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A56163 The first and second part of the signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians (as also of some idolatrous pagans) tovvards their kings, both before and under the law, and Gospel especially in this our island. Expressed in and by their private and publike private loyal supplications, prayers, intercession, thanksgiving, votes, acclamations, salutations, epistles, addresses, benedictions, options of long life, health, wealth, safety, victory, peace, prosperity, all temporal, spiritual, eternal blessings, felicities to their kings persons, families, queens, children, realms, armies, officers, chearfull subjections and dutifull obedience to them: whethe [sic] good, or bad, Christians, or pagans, orthodox, or heterodox, protectors, or persecutors of them. With the true reasons thereof from Scripture and policy. Evidenced by varieties of presidents, testimonies and authorities in al ages, ... Whereunto the several forms, ceremonies, prayers, collects, benedictions and consecrations, used at the coronations of Christian emperors, kings, queens (more particularly in England and Scotland, not formerly published) and of the Mahometan and Ægyptian kings, are annexed. By; Signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians, towards their kings. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1660 (1660) Wing P3955; ESTC R217939 286,462 453

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the duty and practice of all loyal and saithfull Subjects of all estates and degrees with all po●…sible publike joyes unspeakable general rejoycings acclamations applauses affectionate desires by other means to proclaim acknowledge and Crown their lawfull hereditary Kings after the decease of their Ancestors and to make all possible demonstrations of their cordial loyalty love zeal and affection to them both in and out of Parliment being obliged thereunto both by the Laws of God and Man 5. That this Act of Parliament and the Oathes of Supremacy and Allegiance do both in point of Law Loyalty Justice Conscience oblige the whole English Nation their heirs and posterities for ever to be true faithfull loyal and obedient to King James his heirs and poste●…itie for ever and so to our present King till the last drop of their blood be spent as to their undoubted lawfull and hereditary Kings and Soveraigns 6. That a numerous hopefull royal Progeny likely to continue and perpetuate the hereditarie succession of the Crown in the true Regal line is an extraordinarie blessing and happinesse to the Kingdom for which they are all bound both in and out of Parliament to render all humble thanks and praises unto God To this I shall subjoyn the Statute of 3 Iaco●…i ch 1. entituled An Act for a publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God every year on the fifth day of November FOrasmuch as Almightie God hath in all ages shewed his power and mercy in the miraculous and gracious deliverance of his Church and in the protection of religious Kings and States And that no Nation of the earth hath been blessed with greater benefits than this Kingdom now enjoyeth having the true and free profession of the Gospel under our most gracious Soveraign Lord King Iames the most great learned and religious King that ever reigned therein enriched with a most hopefull and plentifull Progeny proceeding out of his Royal loyns promising continuance of this happinesse and profession to all posterity the which many malignant and devillish Papists Iesuites and Seminary Priests much envying and fearing Conspired most horribly when the Kings most Excellent Majesty the Queen the Prince and all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons should have been assembled in the Upper House of Parliament upon the fifth day of November in the year of our Lord 1605. suddenlie to have blown up the said whole House with Gunpowder An invention so inhuman barbarous and cruel as the like was never before heard of and was as some of the principal Conspirators thereof confesse purposely devised and con●…luded to be done in the said House that where the sundry necessarie and Religious Laws for preservation of the Church aud State were made which they falsly and slanderously term cruel Laws enacted against them and their Religion both place and persons should be all destroyed and blown up at once which would have turned to the utter ruine of this whole Kingdom had it not pleased Almighty God by inspiring the Kings most Excellent Majestie with a Divine spirit to interpret some dark ph●…ses of a Letter shewed to his Majestie above and beyond all ordinarie construction thereby miraculously discovering this hidden Treason not many hours before the appointed time for the execution thereof Therefore the Kings most Excellent Majestie the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and all his Majesties FaithfuIl and loving Subjects do most justly acknowledge this great and infinite Blessing to have proceeded merely from God his Great Mercy and to his most holy Name do ascribe all the Honour 〈◊〉 and Praise And to the end this unfeigned Thankfulnesse may never be forgotten but be had in perpetual Remembrance that all Ages to come may yield praise to his Divine Majesty for the same and have in memorie THIS IOYFULL DAY OF DELIUERANCE Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authoritie of the same That all and singular Ministers in everie Cathedral and Parish-church or other usual place of Common prayer within this Realm of E●…gland and the Dominions of the same shall alwaies upon the fifth day of November say Morning Prayer and give unto Almighty God thanks for this most happy Deliverance And that all and everie person and persons inhabiting within this Realm of England and the Dominions of the same shall alwaies upon that day diligentlie and faithfullie resort to the Parish Church or Chapel accustomed or to some usual Church or Chapel where the said Morning prayer preaching or other service of God shall be used and then and there to abide orderlie and soberlie during the time of the said prayers preaching or other service of God there to be used and ministred And because all and everie person may be put in mind of this Dutie and be the better prepared to the said ●…oly service Be it enacted by Authoritie aforesaid That every Minister shall give warning to his Parishioners publikelie in the Church at morning prayer the Sunday before everie such fifth day of November for the due observation of the said day And that after morning Prayer or preaching upon the said fifth day of November they read publicklie distinctlie and plainlie this present Act. Upon this occasion there was a special Book of Prayers and Thanksgivings complied by the Bishops and Clergy prescribed by Authority to be annually read in all Churches and Chapels on the 5th of November wherein amongst others there were four remarkable prayers and thanksgivings relating to the King Queen Prince all the Royal posterity Nobility and Magistrates which I shall here insert I. ALmighty God who hast in all Ages shewed thy power and mercy in the miraculous and gracious deliverances of thy Church and in the protection of righteous and religious Kings and States professing thy Holy and Eternal Truth against the wicked conspi●…acies and malicious practises of all the enemies thereof We yield unto thee from the very ground of our hearts all po●…le praise and thanks for the wonderfull and mighty Deliverance of our gracious Sovaraign King L●…mes the Queen the Prince and all the Royal branches with the Nobility Clergy and Commons of this Realm assembled together in Parliament by ●…opish treachery appointed as sheep to the slaughter and that in most barbarous and savage manner no age yielding example of the like cruelty intended toward●… the Lords anointed and his people Can this thy goodness O Lord be forgotten worthy to be written in a pillar of Marble that we may ever remember to praise thee for the same as the fact is worthy a lasting monument that all posteritie may learn to detest it From this unnatural conspiracy not our merit but thy mercy not our foresight but thy providence hath delivered us not our love to thee but thy love to thy anointed servant and thy poor Church with whom thou hast promised to be present to the end of the world And therefore not unto
