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A47914 A seasonable memorial in some historical notes upon the liberties of the presse and pulpit with the effects of popular petitions, tumults, associations, impostures, and disaffected common councils : to all good subjects and true Protestants. L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. 1680 (1680) Wing L1301; ESTC R14590 34,077 42

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Insurrection who kept not any one Article that was there agreed upon the King called a Parliament that met Aug. 13. 1640 which at first was thought to be well enough disposed till Sir Hen. Vane then Secretary of State demanded Twelve Subsidies in stead of Six which put the Commons into such a flame that upon May 4. his Majesty by the Advice of his Council thought fit to Dissolve them In August following the Scotch Confederates holding very good Intelligence with the English entred England with an Army which the King oppos'd with what force he was at that time able to Raise upon his own Credit His Majesty upon this pinch summons his Great Council of Peers to assemble at York Sept. 24. where they met accordingly and advised the King to a Treaty which was held at Rippon and a Peace was there Concluded and Signed Oct. 26. His Majesty being ply'd in the Interim with Petitions to call a Parliament and his work cut out ready to his hand in the matter of Property and Religion Those Petitions might have been spar'd the King having before hand resolved to call a Parliament to meet on the 3d of November next They were no sooner met but they fell upon Grievances and Impeachments beginning with the Earl of Strafford and the Bishop of Canterbury and so proceeding till all his Majestys Friends were made Traytors and the Law it self was found to be the Greatest Grievance There is a Malignant and Pernicious Designe says the Remonstrance of Dec. 15. 41. of subverting the Fundamental Laws and Principles of Government upon which the Religion and Justice of this Kingdom is firmly establish'd And there are certain Counsellors and Courtiers who for private Ends have engaged themselves to further the Interest of some Foreign Princes and States to the Prejudice of his Majesty and the State at Home Take notice now that the King had already by their own confession pass'd more Good Bills to the advantage of the Subjects then had been in many ages Coat and Conduct-money were all damn'd The Earl of Strafford beheaded The Archbishop of Canterbury Judge Bartlet and several other Bishops and Judges Impeach'd two Bills pass'd the One for a Triennial the Other for Continuance of the Present Parliament the Star-Chamber High-Commission Courts of the President and Council in the North taken away the Council-Table Regulated the Power of Bishops and their Courts abated Innovators and Scandalous Ministers terrifi●d by accusations the Forrests and Stannary-Courts brought within compass and yet after all this other things pa. 15. of main Importance for the Good of this Kingdom are in Proposition But their Intention pag. 19. is only to reduce within Bounds that exorbitant Power which the Prelates have assumed to unburthen mens Consciences of needless and superstitious Ceremonies Suppress Innovations and take away the Monuments of Idolatry To support his Majesties Royal Estate with Honour and Plenty at home with Power and Reputation abroad and by their Loyall Affections Obedience and Service to lay a sure and lasting Foundation of the Greatness and Prosperity of his Majesty and his Royall Posterity after him pag. 2. Declaring and Protesting further to this Kingdom and Nation and to the whole world pag. 663. in the presence of Almighty God for the satisfaction of their Consciences and the discharge of that Great Trust which lies upon them that no Private Passion or Respect no evill Intention to his Majesties Person no designe to the prejudice of his JUST Honour and Authority engaged them to raise Forces and take up Arms against the Authours of that War wherein the Kingdom was then Inflam●d Let us see now how well they acquitted themselves as to this Profession They put the Kingdom into a Posture of Defence by the Authority of Both Houses Pag. 96. They require an● Obedience to it Pag. 112. They Vote it a Breach of priviledge not to submit to any thing as Legal which they declare to be Law Pag. 114. And declare Pag. 150. that upon Certain Appearance or Grounded Suspition the Letter of the Law shall be emproved against the Equity of it and that the Commander going against its Equity discharges the Commanded from Obedience to the Letter to shorton the business they make it Treason upon any presence whatsoever Pag. 576. to assist his Majesty in the War with Horse Arms Plate or Monies and his Majesty Sums up the Malice of that Declaration in these Sixth Petitions First That they have an Absolute Power of Declaring the Law and that whatsoever they declare to be so ought not to be questioned either by King or people So that all the Right and safety of the Prince and Subject depends upon their pleasure