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A42478 Cromwell's bloody slaughter-house, or, his damnable designes laid and practised by him and his negro's, in contriving the murther of His sacred Majesty King Charles I, discovered by a person of honor. Gauden, John, 1605-1662. 1660 (1660) Wing G351; ESTC R3582 32,736 160

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chief Counsellors and Actors in destroying his dear Father and our Dread Soveraign to goe down to the Grave in peace or to dye a drye death who have shed the blood of Warre in a time when all Differences were by a Treaty drawn to a Peace and Union We can never think that a Babell of so confused a fashion of such a headlong height as yours is such a Toads-stool suddenly grown out of the Earth of Beggery and Ignorance by Fraud and Cruelty lately watered with the blood of the King and his Subjects can long thrive or stand having no foundation in the world or any shew of reason equity honour peace liberty or piety to support it Not any seeming Authority for due and legall you could have none upon Earth Not any generall desire delight consent or Agreement in what you have done or propound further to doe but rather a generall detestation an utter abhorrence and a perfect hatred of you and your deeds which honest men will then agree to and subscribe when they can be content to love Death and Hell or to hate God and their own Souls Nor doubt we but many of those Soldiers whose valour and simplicity you have thus farre grossely abused by ingaging them in such desperate assistances whose profit will redound to but few or none of them when their Christian penitent and smiteing hearts shall come to see as no doub● many of them already doe who are not throughly poysoned with your desperate Principles to what horrid Villanies they are made Gossips and accessary by your Fraud and Hypocrisie they will speedily return from you dead Dogs desperate Sheba's and cursing Shimei's whose mouths and hearts are full of the gall of bitternesse whose hands and feet are swift to shed blood who know not the way of Peace nor have any fear of God before your eyes whose Curse is to boast your selves in your iniquity to fall from one wickednesse to another till eternall vengeance seize upon you Penitently smiting their breasts as those that came from crucifying Christ Jesus a work proportionate to the malice and cruelty of you our Kings Murtherers our Barabbasses whose barbarity hath at once deprived the King of what is wont to be dearest to men his Life and his Kingdomes robbing his Subjects the Christian World and all Mankinde of the greatest glory and most Illustrious example of Vertue and Piety that ever sate upon a Christian Throne the most unspotted person the wisest ●rince the most Charitable Christian the most imitable pattern for moderation in Prosperity for patience in Adversity for devout humility toward God f●r judicious zeal to true Religion for constant love to the Church for winning Majesty upon all men that ever swayed the Scepter of this or any other Kingdome Accessible in his brightest splendor Magnanimous in his greatest Diminutions of a thriving and victorious vertue under the heavyest pressures and Crosses w●ose excellent skill was never so much discovered as in the late storms whose darknings rendred him not lesse formidable to his Enemies or less venerable to his Friends● nor was he ever more terrible to those that are perfect haters of God of Him and of all Goodnesse than when they saw that the eminency of his Vertues was not to be smothered by their Calumnious Expressions but the beams and lustre of Divine Majesty in him dayly conquered all Eclipsings that either his own misfortunes or your malice cast upon him This was the Man this the Christian this the King this the Saint this the Martyr whom these Judas's have betrayed these ●ewes destroyed these Canniballs devoured A sin questionlesse exceeding in many respects that of Christs Crucifiers not as to the dignity of the person wherein Christ infinitely surpassed the Majesty as well as merit of all Earthly Kings but as to that eminency of Civil Dignity and Soveraignty wherewith the King from God was invested which Christ Jesus never assumed contenting himself with the form of a servant and subjecting h●mself to Civil Magistracy Also in regard of that malice hypocrisie and pretenslesse Cruelty which these Monsters shewed against the King destitue of any shew of Due Authority which the Crucifiers of our Saviour wanted not urging also a Law they had by which they said though falsely he ought to dye What Law the Kings Murtherers either produced or pretended to justifie their Authority their Accusations or their Sentence against and Execution upon the King we and they are yet to learn nor is it possible they ever should since all● our Lawes do most fully and cleary declare the person of the King as Supream Sacred Unaccountable Inviolable by any Person Processe Judgment or Punishment on Earth When the Soldiery by Sea and Land shall once seriously reflect upon and consider the infinite odious aggravations wherewith this horrid Murther of such a Man such a Prince and their lawfull King is laden to which Villany their Valour was abused to be only as Blood-hounds Butchers and Hang-men no doubt they will conceive so just and generous a disdain that no mens hands will be more ready to avenge their own dishonour the shame of their Profession the wound and stayn of their Consciences the Blood of their King the Dignity of Parliaments and the Loyalty of their