to the daily practice of every Reader of what party soever in these divided factious times Art thou a professed Enemy to the exiled King and Royal Family conceiving them to be Enemies or opposites unto thee thy Interest or party or such who probably may prove enemies or persecutors to thee and them if restored to their Rights and Powers then pray for them under this Notion according to Christs own precepts and example Mat. 5. 43. to 48. Luke 6. 27. c. 23. 34. Acts 7. 62. Rom. 12. 20 21. the Presidents of the Primitive Christians here ch 4. and ●…n the Liturgie of our Church That it would please thee to forgive our enemies persecutors and slanderers and to turn their hearts And the Collect on Saint Stephens d●…y Grant us O Lord to learn to love our enemies by the example of thy Martyr Saint Stephen who prayed for his Persecutors Dost thou repute th●…m persons of little or no real affection to the Protestant Religion and the sincere Professo●…s therof as Nedham represents them or as bad as Turks Pagans O●… 〈◊〉 and some I hear esteem them because themselves a●…e such yet since thou art commanded by God to make supplications prayers and intercessions for ALL MEN yea for the very worst of Turks Jews Idolaters Pagans Infidels as our Church doth on Good Fryday that they may be converted Reformed saved becom Members of or Nursing-Fathers to the Church if Kings let them have as large a share in thy prayers as any of these have or ought to have by Gods Command And if thou esteem them as thy lawful Hereditary Kings Pri●…ces Superiors professing the tru●… Reform●…d Religion and M●…mbers of the true visible Church of Christ let them en●…oy thy daily fervent prayers intercessions supplications and thanksgivings to God for them especially when they need them most during their exiled afflicted and distressed condition amidst Papists and s●…ucers and let me have a share in thy devotions for a blessing on this Treatise and me Lincolns Inne Jan. 30. 1659. William Prynne The Signal Loyalty and Devotion of Gods true Saints and Pious Christians towards their KINGS in all ages c. WHat was once the false malicious Calumny cast by Pagan Idolaters upon the Primitive Professors of Christianity living under persecuting Heathen Emperors to exasperate their fury against them as the worst of Traytors and publike Enemies unworthy to live within their Dominions That they did neither pray nor offer sacrifices publikely to the Gods for their health and safety nor celebrate their solemnities with that outward pomp and ostentation as others did is of late years become the just Accusation and Treasonable Impeachment of many degenerate Saints and Apostate Christians within our Realms who have not only totally discontinued but finally abandoned prohibited under pain of High Treason all publike if not private Solemn Prayers Supplications Intercessions and Thanksgivings not for persecuting Pagan or Popish Emperors Princes but even for their own undoubted Hereditarie Protestant Kings and their Royal Posterity in direct contradiction to Gods own Evangelical precepts 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3. Rom. 13. 1 to 9. Mat. 22. 21. Mar. 12. 17. And not only falsified that excellent large Apology which Tertullian made for the transcendent Loyalty of the Christians in his age towards their persecuting Pagan Emperors by their publike and private Zealous Prayers and Petitions to God on their behalfs and freedom from the least Conspiracies rebellions attempts against their Persons Crowns or Dignities of which none but those who were not Christians gave Christians the name of publike Enemies were then guilty but quite inverted this elegant passage of his and translated it both from the Pagan and antichristian Romans on those who pretend themselves the most transcendent Christians Unde Cascii Nigri Albini Unde qui inter duos lauros obsident Caesarem Unde qui faucibus ejus exprimendis palestricam exercent Unde qui armati palatium irrumpunt omnibus Stephanis atque Partheniis audaciores de Romanis ni fallor id est de non Christianis Atque adeo omnes illi sub ipsa usque impietatis eruptione et sacra faciebant pro salute Imperatoris et genium ejus deje●…abant alii foris alii intus Et utique publicorum hostium nomen Christianis dabant Sed et qui nunc scelestarum pa●…tium socii aut plausores quotidie revelantur post vindemiam parricidarum racematio superstes quam recentissimis et ramosissimis laureis postes praestruebant Quam elatissimis clarissimis lucernis vestibula enubilabant quam cultissimis et superbissimis thoris forum sibi dividebant non ut gaudia publica celebrarent sed ut vota propria jam ediscerent et in aliena solennitate exemplum atque imaginem spei suae inaugurarent nomen Principis in corde imitantes c And that which is most detestable the generality both of our people and Ministers under our Republican Tyrants have not only wholly laid aside all publike and private Prayers for their own and other Christian Protestant Kings against Gods positive precepts and the practice of Christians Saints in all former ages Churches but some Ministers in their very Sermons themselves have out-of base carnal fear of men and unchristian compliance with our late Usurpers not da●…ed to read or mention the word King or Kings in the very Texts of Scripture which they have quoted but skipped over it as dangerous or superfluous for fear of incurring the guilt of high treason or displeasure of some ●…ormidable new Grandees Whereof I shall relate one memorable instance in perpetuam rei infamium the principal occasion of these Collections When I was removed by Bradshaw's and his Whitehall Associates Order from my close imprisonment at Taunton to Pendennis Castle in Cornwal without any cause examination hearing and conducted thitherwards by several Troops on the first Lords day in July 1651. resting at Lanceston in Cornwall I repaired to the Church there with 6. Troopers of Major Blackmores troop who conducted me in the morning where the Minister of the Town Mr. Hull an antient man formerly in New England preaching upon the 1 Pet. 2. 8. A stone of stumbling and a rock of offence handled the Common place of Scandals raising this Proposition from the words That it is the duty of all Christians to be very carefull to avoyd scandals In the prosecution whereof he prescribed certain rules how Christians might avoyd and prevent scandals the first whereof was chearfully to submit to all Lawful Powers and Governours under whom they lived Particularly prescribed by the Apostle Peter in the 12 13 14 verses which he read thus Have your conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evil doers they may by your good works which they shall behold glorifie God in the day of visitation Submit your selves therefore to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake unto Governours as unto
Abimelech KING of Gerar sent and took Sarah but God came to him by night in a dream and said Thou art but a dead man for the woman thou hast taken for she is maried to an husband And God said unto him in a dream v. 7. Now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a Prophet and he shall pray for thes and thou shalt live and if thou restore her not know thou that thou shalt surely die thou and all that are thine Therefore Abimelech rose early in the morning and called Abraham and after some expostulations with him restored him his wife and gave him sheep and oxen men servants and women servants profering him to dwell in the land where he pleased So Abraham prayed unto God and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his maid-servants and they bare children for the Lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah Abrahams wife v. 17 18. In which History there are 6. observable particulars worthy our consideration 1. That those who are but meer sojourners under Kings in any part of their kingdoms though not their natural born subjects as Abraham was here at Gerar under K. Abimelech owe local allegiance to them and are bound to pray unto God for their health life prosperity especially upon extraordinary occasions as Abraham did here Therefore à multo fortiori their own natural Subjects and Lieges are much more obliged thereunto by the bond of duty loyalty and Laws of God and Nature 2ly That Abraham the Father of all the faithfull is the very first president recorded in sacred writ or other History who prayed for the person and family of the King under whom he lived and sojourned that so his example might be obligatory and presidential to all other faithful people servants and saints of God in all ages and places as well Gentiles as Jewes who ought to follow his steps herein 3ly That he thus prayed for Abimelech and his family though as most conceive a heathen idolatrous King and no worshipper of the true God as Abrahams words to Abimelech v. 11. Because I thought surely the fear of God is not in this place and they will stay me for my wives sake and Gen. 21. 32 34. import Therefore the Saints and people of God ought to pray to God for their Kings and their Families though Pagans Infidels Papists Hereticks much more then when they are worshippers professors of the true God and Religion yea Christians and Patrons of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 4ly That Abraham here prayed for Abimelech his wife family not of his own voluntary accord but by special direction and command from God Therefore prayer for Kings their families is no human arbitrary invention action which may be omitted or performed at mens pleasure but a divine institution precept duty which must be constantly performed out of conscience in obedience to Gods command 5ly That this prayer of Abraham was not confined only to King Abimelechs own person but extended to his wife maid-servants and posterity and was principally that God would open their wombs which he had fast closed that they might bear children which they bare after Abraham prayed for them unto God v. 17 18. that so there might be an hereditary succession of his children after him in the kingdom Therefore Subjects especially in hereditary kingdoms are obliged not only to pray for their Kings own persons but also for their Queens families the multiplication and continuance of their royal posterity to sway the scepter and succeed them in the throne even by this original president of Abrahams prayer Which compared with Abrahams Oath and Covenant to Abimelech who sware unto him by God That he would not lie unto nor deal falsly with Abimelech nor with his Son nor with his Sons Son but according to the kindness he had done unto Abraham that he should do unto him and to the land wherein he had sojourned Gen. 21 22 23 24 27 31 32. is a most pregnant argument not only of the lawfulness of Subjects Oaths of Fealty Homage Allegiance and Supremacy to their Kings their heirs and successors but likewise of the antiquity and inviolable obligation of such Oathes which ought to be conscienciously observed without lying falshood or the least violation by all who swear them in the sacred name of the true everlasting God 6ly That all Subjects are then most principally obliged to pray for their Kings and their families when they lie under any judgements or afflictions of God for their sins because then they most need their prayers as a special means prescribed by God to remove his judgements restore his favour blessings to them preserve lengthen their lives and make them fruitfull in posterity The 2. President I shall insist on is this related Gen. 47. 