Secondly That no Presidents can be Limits to bound their Proceedings which is so the Government of the Turk himself is not so Arbitrary Thirdly That a Parliament may dispose of any thing wherein the King or Subject hath a Right for the Publick Good speaking all this while of the remnant of the two Houses That they without the King are this Parliament and Judge of this Publick Good and that the Kings Consent is not necessary So that the Life and Liberty of the Subject and all the Good Laws made for their security may be dispos'd of and Rep●al'd by the Major Part of both Houses at any time present and by any ways and means procured so to be and his Majesty has no Power to Protect them Fourthly That a Member of either House ought not to be troubled or medled with for Treason ●lony or any other crime without the Cause first brought before them that they may Judge of the Fact and their leave obtained to proceed Fifthly That the Soveraign Power resides in Both Houses of Parliament the King has no negative Voice and becomes Subject to their Commands Lastly That the Levying of Forces against the Personal Commands of the King though accompany'd with his presence is not Levying War against the King But to Levy War against his Laws and Authority which they have power to declare and signify is Levying War against the King and that Treason cannot be committed against his Person otherwise then as he is intrusted with the Kingdom and discharging that Trust and that they have a power to judge whether he dischargeth it or no. And all this still for the maintainance of the true Protestant Religion the Kings JUST Prerogatives the Laws and Liberties of the Land and the Priviledges of Parliament Pag. 281. Nay they will not allow the King any great Officer or Publick Minister the Power of Treating upon War or Peace or any matter of State conferring Honours no not so much as the Power of appointing any Officer Civil or Military without leave of the two Houses The Scale of their wickedness in One Word wherein their hireling-Pulpitiers fail in as pat with them as two Tallies was this First they fell upon the Kings Reputation they Invaded his Authority in the
Heel with the Proposall of an Association pretending the Practice of 27. Eliz. for their Warrant It would be endless to run through all the Leagues Covenants Bonds Protestations Engagements Oaeths c. of the Late times and as needless to set forth the Histories of the Miseries they brought upon us after so many Narratives and Discourses already Published upon that Subject So that our Business shall be rather to discover the Imposture of those Practises then to dilate upon the Story All Popular Leagues without the Authority of the Supream Magistrate are to be lookt upon as Conspiracies but when they come once to bear up in Defiance of it the Case is little better then a State of Actual Rebellion The Pretence of the Late Engagements was only to assert and Compass the Ends of the foregoing Petitions And it was the Master-piece of the Faction to keep the Vulgar in the dark by disgui●ing the Drift and the Scope both of the One and the Other It was by this following train of thoughts that the Multitude in 1641. were Egg'd on into the foulest crimes and the Heaviest calamities Imaginable The Lord bless us say they we are all running into the French Government and Popery the Courtiers and Prelates will be the Undoing of us all the King is a good man enough of himself if he had but Good people about him but he 's so damnably led away by Popish Councells I would to God he would but call a Parliament and harken to their advice But why should we not press him to●t and ferret out all these Caterpillers from about him 'T is true the King can do no wrong but his Ministers may and yet the King is bound by the Law as well as We. Had not we better get hands to a Petition and joyn to stand by one another as One Man for the preservation of our Liberties and Religion then stand gaping with our fingers in our Mouth till all is lost Little did these people Imagine all this while that Death was in the Pot and that instead of the way to Peace and happiness they were then in the High-Road to Destruction And This they might easily enough have discover'd if they had but diligently consider●d the Opinions and Professions of the Heads of these Covenanters and Subscrib●rs among which there was not one man of a hundred that was not a known and a vow●d Enemy both to Courch and State But they plung'd themselves like Curtius into the Gulph as Devotes for the mistaken preservation of their Countrey But the delusion will better appear by applying only Common Reason to the Imposture it self And first let us consider their Protestation of May 1641. I A. B. do in the presence of Almighty God promise vow and protest to maintain and defend as far as lawfully I may with my Life Power and Estate the True Reformed Protestant Religion exprest in the Doctrine of the Church of England against all Popery and Popish Innovations within this Realm contrary to the same Doctrine and according to the Duty of my Allegiance to his Majestyes Royall Person Honour and Estate as also the Power and Priviledges of Parliament the lawfull Rights and Liberties of the Subjects c. Now as the whole Pretext was plansible so the saving clause in it as far as lawfully I may made it go down without much seruple The Solemn League and Covenant of 1643. which was the Bond of the Confederacy of the Two Nations had the same salve in it too and the very same specious pretences for the Protestant Religion the Honour of the King the Priviledges of Parliament and the Liberty of the Subject only enlarged to the setting up of the Scottish Diseipline and Government the Ex●irpation of Prelacy and Popery and the bringing of Delinquents to punishment So that from the maintaining of the Government they are now come to the Dissolving of it and from the Defence of their own Rights and Liberties they are advanced to the Inva●ng of other peoples We might reflect upon a world of Soloecisms Illegalities Contradictions and Defects both in the Givers and Takers of this Protestation and Covenant As the Nullity of any Engagement entered into Contrary to Law the altering of the Gouernment without the consent of his Majesty in Parliament The perjurious Fraud of Swearing in One sence in opposition to the Known Intent of the Imposer in another beside the Inconsistence of these Vows with Themselves and the Contradictions they bear to One another Wherefore we shall rather detect the Cheat in the Thing it self and the wonderfull Rashness of the Undertakers then play the Casuist upon the Question Take the Protestation as it runs with that Qualifying Clause in it as far as lawfully I may and there is hardly any thing more in it then what a man is oblig'd to do without it So that without some Mystery in the bottom the thing appears in it self to be wholly Idle and Impertinent and not answerable to the solemnity of making it a National Duty And then the Imposition was in it self an Usurpation of Soveraign Power The Covenant I must confess was Ranker having an Auxiliary Army of about 20000 Scotts to second it But was ever any thing in appearance more harmless Loyall or Conscientious then this Protestation and if the fellow of it were now in agitation how would the Town Ring of any Church of England-Man for a disguised Papist that should refuse to take it And yet what ensu'd upon the peoples joyning in this officious piece of misguided Zeal and Duty When they were once In there was no longer any regard had to the Grammar or Literal Construction of it but to the List of those that took it as the Discriminating Test of the Party They that contriv'd it did like wise Expound it and every man was bound implicitly to believe That only to be Lawfull which they told him was so without being allowed the liberty of Judging of his own Actions He that looks into the Records of that Revolution will finde the Contributions Subscriptions Loans Levies and briefly the highest violences of the War the boldest attempts upon the Honour and Person of the King the Priviledges of Parliament and the Property of the Subject to be charg'd at the soot of the account upon the Tye of the Solemn League and Protestation and every man bound upon the forfeiture of his Life Liberty and Estate to observe it in their sence Over and above the Iniquity of these Oaths how Ridiculous is it for every Paltry Fellow to swear to the doing of he knows not what and the maintaining of the Priviledges of Parliament which no man living understands We shall conclude this Point with the words of the Late King Cons●derations by way of Solemn Leagues and Covenants are the Common Road us'd in all Factious and Powerfull Per●urbations of State or Church And our Covenanters did but write after the Copy of the
Garments and Orders Ceremonies Gestures be rooted out from amongstus Trouble they will bring upon us for the time to come if they be not now cut off Pag. 36. As to the KING and his PARTY what a sad thing is it my Brethren to see our King in the head of an Army of Babylonians refusing as it were to be called the King of England Scotland Ireland and chusing rather to be called the King of Babylon Those that made their Peace with the King at Oxford were Judases of England and it were just with God to give them their Portion with Judas Here follows next their Opinion of the COVENANT The walls of Jerico have fall'n flat before it the Dagon of the Bishops Service-Book brake its neck before this Ark of the Covenant Prelacy and Prerogative have bow'd down and given up the Ghost at its feet Take the Covenant and you take Babilon the Towers of Babilon and her Seaven Hills shall move It is the Shiboleth to distinguish Ephramites from Gileadites Pag. 27. Not only is that Covenant which God hath made wi●h Us founded upon the Blood of Christ but that also which we make with God Pag. 33. See now the TENDERNESS of these men of tender Consciences Whensoever you shall behold the hand of God in the fall of Babilon say True here is a Babilonish Priest crying 〈◊〉 alas alas my Living I have Wife and Children to maintain Ay but all this