Nation never so branded in any fo●mer age than those Souldiers whose Valour you the Achitophels Jeroboams Hamans and Ma●hiavels of our times have basely abused only to serve you in accomplishing your Execrable Villanies and to preserve you from just and speedy Vengeance which as Severus said to those Villanes and Traytors who had murthered their Emperour Pertinax can neither be invented for you nor executed upon you proportionable to the many and Outragious Villanies committed by you We the People of Engla●d cannot but appeal to God your own Consciences such as they are cauterised and polluted with the Blood of our King also to the judgment of all men that have but common sober sense Whether any Age any Monuments of former times any History of humane Affairs have ever recorded any excesse of Riot any superfluity of Wickednesse to have ever flowed from the hearts of any men or have been f●lfilled parallel to yours Whether any Combination of desperate men filled with the Quintessence of all wickednesse fraught with flattery cruelty hypocrisie tyranny and all degrees of malicious Villany incident to humane nature have since the world began and Mankinde hath been planted upon the Earth ever committed the like Villanies which exceed all names of Vice and Infamy or ever more deserved to be made a publick Curse and universall Execration to all Mankinde to have their persons cut off from the face of the Earth and buried with the buriall of an Asse to have their Posterity as a pes●ilent Progeny spewed out of the Land unlesse they fully declare their unfeigned and utter abhorrence of their Fathers Villanies who have defiled the Land with the blood of the King That their Houses ●which are
whose uncircumcised hearts and lips out of a ●iot and supe●fluity of wickednesse have blasphemed our God destroyed our King layd waste and exhausted the Ki●gdome and turned this Church into a Den of Thieves O Lord arise O Lord consider O Lord hear the v●yce of our sig●s tears and prayers let the cry of the blood of ●ur King and our people come up to Heaven have mercy on us for we are brought very low Our gracious King the Husband of the Kingdome the Father of his Subj●cts the preserver of our Laws the Patron of Religion the Protector of the Church you have treacherously and barbarously murthered the two Houses of Parliament whose weaknesse perversnesse unevennesse inconstancy and cowardise God hath seen disliked judged and punished you have forcibly invaded scattered and oppressed notwithstanding all your speciall Engagements to them both of duty and promise commission and trust The ●oyalty and love of the people you every where either with terror and cruelty seek to suppresse and smother so that they shall not dare to petition for redresse or complain of those endlesse calamities which they suffer under your tyranny or ●lse making lyes your hope and refuge with forged semblances of complyant Petitions and counterfeit Gratulations you falsly and impudently pretend the concurrent Votes of the Countreys and the Communities ●pprobation to your most abominated practises When God knows and even your selves in your bloudy di●●imulation cannot be ignorant that the generality of all men in all places of all degrees do from their souls utterly abhorre deprecate and detest your execrable counsels and accursed actions which have thus brought upon us the abomination of desolation through the damnable deceiveablenesse of your unrighteousnesse Nor do we believe that your pride and tyrannous hypocrisie either findes any comfort in them or much con●iders those papers which seem to own you or applaud your wicked deeds further then they may carry on your strong delusions with the vulgar whom you know to be neither very wary of evill nor very steady in what is good If you had the generall consent of the Vulgar which you know you have in no sort yet neither is their judgment any good rule to measure the morality of your actions nor their inconstant pleasure any test of honour vertue or piety But indeed you as well as we are sadly conscious that all those clamorous Petitions for Justice by which you would seem as by Oracles of your own inspiring to be fatally directed and divinely incouraged in your Cruelties and Treasons were nothing else but the strokes of the Lyons own tayl the more to enrage himself the very froth and scum which arose only from the zealous activity and boylings of your own bloudy Faction who restlesse as Devils continually go about seeking whom they may deceive and destroy we are well assured that your Schismaticall crew of Regicides are no more to be compared to the people of England then the Gleanings may be to the Harvest or Canters Thi●ves Beggars and Juglers to the sober and setled Dwellers in this Kingdome No every honest man who hath any sense of piety loyalty modesty pity or humanity left in his soul as you have none takes up Jacobs words against you Cursed be your wrath for it is fierce and your anger for it is cruel into the secrets of these men let not our souls enter Lord lay not the guilt of the sins of these men to the Charge of the people of this Kingdome No let the blood of our pious patient and most Christian King be upon you and your Abettors for ever who as without any sense of loyalty pity or charity so without any shadow as well as substance of Justice having neither Law Rule nor any due Authority first by fraud and unheard of Insolency seized upon his Majesties person afterward by flatteries lyes and terrors sought to deceive him At last by meer force and b●●stl●ke