7 10. And Joseph brought in Jacob his Father after his coming down into Aegypt and set him before Pharaoh and Jacob blessed Pharaoh so soon as hee came before him After some discourse between them at his departure from him it is recorded again And Joseph blessed Pharaoh the second time and went out from before Pharaoh Now this his double blessing of Pharaoh both at his coming in to and departing from him was nothing else but a double prayer to God to bestow all kinds of blessings on King Pharaoh and his posterity as is evident by Gen. 24. 60. c. 27. 1 to 41. c. 28. 1 3 4. c. 48. 8. to the end and ch 49. 1 to 29. compared with this Text. From whence it is remarkable 1. That as Abraham the Father of the faithfull was the first so Jacob his Grandson the father of the 12. Patriarks was the 2d person recorded in sacred Story who prayed for and blessed the King in whose kingdom he resided whose example is very presidential for all others and worthy their imitation 2ly That Jacob was no natural born Subject to Pharaoh but only a stranger and sojourner in Aegypt yet he thus blessed and prayed for him Therefore his and all other Kings genuine Subjects were much more obliged by duty and allegiance to pray for and blesse them 3ly That he thus prayed for and blessed him twice at his first accesse to and recesse from his presence which should instruct all loyal Saints and Christian Subjects frequently to blesse and pray for their Kings and Princes both in their accesses to and recesses from them and upon all other just occasions as well in private a●… publike 4ly That he thus blessed and prayed for Pharaoh though a Pagan King und●… whom and his Successors he and his posterity were assured th●…y should be made b●…nd-men and sorely oppr●…ssed for 400. years till G●…d should rescue and bring them out of Aegypt by a strong hand Gen. 15. 13 14 15 16. Exod. 12. 40. 41. Acts 7. 6. 7. To teach us that all loyal Subjects Saints Christians ought to blesse pray for not only their godly christian
orthodox Religious Kings who protect preserve them in their Religion Laws Liberties but even for their Pagan Heretical Kings and such who afflict oppresse persecute them and not to curse depose murder destroy or rebell against them Mat. 5. 43 44 45. Luke 6. 27 28 29. c. 23 24. Acts 8. 60. Rom. 13. 1 2 3. c. 12. 19 20 21. 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3. 1 Pet. 2. 18 to 25. contrary to the practice tenents of the Saints subjects of this degenerate apostate treacherous and perfidious age 5ly That one part of Gods and mens blessing of Kings is that they may have a numerous continuing progeny permanent House and royal issue to succeed them in the throne and reign over their Nations and Kingdoms in happinesse peace safety prosperity for many generations Gen. 17. 5 6 7. 16. 2 Sam. 7. 10. to the end 2 Chron. 6. 4 to 18. 1 Kings 8. 18 to 27. c. 11. 36 37 38. 2 Kings 10. 31. Ps. 132. 11 12. compared with Psal. 128. 3 4 5 6. Gen. 24. 60. Which no doubt was one chief part of Jacobs blessing of and prayer for King Pharaoh being one principle br●…nch of the blessings he bestowed on and wished to his own Sons and Grandsons when he blessed them before his death Gen. 48. 15 16 19 ●…3 c. 49. 10. 22 25 28. Whence it inevitably followe●… that it is the property duty of all loyal pious Saint●… Christians people cordially to pray for and desire God to blesse their Kings with a numerous permanent royal issue and posterity to succeed them in their royal thrones and reign over them with all peace safety felicity not to difinherit banish abjure extirpate their posterities and deprive them of their hereditary Crowns which some now deem their Saintship piety honour felicity to accomplish The 3d. are the several prayers and supplications that Moses made for King Pharaoh the grand oppre●…or enthraller afflicter of the Israelites when God sent him to rescue them from their intollerable bondage ●…nder him and his Officers to remove those very plagues which God himself inflicted on Pharaoh and his Aegyptians thereby to deliver them from their vassallage and bring them out thence to the promised Land thus recorded by Moses himself Exod. 8. 8. to 14. When the frogs came up and covered the land of Aegypt then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said Intreat the Lord that he may take away the Frogs from me and from my people and I will let the people go that they may do sacrifice to the Lord. And Moses said to Pharaoh Glory over me against when shall I intreat for thée and for thy Servants and for thy People to destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses that they may remain in the river only And he said to morrow And Moses said be it according to thy word that thou mayst know that there is none like unto the Lord our God and the frogs shall depart from thee and from thy houses and from thy servants and from thy people they shall remain in the River only And Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh And Moses cryed unto the Lord because of the frogs which he had brought against Pharaoh And the Lord did according to the word of Moses and the frogs dyed out of the Houses out of the Villages and out of the Field v. 29 30 31. Moses intreated the Lord that the swarms of frogs he sent might depart from Pharaoh from his Servants and from his Pople And the Lord did according to the word of Moses and he removed the frogs at Pharaohs request there remained not one After this Moses intreated the Lord to remove the mighty Thunder and Hail he had sent spreadiug abroad his hands unto the Lord in prayer for that end and they ceased Exod. 9. 28 29 33. The like he did at his Intreaty to remove the plague of Locusts Exod. 10. 7 18 19. From these Presidents and practice of Moses I shall deduce these genuine seasonable Observations 1. That Moses being born in Egypt and bred ●…p in Pharaohs Court was rather a Native subject to King Pharaoh than a mere Sojourner and Foreiner as Abraham and Jacob were to Abimelech and Pharaoh though he had been absent thence about forty years it thence follows from the premises That Subjects as well as Sojourners are bound by duty and allegeance to pray for their Kings and people 2ly Moses was enforced to fly out of Egypt to save his life because Pharaoh sought to 〈◊〉 him for killing an Egyptian who smote and oppr●… an Hebrew one of his Brethren and this Pharaoh to whom God sent him and for whom he thus prayed four times after each other was not only a Pagan-Idolater but in all probability the Kings Son or Grand-son who sought to slay him Aegypt being an her●…ditary Kingdom as Isay 19. 11. and all Historians record Yea both these Pharaohs with two or more of their Ancestors and their Officers did extraordinarily oppress the Israelites ca●…sing all their Male-children they could meet with to be drowned in the River but such as the Midwives preserved against their commands afflicting them by their Task-masters heavy burdens rigor●…us service and hard bondage which made their lives bitter and caused them to sigh groan and cry unto the Lord by reason of the bondage who thereupon heard their cry and saw their oppression and remembred his Covenant made with Abraham Isaac and Jacob to rescue them from their Thraldom yet notwithstanding Moses prayed four times to remove the Plagues God had inflicted on Pharaoh his Servants and people and no waies endeavoured to deprive or disinherit them either of their Lives Crowns or Succession though a chosen Servant Man and Saint of God commissioned and sent by God himself to deliver the Israelites from their bondage under Pharaoh and bring them out of Egypt Whence I shall irrefragably infer That the eminentest chosen Saints Men and Servants of God yea all other loyal Subjects ought chearfully to obey and pray for not only their Pagan Idolatrous but persecuting and oppressing Kings and their royal Posterity and though they may use all lawfull means to deliver themselves and fellow-subjects from their unjust tyranny bondage oppressions yet they neither lawfully can nor ought forcibly to dethrone disinherit them or their Posterities of their Crowns nor rebel against or deprive them of their lives by tumultuous Insurrections Assassinations and High Courts of Justice 3ly That Godly persecuted oppressed Subjects may and ought to pray for the removal of those Judgements which God himself inflicts upon their oppressive persecuting Kings their Servants People successively one after another for those persecutions tyrannies oppressions under which they groan and cry of purpose to bring them to repentance and deliver them from their bondage pressures vexations under them as Moses did in this case of Pharaoh his Officers and the Egyptians for the removal of 4 grievous Plagues inflicted upon them one
