unto you Then the Lord Keeper Coventry declared That the Kings main reason of calling the Parliament besides the beholding of his Subjects faces was to mind them of the great Engagements for the Recovery of the Palatinate imposed on his Majesty by the late King his Father and by themselves who brake off the two Treaties with Spain Also to let them understand That the succeeding Treaties and Alliances the Armies sent into the Low-Countries the repairing of the Forts and the Fortifying of Ireland do all meet in one Centre The Palatinate And that the Subsidies granted the last Parliament are herein already spent whereof the Accompt is ready together with as much more of the Kings own Revenue His Lordship further commended three Circumstances First The Time All Europe being at this day as the Pool of Bethesda the first stirring of the waters must be laid hold on Wherefore his Majesty desires them to bestow this Meeting on him or rather on their Actions and the next shall be theirs as soon and as long as they please for Domestick business Secondly Supply If Subsidies be thought too long and backward his Majesty desires to hear and not to propound the way Thirdly The Issue of Action which being the first doth highly concern his Majesties Honor and Reputation for which he relies upon their Loves with the greatest confidence that ever King had in his Subjects witness his Royal Poesie Amor Civium Regis Munimentum And he doubts not but as soon as he shall be known in Europe to be their King so soon shall they be known to be a loving and loyal Nation to him Iune 21. The Commons presented Sir Thomas Crew Knight and Serjeant at Law for their Speaker who was also Speaker in the last Parliament of King Iames and his Majesty approved the Choice After the House of Commons had setled their General Committees there were various Debates amongst them Some insisted upon the Grievances mentioned but not redressed by King Iames in the last Parliament others pressed for an accompt of the last Subsidies granted for recovery of the Palatinate others for the putting of Laws in execution against Priests and Jesuits and such as resorted to Ambassadors Houses and the questioning of Mr. Richard Montague for his Book intituled An Appeal to Caesar which as they said was contrived and published to put a jealousie between the King and his well-affected Subjects and contained many things contrary to the Articles of Religion established by Parliament and that the whole frame thereof was an encouragement to Popery Others again declared how the King no sooner came to the Crown but he desired to meet his people in Parliament it being the surest way to preserve a right understanding between him and them that since he began to reign the Grievances are few or none and when he was Prince he was observed to be very instrumental in procuring things for the Subjects benefit Wherefore it will be the wisdom of this House to take a course to sweeten all things between King and People and to express their duty to the King by giving Supply and therewith to offer nothing but a Petition for Religion that Religion and Subsidies may go hand in hand And whatsoever they did it was needful to do it quickly considering how greatly the Plague increased and the Bell was tolling every minute while they were speaking The Commons moved the Lords to joyn in a Petition to the King for a Publick Fast whereunto their Lordships readily concurred and the King consenting a Proclamation was issued forth for a Fast throughout the Kingdom Several particular Committees were appointed One to enquire of the Subsidies given the last Parliament another to consider of Tonnage and Poundage The Imposition on Wines was Voted upon the Merchants Petition to be presented as a Grievance Sir Edward Cook went to the House of Peers with a Message from the Commons desiring their concurrence in a Petition concerning Religion and against Recusants which being agreed unto and presented to the King his Majesty answered That he was glad that the Parliament was so forward in Religion and assured them they should finde him as forward that the Petition being long could not be presently answered Mr. Richard Montague was brought to the Bar of the Commons House for his fore-named Book This Cause began in the One and twentieth of King Iames when he had published a former Book which he named A New Gagg for an Old Goose in answer to a Popish Book entituled A Gagg for the New Gospel The business was then questioned in Parliament and committed to the Archbishop of Canterbury and ended in an Admonition given to Montague Afterwards the Bishops of the Arminian Party consulting the Propagation of the Five Articles condemned in the Synod of Dort concluded that Mr. Montague being already engaged in the quarrel should publish this latter Book at first attested by their Joynt-Authorities which afterwards they withdrew by subtilty having procured the Subscription of Doctor Francis White whom they left to appear alone in the Testimony as himself ofttimes complained publickly The Archbishop disallowed the Book and sought to suppress it nevertheless it was Printed and Dedicated unto King Charles whereby that party did endeavor to engage him in the beginning of his Reign The House appointed a Committee to examine the Errors therein and gave the Archbishop thanks for the admonition given to the Author whose Books they Voted to be contrary to the Articles established by
the Parliament to tend to the Kings dishonor and disturbance of Church and State and took Bond for his appearance Hereupon the King intimated to the House that the things determined concerning Mountague without his Privity did not please him for that he was his Servant and Chaplain in Ordinary and he had taken the business into his own hands whereat the Commons seemed to be much displeased Howbeit to take away all occasion of disgust from the King at the entrance of his Reign both Houses did humbly present two Subsidies granted to his Majesty as the first-fruits of their love whereof they craved acceptance The Lord Conway Secretary of State signified to the House of Lords the Commons being present the Kings gracious acceptance of the Bill of Two Subsidies Yet that the necessities of the present Affairs were not therein satisfied but required their further Counsels He reminded them that the late King was provoked beyond his nature to undertake a War for the recovery of his Childrens Antient Patrimony The charges of this War appeared by Computation to amount unto Seven hundred thousand pounds a year to support the Netherlands and to prevent the Emperors design of concluding with the Princes of Germany utterly to exclude the Palsgrave he levied an Army under Count Mansfield The Kings of Denmark and Sweden and the Princes of Germany levied another France Savoy and Venice joyned together for a War of Diversion and to uphold the Netherlands the charges of Mansfield and Denmarks Army must yet continue After this the Lord Keeper delivered a short Message from the King to both Houses That to the Petition of the Lords and Commons touching Religion his Majesty was pleased at the first to answer Gratiously but now he hath sent them a fuller Answer even an assurance of his real performance in every particular The Houses were preparing several Acts as against giving and taking of Bribes for places of Judicature about pressing of Soldiers and Tonnage and Poundage c. But by reason of the great increase of the Plague as appeared that week by the Bill of Mortality the King being moved by the Houses to grant a short Recess adjourned the Parliament to Oxford to reassemble the first of August following And for the same reason the receipt of the Kings Exchequer was removed from Westminster to Richmond and all Fairs within Fifty miles of London were prohibited to prevent a more general contagion In the time of this Recess the Vantguard a principal Ship of the Royal Navy with seven Merchant Ships of great burden and strength were lent to the French King and employed against Rochel which was thus brought about King Iames in his life time being in Treaty for a Marriage between his Son and the now Queen and entring into a War against the King of Spain and his Allies in Italy and the Valtoline had passed some Promise for the procuring or lending of ships to the French King upon reasonable Conditions but in no wise intending they should serve against Rochel or any of our Religion in France For the French Ministers pretended that the Ships should be employed onely against Genoa but afterwards the Protestants in France intimating their suspition that the design for Italy was a meer pretence to make up an Army to fall upon the Rochellers and others of the Religion King Iames willing to perform his promise and yet to secure the Protestants directed that the greater number of those that served in the Ships should be English whereby he might keep the power in his own hands For the performance of this Engagement the forenamed Ships were at this time commanded to the Coasts of France Nevertheless there wanted a sufficient care to prevent the abusing and inslaving them to the designs of the French King Captain Iohn Pennington the Admiral of this Fleet was much unsatisfied and presented to the Duke of Buckingham Lord High Admiral his Exceptions to the Contract between his Majesty and that King and chiefly for that the Companies were bound to fight at the French Kings Command against any Nation except their own and that the French might put aboard them as many of their own people as they pleased The Vantguard arived at Deep but the rest lingred behinde for the Companies understanding that the French design was to surprise the Ships and to block up the Harbor of Rochel resolved to sink rather then go against those of their own Religion Captain Pennington received Letters from the Duke and a Warrant from Secretary Conway in the Kings Name to command him to deliver up the Ships to the hands of such Frenchmen as his Christian Majesty shall appoint but withal directing him not to dissert his charge by which latter passage he was willing to understand that it was not the Dukes intention that he should dispossess himself and his Companies of them for he supposed his Grace had no such unjust thought as to continue him there alone These Orders were delivered unto him by the hands of the French Ambassador together with a Letter from the French King which willed him to receive his Soldiers and his Admiral the Duke of Montmorance and joyn with his Fleet against his Rebellious Subjects Whereupon the Ambassador urged the Surrender of the Ship and nothing would satisfie him but a present possession and a discharge of the English Soldiers save a very few in case they were willing to be entertained in the service Pennington after much dispute although he were promised an ample reward in Money to be given him at the Surrender and of a Royal Pension during his life came to this resolute Answer That without an express and clear Warrant he would not surrender nor discharge a man of his Company Whereupon the French Ambassadors Secretary came two several times to the Ship to protest against the Captain as a Rebel to his King and Countrey but at the making of the last Protest which was accompanied with threatning Speeches the Soldiers and Mariners grew into such a fury and tumult that they got up their Anchors and set fail for England saying They would rather be hanged at home then surrender the Ship or be Slaves to the French and fight against their own Religion All which Captain Pennington did not gainsay nor oppose but when they came to Anchor in the Downs he advertised the Duke of all that had hapned and craved further direction but complained of the Bondage of this Engagement assuring him That the Mariners would rather be hanged then return again into France So in all the rest of the Ships the Captains and Companies utterly refused the Service and protested against it though they were tempted with Chains of Gold and other Rewards All this while the Body of the Council were ignorant of any other design then th● of Genoa then divers persons came over from the Duke of Rohan and the Protestants of France to sollicit the King and Council against
concerning Religion and that his Answer be Inrolled with the force of an Act of Parliament Also that the House consider of the new prepared Fleet and Army and whither intended no Enemy being yet declared That great Sums of Money were given for places to the value of an Hundred and forty thousand pounds at least that the King should contribute to help the Palatinates Cause with his own Estate that the time of the year was too far spent for the Fleet to go forth in Service that inquiry be made whether the Duke brake not the Match with Spain out of Spleen and Malice to Conde Olivares whether he made not the Match with France upon harder terms and whether the Ships lent against Rochel were not maintained with the Subsidies given for the relief of the Palatinate that an Advised Counsel for the Government of the present Affairs and to look into the Kings Estate is necessary that his Majesty be desired to give his Answer concerning the Imposition on Wines and Select Committees draw out these Heads at large to be presented to the King The doing whereof they said was no Capitulation with his Majesty but an ordinary Parliamentary course Without which the Commonwealth could never supply the King nor indeed subsist Soon after the Commons had a Conference with the Lords desiring their Concurrence in presenting to the King these Matters following That notwithstanding the Lords and Commons at their last Meeting this Session did Petition his Majesty for the advancing of Gods true Religion and the suppressing of Popery unto which his Majesty vouchsafed as well from his own Mouth as by the Lord Keeper to return such Answer as assured them of his Royal performance yet at this Meeting they finde That on the 12 of Iuly last his Majesty granted a Pardon unto Alexander Baker a Jesuite and unto Ten other Papists which as the Commons have been informed was gotten by the importunity of some Foreign Ambassador and passed by immediate Warrant and was recommended by the Principal Secretary of State without the payment of the ordinary Fees And further That divers Copies of Letters and other Papers being found in the house of one Mary Estmonds in Dorsetshire by two Justices of Peace who thereupon tendred her the Oath of Alleagiance and upon her refusal committed her to the Constable from whom she made an escape and complained to the King The Principal Secretary did write to those two Justices in favor of her Upon these Passages the Commons made Observations first upon the date of the Pardon which was the next day after his Majesties Answer by the Lord Keeper to their Petition concerning Religion secondly That the Pardon dispenced with several Laws as of the 21 and 27 of Queen Elizabeth and of the Third of King Iames provided to keep the Subjects in due obedience thirdly That the Pardon was signed by the Principal Secretary of State and therefore the Commons declared that these actings tended to the prejudice of true Religion his Majesties dishonor the discountenancing of the Ministers of Justice the grief of the good people the animating of the Popish party who by such examples grew more proud and insolent and to the discouragement of the High Court of Parliament All which they humbly desire his Majesty to take into due consideration and to give effectual and speedy Redress therein The Lord Conway principal Secretary of State being called to give an Accompt of this business answered That he ever hated the Popish Religion That the Pardon was granted before the King answered their Petition though it bore not date till afterwards That the King commanded the doing thereof and that no Fees should be taken That he was commanded by the King to write a Letter in favor of the Woman in Dorset-shire and what he did therein was to take off all scandal from the King though it lighted upon himself This Conference no sooner ended but both Houses were ordered to meet at Christ-Church to receive an Answer to their Petition concerning Religion To every Clause whereof his Majesty answered in a Parliamentary way The Petition Remedies and the Kings Answer we give you intermixt for the better understanding the Answer to every respective Clause distinctly To the Kings most Excellent Majesty Most Gracious Soveraign IT being infallibly true that nothing can more establish the Throne and assure the peace and prosperity of the people then the unity and sincerity of Religion We your most humble and loyal Subjects the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons of this present Parliament assembled hold our selves bound in conscience and duty to represent the same to your Sacred Majesty together with the dangerous Consequences of the increase of Popery in this Land and what we conceive to be the principal Causes thereof and what may be the Remedies The Dangers appear in these particulars I. In their desperate ends being both the subversion of Church and State and the restlesness of their spirits to attain these ends the Doctrine of their Teachers and Leaders perswading them that therein they do God good service II. Their evident and strict dependencie upon such Forein Princes as no way affect the good of your Majesty and this State III. The opening a way of Popularity to the Ambition of any who shall adventure to make himself Head of so great a Party The principal Cause of the Increase of Papists I. The want of the due execution of Laws against Iesuites Seminary Priests and Popish Recusants occasioned partly by the connivencie o● the State partly by defects in the Laws themselves and partly by the manifold acuse of Officers II. The interposing of Foreign Princes by their Ambassadors and agents in favor of them III. Their great Concourse to the City and frequent Conferences and Conventicles there IV. The open and usual resort to the Houses and Chappels of Forein Ambassadors V. The Education of their Children in Seminaries and Houses of their Religion in Foreign parts which of late have been greatly multiplied and enlarged for entertaining of the English VI. That in some places of your Realm your people be not sufficiently instructed in the knowledge of true Religion VII The licentious printing and dispersing of Popish and Seditious Books VIII The imployment of men ill-affected in Religion in places of Government who do shall or may countenance the Popish party The Remedies against this outragious and dangerous disease We conceive to be these ensuing I. That the Youth of this Realm be carefully educated by able and Religious Schoolmasters and they to be enjoined to Catechise and instruct their Scholars in the grounds and principles of true Religion And whereas by many Complaints from divers parts of the Kingdom it doth plainly appear That sundry Popish Scholars dissembling their Religion have craftily crept in and obtained the places of Teaching in divers Counties and thereby infected and perverted their Scholars and so fitted them to be transported to the Popish Seminaries beyond
having received all he had from his Majesty was most desirous and held it a happiness to pour it out upon his service and occasions and had laid out of his own purse Four and forty thousands pounds and the Treasurer of the Navy at his request had laid out Fifty thousand pounds that he entred not into this business upon his own head but fortified with the Advice and Counsel of those worthy persons the Lord Conway the Lord Chichester Lord Grandison Lord Carew Sir Robert Mansel and Sir Iohn Cook Their last consultation was of the War next of the means but both one and the other was justified by more then himself he never did any thing but by them he either repairing unto them or else they did him the honor to resort to his Chamber afterward the business with the Kings leave was imparted to all the Lords of the Council and the account was made unto them and allowed by them who said there openly his Majesty being present that if this were put in execution it would do well and gave some Attribute unto it And Sir Iohn Cook justified the shewing and the approving of these Accounts at the Council Table the Accounts consisted of long particulars of Souldiers to be levied Mariners to be pressed forwarding of Ships and provisions and that nothing wanted but Money He proceeded yet further and shewed that he was so Religious to guide these great Affairs by Council as that at his journey into France which fell out about this time he desired his Majesty to recommend the business to a select Council which his Majesty did who in his absence took care of the same Object 2. Why did not his Majesty declare the Enemy presently upon granting those three Susidies Answ. His Majesty considered the State of Christendom at that Season and found it full of danger to declare the Enemy for three Reasons First because the great Enemy would be more prepared secondly Spain being the Enemy our Merchants goods would be imbarged which are now drawing home thirdly our Friends finding us so long unprepared after our Declaration would never believe any reality in our intentions Object 3. Whether a considerable sum of money be yet required Answ. Forty thousand pounds is yet necessary but our Master is exhausted his Treasure anticipated his Lands pawned his Plate offered to be pawned but not accepted and yet his Majesty must be maintained Object 4. Why was not this want of Money foreseen but now onely thought upon unexpectedly and dangerously considering the sickness Answ. It was foreseen before but interrupted by unfortunate accidents the death of the late King the Funeral which for decency could follow no sooner the Journey into France and the Marriage which procured more delay then was expected but necessary At the opening of the Parliament his Majesty did declare this Necessity and told the House plainly that this sitting must not be for Counsel but Resolution and when he understood the grant of two Subsidies he conceived that money to be a matter of Custom to welcom him to the Crown Object 5. Who gave counsel to his Majesty so suddenly when the sickness was so dangerously spread to convene this Parliamant Answ. His Majesty commanded him the Duke to say that it was the business it self that gave this counsel and the necessity of it else his Majesty would not have hazarded the two Houses nor the rest of the Kingdom if he had been able any way without the Parliaments Supply to set out the Navy Object 6. Is not the time of the year too far spent for the Navy to go forth Answ. The King answered this formerly better half the Navy perish then the going thereof should be stayed it would argue such want of Counsel Courage and Experience in the Design such beggerliness in being not able to go through with it that it may not be diverted the season of the year suiting with the Design as could be demonstrated if the Design might not be published thereby Object 7. Whether those Eight Ships lent to the French King which were imployed against the Rochellers were not paid with the Subsidy-money Answ. Those Eight Ships were imployed at the charge of the French King Secondly it is not alway fit for Kings to give account of their Counsels judge the thing by the event Object 8. Whether the Duke having been our Servant to break the Match with Spain made not a worse Match with France and upon harsher terms Answ. I hope the contrary will appear by the Answer to your Petition Object 9. Did not the Duke serve us in breaking the two Treaties with Spain out of spleen and malice to Conde Olivares Answ. There was no cause to hate Olivares who was the means to make him happy for out of his hands came those papers by which the Duke gained the love of this Nation which before thought not so well of him he was not vindicative in his Nature he can forgive those which had no such natural respect to their Country as Olivares had neither doth the Duke love that any man should be an instrument by ill means to do a good Action as Olivares intended to serve his Master and Kingdom by indirect means and he could make a proof that he was not vindicative he can forgive one of our own Nation that concurred with Olivares but he was minded to leave that business asleep which if it should awake would prove a Lion to devour him who as he said he meant one of our Nation who cooperated with Olivares Object 10. It will be objected That hitherto the Duke speaketh of immcense charges which the Kingdom is not able to bear as to assist the King of Denmark with Thirty thousand pounds per Moneth Count Mansfield with Twenty thousand pounds per Moneth the Low-Countries with Eight thousand pounds per Moneth and Two thousand six hundred pounds per Moneth for Ireland Answ. Make the King Chief of the War by a diversion and he will give a greater advantage to all his Allies then by allowing of them Fifty thousand pounds nay a Hundred thousand pounds per Moneth What is it for his Allies to scratch with the King of Spain to take a Town to day and lose it to morrow for it is almost impossible to hope for a Conquest in this kinde the King of Spain being so able by Land but let the King our Soveraign be Master of the Wars elsewhere and make a Diversion and let the Enemy be compelled to spend his Money and Men in other places and our Allies in those parts will be suddenly and perceivedly strengthened and enabled and by this kinde of War you send no Coyn out of the Land you issue nothing but Beef Mutton and Powder and the Kingdom is not impoverished but may make good Returns Object 11. But where is the Enemy Answ. Make the Fleet ready to go out and the King bids you name the Enemy your selves put the Sword into his Majesties hands
to confirm an Agreement between the King and the Copy-holders of Macclesfield in Com. Cestr. c. 9. An Act for he settlement of an Agreement of the Tenants of Chelvenham and Ashby alias Charleton between the King and Sir Giles Grival Knight The Parliament being dissolved the King followed his Design of War and resolved that the Fleet should speedily put out to Sea he also entered into a League with the United-Provinces against the Emper or and King of Spain for restoring the Liberties of Germany the States by their Ambassadors sought this Union and the Duke of Buckingham with the Earl of Holland were sent to the Hague to conclude the same as also to comfort the Kings distressed Sister with hopes of a Restitution Soon after his Majesty issued forth a Proclamation whereby he commanded the return within limitted time of all such children of Noblemen and others his natural Subjects who were now breeding up in Schools and Seminaries and other houses of the Popish Religion beyond the Seas That their Parents Tutors and Governors take present order to recal them home and to provide that they return by the day prefixt at the utmost severity of his Majesties Justice and he commanded further That no Bishop Priest or any other person having taken Orders under any Authority derived from the Sea of Rome do presume to confer Ecclesiastical Orders or exercise Ecclesiastical Function or Jurisdiction towards any of his natural Subjects in any of his Dominions and that all Statutes in force be put in due execution against Jesuites Seminaries and others in Popish Orders prefixing a day for their departure out of his Dominions not to return again upon the severest penalties of the Law In the time of the late King very many of the natural Subjects of these Dominions had by publick permission betaken themselves to the service of the Emperor the King of Spain and Archdutchess of the Low-Countries and by this means they fought against others of their Country-men that were imployed by the States of the United-Provinces and on the behalf of the exiled Palatine But now the King foreseeing how improper and unnatural it were that his own natural Subjects should upon any occasion or accident draw their swords one against the other or any of them against their own Soveraign did by advice of his Privy-Council straitly command all those his Subjects who were under the pay of the Emperor the King of Spain or Archdutchess speedily to return to their Native Countries where they should be received and imployed as occasion served according to their several qualities The dissolution of the Parliament preventing the Act of Subsidies the King drew Supplies from the people by borrowing of persons able to lend such competent sums of money as might discharge the present occasions accordingly he directed Letters of the following Tenor to the Lords-Lieutenants of the Counties Right Trusty and Welbeloved c. IT hath been so usual a thing for Kings and Princes of this Realm to make use of their Subjects good affections by borrowing some such competent Sums of Money of Persons able to lend as might supply those present occasions for Publick Service which cannot attend that length of time wherein it can be raised by contribution by the generality of our Sujects As we have not onely present occasion to make the like Trial by borrowing from some private Gentlemen and others but also of your sincerity and endeavors in furtherance of the service that is to say in taking some course either out of your own knowledg and experience or by any other Means or Instruments which you like best to make Collection of as many Persons Names within the County wherein you are Lieutenant as may be of ability to furnish us with several Sums at this time and therefore to return in a Book both the Names of the Persons their Dwellings and what Sums you think they may spare that we may thereupon direct our Privy-Seals unto them according to the form of this inclosed And for your further instruction in this Case on whose Trust we do so much repose we wish you to advise herein with your Deputy Lieutenant as those from whom we have special cause to promise our selves all good Offices of duty and affection To which we must add thus much further That we do not intend at this time to deal with any Nobleman neither are you to deal with any of the Clergy because we have reserved that Direction to the Metropolitans of the several Provinces to proceed onely with some special persons that are known to be men of wealth and ability and not meerly subsisting upon those Livings which in most places are far inferior to that Maintenance we could wish them By which course and consideration of ours though you may perceive how much we desire to procure this Loan without inconvenience to any which is only intended for the service of the Publique yet must we assure you that we had no greater cause at any time then now to make use of your integrity and industry in respect of your election of the Lenders and of your constant demonstration both of diligence and affection to the service Having now delivered unto you as much as for the present can be expected from us We will refer you for any further direction unto our Privy-Council as hereafter occasion shall require To whom our pleasure is you do return your Certificates in manner and form as is aforesaid at the most within Twenty days after the Receipts of these our Letters Given at c. The Comptroller of the Kings Houshold by the Councils Order issued forth Letters in the Kings name under the Privy-Seal to the several persons returned for the Loan of Money in form as followeth Trusty and Welbeloved c. HAving observed in the Presidents and Customs of former Times that all the Kings and Queens of this Realm upon extraordinary occasions have used either to resort to those Contributions which arise from the generality of Subjects or to the private helps of some well-affected in particular by way of Loan In the former of which courses as we have no doubt of the love and affection of our People when they shall again assemble in Parliament so for the present we are enforced to proceed in the latter course for supply of some portions of Treasure for divers Publick services which without manifold inconveniences to us and our Kingdoms cannot be deferred And therefore this being the first time that we have required any thing in this kind we doubt not but we shall receive such a testimony of your good affection from you amongst other of our Subjects and that with such alacrity and readiness as may make the same so much the more acceptable especially seeing we require but that Sum which few men would deny a Friend and have a mind resolved to expose all our Earthly fortune for preservation of the General The Sum which we
require of you by these Presents is Which we do promise in the name of Us our Heirs and Successors to repay to you or your Assigns within Eighteen moneths after the paiment thereof unto the Collector The person whom we have appointed to collect it is To whose hands we do require you to send it within Twelve days after you have received this Privy-Seal which together with the Collectors Acquittance shall be sufficient Warrant unto the Officers of our Receipt for the repaiment thereof at the time limited Given at c. The Collectors of this Loan were appointed to pay into the Exchequer the Sums received and to return the Names of such as discovered a disposition to delay or excuse the paiment of the Sums imposed Amidst the preparations for War with Spain the Privy-Council issued out Warrants for the disarming of Popish Recusants grounding their Order upon the Petition of the late Parliament HIs Majesty and we of his Council having received information from so many several parts of the bold and impudent spéeches used by many Romish Catholicks of this Realm declaring how much they are offended with the gracious satisfaction given by his Majesty to the Lords and Commons in Parliament in the points concerning the Conservation of true Religion as it is at this day by Authority preached in the Church of England And having just cause to doubt that many violent Papists through the instigation of Iesuited Priests may be inclined to take part with such as we well understand at this time practise with the Kings Subjects to raise stirs and tumults which they do not only foment by perswasions and instigations but with promise of assistance and seconding them with Arms their pretext being Religion but their ends Conquest pushed thereunto by an unlimited Ambition to a General Monarchy of which we have too large and clear proof And although we do not misjudge and condemn all his Majesties Subjects Romish Catholicks but believe that many of them will imploy their Arms and lives in his service Yet because we are not able to distinguish betwéen the well and worse-affected We have seconded with one Advice his Majesties Princely inclination following the example of his wi●e Predecessors of happy memory and government to take out of the possession of all Romish Recusants convicted or justly suspected according to the Acts of State heretofore expressed all such Martial Ammunitions Arms and Weapons as shall be found in their houses or discovered to be in the houses of any other persons belonging by right to any of the said Romish Recusants But so that the said Arms be only taken to be safely kept and the Property to be reserved to the Owners according to the former Presidents in like Cases This Design proceeded and the Council directed their Letters to these Lords Recusants viz. The Marquis of Winchester and the Lord St. John his son Lord Viscount Mountague Lord Viscount Colchester Lord Peter the Earl of Castlehaven Lord Morley Lord Vaux Lord Eures Lord Arundel of Warder Lord Tenham Lord Herbert Lord Windsor requiring them to render their Arms and Furniture thereunto belonging together with all their Habiliments of War to be removed into places convenient and to remain there till the King shall determine otherwise Moreover the Privy-Council having received information from the Lords-Lieutenants in divers parts of the Kingdom That there was great and unaccustomed Resort to the houses of Papists and that other Courses justly to be suspected were held among them Authorised the Lords-Lieutenants to examine the truth and reason of such Assemblies and Entertainment and of the conveyance and intercourse of Letters as also to enquire and search if there were any preparation of Men or Arms or Practice of Arms or endeavors of Alteration among persons discontented with the present Government In the mean time the Fleet was ready and Ten brave Regiments were designed for this Expedition The Duke not going in person Sir Edward Cecil was created Lord Viscount Wimbleton and made Commander in Chief In the Choice of the Officers for this service Sir Robert Mansel an experienced Sea-Commander was neglected which much disgusted the Mariners The Common Censure that passed both upon the Duke and this Enterprise may be known by the Lord Cromwels free language to the Duke in this Letter THey offer to lay wagers the Fleet goes not this year And that of necessity shortly a Parliament must be which when it comes sure it will much discontent you It is wondred at that since the King did give such great Gifts to the Duchess of Chevereux and those that then went how now a small Sum in the Parliament should be called for at such an unseasonable time And let the Parliament sit when it will begin they will where they ended They say the Lords of the Council knew nothing of Count Mansfield's Iourney or this Fleet which discontents even the best sort if not all They say it is a very great burden your Grace takes upon you since none knows any thing but you It is conceived that not letting others bear part of the burden you now bear it may ruine you which Heaven forbid Much discourse there is of your Lordship here and there as I passed home and back And nothing is more wondred at then that one Grave man is not known to have your ear except my good and Noble Lord Conway All men say if you go not with the Fleet you will suffer in it because if it prosper it will be thought no act of yours and if it succeed ill they say it might have been better had not you guided the King They say your undertakings in the Kingdom will much prejudice your Grace And if God bless you not with goodness as to accept kindly what in duty and love I here offer questionless my freedom in letting you know the discourse of the world may much prejudice me But if I must lose your favor I had rather lose it for striving to do you good in letting you know the talk of the wicked world then for any thing else so much I heartily desire your prosperity and to see you trample the ignorant multitude under foot All I have said is the Discourse of the World and when I am able to judge of Actions I will freely tell your Lordship my mind Which when it shall not always incline to serve you may all Noble thoughts forsake me But whilst the English Fleet was preparing for this Voyage great Reports were given out that the Spaniard would land Forces upon the Coast of Essex Wherefore the Earl of Warwick was commanded with Three thousand of the Trained Bands of Essex to secure the Port of Harwich and Langer-Point which service he performed with much readiness But upon the Blocking up of Dunkirk with Ships belonging to the English and to the States of the United Provinces his Lordship was ordered to dismiss his men Presently after Advertisements came to
Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons you are here assembled by his Majesties Writs and Royal Authority to hold a new Parliament the general Antient and Powerful Councel of this Renowned Kingdom whereof if we consider aright and think of that incomparable distance between the Supream height and majesty of a Mighty Monarch and the submissive aw and lowliness of a Loyal Subject We cannot but receive exceeding comfort and contentment in the frame and constitution of this Highest Court wherein not onely the Prelates Nobles and Grandees but the Commons of all degrees have their part and wherein that high Majesty doth descend to admit or rather to invite the humblest of his Subjects to Conference and Council with him of the great weighty and difficult Affairs of the King and Kingdom A benefit and favor whereof we cannot be too sensible and thankful for sure I am that all good hearts would be both sensible and sorrowful if we did want it And therefore it behooveth all with united hearts and mindes free from distraction and diversion to fix their thoughts upon Counsels and Consultations worthy of such an Assembly remembring That in it is presented the Majesty and Greatne●s the Authority and Power the Wisdom and Knowledge of this great and famous Nation and it behooveth us to magnifie and bless God that hath put the power of Assembling Parliaments in the hands of him the vertue of whose person doth strive with the greatness of his Princely Lineage and Descent whether he should be accounted Major or Melior a greater King or a better Man and of whom you have had so much tryal and experience That he doth as affectionately love as he doth exactly know and understand the true use of Parliaments witness his daily and unwearied Access to this House before his Access to the Crown his gratious readiness to all Conferences of Importance his frequent and effectual Intercession to his Blessed Father of never dying Memory for the good of the Kingdom with so happy success That both this and future generations shall feel it and have cause to rejoyce at the success of his Majesties Intercession And when the Royal Diadem descended upon himself presently in the midst of his Tears and Sighs for the departure of his most Dear and Royal Father in the very first Consultation with his Privy Council was resolved to meet his People in Parliament And no sooner did the heavy hand of that Destroying Angel forbear those deadly strokes which for some time did make this place inaccessible but his Majesty presently resolved to recal it and hath now brought you together and in a happy time I trust to treat and consult with uniform Desires and united Affections of those things that concern the general good And now being thus Assembled his Majesty hath commanded me to let you know that his Love and Affection to the Publick moved him to call this Parliament and looking into the danger and the spreading of that late Mortality and weighing the multitude of his Majesties pressing occasions and urging affairs of State both at home and abroad much importing the safety and state of this Kingdom the same affection that moved him to call it doth forbid him to prolong the sitting of this Parliament And therefore his Majesty resolving to confine this meeting to a short time hath confined me to a short Errand and that is That as a thing most agreeable to the Kingly Office to the example of the best times and to the frame of Modern Affairs his Majesty hath called you together to consult and to advise of provident and good Laws profitable for the Publick and fitting for the present times and actions for upon such depends the assurance of Religion and of Justice which are the surest Pillars and Buttresses of all good Government in a Kingdom For his Majesty doth consider that the Royal Throne on which God out of his Mercy to us hath set him is the Fountain of all Justice and that good Laws are the Streams and Quits by which the benefit and use of this Fountain is dispersed to his people And it is his Majesties care and study that his people may see with comfort and joy of heart that this Fountain is not dry but they and their Posterity may rest assured and confident in his time to receive as ample benefit from this Fountain by his Majesties Mercy and Justice as ever Subjects did in the time of the most eminent Princes amongst his Noble Progenitors wherein as his Majesty shews himself most sensible of the good of the Publick so were it an injury to this great and honorable Assembly if it should be but doubted that they shall not be as sensible of any thing that may adde to his Majesties honor which cannot but receive a high degree of Love and Affection if his Majesty succeeding so many Religious Wise and Renowned Princes should begin his Reign with some Additions unto those good Laws which their happy and glorious times have afforded And this his Majesty hath caused me to desire at this time especially above others for his Majesty having at his Royal Coronation lately solemnized the Sacred Rites of that Blessed Marriage between his people and him and therein by a most holy Oath vowed the Protection of the Laws and Maintenance of Peace both to Church and People no time can be so fit for his Majesty to advise and consult at large with his people as this present time wherein so lately his Majesty hath vowed Protection to his People and they have protested their Alleagiance and Service to him This is the sum of that charge which I have received from his Majesty to deliver unto you wherein you see his Majesties intent to the Publick And therefore his desire is That according to that conveniency of time which his Affairs may afford you will apply your selves to dispatch the business of this Parliament The Wednesday following the Commons presented Sir Hennage Finch Knight Serjeant at Law and Recorder of London for their Speaker who having made the accustomed Excuses and acknowledged his Majesties Approbation made this Speech SInce it hath pleased your Majesty not to admit my humble Excuse but by your Royal Approbation to crown this Election after my heart and hands first lifted up to God that hath thus inclined your Royal Heart I do render my humblest thanks to your Majesty who are pleased to cast so gratious an eye upon so mean a Subject and to descend so low as in a service of this Importance to take me into your Princely Thoughts And since we all stand for Hundreds and Thousands for Figures and Cyphers as your Majesty the Supream and Soveraign Auditor shall please to place and value us and like Coyn to pass are made currant by your Royal Stamp and Impression onely I shall neither disable nor under-value my self but with a faithful and chearful heart apply my self with the best of my strength and abilities
to the performance of this weighty and publick Charge wherein as I do and shall to the end most humbly desire your gratious acceptance of my good intentions and endeavors So I could not but gather some confidence to my self that your Majesty will look favorably upon the works of your own hands And in truth besides this particular these publick things which are obvious to every Understanding are so many Arguments of Comfort and Encouragement where I contemplate and take a view of those great and inestimable blessings which by the goodness of God we do enjoy under your Majesties most pious and prudent Government If we behold the frame and the face of the Government in general we live under a Monarchy the best of Governments the nearest resemblance unto the Divine Majesty which the Earth affords the most agreeable to Nature and that in which other States and Republicks do easily fall and reverse into the Ocean and are naturally dissolved as into their Primam Materiam The Laws by which we are governed are above any value my words can set upon them time hath refined and approved them they are equal at least to any Laws Humane and so curiously framed and fitted that as we live under a temperate climate so the Laws are temperate yielding a due observance to the Prerogative Royal and yet preserving the Right and Liberty of the Subject That which Tacitus saith of two of the best Emperors Res olim insociabiles miscuerunt imperium libertas and so far is this from the least diminution of Soveraigns that in this your Majesty is truly stiled Pater Patriae and the greatest King in the World that is King of such and so many Free-born Subjects whose persons you have not onely power over but which is above the greatest of Kings to command their hearts If time or corruption of manners breed any Mists or Grievance or discover any defects in the Law they are soon reformed by Parliament the greatest Court of Justice and the greatest Council of the Kingdom to which all other Courts and Councils are subordinate Here your Royal Person sits inthroned in the Seat of Majesty attended by a Reverend and Learned Prelacy a great and full Nobility inthroned like Stars in the Firmament some of a greater some of a lesser magnitude full of light and beauty and acknowledging to whom they owe their lustre and by a choise number of worthy Knights and Gentlemen that represent the whole body of your Commons But to leave generals We live not under a Monarchy only the best of Goverments and under a Government the best of Monarchies but under a King the best of Monarchs Your Royal Person and those eminent graces and vertues which are inherent in your Person in whom Greatness and Goodness contend for superiority it were presumption in me to touch though with never so good a meaning they will not be bounded within the narrow compass of my discourse And such Pictures of such a King are not to be made in Limning but for Publick things and actions which the least eye may see and discern and in them obliquely and by reflexion cheerfully and with comfort behold your Person What Age shall not record and eternise your Princely magnanimities in that Heroick action or venturous Journey into Spain or hazarding your Person to preserve the Kingdom Fathers will tell it to their children in succession After-ages will then think it a Fable Your piety to the Memory of your dear Father in following and bedewing his Herse with your tears is full in every mans memory The Publick Humiliation when Gods hand lay heavy upon us and the late Publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God for removing his hand both commanded and performed in person by your Majesty is a work in piety not to be forgotten and I trust the Lord will remember them and reward them with mercy and blessing to your Majesty and the whole Kingdom Your love to Justice and your care in the administration of Justice we all behold with comfort and rejoice to see it The great Courts of Justice from the highest to the lowest furnished with Judges of that wisdom and gravity learning and integrity The Thrones of Kings are established by Justice and may it establish and I doubt not but it will establish the Throne of your Majesty in your Person and in your Royal Line to the end of time But above all and indeed it is above all as far as Heaven is distant from Earth your care and zeal for the advancement of Gods true Religion and Worship are cleerly and fully exprest and do appear both in your Person and by your many Publick Acts and Edicts It is true that is said of Princes Quod faciunt praecipiunt Of your Majesty both are true and a Proposition made convertible We have received a most gracious Answer from your Majesty to all our late Petitions concerning Religion seconded with a Publick Declaration under the Great Seal and Inrolled in all the Courts of Justice for your Royal pleasure and direction to awaken and put life into these Laws by a careful Execution with provision that the Penalties be not converted to your Private Coffers and yet the Coffers of Kings are not Private Coffers but by your express direction set apart to Publick uses such as concern the immediate Defence of the Kingdom wherein we all have our share and interest Your Royal Proclamation hath commanded those Romish Priests and Jesuites to Banishment those Incendiaries that infect the State of this Church and Commonwealth Their very entrance into this Kingdom is by a just and provident Law made Treason their aims being in truth how specious soever their pretences be nothing else but to plot and contrive Treason against the State and to seduce your Natural born Subjects from their true obedience nourishing in their posterities Factions and Seditions Witness those many Treasons and Conspiracies against the person of that glorious Lady whose memory will never die and that horrible matchless Conspiracie the Powder-Treason the Master-piece of the Devil But God that preserved her and your Royal Father against all their treacherous Conspiracies and hath given you a heart to honor him will honor and preserve you Religion will more truly keep your Kingdoms then the Seas do compass them It is the joy of heart to your Majesties loyal and well-affected Subjects and will ever be the honor of your Regal Diadem and the Crown of your Crown The Spanish Invasion in Eighty Eight I hope will ever be remembred in England with thankful acknowledgment to God for so great a deliverance And I assura my self it is remembred in Spain but with another mind a mind of Revenge they are too constant to their Counsels to acquit their Resolutions and Purposes that drew on that Attempt It was long before discovered and since printed not without their liking That they affect an Universal Monarchy Videor mihi vidore saith Lipsius of their State Solem
our Countrey That it hath béen the antient constant and undoubted Right and Usage of Parliaments to question and complain of all persons of what degree soever found grievous to the Commonwealth in abusing the power and trust committed to them by their Soveraign A course approved not onely by the examples in your Fathers days of famous memory but by frequent presidents in the best and most glorious Reigns of your Noble Progenitors appearing both in Records and Histories without which liberty in Parliament no private man no servant to a King perhaps no Counsellor without exposing himself to the hazard of great enmity and prejudice can be a means to call great Officers into question for their misdemeanors but the Commonwealth might languish under their pressures without Redress And whatsoever we shall do accordingly in this Parliament we doubt not but it shall redound to the Honor of the Crown and welfare of your Subjects Lastly We most humbly beseech Your Majesty gratiously to conceive that though it hath been the long Custom of Parliaments to handle the matter of Supply with the last of their businesses yet at this time out of extraordinary respect to your Person and care of your Affairs We have taken the same into more speedy consideration and most happily on the very day of your Majesties Inauguration with great alacrity and unanimous consent After a short Debate we grew to the Resolution for a present Supply well-known to your Maiesty To. which if Addition may be made of other great things for your Service yet in Consultation amongst us we doubt not but it will appear That we have not receded from the Truth of our first Intention so to supply you as may make you safe at home and feared abroad especially if your Maiesty shall be pleased to look upon the way intended in our promise as well as to the measure of the gift agreed With like humility we beseech your Majesty not to give ear to the officious reports of private persons for their own ends which hath occasioned so much loss of time nor to judge our proceedings whilst they are in agitation but to be pleased to expect the issue and conclusion of our labors which we are confident will manifest and justifie to your Majesty the sincerity and Loyalty of our hearts who shall ever place in a high degree of happiness the performing of that duty and service in Parliament which may most tend to your Majesties Honor and the good of your Kingdom Unto this Remonstrance the King said He could give no present answer but desired the House to adjourn for a week as the Lords had done and they adjourned accordingly In the interim it was intimated in Writing to the Duke that he should procure his Majesty to signifie to a certain number of Lords that he hath endeavored to divert the Charge against the Duke because his Majesty hath had sound knowledge and experience of his service and fidelity That his Majesty may let them know that he is now pleased to reveal some secrets and mysteries of State That the King his Father finding the Palatinate more then in danger to be lost and his Majesty being in Spain and there deluded and his abode and return both unsafe it was a necessity of State to sweeten and content the Spaniard with the hope of any thing which might satisfie and redeem those Engagements And that therefore the King willed the Duke to yield discreetly to what he should find they most desired and this was chiefly the point of Religion So as in this and all of the like kind the Duke upon his Majesties knowledge was commanded and but the Instrument trusted by the King in this Exigent or if you will say Extremity Upon the same ground though not in so high a degree the sending of the Ships to Rochel may be excused Touching the vast Creation of Nobility his Majesty may declare that his Father who was born a King and had long experience of that Regiment found that this State inclined much to popularity and therefore thought fit to enlarge the number of his Nobles that these being dispersed into several Counties might shine as Lamps of Soveraignty in protecting their own degrees and at their own cha●●e inure the people with respect and obedience to greatness And the King may protest that this was a child of his Fathers best Judgment and the Duke the Instrument thereof And if you say there was money many times given for these Honors nay if you say that money hath been given for places of Clergy and Judicature take this of me it is so in all other Countreys as in France and Spain c. though I am not satisfied in this opinion And if it be said the King should have had the money which the Duke took to his own use I beleeve this last may the King say is more then any man can prove Neither will I deliver what I know therein onely this I will say I know the Dukes particular service and affection towards me and that he and his will lay down themselves and all they have at my feet Is it for a King to use his Servant and Instrument as he doth his Horses and being by hard riding in his service foundred and lame to turn them out to Grass or to the Cart I must therefore may the King say in right of the King my Fathers Honor protect a man though justly seeming guilty yet in my own knowledge innocent Will you therefore deny the King to favor whom he pleaseth which the King never denied to you that are his Subjects Well commend me to my Lords and tell them that if any thing hath been formerly done amiss by others I have power and will to redress it and to prevent the like At this time the King commanded all the Bishops to attend him and when they were come before him being fourteen in number he reprehended them that in this time of Parliament they had not made known unto him what might be profitable for the Church whose cause he was ready to promote And he laid this Charge upon them that in the Cause of Bristol and Buckingham their Consciences being their Guides they should follow onely proofs and not rumors The Commons sent again to the Duke by Sir Iohn Epsley to let him know that they were passing Articles against him and that they had given the Messengers leave to take Notes thereof out of the Clerks Book whereof he might take a Copy if he pleased and that they expected his Answer that day before ten of the Clock if he pleased to send any This the Duke signified to the Lords who did not think fit that he should answer as appears by the ensuing Report made by Sir Iohn Epsley This day his Grace gave us this Answer after he had moved the Lords that he should with great care make all due acknowledgment of your respect and favors in giving him this notice
the Princes hands might have been bound up and yet he neither sure of a Wife nor any assurance given of the Temporal Articles All which in his high presumption he adventured to do being an express breach of his Instructions and if the same had not been prevented by his late Majesties vigilancy it might have turned to the infinite dishonor and prejudice of his Majesty XI Lastly That he hath offended in a high and contemptuous manner in preferring a scandalous Petition to this honorable house to the dishonor of his Majesty of blessed memory deceased and of his sacred Majesty that now is which are no way sufferable in a Subject towards his Soveraign and in one Article of that Petition specially wherein he gives his now Majesty the Lye in denying and offering to falsifie that Relation which his Majesty affirmed and thereunto added many things of his own remembrance to both Houses of Parliament ROBERT HEATH The Earl of Bristol upon the Attorney Generals accusing him of high Treason thus exprest himself THat he had exhibited his Petition to the House April 19 that he might come up and be heard in his Accusation of the Duke of Buckingham and that thereupon he being a Peer of this Realm is now charged with Treason That he had heretofore in●ormed the late King of the Dukes unfaithfull service and thereupon the Duke labored that he might be clapt up in the Tower presently upon his return out of Spain That he importuned the late King that he might be heard before himself and his Majesty promised it I pray God said he that that promise did him no hurt for he died shortly after And for the Kings promise he vouched the Lord Chamberlain for a witness and he desired the Lords to take notice that their House was possessed already of his said Petition and of his Accusation of the said Duke And therefore desired first that they would receive his charge against the Duke and the Lord Conway and not to invalid his Testimony against them by the Kings Charge against him and that he might not be impeached till his Charge of so high a nature be first heard So he tendred to the House the Articles against the Duke which the Clerk received and he withdrew and his Petition exhibited the 19 of April was read and the Lords resolved upon the Question That the said Earls Charge against the Duke of Buckingham and the Lord Conway should be presently read The Earl being shortly after called in again to the Bar of the Lords House concerning his Articles against the Duke made this speech FIrst he craved pardon of their Lordships for his earnest Speeches the other day confessing them to have been in passion saying That unexpected accusation of Treason would warm any honest heart but would hereafter amend it Then he rendred their Lordships humble thanks for their manner of proceeding against him and desired to know from Mr Attorney whether that were his whole Charge or not Mr Attorney answered That he had Commandment to open no more against him peradventure upon the opening of the Charge some particulars might arise and be urged but no new matter should Then the Earl desired to know of Mr Attorney who was the Relator to his Charge and that he might understand who was his Accuser Mr Attorney answered That the King himself out of his own mouth had given him directions for his own Relation against him and corrected many things that were added Unto which the Earl answered That he would not contest with the King neither did it beseem him so to do neither esteemed he his life or his fortunes so much as to save them by contesting with his Soveraign and therefore would make no reply or answer were it not that his Religion and Honor were joyntly questioned with his life but this being to descend to his Posterity for their sakes he was an humble Suitor unto his Majesty that he would not take indignation at his own just defence yet would he be ready to make any humble submission to his Majesty and heartily desired some means might be made that he might make it personally to himself wherein he would submit himself most willingly to some such act of humiliation and submission not wronging his innocency that never Subject did towards his Soveraign And also That his Majesty would be pleased to set himself in his Throne of Justice and declare out of his Royal justice that he would have the Duke and him upon equal terms and that neither of their causes should be advanced before others These were his humble Petitions which he besought their Lordships to present unto his Majesty and to take into their considerations of how dangerous a consequence it would be if the King should be Accuser Judge Witness and should have the Confiscation As touching the Charge against him he said He had once answered it all except that of his Petition and he doubted not but to clear himself before their Lordships of every particular of it he said he expected not to have heard of this again having once answered it He rather expected to have been charged with some practise with Spain against the State or the receipt of Ten or Twenty thousand pounds for the perswading and procuring of the delivery up of some Town of which the Crown was in possession as might be the Town of Flushing the Brill or the like or for being the means of lending the Kings Ships to a Forein Nation and that against those of our own Religion or for revealing his Majesties highest Secrets which none above two or three dares know or for treating the greatest affairs as it were by his own Authority without formal Instructions in the points or for having taken Rewards or been corrupted by a Foreign Prince or to have broken his Instructions in any Ecclesiastical point or as the Law calleth it to have committed an overt Act of disloyalty and not to be charged after seven Ambassages with Discourses and Inferences Then he desired their Lordships that he might have a Copy of his Charge in writing and time allowed him for his Answer and Counsel assigned him to plead his Cause and said there was a great difference between the Duke of Buckingham and him for the Duke was accused of Treason and yet at large and in the Kings favour and he being accused but of that which he had long since answered was a Prisoner and therefore he moved that they might be put in equal condition And as touching the Lord Conway in as much as he had given in Articles against him he desired his Lordship might not meddle in that particular business nor use the Kings name against him ex officio he also besought their Lordships to be Suitors to his Majesty on his behalf that all the particular dispatches of his own Ambassages and Sir Walter Ashtons might be brought thither and that he might make use of them for his defence as his Evidence
his the said Ambassadors last return into Spain in the Summer An. 1622. To carry his Majesty then Prince into Spain to the end he might be informed and instructed in the Roman Religion and thereby have perverted the Prince and subverted the true Religion established in England From which misery this Kingdom next under Gods mercy hath by the wise religious and constant carriage of his Majesty been almost miraculously delivered considering the many bold and subtile attempts of the said Duke in that kind II. That Mr. Porter was made acquainted therewith and sent into Spain and such Messages at his return framed as might serve for a ground to set on foot this Conspiracie The which was done accordingly and thereby the King and Prince highly abused and their Consents thereby first gotten to the said Journey that is to say after the return of the said Mr. Porter which was about the end of December or the beginning of Ianuary 1622. whereas the said Duke had plotted it many moneths before III. That the said Duke at his arrival in Spain nourished the Spanish Ministers not only in the belief of his own being Popishly affected but did both by absenting himself from all Exercises of Religion constantly used in the Earl of Bristols house and frequented by all other Protestant English and by conforming himself to please the Spaniards in divers Rites of their Religion even so far as to kneel and adore their Sacrament from time to time give the Spaniards hope of the Prince his Conversion The which Conversion he endeavored to procure by all means possible and thereby caused the Spanish Ministers to propound far worse Conditions for Religion then had been formerly by the Earl of Bristol and Sir Walter Aston setled and signed under their Majesties hands with a Clause in the King of Spain's Answer of Decemb. 12. 1622. That they held the Articles agreed upon sufficient and such as ought to induce the Pope to the granting of the Dispensation IV. That the Duke of Buckingham having several times in the presence of the Earl of Bristol moved and pressed his late Majesty at the instance of the Conde of Gondomar to write a Letter unto the Pope and to that purpose having once brought a Letter ready drawn wherewith the Earl of Bristol by his Majesty being made acquainted did so strongly oppose the writing of any such Letter that during the abode of the said Earl of Bristol in England the said Duke could not obtain it yet not long after the Earl was gone he procured such a Letter to be written from his late Majesty unto the Pope and to have him stiled Sanctissime Pater V. That the Pope being informed of the Duke of Buckingham's inclination and intention in point of Religion sent unto the said Duke a particular Bull in parchment for to perswade and encourage him in the perversion of his Majesty then Prince VI. That the said Dukes behaviour in Spain was such that he thereby so incensed the King of Spain and his Ministers as they would admit of no reconciliation nor further dealing with him Whereupon the said Duke seeing that the Match would be now to his disadvantage he endeavored to break it not for any service to the Kingdom nor dislike of the Match in it self nor for that he found as since he hath pretended that the Spaniards did not really intend the said Match but out of his particular ends and his indignation VII That after he intended to cross the Marriage he put in practice divers undue courses as namely making use of the Letters of his Majesty then Prince to his own ends and not to what they were intended as likewise concealing divers things of high importance from his late Majesty and thereby overthrew his Majesties purposes and advanced his own ends VIII That the said Duke as he had with his skill and artifices formerly abused their Majesties so to the same end he afterwards abused both Houses of Parliament by his sinister Relation of the carriage of Affairs as shall be made appear almost in every particular that he spake unto the said Houses IX As for scandal given by his personal behaviour as also the imploying of his power with the King of Spain for the procuring of Favors and Offices which he bestowed upon base and unworthy persons for the recompence and hire of his Lust These things as neither fit for the Earl of Bristol to speak nor indeed for the House to hear he leaveth to your Lordships wisdom how far you will be pleased to have them examined It having been indeed a great infamy and dishonor to this Nation that a Person of the Dukes great quality and imployments a Privy-Counsellor an Ambassador eminent in his Masters favor and solely trusted with the Person of the Prince should leave behind him in a Forein Court so much scandal as he did by his ill behaviour X. That the Duke hath been in great part the Cause of the ruine and misfortune of the Prince Palatine and his Estates in as much as those Affairs had relation unto this Kingdom XI That the Duke of Buckingham hath in his Relations to both Houses of Parliament wronged the Earl of Bristol in point of his Honor by many sinister aspersions which he hath laid upon him and in point of his Liberty by many undue Courses through his power and practices XII That the Earl of Bristol did reveal unto his late Majesty both by word and letter in what sort the said Duke had disserved him and abused his trust And that the King by several ways sent him word That he should rest assured he would hear the said Earl but that he should leave it to him to take his own time And thereupon few days before his sickness he sent the Earl word that he would hear him against the said Duke as well as he had heard the said Duke against him Which the Duke himself heard And not long after his blessed Majesty sickned and died having been in the interim much vexed and pressed by the said Duke Articles of the Earl of Bristol against the Lord Conway bearing Date 1 Maii 1626. I. THat the Lord Conway is so great a Servant of the Duke of Buckingham's that he hath not stuck to send the Earl of Bristol plain word That if businesses could not be accommodated betwixt him and the Duke he must then adhere and declare himself for the said Duke and therefore unfit to be a Judge in any thing that concerneth the Duke or the Earl II. That the said Lord Conway professeth himself to be a Secretary of the Duke of Buckingham's creation and so acknowledgeth it under his own hand And although that he be the Kings Secretary of State and a Privy-Counsellor he usually beginneth his Letters to the Duke Most gracious Patron III. That as a Creature of the said Dukes the said Lord Conway hath been made the Instrument of keeping the Earl of Bristol from the Kings presence and
probability that the said Treaties would or could have good success he should acknowledge as much and yet said he cared not what the success thereof might be but that he would take care to have his Instructions perfect and to pursue them punctually and would make his Fortune thereby or words to that effect he doth not ever remember to have held such discourse Though it be true the time hath been many years since when he thought the Match very unlike to be effected in regard unequal Answers were given in Prince Henries days and of the unlikelihood of accommodating the differences of Religion And saith further That the reviving of the Treaty of the said Match for his Majesty that now is was not by his means for he ever declared his opinion clearly both to his late Majesty and to his Majesty that now is That in the first place he wished and advised a Protestant Match but in the duty of a Servant understanding that both their Majesties desired the Match really with Spain he did really and faithfully intend the service and honor of their Majesties and effectually endeavored to procure their ends And it is very likely he might say he would get his Instructions perfect and pursue them punctually as he conceiveth was lawful and fit for him but the latter part of this Conference that he should say he would make his fortune by it or any other words to that effect he was in Anno 1621. and ever since of that rank and quality both in regard of his Imployments Fortunes and his Majesties favors that he assureth himself he did not and dares Answer so far for his discretion That it was impossible for him to hold so mean and unworthy discourse V. To the Fifth Article he saith That what is therein alleaged is so far from being so that contrarily upon all occasions to the uttermost of his power he did labor to prevent all the inconveniences in point of Religion that might come by matching with a Princess of a different Religion as well appeareth by the Paper of his opinion that his Majesty should marry with a Lady of his own Religion hereafter mentioned in his Answer to the Seventh Article And for further proof thereof he saith That in the whole Treaty with Spain he stood more strict in points of Religion then by his Instructions he needed to have done as will appear by the Testimony of Sir Walter Aston and his Dispatches of the Twelfth of December 1622. and other Dispatches which he desireth may be read And as for concealing or perswading to set at liberty the Priests or Jesuits he utterly denieth to have done any such thing as before he hath answered Although it be true that the Ambassage in Spain be far different from the employment in other places where there is a Body of our Reformed Religion and whereby his Majesty hath Kinred and Allies whereby his Majesties Ministers may be informed of the necessary Occurrents of State without the helps of Priests or Jesuites But in Spain there being none but Roman Catholicks nor any manner of correspondency or intelligence but by them the Ambassadors must make use of all sorts of people especially of Jesuites and Priests and to that end Ambassadors sent thither have a large and particular Warrant under the Kings hand to treat and make use of Priests and Jesuites and all other sorts of men unless it be such as are proclaimed Rebels And divers times the Ministers employed in Spain to gratifie some whom there they employed for the Kings service have as he believeth at their partiticular Suit moved his Majesty to extend Grace and Favor to some parcular Friend and Kinsman of his being a Roman Catholick and imprisoned in England and that he remembreth to have hapned to others but doth not remember himself to have written to his late Majesty in that kinde And as concerning his advice and counsel to set at liberty Jesuites and Priests and the granting to the Papists a Toleration or the silencing of the Laws against them he said that his late Majesty was engaged by the Treaty of Madrid 1617. in divers matters concerning Religion likewise by promise to Conde Gondomar and his Letters to the King of Spain 17 April 1620. wherein he is pleased to promise some particulars in favor of Roman Catholicks as by the said Letters will appear And notwithstanding the said Earl had sufficient Warrant under the Kings own hand to assure the King of Spain whatsoever was agreed in the said Article or in the said Letters his Majesty would sincerely perform yet the said Earl was so cautious in that point that when for the conclusion of the Match the other Articles of Religion being allowed it was pressed by the Spanish Ministers that a Clause of Convenience might be inserted with Protestation That the form and way thereof should be wholly left to his Majesties wisdom and clemency and that his Majesties Roman Catholick-Subjects should acknowledge this Grace to have come from the Kings Majesties mercy and goodness Yet the said Earl would not condescend hereunto De bene esse as by his Letters to Master Secretary Calvert 8 October 1622. will appear hereby to give his Majesty time to have recourse unto his second Consultation and to take it into consideration before he would engage or binde himself in this point But his late Majesty and his Majesty that now is were pleased to condiscend hereunto by signing the said Articles with their own hands and likewise by writing their private Letters of the Eight of Ianuary 1622. to that effect to the King of Spain as by the said Letters will appear Neither did the said Earl by Letters or otherwise ever counsel or perswade his late Majesty to grant or allow unto the Papists or Professors of the Roman Religion a free Toleration and Silencing of the Laws made and standing in force against them but ever protested against any such Toleration and when any such Provision hath been offered to be made in Spain he ever refused so much as to give ear to it or to suffer it to be propounded although it be true that he hath since seen a Paper touching Pardons Suspensions and Dispensations for the Roman Catholicks bearing date the Seventh of August 1623. signed by the Lord Conway and others which in effect is little less then a Toleration which Paper is that which followeth Salisbury 7 August 1623. The Declaration touching the Pardons Suspensions and Dispensations of the Roman Catholicks FOr the satisfaction of their Excellencies the Marquess of Ynojosa and Don Carlos de Colonia the Lord Ambassadors for the King of Spain and to the end it may appear that his Majesty of Great Britain will presently and really put in execution the Grace promised and intended to the Roman Catholicks his Majesties Subjects and of his own Grace more then he is tyed to by the Articles of Treaty of Marriage We do declare in his Majesties Name That
but other Motives that were the original cause of his Majesties said journey as shall be sufficiently made apparent in due time And the said Earl having got an inkling of it by something that was let fall from the Conde Gondomar to that purpose instantly dispatched away Mr. Grisley to his late Majesty to have this journey prevented who upon the Confines of France met with his Majesty and the Duke of Buckingham on his journey towards Spain and told them as much So that although he confesseth what is laid in the Charge to be true viz. That by the said journey the person of the Prince the peace and safety of the Kingdom did undergo further danger at the remembrance thereof the hearts of all good Subjects do tremble yet the blame is due to the Authors and Advisers of the same journey and not to the said Earl And although it pleased God to the exceeding great joy and comfort of the said Earl and of all good men to send his gratious Majesty home with safety yet never was the person of any Prince upon such grounds exposed to so great an hazard and in such Cases not the Success but the Counsellors are considerable VII To the Seventh Article the said Earl saith That he did not move or perswade his Majesty then Prince to change his Religion neither in the manner in the said Article mentioned nor in any other manner whatsoever Neither doth he conceive that the charge in it self as it is laid will in any reasonable construction bear any such inference as is made therein so as he conceiveth he needeth not make any further or other Answer thereunto Yet that it may appear that the manner he used to the said Prince was not traiterously falsly or cunningly nor without ground or to any such intent as in the said Article is supposed And to manifest unto this most high and honorable Court how far he was from all such intention he saith That he doth acknowledge that within few days after his Majesties coming into Spain whilst he had that great honor to have his Majesty lodged in his House and to have so Royal a Guest finding by the Spanish Ministers That there was a general opinion that his Majesties coming thither was with an intention to become a Roman Catholick and the Conde Gondomar having that very morning pressed the Earl not to hinder so pious a work as he termed it of his Majesties Conversion and seeming to be assured of the Duke of Buckinghams assistance therein his Majesty being all alone in a withdrawing Room in the said Earl his House the said Earl kneeled unto him and told him That he had a business to impart unto him which highly imported his Majesty to know so that he might be assured his boldness therein might be pardoned which his Majesty gratiously promised And thereupon the said Earl told his Majesty That the general opinion of that Court was that his Majesties coming into Spain was with an intention to be a Roman Catholick and there to declare it And he confesseth That at the same time in regard of those things he had heard he humbly besought his Majesty to deal freely with him as a Servant of whose fidelity he might be confident or words to that effect But he was so far from perswading his Majesty to be a Roman Catholick that without respecting his Majesties Answer he declared himself to be a Protestant and so should always continue yet he said he should always serve his Majesty and labor to advance his and the King his Fathers affairs with as much fidelity and honesty as any Catholick whatsoever And his Majesty was pleased then to make unto the said Earl a full and clear Declaration of his Religion and of his constant resolution therein and seemed to be much displeased that any should have so unworthy an opinion of him as to think he would for a Wife or any other Earthly respect whatsoever so much as waver in his Religion Whereupon the said Earl besought his Majesty to pardon his boldness and then intreated him not to suffer his business to be overthrown by permitting that conceit of his Conversion any longer to remain in the Spaniards nor do any thing that might give them hope therein alleaging That it was impossible the Marriage could be without a Dispensation and so long as the Spaniards who were to procure the Dispensation should have hope of his Majesties Conversion they would never content themselves with a part to which they were tied by the Articles agreed upon with the said Earl and Sir Walter Aston At which time his Majesty was pleased to approve of his opinion and said he would expect the Dispensation and did thereupon afterwards send Mr. Andrews to Rome to hasten it and the next day the said Earl dealt very roundly with the Conde Olivares and Gondomar telling them it was a discourteous manner of proceeding to press his Majesty to further Conditions then were formerly agreed upon in point of Religion and to make his Conditions the worse for the great Obligation he had put upon them by putting himself into their hands whereat they took such great offence that they estranged themselves from him for a long time after And that the said Earl did thus proceed with the said Condes and that it was not a new framed Answer to satisfie present Objections but that which really and indeed passed will really appear by his Dispatches unto his late Majesty of Blessed Memory and before his Majesty that now is came out of Spain they were there shewed unto his Majesty bearing date the Nineth of September 1623. So that although it be true That he the said Earl did not disswade his Majesty for that there was no cause for it yet without expecting his Majesties Answer he first made a clear and true Profession of his own Religion And when his Majesty had declared to him his zeal and constancy he humbly besought him That the Spaniards might not for any respect be longer held in hopes of that point And because point of Religion is that which all men of honor and honesty should cheifly desire to clear especially having an imputation of that nature laid upon them as the said Earl hath in the said Article He humbly beseecheth your Lordships that he may not seem to digress from his Charge intending your Lordships satisfaction in that particular not by the aforesaid verbal discourse onely which he professeth was in much zeal to Religion and dutiful care to the Prince in that kinde but by some written Testimony of his former Opinion both of the Match and Religion When he was first employed into Spain for the Treaty of this Marriage 1617. his late Majesty having commanded him to give an accompt thereof unto his Majesty that now is he at his departure towards Spain presumed to give unto his Majesty that now is his opinion in Writing signed with his own hand to be kept as a testimony
of future Actions the Copy whereof is this as followeth SIR THe Opinion which I have ever presumed humbly to offer unto his Majesty concerning your Highness Marriage hath been that both in regard of Conscience and satisfaction unto his Majesties People and Alleys likewise for the security and quiet of your Majesties estates Your Highness might take for Wife some Protestant Princess although she neither were Daughter to a King nor had so ample a Portion as might relieve the Kings present Necessities and Wants for then there might be many ways found to help the Kings wants either by some few years providence and frugality or by winning the affections of the people to the supplying of his Majesty by way of Subsidies in Parliament whereas contrariwise if the number and power of the Papists shall be increased as undoubtedly they will be by your Highness matching with any Catholick Princess through the Concession which must be of necessity for the exercise of her Religion for her self and Family within your Highness Courts and thereby by degrees these two different Religions shall grow to an equality of power it will be of great hazard and disquiet to the State and not to be redressed without great danger and courses of more violence then is usual for this State to put in practice But in case his Majesty out of his wisdom and consideration best known to himself hold it fittest that your Majestie match with France or Spain or any other Catholick either for that the present time affordeth no Protestant Princess who is for years or Blood suitable for your Highness or that can in any considerable measure by the portion supply his Majesties present wants I then conceive that the Match by which this State shall suffer least inconveniency and cumbers and whereby his Majesties necessities shall by the greatness of the Portion be the most relieved is with Spain is such a Match may be made with such Conditions of Religion as other Catholick Princes will contract themselves withall Thus much I thought sit humbly to present unto your Highness for that I see my Imployment liable to the Censure of many worthy Persons with whom though I concur in my Opinion yet I seem much to differ from them many ways For that it is more proper to me to be true to my Masters ends and services then by declaring this to procure their satisfaction Only to your Highness I thought fit to make this Declaration and shall be a Suitor to you for your favor as you shall see me really labor to put this in effect And if his Majesty shall either upon motion of Parliament or any other Proposition that can be made unto him think it fit to proceed with a Protestant Match as I shall wish as well unto it as any man living so I hope in such sort to manage the present business that I have in hand that it shall rather much further then any way cross or hinder it But in case his Majesty shall not be drawn to any Proposition for a Protestant Match I then conceive that your Highness both doth and will approve that I really and effectually labor to procure a Match for your Highness in Spain upon such Conditions in point of Religion and Portion as to his Majesty shall seem fit Besides which Declaration of his Opinion He hath all the days of his life and in all places lived and allowed himself to be a Protestant never having done any the least act that was not suitable to that Profession And in all his former Imployments for the space of Fourteen years of more then Five hundred persons of all qualities that attended on him there was never any perverted in his Religion saving two Irish Footmen who in Ireland had been bred Papists And he humbly desireth the Testimony of Doctor Mason and Doctor Wren his Majesties Chaplains who were with his Majesty in Spain and of Master Sampford one of the Prebends of Canterbury Master Boswell Parson of S. Laurence in London and Master Frewen Divinity-Reader in Magdalen-Colledge in Oxford and now one of his Majesties Chaplains who were his Majesties Chaplains in Spain as well for the frequent use of the Sacrament as constant profession and exercises of Religion and the testimony of such Catholicks as are known to have been his antient Acquaintance and Friends to examine them upon oath Whether publickly or privately in Spain or in England they had known him in any kind to make shew or so much as to forbear upon all occasions to declare the Religion he professeth And that the said Mr. Frewen and Mr. Wake may be also examined Whether in extremity of several sicknesses whereinto he hath of late years fallen he hath not ever setled his Conscience withthem towards God and made a Confession of his Faith resolving as be-fitting a Protestant or good Christian. VIII To the Eighth Article the Earl saith That he did not at any time or in any place endeavor to perswade the Prince touching his religion to become a Roman Catholick and to be obedient to the usurped authority of Rome Neither did the said Earl to that end and purpose or otherwise use unto his Majesty then Prince the words in the Article mentioned But the said Earl acknowledgeth that upon occasion of a Letter that came to his Majesty then Prince putting his Majesty in mind of the great actions of his Royal Progenitors in the Holy War that the great Kings of those times did not only imploy their Forces but in their persons went into the Holy Land The Earl believeth that by way of discourse only and not otherwise he may have said That in regard of the difference in Religion it was of more difficulty to undertake such great actions now then in former Ages and it might well be instanced in the present Treaty of the Marriage wherein the Popes consent was to be obtained And to this effect and upon the like grounds he is confident there were very many that have nay few of neerness about his late Majesty that have not often heard his Majesty say That he was the true Martyr that suffered more for his Religion then all the Princes of Christendom besides instancing in divers particulars but especially in this That he could not match his Children with Kings of his own rank without the Popes leave But the said Earl saith He never alleaged any such thing to any other purpose then to shew that only Conscience and love to Truth in which regard Protestants suffered much not any temporal respects made men constant and zealous to the profession of our Religion By which discourse he ever attributed much to the honor and security of Protestant religion but never used it as an argument to perswade to the contrary as in the Accusation is insinuated Besides he conceiveth by way of Answer thereunto the said Question may be asked which his Majesty was pleased to ask of the Earl in the Seventh Article viz.