cruelty have massacred and as so many horrid Assa●sinates utterly destroyed him And all this after many fawnings and shewes of loyall and tender regard toward his Majesty and his Royall Family as both your first Proposals and your after Agitations honestly and very providentially discovered by Major Huntington do declare In which all men now plainly see that you did but make way by the Fox to let in the Wolf and by your Dalilah to bring the Philistims upon our Sampson Yea after his Majesty was not only entred into and advanced in a Treaty with the two Houses agreeable to their Votes and the generall desires of all his Subjects under the most solemn Nationall security and Publick Faith which could be given or passe between a King and his Subjects or indeed any honest men But even when his Majesties great wisdome and goodnesse had so farre brought all things to a fair closure and happy Agreement that the two Houses were satisfied and resolved to proceed upon his Majestyes Conce●ions as a firm ground of Peace to the Kingdome Yet after all these publique civil and Sacred Obligations which lay upon the two Houses and the Kingdome on your selves as well as any and all of us for you to seize again upon his Majesties person without any pretended Authority and with your Iron hands and Adamantine hearts to ravish and pull him out of the arms and embraces of his Subjects violently to hale and tear him from the reviving love and loyalty of the two Houses and his people thence to hurry and tosse him to and fro to what inhospitable places and desolate Prisons you listed there to deprive him not only of all things proportionable to his quality as a King but even of those civill accommodations which ought to be allowed to any Gentleman though an ●nemy and a Captive of War which the King never was not being taken by force but rendring himself to the professed love and sworn loyalty of his Subjects After this with a sacrilegious mo●kery of Justice in the highest affronting of God the King the Parliament and the three Kingdomes by an unheard of and most horrid Outrage and riotous force to oppresse and utterly destroy the remaining honour freedome and power of the two Houses and in despite of them to erect a new Court of Justice as you most unjustly tearm it for which you have no colour of Law from God or Man no precedent in this or any other Christian Kingdome no ground or pretense of Parliamentary consent or Autho●ity of either Houses whose M●mbers three parts of ●our at least you forcibly detayned and deterred from sitting in the House of Commons the Lords being unanimously against you by all which methods of cunning and violence you seek like Absalo● the co●tradiction be●tween whose name and actions very well fits your affected but undeserved title of Saints to intrude your selves into a Judicative as well as a Military power as if Hangmen and Executioners should u●urp t●e seats of Judges who are not fit to be of a Jury
neither great nor many may be rased that their memories may be blotted out from under Heaven or only remembred with perpetual scorn cursing and infamy Since they have besides many other preparatory mischiefs by murthering the King disinheriting his Posterity and dissolving this ancient and flourishing Monarchy as farre as lyes in their power and malice put us upon this miserable choyce Either cowardly basely and shamefully to submit to their detestable and unsatiable Tyranny or to be ever oppressed with a Warre in our own bowels in which we must either expose our Lives and Fortunes to these mens covetous Cruelty or help to enslave and destroy our selves by assisting these Usurpers or compell the Rightfull Heir of these Kingdoms our hopefull King CHARLES the Second to plead and assert his Right by a Forain Sword being denyed that just assistance which as his Subjects we ought to afford him against the Murtherers of his and our Countreys Father his own Enemies and indeed of all Kingly Majesty and Mankinde the Dissolvers of our ●arliaments the Oppressors of our Liberties the Exhausters of our Estates the Suckers of our Blood the Blasphemers of our Religion the Damners of our Souls unlesse God preserve us the Crucifiers afresh of the Lord of Glory and putting him to open shame The Crie of the blood of our King the Voyce of the Genius of this Nation and the Alarm of Gods Justice call aloud to all honest men of Forraign Nations round about to all loyall Subjects in these three Kingdomes to all men of any common honesty or sober profession of Religion in all the world summoning them to san●●ifie themselves and lustrate and expiate not only this English Nation and these three Kingdomes but all Mankinde and Civil Societies by taking speedy vengeance and executing Gods and Mans severest Justice on these per●idious Truce-breakers proud Usurpers cruel Hypocrites trayterous Apostates and barbarous King-killers We cannot but send the divided parts of our dead but endeared King now a glorious Saint whom these men have with subtilty and cruelty lately murthered to all the Tribes of this our Israel to desire the advice of all good men to see and consider whether this hideous Villany were committed with their consent or deserve to be patronized with their Agreement whether it was ever thus done in any Christian Nation or Kingdome by any Army of pretending Saints or any men we say not of Common Honesty but of the most exquisite and studied Villany Whether any thing can be produced out of Common Principles of sound Reason out of the Lawes of God out of Christs Holy Precepts out of the