and Coronations of their Kings Princes yea to pray for their Persons Kingdoms Posterities Felicity Stability Tranquillity Perpetuity and for their speedy comming restitution when forcibly driven from their Kingdoms by Enemies or Rebels And if any malicious Pharisees Priests Scribes or ●…rayterous Antimonarchists shall be sore displeased with them for these th●…ir Prayers Prayses Rejoycings Thanksgivings and rebuke them for the same King Jesus his own Answere to the Pharisees Priests and Scribes forecited may for ever stop their mouths and reclaim them ●…rom such disloyal ●…reasonable rebukes And so much the rather because these premi●… Presidents both before and under the L●…w and Gospel app●…ved prescribed by God and practised by his Servants were the ground of this Gospel exhortation and injunction which not only approve●… and prescribes but commends the same to all Christians under the Gospel in these observable words 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3. I exhort therefore that first of all Supplications Prayers Intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for Kings in the first place as Supreme 1 Pet. 2. 13 14. and for all that are in Authority under and after them that we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour who will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth I shall a little insist on this Gospel Text as most punctual full pertinent to my purpose the rather because in August 1659. in the University of Cambridge it self a Minister of the Gospel the Son of a Parliament man was by the Maior of the town whose wife is a Quaker apprehended by a company of Souldiers and kept Prisoner for a time only for praying in general for all Christian Kings Princes and Governors according to this Text when George Whitehead and George Fex two Quakers blasphemously railed and disputed against Jesus Christ the two other Persons the blessed Trinity and the word of God an whole hour together in the Maiors presence and sundry others without check or punishment such are the atheistical antimonarchical times wherein we live In this text consider 1. The Pen-man of it by divine inspiration S. Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ specially delegated by him to the Gentiles uncircumcision to open their eies to turn them from darkness to light and from ●…he power of Satan unto God And to bear Christs name before the Gentiles and Kings Acts 9. 15. c. 26. 1●… 17 18. Gal. 2. 2 7 8 9. Eph. 3. 1 to 12. Acts 13. 46 47. c. 15. 7. c. 18. 6. c 21●… 19 20. c. 22 21. c. 28. 28. Rom 11. 13. c. 15. 15 to 25. Col. 1. 27 28. 2 Tim. 1. 11. c. 4. 17. Therefore these Duties are specially recommended and prescribed to them 2ly The person to whom this Epistle and exhortation was principally particularly directed even Timothy his dearly beloved Son and Fellow●… Minister in preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles then residing at Ephesus 1 Tim. 1 3. a City and Church of the Gentiles where he exercised his Ministry and was to perform these Duties publickly in his own person as a Minister to excite all others thereunto Therefore these Duties of making publick Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings for Kings both in publick and private do principally belong and are carefully to be performed by all Ministers and Preachers of the Gospel to and amongst the Gentiles 3ly The manner of pressing these Duties the Apostle doth most earnestly and zealously urge their performance as the words I exhort or earnestly desire import Exhortings being the most passionate pathetical fervent pressing of men to duties Lu. 3. 18. Act. 11. 23. c. 13. 15. c. 2. 40. c. 15. 32. c. 20. 2. Rom. 12. 8. 1 Thes. 2. 11 12. c. 4. ●… c. 5. 14. 2 Thes. 3. 12. 1 Tim. 4. 13. c. 6. 2. 2 Tim. 4. 2. Tit. 1. 9. c. 2. 6 15. Heb. 3. 13. c. 12. 5. c. 13. 22. 1 Pet. 5. 1. Jude 3. 4ly The grounds of his enforcing these Duties so earnestly implyed in the word therefore relating to the close of the precedent Chapter v. 18 19 20. This charge I commit unto thee Son Timothy according to the Prophecies that we●… before on thee that thou by them mightest war a good warfare holding Faith and a good Conscience which he could not do or perform unless he discharged these Duties he thus exhorted him to being a part of his spiritual good warfare and both a means and evidence of his holding Faith and a good Conscience and his neglect or contempt of them a ready way to make shipwrack of them as Hymeneus and Alexander had done whom he had dilivered to Satan Antimonarchical and Antimagistratical Ministers or Christians will soon turn Apostates and Blasphemers yea put away and make shipwrack of their Faith and good Conscience towards God when they became disloyal and rebellious to their Kings and give over Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings for them as we have found by late sad experiments 5ly The primacy and excellency of these Duties before all others expressed in the clause I exhort therefore that first of all that is in the first place before and above all other Duties parts of Ministry or Christianity they are carefully conscienciously cordially to be performed without the least omission or neglect 6ly The variety of the Duties set forth by these various expressions That Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings all in the plural number be made for Kings Which pluralities imply 1. A universality of their several kinds to wit That all sorts of Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings whatsoever ought to be made for them 2ly A multiplicity of each of them not a single Supplication Prayer Intercession Thanksgiving and no more but many and manifold Supplications Prayers and Thanksgivings 3ly A frequency fervency constancy perpetuity in the performance of them both in publick and private all our lives long without ceasing or flagging as the marginal Scriptures evidence 4ly An universality in respect of persons and places thus expressed in the verse following I will therefore that men pray every where lifting up holy hands 5ly An universality of things Mercies Blessings c. for which Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings ought at any time ordinarily or extraordinarily publickly or privately to be made to God in behalf of Kings 6ly Supplications for the pardon and remission of all their sins errors miscariages frailties iniquities whatsoever for converting diverting or keeping them from all evil and destructive waies errors counsels designs undertakings whatsoever dishonourable to God scandalous to Religion hurtfull to the Church fatal to their Kingdoms People Royal persons families and posteritie and for removing all inflicted threatned or feared judgements evils from their Persons Families Kingdoms Relations Prayers for all sorts of corporal temporal spiritual eternal Blessings Mercies which they at any time
which is born cometh not to overcome Kings by fighting but to subdue them after a wonderfu●…l manner by dying c. for he is come not that he may destroy alive but that he may triumph being slain How then any Servants can be greater wiser powerfuller than their Lord King Jesus who came not to dethrone uncrown any earthly Kings and reign alive in their steads but to conquer and triumph over them only by his death though King of Kings and Lord of Lords in daring to ravish not only the Crowns but Lives Kingdoms hereditary Lands Revenues Powers Kingships of their Christian Soveraigns instead of making Supplications Prayers Interceisions Thanksgivings for them and their Royal posterity let their own Consciences resolve them and all others who preach the Gospel wherein there is neither Precept nor President for such Antichristian Jesuitical practices 9ly The end reason why Ministers Christians and other Subjects should make Supplications Prayers Intercessions Thnaksgivings for their very persecuting tyrannizing oppressing Pagan KINGS G●…vernours and yielding patient loyal Subjection under them is because it is the most effectual means prescribed by God whereby to reclaim conver●… save them by overcomming their evil with goodness Rom. 12. 20 21. the most probable ready prevalent course by which they themselves may lead a quiet and peaceable life under them in all godliness and honesty and recover enjoy both their invaded civil and Christian Liberties not their mutinous Rebellions or taking up Arms against them forcibly to reform or dethrone them which would but increase their troubles pressures persecutions interrupt their peace quietness yea make shipwrack of their godliness honesty loyalty faith and good Consciences which we have found true by late sad experiments Upon which ground the Apostle Paul thus describes the deportment of himself and the other Apostles and Christians under their Persecutors 1 Cor. 12 13. being reviled we bless being persecuted we suffer being defamed we intreat according to our Saviours forecited Precept Mat. 5. 44 45. seconded with his own example and Stephens who prayed for their murdering Persecutors at their very deaths Luke 23. 34. Acts 7. 60. leaving us an example that we should follow their steps herein 1 Pet. 2. 20 21 22 23. Ja●… 5. 6 to 12. 