is to perform the Judgement of the Lord. Pag. 13. Though as Little ones they call for pity yet as Babilonish they call for Justice even to Blood pag. 11. We are now entring upon the State of the WAR wherein you will finde in the first place who sounded the Trumpet to it To you of the Honourable House Up for the Matter belongs to you We even all the GODLY MINISTERS of the Country will be with you The First Enginiers that batter'd this great Wall of Babilon who were they but the poorer and meaner sort of People that at the First joyn'd with the Ministers to raise the Building of Reformation Here is an Extraordinary appearance of so many Ministers to encourage you in this Cause that you may see how real the Godly Ministry in England is unto this Cause This was upon calling in the Scots And again If I had as many Lives as I have hairs on my head I would be willing to Sacrifice all those Lives for this Cause Ibid. You shall read Numb 10. that there were two Silver Trumpets and as there were Priests appointed for the Convocation of their Assemblies so there were Priests to sound the Silver Trumpets to proclaim the War And Deut. 20. When the Children of Israel would go out to War the Sons of Levi one of the Priests was to make a Speech to encourage them Nor were they less cruel and fierce in the Prosecution of the War then they were forward in Promoting it In vain shall you in your Fasts with Joshua lie on your faces unless you lay your Achans ●n their Backs In vain are the High Praises of God in your Mo●hs without a Two edged Sword in your hand Pag. 31. The B●od that Ahab spar'd in Benhadad stuck as deep and as heavily on him as that which he spilt in Naboth The Lord is pursuing you if you execute not Vengeance on them betimes Pag. 48. Why should life be farther granted to them whose very lif● brings death to all about them pag. 50. Cursed be he that with-h ldoth his Sword from blood that spares when God saith strike c. pag. And let it not be now pretended that this War was not Levy'd against the King for they both disclaim his Authority and even the opposing of him on expresse terms It is lawfull says Dr. Downing of Hackney in a Sermon to the Artillery Men for defence of Religion and Reformation of the Church to take up Arms against the King It is commendable says Calamy to sight for peace and Reformation against the Kings Command And Case again Why come not in the Scottish Army against the King If the Devil can but once get a Prophet to leave Gods service for the Kings he hath taken a Blew already and is ready for as deep a Black as Hell can give him pa. 28. But what do they say all this time to his AUTHORITY The Parliament whom the People chuse are the Great and only Conservators of the peoples Liberties pag. 2. They are the chief Magistrates pag. 38. All those that fought under the Kings Banner against this Parliament fought themselves into slavery and did endeavour by all bloudy and Treacherous ways to subvert Religion and Liberties pag. 9. The Lords and Commons are as Masters of the House pag. 22. The Parliament of the Common-wealth of England without the King 1651 were the Supreme Authority of this Nation The Houses are not only requisite to the Acting of this Power of making Laws but Coordinate with his Majesty in the very Power of Acting pag 42. The Reall Sovereignty here in England was says Baxter in King Lords and Commons pag. 72. And those that conclude that the Parliament being Subjects may not take up Arms against the King and that it is Rebellion to resist him their grounds are sandy and their Superstructure false pag. 459. 460. The next Point is their Animating the MURTHER of the KING Do Justice to the Greatest Sauls Sons are not spar'd no nor may Agag or Benhadad tho' themselves Kings Zimri and Cozbi tho Princes of the people must be pursu'd into their Tents This is the way to Consecrate your selves to God pag. 16. The Execution of Judgment is the Lords word and they shall be cursed that do it negligently And cursed shall they be that keep back their Sword in this Cause You know the story of Gods Message unto Ahab for letting Benhadad go upon Composition pag. 26. But you shall now hear the MURTHER of his Sacred Majesty press'd more particularly in these Words Think not to save your selves by an unrighteous saving of them who are the Lords and the Peoples known Enemies you may not imagine to obtain the favour of those against whom you will not do Justice For certainly if you act not like Gods in this particular against men truly obnoxious to Justice they will be like Devils against you Observe that place 1 Kings 22. 31. compared with Cap. 20. It is said in Chap. 20. that the King of Syria came against Israel and by the mighty power of God he and his Army were overthrown and the King was taken Prisoner Now the mind of God was which he then discover'd only by that present Providence that Justice should have been executed upon him but it was not Whereupon the Prophet comes with ashes upon his face and waited for the King of Israel in the way where he should return and as the King passed