Actions and Examples of any holy and good men or lastly out of any letter sense or meaning of our Lawes whereby in the least degree to countenance cover or excuse the Actions of these men or to satisfie any mans Conscience that doth not utterly abhorre and seriously endeavour to expiate the sin and guilt of such Detestable Villanies According to the heaped and overrunning measure of their open sins and abominable Villanies so let every good man that fears God knowes the Memory and Vertues of so good a King loves his Countrey will keep a good Conscience and desires to save his own Soul not only withdraw all voluntary assistance from them least they seem approvers of their wicked Deeds and be partakers of their Guilt and Judgements but heartily pray and constantly endeavour the Restoring of the Crowns and Kingdomes to the only Lawfull Heir the late Kings Eldest Son upon whom are many happy Presages and great Expectations of Glorious Atchievements whom God hath in Mercy we hope to these Churches and Kingdomes preserved out of the hands of these bloody Villains who Declared in their Devilish Remonstrance their purpose to destroy him with his Brother the Duke of York and mingle their tender blouds with that of their Father whom speciall Providence hath prepared for great and excellent Designs by the maturity of his years by the procerity of his person by the gallantry of his Spirit by the excellency of his Understanding by the gravity of his Manners and severity of his Example farre beyond what is wonted or expected in young Men or young Princes in point of Piety and Vertue This is that Person this that Prince worthy of his high Descent worthy of such a Father whose worth already promises to exceed all you can desire or hope for from a Good and Gracious King upon him God and our Laws and our Oathes commands all Loyall and Religious Subjects to fix their Eyes to unite their Hearts and Hands to the Love and Assistance of him to expiate the sinne and shame of their former Errors and Defaults which have produced such sad and abhorred Effects to break the Strength to extirpate the Persons to oppose the Designs ●nd to revenge the Villanies which have been with an high hand committed against God the King the Parliament the Lawes and the Kingdomes by these Miscreants men alwayes of Desperate Fortunes but now of so Desperate Mindes and Manners that all their paths lead to the Chambers of Death and their steps are descending to the pit of Hell From which the Lord in Mercy deliver the people of this Nation by prospering our Rightfull 〈◊〉 and by his Valour and Vertues r●deeming us speedily from the sinnes sufferings and tyrannies of these blood-thirsty and deceitfull men with whom no Agreement can be made by any man who doth not desperately resolve to sinne against the Holy Ghost and eternally damn his own Soul Rom. 16. 17. Now we beseech you Brethren mark them which cause Divisions and Offenses contrary to the Doctrine you have learned and avoyd them 18. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own Bellies and by good Words and fair Speeches deceive the hearts of the simple FINIS Ἐισ τὸν ΚΑΡΟΛΟΝ {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Englished thus by Edw. Hooker CHARLS best of Kings for God's Laws and the Land's Was martyr'd murder'd by unhallowed hand IN THOMAM FOOT Praetorem LONDINENSEM Anno Dom. 1648. Parricidio Sereniss Regis Caroli I. infami LOndino miserum similis Respublica nostra Est ubi PES regnat proteriturque CAPUT Our Common-wealth to London more 's the pity Is not unlike where Foot is Head o th' City W. D. {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} In English thus {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Here lie's the Mother of that Cursed Son Who hath three Kingdoms and two Kings undon {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ἐισ τὸν τάφον αὐτο̂υ {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Cromwellus jacet hic scelerato sanguine tinctus Morte tamen siccâ mirum descendit ad Orcum In CAROLUM Secundum {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} auspicatissimè Regnis suis redditum CArolus è Carolo {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Martyris Exul Filius auspiciis Populi Monachi sua Regna capessit Maii primo 1660. These Books following are to be sold by Henry Eversden at the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-yard THE Natural Mans Case stated Or an Exact Map of the little World Man in 17 Sermon● by Mr. Christopher Love to which is added a Sermon preached at his Funerall by Mr. Thomas Manton of Ne●nington In Octavo A Comment on Ruth together with two Sermons one teaching how to live well the other minding all how to dye well by Thomas Fuller Author of the Holy State Gospel publick Worship Or the Translation Metaphrase Analysis and Exposition of Rom. 12. from Vers 1. to 8. describing the Compleat Pattern of Gospel Worship Also an Exposition of the 18. Chapter of Matthe●● to which is added a Discovery of Adam's threefold Estate in Paradise Viz. Moral Legal and Evangelical by Thomas Brewer In Octavo Gods Glory in Mans happinesse or the freenesse of Gods Grace Electing us by Francis Taylor of Canterbury In Octav. The Lords Prayer Un-clapsed being a Vindication of it against all Schismaticks and Hereticks called Enthusiasts and Pratricilli By Harwood B. D. The Grand Inquiry who is the Righteous man by William Moor Minister in Whaley in Lancashire The Just mans Defense being the Declaration of the Judgement of James Arminius concerning Election and