10ly The motive God here used to excite Timothy and all other Christians to make Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings for Kings and all in Authority under them whether good or bad Pagans or Christians Persecutors or Protectors of Religion for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour as well as beneficial to themselves their Kings and Governours in the last recited respects And if so then the neglecting rejecting inhibiting of these Duties in publick or private must questionless be very evil sinfull displeasing in the fight of God our Saviour who will severely punish it yea a means to hinder us from enjoying and leading a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty or any Settlement or Tranquillity in Church and State which we have long expected endeavoured desired and prayed for but never enjoyed since we neglected and rejected this duty of making Supplications Prayers Intercessi●…ns Thanksgivings for our Kings and casting off their Persons and Kingly Government and a●…e never likely to enjoy till we Loyally and Conscientiously restore both them and these duties for them prescribed in and by this Gospel Text which I have opened and pressed to the full upon this consideration and the Apostles Resolutions Acts 4. 19. c. 5. 29. We ought to obey God rather than Men. 11ly This exhortation of Paul was practiced by himself when he was brought as a Prisoner and pleaded his cause before King Agrippa Acts 26. 28 29. Who saying to Paul almost thou perswadest me to be a Christian. Thereupon Paul said I would to God not only thou but also all that hear me this day were both almost and altogether such as I am except these bonds A direct prayer to God for this Kings and his other Auditors Conversion to Christianity Thus much for Scripture Presidents and Precepts warranting and commanding this duty both before and under the Law and Gospel I now proceed to other Testimonies in the Primitive Church as well for Pagan Arrian and heretical persecuting Emperors Kings Princes as for Christian Orthodox and such who were Protectors of Christianity and Christians CHAP. IV. FOr the practice of the Primitive Church and Christians to●…ching their publike private prayers intercessions supplications for Kings and Emperors though Pagans and Persecutors as then they were no doubt it is as antient as the Apostles themselves as is evident by the 1 Tim. 2. 1 2. and practiced by them in their publike Liturgies if we believe the Liturgies fathered upon St. Peter and St. Mark to be genuine In the Masse of St. Peter published by William Lindan Bishop of Gaunt printed in Bibliotheca Patrum Coloniae Agrip. 1618. Tom. 1. p. 210. E. I find the Deacon saying In pace Rogemus Dominum pro Religiosissimis Augustis u●… una propugnent c. But this Masse twice mentioning the mediation and intercession beatorum Apostolorum Petri Pauli Cornelii Cypriani Laurentii c. some of them not living till 200. years after Peters death and speaking of Peter only as a Saint and Martyr departed and this prayer being not for any Pagan but most religious Christian Emperors This Masse is certainly a gross Popish forgery fathered upon Peter some hundreds of years after his death yet I thought meet to mention this passage in it The Liturgie attributed to St. Mark the Evangelist Peters Disciple as it is but a Popish forgery as well as Peters yet because it contains some set observable Prayers for Kings I shall here insert them as translated out of the Greek Copy Biblioth Patrum Coloniae Agrip. Tom. 1. p. 21. C. Sacerdos hunc in modum orat Dominator Domine Deus omnipotens Pater Domini Dei Servatoris nostri Jesu Christi precamur obsecramus te ut Regem nostrum in pace et fortitudine justitiaque conserves Subjicito ei o Deus omnem inimicum adversarium Apprehende arma scutum exurge in adjutorium ejus Da ei o Deus victorias ut animum ad ea intendat quae nobis pacifica sunt ad nomen sanctum tuum Ut nos in tranquillitate dierum ejus quietam et tranquillam vitam degamus in omni pietate honestate gratia commiserationibus benignitate unigeniti filii tui c. Unto which Prayer all the People are to say Amen After which p. 23. follow these two Prayers Regem Legiones Principes Senatus Concilia Populos nostros in omni pace disponito Rex Regum et Domine dominantium Regnum servi tui orthodoxi et Christum amantis Regis nostri quem super terram regnare justum censuisti in pace et fortitudine et justitia et tranquillitate conserva
Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings unto God by their Votes Acclamations unto themselves others for their health safety long-life temporal spiritual and eternal felicity whether they were Good or Bad Orthodox or Heterodox Protectors or Persecutors in 5. distinct Chapters I shall now by Gods assistance proceed to the constant practice of Christians under the Gospel in this kind after their Kings and Emperors became Christians professing the Gospel of Jesus Christ whether their Kings and Emperors were gracious and Religious vitious or impious Orthodox or Erronious beginning with the Kings of our own Island and presenting you with presidents of this kind both in forein Prelates and Clergy-men as well as in their Domestick Christian Subjects of all sorts our British Island producing the first Christian King Queen and Emperor in the world and the first presidents of private and publick Supplications Prayers Intercessions and thanksgivings for them unto God and Votes Acclamations for their safety health life and prosperity as they were Christian. CHAP. VI. THe very first Christian King professing the Christian Religion under the Gospel mentioned in History is Lucius King of the Britons reigning in this our Island this King Anno Christi 156. as Radulphus Baldoc the Chronicle of Gisburn the antient Manuscript D. primo statu Landavensis Ecclesiae and Bishop Usher out of them relate sending two Embassadors to Pope Elutherius most earnestly and devoutly intreating him That by his command and will he might be made a Christian This Pope thereupon granting his request Gratias agens Deo suo c. giving thanks to his God and singing Glory be to God on high for joy that this King and Nation who had continued Gentiles from the first peopling of the Island by Brute did so ardently hasten to the faith of Christ sending Eluan and Meduin to convert them After which this King Lucius in the year 179. or sooner as some or in the year 185. or later as others think it writing a Letter to Pope Elutherius to send him a Copy of the Imperial Laws to govern his Nation by them this Pope in the conclusion of his Epistle in Answer to the Kings Letter inserted this devout Prayer unto God in his behalf Det vobis omnipotens Deus c. Almighty God grant you so to rule the Kingdom of Britain that you may reign for ever with him whose ●…car you are in the Realm aforesaid If this Pope though a forein Prelate thus prayed to God for this first Christian King no doubt his own Christian Bishops Ministers whom he endowed with ample possessions and maintenance and his Christian Subjects in their private and publick Prayers and Devotions to God and in their Epistles and Addresses to him did much more imitate his example in pursuit of the Apostles precept 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3. as all the Primitive Christians did even for their Pagan Kings and Emperors as I have evidenced in the precedent Chapters though we find no expresse mention thereof in our British Histories The first Christian Queen in the world was Helena Daughter of King Coel whose Son Constantine the Great born and first created Emperor in our Island of Britain was the first Roman Emperor who publickly professed the Christian faith and instituted publick Prayers to be made unto God by his Souldiers People and Subjects whether Christians or Ethnicks for himself his Sons and his Posterity who constantly powred forth their Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings unto God for his life health safety victories and successes as well in this our Island as in all other places of his Empire as these passages of Eusebius who lived in his Court and flourished under him will aboundantly evidence This Godly Christian Emperor Constantine before his Battel with the persecuting Tyrant Licinius dedicated a certain vacant time to powr forth Prayers to our Saviour Christ in the taberna●…le of the Crosse which he fixed far remote from his Camp where afflicting his body with fasting and abstinence he powred out Prayers Supplications to God to reconcile him to himself and become his gracious Protector In which Duty he imployed certain Persons whom he reputed eminent both for faith and piety to joyn with and assist him in the performance thereof as he usually did upon other occasions before every battel with the enemy After which having vanquished Licinius and by his death obtained the sole power and government over the Roman Empire Omnes ubique victorem hymnis celebrabant Tum choreis hymnis primum Deum summum omnium regem esse praedicarunt deindè victorem Constantinum ejusque f●…os modestissimos Deoque charos Caesares acclamationibus continuis extulerunt After which this Godly Emperor to excite his Subjects to Prayers was portrayed in all his Coyns Statues standing upright with his eyes looking up and his hands stretched forth and elevated towards Heaven as if he were praying prescribed all his Legions and Soldiers as well Pagans as Christians this set form of Prayer in the Roman tongue which they were to use and recite every Lords day in their daily prayers with their hands and eyes lifted up to Heaven unto God the Giver o●… all good thi●…gs and Author of victory Te solum Deum agnoscimus c. We acknowledge thee to be God alone we professe thee to be King we invocate thee our helper by thee we have obtained victories by thee we have overcome Enemies from thee we conf●…sse we have received present hope that we shall obtain future felicity Tui omnes supplices sumus abs te petimus ut Constantinum Imperatorem nostrum unà cum piis ejus liberis quàm diutissime nobis salvum victorem conserves We are a●…l Supplicants unto thee We all request from thee that thou wouldest conserve our Emperor Constantine together with his pious Children safe and victorious to us for many generations or as long as possible may be or for ever Ejusmodi ferè Sanciebat a Militibus solis die fieri talesque ab eis voces in diurnis Precibus adhiber●… Which prayers no doubt were used in this our Island of Britain where he was born and crowned by his Soldiers and other Subjects for him and his royal posterity as well as in other places the Churches and Christians then in Britain concurring both in their Doctrine and Practice with the Churches in Rome Italy Aphrick Aegypt Spain France Lybia Greece Asia Pontus and Cilicia as Constantine himself records in his Epistle to all Churches concerning the affairs of the Council of Nice Anno 330. But of this more in the next Chapter It is the Observation of Thomas Rudburne the History of Winton Church and Bishop Usher out of them Orationes ac deprecationes justorum assiduae cum multum valeant apud justum judicem Deum ascenderunt lacrymae suorum fidelium in conspectu conditoris altissimi sedatum est gravissimae persecutoris ac