said Sir Walter Aston may be ignorant of as he is confident that he was and not out of any disaffection to our Religion or for any sinister respect or regard to the House of Austria as by the said Article is intimated For he did not conceive the breeding of the Prince Palatine's Son with the Emperor having a Governor appointed by his late Majesty and his Father and he and his Domesticks to have free use of their own Religion to be a matter of impossibility or such dangerous consequence in point of Religion as to imply his Conversion as by the Article is intimated well knowing that in the Emperors Court all Princes there though his Prisoners and others his Counsellors and Servants about his person and of great Command in his Armies being avowed Protestants have the free use of their Religion And it is not to be supposed the Son of the Prince Palatine Grandchild to the King of Great Britain should be matched and no care taken to capitulate for the use of his Religion being ever granted to the meanest Prince that is bestowed And his Majesties special care in this point is fully seen in the said Letter X. To the Tenth Article he saith That by comparing of this Article of his too much Forwardness with the Second Article whereby he is charged with continuing the Treaty upon Generalities without reducing them to Certainties and direct Conclusions Your Lordships will perceive how impossible it was for him to avoid an Exception But for direct Answer to the present Charge he saith That he did not presumptuously nor yet to his knowledge break his Instructions nor set any day at all for the Desponsories but was therein meerly passive in admitting the day nominated by the King of Spain according to the Capitulation before made Nor did he presumptuously wilfully or willingly disobey any Commandment or Direction of his Majesty that now is then Prince which he could understand not to be countermanded either by present or future Instructions otherwise explained And for the better manifestation of the truth of his proceedings in and concerning the same he saith That on the day of the departure of his Majesty then Prince from the Escurial in Spain his Highness delivered unto him in presence of the Commissioners his Proxies powers with publick Declaration taken in writing by the Secretary to the King of Spain of the Prince his pleasure and how the said Earl should use them viz. That he should deliver them to the King of Spain upon the coming of the Dispensation cleared from Rome according to that which had been agreed which was to be within ten dayes after the coming of the Dispensation And he further saith That it is true that the Prince afterwards by his Letters sent by one Mr Clark commanded him the said Earl not to deliver the said Proxies till he should have received security that the Infanta after her being betrothed should not enter into any Religious Order and that before he proceeded he should send to his Majesty then Prince such securities as should be offered that he might judge whether it were sufficient or not Whereupon the said Earl as became a faithfull Servant presented unto his Majesty that now is then Prince such Assurances as were offered unto him for securing of that point together with such Reasons as he conceived were fit to be offered to their considerations which gave unto his late Majesty and his Majesty that now is then Prince such satisfaction as they were pleased to dispatch a Post presently unto him absolutely discharging him of that Commandment as by their several Letters dated October 8. 1623. will appear as followeth We have received your Letters by Grisley and the copy of them to our dear Son and we cannot forbear to let you know how well we esteem the dutifull discreet and judicial Relation and humble advice to our Son Whereupon having ripely deliberated with our-self and communicated with our dear Son we have resolved with the good liking of our Son to rest upon that security in point of doubt for the Infanta's taking a Religious Order which you in your judgement shall think meet And by that other Letter of his Majesty that now is then Prince as followeth Viz. Your Letters to the King and me concerning that doubt I made after I came from St Laurence hath so satisfied us both that we think it fit no longer to stick upon it but leave it to your discretion to take what security you shall think fitting Whereby he was absolutely freed of that command and being so freed thereof he then remained under the Order which his Majesty then Prince had left with him at his departure which was to proceed according to the Capitulations and his Highness Declaration when he delivered the said Proxies unto him And so he intended to have done till by his Highness's Letters November 13. 1623. he was directly commanded the contrary which Commandment he most readily and punctually obeyed And for such his intentions till he was countermanded he conceiveth he had not onely sufficient warrant but had highly offended if he had done otherwise For first for his proceedings to consummate the Match he had warrant and instruction under his late Majesties hand Secondly It was the main scope of his Ambassage Thirdly He was injoyned by the King and Prince his Commission under the Great Seal Fourthly He had positive Order under his Majesties hand by Letters since Fifthly It was agreed by Capitulation that it should be within so many dayes after the coming of the Dispensation Sixthly His late Majesty and his Majesty that now is then Prince signified by their Letters unto him at the same time when they discharged him of his Commandment touching the Infanta's entring into Religion that they intended to proceed in the Marriage as by his Majesties Letters October 8. 1623. will appear Seventhly The Proxies were to that end left in his hands and after again renewed after his Majesties return into England Eighthly He had overthrown the Marriage without order For although Sir Walter Aston and himself used all possible means for the gaining of time and deferring the Desponsories yet the King of Spain caused it to be protested that in case he the said Earl should insist upon the deferring of the Desponsories he would free himself from the Treaty by the said Earls infringing of the Capitulations And in truth although the King of Spain should have condescended to have prolonged the Desponsories until one of the dayes of Christmas as by the Letter was required yet the Prince's Proxies had been before that time expired and he durst not without a precise Warrant put such a scorn upon so noble a Lady whom he then conceived was likely to have been the Prince his wife as to nominate a day of marriage when the Proxies were out of date and he was himself sworn to the Treaty And lastly he could not in honor and honesty but endeavor to perform
their Lordships as followeth YOur Lordships may have observed how in handling the former Articles I have in my Discourse used the method of time which I hold to be best for the discovery of the truth I shall therefore by your Lordships patience whereof now I have had some good experience use the like order in my enlargment upon these later Articles touching which that which I have to say is thus In or about the Two and twentieth year of the reign of our late dear Soveraign Lord King Iames of famous memory there being then a Treaty between our said late Soveraign and the French King for a Marriage to be had between our then most Noble Prince now our most gratious King and the French Kings Sister our now Queen and for entring into an Active War against the King of Spain and his Allies in Italy and the Valtoline Our said late Soveraign passed some promise to the French Kings Ambassador here the Marquess D' Effiat for procuring or lending some Ships to be employed by the French in that Service upon reasonable conditions but without thought or intent that they should be employed against the Rochellers or any others of our Religion in France For it was pretended by the French Kings Ministers to our King That the said Ships should be employed particularly against Genoa and not otherwise But afterwards some matter of Suspition breaking forth from those of our Religion in France that the Design for Italy was but a pretence to make the Body of an Army fall upon the Rochellers or other of our Religion in that Kingdom the King grew so cautious in his Conditions that as he would perform his promise to lend his Ships so to preserve those of our Religion he contracted or gave directions that the greater part of the Men in the same Ships should be English whereby the power of them should be ever in his hands And the Duke of Buckingham then and yet Lord Great Admiral of England well knowing all this to be true pretended he was and would be very careful and proceed with art to keep the said Ships in the hands of our King and upon our own Coasts and yet nevertheless under hand he unduly intended practised and endeavored the contrary For afterwards by his direction or procurement in or about the Two and twentieth year aforesaid a Ship of his Majesties called the Vantguard being of his Majesties Royal Navy was allotted and appointed to be made ready for the service of the French King and seven other Merchants Ships of great burthen and strength belonging to several persons Natural Subjects of our said late Soveraign Lord were by the Dukes direction impressed as for the service of his said late Majesty and willed to make themselves ready accordingly The Names and Tunage of the said Seven Merchants Ships were as followeth 1. The Great Neptune whereof Sir Ferdinando Gorge was Captain 2. The Industry of the burthen of Four hundred and fifty Tuns whereof Iames Moyer was Captain 3. The Pearl of Five and forty Tuns Anthony Tench was Captain 4. The Marigold of Three hundred Tuns Thomas Davies Captain 5. The Loyalty of Three hundred Tuns Iasper Dare Captain 6. The Peter and Iohn of Three hundred and fifty Tuns Iohn Davies Captain 7. The Gift of God of Three hundred Tuns Henry Lewen Captain Also about the same time a Contract was made by and between Sir Iohn Cooke and other the Commissioners of his Majesties Navy as on behalf of his Majesty for his said Ship the Vantguard and on behalf of the Captains Masters and Owners of the said Seven Merchants Ships but without their privity or direction for the service of the French King upon conditions to be safe and reasonable for our King this Realm and State as also for the said Captains Masters and Owners of the said seven Merchants Ships and for the Companies For Sir Iohn Cooke drew the Instructions for the Direction of the said Contract which Instructions passed and were allowed by the King and such of the Council as were made acquainted therewith and used in this business In which Instructions as Sir Iohn Cooke hath since alleaged in the House of Commons there was care taken for provision to be made that the said Ship of his Majesty called Vantguard should not serve against the City or Inhabitants of Rochel or those of the Religion in France nor take into her more men of the French then she could from time to time be well able to command and master But whether the Instructions for the Merchants Ships and the Kings said Ship were all one is not yet cleared unto the Commons howbeit it appeareth not but that the intent of our King and State was to be a like careful for both Nevertheless a Form of Articles dated the Five and twentieth day of March in the Three and twentieth year of his said late Majesties raign was prepared ingrossed and made ready to be sealed without the knowledge of the Captains Masters and Owners of the said Merchants Ships between the said Marquess D' Effiat the Ambassador on the one part and the several Owners of the said Merchants Ships respectively on the other part viz. A several Writing or Instrument for every of the said Ships respectively whereby amongst other things as by the same appeareth it was covenanted and agreed by and on the part and behalf of the owners to and with the said Marquess D' Effiat to this effect namely 1. That their said Ships respectively with a certain number of men for every of them limitted with Ordnance Munition and other necessaries should be ready for the French Kings service the Thirteenth of April then next following 2. That they should go on in that Service under a French General to be as Captain in every of the said Merchants Ships respectively of the appointment of the French King or his Ambassador 3. That they should serve the French King against any whomsoever but the King of Great Britain 4. That they should take in as many Soldiers into their said several Ships as they could stow or carry besides their Victual and Apparel 5. That they should continue six moneths or longer in the Service so that the whole time did not exceed eighteen moneths 6. That they should permit the French to have the absolute Command of their Ships for Fights and Voyages And it was amongst the said Articles besides other things Covenanted and agreed by the said Marquess D' Effiat as for and on the behalf of the French King to this effectly namely I. That there should be paid to every owner a moneths freight in hand after the rate agreed on and freight for two moneths more after the same rate within Fifteen days after the date of the Articles the computation of the moneths to begin from the 28 of March II. And that the Ships should be ready in a certain form prescribed at the end of the Service When all things were in a
the Kings pleasure they should so do without security for redelivery of their ships or satisfaction for the same to their good contentment Hereupon Pennington went on shore at Diep and there spake with D'Effiat the Ambassador and shortly after returned aboard and gave the Captains Masters and Owners an Answer resting upon the validity and urging the performance of the former Contract made and peraffetted in England Then the said Masters and Captains prepared to be gone and weighed anchor accordingly Whereupon Captain Pennington shot at them and forced them to come again to anchor as yielding themselves for fear to his mercy and disposal Upon this Captain Pennington and the Frenchmen that now commanded the Vantguard came aboard the Merchants ships and there proposed unto them a new way for their security touching their ships namely to accept the security of the Town of Diep Whereupon they all went ashore except Sir Ferdinando Gorge who with his ship the Great Neptune adventured to come away as not liking these new and unreasonable Propositions At their coming ashore they spake with Mr. Nicholas and there by his enforcement came to a new Agreement to accept the Security of the Town of Diep upon certain hard Conditions namely The said Marquis d' Effiat as Extraordinary Ambassador in England and as having power by deputation from the Duke of Chevereux and Villocleer on or about August 15. 1625 did agree and promise to the said Moyer Touchin Thomas Davies Dard John Davies Lewen as Captains and Owners of the said ships called the Industry the Pearl the Marigold the Loyalty the Peter and Iohn and the Gift of God then being in the Road of the Town of Diep That the French King should give and furnish to the said Owners they being present and accepting it in this Town this sufficient security That within fifteen dayes after the said French King should be in possession of the said ships he should give sufficient caution in London for the sum of Two hundred and thirteen thousand Livres whereat the said ships were estimated with all that appertaineth to them as Cannons and other Munitions of War viz. Fifty thousand pounds And in or about the same 15 August 1625. the Commonalty of the said Town of Diep entred security and bound the goods of their Commonalty to the said English Captains and Owners That the said French King and his Ambassadors should furnish the security within the City of London within the time and for the sum aforesaid On or about August 16. 1625. the said Marquis d' Ef●iat as well in his quality of being Ambassador as by vertue of his said Deputation did by a publick Act promise unto the said Moyer Touching c. to give and furnish to them they being present and requiring it in the Town of Diep sufficient security in the City of London within fifteen dayes after the French King should be in peaceable possession of the said ships for the sum of Two hundred and thirteen thousand Livres Turnoys whereat the said ships were valued namely for the said ship called the Industry and so a several sum for every ship which security should remain for assurance to pay to every of them the prices of their ships before specified in that Act in case they should be left in the French Kings hands with other particulars in the said Act mentioned without derogating nevertheless from the Clauses of the said Contract March 25. 1625. Albeit because the said Ambassadors had found it good now to discharge the English Mariners out of the said ships that therefore the freight agreed upon by the said former Contract should not be wholly paid but only for the space of the first six moneths yet if the French King would use them for twelve moneths longer or for any less time that then he should pay freight for the same according to a new particular rate and manner expressed in the said Articles and bound the goods of himself and the said Duke of Chevereux and Monsieur Villocleer for the performance hereof as by the said Article it self reference being thereunto had amongst other things more fully appeareth This Article being passed and recorded at Diep all the said seven Merchants ships except the Great-Neptune who was gone away in detestation of the action intended by the French were forthwith delivered into the absolute possession power and command of the French King and of his said Ambassador d' Effiat and other the Ministers and Subjects of the French King to be imployed by him in his service at his pleasure and not one of all the English Company Man or Boy other then one onely man a Gunner as it should seem would stay in any of those ships to serve against the Rochellors or those of our Religion As soon as these ships were thus delivered into the possession and power of the French the said Ambassador then moved them and dealt earnestly with them for the sale of their ships Mr Nicholas having finished the work he went for at his coming from Diep he recei-a Diamond-Ring worth Fifty pounds and a Hatband set with Sparks of Diamonds worth One hundred Marks of the Ambassador as a recompence for his pains taken in this Imployment which although Ambassadors do confer greater rewards sometimes at their parting upon persons of Mr Nicholas his quality for less service done yet was it more then so ill an office as he was imployed in could in any sort deserve The said Captain Pennington returned speedily into England and took his journey towards the City of Oxford where the Parliament was then sitting by adjournment from Westminster thither and there several Propositions were taken into debate for the good of our Religion and the supply of his Majesties occasions For the well resolving and setling whereof the true knowledg how and upon what occasions and terms the several ships were sent delivered imployed and to be imployed was very requisite Afterwards neverthertheless upon or about August 6. 1625. at a meeting and conference between both the Houses of Parliament in Christchurch-Hall after the reading there of his Majesties most gracious Answer to a Petition of the Lords and Commons formerly exhibited unto his Majesty touching our Religion and much for the good thereof the Duke of Buckingham well knowing all the passages which I have now related to your Lordships to be true did not onely cautelously conceal the same but also much boldly and untruely by colour of a Message delivered from his Majesty to both the Houses affirm unto them touching those ships to this effect That it was not alwayes fit for Kings to give accompt of their Counsels and that about five of the six Moneths were already past and yet the said ships were not imployed against Rochel willing and advising the said Lords and Commons to judge the things by the event to which he seemed to refer the matter By which cunning Speeches the Duke intended and accordingly did make the Lords and Commons
to an Admiral of England and a true English man And he doth deny that by menace or compulsion or any other indirect or undue practice or means he by himself or by any others did deliver those Ships or any of them into the hands of the French as is objected against him That the Error which did happen by what direction soever it were was not in the intention any ways injurious or dishonorable or dangerous to this State or prejudicial to any private man interested in any of those Ships nor could have given any such offence at all if those promises had been observed by others which were professed and really performed by his Majesty and his Subjects on their parts To this Article wherewith he is taxed to have practised for the employment of the Ships against Rochel he answereth That he was so far from practising or consenting that the said Ships should so be employed that he shall make it clearly to appear that when it was discovered that they would be employed against those of the Religion the Protestation of the French King being otherwise and their pretence being That there was a Peace concluded with those of the Religion and that the French King would use those Ships against Genoa which had been an action of no ill consequence to the Affairs of Christendom The Duke did by all fit and honorable means endeavor to divert that course of their employment against Rochel And he doth truly and boldly affirm That his endeavors under the Royal care of his most Excellent Majesty hath been a great part of the means to preserve the Town of Rochel as the Proofs when they shall be produced will make appear And when his Majesty did finde that beyond his intention and contrary to the faithful Promises of the French they were so misemployed he found himself bound in honor to intercede with the most Christian King his good Brother for the Peace of that Town and of the Religion lest his Majesties Honor might otherwise suffer Which intercession his Majesty did so sedulously and so successfully pursue that the Town and the Religion there do and will acknowledge the fruits thereof And whereas it is further objected against him That when in so unfaithful a manner he had delivered those Ships into the power of a foreign State to the danger of the Religion and scandal and dishonor of our Nation which he utterly denieth to be so That to mask his ill intentions in cunning and cautelous manner he abused the Parliament at Oxford in affirming before the Committees of both Houses That the said Ships were not nor should be so used or employed he saith under the favor of those who so understood his words That he did not then use those words which are expressed in the Charge to have been spoken by him but there being then a jealousie of the mis-employing of those Ships the Duke having no knowledge thereof and knowing well what the promises of the French King were but was not then seasonable to be published he hoping they would not have varied from what was promised did say That the event would shew it was no undertaking for them but a Declaration of that in general terms which should really have been performed and which his Majesty had just cause to expect from them That the Duke did compel the Lord R. to buy his Title of Honor he utterly denieth and he is very confident that the Lord R. himself will not affirm it or any thing tending that way Neither can he nor any man else truly say so but the said Duke is able to prove that the Lord R. was before willing to have given a much greater sum but could not then obtain it and he did now obtain it by solicitation of his own Agents For the selling of places of Judicature by the Duke which are specially instanced in the Charge he answereth That he received not or had a penny of either of those sums to his own use but the truth is the Lord M. was made Lord Treasurer by his late Majesty without contracting for any thing for it and after that he had the Office conferred upon him his late Majesty moved him to lend him Twenty thousand pounds upon promise of repayment at the end of a year the Lord M. yielded to it so as he might have the Dukes word that it should be repayed unto him accordingly The Duke gave his word for it the Lord M. relied upon it and delivered the said sum to the hands of Mr. Porter then attending upon the Duke by the late Kings appointment to be disposed as his Majesty should direct And according to the Kings direction that very money was fully paid out to others and the Duke neither had nor disposed of a penny thereof to his own use as is suggested against him And afterwards when the Lord M. left that place and his money was not repayed unto him he urged the Duke upon his promise whereupon the Duke being jealous of his Honor and to keep his word not having money to pay him he assured Lands of his own to the Lord M. for his security But when the Duke was in Spain the Lord M. obtained a promise from his late Majesty of some Lands in Fee-farm to such a value as he accepted of the same in satisfaction of the said money which were afterwards passed unto him and at the Dukes return the Lord M. delivered back unto him the security of the Dukes Lands which had been given unto him as aforesaid And for the Six thousand pounds supposed to have been received by the Duke for procuring to the Earl of M. the Mastership of the Wards he utterly denieth it but afterwards he heard that the Earl of M. did disburse Six thousand pounds about that time and his late Majesty bestowed the same upon Sir Henry Mildmay his Servant without the Dukes privity and he had it and enjoyed it and no penny thereof came to the said Duke or to his use To this Article the Duke answereth That it is true that his late Majesty out of his Royal Favor unto him having honored the Duke himself with many Titles and Dignities of his bounty and as a greater argument of his Princely Grace did also think fit to honor those who were in equal degree of Blood with him and also to ennoble their Mother who was the Stock that bare them The Title of the Countess of Buckingham bestowed upon the Mother was not without President and she hath nothing from the Crown but a Title of Honor which dieth with her The Titles bestowed on the Viscount P. the Dukes Elder Brother were conferred on him who was a Servant of the Bed-chamber to his now Majesty then Prince by his Highness means the Earl of A. was of his late Majesties Bed-chamber and the Honors and Lands conferred on him was done when the Duke was in Spain The Earl of D. hath the Honors mentioned in the
our Friends and Allies who must prosper or suffer with us would have led them to a due and a timely consideration of all the means which might best conduce to those ends which the Lords of the Higher-House by a Committee of that House did timely and seasonably consider of and invited the Commons to a Conference concerning that great business At which Conference there were opened unto them the great occasions which pressed his Majesty which making no impression with them his Majesty did first by Message and after by Letters put the House of Commons in minde of that which was most necessary the defence of the Kingdom and due and timely preparations for the same The Commons House after this upon the 27 of March last with one unanimous consent at first agreed to give unto his Majesty three intire Subsidies and three Fifteens for a present supply unto him and upon the 26 of April after upon second Cogitations they added a fourth Subsidy and ordered the dayes of payment for them all whereof the first should have been on the last day of this present June Upon this the King of Denmark and other Princes and States being engaged with his Majesty in this common Cause his Majesty fitted his occasions according to the times which were appointed for the payment of those Subsidies and Fifteens and hasted on the Lords Committees and his Council at War to perfect their Resolutions for the ordering and setling of his designs which they accordingly did and brought them to that maturity that they found no impediment to a final conclusion of their Councels but want of mony to put things into action His Majesty hereupon who had with much patience expected the real performance of that which the Commons had promised finding the time of the year posting away and having intelligence not onely from his own Ministers and Sujects in Forrein parts but from all parts of Christendom of the great and powerfull preparations of the King of Spain and that his design was upon this Kingdom or the Kingdom of Ireland or both and it is hard to determine which of them would be of worst consequence He acquainted the House of Commons therewith and laid open unto them truly and clearly how the state of things then stood and yet stand and at several times and upon several occasions reiterated the same But that House being abused by the violent and ill-advised passions of a few Members of the House for private and personal ends ill-beseeming publick persons trusted by their Country as then they were not onely neglected but wilfully refused to hearken to all the gentle admonitions which his Majesty could give them and neither did nor would intend any thing but the prosecution of one of the Peers of this Realm and that in such a disordered manner as being set at their own instance into a legal way wherein the proofs on either part would have ruled the cause which his Majesty allowed they were not therewith content but in their intemperate passions and desires to seek for Errors in another fell into a greater Error themselves and not onely neglected to give just satisfaction to his Majesty in several Cases which happened concerning his Regality but wholly forgot their engagements to his Majesty for the publick defence of the Realm whereupon his Majesty wrote the forementioned Letter to the Speaker dated the ninth day of June 1626. Notwithstanding which Letter read in the House being a clear and gracious Manifest of his Majesties Resolutions they never so much as admitted one Reading to the Bill of Subsidies but instead thereof they prepared and voted a Remonstrance or Declaration which they intended to prefer to his Majesty containing though palliated with glossing terms aswel many dishonorable aspersions upon his Majesty and upon the sacred memory of his deceased Father as also dilatory excuses for their not proceeding with the Subsidies adding thereto also coloured conditions crossing thereby his Majesties direction which his Majesty understanding and esteeming as he had cause to be a denial of the promised Supply and finding that no admonitions could move no reasons or perswasions could prevail when the time was so far spent that they had put an impossibility upon themselves to perform their promises when they esteemed all gracious Messages unto them to be but interruptions His Majesty upon mature advisement discerning that all further patience would prove fruitless on the fifteenth day of this present moneth he hath dissolved this unhappy Parliament The acting whereof as it was to his Majesty an unexpressible grief for the memory thereof doth renew the hearty sorrow which all his good and well affected Subjects will compassionate with him These passages his Majesty hath at the more length and with the true Circumstances thereof expressed and published to the world least that which hath been unfortunate in it self through the malice of the Author of so great a mischief and the malevolent report of such as are ill-affected to this State or the true Religion here professed or the fears or jealousies of Friends and dutifull Subjects might be made more unfortunate in the consequences of it which may be of worse effect then at the first can be well apprehended and his Majesty being best privy to the integrity of his own heart for the constant maintaining of the sincerity and unity of the true Religion professed in the Church of England and to free it from the open contagion of Popery and secret infection of Schism of both which by his publick Acts and Actions he hath given good testimony and with a single heart as in the presence of God who can best judge thereof purposeth resolutely and constantly to proceed in the due execution of either and observing the subtilty of the adverse party he cannot but believe that the hand of Joab hath been in this disaster that the common Incendiaries of Christendom have subtilly and secretly insinuated those things which unhappily and as his Majesty hopeth beyond the intentions of the Actors have caused these diversions and distractions And yet notwithstanding his most excellent Majesty for the comfort of his good and well-affected Subjects in whose loves he doth repose himself with confidence and esteemeth it as his greatest riches for the assuring of his Friends and Allies with whom by Gods assistance he will not break in the substance of what he hath undertaken for the discouraging of his Adversaries and the Adversaries of his Cause and of his Dominions and Religion hath put on this resolution which he doth hereby publish to all the world That as God hath made him King of this great people and large Dominions famous in former ages both by Land and Sea and trusted him to be a Father and Protector both of their Persons and Fortunes and a Defender of the Faith and true Religion so he will go on cheerfully and constantly in the defence thereof and notwithstanding so many difficulties and discouragements will take his
Friends and Allies be not sufficient then no Eloquence of Men or Angels will prevail Only let me remember you That my duty most of all and every one of yours according to his degree is to seek the maintenance of this Church and Commonwealth And certainly there never was a time in which this duty was more necessarily required then now I therefore judging a Parliament to be the antient speediest and best way in this time of Common danger to give such Supply as to secure our selves and to save our Friends from imminent ruine have called you together Every man now must do according to his conscience Wherefore if you as God forbid should not do your duties in contributing what the State at this time needs I must in discharge of my conscience use those other means which God hath put into my hands to save that which the follies of particular men may otherwise hazard to lose Take not this as a Threatening for I scorn to threaten any but my Equals but an Admonition from him that both out of nature and duty hath most care of your preservations and prosperities And though I thus speak I hope that your demeanors at this time will be such as shall not only make me approve your former Councels but lay on me such obligations as shall tie me by way of thankfulness to meet often with you For be assured that nothing can be more pleasing unto me then to keep a good Correspondence with you I will only adde one thing more and then leave my Lord Keeper to make a short Paraphrase upon the Text I have delivered you which is To remember a thing to the end we may forget it You may imagine that I came here with a doubt of success of what I desire remembring the distractions of the last Meeting But I assure you that I shall very easily and gladly forget and forgive what is past so that you will at this present time leave the former ways of distractions and follow the Councel late given you To maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace The Lord Keeper seconded his Majesty on this manner YE are here-in Parliament by his Majesties Writ and Royal command to consult and conclude of the weighty and urgent Business of this Kingdom Weighty it is and great as great as the honor safety and protection of Religion King and Country And what can be greater Urgent it is It is little pleasure to tell or think how urgent And to tell it with circumstances were a long work I will but touch the sum of it in few words The Pope and House of Austria have long affected the one a Spiritual the other a Temporal Monarchy And to effect their ends to serve each others turn the House of Austria besides the rich and vast Territories of both the Indies and in Africa joined together are become Masters of Spain and Italy and the great Country of Germany And although France be not under their subjection yet they have invironed all about it The very Bowels of the Kingdom swayed by the Popish Faction They have gotten such a part and such intercession in the Government that under pretence of Religion to root out the Protestants and our Religion they have drawn the King to their adherence so far that albeit upon his Majesties interposition by his Ambassadors and his engagement of his Royal word there was between the King and his Subjects Articles of Agreement and the Subjects were quiet whereof his Majesty interessed in that great Treaty was bound to see a true accomplishment yet against that strict Alliance that Treaty hath been broken and those of the Religion have been put to all extremity and undoubtedly will be ruined without present help So as that King is not onely diverted from assisting the Common Cause but hath been misled to engage himself in hostile acts against our King and other Princes making way thereby for the House of Austria to the ruine of his own and other Kingdoms Other Potentates that in former times did ballance and interrupt the growing greatness of the House of Austria are now removed and diverted The Turk hath made Peace with the Emperor and turned himself wholly into Wars with Asia The King of Sweden is embroiled in a War with Poland which is invented by Spanish practices to keep that King from succoring our part The King of Denmark is chased out of his Kingdom on this and on that side the Zound so as the House of Austria is on the point to command all the Sea-coasts from Dantzick to Embden and all the Rivers falling into the Sea in that great extent So as besides their power by Land they begin to threaten our Part by Sea to the subversion of all our State In the Baltique-Sea they are providing and arming all the Ships they can build or hire And have at this time their Ambassadors treating at Lubeck to draw into their service the Hans-Towns whereby taking from us and our Neighbors the Eastland-Trade by which our Shipping is supplied they expect without any blow given to make themselves Masters of that Sea In these Western parts by the Dunkirkers and by the now French and Spanish Admiral to the ruine of Fishing of infinite consequence both to us and the Low-Countries they infest all our Coast so as we pass not safely from Port to Port. And that Fleet which lately assisted the French at the Isle of Rhee is now preparing at S. Andrews with other Ships built in the Coast of Biscay to reinforce it and a great Fleet is making ready in Lisbon where besides their own they do serve themselves upon all Strangers Bottoms coming to that Coast for Trade And these great preparations are no doub● to assault us in England or Ireland as they shall find advantage and a place fit for their turn Our friends of the Netherlands besides the fear that justly troubles them lest the whole force of the Emperor may fall down upon them are distracted by their Voyages into the East which hath carried both Men and Money into another World and much weakened them at home Thus are we even ready on all sides to be swallowed up The Emperor France and Spain being in open War against us Germany overrun the King of Denmark distressed the King of Sweden diverted and the Low-Country-men disabled to give us assistance I speak not this to increase fear unworthy of English courages but to press to provision worthy the wisdom of a Parliament And for that cause his Majesty hath called you hither that by a timely provision against those great imminent dangers our selves may be strengthened at home our Friends and Allies encouraged abroad and those great causes of fear scattered and dispelled And because in all Warlike preparations Treasure bears the name and holds the semblance of the nerves and sinews And if a sinew be too short or too weak if it be either shrunk or strained the part becomes
have communicated the same to the rest of the Members of the House To this Speech Sir Dudley Diggs it being at a free Conference made Reply MY Lords it hath pleased God many ways to bless the Knights Citizens and Burgesses now assembled in Parliament with great comfort and strong hopes that this will prove as happy a Parliament as ever was in England And in their Consultations for the service of his Majesty and the safety of this Kingdom our special comforts and strong hopes have risen from the continued good respect which your Lordships so nobly from time to time have been pleased to shew unto them particularly at this present in your so honorable profession to agree with them in general and desiring to maintain and support the fundamental Laws and Liberties of England The Commons have commanded me in like sort to assure your Lordships they have been are and will be as ready to propugne the just Prerogative of his Majesty of which in all their Arguments searches of Records and Resolutions they have been most careful according to that which formerly was and now again is protested by them Another noble Argument of your honorable disposition towards them is expressed in this That you are pleased to expect no present answer from them who are as your Lordships in your great wisdoms they doubt not have considered a great Body that must advise upon all new Propositions and resolve upon them before they can give answer according to the ancient Order of their House But it is manifest in general God be thanked for it there is a great concurrence of affection to the same end in both Houses and such good Harmony that I intreat your Lordships leave to borrow a Comparison from Nature or natural Philosophy As two Lutes well strung and tuned brought together if one be played on little straws and sticks will stir upon the other though it lye still so though we have no power to reply yet these things said and propounded cannot but work in our hearts and we will faithfully report these Passages to our House from whence in due time we hope your Lordships shall receive a contentful Answer The Commons were not satisfied with these Propositions which were conceived to choak the Petition of Right then under consideration but demurred upon them Monday 28 April The Lord Keeper spake to both Houses of Parliament by the Kings command who was then present MY Lords and ye the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons ye cannot but remember the great and important Affairs concerning the safety both of the State and Religion declared at first from his Majesties own mouth to be the causes of the Assembling of this Parliament the sense whereof as it doth daily increase with his Majesty so it ought to do and his Majesty doubts not but it doth so with you since the danger increaseth every day both by effluxion of time and preparations of the Enemy Yet his Majesty doth well weigh that this expence of time hath been occasioned by the Debate which hath arisen in both Houses touching the Liberty of the Subject in which as his Majesty takes in good part the purpose and intent of the Houses so clearly and frequently professed that they would not diminish or blemish his just Prerogative so he presumes that ye will all confess it a point of extraordinary Grace and Justice in him to suffer it to rest so long in dispute without interruption but now his Majesty considering the length of time which it hath taken and fearing nothing so much as any future loss of that whereof every hour and minute is so pretious and foreseeing that the ordinary way of Debate though never so carefully husbanded in regard of the Form of both Houses necessarily takes more time then the Affairs of Christendom can permit his Majesty out of his great Princely care hath thought of this expedient to shorten the business by declaring the clearness of his own heart and intention And therefore hath commanded me to let you know That he holdeth the Statute of Magna Charta and the other Six Statutes insisted upon for the Subjects Liberty to be all in force and assures you that he will maintain all his Subjects in the just Freedom of their Persons and safety of their Estates And that he will govern according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm And that ye shall finde as much security in his Majesties Royal Word and Promise as in the strength of any Law ye can make so that hereafter ye shall never have cause to complain The conclusion is That his Majesty prayeth God who hath hitherto blessed this Kingdom and put into his heart to come to you this day to make the success thereof happy both to King and People And therefore he desires that no doubt or distrust may possess any man but that ye will all proceed unanimously to the business The Commons being returned from the Lords House Mr. Secretary Cook perswaded them to comply with the King His Majesty said he puts us in minde of the great important Affairs of the State and of his sense thereof that by effluxion of time increaseth in him and he doubts not but that it doth increase in us Ye see his Majesties moderation in the interpretation of all our actions he saith that he hopes we have the same sense he hath he is pleased to consider of the occasion of expence of time that grew from the Debates in both Houses We see how indulgent he is that however the Affairs of Christendom are great yet he omits not this nay he takes in good part our Proceedings and our Declarations that we will not Impeach the Prerogative Also his Majesty presumes that we will confess that he hath used extraordinary Grace in that he hath indured dispute so long he acknowledgeth it Justice to stand as we have done Further out of a Princely care of the Publique he is careful no more time be lost and because he sees some extraordinary course to be taken to satisfie us he observes that in the Form of Debate such length is required as the nature of the business will not indure It is to be presumed that his Government will be according to the Law We cannot but remember what his Father said He is no King but a Tyrant that governs not by Law But this Kingdom is to be governed by the Common Law and his Majesty assures us so much the Interpretation is left to the Judges and to his great Council and all is to be regulated by the Common Law I mean not Magna Charta onely for that Magna Charta was part of the Common Law and the ancient Law of this Kingdom all our difference is in the Application of this Law and how this Law with difference is derived into every Court I conceive there are two Rules the one of Brass that is rigid and will not bend and that is the Law
bring in Popery and the professors of those opinions the common disturbers of the Protestant Churches and incendiaries in those States wherein they have gotten any head being Protestants in shew but Iesuites in opinion which caused your Royal Father with so much pious wisdom and ardent zeale to endeavour the suppressing of them as well at home as in the neighbour Countreys And your gracious Majesty imitating his most worthy example hath openly and by your Proclamation declared your mislike of those persons and of their opinions who notwithstanding are much favoured and advanced not wanting friends even of the Clergy near to your Majesty namely Doctor Neale Bishop of Winchester and Doctor Lawd Bishop of Bath and Wells who are justly suspected to be unsound in their opinions that way And it being now generally held the way to preferment and promotion in the Church many Schollars do bend the course of their Studies to maintain those Errors Their Books and opinions are suffered to be printed and published and ●n the other side the imprinting of such as are written against them and in defence of the Orthodox Church are hindred and prohibited and which is a boldnesse almost incredible this restraint of Orthodox Books is made under colour of your Majesties formerly mentioned Proclamation the intent and meaning wherof we know was quite contrary And further to encrease our feares concerning Innovation of Religion we finde that there hath been no smal laboring to remove that which is the most powerful means to strengthen and encrease our own Relgion and to oppose both those which is the diligent teaching and instruction of the people in the true knowledge and worship of Almighty God And therefore means have been sought out to depresse and discountenance pious and painful and Orthodox Preachers and how conformable soever and peaceable in their disposition and carriage they be yet the preferment of such is opposed and instead of being encouraged they are molested with vexatious courses and pursuits and hardly permitted to Lecture And in those places where are no constant preaching Ministers whereby many of your good people whose souls in this case we beseech your Majesty to commiserate are kept in ignorance and are apt to be easily seduced to error and superstition It doth not a little also encrease our dangers and fears this way to understand the miserable condition of your Kingdome of Ireland where without controll the Popish Religion is openly confessed and practised in every part thereof Popish Iurisdiction being there generally exercised and avowed Monasteries Nunneries and other superstitious Houses newly erected re-edified and replenished with men and women of several Orders and in a plentiful manner maintained at Dublyn and most of the great Towns and divers other places of the Kingdome which of what ill consequence it may prove if not seasonably repressed we leave to your Majesties wisdome to Iudge But most humbly beseech you as we assure our selves you will to lay the serious consideration thereof to your royal and pious heart and that some speedy course may be taken for redresse therein And if now to all these your Majesty will be pleased to adde the consideration of the circumstances of time wherein these courses tending to the destruction of true Religion within these your Kingdomes have been taken here even then when the same is with open force and violence prosecuted in other Countreys and all the reformed Churches in Christendome either depressed or miserably distressed We do humbly appeal unto your Majesties Princely Iudgement whether there be not just ground of feare that there is some secret and strong co-operating here with the enemies of our Religion abroad for the utter extirpation thereof and whether if those courses be not speedily redressed and the profession of true Religion more encouraged we can expect any other but misery and ruine speedily to fall upon us especially if besides the visible and apparent dangers wherewith we are compassed about You would be pleased to remember the displeasure of Almighty God always bent against the neglect of his holy Religion the stroaks of whose divine Iustice we have already felt and do still feele with smart and sorrow in great measure And besides this feare of Innovation in Religion we do in like faithful of charge of our duties most humbly declare to your Majesty that the hearts of your people are full of feare of Innovation and change of Government and accordingly possessed with extreame griefe and sorrow Yet in this point by your Majesties late Answer to our Petition of Right touching our Liberties much comforted and raised againe out of that sadnesse and discontent which they generally had conceived throughout the whole Kingdome for the undue courses which were the last year taken for raising of moneys by loanes then which whatever your Majesty hath been informed to the contrary there were never any moneys demanded nor paid with greater grief and general dislike of all your faithful Subjects though many partly out of feare and partly out of other respects yet most unwillingly were drawn to yeeld to what was required The Billeting of Souldiers did much augment both their fears and grief wherein likewise they finde much comfort upon your gracious Answer to our petition of Right and to that we presented to your Majesty concerning this particular Yet we most humbly beseech your Majesty that we may informe you that the still continuance and late re-enforcing of those Souldiers the conditions of their persons many of them not being Natives of this Kingdome nor of the same but of an opposite Religion the placing of them upon the Sea Coast where making head amongst themselves they may unite with the Popish party at home if occasion serve and joyne with an invading enemy to do extreame mischief and that they are not yet dismissed doth still minister cause of Iealousie in your loving Subjects For that the Souldiers cannot be continued without exceeding great danger of the peace and safety of your Kingdom The report of the strange and dangerous purpose of bringing in German Horse and Riders would have turned our doubts into despaire and our feares into a certainty of confusion had not your Majesties gracious message for which we humbly give you thanks comforted us by the assurance of your Royal word that they neither are nor were intended by your Majesty for any service in England but that they were designed for some other forreigne employment Yet the sight of the Privy Seale by which it seemeth they were to be leavied the great summe of money which upon examinations we found to be paid for that purpose gave us just cause of feare That much about the same time there was a Commission under the Great Seal granted unto the Lords and others of the Privy Councel to consider of other ways for raising of moneys so particularly by impositions gave as just cause to suspect that whatsoever was your Majesties gracious intention yet there wanted not those
that under some colourable pretence might secretly by this as by other wayes contrive to change the frame both of Religion and Government and thereby undermine the frame both of Religion and Government and thereby undermine the safety of your Majesty and your Kingdomes These men could not be ignorant that the bringing in of Strangers for aid hath been pernitious to most States where they have been admitted but to England fatal We do blesse God that hath given your Majesty a wise understanding heart to discern of those courses and that such power produceth nothing but weaknesse and calamity And we beseech your Majesty to pardon the vehemencie of our expression if in the Loyal and zealous affections we bear to your Majesty and your service we are bold to declare to your Majesty and the whole world that we hold it far beneath the heart of any free English man to think that this victorious Nation should now stand in need of German Souldiers to defend their own King and kingdom But when we consider the course formerly mentioned and these things tending to an apparent change of Government the often breaches of Parliament whereby your Majesty hath been deprived of the faithful Councel and free Aids of your people by taking off Tonnage and poundage without graunt thereof by Act of Parliament ever since the beginning of your Majesties Reigne to this present The standing Commission granted to the Duke of Buckingham to be general of an Army in the Land in the time of peace the discharging of faithful and sufficient Officers and Ministers some from Iudicial places and others from the Offices and authorities which they formerly held in the Common-wealth We cannot but at the sight of such an apparant desolation as must necessarily follow these courses out of the depth of sorrow lift up our cryes to heaven for help and next under God apply our selves unto your sacred Majesty who if you could hear so many thousands speaking together do joyntly implore speedie help and Reformation And if your Majesty would be pleased to take a further view of the present state of your Realme We do humbly pray you to consider whether the miserable disasters and ill successe that hath accompanied all your late designes and actions particularly those of Cales and the Isle of Ree and the last expedition to Rochel have not extreamlie wasted that stock of Honor that was left unto this kingdome sometimes terrible to all other Nations and now declining to contempt beneath the meanest Together with our Honours we there lost those and that not a few who had they lived we might have some better hope of recovering it again our valiant and expert Collonels Captaines and Commanders and many thousand common Souldiers and Marriners Though we have some cause to think that your Majesty is not as yet rightly informed thereof and that of six or seven thousand of your Subjects lost at the Isle of Ree Your Majesty received information but of a few hundreds And this dishonour and losse hath been purchased with the consumption of above a million of Treasure Many of the Forts are exceeding weak and decayed and want both men and Munition And here we cannot but with grief consider and complaine of a strange improvidence we think your Majesty will rather call it treacherie That your store of powder which by order of your Privy Councel dated the tenth of December 1626. should be constantly three hundred Last besides a continual supply of twenty Last a month for ordinary expences and were now fit as we conceive to be double the proportion is at this time in the Tower the present Warrants being served but nine Lasts and forty eight pounds in all which we tremble to think of And that notwithstanding this extreame scarcity of powder great quantities have been permitted to be sold out of your Majesties Store to particular persons for private Gain Whereof we have seen a certificate six Last sold sithence the 14th of January last and your Majesties store being unfurnished of powder which by a contract made with Mr. Evelyn by advise of your Lords in Parliament ought to be supplyed monthly with twenty last at the rate of three pound ten shillings ten pence a Barrel Your Majesty hath been forced to pay above seven pound a Barrel for powder to be brought in from beyond Seas for which purpose twelve thousand foure hundred pounds was impressed to Mr. Burlemack the last year and that powder not so good as that by Contract your Maiesty should have by one third part All which are most fearful and dangerous abuses But what the poverty weaknesse and misery of your kingdome is now grown unto by decay of Trade and destruction and losse of Ships and Marriners within these three years we are almost afraid to declare And could we by any other means have been sure that your Majesty should any other way have had a true Information thereof We should have been doubtful to have made our weaknesse and extreamity of misfortune in this kinde to appear But the importunate and most pitiful complaints from all the parts of the kingdome near adjoyning to the Sea in this kinde would rend as we think the stoniest heart in the world with sorrow and the sense we have of the miserable condition your Kingdome is in by reason thereof especially for that we see no possible means being now shortly to end this Session how to help the same adds such a weight of grief unto our sad thoughts as we have not words to expresse it But for your Majesties more exact information therein We beseech you be pleased to peruse the Kalender of particulars which with the Remonstrance we most humblie present unto your Majestie One reason amongst many of this decay of Trade and losse of ships and Marriners is the not guarding of the narrow Seas the regality whereof your Majestie hath now in a manner wholly lost being that wherein a principal part of the Honor and safety of this Kingdome heretofore consisted And now having absolutely neglected it the Town of Dunkirk doth so contiually rob and spoile your Subjects that we can assure your Majesty if some present and effectuall remedy be not forthwith provided the whole Trade of this Kingdome the shipping marriners and all belonging thereunto will be utterly lost and consumed The principal cause of which evils and dangers we conceive to be the excessive power of the Duke of Buckingham and the abuse of that power And we humbly submit unto your Majesties excellent Wisdome whether it be safe for your self or your Kingdoms that so great power as rests in him by Sea and Land should be in the hands of any one Subject whatsoever And as it is not safe so sure we are it cannot be for your service it being impossible for one man to mannage so manie and weightie affaires of the Kingdome as he hath undertaken besides the ordinary duties of those offices which he holds some of which
and other Lands to the said Title of Earl of Arundel 11. An Act to assure the Joynture of the Lady Francis Nevil and to enable the Lord Abergavenny to sell Lands 12. An Act concerning the Lands of William Earl of Devon 13. An Act to confirm the Estates of the Lord Morlies Tenants in Tatham and Gressingham 14. An Act for reestating of Lands of William Morgan Esq and discharging the trust concerning them 15. A Declararation of the Commons against Doctor Manwaring 16. An Act to enable Dutton Lord Gerrard to make a Joynture to any Wife that he shall hereafter marry and to provide for younger children and the securing of Portions for Alice Frances and Eliz. Gerrard sisters of the said Lord Gerrard 17. An Act for restitution in blood of Carew Rawleigh Esq and to confirm Letters Patents made to the Earl of Bristol by King James 18. An Act for the Naturalizing of Isaac Ashley Henry Ashley Thomas Ashley and Bernard Ashley sons of Sir Jacob Ashley Knight 19. An Act for Naturalizing of Samuel Powel 20. An Act for the naturalizing of Alexander Levingston Gent. 21. An Act for the naturalizing of John Trumbal and of William Beere Edward Beer and Sidney Beere and Samuel Wentworth 22. An Act for the amendment of a word miswritten in an Act made An. 21. Iac. R. to enable Vincent Lowe Esq. to sell Lands c. 23. An Act for naturalizing of Sir Robert Ayton Knight 24. An Act for confirmation of Letters Patents made by King James to John Earl of Bristol 25. An Act for naturalizing of John Aldersey Mary Aldersey Anne Aldersey Eliz. Aldersey and Margaret Aldersey c. 26. An Act for the naturalizing of Daniel Delingue Knight 27. An Act for the naturalizing of Sir Robert Dyel Kt. and George Kirk Esquire 28. An Act for the naturalizing of James Freese In the Interval between the two Sessions there happened many remarkable passages DOctor Manwarings Sermons intituled Religion and Allegiance were suppressed by Proclamation the King declaring that though the grounds thereof were rightly laid to perswade obedience from Subjects to their Sovereign and that for conscience sake yet in divers passages inferences and applications thereof trenching upon the Laws of this Land and proceedings of Parliaments whereof he was ignorant he so far erred that he had drawn upon himself the just censure and sentence of the High Court of Parliament by whose judgement also that Book stands condemned Wherefore being desirous to remove occasions of scandal he thought fit that those Sermons in regard of their influences and applications be totally suppressed Then a Proclamation came forth declaring the Kings pleasure for proceedings with Popish Recusants and directions to his Commissioners for making compositions for two parts of three of their Estates which by Law were due to his Majesty neverthelesse for the most part they got off upon easie tearms by reason of compositions at undervalues and by Letters of Grace and protection granted from time to time to most of the wealthiest of them This was seconded with another Proclamation commanding that diligent search be made for all Priests and Jesuites particularly the Bishop Calcedon and others that have taken Orders by authority from the See of Rome that they be apprehended and committed to the Goale of that County where they shall be found there to remaine without Bayle or Mainprize till they be tryed by due course of Law and if upon trial and conviction there shall be cause to respit the execution of any of them they shall not lie in the Common Goals much lesse wander about at large but according to the example of former times be sent to the Castle of Wisbitch or some other safe prison where they shall remain under strait and close custody and be wholly restrained from exercising their function and spreading their superstitious and dangerous doctrines Hereupon the Privy Councel wrote to the Bishop of Ely a Letter of the tenour following WHereas his Majestie hath beene informed that the Romish Priests Jesuites and Seminaries lurking in this Kingdome do obstinately and maliciously continue their wonted practises to supplant the true Religion established and to seduce his people from obedience stirre up sedition and subvert the State and Government so far as it lieth in their power his Majesty hath therefore commanded us to signifie unto your Lordship that it is his expresse will and pleasure according to his Declaration in Parliament and his Royal Proclamation since published you shall forthwith prepare and make ready the Castle of Wisbitch in the Isle of Ely to receive and lodge all such Priests Jesuites and Seminaries and other prisoners as shall be hereafter sent thither and there treat and governe them according to such instructions and directions as shall be prescribed by this board The Jesuites taken in Clarken-well being then in several prisons it was ordered by the Councel they should all be removed to Newgate and such of them as were not as yet convicted and condemned should be proceeded against untill they were condemned and then that they all should be sent to the Castle of VVisbitch according to the Proclamation in that behalf and the Attorney General was required to take course to entitle the King to the goods taken in the house which was designed for a Colledge and accordingly they were proceeded against and but onely one convicted which proceeding was questioned in the ensuing Session of Parliament And upon Information that there was a greater concourse of Recusants in or near London then had been usual at other times the Privy Councel sent to the Lord Mayor to require him to cause diligent search to be made within the City and Liberties thereof and to finde out what Recusants did inhabit or remaine there as House-keepers Inmates or Lodgers or in any manner and to return a certificate to the board both of their names and qualities distinguishing which were Trades-men that were there by occasion of their Trades according to to the Statute in that behalf and which were of no Trade but resorted thither from other parts of the Kingdom Iuly 15. being St. Swithins day Sir Richard VVeston Chancellor of the Exchequer was made Lord Treasurer of England and the same day was Bishop Laud translated to the Bishoprick of London About the same time Master Montague formerly mentioned was designed to the Bishoprick of Chichester upon the decease of Bishop Carleton Neverthelesse his Appello Caesarem was thought fit to be called in the King declaring that out of his care to maintain the Church in the unity of true Religion and the bond of peace to prevent unnecessary disputes he had lately caused the Articles of Relgion to be reprinted as a rule for avoiding diversities of opinions and considering that a Book written by Richard Montague now Bishop of Chichester intituled Apello Caesarem was the first cause of those disputes and differences which since have much troubled the quiet
in chains in manner as is usual upon notorious murders IN Michaelmas Term the Farmers and Officers of the Custom House seized great quantities of Currants belonging to Mr. Samuel Vassal of London Merchant because he refused to pay an Imposition of five shillings and six pence upon every hundred weight of the said Currants so imported alledged to be due and demanded on his Majestie behalf Mr. Vassal refused to pay the same conceiving it was an Imposition against the Law of the Land Whereupon the Kings Attourney General exhibited an Information in the Exchequer against the said Vassal setting forth that King Iames did by his Letters Patents command the taking the said Imposition and that his Majesty that now is by his Letters Patents dated 26. Iunii 2. Caroli by the advice of his Privy Councel did declare his Will and Pleasure to be that Subsidies Customs and Impost should be Leavied in such manner as they were in the time of King Iames until it might receive a setling by Parliament and the Information did set forth that the said Samuel Vassall before the first day of October 4. Car. did bring into the Port of London 4638. hundred weight of Currants for which he refused to pay Custom To this information the said Samuel Vassal appeared and pleaded the Statute of Magna Charta and the Statute de talagio non concedendo and that he was a subject born under the Kings allegiance and a Merchant and that the said imposition of five shillings six pence upon every hundred weight of Currants was not Antiqua seu recta consuetudo and that it was imposed without assent of Parliament to which Plea the said Attourney General demurred in Law and Mr. Vassall joyned in demur c. Afterwards the Barons of the Exchequer did publickly deny to hear Master Vassals Councel to argue for him saying that his the said Vassalls Case would fall under the same rule with one Bates Case and therefore the Case was already adjudged Master Vasalls Councel alledged that they had nothing to do with Bates his Case but desired to argue Master Vassalls Case The Barons replied that they knew the opinion of the Court and should be heard no further and said that the King was in possession and they would keep him in possession and shortly after the Court of Exchequer imprisoned the said Master Vassall for not paying such sums of mony as the Officers of the Custome-house required as due upon the said imposition and he could not obtain restitution of his goods and the Court gave their opinion upon the said information for the King against Mr. Vassal About the same time divers goods and Merchandizes belonging to Richard Chambers of London Merchant were seized and conveyed into Store-houses at the Custom-house by the Officers of the Custom because the said Chambers refused to pay the subsidy of Tunnage and Poundage demanded by the Farmers the said Chambers conceiving no such subsidy or duty was due or payable the same having not been granted by Parliament to his Majesty and having sued forth a writ of Replevin the proper remedy in Law to regain the possession of his goods the Barrons of the Exchequer did order an Injunction under the Seal of the said Court directed to the Sheriffs of London commanding them thereby not to execute the said writ or any the like Writs of Replevin that should afterwards be sued forth by any person or persons for the delivery of any goods in the like nature detained and did declare publickly in Court that the said goods by Law were not repleviable and the Sheriffs of London did accordingly forbear to execute the said Writ of Replevin Master Chambers finding this obstruction offered to give great security unto the Court for payment of such duties as should be made appeare to be made payable to his Majesty in such manner as the said Barrons should direct the Court afterwards debating this matter would not give way thereunto unlesse the said Chambers would deposite all such summes of money as the said Officers respectively demanded of him for duties to his Majesty which he refused to do The Court did order the Officers of the Custom to detain double value of the summes by them demanded for duties to his Majesty and to restore the residue The same course of proceeding the Barrons of the Exchequer held in the Case of Master Iohn Rolls of London Merchant whose goods were detained for not paying of Tunnage and Poundage The meeting of the Parliament now drawing nigh the King consults with a select Committee of his Privy Councellors what probably the Parliament at their next meeting would insist upon and how the Privy Councel who are members of the Parliament shall demean themselves in such cases And first it was proposed to his Majesties consideration that if in the House of Commons it shall be moved with any strength that the Merchants goods be delivered before they proceed to the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage the Answer by such as are Privy Councellors and Members of the House to be that if the House intend to grant Tunnage and Poundage to the King as it hath been granted to his Predecessors it will end all dispute but if they proceed otherwise then before they come to a resolution the King to speak to them and to declare that though his Predecessors claimed it not but by grant of Parliament yet took it de facto until it was granted by Parliament and that his Majesty hath done the like and that if they will passe the Bill to his Majesty as his Ancestors had it his Majesty will do any reasonable thing to declare that he claimes not Tunnage and Poundage otherwise then by grant in Parliament but if this do not satisfie then to avow a breach upon just cause given not sought by the King And for bringing the Kings business to a speedy issue it was advised that the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage be prepared before the Parliament sit in the same form as it passed to King Iames adding words to give it from the first day of the Kings Reigne and that the Bill be presented at the first sitting of the Parliament and the Privy Councel of the House to declare that his Majesty caused it to be timely presented to cut off all questions and debates and to perswade them to a dispatch thereof and that they will returne a speedy answer whether they will grant Tunnage and Poundage or not They also took into consideration divers other matters which they apprehended the Parliament would insist upon as proceeding to censure the actions of the Duke of Buckingham to accuse some of the Kings servants now living upon common Fame to cast personal aspersions in Parliament upon the Kings Councellors or to charge them with giving ill counsel to the King to handle questions touching matters of Religion proper for his Majesty and a Convocation to determine to raise
this Session beginning with confidence one towards another it may end with a perfect good understanding between us Which God grant Munday the 26. of Ianuary MR. Secretary Cook delivered a Message from the King to the House of Commons that the Bill for Tunnage and Poundage might be speedily taken into consideration and that time might not be slipt and did very much press in his Majesties n●me the reading thereof as a matter of weight and importance and said that he spake it for their service and that moderation in their proceedings would be of great advantage to them But the House being troubled to have the Bill imposed upon them which ought naturally to arise from themselves did at that time forbear to speak their minds freely and resolved to husband their time and did accordingly further impower the Committee to examine violation of Libertie and property since the last Session of Parliament and resolved to proceed in the next place with matters of Religion and particularly against the Sect of Arminians upon which occasion Mr. Rous spake to this purpose Mr. Speaker we have of late entered into consideration of the Petition of Right and the violation of it and upon good reason for it concerns our Goods Liberties and Laws but there is a right of higher nature that preserves for us far greater things Eternal life our souls yea our God himself a Religion derived to us from the King of Kings confirmed upon us by the Kings of this Kingdom Enacted by Laws in this place streaming down to us in the blood of Martyrs witnessed from Heaven by miracles even miraculous deliverances and this Right in the name of this Nation I this day require and claim that there may be a deep and serious consideration of the violation of it I desire it may be considered wh●t new paintings are laid on the old face of the whore of Babylon to make her shew more lovely and to draw so many suitors to her I desire that it may be considered how the See of Rome doth eat into our Religion and fret into the Banks and walls of it the Laws and Statutes of this Realm especially since those Laws have been made in a manner by themselves even by their own Treasons and bloody Designs And since that Popery is a confused heap of Errors casting down Kings before Popes the Precepts of God before the Traditions of men living and reasonable men before dead and sensless stocks and stones I desire that we may consider the increase of Arminianism an Error that makes the Grace of God lackey it after the will of man that makes the sheep to keep the Shepherd and makes a mortal seed of an Immortal God Yea I desire that we may look into the very belly and bowells of this Trojan Horse to see if there be not men in it ready to open the Gates to Romish Tyranny and Spanish Monarchy for an Arminian is the Spawn of a Papist and if there come the warmth of favour upon him you shall see him turn into one of those Froggs that rise out of the bottomless pit And if you mark it well you shall see an Arminian reaching out his hand to a Papist a Papist to a Jesuite a Jesuite gives one hand to the Pope and another to the King of Spaine and these men having kindled a fire in our neighbour Country now they have brought over some of it hither to set on flame this Kingdom also Yea let us further search and consider whether these be not the men that break in upon the goods and Liberties of this Common-wealth for by this means they make way for the taking away of our Religion it was an old trick of the Devil when he meant to take away Iobs Religion he begun at his goods saying lay thy hand on all he hath and he will curse thee to thy face either they think thereby to set a distaste between Prince and People or else to finde some other way of supply to avoid or break Parliaments that so they may break in upon our Religion and bring in their errours But let us do as Iob did who being constant against temptation held fast his Religion and his goods were restored to him with advantage so if we hold fast God and our Religion these things shall be added unto us Let us consider the times past how this Nation flourished in honour and abundance when Religion flourished amongst us but as Religion decayed so the honour and strength of this Nation decayed also when the soul of a Common-wealth is dead the body cannot longer overlive it If a man meet a dogg alone the dogg is fearful though never so fierce by nature but if that dogg have his Master by him he will set upon that man from whence he fled before This shews that lower natures being backt with the higher increase in courage and strength and certainly man being backt with omnipotency is a kind of omnipotency all things are possible to him that believeth and where all things are possible there is a kind of omnipotence wherefore let us now by the unanimous consent and resolution of us all make a vow and covenant henceforth to hold fast I say to hold fast our God and our Religion And then may we from henceforth certainly expect prosperity on this Kingdom and Nation and to this Covenant let every man say Amen Tuesday the 27. of Ianuary A Report was made to the House from the Committee for Religion of matters concerning Religion which passed the last Session and were since that time delivered by the Clerk by Command from the King to some whom his Majesty had sent for the same for want whereof the Committee could not proceed hereupon Master Secretary Cook brings this message from the King that his Majesty understanding the R●monstrance concerning Religion was called for was pleased to take away all Question to command him to deliver it unto them hoping never the lesse that they will proceed with the Bill for Tunnage and Poundage and give precedency to that business and so put an end to a further dispute between some of his Subjects meaning the Customers and Merchants whose goods were seized by the Customers for Tunnage and Poundage or else he shall think his speech which was with good applause accepted had not that good effect which he expected But the House thought fit to prefer Religion and to give it the first place in their debates saying if Popery and Arminianisme joyne hand in hand together it would by degrees bring in Spanish tyranny under which these Laws and Liberties must Cease Besides that it was fit time to enquire what persons have been advanced to Ecclesiastical preferments and to whom pardons have been granted since the last Session That Religion concerns the King as well as the Subjects and the work of the Lord must not be done negligently whereupon the House was Disolved into a Commitee and gave
Religion the precedency of Tunnage and poundage And in the Commitee Mr. Pymme spake as followeth TWo diseases there be said he the one old the other new the old Popery the new Arminianism there be three things to be inquired after concerning Popery 1. The cessation of the Execution of Laws against Papists 2. How the Papists have been imployed and countenanced 3. The Law violated in bringing in of superstitious ceremonies amongst us especially at Durham by Mr. Cozens as Angels Crucifixes Saints Altars Candles on Candlemas day burnt in the Church after the Popish manner For Arminianisme let it be advised 1. That a way be open for the truth 2. That whereas by the Articles set forth 1562. and by the Catechism set forth in King Edward the sixths days and by the writing of Martin Bucer and Peter Martyr who were employed in making our Articles and by the constant professions sealed by the blood of so many Martyrs as Cranmer Ridley and others and by the 36. Articles in Queen Elizabeths time and by the Articles agreed upon at Lambeth as the Doctrine of the Church of England which King Iames sent to Dort and to Ireland and were avowed by us and our State his Majesty hath expressed himself in preserving unity in Religion established though his royal intention notwithstanding hath been perverted by some to suppresse the truth Let us shew wherein these late opinions are contrary to those setled truths and what men have been since preferred that have professed these Heresies what pardons they have had for false doctrine what prohibiting of Books and writings against their doctrine and permitting of such books as have been for them Let us inquire after the Abettors Let us enquire also after the pardons granted of late to some of these and the presumption of some that dare preach the contrary to truth before his Majesty It belongs to the duty of Parliament to establish true Religion and to punish false we must know what Parliaments have done formerly in Religion Our Parliaments have confirmed general Councels In the time of King Henry 8. the Earl of Essex was condemned for countenancing books of Heresie For the convocation it is but a Provincial Sinod of Canturbury and cannot bind the whole Kingdom As for York that is distant and cannot do any thing to bind us or the Laws For the High-Commission it was derived from Parliament Wednesday 28. Secretary Cook delivered another message to the House concerning the precedency of Tunnage and Poundage declaring that his Majesty intends not thereby to interrupt them as to Religion so that they do not intrench on that which belongs not to them which message was seconded by Sir Thomas Edmonds in these words I am sorry the House hath given cause to so many messages about Tunnage and Poundage after his Majesty hath given us so much satisfaction you may perceive his Majesty is sensible of the neglect of his businesse we that know this should not discharge our duties to you if we should not perswade you to that course which should procure his Majesties good opinion of you You your selves are witnesses how industrious his Majesty was to procure you gracious Laws in his fathers time and since what inlargement he hath made of our Liberties and still we give him cause to repent him of the good he hath done Consider how dangerous it is to alienate his Majesties heart from Parliaments Master Corriton replied WHen men speak here of neglect of duty to his Majesty let them know we know no such thing nor what they mean And I see not how we do neglect the same I see it is in all our hearts to expedite the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage in due time our businesse is still put back by these Messages and the businesse in hand is of God and his Majesties affairs are certainly amisse and every one sees it and woe be to us if we present them not to his Majesty The House resolved to send an answer to the King that these messages are inconvenient and breed debates and losse of time and did further resolve that Tunnage and Poundage arising naturally from this House they would in fit time take such a course therein as they hoped would be to his Majesties satisfaction and honour and so again agreed to proceed at present in matters of Religion Sir Iohn Eliot upon this occasion spake to this purpose I have always observed said he that in the proceedings of this House our best advantage is order and I was very glad when that noble Gentleman my Country-man gave occasion to state our proceedings for I fear it would have carried us into a Sea of confusion and disorder and having now occasion to present my thoughts in this great and weighty businesse of Religion I shall be bold to speak a few words There is a jealousie conceived as if we meant to dispute in matters of faith it is our profession this is not to be disputed it is not in the Parliament to make a new Religion nor I hope shall it be in any to alter the body of the truth which we now professe I must confess amongst all those fears we have contracted there ariseth to me not one of the least dangers in the Declaration that is made and publisht in his Majesties name concerning disputing and preaching let not this my saying bear the least suspition or jealousie of his Majesty for if there be any misprision or Error I hope it is those Ministers about him which not only he but all Princes are subject unto and Princes no doubt are subject to mis-informations and many actions may be intitled to their Names when it is not done by themselves Antiochus King of Asia sent his Letters and missives to several Provinces that if they received any dispatches in his name not agreeable to justice Ignoto se litteras esse scriptas ideoque iis non parerent and the reason of it is given by Gratian because that oftentimes by the importunity of Ministers Principes saepe constringuntur ut non concedenda concedant are drawn to grant things by them not to be granted and as it was in that age so it may be in this And now to the particular in the Declaration we see what is said of Popery and Arminianism our Faith and Religion is in danger by it for like an Inundation it doth break in at once upon us It is said if there be any difference in Opinion concerning the seasonable interpretation of the 39. Articles the Bishops and the Clergy in the Convocation have power to dispute it and to order which way they please and for ought I know Popery and Arminianism may be introduced by them and then it must be received by all a slight thing that the power of Religion should be left to the persons of these men I honour their profession there are among our Bishops such as are fit to be made examples for
all Ages who shine in vertue and are firm for our Religion but the contrary Faction I like not I remember a character I have seen in a Diary of E. 6. that young Prince of famous memory where he doth expresse the condition of the Bishops of that time under his own hand writing That some for sloath some for age some for ignorance some for luxury and some for Popery were unfit for Discipline and Government We see there are some among our Bishops who are not Orthodox nor sound in Religion as they should be witness the two Bishops complained of the last meeting of the Parliament I apprehend such a feare that should we be in their power we may be in danger to have our Religion overthrown some of these are Masters of Ceremonies and they labour to introduce new Ceremonies into the Church Yet some Ceremonies are useful give me leave to joyn that I hold it necessary and commendable that at the repetition of the Creed we should stand up to testifie the resolution of our hearts that we will defend the Religion which we profess and in some Churches it is added they did not only stand upright with their bodies but with their Swords drawn Let us go to the ground of our Religion and lay down a Rule on which all others may rest then when that is done it will be time to take into consideration the breakers and offendors of that Rule Hereupon after some Debate the Commons entered into this Vow The Vow of the House of Commons in Parliament WEE the Commons in Parliament Assembled do Claim Protest and Avow for truth the sence of the Articles of Religion which were established by Parliament in the thirteenth year of our late Queen Elizabeth which by the publique Act of the Church of England and by the generall and currant Expositions of the Writers of our Church have been delivered unto us And we reject the sence of the Jesuites and Arminians and all others wherein they differ from us Friday the thirtieth of January 1628. Both Houses joyn in Petitioning the King for a Fast. MOst Gracious Soveraign It is the very earnest desire of us your most dutiful Subjects the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this Parliament Assembled that this meeting may be abundantly blessed with all happy successe in the great affairs of Church and State upon which we are to consult and that by a cleare understanding both of your Majesties goodness unto us and of our ever faithfull and Loyal hearts to your Majesties Royal Person and service all jealousies and distractions which are apparent signs of Gods displeasure and of ensuing mischief being removed there may this Session and for ever be a perfect and most happy union and agreement between your Majesty and all the Estates of this Realm But acknowledging that neither this nor any other blessing can be expected without the especiall favour of Almighty God upon the observation of the continued increasing miseries of the Reformed Churches abroad whose cases with bleeding hearts we compassionate as likewise of those punishments already inflicted And which are like in great measure to fall upon our selves we have just cause to conceive that the Divine Majesty is for our sins exceedingly offended against us wherefore we do in these and all other pious respects most Dread Soveraign humbly beseech your most excellent Majesty by your Royal consent and Commandment that not only our selves but all people of your Kingdom may be speedily enjoyned upon some certain day by your Majesty to be prefixed by publique Fasting and Prayer to seek reconciliation at the merciful hands of Almighty God So that the prayers of the whole Kingdom joyned with your Majesties most Princely care and the faithful hearts and endeavours of this great Councel assembled may procure honour to Almighty God in the preservation of his true Religion much honour to your Majesty prosperity to your people and comfort to your Majesties Friends and Allies The Kings Answer to the Petition MY Lords and Gentlemen The chief Motive of your Petition being the deplorable Condition of the Reformed Churches abroad is too true And our duty is so much as in us lieth to give them all possible help But certainly fighting will doe them more good then fasting though I doe not wholly disallow of the latter yet I must tell you that the custome of fasting every Session is but lately begun and I confesse I am not fully satisfied with the necessity of it at this time Yet to shew you how smoothly I desire your businesse to go on eschewing as much as I can Questions or jealousies I doe willingly grant your request herein but with this Note That this shall not hereafter be brought into president for frequent Fasts except upon great occasions And for form and time I will advise with my Lords the Bishops and then send you a particular Answer Soon after the House of Commons presented a Declaration to the King touching their resolutions to give precedency to Religion MOst Gracious Sovereign We have within these three dayes received from your Majesty a Message putting us in minde of our present entring upon the consideration of a Grant of Tunnage and Poundage but the manner of possessing the House therewith being disagreeable to our Orders and Priviledges that we could not proceed therein And finding our selves in your Majesties name pressed in that businesse and that we should give precedency thereunto we cannot but expresse some sence of sorrow fearing that the most hearty and forward affections wherewith we desire to serve your Majesty are not clearly represented unto you besides such is the solicitous care we have in preserving our selves in your Majesties most gracious and good opinion that it cannot but breed much trouble in us when ever we find our selves as now we are enforced to spend that time in making our humble Apologies from whence doe usually arise long Debates which we conceive might very profitably be applyed in the greater Services of your Majesty and the Common-wealth which we did with all humble diligence apply our selves unto and finding the extream dangers wherewith our Religion is threatned clearly presenting it unto our thoughts and considerations We thought and we think we cannot without impiety to God disloyalty to your Majesty and unthankfulnesse to those from whom we are put in trust retard our proceedings until something be done to secure us in this maine point which we prefer above our lives and all earthly things whatsoever And here we do with all humble thankfulnesse acknowledge your Majesties most pious care and Princely Intentions to suppresse both Popery and Arminianism the Professor of the one being an open enemy 〈◊〉 the maintainer of the other a subtil and more dangerous underminer of the Religion of Almighty God established within your Realmes and Dominions The truth of which our whole Religion or any part thereof as being sufficiently known and received generally here
Edward Cook A Message from the King to the House of Commons to end the Sessions Mr. Pyms Speech at the delivery of the charge against Dr. Manwaring ●udgement given against Dr. Manwawaring Dr. Manwaings submissions Another Message from the King Sir Robert Phillips Sir John Elliot Sir Dudly Diggs Sir Nathan Rich. The Commons declare that no undutiful Speech hath been spoken Mr. Wandesford Sir Edw. Cook declares the Duke the cause of all our miseries Mr. Seldens advice for a Declaration against the Duke Several heads agreed on for a Remonstrance A Message from the King by the Speak●r Another Message from the King to the Commons A Message from his Majesty t● the house of Lords The Kings Message g●ves the Commons more hope then formerly Burlemack called into the House The Petition of both Houses to his Majesty for a further Answer to the Petition of right His Majesties second Answer to the Petition of right All Grand Committees to cease Sir Edward Cooks Observations upon the said Commission Sir Edward Cook mannageth the Conference between both Houses concerning the Commission F●resh Debate in the House against the Duke Sir Iohn Elliot Sir Henry Martin Sir Benjamin Rudyard Sir Thomas Jermin Dr. Lamb killed A Letter to the City about Dr. Lambs Death Dr. Neal Dr. Laud suspected for Atminians Mr. Selden The Commons Remonstrance against the Duke The Speaker appointed to deliver the Remonstrance Order in Star-Chamber concerning the Duke The Duke desires to clear himself concerning some words The Comission for Excise cancelled Mr. Selden concerning Tunnage and Poundage The Commons Remonstrance of Tunnage and Poundage Mr. Noy The K. ends this Session in person and declares the reason Dr. Manwarings Sermon supp●essed by Proclamation A Proclamation and commissi●n concerning composition with Recusants A Proclamation against the B●shop of Calcedon Romish Priests to be sent to Wisbitch Jesuites taken at Clerkenwell or acted to be proceeded against Order to search what Recusants are about London Sir Richard Weston and Bishop Laud advanced Mr. Montague advanced and his Apello Caesarem called in Preaching and Writing pro con about unnecessary questions prohibited A pardon granted to Dr. Manwaring Dr. Montague Rochel close besieged and relief designed The Duke slain Dr. Montague consecrated Bishop Rochel again attempted to be relieved but in vain The sad condition of Rochel at the surrender Defects in the relief of Rochel questioned Outrages committed by souldiers Advertisement of forreign designes The King of Denmark assisted with forces The German House disposed of Dr. Laud in ●avour with the King Conge d'es●ier for certain Bishops The meeting of the Parliament adjourned to Jan. 20. Great resort to Felton in prison Felton examined before the Council Threatned to be Racked The Judges opinions taken therein Merchants committed about Customs Merchants summonned to the Councel Table Mr. Chambers brought up with a Habeas Corpus and bailed Lords of the Councel dissatisfied with his bailing Felton brought to trial Confesseth the Fact Tenders his hand to be cut off Hung in chains Mr. Vassals goods seised on for denying Customes Information p●eserved against him Mr. Vassals plea to the Information Mr. Chambers goods seised on for not paying customes A Replevin sued ou● And superseaded Mr. Rolls a Merchant Private consultations about the ensuing Parliament The Parliament meets they enquire whether the Petition of Right be enrolled What were the violations of the Subjects Liberties since the last Parliament Sir Robert Philips Speech concerning that matter The matter was referred to a Committee The Kings Speech to both Houses in the Banqueting House The K. sends a Message to the House of Commons speedily to take Tunnag● Poundage in to consideration But the Commons resolv● to proceed in matters of Religion Mr. Rous Speech ●oncerning Religion A Report from the Comm●tee for Religion The Remonstrance concerning Religion sent back by the King Precedency again given to Religion before Tunnage and Poundage Mr. Pyms speech concerning Religion Message by Secretary Cook about Tunnage and Poundage Sir Tho. Edm●nds Mr. Corriton An Answer resolved to be given to the Kings messages Sir Iohn Eliot concerning Religion The Commons enter into a Vow Both Houses Petition the King for a fast His Majesties Answer The Commons Declaration to the King to give precedency to Religion His Majesties Answer to the Commons Declaration Debate about the Kings D●claration concerning disputes about Religion Mr. Rolls sitting in Parliament was called forth and served with a Subpaenâ Debate concerning the same The mistake of the Subpaenâ cleared A report from the Committee for Tunnage and Poundage Committee mee● ag●n upon Tunnage and Poundage Mr. Noy concerning Tunnage and Poundage Barons of the Exchequer sent unto about staying the delivery of Merchants goods The Barons Answer Not satisfactory A report concerning pardons to Dr. Manwaring Mr. Montague c. Mr. Cromwel against the Bishop of Winchester A complaint of the no● licensing of Books against Popery Mr. Selden concerning Printing Debates about increase of Popery Secretary Cook concerning the Priests arraigned at Newgate Mr. Long a Justice of peace examined Sir Robert Heath his answer concerning the prosecution of the Priests A Fast. Mr. Dawes answer to the Commons Mr Carmarthens answer Mr. Selden The House in a Committee about the Customers answer Mr. Noy Message by Secretary Cook from the King about the Customers Order by the King and Council concelning the Costomers The Kings Commission to the Customers c. Resolve concerning Mr. Rolls Debates Sir Iohn Ellyots Speech against particular persons * Lord Weston afterwards died a Papist The Speaker refuses to put the Question Mr. Seldens Speech thereupon The Speaker again refuseth to put the Question Protestation in Parliament propounded whilst the Speaker was held in his chair The King sends the Usher of the Lords House Warrants to apprehend several Members of Parliament The Kings Speech at the Dissolution of the Parliament Libels cast abroad Members examined before the Lords of the Council 5 Caroli Anno 1629. Questions propounded to the Judges concerning the imprisoned Members Answer Mr. Stroud and Mr. Long brought upon a Habeas Corpus An Information in Star-Chamber against the Members Ro. Heath Hu Davenport Ro. Bartley Heneage Finch William Hudson An Information in Star Chamber against Sir Io. Elliot c. Proceedings in Star-Chamber against Mr. Chambers His Answer His Sentence A submission tendred His refusal Places of Scripture mentioned by him Isa. 29.21 Ecclus. 11.7 8 John 7.51 Act. 26.2 Exod. 23.6 Deut. 16.19 Mich. 2.1 2. Ezek. 45.9 and 46.8 Eccles. 5.8 London His Plea in the Exchequer H. 3.9 E. 1.3 H. 3.9 E. 3.5 t H. 7.3 H. 8.21 1629. 16 Iune London Order in the Exchequer Mr. Chambers brought by a Habeas Corpus His Petition to the Parliament His death Mr. Selden brought upon a Habeas Corpus A letter from the King to the Judges Another Letter L' Assembli des Notables A Letter to the Judges The King confers with some of them Motion to bail the prisoners An Information exhibited in the Kings Bench against vir Iohn Elliot c. The Plea of Sir Iohn Elliot Mr Long 's Case in the Star-Chamber Arguments concerning Sir Iohn Elliot Lord Chief Justice Hide Justice Whitlock Judgment Judgment pronounced The Kings Declaration of the causes which moved him to dissolve the last Parliament * Here are the passages concerning the Members deportment in the House mentioned in this Declaration which we ●orbear to repeat in regard the same are at large expressed in the Information in the Star-chamber before mentioned A Proposition presented to the King how to keep in awe this nation First to have a Fortresse in every considerable Town Secondly To cause high-waies to be made through such Townes Thirdly To choose the Souldiers of such Fortresses no Inhabitants of the place 4. To let none passe through such places without a Ticket 5. To have the names of all lodgers taken by Inkeepers The expence of these Forts To impose an oath on the Subjects Meanes ●o increase the King's revenewes 1 To demand a Decima of mens estates 2 To buy out all Leases upon the Crown-Lands 3 To take the Salt into his Majesties own hands 4 To demand a rate for Sealing the weights every yeare 5 To demand an Impost for Wools. 6 To put a Tax upon every Lawyers Fee 7 To put a Tax upon Inns and Victualling-houses for a License 8 To put a Tax upon all Car●le Flesh and Horses sold in the Market 9 To put a Tax upon all Lands alienated 10 To demand a rate upon all Offices in his Majestie 's grant 11 To reduce his Majesties Houshold to Board wages 12 To demand a rate for license to eat Lacticinia 13 To take an imposition upon the Catholicks lands At the Prince his marriage to make Earls in Principi to pay for it And Barons to be made Earls To make 200 rich men Titulate and they to pay for the Titles To make Gentlemen of low quality and rich Farmers Esquires Mr. Stroud Esq brought to the Kings-Bench-Bar upon a Habeas Corpus Also Walter Long Esq. Mr. Mason of Lincolns-Inn his Argument for Mr. Long. Serjeant Barckley his Argument against Stroud and Long. Serjeant Davenport's Argument against Stroud and Long Mr. Littleton's Argument for Mr. Selden See Fortoscue f. 115. the which was not cited there never Sedition Strife or Murmur is heard Sir Rob. Heath the Kings Atturney Generall his Argument against Mr. Selden An Information exhibited in the King's Bench against Sir Iohn Eliot and others Mr. Mason's Argument for Sir John Eliot Mr. Calibrop's Argument for Mr. Valentine Camden's Brit. 449. 1. Object 2. Object 3. Object 4. Object 5. Object 6. Object 7. Object 8. Object Sir Rob. Heaths Argument against Sir John Elliot 1 Car 16 Jac. 1618. 1 Car. 1625.
Cases at the Council Table when great Causes were heard before the King and Council And when matters were agitated at a greater distance I was there also and went on purpose out of a curiosity to see and observe the passages at the Camp at Berwick at the Fight at Newborn at the Treaty at Rippon at the great Council at York and at the meeting of the Long Parliament The Observations I made during all the said time shall be further known if I be encouraged to proceed and that this my Forlorn be not repelled and defeated Thus have I good Reader acquainted thee in plain English with the Lines and rude Draughts of what hath been and what is like to be multorum annorum opus in which as I never did approve so neither could I perswade my self to tread in their Steps who intermingle their Passion with their stories and are not content to write of unless they write also for a Party or to serve an Interest and so declare themselves far better Advocates then Historians●● I profess that in singleness of heart I aim at truth which to me has alwayes seemed hugely amiable even without the tires and advantages of Wit and Eloquence And therefore in order to my greatest purpose I have esteemed the most unaffected and familiar Stile the best Altum alii teneant And so irresistible is the force of Truth and the Divine Providence so great that howsoever all possible diligence may have been used to carry things in secret and to act by colourable Pretences men often acting like Tumblers that are squint-eyed looking one way and aiming another Yet hath God in these our dayes brought to light such Secrets of State such private Consultations such str●nge Contrivances discovered by Letters Papers and Cabinet-memorials seised on in time of the War as otherwise probably neither we nor our Posterity should have ever known I conclude with the learned Spaniards opinion Satis est Historiae si sit vera quae ut reliqua habeat omnia si veritatem non habet obtinere nomen suum non potest J. RUSHWORTH 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 h.e. Anglorum leges Suadam consulta Senatus ausáque cuncta loquor tempore quaeque suo Excipis adverso si pectore ore maligno pluribus invideas Zoile nemo tibi The Printer to the Reader BEing obliged to get this Book finished against the ensuing Term I was constrained to make more haste then ordinary so that possibly some Faults have escap'd which I request the Courteous Reader to Pardon and Amend as they shall be met with VALE The right high and most mightie Monarch ●AMES by the Gra●ce of God King of great Britaine Fraunce and Ireland c Defendor of the Faith Historical Collections THe grand business of State in the latter times of King Iames was the Spanish Match which had the Kings heart in it over-ruled all his Counsels and had a mighty influence upon the Universal State of Christendom This King affecting the name of a King of Peace and Peace-maker as his chief glory had designed what in him lay the setling of a general Peace in Europe and the reconciling of all Parties and professed that if the Papists would leave their King-killing and some other grosser Errors he was willing to meet them half way moreover he was ever zealous for the honor and height of regal Majesty and to maintain the glory of it in his Successors 't was his chief desire and care to match his Son with some Princess of most high descent though of a different Religion There had been a Treaty of Marriage between the late Prince Henry and a Daughter of Spain which on the Spaniards part was found a meer Complement carried on by the accustomed gravity and formality of that Nation For Cecil Earl of Salisbury the great States-man of that time pursued and drove the matter to that point that the Duke of Lerma finding no evasion disclaimed the being of a Marriage Treaty Nevertheless the Spanish Ambassador to acquit himself to this State and to clear his own honesty at a full Council produced his Commission together with his Letters of Instruction given under the Duke's hand Such manner of dealing might have been sufficient Cause of just Indignation against any future motion of this Alliance After death of Prince Henry the King set his thoughts upon a Daughter of Henry the Fourth late King of France as the fittest Match for Prince Charles and by Sir Thomas Edmonds his Legier Ambassador endeavored to know the minde of that State but could not discern their affections and was not willing to discover his own At length taking occasion to send the Lord Hayes Extraordinary Ambassador to the French King to Congratulate his Marriage with Anne the Infanta of Spain he resolved to make a thorow Trial The matter was put forth and in appearance well taken but proved of no effect For the Duke of Savoy was before-hand and prevailed for his Son the Prince of Piedmont During this Negotiation of Alliance with France the Duke of Lerma frequently intimated unto Sir Iohn Digby Ambassador Resident in Spain an extraordinary desire in the King his Master not onely to maintain Peace and Amity with the King of great Britain but to lay hold on all means that might be offered for the nearer uniting of their Majesties and their Crowns as also a disposition in this regard to match his second Daughter to the Prince of Wales The Ambassador replyed that His Majesty had little reason to give ear to this overture having not long since in the Treaty for the late Prince received such an unexpected Answer and Demands so improper and unworthy and that there needed more then ordinary assurance to induce him to believe that there was now so great a change and the match desired in good earnest and not propounded meerly to divert the match with France wherefore he expected the proposal of such terms of advantage and certainty as might gain a belief of their sincere Intentions Lerma promised a further Conference But by reason of a strong report that the Match with France was absolutely concluded and within few dayes to be published the business lay asleep until Sir Iohn Digby going for England was desired by the Duke to give him notice of the state of this Affair From hence Digby gives him to understand that there was no cause of dispair concerning this new overture unless the difficulty of the Conditions should make it desperate but if the Demands in point of Religion were no more then what would satisfie another Catholick Prince and to which his Majesty might yeild with Honor he knows that divers persons not of the meanest power were well inclined and ready to give their helping hand He said further that it were much better not to revive this motion then by impossible and unfitting
detract from the Religion here established The People of England having yet in memory the intended Cruelty of 88. and hating the Popish Religion generally loathed this Match and would have bought it off at the dearest rate and what they durst opposed it by speeches counsels wishes prayers but if any one spake lowder then his fellows he was soon put to silence disgrac'd and cross'd in Court-preferments when as in Spain and Flanders Books were penned and Pictures printed to disgrace the King and State For which the English Ambassadors sought satisfaction but in vain The Roman Catholicks desired the Match above measure hoping for a moderation of Fines and Laws perhaps a Toleration yea a total Restauration of their Religion for they gained more and more Indulgence by the long-spun Treaty The Articles of Religion were long hammered upon the Spanish Anvil inlarged and multiplied by new Demands without end The Conde Gondomar an active subtil Instrument to serve his Masters ends neglected no occasion tending thereunto which he mainly shewed in the particular of Sir Walter Rawleigh wherein he put forth all his Strength to destroy him being one of the last Sea-Commanders then living bred under Queen Elizabeth and by her flesh'd in Spanish blood and ruin He did first under-work his Voyage to Guienna which seemed to threaten loss and danger to the spreading power of Spain in the West-Indies and after his return with misfortune he pursued him to death In the beginning of the Kings Reign this Gentleman with others was arraigned and condemned for Treason 't was a dark kinde of Treason and the vail is still upon it The King had ground enough to shew mercy which some of that condemned party obtained After many years imprisonment Sir Walter Rawleigh desirous of liberty and action propounded an American voyage upon the assurance of gaining a Mine of Gold in Guienna The King hearkned to him and gave him power to set forth Ships and Men for that Service but commanded him upon his Allegiance to give under his hand the number of his Men the burden and strength of his Ships together with the Country and River which he was to enter All this was done and came so timely to Gondomars knowledge that Advertisement was sent to Spain and thence to the Indies before this English Fleet departed out of the Thames The Action proved unfortunate and the Mine was inaccessible the Spaniards at St. Thomas opposed their passage up the River and this engaged them to assault the Town which they took sacked and burnt Gondomar hereat incensed with a violent importunity demanded the reparation of this wrong And the Spanish Faction urged that this irruption might make a breach both of the Match and Peace with Spain The Kings fears kindled his wrath he disavowed the Action and to prevent the like for the future put forth a severe Proclamation Hereupon the storm of Passion ceased and Rawleigh knowing nothing but that he might appear in England with safety put in at Plimouth and was no sooner landed but by secret intimation understanding his danger sought to escape beyond Sea but was taken in the attempt brought to London and recommitted to the Tower and at length his life was offered up a Sacrifice for Spain but not upon such grounds as the Ambassador had designed for he desired a Judgment upon the pretended breach of Peace that by this occasion he might slily gain from the English an acknowledgment of his Masters right in those places and hereafter both stop their mouths and quench their heat and valor But the late voyage was not brought in question onely his former Condemnation was revived his Araignment at Winchester many years before was now laid open and he at the Kings Bench demanded why Execution should not be done upon him according to the Sentence therein pronounced Rawleigh answered That the Kings late Commission gave him a new life and vigor For he that hath power over the lives of others ought to be Master of his own This Plea was not accepted but the former Judgment took place and accordingly he lost his Head upon a Scaffold erected in the Old Pallace at Westminster Whilest Spain and England were thus closing the fire brake out in Germany between the States and Princes Protestant and the House of Austria These commotions involved and drew along the affairs of most Christian Princes especially of the two Potent Kings now in Treaty The Catholick Cause and the Lot of the House of Austria engaged the King of Spain who was the strongest Branch of that Stock King Iames must needs be drawn in both by common and particular Interest the Religion which he professed and the State of his Son in Law the Elector Palatine who became the principal part in those Wars and the most unfortunate It was an high business to the whole Christian World and the issue of it had main dependence upon the King of England being the Mightiest Prince of the Protestant Profession But this Kings proceedings were wholly governed by the unhappy Spanish Treaty The clouds gather thick in the German skie jealousies and discontents arise between the Catholicks and the Evangelicks or Lutherans of the Confession of Ausburge Both parties draw into Confederacies and hold Assemblies the one seeking by the advantage of power to incroach and get ground the other to stand their ground and hold their own The potency of the House of Austria a House devoted to the Persecution of the Reformed Religion became formidable The old Emperor Matthias declared his Cousin German the Archduke Ferdinand to be his adopted Son and Successor and caused him to be chosen and crowned King of Bohemia and Hungary yet reserving to himself the sole exercise of Kingly power during his life The Iesuits triumph in their hopes of King Ferdinand the Pope exhorted the Catholicks to keep a day of Jubilee and to implore aid of God for the Churches high occasions To answer this Festival the Elector of Saxony called to minde that it was then the Hundreth year compleat since Martin Luther opposed the Popes Indulgences which was the first beginning of Protestant Reformation Whereupon he ordained a Solemn Feast of three days for Thanksgiving and for Prayer to God to maintain in peace the purity of the Word and the right administration of the Sacraments The Professors of the Universities of Lipsick and Wittemberg the Imperial Towns of Franckford Worms and Noremburg yea the Calvinists also observed the same days of Jubilee against the Romish Church and much Gold and Silver was cast abroad in memory of Luther whom they called Blessed In these times the Emperor wrote Letters both to the Elector Palatine and to the Protestant Provinces and States of the Empire then assembled at Hilbrun advising them to acquiesce in what was done touching the designation of his adopted Son to the Empire to observe the Golden Bull the Magna Charta of the Empire and the matter of it
under the Marquess Ansbach The Evangelicks were put to the worst by General Buquoy in several encounters and were much terrified by the Duke of Bavaria who marched with an Army of Fifteen thousand Horse and Foot and a Train of Artillery proportionable and they were weakned by a Cessation of Arms in Hungary between the Emperor and the Prince of Transylvania In Spain they make all possible preparations for this War onely the King of England will not take the Alarm abhorring War in general and distasting the Palsgraves cause as an ill president against Monarchy and fed with hopes of composing all differences by the success of the Spanish Treaty For which purpose Sir Walter Aston was then sent Ambassador into Spain and Gondomar returned into England there to abide till the long debated Match be fully effected The Articles of Religion for securing Liberty of Conscience to the Infanta and her Family were greatly inlarged by the Commissioners designed for the Treaty and were allowed by the King of England but without a dispensation from Rome the transactions between the two Kings were but Nullities And for this cause it was expected that our King should propound such conditions for the increase and great advantage of the Roman Catholick Religion that the Pope may deliberate whether they be of that nature as may perswade and merit the dispensation To this demand the King made answer in his Letter to the King of Spain That he had done as much in favor of the Catholicks as the times would bear and promised in the word of a King That no Roman Priest or other Catholick should thenceforth be condemned upon any capital Law And although he could not at present rescind the Laws inflicting onely pecuniary mulcts yet he would so mitigate them as to oblige his Catholick Subjects to him And if the Marriage took effect his Daughter in Law should finde him ready to indulge all favors which she should request for those of her Religion Herein the Spanish Council acknowledged great satisfaction given and a Paper was conceived and drawn up by a Iunto of Canonists Lawyers and Divines to perswade the Pope to act his part IN the mean while an Army of Thirty thousand was levying in Flanders under the command of Marquess Spinola The King of England sent to know the cause of so great preparations The Marquess gave answer That he received his Commission sealed up with a charge not to open it till his Army were compleated and brought together to a Rendevouz But the King had proof enough to assure him that this Army was intended for the Palatinate Yet no more then one Regiment under the Command of Sir Horatio Vere could be obtained from him though two more were promised When Spinola had his Rendevouz where he mustered Six and twenty thousand Foot and Four thousand Horse he opened his Commission which required him to make War against all those which should be confederate with the Bohemian Rebels and he communicated the same to the Ambassador of Great Brittain At the same time the English began their march as brave a Regiment as hath appeared in any age consisting most of Gentlemen under a most worthy Leader who was accompanied with the Earls of Oxford and Essex persons innobled as well by their own vertues as by their Progenitors Other Commanders in this Regiment were Sir Edward Sackvile Sir Gerard Herbert Sir Robert Knolles Captain Stafford Captain Wilmot Captain William Fairfax Sir Iohn Burlacy Cap. Burroughs Cap. Robert Knightly c. This handful of men reached the Palatinate with some difficulty by the aid and conduct of Henry Prince of Nassau The Imperial forces became exceeding numerous by large supplies from several Countreys and Provinces The States Protestant of the Upper and Lower Austria upon the approach of the Bavarian Army seeing nothing but manifest ruine renounce their Confederacy with the Bohemians and submit to the Emperor saving to themselves their Rights and Priviledges in Religion Whereupon the Bohemians and their King being but Twenty thousand strong besides an addition of Ten thousand Hungarians from Bethlem Gabor and fearing least Bavaria and Buquoy joyning their forces should fall into Bohemia thought it best to fortifie the Frontiers and to defend their Country which they conceived they might well do if the Elector of Saxony would continue in his Neutrality The Emperor sent to the said Elector to execute his Ban or Declaration of Treason against the Count Palatine and the Bohemian Rebels The Bohemians by their Ambassadors requested him if he would not own their Cause yet at least to remain Neutral The Duke of Saxony replied to King Frederick That he had often represented to him what ruine was like to follow him by taking an others Crown and for his own part being called upon by the Emperor to execute his Ban and chastise the Rebels he could not disobey that just command The Protestant Princes sent to him again and gave him notice of Spinola's advance to subdue the Palatinate but this did nothing move him He entred Lusatia with some forces and quickly reduced a part of that Province In the Palatinate Spinola having got the start of the English by means of a far shorter march had no sooner arived but he took in divers Towns and prevailed greatly over a spiritless people yet he warily declined the hazard of Battel with the Princes of the Union Neither was the Marquess Ansbach very forward to engage or to seek or take advantages The Dutch slowness was not excusable howbeit the great access of strength to the Emperors party and this slender aid from the King of Great Brittain to preserve his Childrens Patrimony must needs dishearten the German Princes and help to dissolve the Union After a while the season of the year drew them into their Winter Quarters the Princes retired into their several Countreys and the English Regiment was disposed into three principal Garisons Sir Horatio Vere commanded in Manheim Sir Gerard Herbert in Heidelborough and Captain Burroughs in Frankendale having onely power to preserve themselves within those Walls whilest the enemy ranged round about them A Letter written from the Marquess of Buckingham to Conde Gondomar discovered the bent of the Kings minde and will touching the German War That he was resolved to continue Neuter for Conscience Honor and Examples sake In regard of Conscience judging it unlawful to inthrone and dethrone Kings for Religions sake having a quarrel against the Jesuites for holding that opinion Besides he saw the World inclined to make this a War of Religion which he would never do In point of Honor for that when he sent his Ambassador into Germany to treat of Peace in the interim his Son in Law had taken the Crown upon him And for Example sake holding it a dangerous president against all Christian Princes to allow a sudden translation of Crowns by the Peoples Authority Nevertheless he could not sit still and
which your self shall discover And you shall advertise me of whatsoever you shall understand the learn governing your self in all occurrents with that wariness and discretion as your zeal to my service doth assure me of These were the Arts of Spain to corrupt divers in the Court of England Buckingham and his Dependants followed the Kings inclinations The Duke of Lenox Marquis Hamilton and William Earl of Pembroke disliking the Kings course did not contest with him but only intimated their dissent It was said of Gondomar That when he returned into Spain he gave in his Account of Disbursments for Pensions given in England amongst others To Sir Robert Cotton 1000 l. a person of great Integrity and one who was ever averse to the House of Austria Which Sir Robert getting notice of by the English Agent then in Spain demanded reparation which was obtained but with a salvo to the Ambassadors honor the error being said to be committed by a Dependent upon the Ambassador and not by himself The King being jealous of uncomptrolled Soveraignty and impatient of his Peoples intermedling with the Mysteries of State had fallen into a great dislike of Parliaments and for many years before had given way to Projects and Monopolies And many of his Ministers perhaps fearing an enquiry into their own actions might suggest to him that he might better furnish himself by those ways and the Match now in treaty then by Subsidies usually accompanied with the redress of Grievances Nevertheless he was now minded to call a Parliament conceiving it might be of special use For he observed the affections of the People to be raised for the Recovery of the Palatinate and then concluded that those affections would open their purses to the supply of his wants and the Treaty with Spain would effect the business without the expence and troubles of War and the good accord between him and his people would quicken the Spaniard to conclude the Match And accordingly Writs were issued forth to assemble them the 30. of Ianuary In the calling of this Parliament he recommended to his Subjects the choice of such Members as were of the wisest gravest and best affected people neither superstitious nor turbulent but obedient Children to this their Mother-Church In the mean while in Germany the Protestant Union continually declined by the gradual falling away of the several partakers The Elector of Saxony reduced the remainder of Lusatia The Province of Moravia upon the approach of Buquoy seeing the Count de Latiere came not in to their succor prayed that they might enjoy their Priviledges in matter of Religion and be received into the Emperors grace and favor which submission was well received at Vienna Likewise the States of Silesia failing of assistance from the Elector Palatine were constrained to make their peace Then the Palatine propounded to the Elector of Saxony an Overture of Peace declaring That he took the Crown upon him to preserve the Protestants in the free exercise of their Religion The Saxon replied That he had no way to make his Peace but to renounce the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Provinces Incorporate and to beg the Emperors pardon Afterwards the Elector Palatine goeth to Brandenburgh and then to Segenburgh where there was an Assembly of Princes and States Protestant to oppose the exploits of Spinola In the mean while Count Mansfield stirs in Bohemia pillages several Towns and the Goods of all those that cryed God save King Ferdinand The relation of England to these affairs of Foreign States had caused a general liberty of discourse concerning matters of State which King Iames could not bear but by Proclamation commanded all from the highest to the lowest not to intermeddle by Pen or Speech with State-concerments and secrets of Empire either at home or abroad which were no fit Themes or Subjects for Vulgar persons or Common meetings On the Thirtieth day of Ianuary the Parliament began to sit and the King came in person and made this Speech MY Lords Spiritual and Temporal and you the Commons Cui multiloquio non deest peccatum In the last Parliament I made long discourses especially to them of the Lower House I did open the true thoughts of my heart but I may say with our Saviour I have piped to you and you have not danced I have mourned and you have not lamented Yet as no mans actions can be free so in me God found some spices of vanity and so all my sayings turned to me again without any success And now to tell the reasons of your calling and this meeting apply it to your selves and spend not the time in long Speeches Consider that the Parliament is a thing composed of a Head and a Body The Monarch and the Two Estates It was first a Monarchy then after a Parliament There are no Parliaments but in Monarchical Governments For in Venice the Netherlands and other Free Governments there are none The Head is to call the Body together And for the Clergy the Bishops are chief for Shires their Knights and for Towns and Cities their Burgesses and Citizens These are to treat of difficult matters and to counsel their King with their best advice to make Laws for the Commonweal And the Lower House is also to petition their King and acquaint him with their Grievances and not to meddle with their Kings Prerogative They are to offer supply for his Necessity and he to distribute in recompence thereof Justice and Mercy As in all Parliaments it is the Kings office to make good Laws whose fundamental cause is the Peoples ill manners so at this time that we may meet with the new Abuses and the incroaching Craft of the times Particulars shall be read hereafter As touching Religion Laws enough are made already It stands in two points Perswasion and Compulsion Men may perswade but God must give the blessing Iesuites Priests Puritans and Sectaries erring both on the right hand and left hand are forward to perswade unto their own ends and so ought you the Bishops in your example and preaching But Compulsion to obey is to bind the Conscience There is talk of the Match with Spain But if it shall not prove a Furtherance to Religion I am not worthy to be your King I will never proceed but to the glory of God and content of my Subjects For a Supply to my Necessities I have reigned Eighteen years in which time you have had Peace and I have received far less supply than hath been given to any King since the Conquest The last Queen of famous memory had one year with another above a Hundred thousand pounds per annum in Subsidies And in all my time I have had but Four Subsidies and Six Fifteens It is Ten years since I had a Subsidy in all which time I have been sparing to trouble you I have turned my self as nearly to save expences as I may I have abated much in my Household expences in my
of thrée honorable Lords to impart unto us the weighty occasions moving your Majesty thereunto and from them we did understand these particulars That notwithstanding your Princely and pious endeavors to procure peace the time is now come that Janus Temple must be opened That the voice of Bellona must be heard and not the voice of the Turtle That there was no hope of peace nor any truce to be obtained no not for a few days That your Majesty must either abandon your own Children or engage your self in a War wherein consideration is to be had what Foot what Horse what Money will be sufficient That the Lower Palatinate was seised upon by the Army of the King of Spain as Executor of the Ban there in quality of Duke of Burgundy as the Upper Palatinate was by the Duke of Bavaria That the King of Spain at his own charge had now at least five Armies on foot That the Princes of the Union were disbanded but the Catholick League remained firm whereby those Princes so dissevered were in danger one by one to be ruined That the estate of those of the Religion in Foreign parts was miserable and that out of these considerations we were called to a War and forthwith to advise for a supply for kéeping the forces in the Palatinate from disbanding and to foresee the means for raising and maintaining the Body of an Army for the War against the Spring We therefore out of our zeal to your Maiesty and your Posterity with more alacrity and celerity than ever was presidented in Parliament did Address our selves to the service commended unto us And although we cannot conceive That the honor and safety of your Maiesty and your Posterity the Patrimony of your Children invaded and possessed by their enemies the welfare of Religion and State of your Kingdom are matters at any time unfit for our déepest consideration in time of Parliament And though before this time we were in some of these points silent yet being now invited thereunto and led on by so iust an occasion we thought it our duties to provide for the present supply thereof and not onely to turn our eyes on a War abroad but to take care for the securing of our peace at home which the dangerous increase and insolency of Popish Recusants apparently visibly and sensibly did lead us unto The consideration whereof did necessarily draw us truly to represent unto your Maiesty what we conceive to be the causes what we feared would be the effects and what we hoped might be the remedies of these growing Evils among which as incident and unavoidable we fell upon some things which séem to touch upon the King of Spain as they have relation to Popish Recusants at home to the Wars by him maintained in the Palatinate against your Maiesties Children and to his several Armies now on foot yet as we conceived without touch of dishonor to that King or any other Prince your Maiesties Confederate In the Discourse whereof we did not assume to our selves any power to determine of any part thereof nor intend to incroach or intrude upon the Sacred Bounds of Your Royal Authority to whom and to whom onely we acknowledge it doth belong to resolve of Peace and War and of the Marriage of the most Noble Prince your Son But as your most loyal and humble Subjects and Servants representing the whole Commons of your Kingdom who have a large Interest in the happy and prosperous estate of your Majesty and your Royal Posterity and of the flourishing estate of our Church and Commonwealth did resolve out of our Cares and Fears truly and plainly to demonstrate these things to your Majesty which we were not assured could otherwise come so fully and clearly to your knowledge and that being done to lay the same down at your Majesties féet without expectation of any other Answer of your Majesty touching these higher points then what at your good pleasure and in your own time should be held fit This being the effect of that we had formerly resolved upon and these the Occasions and Reasons inducing the same Our humble suit to your Majesty and confidence is That your Majesty will be gratiously pleased to receive at the hands of these our Messengers our former humble Declaration and Petition and vouchsafe to read and favorably to interpret the same and that to so much thereof as containeth our humble Petition concerning Iesuits Priests and Popish Recusants the Passage of Bills and Granting your Royal Pardon you will vouchsafe an Answer unto us And whereas your Majesty by the general words of your Letter séemeth to restrain us from intermedling with Matters of Government or Particulars which have their motion in the Courts of Iustice the generality of which words in the largeness of the extent thereof as we hope beyond your Majesties intention might involve those things which are the proper Subjects of Parliamentary occasions and discourse And whereas your Majesty doth séem to abridge us of the Antient Liberty of Parliament for Fréedom of Spéech Iurisdiction and Iust Censure of the House and other procéedings there wherein we trust in God we shall never transgress the bounds of Loyal and Dutiful Subjects a Liberty which we assure our selves so Wise and so Iust a King will not infringe the same being our antient and undoubted Right and an Inheritance received from our Ancestors without which we cannot fréely debate nor clearly discern of things in question before us nor truly inform your Majesty In which we have béen confirmed by your Maiesties most gratious former Spéeches and Messages We are therefore now again inforced in all humbleness to pray your Maiesty to allow the same and thereby to take away the Doubts and Scruples your Maiesties late Letter to our Speaker hath wrought upon us So shall we your loyal and loving Subiects ever acknowledge your Maiesties Iustice Grace and Goodness and be ready to perform that service to your Maiesty which in the true affection of our hearts we profess and pour out our daily and devout Prayers to the Almighty for your Maiesties long life happy and religious Reign and prosperous Estate and for your Royal Posterity after you for ever The King having rejected the first Petition gave to the later this Answer following WE must here begin in the same fashion that we would have done if the first Petition had come to our hands before we had made a stay thereof which is to repeat the first words of the late Queen of famous memory used by her in answer to an Insolent Proposition made by a Polonian Ambassador unto her that is Legatum expectabamus Heraldum accipimus For we had great reason to expect that the first Message from your House should have been a Message of Thanksgiving for our continued gratious behavior towards our people since your last Recess not onely by our Proclamation of Grace wherein were contained Six or seven and thirty Articles all of several
points of Grace to the people but also by the labor we took for the satisfaction of both Houses in those three Articles recommended unto us in both their names by the Right Reverend Father in God the Archbishop of Canterbury and likewise for the good Government of Ireland we are now in hand with at your request but not onely have we heard no news of all this but contrary great complaints of the danger of Religion within this Kingdom tacitely implying our ill Government in this point And we leave you to judge whether it be your duties that are the Representative Body of our people so to distaste them with our Government whereas by the contrary it is your duty with all your endeavors to kindle more and more a dutiful and thankful love in the peoples hearts towards us for our just and gratious Government Now whereas in the very beginning of this your Apology you tax us in fair terms of trusting uncertain Reports and partial Informations concerning your proceedings we wish you to remember that we are an old and experienced King needing no such Lessons being in our Conscience freest of any King alive from hearing or trusting idle Reports which so many of your House as are nearest us can bear witness unto you if you would give as good ear to them as you do to some Tribunitial Orators among you And for proof in this particular we have made your own Messengers confer your other Petitions sent by you with the Copy thereof which was sent us before Between which there is no difference at all but that since our receiving the first Copy you added a conclusion unto it which could not come to our hands till it was done by you and your Messengers sent which was all at one time And if we had had no Copy of it before-hand we must have received your first Petition to our great dishonor before we had known what it contained which would have enforced us to return you a far worse Answer then now we do for then your Messengers had returned with nothing but that we have judged your Petition unlawful and unworthy of an Answer For as to your conclusion thereof it is nothing but Protestatio contraria facto for in the Body of your Petition you usurpe upon our Prerogative Royal and meddle with things far above your reach and then in the conclusion you protest the contrary As if a Robber would take a mans purse and then protest he meant not to rob him For first you presume to give us your advice concerning the Match of our dearest Son with some Pro●●stant we cannot say Princess for we know none of these fit for h●m and disswade us from his Match with Spain urging us to a presen● War with that King and yet in the conclusion forsooth ye protest ye intend not to press upon our most undoubted and Regal Prerogative as if the Petitioning of us in matters that your selves confess ye ought not to meddle with were not a meddling with them And whereas ye pretend That ye were invited to this course by the Speeches of Three honorable Lords yet by so much as your selves repeat of the Speeches nothing can be concluded but that we were resolved by War to regain the Palatinate if otherwise we could not attain unto it And you were invited to advise forthwith upon a Supply for keeping the forces in the Palatinate from disbanding and to foresee the means for the raising and maintenance of the Body of an Army for that War against the Spring Now what inference can be made upon this that therefore we must presently denounce War against the King of Spain break our dearest Sons match and match him to one of our Religion let the World judge The difference is no greater than if we would tell a Merchant that we had great need to borrow Money from him for raising an Army that thereupon it should follow that we were bound to follow his advice in the direction of the War and all things depending thereupon But yet not contenting your selves with this excuse of yours which indeed cannot hold water ye come after to a direct contradiction to the conclusion of your former Petition saying That the honor and safety of us and our Posterity and the Patrimony of Our Children invaded and possessed by their enemies the Welfare of Religion and State of our Kingdom are matters at any time not unfit for your deepest considerations in Parliament To this generality we answer with the Logicians That where all things are contained nothing is omitted So as this Plenipotency of yours invests you in all power upon Earth lacking nothing but the Popes to have the Keys also both of Heaven and Purgatory And to this vast generality of yours we can give no other answer for it will trouble all the best Lawyers in the House to make a good Commentary upon it For so did the Puritan Ministers in Scotland bring all kinde of causes within the compass of their jurisdiction saying That it was the Churches office to judge of slander and there could no kinde of crime or fault be committed but there was a slander in it either against God the King or their Neighbor and by this means they hooked into themselves the cognisance of all causes Or like Bellarmines distinction of the Popes power over Kings in Ordine ad Spiritualia whereby he gives them all Temporal Jurisdiction over them But to give you a direct Answer to the matter of War for which you are so earnest We confess we rather expected you should have given us thanks for the so long maintaining a setled Peace in all our Dominions when as all our Neighbors about are in miserable combustion of War but dulce bellum inexpertis And we indeed finde by experience that a number of our Subjects are so pampered with Peace as they are desirous of change though they knew not what It is true that we have ever professed and in that minde with Gods grace we will live and die that we will labor by all means possible either by Treaty or by force to restore our Children to their ancient Dignity and Inheritance And whatsoever Christian Princes or Potentates will set themselves against it we will not spare any lawful means to bring our so just and honorable purpose to a good end neither shall the match of our Son or ●ny other worldly respect be preferred to this our resolution For by our credit and intervention with the King of Spain and the Arch-Dutches and her Husband now with God we preserved the Lower Palatinate one whole year from any further conquering in it which in eight days space in that time might have easily been swallowed up by Spinola's Army without any resistance And in no better case was it now at our Ambassador the Lord Digbies coming through Heidelburgh if he had not extraordinarily succored it But because we conceive that ye couple this War of the Palatinate with
the Cause of Religion we must a little unfold your eyes herein The beginning of this miserable War which hath set all Christendom on fire was not for Religion but only caused by our Son-in-law his hasty and harsh resolution following evil Counsel to take to himself the Crown of Bohemia And that this is true himself wrote Letters unto us at that time desiring to give assurance both to the French King and State of Venice that his accepting of the Crown of Bohemia had no reference to the Cause of Religion but only by reason of his right of Election as he called it And we would be sorry that that aspersion should come upon our Religion as to make it a good pretext for dethroning of Kings and usurping their Crowns And we would be loth that our people here should be taught that strange doctrine No let us not so far wrong the ●esuites as to rob them of their sweet Positions and practice in that very point And upon the other part We assure our self so far of your charitable thoughts of us that we would never have constantly denied our Son in law both the Title and assistance in that point if we had been well perswaded of the justice of his quarrel But to conclude This unjust usurpation of the Crowns of Bohemia and Hungaria from the Emperor hath given the Pope and all that party too fair a ground and opened them too wide a gate for curbing and oppressing of many thousands of our Religion in divers parts of Christendom And whereas you excuse your touching upon the King of Spain upon occasion of the incidents by you repeated in that place and yet affirm that it is without any touch to his honor We cannot wonder enough that ye are so forgetful both of your words and writs For in your former Petition ye plainly affirm That he affects the Temporal Monarchy of the whole Earth then which there can be no more malice uttered against any great King to make all other Princes and Potentates both envy and hate him But if ye list it may easily be tryed whether that speech touched him in honor or not if ye shall ask him the question whether he means to assume to himself that title or no For every King can best judge of his own honor We omit the particular ejaculations of some foul-mouthed Orators in your House against the Honor of that Kings Crown and State And touching your excuse of not determining any thing concerning the Match of our dearest Son but only to tell your Opinion and lay it down at our feet First we desire to know how you could have presumed to determine in that point without committing of High Treason And next you cannot deny but your talking of his his Match after that manner was a direct breach of our commandment and declaration out of our own mouth at the first sitting down of this Parliament where we plainly professed that we were in Treaty of this Match with Spain and wished you to have that confidence in our Religion and Wisdom that we would so manage it as our Religion should receive no prejudice by it And the same we now repeat unto you professing that we are so far engaged in that Match as we cannot in honor go back except the King of Spain perform not such things as we expect at his hands And therefore we are sorry that ye should shew to have so great distrust in us as to conceive that we should be cold in our Religion Otherwise we cannot imagine how our former publique Declaration should not have stopt your mouths in this point And as to your request That we would now receive your former Petition We wonder what could make you presume that we would receive it whereas in our former Letter we plainly declared the contrary unto you And therefore we have justly rejected that suit of yours For what have you left unattempted in the highest points of Soveraignty in that Petition of yours except the striking of Coin For it contains the violation of Leagues the particular way how to govern a War and the Marriage of our dearest Son both Negative with Spain nay with any other Popish Princess and also Affirmatively as to the matching with one of our Religion which we confess is a strain beyond any providence or wisdom God hath given us as things now stand These are unfit things to be handled in Parliament except your King should require it of you For who can have wisdom to judge of things of that nature but such as are daily acquainted with the particulars of Treaties and of the variable and fixed connexion of affairs of State together with the knowledge of the secret ways ends and intentions of Princes in their several Negotiations otherwise a small mistaking of matters of this nature may produce more effects then can be imagined And therefore Ne Sutor ultra crepidam And besides the intermedling in Parliament with matters of Peace or War and Marriage of our dearest Son would be such a Diminution to us and to our Crown in Foreign Countries as would make any Prince neglect to treat with us either in matters of Peace or Marriage except they might be assured by the assent of Parliament And so it proved long ago with a King of France who upon a Trick procuring his States to dissent from some Treaty which before he had made was after refused Treating with any other Princes to his great reproach unless he would first procure the assent of his Estates to their Proposition And will you cast your eyes upon the late times you shall find that the late Queen of famous memory was humbly petitioned by a Parliament to be pleased to marry But her Answer was That she liked their Petition well because it was simple not limiting her to place or person as not befitting her liking to their fancies And if they had done otherwise she would have thought it a high presumption in them Judge then what we may do in such a case having made our publique declaration already as we said before directly contrary to that which you have now petitioned Now to the points in your Petition whereof you desire an Answer as properly belonging to the Parliament The first and the greatest point is that of Religion Concerning which at this time we can give you no other Answer then in the general which is That you may rest secure that we will never be weary to do all we can for the propagation of our Religion and repressing of Popery But the manner and form you must remit to our care and providence who can best consider of times and seasons not by undertaking a Publique War of Religion through all the World at once which how hard and dangerous a task it may prove you may judge But this puts us in mind how all the World complained the last year of plenty of Corn and God sent us a Cooling-card this year for that heat And
Letter quickned the Pope whereupon there ensued a Congregation of Cardinals to determine the matter and afterwards the Popes assent And then the Court of Spain declared such an intire Agreement for the Alliance with England that King Iames was satisfied and could expect no further difficulty But his intelligence from Bruxels and all other parts of the World did quickly cool and almost quench his hopes Sir Richard Weston was a man approved by Gondomar who commended the Kings wisdom in the Election of so fit a Minister for the Treaty at Bruxels yet the man so well disposed and suited to the Kings designs wrote desperate Letters of the Infanta's cold and unworthy manner of Treating in that important business of restoring the Palsgrave Whilest the King of Englands proceedings were so just and clear the Count Palatine was retired to Sedan and there sojourned with his Uncle the Duke of Bouillon and his Partizans Duke Christian of Brunswick and Count Mansfield the pretended obstacles of the Treaty were removed and had taken another course Mansfield went for Holland where the States intended to use him for the raising of the siege of Bergen by cutting off the Convoys between Antwerp and the Spanish Leagure And King Iames had lately offered That in case the forces of Mansfield and Brunswick would not rest but still perturb the Treaty he would joyn with the Emperor and the Arch-Dutchess to quiet them And the English Companies in the Palatinate being penned up in Garrisons could not cause disturbance In the mean while that miserable Countrey was burnt and sacked in the sight of the English Ambassador And now the Imperial and Bavarian forces fall to the besieging of Heidelburgh When the Ambassador at Bruxels complained of these proceedings he received frivolous Answers mixed with Recriminations All that Weston obtained was onely Letters of intreaty from the Infanta to the Emperors Generals to proceed no further though she had before acknowledged a full power from the Emperor to conclude the desired Cessation But they pretended that they would restore all when all was taken For this cause Sir Richard Weston acquainted the Marquess of Buckingham that he could not discern how the weak Hopes given him at Bruxels could agree with those strong Assurances given by the Lord Digby from the Court of Spain Moreover to protract the Palsgraves business the Emperor takes occasion to appoint a Dyet at Ratisbone contrary to his own promise as himself acknowledged Mr. Gage returned from Rome with no better fruit of his Agency for the Dispensation cannot pass till the King give satisfaction to a number of new Conditions which before were never dreamed of and had this mischief in them to bring the King in jealousie with the greatest part of his Subjects A peece of Juggling was observed in this Negotiation For some points of larger Indulgence whereunto King Iames had yielded were concealed from the Pope by the Ministers of the King of Spain The Court then devised to put a good face upon an ill Game and good Sawce to an unsavory Dish For all the World expecting that Gage should bring the Dispensation at his first arival they made him give out That it was passed in Rome and sent from thence to Spain But the King made a close pursuit and resolved they should not escape him The Popes Demands superadded to the Articles of Marriage were taken in hand and Resolutions were given upon them in manner following To the Demand of a Publick Church in London besides a Domestick Chappel assigned to the Infanta and her Family the King made Reply That it was more then was assumed by himself or his Son the Prince That the Chappel allowed was not a private Oratory but in effect a Church where the World might take notice of the Religion which the Infanta professed in publick manner To another Demand That the Superior Minister having Ecclesiastical Authority be in Ordine Episcopali he answered That he would leave it to the King of Spain to appoint as he shall judge expedient But whereas the Pope required That the Ecclesiasticks be subject to no Laws but of their own Ecclesiastical Superiors his answer was That exemption seemed strange as not allowed in all States and Countreys that were of the Roman Religion As for the Education of the Children under the Mothers government Let the King of Spain judge indifferently said the King how unfit it were for us to declare to the World That we engaged our self to permit our Grand-children to be brought up unto years of Marriage in a Religion which we profess not and which is not publickly professed in our Kingdom And further then we have already assented in general to leave the Children under the Mothers tuition for a longer or shorter time according to their constitution and health which may possibly reach unto the time required by the Pope We can by no means condiscend unless the King of Spain think it fit to limit the time to a certainty And whereas the Pope expected some larger offers for the general good of the Roman Church the King shewed That the Articles of Religion agreed upon between himself and the late King of Spain were accounted so satisfactory in the judgment of the Learnedst and greatest Clergy of Spain That they declared their opinion that upon the offer of such Conditions the Pope ought not to withhold the Dispensation And he said further That the Pope was satisfied that he of his own Authority could not grant a general Liberty of exercising the Roman Religion And what is it that they would have For setting that aside he had in a manner done already all that was desired as all the Roman Catholicks have found out of his gratious Clemency towards them and will no doubt acknowledge This Resolution the King sent into Spain for he would not seem to Treat with Rome and therewith this Letter to the Lord Digby now made Earl of Bristol Right Trusty and Welbeloved OUr pleasure is that immediately you crave Audience of that King and represent unto him the merit that we may justly chalenge to our self for our sincere proceedings with the Emperor and him Notwithstanding the many Invitations and Temptations we have had to engage our self on our Son in Laws part That we have both from the Emperor and from him hopes given us from time to time of extraordinary respect howsoever our Son in Law had deserved which we have attended and expected even to the last with much patience and in despight as it were of all opposition which might shake our Resolution in that behalf If now when all impediments are removed and the way is so prepared as that the Emperor may give an end unto the War and make some present Demonstration of his respect towards us in leaving us the honor of holding those poor places which yet remain quietly and peaceably until the general Accommodation the same shall nevertheless be violently taken
to this Crown for it will be a thing necessary for them to do so And those even against their own Religion will foment and assist the Hereticks for hatred to us Without doubt they will follow the other party onely to leave your Majesty with that blemish which never hath be●aln any King of these Dominions The King of England will remain offended and enraged seeing that neither interest nor helps do follow the Alliance with this Crown as likewise with Pretext of particular resentment for having suffered his Daughter and Grand-children to be ruined for respect of the said Alliance The Emperor though he be well-affected and obliged to us in making the Translation at this time as businesses now stands the Duke of Bavaria being possessed of all the Dominions although he would dispose all according to our Conveniencies it will not be in his power to do it as your Majesty and every body may judge and the Memorial that the Emperors Ambassador gave your Majesty yesterday makes it certain since in the List of the Soldiers that every one of our League is to pay he sheweth your Majesty that Bavaria for himself alone will pay more then all the rest joyned together the which doth shew his power and intention which is not to accommodate matters but to keep to himself the Superiority of all in this broken time the Emperor is now in the Dyet and the Translation is to be made in it The Proposition in this estate is by considering the means for a Conference which your Majesties Ministers will do with their Capacities Zeal and Wisdom and it is certain they will herein have enough to do For the difficulty consists to finde a way to make the present estate of affairs straight again which with lingring as it is said Both the power and time will be lost I suppose the Emperor as your Majesty knoweth by his Ambassador desires to marry his Daughter with the King of Englands Son I do not doubt but he will be likewise glad to marry his Second Daughter with the Palatines Son Then I propound that these two Marriages be made and that they be set on foot presently giving the King of England full satisfaction in all his Propositions for the more strict Union and Correspondency that he may agree to it I hold for certain that all the Conveniences that would have followed the Alliance with us will be as full in this and the Conveniencies in the great Engagement are more by this for it doth accommodate the matter of the Palatinate and Succession of his Grand-children with Honor and without drawing a Sword and wasting Treasure With this Interest the Emperor with the Conveniencies of the King of England and the Palatinate the onely means in my way of understanding to hinder those great dangers that do threaten may accommodate the business and not sever himself from the Conveniencies and Engagements of Bavaria and after I would reduce the Prince Elector that was an enemy to the obedience of the Church by breeding his Sons in the Emperors Court with Catholick Doctrine The Business is great the Difficulties greater perchance then have been in any other case I have found my self obliged to present this unto your Majesty and shall shew if you command me what I think fit for the disposing of the things and of the great Ministers which your Majesty hath I hope with the particular Notes of these things and all being helped with the good zeal of the Conde Gondomar it may be God will open a way to it a thing so much for his and your Majesties service Such Consultations had the Catholick King in his Cabinet-Council whilst he pretended so much zeal to a Closure with England Insomuch that King Iames professed to have taken great contentment in the Dispatches of the Earl of Bristol as full and satisfactory And though the Order sent to the Archduchess for the Relief of Anheim arrived too late yet he acknowledged it to be an argument of that Kings sincere intentions But the Kings hopes were still deferred and these Delays were palliated by the stop of the Dispensation till the Pope were further satisfied in the time of the Childrens education under the Mothers government and the exemption of Ecclesiastical persons from all Secular jurisdiction And the Spaniards did not spare to stretch the Kings ductile spirit For he was willing to stand obliged by a private Letter that the Children should be kept under the Mothers wing till the age of Nine years but he desired for Honors sake that no more then Seven might be exprest in the Publique Articles But this Enlargement would not satisfie He must come up to the allowance of Ten years which was the lowest of all to be expected and so he was brought at length to wave his Honor and to insure this Concession by a Publique Ratification And for the Exemption of Ecclesiasticks from the Secular power thus far he yielded That the Ecclesiastical Superior do take notice of the offence that shall be committed and according to the merit thereof either by Degradation deliver him to Secular Justice or banish him the Kingdom Bristol's importunate Negotiation procured this Answer from the King of Spain First touching the Marriage being desirous to overcome all difficulties that might hinder this union he had endeavoured to conform himself with the Resolutions given by the King of Great Britain to the Popes Propositions and had dispatched a Post to Rome that his Holiness judging what hath been here concluded and held sufficient might grant the Dispensation which he engageth to procure within three or four moneths at the farthest And in the interim that no time be lost the remaining Temporal Articles shall be treated and concluded As touching the Palatinate by his late Dispatches into Flanders due course is taken to settle all things as may be desired But until it be known what effects the same hath wrought and what the Emperor will reply no Answer can be given in writing to the Particulars contained in the Ambassadors Memorial Moreover the Popes Demands to which King Iames took exceptions being now accommodated by the King of Spain were sent into England and presently signed by the King and Prince without the change of a word King Iames having strong assurance that the Dispensation must needs be granted speedily appointed his Agent Gage who was now again at Rome to present to the Pope and certain Cardinals those Letters which lay in his hand to be delivered at a fit season The Kings Letter to the Pope gave him the stile of Most Holy Father Likewise he directed the Earl of Bristol to proceed to the Temporal Articles and to consummate the whole business But while the King had so much zeal and confidence in his Applications to Spain and Rome the Palatinate is left at random upon the Spaniards loose and general promises For Colonel Papenheim had block'd up Frankendale the onely Hold whereby the Palsgrave
kept a footing in his ruined Country The Imperialists laughed to think that the English Garrison should expect Relief by the Orders sent from Spain to Bruxels And when the King had made an offer to sequester the Town of Frankendale into the Infanta's hands upon the same assurance from her which herself had offered before the loss of Manheim which was to restore the place whether a peace with the Emperor or a rupture followed she was fallen away from that proposition and would accept the sequestration only upon a simple trust to render it again at the expiration of eighteen moneths In this state of affairs the King wrote thus to his Ambassador in the Spanish Court. Concerning the unfortunate knotty affair of the Palatinate to say the truth as things now stand we cannot tell what you could have done more then you have already done Moreover he shewed That the reason of his late peremptory Instructions concerning a direct Promise of Restitution was the gross delay at Bruxels while Heidelburgh was taken and Manheim beleaguered As also Gages coming from Rome and in stead of the Dispensation presenting him with new demands to engage him in a Dispute or Treaty with the Pope which he said he never intended Wherefore at the instance and perswasion of his Council he was moved to urge the matter so as to bring it to a sudden period Not but that the precisest of them were always of opinion That if the Match were once concluded the other business would be accommodated to his satisfaction Then was the Ambassador required to stir up that King to use all effectual means for diverting the Translation of the Electorate in the present Diet Likewise to make him an offer of Frankendale by way of sequestration upon condition of restoring it in the case as now it stands whether the Peace succeed or not But in the Diet held at Ratisbone the Emperor declared the Palatine to be the Cause and groundwork of all those Wars and miseries and that the Electorate of this proscribed Enemy being devolved into his hands he had conferred it upon the Duke of Bavaria who in this Cause and service had spent his Treasure and hazarded his blood against his own Nephew the Palsgrave The Protestant Princes desired the Emperor to consider That in so high a Cause as the disposing of an Electorate and so principal a Person in the Colledge of Electors who uncited unheard and without all knowledge of the Cause hath been condemned and against all Equity oppressed by the Publication of the Ban His Imperial Majesty should not have proceeded so rigorously without the advice and consent of the other Electors as was agreed upon in the Capitulation Royal and Fundamental Law of the Empire And since the Diet was called for restoring the Peace of the Empire it were necessary in the first place ro remove the Obstacles those extreme Executions in Bohemia which may make that people desperate and which the Lutheran States following the Augustane Confession have their eyes upon And though it be given out that the severity there exercised is merely for private Justice yet it is so linked with the Publique Cause that unless it be speedily ended and the two Churches in Prague again opened and the free exercise of Religion permitted they can see no sure Peace but desolation and ruine like to follow And for the Prince Palatine seeing he is already sufficiently punished it were commendable in his Imperial Majesty to restore him upon submission to his Lands and Dignities otherwise there is no likelihood of restoring Peace And in transferring the Electorate if it must be so this main thing were to be considered Whether the exclusion of the Palsgrave's person doth exclude his Children who by the providence of their Ancestors before this act of their Father had an hereditary right thereunto Or whether that Prince's Brother or other of the Kindred who have no way offended should be in this case neglected This will be ill resented by the other Electors and Princes allied to the Palatine who have been quiet hitherto upon confidence of the Emperors clemencie But perceiving all hopes of recovering the Electoral Dignity to their Family taken away must needs have recourse to Arms. They further added That the Palatine was young and abused by evil Counsels and no way the Author of the stirrs in Bohemia Wherefore they give their advice That his restoring will quiet the otherwise endless troubles of the Empire and for ever engage him and all his Allies and the whole Electoral Colledge to his Imperial Majesty The Catholick Princes answered That the Palatinate being devolved upon the Emperor he may bestow it according to his own pleasure And that he cannot safely hold any terms of Amity with the Palatine That the impunity of so great an Offender will encourage others to offend And as for by-past sufferings there hath been little difference between his and the Emperors though the Cause were far different And that Mansfeld his General is yet in the Field and prosecutes his Cause by force of Arms. The other Party replied That the security of the Imperial Dignity and the safety of the Empire consisted in the Concord between the Emperor and the Princes Electors And if his Imperial Majesty shall use this rigor the Princes of Lower Saxony are of opinion that there can be no Peace established But this desired Reconciliation will give the Emperor a quiet possession of the Provinces recovered by the aid of the Electors and Princes otherwise there is a fair pretension left for the renewing of the War for that the Palatines Sons and Brother are passed by in the translation of the Electorate and the King of Great Britain cannot but take it ill to see his endeavors produce no better effect but that his onely Daughter and her Children are left in Exile The Emperor takes up the debate and sheweth That before the Ban was published he desired nothing more then that a Diet might be convoked which being impeded by the prosecution of the War he could do no less then publish this Proscription to repress the Palatine which some that now dispute it did then declare to be legal and necessary And this proscribed Enemy he will not restore to the Electoral Dignity nor yet defer to compleat the number of Electors Thus have we good words from Spain and miserable usage from all the rest of the House of Austria Sir Dudley Carlton Ambassador Resident at the Hague assured the Marquis of Buckingham That though the Spanish Ambassador D' Ognat in publique opposed the Emperor in transferring the Electorate yet the judgment generally made upon it was this That it was a meer Patelinage with a secret understanding to abuse King Iames his goodness Likewise the Emperor not content to have chased the Palsgrave out of Germany in the Propositions of the former Diet made this an Article to make War upon the United
sent from England This magnificent Entertainment and the universal Joy in Spain was grounded on the hope of the Prince's turning Catholick For the voice of the people went That he was come to be a Christian And the Conde Olivares when he gave him the first Visit did congratulate his Arrival with these expressions That the Match should be made presently and that the Kings of Spain and England should divide the World between them For that he did not question but he came thither to be of their Religion Whereunto the Prince answered That he came not thither for Religion but for a Wife But there wanted no endeavors to reconcile the Prince and by him the British Dominions to the Sea of Rome Gregory the Fifteenth then Pope exhorted the Bishop of Conchen Inquisitor-General of Spain to improve the opportunity And he sought to charm the Prince by writing a very smooth Letter to him Yea he condescended to write to Buckingham his Guide and Familiar to incline him to the Romish religion And the Pope also wrote a Letter to the Prince the tenor whereof followeth MOst Noble Prince We wish you the health and light of Gods grace Forasmuch as Great Britain hath always been fruitful in vertues and in men of great worth having filled the one and the other World with the glory of her renown She doth also very often draw the thoughts of the Holy Apostolical Chair to the consideration of her praises And indeed the Church was but then in her infancie when the King of Kings did choose her for his inheritance and so affectionately that 't is believed the Roman Eagles were hardly there before the Banner of the Cross. Besides that many of her Kings instructed in the knowledge of the true salvation have preferred the Cross before the Royal Scepter and the Discipline of Religion before Covetousness leaving examples of piety to other Nations and to the Ages yet to come So that having merited the Principalities and first places of blessedness in Heaven they have obtained on Earth the triumphant ornaments of Holiness And although now the state of the English Church is altered We see nevertheless the Court of Great Britain adorned and furnished with Moral vertues which might serve to support the charity we bear unto her and be an ornament to the name of Christianity if withall she could have for her defence and protection the Orthodox and Catholick truth Therefore by how much the more the glory of your most Noble Father and the apprehension of your Royal inclination delights us with so much more zeal we desire that the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven might be opened unto you and that you might purchase to your self the love of the Universal Church Moreover it being certain that Gregory the Great of most blessed memory hath introduced to the people of England and taught to their Kings the law of the Gospel and the respect of Apostolical authority We as inferior to him in holiness and vertue but equal in name and degree of dignity think it very reasonable that we following his blessed footsteps should endeavor the salvation of those Provinces especially at this time when you design most Noble Prince elevates us to the hope of an extraordinary advantage Therefore as you have directed your journey to Spain towards the Catholick King with desire to ally your self to the House of Austria We do commend your design and indeed do testifie openly in this present business that you are he that takes principal care of our Prelacy For seeing that you desire to take in marriage the Daughter of Spain from thence we may easily conjecture that the antient seeds of Christian piety which have so happily flourished in the hearts of the Kings of Great Britain may God prospering them revive again in your soul. And indeed it is not to be believed that the same man should love such an Alliance that hates the Catholick Religion and should take delight to oppress the Holy Chair To that purpose we have commanded that most humble prayers be made continually to the Father of lights that he would be pleased to put you as a fair Flower of Christendom and the onely Hope of Great Britain in possession of that most noble Heritage which your Ancestors purchased for you to defend the authority of the Soveraign High-Priest and to fight against the Monsters of Heresie Remember the days of old enquire of your Fathers and they will tell you the way that leads to Heaven and what way the Temporal Princes have taken to attain to the everlasting Kingdom Behold the gates of Heaven opened The most holy Kings of England who came from England to Rome accompanied with Angels did come to honor and do homage to the Lord of Lords and to the Prince of the Apostles in the Apostolical Chair their actions and their examples being as so many voices of God speaking and exhorting you to follow the course of the lives of those to whose Empire you shall one day attain Is it possible that you can suffer that the Hereticks should hold them for impious and condemn those whom the faith of the Church testifies to reign in the Heavens with Iesus Christ and have command and authority over all Principalities and Empires of the Earth Behold how they tender you the hand of this truly happy Inheritance to conduct you safe and sound to the Court of the Catholick King and who desire to bring you back again into the lap of the Roman Church beseeching with unspeakable sighs and groans the God of all mercy for your salvation and do stretch out to you the arms of the Apostolical charity to embrace you with all Christian affection even you that are her desired Son in shewing you the happy hope of the Kingdom of Heaven And indeed you cannot give a greater consolation to all the people of the Christian world then to put the Prince of the Apostles in possession of your most noble Island whose authority hath been held so long in the Kingdom of Britain for the defence of Kingdoms and for a Divine Oracle The which will easily come to pass and that without difficulty if you open your heart to the Lord that knocks upon which depends all the happiness of that Kingdom It is from this our great charity that we cherish the praises of the Royal Name and that which makes us desire that you and your Royal Father may be stiled with the names of Deliverers and Restorers of the antient and paternal Religion of Great Britain This is it we hope for trusting in the goodness of God in whose hands are the hearts of Kings and who causeth the people of the earth to receive healing to whom we will always labour with all our power to render you gracious and favorable In the interim take notice by these Letters of the care of our charity which is none other then to procure your happiness And it will never grieve us
as no Ceremony or other thing intervene which shall be contrary to the Roman Catholick Apostolick Religion III. That the most Gratious Infanta shall take with her such Servants and Family as are convenient for her service which Family and all persons to her belonging shall be chosen and nominated by the Catholick King So as he nominate no Servant which is Vassal to the King of Great Britain without his will and consent IV. That as well the most Gratious Infanta as all her Servants and Family shall have free use and publick Exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion in manner and form as is beneath capitulated V. That she shall have an Oratory and Decent Chappel in her Palace where at the pleasure of the most Gratious Infanta Masses may be celebrated and in like manner she shall have in London or wheresoever she shall make her abode a Publick and Capacious Church near her Palace wherein all Duties may be solemnly celebrated and all other things necessary for the Publick Preaching of Gods Word the Celebration and Administration of all the Sacraments of the Catholick Roman Church and for burial of the Dead and Baptizing of Children That the said Oratory Chappel and Church shall be adorned with such decency as shall seem convenient to the most Gratious Infanta VI. That the Men-servants and Maid-servants of the most Gratious Infanta and their Servants Children and Descendents and all their Families of what sort soever serving her Highness may be freely and publickly Catholicks VII That the most Gratious Infanta her Servants and Family may live as Catholicks in form following That the most Gratious Infanta shall have in her Palace her Oratory and Chappel so spatious that her said Servants and Family may enter and stay therein in which there shall be an ordinary and publick door for them and another inward door by which the Infanta may have a passage into the said Chappel where she and other as abovesaid may be present at Divine Offices VIII That the Chappel Church and Oratory may be beautified with decent Ornaments of Altars and other things necessary for Divine Service which is to be celebrated in them according to the custom of the Holy Roman Church and that it shall be lawful for the said Servants and others to go to the said Chappel and Church at all hours as to them shall seem expedient X. That the care and custody of the said Chappel and Church shall be committed to such as the Lady Infanta shall appoint to whom it shall be lawful to appoint Keepers that no body may enter into them to do any undecent thing XI That to the Administration of the Sacraments and to serve in Chappel and Church aforesaid there shall be Four and twenty Priests and Assistants who shall serve weekly or monethly as to the Infanta shall seem fit and the Election of them shall belong to the Lady Infanta and the Catholick King Provided That they be none of the Vassals of the King of Great Britain and if they be his will and consent is to be first obtained XII That there be one Superior Minister or Bishop with necessary Authority upon all occasions which shall happen belonging to Religion and for want of a Bishop that his Vicar may have his Authority and Jurisdiction XIII That this Bishop or Superior Minister may Correct and Chastise all Roman Catholicks who shall offend and shall exercise upon them all Jurisdiction Ecclesiastical And moreover also the Lady Infanta shall have power to put them out of her service whensoever it shall seem expedient to her XIV That it may be lawful for the Lady Infanta and her Servants to procure from Rome Dispensations Indulgences Jubilees and all Graces as shall seem fit to their Religion and Consciences and to get and make use of any manner of Catholick Books whatsoever XV. That the Servants and Family of the Lady Infanta who shall come into England shall take the Oath of Allegiance to the King of Great Britain Provided That there be no clause therein which shall be contrary to their Consciences and the Roman Catholick Religion and if they happen to be Vassals to the King of Great Britain they shall take the same Oath that the Spaniards do XVI That the Laws which are or shall be in England against Religion shall not take hold of the said Servants and onely the foresaid Superior Ecclesiastical Catholick may proceed against Ecclesiastical persons as hath been accustomed by Catholicks And if any Secular Judge shall apprehend any Ecclesiastical person for any offence he shall forthwith cause him to be delivered to the aforesaid Superior Ecclesiastick who shall proceed against him according to the Canon Law XVII That the Laws made against Catholicks in England or in any other Kingdom of the King of Great Britain shall not extend to the Children of this Marriage and though they be Catholicks they shall not lose the right of Succession to the Kingdom and Dominions of Great Britain XVIII That the Nurses which shall give suck to the Children of the Lady Infanta whither they be of the Kingdom of Great Britain or of any other Nation whatsoever shall be chosen by the Lady Infanta as she pleaseth and shall be accounted of her Family and enjoy the priviledges thereof XIX That the Bishop Ecclesiastical and Religious persons of the Family of the Lady Infanta shall wear the Vestment and Habit of their Dignity Profession and Religion after the Custom of Rome XX. For security that the said Matrimony be not dissolved for any cause whatsoever The King and Prince are equally to pass the Word and Honor of a King and moreover that they will perform whatsoever shall be propounded by the Catholick King for further confirmation if it may be done decently and fitly XXI That the Sons and Daughters which shall be born of this Marriage shall be brought up in the company of the most Excellent Infanta at the least until the age of Ten years and shall freely enjoy the right of Successions to the Kingdoms as aforesaid XXII That whensoever any place of either Man-servant or Maid-servant which the Lady Infanta shall bring with her nominated by the Catholick King her Brother shall happen to be void whether by death or by other cause or accident all the said Servants of her Family are to be supplied by the Catholick King as aforesaid XXIII For security that whatsoever is capitulated may be fulfilled The King of Great Britain and Prince Charls are to be bound by Oath and all the Kings Council shall confirm the said Treaty under their hands Moreover the said King and Prince are to give their Faiths in the Word of a King to endeavor if possible That whatsoever is capitulated may be established by Parliament XXIV That conformable to this Treaty all these things proposed are to be allowed and approved of by the Pope t●at he may give an Apostolical Benediction and a Dispensation necessary to effect the Marriage The Oath taken
by the King and Prince was as followeth WE Ratifying and confirming the aforesaid Treaty and all and every Capitulation contained and specified in the same do approve applaud confirm and ratifie of our certain knowledge all and every of these things in as much as they concern our Selves our Heirs or our Successors And we promise by these presents in the word of a King to kéep fulfil and observe the same and to cause them to be kept fulfilled and observed inviolably firmly well and faithfully effectually Bona fide without all exception and contradiction And we confirm the same with an Oath upon the Holy Evangelists in the presence of the Illustrious and Noble John de Mendoza Charls de Colona Ambassadors of the most Gratious Catholick ●ing residing in our Court. In Testimony and Witness of all and every the premises we have caused our Great Seal to be put to those Articles subscribed by our Hands there in the presence of the most Reverend Father in Christ George Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England and the Reverend Father in Christ John Bishop of Lincoln Lord Kéeper of the Great Seal of England Lionel Cranfield Cheif Treasurer of England Henry Uiscount Mandevil President of our Council Edward Earl of Worcester Kéeper of the Privy Seal Lewis Duke of Richmond and Lenox Lord Steward of our Houshold James Marquess Hamilton James Earl of Carlisle Thomas Earl of Kelly Oliver Uiscount Grandeson c. and George Calvert Knight one of our Cheif Secretaries of State and all of our Privy Council Given at our Palace of Westminster c. JACOBUS Rex After this the King did swear to certain private Articles in favor of Papists and for the advancement of the Roman Religion JAMES by the grace of God of Great Britain King Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom this present-writing shall come gréeting Inasmuch as among many other things which are contained within the Treaty of Marriage betwéen our most dear Son Charls Prince of Wales and the most renowned Lady Donna Maria Sister of the most renowned Prince and our welbeloved Brother Philip the Fourth King of Spain It is agréed That we by our Oath shall approve the Articles under-expressed to a word 1. That particular Laws made against Roman Catholicks under which other Vassals of our Realms are not comprehended and to whose observation all generally are not obliged as likewise general Laws under which all are equally comprised if so be they are such which are repugnant to the Romish religion shall not at any time hereafter by any means or chance whatsoever directly or indirectly be commanded to be put in execution against the said Roman Catholicks and we wil cause that our Council shall take the same Oath as far as it pertains to them and belongs to the execution which by the hands of them their Ministers is to be exercised 2. That no other Laws shall hereafter be made anew against the said Roman Catholicks but that there shall be a perpetual Toleration of the Roman Catholick Religion within private houses throughout all our Realms and Dominions which we will have to be understood as well of our Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland as in England which shall be granted to them in manner and form as is capitulated decreed granted in the Article of the Treaty concerning the Marriage 3. That neither by us nor by any other interposed person whatsoever directly or indirectly privately or publikely will we treat or attempt any thing with the most renowned Lady Infanta Donna Maria which shall be repugnant to the Romish Catholick religion Neither will we by any means perswade her that she should ever renounce or relinquish the same in substance or form or that she should do any thing repugnant or contrary to those things which are contained in the Treaty of Matrimony 4. That We and the Prince of Wales will interpose our authority and will do as much as in us shall lie that the Parliament shall approve confirm and ratifie all and singular Articles in favor of the Roman Catholicks capitulated between the most renowned Kings by reason of this Marriage And that the said Parliament shall revoke and abrogate particular Laws made against the said Roman Catholicks to whose observance also the rest of our Subjects and Vassals are not obliged as likewise the general Laws under which all are equally comprehended to wit as to the Roman Catholicks if they be such as is aforesaid which are repugnant to the Roman Catholick Religion And that hereafter we will not consent that the said Parliament should ever at any time enact or write any other new Laws against Roman Catholicks MOreover I Charls Prince of Wales engage my self and promise that the most Illustrious King of Great Britain my most honored Lord and Father shall do the same both by word and writing That all those things which are contained in the foregoing Articles and concern as well the suspension as the abrogation of all Laws made against the Roman Catholicks shall within thrée years infallibly take effect and sooner if it be possible which we will have to lie upon our Conscience and Royal honor That I will intercede with the most illustrious King of G. Britain my father that the ten years of the education of the children which shall be born of this marriage with the most illustrious Lady Infanta their mother accorded in the 23 Art which term the Pope of Rome desires to have prorogued to twelve years may be lengthened to the said term And I promise fréely and of my own accord and swear That if it so happen that the entire power of disposing of this matter be d●volved to me I will also grant and approve the said term Furthermore I Prince of Wales oblige my self upon my faith to the Catholick King That as often as the most illustrious Lady Infanta shall require that I should give ear to Divines or others whom her Highness shall be pleased to employ in matter of the Roman Catholick religion I will hearken to them willingly without all difficulty and laying aside all excuse And for further caution in point of the frée exercise of the Catholick religion and the suspension of the Law above-named I Charls Prince of Wales promise and take upon me in the word of a King that the things above promised and treated concerning those matters shall take effect and be put in execution as well in the Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland as of England The Privy-Councellors Oath was this I A.B. do swear That I will truly and fully observe as much as belongeth to me all and every of the Articles which are contained in the Treaty of Marriage betwéen the most gracious Charls Prince of Wales and the most gracious Lady Donna Maria Infanta of Spain Likewise I swear that I will neither commit to execution nor cause to be executed either by my self or by any inferior Officer serving me any
Laws made against any Roman Catholick whatsoever nor will execute any punishment inflicted by any of those Laws but in all things which belong to me will faithfully observe his Majesties word given in that behalf But in the taking of the solemn Publick Oath it is said there arose a difficulty between the King and the Spanish Ambassadors concerning the Popes title Most holy which the King refused to pronounce openly in the Chappel at Whitehall alleadging that it was repugnant to his Religion and might be an impeachment to his honor But the Ambassadors would proceed no further till the King had yielded to give him that Title There was another rub which the King soon removed The Ambassadors had heard that in the Kings Chappel when they should come to see the swearing of the Articles they should be present at such Prayers and Singing as were used in the Protestant Church whereunto they declared that they could not yield since the end of their coming thither was to maintain and warrant the Catholick Apostolical and Roman Church Whereupon the King commanded that nothing should then be sung but what was chanted when the Constable of Castile did swear the Peace between the two Crowns which was a Hymn of Joy in praise of Peace At that time England had swarms of Priests and Jesuites who were busie in drawing the people from the Protestant religion And a titular Bishop of Calcedon privately came to London to exercise Episcopal jurisdiction over the Catholicks of this Kingdom 'T is said that King Iames had now so much confidence of the Match as to say openly in the Court That now all the Devils in hell could not break it In Spain the Infanta was stiled the Princess of England and was kept no longer in her Virgin-retirements In England a Chappel was building for her at S. James and Don Carlos de Colona laid the first stone Her Picture was every-where to be seen and a Fleet was prepared for her passage And the greatest Enemies to this Alliance submitted to the Kings will But in all this Capitulation between the two Crowns hitherto the Restitution of the Palatinate was laid aside the King conceiving that the Consummation of the Match would overrule and settle that affair to his entire satisfaction In the height of the Spanish Treaty there was a notable Letter writ from Mr. Alured to the Duke perswading him not only to endeavor the breaking off the Match with Spain but also the preventing of any Match with a Princess of a different Religion THe Parable in the Gospel said he tells of a great King that married his Son and bade many thereunto yea upon the excusal of some and re●usal of others all of whatsoever condition as well out of the high-ways as the high-places were called and invited As every true Christian hath an interest in the Marriage of that Kings Son of Heaven so every good Subject as well as every great Subject hath an interest in the Marriage and welfare of the Kings Son here on Earth Which occasions so many and me the meanest of those many to wish that it may bring with it glory to Him on high good will and peace to those on earth Which is much doubted cannot be from Spain since the motioning of that Match makes a general fear that it can neither be safe for the Kings person nor good for his Church and Commonwealth because that thereby there may be an inlet to the Romish Locusts who like the Cankerworm may in an instant smite our Gourd under whose shadow we sit safe To address this poor discourse to your Lordships more particular Kings have almost ever used to have their Favorites Alexander had long since his Ephestion and Henry the Third of France of late his Espernon and Philip of Spain had since his Lermas Yea the best Princes have not wanted them For after the reckoning of David's great Officers Hushai the Archyte is called the Kings Friend and Ira the Iarite is set down to have been Chief about David Which stands to Reason and agrees with Nature For every private man is left to affect as he likes neither can Affection be forced Now to disallow or confine that in a King which is left at liberty in the meanest Subject were preposterous and injurious For though they command Nations as they are Kings yet they are subject to their Passions as they are men And if I may alleadge it without misinterpretation of others as I am free from ill meaning my self Who knows but Christ the rather to shew himself a Natural man expressed so much ●he more his Passion in his often weeping and his Affection to divers particulars but especially to S. John if I may not say his Favorite certainly the Disciple whom Iesus loved more then any of the rest It is Gods blessing and your happiness if you account it so to be the Kings Favorite As Peter therefore not presuming to ask Christ who it was he spake of beckoned to the Disciple whom Iesus loved on whose breast he leaned to ask for him so since most men neither may or ought to be so bold to ask or advise the King in this business so much spoken of yet they point at you who the higher you are in the Kings favor the more you are in the Peoples eye and observation and they expect you will not be wanting in the duty of a Subject a Councellor and a Favorite We do not read of any servant almost better respected of his Lord and Master then Eliezar of Damascus whom Abraham had meant had he died childless to have made his heir and we read not of any service he did Abraham more at least greater then in choice of a Wife for his son Isaac Among the Servants of our Patriarch the Defender of our Faith we observe none better respected then your self For the King hath manifested he loves not your person only but takes care for your soul and labors to make you as good as great and as happy in another world as high in this Yet we know not wherein you can do him better service then with Eliezar to help to choose a Rebeccah for our hopeful Prince We have not heard said he of any Protestant King that ever married with a contrary Religion save the last Henry of Navar with the last Margaret of France which Marriage so unfortunate to the parties having never Issue and being afterwards divorced was also so fatal to our Religion that there was more Blood spilt at those Nuptials then Wine spent For while the Protestants dreamed of the glory and security they should have by the Match they were most miserably massacred And who doubts but what the French Papists committed in their own Country upon that colour and occasion the Spanish Papists would be glad to see done in this Kingdom upon the like For without breach of charity we may doubt of their sincere meaning though there be
of all such as should serve their Princes with the like loyalty had sent him a Blank signed by himself wherein he might set down his own Conditions both in point of Title and Fortune And this he did in no wise to oblige another Princes Subject but only to give encouragement to honest and faithful proceedings And therefore he would not make these offers in private but open and justifiable to all the world and would accompany all that he should do with a Declaration or Patent That what he had done for the Earl of Bristol was for the fidelity wherewith he had served his own Master Hereunto the Earl made answer That he was sorry and much afflicted to hear such language And desired that they should understand that neither this King nor Spain were beholding to him For whatsoever he had done he thought the same to be fittest for his Masters service and his own honor having no relation to Spain and that he served a Master from whom he was assured both of justice and due reward And nothing doubted but his own Innocencie would prevail against the wrong intended by his powerful Adversaries And were he sure to run into imminent danger he had rather go home and cast himself at his Masters feet and mercy and therein comply with the duty and honor of a faithful Subject though it should cost him his head then be Duke or Infantado of Spain And that with this resolution he would imploy the utmost of his power to maintain the Amity between the two Kings and their Crowns and to serve his Catholick Majesty After he had taken his leave and was ready to come away he had another Profer made unto him in private of Ten thousand Crowns to take with him in his purse to make his way and go through with his troubles if haply his own monies might be seised upon And it was told him no body should know it Yes said he one would know it who he was assured would reveal it to his Majesty viz. the Earl of Bristol himself and it would make him not so clear in his own heart as now he was and so he refused the offer The Match was now truly broken but as yet the breach was not declared nor the Treaty quite fallen to the ground but continued after a languishing manner in the hands of Sir Walter Aston The Spaniards by all Advertisements from England were advised to expect a War and accordingly they went seriously to work and prepared themselves for what might happen And Aston being there upon the place conceived it high time that King Iames should resolve upon some course to allay the storm arising or to go hand in hand with them in equal preparations All that was left alive of the Marriage-business was no more then that those Jewels which the Prince had left at his Farewel were not yet returned But if the Letter then expected from England brought no better Answer to their last Offer concerning the Palatinate then such as they had hither to received they will return the Jewels and declare the Marriage broken For by this time they had received intelligence of the Princes treating a Marriage with a Daughter of France the Lady Henrietta Maria. And so it was that King Iames had lately sent the Lord Kensington afterwards Earl of Holland to enquire covertly whether the Match were feasible before he would enter into a Publick Treaty The Lord Kensington returned this Accompt of his Negotiation That there appeared in the face of that Court an extraordinary sweetness smoothness and clearness towards an Alliance with England The Princess herself was observed seldom to have put on a more cheerful countenance then she had done the first night of his appearance in that Court The Queen though a Daughter of Spain wished this Match more then that intended with her own Sister And the Queen-mother who will have the chief stroke in the business expressed her good will and favor as much as might stand with her Daughters honor For the French observe the aspiring of the King of Spain to the Monarchy of Christendom and his approaches to the Kingdom of France and his encompassing it on all sides And they discern that an Alliance with England is the surest way to oppose the mightiness of that King And upon the same accompt they promised brave assistance to the United Provinces gave great encouragement to Count Mansfield and Duke Christian of Brunswick A Gentleman of the Religion was sent to Liege to offer them the Kings protection if that Town will seek it Nevertheless they have not directly embraced this Overture of Marriage because we have not as yet wholly abandoned the Treaty with Spain lest they should lose the Friendship of a Brother-in-law to gain another which may possibly fail them But they say that their hearts are not capable of more content then to see this Motion upon a Publick Commission and all that may touch upon the way of Spain dissolved Neither are they like to strain us to unreasonable Conditions in favor of the Roman Catholicks in his Majesties Dominions For in that matter their Pulse beats so temperately as to promise a good Crisis therein And in case his Majesty be drawn to banish the Priests and Jesuites and to quicken the Laws against other Catholicks to keep a good Intelligence with his Parliament yet they say they hope he will not tie his hands from some moderate favor to flow hereafter from the mediation of that State which is all they pretend unto for the saving of their honor who otherwise would hardly be reputed Catholicks Thus the Lord Kensington having rendred an accompt of his diligence advised to go on roundly with the Match lest otherwise though never so well affected they be altered with the Arts of Spain For saith he undoubtedly the King of Spain will resolve if possible to oblige one side And as the French do think he may please England with the restitution of the Palatinate so we may think he will please the French with rendring of the Valtoline But without the assistance of Parliament and compliance with the people the King could not go through with those weighty works which he was now to take in hand Now the things which troubled the People were set forth to the King in three particulars As That for the Subsidies granted in the two last Parliaments they received no retributions by Bils of Grace That some of their Burgesses were proceeded against after the Parliament was dissolved And that when they have satisfied the Kings demands he will nevertheless proceed to the conclusion of the Spanish Match Hereupon some of his nearest Council perswaded him to begin the work by removing the peoples Jealousies and to cast away some crums of his Crown amongst them and those crums would work miracles and satisfie many thousands And whereas the aim of the former Treaties was the setling of an universal peace in Christendom
and since the malice of deceitful men hath crost those fair ways abusing his Majesties trust goodness he must cast about and sail by another point of the Compass whereby he might securely and easily attain to his noble and pious ends The means whereunto were these First that his Enemies know the Lyon hath teeth claws Next that he imbrace and invite a strict association and friendship with those whom neighborhood alliance and common Interest of State and Religion had joined to him Feb. 19. the Parliament began at Westminster The King being set in the Throne spake thus I Have assembled you at this time to impart to you a secret and matter of great importance as can b● to my State and the State of my Children wherein I crave your best and safest advice and counsel according as the Writ whereby you were assembled imports That the King would advise with you in matters concerning his Estate and Dignity And as I have ever endeavored by this the like ways to procure and cherish the love of my people towards me so do I hope and my hope is exceeded by faith for I fully now believe that never any King was more beloved of his people whom as you my Lords and Gentlemen do here represent so would I have you truly ●o represent their loves all to me that in you as in a true Mirror or glass I may perfectly behold it and not as in a False glass that represents it not at all or otherwise then it is indeed Give me your free and faithful counsels in the matter I propose of which you have often heard the Match of my Son wherein as you may know I have spent much time with great cost in long Treaties desiring always therein and not without reason hoping to have effected my desires the advancement of my State and Children and the general Peace of Christendom wherein I have always constantly labored depending upon fair hopes and promises At the earnest instance of my Son I was contented although it was of an extraordinary nature to send him to prosecute his desires in Spain and for his more safety sent Buckingham in whom I ever reposed most trust of my person with him with this command continually to be present with him and never to leave him till he returned again fafely unto me Which he perform'd though not with that effect in the busines that I expected yet not altogether without profit For it taught me this point of wisdom Qui versatur in generalibus is easily deceived and that Generality brings nothing to good issue but that before any matter can be fully finished it must be brought to particulars For when as I thought the affair had been before their going produced to a narrow point relying upon their general propositions I found when they came there the matter proved to be so raw as if it had never been treated of the generals giving them easie way to evade and affording them means to avoid the effecting of any thing The particulars that passed in the Treaty I mean not now to discover to you the time being too short I refer you to Charls Buckingham and the Secretaries Reports who shall relate unto you all the particulars And after that super totam materiam I desire your best assistance to advise me what is best and fittest for me to do for the good of the Commonwealth and the advancement of Religion and the good of my Son and my Grandchildren of the Palatine And of our estate I know you cannot but be sensible considering that your welfare consists in ours and you shall be sure to have your share in what misery shall befall us And therefore I need to urge no other Argument to you in this behalf in offering me your wisest and surest Counsel and Furtherance And I assure you in the faith of a Christian King that it is res integra presented unto you and that I stand not bound nor either way engaged but remain free to follow what shall be best advised To plant is not sufficient unless like good Gardiners you pluck up the weeds that will choak your labors And the greatest weeds among you are Jealousies root them out For my Actions I dare avow them before God but Jealousies are of a strange depth I am the Husband and you the Wife and it is subject to the Wife to be jealous of her Husband Let this be far from you I can truly say and will avouch it before the seat of God and Angels that never King governed with a purer sincerer and more uncorru●● heart then I have done far from all will and meaning of the least error or imperfection in my Reign It hath been talked of my remisness in maintenance of Religion and suspition of a Toleration But as God shall judge me I never thought nor meant nor ever in word expressed any thing that savored of it It is true that at times for reasons best known to my self I did not so fully put those Laws in execution but did wink and connive at some things which might have hindred more weighty affairs But I never in all my Treaties ever agreed to any thing to the overthrow and disagreeing of those Laws but had in all a chief preservation of that Truth which I have ever professed And as in that respect I have a charitable conceit of you I would have you have the like of me also In which I did not transgress For it is a good Horse-mans part not always to use his spurs and keep strait the rein but sometimes to use the spurs and suffer the reins more remiss so it is the part of a wise King and my age and experience in Government hath informed me sometimes to quicken the Laws with strait executions and at other times upon just occasion to be more remiss And I would also remove from your thoughts all jealousies that I might or ever did question or infringe any of your lawful Liberties or Priviledges but I protest before God I ever intended you should enjoy the fulness of all those that former Times give good warrant and testimony of which if need be I will enlarge and amplifie Therefore I would have you as I have in this place heretofore told you as S. Paul did Timothy avoid Genealogies and curious Questions and nice Querks and Jerks of Law and idle Innovations And if you minister me no just occasion I never yet was nor never shall be curious or captious to quarrel with you But I desire you to avoid all doubts and hinderances and to compose your selves speedily and quietly to this weighty affair I have proposed for that I have found already delayes have proved dangerous and have bred distraction of this business and I would not have you by other occasions to neglect or protract it God is my Judge I speak it as a Christian King Never any waifaring man that was in the Desarts of Arabia and in
could not be done This the Prince affirmed to be acted in his presence But the Earl of Bristol made a more benign construction thereof the Duke a right-down conclusion That this people never intended either Match or Restitution and so wished his Highness fairly at home again However the Messenger was dispatched to Rome Four or five days after his Highness was placed to see his Mistress in her passage through the streets as she made her visits from Church to Church But pressing for access he was delayed but at last obtained a visit But a very strange one He was not suffered to speak unto her but as they had set it down in words and syllables in writing saying They were no Astrologers and could not foresee the event of this Marriage and therefore they resolved to admit him as a Prince onely and not as a Suitor But the Conde salved this up with a Complement That if the Dispensation were once returned he should lie with her even that very night nay have her he should upon any terms If he could not be qualified to enjoy her as a Wife yet he should have her as a Mistress Soon after riding in a Coach it was urged by the Conde That the Infanta was of a tender Conscience and if she should come into England and finde the Prince an enemy to her Religion it would quite dishearten her His Highness consented to hear her upon this subject because he was as like to convert her as she was to pervert him A Conference with Divines was pressed upon his Highness which he refused and said If after Disputation with them they should not prevail against a yong man they would remain much disgusted and ill-affected to the whole Negotiation This kinde of importunity was still used toward the Prince till the return of the Dispensation Six weeks after the Princes arival came the Dispensation but his Highness understood from Rome by Mr. Gage that the Dispensation was returned much clogged in Matter and Manner especially with the annexed new Condition The King of Spain before the receiving of the Dispensation was to take an Oath to see all the Articles performed whereupon Faculty was issued really performed or else to make War in case of any failer upon the King of England His Highness signified his Resolution unto them that he neither could nor would adde or alter any thing of the first Articles sent to England A Iuncto of Divines are appointed to meet and consider whether the King might safely take the Oath By this time the Prince had gone through all the Articles sitting in person with the Committee onely leaving three undiscussed That of the Church that of the Nurse and that of the Education of the Children which his Highness reserved till he should speak with the King Then said the Conde Now the business is in a better way then ever it was a Match and without more ado she was his Wife But the next day came Gondomar and spake unto the Prince of the same Match as of a new thing and told him plainly That unless his Highness came to all the Conditions of the Dispensation as they were sent from Rome clearly and entirely nothing would be done for they had no power to remove or alter a word of false Latine Whereupon his Highness was justly distasted and offered to break Then they pressed the Prince that he would be pleased to stay twenty days until the King of Spain might receive an Answer from England The Prince resolved to stay upon condition that Sir Francis Cottington might be dispatched away within two days and some Messenger that might overtake him with the Articles that should be sent after as soon as ever they could be made ready But the two days of their hammering spun out to twenty at the end thereof they brought them with new Additions The Articles being at last sent to England the Iuncto of Divines delivered their opinions that the Infanta could not be sent over before the Spring at which his Highness was offended but the Conde prevailed with him to stay until their Ambassadors should certifie out of England that the Articles were assented unto by King Iames and put in execution and then the Lady should go with the Prince The Bishop of Segovia was pleased to say to the Duke That he had heard something of the State of our Kingdom and had received it from good hands That our King could not make a Toleration without a Rebellion and easily believed it because the King of Spain is not able in his Dominions to effect the like enterprise without incurring the like danger therefore he concluded it was unsafe to send the Lady thither at this time because we having granted as much in effect as a Toleration it was very probable she should be welcomed with a rising and rebellion To which the Duke replied That if the favors which the King his Master had exhibited to his Catholicks at the Mediation of that King and the Advice of that very Committee of which that Bishop was one be of so dangerous a consequence it seems their Lordships who gave the Advice for that Article though they pretended Religion intended plain and open Rebellion But you must know quoth the Duke if his Highness had been of my Lord Bishops opinion That these Conferences had amounted to a Toleration he had never accepted of these Articles to have gained any allowance For what was agreed unto was but a Temporary Suspension of Penal Laws but no Toleration for that could not be done but by consent of Parliament Then Gondomar hereupon said That for his part he did not hold it fit to send the Infanta thither before the Articles be perfectly put in execution And Gondomar privately infused to the Prince his Highness being incensed against the Duke That the Duke was in heart as he said all his Kinred were a Roman Catholick and he said to a Jesuite of great account and zeal in those parts That the Duke was a most obstinate perverse and refractory Puritan About this time it was reported that the Prince intended to steal away whereupon they laid in wait to intercept him Hereupon the Duke was sent to tell them That although they had stoln thither out of love they would never steal thence out of fear About this time the Prince sent a Message to his Father That if he should receive any Advertisement that he was detained by that State as a Prisoner he would be pleased for his sake never to think upon him any longer as a Son but reflect upon the good of his Sister and the safety of his own Kingdoms III. The Treaty of the Match and Restitution reciprocally subordinated IT is fit to observe this passage which is the thing whereupon all his Highness subsequent Actions are turned and moved He had never staid a sevennight longer in Spain he had never left any Proxy with Bristol he had never taken any Oath at the Escurial or
drawn upon us and cannot but foresee and fear least the like may hereafter happen and unevitably bring such peril to your Maiesties Kingdoms We are most humble Suitors to your gracious Maiesty to secure the hearts of your good Subiects by the engagement of your Royal word unto them that upon no occasion of Marriage or Treaty or other request in that behalf from any foreign Prince or States whatsoever you will take off or slacken the Execution of your Laws against the Popish Recusants To which our humble Petitions proceeding from our most loyal and dutifull affections toward your Maiesty our care of our Countries good and our confident perswasion that this will much advance the glory of Almighty God the everlasting honor of your Maiesty the safety of your Kingdom and the encouragement of all your good Subiects We do most humbly beseech your Maiesty to vouchsafe a gracious Answer This Petition after a Conference between both Houses was reduced to another form and so presented to the King To which his Majesty returned this Answer My Lords and Gentlemen of both Houses I Cannot but commend your zeal in offering this Petition to me yet on the other side I cannot but hold my self unfortunate that I should be thought to need a spur to do that which my Conscience and duty bindes me unto What Religion I am of my Books do declare my profession and behavior doth shew and I hope in God I shall never live to be thought otherwise surely I shall never deserve it and for my part I wish it may be written in Marble and remain to Posterity as a mark upon me when I shall swerve from my Religion for he that doth dissemble with God is not to be trusted with men My Lords for my part I protest before God that my heart hath bled when I have heard of the increase of Popery God is my Iudge it hath been such a great grief to me that it hath been as Thorns in my Eyes and Pricks in my Sides and so far I have been and shall be from turning another way And my Lords and Gentlemen you shall be my Confessors that one way or other it hath been my desire to hinder the growth of Popery and I could not be an honest man if I should have done otherwise And this I may say further that if I be not a Martyr I am sure I am a Confessor and in some sence I may be called a Martyr as in the Scripture Isaac was persecuted by Ishmael by mocking words for never King suffered more ill Tongues then I have done and I am sure for no cause yet I have been far from persecution for I have ever thought that no way more encreased any Religion then persecution according to that saying Sanguis Martyrum est Semen Ecclesiae Now my Lords and Gentlemen for your Petition I will not onely grant the substance of what you crave but add somewhat more of my own for the two Treaties being already annulled as I have declared them to be it necessarily follows of it self that which you desire and therefore it needs no more But that I do declare by Proclamation which I am ready to do that all Iesuites and Priests do depart by a day but it cannot be as you desire by our Proclamation to be out of all my Dominions for a Proclamation here extends but to this Kingdom This I will do and more I will Command all my Iudges when they go their Circuits to keep the same courses for putting all the Laws in Execution against Recusants as they were wont to do before these Treaties for the Laws are still in force and were never dispenced with by me God is my Iudge they were never so intended by me but as I told you in the beginning of the Parliament you must give me leave as a good horseman sometimes to use the Reins and not alwayes to use the Spurs So now there needs nothing but my Declaration for the disarming of them that is ready done by the Laws and shall be done as you desired and more I will take order for the shamefull disorder of the resorting of my Subjects to all foreign Ambassadors for this I will advise with my Councel how it may be best reformed It is true that the houses of Ambassadors are priviledged places and Major though they cannot take them out of their houses yet the Lord and Mr Recorder of London may take some of them as they come from thence and make them examples another point I will add concerning the education of their children of which I have had a principal care as the Lord of Canterbury and the Bishop of Winchester and other Lords of my Councel can bear me witness with whom I have advised about this business for in good faith it is a shame their Children should be bred here as if they were at Rome So I do grant not onely your desire but more I am sorry I was not the first mover of it to you but had you not done it I would have done it my self Now for the second part of your Petition you have here given me the best advice in the world for it is against the rule of wisdom that a King should suffer any of his Subjects to transgress the Laws by the intercession of other Princes and therefore assure your selves that by the Grace of God I will be carefull that no such conditions be foisted in upon any other Treaty whatsoever for it is fit my Subjects should stand or fall to their own Laws This Petition was furthered by the Duke of Buckingham who still retained the memory of his ill-usage in Spain and the Spanish Ambassador being netled thereat accused him to the King not without some reflection upon the Prince himself with some difficulty they procured a secret entercourse with the King and suggested unto him matters of near and high concernment to his Royal dignity and person They tell him that being besieged and closed up by the Dukes Servants and Vassals he was no more a freeman That he was to be confined to his Countrey-house and Pastimes the Prince having years and parts answerable for publick Government That the Duke had reconciled himself to all popular men such as Oxford Southampton Essex Say and others and sought to raise an opinion of his own greatness and to make the King grow less and that all looked towards the rising Sun Hereupon they advise the King to free himself from this Captivity and eminent Danger and to cut off so ungratefull an affecter of Popularity and greatness and so he should shew himself to be as he was reputed the oldest and wisest King in Europe These secrets were quickly blown abroad and brought to the Dukes Ear. But whatsoever impression the King received from them the thing whereupon he insisted openly was the demand of particular proofs But all their Answers consisted of Arguments against declaring the names of the Conspirators whereupon
testimonia invictissimi unà cum Joanne fratre suo juniore in obsidione Francovalenti hic factâ eruptione arreptus ille ictu bombardae percussus occubuere Anno M.DC.XXI This Monument was erected by the Town of Frankendal in memory of those two Brothers who were Uncles to that Valiant Victorious and Self-denying General THOMAS Lord FAIRFAX late Commander in Chief of the Parliaments Armies in England In France the Marriage-Treaty was not so fair smooth and plausible in the progress as in the entrance King Iames admiring the Alliance of mighty Kings though of a Contrary Religion as also fearing the disgrace of another Breach desired the Match unmeasurably which the French well perceived and abated of their forwardness and enlarged their Demands in favor of Papists as the Spaniards had done before them and strained the King to the Concession of such Immunities as he had promised to his Parliament that he would never grant upon the mediation of Forein Princes The Cardinal Richlieu being in the infancie of his favor and appointed to the managing of the Treaty assured the Catholicks of Great Britain that the most Christian King remembring that he was born and raised up no less for the propagation of the Catholick Cause then for the enlarging of his own Dominions was resolved to obtain honorable Terms for Religion or never to conclude the Match And for his own part such was his compassion towards them that if he might work their deliverance or better their condition not only with Counsel interest and authority but with his life and blood he would gladly do it However this Treaty held fewer moneths then the years that were spent in that of Spain Indeed the Motion from England had a braver expression seeing a Wife was here considered as the only object of the Treaty whereas that of Spain was accompanied with a further expectation to wit the rendring of the Palatinate to King Iames his children In August the Match was concluded and in November the Articles were sworne unto by King Iames Prince Charls and the French King The Articles concerning Religion were not much short of those for the Spanish Match The Conclusion of the Treaty was seconded in France with many outward expressions of Joy as Bonfires and the like Whereupon the Privy-Council sent to the Lord Mayor of London requiring the like to be done here This year Count Mansfield arrived in England whose reception was splendid and honorable He was entertained in the Prince his House in S. Iames's and served in great state by some of the Kings Officers A Press went through the Kingdom for the raising of Twelve thousand Foot with two Troops of Horse to go under his Command for the Recovery of the Palatinate These Forces were intended to pass through France into Germany the French having promised as well an Addition of Strength as a free passage In the mean while there were those that secretly sollicited the King to return into the way of Spain and raised suspitions of Mansfields Enterprise saying he was the Palsgraves Scout and Spy And if the Puritans desired a Kingdom they did not wish it to the most illustrious Prince Charls his Majesties best and true Heir but to the Palatine That it was the Dukes Plot and the Parliaments Fury to begin a War with Spain but it will be the glory of his Majesties blessed Reign that after many most happy years that Motto of his Blessed be the Peace-makers might even ●o the last be verified of him in the letter and be propounded for imitation to the most illustrious Prince and that the experience of his happy Government should carry the Prince in a connatural motion to the same Counsels of Peace And at the same time the more circumspect party in the Spanish Court held it fit to continue the state of things in a possibility of an Accommodation with the King of Great Britain and Gondomar was coming again for England to procure a Peace notwithstanding the Duke of Bavaria used all diligence to combine himself with that Crown offering to depend wholly thereon so that he may be thereby protected in his new acquired Dignity But in these Motions the Elector of Saxony with many Reasons advised the Emperor to apply himself to the setling of a Peace in Germany and with much instance besought him not to destroy that antient House of the Palatinate Count Mansfield was at this time in England and the Forces raised in the several parts of the Kingdom for the recovery of the Palatinate were put under his Command and Marching to their Rendezvous at Dover committed great Spoils and Rapines in their passage through the Counties At that Rendezvous the Colonels and Captains were assigned to receive their several Regiments and Companies from the Conductors employed by those several Counties where the Men were raised A List of some of the Regiments of Foot designed for that Expedition I. EArl of Lincoln Colonel Lieut. Col. Allen. Serjeant Major Bonithon Sir Edward Fleetwood Captain Wirley Capt. Reynolds Capt. Babbington Sir Matthew Carey Capt. Barlee Capt. Cromwel II. Viscount Doncaster Colonel Sir Iames Ramsey Lieut. Colonel Alexander Hamilton Serjeant Major Capt. Archibald Duglas Capt. Zouch Capt. Iohn Duglas Capt. Pell Capt. William Duglas Capt. George Kellwood Capt. Andrew Heatly III. Lord Cromwel Colonel Lieut. Col. Dutton Serjeant Major Gibson Capt. Basset Capt. Lane Capt. Vincent Wright Capt. Ienner Capt. Vaughan Capt. Owseley Capt. Crane IV. Sir Charles Rich Colonel Lieut. Col. Hopton Serjeant Major Killegrew Sir Warham St. Leiger Sir W. Waller Capt. Burton Capt. Francis Hammond Capt. Winter Capt. Goring Capt. Fowler V. Sir Andrew Grey Colonel Lieut. Col. Boswel Serjeant Major Coburne Capt. David Murray Capt. Murray Capt. Forbois Capt. Carew Capt. Ramsey Capt. Williams Capt. Beaton VI. Sir Iohn Borrough Colonel Lieut. Col. Bret. Serjeant Major Willoughby Capt. William Lake Capt. Roberts Capt. Webb Capt. Skipwith Capt. Thomas Woodhouse Capt. George Capt. Mostian The Duke of Buckingham Lord Admiral was required to employ those Ships that were now in the Narrow Seas or in the Havens ready bound for any Voyage for the Transporting this Army from Dover Count Mansfield received his Commission from King Iames bore date the Seventh of November One thousand six hundred twenty and four and was to this effect That his Majesty at the Request of the Prince Elector Palatine and the Kings Sister his Wife doth impower Count Mansfield to raise an Army for the recovering of the Estate and Dignity of the Prince Elector and appoints that the Forces so raised should be under the Government of the said Count Mansfield for the end aforesaid And his Majesty further declares by way of Negative That he doth not intend that the said Count shall commit any spoil upon the Countreys or Dominions of any of his Majesties Friends and Allies and more particularly He doth require the said Count not to make any invasion or do any act of War
Universal World Solomon was a Writer in Prose and Verse 1 Kings 4.32 So in a very pure and exquisite manner was our sweet Soveraign King Iames. Solomon was the greatest Patron we ever read of to Church and Churchmen and yet no greater let the House of Aaron now confess then King Iames. Solomon was honored with Ambassadors from all the Kings of the Earth 1 Kings 4. ult And so you know was King Iames. Solomon was a main improver of his home Commodities as you may see in his trading with Hiram 1 Kings 5.9 And God knows it was the daily study of King Iames. Solomon was a great maintainer of Shipping and Navigation 1 King 10.14 A most proper Attribute to King Iames. Solomon beautified very much his Capital City with Buildings and Water-works 1 Kings 9.15 So did King Iames. Every man lived in peace under his Vine and his Fig-Tree in the days of Solomon 1 Kings 4.25 And so they did in the blessed days of King Iames. And yet towards his end King Solomon had secret enemies Razan Hadad and Ieroboam and prepared for a War upon his going to his Grave as you may see in the Verse before my Text. So had and so did King Iames. Lastly Before any Hostile Act we read of in the History King Solomon died in peace when he had lived about Sixty years as Lyra and Tostatus are of opinion and so you know did King Iames. And as for his words and eloquence you know it well enough it was rare and excellent in the highest degree Solomon speaking of his own faculty in this kinde divides it into two several heads a ready Invention and an easie Discharge and Expression of the same God hath granted me to speak as I would and to conceive as is meet for the things spoken of Wisd. 7.15 And this was eminent in our late Soveraign His Invention was as quick as his first Thoughts and his Words as ready as his Invention God had given him to conceive the Greek word in that place is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to make an Enthymem or a short Syllogism and that was his manner He would first winde up the whole substance of his discourse into one solid and massie Conception and then spred it and dilate it to what compass he pleased Prosluenti quae Principem deceret eloquentia as Tacitus said of Augustus in a flowing and a Princely kinde of Elocution Those Speeches of his in the Parliament Star-Chamber Council Table and other Publick Audiences of the State of which as of Tullies Orations Ea semper optima quae maxima the longest still was held the best do prove him to be the most powerful Speaker that ever swayed the Scepter of this Kingdom In his Stile you may observe the Ecclesiastes in his Figures the Canticles in his Sentences the Proverbs and in his whole Discourse Reliquum verborum Solomonis all the rest that was admirable in the Eloquence of Solomon How powerfully did he charge the Prince with the care of Religion and Justice the two Pillars as he termed them of his future Throne How did he recommend unto his love the Nobility the Clergy and the Communalty in the general How did he thrust as it were into his inward bosom his Bishops his Judges his near Servants and that Disciple of his whom he so loved in particular and concluded with that Heavenly Advice to his Son concerning that great act of his future Marriage To marry like himself and marry where he would But if he did marry the Daughter of that King he should marry her Person but he should not marry her Religion Having in our Collections met with the Transcript of a Letter from King Iames to Pope Clement dated Anno 1599. We have thought fit though it be not placed in order of time to conclude his Reign with it and with the Instructions given to Mr. Drummond who was sent with the same to Rome Iacobus Rex Clementi Papae BEatissime Pater cum variis ad nos perlatum fuisset rumoribus quàm diligenter nostrae sortis aemuli saepius egissent ut authoritatis vestrae acies in nos distringeretur quaque constantia id pro vestra prudentia hactenus fuerit recusatum Committere noluimus quin accepti memores beneficii gratias ageremus opportunam nacti occasionem cum lator praesentium natione nostras vester ascriptitius in fines ditionis vestrae reverteretur quem pro sua indole vestris ornatum beneficiis vestrae Sanctitati Commendamus ut eum in iis quae nostro nomine habet impartienda audire placide non dedignetur Et quia adversus malevolorum calumnias qui nostras in Catholicos injurias commemorando nobis invidiam ipsis gratiam conciliant nullum tutius remedium agno●cimus quàm ut è nostratibus aliqui veritatis studiosi quan●umvis à Religione quam nos à prima hausimus Infantia abhorrentes honestam in curia Romana demorandi occasionem semper haberent ex quibus vestra Sanctitas certo possit in quo statu res nostrae sint ediscere hoc nomine Episcopum Vazionensem vobis commendamus qui ut sortis suae qualecunque incrementum vestrae Sanctitati duntaxat refert acceptum ita Cardinalatus honorem prioribus beneficiis nostra praesertim gratia adjici obnixe rogamus Sic Inimicorum cessabunt Calumniae praesentibus qui rerum gestarum veritatem possint adstruere Nec actionum nostrarum ullam aequos rerum aestimatores cupimus latere qui in ea Religionis quam profitemur puritate enutriti sic semper statuimus nihil melius tutiusque quam citra fucum in iis promovendis quae Divini Numinis gloriam serio spectant pie contendere remotis invidiae stimulis non tam quid Religionis inane nomen quam verae pietatis Sacrosancta tessera requirat charitatis semper adhibito fomento diligenter considerare Sed quia de his copiosius cum latore praesentium viro non inerudito in rebus nostris mediocriter versato disseruimus longioris Epistolae taedio censuimus abstinendum Beatudinis vestrae obsequentissimus Filius I. R. E Sancta Cruce 24 Sept. 1599. King James Letter to Pope Clement MOst Holy Father having understood by several Reports how diligent the Rivals of our Condition have been that the Sword of your Authority should be unsheathed against us and with what constancy your Prudence hath hitherto refused it we could do no less then return thanks for such a good turn received especially upon so fair an occasion when the Bearer of these a Scotchman by Nation but a Roman by Adoption was returning unto your Dominions we recommend him to your Holiness to whom for his good parts you have already been beneficial that you would attentively hear him in those things which he shall deliver in our Name And because we know there is no better remedy against the Calumnies of ill Willers who by commemorating our injuries
the Seas That therefore there be great care in Choice and admitting Schoolmasters and that the Ordinaries make diligent enquiries of their demeanors and procéed to the removing of such as shall be faulty or justly suspected His Majesties Answer This is well allowed of And for the better performance of what is desired Letters shall be written to the two Archbishops and from them Letters to go to all the Ordinaries of their several Provinces to see this done the several Ordinaries to give accompt of their doings herein to the Archbishops respectively and they to give accompt to his Majesty of their proceedings herein II. That the antient Discipline of the Universities be restored being the famous Nurseries of Literature and Uertue Answ. This is approved by his Majesty and the Chancellor of each University shall be required to cause due execution of it III. That special care be taken to enlarge the Word of God throughout all the parts of your Majesties Dominions as being the most powerful means for planting of true Religion and rooting out of the contrary To which end among other things let it please your Majesty to advise your Bishops by Fatherly intreaty and tender usage to reduce to the peaceable and orderly service of the Church such able Ministers as have been formerly silenced that there may be a profitable use of their Ministry in these needful and dangerous times And that Nonresidencie Pluralities and Commendams may be moderated Where we cannot forbear most humbly to thank your Majesty for diminishing the number of your own Chaplains not doubting of the like Princely care for the well-bestowing of the rest of your Benefices both to the comfort of the people and the encouragement of the Universities being full of grave and able Ministers unfurnished of Livings Answ. This his Majesty likes well so as it be applied to such Ministers as are peaceable orderly and conformable to the Church-Government For Pluralities and Nonresidencies they are now so moderated that the Archbishops affirm there be now no Dispensations for Pluralities granted nor no man now is allowed above two Benefices and those not above thirty miles distant And for avoiding Non-residence the Canon in that case provided shall be duly put in execution For Commendams they shall be sparingly granted only in such case where the exility and smalness of the Bishoprick requireth Also his Majesty will cause that the Benefices belonging to him shall be well bestowed And for the better propagating of Religion his Majesty recommendeth to the House of Parliament that care may be taken and provision made That every Parish shall allow a competent maintenance for an able Minister And that the Owners of Parsonages Impropriate would allow to the Vicars Curates and Ministers in Villages and places belonging to their Parsonage sufficient Stipend and Allowance for Preaching Ministers IV. That there may be strict provision against transporting of English Children to the Seminaries beyond the Seas and for the recalling of them who are already there placed and for the punishment of such your Subjects as are Maintainers of those Seminaries or of the Scholars considering that besides the seducing of your people great sums of money are yearly expended upon them to the impoverishing of this Kingdom Answ. The Law in this case shall be put in execution And further there shall be Letters written to the Lord Treasurer and also to the Lord Admiral That all the Ports of this Realm and the Creeks and Members thereof be strictly kept and strait Searches made to this end A Proclamation shall be to recall both the Children of Noblemen and the Children of any other men and they to return by a day Also Maintainers of Seminaries or Scholars there shall be punished according to Law V. That no Popish Recusant be permitted to come within the Court unless your Majesty be pleased to call him upon special occasion agreeable to the Statute of 3 Jac. And whereas your Majesty for the preventing of apparent mischiefs both to your Majesty and the State hath in your Princely wisdom taken order that none of your natural born Subjects not professing the true Religion and by Law established be admitted into the service of your Royal Consort the Queen We give your Majesty most humble thanks and desire that your Order herein may be observed Answ. If his Majesty shall find or be informed of any Concourse of Recusants to the Court the Law shall be strictly followed And his Majesty is pleased that by Proclamation the British and the Irish Subjects shall be put in the same case And as his Majesty hath provided in his Treaty with France so his purpose is to keep it That none of his Subjects shall be admitted into his service or into the service of his Royal Consort the Queen that are Popish Recusants VI. That all the Laws now standing in force against Iesuites Seminary-Priests and others having taken Orders by Authority derived from the Sea of Rome be put in due execution And to the intent they may not pretend to be surprised That a spéedy and certain Day be prefixed by your Majesties Proclamation for their departure out of this Realm and all other your Dominions and not to return upon the severest Penalties of the Law now in force against them And that all your Majesties Subjects may be thereby admonished not to receive comfort entertain or conceal any of them upon the Penalties which may be lawfully inflicted And that all such Papists Iesuites and Recusants who are and shall be imprisoned for Recusancie or any other cause may be so strictly restrained as that none shall have conference with them thereby to avoid the contagion of their corrupt Religion And that no man who shall be suspected of Popery be suffered to be a Kéeper of any of your Majesties Prisons Answ. The Law in this case shall be put in execution and a Proclamation shall be to the effect desired And such Restraint shall be made as is desired And no man that is justly suspected of Popery shall be suffered to be Keeper of any his Majesties Prisons VII That your Majesty be pleased to take such Order as to your Princely wisdom shall be expedient That no natural born Subject or strange Bishops nor any other by authority from the Sea of Rome confer any Ecclesiastical Orders to exercise any Ecclesiastical Function whatsoever toward or upon your Majesties natural Subjects within your Dominions Answ. This is fit to be ordered according as is provided And it shall be so published by Proclamation VIII That your Majesties Learned Council may receive Order and commandment to consider of all former Grants of Recusants lands that such of them may be avoided as are made to the Recusants use or interest out of which the Recusant receiveth any benefit which are either void or voidable by they Law Answ. The King will give order to his Learned Council to consider of the Grants and will do according as is desired IX That your
Coronation was briefly thus THe King went that day from Westminster-Hall to the Abbey Church attended by the Aldermen of London Eighty Knights of the Bath in their Robes the Kings Serjeants at Law Solicitor and Attorney Generals the Judges Barons Bishops Viscounts and such of the Earls who bore no particular Office that day in their Parliament Robes going two by two before the King all uncovered and after them followed his Officers of State being Eight Earls and one Marquess those persons according to their respective places and offices carried the Swords the Globe the Scepter the Crown and the Lord Major of London carried the short Scepter two Bishops carried the one the Golden Cup and the other the Plate for the Communion Next before his Majesty went the Earl of Arundel as Earl-Marshal of England and the Duke of Buckingham as Lord High-Constable of England for that day The King being cloathed in White Sattin went under a rich Canopy supported by the Barons of the Cinque Ports the King having on each hand a Bishop and his Train of Purple-Velvet was carried up by the Master of the Robes and the Master of the Wardrobe At the entring into the Church Bishop Laud delivered into the Kings hands the Staff of King Edward the Confessor with which the King walked up to the Throne then the Archbishop of Canterbury presented his Majesty to the Lords and Commons there present East West North and South who gave their consent to his Coronation as their lawful Soveraign After Sermon was done the King went to the Altar where the Old Crucifix amongst other Regalia stood as also the Ointment consecrated by a Bishop to take the Coronation Oath which as is said was performed in this manner viz. SIS says the Archbishop will You grant and kéep and by Your Oath confirm to the People of England the Laws and Customs to them granted by the Kings of England Your Lawful and Religious Predecessors and namely the Laws Customs and Franchises granted to the Clergy by the glorious King St. Edward Your Predecessor according to the laws of God the true Profession of the Gospel established in this Kingdom agréeable to the Prerogative of the Kings thereof and the Antient Customs of the Realm I grant and Promise to keep them Sir will You kéep Peace and Godly Agréement according to Your Power both to God the Holy Church the Clergy and the People I will keep it Sir will You to Your Power cause Law Justice and Discretion to Mercy and Truth to be executed to Your Judgment I will Sir will You grant to hold and kéep the Laws and Rightful Customs which the Communalty of this Your Kingdom have and will You defend and uphold them to the honor of God so much as in you lyeth I grant and promise so to do Then one of the Bishops read this Passage to the King Our Lord and King we beseech You to Pardon and to Grant and to Preserve unto us and to the Churches committed to Your Charge all Canonical Priviledges and do Law and Iustice and that You would Protect and Defend us as every good King to His Kingdoms ought to be Protector and Defender of the Bishops and the Churches under their Government The King answereth With a willing and devout Heart I promise and grant my Pardon and that I will preserve and maintain to you and the Churches committed to your Charge all Canonical Priviledges and due Law and Justice and that I will be your Protector and Defender to my Power by the assistance of God as every good King in his Kingdom in right ought to protect and defend the Bishops and Churches under their Government Then the King arose and was lead to the Communion Table where he takes a Solemn Oath in sight of all the People to observe all the Premisses and laying his hand upon the Bible said The things which I have here promised I shall perform and keep So help me God and the Contents of this Book After the Oath the King was placed in the Chair of Coronation and was Anointed by the Archbishop with a costly Ointment and the Antient Robes of King Edward the Confessor was put upon him and the Crown of King Edward was put upon his Head and his Sword girt about him and he offered the same and two Swords more together with Gold and Silver at the Communion Table He was afterwards conducted by the Nobility to the Throne where this Passage was read to his Majesty Stand and hold fast from henceforth the place to which You have been Heir by the Succession of Your Forefathers being now delivered to You by the Authority of Almighty God and by the hands of us and all the Bishops and Servants of God And as You see the Clergy to come nearer to the Altar then others so remember that in all places convenient You give them greater honor that the Mediator of God and Man may establish You in the Kingly Throne to be a Mediator betwixt the Clergy and the Laity and that You may Raign for ever with Iesus Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Afterwards the Nobility were sw●rn to be Homagers to the King and some other Ceremonies were performed which being done the Lord Keeper by the Kings command read a writing unto them which declared the Kings free Pardon to all his Subjects who would take the same under the Great Seal The Ceremonies of the Coronation being ended the Regalia were offered at the Altar by Bishop Laud in the Kings Name and then reposited The Bishop of Lincoln faln into disgrace by the displeasure of the Duke of Buckingham had not received his Writ of Summons which he represented to the King with Submission to his Majesties pleasure denied as he said to no Prisoners or condemned Peers in his Fathers Reign to enable him to make his Proxy if his Personal attendance be not permitted Likewise he besought his Majesty That he would be pleased to mitigate the Dukes causless anger towards him who was so little satisfied with any thing he could do or suffer that he had no means left to appease him but his Prayers to God and his Sacred Majesty Also that in his absence in this Parliament no use might be made of his Majesties Sacred Name to wound the Reputation of a poor Bishop who besides his Religion and Duty to that Divine Character which his Majesty beareth hath affectionately honored his very person above all Objects in this World as he desired the Salvation of the World to come And he craveth no Protection against any other Accuser or Accusation whatsoever On Monday the Sixth of February began the Second Parliament of the Kings Reign The King being placed in his Royal Throne the Lords in their Robes and the Commons below the Bar it pleased his Majesty to refer them to the Lord Keeper for what he had to say The Lord Keepers Speech My Lords ANd you the Knights
orientem ab Occidente a Monster in Nature And one of their own speaking of the two great Lights which God hath placed in the Firmament makes the Pope Luminare majus presidens urbi orbi and the King of Spain Luminare minus ut subdatur urbi dominetur per totum orbem A great flattery and a bold and impudent elusion But I trust as God hath put it into the heart of your blessed Father by that matchless Book of his written to all Christian Monarchs and Princes a Work by which he raised a Monument to himself more lasting then Marble to denounce War to that Adversary of God and Kings the Pope so he hath set your sacred Majesty upon the Throne of your Father to do as many things worthy to be written as he had written things worthy to be read amongst them to restrain that unlimited pride and boundless ambition of Spain to reduce it to their proper current channel who under the title of Catholick King makes his pretence to more Countries and Kingdoms then his own and by color of disguised Treaties he invades the Palatinate and dispossesseth that Incomparable Lady your Royal Sister and the Children of this Kingdom of their right and their antient Patrimony and Inheritance to the discomfort and dishonor of this great and glorious Nation God in his mercy soon repair this breach by your Royal head and I assure my self the hearts the hands and the purses of all good Subjects will say Amen But I may weary your Majesty and lose my self and forget for whom I am a Speaker Custom gives me the priviledge as an humble Suitor on the behalf of the House to present their few Petitions unto your Majesty 1. The first That for our better attending this Publick and important service our selves and our necessary Attendants may with your Majesties tender allowance be free both in our persons and goods from Arrests and troubles according to our antient Priviledges 2. The next That since for the preparing and drawing to conclusion such Propositions as shall be handled in the House Debate and Dispute will be necessary and by variety of opinions Truth is oftentimes best discerned your Majesty will likewise according to your antient usage and priviledge vouchsafe us liberty and freedom of speech from which I assure my self duty and loyalty to your Majesty will never be severed 3. That when occasions of moment shall require your Majesty upon our humble suit and at such times as may best sort with your occasions will vouchsafe us access to your Royal person 4. That the Proceedings of the House may receive a favorable Interpretation at your gracious hands and be free from misconstructions The Houses began their work with rendring thanks to the King for his gracious Answer to their late Petition for Religion An Act was tendred and read To administer an Oath for the rendring a true Accompt of all General and Publick Taxes Rates and Collections Another against Scandalous Ministers It was moved some Provision might be made against Scandalous Livings as well as against Scandalous Ministers The Commons further fell into Examination of the Publick Grieveances and the Carriage or rather Miscarriage of the Fleet to Cadiz The Evil Counsellors about the King Misgovernment and Misimployment of the Kings Revenue An Accompt of the Subsidies and Three Fi●teens granted 21 Iacobi And resolved of a Committee for secret Affairs and another for Grievances to sit every Friday and Wednesday during the Parliament And Mr. Whitby was commanded to the Chair for the Committee for Grievances where were delivered these ensuing Consultations I. The State of the King in the Constant Revenue of the Crown 1. What it was and how for the Introitus and Exitus they are ordered 2. What now it is either in cleer or by Lands by Customs and Impositions or by Casualties 3. The means how it is abated By gifts of Lands ex mero motu and no valuable consideration and this may be revoked By grants of Pensions now 120000 l. before but 80000 l. Good Times have resumed them or contracted them upon Necessity By increase of Houshold from 45000 l. to 80000 l. the Purveyors more and the Tables less furnished then formerly By fruitless Ambassadors with larger allowance then formerly To reduce them to the Ordinary of the late Queen By treble increase of the Privy-Purse By double increase of the Treasury of the Chamber and Great Wardrobe In all by not using the best course of Assignments whereby the Creditors are delayed in the paiment and the King surcharged in the price the Exchequer-man making his profit from the Kings wants II. The Condition of the Subject in his Freedom 1. Formerly in Taxes by Parliaments as by Subsidies and Fifteens spent onely on Defence of the State or Aid of our Allies by Tonage and Poundage imployed in Guard of the Seas Loans rarely and those imployed intirely for the Publick Imposition by Prerogative of old Customs rated easily by the Book of Rates if any either limited to time or measure 2. New Impositions and Monopolies multiplied and settled to continue by Grants Customs Inhannced by the new Book of Rates Tonage and Poundage levied though no Act of Parliament nor Seas guarded the Times the Wayes and the Persons that induce these 3. The Imploiment or Waste of the Treasure What Sums have been granted for the Defence of the State the last Three years How in particular spent and where By what Advice as by the direction of the Council of War appointed by Parliament by full Order of the Council by any other then those and by whom First Publick Treasury is to be examined Secondly The Kings Subjects how many and when transported and imployed as to the Palatinate Count Mansfields Land-soldiers in the last Fleet The Designs where they were sent the Council that directed it the success of the Action and the Return of the persons in number and the Loss Thirdly In Ships and Munition our own The Number and Quantity imployed severally the Number imbarqued in those Ships and what prejudice and discouragement of Trade the Council that directed such Imploiments the several success as at Algier and Cadiz Strangers and those Ships either of Allies or Enemies Allies hired by Contract to serve and how used or taken as Prize if so how then delivered and dealt withal in the course of Justice what success hath followed upon Injustice done them as the Arrest of our Goods in France and Germany whereby our Merchants are at a stand The number and true value of the Goods the Accompt thereof made to his Majesty or his Officers the dismissing and discharging any of them or the Goods viz. by whom the Directions the Pretence the Value of the Goods the Place whither they went Honor of the King which as in all other things consists in what formerly hath been done How formerly we stood a Nation feared renowned victorious We made the Netherlands a
presented to and answered by the King And the Commons the same day resumed the Debate again concerning the Duke and Misgovernment and Misimployment of the Revenue c. Ordered the Duke to have notice again thereof The next day the King sent a Message to the House of Commons That they do to morrow at Nine of the clock attend his Majesty in the Hall at Whitehall and in the mean time all Proceedings in the House and Committee to cease Where his Majesty made this ensuing Speech My Lords and Gentlemen I Have called you hither to day I mean both Houses of Parliament but it is for several and distinct reasons My Lords you of the Upper House to give you thanks for the Care of the State of the Kingdom now and not only for the Care of your own Proceedings but for inciting your Fellow-House of the Commons to take that into their consideration Therefore my Lords I must not only give you thanks but I must also avow that if this Parliament do not redound to the good of this Kingdom which I pray God it may it is not your faults And you Gentlemen of the House of Commons I am sorry that I may not justly give the same thanks to you but that I must tell you that I am come here to shew you your errors and as I may call it Unparliamentary proceedings in this Parliament But I do not despair because you shall see your faults so cleerly by the Lord Keeper that you may so amend your Proceeding that this Parliament shall end comfortably and happily though at the beginning it hath had some rubs Then the Lord Keeper by the Kings command spake next MY Lords and you the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons You are here assembled by his Majesties commandment to receive a Declaration of his Royal pleasure which although it be intended only to the House of Commons yet his Majesty hath thought meet the matter being of great weight and importance it should be delivered in the presence of both Houses and both Houses make one General Council And his Majesty is willing that the Lords should be Witnesses of the Honor and Justice of his Resolutions And therefore the Errand which by his Majesties direction I must deliver hath relation to the House of Commons I must address my self therefore to you Mr. Speaker and the rest of that House And first his Majesty would have you to understand That there was never any King more loving to his People or better affectioned to the right use of Parliaments then his Majesty hath approved himself to be not only by his long patience since the sitting down of this Parliament but by those mild and calm Directions which from time to time that House hath received by Message and Letter and from his Royal mouth when the irregular humors of some particular persons wrought diversions and distractions there to the disturbance of those great and weighty Affairs which the Necessity of the Times the honor and safety of the King and Kingdom called upon And therefore his Majesty doth assure you that when these great Affairs are setled and that his Majesty hath received satisfaction of his reasonable Demands he will as a just King hear and answer your just Grievances which in a dutiful way shall be presented unto him and this his Majesty doth avow Next his Majesty would have you know of a surety That as never any King was more loving to his People nor better affectioned to the right use of Parliaments so never King more jealous of his Honor nor more sensible of the neglect and contempt of his Royal Rights which his Majesty will by no means suffer to be violated by any pretended colour of Parliamentary Liberty wherein his Majesty doth not forget that the Parliament is his Council and therefore ought to have the liberty of a Council but his Majesty understands the difference betwixt Council and Controlling and between Liberty and the Abuse of Liberty This being set down in general his Majesty hath commanded me to relate some particular passages and proceedings whereat he finds himself agrieved First Whereas a seditious speech was uttered amongst you by Mr. Cook the House did not as they ought to do censure and correct him And when his Majesty understanding it did by a Message by Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered to the House require Justice of you his Majesty hath since found nothing but protracting and delaies This his Majesty holds not agreeable to the wisdom and the duty which he expected from the House of Commons Secondly Whereas Doctor Turner in a strange Unparliamentary way without any ground of knowledge in himself or offering any particular proof to the House did take upon him to advise the House to enquire upon sundry Articles against the Duke of Buckingham as he pretended but in truth to wound the Honor and Government of his Majesty and of his renowned Father And his Majesty first by a Message and after by his own Royal mouth did declare That that Course of Enquiry was an Example which by no way he could suffer though it were against his meanest Servant much less against one so neer him and that his Majesty did much wonder at the foolish insolencie of any man that can think that his Majesty should be drawn out of any end to offer such a Sacrifice so unworthy of a King or a good Master Yet for all this you have been so far from correcting the Insolencie of Turner that ever since that time your Committees have walked in the steps of Turner and proceeded in an Unparliamentary Inquisition running upon generals and repeating that whereof you have made Fame the groundwork Here his Majesty hath cause to be exceeding sensible that upon every particular he finds the Honor of his Father stained and blemished and his own no less and withal you have manifested a great forwardness rather to pluck out of his bosom those who are neer about him and whom his Majesty hath cause to affect then to trust his Majesty with the future reformation of these things which you seem to aim at And yet you cannot deny but his Majesty hath wrought a greater Reformation in matters of Religion Execution of the Laws and concerning things of great importance then the shortness of his Reign in which he hath been hindred partly through sickness and the distraction of things which we could have wished had been otherwise could produce Concerning the Duke of Buckingham his Majesty hath commanded me to tell you That himself doth better know then any man living the sincerity of the Dukes proceedings with what cautions of weight and discretion he hath been guided in his publick Imployments from his Majesty and his blessed Father what Enemies he hath procured at home and abroad what peril of his person and hazard of his estate he ran into for the service of his Majesty and his ever blessed Father and how
had good intelligence that the King of Spains eye was malitiously bent this way which had been pursued accordingly if the employment of the Low-Countrymen to the Bay of Todos los Santos had not diverted it Now for the Counsel which was used for sending out the Fleets I will refer you to the Relation of the Lord Conway who as well in this as other Resolutions can tell you That nothing was carried with single Councils And for my self I know that in all those actions no man can stand up against me to say that I ever did go with single Councils or made breach of any but have been an obedient Servant and Minister unto their Resolutions The proof whereof will appear in a Journal thereof which my Lord Conway keeps I confess all Councils were not ever as your selves would nor have wished they should if you had known them as my Master did in whom the former Affairs of State had bred such affections that the business being altered they were not to be trusted with the Change I will now give you an accompt of all my Negotiations since my being at Oxford both at home and abroad and because there it was charged that those things were carried with single Counsels I was more careful to advise the King to have his Counsel with him in the Country being to enter into War with an Active King And for my part I did diligently wait on the Council left all Recreations all personal occasions studying to serve my Master and to gain the good opinion of both Houses The Council of Woodstock generally advised the going out of the Fleet. And though it were objected that the Season were not fit yet the action shewed the contrary for they all arived in safety And for what was also objected that the Provision was not good experience tells you the contrary for the preparations were all good in quality and proportion And if the Success were not such as any honest man could wish I hope I shall not be blamed being not there in person though I made the greatest suit for it to my Master that ever I did for any thing But his Majesty thought my Service more useful in the Low-Countreys to comfort his Sister and to treat with the Kings o● Denmark Sweden and the States And though the Success as I said of the Fleet were not answerable to the desires of honest men yet it had these good effects first It put our Enemy to great charge in fortifying his Coasts secondly They took so many Ships as caused many of his Merchants to break whereby the Army in Flanders suffered much And lastly They could carry no Treasure out to pay their Forces in Flanders And for Omissions of what more might have been done I leave that to its proper place and time and let every man bear his own burden From Oxford the Council went to Southampton where the States Ambassadors did wait often on the King and Council and a League Offensive and Defensive betwixt us and them was thought fit to be resolved on whereof some Reasons I will express but not all First They are of our own Religion secondly They are our near Neighbors for situation so useful as when they are in distress it is policy in us to give them relief therefore the King thought fit to do it in such manner as might lay an Obligation on them which if it had not been done they had been pressed with a long War and such a Faction among themselves as if the King had not joyned and in a manner appeared their Protector they had broke among themselves And in this the Kings care was not onely of them but of all Christendom and of his own particular For as before he onely assisted them his Majesties care now used Arguments to draw them to Contribution so that they bear the fourth part of the charge of the War at Sea according to such Conditions as by the Lord Chamberlain you have heard This League being perfected betwixt the States and us his Majesty by Advice of his Council thought fit to send me to get such a League with the other Princes as I could The Rendezvous was in the Low-Countreys being in a manner the Centre for repair for England France and Germany I had Latitude of Commission to make the League with most advantage I could Now I had discovered from Monsieur B. The French Ambassador here that a League Offensive and Defensive would be refused and I found the King of Denmark shie and loth to enter into such a League against the King of Spain and so partly out of Necessity and partly out of Reason of State I was forced to conclude the League in general Terms for the restoring of the Liberty of Germany without naming the King of Spain or the Emperor that other Princes might come in and this to continue till every one had satisfaction and nothing to be treated of debated or concluded on but by consent of all parties It did appear that the Charge was so great that the Kingdom could not endure it and therefore I endeavored in the Low-Countreys to lessen it and so the Sea charge was helped and the Land assistance given unto them is to cease Six moneths hence which the Lord Conway said was to end in September next Also by this Treaty it is conditioned with the King of Denmark That when my Master shall by Diversion equal to this Contribution with his own Subjects enter into an Action then this Charge to cease Or if the King of France may be drawn in of which there is great hope though he hath now made peace in Italy for that the policy of France may not give way unto the greatness of the House of Austria and ambition of Spain whose Dominions do grasp him in on every side And if the business be well carried his Engagement to the King of Denmark may draw him in so there is great possibility of easing our Charge But all is in the discreet taking of the time for it not we may think the King of Denmark will take hold of those fair Conditions which are each day offered him and then the Enemies Army will fall upon the River of Elve and the Lord Conway added upon East-Friezland from whence they would make such progress as in my poor experience would ruine the Low-Countreys And thus I think I have satisfied all of you or at least given an account of my Negotiation in the Low-Countreys with the King of Denmark Sweden and the rest I should be glad before I end to say somewhat of my self but I shall request your favorable construction for I have been too long already but I fear I shall offend and therefore I will restrain my self to generals If in any of these employments my Errors may be shewed me I shall take him for my best friend that will manifest them in particulars I have bent all my thoughts on nothing but my Masters Honor the Service
of the State and safety of them both I never had any end of mine own and that may be perceived and proved by the expence of mine own estate I am ashamed to speak it and it would become another mans tongue better then mine own My Journey into Spain was all at mine own charge my Journey into France was at my Masters charge my Journey into the Low-Countreys was all at mine own charge I am accused by common Fame to be the cause of the loss of the Narrow Seas and the damage there sustained That I can say is this Since the War begun with Spain I have always had Twelve Ships on the Coasts and allowance but for Four the rest my own care supplied And for the Office of Admiral when I came first to it I found the Navy weak not neglected by my Noble Predecessor for I cannot speak of him but with honor and I shall desire to go to my Grave with the honor he carried hence but by the not paying of moneys in time there were such defects his care could not prevent that if the War had then broken out there would have been found few Ships and those unserviceable I was first perswaded to take this Office by perswasion of Sir Robert Munseld and though I objected I was yong and unexperienced yet he said that by my favor with my Master I might do more good in procuring payment for that charge And because I was yong and unexperienced I took advice as I do in all things and am not ashamed of it I desired my Master to grant a Commission as it were over me I have found a great Debt the Ships defective and few in number the yearly charge of Fifty four thousand pounds which was brought to Thirty thousand pounds per annum we built every year two Ships and when so many were built as were requisite we brought it to Two and twenty thousand pounds per annum which comes not to my hands but goes into its proper streams and issues from the Officers to that purpose deputed Now if any can shew me a Project how to maintain War against Spain Flanders and the Turkish Pirates with less charge he shall do a great work and good service I have had sometimes Twenty sometimes Thirty Ships though sometime disastred by Tempest which disperst the Hollanders Ships and caused them to cut their Masts and forsake their Anchors There are now Twelve Ships victualled for two Moneths and though many Reports have been that they do not do their duty yet I have advertised them thereof from time to time and finde no such fault in them There are Thirty Ships more at Plimouth victualled for six Moneths and Ten more ready so soon as they may be victualled I have been so frugal of making use of the old remain that there is no need of Ammunition or other necessaries Besides all these there are Twenty Ships to come from the Low-Countreys so you have Twelve Twenty Thirty and Ten more which I think you have not heard of And therefore if any have blamed me I do not blame him but think he hath done well but when you know the truth and when all this shall appear I hope I shall stand right in your opinions Gentlemen It is no time to pick quarrels one with another we have enemies enough already and therefore more necessary to be well united at home Follow not examples at least not ill examples of Gondomar and Ynojosa who would have had my head when you thought me worthy of a salute Now though I confess there may be some Errors I will not justifie my self yet they are not such gross defects as the World would make them appear I desire they may be admitted Cum Nota. They are no Errors of Wilfulness nor of Corruption nor oppressing of the People nor Injustice but the contrary and then may I say for what good done by me do I suffer And now I might Answer more particulars but I have been long and so will forbear and will conclude if your Supply answer not your Promises and Engagements to my Master you will make this place which hath been in Peace when others were in War the Seat of War when others are in Peace Now Gentlemen You that were Antient Parliament-men when this Council was first given strive to make good your own Engagement for the Honor of your King and your own safety Let Religion in which I would be glad to be more watchful and industrious then any unite your hearts both at home and abroad and you that are yong men may in these active times gain honor and reputation which is almost sunk and gain the Antient Glory of your Predecessors And remember it is for restoring to her Inheritance the most viruous Lady I think in the World I have nothing more but to intreat your charitable opinion of me and my actions For the further vindicating of the Duke the Lord Conway stood up and said THat whereas divers jealousies have been raised in the House that the Moneys have been expended unusefully and without Council himself who was the onely Secretary and had the hand in guiding the business could best give an accompt of it When King Iames of glorious Memory at the Request of both Houses had broken both the Treaties he considered how to maintain the War for he saw that the King of Spain was awaked and that the Palatinate must be got by the Sword and that Spain would oppose it with all the power they could and computing the charges found the Subsidies granted too short for that it could not be done without an Army of Five and twenty thousand Foot and Five thousand Horse which would amount to Six hundred thousand pounds for the Armies yearly and Three hundred thousand pounds for the Navy but finding all his means short and as the Proverb is Not knowing of what Wood to make his Arrows to hit the Mark withal Count Mansfield stirred up by his own judgment came over and made overture That for Twenty thousand pounds a moneth he would raise an Army of Thirty thousand men and draw in the French King Denmark Sweden Venice Savoy the Cantons of the Switzers perhaps and some other German Princes and raise a War in Alsatia of great consequence to make a Diversion Now about this time the Council of Austria resolved to call a Dyet and exclude the Count Palatine and put in a Popish Elector and for that end offered a general Peace in Germany and so left not a crevice to look into for assistance but if any of them should aid the Count Palatine he should be out of the Peace The King accepts Mansfields offer conditionally that he draw in the French King So Mansfield went over into France and the King by Advice of his Council sent Ambassadors into France Denmark Venice Savoy and Cantons of the Switzers from whom he received cold Answers for King Iames had stood so long on terms of
Spain did really fully and effectually intend the said Marriage between the said Lady his Sister and the said Prince our now Soveraign Lord according to Articles formerly propounded between the said Kings Whereas in truth the said Emperor and King of Spain or either of them never really intended such restitution as aforesaid And whereas the said King of Spain never really intended the Marriage according to those Articles propounded but the said Emperor and King of Spain intended onely by those Treaties to gain time to compass their own ends and purposes to the detriment of this Kingdom of all which the said Earl of Bristol neither was nor could be ignorant The said late King Iames by entertaining those Treaties and continuing them upon those false Assurances given unto him by the said Earl as aforesaid was made secure and lost the opportunity of time and thereby the said Dominions Territories and Possessions of the said Count Palatine and the Electoral Dignity became utterly lost and some parts thereof were taken out of the actual possession of the said King Iames unto whose protection and safe keeping they were put and committed by the said Count Palatine and the most Excellent Lady Elizabeth his Wife and their Children are now utterly dispossessed and bereaved thereof to the high dishonor of our said late Soveraign Lord King Iames to the disherison of the said late Kings Children and their Posterity of their Antient Patrimony and to the disadvantage and discouraging of the rest of the Princes of Germany and other Kings and Princes in Amity and League with his Majesty II. That the said Earl of Bristol being Ambassador for his late Majesty King Iames as aforesaid in Annis supradictis and having received perfect plain and particular Instructions and Directions from his said late Majesty That he should put the King of Spain to a speedy and punctual Answer touching the Treaties aforesaid And the said Earl well understanding the effect of those Instructions and Directions so given unto him and taking precise knowledge thereof and also knowing how much it concerned his late Majesty in honor and safety as his great Affairs then stood to put these Treaties to a speedy conclusion Yet nevertheless he the said Earl falsly willingly and traiterously contrary to his Alleagiance and contrary to the trust and duty of an Ambassador did continue those Treaties upon Generalities without effectual pressing the said King of Spain unto particular Conclusions according to his Majesties Directions as aforesaid and so the said Earl intended to have continued the said Treaties upon Generalities and without reducing them to Certainties and to direct Conclusions To the high dishonor of his said late Majesty and to the extream danger and detriment of his Majesties person his Crown and Dominions Confederates and Allies III. That the said Earl of Bristol being Ambassador for his said late Majesty as aforesaid in the years aforesaid to the intent to discourage the said late King Iames for the taking up of Arms entring into Hostility with the said King of Spain and for resisting him and his Forces from attempting the Invasion of his said late Majesties Dominions and the Dominions of his said late Majesties Confederates Friends and Allies the said King of Spain having long thirsted after an Universal Monarchy in these Western parts of the World hath many times both by words and Letters to the said late King and his Ministers extolled and magnified the greatness and power of the said King of Spain and represented unto his said late Majesty the supposed dangers which would ensue unto him if a War should happen between them and affirmed and insinuated unto his said late Majesty That if such a War should ensue his said late Majesty during the rest of his life must expect neither to Hunt nor Hawk nor eat his Meat in quiet Whereby the said Earl of Bristol did cunningly and traiterously strive to retard the Resolutions of the said late King to declare himself an enemy to the said King of Spain who under colour of Treaties and Alliances had so much abused him and to resist his Arms and Forces to the loss of opportunity of time which cannot be recalled or regained and to the extream danger dishonor and detriment of this Kingdom IV. The said Earl of Bristol upon his dispatch out of this Realm of England in his Ambassage aforesaid having communication with divers persons in London within this Realm of England before his going into Spain in and about his Ambassage concerning the said Treaty For the Negotiating whereof the said Earl purposely was sent and he the said Earl being then told That there was little probability that these Treaties would or could have any good success he the said Earl acknowledged as much and yet nevertheless contrary to his duty and alleagiance and to the faith and truth of an Ambassador he the said Earl said and affirmed That he cared not what the success thereof would be for he would take care to have his Instructions and to pursue them punctually and howsoever the business went he would make his Fortune thereby or used words at that time to such effect whereby it plainly appeareth That the said Earl from the beginning herein intended not the Service or Honor of his late Majesty but his own corrupt and sinister ends and for his own advancement V. That from the beginning of his Negotiation and throughout the whole managing thereof by the said Earl of Bristol and during his said Ambassage He the said Earl contrary to his faith and duty to God the true Religion professed by the Church of England and the Peace of this Church and State did intend and resolve that if the said Marriage so treated of as aforesaid should by his Ministry be effected that thereby the Romish Religion and Professors thereof should be advanced within this Realm and other his Majesties Realms and Dominions and the true Religion and Professors thereof discouraged and discountenanced And to that end and purpose the said Earl during the time aforesaid by Letters unto his late Majesty and otherwise often counselled and perswaded his said late Majesty to set at liberty the Jesuites and Priests of the Romish Religion which according to the good Religious and Politick Laws of this Kingdom were imprisoned or restrained and to grant and to allow unto the Papists and Professors of the Romish Religion free Toleration and silencing of all the Laws made and standing in force against them VI. That by the false Informations and Intelligence of the said Earl of Bristol during the time aforesaid unto his said late Majesty and to his Majesty that now is being then Prince concerning the said Treaties and by the Assurances aforesaid given by the said Earl his said late Majesty and the Prince his now Majesty being put into hopes and by the said long delay used without producing any effect their Majesties being put into jealousies and just suspition that there was no such sincerity
used towards them as they expected and with so many Answers from the Earl had on their part been undertaken the said Prince our now gratious Soveraign was inforced out of his love to his Countrey to his Allies Friends and Confederates and to the peace of Christendom who all suffered by those intolerable delays in his own person to undertake his long and dangerous journey into Spain that thereby he might either speedily conclude those Treaties or perfectly discover that on the Emperors and King of Spains part there was no true and real intention to bring the same to conclusion upon any fit and honorable terms and conditions and did absolutely and speedily break them off By which journey the person of the said Prince being then Heir-Apparant to the Crown of this Realm and in his person the peace and safety of this Kingdom did undergo such apparant and such inevitable danger as at the very remembrance thereof the hearts of all good Subjects do even tremble II. Offences done and committed by the said Earl during the time of the Princes being in Spain VII THat at the Princes coming into Spain during the time aforesaid the Earl of Bristol cunningly falsly and traiterously moved and perswaded the Prince being then in the power of a foreign King of the Romish Religion to change his Religion which was done in this manner At the Princes first coming to the said Earl he asked the Prince for what he came thither the Prince at first not conceiving the Earls meaning answered You know as well as I. The Earl replied Sir Servants can never serve their Master industriously although they may do it faithfully unless they know their meanings fully Give me leave therefore to tell you what they say in the Town is the cause of your coming That you mean to change your Religion and to declare it here And yet cunningly to disguise it the Earl added further Sir I do not speak this that I will perswade you to do it or that I will promise you to follow your example though you will do it but as your faithful Servant if you will trust me with so great a secret I will endeavor to carry it the discreetest way I can The Prince being moved at this unexpected motion again said unto him I wonder what you have ever found in me that you should conceive I would be so base and unworthy as for a Wife to change my Religion The said Earl replying desired the Prince to pardon him if he had offended him it was but out of his desire to serve him Which perswasions of the said Earl was the more dangerous because the more subtile whereas it had been the duty of a faithful Servant to God and his Master if he had found the Prince staggering in his Religion to have prevented so great an error and to have perswaded against it so to have avoided the dangerous consequence thereof to the true Religion and to the State if such a thing should have hapned VIII That afterwards during the Princes being in Spain the said Earl having conference with the said Prince about the Romish Religion he endeavored falsly and traiterously to perswade the Prince to change his Religion and to become a Romish Catholick and to become obedient to the usurped Authority of the Pope of Rome And to that end and purpose the said Earl traiterously used these words unto the said Prince That the State of England never did any great thing but when they were under the obedience of the Pope of Rome and that it was impossible they could do any thing of note otherwise IX That during the time of the Princes being in Spain the Prince consulting and advising with the said Earl and others about a new offer made by the King of Spain touching the Palatinates Eldest Son to marry with the Emperors Daughter but then he must be bred up in the Emperors Courts the said Earl delivered his opinion That the Proposition was reasonable whereat when Sir Walter Aston then present falling into some passion said That he durst not for his head consent to it the Earl of Bristol replied That he saw no such great inconvenience in it for that he might be bred up in the Emperors Court in our Religion But when the extream danger and in a manner the impossibility thereof was pressed unto the said Earl he said again That without some great Action the Peace of Christendom would never be had which was so dangerous and so desperate a Counsel that one so near the Crown of England should be poysoned in his Religion and become an unfriend to our State that the consequences thereof both for the present and future times were infinitely dangerous and yet hereunto did his disaffection to our Religion the blindness in his Judgment misled by his sinister respects and the too much regard he had to the House of Austria lead him III. Offences done and committed by the said Earl after the Princes coming from Spain X. THat when the Prince had clearly found himself and his Father deluded in these Treaties and hereupon resolved to return from the Court of Spain yet because it behoved him to part fairly he left the powers of the Desponsories with the Earl of Bristol to be delivered upon the return of the Dispensation from Rome which the King of Spain insisted upon and without which as he pretended he would not conclude the Marriage The Prince foreseeing and fearing lest after the Desponsories the Infanta that should then be his Wife might be put into a Monastery wrote a Letter back to the said Earl from Segovia thereby commanding him not to make use of the said Powers until he could give him assurance that a Monastery should not rob him of his Wife which Letter the said Earl received and with speed returned an Answer thereto into England perswading against this Direction yet promising Obedience thereunto Shortly after which the Prince sent another Letter to the said Earl into Spain discharging him of his farther command But his late Majesty by the same Messenger sent him a more express direction not to dispatch the Desponsories until a full Conclusion were had of the other Treaty of the Palatinate with this of the Marriage for his Majesty said That he would not have one Daughter to laugh and leave the other Daughter weeping In which Dispatch although there were some mistaking yet in the next following the same was corrected and the Earl of Bristol tyed to the same Restriction which himself confessed in one of his Dispatches afterwards and promised to obey punctually the Kings command therein yet nevertheless contrary to his Duty and Alleagiance in another Letter sent immediately after he declared That he had set a day for the Desponsories without any Assurance or so much as treating of those things which were commanded to him as Restrictions and that so short a day that if extraordinary diligence with good success in the Journey had not concurred
of imprisoning of him by Warrants only under his own hand for which he cannot as the Earl conceiveth produce any sufficient Warrant IV. That by the space of Twelve moneths last past the said Lord Conway hath been the Cause of the Earls restraint only by misinforming his Majesty and procuring a Letter of restraint upon undue grounds And when it was made apparent unto him that the said Earl was restored to his liberty freely to follow his own affairs by his late Majesty of blessed memory he replied That that liberty given him by his Majesty expired with the Kings death V. That the Earl of Bristols Mother lying sick upon her death-bed desired for her comfort to see her Son and to give him her last blessing Whereupon the Earl wrote to the Lord Conway to desire him to move the King for his leave which he putting off from day to day told the person imployed That by reason of the Dukes sickness he could not find opportunity to get the Dukes leave to move the King And having spoken with the Duke he made a Negative answer in the Kings name Wherewith the Earl acquainting the King by some of his Bedchamber his Majesty was in a very great anger swearing the Secretary had never moved him and that to deny the said Earl leave was a barbarous part and thereupon sent him presently free leave which the Secretary hearing of sent likewise afterwards a Letter of leave but with divers clauses and limitations differing from the leave sent him from the Kings own mouth VI. That having the businesses of the Earl of Bristols in his hands and the Earl being commanded by the King to address himself in his occasions unto his Lordship He would never deliver any Message from the said Earl without acquainting the said Duke and receiving his directions and in a noble manner of freeness stuck not to send him word VII That the Earl of Bristol having received from the Lord Conway Twenty Interrogatories in his late Majesties name drawn up by a Commission of the Lords appointed to search into the Proceedings and Imploiments of the said Earl in which search there was more then two moneths spent divers of the said Interrogatories involving Felony and Teason And his Majesty having been pleased to assure the said Earl both by Message and Letters that upon satisfaction given to himself and the Commissioners by his Answers he would presently put an end to the Earl of Bristol's Businesse The Earl of Bristol having so fully answered as would admit of no reply and that many of the Commissioners declared themseves to be fully satisfied The said Lord Conway being the Secretary in the Commission to whom it properly belonged to call the Lords to assemble perceiving the Earl of Bristol was like to be cleared never moved for any further meeting neither have they ever been permitted to meet until this day whereby the troubles of the Earl of Bristol have been kept on foot till this present and the said Earls Imprisonment hath been enlarged Twenty moneths And by the Artifices of the said Duke of Buckingham and the said Lord Conway as shall be made appear the said Earl hath been insensibly involved and stauked into the troubles he is now in which he doubteth not but your Lordships will judge to be a very considerable Case VIII That for a colour of keeping the Earl from his late Majesties presence it being pretended after the Answer to the twenty Interrogatories that there were some few Questions more to be added whereunto when he should have answered his Majesty swore solemnly that without any delay he should be admitted to his presence and that within two or three dayes he should have the said Questions sent unto him the Lord Conway notwithstanding he acknowledged under his hand that he had received his Majesties directions for the sending of the said Articles and was often thereunto sollicited on the behalf of the said Earl would never send the said Questions and at last answered That he had no more to do with the Earls businesses IX That the Earl of Bristol being set free by his late Majesty to come to London to follow his own Affairs as he pleased and thereupon having his Writ of Parliament sent unto him without any Letter of Prohibition but the Earl of Bristol out of his great desire to conform all his actions to that which he should understand would best please his Majesty sent to know whether his going or stay would be most agreeable unto his Majesty who was pleased to answer by a Letter from my Lord Duke of Buckingham That he took in ve●● good part the said Earls respect unto him but wished him to make some excuse for the present The which accordingly he did and moved That he might have a Letter under the Kings hand to warrant his absence but under colour of this Letter of leave upon the Earl of Bristol's own motion and desire the Lord Conway sent a Letter from his Majesty absolutely forbidding his coming to Parliament and therein likewise was inserted a Clause That the Earl should remain restrained as he was in the time of his late Majesty and so thereby a colour of restraint under his Majesties hand was gotten which could never be procured in his late Majesties time whereby the Earl of Bristol hath been unduly restrained ever since without being able to procure any redress or to make the Lord Conway willing to understand his Case although he sent him all the Papers whereby he might clearly see that the Earl was not under restraint in his late Majesties time but never other Answer could be procured from him but That he judged the said Earl to be under restraint and that his Liberty was expired by the late Kings death as is aforesaid X. That the Lord Conway knowing that the Match for the marrying of the King of Bohemia's eldest Son with the Emperors Daughter and being bred in the Emperors Court was allowed and propounded by his late Majesty And that his Majesty by his Letters unto his Son-in-law declareth That he thinketh it the fairest and clearest way for the accommodation of his Affairs and that he will take sufficient care for his breeding in true Religion And notwithstanding that the said Earl received a Copy of the said Letter by the late Kings order with other Papers setting down all that had been done in the said business and his Majesties assent thereunto from the Lord Conway himself yet hath he suffered all to be charged as a crime against the Earl of Bristol both in the twentieth Interrogatory and in his Majesties last Letter that he should consent to the breeding of the young Prince in the Emperors Court And further in the Interogatory he alledgeth it as an aggravation against the said Earl That the breeding of the said Prince in the Emperors Court inferred to the perversion of his Religion when he knew that his said breeding was never thought nor spoken of by the
King nor any other but with that express Clause and Condition That he should be bred in his own Religion and have such Tutors and Servants as his Father should appoint XI That the Lord Conway hath been the cause of all the Earl of Bristol's Troubles by his dubious and intrapping Dispatches and in●erring That the said Earl hath failed in his Directions when it shall be made appear that his Dispatches contained no such Directions as he hath alledged were given The House not being satisfied to commit the Earl to the Tower let him remain where he was before with the Gentleman Usher and further ordered That the Kings Charge against the Earl of Bristol be first heard and then the Charge of the said Earl against the Duke yet so that the Earls Testimony against the Duke be not prevented prejudiced or impeached The day following the Lord Keeper delivered a Message from the King to the House of Lords THat his Majesty taketh notice of the Articles exhibited against the Duke of Buckingham by the Earl of Bristol and he observeth that many of them are such as himself is able to say more of his own knowledge then any man for the Dukes sincere carriage in them That one of them touching the Narrative made in Parliament in the One and twentieth of King Iames trencheth as far upon himself as the Duke for that his Majesty went as far as the Duke in that Declaration and that all of them have been closed in the Earls own breast now for these two years contrary to his Duty if he had known any crime of that nature by the Duke and now he vents it by way of recrimination against the Duke whom he knows to be a principal Witness to prove his Majesties Charge And therefore That his Majesty gave them thanks that they gave no way to the Earl of Bristol's unreasonable motion of putting the Duke under the same restraint that they had put the Earl thereby eschewing what the Earl aimeth at to alter their dutifull Procedings toward his Majesty That thereby they had made his Majesty confident that as they have so they will put a difference between his Majesties Charge against one that appeareth as a Delinquent and the recrimination of the Earl of Bristol against his Majesties Witness and they will not equal them by a proceeding Pari Passu At this time there was an endeavor to take the Earls Cause out of the House and to proceed by way of Indictment in the Kings-Bench To which manner of proceeding why the Lords should not give way these ensuing Reasons were offered to consideration I. IT was ordered That in all Causes of moment the Defendants shall have Copies of all Depositions both pro and contra after publication in convenient time before hearing to prepare themselves and if the Defendants will demand that of the House in due time they shall have their learned Council to assist them in their defence And their Lordships declared That they did give their assents thereto because in all Cases as well Civil as Criminal and Capital they hold That all lawfull help could not before just Judges make one that is guilty avoid Justice and on the other side God defend that an Innocent should be condemned II. The Earl of Bristol by his Petition to the House complained of his restraint desiring to be heard here as well in points of his wrongs as in his accusations against the Duke whereof his Majesty taking consideration signified his pleasure by the Lord Keeper April the 20 That his Majesty was resolved to put his Cause upon the honor and justice of this House and that his pleasure was that the said Earl should be sent for as a Delinquent to answer the offences he committed in his Negotiation before his Majesties going into Spain whilest his Majesty was there and since his coming thence and that his Majesty would cause these things to be charged against him in this House so as the House is fully possessed of the Cause as well by the Earls Petition as by the Kings assent and the Earl brought up to the House as a Delinquent to answer his offences there and Mr. Attorney hath accordingly delivered the Charge against him in the House and the Earl also his Charge against the Duke And now if he be proceeded withal by way of Indictment in the Kings-Bench these dangerous inconveniences will follow viz. 1. He can have no Counsel 2. He can use no Witness against the King 3. He cannot know what the Evidences against him will be in a convenient time to prepare for his Defence and so the Innocent may be condemned which may be the Case of any Peer 4. The Liberties of the House will be thereby infrigned the Honor and Justice thereof declined contrary to the Kings pleasure expresly signified by the Lord Keeper All these things are expresly against the Order 5. The Earl being indicted it will not be in the power of the House to keep him from Arraignment and so he may be disabled to make good his Charge against the Duke Therefore the way to proceed according to the Directions and true meaning of the Order and the Kings pleasure already signified and preserve the Liberties of the House and protect one from injury will be First To have the Charge delivered into the House in writing and the Earl to set down his Answer to it in writing and that the Witnesses may be examined and Evidences on both sides heard by such course and manner of proceedings as shall be thought fit by the House and if upon full hearing the House shall finde it to be Treason then to proceed by way of Indictment if doubtfull in point of Law to have the opinion of the Judges to clear it if doutfull in matter of Fact then to refer it to a regal Fait And the rather for that 1. It appears that the Earl in the space of two years till now he complained hath not been so much as questioned for matter of Treason 2. He hath been examined upon twenty Interrogatories and the Commissioners satisfie that his Answer would admit of no Reply 3. The Lord Conway by several Letters hath intimated That there was nothing against him but what was pardoned by the Parliament Pardon of 21 Iac. And signified his Majesties pleasure That he might rest in that security he was and sit still His Majesty hath often declared both to the Countess of Bristol and others That there was neither Fellony nor Treason against him nor ought else but what a small acknowledgment would expiate Some Cases happened in Parliament 1 2 Caroli wherein the Judges opinions were had viz. THis Question was put to all the Justices Whether a Peer impeached for Treason shall be tried in Parliament And the chief Justice in the name of all the Justices delivered his opinion that the course by Law was Indictment and this to be signified in Parliament before the Lord Steward vide 10
Edward 4.6 or by Bill and an Act of Parliament to attaint the Party An Order was made in the Upper-House of Parliament 21 Iac. That any Peer shall have Counsel in case Criminal or Capital and upon the Accusation of the Earl of Bristol in Parliament he made a motion for Counsel which matter was commended to the King by the Lords with voucher of the said former Order The King returned Answer that this was contrary to the Fundamental Laws of the Realm but inasmuch as it was for his Benefit and Prerogative with which he may dispence therefore out of his grace he would allow the Earl of Bristol to have his Counsel with protestation that he would advise in the general and the same Order was made without his privity and without hearing the Justices or his Counsel And upon the Trial of the Lord Middlesex in a Case Criminal and not Capital afterward that is to say Friday after upon the assembly of all the Justices the Attorney of the King by commandment of the King demanded their opinion and they with one voice agreed That where the Trial is upon Indictment no Counsel in Fellony or Treason is to be allowed unless a matter of Law happen or upon the Indictment or upon Plea of the Defendant or upo● Evidence and in such Cases the Prisoner may have Counsel but not otherwise The Lords by Order referred to the Justices this Question Whether the King may be a Witness in case of Treason Secondly Admit that this be for Treason done when he is privy Whether in this case he may be a Witness or not and before the Resolution this Message and Command came from the King to the Justices that in this general Question they do not deliver any opinion but if any point come in particular they upon mature deliberation may give their advice And this was declared by the Cheif Justice in the Upper House of Parliament and the said Matter surceased Sitting this Parliament the Duke of Buckingham was deputed Procurator by several Peers whose Votes on any occasion he had power to make use of viz. By the Earls of Bath Exeter Cumberland Northumberland Lord Teinham Colchester Tunbridge Evers Darcy Meynel Noel St. John of Basing Mansfield and Roberts Whereupon the House of Peers made an Order That after this Session no Lord of this House shall be capable of receiving above two Proxies nor more to be numbred in any Cause voted About a fortnight after the Charge was given in against the Earl of Bristol the Earl gave in his Answer which we have chosen to insert here for the Readers more conveniency though a little out of time And having the Answer in his hand ready to deliver to their Lordships he did crave leave that by way of Introduction he might speak a few words and began thus I Am not insensible upon what disadvantages I come to tryal in this Cause For first I am faln into this Majesties heavy displeasure and am to encounter with a potent Adversary highly in favor and am accused for Treason for which all Counsel and Friends abandon me as a man infected with the Plague I am become bound and under restraint whereas a man who is to encounter for his life and honor and with a strong Adversary had need to come upon equal terms But as to the Matter I finde my self charged with divers Articles of High Treason but looking into them with the eyes of my best understanding with the opinion also of my Council lately assigned me and taking them apart one Article from another I finde not any thing in them like Treason or that hath so much as the shew or countenance of a fault either in act or words onely by laying all things together and by wresting the wrests with a strained Construction directly contrary to the true sence and meaning of them and the occasion whereupon they were spoken it is informed and that by way of inference onely That the intent was evil and the matter to prove the intent to be evil depends upon two props viz. Ill affection to Religion and too much affection to Spain which if I shall clear the Inference grounded upon these props will fall of it self Therefore I crave leave of your Lordships before I give my Answer to the Charge that I may give you an account of these two particulars and I humbly beseech you that what I shall speak in my just defence may not be conceived to proceed of vain ostentation And first for Religion I was in my Childhood bred in the Protestant Religion and rather after the stricter manner then otherwise When I grew in years fit I travelled into France Italy and Rome it self In all which Travels I can produce some that I consorted withal who will witness with me that I ever constantly used the Religion I professed without the least prevarication no man being able to charge me that so much as out of curiosity I ever was present at any of the exercises belonging to the Roman Religion or did the least act of Conformity to any of their Rites or Ceremonies Secondly After my return home I was received into the service of his late Majesty of Blessed Memory whom I served some years as a Gentleman of his Privy Chamber and Carver in which time none of his Majesties Servants received the Holy Sacrament frequented Sermons and other exercises of our Religion more then I. Thirdly In that time of my youth not to avoid idleness but out of affection to Religion I translated that excellent Book of our Faith and great Points of our Religion Written by Monsieur Moulins which his late Majesty having sometimes after seen approved so well that he would needs have it Printed which accordingly was Printed in the name of Mr. Sampford my Chaplain to whom I gave the honor But it was my own act as Mr. Sampford will not deny though to this hour I had never before spoken of it Fourthly About Seven or eight and twenty years of my age I was employed Ambassador into Spain in that great business of the Treaty of the Marriage and whereas others before me carried with them but one Chaplain I had two viz. Mr. Sampford and Mr. Boswel and at my arival at the Court of Spain I caused it to be published that such a day God willing I purposed to have a Communion to the end that such English as were in the Town might resort thither Whereat the Duke De Lerma and other the great Ministers of Spain took offence and told me they might well perceive I brought no good affection to the business I came about that would so publickly and avowedly in that Court where never the like was done proclaim there a Communion and with high expression perswaded me to decline it Whereunto I answered I came to do my Master service which I would heartily and effectually endeavor but would not omit my service to God no though my Master commanded And at
the Communion there were present One hundred persons some of them Brothers Kinsmen and near dependence upon some of their Lordships whom I see there in my eye This I did in Spain the like I did in Germany in the Emperors Courts in his Ambassage thither Fifthly I had in my several employments into Spain and Germany above Five hundred persons of all qualities attending upon me and never one perverted in Religion My Children carefully instructed and bred in the same Religion I had constantly every Sabbath a Sermon in my House and Sacraments and other exercises of our Religion frequented Sixthly A foul-mouthed Shimei railed against our late King and Religion in Spain how I caused that to be revenged by a near Kinsman of my own is well known Seventhly One of the English dying in the Town of Madrid of whose Religion there was some question made and the Kings Chaplains telling me that they at the day of his death had been with him and taken an accompt of his Faith and that he died a Protestant I caused him to be brought home to my House and there buried according to our Rites whereat much ado was made and it was threatned that the Inquisitors and other Officers would come and fetch him out and bury him after their manner I stood upon it and that it was the King of Englands House and openly protested that whosoever should come thither with such intent I would shoot at him with a Peece and exhorted all my people That if such an attempt should be they should rather then suffer such a dishonor to our Religion die with me in that quarrel and hoped such English as were in the Town would do the like Eighthly There having been a Monastery for English Jesuites founded and setled at Madrid before my coming thither and the English Arms set up I labored to suppress it and having written thereof to the late King his Majesty advised me not to run my Head against the Rock for it was an impossible thing for me to do Yet I undertook it and it pleased God so to bless my endeavors That I absolutely dissolved and overthrew it For which the Bishop of Winchester Montague now with God wrote unto me by his Majesties direction a Letter of his Majesties gratious acceptance of so great a Service telling me Besides the service I had done to the Church and Commonwealth it should remain a Trophy of Honor to me and my Posterity for ever And the King himself with his own hand wrote unto me beginning his Letter Good Fortune Digby your good luck in your Service well deserves that stile Ninethly In all Negotiations in Spain in point of Religion I ever straightned my Instructions Tenthly The Match with Spain was not moved by me I ever advised a Protestant Match and shewed many Reasons both of Conscience and State but if with a Catholick then rather with Spain then France so as good Conditions might be made for Religion as appears by a Letter I wrote and delivered to the Prince at his first going upon the employment for which I had like then to have been ruined for being a Puritan as I am now for being a Papist and all by one and the same hand Eleventhly And I appeal to the Testimony of Dr. Mason and Dr. Wren the Kings Chaplains with me in Spain and to Mr. Sampford Mr. Boswel and Mr. Frewen my own Chaplains there And that such Papists as have been my antient Acquaintance and Friends being men of worth well known to many of their Lordships may be examined upon Oath Whether I have not in all places as well in Spain as in England and at all times upon fit occasions avowed my self a Protestant without the lest prevarication Or whether I did ever any the least act that was not suitable to the same Profession And that Mr. Frewen Mr. Wake my own Chaplains may give their Testimonies whether in the time of several dangerous sicknesses which I had of late years faln into I have not in the time of such my sicknesses when no man can be supposed to dissemble with the World being ready to leave it made before them a Confession of my Faith and made my Peace with God resolving to die as besitted a Protestant and good Christian. This I tell your Lordships was my Religion I was bred in have ever professed and lived in and was resolved by Gods Grace to die in and yet was so unhappy by reason of employment to be distasteful to many good men that I have been suspected even by them not well knowing me And this hath been the rise the Duke hath now taken against me Then for my love to Spain I wonder from whence that opinion should grow since I was there hated and shamed as the man whom of all others they desired to have the least to do withal having stood ever stricter in point of Religion then by my Instructions I might have done as after the Capitulation concluded on they understood by some intelligence which caused their hatred towards me Sure I am I shewed it not by the service I did them for divers years together there was not a Letter sent by that King to any other State that the King my Master had not a Copy of before or by that time it came to the place whither it was directed There was not any great action on foot whereof I had not the private Instructions and sent them hither not any expedition by Sea or Land wherein I had not some Ministers or Intelligencers that gave me from time to time Advertisement of their Actions and most private Intentions whereof I advertised his Majesty from time to time I used such industry as to get all the Papers of that Kings private Cabinet into my hands took Copies and Notes of such of them as I thought useful and upon every of them set my private mark before they were conveyed back again to the end that if I should have had an occasion to have charged him with any thing mentioned in the same Papers I might have let him see I knew it by telling him in what Paper it was and marked with such a mark There was not a Port in Spain that I had not caused the depth of it to be sounded nor a Fort whereof I knew not the strength both for the Garison Munition and other matters of advantage and disadvantage insomuch as if it should please the King to appoint a Committee of the Lords to take accompt of me I should by the stores I gathered there and brought with me make it appear I was as useful a Servant to His Majesty in a War as in Peace Whereas at his Majesties coming out of Spain the powers for the Desponsories were to be deposited in some mans hands and the Duke upon pretence of doing me honor but intending to break my Neck by it moved they might be left with me and the King of Spain was contented and so they were put
his gracious acceptance of his service as in his Letters of November 24. 1622. written as followeth Viz. Your Dispatches are in all points so full and in them we receive so good satisfaction as in this we shall not need to inlarge any further but onely tell you we are well pleased with this diligent and discreet imployment of your endeavors and all that concerneth our service so are we likewise with the whole proceedings of our Ambassador Sir Walter Aston Thus we bid you heartily farewel Newmarke● Novemb. 24 1622. And afterwards his Majesty was likewise pleased in his Letters of 8 Ianuary 1622. a little before our gracious Soveraign Lord the King then Prince his coming into Spain Viz. as followeth Concerning that knotty and unfortunate Affair of the Palatinate to say the truth as things stand I know not what you could have done more then you have done already And whereas it is objected the Palatinate should be lost by the hopes he the said Earl gave by his Letters out of Spain it is an Objection of impossibility for there was nothing left but Mainheim and Frankendale when his first Letters out of Spain could possibly come to his late Majesties hands for he did not begin to Negotiate that business until August 1622. and about that time Heidelberg and all but Mainheim and Frankendale was lost and Mainheim he had saved by his industry had it not been so suddenly delivered as is by his Majesty acknowledged by Letters of 24 November 1622. written thus Viz. And howsoever the Order given to the Infanta for the relief of Mainheim arrived too late and after the Town was yielded to Tilly yet must we acknowledge it to be a good effect of your Negotiation and an Argument of that Kings sincere and sound intention And Frankendale being by the said Earls means once saved was again the second time saved meerly by the said Earls industry and procuring a Letter from the King of Spain dated the second of February 1623. whereupon followed the Treaty of Sequestration which hath since continued And he the said Earl was so far from hindring Succors by any Letter or Counsel of his that he was the Sollicitor and in great part the procurer of most of the Succors that had been sent thither as is formerly set down And when his Royal Majesty that now is and the Duke of Buckingham arrived at the Court of Spain they found the Business of the Palatinate in so fair a way that the Spanish Ministers told them the King should give his late Majesty a Blank in which we might frame our own Conditions and the same he confirmeth unto us now and the like touching this Blank was likewise acknowledged by the Duke of Buckingham in his Speech in Parliament after the return of his Majesty out of Spain And it will appear by the Testimony of Sir Walter Aston and by his and the said Earls Dispatches that the said Earl wanted not industry and zeal in the business insomuch as the last Answer the said Earl procured herein from the King of Spain was fuller then he the said Earl was ordered by his late Majesties latest Letters to insist upon So as by that which hath been alledged the said Earl hopeth your Lordships will be satisfied not onely that he wanted neither will nor industry but that he hath with all true zeal and affection and with his own means faithfully served their Majesties and the Prince Palatine in this Cause And for assurance in that Affair he had all that could be between Christian Princes and if in the said Assurances there hath been any deceit as by the said Article is intimated which he never knew nor believed he referred it to God to punish their wickedness For betwixt Princes there can be no greater Tye then their Words their Hands and Seals all which he procured in that behalf and both the said Earl and Sir Walter Aston were so confident that the business would be ended to his late Majesties satisfaction that in a joynt Dispatch to his late Majesty of 24 November 1623. after his now Majesties return into England they wrote as followeth Viz. We hope that your Majesty may according to your desire signified to me the Earl of Bristol by the Letters of October 8 give to your Majesties Royal Daughter this Christmas the comfortable news of the near expiring of her great troubles and sufferings as unto the Prince your Son the congratulation of being arrived to a most excellent Princess And having thus given your Lordships an Accompt of his Proceedings touching the Palatinate he will by your Lordships good favors proceed to the other part of that Charge concerning the Marriage And first touching his hopes and assurances that he is charged to have given to his late Majesty and Ministers of State here in England of the Spaniards real proceedings in the said Match when he said he knew they never meant it He saith he never gave any hopes of their proceedings but such and the very same that were first given to him without adding or diminishing neither could he have done otherwise either with honesty or safety And he further saith That the hopes he gave were not upon any Intelligence but as well in that of the Match as the other of the Palatinate his Advertisements were grounded upon all the Assurances both of Words and Writing that could possibly pass between Christians as will be made evidently appear by his Dispatch of 9 September 1623 which he humbly desires may be read if the length of it may not displease The substance being to shew all the Engagements and Promises of the King of Spain that he really intended the Match And the causes why the Conde Olivares pretended to the Duke of Buckingham that the Match was not formerly meant was onely thereby to free himself from Treating any longer with the said Earl to the end that he might treat for larger Conditions in point of Religion with the said Duke The said Conde Olivares taking advantage of having the Person of his Majesty then Prince in his hands And with this Dispatch the said Earl acquainted his Majesty that now is in Spain before he sent it And by this Dispatch the Earl doubteth not but that it will appear to this Honorable Court that whilest the Treating of this business was in hand he proceeded in that not onely with care and industry but with some measure of vigilancy And for clearing an Objection that hath been alleadged that the Match was never meant before the Dukes coming into Spain nor after the Earl craveth leave to set down some few Reasons of many which caused him to believe that the said Match was and had been really meant and that it was so conceived by both their Majesties and the King of Spain and their Ministers on both sides For first The Duke of Buckingham certified his late Majesty that the business of the Marriage was brought to a happy Conclusion whereupon
his late Majesty was pleased to give order to the Duke and Earl to proceed in the Business which his said Majesty would not have Treated till the said Marriage was concluded as will appear by a Letter of his said late Majesty joyntly to the Duke of Buckingham and the said Earl of the 23 Iuly 1623. Secondly It will appear by Letters of the said Lord Conway to the Duke of Buckingham bearing date September 4. 1623. That the said Duke had good assurance of the Conclusion of the said Match and upon this confidence were all things put in due execution in England as had been Capitulated And the Lord Conway and others faithfully agreed and setled all the Points of Immunity and Liberty for the Roman Catholicks for the use of their Religion as was set down in the Declaration August 9. 1623. hereafter mentioned in the Answers to the Fifth Article of this Charge Thirdly the very day his now Majesty and the Duke of Buckingham departed from the Escurial in Spain towards England the said Duke solemnly swore the Treaty of the said Marriage and the furtherance of it all that should be in his power upon the holy Evangelists in the presence of the said Earl and Sir Walter Aston Fourthly The Treaty of the said Marriage had been formerly signed sealed and solemnly sworne by the King of Spain And when his Majesty and that King took their leaves he did solemnly in the words of a King faithfully and punctually protest to perform all that had been capitulated in the Treaty of Marriage and thereupon imbraced his Majesty at his departure and sent the very next day a Letter written all with his own hand to his Majesty vowing and protesting to make all good that he had capitulated or promised unto his Majesty at his departure the day before So that if there were no true meaning on the part of Spain to make the Marriage as by Mr. Attorney is pretended yet certainly the Earl hath not been sleightly deceived neither can it be as he conceiveth any fault in him since not only his late Majesty but also his Majesty that now is and the Duke of Buckingham being then both upon the place did confidently believe and that upon other grounds then misinformations suggestions and perswasions of the said Earl that the Marriage was really intended And to that effect both his late Majesty of blessed memory and his most Excellent Majesty that now is after his return into England wrote unto him the said Earl several Letters assuring him that their intents and pleasures were to have the said Match proceeded in and thereupon the Proxies of his Majesty then Prince were again inrolled and sent unto the said Earl So that the said Earl having so many and so great causes to be assured that the Match was really intended on both sides he conceiveth it will be hard for Mr. Attorney to make good that part of his Charge wherein he affirmeth that the Earl should know the contrary or the Assurance to be upon false grounds as in the said Article is alleadged II. To the Second Article He directly denieth all the supposed Offences wherewith he stands charged by the said Article And for a clear declaration and manifestation of the truth and manner of his proceedings He saith First as to the continuing the Treaties upon Generalities That the Temporal Articles were by Agreements on both sides not to be treated or setled until such time as the Articles of Religion were fully agreed on For that it was held most proper and honorable for both sides first to see if the Difficulty of Religion might be removed before they passed to any further Engagements And the said Articles of Religion by reason of the Popes new Demands sent into England by Mr. Gage were not signed nor condescended unto by his late Majesty nor his Majesty that now is then Prince until Ian. 5. 1622. and were then sent away in Post out of England to the said Earl by Mr. Simon Digby who arrived with them at Madrid in Spain about the 25. of the same moneth But the Earls care was such to have no time spent in the setling of the Temporal Articles that before he would condescend so much as de bene esse unto the Articles of Religion that they should be sent back to Rome he procured the King of Spain to promise That within the time limited for procuring the Desponsories which was by March or April following the furthest all the Temporal Articles should be setled and agreed to the end that the Infanta might be delivered at the Spring as by the King of Spain his Answer in writing was declared to be the Kings intention And accordingly Sir Walter Aston and the said Earl did not deal in general but did most industriously labor to settle all in particular viz. That the Portion should be Two Millions it appearing that it was so agreed by the late King of Spain That the Dispensation coming the Desponsories should be within Forty days after And that Don Duarte de Portugal should be the man that should attend the Infanta in the Journey And all other Particulars necessary for the Conclusion of the said Treaties were by Sir Walter Aston and the said Earl and the Spanish Commissioners drawn up into heads in writing and after many Debates they were consulted with that King and 2 Martii 1623. stilo vet the Conde Gondomar and the Secretary Don Andreas de Prada were appointed to come home to the house of the said Earl to signifie unto Sir Walter Aston and himself as they did That the King of Spain had declared his resolution in all the Particulars and given them order to come to a speedy Conclusion with them in all things And that Kings Answer to that Conclusion the Earl saw and read all written with the King of Spain's own hand On the seventh day of the said moneth of March 1623. the Kings Majesty then Prince and the Duke of Buckingham arrived at Madrid And then the Spaniards took new laws and the Negotiation was put into a new form So that whereas it is objected against the Earl that he entertained and continued the Treaties so long upon Generalities He conceives it is not meant upon the Spiritual Articles for they were such as were sent from Rome into England and from thence they came to the Earl And for the Temporal Articles they were not to be setled and treated till the Articles of Religion were concluded He conceiveth it cannot be alleadged with any colour that his Majesty was entertained with Generalities since the time that the said Articles of Religion were brought unto the said Earl by Mr. Simon Digby being about the 25. of Ianuary There were but six weeks until March 7. following when his Majesty then Prince arrived in Madrid and in the interim all the above-mentioned Particulars were setled And the time that hath been spent in this Treaty hath not been through his the said Earls
default in continuing upon Generalities without pressing to Particulars but hath been caused as well by Difficulties which the business brought with it as also with exterior Accidents viz. The Wars of Bohemia the death of two Popes and of the late King of Spain without the least fault of the said Earl as is acknowledged by his late Majesty of blessed memory in the said Earl his Instructions on the 14. of March 1621. Neither could any delay herein be attributed unto him the said Earl For he was imployed in those times into Germany and Flanders and Sir Walter Aston and Sir Francis Cottington for the space of three or four years were resident in Spain from whence the hopes they gave were upon all the discreet grounds that Ministers can expect from a State But the Earl reassumed this business six moneths before his Majesties coming into Spain and he was so desirous to see his Majesty then Prince bestowed that he pressed nothing so much both to the King and Prince as that the Prince might lose no more time and rather to break the Match with Spain then suffer any further delays as will appear by his Dispatches from his first arrival at the Court of Spain until his Majesties then Prince his coming For in his Letters of Iune 20. 1622. being the first he wrote after his first Audience he was so desirous that no time might be lost that in them he craveth leave of his Majesty that in case he should find any Delays in Spain he might without expecting any Order take his leave and come home Upon the return of Sir Francis Cottington in September following he wrote both to the King and his Majesty then Prince To the King as followeth I Shall presume to add to that which Mr. Cottington shall deliver unto your Majesty by word of mouth of the present estate of the Match what I conceive to be the right way to bring it to a speedy issue That your Majesty will be pleased positively to declare what you will do in point of Religion and that you will appoint me a certain limited time by which this King should procure the Dispensation or conclude the Match without it And in case there shall be any further delay therein that I may then declare your Majesty to be free and disengaged to bestow the Prince in such sort as you shall judge most convenient And to the Prince at thesame wrote in these subsequent words viz. THat which will be necessary for his Majesty presently to do on his Majesties part is to declare himself how far he will be pleased to yield in point of Religion as Mr. Cottington will approve unto your Highness And that he set a prefixed time to break or conclude the Match either with the Dispensation or without the same For the rest it may be left to my Negotiation But your Highness may be pleased to hasten his Majesties resolution with all possible speed And the said Earl saith That having received from his said late Majesty his resolution in point of Religion and a limited time according to his desire he was so precise and punctual therein that although the making or breaking of the Marriage depended upon it he would not give one moneths respite longer time for the procuring of the Dispensation until he had first acquainted his late Majesty therein and received his Directions under his own hand as will appear by his Majesties Letters of Octob. 25. 1622. as followeth RIght Trusty and welbeloved Cousin and Counsellor We greet you heartily well Whereas by your last Letter written to our Secretary dated Sept. 29. you are desirous to have our pleasure signified unto you under our own hand Whether we will be content or not to grant a Moneths time longer for the coming of the Dispensation from Rome then we have already limited unto you in case they shall there conclude all things else to our contentment with a Resolution to send the Infanta hither the next Spring We do hereby declare unto you that in that case you shall not break with them for a Moneths longer delay We also wish you not to trouble your self with the rash Censure of other men in case your business should not succeed resting in that full assurance of our Iustice and Wisdom that we will never judge a good and faithful Servant by the effect of things so contingent and variable And with this assurance we bid you heartily farewell And he further saith That when he had agreed to the Articles of Religion and that a certain time was set for the coming of the Dispensation and a Conclusion of the Match although he would bind himself to nothing without his Majesties approbation yet for that no time might be lost he agreed to the Propositions De bene esse sent by Mr. Porter Decemb. 10. 1622. to the end the Articles might immediately be sent to Rome without losing so much time as to hear first from England And humbly moved that in case his Majesty should like of the said Articles he would send his Approbation directly to Rome for the gaining of time which his Majesty was pleased to do And at the same time he wrote both to his said late Majesty and his Majesty then Prince as followeth viz. To his Majesty This is the true state of the business as it now standeth If your Majesty approve of what is done I hope it will be a happy and a short Conclusion If your Majesty think it not fit to allow and condescend to the said Articles I have done the uttermost of my endeavors and shall humbly perswade your Majesty not to lose a day longer in the Treaty so much it importeth your Majesty and your Kingdoms that the Prince were bestowed And to the Prince in Letters of the like date in this sort I have presumed to write to his Majesty that which I think my duty to say to your Highness That in case you shall not approve of what is now conditionally agreed you permit not a day more to be lost in this Treaty For it is of so great consequence that your Highness were bestowed that it importeth almost as much that you were speedily as ●itly matched But I hope his Majesty and your Highness will in such sort approve of this last Agreement as you will speedily bring this long Treaty to a happy conclusion I am out of hope of bringing things to any better terms therefore I deal clearly with your Highness and do not only most humbly perswade but on my knees beg it of you that you either resolve to conclude this Match as you may or speedily to break it and bestow your self elswhere for no less then the happiness of your Kingdom and the security of the King your Father and your self depend upon it All which things being considered the Earl most humbly submitteth himself to the Judgment of that most high and honorable Court whether the Delays which accidents have brought forth in
his Majesties will and pleasure is that a Legal and Authentical Pardon shall be passed under the Great Seal wherein shall be freely pardoned all those Penalties Forfeitures and Seisures Indictments Convictments and Incumbrances whatsoever whereunto the Roman Catholicks are lyable or have been proceeded against or might be as well Priests as others for matters of Conscience onely and to which the rest of his Majesties Subjects are not liable And to the end his Majesty may make himself clearly understood where it shall happen that any of those Forfeitures and Pecuniary Mul●s have béen given away under his Majesties Great Seal his Majesty will not hide that it is not in his power so to make void those Letters Patents except they be voidable by Law and then his Majesty is well pleased that all Roman Catholicks may in these Cases plead in Law if they finde it good and shall have equal and legal Tryal And his Majesty is likewise pleased that his General Pardon shall remain in being Five years to the end all that will may in that time take it out and his Majesty will give order for the comfort of the poorer sort that the Pardon shall not be costly but such like course shall be taken as was in a like occasion at his majesties coming into England and that it shall be lawful to put as many as can be possible into one Pardon And we do further Declare That his Majesties will and pleasure is to the end the Roman Catholicks his Majesties Subjects may have a present and a frée fruition of as much as is intended them by the Articles of Treaty of Marriage to cause a present Suspension under his Majesties Seal of all those Penal Laws Charges and Forfeitures whereunto the Roman Catholick Subjects of his Majesty have heretofore béen subject and to which the rest of his Majesties Subjects have not béen liable and in the same Grant and under the same Seal to give a Dispensation and Toleration to all the Roman Catholicks his Majesties Subjects as well Priests as Temporal persons and others of and from all the Penalties Forfeitures Troubles and Incumbrances which they have béen or may be subject to by reason of any Statute or Law whatsoever to the observation whereof the rest of his Majesties Subjects are not bound We do likewise declare That his Majesty hath promised in his Royal Word that the execution shall be no ways burthensome or penal to the Roman Catholicks but that for the manner of priviledging and fréeing them from that he must confer with Bishops and Advocates into which he will presently enter and expedite by all means And we do further declare That his Majesties intention is presently to pursue his former Directions which had béen before executed if their Excellencies had so thought good to put under his Seal severally the said Pardon and Suspension and Dispensation and that his Majesties Attorney and learned Council shall have referred to them the charge to pen them with all those effectual words clauses expressions and reservations which may presently give fruition to the Roman Catholicks his Majesties Subjects and make them inviolable in the fruition of all that is intended and promised by his Majesty in the Articles of Marriage and his Majesties further Grace And we do declare That his Majesties further will and pleasure is for the better satisfaction and discharge of the care and endeavor of their Excellencies the Ambassadors that it shall be lawful to them to assign a discréet person to entertain such sufficient Lawyers as shall be thought sit to take care to the strength validity and security of the said Grants and his Majesties Attorney shall have charge to receive and admit the said Lawyers to the sight and judgment of the said Draughts and in any doubts to give them satisfaction or to use such legal necessary and pertinent words and phrases as he the said Lawyer shall propound for the security of the Roman Catholicks and sure making of the said Grants And we do further declare That his Majesties pleasure is to make a Dispatch into Ireland un●o his Deputy there by the hands of the Lord Treasurer and Secretary of State Sir George Calvert for the present confirming and sealing the things concerning the Roman Catholicks answerable to the Articles of Treaty his Royal Promise and Procéedings here And for Scotland That his Majesty according to the constitution of his Affairs there and regard to the Publick good and peace of that Kingdom and as soon as possible will do all that shall be convenient for the accomplishment of his Promise in Grace and Favor of the Roman Catholicks his Subjects conformable to the Articles of Treaty of Marriage But this Declaration the said Earl saith and affirmeth was the effect of the Duke of Buckinghams Negotiation and treated and concluded by the Lord Conway with the Spanish Ambassador here whilst the Prince was in Spain neither was his privity or advice in it For if he had known it he should have protested against it All which together with the difference betwixt the Conditions of Religion agreed at the Treaty of Madrid 12 December 1622. by the said Earl and the said Sir Walter Aston being by their Lordships considered the said Earl doubteth not but it will manifestly appear whose endeavor it was to advance the Romish Religion and the Professors thereof and judge the said Earl most unfortunate to be charged with an Article of this kinde VI. To the Sixth Article the Earl saith That the Assurances which he gave his late Majesty and his Majesty that now is concerning the Treaties were such That it had been dishonesty and breach of his duty and trust for him to have held them back being the same that were given him by the Emperor and the King of Spain and their Ministers upon as great Assurances as can pass between Ministers of Princes in the like case And for the Delays of Spain they could be never so ill and with so little colour complained of as at the time of his Majesties coming thither for that a certain time was before then prefixed for the coming of the Dispensation viz. in April 1623. at the furthest which was the next moneth after the Princes arival at Madrid the Desponsories were to be within four days following and the Infanta to begin her journey into England twenty days after So as three moneths patience longer would have shewed the issue of the business without putting of the person of the Prince being Heir-Apparant to the Crown in so eminent a hazard for the trying of an experiment And it is an argument of great suspition because the Spaniards were suspected to have dealt falsly and so the less to be trusted with the person of the Prince to be put into their hands to try conclusions But the truth is though that were made the pretended ground and the occasion of the journey it was neither the Assurances of the said Earl nor the Jealousies of Spain
What the said Earl saw in his Majesty that he should think him so unworthy as to change his Religion for a Wife or any earthly respect whatsoever So why should it be thought that being more fit to undertake great actions in the world being a meer moral and temporal respect should be an argument to perswade in conscience so religious and wise a Prince and so well instructed as his Majesty is as though the soul of a Christian Prince was to be wrought upon in point of Truth and Belief by temporal and worldly respects of Conveniencies and Greatness It were necessary for the proving that the said Earl perswaded his Majesty touching Religion to produce some arguments that he used out of Scripture to satisfie him in point of Conscience in some Tenents of the Roman Church or that he produced any Conference with Learned men for his satisfaction in point of Religion Otherwise the Articles used in this against the said Earl do as he conceiveth ca●ry little strength to prove the Charge of perswading his Majesty either in regard of it self or in regard of his Majesties piety IX To the Ninth Article the said Earl saith That there was a Discourse in Spain of the way of accommodating the Prince Palatine his affairs and by way of discourse it was moved That the Marriage of his eldest Son with a Daughter of the Emperor and his Son to be bred in the Emperors Court would be the fairest way for the pacifying of and accommodating those businesses And the Earl by way of discourse and not otherwise did say That he thought his late Majesty could not be adverse either to the said Match or to the breeding of the Prince Palatine his Son with the Emperor so as thereby the whole Patrimonial Estate of the Prince Palatine and the Dignity Electoral might be fully restored and that his Son might be bred in his own Religion and have such Preceptors and such a Family as his late Majesty and his Father meaning the Prince Palatine should appoint and they to have free exercise of Religion For so his late Majesty hath often declared himself to the said Earl and wished him to lay hold on any occasion for the entertaining of any such Proposition And otherwise then so and upon the terms aforesaid and by that way of Conference and discourse only he delivered not any Opinion to his Majesty at his Majesties being in Spain For the said Earl is very confident that his Majesty was returned out of Spain before any Proposition was made for the said Marriage other then by way of discourse as aforesaid The same as the said Earl believeth being first moved and debated on by way of Proposition between Mr. Secretary Calvert and the Ambassador of the King of Spain Octob. 2. 1628. His late Majesty upon a relation made unto him by a Letter of Mr. Secretary Calvert approved of the said Proposition and declared the same to be the onely way as he conceived to accommodate with honor those great businesses And wrote to that purpose to his Son-in-law the Prince Palatine by his Letters dated 9 Novemb. 1623. A Copy of which he together with Mr. Secretary Calverts Relation and the Lord Conway by his late Majesties commandment sent unto the said Earl the Tenor of which translated out of French is as followeth WE have thought good that we may provide best and most soundly for your Affairs not only to procure but also to assure your Peace were to cut up by the very roots that Evil which hath been setled in the heart of the Emperor by the great displeasure and enmity he hath conceived against you For the removing and quite extinguishing of which it seemeth to us no better or more powerful means can be used then a good Alliance which may be proposed by us between your eldest Son and the Daughter of the said Emperor upon the assurance we have we shall not be refused in this nature if you on your part will give your consent And for the more surety of the good success thereof we are determined before any such Proposition be made to the Emperor to interess the King of Spain with us in the business who we trust will lend us his helping hand as well for the effecting of it and bringing it to a good conclusion as in procuring likewise that the Conditions be duly observed Amongst which Conditions if it happen that the Emperor should demand that your Son during his minority should be brought up in his Court We shall tell you that we for our own part see no reason why you should stick at it upon such Conditions as he might be tied unto to wit That the young Prince should have with him such Governor as you should please to appoint him although he be no Roman Catholick And that neither he nor any of his should be any way forced in matter of their Conscience And our meaning is so to order our proceeding in this Treaty that before your said Son be put into the hands of the Emperor we will have a clear and certain assurance of an honorable entire and punctual restitution of all whatsoever belonging to you As also we will take care to provide accordingly as fully and exactly for the Assurances requisite for the Liberty of Conscience for him and his Domesticks as they have done here with us touching those that have been granted them for the Infanta And therefore seeing there is no Inconvenience at all that may cause your aversness or backwardness in this business which we for our parts think to be the best shortest and most honorable way that you can take for the compassing of the entire Restitution and making your Peace sure with the Emperor We hope your opinion will concur with us herein and shall intreat you by the first to send us your Answer By which Letter after his Majesties coming out of Spain it appeareth to your Lordships that there was no Proposition of the Marriage betwixt the Son of the Prince Palatine and the Emperors Daughter when that Letter was written For therein his Majesty saith he was determined to interess the King of Spain in the business before any such Proposition should be made to the Emperor And it will also thereby appear that his late Majesties opinion was of the Conveniencie thereof which the said Earl hopeth will acquit him if by way of discourse only he declared what his Majesties inclination was which with honesty he could not have concealed And the said Earl saith he doth not remember what answer Sir Walter Aston made upon that discourse which he then delivered nor what replies the said Earl made but sure he is whatsoever the said Earl said or what answer or reply soever was made as it was by way of discourse and not otherwise so it was according to that which he truly conceived to be the best and easiest way to accommodate the business and to be his Majesties pleasure which the
King so straitned in time as by the said Article is pretended will appear by the said Earls Dispatch of September 28. 1623. In which upon scruple that was then made of the Infanta's entring into Religion he wrote to the same effect Viz. That if the Dispensation should come he knew no means how to detain the Proxies above twenty or twenty four dayes So that although difficulty happened until the middest of November 1623. yet it was foreseen that it must of necessity happen whensoever the Dispensation should come and then was warning of two moneths given thereof viz. from September 24. until November 29. which was the time appointed for the Desponsories So as he most humbly submits himself unto your Lordships which of the two wayes was the safer or dutifuller for him to take whether upon inferences and conjectures to have overthrown so great a business or on the otherside first to have presented unto his Majesty the truth and sincerity as he did the true estate of his Affairs with his humble opinion therein with an intimation that if his Majesty should resolve to break the Match that for the said Earl his honest discharge of the publick Trust reposed in him when the Proxies were deposited in his hands and for his sufficient warrant in so great a cause his Majesty would be graciously pleased to give him clear and express order which he had not and in the interim whilest his Majesty might take into consideration the great inconveniences that might ensue the said inconveniences might be suspended and the business kept upon fair terms that his Majesty might have his way and choice clear and unsoiled before him And as to the evil Consequences which are pretended would have followed if the said Earl had proceeded to the consummation of the Match before he had express order and warrant to the contrary he supposeth his Majesty should speedily have seen the Marriage which he so long sought to have effected that the Prince should have had a worthy Lady whom he loved that the Portion was much greater then ever was given in money in Christendom that the King of Spain had engaged himself for restitution of the Palatinate for which the said Earl conceived a daughter of Spain and Two Millions had been no ill pawn besides many other additions of advantage to the Crown of England Whereas on the contrary side he foresaw that the Prince would be kept a year longer unmarried a thing that so highly concerneth these Kingdoms he doubteth that the recovery of the Palatinate from the Emperor and Duke of Bavaria by force would prove a great difficulty and that Christendom was like to fall into a general Combustion So that desiring that his Majesty should have obtained his ends and have had the honor and happiness not onely to have given peace plenty and increase unto his own Subjects and Crowns but to have compounded the greatest differences that had been these many years in Christendom And by his Piety and Wisdom to have prevented the shedding of so much Christian Blood as he feared would ensue if these businesses were disordered These Reasons he confesseth and the zeal unto his Majesties service made him so earnestly desire the effecting of this business and cannot but think himself an unfortunate man his Majesties affairs being so near setling to his Majesties content as he conceived they were and hoping to have been unto his Majesty not onely a faithful Servant but a successful Servant to see the whole estate of his affairs turned up-side down without any the least fault of his and yet he the onely Minister on the English and Spanish side that remained under disgrace XI To the Eleventh Article the said Earl saith That the Article is grounded upon a Petition by him preferred to this Honorable House supposed to be scandalous which your Lordships as he conceiveth according to the Customs and Priviledges of the House of Peers would have been pleased first to have adjudged so to have been either for matter appearing in it self or upon hearing the said Earl for if the matter appearing in the Petition it self be not to be excepted unto it cannot as he conceiveth by Collateral accidents be taken for a Scandal till it be examined and found false For a plain and direct Answer thereunto he saith That the said Petition is such as will not warrant any such inference as by the said Article is inforced And that he hopeth to justifie the Contents of the said Petition in such sort as shall not displease his Majesty nor deserve that expression which is used in the Charge but contrarily what he hath said or shall say therein in his defence shall in all things tend to the Honor and Service of his Majesty by reducing into his Memory divers Circumstances and laying before him the passages of divers particulars which by undue practices have been either concealed from his Majesty or mis-related to him Having thus offered to this High and Honorable Court such Proofs and Reasons as he hopeth shall in your Lordships W●sdom and Justice clearly acquit him of any capital Crime or wilful Offence if it shall appear that out of Errors of Judgment too much ferventness of zeal to his Majesties service or the ignorance of the Laws of this Realm wherewith he hath not been able to be so well acquainted as he ought by reason of Foreign Employments by the space of many years or by any other ways or means he hath faln into the danger of the Laws for any thing pardoned in the General Pardon made in the Parliament holden at Westminster Anno Vicesimo primo Regni Imp. Iacobi Angliae c. of Blessed Memory he humbly prayeth allowance of the Pardons and the benefit thereof with this Clause That he doth and will aver that he is none of the persons excepted out of the same although he is very confident he shall not need the help of any pardon having received many significations as well from his Majesties own mouth that he had never offended his Majesty as lately by several Letters from the Lord Conway that he might rest in the security he was in and sit still and should be no further questioned But he hopes your Lordships will not onely finde him so far from blame but that he hath served his late Majesty of Blessed memory and his most gratious Son the Kings Majesty that now is with that fidelity care and industry that your Lordships will take such course as you in your wisdoms shall think fit not onely for the upholding the Honor and Reputation of a Peer of this Realm after so many employments but likewise become humble and earnest Suitors to his Majesty on his behalf which he humbly prayeth That he may be restored to his Majesties most gratious Favor which above all worldly things he most desireth The Eighth of May the Commons brought up their Charge against the Duke which was delivered at a Conference of both Houses
but look upon it and for want of Perspectives commend the nearer examination to your Lordships who may behold it at a nearer distance Such a prodigious Comet the Commons take this Duke of Buckingham to be against whom and his irregular ways there are by learned Gentlemen legal Articles of Charge to be delivered to your Lordships which I am generally first commanded to lay open 1. The Offices of this Kingdom that are the Eyes the Ears and the Hands of this Commonwealth these have been ingrossed bought and sold and many of the greatest of them holden even in the Dukes own hands which severally gave in former ages sufficient content to greatest Favorites and were work enough for wisest Counsellors by means whereof what strange abuses what infinite neglects have followed The Seas have been unguarded Trade disturbed Merchants oppressed their Ships and even one of the Royal Navy by cunning practice delivered over into Foreign hands and contrary to our good Kings intention employed to the prejudice almost to the ruine of Friends of our own Religion 2. Next Honors those most pretious Jewels of the Crown a Treasure inestimable wherewith your Noble Ancestors my Lords were well rewarded for eminent and publick Service in the Common-wealth at home for brave exploits abroad when covered all with dust and blood they sweat in service for the honor of this Crown What back-ways what by-ways have been by this Duke found out is too well known to your Lordships whereas antiently it was the honor of England as among the Romans the way to the Temple of Honor was through the Temple of Vertue But I am commanded to press this no further then to let your Lordships know one instance may perhaps be given of some one Lord compelled to purchase Honor 3. As divers of the Dukes poor Kinred have been raised to great honors which have been and are likely to be more chargeable and burthensome to the Crown so the Lands and Revenews and the Treasuries of his Majesty have been intercepted and exhausted by this Duke and his Friends and strangely mis-employed with strange confusion of the Accounts and overthrow of the well established antient Orders of his Majesties Exchequer 4. The last of the Charges which are prepared will be an injury offered to the person of the late King of Blessed memory who is with God of which as your Lordships may have heard heretofore you shall anon have further information Now upon this occasion I am commanded by the Commons to take care of the honor of the King our Soveraign that lives long may he live to our comfort and the good of the Christian World and also of his Blessed Father who is dead on whom to the grief of the Commons and their great distaste the Lord Duke did they conceive unworthily cast some ill odor of his own foul ways whereas Servants were antiently wont to bear as in truth they ought their Masters faults and not cast their own on them undeservedly It is well known the King who is with God had the same power and the same wisdom before he knew this Duke yea and the same affections too through which as a good and gratious Master he advanced and raised some Stars of your Lordships Firmament in whose hands this exorbitancy of will this transcendency of power such placing and displacing of Officers such irregular runing into all by-courses of the Planets such sole and single managing of the great Affairs of State was never heard of And therefore onely to the Lord Duke and his procurement by mis-informations these faults complained of by the Commons are to be imputed And for our most Gratious Soveraign that lives whose name hath been used and may perhaps now be for the Dukes justification the Commons know well That among his Majesties most Royal Virtues his Piety unto his Father hath made him a pious nourisher of his Affections ever to the Lord Duke on whom out of that consideration his Majesty hath wrought a kinde of wonder making Favor Hereditary but the abuse thereof must be the Lord Dukes own And if there have been any Commands such as were or may be pretended his mis-informations have procured them whereas the Laws of England teach us That Kings cannot command ill or unlawful things when ever they speak though by their Letters Patents or their Seals If the things be evil these Letters Patents are void and whatsoever ill event succeeds the Executioners of such Commands must ever answer for them Thus my Lords in performance of my duty my weakness hath been troublesome unto your Lordships it is now high time humbly to entreat your pardon and give way to a learned Gentleman to begin a more particular charge Then were read the First Second and Third Articles viz. 1. THat whereas the great Offices expressed in the said Dukes Stile and Title heretofore have been the singular Preferments of several Persons eminent in Wisdom and Trust and fully able for the weighty Service and greatest Employments of the State whereby the said Offices were both carefully and sufficiently executed by several Persons of such Wisdom Trust and Ability And others also that were employed by the Royal Progenitors of our Soveraign Lord the King in places of less Dignity were much encouraged with the hopes of advancement And whereas divers of the said places severally of themselves and necessarily require the whole care industry and attendance of a most provident and most able person He the said Duke being yong and unexperienced hath of late years with exorbitant Ambition and for his own profit and advantage procured and ingrossed into his own hands the said several Offices both to the danger of the State the prejudice of that Service which should have been performed in them and to the great discouragement of others who by this his procuring and ingrossing of the said Offices are precluded from such hopes as their Vertues Abilities and Publick Employments might otherwise have given them II. Whereas by the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom of England if any person whatsoever give or pay any sum of Money Fee or Reward directly or indirectly for any Office or Offices which in any-wise touch or concern the Administration or Execution of Justice or the keeping of any of the Kings Majesties Towns Castles or Fortresses being used occupied or appointed for places of strength and defence the same person is immediately upon the same Fee Money or Reward given or paid to be adjudged a disabled person in the Law to all intents and purposes to have occupy or enjoy the said Office or Offices for the which he so giveth or payeth any sum of Money Fee or Reward He the said Duke did in or about the Moneth of Ianuary in the Sixteenth year of the late King Iames of Famous memory give and pay to the Right Honorable Charles then Earl of Nottingham for the Office of Great Admiral of England and Ireland and the Principality of
readiness for circumvention and surprisal of the Owners Captains and Masters of the said Ships then and not before they were suddenly pressed to Seal the Countreparts of the prepared Articles and they were about the same time released and discharged from the Imprest of his Majesties Service and acquainted and designed to serve the French King the said three moneths pay being offered and afterwards paid unto them before-hand as a bait to draw on and intangle them in the business Nevertheless the Captains and Owners of the said Merchants Ships doubted upon some points to wit first Against whom they should be employed secondly What Foreign power they should be bound to take into their Ships and thirdly What sufficient security they should have for their freight and redelivery of their Ships But there were private Instructions given to Captain Iohn Pennington Captain of the Kings Ship the Vauntguard as for him and the whole Fleet that he should observe the first Instructions to wit Not to serve against those of the Religion and to take into his Ship no more Frenchmen then they could master The pretence for Genoa and these private Instruments for Pennington were but a further Artifice of the Dukes to draw the Ships into France and to conceal the breaking forth of the matter here in England And the more to endear them and confirm them in an opinion of right intention they were commanded to conceal these private Instructions as if the Duke and his Agents hast trusted them more then they did the Ambassadors By these and other like cunning and undue proceedings of the said Duke the said Marquis d' Effiat sealed one part and the Owners of the said Merchants ships respectively sealed the other parts of the said pretended Articles trusting they should not be bound to the strict performance thereof by reason of the said private Instructions to the contr●● After the passing of these Articles the said ships being formerly ready the said Duke May 8. 1625. made a Warrant under the Great-Seal to call the Companies aboard which had been raised and fitted for the said French service according to former Instructions and with first opportunity to go to such Port as the French Ambassador should direct c. there to expect Directions of the Party that should be Admiral of the said Fleet so prepared with a requiry of all Officers to be assistant hereunto All things being now in readiness Captain Pennington being Admiral of this whole Fleet in May 1625. went with the Kings said ship the Vantguard and the seven Merchants ships aforesaid to Diep in France There instantly the Duke of Memorancy Admiral of France would have put Two hundred French Souldiers aboard the ship called the Industry being no more men then she could stow but a far greater proportion of men then her proper Company was able to command or master and offered also to do the like to every one of the said ships telling the said Captain Pennington and other the said English Captains and Owners and their Companies in direct tearms that they were to go and should go to serve against the City and Inhabitants of Rochel and against those of our Religion whereunto they all shewing themselves unwilling there were Chains of Gold and other Rewards offered unto some of the Captains Masters and Owners to induce them All which they utterly refused protesting unanimously against the Design and would not take in above a fit number of men such as they might be able to command Also the Company of the Kings ship did there inform Captain Pennington of this Overture made to go against Rochel and exhibited a Petition to him against the same subscribing their names to the Petition in a Circle or Compass that it might not appear who was the beginner of the same and then they laid it under his Prayer-Book where he found and read it Whereupon Captain Pennington and the rest consulted more seriously of the matter and by a general assent returned all back to the Downs where they arrived about the end of Iune or beginning of Iuly 1625. From thence Captain Pennington sent a Letter to the Duke of Buckingham by one Ingram with the said Petition and imployed him to become a Suitor to get a discharge from serving against Rochel Ingram delivered the Letter to the Duke and saw him read it together with the said Petition whereby as by other former and later means he had full notice of the Design and intent of the French to go against the Rochellors Iames Moyer also about the same time came to the Court and had conference with my Lord Conway and Sir Iohn Cook now Secretary acquainting them what had passed at Diep praying them to acquaint the Duke which they did and the Duke delivered the said Letter and Petition to Sir Iohn Cook The Duke of Chevereux and Monsieur de Villocleer being now come into England as extraordinary Ambassadors from the French King they and the said Marquis d' Effiat more especially d' Effiat sollicited and got a Letter from the Lord Conway by the Dukes means dated Iuly 1O 1625 directed to Captain Pennington whereby he took upon him to express and signifie his Majesties pleasure to be That his Majesty had left the command of the ships to the French King and that now Captain Pennington should receive into them so many men as that King should please for the time contracted and recommended his Letter to be as a sufficient Warrant in that 〈◊〉 All this while the King or Body of the Council were never made acquainted with any other design then that of Genoa nor heard any thing of the passages at Diep nor of the design for Rochel nor of our Masters Companies Petitions Informations or Complaints thereupon This Letter of the Lord Conways was sent by Parker from Hampton-Court unto Pennington being now about the Downs and was not long after delivered into his hands About this time Monsieur de la Touche and others as from the Duke de Rohan and others of the Protestant party in France sollicited our King and Council against the going of the ships and had good words and hopes from both but from the Duke the contrary who told them the King his Master was obliged and so the ships must and should go The ships remained still in the Downs and afterwards viz. about Iuly 15. 1625. there was a Treaty at Rochester between the three Ambassadors Extraordinary of France and Iames Moyer and Anthony Touchin for themselves and other English Captains and Masters of ships c. The said Moyer and Touchin being by Message commanded to attend the Duke of Buckingham at Rochester for conclusion and settlement to be had of this business the said Ambassadors did there proffer and offer to the said Moyer and Touchin an Instrument in French purporting thus viz. 1. That the said English Captains and their Companies should consent and promise to serve the French King against all none excepted but
Answer in writing under their hands whether they would conform to the Lord Conways Letter and to the Instrument peraffetted at Rochester for delivery over of the said ships yea or no offering to procure them a sufficient discharge to their contentment for their so doing The same day also Sir Ferdinando Gorge and the rest by writing under their hands subscribed did declare as followeth namely That they were willing to obey our King but held not the security peraffetted at Rochester by the three Ambassadors to be sufficient though honorable and so they absolutely refused to deliver their ships upon that security desiring better caution in that behalf 1. By Merchants of Paris 2. To be transferred to London 3. Irrevocable 4. And such as might not be protected by Prerogative and to have this under the Hands and Seals of both Kings All this while our King or body of the Council knew nothing in certain of any other design of the French then only of their pretence against Genoa and believed that all the Articles and Instruments that had passed between the French and us or the Captains Masters and Owners of the English ships had been penned and contrived with full and good Cautions accordingly for p●evention of all dangers that might grow to the contrary Also the same 28 Iuly the Captains and Masters taking notice of Mr. Nicholas pressing them to deliver their ships before security given to their content contrary to former Propositions which they held unreasonable did make answer unto the Marquis in writing That until they should have security to their contentment they would not quit the possession of their ships unto the French which was but reasonable and they sent therewith a valuation of their several ships as they would stand to They likewise demanded a performance of all things formerly sent to his Lordship from them by Mr. Nicholas save only for the security by money deposited saying that for all the rest they durst not proceed otherwise Lastly they prayed for a speedy Answer that the delay in this business may not seem to be in them But D' Effiat being confident of the Duke of Buckingham's Letters promises and proceedings aforesaid would not consent to these reasonable demands of the Captains and Masters of the English ships protracting the time till he might hear further from the said Duke out of England While these things were thus in handling both in France and in England there were written over out of France into England Letters of advertisement how and upon what ground or by what act or means procured or occasioned appeareth not yet from one Mr. Larking a servant to the Earl of Holland and a kind of Agent a person some way imployed by our State or under some of our Ambassadors or Ministers in France That the Peace was concluded with those of our Religion in France and that within fourteen days the War would break forth or begin in Italy with a Design upon Genoa a matter of great importance for annoying the Spaniard This Letter of Larking came to the English Court at Richmond 28 Iuly when the Duchess of Chevereux Child was there Christened and the Contents thereof as hath been alleaged were confirmed by the Ambassadors of Savoy and Venice By the advantage and colour whereof the Duke of Buckingham drew the King who all this while knew nothing of the Design upon Rochel or those of our Religion but thought the ●ormer Articles had been safe and well penned both for him and his Subjects according to the most religious and politick intention and Instructions in that behalf originally given by his late Father to write a Letter dated at Richmond the same 28 Iuly directed to the said Captain Pennington to this effect viz. His Majesty did thereby charge and command the said Captain Pennington without delay to put his Highness former Command in execution for consigning the Vantguard into the hands of the Marguis D'Effiat for the French with all her Furniture assuring her Officers his Majesty would provide for their Indemnity And to require the seven Merchants ships in his Majesties name to put themselves into the service of the French King according to the promise his Majesty had made unto him And in case of backwardness or refusal commanding him to use all forcible means to compel them even to sinking with a Charge not to fail and this Letter to be his Warrant This Letter was sent by Captain Thomas Wilbraham to Captain Pennington who was yet in the Downs In the beginning of August 1625. Captain Pennington went over again to Diep carrying with him the said Letters of his Majesty and certain Instructions in writing from the Duke of Buckingham to Mr. Nicholas agreeable in substance to the former verbal Instructions given by the Duke to him at Rochester as the said Nicholas alleadgeth who also affirmeth that in all things what he did touching that business he did nothing but what was warranted by the Dukes Instructions to him which if it be true then the Duke of Buckingham who commanded and imployed him therein must needs be guilty of the matters so acted by the said Mr. Nicholas If there be any subsequent act or assent of Council or of some Counsellors of State for the going of these ships to the French or for putting them into their power it was obtained only for a colour and was unduly gotten by misinforming the Contents of the sealed Articles and concealing the Truth or by some other undue means Neither can any such latter act of Council in any sort justifie the Dukes proceedings which by the whole current of the matter appears to have been indirect in this business even from the beginning About the time of Captain Pennington's coming over to Diep the second time Mr. Nicholas did in his speeches to the Captains and Masters of the seven Merchants ships threaten and tell them That it was as much as their lives were worth if they delivered not their ships to the French as he required which put them in such fear as they could hardly sleep And thereupon two of them were once resolved to have come again away with the ships and because the former threats had made them afraid to return into England therefore to have brought and left their ships in the Downs and themselves for safety of their lives to have gone into Holland Captain Pennington being the second time come into Diep there forthwith delivered and put the said ship the Vantguard into the absolute power and command of the French King his Subjects and Ministers to the said French Kings use to be imployed in his service at his pleasure and acquainted the rest of the Fleet with the effect of his Majesties Letter and Command and demanded and required them also to deliver and put their ships into the power and command of the French King accordingly The Captains Masters and Owners of the seven Merchants ships refused so to do as conceiving it was not
then to believe That the said ships were never meant or any way in danger to be imployed against the Rochellors or those of our Religion in France and herein he did great injury and disservice to his Majesty to the great scandal and prejudice of our Religion and Affairs and highly abused both the Lords and Commons by this cautelous and subtile Speech and Insinuation and thereby gave both Houses occasion to forbear Petitioning or suing to his Majesty for Redress in this Business while the time was not then passed for the ships were not as then actually imployed against the Rochellors albeit in truth they were then delivered into the French Kings power And the same time before the Parliament was dissolved Captain Pennington who could have opened the whole truth of the business for the Service of the King and the Realm came to Oxford but was there drawn to conceal himself by means of the Duke and not to publish in due time his knowledge of the Premisses as was there shortly after reported The truth whereof the Lords in this Parliament may be pleased to examine as they shall see cause the Parliament at Oxford being shortly after viz. Aug. 12. unhappily dissolved In or about September 1625. The said ships were actually imployed against the Rochellors and their Friends to their exceeding great prejudice and almost utter ruine It hath been said by some of the French that the Vantguard she mowed them down like grass To the great dishonor of our Nation and the scandal of our Religion and to the disadvantage of the great affairs of this Kingdom and all Christendom Also the Ships themselves were in eminent peril to be utterly lost for lack of sufficient Cautions If they be come home since this Parliament sate down long after the matter was here expounded and taken into examination It may be well presumed that it is by some underhand procuring of the Duke and the secret complying of the French with him to colour out the matter which the Lords may examine as they see cause The one and onely English-man that presumed to stay in one of the Ships and serve against the poor Rochellors of our Religion at his return was slain in charging a Peece of Ordnance not by him well sponged In February last 1625. Monsieur de la Touche having speech with Master Thomas Sherwell a Member of the Commons House of Parliament at Salisbury as he was coming up to the Parliament and Monsieur de la Touche going down into Somerset-shire to Master John Pawlets to Monsieur Sobysa He told Master Sherwell in the hearing also of one Master Iohn Clements of Plymouth who is now in Town the words that the Duke had spoken to him the last Summer touching these Ships and thereupon used these words Ce Duque est un meshant homme Upon this whole Narration of the Fact touching the manner of Delivery of the Ships to the French divers things may be observed wherein the Dukes offences do consist As In betraying a Ship of the Kings Royal Navy unto a Foreign Princes hand without good Warrant for the same The dispossessing the Subjects of this Realm of their Ships and Goods by many artifices and subtilties and in conclusion with high hand and open violence against the good will of the Owners In breaking the duty of Lord Admiral and Guardian of the Ships and Seas of this Kingdom In varying from the original good Instructions and presuming to give others of his own head in matters of State In violating the duty of a sworne Privy-Counsellor to his Majesty In abusing both Houses of Parliament by a cautelous Misinformation under a colour of a Message from his Majesty And in disadvantaging the Affairs of those of our Religion in Foreign parts Offences of an high and grievous nature For the proof of some parts thereof which are not the least I offer to your Lordships consideration the Statute of the 2 3 E. 6. touching the Duke of Somerset wherein is recited That amongst other things he did not suffer the Piers called the Newhaven and Blackerst in the parts beyond the Seas to be furnished with victuals and money whereby the French were encouraged to invade and win the same Aud for this offence amongst others it was Enacted That a great part of his Land should be taken from him And if Non-feazance in a matter tending to lose a fixed Castle belonging to the King be an high offence then the actual putting of a Ship Royal of the Kings into the hand of a Foreign Prince which is a moveable and more useful Castle and Fortress of the Realm must needs be held a greater offence I will forbear to cite any more Presidents of this kind because some of those who have gone before me have touched at divers Presidents of this nature which may be applied to this my part Only because the abuse of the Parliament which is the chiefest Council of State and Court of Judicature in the Realm is not the least offence in this business I shall desire your Lordships to take into consideration the Statute of Westm. 1. cap. 30. whereby such as seem to beguile Courts of Justice are to be sore judged in the same Courts and punished as by that Statute appeareth So he concluded and left the Duke to their Lordships equal Justice The Ninth and Tenth Articles were read next IX Whereas the Titles of Honor of this Kingdom of England were wont to be conferred as great Rewards upon such vertuous and industrious Persons as had merited them by their faithful service The said Duke by his importunate and subtile procurement hath not only perverted that antient and most honorable way but also unduly for his own particular gain he hath enforced some that were rich though unwilling to purchase Honor As the Lord R. Baron of T. who by practice of the said Duke and his Agents was drawn up to London in or about October in the Two and twentieth year of Reign of the late King Iames of famous memory and there so threatened and dealt withall that by reason thereof he yielded to give and accordingly did pay the sum of Ten thousand pounds to the said Duke and to his use For which said sum the said Duke in the moneth of Ianuary in the Two and twentieth year of the said lake King procured the Title of Baron R. of T. to the said Lord R. In which practice as the said Lord R. was much wronged in his particular so the Example thereof tendeth to the prejudice of the Gentry and dishonor of the Nobility of this Kingdom X. Whereas no Places of Judicature in the Courts of Justice of our Soveraign Lord the King nor other like Preferments given by the Kings of this Realm ought to be procured by any Subject whatsoever for any Reward Bribe or Gift He the said Duke in or about the moneth of December in the Eighteenth year of the Reign of the late King Iames of famous
adding but one The Regality of our Narrow Seas the Antient Inheritance of our Princes lost or impeached This I need not further to press but from hence my Observation must descend to his other Virtues and that by way of Perspective I shall give it so near and short as rather to exercise your Lordships Memory then to oppress your patience First I propose unto your Lordships the inward Character of the Dukes minde which is full of Collusion and Deceipt I can express it no better then by the Beast called by the Antients Stellionatus a Beast so blur'd so spotted so full of foul lines that they knew not what to make of it So do we finde in this mans practice who first inveagled the Merchants drawing them to Deep to be inchralled then dealt deceitfully with the King to colour his Offences his design being against Rochel and the Religion Next with the Parliament to disguise his Actions a practice no less dangerous and disadvantageous to us then prejudicial to our Friends and Allies Next I present to your Lordships the Dukes high oppression and that of strange latitude and extent not to Men alone but to Laws and Statutes to Acts of Council to Pleas and Decrees of Court to the pleasure of his Majesty all must stoop to him if they oppose or stand in his way This hath been expressed unto you in the Ship called the St. Peter and those of Deep nay he draws on the colour of his Majesties great Name to shadow his design It had been his duty nay the trust of his place not to have translated them into the hands of strangers that had his Majesty yeilded in that point the Duke should have opposed it by his continual Prayers and Intercessions making known unto his Majesty the Inconveniencies likely to ensue and not to rest there but to have reported it to your Lordships sitting in Council to have desired and prayed your aid and assistance in a matter of so great importance And if this had failed he should have entered into a Protestation against it This hath been done by worthy Predecessors in that Office and this had been the worthy discharge of the great trust reposed in his place I heard the Ships were returned but I know it not but if I knew so this neither excuseth nor qualifieth the Dukes offence The French in this case are to be commended not he excused he left them in the hands of a Foreign Power who when they once had them for any thing he knew might easily have kept them The third head is The Dukes extortion in exacting from the East-India Company without right or colour Ten thousand pounds exquisitely expressed and Mathematically observed by the Gentleman you know by whom employed who by his Marine experience learned this Observation That if the Fleet gained not the wind by such time at the Cape the Voyage was lost Here one of the Lords interposing privately It was the King that employed him Sir Iohn Elliot in the Name of the Commons makes this Protestation Far be it from them to lay any Odium or Aspersion on his Majesties Name they hold his Honor spotless nor the least shadow of blemish can fix upon him in this business Next to foul Extortion is Bribery and Corruption in the Sale of Honor and Offices of Command That which was wont to be the crown of Vertue and Merit is now become a merchandise for the greatness of this man and Justice it self made a prey unto him All which particulars your Lordships have heard opened and enforced with Reasons and Proofs what in themselves they are and therefore I spare further to press them In the fifth place I observe a wonder in Policy and in Nature how this man so notorious in evil so dangerous to the State in his immense greatness is able to subsist of himself and keep a Being To this I answer That the Duke hath used the help of art to prop him up It was apparent That by his skill he hath raised a party in the Court a party in the Country and a main party in the cheif places of Government in the Kingdom So that all the most deserving Offices that require Abilities to discharge them are fixed upon the Duke his Allies and Kinred And thus he hath drawn to him and his the Power of Justice the Power of Honor and the Power of Command and in effect the whole Power of the Kingdom both for Peace and War to strengthen his Allies and in setting up himself hath set upon the Kingdoms Revenues the Fountain of Supply and the Nerves of the Land He intercepts consumes and exhausts the Revenues of the Crown not onely to satisfie his own lustful desires but the Luxury of others and by emptying the Veins the Blood should run in he hath cast the Body of the Kingdom into a high Consumption Infinite sums of Money and mass of Land exceeding the value of Money Contributions in Parliament have been heaped upon him and how have they been employed Upon costly Furniture sumptuous Feasting and magnificent Building the visible evidences of the express exhausting of the State and yet his Ambition which is boundless resteth not here but like a violent flame bursteth forth and getteth further scope Not satisfied with injuries and injustice and dishonoring of Religion his attempts go higher to the prejudice of his Soveraign which is plain in his practice The effects I fear to speak and fear to think I end this passage as Cicero did in a like case Ne gravioribus utar verbis quam rei natura fert aut levioribus quam causae necessitas postulat Your Lordships have an Idea of the Man what he is in himself what in his affections You have seen his power and some I fear have felt it you have known his practice and have heard the effects It rests then to be considered what being such he is in reference to the King and State how compatible or incompatible with either In reference to the King he may be stiled the Canker in his Treasure in reference to the State the Moth of all goodness What future hopes are to be expected your Lordships may draw out of his Actions and Affections I will now see by comparison with others to what we may finde him likened I can hardly finde him a match or parallel in all Presidents none so like him as Sejanus who is thus described by Tacitus Audax sui obtegens in alios criminator juxta adulator superbus To say nothing of his Veneries if you please to compare them you shall easily discern wherein they vary such boldness of the one hath lately been presented before you as very seldom or never hath been seen For his secret Intentions and Calumniations I wish this Parliament had not felt them nor the other before For his Pride and Flattery it is noted of Sejanus that he did Clientes suos Provinciis adornare Doth not this Man the like Ask England
likewise besides his Charge That he brake off ambiguously and abruptly with a Sentence of Cicero as if something else might be which was not yet discovered Sir Iohn Elliot thanked the Vice-Chamberlain for dealing so plainly with him and giving him occasion to clear himself And to the particular charged against him he answered First considering the Dukes plurality of great and different Offices together with his deceit and fraud in perswading the Merchants to go to Diep there to entrap them in colouring the Designs to the King which he had plotted to serve against those of his Religion in abusing the Parliament at Oxford and disguising his purpose as if the ships were to go to Rochel These particulars being so various and of such a nature he called by the name of Stellionatus from a beast discoloured uncertain and doubtfull that they knew not by what name to call it or by what colour to describe it and these he called a Character of the minde because they lie in the heart and were deceits to abuse the King and Parliament Secondly as to his saying He knew not the ships were come he answered he did not know it then and as yet he knew it not though it was true that he had heard it Thirdly he denied not that speaking of the Duke he sometimes used this word that man though at other times he was not wanting to give him his due titles and said That the Latines speaking of Caesar call him Ille Caesar and that the same is usual in all Languages nor did he think the Duke to be a God Fourthly he con●●ssed That he paralleled him with the Bishop of Ely and Sejanus and though there were many particular censures of that Bishop yet he produced none but such as were within the compass of his Charge nor did he apply the Veneries and Venefices of Sejanus to the Duke but excluded them Lastly touching the Physick of the King he said he brake off so abruptly in aggravation of the Dukes offence who not content with the injury of Justice the wrong of Honor the prejudice of the State nor that of the Revenue his attempts go higher even to the person of the King making on that his practice in such a manner to such an effect that he said he feared to speak nay he doubted to think in which regard he left it as Cicero did another thing Ne gravioribus c. It was then resolved on the Question That Sir Iohn Elliot hath not exceeded the Commission given him in any thing that passed from him in the late Conference with the Lords The like for Sir Dudley Diggs both passed without a Negative the like Vote did pass for Mr Selden Mr Herbert Mr Glanvile Mr Sherland Mr Pym and Mr Wandesford who were also managers at that Conference The King in the time of this Parliament had committed the Earl of Arundel to the Tower but the cause of his Commitment was not expressed yet it was conceived to be about the Marriage of the Lord Maltravers the Earls eldest son to the young Duke of Lenox his sister which was brought about by the contrivance of the Countess of Arundel and the old Dutchess of Lenox The Lords were highly discontented at his commitment in time of Parliament concerning whose Liberties and their own Priviledges they had presented several Petitions to his Majesty but receiving no satisfactory answer thereto agreed on this ensuing Petition occasioned by the release of Sir Dudley Diggs May it please your Majesty THe cause that moves us now to attend your Majesty as at first we did is because we observe that the House of Commons have speedily received a Member of theirs who was committed We the Peers ambitious to deserve of your Majesty and to appear to the eye of the world as much respected in our Rights and Priviledges as any Peers or Commons have ever been acknowledging you a King of as much goodness as ever King was do now humbly beseech that the Earl of Arundel a Member of our House may be restored to us it so much concerning us in point of Priviledge that we all suffer in what he suffers in this Restraint In March last when the Earl of Arundel was committed the House of Lords purposed to take the same into their considerations and so to proceed therein as to give no just cause of offence to his Majesty and yet preserve the Priviledges of Parliament The Lord Keeper of the Great-Seal thereupon signified unto the House that he was commanded to deliver this Message from his Majesty unto their Lordships viz. That the Earl of Arundel was restrained for a misdemeanor which was personal to his Majesty and lay in the proper knowledge of his Majesty and had no relation to matters of Parliament Whereupon the House was put into a Committee and being resumed The Lords Committees for Priviledges c. were appointed to search for Presidents Concerning the commitment of a Peer of this Realm during the time of Parliament and the Lord Chief Justice Mr Justice Doderidge and Mr Justice Yelverton were appointed to attend their Lordships in that behalf The day following the Lord Teasurer delivered another Message from the King in haec verba WHereas upon a Motion made by one of your Lordships the Lord Keeper did yesterday deliver a Message from his Majesty that the Earl of Arundel was restrained for a misdemeanor which was personal to Majesty and lay in the proper knowledge of his Majesty and had no relation to matters of Parliament His Majesty hath now commanded him to signifie to your Lordships that he doth avow the Message in sort as it was delivered to have been done punctually according to his Majesties own Direction and he knoweth that he hath therein done justly and not diminished the Priviledges of that House And because the Committee appointed yesterday to search for Presidents c. had not yet made any Report to the House therefore the directions for this business were suspended for that time Not long after the Earl of Hertford made report to the House That the Lords Committees for Priviledges met on Monday last The first Question that arose amongst them was Whether those Proxies were of any validity which are deputed to any Peer who sitteth not himself in Parliament And it was conceived that those Votes were lost Whereupon the Committee found this House to be deprived of five suffrages by the absence of the Earl of Arundel unto whom they were intrusted And the Committee finding by the Journal Book that the Sub-Committee which was appointed to ●earch Presidents for Priviledges concerning the Commitment of a Peer in the time of Parliament had not yet made report to the House and then considering together their Notes of Presidents whereof they had made search found That no one Peer had been committed the Parliament fitting without trial of Judgement of the Peers in Parliament and that one only President of the Bishop of Winchester
a manner to engross to himself the administration of your Affairs of the Kingdom which by that means is drawn into a Condition most miserable and hazardous Give us then leave most dear Soveraign in the name of all the Commons of this your Kingdom prostrate at the féet of your Sacred Majesty most humbly to beséech you even for the Honor of Almighty God whose Religion is directly undermined by the practice of that Party whom this Duke supports For your Honor which will be much advanced in the relieving of your people in this their great and general grievance For the honor safety and welfare of your Kingdom which by this means is threatned with almost unavoidable dangers And for the love which your Majesty as a good and loving Father bears unto your good people to whom we profess in the presence of Almighty God the Searcher of all hearts you are as highly estéemed and beloved as ever any of your Predecessors were That you would be graciously pleased to remove this Person from access to your sacred presence and that you will not ballance this one man with all these things and with the Affairs of the Christian world which do all suffer so far as they have relation to this Kingdom chiefly by his means For we protest to your Majesty and to the whole world That until this Great person be removed from intermedling with the Great Affairs of State we are out of hope of any good success and do fear that any money we shall or can give will through his misimploiment be turned rather to the hurt and prejudice of this your Kingdom then otherwise as by lamentable experience we have found in those large Supplies we have formerly and lately given But no sooner shall we receive redress and relief in this which of all others is our most insupportable grievance but we shall forthwith proceed to accomplish your Majesties own desire for Supply and likewise with all cheerfulness apply our selves to the perfecting of divers other great things such as we think no one Parliament in any Age can parallel tending to the stability wealth and strength and honor of this your Kingdom and the support of your Friends and Allies abroad And we doubt not but through Gods blessing as you are the best so shall you ever be the best beloved and greatest Monarch that ever sate in the Royal Throne of this famous Kingdom The Grounds and Causes which the King held forth for dissolving of this and the former Parliament appear in the ensuing Declaration THe Kings most Excellent Majesty since his happy access to the Imperial Crown of this Realm having by his Royal Authority summoned and assembled two several Parliaments the first whereof was in August last by Adjournment held at Oxford and there dissolved and the other begun in February last and continued until the Fiftéenth day of this present moneth of June and then to the unspeakable grief of himself and as he believeth of all his good and well-affected Subjects dissolved also Although he well knoweth that the Calling Adjourning Proroguing and Dissolving of Parliaments being his great Council of the Kingdom do peculiarly belong unto himself by an undoubted Prerogative inseparably united to his Imperial Crown of which as of his other Regal actions he is not bound to give an Accompt to any but to God only whose immediate Lieutenant and Uicegerent he is in these his Realms and Dominions by the Divine providence committed to his charge and government Yet forasmuch as by the assistance of the Almighty his purpose is so to order himself and all his Actions especially the great and publck Actions of State concerning the weal of his Kingdoms as may justifie themselves not only to his own Conscience and to his own People but to the whole World His Majesty hath thought it fit and necessary as the Affairs now stand both at home and abroad to make a true plain clear Declaration of the Causes which moved his Majesty to assemble and after enforced him to dissolve these Parliaments That so the mouth of malice it self may be stopped and the doubts and fears of his own good Subjects at home and of his Friends and Allies abroad may be satisfied and the deserved blame of so unhappy Accidents may justly light upon the Authors thereof When his Majesty by the death of his dear and Royal Father of ever blessed memory first came to the Crown he found himself engaged in a War with a potent Enemy not undertaken rashly nor without just and honorable grounds but enforced for the necessary defence of himself and his Dominions for the support of his Friends and Allies for the redéeming of the antient Honor of this Nation for the recovering of the Patrimony of his dear Sister her Confort and their Children injuriously and under colour of Treaties and Friendship taken from them and for the maintenance of the true Religion and invited thereunto and encouraged therein by the humble Advice of both the Houses of Parliament and by their large promises and protestations to his late Majesty to give him full and real assistance in those Enterprises which were of so great importance to this Realm and to the general peace and safety of all his Friends and Allies But when his Majesty entred into a view of his Treasure he found how ill provided he was to proceed effectually with so great an Action unless he might be assured to receive such Supplies from his loving Subjects as might enable him to manage the same Hereupon his Majesty being willing to tread in the steps of his Royal Progenitors for the making of good and wholsom Laws for the better Government of his people for the right understanding of their true Grievances and for the Supply of monies to be imployed for those publick services he did resolve to summon a Parliament with all convenient spéed he might And finding a former Parliament already called in the life of his Father he was desirous for the the spéedier dispatch of his weighty affairs and gaining of time to have continued the same without any alteration of the Members thereof had he not beacute en advised to the contrary by his Iudges and Council at Law for that it had béene subject to question in Law which he desired to avoid But as soon as possibly he could he summoned a new Parliament which he did with much confidence and assurance of the love of his people that those who not long before had with some importunity won his Father to break off his former Treaties with Spain and to effect it had used the mediation of his now Majesty being then Prince and a Member of the Parliament and had promised in Parliament their uttermost assistance for the enabling of his late Majesty to undergo the War which they then foresaw might follow would assuredly have performed it to his now Majesty and would not have suffered him in his first Enterprise of so great an
Scepter and Sword into his hand and not expose the persons of the people committed to his charge to the unsatiable desires of the King of Spain who hath long thirsted after an Universal Monarchy nor their Consciences to the yoke of the Pope of Rome And that at home he will take that care to redress the just grievances of his good Subjects as shall be every way fit for a good King And in the mean time his Majesty doth publish this to all his loving Subjects that they may know what to think with truth and speak with duty of his Majesties actions and proceedings in these two last dissolved Parliaments Given at his Majesties Palace at Whitehall this Thirtieth day of June in the second year of his Majesties Reign of Great-Britain France and Ireland Moreover the King published a Proclamation taking notice of a Remonstrance drawn by a Committee of the late Commons House and by them intended to have been presented to him wherein he said are many things contained to the dishonor of himself and his Royal Father of blessed memory and whereby through the sides of a Peer of this Realm they wound their Soveraigns honor as also that some Members of that House ill-affected to his service to vent their own passions against that Peer and to prepossess the world with an ill opinion of him before his Cause were heard in a Judicial way have beforehand scattered Copies of that intended Declaration thereby to detract from their Soveraign Wherefore his Majesty for the suppressing of this insufferable wrong to himself doth command upon pain of his indignation and high displeasure all persons of whatsoever quality who have or shall have hereafter any Copies or Notes of the said Remonstrance or shall come to the view thereof forthwith to burn the same that the memory thereof may be utterly abolished and may never give occasion to his Majesty to renew the remembrance of that which out of his grace and goodness he would gladly forget In another Proclamation the King declaring his Religious care of the Peace of this Church and Commonwealth of England and other his Dominions and taking notice that in all ages great disturbances both to Church and State have ensued out of small beginnings when the seeds of contention were not timely prevented and finding that of late some Questions and Opinions seem to have been broached in matters of Doctrine and Tenents of our Religion at first onely intended against Papists have afterwards by the sharp and indiscreet handling of some of either party given much offence to the sober and well grounded Readers and raised some hopes in the Roman Catholicks that by degrees the Professors of our Religion may be drawn first to Schism and afterwards to plain Popery His Majesty in the integrity of his own heart and singular providence for the peaceable Government of that people which God hath committed to his charge hath thought fit by the advice of his reverend Bishops to declare and publish not onely to his own people but also to the whole world his utter dislike of all those who to shew the subtilty of their Wits or to please their own humors or vent their own passions shall adventure to start any new opinions not onely contrary to but differing from the sound and Orthodox grounds of true Religigion established in the Church of England and also to declare his full and constant resolution that neither in Doctrine nor Discipline of the Church nor in the Government of the State he will admit of the least innovation but by Gods assistance will so guide the Scepter of these Kingdoms as shall be most for the comfort and assurance of his sober religious and well-affected Subjects and for the repressing and severe punishing of the insolencies of such as out of any sinister respects or disaffection to his Majesties Person or Government shall dare either in Church or State to disturbe the Peace thereof wherefore he doth straitly charge and command all his Subjects of his Realms of England and Ireland of what degree soever especially thes● who are Church-men from hence-forth to carry themselves so wisely warily and conscionably that neither by Writing Preaching Printing Conferences or otherwise they raise publish or maintain any other Opinions concerning Religion then such as are clearly warranted by the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England 〈◊〉 by Authority And enjoyneth his reverend Archbishops and Bishops in their several Diocesses speedily to reclaim and repress all such spirits as shall in the least degree attempt to violate this bond of Peace And all the Ministers of Justice were required to execute his Majesties pious and royal pleasure herein expressed and if any shall take the boldness to neglect this gracious Admonition his Majesty will proceed against such offenders with that severity as their contempt shall deserve that by their exemplary punishment others may be warned and that those that be studious of the peace and prosperity of this Church and Commonwealth may bless God for his Majesties pious religious wise just and gracious Government The effects of this Proclamation how equally soever intended became the stopping of the Puritans Mouths and an uncontrouled Liberty to the Tongues and Pens of the Arminian party Shortly after an Information was preferred by the Kings special command in the Star-Chamber against the Duke of Buckingham for high Offences and Misdemeanors wherein he was charged amongst other things with the particulars mentioned in the last Article exhibited against him by the House of Commons concerning the Plaister applied to King Iames. To which the Duke put in his Answer and divers Witnesses were examined But the cause came not to a judicial hearing in the Court as it is afterwards expressed And now the King taking into consideration the present streights and inconveniencies into which the Revenue of the Crown was faln and the pressing necessity of his Affairs did by the advice and instance of his Council resolve and declare That all men of what quality and condition soever shall from henceforth upon pain of his displeasure forbear for two years space to present or solicite any Suit for any thing prohibited in the Book of Bounty published in King Iames his time or any other things that shall import the Diminution of his Majesties Revenue And for the advancement of the said Revenue arising by Customs Subsidies and Imposts upon all Goods and Merchandizes exported and and imported The Privy Council declared That it hath been constantly continued for many ages and is a principal and most necessary part of the Revenue of the Crown and that in the two last Parliaments it hath been thought upon but could not be setled by their Authority by reason of their dissolution before the matters therein treated could be brought to perfection Nevertheless that it was then intended to have been confirmed by Parliament as it hath been from time to time by many Descents and Ages Whereupon
Madam Saint George that he was resolved no longer to endure it So the King dismissed and sent back into France the Queens Retinue of French first paying all that was due for Wages or Salaries and gave the King of France an account of the action by the Lord Carlton for the preserving of their mutual Correspondency and Brotherly Affection But this Dismission was ill resented in France and Audience denied to the Lord Carlton and the matter was aggravated high at the French Court as a great violation of the Articles of the Marriage And those persons who returned into France being for the most part yonger-brothers and had parted with their Portions at home in expectation of raising their Fortunes in the service of the Queen of England did heighten the discontent This jarring with France breaks forth to a publick War and King Charles is at once engaged against Two Great and Mighty Princes It is not our purpose to relate the particulars of those private transactions which were here in England concerning the preparing of a Fleet and Army nor how the same was managed at first by an Abbot who had relation to the Duke of Orleance and had been disobliged by Cardinal Richlieu This Man was full of Revenge against the Cardinal and labored much and at last effected the dismissing of the French about the Queen his cheif end therein was to put an affront upon Richlieu and withal to heighten the differences between the Two Crowns of England and France to which purpose he remonstrated to the Duke of Buckingham the Commotions and Discontents that were in France and how hardly the Protestants there were treated notwithstanding the Edict of Peace procured by the Mediation of the King of Great Britain This Abbots Negotiation with the Duke procured the sending of Devic from the King of England to the Duke of Rhoane who was drawn to engage to raise Four thousand Foot and Two hundred Horse upon the landing of the English Army in France but not before This private transaction was also managed by Mr. Walter Montague but in another capacity The Duke of Sobiez and Monsieur St. Blanchard contributed their endeavors also to hasten the Fleet and the raising of the Army in England against the French for the relief of those of the Reformed Religion there The King declared as a ground of his War with France That the House of Austria conspiring the ruine of all those of the Reformed Religion throughout Christendom as he said plainly appeared in the affairs of Germany had such an influence upon the Council of France as to prevail with them to obstruct the landing of Count Mansfields Army contrary to promise with whom the French should have joyned forces for the relief of the Palatinate and the German Princes which failer of performance in them proved the ruine of that Army the greatest part whereof perished and was by consequence the loss of the whole Protestant Party in Germany His Majesty further declared That having by his Mediation prevailed for a Peace between the French King and his Protestant Subjects and engaged his word That the Protestants should observe the Articles of Agreement Nevertheless the King of France contrary to the said Articles blocked up their Towns Garisons and Forts and had committed many spoils upon them when they had done nothing in violation of the Edict of Peace And that the King of France had committed an example of great injustice in full Peace to seise upon One hundred and twenty English Ships with all their Merchandise and Artillery for which Reasons the King was resolved to send a powerful Army and Navy to require satisfaction The Duke of Buckingham was made Admiral of this Fleet and Commander in chief of the Land forces and had a Commission to that purpose wherein it is expressed That his Majesty hath taken into his Princely consideration the distressed estate of his dear Brother-in-law and onely Sister the Prince and Princess Elector Palatine and their Children and finding himself in Nature and Honor nearly bound unto them At their request and for their just Relief in recovering their rightful Patrimony taken from them by the Advice of his Privy Council did the last year prepare and set out to Sea a Royal Fleet for Sea-service for performance of such services as on his Brother-in-laws and Sisters behalf his Majesty had designed And for the doing of those designs and for the honor and safety of his people his Majesty hath now prepared a new Fleet which he intends with all convenient expedition to set out to be employed as well by way of Offence as of Defence as shall be most behoveful for his said Brother-in-Law his service and therefore doth by the said Commission appoint the Duke of Buckingham to be Admiral Captain-General and Governor of his said Royal Fleet with such Soldiers and Land-forces as shall be conveyed therein for the accomplishment of such execution and employment as they shall be designed unto according to such private Instructions as his Majesty shall give unto the said Duke His Majesty by the said Commission giving to the Duke power to lead and conduct the said Navy and Army and with them to fight against his said Brother-in-law and Sisters enemies or the enemies of the Crown of England and to advance to the Order of Knighthood such persons employed in the Fleet Forces and Supplies as by their Valor Desert and good Service in this Expedition shall be thought fit in his the said Dukes discretion to merit the same and as to the Office of Captain-General doth appertain On the Seven and twentieth of Iune the Duke set fail from Portsmouth in order to the Relief of the Palatinate with the Fleet consisting of One hundred fail of Ships whereof Ten were of the Kings Royal Navy having aboard about Six or seven thousand Land-soldiers and towards the latter end of Iuly he appeared with his Fleet before Rochel who once much longed for their coming but now shut their Gates at their appearance Hereupon the Duke of Sobiez went a shore with Sir William Beecher from the Duke of Buckingham Sir William Beecher being also accompanied with a Letter of Credence from his Majesty of Great Britain they were at last admitted into the Town and the Magistrates called an Assembly and there Sir William Beecher declared unto them That the Duke of Buckingham was come with a great Fleet and Army to their assistance which his Master had sent out of a fellow-feeling of their sufferings and to require from the King of France a performance of the Articles of Peace made by the King of Englands Mediation on the behalf of the Protestants in France And further declared unto them That if they do now refuse to give their assistance by joyning forces with the English he said he would and did protest before God and Man in the name of the King his Master That his said Master was
Barnardiston of the County of Suffolk and William Coriton Esq of the County of Cornwal were secured in the County of Sussex Sir Harbotle Grimston of the County of Essex and Sir Robert Points were secured in Northamptonshire Iohn Hampden Esq and others of the County of Bucks were secured in Hampshire and the like course was taken with the Gentry of other Counties who refused the Loan And the Council ordered that all those Refractory persons before-named for so they are called in the Order who are appointed by his Majesties command to their several Commitments shall presently obey the Order of the Board sent with their Messenger in that behalf or be committed close prisoners any pretence of inability want of conveniency or any excuse whatsoever notwithstanding Many of those Gentlemen were afterwards sent for by Pursevants out of those Counties where they were confined by Order of the Council and committed to several Prisons some to the Fleet some to the Marshalsey and Gatehouse and others remained in the custody of the Messengers And from the Gatehouse Sir Iohn Elliot sends this Petition to his Majesty To the Kings most Excellent Majesty The humble Petition of Sir Iohn Elliot Knight Prisoner in the Gate-house concerning the Loan Sheweth THat your poor Suppliant affected with sorrow and unhappiness through the long sense of your Majesties displeasure willing in every act of Duty and Obedience to satisfie your Majesty of the loyalty of his heart then which he hath nothing more desired that there may not remain a jealousie in your Royal Brest that stubbornness and will have béen the motives of his forbearing to condescend to the said Loan low as your Highness foot with a sad yet a faithful heart for an Apology to your Clemency and Grace he now presumes to offer up the Reasons that induced him which he conceiveth necessity of his Duty to Religion Justice and your Majesty did inforce The Rule of Iustice he takes to be the Law impartial Arbiter of Government and Obedience the support and strength of Majesty the observation of that Iustice by which Subjection is commanded This and Religion added to this Power not to be resisted binds up the Conscience in an Obligation to that Rule which without open prejudice and violence of these duties may not be impeached In this particular therefore of the Loan being desirous to be satisfied how far the Obligation might extend and resolving where he was left Master of his own to become Servant to your Will he had recourse unto the Laws to be informed by them which in all humility he submitteth to your most Sacred view in the Collections following In the time of Edward the First he findeth that the Commons of that age were so tender of their Liberties as they feared even their own frée acts and gifts might turn them to a Bondage and their Heirs Wherefore it was desired and granted That for no business such manner of Aids Taxes nor Prizes should be taken but by common assent of the Realm and for the common profit thereof The like was in force by the same King and by two other Laws again Enacted That no Tallage or Aid should be taken or levied without the good will and assent of the Archbishops Bishops Earls Barons Knights Burgesses and other Freeman of the Land And that Prudent and Magnanimous Prince Edward the Third led by the same Wisdom having granted That the greatest gift given in Parliament for the Aid and speed of his matchless undertaking against France should not be had in Example nor fall to the prejudice of the Subject in time to come did likewise adde in Confirmation of that Right That they should not from thenceforth be grieved to sustain any Charge or Aid but by the Common Assent and that in Parliament And more particularly upon this point upon a Petition of the Commons afterwards in Parliament it was established That the Loans which are granted to the King by divers persons be released and that none from henceforth be compelled to make such Loans against their Wills because it is against Reason and the Franchises of the Land and Restitution be made to such as made such Loans And by another Act upon a new occasion in the time of Richard the Third it was ordained That the Subject in no wise be charged with any such Charge Exaction or Imposition called a Benevolence nor such like Charge and that such like Exactions be damned and annulled for ever Such were the Opinions of these times for all these Aids Benevolences Loans and such like Charges exacted from the Subject not in Parliament which they held to be Grievances contrary to their Liberties and illegal and so pious were their Princes in Confirmation of their Liberties as having secured them for the present by such frequent Laws and Statutes they did likewise by them provide for their Posterity and in some so strictly that they bound the Observation with a Curse as in that of 33 Edw. 1. And also under pain of Excommunication as by the other of the Five and twentieth of the same King which was to be denounced against all those that violate or break them which Act extends to us And these Reasons he presents to your Majesty as the first Motive taken from the Law There are others also which in his humble apprehension he conceived from the Action it self which he likewise tenders to your most Excellent Wisdom First That the Carriage and Instructions accompanied with the Authority of the Great Seal imported a Constraint such Requests to Subjects being tacite and implied Commands and so preventing that readiness and love which in a frée way would have far excéeded those Demands whereas the wonted Aids given to your happy Ancestors were Ex spontanea voluntate charitate populi whereby they made that Conjunction of their Hearts at home which wrought such power and reputation to their acts abroad Whereas the firmest Obligation of that readiness and love is the benignity of Princes giving and preserving to their People just and decent Liberties which to this Kingdom are derived from the Clemency and Wisdom of your Progenitors to whom there is owing a Sacred Memory for them He could not as he feared without pressure to these immunities become an actor in this Loan which by imprisonment and restraint was urged contrary to the Grants of the Great Charter by so many glorious and victorious Kings so many times confirmed being therein most confident of your Majesty that never King that raigned over us had of his own benignity and goodness a more pious disposition to preserve the just Liberties of his Subjects then your Sacred Self Though we were well assured by your Majesties Royal Promise whose words he holds as Oracles of Truth that it should become a president during the happiness of your Raign the long continuance whereof is the daily subject of his Prayers yet he conceived from thence a fear that succeeding Ages might thereby take occasion
Protestant League with the Princes on the other part drawing in secret o● State the countenance of France to give the more reputation of assistance to them and security to it self Spain seeing his hopes thus fruitless by these Unions and streights began first to break if he might the Amity of France and England But finding the Common danger to be a fast tie he raiseth up a party in that Kingdom of his own by which the French King was so distressed that had not the English Council assisted and relieved him Spain had there removed that next and greatest Obstacle of his Ambition His Council now tells him from these examples That the way to his great work is impossible so long as England lay a let in his way And adviseth him that the remove of that Obstacle be the first of his intents This drew on those often secret practises against the person of the Queen and his open fury in Eighty Eight against the body of the State which she perceiving following the advice of a free Council would never after admit of a Peace winning thereby the hearts of a loving people who ever found hands and money for all occasions at home and keeping sacredly all her Alliances abroad securing to her Confederates all her time freedom from fear of Spanish slavery and so ended her old and happy days in glory Spain then by the wisdom and power of that great Lady despoiled so of his means to hurt though not of his desires makes up with her Peaceful Successor of happy memory that Golden League That disarming us at home by the opinion of Security and giving them a power in our Councils by believing their Friendships and pretended Marriage gave them way to cherish amongst us a Party of their own and benefit of power abroad to lead in Jealousie and some division between us and our Confederates By which we see they have swallowed up the Fortune of your Majesties Brother's Estate with the rest of the Imperial States distressed the King of Denmark by that quarrel diverted Sweden's assistance by the Wars with the Pole and moving them now with offer of the Danish Crown And now whether from the Plot of our Fatality hath cast such a bone between France and us as hath made themselves by our quarrel of Religion a fast Confederate and us a dangerous Enemy So as now we are left no other assurance against their malice and ambition but the Netherlands where the tie of mutual safety is weakned by daily discontents bred and fed between us by some ill-affected to both our securities that from the doubtfulness of friendship as we now stand we may rather suspect from our own domestick Faction if they grow too furious they will rather follow the example of Rome in her growing that held that equal safety honorable and more easie dare regnum then subjugare provinciam considering the power they have in their hands then to give any friendly assistance to save the present condition of a State You may therefore see in what terms we stand abroad and I fear we are at home for resistance in no better state There must be to withstand a Forein Invasion a proportion both of Sea and Land-Forces For to give an Enemy an easie passage and a Port to relieve him in is no less then to hazard all at one stake And it is to be considered That no March by Land can be of that speed to make head against the landing of an Enemy Then that follows That there is no such prevention as to be Master of the Sea To this point of Necessary Defence there can be no less then Two hundred and forty thousand pounds For the Land-Forces if it were for an Offensive War the men of less livelihood were the best spared and we used formerly to make such War Purgamenta reipub if we made no further purchase by it But for the safety of a Commonwealth the wisdom of all times did never intrust the Publick Cause to any other then to such as had a portion in the Publick Adventure And that we saw in Eighty Eight when the care of the Queen and of the Council did make the body of that large Army no other then of the Trained Bands which with the Auxiliaries of the whole Realm amounted to no less then Twenty four thousand men Neither were any of these drawn from forth their Country and proper habitations before the end of May that they might be no long grievance to the Publick such Discontentments being to us a more fatal Enemy then any Forein forces The careful distributing and directing of their Sea and Land-forces being more fitting for a Council of War then a private man to advise of I pass over yet shall ever be willing and ready when I shall be called humbly to offer up such Observations as I have gathered by the former like occasion in this Realm To make up this Preparation there are requisite two things Money and Affections for they cannot be properly severed It was well and wisely said of that great and grave Councellor the Lord Burleigh in the like case to the late Queen Win hearts and you have their hands and purses And I find that of late Diffidence hath been in the one and hath unhappily prevented the other In gathering then of Money for this present need there are three things requisite Speed Assurance and Satisfaction And the way to gather as in other like cases hath been done must be by the path-way formerly called Via regia being more secure and speedy For by unknown and untrodden ways it is both rough and tedious and never succeedeth well This last way although it took place as it were by a Supply at first and received no general denial yet since it hath drawn many to consult with themselves and others in the consequence as it is now conceived a pressure on their Liberties and against Law I much fear if that now again it be offered either in the same face or by Privy-seal it will be refused wholly Neither find I that the restraint of the Recusants hath produced any other effect then a stiff resolution in themselves and others to forbear Besides although it were at the first with some assurance yet when we consider the Commissions and other forms incident to such like services as that how long it hangs in hand and the many delays that are we may easily see that such a Sum granted by the Parliament is far sooner and easier levied If any will make the succession of times to produce an inevitable necessity to enforce it if denied whether in general by Excise or Imposition or in particular on some select persons which is the custom of some Countries and so conclude it as there for the Publick State suprema lege He must look for this to be told him That seeing Necessity must conclude always to gather Money 't is less speedy or assured then that by a Parliament The sucess
attendeth the humor of the heedless Multitude that are full of jealousie and distrust and so unlike to comply to any unusual Course of Levy but by force which if used the effect is fearful and hath been fatal to the State Whereas that by Parliament resteth principally on the Regal person who may with ease and safety mould them to his fit designs by a gracious yielding to their just desires and Petitions If a Parliament then be the most speedy assurance and safe way it is fit to conceive what is the fairest way to act and work that to the present need First for the time of usual Summons Forty days reputed to be too large for this present Necessity it may be by dating the Writs lessened since it is no positive Law so that a care be had that there may a County-day after the Sheriff hath received the Writ before the time of sitting If then the Sum to be levied be once granted and agreed of for the time there may be in the body of the Grant an Assignment made to the Knights of every County respectively who under such assurance may safely give Security proportionable to the Receipts to such as shall adventure in present for the Publick service any Sums of money The last and weightiest Consideration if a Parliament be thought fit is How to remove or comply the Differences between the King and Subjects in their mutual demands And what I have learned amongst the better sort of the Multitude I will freely declare that your Lordships may be the more enabled to remove and answer those Distrusts that either concern Religion publick safety of the King and State or the just Liberty of the Commonwealth Religion is a matter that they lay nearest to their Consciences and they are led by this ground of jealousie to doubt some practices against it First for that though the Spanish Match was broken by the careful industry of my Lord of Buckingham out of his religious care as he then declared that the Articles there demanded might lead to some such Sufferance as might endanger the quiet if not the state of the Reformed Religion here yet there have when he was an Actor principal in the Conditions of France as hard if not worse to the preservation of our Religion passed then those with Spain And the suspect is strengthened by the close keeping of this Agreement and doubt in them of his affection in that his Mother and others many his Ministers of near imploiment about him are so affected They talk much of his advancing men Popishly devoted to Places in the Camp of nearest service and chief Command and that the Recusants have got these late years by his power more courage and assurance then before If to clear these doubts which perhaps are worse in fancie then in truth he take a course it might much advance the Publick service against the squeamish humors that have more of violent Passion then of setled Judgment and are not the least of the opposite number in the Commonwealth The next is The late misfortunes and losses of Men Munition and Honor in the late Undertakings abroad which the more temperate spirits impute to want of Council and the more sublime Wits to Practice They begin with the Palatinate and lay the fault of the loss thereof on the imputed Credit of Gondomar distrusting him for the staying of supply to Sir Horatio Vere when Colonel Cecil was cast on that imployment by which the King of Spain became Master of the Kings Childrens Inheritance And when Count Mansfield had a Royal supply of Forces to assist the Princes of our party for the recovety thereof either Plot or Error defeated the enterprise for us to Spains advantage That Sir Robert Mansfields Expedition to Algiers should purchase only the security and guard of the Spanish Coasts To spend many Hundred thousand pounds in the Cadiz-Voyage against the Advice in Parliament only to warn the King of Spain to be in readiness and so our selves weakned is taken for a sign of an ill affection amongst the Multitude The spending of much Munition Victuals and Money in my Lord Willoughbies Journey is counted an unthrifty error in the Director of it To disarm our selves in fruitless Voyages may seem a plot of danger It was held not long ago a fundamental Rule of our Neighbors and our Security by the old Lord Burleigh That nothing can prevent the Spanish Monarchy but a Fastness of those two Princes whose Amity gave countenance and courage to the Netherlands and German-Princes to make head against his Ambition And we see by this disunion a fearful Defeat hath happened to the King of Denmark and that party to the advantage of the Austrian Family And this waste of Publick Treasure in fruitless Expeditions will be an important Cause to hinder any new Supply in Parliament Another fear that may disturb the smooth and speedy passage of the Kings desires in Parliament is the vast waste of the Kings livelihood whereby is like as in former times to arise this jealousie and fear That when he hath not of his own to support his ordinary Charge for which the Lands of the Crown were setled unalterable and called Sacrum patrimonium Principis that then he must needs of necessity rest upon those assistances of the people which ever were only collected and consigned for the Commonwealth from whence it is like there will be no great labor and stiffness to induce his Majesty to an Act of Resumption since such desires of the State have found an easie way in the will of all Princes from the Third Henry unto the last But that which is like to pass the deepest into their Disputes and care is the late Pressures they supposed to have been done upon the Publick Liberty and Freedom of the Subject in commanding their Goods without assent by Parliament imprisoning and confining their Persons without special Cause declared and that made good against them by the Judges lately and pretending a Writ to command their attendances in Forein war All which they are like to enforce as repugnant to any positive Laws Institutions and Customary Immunities of this Commonwealth And these dangerous distastes to the people are not a little improved by the unexampled course as they conceive of retaining an Inland Army in Winter-season when former times of general fear as in Eighty eight produced none such And makes them in their distracted fears to conjecture idly it was raised wholly to subject their Fortunes to the will of Power rather then of Law and to make good some further breach upon their Liberties and Freedoms at home rather then defend us from any force abroad How far such Jealousies if they meet with any unusual disorder of lawless Soldiers are an apt distemper of the loose and needy Multitude which will easily turn away upon any occasion in the State that they can side withall as a glorious pretence of Religion and Publick safety when their true
being agreed unto on Monday the 31 of March the aforesaid Petition was presented by his Majesty to both Houses at the delivery whereof the Lord Keeper spake as followeth Most Gracious Soveraign THe Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled out of due care of the Glory of Almighty God and of the Honor and Safety of your Majesty do with all humbleness and with one unanimous consent present to your Royal hands the most Loyal desires of all their hearts which is set down in a dutifull Petition which is to quicken the Laws against the Perturbers of the Peace of all States We cannot nor do not forget your Majesties most gracious Acts and Answers on the like Petition they are visible to the world to your Majesties honor and comfort We bend our knees and hearts blessing God and your Majesty therefore yet let it not seem needless that we repair again to your Majesty The Husbandman knows what Weeds are not destroyed at one weeding These are growing Evils they are Weeds of a spreading nature And we that come from all parts do think it our duty to tell your Majesty that Gods Vineyard is not yet cleansed And God himself requires that we pray to him often even for what he means and promiseth to bestow on us But my Message comes from the Pen of both Houses And therefore I humbly beseech your Majesty to lend a gracious ear to hear me read the Petition After the reading thereof his Majesty made this short speech My Lords and Gentlemen I Do very well approve the Method of your proceedings in this Parliament A Jove principium hoping that the rest of your Consultatious will succeed the happier And I like the Preamble of my Lord Keeper otherwise I should have a little suspected that you had thought me not so careful of Religion as I have and ever shall be wherein I am as forward as you can desire And for the Petition I answer first in general That I like it well and will use these as well as other means for the maintenance and propagation of that Religion wherein I have lived and do resolve to die But for the particulars you shall receive a more full Answer hereafter And now I will only add this That as we pray to God to help us so we must help our selves For we can have no assurance of his assistance if we do lie in bed and only pray without using other means And therefore I must remember you that if we do not make provision speedily we shall not be able to put one ship to Sea this year Verbum sapienti sat est Afterwards the Lord Keeper signified unto the House That his Majesty had now given his Answer unto the Petition exhibited by both Houses against Recusants and had commanded his Lordship to read the same Answer in this House and Mr Secretary to read it in the House of Commons Whereupon the Clerk read the first Article of the said Petition and the Lord Keeper read his Majesties Answer unto the same and so each Article thereof The which Petition with the Answers follow in haec verba Most Gracious Soveraign WE your most Loyal and obedient Sub●ects the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled Having to our singular comfort obtained your Majesties pious and gracious assent for a Publick Fast to appease the wrath of Almighty God kindled against us and to prevent those grievous Iudgments which do apparently press upon us do in all humility present unto your sacred Majesty all possible thanks for the same And because the publick and visible sins of the Kingdom are the undoubted causes of those visible Evils that are faln upon us Amongst which sins as is apparent by the word of God Idolatry and Superstition are the most haynous and crying sins To the end that we may constantly hope for the blessing of God to descend upon this our publick Humiliation by abandoning those sins which do make a wall of Separation betwixt God and us WE most humbly and ardently beg at the hands of your most Sacred Majesty That your Majesty will be pleased to give continual life and motion to all those Laws that stand in force against Iesuites Seminary Priests and all that have taken Orders by Authority of the Sea of Rome by exacting a more due and serious execution of the same Amongst which number those that have highly abused your Majesties clemency by returning into the Kingdom after their vanishment contrary to your Highness express Proclamation we humbly desire may be left to the severity of your Laws without admitting of any mediation or intercession for them And that such of your Majesties unsound and il affected Subjects as do receive harbor or conceal any of their viperous Generation may without delay suffer such Penalties and Punishments as the Laws most justly impose upon them His Majesties Answer unto the first Article of this Petition TO the first Point his Majesty answereth That he will according to your desire give both life and motion to the Laws that stand in force against Jesuites Seminary Priests and all that have taken Orders by Authority of the Sea of Rome and to that end his Majesty will give strict order to all his Ministers for the discovering and apprehending of them and so leave them being apprehended to the trial of the Law And in case after trial there shall be cause to respit execution of any of them yet they shall be committed according to the example of the best times to the Castle of Wisbitch and there be safely kept from exercising their Functions of spreading their Superstitious and dangerous Doctrine and the Receivers and Abettors they shall be left to the Law THat your Majesty would be pleased to command a surer and strait watch to be kept in and over your Majesties Ports and Havens and to commit the care and charge of searching of Ships for the discovery and apprehension aswel of Jesuites and Seminary Priests brought in as of Children and young Students sent over beyond the Seas to suck in the poyson of Rebellion and Superstition unto men of approved fidelity and Religion And such as shall be convicted to have connived or combined in the bringing in of the one or conveying of the other that the Laws may pass upon them with speedy execution His Majesties Answer to the second Article TO the second Article His Majesty granteth all that is in this Article and to this end will give Order to the Lord Treasurer Lord Admiral and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports that in their several places they be careful to see this Article fully executed giving strict charge to all such as have place and authority under them to use all diligence therein And his Majesty requireth them and all other his Officers and Ministers to have a vigilant eye upon such as dwell in dangerous places of advantage or opportunity for receiving or
transporting of any such as are here mentioned And his Majesty will take it for good Service if any will give knowledge of any such as have connived or combined or shall connive or combine as is mentioned in this Article that Justice may be strictly done upon them THat considering those dreadful dangers never to be forgotten which did involve your Majesties sacred Person and the whole representative body of your Maiesties Kingdom plotted and framed by the free and common access of Popish Recusants to the City of London and to your Majesties Court Your Majesty would be gratiously pleased to give speedy command for the present putting in practise those Laws that prohibit all Popish Recusants to come to the Court or within ten Miles of the City of London as also those Laws that confine them to the distance of five miles from their dwelling Houses and that such by-past Licenses not warranted by Law as have been granted unto them for their repair to the City of London may be discharged and annulled His Majesties Answer to the third Article TO the third His Majesty will take Order to restrain the recourse of Recusants to the Court and also for the other points in this Article his Majesty is well pleased that the Laws be duely executed and that all unlawful Licenses be annulled and discharged THat whereas it is more then probably conceived that infinite sums of moneys have within these two or three years last past been extracted out of the Recusants within the Kingdom by colour of composition and a small proportion of the same returned unto your Majesties coffers not onely to the suddain enriching of private persons but to the emboldning of Romish Recusants to entertain Massing Priests into their private Houses and to exercise all their Mimique Rites of their gross superstition without fear of control amounting as by their dayly practice and ostentation we may conceive to the nature of a concealed Toleration your Majesty would be gratiously pleased to entertain this particular more neerly into your Princely wisedom and consideration and to dissolve this Mystery of Iniquity patched up of colourable Leases Contracts and Preconveyances being but Masks on the one part of fraud to deceive your Majesty and States on the other part for private men to accomplish their corrupt ends His Majesties Answer to the fourth Article TO the fourth Article his Majesty is most willing to punish for the time past and prevent for the future any of the deceits and abuses mentioned in this Article and will account it a good service in any that will inform Himself his Privy Councel Officers of his Revenues Judges or learned Councel of any thing that may reveal this mystery of Iniquity And his Majesty doth strictly command every of them to whom such information shall be brought that they suffer not the same to die but do their uttermost endeavour to effect a clear discovery and bring the Offenders to punishment And to the intent no concealed toleration may be effected his Majesty leaves the Laws to their course THat as the Persons of Ambassadors from forain Princes and their Houses be free for the exercises of their own Religion so their Houses may not be made free Chappels and Sanctuaries unto your Majesties Subjects popishly affected to hear Mass and to participate in all other Rites and Ceremonies of that Superstition to the great offence of Almighty God and scandal of your Majesties People loyally and religiously affected That either the concourse of Recusants to such places may be restrained or at least such a vigilant watch set upon them at their return from those places as they may be apprehended and severely proceeded withal Ut qui palam in luce peccant in luce puniantur His Majesties Answer to the fifth Article TO the fifth his Majesty is well pleased to prohibit and restrain their coming and resort to the Houses of Ambassadors and will command a vigilant watch to be set for their taking and punishing as is desired THat no place of Authority and Command within any the Counties of this your Majesties Kingdom or any Ships of your Majesties or which shall be imployed in your Majesties Service be committed to Popish Recusants or to Non-communicants by the space of a year past or to any such persons as according to direction of former Acts of State are justly to be suspected as the place and Authority of Lords Lieutenants Deputy Lieutenants Iustices of Peace or Captains or other Officers or Ministers mentioned in the Statute made in the third year of the reign of your Father of blessed memory And that such as by Connivence have crept into such places may by your Majesties Royal Command be discharged of the same His Majesties Answer to the sixth Article TO the sixth his Majesty is perswaded that this Article is already observed with good care nevertheless for the avoiding as much as may be all errors and escapes in that kinde his Majesty will give charge to the Lord Keeper that at the next Term he call unto him all the Judges and take Information from them of the state of their several Circuits if any such as are mentioned in this Article be in the Commission of the peace that due reformation may be made thereof And will likewise give order to the Lord Admiral and such others to whom it shall appertain to make diligent enquiry and certificate to his Majesty if any such be in place of Authority and Command in his Ships or Service THat all your Majesties Iudges Iustices and ministers of Iustice unto whose care and trust execution which is the life of your Majesties Laws is committed may by your Majesties Proclamation not onely be commanded to put in speedy execution those Laws which stand in force against Iesuits Seminary Priests and Popish Recusants but that your Majesty would be further pleased to command the said Iudges and Iustices of Assize to give a true and strict account of their proceedings at their returns out of their Circuits unto the Lord Keeper and by the Lord Keeper to be presented unto your Majesty His Majesties Answer unto the seventh Article To the seventh his Majesty doth fully grant it ANd for a fair and clear eradication of all Popery for the future and for the breeding and nursing up of a holy generation and a peculiar People sanctified unto the true worship of Almighty God that until a provisional Law may be made for the training and educating of the Children of Popish Recusants in the grounds and principles of our holy Religion which we conceive will be of more power and force to unite your people unto you in fastness of love Religion and loyal obedience then all pecuniary Mulcts and Penalties that can possibly be devised Your Majesty would be pleased to take it into your own princely care and consideration these our humble Petitions proceeding from hearts and affections loyally and religiously devoted to God and
your Majesties Service and to the safety of your Majesties sacred Person we most zealously present to your Princely wisedom craving your Majesties chearful and gratious approbation His Majesties Answer to the eighth Article TO the eighth his Majesty doth well approve it as a matter of necessary consideration and the Parliament now sitting he recommendeth to both Houses the preparation of a fitting Law to that effect And his Majesty doth further declare that the mildeness that hath been used towards those of the Popish Religion hath been upon hope that forain Princes thereby might be induced to use moderation towards their Subjects of the Reformed Religion but not finding that good effect which was expected His Majesty resolveth unless he shall very speedily see better fruits to add a further degree of severity to that which in this petition is desired ON Wednesday the second of April the Propositions sent from the King were mentioned and several Gentlemen expressed themselves severally on that subject IT is said that the greatest grievance is want of supply but I hold it a greater grievance that his Majesty is brought into those necessities especially considering the supplies that of late have been given to the King two Subsidies of Parliament besides privy Seals the late Loan whereby five Subsidies were forcibly and unadvisedly taken and we have yet purchased to our selves nothing by all these but our own dishonor we have drawn and provoked two powerful enemies upon us it is not then what the Subjects do give unless his Majesty imploy men of integrity and experience otherwise all that we give will be as cast into a bottomless bag SOme propositions we shall not meddle with as a soveraign Army to be transported we are not fit for that yet but we will not reject it for great Princes who give out Rumors of raising great Armies do put their Enemies to great fears then the defence of our Coasts nothing is more necessary but the bill of Poundage is for that particular supply and how far it may prejudice us for a future Precedent to give other supply let us be advised Mr. Secretary Cook observing a distinction made upon the propositions as if some of them were to be omitted I know said he you will do it upon deliberation some there are not possible to be omitted as the Guarding of the Seas defence of the Elbe Rotchel and those draw on all the rest Ships must have Men and Munition and we cannot divide any of these This House is tender of the Countrey the King will not lay a burthen that cannot be born We may supply his Majesty without this give we now what we please the King may make use of it before the People are able to pay and we shall not onely make his Majesty subsist but advance his reputation in the world by the unity of his People more then by any treasure INdeed there may be some necessity for a war offensive but looking on one late dysaster I tremble to think of sending more abroad Let us consider those two great undertakings at Cales and Ree at Cales that was so gloriously pretended where our men arrived and found a Conquest ready namely the Spanish Ships a satisfaction sufficient and fit for us and this confessed by some then imployed and never but granted by all that it was feasible and easie why came this to nothing After that opportunity lost when the whole Army was landed with destruction of some of our men why was nothing done if nothing was intended why were they landed and why were they shipt again For Rees voyage was not the whole action carried against the judgement of the best Commanders was not the Army landed Not to mention the leaving of the Wines nor touch the wonder that Caesar never knew the enriching of the Enemy by curtesies Consider what a case we now are in if on the like occasion or with the like instruments we shall again adventure another expedition It was ever the wisedom of our Ancestors here to leave Forain Wars wholly to the State and not to meddle with them SIr Edw. Cook When poor England stood alone and had not the access of another Kingdom and yet had more and as potent Enemies as now it hath yet the King of England prevailed In the Parliament Roll in the 42. year of Edw. 3. the King and the Parliament gave God thanks for his victory against the Kings of Scotland and of France he had them both in Windsor Castle as Prisoners What was the reason of that Conquest four reasons were given 1. The King was assisted by good Counsel 2. There were valiant men 3. They were timely supplied 4. Good Imployment 3. R. 2. The King was inviron'd with the Flemins Scots and French and the King of England prevailed 13. R. 2. The King was invironed with Spaniards Scots and French and the King of England prevailed 17 R. 2. Wars were in Ireland and Scotland and yet the King of England prevailed and thanks were given to God here And I hope I shall live to give God thanks for our Kings victories 7 H. 4. One or two great men about the King so mewed him up that he took no other advice but from them whereupon the Chancellor took this Text and Theam in his Speech at the Parliament Multorum consilia requiruntur in magnis in bello qui maxime timent sunt in maximis periculis Let us give and not be afraid of our enemies let us supply bountifully cheerfully and speedily but enter not into particulars Solomons Rule is Qui repetit separat nay separat foederatos We are united in duty c. to the King the King hath fourscore thousand pounds a year for the Navy and to scowre the Narrow-seas it hath been taken and we are now to give it and shall we now give more to guard the Seas besides when that is taken of our gift it may be diverted another way It shall never be said we deny all supply I think my self bound where there is commune periculum there must be commune auxilium I Cannot forget that duty I owe to my Countrey and unless we be secured against our Liberties we cannot give I speak not this to make diversions but to the end that giving I may give cheerfully As for the Propositions to be considered of I incline to decline them and to look upon the State of our Countrey whether it be fit to give or no Are we come to an end for our Countries Liberties have we trenched on the rates of the Deputy Lieutenants are we secured for time future WE all desire remedies for our Grievances and without them we shall neither be willing nor able to give for my part I heartily desire remedy but which is the best and wisest way that is the question As we have made some progress in our Grievances so let us now go on to supply There is a Proverb Non bis
ad idem dash not the Common-wealth twice against one Rock We have Grievances we must be eased of them who shall ease us No Nation hath a people more loving to the King then we but let the King think it and believe it there is a distance betwixt him and us before we can have his heart we must remove it Our disease is not so great but that it may be cured it is the Kings Evil which must be cured with Gold let us imitate Iacob who wrestled with the Angel and would not let him go I would we could wrestle with the King in duty and love and not to let him go in this Parliament till he comply with us We must take heed of too much repetition and over-beating of Grievances it is dangerous and it may make a further separation He that talks too much of his Grievance makes the party that is the cause of it make an apology and to justifie it and that is dangerous let us do as Poets in a Tragedy that sometimes have Comical Passages and so a generous mind will sink presently Sure a due presentation of such Grievances to such a King with moderation will take place with him In all deliberations go the safest way The old way I have heard is first to remove Grievances we must not ty and bind our selves by all that was done before I have gone over the Thames in former times on foot when it was all an Ice but that is no argument to perswade me by to do the like now because I did so once THe House waving the Debate of the Propositions proceeded with Grievances by Confinement and Designation for forain imployment in which points several Gentlemen delivered their opinion COnfinement is different from Imprisonment and it is against the Law that any should be confined either to his House or elswhere I know not what you can call a Punishment but there is some ground of it or mention thereof in Acts of Parliament Law-books or Records but for this of Confinement I finde none indeed Jews have been confined in former times to certain places as here in London to the old Iury The Civilians have perpetual Prisons and coercive Prisons upon Judgements in Court Carcer domesticus is a confinement for madmen I Was imployed in 88. in that service it was then thought fit that Recusants should be confined in strong places but it was not held legal and when the Navy was dispiersed they were set at liberty and the Parliament petitioned the Queen for a Law to warrant the Confinement Hereupon it was resolved That no freeman ought to be confined by any command of the King or Privy Councel or any other unless it be by Act of Parliament or by other due course or warrant of Law And then the House proceeded to the Debate concerning Designation to forain Imployment TOuching Designation to forain Imployment Sir Peter Hayman opened his own Case I have forgot my imployment unto the Palatinate I was called before the Lords of the Councel for what I know not I heard it was for not lending on a Privy Seal I told them if they will take my Estate let them I will give it up give I will not When I was before the Lords of the Councel they laid to my Charge my unwillingness to serve the King I said I had my Life and my Estate to serve my Countrey and my Religion They put upon me if I did not pay I should be put upon an imployment of Service I was willing after ten weeks waiting they told me I was to go with a Lord into the Palatinate and that I should have imployment there and means befitting I told them I was a Subject and desired means some put on very eagerly some dealt nobly they said I must go on my own purse I told them Nemo militat suis expensis some told me I must go I began to think What must I none were ever sent out in that kinde Lawyers told me I could not be so sent having that assurance I demanded means and was resolved not to stir upon those tearms and in silence and duty I denied upon this they having given me a Command to go after some twelve days they told me they would not send me as a Soldier but to attend on an Ambassador I knew that stone would hit me I setled my troubled estate and addressed my self to that Service THis is a great Point that much concerns the Commonwealth if the the King cannot command a Subject to his necessary service and on the other side it will be little less then an honorable banishment to the Subject if he may Our Books say the King cannot compel any to go out of the Realm and an action brought against him he cannot plead in Bar that he is by command from the King in forein service but the King may give him his protection 5 E. 3. N. 9. in the Parliament Roll there was an Ordinance whereby the King had power to send some to Ireland it is ordained that such Sages of the Law and Soldiers where need shall be though they refuse to go and excuse themselves if their excuses be not reasonable the King may do to them according to right and reason If the King by Law could do this of himself and send them to Ireland his own Dominion he would never have taken power from his Parliament and if men do not according to that Law there is no imprisonment prescribed NO restraint be it never so little but is Imprisonment and forain imployment is a kind of honorable Banishment I my self was designed to go to Ireland I was willing to go and hoped if I had gone to have found some Mompessons there There is a difference when the Party is the Kings servant and when not 46 E. 3. this was the time when the Law was in its height Sir Richard Pembridge was a Baron and the Kings Servant and Warden of the Cinque-ports he was commanded to go to Ireland and to serve as Deputy there which he refused He was not committed but the King was highly offended and having Offices and Fees and Lands pro servitio suo impenso the King seized his Lands and Offices I went to the Parliament Roll 47. E. 3. where I found another precedent for forain imployment they that have Offices pro consilio or servitio impenso if they refuse those Lands and Offices so given are seized but no commitment IF any man owes a man displeasure and shall procure him to be put into forain imployment it will be a matter of high concernment to the Subject We know the Honor and Justice of the King but we know not what his ministers or the mediation of Ambassadors may do to work their own wrath upon any man IF you grant this Liberty what are you the better by other priviledges what difference is there between imprisonment at home and constrained imployment
some satisfaction the proceeding now with our Grievances shall open the stop that hinders his Majesties affairs SIr Humphrey May added That sweetness trust and confidence are the onely weapons for us to deal with our King and that coldness inforcement and constraint will never work our ends If we compass all we desire and have not his Majesties heart what will a Law or any thing else do us good HEreupon it was ordered That a special Committee of eight persons shall presently withdraw themselves and consult together upon some heads and upon the substance of a fair representation to his Majesty which the Speaker shall deliver in his Speech to his Majesty on Monday next if the King please to give access and at the same time to deliver the Petition against billeting of Soldiers Master Speakers Speech to the King on Easter Monday Most gracious and dread Soveraign YOur dutiful and loyal Commons here assembled were lately humble suitors to your Majesty for access to your Royal presence the occasion that moved their desires herein was a particular of importance worthy your Princely consideration which as it well deserves should have been the onely subject of my Speech at this time But since your gracious answer for this access obtained by a message from your Majesty they have had some cause to doubt that your Majesty is not so well satisfied with the manner of their proceedings as their hearty desire is you should be especially in that part which concerns your Majesties present supply as if in the prosecution thereof they had of late used some slackness or delay And because no unhappiness of theirs can parallel with that which may proceed from a misunderstanding in your Majesty of their clear and loyal intentions they have commanded me to attend your Majesty with an humble and summary Declaration of their proceedings since this short time of their sitting which they hope will give your Majesty abundant satisfaction that never People did more truly desire to be indeared in the favour and gracious opinion of their Soveraign and withal to let you see that as you can have no where more faithful counsel so your great designs and occasions can no way be so speedily or heartily supported as in this old and antient way of Parliament For this purpose they humbly beseech your Majesty to take into your Royal consideration that although by antient right of Parliament the matters there debated are to be disposed in their true method and order and that their constant custome hath been to take into their considerations the common grievances of the Kingdom before they enter upon the matter of supply yet to make a full expression of that zeal and affection which they bear to your Royal Majesty equalling at least if not exceeding the best affections of their predecessors to the best of your progenitors they have in this Assembly contrary to the ordinary proceedings of Parliament given your Majesties Supply precedence before the common grievance of the Subject how pressing soever joyning with it onely those fundamental and vital liberties of the Kingdom which give subsistence and ability to your Subjects This was their original order and resolution and was grounded upon a true discerning that these two considerations could not be severed but did both of them intirely concern your Majesties service consisting no less in enabling and encouraging the Subject then in proportioning a Present suiting to your Majesties occasions and their abilities nay so far have they been from using any unnecessary delays as though of the two that of Supply were the latter proposition amongst them the Grand Committee to which both were referred hath made that of your Majesties supply first ready for conclusion And to be sure your Majesties supply might receive no interruption by the other differing from usage and custome in cases of this nature sent up of those that concern the Subjects by parcels some to your Majesty and some to the Lords to the end your Majesty might receive such speedy content as suted with the largest and best extent of their first order Sir You are the breath of our nostrils and the light of our eyes and besides those many comforts which under you and your Royal progenitors in this frame of Government this Nation hath enjoyed the Religion we profess hath taught us whose Image you are and we do all most humbly beseech your Majesty to believe that nothing is or can be more dear unto us then the sacred Rights and Prerogatives of your Crown no person or Councel can be greater lovers of you nor be more truly careful to maintain them and the preserving of those fundamental Liberties which concern the freedom of our persons and propriety of goods and estates is an essential means to establish the true glory of a Monarchy For rich and free Subjects as they are best governed so they are most able to do your Majesty service either in peace or war which next under God hath been the cause of the happy and famous victories of this Nation beyond other Kingdoms of larger Territories and greater number of People What information soever contrary to this shall be brought unto your Majesty can come from no other then such as for their own ends under colour of advancing the Prerogative do indeed undermine and weaken Royal Power by impoverishing the Subjects render this Monarchy less glorious and the People less able to serve your Majesty Having by this that hath been said cleared our hearts and proceedings to your Majesty our trust is that in your Royal Judgement we shall be free from the least opinion of giving any necessary stop to our proceedings in the matter of your supply and that your Majesty will be pleased to entertain belief of our alacrity and chearfulness in your service and that hereafter no such misfortune shall befal us to be misunderstood by your Majesty in any thing We all most humbly beseech your Majesty to receive no information in this or any other business from private relations but to weigh and judge of our proceedings by those resolutions of the House that shall be represented from our selves This rightly and graciously understood we are confident from the knowledge of your goodness and our own hearts that the ending of this Parliament shall be much more happy then the beginning and be to all ages styled the blessed Parliament for making perfect union between the best King and the best People that your Majesty may ever delight in calling us together and we in the comforts of your gracious favour towards us In this hope I return to my first errand which will best appear by that which I shall humbly desire you to hear and being an humble Petition for the House of Commons for redressing of those many inconveniences and distractions that have befallen your Subjects by the billeting of Soldiers in private mens houses against their wills Your Royal progenitors have ever held your Subjects hearts
the best Garrison of this Kingdom and our humble suit to your Majesty is that our faith and loyalty may have such place in your Royal thoughts as to rest assured that all your Subjects will be ready to lay down their lives for the defence of your sacred person and this Kingdom Not going our selves into our Countries this Easter we should think it a great happiness to us as we know it would be a singular comfort and encouragement to them that sent us hither if we might but send them the news of a gratious answer from your Majesty in this particular which the reasons of the Petition we hope will move your most excellent Majesty gratiously to vouchsafe us The Petition concerning the billeting of Soldiers presented to the Kings most excellent Majesty IN all humility complaining sheweth unto your most excellent Majesty your loyal and dutiful Commons now in Parliament assembled That whereas by the fundamental Laws of this Realm every freeman hath and of right ought to have a full and absolute propriety in his Goods and Estate and that therefore the billeting and placing the Soldiers in the house of any such freeman against his will is directly contrary to the said Laws under which we and our Ancestors have been so long and happily governed yet in apparent violation of the said antient and undoubted right of all your Majesties Loyal Subjects of this your Kingdom in general and to the grievous and insupportable vexation and detriment of many Counties and persons in particular a new and almost unheard of way hath been invented and put in practice to lay Soldiers upon them scattered in Companies here and there even in the heart and bowels of this Kingdom and to compel many of your Majesties Subjects to receive and lodge them in their own houses and both themselves and others to contribute toward the maintenance of them to the exceeding great disservice of your Majesty the general terror of all and utter undoing of many of your People insomuch as we cannot sufficiently recount nor in any way proportionable to the lively sense that we have of our Miseries herein are we able to represent unto your Majesty the innumerous mischiefs and most grievous vexations that by this means alone we do now suffer whereof we will not presume to trouble your sacred ears with particular instances onely most gratious Soveraign we beg leave to offer to your gratious view a compassionate consideration of a few of them in particular 1. The service of Almighty God is hereby greatly hindred the People in many places not daring to repair to the Church lest in the mean time the Soldiers should rifle their houses 2. The antient and good government of the Countrey is hereby neglected and almost contemned 3. Your Officers of Iustice in performance of their duties have been resisted and endangered 4. The Rents and Revenues of your Gentry greatly and generally diminished Farmers to secure themselves from the Soldiers insolence being by the Clamor of Solicitation of their fearful and injured Wives and Children enforced to give up their wonted dwellings and to retire themselves into places of more secure habitation 5. Husbandmen that are as it were the hands of the Countrey corrupted by ill example of the Soldiers and encouraged to idle life give over work and rather seek to live idly at another mans charges then by their own labors 6. Tradesmen and Artificers almost discouraged and being inforced to leave thier Trades and to imploy their time in preserving themselves and their Families from cruelty 7. Markets unfrequented and our ways grown so dangerous that the People dare not pass to and fro upon their usual occasions 8. Frequent Robberies Assaults Batteries Burglaries Rapes Rapines Murders Barbarous Cruelties and other most abominable vices and outrages are generally complained of from all parts where these Companies have been and had their abode few of which insolencies have been so much as questioned and fewer according to their demerit punished These and many other lamentable effects most dread and dear Soveraign have by this billeting of Soldiers already fallen upon us your loyal Subjects tending no less to the disservice of your Majesty then to their impoverishing and destruction so that thereby they are exceedingly disabled to yield your Majesty those Supplies for your urgent occasions which they heartily desire and yet they are further perplexed with apprehension of more approaching danger one in regard of your Subjects at home the other of enemies from abroad in both which respects it seems to threaten no small Calamity to the meaner sort of your People being exceeding poor whereof in many places are great Multitudes and therefore in times of more setled and most constant administration of Iustice not easily ruled are most apt upon this occasion to cast off the reins of Government and by joyning themselves with those disordered Soldiers are very like to fall into Mutiny and Rebellion which in faithful discharge of our duties we cannot forbear most humbly to present to your high and excellent wisedom being pressed with probable fears that some such mischief will shortly ensue if an effectual and speedy course be not taken to remove out of the land or otherwise to disband those unruly Companies For the second we do most humbly beseech your Majesty to take into your Princely consideration that many of those Companies besides their dissolute dispositions and carriages are such as do openly profess themselves Papists and therefore to be suspected that if occasion serve they will rather adhere to a forein Enemy of that Religion then to your Majesty their liege Lord and Soveraign especially some of their Captains and Commanders being as Popishly affected as themselves and having served in the Wars on the part of the King of Spain and Arch-Dutchess against your Majesties Allies which of what pernicious consequence it may prove and how prejudicial to the safety of your Kingdom we leave to your Majesties high and Princely wisedom And now upon these and many more which might be alledged most weighty and important Reasons grounded on the maintenance of the Worship and Service of Almighty God the continuance and advancement of your Majesties high honour and profit the preservation of the antient and undoubted Liberties of your People and therein of Iustice Industry Valour which meerly concerns the glory and happiness of your Majesty and all your Subjects and the preventing of calamity and ruine both of Church and Commonwealth We your Majesties most humble and loyal Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of your House of Commons in the name of all the Commonalty of your Kingdom who are upon this occasion most miserably disconsolate and afflicted prostrate at the Throne of your Grace and Iustice do most ardently beg a present remove of this insupportable burden and that your Majesty would be graciously pleased to secure us from the like pressure in the time to come To the Speakers Speech and this
read in the success 3. Witness the last voyage to Rotchel which needs no observation and is fresh in memory 4. Head is the ignorance and corruption of our Ministers Survey the Court survey the Countrey the Church the City the Bar the Bench the Courts the Shipping the Land the Seas all will yield variety of proofs The Exchequer is empty the reputation thereof gone the ancient Lands are sold the Jewels pawn'd the Plate ingaged the debt still great almost all charges both extraordinary and ordinary by Projects 5. The oppression of the Subject it needs no demonstration the whole Kingdom is a proof and that oppression speaks the exhausting of our treasures what waste of our Provisions what consumption of our Ships what destruction of our men have been witness the voyage to Algier witness that of Mansfield witness that to Cales witness the next witness that to Ree witness the last witness the Palatinate witness the Turks witness the Dunkirks witness all we were never so much weakned nor had less hopes how to be restored These Mr. Speaker are our dangers these are they do threaten us and those are like that Trojan Horse brought in cunningly to surprize us in these do lurk the strongest of our enemies ready to issue on us and if we do not now the more speedily expel them these are the sign the invitation to others These will prepare their entrance that we shall have no means left of refuge or defence for if we have these enemies at home how can we strive with those that are abroad if we be free from these no other can impeach us Our ancient English vertue that old Spartan valor cleared from these disorders being in sincerity of Religion once made friends with Heaven having maturity of Councels sufficiency of Generals incorruption of Officers opulency in the King Liberty in the People repletion in Treasures restitution of Provisions reparation of Ships preservation of Men Our ancient English vertue thus rectified I say will secure us and unless there be a speedy reformation in these I know not what hopes or expectations we may have These things Sir I shall desire to have taken into consideration that as we are the great Councel of the Kingdom and have the apprehension of these dangers we may truly represent them unto the King wherein I conceive we are bound by a treble Obligation of duty unto God of duty to his Majesty and of duty to our Countrey And therefore I wish it may so stand with the Wisdom and Judgement of the House that they may be drawn into the body of a Remonstrance and therein all humbly expressed with a Prayer unto his Majesty for the safety of himself and for the safety of the Kingdom and for the safety of Religion That he will be pleased to give us time to make perfect inquisition thereof or to take them into his own Wisdom and there give them such timely reformation as the necessity of the Cause and his Justice doth import And thus Sir with a large affection and loyalty to his Majesty and with a firm duty and service to my Countrey I have suddenly and it may be with some disorder expressed the weak apprehension I have wherein if I have erred I humbly crave your pardon and so submit to the censure of the House IT seemed to others not sutable to the wisdom of the House in that conjuncture to begin to recapitulate those misfortunes which were now obvious to all accounting it more discretion not to look back but forward and since the King was so near to meet him that the happiness expected might not be lost and these were for petitioning his Majesty for a fuller Answer IT was intimated by Sir Henry Martin that this Speech of Sir Iohn Elliot was suggested from disaffection to his Majesty and there wanted not some who said it was made out of some distrust of his Majesties Answer to the Petition but Sir Iohn Elliot protested the contrary and that himself and others had a resolution to open these last mentioned Grievances to satisfie his Majesty therein onely they stayed for an opportunity Which averment of Sir Iohn Elliots was attested by Sir Thomas Wentworth and Sir Robert Phillips WHilst Sir Iohn Elliot was speaking an interruption was made by Sir Humphrey May expressing a dislike but he was commanded by the Commons to go on and being afterward questioned for a Passage in that Speech viz. That some actions seemed to be but conceptions of Spain he explained himself That in respect of the affairs of Denmark the ingagement of that unfortunate accident of Ree he conceived was a conception of Spain rather then to have any motion from our Councel here IN this Debate Sir Edward Cook propounded That an humble Remonstrance be presented to his Majesty touching the dangers and means of safety of King and Kingdom which Resolution was taken by the House and thereupon they turned themselves into a Grand Committee and the Committee for the Bill of Subsidies was ordered to expedite the said Remonstrance A Message was brought from the King by the Speaker THat his Majesty having upon the Petition exhibited by both Houses given an Answer full of Justice and Grace for which we and our posterity have just cause to bless his Majesty it is now time to grow to a conclusion of a Session and therefore his Majesty thinks fit to let you know That as he doth resolve to abide by that Answer without further change or alteration so he will Royally and Really perform unto you what he hath thereby promised and further That he resolves to end this Session upon Wednesday the 11 of this Moneth and therefore wisheth that the House will seriously attend these businesses which may best bring the Session to a happy conclusion without entertaining new matters and so husband the time that his Majesty may with the more comfort bring us speedily together again at which time if there be any further Grievances not contained or expressed in the Petition they may be more maturely considered then the time will now permit After the reading of this Message the House proceeded with a Declaration against Doctor Manwaring which was the same day presented to the Lords at a Conference betwixt the Committees of both Houses of Parliament and Mr. Pimm was appointed by the House of Commons to manage that Conference The Declaration of the Commons against Dr. Manwaring Clerke and Doctor in Divinity FOr the more effectual prevention of the apparent ruine and destruction of this Kingdom which must necessarily ensue if the good and fundamental Laws and Customs therein established should be brought into contempt and violated and that form of Government thereby altered by which it hath been so long maintained in peace and happiness and to the Honor of our soveraign Lord the King and for the preservation of his Crown and Dignity The Commons in this present Parliament assembled do by this their
to be applied to the King of England The next kinde of Proof was from his Censures and determinations upon the particular Case of the late Loan which by necessity and parity of reason were likewise applicable to all Cases of the like nature And lest by frailty of memory he might mistake the words or invert the sense he desired leave to resort to his Paper wherein the places were carefully extracted out of the Book it self And then he read each particular Clause by it self pointing to the Page for proof which we here forbear to mention referring the Reader to the Book it self Then he proceeded and said That from this evidence of the Fact doth issue a clear evidence of his wicked intention to misguide and seduce the Kings Conscience touching the observation of the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom to scandalize and impeach the good Laws and Government of the Realm and the Authority of Parliaments which are two of those Characters of malice which he formerly noted and now inforced thus If to give the King ill Counsel in some one particular Action hath heretofore been heavily punished in this high Court how much more hainous must it needs be thought by ill Counsel to pervert and seduce his Majesties Conscience which is the soveraign Principle of all moral Actions from which they are to receive warrant for their direction before they be acted and Judgement for their reformation afterwards If Scandalum magnatum Slander and Infamy cast upon great Lords and Officers of the Kingdom have been always most severely censured how much more tender ought we to be of that Slander and Infamy which is here cast upon the Laws and Government from whence is derived all the Honor and Reverence which is due to those great Lords and Magistrates All men and so the greatest and highest Magistrates are subject to passions and partialities whereby they may be transported into overhard injurious Courses Which Considerations may sometimes excuse though never justifie the railing and evil speeches of men who have been so provoked it being a true rule That whatsoever gives strength and inforcement to the temptation in any sin doth necessarily imply an abatement and diminution of guilt in that sin But to slander and disgrace the Laws and Government is without possibility of any such excuse it being a simple act of a malignant Will not induced nor excited by any outward provocation the Laws carrying an equal and constant respect to all ought to be reverenced equally by all And thus he derived the Proofs and Inforcements upon the first Article of the Charge The second Article he said contained three Clauses 1. That these refusers had offended against the Law of God 2. Against the supreme Authority 3. By so doing were become guilty of Impiety Disloyalty Rebellion Disobedience and lyable to many other Taxes For proof of all these he said he needed no other evidence then what might be easily drawn from those places which he had read already for what impiety can be greater then to contemn the Law of God and to prefer humane Laws before it what greater disloyalty rebellion and disobedience then to depress supreme Authority to tye the hands and clip the wings of Soveraign Princes Yet he desired their Lordships patience in hearing some few other places wherein the Stains and Taint which the Doctor endeavored to lay upon the Refusers might appear by the odiousness of their comparisons in which he doth labor to rank them The first Comparison is with Popish Recusants yet he makes them the worst of the two and for the better resemblance gives them a new name of Temporal Recusants For this he alledgeth the 1. Sermon Page 31 32. and part of the fifth Consideration by which he would perswade them to yield to this Loan Fifthly If they would consider what advantage this their Recusancy in Temporals gives to the common adversary who for disobedience in Spirituals have hitherto alone inherited that name for that which we our selves condemn in them for so doing and profess to hate that Religion which teacheth them so to do that is to refuse subjection unto Princes in Spirituals the same if not worse some of our side now if ours they be dare to practise We must needs be argued of less Conscience and more Ingratitude both to God and the King if in Temporal things we obey not They in Spirituals deny subjection wherein they may perhaps frame unto themselves some reasons of probability that their offence is not so hainous if we in Temporals shall be so refractory what colour of reason can we possibly finde to make our defence withal without the utter shaming of our selves and laying a stain which cannot easily be washed out upon that Religion which his Majesty doth so graciously maintain and our selves profess The second Comparison is with Turks and Jews in the 2. Sermon Page 47. What a Paradox is c. What a Turk will do for a Christian and a Christian for a Turk and a Jew for both c. the same and much less Christian men should deny to a Christian King The third Comparison is with Corah Dathan and Abiram Theudas and Iudas which is taken out of the second Sermon Page 49. where he labors to deprive those refusers of all merit in their sufferings for this Cause Corah Dothan and Abiram whom for their murmurings God suddenly sunk into Hell fire might as well alledge their sufferings had some resemblance with that of the three Children in the Babylonian Furnace and Theudas and Iudas the two Incendiaries of the people in the days of Caesars tribute might as well pretend their Cause to be like the Maccabees Thus he ended the second Article of the Charge upon which he said were imprinted other two of these six Characters of malice formerly vented That is a wicked intention to increase his Majesties displeasure against his good Subjects so refusing and to alienate his heart from the rest of his People Both which were Points so odious that he needed not to adde any further inforcement or illustration The third Article conteined three Clauses 1. That Authority of Parliament is not necessary for the raising of Aids and Subsidies 2. That the slow proceedings of such Assemblies are not fit to supply the urgent necessity of the State 3. That Parliaments are apt to produce sundry Impediments to the just designs of Princes and to give them occasion of displeasure and discontent For proof of all which he alledged two places conteining the two first of those six Considerations which are propounded by the Doctor to induce the refusers to yield to the Loan in the first Sermon Page 26 27. First if they would please to consider that though such Assemblies as are the highest and greatest Representations of a Kingdom be most Sacred and Honorable and Necessary also to those ends to which they were at first instituted yet know we must that ordained they were not to this end to
well-beloved Sir VVilliam Balfoure Knight and Iohn Dolbier Esquire or either of them for levying and providing certain numbers of Horses with Armes for Horse and Foot to be brought over into this Kingdome for our service viz. for the levying and transporting of one thousand Horse fifteen thousand pounds for five thousand Muskets five thousand Corslets and five thousand Pikes ten thousand five hundred pounds and for one thousand Curaseers compleat two hundred Corslets and Carbines four thousand five hundred pounds amounting in the whole to the said summe of thirty thousand pounds And this our letter shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalf Given under our Privy Seal at our Palace of Westminster the 30th of Ianuary in the third year of our Reign Iune the seventh the King came to the Lords House and the House of Commons were sent for And the Lord Keeper presented the humble Petition of both Houses and said MAy it please your most excellent Majesty the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled taking into consideration that the good intelligence between your Majesty and your people doth much depend upon your Majesties answer unto their Petition of Right formerly presented With unanimous consent do now become most humble Suitors unto your Majesty that you would be pleased to give a clear and satisfactory answer thereunto in full Parliament Whereunto the King replyed The answer I have already given you was made with so good deliberation and approved by the judgements of so many wise men that I could not have imagined but it should have given you full satisfaction But to avoid all ambiguous interpretations and to shew you there is no doublenesse in my meaning I am willing to pleasure you as well in words as in substance read your Petition and you shall have an answer that I am sure will please you The Petition was read and this answer was returned Soit droit fait come il est desire C. R. This I am sure said his Majesty is full yet no more then I granted you in my first Answer for the meaning of that was to confirm your liberties knowing according to your own Protestations that ye neither meane nor can hurt my Prerogative And I assure you my Maxime is That the Peoples Liberties strengthen the Kings Prerogative and the Kings Prerogative is to defend the Peoples Liberties You see how ready I have shewed my self to satisfie your demands so that I have done my part Wherefore if this Parliament have not a happy conclusion the sin is yours I am free from it Whereupon the Commons returned to their own House with unspeakable joy and resolved so to proceed as to expresse their thankfulnesse and now frequent mention was made of proceeding with the Bill of subsidies of sending the Bills which were ready to the Lords of perfecting the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage and Sir Iohn Strange●●ies also expressed his joy at the answer and further added Let us perfect our Remonstrance King Iames was wont to say He kn●w that by Parliaments which otherwise he could never have known After the granting of the Petition of Right the House ordered that the Grand Committees for Religion Trade Grievances and Courts of Justice to sit no longer but that the House proceed only in the consideration of Grievances of most moment And first they fell upon the Commission for Excise and sent to the Lord Keeper for the same who returned answer that he received Warrant at the Councel Table for the sealing thereof and when it was Sealed he carried it back to the Councel Table The Commission being sent it was read in the House viz. CHarles By the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To Sir Thomas Coventry Knight Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England To James Earl of Malburg Lord High Treasurer or England Henry Earl of Manchester Lord President of our Councel Edward Earl of Worcester Lord Keeper of our Privy Seal George Duke of Buckingham Lord high Admiral of England William E. of Pembrook Lord Steward of Our Houshold Philip Earl of Mountgomery Lord Chamberlain of Our Houshold Theophilus Earl of Suffolk Edward Earl of Dorset William Earl of Salisbury Thomas Earl of Exeter John Earl of Bridgwater James Earl of Carlisle Henry Earl of Holland William Earl of Denbigh George Earl of Totnes Sir George Hay Kt. Lord Chancellor of Scotland William Earl of Morton Thomas Earl of Kelley Thomas Earl of Mellers Edward Uiscount Conway one of our principal Secretaries of State Edward Uiscount Wimbleton Oliver Uiscount Grandison Henry Falkland Lord Deputy of Ireland To the Lord Bp. of Winchester Wil. Lord Bp. of Bath and Wells Fulk Lo. Brook Dudley Ash Lord Carlton Uice Chamberlain of Our Houshold Sir Thomas Edmonds Treasurer of our Houshold Sir John Savil Controler of Our Houshold Sir Robert Nanton Master of the Court of Wards Sir John Cook one of the principal Secretaries of State Sir Richard Weston Chancellour and under Treasurer of our Exchequer Julius Caesar Master of the Rolls and Sir Humphrey May Kt. Chancellour of Our Dutchy of Lancaster Greeting Whereas the pres●nt Conjuncture of the general affairs of Christendom and our own particular interest in giving assistance unto our oppressed Allies and for providing for the defence and safety of our own Dominions and People do call upon Us to neglect nothing that may conduce to those good ends And because Monies the principal sin●ws of War and one of the first and chiefest movers in all great Preparations and Actions are necessary to be provided in the first place and We are carefull the same may be raised by such ways as may best stand with the State of Our Kingdoms and Subjects and yet may answer the pressing occasions of the present times We therefore out of the experience We have had and for the trust we repose in your wisdoms fidelities and dutifull care of your service And for the experience we have of all great Causes concerning us and our State both as they have relation to Foraine parts abroad and as to our Common-wealth and People at home Ye being persons called by us to be of Our Privy Councel have thought sit amongst those great and important matters which so much concern us in the first and chiefest place to recommend this to your special care and diligence And we do hereby authorise and appoint and strictly will and require you that speedily and seriously you enter into consideration of all the best and speediest ways and means ye can for raising of Monies for the most Important occasions aforesaid UUhich without extreamest hazard to Us our Dominions and People and to our Friends and Allies can admit of no long delay the same to be done by Impositions or oth●rwise as in your wisdoms and best Iudgments ye shall find to be most convenient in a case of this inevitable necessity wherein Form ●nd
and with bleeding hearts and bended knees to crave your speedy Redresse therein as to your own wisdome unto which we most humbly submit our selves and our desires shall seeme most meet and convenient What the multitude and Potency of your Majesties enemies are abroad What be their malicious and ambitious ends and how vigilant and constantly industrious they are in pursuing the same is well known to your Majesty Together with the dangers threatned thereby to your sacred Person and your Kingdomes and the calamities which have already fallen and do daily encrease upon your Friends and Allies of which we are well assured your Majesty is most sensible and will accordingly in your great wisdome and with the gravest and most Mature Councel according to the exigencie of the times and occasions provide to prevent and help the same To which end we most humbly intreat your Majesty first and especially to cast your eyes upon the miserable condition of this your own Kingdome of late so strangely weakened and dejected that unlesse through your Majesties most gracious Wisdom Goodnesse and Iustice it be speedily raised to a better condition it is in no little danger to become a sudden Prey to the Enemies thereof and of the most happy and flourishing to be the most miserable and contemptible Nation in the World In the discoveries of which dangers mischiefs and inconveniences lying upon us we do freely protest that it is far from our thoughts to lay the least aspersion upon your sacred Person or the least scandal upon your Government For we do in all sincerity of our hearts not only for our selves but in the Name of all the Commons of the Realme whom we represent ascribe as much duty as a most loyal and affectionate people can do unto the best King for so you are and so have been pleased abundantly to expresse your self this present Parliament by your Majesties clear and satisfactory answer to our Petition of Right For which both our selves and our posterity shall blesse God for you and ever preserve a thankful memory of your great goodnesse and Iustice therein And we do verily believe that all or most of these things which we shall now present unto your Majesty are either unknown unto you or else by some of your Majesties Ministers o●fered under such specious pretences as may hide their own ill intentions and ill consequences of them from your Majesty But we assure our selves according to the good example of your Majesties Predecessors nothing can make your Majesty being a wise and Iudicious Prince and above all things desirous of the welfare of your people more in love with Parliaments then this which is one of the principal ends of calling them that therein your Majesty may be truely informed of the State of all the several parts of your kingdome and how your Officers and Ministers do behave themselves in the trust reposed in them by your Majesty which is scarce able to be made known unto you but in Parliament as was declared by your blessed Father when he was pleased to put the Commons in Parliament assembled in minde that it would be the greatest unfaithfulnesse and breach of duty to his Majesty and of the trust committed to them by the Countrey that could be if in setting forth the grievances of the people and the condition of all the parts of this Kingdome from whence they come they did not deal clearly with him without sparing any how near and dear soever they were unto him if they were hurtful or dangerous to the Common-Wealth In confidence therefore of your Majesties gracious acceptation in a matter of so high importance and in faithful discharge of our duties We do first of all most humbly beseech your Majesty to take notice that howsoever we know your Majesty doth with your soul abhor that any such thing should be imagined or attempted Yet there is a general fear conceived in your people of secret working and combination to introduce into this kingdome innovation and change of our holy Religion more precious unto us then our lives and whatever this world can afford And our fears and jealousies herein are not meerly conjectural but arising out of such certain and visible effects as may demonstrate a true and real Cause For notwithstanding the many good and wholesome Laws and provisions made to prevent the increase of Popery within this kingdome and notwithstanding your Majesties most gracious and satisfactory answer to the Petition of both Houses in that behalfe presented to your Majesty at Oxford We finde there hath followed no good execution nor effect but on the contrary at which your Majesty out of the quick sense of your own religious heart cannot but be in the highest measure displeased those of that Reliligion do finde extraordinary favors and respect in Court from persons of great quality and power whom they continually resort unto and in particular to the Countesse of Buckingham who her self openly professing that Religion is a known favourer and supporter of them that do the same which we well hoped upon your Majesties Answer to the aforsaid Petition at Oxford should not have been permitted nor that any of your Majesties Subjects of that religion justly to be suspected should be entertained in the service of your Majesty or your royal consort the Queen Some likewise of that Religion have had Honours Offices and places of Command and Authority lately conferred upon them But that which striketh the greatest terror into the hearts of your Loyal Subjects concerning this is that Letters of Stay of legal proceedings against them have been procured from your Majesty by what indirect meanes we know not And Commissions under the great Seale granted and executed for composition to be made with Popish Recusants with Inhibitions and restraints both to the Ecclesiastical and temporal Courts and Officers to intermeddle with them which is conceived to amount to no le●●e then a toleration odious to God full of dishonour and extreame disprosit to your Majesty of great scandal and griefe to your good people and of apparent danger to the present State of your Majesty and of this Kingdome their numbers power and insolency daily increasing in all parts of your Kingdome and especially about London and the Subburbs thereof Where exceeding many Families do make their abode publiquely frequent Masse at Denmark House and other places and by their often meetings and conferences have opportunities of combining their Councels and Strength together to the hazard of your Majesties safety and the State and most especially in these doubtful and calamitous times And as our fear concerning change or subversion of Religion is grounded upon the daily increase of Papists the open and professed Enemies thereof for the Reasons formerly mentioned So are the hearts of your good Subjects no lesse perplexed when with sorrow they behold a daily growth and spreading of the faction of the Arminians that being as your Majesty well knows but a cunning way to
well performed would require the time and industry of the ablest men both of Counsel and Action that your whole Kingdome will affoard especially in these times of common danger And our humble desire is further that your most excellent Majesty will be pleased to take into your Princely consideration whether in respect the said Duke hath so abused his power it be safe for your Majesty and your Kingdom to continue him either in his great Offices or in his place of nearness and Councel about your sacred Person And thus in all humility aiming at nothing but the honour of Almighty God and the maintenance of his true Religion the safety and happiness of your most excellent Majesty and the preservation and prosperity of this Church and Common-wealth We have endeavoured with faithfull hearts and intentions and in discharge of the duty we owe to your Majesty and our Countrey to give your Majesty a true Representation of our present danger and pressing calamities which we humbly beseech your Majesty graciously to accept and take the same to heart accounting the safety and prosperity of your people your greatest happiness and their love your Richest Treasure A rufull and lamentable spectacle we confess it must needs be to behold those Ruines in so fair an House So many diseases and almost every one of them deadly in so strong and well tempered a body as this kingdom lately was But yet we will not doubt but that God hath reserved this Honor for your Majesty to restore the safety and happiness thereof as a work worthy so excellent a Prince for whose long life and true felicity we daily pray and that your fame and never dying Glory may be continued to all succeeding Generations HEreupon a Message was sent to his Majesty desiring access to his Person with the Remonstrance and the Speaker was appointed to deliver it who much desired to be excused but the House would not give way thereunto The House also sent up the Bill of Subsidy unto the Lords Soon after the King sends a Message by Sir Humphrey May that he means to end this Session on the 26. of Iune whereupon the Commons fall upon the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage In the mean time this ensuing Order concerning the Duke was made in the Starchamber upon the signification of his Majesties pleasure In Interiori Camera Stellatâ 16. Junii Anno quarto Caroli Reg. FOrasmuch as his Majesty hath been graciously pleased to signifie unto his Highness Atturney General that his Royal pleasure is that the Bill or information Exhibited into this Court against the Right Honourable George Duke of Buck. for divers great offences and misdemeanours objected against him for that his Majesty is fully satisfied of the innocency of that Duke in all those things mentioned in the said information as well by his own certain knowledge as by the proofs in the Cause shall therefore together with the said Dukes Answer thereunto and all other proceedings thereupon be taken off the File that no memory thereof remain of Record against him which may tend to his disgrace It is therefore Ordered that the said Information or Bill the Answer thereunto and all other Proceedings thereupon be forthwith taken from the File by his Majesties said Atturney General according to his Majesties pleasure therein to him signified under his hand and now remaining in the custody of the Register of this Court Dated this present 16. day of Iune 4. Caroli Exam. per Jo. Arthur 16. Iunii 1628. ON this very day the Duke signified unto the House that he is informed that one Mr. Christopher Eukener of the House of Commons hath affirmed that his Grace did speak these words at his own Table Viz. Tush it makes no matter what the Commons or Parliament doth for without my leave and authority they shall not be able to touch the hair of a Dogg And his Grace desired leave of their Lordships that he might make his Protestation in the House of Commons concerning that Speech And to move them that he which spake it of him being a Member of that House might be commanded to justifie it and his Grace heard to clear himself Their Lordships considering thereof ordered that the Duke shall be left to himself to do herein what he thinks best in the House of Commons Whereupon the Duke gave their Lordships thanks and protested upon his Honour that he never had those words so much as in his thoughts Tho which Protestation the Lords Commanded to be entred that the Duke may make use thereof as need shall be The Duke also charged one Mr. Melvin for speaking words against him Viz. First That Melvin said That the Dukes plot was that the Parliament should be dissolved and that the Duke and the King with a great Army of Horse and Foot would war against the Commonalty and that Scotland should assist him so that when war was amongst our selves the Enemy should come in for this Kingdom is already sold to the Enemy by the Duke 2. That the Duke had a stronger Councel then the King of which were certain Jesuites Scotishmen and that they did sit in Councel every night from one of the clock till three 3. That when the King had a purpose to do any thing of what consequence soever the Duke could alter it 4. That when the Ordnance were shipt at St. Martins the Duke caused the Souldiers to go on that they might be destroyed 5. That the Duke said he had an Army of 16000. Foot and 1200. Horse 6. That King Iames his blood and Marquess Hamiltons with others cries out for vengeance to heaven 7. That he could not expect any thing but ruine of this Kingdom 8. That Prince Henry was poisoned by Sir Thomas Overbury and he himself served with the same sauce and that the Earl of Somerset and others could say much to this 9. That he himself had a Cardinal to his Uncle or near Kinsman whereby he had great intelligence About the same time the Lord Keeper reported to the House of Lords what his Majesty said touching the Commission of Excise Viz. That their Lordships had reason to be satisfied with what was truly and rightly told them by the Lords of the Councel that this Commission was no more but a warrant of advice which his Majesty knew to be agreeable to the time and the manifold occasions then in hand but now having a supply from the loves of his people he esteems the Commission useless and therefore though he knows no cause why any jealousie should have risen thereby yet at their desires he is content it be cancelled and he hath commanded me to bring both the Commission and Warrant to him and it shall be cancelled in his own presence The day following the Lord Keeper reported that his Majesty had cancelled the Commission and the Warrant for putting the Seal thereunto and did there openly shew it and a Message was sent to the Commons to
of the Church he would take away occasion by commanding all persons that had any of those Books in their hands to deliver them to the Bishop of the Diocesse or if it be in either Universities to the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor thereof who were commanded to suppresse them And if any by preaching reading or making of Books pro and contra concerning those unnecessary questions shall revive the difference he was resolved to take such order with them and those Books as they shall wish they had never thought upon those needlesse Controversies But ere this Proclamation was published the Books were for the most part vented and out of danger of seasure and the suppressing of all writing and preaching in Answer thereunto was it seems by some the thing mainly intended for the several answers made by Doctor Featly and Doctor Goad in their parallels by Master Burton Master VVard Master Yates Master VVotton as also by Francis Rows Esq in a Book called King Iames his Religion were all suppressed and divers of the Printers questioned in the high Commission Moreover Bishop Montague and Doctor Manwaring procured a Royal pardon of all Errors heretofore committed by them either in speaking writing or printing for which they might be hereafter questioned And Doctor Manwaring censured by the Lords in Parliament and perpetually disabled from future Ecclesiastical preferments in the Church of England was immediately presented to the Rectory of Stamford-Rivers in Essex and had a dispensation to hold it together with the Rectory of St. Giles in the fields The Town of Rochel was at this time straitly beleagured by the French King and the King of England had prepared a Fleet to relieve it under the Command of the Duke of Buckingham who being advanced as farre as Portsmouth on Saturday August 23. being Bartholomew Eve was suddenly slain in his own Lodgings there by one Leivtenant Felton about nine in the morning who with one blow having got a knife for the purpose struck the Duke under the left rib and up into the heart leaving the knife in his body and got away undiscovered In the fall to the ground the Duke was heard to say The villaine hath killed me Company coming presently in found him weltring in his blood and each person looking upon another marvelled who should do so horrid an act a jealousie was presently had of Monsieur Sobeez who was then there labouring for speedy relief to be sent to Rochel but he protesting his innocency Felton immediately stept out and said I am the man that did the deed let no man suffer that is innocent whereupon he was immediately apprehended sent to London and there imprisoned The King was within four miles of Portsmouth when the news was brought him of the death of the Duke he bid secure the murderer and Bishop Laud had advertisement of his death the 24th of August being then at Croiden with Bishop Neal and other Bishops consecrating Bishop Montague for Chichester Notwithstanding the death of the Duke the King pursued the design of relieving Rochel and again set out a Fleet with provision and fire-ships to put relief into the Town the Fleet went from Plymouth the beginning of September did several times attempt the Barricado but in vaine and so was enforced to give over any further attempt which the Rochellers perceiving gave themselves for lost and immediately came to a capitulation upon very mean tearmes as to themselves yet Lowes King of France was careful by Articles had they been performed that those outrages should not be committed upon the entry of the Town which the few remaining inhabitants were much afraid of and afterwards felt and so mixt mercy with his conquest yet presently after high outrages were committed and great was the persecution of the Reformed Churches which constrained them again to send to the King of England to implore aid with these expressions that what they writ was with their teares and their blood but the treaty being shortly after made between the two Crowns all things were setled in peace between the King and those of the reformed Religion Concerning the state of Rochel at the surrender we have seen a Relation to this purpose that the misery of the besieged was almost incredible having lived long upon Horse-flesh Hides and Leather Dogs and Cats hardly leaving a Horse alive still in hopes that the relief promised from England would prove effectual to them they held it so long till they were but about four thousand left alive of fifteen thousand souls most of them died with famine and when they begun to be pinched with the extremity of hunger they died so fast that they usually carried their Coffins into the Church-yard and other places and there laid themselves in and died great numbers of them being unburied when the forces of the King of France entred the Town and many corps eaten with Vermin Ravens and Birds The Fleet which thus put to sea for the Relief of Rochel was defective both in victuals which was tainted and in tackling and other materials insomuch as at the return thereof information being given to the King and Council of divers defaults and defects in the said ships victuals and provision of this and the former expedition to Rochel and in the discipline and performance of Commands and resolutions taken in that action to the great prejudice of the service it was ordered that the Earls of Denbigh Linsey and Morton and the Lord Wilmott and Master Secretary Cook should forthwith meet together and consider of the Relation made by the Earl of Linsey and inform themselves of defaults in the particulars before mentioned and make report thereof to the Board The Scots under the command of the Earl Morton and some Irish also were sent to quarter in the Isle of VVeight which Island was unacquainted with the quartering of Forreigners In Essex many robberies and outrages w●re committed by the Souldiers then returned from Sea Whereupon the Privy Councellors required the Justices of Peace in that County to choose a Provost Marshal for the apprehending of all such as wandred up and down the Country or behaved themselves dissorderly that they might be punished according to Law and to cause strong guards and watches to be kept in all passages And upon advertisement of some hostile preparations from forraign enemies the Privy Councel taking care for securing the coasts in Kent Sussex Hampshire Dorcetshire and Devonshire renued their directions to the Lords of those Counties for the careful watching of Beacons c. About the time the Fleet went last to the relief of Rochel the King being solicited by the Ambassadours of the King of Denmark and the united Provinces to send shipping to secure the Elbe and men for the defence of Lackstat resolved upon the sending of five Ships accordingly but first to dispatch the men for the relief of the Town the preservation whereof did mainly impart
of the opinion of Mr. Atturney General that the word proditore would have made this Treason And for the other matters he agreed with the Judges Therefore by the Court the Defendants were ruled to plead further and Mr. Lenthal of Lincolns-Inn was assigned of Counsel for them Inasmuch as the Defendants would not put in other Plea the last day of the Term judgment was given against them upon a nihil dicit which judgment was pronounced by Iones to this effect The matter of the Information now by the confession of the Defendants is admitted to be true and we think their Plea to the jurisdiction insufficient for the matter and manner of it And we hereby will not draw the true Liberties of Parliament-men into Question to wit for such matters which they do or speak in Parliamentary manner But in this case there was a conspiracy between the Defendants to slander the State and to raise sedition and discord between the King his Peers and People and this was not a Parliamentary course All the Iudges of England except one have Resolved the Statute of 4 Hen. 8. to be a private Act and to extend to Strood only But every Member of the Parliament shall have such Priviledges as are there mentioned but they have no Priviledge to speak at their pleasure The Parliament is an high Court therefore it ought not to be disorderly but ought to give good example to other Courts If a Judg of our Court shall rayl upon the State or Clergy he is punishable for it A Member of the Parliament may charge any great Officer of the State with any particular offence but this was a malevolous accusation in the generality of all the Officers of State therefore the matter contained within the Information is a great offence and punishable in this Court 2. For the punishment although the offence be great yet that shall be with a light hand and shall be in this manner 1. That every of the Defendants shall be imprisoned during the Kings pleasure Sir John Elliot to be imprisoned in the Tower of London and the other Defendants in other Prisons 2. That none of them shall be delivered out of Prison until he give security in this Court for his good behaviour and have made submission and acknowledgment of his offence 3. Sir John Elliot inasmuch as we think him the greatest offender and the ringleader shall pay a fine to the King of 2000 l. and Mr. Holles a fine of 1000 marks and Mr. Valentine because he is of less ability then the rest shall pay a fine of 500 l. And to all this all the other Justices with one voice accorded FINIS APPENDIX His Majesties Declaration to all his Loving Subjects of the Causes which moved him to dissolve the last Parliament March 10. 1628. HOwsoever Princes are not bound to give accompt of their Actions but to God alone yet for the satisfaction of the minds and affections of Our Loving Subjects We have thought good to set down thus much by way of Declaration that We may appeare to the world in the truth and sincerity of Our Actions and not in those Colours in which We know some turbulent and ill-affected spirits to masque and disguise their wicked intentions dangerous to the State would represent Us to the publick view We assembled our Parliament the 17th day of March in the third yeer of Our Reigne for the safety of Religion for securing Our Kingdoms and Subjects at home and Our friends and Allies abroad And therefore at the first sitting down of it We declared the miserable afflicted estate of those of the reformed Religion in Germany France and other parts of Christendome the distressed extremities of Our dearest Uncle the King of Denmark chased out of a great part of his Dominions the strength of that Party which was united against Us That besides the Pope and the house of Austria and their antient confederates the French King professed the rooting out of the Protestant Religion That of the Princes and States on Our party some were over-run others diverted and some disabled to give assistance For which and other important motives We propounded a speedy supply of Treasure answerable to the necessity of the Cause These things in the beginning were well resented by the House of Commons and with much alacrity and readinesse they agreed to grant a liberall aid But before it was brought to any perfection they were diverted by a multitude of Questions raised amongst them touching their Liberties and Priviledges and by other long disputes that the Bill did not passe in a long time and by that delay Our affairs were put into a far worse case then at the first Our Foraigne Actions then in hand being thereby disgraced and ruined for want of timely help In this as We are not willing to derogate from the merit and good intentions of those wise and moderate men of that House to whose forwardnesse We attribute it that it was Propounded and Resolved so soon so We must needs say that the delay of passing it when it was resolved occasioned by causlesse jealousies stirred up by men of another temper did much lessen both the reputation and reality of that Supply And their spirit infused into many of the Commissioners and Assessors in the Country hath returned up the Subsidies in such a scanty proportion as is infinitely short not onely of Our great occas●ons but of the presidents of former Subsidies and of the intentions of all well-affected men in that House In those large Disputes as We permitted many of Our high prerogatives to be debated which in the best times of Our Predecessors had never been questioned without punishment or sharp reproof so We did endeavour to have shortned those debates for winning of time which would have much advantaged Our great affairs both at home and abroad And therefore both by speeches and messages We did often declare Our gratious and clear resolution to maintain not onely the Parliament but all our People in their antient and just liberties without either violation or diminution and in the end for their full satisfaction and security did by an Answer framed in the form by themselves desired to their Parliamentary Petition confirm their antient and just Liberties and Rights which We resolve with all constancy and justice to maintain This Parliament howsoever besides the setling Our necessary supply and their own liberties they wasted much time in such proceedings blasting Our Government as We are unwilling to remember yet We suffered them to sit untill themselves desired Us to appoint a time for their Recesse not naming either Adjournment or Prorogation Whereupon by advice of Our Councill We resolved to prorogue and make a Session and to that end prefixed a day by which they might as was meet in so long a Sitting finish some profitable and good Lawes and withall gave order for a gratious Pardon to all Our Subjects which according to the use
expressions at the time of his accusation p. 258. His Speech at the delivery of the Articles against the Duke p. 259. Articles exhibited by him against the Duke p. 266. And also against the Lord Conway p. 268. A Message from the King against Bristol p. 270. Reasons why he should onely be tried in the House of Peers p. 271. Iudges opinions concerning that particular p. 272. His Speech by way of Introduction before he gave in his Answer to the Articles p. 273 274 c. His Answer to the Articles p. 278 279 c. Dudley Sir Diggs p. 55 306 307 360 364 365 454 533 544 554 614. Doncaster Viscount sent Ambassador p. 11 13 22. Drummond Mr. p. 167. E. EArl Sir Walter upon a Habeas Corpus p. 462. Edmonds Sir Thomas p. 660. Elector vide Palatinate Elliot Sir John p. 224 357 360 366 433 529 532 561 563 544 554 614 660 669. Information against him in the Upper Bench p. 693 696 697 c. Emperor vide the Palatinate Essex Earl p. 200. F. FAirfax Captain p. 15. A Monument erected at Frandendale in memory of him and Mr. John Fairfax his Brother both slain in the defence thereof p. 155 Felton visited in prison and confesses the Fact p. 650. His examination before the Council ibid. Threatned to be rackt ibid. Tryed p. 652. Tendereth his hand to be cut off ib. Hung in Chains p. 653. Finch Sir Hennage Speaker p. 208 401 Finch Sir John Speaker p. 484 561 Fleetwood Sir Miles p. 561 France about a Treaty of Marriage p. 156 114. A Marriage there p. 172 173. Difference with France p. 428 G. GAge Mr. sent to Rome p. 23 66 121 Glanvile Serjeant p. 313 318 574 Glynn Mr. Recorder Ap. 56 57 Gundamor flatters King James p. 3. The Treaty on the Spaniards behalf ibid. Contrives Sir Walter Rawleighs death p. 4 16 18 20. Assaulted in London Streets p. 34. A Letter to him to expedite the Match 69 see 113 122 Gorge Sir Ferdinando p. 180 Germany vide Palatinate H. Habeas Corpus Debates and Arguments p. 462 463 c. Also vide Parliament quarto Car. and Appendix Hackwel Mr. p. 507 528 568 Hayman Sir Peter p. 528 Heath Sir Robert p. 216 667 689. Ap. 39 53 Henry Prince a Match proposed between him and a Daughter of Spain p. 1 Herbert Mr. p. 312 Herbert Sir Gerrard p. 15 69 Herbert Sir Edward p. 43 Heveningham Sir John brings his Habeas Corpus p. 462 Heidelburg p. 66 69 Hobby Sir Thomas p. 528 Holland Earl p. 173 469 470 Hollis Mr. p. 676 689 693 Hubbard Sir Miles brought upon a Habeas Corpus p. 689 Hide Sir Nicholas made Chief Iustice p. 424 I. Iames King of Scotland affects the Title of Peace-Maker p. 1. Desires to Match Prince Charls with somergeat Princess though of different Religion ibid. and 50. Inclines to a Match with Spain p. 2. Flattered by Gundamor p. 3. Delivers up the cautionary Towns ibid. Gives a Commission to Digby to Treat on a Marriages ibid. Receives Articles about Religion out of Spain p. 4. Imployes Sir Walter Rawleigh upon a design into America p. 4 5. Too credulous of the Spaniard p. 8. A Letter shewing upon what account the King gave way to the beheading of Sir Walter Rawleigh p. 9. Sends Viscount Doncaster Ambassador p. 11 13. His advice craved by the Count Palatine p. 12. He dislikes the Palatines acceptance of the Crown p. 13 a. 14 b. 16 a. Goes to war with one Regiment to assist the Palatines p. 14. Receives news of the defeat given the Palatine at Prague p. 17. Raises money by advice of Privy Council ibid. Flattered again by the Spaniard p. 18. The Spaniards secret Instructions in reference to the King ibid. He calls a Parliament p. 20. Forbids discourse of State affairs p. 21. His Speech to the Parliament ibid. Sends Digby Ambassador into Flanders p. 23. His second Speech in Parliament about Projectors p. 24. Speaks on behalf of the Duke p. 26 27. Sends a Message against Sir Henry Yelverton p. 33 d. Intends to adjourn the Parliament p. 35. The Commons Declaration about the Palatinate before the adjournment p. 36. Reforms grievances by Proclamation ibid. Again forbids speaking of State Affairs ibid. Gives the Great Seal to Dean Williams ibid. Reassembles the Parliament p. 39. In his absence the Lord Keeper speaks ibid. Is tryed with a Petition and Remonstrance from the Commons p. 40. Writes to the Speaker p. 43. Answers the Petition p. 46 47. His Answer qualified by the Lord Keeper p. 52. The Commons Protestation p. 53. The King tears it out of the Iournal ibid. Commits some Members of Parliament p. 55. Imployes others to Ireland ibid. Again forbids speaking of State Affairs ibid. Offers terms to the Emperor on behalf of the Palatinate ibid. Receives an Answer from the Emperor p. 56. Writes to Philip the Fourth to accelerate the Match p. 57. Also to Don Balthazar p. 59. Writes for the raising of moneys p. 61. Opposes the Arminian Sect p. 62. Shews favor to Recusants ibid. Lord Keeper excuses the Kings favor to Recusants p. 63. Writes to the Archbishop about regulating the Clergy p. 64. Gives direction concerning Preachers ibid. New conditions demanded of him by the Pope p. 66. His Answer to those demands p. 67. His Letter to Digby p. 68. Sends him a dispatch in a peremptory stile concerning Heidelburgh p. 70. Signs the Popes demands p. 73. Writes again to Bristol concerning the Palatinate p. 74. Sends the Prince into Spain p. 76. Archbishop Abbots Letter to the King against Tolleration of Popery p. 85. Articles of Marriage sworn to by him p. 86. The Oath taken by him p. 88. He swears also to private Articles p. 88 89. Pope Urban writes to King James p. 95. After the Princes arival sends to Bristol not to deliver the Proxy without restitution of the Palatinate p. 105. And writes to the Palatine to make his submission to the Emperor p. 108. The Palatines Answer p. 109. Seeks a match with France p. 114. Calls a Parliament about the Treaty with Spain p. 115. Makes a Speech ibid. Also another Speech in justification of the Duke p. 127. He makes a third speech unto them concerning their advice to break off the Match p. 129. Desires he may not have a Furrow of Land left without Restitution of the Palatinate p. 130. Scruples at the word insincerity of the King of Spain p. 136. Declares his resolution to dissolve the Treaties p. 138. Accepts Subsidies and makes another Speech to the Parliament ibid. Offers to go to war in his own person p. 139. Is troubled at a Petition against Recusants p. 140. That he hath broke the neck of three Parliaments ibid. His Answer to that Petition p. 143. Receives information concerning the Duke p. 144. His Speech at the adjournment of the Parliament p. 150. A Particular of what Laws he then passed p. 152. Desires a Match with France p. 156. Which he
Moneys disbursed for the War delivered to the Commons p. 236. The Commons present a Remonstrance to the King p. 247. And send a Message to the Duke p. 251. Afterwards prefer an Impeachment against him p. 307. Managed at a Conference by Eight Members p. 306 307 308 c. Their Message to secure the Duke p. 361. Discontented at the Commitment of Sir John Elliot p. 362. Their Protestation concerning him and Sir Dudley Diggs p. 364 365. A great contest in the House of Peers concerning the imprisonment of the Earl of Arundel p. 367 368 c. The Commons dissatisfied that the Duke is chosen Chancellor of Cambridge p. 376 377. The Lords Petition to the King to stay the dissolving of the Parliament p. 402. A Commission to dissolve the Parliament p. 403. The Commons Remonstrance p. 404 405 c. The Kings Declaration against the Commons Remonstrance Appendix p. 1. A Speech to the Parliament without doors p. 485. A Grand Committee setled p. 494. Debates in Parliament as to grievances p. 496. The Parliament Debates the business of the Habeas Corpus p. 502. Arguments about it p. 503 504 c. A Conference about the Petition of Right p. 533. Their petition about the Billeting of Soldiers p. 548. Archbishop Abbot his Speech concerning the Petition of Right p. 552. Propositions tendered by the Lords instead of the Petition of Right p. 553. The Commons dissatisfied with the Propositions p. 554. They meet the 20 of January p. 655. Make enquiry about the Petition of Right and the violation thereof ibid. A Report from the Committee concerning Religion p. 658. The Vow of the House of Commons p. 666. Several debates about Tonnage and Poundage ib. The King commands the Speaker not to put the Question p. 670. Debates thereupon ibid. The Speaker held in the Chair ib. The King sends the Usher of the Black-Rod and he is not admitted ibid. The King grants Warrants to apprehend several Members of Parliament p. 671. His Speech at the dissolution of the Parliament p. 672. Members of Parliament are examined before the Lords of the Council ibid. Questions propounded by the Iudges concerning the imprisoned Members ibid. Paul Sir George p. 244 Pembroke Earl p. 217 Pennington Captain p. 179 334 335 Petition of right p. 597 598 Perrot Sir James p. 55 Phillips Sir Robert p. 55 498 505 543 559 655 Plague increaseth in London p. 175 Number of them who died Anno 1625. Popes assent to the Match p. 66. His Letter to the Duke of Buckingham p. 80. His Dispensation comes clogged p. 84. Pope Urban to King James p. 93. To Prince Charls p. 98 Preachers directions concerning them p. 64 65. Proclamation against Preaching and Disputing p. 416 Privy-Seals p. 420 Projects for raising money App. 12 Proxies in the House of Peers p. 273 Puritans p. 22 a. 171. Described by Sir Jo. Lamb p. 424 425 Pym Mr. p. 55 339 531 568 604 Q. QUeen Anne dieth p. 10 R. RAwleigh Sir Walter his life sought by Gundomar p. 4. And is Sacrificed to satisfie Spain p. 9. A Letter concerning him ibid. Romish Recusants Immunities granted to them p. 14. The King sollicited for favor to them p. 36 37. A Petition and Remonstrance against them p. 40 41. The Kings Answer thereunto p. 46. The King shews further favor to them p. 52. Excused p. 53. Articles in favor of them p. 89. Pope Urbans Letter on behalf of the Romish Religion p. 95 98. They promote the Match with Spain p. 102 103 King James his Letter concerning a Petition against them p. 140. The Petition it self p. 141. The Kings Answer to the Petition p. 143. Recusants taken at Clerkenwell p. 478. A Conference against them p. 510. Debates in Parliament against them and Priests arraigned at Newgate p. 668. Petition of Right p. 597 598. Rhee Island p. 431 466. Several Passages there p. 467 468 469. Richardson Sir Thomas p. 23. Rich●●● Sir Nathaniel p. 55 361 614 Rochel p. 178 411 430 467 594 595 647 648 Rolls Merchant p. 654 665 666 Rous Mr. p. 593. His Speech concerning Religion p. 657. Rudyard Sir Benjamin p. 497 557 629 S. SAckvile Sir Edward p. 15 16 31 Sectaries p. 22 a. Selden Mr. p. 55 314 528 536 569 615 631 640. Brought upon a Habeas Corpus p. 689 692. Seymor Sir Francis p. 495. Sherborne Mr. Sherland Master p. 345 346 c. Sheriffs Oath excepted against pag. 201. Ship Vantguard employed against Rochel p. 178. Ships to be set out by Port Towns pag. 419. Ships Arrears for Fraight pag. 470. Sibthorp Dr. complains against the Puritans p. 424. His Sermon concerning Loan p. 426. See 440 448. Smith Richard Bishop of Calcedon sent into England p. 158 159 645. Soveraign Power p. 50 a. 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 c. Spain vide Digby Speaker vide Crew Sir Thomas Finch Sir Hennage Finch Sir John Spinola p. 14 15. Stafford Captain p. 15. Star Blazing appears p. 8. Opinion thereupon ibid. Star-Chamber Informati●● against Members of Parliament p. 675. Order there concerning the Duke p. 638. Stroud Mr. brought upon a Habeas Corpus p. 675. Appendix p. 18. T. TErm adjourned to Reading p. 201. Turner Dr. A Physitian his Queries ibid. His explanation p. 222 226. V. VAlentine Mr. his Case Append 49 Vassal Mr. his Goods seised on about Custom p. 653. Proceeded against in Star-Chamber ibid. His Plea to the Information ibid. Votes for Reparation Appendix 56 57 Vere Sir Horatio p. 14 15 40. Villers Sir Edward p. 23. Undertakers ibid. W. WAlter Sir William pag. 223. Wandesford Mr. p. 356 546 615. Warwick Earl sent to secure Langor-point p. 199. Wentworth Sir Thomas p. 496 527 529 544 560 568. Weston Sir Richard p. 12 f. 23 56 66 129 219. Made Lord Treasurer p. 646. Williams Dr. Sworn Keeper of the Great Seal p. 36 39 52. Excuses the Kings favor to Recusants p. 61 62 63 151 164 176. Refuses to proceed against the Puritans p. 424. A Passage of the Information in Star-Chamber against him p. 425. Wilmot Captain p. 15 Wimbleton Viscount p. 198 Y. YElverton Sir Henry accused by the Commons pag. 31. His Speech thereupon ibid. At which King James is offended p. 32. His particular Answer in Serie Temporis ibidem King James again offended with him p. 33. His Sentence and Restauration p. 34. Z. ZUinga Don Balthazar pag. 38 59. FINIS A CATALOGUE of such BOOKS as are Printed for and sold by Mr. George Thomason at the Rose and Crown in St. Pauls Church-yard SAncti Johannis Chrysostomi opera Graecè octo voluminibus Etonae Folio Purchas his Pilgrimage or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all ages and places discovered from the Creation unto this present containing a Theological and Geographical History of Asia Africa and America with the Islands adjacent c. By Samuel Purchas Folio Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas his Pilgrimes containing a History of the World in Sea
Voyages and Land Travels by Englishmen and others By Samuel Purchas in Four Volumes Folio The History of the Parliament of England which began November the Third 1640. With a short and necessary view of some precedent years By Thomas May Esq Folio The Text of the New Testament of Jesus Christ Translated out of the Vulgar Latine by the Papists of the Traiterous Seminary of Rhemes Whereunto is added the Translation out of the Original Greek commonly used in the Church of England c. By W. Fulke D. D. and sometimes Master of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge Folio The History of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland containing Five Books together with some Treatises conducing to the History By Iohn Knox. Folio Two Treatises In the one of which the Nature of Bodies in the other the Nature of Mans Soul is looked into In way of discovery of the Immortality of Reasonable Souls By Sir Kenelme Digby Folio Histoire de l'entre de la Reyne Mere du Roy tres Chrestien dan● les Provinces Vnies des pays has avec des Figures Histoire de l'entre de la Reyne Mere du Roy tres Chrestien dans la Grande Britaigne avec des Figures par le Sieur de la Serre Historiographe Folio Ad Serenissimum Jacob●m primum Britanniarum Monarcham Ecclesiae Scoticanae libellus supplex Authore Jacobo Melvino Quarto Polycarpi Ignatii Epistolae unà cum vetere vulgata interpretatione Latina ex trium Manuscriptorum codicum collatione integritati suae restitutae quibus praefixa est Iacobi Vsserii Archiepiscopi Armachani dissertatio Quarto Appendix Ignatiana in qua continentur 1. Ignatii Epistolae Genuinae 2. Ignatii Martyriam à Philone Agathopode aliis descriptum 3. Tiberiani Plinii Secundi Trajani imp de Constantia Martyrum illius temporis Epistolae 4. Smyrnensis Ecclesiae de Polycarpi Martyrio Epistola 5. In Ignatii Polycarpi Acta atque in Epistolas etiam Ignatio perperàm adscriptas Annotationes Iacobi Vsserii Armachani Quarto 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clementis ad Corinthios Epistola Prior. Patritius Junius ex lateris Reliquiis vetustissimi examplaris Bibliotherae Regiae eruit Quarto Purchas his Pilgrim Microcosmus or the History of Man relating the wonders of his Generation Vanities in his Degeneration necessity of his Regeneration meditated on the words of David Psal. 39.5 By Samuel Purchas Octavo Saint Augustine his Enchyridion to Laurence or the cheif and principal Heads of all Christian Religion the Second Edition Twelves Theologia Naturalis sive liber Creaturarum Specialiter de homine de Natura ejus in quantum homo de his quae sunt ei necessaria ad cognoscendum Deum seipsum omne debitum ad quod homo tenetur obligatur tam Deo quàm proximo Authore Raymundo de Sabunde Octavo Frederici Spanhemii Epistola ad Nobilisstmum Virum Davidem Buchananum super controversiis quibusdam quae in Ecclesiis Anglic●nis agitantur Octavo The Works of Edward Reynolds D. D. containing three Treatises of the Vanity of the Creature Sinfulness of Sin the Life of Christ. An Explication of Psal. C X. Meditations on the Sacrament of the Lords Supper An Explication of the Fourteenth Chapter of Hosea A Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soul Collected in Folio Divers Sermons Preached upon several occasions by Edward Reynolds D. D. Quarto A Treatise touching the Peace of the Church or an Apostolical Rule how to judge aright in differences which concern Religion Published by Authority Quarto A Treatise of Use and Custome By Mer. Causabon D. D. Quarto Deus Natura Gratia sive tractatus de Praedestinatione de meritis peccatorum Remissione sen de Justificatione denique de sanctorum invocatione reliquiarum imaginum veneratione de indulgentiis Purgatorio sub finem de Excommunicatione Accessit Paraphrastica Expositio reliquorum Articulorum confessionis Anglicae Per Fr. Franciscum Sancta Clara. Octavo Apologia Episcoporum seu Sacri Magistratus Propugnatio Multa multorum vocibus ventilantur mendacia adversus sacerdotes Dei de Diaboli ore prolata ad rumpendam Catholicae unitatis concordiam ubique jactantur Authore Francisco à Sancta Clara. Octavo King Iames much desired to match his Son Henry with a daughter of Spain After Prince Henry's death the King propounded a match with France In this interim the Spaniard gives the overture of a match Sir Digby's advice to the King in that matter Gondomar mannages the Treaty on the Spaniards part The English Navie neglected The Cautionary Towns rendred to the Hollander The Spaniard proceeds not sincerely in the Treaty Articles of Religion agreed upon between the Kings of England and Spain The people of England averse from the march The Catholicks desirous of it Gondomar contrives the death of Sir Walter Rawleigh an enemy to Spain A War begins in Germany Both parties Protestant and Catholicks grow jealous and each enter into League The Emperor Matthias Adopts his Cousin-German Ferdinand For joy of this Adoption the Catholicks keep a Jubilee and the Protestants another in memory of Luther An Assembly of the Protestants and States of Bohemia at Prague The first occasion of the troubles of Bohemia A Ryot committed by the Protestants in the Castle of Prague The Protestants put forth a Declaration The Emperor disgusted with the Declaration He publishes a Manifesto Both Parties Arm. A Comet appears at this time King Iames ingages not in these troubles flattering himself with the Spaniards seeming forwardness to effect the Match A Letter from a great Minister of State to Mr. Cottington Nov. 17. Queen Anne dieth Matthias the Emperor dies A Cessation of Arms proposed by Ferdinand is refused King Iames interposes by his Ambassador the Viscount Doncaster The Elector Palatine sends an Ambassador to oppose the Election of Ferdinand The Bohemians chuse the Palatine for their King Bethlem Gabor makes a union with the Protestants The Palatine craves the advice of King Iames touching his accepting the Crown Before answer came he had accepted it King Iames disavows the Act and ●●●ars himself of it to the King of Spain● The King of Spain testifies his resentment of Viscount Doncasters proceedings in Germany The King of Poland aids the Emperor Ferdinand publishes a Proscription against the Palatine Prince Anhalt Generalissimo of the Bohemians Marquess Ansbach commands the forces of the Princes of the Union Kings Iames will not engage in the War sends Sir Walter Aston Ambassador into Spain to negotiate the March and Gondomar returns Great immunities promised by King Iames to the Catholicks 18 Iacob 1620. A great Army levied in Flanders under the command of Spinola A Regiment under the command of Sir Horati● Vere sent from England The Protestant States of Austria renounce the confederacy of the Bohemians The Elector of Saxony assists the Emperor and executes the Ban against the Palatine Spinola prevails much in the Palatinate The Armies
take up their Winter Quarters A Letter of the Duke of Buckinghams to Gondomar touching King Iames his bent to the German War Octob. 25. Frederick's Forces totally routed in the Battel at Prague His calamity joined with loss of Honor. An Order at the Council-Table for recovering the Palatinate The Spaniards flatter the King Private Instructions to the Spanish Ambassador into England The King calls a Parliament The Protestant Union declines in Germany The Palatine propounds a Peace to the Elector of Saxony The King puts forth a Proclamation forbidding discourse of State-affairs The Kings Speech to the Parliament * Buckingham The Lo. Digby sent Ambassador into Flanders and Mr. Gage to Rome The Palatine and his Princess go into Holland The Emperor proceeds severely with the Bohemians Imperial Protestant Towns reconcile themselves to the Emperor and intercede for the Palatine but in vain Grievances proposed in Parliament Sir Giles Mompesson imprisoned but escapes beyond Sea 19 Iac. An. 1621. The Kings Speech to the Lords Sentence given against Sir Giles Mompesson And Sir Francis Michel his Compartner in Projects Lord Chancellor Bacon accused and convicted of Bribery Sir Henry accused by the Commons Gondomar reviled and assaulted in London streets Sir Rob. Mansel sent into the Mediterranean Sea The Emperor calls in question the Authors of the Commotions in Bohemia The King intends to adjourn the Parliament The Commons take it not well The King resents it The Commons Declaration touching the Palatinate The King by Proclamation reforms the late grievances handled in Parliament Puts forth another Proclamation against Talking of State-affairs The King is sollicited from Spain to enlarge his favors towards Catholicks The chief heads of the Lord Digby's Embassie to the Emperor The Emperors Reply to those Demands The L. Digby's second Proposal to the Emperor The Emperors Answer The English Ambassador goes to the Duke of Bavaria The Emperors Letter to Don Baltazar de Zuniga The Parliament begins again Nov. 20. The Substance of the Lord Keepers Speech Lord Digby's Speech Lord Treasurer's Speech The Commons Petition and Remonstrance to the King At this time the Protestants are ill treated in France The Kings Letter to Sir Tho. Richardson The Commons send the Remonstrance accompanied with another Petition The Kings Answer to the later Petition The Lord Keepers judgment touching the Kings sharp Answer The Lo. Digby to the Peers The Commons Protestation The King takes the Protestation out of the Journal-book with his own hand In the mean time the King dissolves them Some Eminent Members of the Parliament in Prisoned Others sent for punishment into Ireland The Council write to Judges concerning such as speak of State Affairs The Palatine spoiled of his hereditary dominions The terms which King Iames desires the Emperor to accept in behalf of the Palatine The Emperors Answer to King Iames Ian. 14. 1621. King Iames to Philip the Fourth of Spain King Iames his Letter to the King of Spain Prince Charls to the King of Spain King Iames his Letter to the Lord Balthazar of Zuniga The Privy Council by the Kings command issue out an Order for raising Money for the defence of the Palatinate Archbishop Abbot not relished at Court an advantage taken against him Bishop Laud suspected to incline to Popish Tenents while he was of Oxford as appears by a notable passage The Arminians begin to be favored by the King by means of Bishop Laud. Favors shewed to Recusants by the Kings Order Iacobi 20. 1622. The Lord Keepers Letter excusing the Kings favor towards Papists The Kings Letter to the Archbishop for regulating the Clergy Directions concerning Preachers The new K. of Spain Philip the Fourth procures the Popes assent to the Match The Infanta cools in t●e Palsgraves business The pretended Obstacles of the Treaty removed Heidelburgh besieged New Conditions demanded of the King before the Pope gives a Dispensation The Kings Answer to the said Demands The King sends his Resolution to Digby in Spain now made Earl of Bristol Likewise a Letter was ●ent to ●ondomar 〈◊〉 recalle● into Spain The Answer to the Memorial presented by the Earl of Bristol to the Spanish King Bristol gives the King hope of the Match Heidelburgh taken The King provoked sends his former Resolutions with anew dispatch into Spain In the mean time Manheim is taken The Emperors Intentions to King Iames not good Nor the King of Spains witness his Letter to Conde Olivares Olivares Answer Bristols Answer from the King of Spain The Popes Demands signed by the King and Prince Frankendale block'd up by Papenheim The King writes to Bristol The Electorate conferred upon the Duke of Bavaria in the Diet at Ratisbone The Protestant Princes plead for the Palatine's restitution The Catholick Princes reply The Protestants reassume the argument The Emperor takes up the debate Sir Dudley Carlton Resident at the ●●gue sends his judgment of the matter to the Marquis of Buckingham The Prince and the Marquis of Buckingham go to Spain Buckingham visits Olivares and by him is conducted to the King Orders for the Prince's entertainment The Prince sees the Infanta Is entertained honorably by the King Makes his entrance publiquely into Madrid The King sends the Prince two Golden Keys The Grandees are commanded to attend his Highness The Marquis of Buckingham made Duke The people talk that the Prince is come to change his Religion Endeavors to make the Prince change his Religion * Quare Apostoli●is literis hortamur Catholicam Majestatem ut eum Principem redigere suaviter conetur sub Romanae Ecclesiae ditionem cui veteres Magnae Britanniae Domini coronatum caput imperii fasces Coelo plaudente submiserunt Quare te monemus ut ad Catholicum Regem religiosus Consiliarius accedas easque rationes despicias quibus insigne aliquod beneficium Britanniae Regnis Romanae Ecclesiae in praesenti rerum opportunitate comparetur Res ipsa magna atque gravissima est quare eum verbis amplificare non debemus Regnum Coelorum Britanniae Principi patefacere Regnum Britanniae sedi Apostolicae restituere incipiet qui Regii istius Adoloscentis animum Catholicae Religionis studio inflamaverit atque haeriticae impietatis odio impleverit c. The Pope's Letter to the Prince of Wales There is another Copy of the Princes Letter to the Pope published by several hands somewhat different from this Allurements to make the Prince change his Religion The Prince stedfast in his Religion Is not well dealt with in his Address to the Infanta The Dispensation is at last procured The Dispensation comes clogged Olivares proposes ways of Accommodation The King of Spain proffers to engage himself on the behalf of the King of England and the Prince His Ghostly Fathers approve his intentions The Match is declared publickly The Archbishops Letter to the King against Toleration of Popery Articles sworn to by the King Prince and Privy Council The Oath Private Articles sworne to by the King in
favor of Roman Catholicks A difficulty concerning the Popes title on the Kings part Another on the Ambassadors part concerning prayers in the Kings Chappel A titular Bishop of Calcedon sent into England Preparations for conducting the Infanta into England No mention made in the Capitulations of restoring the Palatine Mr. Allured his Letter to the Duke The French jealous of this conjunction Pope Vrban to K. Iames. Pope Vrbans Letter to Prince Charls The Treaty begins to tend to a rupture The Prohibition to the Judges and Bishops in behalf of the Catholicks suspended Some of the English in Spain dislike the Match and Religion The Duke disgusted in Spain Buckingham and Bristol run different ways The Palatine by his Secretary labors to engage the Prince against the Marriage The Spaniard continues new delays The English Papists perplexed The Prince ready to depart from the Court of Spain leaves a Proxy with the Earl of Brist●l The Duke and Olivares part not Friends The Prince universally ●steemed His departure solemn The Prince feasted the Dons aboard his Ship and bringing them back again to the shore a storm surprises them Expressions of joy for the Princes safe return into England Private Instructions delivered to Bristol contrary to the Proxy Bristol in a Letter gives the Prince a good account of the business King Iames falls off and for a Condition of the Mariage demands the Restitution of the Palatinate Bristol and As●●n demur upon the new Instructions Sir Walter Aston endeavors to reconcile the D●ke to Spain Advice to the King touching the Duke The Earl of Bristol is commanded by the King to follow the new Instructions King Iames puts the Palatine in hope by Proposal of new terms The Palatines Answer to those Terms proposed by the King The Netherlands appear ready to embrace the antient Union with England The Ratifi●●●ication come from the new Pop● and when all is ready for the E 〈◊〉 ls th●n is the Ma●ch dasht by order from England Bristol sends his Apology to K. Iames for having demurred upon the new Instructions Olivares offers Bristol large Preferments in the Kings name when he was to take his leave Bristols Answer to those Profers The Spaniards prepare for a War with England The L. Kensington sent Ambassador into France to feel the pulse of that Court touching a Match renders an account of his acceptance The King advised to call a Parliament The Kings Speech to the Parliament The King approves Sir Tho. Crew for Speaker who made this Speech The Dukes Narrative Both Houses of Parliament justifie the Duke in his Narrative His Majesties Answer to that Justification Both Houses of Parliament concur that the King may not honorably proceed in t●e Treaty of the Prince's Marriage and the Palatinate The Kings Speech 〈◊〉 Parliament perswa●●●● him to break off the two Treaties of the Match and of the Palatinate Sir Edw. Sackvile's Speech Sir Edw. Sackvile's Speech The Parliaments Answer to the Kings Speech The Parliament offers his Majesty Three Subsidies and Three Fifteens if he break off both Treaties His Majesties Reply The King declares his Resolution to dissolve the Treaties The King accepts the aid proffered him King Iames his Letter to Secretary Conway touching a Petition against the Papists The Petition His Majesties Answer to the Petition The Spanish Ambassadors accuse Buckingham to the King of matters of high concernment The issue of those Accusations The Earl of Bristol protests against the Dukes Narration is imprisoned in the Tower The Speakers and the Kings Speech at the Adjournment of the Parliament Kings Iames demands the Town of Frankendal deposited in the Archduc●hess hands Spinola marches out of the Town and immediately Re-enters King Iames very desirous of a Match with France The Match with France concluded Count Mansfield arrrives in England 12000 Foot and 200 horse raised to go under his command Scarce the third part of Count Mansfields Army came safe to Land Richard Smith made Bishop of Calcedon and sent into England with Episcopal Jurisdiction * The Duke of Buckingham Instructions to Mr Drummond The Privy-Counsellors present themselves to King Charles King Charles proclaimed at Theobalds At Whitehall In London The old Privy-Council new sworn The Councils advice to the King Proclamation concerning Persons in Office c. Proclamation of Government Resolution taken by the King concerning King Iames Funeral and his own Marriage A Parlamen● summoned King Iames Funeral Duke of Buckingham continues Favorite to King Charles Religion considered A general Muster Souldiers levied for the Palatinate Proclamation against disorders committed by Souldiers Articles of the marriage with France signed by the King Private Articles in favor of the Catholicks The Marriage solemnized in France The Duke sent into France for the Queen A Royal Navy sent to Bol●ign to transport the Queen The Marriage consummated at Canterbury The Trained Bands of Kent commanded to attend the Queen The King and Queen come to London A Chappel built at Somerset-house for the Queen A great Plague in London The Parliament opened The Kings Speech in Parliament The Lord Keepers Speech in Parliament Sir Tho. Crew Speaker Debates in the House of Commons A Fast. Committees chosen Message to the King touching Religion and his Answer Mr. Montague brought to the Bar. The Arminian party assert his cause The King takes Montagues busin●●● into his own hand Two Subsidies presented to the King The King accepts them and desires more A short Answer to the Petition touching Religion The Parliament adjourned to Oxford The Exchequer removed to Richmond The Vantguard and seven other Ships employed against Rochel The Parliament meets again at Oxford Grievances Mr. Montague Summoned to appear His Cause recommended by the Bishops to the Duke The Appeal to Caesar disputed The Kings Speech in Christ-Church Lord Conway and Secretary Cook by the Kings Command declare the present slate of Affairs Lord Treasurer proceeds in that subject Debates in the House of Commons touching the present state of Affairs Complaints against Papists favored notwithstanding the Kings Answer to the Petition against them The Petition concerning Religion together with his 〈…〉 The Duke renders an account to both Houses of the Fleet. He speaks by way of Objection and Answer * The Earl of Bristol The Dukes Relation accasioned variety of Opinions in Parliament The Kings Message to the Commons Debates upon the Kings Message The Commons Declaration The Parliament dissolved The King follows his Design of War The Kings Proclamation to recal home children of Recusants The Kings Letter to the Lieutenants for the Loan of Money upon Privy-Seals Privy-Seals issued forth to certain Persons Warrants for disarming Recusants Letters directed to Lords Recusants Concourse of Papists prevented Viscount Wimbleton Commander in Chief in the Voyage to Cadez Lord Cromwels Letter to the Duke touching the Fleet. The Earl of Warwick secures Langer-Point in Essex English and Dutch Fleet before Dunkirk dispersed by a storm The General examined before the Council The
Soldiers commanded not to disband Trade prohibited with Spain Trained Bands exercised Part of Michaelmas Term adjourned The Term at Reading Hopes of a Parliament Sir Edward Cook High Sheriff his exceptions to the Sheriffs Oath The Seal taken from Bishop Will●ams sequestred formerly and given to Sir Thomas Coventry A Parliament Summoned Recusants to be Excommunicated The King resolved to leave Mr. Montague to the Parliament Preparations for the Kings Coronation A Proclamation for all that have Forty pound per annum to come and receive the Order of Knighthood A Thanksgiving for the Plagues ceasing Number of those who died of the Plague The Ceremonies at the Kings Coronation Archbish. P.P. The Kings Answer A Second Parliament meets The Lord Keepers Speech Sir Hennage Finch chosen Speaker His Speech Grievances taken into consideration Grievances laid open Articles against Mr Montague People prohibited for going to Mass at Ambassadors Houses The Atturney's Letter to the Judges concerning Recusants The Council of War for the Palatinate questioned in the House of Commons The Earl of Pembroke at a Conference presseth Supply Reports from the Committee concerning Evils and Remedies A Committee of the Lords House to consider of the safety of the Kingdom comunicated to the Commons Not well resented The Kings Letter to the Speaker Sir Richard Westons Message The Commons Answer to the Kings Message by Sir Richard Weston The Kings Reply Doctor Turners Queries against the Duke Another Message from the King by Sir Richard Weston Dr. Turners Explanation Dr. Turners Letter to the Speaker Sir W. Walters opinion of the Cause of Grievances Sir Iohn Eliot pursues the Argument against the Duke Three Subsidies and Three Fifteens Voted Debate concerning the Duke resumed The Kings Speech March 29. The Lord Keepers Speech The King proceeds The Duke at a Conference explains the Kings late Speech and the Lord Keepers Declaration The Duke renders an account of his Negotiation in the Low-Countreys The Lord Conway vindicates the Duke A List of Moneys disbursed for the War The Lords Petition touching Precedency chalenged by Scots and Irish Nobles The Lord Conways Letter to the Earl of Bristol The Earl of Bristols Letter to the Lord Conway The Earl of Bristol petitions the House of Lords The Petition referred to the Committee of Priviledges The Kings Letter to the Earl of Bristol The Earl of Bristol Petitions the Lords upon receipt of his Writ A Message from the King to the House of Lords The Marshal of Middlesex's Petition touching Priests The Commons Remonstrance to the King in Answer to his Majesties and the Lord Keepers Speech The House adjourned for a week Private advice given to the Duke The Bishops commanded to attend the King The Dukes answer to a Message from the Commons reported Glanviles report from the Committee The Kings Message touching new matter against the Duke The Earl of Bristol brought to the bar of the Lords House Articles against the Earl of Bristol The Earl of Bristols expressions at the time of his Accusation The Earl of Bristols speech at the Bar of the Lords House at the delivery of his Articles against the Duke He layes open his Case to the Parliament The Lord Chamberlain attests the truth of what the Earl had said The Earl proceeds The Earl of Bristols Articles against the Duke The Earl of Bristols Articles against the Lord Conway A Message from the King to the Lords concerning Bristol's Articles against the Duke The Reasons The Earl of Bristols Speech by way of Introduction before he gave in his Answer His Service to the Palatinate when he was Ambassador to the Emperor His Service to the Palatinate before his Ambassie to the Emperor His arrival in Spain and behavior there His carriage concerning the Match Means to shew that the Match was intended by the Spaniard Bristol not the cause of the Delays in Spain He never disswaded the King to take Arms. He advised both King and Prince to a Protestant Match He never moved his Majesty to set Priests at liberty A Declaration signed by my Lord Conway in behalf of Roman Catholicks He perswaded not the Prince to change his Religion He advised both King and Prince if they will Match with a Catholick rather to Spain then France but cheifly to a Protestant Princess He constantly professed the Protestant religion King Iames proposeth a Match to the Prince Palatine between his eldest son and the Emperors daughter The Earls Reasons why he was forward to consummate the Match til warrant came to the contrary The restitution of the Palatinate promised by the King of Spain and Olivarez The advantages of the Spanish Match to England The Commons Articles against the Duke His ingrossing many Offices Plurality of Offices His buying of Offices His buying the Cinque 〈◊〉 the Lord Zouch The first Article enlarged by Mr. Herbert The second and third enlarged by him His neglect of guarding the Seas His taking a Ship called St Peter of Newhaven The fourth Article enlarged by Mr Selden The Fifth Articles enlarged by Mr Selden His delivering Ships into the hands of the King of France Those ships to be used to his knowledge against Rochel Mr. Glanvile enlargeth the Sixth Article Mr. Glanvile inlarges the Seventh and Eighth Articles Mr. Pym enlargeth the 11. Article The 10. Article enlarged His imbezling and engrossing the Kings money and Lands Mr Sherland enlarges the Ninth Article He enlargeth the Twelfth Article The Thirteenth Article enlarged by Mr. Wandesford Sir Ioh ●ll●●●● speech concluding the Dukes Impeachment Sir Iohn Elliot and Sir Dudley Diggs committed to the Tower Private Suggestions to the King in behalf of the Duke Kings Speech concerning the Duke The Commons Message by Sir Nath. Rich to seeure the Duke The Dukes Speech against the Commons The Commons discontented at the imprisonment of their Members Sir Dudley Carleton's Speech The Commons Protestation touching words imputed to Sir Dudley Diggs Sir D. Diggs released out of prison protests he never spake the words charged on him The King is satisfied that the words were not spoken The Duke dissatisfied Thirty six Lords protest they heard not the words supposed to be spoken at a Conference S●r Iohn Elliot is released out of the Tower Is charged by Sir Dudley Carlton for his Speech against the Duke He dischargeth himself The Lords Petition to the King about the Earl of Arundel imprisoned in the time of Parliament The Kings Message to the Lords touching the Earl of Arundel The Lords resolved to maintain their priviledges A Remonstrance and Petition of the Peers in behalf of the Earl of Arundel The Kings first Answer to the Remonstrance and Petition The King promiseth to answer the said Remonstrance The Lords are urgent for an Answer The King returns another Answer to the Lords touching the Remonstrance Another Petition to the King touching the Earl of Arundel The King takes exception at the Petition The Lords desire to know of his Majesty to what part of the Petition he takes
Frankendale if they be taken That within the said term of seventy days a Suspension of Arms in the Palatinate be concluded upon the Conditions last propounded by Sir Richard Weston at Bruxels and that a general Treaty shall be again set on foot upon such honorable terms as were tendered to the Emperor in November last But if these particulars be refused or delayed by the Emperor that the King of Spain shall joyn forces with the King of Great Britain for the recovery of his Childrens Honors and Patrimony And if he cannot give assistance that he will at least allow him a free and friendly passage through his Territories for the forces to be employed in that service Of these points distinctly if the Ambassador should not receive a direct assurance he was to take his leave of that King and to return into his Masters presence But the King annexed this private Instruction That in case a Rupture happened it might be managed to the best advantage Wherefore he should not instantly come away but send him secret intelligence and in publick give out the contrary Immediately upon these Demands an Order was sent from Spain to Bruxels for the relief of Manheim but it came too late for before the arival thereof the Town was yielded into the hands of Tilly But had it come in season the effect thereof might be guessed by Tilly's Reasons presented to the Arch-Dutchess against raising the siege of Manheim and the restoring of Heidelburgh to this purpose That he could not do it without the Emperors express consent and that the winning of Manheim was to be hastned to prevent the machinations of evil Neighbors who were plotting new Commotions in favor of the Count Palatine and especially to obviate the designs of Count Mansfield And lastly That the Emperor and the Catholick League having setled all Germany might give the Law to their Opposites and settle a peace upon their own terms How little the Emperor attributed to the Kings Humanity and upright dealing which he applauded in shew might be discerned by sure Advertisements of his purpose to propound in the Dyet at Ratisbone his promise of translating the Palatine Electorate to the Duke of Bavaria as a thing irrevocable Moreover the King of Spain the Fifth of November 1622. in the height of those Professions made to the English Ambassador touching the Marriage wrote on this manner to his Grand Favorite the Conde Olivares THe King my Father declared at his Death That his intent never was to marry my Sister the Infanta Donna Maria with the Prince of Wales which your Uncle Don Balthazar understood and so treated this Match ever with intention to delay it notwithstanding it is now so far advanced that considering all the aversness unto it of the Infanta it is time to seek some means to divert the Treaty which I would have you finde out and I will make it good whatsoever it be But in all other things procure the satisfaction of the King of Great Britain who hath deserved much and it shall content me so that it be not in the Match Olivares wrote a Letter deliberative the Eighth of November 1622. and propounded an Expedient to the King of Spain in these words SIR Considering in what estate we finde the Treaty of Marriage between Spain and England and knowing certainly how the Ministers did understand this business that Treated it in the time of Philip the Third that is in Heaven that their meaning was never to effect it but by enlarging the Treaties and Points of the said Marriage to make use of the Friendship of the King of Great Britain as well in matters of Germany as those of Flanders And imagining likewise that your Majesty is of the same opinion though the Demonstrations do not shew so joyning to these Suppositions that it is certain the Infanta Donna Maria is resolved to put her self into a Monastery the same day that your Majesty shall press her to this Marriage I have thought fit to represent unto your Majesty that which my good zeal hath offered me in this occasion thinking it a good time to acquaint your Majesty withal to the end you may resolve of that which you shall finde most convenient with the advice of those Ministers you shall think fit to make choice of The King of Great Britain doth finde himself at this time equally engaged in two businesses the one is this Marriage to which he is moved by the conveniencies he findes in your Majesties friendship by making an Agreement with those Catholicks that he thinks are secretly in his Kingdom and by this to assure himself of them as likewise to marry his Son to one of the House of Austria knowing that the Infanta Donna Maria is the best born Lady in the World The other business is the restitution of the Palatinate in which he is more engaged for beside that his Reputation is at stake there is added the love and interest of his Grand-children Sons of his onely Daughter So that both by the Law of Nature and Reason of State he ought to put that forward whatever inconveniencies might follow by dissembling what they suffer I do not dispute whither the King of Great Britain be governed in this business of the Palatinate by Act or Friendship I think a man might say he used both but as a thing not precisely necessary to this Discourse I omit it I hold it for a Maxim that these two Engagements in which he findes himself are inseparable for although the Marriage be made we must fail of that which in my way of understanding is most necessary the restitution of the Palatinate This being supposed Having made this Marriage in that form as it is Treated your Majesty shall finde your self together with the King of Great Britain engaged in a War against the Emperor and the Catholick League A thing which to hear will offend your godly ears or declaring your self for the Emperor and the Catholick League as certainly your Majesty will do then you will finde your self engaged in a War against the King of England and your Sister married with his Son with the which all whatsoever reasons of Conveniency that were thought upon in this Marriage do cease If your Majesty shall shew your self Neutral as it may be some will propound That first will cause very great scandal and with just reason since in matters of less opposition then of Catholicks against Hereticks the Arms of this Crown have taken the godly part against the contrary party and at this time the Frenchmen fomenting the Hollanders against your Majesty your Piety hath been such that you have sent your Arms against the Rebels of that Crown leaving all the great considerations of State onely because these men are Enemies to the Faith and the Church It will oblige your Majesty and give occasion to those of the League to make use of the King of France and of other Catholick Princes ill-affected
he had heard by several ways the King suffered much and was infinitely pressed by the Duke concerning the said Earl and his affairs and this he said was the suffering he had spoken of to their Lordships the other day The Earl craved leave of their Lordships to specifie some other particulars whereby it should appear that his Majesty was in no kind ill opinioned of him till his dying day viz. That several persons will depose that they have heard his Majesty say that he esteemed him an honest man And that he was pleased to accept of Toyes by way of Present from him graciously and in good part and at last was likewise pleased to give him leave to come to London and to follow his own affairs and that his pleasure was signified unto him by the Duke his own Letter Whereupon he determined to come to London intimated to the Duke his intention of going to his Lodging in Whitehall but the Duke was therewith incensed again and said he mistook the Kings meaning which was that he might privately follow his own business And this he said was the true State and Condition when it pleased God to take unto his mercy his late most gracious Majesty Upon his Majesties coming to the Crown he said he wrote a most humble Letter unto his Majesty imploring his grace and goodness and desiring the Dukes mediation But he was pleased to answer by his Letter of 7 Maii 1625. That the resolution was to proceed against him without a plain and direct Confession of the Point which he had formerly required him to acknowledge and in a Courtly manner of menace telleth him That he would take the freedom to advise him to bethink himself in time what will be most for his good But in the interim his Majesty was graciously pleased that his Writ of Parliament should be sent him and thereupon he wrote unto the Duke of the receipt of the said Writ but that he should do nothing but what he should understand to be most agreeable to his Majesties pleasure Whereunto the Duke answered in his Letters of May in this manner I have acquainted his Majesty with your requests towards him touching your Summons to the Parliament which he taketh very well and would have you rather make excuse for your absence notwithstanding your Writ then to come your self in person Whereupon he sent humbly to desire a Letter of leave under his Majesties hand for his Warrant but in stead thereof he received from the L. Conway an absolute Prohibition and to restrain and confine him in such sort as he hath been in the late Kings time And although he was indeed absolutely set free he could never get cleared by the Lord Conway though he sent him all the Papers to examine and when he could make no further reply he said he conceived he was under restraint and that his liberty expired with the late Kings death when indeed Restraint may expire but Liberty is natural After this he continued for the space of three quarters of a year in the Country without moving in which time he was removed from those Places and Offices he held during his late Majesties life and the greatest part of his Estate being laid out in their Majesties service by their particular appointment he could never be admitted so much as to the clearing of Accompts Yet hereof he never made the least complaint But against the time of his Majesties Coronation he thought it fit to lay hold of that occasion when Princes do Acts of grace and favor to be a most humble Suitor to his Majesty for his grace and goodness and addressed his Letters unto the Duke of Buckingham from whom he received a Letter all written in his own hand and therein a Letter inclosed from his Majesty so different from some gracious Message which he had received from his Majesty since the said Earl returned into England upon the occasion of a great sickness and likewise from his speeches several times delivered to his Wife to wit That he had never offended him and that for his faults he no ways held them criminal but to be expiated by any easie acknowledgment That he confessed he knew not what judgment to make of the said Letter neither hath presumed hitherto to make any Answer thereto although by reducing the occasions of speeches and circumstances to his Majesties memory he no ways doubteth but he shall be able to give unto his Majesty such satisfaction to every particular as his Majesty would not remain with the least scruple in any one point After this he said that his Writ of Parliament was detained whereupon he addressed himself to the Lord Keeper that he would be a Suitor to his Majesty for him in that behalf which diligences not taking effect by Petition he became a Suitor to their Lordships for their Honorable mediation to his Majesty and thereupon his Writ of Parliament was awarded But the Duke of Buckingham upon that took occasion as he had published Copies of the said Letter over all the Kingdom to read it likewise in that Honorable House as was best known unto their Lordships and the Writ was accompanied with a Prohibition from the Lo●d Keeper whereupon he addressed himself for Justice to that Honorable House being possessed of his Cause by his Petition for both redress of his own wrongs and likewise of Complaints against the Duke for many Crimes And that Honorable House being possessed of his Cause by his Petition there is preferred against him a succeeding Complaint amounting as high as Treason as it is pretended although he for divers years hath not been questioned yet since his Complaint against the Duke he hath been fetcht up like a Prisoner and brought into that House as a Delinquent And the Duke of whom he hath complained for his great Crimes is admitted still to sit in the House as one of his Judges The which with all that he hath formerly said together with his Life Fortunes and Honor he did with all willingness humility and duty submit to the Justice and Honor of that House Then the Lords asked him When he would bring in his Answer He promised to answer as soon as might be but knew not how far he should have occasion to use his antient Dispatches The Lord Keeper told him that Mr. Attorney might help him by letting him know it The Attorney said that his Charge should in nothing look further back then to the year 1621. Which he desired might be recorded Whereupon the Earl thanking their Lordships for their patience he was carried away by Mr. Maxwell the Gentleman-Usher in whose house and custody he remained Then were read the Earls Articles against the Duke and the Lord Conway viz. Articles of the Earl of Bristol whereby he chargeth the Duke of Buckingham bearing Date the First day of May 1626. I. THat the Duke of Buckingham did secretly combine with the Conde of Gondomar Ambassador for the King of Spain before
would not deliver the Goods he answered If he said he would not it was because he could not Mr. Selden hereupon said If here be any near the King that doth mis-present our Actions let the curse light on them not on us and believe it it is high time to vindicate our selves in this case else it is in vain for us to sit here It was hereupon resolved by question That this shall be presently taken into consideration and being conceived to be a business of great consequence it was ordered that the house be dissolved into a Committee for the more freedom of debate and that no Member go out of the House without leave during the sitting of the Committee Mr. Noy was of opinion That the Customers had neither Commission nor command to seize therefore without doubt the House may proceed safely to the Question that the priviledge is broken by the Customers without relation to any commission or command from the King which motion was seconded by Mr. Nathaniel Rich. Munday the 23 of February the same business continued under debate and some were for a bare restitution of the Goods taken others for impleading those who took them as Delinquents in the mean time Mr. Secretary brought this message from the King That it concerns his Majesty in a high degree of justice and honour that truth be not concealed which is that what the Customers did was by his own direct order and command at the Council-board himself being present and though his Majesty takes it well that the house have severed his interest from the interest of the Customers yet this will not clear his Majesties honour if the said Customers should suffer for his sake This message was grounded upon this ensuing Order made the day preceding by the King in full Council At White-hall the 22 of February 1628. THis day his Majesty in full council taking knowledge of the debate in the house of Commons the day before concerning the Officers of his Customs and of the respect used by the Committee to sever the private interest of the said Officers from that of his Maj●sty holding it to concern him highly in justice and honour to let the truth in such a point touching his servants to be either concealed or mistaken did there declare That what was formerly done by his Farmers and Officers of the Customs was done by his own direction and commandment and by direction and commandment of his Privy-Council himself for the most part being present in Council and if he had been at any time from the Council-board yet he was acquainted with their doings and gave full direction in it and therefore could not in this sever the act of his Officers from his own Act neither could his Officers suffer for it without high dishonour to his Majesty This being particularly voted by the whole Council was the general assent of them all and accordingly Mr. Secretary Cook had order to deliver a Message the next day from his Majesty to the house of Commons The Kings Commission to the Lord Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer and to the Customers of the Ports was to this effect C. R. WHereas the Lords of our Council taking into consideration our Revenue and finding that Tonnage and Poundage is a principal Revenue of our Crown and has been continued for these many years have therefore ordered all those duties of Subsidie Custome and Impost as they were in the 21 of King Iames and as they shall be appointed by us under our Seal to be levied know ye that we by advice of our Lords declare our will that all those duties be levied and collected as they were in the time of our father and in such manner as we shall appoint and if any person refuse to pay then our will is That the Lord Treasurer shall commit to prison such so refusing till they conform themselves and we give full power to all our officers from time to time to give assistance to the Farmers of the same as fully as when they were collected by Authority of Parliament Soon after report was made from the grand Committee that they took into their consideration the violation of the Liberty of the house by the Customers and at last they resolved that Mr. Rolls a Member of the house ought to have priviledge of person and goods but the command of the King is so great that they leave it to the house After the passing of this vote the Kings late message by Mr. Secretary Cook was taken into consideration Some took occasion to say That these interruptions proceeded from some Prelates and other Abettors of the Popish party who feare to be discovered and would provoke to a breach to which Sir Humphry May reply'd We have Oyl and Vinegar before us if you go to punish the Customers as Delinquents there is Vinegar in the Wound Think rather of some course to have restitution others said Delinquency cannot be named but presently a breach must be intimated when we do that which is just let there be no fear nor memory of Breaches and let us go to the Delinquency of the men Hereupon Sir Iohn Elliot made a Speech and therein named Dr. Neal the Bishop of Winchester and the great Lord Treasurer in whose person said he all evil is contracted I find him acting and building on those grounds laid by his Mr. the Great Duke and his spirit is moving to these interruptions and they for fear break Parliaments lest Parliaments should break them I find him the head of all the great party the Papists all Jesuits and Priests derive from him their shelter and protection c. A little interruption being here given he proceeded further in his Speech and afterwards the Speaker was moved to put the Question then proposed by the House but he refused to do it and said That he was otherwise commanded from the King Then said Mr. Selden Dare not you Mr. Speaker put the Question when we command you If you will not put it we must sit still thus we shall never be able to do any thing they that come after you may say They have the Kings command not to do it we sit here by the command of the King under under the Great Seal and you are by his Majesty sitting in his Royal Chair before both Houses appointed our Speaker and now you refuse to perform your Office Hereupon the House in some heat adjourned until Wednesday next On Wednesday the 25 of February both Houses by his Majesties command were adjourned till Munday morning the second of March Munday the second of March the Commons meet and urge the Speaker to put the Question who said I have a command from the King to adjourn till March the tenth and put no Question and endeavoring to go out of the Chair was notwithstanding held by some Members the House foreseeing a dissolution till this ensuing
Protestation was published in the House viz. Whosoever shall bring in Innovation of Religion or by favour or countenance seek to extend or introduce Popery or Arminianism or other opinion disagreeing from the Truth and Orthodox Church shall be reputed a Capital Enemy to this Kingdom and Commonwealth 2. Whosoever shall counsel or advise the taking and levying of the Subsidies of Tunnage and Poundage not being granted by Parliament or shall be an Actor or Instrument therein shall be likewise reputed an Innovator in the Government and Capital Enemy to the Kingdom and Commonwealth 3. If any Merchant or Person whatsoever shall voluntarily yeeld or pay the said Subsidies of Tunnage and Poundage not being granted by Parliament he shall likewise be reputed a Betrayer of the Liberties of England and an Enemy to the same Hereupon the King sent for the Sergeant of the House but he was detained the Door being lockt then he sent the Gentleman Usher of the Lords House with a Message and he was refused admittance till the said Votes were read and then in much confusion the House was adjourned to the tenth of March according as it was intimated from his Majesty Nevertheless his Majesty by Proclamation dated the second of March declares the Parliament to be dissolved The passages of this day and the preceding day in Parliament are hereafter more fully related in the proceedings in the Kings Bench. By the King A Proclamation about the dissolving of the Parliament WHereas We for the general good of our Kingdom caused our high Court of Parliament to assemble and meet by prorogation the 20 day of January last past sithence which time the same hath been continued And although in this time by the malevolent dispositions of some ill affected persons of the House of Commons We have had sundry Iust Causes of offence and dislike of their proceedings yet We resolved with patience to trie the uttermost which we the rather did for that We found in that House a great number of sober and grave Persons well-affected to Religion and Government and desirous to preserve unity and peace in all parts of Our Kingdom And therefore having on the five and twentieth day of February last by the uniform advice of our Privy-Council caused both Houses to be adiourned until this present day hoping in the mean time that a better and more right understanding might be begotten between Us and the Members of that House whereby this Parliament might have a happy end and issue And for the same intent We did again this day command the like Adiournment to be made until the tenth day of this Month It hath so happened by the disobedient and seditious carriage of those said ill affected persons of the House of Commons That We and Our Regal Authority and Commandment have been so highly contemned as our Kingly Office cannot bear nor any former age can paralel And therefore it is Our full and absolute resolution to dissolve the same Parliament whereof We thought good to give notice unto all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and to the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of this present Parliament to all others whom it may concern That they may depart about their needful affairs without attending any longer here Nevertheless We will that they and all others shall take notice that We do and ever will distinguish between those who have shewed good affection to Religion and Government and those that have given themselves over to faction and to work disturbance to the peace and good order of Our Kingdom Given at our Court at Whitehal this second day of March in the fourth yeer of Our Reign of Great Britan France and Ireland This Proclamation was not published till after the tenth of March. The day following Warrants were directed from the Council to Denzil Holles Esq Sir Miles Hobert Sir Iohn Elliot Sir Peter Hayman John Selden Esq William Coriton Walter Long William Stroud Benjamin Valentine commanding their personal appearance on the morrow At which time Mr. Holles Sir Iohn Elliot Mr. Corriton Mr. Valentine appearing and refusing to answer out of Parliament what was said and done in Parliament were committed close prisoners to the Tower and Warrants were given the Parliament being still in being for the sealing up of the studies of Mr. Holles Mr. Selden and Sir Iohn Elliot Mr. Long and Mr. Stroud not then nor of some time after appearing a Proclamation issued out for the apprehending of them On the tenth of March being six days after the commitment of the said Members his Majesty being set in his Royal Throne with his Crown on his head and in his Robes and the Lords in their Robes also and divers of the Commons below the Bar but not their Speaker neither were they called his Majesty spake as followeth My Lords I Never came here upon so unpleasant an occasion it being the dissolution of a Parliament therefore men may have some cause to wonder why I should not rather chuse to do this by Commission it being a general maxime of Kings to leave harsh Commands to their Ministers themselves only executing pleasing things yet considering that Iustice as well consists in reward and praise of vertue as punishing of vice I thought it necessary to come here to day and to declare to you and all the world that it was meerly the undutiful and seditious carriage in the Lower House that hath made the dissolution of this Parliament and you My Lords are so far from being any causers of it that I take as much comfort in your dutiful demeanour as I am justly distasted with their proceedings yet to avoyd their mistakings let me tell you that it is so far from me to adjudge all the House alike guilty that I kn●w that there are many there as dutiful Subjects as any in the world it being but some few Vipers among them that did cast this mist of undutifulness over most of their eys yet to say truth there was a good number there that could not be infected with this contagion insomuch that some did express their duties in speaking which was the general fault of the House the last day To conclude as those Vipers must look for their reward of punishment so you My Lords must justly expect from me that favour and protection that a good King oweth to his loving and faithful Nobility And now my Lord Keeper Do what I have commanded you Then the Lord Keeper said My Lords and Gentlemen of the House of Commons the Kings Majesty doth dissolve this Parliament Whilst the King is preparing a Declaration of the causes and motives which induced him to dissolve this Parliament let us see what followed hereupon The discontents of the common people upon this Dissolution were heightned against the powerful men at Court and the Kings most inward Counsellors for some few days after two Libels were found in the Dean of Pauls yard one against Bishop Laud to this effect