Reprobation Pearls of Eloquence or the School of Complements wherein Ladies and Gentlewomen may accommodate their Court by practice by William Elder Gent. In 12. The Universall Body of Physick in Five Books Comprehending the severall Treatises of the Nature of Diseases and their Causes of Symptoms of the preservation of Health and of Cures Written in Latine by that famous and learned Doctor Laz. Riverius Counsellor and Physitian to the present K. of France and Professor in the University of Montpelier Exactly translated into English by William Car Practitioner in Physick An Exposition with Practical Observations on the 9 first Chapters of the Proverbs By Fran. Taylor Minister of Canterbury In Quarto An Exposition with Practical Observations on the whole Book of Canticles by Jo. Robotham Minister of the Gospel In Quarto An Idea or body of Church-Discipline in the Theorick and Practick by Mr. Roggers In Quarto Lucas Redivivus Or the Gospel-physitian prescribing by way of Medicine Divine Physick to prevent Diseases not yet entred upon the Soul by John Anthony Doctor in Physick In Quarto The Originall of the Dominion of Princes founded upon Gods Soveraignty over the whole Earth or the Kingly Prerogative instituted by God and proved from the Holy Scriptures to be Jure Divino By R. W. D. D. The History of his Sacred Majesty CHARLES the II. King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. Begun from the Murder of his Royall Father of happy memory and continued to this present Year 1660. The Subjects Joy for the Kings Restoration chearfully made known in a Sacred Masque Gratefully made publick for his Sacred Majesty By the Author of INQUISITIO ANGLICANA THE END
which is Caesars no lesse then to God what is Gods But you take away as from God and his Church what is his so from our Caesar his Empire Liberty life posterity and all The voyce of God bids us se●k peace and ensue it branding with the reprobate marks of Hypocrites those that as Traytors heady high-minded and fierce despisers of what is good break all Truce or Treaties which you have done beyond what ever the falsest miscreants ever did The Word of God is a clear constant uniform light as to the rules of an holy life in Piety Equity and Charity ●ut your opinions practises and pious pretentions Centaure-like are various and deformed Changlings many-shapen and mis-shapen Monsters shifting Proteusses slippery and virtiginou● Serpents folded and hidden in the winding labarinths and intr●cate circulations of your many subtil ●ly and perplexed designes The truth is there is as wide a difference between your clamors h●wlings and hideous yellings which sound nothing but war bloud Rebellion Famine Death Desolation and Damnation and that soft● sweet gracious and most glorious v●yce of God in the holy Scriptures which you use for a Net not a Garment as there is between the most bright beautiful Soul savi●g-Truths and most black deformed Souldamning-lies Your selves cannot think us uncharitable if we do believe and tell you That you have more blasphemed the Spirit Name Grace Word Saints and Servants of God by intitling these as Inspirers Authors and Approvers of your most gracelesse and devilish practises then ever those hard-hearted and impudent Hypocrites the Pharisees did by imputing the saving miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ to your Beelzebub the Prince of Devils whose servants you are whose work you do and whose wages you must exspect Nor do we doubt but all the curses written in the Book of God which like that of Meroz have been causlesly factiously and falsly by some of you●double●faced Janus's formerly imprecated upon the King and his loya●●●st Subjects will certainly overtake and fall upon both you and your viperous generation We hope God will in his infinite goodn●sse not suffer this dying Church and desolated Nation to be further partakers of your Babylonish sins and open Sorceries least we be partakers of your plagues and torments which are laid up in the treasures of the wrath both of God and all good men against you and your desperate faction We tell you we are so far from counting you Saints and Saviours that we look up●n you as the Tophet which God hath indeed prepared for the King and these Kingdoms to try and torment them a while but we doubt not but God will at last cast you who are our sin our death and our Hell into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone for ever Unlesse you repent so many of you Officers and Souldiers as are capable of Repentance not being so deeply and maliciously ingaged in the desperate sins of those men your chief leaders and seducers who being past feeling of a most r●probate sense greedy and unreas●nable sinners make no conscience to damn your souls for the perf●cting their ambitious and covetous designs for which they have hitherto made use of the hands of so many valiant men worthy of a better work and a nobler war whereby to destroy your and our King subvert our Parliaments Laws Government and Religion and all this against all your and our Protestations Vows Oathes Promises and Covenants to God and man O you that have followed these Theudasses as the seduced people sometime did Absalom in the simplicity of your hearts not aware of their devillish stratagems devises and designes you that have any touch of Gods Spirit or his grace in your hearts any fear of God or dread of sin left in you you that have any sense of your souls eternal welfare which those either qu●stion or deny any terrour of the wrath of God or hope of his love and mercy