Per me Reges regnant Principes imperant in manu sua corda sunt Regum rogamus et obsecramus ut eam in suo sancto proposito confirmet ejusque devotionem multiplicet ac praeclaris pro sancta fide gestis ita illustret ac toti Orbi terrarum conspicuam reddat ut judicium quod de ipsa fecimus eam tam insigni titulo decorantes à nemine falsum aut vanum judicari possit Demum mortatis bujus vitae finito curriculo sempiternae illius gloriae consortem atque participem reddat The 2 is William Wraghton an acute Protestant Writer who in his Epistles to King Henry the 8th before his two Books intituled The Hunting of the Romish Fox printed at Basyl 1543. And his Reseuing of the Romish Fox against Stephen Gardner printed 1545. Wisheth him prosperity both of Body and Soul closing his last Epistle to him with this Prayer God grant you health both of Body and Soul victory over your Enemies and Grace to do in this our matter of Religion as shall be most to the Glory of God and the profit of the Common-wealth Amen And he closeth his last Treatise with this Prayer God save the King The third is our learned Protestant Divine Thomas Beacon who in his Path-way unto Prayer dedicated to the Lady Anne Grey ch 55. hath this Godly exhortation to all private Christians Let u●… flee to God at all times with h●…mble Obsecrations and hearty Requests Let our Prayers be continual Let us in all our Prayers seek the glory of God the advancement of his most blessed word and the health of our own Souls Let us pray for the preservation of the Kings most excellent Majesty H. 8. and for the prosp●…rous successe of his ●…ntirely-beloved Son Edward our Prince that most Angel-like Impe. Let us pray for all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal specially for those that have the regiment of the Publick-weal under the Kings Graces Highness Let us pray for the Ministers of Gods Word that they may freely speak the truth of Christs Gospel as it becommeth them Let us pray for all men universally chiefly for the Inhabitants of this Realm of England That they may all bear a faithfull heart both towards God and our King Upon the Reformation of Religion and abolishing of Popish Missals Psalters Howers 〈◊〉 and Portuasses by King Edward the sixth in his Parliament 2 3 Edw. 6. ch 10. the King by advice of his Convocation and Parliament commanded A Book of Common-prayer and Administration of the Sacraments in the English Tongue to be used in all Churches and Chapels throughout the Realm by the Statutes of 2 E. 6 c. 1. 5 6 E. 6. c. 1. Wherein there was not only a Prayer for the King in the Letany but in a special Collect agreeing in substance with those in our later Books of Common-Prayer hereafter cited In this pious Kings reign the Bishops and Ministers in their Epistles and Dedications to him and in their Prayers before after their Sermons usually prayed most heartily and particularly for his long life religious and prosperous reign and spiritual temporal and eternal felicity And John Bale Bishop of Ossery in his Image of both Churches or Paraphrase upon St. Johns Revelation printed 1550. in the Iast page thereof exhorts all Gods meek-spirited Servants in their daily Prayer afore all other to remember that most worthy Minister of God King Edward the sixth which hath so sore wounded the Beast that he may throw all his Superstition into the bottomlesse lake again from whence they have comen to the comfort of his People Our learned Thomas Beacon in his Preface to The Flower of Godly Prayers dedicated to Anne Dutchesse of Somerset as he doth exceedingly blesse God for the extraordinary zeal and piety of King Edward the 6th in delivering his Realm from Antichristian Tyranny and Popery reforming the Church propagating true religion and in giving us this most worthy Prince to be our King So he hath this particular Prayer for the King to be used by all private Christians daily in their respective Families and Closets with zeal and devotion Almighty God King of Kings and Lord of Lords which by thy divine ordinance hast appointed Temporal Rulers to govern thy People according to equity and justice and to live among them as a loving Father among his natural Children unto the advancement of the good and punishment of the evil we most humbly beseech thee favourably to behold Edward thy Servant our King and Governour and to breath into his heart through thy holy Spirit that Wisdom that is ever about the Throne of thy Majesty whereby he may be provoked moved and stirred to love fear and serve thee to seek thy glory to banish Idolatry Superstition and Hypocrisy out of this his Realm and unfeignedly to avance thy holy and pure Religion among us his Subjects unto the example of other forein Nations O Lord defend him from his enemies send him long and prosperous life among us and give him grace not only in his own Person godly and justly to rule but also to appoint such Magistrates under him as may be likewise affected both toward thy holy Word and toward the Common-we●…l that his Subjects living under his Dominion in all godlinesse peace and wealth may passe the time of this our short pilgrimage in thy fear and service unto the glory of thy blessed name which alone is worthy all honour for ever and ever Amen Next after this follow●… one Prayer for the Kings Council And after that a Prayer for the common peace and quietnesse of all Realms very seasonable for our times And in his Pomaunder of Prayer he hath this Prayer of Subjects or Commons As it is thy godly appointment O Lord God That some should bear rule in the world to see thy Glory set forth and the common peace kept so is it thy pleasure again that some should be Subjects and Inferiours to others in their vocation although before thee there is no respect of Persons And for as much as it is thy good will to appoint me in the number of Subjects I beseech thee to give me a faithfull and an obedient heart unto the High Powers that there may be found in me no Disobedience no Unfaithfullnesse no Treason no Falsehood no Dissimulation no Insurrection no Commotion no Conspiracy nor any kind of Rebellion in Word or Deed against the Civil Magistrates But all Faithfulnesse Quietnesse Subjection Humility and whatsoever else becommeth a Subject That I living here in all lowlynesse of mind may at the last day through thy favour be lifted up into everlasting Glory wh●…re ●…hou with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest very God for ever Amen These were the Godly Loyal fervent daily publick and private Prayers of Protestant Ministers and Subjects for King Edward the 6th in that Age. Queen Mary a Popish Prince
succeeding King Edward set aside the Book of Common-prayer and introduced Popish Missals Proc●…ssionals Howers Primers and Popery again wherein they publickly prayed for her in the forecited manner under our Popish King●… her zealous Protestant Bishops Ministers and Subjects likewise making fervent constant Prayers for her But some over-zealous Anabaptistical Fanaticks using some unchristian expressions in their Prayers against her That God would cut her off and shorten her daies of which there was complaint made in Parliament Whereupon there was this special Act made against such Prayers Anno 1555. 1 2 Phil. Mar. ch 9. Forasmuch as now of late diverse noughty seditious malicious and heretical persons not having the fear of God before their eyes who in a divellish sort contrary to the duty of their Allegiance congregated themselves together in Conventicles in divers and sundry prophane places within the City of London esteeming themselves to be in the true Faith where indeed they are in Errors and Heresies and out of the true trade of Christs Catholick Religion and in the same places at several times using their phantastical and schismatical services have of their most malicious and wicked Stomachs prayed against the Queens Majesty That God would turn her Heart from Idolatry to the true Faith which was good and Christian or else to shorten her daies or take her quickly out of the way Which Prayer was never heard or read to have been used by any good Christian man against any Prince though he were a Pagan and Infidel and much lesse against any Christian Prince and especially so virtuous a Princess as our Soveraign Lady that now is is known to be c. For reformation whereof it is enacted That every such person and persons which since the beginning of this Parliament have by expresse words and sayings prayed required or desired or hereafter shall pray by express words or sayings That God would shorten her daies or take her out of the way whose life Almighty God long preserve or any such like malicious Prayer amounting to the same effect their Promoters Abetters therein shall be taken reputed and judged Traytors and every such praying requiring and desiring shall be judged taken and reputed High Treason And the Offendors therein their Procurours and Abetters being thereof lawfully convict according to the Laws of this Realm shall have suffer and forfeit as in Cases of High Treason Provided alwaies and be it enacted that if any Person or Persons shall be indicted for any the offences aforesaid done and perpetrated during this Session of this present Parliament and upon his or their arraignment shall shew him or themselves penitent for their offence and submit him or themselves to the Kings and Queens mercy and humbly desire the same before such Justices or Commissioners before whom he or they shall be arraigned that then no judgement of conviction or attaindour of Treason shall be given against any such Person or Persons so being penitent and submitting themselves And in every such case the Justices or Commissioners before whom such Person or Persons shall be arraigned shall have authority by virtue of this Act to prescribe adjudge and appoint such corporal punishment other than death to such offender and offenders as to them by their discretion shall seem convenient and upon that penance prescribed and done to be discharged of the said Treason comprised in that Judgement These prayers were much against and directly contrary to the Judgement of Archbishop Cranmer Bishop Farrer Bishop Hooper Rowland Taylor John Philpot John Bradford Edward Crome John Rogers Laurence Saunders Edward Laurence Miles Coverdale Bishop of ●…xon and other of our godly Protestant Bishops and Ministers who soon after suffered as Martyrs they in their Letter the 8. of May Anno Dom. 1554. professing That as obedient Subjects we shall behave our selves towards Queen Mary and all that be in Authority and not cease to pray to God for them that he would govern them all generally and particularly with the spirit of wisdom and grace and so we heartily desire and humbly pray all men to do in no point consenting to any kind of rebellion or sedition against our Soveraign Lady the Queens Highnesse but where they cannot obey but they must disobey God there to submit themselves with all patience and humility to suffer as the will and pleasure of the higher powers shall adjudge as we are ready through the goodness of the Lord to suffer whatsoever they shall adjudge us unto And Bishop Hooper writ an Apolo●…y against the slanderous Report made of him that he should encourage and maintain such as cursed Qu. Mary printed 1552. wherein his innocency and loyalty to the Queen in praying for her are vindicated at large In this Parliament there being a general opinion that Queen Mary was with child by King Philip her husband there was a special Act made that in case Queen Mary should die during her childs Minority that King Philip should have the education and protection of him In which Act. The Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled in Parliament have firm hopes and confidence by the goodnesse of Almighty God that he will of his infinite goodnesse give the Queens Majesty and Highnesse strength the rather by our continual prayers so passe well the danger of deliverance of Child c. Upon this occasion the Popish Bishops Clergy and Churchmen made many Processions Masses Collects and Prayers to be daily said in all Churches for Qu. Maryes safe deliverance and her issue recorded at large by Mr. Fox where you may peruse them in one of which prayers there were these expressions Give unto our Queen thy servant a little infant in fashion and body comely and beautifull in pregnant wit notable and excellent Grant the same to be in obedience like Abraham in chastity and Brotherly love like Joseph in meeknesse and mildnesse like Moses in strength and valour like Sampson let him be found faithfull as David after thy heart let him be wise among Kings as the most wise Solomon let him be like Job a simple and an upright man fearing God and eschewing evil let him finally be garnished with the comlinesse of all virtuous conditions and in the same let him wax old and live that he may see his Childrens Children to the third and fourth generation And give ●…nto our Soveraign Lord and Lady King Philip and Queen Mary thy blessings and long-life upon earth and grant that of them may come kings and Queens which may stedfastly continue in faith love and holinesse And blessed be their seed of our God that all Nations may know thou art only God in all the earth which art bl●…ssed for ev●…r and ever Amen After Queen Maries decease Anno 1558. Masses and Popish Prayers being again abolished and the Book of Common Prayer restored by the Parliament of 1 Eliz. ch 2. there were the same prayers publickly used for the Queen both in
us not unto us Lord but to thy Name be ascribed all honour and glorie in all Churches of the Saints throughout all generations for thou Lord hast discovered the sn●…s of death thou hast broken them and we are delivere d be thou still our mighty Protector and scatter our cruel Enemies which delight in blood infatuate their Counsel and root out their Babylonish and Antichristian sect which say of Ierusalem down with it even to the ground And to that end strengthen the hands of our gracious King the Nobles and Magistrates of the Land with Iudgement and Iustice to cut off ●…hese Workers of Iniquity whose Religion is Rebellion whose Faith is Faction whose Practise is murthering of Souls and Bodies and to root them out of the confines and limits of this Kingdom that they may never prevail against us and triumph in the ruine of thy Chu●…h and give us grace by true and serious repen●…ance to avert these and the like Judgements from us This Lord we earnestlie crave at thy mercifull hands togethe●… with the countenance of thy powerfull protection over our bread Soveraign the whole Church and these Realms and the speedie confusion of our implacable Enemies and that for thy dear Sons sake our onlie mediator and advocate II. ALmighty God and heavenly Father which of thy everlasting providence and tender mercy towards us hast prevented the extreme malice and mischievous imagination of our ensmies revealing and con●…nding their horrible and devilish enterprise plotted against our Soveraign Lord the King his Royal House and the whole S●…ate of this Realm for the subversion thereof together with the truth of thy Gospel and pure Religion amongst us and for the reducing of Popish Superstition and tyranny into this Church and land we most humbly prayse and magnifie thy glorious name for thine infinite gracious goodnesse in this our marvellous Deliverance we confesse it was and is thy mercy thy mercy alone most mercifull Father that we are not cons●…med that their snare is broken and our Soul is escaped For our sins cryed to Heaven against us and our iniquities justly called for judgement upon us but thy great mercy towards us hath exalted it self above judgement not to deal with us after our sins to give us over as we deserved to be a prey to our enemies but taking our correction into thine own hands to deliver us from their blood-thirsty malice and preserve from death and destruction our King and Stat●… with thy Gospel and true Religion amongst us Good Lord give us true repent●…nce and unfeigned conversion unto thee to prevent further judgements increase us more and more in lively Faith and fruitfull love in all obedience that thou mayest continue thy loving favour with the light of thy Gospol to us and our Posterity for evermore Make us now and alwaies truely thankfull in heart word and deed for all thy gracious mercies and this our special deliverance Protect and defend our Soveraign Lord the King with the Queen and all the Royal Progeny from all treasons and conspiracies preserve them in thy faith fear and love under the shadow of thy wings against all evil and wickednesse prosper their reign with long happinesse on earth and everlasting glory following in the Kingdom of Heaven Bless the whole State and Realm with grace and peace that with one heart and mouth we may praise thee in thy Church and alwaies sing joyfully that thy mercifull kindness is ever more and more towards us and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever through Jesus Christ o●…r only Saviour and Redeemer Amen III. ETernal God and our most mighty Protector we thy people of this Land confesse our selves above all the Nations of the earth infinitely bound unto thy heavenly Majesty for thy many unspeakable benefits conferred and hea●…ed upon us especially for planting thy Gospel among us and placing over us a most gracious King a faithfull Professor and Defendor of the same both which exasperate the enemies of true Religion and enrage their thoughts to the invention of most dreadfull designs all which notwithstanding it hath pleased thee bitherto either to prevent or overthrow at this time principally thou hast most strangely discovered an horrible and cruel plot and device for the massacring as well of thy d●…ar Servant