you that are afraid to degenerate into unreasonable Beasts or incarnate Devils That you may enjoy the benefit of the Kings last charitable Prayers for your pardon and repentance make hast to depart from the tents of these Achans these Korahs these sinners who know themselves accursed of God and men Come out of their Babylon which is become the habitation of Devils and the hold of every foul spirit a cage of every unclean and hateful Bird by a penit●nt and pious withdrawing from such filthy Harpies such cunning yet cruel Hyena's such weeping yet devouring Crocodiles such Banners as bear not the Kings Arms but his head cut from his body such Banners as are dyed in the bloud of their King murthered by them while they pretended to fight for him and preserve him O drink no more of the wine of the wrath of their Fornications which they hold forth in that poysonous and filthy cup of their Agreement of the P●ople with which they hope to make drunk this whole Nation that as Lots incestuous Daughters their lusts may be fully impregnated b● the conjunction of the strength riches and counsel of these Kingdoms Know you for certain O you Souldiers that no place of Repentance can be found among those Esaus and Judas's who have been the chief and mal●cious actors and contrivers of these wicked and cruel confusions whose names as we well know so we are sure the hand of God will find them out making them who have been the terror and torture of men of all degrees to become as Pashur Magorncissabis terror round about as a wheel in past revolutions from prosperous wickednesse to miserable punishments as chaffe tossed to and fro by the breath of Gods displeasure and the execration or abhorrence of all people in all Nations Christian and Heathen where ever they are driven to be Vagab●nds and Runnagates carrying with them in their fester'd conscienc●s the forked arrow of their deceiving and then cruelly destroying both their King and their Country And this till they are cast into the chains of utter da●kness who have quenched the light of Israel and to everlasting flames whose wrath kindled with the fire of Hell hath burned to the very foundations of so happy a Nation No person of worth Honor or Piety but will ever loath to eat dri●k or converse with them looking upon them as unlucky prodigies much more will every ingenuous man or woman abhorr ever to marry or make any affinity with them or their families polluted with the bloud of their King but mo●t of all abominated will they be as to any Communion with them in Prayer or other religious duties who having turned the grace of God into wantonnesse cannot but already hear Judasses si ent clamors deep despairings and self-condemnings like Julian the Apostate they cannot but feel the secret and sma●t strokes of God in their consciences for betraying persecuting and destroying the innocent bloud of our King O E●rth cover it not O Tim● forget it not O Heaven fail not to reveng● their prodigal
in the last and perilous times in which true glass you and all men may clearly see the ugly lineaments of your most deformed faces and manners It is hoped that God hath yet so much mercy left in store for these sinful and by you most miserable Kingdomes as he gives us grace utterly to abhorr your desperate sins●● So that we trust he will never suffer us by a Devillish Apostasie to fall from all Vows Oaths and Covenants to God and man by which we and our posterity are bound to God the Crown and our Countrie● only to have yours and the D●vils absolution to m●ke a Cove●●nt and Agreement with Hell and Death with your most irreligious ●nd damnable designs and practises No the sin and horrour of your wayes are now like Absaloms incestuous and noon-day Rapes discovered in the sight of the Sun and all the world Nor will the s●btilty of your soft and fained voyces like Syrens any more charm and enchant the honest people of England into such Beasts and Monsters ●s your selves are to whose hell●sh deformities you would have a●l others to conform They have seen and felt too much already of your cruel Hypocr●sies your devillish and strong delusions Have not your words been alwayes Soloecisms to your purposes and your practises contradictions to your pretenses Have you not as much as lies in your power and mal●ce cast us into the dead Sea of disloyalty perjury cruelty barbarity irreligion and confusion that is possible for any Nation suddenly to relapse and fall into after so many Sacred and Solemn Professions of Loyalty and Reformation to God and the world whom we called to w●tness upon our souls Agreeable to all which and to fill up the measure of our sins as if our Rebellion against God and the King were hitherto but a light and small matter by which we have most unhappily occasioned his death by the hands of cruel Edomites and cursed Amal●kites as you are which most deplorable calamity to us and this Na●ion we penitently look upon as the severest temporal st●oke which the wrath of God gone out against us can infl●ct upon us Yet your impudent Hypocrisie now seeks to obtrude upon us your wretched and abhorred Agreement The sum of which is to leave the Kingdom without a King Government without Authority Magistrates without Power a People without Laws a body without an head Sheep without a Shepherd Christians without Christ Churches without Ministers Ministers without Maintenance a Nation without Fai●h In a word you would have us live as men without souls without God wilfully degenerating to beasts without sense of vertue or vice shame or honour without fear of Hell hopes of Heaven or thoughts of Eternity and all this to maintain a few Tyrannous Hypocrites and Sodomitick Saints the cry of whose sins like Sodom is gone up to Heaven and are a burden too heavy for the Earth to bear Have you not already made the Name of these Pretestant and Reform●d Churches to stinck among ●ll Na●ions both Christian and Heathen through the dead flies and ●ot en●●ss of your principles and ma●●●rs Have you not ●urp 〈◊〉 the cunning and c●uelt● o● t●● most ●●su●tick h●a●s a●d 〈◊〉 ●s ●●ch as you 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 o● 〈…〉 an● 〈…〉 to adv●●ce 〈…〉 above that of Kings But you upon baser principles seek to subject the Regal Soveraignty to that of the People as you call it nor that you mean so in good earnest further then to delude the people and to raise the heads of your desperate Faction above all both King Prince Peers and People We appeal to all sober Christians whether your Treasons have not far surpassed the Powder Conspiracy Inasmuch as they plotted secretly but you have peracted openly the murther of the King the ruine of all the Royal Issue the overthrow of all our Laws the blowing up of all Parliaments the subverting of the whole State and Government the devastation of your Countrey the abolition of all true Religion the extirpation of all Liberty Peace Order and Humanity Your Elder Brother Faux himself might seem a Saint compared to you whose New Light and Dark Lanthorn you have so long made use of to hide and disguise your desperate intentions Nor were the rest of those Powder Tray●ors so criminal as you if they had effected what they designed since they neither pr●tended to that Saintsh●p or that smooth precisen●sse which you have done nor had they upon them such signal ties of Publique and special Trust besides your many voluntary Obligations The total violation of all which renders your sins out of measure sinful and your Treasons incomparably traiterous beyond what any Ca●elines but your selves ever had the desperate boldnesse to have conceived or committed Had you been our Open Enemies or self-raising Rebels in a declared r●valry and enmity against King Parliament and Countrey we could either have prevented and opposed you or have born with lesse shame and disdain your insolent and prevayling Cruelties against them all But when we consider what ostentation and shew you made of exact obedience and plenary a●quiescence in their Votes Results and Orders from whom you had your unhappy Commission also of loyall regard to his Majesties safety Rights Honour and Posterity to whom some of your chief Commanders as they well know engaged their souls as much as was possible for any mortall men to doe devoting themselves to all the Curses of God t●mporall and etern●ll upon the breach and failer of their words to his Ma●esty Adde to these the fair gloseings you made at your first meeting of speedy and impartiall endeavou●s to settle all things in Peace Justice due L●berty and Piety which how faithfully you have effected the present Deplored state of this Church and State may witnesse whose face is now miserably squalled and hideously besmeared with the blood of the King and those most indelible Reproaches wherewith you have blasphemed our God our King and our Religion We the people of England of all sorts Lords Gentry Clergy and Commons do again and again declare to God and all the world the present Age and Posterity so long as the world shall endure our infinite abhorrence utter detestation and to●all d●sagre●ment from what you the Officers of the Army and your most slavish ever infamous and Unparliamentary Juncto have already done or shall further doe through Gods vengeance upon this Nation in prosecution of your never sufficiently abominated Villanies Nor do we desire any thing more of the just and Alm●ghty God not in order to the sati●faction of our private ma●●ce or desire of revenge on any of you though our par●icular injuries hav● been many from you but o●●y in order to the publiqu● Vindication of Go●s glory the Ho●our of the Reform●d Religion the Loyalty Faith and Credit of this Nat●on the wiping away those foul sins of Tr●●s●n Perjury Truce-breaking and Regall Parricide in all which Villanies your execrable Faction wallowing in the blood
to rob and spoil them of all setled maintenance to reduce them and the work of the Ministry to that contempt which in the pride and luxury of these times follows poverty and beggery That they depending on the peoples good will and charity which in many you have made bad and cold enough toward the best and ablest preachers or upon your insolent and niggardly stipends they and their families may either eat their own dung and drink their own piss or be forced by necessities of life to desert their Function and places so as to leave their Congregations destitute of all holy publique duties or expose them to those Military Wolves and Mechanick Foxes which you have in great store provided for the supply of all places in Church as well as State Thus doth your rage reach as high as Heaven and as low as Hell But we hope the God of Heaven will look down upon us and our children in mercy and by some speedy rebuke of such Satans not suffer your folly and fury to proceed any further it being manifest to all moral and sober men that you are Factors not only for your selves to devour our Estates Houses Lands Liberties Peace and Lives but like the great Dragon you pour forth a Sea off bloud and poyson ignorance and profaneness such as may for ever drown both our and our childrens souls in Heathenish Barbarism Superstition Atheism and Eternal destruction But know O you neither Milstones you poysonous Aspes you King-killing-Basilisks you desperate deceivers and damnably deceived That although you have against all Faith of Turks Jewes or any Heathens by fraud and force usurped upon our secular and civil liberties so that at present we have not any formed power to oppose you and call your Ring-leaders to a sev●re accou●t for your unheard of crimes and injuries against our King and our Coun●rey Yet sh●ll our constancy in and our suffe●ing for our Rel●gion and our incouragement of godly learned and faithful Mi●isters to our best abilities make the world to see that there is no Agreement between Christ in us and Belial in you our God and your Mammon We hope the Triumphing of such Hypocrites as you are is but short nor shall you long insult over the dead and divided Corps of our late Lord and Soveraign King whose Wisdom Piety Faith and Patience God we doubt not hath crowned with Glory and Immortality having perfected those many Princely gifts and Divine graces in him as God often doth in his dearest Saints and Martyrs after the example of his crucified Son Jesus Christ by his sufferings and your cruelties whose Memory and Posterity will be ever dear pretious and honored to us and our succeeding generations as a King who now appears beyond the Errors and Jealousies of former surmi●es ●chiefly raised and fomented by your false and envious Faction to have been the most constant Pil●ar the Noblest Patron the resolutest Protector and he most patient Martyr for our Laws Liberties Lives and Religion yea and of our Parliaments true Priviledges which his M●jesty best saw and fullest declare● at first to have been shamefully invaded and out-raged by your Tumults after by your Armies next by your new modellings at last by actual mutinings impude●t menaces violent and warlike impressions upon their safety liberty faith loyalty and honour with which purposes you sometime falsely aspersed and afterward accused the King and for which calumnies you most unjustly condemned and trayterously murthered him your selves being most truly and notoriously guilty of that for which you wickedly cruelly and injustly destroyed your and our King Shall you escape the righteous judgement of God Will not God visit you for these things shall he not be avenged of such 〈◊〉 Hypocrites ●or is it without a special Providence that you should be left wholly naked and d●stitute of all pretended du● Authority in the fulfilling your ex●crable vill●nies to which you would now fain invite the people of England not having any sh●w or colour of any Parliamentary Votes Authority ●r Commands to countenance ●our mischiefs murthe●s and tyran●●●s not any concurrence of either Lords or Commons whom now under force and without all freedome becoming either Gentlemen or Christians we must tell you we look upon as no House and their enforced or enslaved Votes as null their after sittings and complyings with you being nothing but infamous and base prostitutings of the Honour of that House and Vassallatings of the Dignity and Liberty both of the Parliament and People of England to the Tyranny of a few Mutinous Cut-throats Trayterous Rebells and bloody Schismaticks who are in no sense to be counted the People of England any more then Scabs or Plague-sores or Leprosie or putid Ulcers and noysome Excrements are to be ●●puted any part of the Body whose grief burthen and annoyance they are So that unlesse you can flatter your selves to have done well and worthily in all you have cru●lly insolently and traiterou●ly acted against King Lo●ds Commons Gentry Clergy and all honest men Unlesse you can propound something to recompense the inestimable Injuries you have done to all Estates in these three Kingdomes as in other acts of your Tyranny and Treason so chiefly in that unparallel'd Villany of Murthering such a King and depriving us of so Incomparable a Prince for Wisdom Piety Gravity Patience Magnanimity Courage Constancy Charity and all other Vertues most adorning a Man a King and a Christia● the losse of whom all 〈◊〉 lives of you and your Approvers cannot countervayl or expiate being but as so many Dogs heads to such a Boon Unlesse you can stop the Mouths of all men or cut their Throats or sea● their Consciences or perswade them to damn their Souls for your sakes to gratifie a few C●uterised Consciences bloody and ambitious spirits among you You cannot but hear the sound of much Vengeance coming upon you to which your own black Souls summon you and which your own Consciences will in the first place silently but yet severely execute upon you Nor will your Seeming Smiles and forced confidences nor yet the Applauses of your sordid Flatterers and desperate Confederates nor yet the assistance of your numerous and deluded Soldiers be able to exempt you from that storm of fire and Brimstone that pit s●are Curse and Hell which pursues you and is ready to overtake you How can such Zimri's who have so trayterously slain such a King their Lord and Master ever hope to have peace or impunity in this or the other World Since the Justice of Divine Providence in a Case where his Name was not blasphemed and so his glory not so concerned as in this of your murthering so lawfull and so Christian a King suffered not any of the Murtherers of Julius Caesar who was but an Usurper to die other then a violent and immature death Nor will we hope our Salomon by Gods blessing and his Subjects assistance suffer the Hairy Scalps of those who were the