and our dread Soveraign as of the chief States assembled in thy fear for the continuance of thy truth and good of this Realm We humbly present ourselves at thy feet admiring thy might and wisedom and acknowledging thy grace and favour in preserving them and the whole Realm by their safety beseeching thee for thy Son Iesus Christ his sake to continue still thy care over us and to shield our gracious King under the shadow of thy wings that no mischievous attempt may come near nor the Sons of wickednesse may hurt him but that under him we may still enioy this his peaceable Government with the profession of the Gospel of thy Son Iesus Christ to whom with thee and the holy Ghost c. IV. O God infinit in power and of endless mercy we give thee all possible thanks since it hath pleased thee so miraculously to discover and defeat the mischievous plots of thine and our Enemies thou hast delivered our dread Soveraign from the snares of the Fowler and his Nobles from the fire of the fury of the wicked he shall rejoyce in thy Salvation and we his People shall tryumph in this thy wonderfull Deliverance thy Gospel shall prosper and thine Adversaries shall be confounded And multiply good Lord we beseech thee thy great goodnesse towards our gracious King and his Kingdoms from this time forth through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen After this Deliverance from this horrid Powder-plot there were these 2. forms of Prayers used in the Commons House by the Speak●…rs during the Parliaments session very seasonable for our times wherein they expressed their Loyalty and Devotion to the King and his Royal Progeny A Prayer used by the Speaker of the Commons House of Parliament I. O GOD most great and glorious which dwellest in the Heavens over all yet humblest thy self to behold the things that are done upon the earth we the people and sheep of thy pasture assembled by thy providence to the performance of this high service whereupon the honour of thy name the beauty of thy Church amongst us the glory of the King and wealth of our State doth depend knowing that without thee we can do nothing do at this time with fear and reverence in the beginning of our consultations first look up unto thee from whom wisedom and happie successe doth come praying thee to look down upon us who first look up unto thee from whom wisdom and happie successe doth come praying thee to look down from Heaven upon us with the eye of thy mercy to draw near unto us with the presence of thy grace to prepare us all with counsel and understanding and to be President and Director of
to be read thrice every week or oftener upon occasion there are these several Prayers and Petitions to God That it would please thee to keep and strengthen in the true worshipping of thee in righteousnesse and holinesse of life thy servant Charles our most gracious King and Governor That it may please thee to rule his heart in thy faith fear and love and that he may evermore have affiance in thee and ever seek thy honour and glory That it may please thee to be his defender and keeper giving him the victory over all his Enemies That it may please thee to blesse and preserve our gratious Queen Mary Prince Charles and the rest of the Royal Issue After every of which several Prayers and Supplications all the People severally answered We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. After which followed these two Prayers for the Kings M●…jestie the Queen Prince and Royal Issue and read twice every day in most places O God our heavenly Father high and mighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords the only Ruler of Princes which dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour to behold our most Gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles and so replenish him with the grace of thy holy Spirit that he may alwaies incline to thy will and walk in thy way endue him plentifully with heavenly gifts Grant him in health and wealth long to live strengthen him that he may 〈◊〉 and overcome all his Enemies and finally after this life he may attain everlasting joy and felicity through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Almighty God the Father of thine elect and of their seed which Bishop Laud changed into the fountain of all goodnesse we humbly beseech thee to blesse our gracious Queen Mary Prince Charles and the rest of the royal issue Endue them with thy holy Spirit enrich them with thy Heavenly grace prosper them with all happinesse and bring them to thine everlasting Kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen In the Prayer for the whole Estate of Christs Church there is this Clause relating to Kings in general and King Charles in particular We beseech thee also to besee●…h and defend all Christian Kings Princes and Governors and Specia●…y thy servant Charles our King that under him we may be godly and quietly Governed When these Prayers and Collects with the Book of Common-Prayer were suspended by the Directory of the publike worship of God in most places throughout the 3. Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland Printed by order of both Houses 13 Martii 1644. yet the substance of them was still continued by the very Directory it self during the heat of the late Wars between the King and Parliament witnesse p. 10 11. of publike Prayer before the Sermon wherein all Ministers are directed To pray for all in Authority especially for the Kings Majesty that God would make him rich in blessings both in Person and Government establish his Throne in Religion and righteousnesse save him from all evil Counsel and make him a blessed and glorious Instrument for the Conservation and Propagation of the Gospel for the Encouragement and Protection of those that do well and the terror of all that do evil and the great good of the whole Church and of all his Kingdoms for the Conversion of the Queen the Religious education of the Prince and the rest of the Royal seed for the comforting of the afflicted Queen of Bohemia sister to our Soveraign and for the Restitution and Establishment of the Illustrious Prince Charls Elector Palatine much more then now of our Illustrious long-exiled King CHARLES to all his Dominious and Dignities To pretermit all Prayers made for King Charles in Epistles perfixed to hundreds of Books of all sorts dedicated to him whiles Prince of Wales and King of England Scotland and Ireland I shall Conclude only with 3. short Prayers of this Nature in 3. of our learnedest late deceased Antiquaries Dedicatory Epistles to his Majesty being of 3. several professions The first is Mr. John Seldens in the cloze of his Dedicatory Epistle to His Mare clausum Londini 1635. Inexuperabilem Tibi felicitatem sanctissima illa Majestas quae Tuae archetypa est praestet conservetque The 2. is Sir Henry Spelmans in the end of his Dedicatory Epistle before the first Tome of his Councils Londini 1639. Dei Vicario Ecclesiae Nutricio Fidei Defensori Carolo Dei gratia Magnae Britaniae Franciae Hiberniae Regi c. Magno Pio Augustissimo Deus optimus maximus Regi am vestram Majestatem sobolemque Sere●…ssimum Ecclesiae et Britaniis Imperpetuum sospitet beatissime The 3 is most learned renowned and pious Archbishop Ush●…r who thus winds up his Epistle to King Charls perfixed to his Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates Dublini 1639. Deus optimus maximus Regum suorum custos et vindex vitam ●…ibi det prolixam imperium securum domum tutam exercitus ●…rtes Senatum fidelem populum probum Veteris Ecclesiae pro Imperatoribus s●…is vota haec solemnia pro tua et tuorum salute Redintegrat et toto animi affectu numini divino nuncupat Serenissimae Tuae Majestatis servus humilimus Iacobus Armachanus The very next day after the most illegal Trial Condemnation and bloody Execution of our late Soveraign Lord King Charles by that Prodigy of Lawyers John Bradshaw and his Assessors in the new created High Court of Injustice against the Votes and Protests of the Secluded Lords and Secured Commons one of the then secured Members out of his Loyalty to his Majesty and his royal Heir and Successor whose rights he strenuously asserted in his Speech in the House for which he was seized and imprisoned by the Army Dec. 6. 1648. at his own charge Printed 350. of the ensuing Proclamations which he caused to be sent to most Sheriffs and Mayors throughout England and Wales and some of them to be pasted up at Westminster and elsewhere in and about London notwithstanding the Anti-Parliamentary and Antimonarchical Junctoes strict Proclamation to the contrary under pain of High Treasons and the most Capital Punishments which deterred others both from crowning and proclaiming their Hereditary Soveraign according to their former Oathes Covenants and printed Remonstrances A PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING CHARLES Prince of VVales King of Great Britain France and Ireland WEE the Noblemen Iudges Knights Lawyers Gentlemen Free-holders Marchants Marchants Citizens Yeomen Seamen and other freemen of England doe according to our Allegiance and Covenant by these presents heartily joyfully and unanimously acknowledge and proclaim the Illustrious Charles Prince of Wales next heir of the Blood Royal to his Father King Charles whose late wicked and trayterous Murther we doe from our souls abominate and all parties and consenters thereunto to be by hereditary Birthright and lawfull succession rightfull and undoubted King of Great Britain France and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging And