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A13171 The blessings on Mount Gerizzim, and the curses on Movnt Ebal. Or, The happie estate of Protestants compared with the miserable estate of papists vnder the Popes tyrannie. By M.S. Doctor of Diuinitie. Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1625 (1625) STC 23466; ESTC S111364 256,182 370

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that neuer offended them did not worke mischiefe against her whom they tooke to be the obstacle of all their plots and desseines Your Maiestie I doubt not will wisely consider of these plotters and their abettors and all their practises A King saith Salomon that sitteth in the throne of iudgement chaseth away all euill with his eyes But his eyes must be in his head and he must sit in the throne of iudgement and execute his lawes He must not suffer them to escape vnpunished that maliciously seeke the bringing in of strangers and the subuersion of Religion and the State A wise King saith a wise King scattereth the wicked and maketh the wheele to turne ouer them Who these plotters are I haue declared in the treatise following And that they excuse not themselues by Religion I haue discouered the deformities of their Religion as well as their wicked treasons All which I present to your Maiesties graue consideration beseeching him that is King of Kings to endue you with wisedome and all royall and heroicall vertues fit for the managing of so great kingdomes that you may both triumph ouer all your enemies and also long sit in the royall seate of these kingdomes to the honor of his diuine Maiestie and the comfort of all your louing subiects Your Maiesties most loyall and louing subiect Matthew Sutcliffe The Preface to all true Christians and loyall subiects HOw often the Spaniard and Pope and their agents haue attempted by secret practises to ruinate the Realme of England I doubt not my deare countrimen and friends but you haue heard The rebellion in the North-part of England an 1569. the pretence of the Duke of Guise an 1584. the diuers rebellions and troubles of Ireland the practises of Parrie Patrick Collein Williams and York to kil the Queen of Lopes Squire to impoyson ber of Babington and Ballard and diuers other Masse-priests and Masse-louing Papists to subuert the State are yet fresh in memory And to forbeare to speake of such secret practises they haue endeuoured by open warres also to preuaile against the State In the yeare 1588. they prouided against England not onely great land-forces but also a great fleete in their owne conceit inuincible yet by Gods grace easily vanquished and dispersed Likewise anno 1597 and 1598. they made two attempts or rather offers of some enterprise against the State In the first one D. Stillington and other Masse-priests English and Spanish miscaried the Spanish fleete being wracked on the rockes of their owne country so that they could not come to sing Masse in England The other was disappointed by stormes and contrary winds so that no effect came of it The noise of these preparations and menaces comming into England and being bruited abroade partly by letters and partly by a proud proclamation set forth in print by the Adelantado of Spaine wherein he plainly discouereth that he meant no lesse then to cut all our throates if he could it is no maruell if the State and diuers men well affected to their countrey did prepare themselues to make resistance Among the res̄t Sir Francis Hastings a man of auncient nobilitie and one that hath adorned the honour of his parentage with excellent vertues and namely with true pietie loue of his countrey fortitude and magnanimitie scorning to heare that so base a rabble of Marranes and Bisognos as were assembled first at Lisbone and then at the Groyne should either talke or thinke of the conquest of England which the Adelantado in his bragging Rodomonts stile did threaten he armeth himselfe and prepareth his friends and countrimen to make resistance Perceiuing also the securitie of some and slacknesse of others especially such as were tainted with the pestilent infection of Italian atheisme or Spanish Marranisme but commonly titled Cacolike or popish religion he publisheth a little treatise called A watch-word giuing warning to the secure and stirring vp such as seemed euill affected to resist manfully and to withstand the Spanish incrochments and pretences This booke crossing the desseines of Robert Parsons and his consorts who by all meanes sought to set England in combustion that they might triumph in the ashes and sing Masse in the funerals of their natiue countrey we may perceiue by the sequele that it touched his cause and faction very nearely and therefore was taken by him very tenderly For presently he taketh pen in hand and writeth a most scornefull and bitter treatise against her Maiesties proceedings against Religion and all that professe it railing against Sir Francis and the professors of the truth and commending in the best sort he could both the professed enemies and the secret vnderminers of the State Wherein if we would but note the mans singular impudencie or rather his audacious foolerie it were argument sufficient to confound all his writings For at what time the Spaniard lay with forces at the Groyne and by a Proclamation set forth in print threatned fire and sword against the Realme Robert Parsons like a viperous traitor in his Ward-word talketh of nothing but peace and would make vs beleeue that both the Pope and Spaniards are our good friends Where Iesuites and Masse-priests and malcontent Papists were brewing of sedition and preparing themselues to ioyne with forreine forces this good fellow would make vs beleeue that traitors are good friends and that there was no hurt by them meant to the Queene or State Finally this babling Warder doth addresse all his discourse to the Lords of the Councell and chiefe dealers in matters of State albeit the same tended wholly to the destruction of the State And yet when I consider the practises of the enemies of the State I must cōfesse that he had great reason to enter into this shamelesse course For albeit there was no colour of truth in his discourse yet he supposed if the same were shewed to her Maiestie that it would make her stay her preparatiues He thought also it would proue a faire pretence to those that were loth to spend their money to forbeare to make resistance against the enemy Further he saw that the same would bleare mens eyes while both forreine enemies and secret traitors sought to cut our throates And finally the same being full of railing scorning and scurrilitie he doubted not but the same would deterre others or at least make them slow to take vpon them the defence of the common cause For what man considering the smal encouragement that forward men did find at the hands of friends and the rude entertainment they receiue at the hands of enemies would not leaue the patronage of the State to those that haue most interest in publike gouernement All this notwithstanding sir Francis considering the obligation that Christians haue to maintaine sincere religion that bindeth true harted subiects to defend their country hath published an Apologie both in defence of the common cause and of his owne reputation against the scurrilous and railing libell which Parsons calleth A
THE BLESSINGS ON MOVNT GERIZZIM AND THE CVRSES ON MOVNT EBAL OR THE HAPPIE ESTATE of Protestants compared with the miserable Estate of Papists vnder the Popes Tyrannie By M. S. Doctor of Diuinitie Philip. 3. Beware of dogges beware of euill workers LONDON Printed for Andrew Hebb and are to be sold at the signe of the Bell in Pauls Church-yard TO THE MOST RELIGIOVS AND VERTVOVS PRINCE KING IAMES by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the true auncient and Catholike faith AS Kings receiue their kingdomes and authoritie from God so most gracious and dread Soueraigne they prosper and flourish most when they empoloy their royall authoritie for the aduancement of the true seruice and honour of God Of Hezekiah the holy Scriptures giue testimonie That he did vprightly in the sight of the Lord according to all that Dauid his father had done and that he tooke away the high places and brake the grauen images and cut downe the groues and brake in peeces the brazen serpent that Moses had made And againe that he claue to the Lord and departed not from him but kept his commandements Therefore it followeth So the Lord was with him and he prospered in all things that he took in hand The same we likewise find verified in your Maiesties predecessor Queene Elizabeth of glorious memorie At her first coming to the Crowne she brake downe grauen and molten Images she tooke downe high altars and remoued away all monuments of superstition out of the Church she feared not the malignitie of men but claue to the Lord resoluing to keepe his holy commaundements and to see God worshipped according to the prescript rule of his sacred word She was all her life long a harbor to the distressed children of God a refuge to the oppressed a protector of the persecuted for the testimonie of Christ Iesus a nursing mother of Gods Church Therefore God maruellously protected her both against the force of forreine enemies and also against the conspiracies of domesticall traitors and caused her to prosper in all her affaires She liued raigned long and happily and dying left behind her a sweet memory of many blessings by her meanes bestowed vpon her people Contrariwise such as either know not or did not remember from whence they receiued their kingly honor but either neglected the worship of God or else for Gods worship established superstition and idolatrie in the Church haue seldome long raigned or prospered in their kingdomes Ieroboam forgetting what great fauor God had done him aduancing him from low estate to the kingdome and renting it from the house of Dauid to giue it vnto him receiued a threatning message from the Lord by the hand of the Prophet Ahijah 1. King 14. The same also was shortly after accomplished For God brought euill vpon the house of Ieroboam and cut off his posteritie because he did euill in the sight of the Lord and erected idolatrie at Bethel Likewise Queene Mary who brought this land not onely vnder the commaund of Spaniards and Italians but also vnder the heauie yoke of Antichrist burdensome both to mens ciuill estates and also to their consciences erected superstition and idolatrie which before had bene banished and persecuted the Saints of God that would not bow their knees to Baal had a short troublesome and vnhappie raigne and left behind her nothing but hatred for her crueltie and infamy for her vnnaturall dealing with her subiects and misgouernement In both we find that accomplished which the Lord speaketh by the Prophet 1. Sam. 2. Them saith he that honor me I will honor and they that despise me shall be despised For neither will the Lord faile his inheritance nor hath the throne of iniquitie fellowship with God Dagon could not stand before the Arke of God nor shall the worshippers of Dagon preuaile against the seruants of God The which although both particularly in the diuers gouernement of Queene Elizabeth and Queene Mary and also generally by the examples of all that either fauoured or disfauoured true religion it appeareth most euidently yet because Robert Parsons an Apostate somtime from religion and now an vtter enemie to the state and a renegate Englishman for hatred to the truth and loue to Poperie in a large discourse doth endeuour to disgrace the proceedings of Queene Elizabeth in reformation of religion especially and to commend the State of the realme vnder Queen Mary and of all Papists vnder the Romish gouernement I haue thought good particularly to demonstrat I haue also wiped away both his malicious imputations encountred him in his railing inuectiues defending the honor of our dread Soueralgne whose memorie shall neuer die in the minds of her louing subiects and answering for true religion calumniated by the slanderous tongues of the supposts and slaues of Antichrist This discourse although not of that perfection that it may seeme worthy to be presented to so great a King yet for that it containeth a defence of your Maiesties predecessor which you honour and of that religion which you professe I am bold to consecrate to your Maiestie as the first fruites of my loyall affection towards you Therin also your Maiestie may see not only a precedent to follow but also a reward proposed to those that studiously and couragiously seeke to aduance pietie and true religion The aduersarie by all meanes seeketh to suppresse truth and to aduance idolatrie and popish errors misconstruing things well done imputing crimes to innocents excusing offenders denying things manifest forging and deuising matters neuer done nor imagined But while he hath sought to bring disgrace not onely vpon true religion but also vpon the restorers and defenders thereof he hath giuen vs iust occasion to shew that the doctrine religion and practise of Papists is not only repugnant to truth but also enemie to Princes and States grieuous to Christians and profitable to none but to the slaues and adherents of Antichrist Further I haue made it apparant that the state of popish Religion is no way to be maintained but by trecherie and massacres by lying railing and forgerie being hatefull both to God and man and the cause of many miseries and calamities Vouchsafe therefore most worthy and noble King to reade this discourse ensuing It shal declare vnto your Maiestie plainely by what meanes you may establish your estate Queene Elizabeth in her latter dayes was made beleeue that remisse dealing in matters of religion would assure her life often sought for by Papists and her State that they by all meanes haue sought to ouerthrow But this her remisnesse gaue her enemies oportunitie to practise against her life and to make a strong partie against Religion and the State as your Maiestie very well knoweth For the same is lately broken out to the hazard of your royall person and the indangering of the State and God knoweth whether those that haue intended mischiefe against your royall Maiestie
rather to be found in the Popes bosome then any corpes of Apostolicall doctrine for that is very rife with them With the corpes of Apostolicall doctrine the Italian atheisticall Popes are litle acquainted We tel him further that for trial of any point of doctrine we are not to run to the Popes sea which is as much able to resolue vs as his close stoole but to the word of God reuealed in Scriptures and if there be any difference about a place of Scriptures we are then to compare the same with other places to search the resolutions of Councels of auncient and later Fathers of the Church of England and learned men Prouided alwayes that nothing be receiued as a ground of faith which is not to be deduced out of the word of God Whether then S. Augustine or Hierome or Ambrose or Luther or Caluin or any preacher among vs bring vs the word of God it is to be receiued But if they teach without that we are not necessarily to credit them nor to beléeue them in grounds of faith Out of the Scriptures we learne that Christ hath giuen some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some pastors and teachers albeit all particular matters are not precisely set downe So likewise we are taught that these words this is my body are most true that the sacramēt is Christs body in a mysterie or sacramentally albeit how the Sacrament is called Christs body there may be some differences Likewise out of Scripture we are taught that the King is the most principall man in his Realme and not to be subiect to any other in externall gouernement albeit euery one percase vnderstandeth not the seuerall points of his supreme authority These differences therefore notwithstanding our rule of faith is most certaine Fiftly he would insinuate that as vertue houskéeping true dealing is much decayed since her Maiesty came to the crowne so pride in apparel gluttony drunkennes lechery swearing and other vices are much increased But the man should shew that these vertues are decayed and vices increased in men that are truly of our Religion If he say so then let him name the men that are guiltie of these faults If the men that are guilty be Papists that for the most part are knowne to be carnall and cruel and most vitious he striketh himselfe and not vs. If they be Atheists or hypocrites then his allegation maketh not to purpose This I will speake to his teeth that if our Ministery be no more honest and vert●ous then the Popes Cardinals Friers and Masse-priests and our true professors then zelous Papists it were pitie they should liue on the face of the earth Some proofes I haue brought before and more I shall alleage herafter Let Parsons do the like against vs and leaue his hypocriticall ostentation and generall declamation that maketh men rather to wonder at his impudency then to beleeue that he dealeth truly or sincerely Sixthly he very impudently imputeth all the troubles wars and calamities that haue happened in Scotland Ireland Flanders France to alteration in Religion and wold lay the blame wholy vpon vs. But if he looke into their immediate causes he shall find that the mint of this money was the Popes consistorie and that he and his agents are the onely firebrands of all mischiefe In Ireland Gregorie the thirtéenth stirred vp rebellion by the traitor Saunders his legate in England Pius Quintus by his agent Ridolphi and by Morton his messenger moued the two Earles to rise in the North Anno 1569. The same Pope animated the Spanish King to make warres against the Quéene of England and against them of the Low countries The same Pope sent not onely his agents to stirre the French but ayded them both with men and mony Gregorie the thirtéenth likewise sent ayde to Irish rebels The wars of Germanie were enflamed by that butcherly Pope Paule the third To make short all massacres trecheries warres and troubles haue wholy procéeded from their malice against the truth If the Pope and his adherents therfore haue bene troubled so was Herode and all Ierusalem with him at the birth of Christ. If they blame vs for their troubles so did the Pagans impute all their troubles to Christians and their religion But the true cause was not religion but the hatred of impious Papists against religion Finally he saith that if her Maiestie had not altered religion then her kingdome had bene flourishing and secure and that she would haue had issue and her succession certaine and continued in friendship with the Pope and auncient confederates and neither had wars abroad nor treason at home and insinuateth that by reason of alteration of religion al is fallen out contrarie But if Wil Sommer had written this discourse he could neuer haue spoken more foolishly nor impertinently For first I haue shewed that the state of the kingdome for diuers respects was neuer more flourishing Secondly if any danger hanged ouer our heads the same might easily be auoyded if lawes had bene executed against traitors Thirdly it is now apparant to the world that want of issue in her Maiestie hath not hurt vs God sending vs so gracious and magnanimous a king Fourthly his royall Maiestie succéeding in her throne hath declared that she wanted no succession The same act also sheweth that Parsons and all his consorts are a packe of false Prophets Parsons his booke of succession doth also declare him to be a false traitor Fiftly it is a ridiculous thing to tell vs of vnion with the Pope and his mediation of peace For there ought to be no agréement betweene Christians and Antichrist Here the Noddie will storme that his holy Father should be called Antichrist But let him answer my reasons in my fifth booke De Pont. Rom. against Bellarmine and then let him storme while his heart break Sixtly we haue so litle losse by breaking with the Spanish king that all men of knowledge pray that either he may chaunge his former courses or that the warrcs may still continue Finally this land hath no reason either to feare forraine warres or domesticall treasons vnlesse we will vncouple the Popes hounds that come hither to teare the kings Maiestie and State in péeces which I hope he and his Councell of state will looke vnto Whether then we looke into the Church or the State we must needes say that Quéene Elizabeths raigne was most happie And that so much the rather for that all her aduersaries wit and malice doth not affoord any one sound argument that doth any way sound to her disgrace Robert Parsons hath long barked in vaine against her procéedings But he should remember that the end of mad barking curres is beating if not hanging The second Booke shewing the miserable estate of Papists both in England vnder Q. Mary and elsewhere vnder the Popes irreligious tyrrannie weakely defended by N. D. in a leud Libel intitled the WARNE-WORD The Preface to the second Booke THE nature of
brought this kingdome into subiection if not into seruile bondage if God had not crossed the deseignes of man and dealt mercifully with vs both taking away the Quéene in the strength of her age and preuenting the wicked counsels of bloudie traitours and persecutours who as Iohn Hales saith meant to haue brought this land vnder strangers and altering the State before the Spaniards had taken any firme footing in England How great danger this land stood in those that then liued may well remember and we cannot chuse but acknowledge if we looke backe and consider the working of Quéen Marie of the popish prelates and of the Spaniards The Quéene sought by all meanes to put the kingdome into the hands of king Philip. The popish prelates sought to suppresse religion which could not be without the oppression of our libertie The Spaniards ruled insolently and went about to make themselues strong aduancing those which were of their faction and thrusting backe all that were studious of their countries libertie The bulwarkes or blocusses that were made for defence of the land against strangers they suffered to fall they brought in strangers they put the commaund of the kingdome into the hands of such as were best affectioned to themselues and least carefull of their countries libertie What would haue ensued of this it is an easte matter to coniecture by the deportment of Spaniards in other countries that are subiect to their gouernment In the Indiaes they rule not like men but rather like barbarous tyrants and sauage beasts Contemning all iustice saith Bartholomaeus à casas writing of the cruel vsage of the Spaniards towards the Indians they delight to see streames of mans bloud which they haue shed and seeke with infinite slaughter to depriue those great countries of the naturall inhabitants thereof In short space they killed diuers hundred thousands onely in one Iland called Hispaniola the women they abused the treasure and commodities of the countrie they spoiled The people of Naples were in the time of Charles the fift who otherwise was a good prince so vexed and oppressed by the Spaniards as an Ambassadour of the people of Siena said to Henry the French king that for release of their extreame bondage they seemed desirous to liue vnder the Turke Vt Turcarum imperia ad tantarum miseriarum refugium exoptare videantur He saith further that the Spaniards laid so many grieuous tributes vpon the people that diuers auncient townes were thereby deformed and left desolate The Dutchie of Mitan also by the Spanish tyrannie as those that haue trauelled that countrie do know is brought to great pouertie The taxes and customes are grieuous the oppressions wrought by the souldiers many the lawes vnsupportable Neither doth it auaile them to complaine For that remedie they haue often tried but all in vaine But no people was euer more oppressed then the Flemmings Brabansons Hollanders and other nations of the Low countries Their liberties they haue disanulled their lawes they haue litle regarded their townes they haue spoiled their countrie they haue almost wasted By the fundamentall lawes of the countrie they might neither place strange gouernours ouer them nor bring in forraine forces among them But the Spaniards haue done both By the lawes the king of Spaine could neither impose taxes vpon the subiect without the consent of the States nor condemne any man but by the lawes of the countrie But he hath both done the one and the other The Duke of Alua without the consent of the States or order required the hundreth part of that which euery man was worth and the tenth of all things bought and sold in the countrie The noble Carles of Egmont and Horne and diuers Noble men of the countrie that had done him great seruice he caused to be done to shameful death The prince of Oranges eldest sonne contrarie to the lawes of the Uniuersitie of Louain and countrie he caused to be caried prisoner into Spaine Finally contrarie to the lawes of the countrie he altered the ecclesiasticall State making new Bishops and erecting new offices of inquisition in diuers places of the countrie And this the king did hauing sworne to obserue the lawes and priuiledges of the countrie I will not here recount the murthers rapes robberies thefts spoiles and wrongs which the Spanish souldiers and officers haue committed For that would require a great volume and it would be said that these are the calamities of warres and wrongs of priuate persons Yet if Spaniards bring warres and calamities with them and sée not these wrongs redressed it sheweth how much their tyrannicall gouernement is to be auoided and detested But that is made apparant by the lawes and procéedings which are publikely auowed The Portingals may be an example to all nations sufficient to make the Spanish gouernement odious For although they be neare neighbors and agrée with the Spaniards in Religion language lawes and humors yet haue they not found any more fauour at their hands then other nations Their Nobilitie is almost ouerthrowne the Merchant decayed the Commons spoyled The exactions are intolerable and yet farre more tolerable then the wrongs offered by Spaniarqs from whom neither the husband can kéepe his wife nor the father his daughter nor the citizen or countriman any thing he hath Adde hereunto the violence that is offered to mens persons and the iniuries of words that they dayly sustaine and then you will confesse that the Portingals liue in great misery and bondage In England also the Spaniards albeit but few began to play their partes offering violence to diuers mens persons and attempting the chastitie both of matrons and virgins In the parliament which is the foundation of the libertie of our nation they attempted the ouerthrow of our libertie not onely by conioyning king Philip with the Quéene but also leauing out the Quéenes title of supreme authoritie in the summons and taking away the frée electiō of the Commons in chusing their Burgesses and thrusting out Bishop Watson Alexander Nowell and diuers Burgesses out of the parliament Nay such is the rigor of the Spanish gouernement that the Spaniards themselues cannot well like it The priuiledges of Aragon the last king abrogated vpon pretense of disorder in the fact of Antony Perez Escouedoes sonnes could neuer haue iustice for the death of their father Murders and violences are rarely punished The taxes customes and payments are so grieuous that not with standing all the riches that commeth from the Indiaes nothing can be deuised more bare poore and miserable then the common sort of Spaniards The imposition vpon fifh wine oile and silkes which are the principal cōmodities of the country is great and other customes are not easie In the market the tenth penie is exacted commonly for all commodities bought and sold. Wherefore if we respect nothing else but the yoke of the Spanish gouernement we may account our nation in very miserable termes in Quéene Maries dayes Yet was not
French king that is the king of Nauarre also will require satisfaction of the Pope and Spaniard that did him this wrong But in the meane while we may sée in this fact of Iulius the arrogance of the Popes that take vpon them to depose kings at their pleasure and to giue away their kingdomes This seditious course of the Pope in sentencing kings was also the sole pretence almost of the Leaguers rebellious stirres against Henry the third in France For when the Iebusites and their faction had declared that the king was iustly deposed then did the rebels take armes against him and ceassed not to pursue him to the death The Spaniards also for the same cause ayded them and concurred with them Likewise the execution of the Popes sentence against Henrie the fourth of France was the cause both of the reuolt of his subiects and of the warres made against him by the prince of Parma and the Spaniards Such a firebrand of warres do we find the Popes sentence to be No sooner was Henry the eight king of England pronounced excommunicate by Paule the third but he sent Cardinall Poole to stirre vp the French King to inuade his kingdome Afterward when he saw that the French could not be stirred to execute his pleasure he caused diuerse rebellions to be raysed against him by the seditious clamours of Masse-priests Monkes and Friars both in York-shire and Lincolne-shire and other parts of England Sanders confesseth that he commanded the Nobilitie and chiefe men of England by force and armes to oppose themselues against the king and to cast him out of his kingdome Principibus viris ac Ducibus Angliae caeteraeque Nobilitati praeeipit vt vi armis se Henrico opponant illumque è regni finibus eijcere nitantur The like course held Pius Quintus that wicked Pope against Quéene Elizabeth of pious memorie for he did not onely declare her depriued of her kingdome but by all meanes sought actually to depriue her of it and that first by dealing with the French and Spanish by force of arms to inuade her realmes and afterward stirring vp and comforting Malcontents and Rebels to set the realme in combustion by ciuill warres Hierome Catena in the discourse of the life of this impious Pius sheweth how he perswaded the Spaniard that he could not otherwise better secure the Low-countries then by ouerthrowing the Queene of England He declareth further how he induced the French to take part against her Likewise did Gregorie the thirtéene send forces into Ireland together with his legate Sanders Sixtus Quintus by all meanes hastened the Spanish fléete that came against England anno 1588. Neither haue they and others ceassed vpon all occasions to séeke her hurt and destruction This therefore is a most cleare case that no Christian king can be in safetie as long as he suffereth Iebusites and Masse-priests to aduance the Popes authoritie and to preach seditiously that the people hath power to put Princes out of their royall seate It is very dangerous also to foster any man within the Realme that beléeueth this seditious doctrine True it is that Papists cast many colours to hide the beformities of this doctrine but these colours are easily washed away as not being able to abide any weather First they alleage that diuerse popish Princes haue enioyed their kingdomes quietly without molestation But we are able to shew more Princes of late time troubled by the Popes practises then they are able to shew to haue liued peaceably by them Furthermore the reason why Popes do not trouble all is because it were not safe for them to fall out with too many at one time and not because their ouer large authoritie is not preiudiciall to all For if the Pope may depose all kings vpon cause then all kings stand in like danger séeing no man can auoide all causes of quarrell Bellarmine lib. 5. de pontif Rom. cap. 6. saith that the Pope doth practise this power for sauing of soules But experience teacheth vs that through his excommunications and sentences of deposition pronounced against diuers kings he hath ruined kingdomes and brought infinite people to destruction both of bodie and soule Theodoric of Niem speaking of the deposing of the king of Hungarie by Boniface the 9. saith There followed of it great slaughter of innumerable people destruction of churches and houses of religion the burning of cities townes and castles and infinite other mischiefes which follow long warres because kings without the hurt of many cannot be deposed His words are these Vndè clades hominum innumerabilium Ecclesiasticorum piorum locorum Monasteriorum enormis destructio incendia ciuitatum oppidorum villarum castrorum nec non infinita alia quae guerrae secum producunt diu vigentia subsequebantur quia non sine multorum dispendio re●es deponuntur Emanuel Sa in his aphorismes for confessaries doth signifie that this doctrine holdeth against tyrants only But what doth this reléeue the Papists when those which fall out with the Pope and yeeld not to his most vnreasonable requests are presently by Friers and priests proclaimed tyrants The very Papists themselues cannot deny but that Quéene Elizabeth was much renowned for her rare clemencie and that not without cause seeing she sparcd alwayes those that would not haue spared her if it had lien in their power to haue hurt her and yet they accuse her of tyrannie In the resolution of certaine cases of conscience set out by Allen and Parsons for instruction of English traytors Non gerit se vt Reginam say they sed exercet tyrannidem She doth not behaue her selfe as a Queene but doth exercise tyrannie The like words they gaue out against the French king now raigning albeit he hath shewed mercie to many deseruing none Duke Ernest sending away one that vndertooke to kill the Count Maurice amazzate said he quel tyranno that is kill me that tyrant Others alleage that the Pope proréedeth onely against heretikes and notorious offendors But that is a most notorious and palpable vntruth for no man is more eagerly prosecuted then religious pious and godly Christians as the executions of France and Flanders do shew And if they will not confesse it true in Christians of our time yet can they not deny it in the times of the Emperors Henry the third fourth and fifth of Fredericke the first and second and of Lewis of Bauier who made such confessions of their faith being declared heretickes as the Popes thēselues could not contradict and yet did the Popes excommunicate them and sought to depose them as heretikes and tyrants Likewise did they prosecute other kings and Emperours albeit consenting with them in matters of faith Henrie the third of France of late was cruelly persecuted and murdred by the popish faction and yet was he very superstitiously addicted to popish religion Suppose then that the Pope would procéed against none but heretickes and tyrants yet it is an easie matter
letters from Rome to Fitzherbert wherein he desireth to vnderstand the successe of the fleete that anno 1598. was to go for England Finally by the Adelantadoes proclamation made at the Groyne and whereof diuers printed copies were to be dispersed in England vpon his arriuall here The which for that if discouereth the pride of the Spaniard and the malice of the English traitors I haue thought it not amisse to set downe the whole tenour of the proclamation with some animaduersions in the margent Considering saith the Adelantado the obligation which his catholike Maiestie my Lord and master hath receiued of God almightie to defend and protect his holy faith and the Apostolicall Romane church he hath procured by the best meanes he could for to reduce to the auncient and true religion the kingdomes of England and Ireland as much as possibly hath bin in his power And all hath not bene sufficient to take away the offence done against God in dommage of the selfesame kingdoms with scandale of whole christianity yea rather abusing the clemency and benignity of his Catholike Maiestie the heads and chiefe of the heretikes which litle feare God haue taken courage to extend their euill doctrine with the oppressing of Catholikes martyring them and by diuers wayes and meanes taking from them their liues and goods forcing them by violence to follow their damnable fects and errours which they haue hardly done to the losse of many soules Which considered his Catholike Maicsty is determined to fauour and protect these Catholikes which couragiously haue defended the Catholike faith and not onely those but such also as by pusillanimity and humane respects hauc consented vnto them forced thereunto through the hard and cruell dealing of the said Catholikes heretical enemies And for the execution of his holy zeale he hath commaunded me that with force by sea and land which be and shall be at my charge to procure al meanes necessary for the reduction of the said kingdomes vnto the obedience of the Catholike Romane church In complement of the which I declare and protest that these forces shall be employed for to execute this holy intent of his Catholike Maiestie directed onely to the common good of the true religion and Catholikes of those kingdomes as wel those which be already declared catholikes as others who wil declare themselues for such For all shall be receiued and admitted by me in his royall name which shall separate and apart themselues from the heretikes And furthermore they shall be restored to the honour dignity and possessions which heretofore they haue bene depriued of Moreouer euery one shall be rewarded according to the demonstrations and feates which shall be shewne in this godly enterprise And who shall proceed with most valour the more largely and amply shall be remunerated with the goods of obstinate heretikes Wherfore seeing almightie God doth present to his elect so good an occasion therfore I for the more security ordaine and command the captaines generall of horse and artilerie the master generall of the field generall captaines of squadrons as all other masters of the field the captaines of companies of horse and foote and all other officers greater and lesser and men of war the Admirall generall and the rest of the captaines and officers of the armie that as well at land as sea they vse well and receiue the Catholikes of those kingdomes who shall come to defend the Catholike cause with armes or without them For I commaund the Generall of the artilerie that he prouide them of weapons which shall bring none Also I ordaine and streitly commaund that they haue particular respect vnto the houses and families of the sayd Catholikes not touching as much as may be any thing of theirs but onely of those that will obstinately follow the part of heretikes in doing of which they be altogether vnworthy of those fauours which be here granted vnto the good who will declare them selues for true Catholikes and such as shall take armes in hand or at least separate themselues from the heretikes against whom and their fauourers all this warre is directed in defence of the honor of God and good of those kingdomes trusting in Gods diuine mercy that they shall recouer againe the Catholike relgion so long agone lost and make them returne to their auncient quietnesse and felicitie and to the due obeience of the holy Primitiue church Moreouer these kingdomes shall enioy former immunities and priuiledges with encrease of many others for the time to come in great friendship confederacie and trafficke with the kingdome of his Catholike Maiestie which in times past they were wont to haue for the publike good of all Christianity And that this be put in executiō speedily I exhort al the faithful to the fulfilling of that which is here contained warranting them vpon my word which I giue in the name of the Catholike King my Lord and master that all shall be obserued which here is promised And thus I discharge my self of the losses and damages which shall fall vpon those which will follow the contrary way with the ruine of their owne soules the hurt of their owne country and that which is more the honor and glory of God And he which cannot take presently armes in hand nor declare himselfe by reason of the tyrannie of the heretikes shall be admitted from the enemies camp and shall passe to the catholike part in some skirmish or battell or if he cannot he shall flie before we come to the last encounter In testimonie of all which I haue commanded to dispatch these presents confirmed with my hand sealed with the seale of mine armes and refirmed by the secretary vnderwritten This being the Adelantadoes proclamation anno 1598. let the world iudge of the impudencie of Parsons that lyeth wittingly and saith the alarme was false Thereby it may appeare also what maner of man Parsons is that bringeth forreine enemies vpon his countrey and is consorted with them and yet faceth all downe that shall say the contrarie In his Epistle likewise he saith that the Ward word comming abroade the newes was in most mens mouthes that the Knight disauowed the Watchword attributing the same to certaine Ministers Where me thinkes I heare Thraso say Metuebant omnes me All stood in dread of me But that is not the fault that I meane here to touch For it is his egregious lying that we are here to talke of Let him therefore either name these most men that he mentioneth or at the least̄ some honest man that gaue out this report as from sir Francis his mouth or else we must say that this lie came out of his owne foule mouth that is now become a fountaine of lies He must shew also how Sir Francis could disauow a treatise subscribed and published by himselfe or else it will be said
hands but the defence thereof and the answer to Parsons his vaine cauillations Again seeing his purpose was to rehearse the principal blessings that God hath bestowed vpon this land through her Maiesties gouernement how could he satisfie mens expectations vnlesse he touched matters of statc as well as religion If then Robert Parsons seuer the inconueniences ensuing from the change of religion from the rare good parts both in nature and gouernement of her Maiesty as himselfe confesseth fol. 25. then doeth he like a cowardly fellow runne out of the lists and flie the combat and not we For we haue proued and alwayes offer to proue that both variety in their liturges as the missals and formularies of Toledo Seuil Sarum Paris Rome Yorke and Millan do shew Neither hath Parsons any thing to answere but that in the substance of the sacrifice they agree As if that were all or the most part of the Romish seruice or as if I had not shewed that this is most false in my bookes De Missa Secondly it is true that the Conuenticle of Trent hath abolished diuers old missals and formularies as the bull prefired before them shew Thirdly it is true that Iustine and Dionyse describe the forme that Christians vsed in their Liturgies as Iustines second Apologie and Dionyse his bookes of Ecclesiasticall hierarchie testifie Fourthly the instruction of the Armenians was no act of the Conuenticle of Florence but of some odde Masse-priest that vsed that conuenticles name It is no lie therefore not withstanding this instructiō that the Conuenticle of Florence did not by any cannon establish seuen sacraments Fifthly the Conuenticle of Lateran vnder Innocentius the third doth mention penance but giueth the name of sacrament as I sayd most truly to Baptisme and the Eucharist Finally it is most true that the popish sacrifice of the Masse was not knowne of the auncient fathers and I haue proued it in my third booke De Missa against Bellarmine Which if Robert Parsons confute I shall be content that the Pope bestow on him a Cardinals hat But if he be not able to answer and yet will néedes cry out famous falshood I will bestow on him a pointed cap with a bell and a capons feather to let all the world know that at that house dwelleth a sot Ignatius Irenaeus other fathers that he doth mention speake not of the body and bloud really offered in the Masse but of an oblation made in commemoration of that sacrifice Our writers albeit they mislike the fathers in some things yet no where do they yéeld that they speake of the popish sacrifice of the Masse offered after the damnable fashion of the synagogue of Satan Fol. 107. he calleth for two reall differences betweene papists in the points of faith And therefore I count my selfe bound to shew him not two onely but many more It may please him therefore to reade what I haue sayd before and to answere to euery point particularly and then I hope he will cease his harsh and currish bawling He must also shew that his consorts differ not in matters of moment or in any thing if he will defend their vnion Fol. 111. he crieth out and in his dogges boyce sayth If this woodcocke or any of his crew can shew any one noueltie as an article of faith in our religion c. And againe If O. E. or his mates can shew any one heresie taken for an heresie by the generall Church What then forsooth he saith He will yeeld in the rest Which I would pray him to remember For if I do not make him in this poynt a foote length of nose like a Curliew let the Pope if it be his pleasure make him king of the Canaries Nay I haue already shewed diuers both nouelties and heresies to be contained in Popish religion and no Popish woodcocke yet hath thrust out his beake to answere shewing themselues by their wits to be woodcockes and by their silence Codfish Dnely one woodcocke of Rome vnder the maske of W. R. aliâs Walphoole or wicked Richard flusheth forth with his long bill But his answere is such as confirmeth my challenge very much the man being not able to answere any one argument Parsons also toucheth the heresie of the Collyridians which among many other I obiected to him and answereth that Papists differ from Collyridians manifeftly But it is not inough to shew a difference vnlesse he also shew that his consorts hold no one point condemned as heresie in the Collyridians But that the congerhead cannot do For like to the Collyridians they pray to the Uirgin Mary and offer in her honour This answere therefore sheweth him to be of the lignage of woodcorkes But of these matters we shall talke elsewhere In his 2. enconter c. 2. he cryeth out ô cogging ô cousinage and all because Sir Francis reporteth that the blood of a Ducke was worshipped as the blood of Hales and that D. Bassinet confessed his ignorance and that the archbishop of Aix called the Pope God on earth and spoke foolishly But what if all this were true May not we then with more reason say O coggers O cosiners O Scogans O cods-heads But that appeareth plainly For the imposture about the duckes blood was openly detected and the rest is reported in the acts of Bassinets examination Neither is it vnlikely that vnlearned prelates should speake vnlearnedly or that schoole-doctors should be ignorant in scriptures séeing all their diuinity is grounded vpon Thomas his fardle of questions and answers But saith Parsons how could a duckes blood be discerned from others blood after so many yeares As if it were not detected also by the confession of the false priests that from time to time they renewed that blood as they do other false relikes in many places Here therefore Parsons sheweth himselfe to haue a shallow capacitie and the Papists are declared to be miserably seduced by cogging and cousening priests and caried away most simply and idiotlike to the worship of idoles and false reliques Fol. 43. b. of his second encounter he cryeth out Who shall be iudge Meaning to con●●y the highest authoritie in iudgement concerning matters of controuersie about the interpretation of scriptures to the Pope But that is a shamelesse and most absurd course to place a béetleheaded ignorant and impious Pope aboue al learned holy fathers and Councels Beside that the Popes sentence is alwayes vncertaine For what can one Pope do that his successor cannot vndo Tertullian he sheweth that scriptures are to be interpreted by scriptures Si quid pars diuer sa turbat c That is If the contrary part do trouble vs in any thing by pretence of figures or aenigmatical speeches those places that are more manifest ought to preuaile the certaine to prescribe against vncertaine Encontr 2. c. 8. where he should answere my obiection out of Hosius he cryeth out of deceitfull fraudulent and shamefull shifts and notorious cousinages But the matter being
warde-word expecting no doubt reward at the hands of God rather then mā and respecting rather his own dutie then the praise of others But before either the booke came forth or that I knew the Knights resolution the impudencie of the man so boldly extolling traitors and forreine enemies together with his singular arrogancy despising his own nation and his foolish speakes for the Popes cause stollen out of others and put forth as his wont is in his owne name had extorted from me a reply to his Wardword Which certes might haue bin wel spared considering the sufficiencie of the Knights apologie if I had seene it before I had ended my reply For what is there in the Wardword worthy of answer seeing the same consisteth wholy of lies and patches and old ends stollen from others often refuted before And what answer can be deuised so slender that counteruaileth not such a hochpotch of words To these replies published by vs after long silence we see that Robert Parsons hath purposed to set forth a reioynder For we haue already receiued two parts of nine but so fraught with calumniations and lies malicious and scornful termes odious and filthy reproches that it seemeth he hath spent all his store of poison and despaireth to perfect the rest This booke albeit most contemptible containing nothing but disgracefull matter against her Maiesties proceedings that is lately deceased and childish disputes for some few points of poperie yet haue I thought good to handle not for any worth that can be in any such packe of pedlary stuffe set to sale by this petit merchant but for that iust occasion is thereby giuen vnto me to insist vpon the cōmendatiō of our late Queene for her heroical vertues and happy gouernment by this wicked traitor and vnworthy swad wickedly disgraced and especially for her singular pietie and zeale in restoring religion and abolishing Poperie O that she had bene so happy to keepe out the Ministers of Antichrist once expulsed as at the first to expulse them and put them out of her kingdome but what by yeelding to intreatie of some about her by this generation foully abused and what by tolerating of such as were sent in by forreine enemies to practise against her life and kingdome and what drawne backe by those that entertained intelligēce with publike enemies she was perswaded to slacke execution of lawes if not to suspend them to her owne great trouble and to the hazard of Religion and the State but that God by his prouidence supplied the defects of mē By the aduersaries Warne-word I haue also bene warned to discourse of the miserable and dangerous estate both of kings and their subiects that liue vnder the thraldom of the Pope and that both in regard of matters of State and of Religion Finally albeit Robert Parsons hitherto hath vsed scurrilous railing for his warrant protection against those that haue dealt with him and like as a foxe pursued with hounds with the filthy stench of his stile endeuoureth to make them giue ouer the chase yet I shall so touch him for his impietie making a iest at Scriptures and Religion for his scurrilitie railing without wit or modestie for his doltish ignorance committing most grosse and childish errors for his lies and forgerie vsing neither respect of truth nor common honestie that I hope I shall turne his laughing into another note If I speak roundly to him and his consorts yet I do not as he doth speake falsly Sharpnes he ought not to mislike hauing begun this course Neither can others iustly reproue me considering my aduersaries audacious impudencie Si falsa dicimus saith Hilarie infamis sit sermo maledicus Si verò vniuersa haec manifesta esse ostendimus nō sumus extra Apostolicā libertatem modestiā If we tell matters false then let our sharpe speech be infamous If all we report be manifestly proued then are we not out of the limites of Apostolical libertie and modestie Howbeit what measure is to be required in him that is to incounter a man of such vnmeasurable and outragious behauiour In the first booke the honor of her Maiestie late deceassed and her proceedings in the alteration of religion is defended In the second the grieuances of Christians vnder the Popes gouernement both in matters of conscience and their temporal estate are plainely discouered In the last we are to incounter with the ridiculous manner of Parsons behauior and writing left he might per case thinke himselfe wise therein God turne all to his glorie to the manifestation of truth the detection of errors and the shame of the shamelesse patrons thereof The first Booke containing a defence of Queene Elizabeths most pious and happie gouernement impugned in a scurrilous libell intitled A warne-word The Preface to the first Booke I Need not I trust make any large discourse in calling to remembrance the noble and heroicall acts of our late Queene and most gracious Soueraigne Ladie Elizabeth of famous and godly memory For as Iesus the sonne of Syrach said of famous men of auncient time so we may say of her that her name will liue from generation to generation Her kind loue to her subiects and gracious fauours done both to English and other nations will neuer be forgotten His words likewise concerning his famous ancesters may be well applied vnto her She was renowned for her power and was wise in counsel She ruled her people by counsel by the knowledge of learning fit for them She was rich and mightie in power and liued peaceably at home Her remembrance therefore is as the composition of sweete perfume that is made by the art of the Apothecary and is sweete as hony in all mouthes as it is said of Iosias In his steps she insisted and behaued her self vprightly in the reformatiō of the people took away al abominatiōs of iniquity She reformed the abuses and corruptions of popish religion which through the working of the mystery of iniquitie had now won credit in the world and ouerthrew the idoll of the Masse and banished all idolatrie out of the Church She directed her heart to the Lord and in the time of the vngodly she established Religion She put her trust in the Lord and after that wicked and vngodly men had brought vs back into AEgyptian seruitude she deliuered vs from the bondage of the wicked AEgyptians and restored Religion according to the rules of Apostolicall doctrine But because as in the time of Iosias the Priests of Baal so in our times their of-spring the Masse-priests cannot brooke her reformation but looke backe to the abominations of AEgypt and Babylon I haue thought it conuenient not only to declare at large what benefites the people of England now fiue and fortie yeares almost enioyed by her gracious and happie gouernement but also to iustifie the same against the slaunderous calumniations and cauils of Robert Parsons her borne subiect but now a renegate Iebusite
Parsons will prooue his rule of faith he must shew a faith grounded vpon tradition that is not deduced out of Scriptures Nay if he will not be contrarie to himselfe he must shew that not the Apostles tradition as he saith in his Warn-word 1. Encoun cap. 15. but the Catholike church is the rule of faith as he holdeth Ward-word Encontr pag. 6. He doth also obiect against vs diuers alterations of religion in England in king Henry the eight his raigne and in king Edwards dayes and then asketh by what authoritie our rule of faith was established But first he might as well haue spoken of that alteration made in Q. Maries dayes when the impieties of Popish religiō were established by act of Parliament Secondly the alterations in religion made in England of late time make no variation in the rule of faith that is alwayes one but in the application and vse of it Thirdly albeit by act of Parliament the articles of religion were confirmed wherein the canon of scriptures and the substance of our confession is set downe yet was that rather a declaration of our acceptance then a confirmation of the rule of faith that in it selfe is alwayes immoueable Our rule of faith therefore is certaine albeit not alwaies in one sort approued or receiued by men But that rule of Popish faith neither in it self nor in the approbatiō of Parliaments or Churches is certaine or immoueable Finally he asketh a question of Sir Francis in his Ward-word p. 5. how he knoweth his religion to be true And saith he hath only two meanes to guide himselfe in this case and that is either Scriptures or the preaching of our Ministers But this question as I haue shewed toucheth himselfe that buildeth his faith vpon the Pope nearer then Sir Francis who groundeth himselfe his faith only vpon the holy Scriptures and is assured of his faith not by these two meanes onely but by diuers others For beside Scriptures he hath the help of the Sacraments of the Church of Gods spirit working within him of miracles recorded in scriptures of auncient Fathers of the practise of the Church of the consent of nations of the confession of the aduersaries of the suffering of Martyrs and testimonies of learned men and such like arguments In this question therefore Robert Parsons shewed himselfe to be a silly Frier and to haue had more malice then might In time past also we were as shéepe going astray and out of the vnion of the Catholike and Apostolike Church Diuers of our auncestors worshipped the crosse and the images of the Trinitie with diuine worship Some like bruite beasts fell downe before Idols crept to the crosse and kissed wood and stone Others worshipped Angels the blessed Uirgin and Saints praying vnto them in all their necessities trusting in them saying Masses in their honour and offering incense and prayers to their pictures and images For so they were taught or rather mistaught by popish Priests The Komish synagogue in the very foundations of religion was departed from the Apostolike and Catholike Church The schoolemen brought their proofes out of the Popes Decretals and Aristotles Metaphysickes Est Petr's sedes saith Bellarmine in Praefat ante lib. de Pont. Rom. lapis probatus angularis pretiosus in fundamento fundatus The See of Peter is an approued corner stone precious and laid in the foundation The same man lib. 2. de Pont. Rom. cap. 31. calleth the Pope the foundation of the Church Sanders calleth him the Rocke Alij nunc à Christo saith Stapleton relect princip doctr in Praef. eorúmue doctrina praedicatio determinatio fundamenti apud me locū habebūt That is Others now beside Christ and their doctrine preaching and determination shall be esteemed of me as a foundation This he saith where he talketh of the foundation of religion and the Church But the catholike Churth had no foundation beside Christ Iesus and his holy word and Gospell taught by the Prophets and Apostles The Apostle Gal. 1. denounced him accursed that taught any other Gospell then that which he had preached The holy Fathers proued the faith by holy Scriptures and not by popish Decretals and philosophicall Principles Concerning Christs bodie the Komanists taught that the same is both in heauen and in the Sacrament albeit we neither could see it there nor feele it But the scriptures teach vs that his bodie is both palpable and visible and is now taken vp into heauen So likewise teach the Fathers Vigilius in his fourth booke against Eutyches speaking of Christs bodie When it was on earth saith he surely it was not in heauen and now because it is in heauen certainely it is not on earth They haue also brought in new doctrine concerning Purgatorie and indulgences and which is no more like to the auncient catholike faith then heresie and noueltie to Christian religion They teach that whosoeuer doth not satisfie in this life for the temporall punishment of mortall sinnes committed after baptisme and remitted concerning the guiltinesse must satisfie for the same in Purgatorie vnlesse it please the Pope by his indulgences to release him Of the tormentors of soules in Purgatorie and of the nature qualitie and effect of indulgences they talke idlely and vnlike to the schollers of Catholikes The Catholicke doctrine concerning the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords supper they haue quite changed in Baptisme adding salt spittle hallowed water exorcismes blowings annointings light and other strange ceremonies In the Lords supper taking away the cup from the communicants and not deliuering but hanging vp or carying about the Sacrament and worshipping it as God and finally beleeuing holding transubstantiation They haue also deuised other sacraments and taught that they containe grace and iustisse They were wont to kisse the Popes toe and to receiue his dunghill decrētals worshipping Antichrist and intitling him Christs Uicar All which nouelties superstitions and heresies by her Maiesties godly reformation are abolished who hath restored the auncient Cathalike and Apostolike faith which the Popes of Rome for the most part had altered suppressed She hath also by her authoritie brought vs to the vnitie of the Catholike faith and by good lawes confirmed true Christian religion Before our times there was no settlement in matters of Religion Durand denieth Diuinitie to be Scientia Thomas and Richard Middleton hold that it is Writing vpon the master of Sentences the school-mē striue about the words vti and frui dissenting not only from their master but also from one another They differ also much about the distination of diuine attributes Vtrum sit realis formalis an rationis tantùm This saith Dionysius a Charterhouse Monke is one of the chiefe difficulties of Diuines and about it betweene famous Doctors is great dissention and contention AEgidius doth lance Thomas and others runne vpon both AEgidius in lib. 1. sent dist 2. would haue the persons of the Trinitie to be distinguished by a certaine thing
fellowes swallowed in the sea But those that liued in the dayes of Queene Mary and escaped the crueltie of those times or else by report know the desperate resolution of the wooluish persecutors both well know the fauor of God to the Church and English nation and can not choose but shew them selues thankefull for the same The bloudy inquisitors neither spared old nor yong noble nor base learned nor simple man nor womā if he were supposed to be contrary to their proceedings The records of Marian Bishops offices are so many testimonials of their extreme crueltie Neither was any free from danger if any quarrell could be picked to him for religion Those that were suspected were imprisoned and hardly handled such as recanted were put to penance those that confessed the faith constantly lost life and all they had As S. Augustine lib. 22. de ciuit Dei cap. 6. saith of the Primitiue Church so may we say of the Christian Martyrs of our time Ligabantur includebantur caedebantur torquebantur vrebantur they were bound put in prison beaten racked and burnt The brother deliuered by his brother and a mans domesticals were his enemies Eusebius lib. 2. de vita Constan. cap. 51. saith That without respect of age all manner of torments were inflicted vpon the bodies of Christians Quae incendij flamma fuit saith he quis cruciatus quod tormentorum genus quod non fuerit omnium sanctorum corporibus nulla aetatis ratione habit a irrogatum The like may we say of the holy Martyrs of Queene Maries dayes For neither hard dealing torment nor fire was spared to draw men from the confession of the true faith Neither did the cruell aduersarie respect the reuerend Prelates nor the tendernesse of young age nor the modestie of matrons But Queene Elizabeth coming to the crowne the fires were quenched the swords were wrested out of the cruell executioners hands and true Christians were not onely deliuered out of prison and banishment but also freed from feare of persecution Therefore we say with the Prophet Pfal 123. Blessed be God that hath not giuen vs as a prey into their reeth Our soule is escaped as a sparrow out of the snare of the fowler The grinne is broken and we are deliuered And as Eusebius said sometimes of the benefites which that Church enioyed by Constantine the Great so we may also most iustly say Nos haec beneficia maiora quàm vitae nostrae Conditio fert confitentes sicut egregiam Dei eorumdem authoris magnificentiam obstupescimus sic illum optimo iure totius animae viribus colentes summè celebramus c. We confessing these benefites to be greater then the condition of our life may beare as we wonder at the fingular bountie of God the author of them so we do highly praise him deseruedly with all the might of our soule and do testifie the holy predictions of Prophets in Scriptures to be true in which it is said Come and see the workes of the Lord and what wonders he hath done vpon the earth ceassing warres vnto the end of the world He shall breake the bow and teare armes and burne the shields with fire Impijs hominibus è medio sublatis potestate tyrannica deleta mundus de reliquo velut solis claritate collustratus fuit This saith Eusebius of Constantine but the same was also verified of our late Quéenes raigne For wicked men being put out of place aud tyrannicall power ceassing the world afterward séemed to reioyce as lightened with the brightnes of the Sunne Against this discourse Robert Parsons opposeth himselfe in his first Enconter chap. 10. num 11. and belcheth out a great deale of malice out of his distempered stomacke being sorie as it séemeth that any escaped his consorts handes But all his spite is spent in two idle questions First he asketh whether this freedome for persecution be common to al or to some onely as ifbecause seditious Masse-priests and their traiterous consorts and other malefactors are punished this were no publike benefite that all Christians may fréely professe religion Secondly he asketh whether we be free from persecution passiue or actiue meaning because murderers and traitors suborned to trouble the state passe the triall of iustice that we are persecutors But his exceptions do rather shew malice then wit For first albeit all men be not fréed from punishment yet is it a great blessing that true Christians may professe religion without feare or danger For in Constantine the Great his time murderers and rebels other notorious offendors were punished and yet doth Eusebius accompt the deliuerance of Christians from persecution a great benefite If there had bene also then any Assassins or traiterous Masse-priests suborned to kill Princes or to raise sedition they should haue bene executed and yet could no man haue called Constantine a persecutor Let Parsons therefore if he haue any shame cease to talke of persecution considering the bloodie massacres and executions committed by his consorts vpon Christians for méere matter of religion and forbeare to tell vs either of Penrie or an hundred Priests put to death For they were not called in question for religion but for adhering to the Pope and Spaniard that went about to take the Crowne from her Maiesties head and for going about by colour of their idolatrous Priesthood to make a partie for the ayde offorraine enemies as by diuers arguments I haue declared in my challenge and Robert Parsons as a fugitiue disputer and not onely a fugitiue traitor answereth nothing CHAP. VIII Of the deliuerance of the realme of England from the Popes exactions THe Pope of Rome and his greasie crew of pol-shorne Priests although they challenge power of binding and loosing yet as experience hath taught us do rather bind heauie burthens on mens shoulders then bind their consciences and rather séeke to loose and emptie their purses then to loose them from their sinnes A man will hardly beléeue what summes of money they haue extorted from all sorts of men But if we consider the hookes engines and diuers practises which they haue vsed to abuse the world we néed not make question but their dealings are very intolerable The Popes haue made mony of licences to marrie to eate felth or whit-meate of dispensations concerning benefices of indulgences of releasing of Church censures of delegating of causes of collation of benefices of deuolutions of reseruations of prouisions of procurations of the intricate rules of the Popes Chancerie of granting priuiledges of licences to kéepe concubines of common whores of annates of contributions of tenths of erection of Churches of ranonization of Saints of cases reserued Neither had they any law or passed any act but it was a meanes to make money Likewise Masse-priests and Friars learning of their holy Father seld Masses Absolutions and such licences and faculties as lay in their hand to grant Neither would they do any thing without money Monkes and Friars beside buying and selling
acts He doth also remember why not long since he sent for Fisher from Doway and why Edward Weston was put out of the Colledge and from his Lecture in Diuinitie Assuredly it was not for his chastitie Of the Pope that now is and of his late predecessors and the Romish Cardinals I shall haue occasion to speake hereafter if Parsons will néede stand in contention about honestie of life betwirt his consorts and vs. In the meane while he may remember what fruites come of forced single life Anselme as Huntington lib. 5. and Roger of Chester reporteth in one Synode forbad lawfull mariage to Priests but in the nert he was constrained to make lawes against Sodomites and therein condemned eight Abbots beside other inferious Priests and Friars In the Church of Rome adultery and fornication haue alwayes bene accounted smaller offences as is set downe euidently in the chapter At si clerici de iudicijs I néede not therefore stand much vpon that and the rather for because it is notorious that the Pope tolerateth common bordels Yet lest Baals priests should stand too much either vpon their virginitie or chastitie I would haue them to remember not onely the liues of late Popes Cardinals priests Monkes and Friers but also what old histories and other records say against them when they liued better then now Let them reade Boccace nouel 2. and diuers discourses of Monkes and Friers honesties Petrarch epist. 19. and others His 106. 107. 108. sonets Theodoricke a Niem tract 6. nemoris vnionis cap. 34. where Gregory the Pope testifieth that in two and twenty Monasteries the Monks and Nunnes liued most filthily and dishonestly Pene omnis religio obseruantia dictiordinis ac Deitimor abscessit libido ac corruptio carnis inter ipsos mares moniales nec non alia multa mala excessus vitia quae pudor est effari per singula succrcuerunt The Pope himselfe was ashamed to speake all Let them also peruse the treatise called Onus Ecclesiae cap. 22. who sayth that Monkes and Friers are worse then diuels Aretin lib. de hypocritis Baptist. Mantuan lib. 3. calamit Palingenius in Leone and that which I haue cited out of diuers authors lib. de Monach. cap. 8. If they desire to heare some mens reports of them let them listen to that which followeth Lateranense palatium saith Luithprandus lib. 6. cap. 6. sanctorum hospitium nunc est prostibulum meretricum The pallace of Lateran saith he that was wont to be a harbor of holy men is now become a bordell for whores Petrarch in his 16. epistle speaking of the Popes court sayth thus Nulla ibi piet as nulla charitas nulla fides nulla Dei reuerentia nullus timor There is no godlinesse no charitie no faith no reuerence or fcare of God In his fifteenth Cpistle he calleth it a den of the eues Mantuan li. 2. fastor willeth chastitie to be packing into villages if that they did not also suffer the same diseases for that Rome was become a publike stewes I pudor in villas sinon patiuntur easdem villae vomicas vrbs est iam tota lupauar Cardinals sayth Brigit giue themselues without restraint to all pride couetousnesse and delights of the flesh And afterward Iam nunc in maiori veneratione habetur lupauar quam vera Dei Ecclesia Now the stewes are in more esteeme then the true Church of God Bishops and priests should build the Church but as Brigit saith they build the diuell two cities to wit the labor of the body and trouble of the mind Catherina of Siena c. 125. sayth Religious men should resemble Angels but are worse then diuels Platina writing of Iohn the thirteenth sayth He was a man from his youth contaminated with all filthinesse and dishonestie Writing of thrée Popes he calleth them three foule monsters By the articles and proofes exhibited against Iohn the thrée and twentith in the Councell of Constance as it is called it appeareth he was wholy giuen to vices and carnall desires and was conuicted to be an incestuous person a Sodomite Vrspergensis testifieth against Clement the fifth that he was a notorious fornicator Matthew Villani hist. lib. 3. ca. 39. speaking of Clement the sixth and his continencie sayth that being Archbishop he could not keepe himselfe from women and being Pope neither could contain nor hide his fault Innocent the eight and Alexander the sixth had diuers bastards as Guicciardine and diuers others report Paul the second Iulius the second Leo the tenth Clement the seuenth Paul the third Iulius the third are all noted for their loosenesse of life and diuers of them conuinced thereof by their bastards Symony and vsury among the Romanists is so common that as Matth. Paris sayth they account the first no sin the second a smal sin Felin in c. ex parte de offic pot iudicis delegat sayth that without the rent of symonie the Popes sea would grow contemptible Priests in time past were wont to exclaime much of this abuse Heu Symon regnat per munera quaeque reguntur sayth one in hist. citiz Pauli Langy Theodoric à Niem lib. 2. de schism c. 7. Vsura saith he tantum inualuit vt foenus non putaretur peccatum that is Vsurie did so preuaile that it was accounted no fault Paul the fourth and Pius the fourth set vp shops of vsury as their acts testifie and Onuphrius recordeth Neither the Popes nor their adherents obserue oath or promise as their acts do at large shew and many poore Christians brought into snare by their perfidiousnesse haue felt Theodoric à Niem lib. 3. de schism speaking of Pope Gregorie the twelfth saith that with his vowes and othes he deceiued the world Votis inrament is suis decepit mundum Gregorie the seuenth contrary to his oath tooke vpon him the papacie as is recorded in the life of Henrie the fourth He did also absolue all the Emperors subiects frō their othes of allegiance to their soueraigne Prince The like pradise did Pius the fift vse in discharging the subiects from their othes to the late Quéene The articles of the pacification of Gant anno 1578. were confirmed by solemne oath of the old King of Spaine and yet presently and wilfully broken Neither had the Popes faction in France any better colour to intrap poore Christians then othes For whiles the Admirall and diuers of the religion in France trusted solemne othes they were brought within danger and most cruelly and perfidiously massacred Neither need we to maruell if this sect obserueth no othes seeing in the conuenticle of Constance the same determined that faith was not to be kept with heretikes in which number they reckon all that yéeld not to the Popes will The Doctors of this sect hold that the Pope can dispence with othes and absolue men that are periured Finally those that haue trauelled France Italy and Spaine do know that the common sort of Papistes can scarce vtter thrée
also leuie tenths and first fruites and by procurations licences and dispensations drew great summes of money out of the realme In some cases he tooke vpon him to iudge the king and to dispose of the crown of England Hereof it follo weth first that the Kings of this land for some ages before King Henry the eight were but halfe Kings neither medling with the externall gouernement of the Church nor being authorized to rule their Cleargie or to dispose of their liuings Secondly that they held that poore halfe of their kingdome which remained at the Popes pleasure and no further as appeared by the insolent dealing of the Pope with King Henry the second and King Iohn out of whose hands the Pope had almost wrested the scepter of their royall authoritie But her Maiestie abolishing the vsurped power of the Pope fréed her selfe and her successors from his fyrannie and restored that power and iurisdiction to the Crown that was by his craft and fraudulent dealing long vsurped She found that it belonged to godly kings to make lawes for religion to rule their subiects to dispose of the affaires and goods of the Church according to right So did Constantine the great and other godly Emperors So did Charles the great and Lewes kings of France So did Alfred and S. Edward Kings of England as the lawes of the Code and Nouell constitutions the constitutions of Charles and Lewes and of the auncient Kings of England declare Neither before Pope Heldebrand or rather that firebrand of hell did any Pope take vpon him to giue out lawes or decretals for the gouernement either of the whole Church or the Churches of other kingdoms For this matter therfore Quéene Elizabeths name deserueth to be had in perpetuall remembrance for that she freed her selfe and her subiects from the Popes wicked lawes and vsurpations and restored the auncient priuiledges and dignities to the Crowne The which had bene much in a man but in a woman was much more glorious With her also peace which by the practises of the Spaniards had bene exiled to our losse and shame returned again into this land For finding this land at variance with France and forsaken of Spaine she found meanes to compound with France and begā to settle matters at home According to the Prophets admonition she sought peace and followed it And such successe hath it pleased God to giue her that although the Pope by diuers practises hath sought to raise discord and rebellion within England yet maugre his head we haue enioyed peace this fiue and fortie yeares to the great contentment of her subiects and the wonderment of the world For who wondreth not that France and Flanders and other our neighbor countries being in a flame and the Pope desiring nothing more then to set our country on fire that the moderation of a woman should maintaine her State in peace when great Kings could not keepe their state from being consumed with warres How great this benefite is both the commodities of peace and the miseries of warres may teach vs. Et nomen pacis dulce est saith Tully ipsa res salutaris The name of peace is sweete and the thing it selfe safe and commodious Neither doth a people more desire any thing then peace as he saith in another place and in peace not onely those to whom nature hath giuen sence but also houses and fields seeme to reioyce Quid est tam populare ac pax qua non modo ij quibus natura sensum dedit sed etsam tecta atque agrilaetari videntur Contrariwise warres worke destruction of men cities countries and as Tully saith haue vncertaine euents and nothing is more execrable then ciuill warres Tully estéemeth him vnworthy to liue among men that delighteth in ciuill discord and warre By meanes of long peace this land is also growne to great wealth The country is better cultiuated trade is much increased all arts and occupations growne to greater perfection then in time past Noblemen and Gentlemen haue doubled their reuenues Yeomen and Merchants aspire to the degrée of Gentlemen and diuers men of occupation do exceed men of their sort in former times Whosoeuer compareth the common people of England with men of their qualitie in Spaine Portugal and Italy must néedes confesse that in wealth and meanes our country men do farre excéed them Finally neuer was England so populous and strong in men as in our late Queenes dayes Spaine and most places of Italy seeme desolate in comparison That these are great blessings it cannot be denied For God promiseth increase of substance and men to his people as a blessing Deut. 28. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body saith Moyses to the people of God and the fruite of thy land the fruite of thy cattell the flockes of kine and sheepe And the multiplication of Abrahams posteritie Gen. 17. and in diuers other places was accounted to him as a great blessing Wherefore as oft as we looke backe to former times we cannot choose but call to mind those graces which we haue long enioyed by Quéene Elizabeths meanes and be thankfull vnto God for them If any be either vnmindfull or vnthankfull if he be English I doubt not but he will proue a traitor to his Prince and country if a stranger then he will shew himselfe an enemie In the the first ranke I place Robert Parsons in the second certaine malicious Italian and Spanish Friers But their discourses wherein they would denigrate her glorie are so fond and frinclous that they do rather illustrate the same To shew that her Maiestie had no power in forreine countries Parsons alleageth that since Calice was lost we had not one foot of our owne beyond the seas As if none could haue power or credite in forreine parts but such as haue cities and dominions of their owne beyond the seas or as if it were not a signe of great power that her forces by sea and land haue alwayes bene able to bridle the ambitious aspires of the Spaniard and the cruel rage of Antichrist and that her authoritie hath swayed much in forreine parts both with friends and enemies Againe that the English haue lost their footing beyond the seas and were shamefully driuen out of Calice which was reputed the key of the kingdome of France and a doore whereby the Kings of England were wont to enter into that kingdome it was not our fault but of that vnfortunate woman Quéene Mary that lost all and had no good successe in any thing and of her butcherly Clergy that were murthering of Christs lauibes at home while forreine enemies oppugned the state abroad and would suffer no succor to be sent ouer in time He talketh also very idly of large Prouinces pessessed by the English liuing vnder popish religion and of the losse we haue sustained by chaunge of our old mightie and honorable allies as he calleth them For the relikes of those large Prouinces were lost not
and of disgrace dishonor and losse to our nation Neither doth any accompt otherwise of her then as of a woman vnhappie in her mariage cruell in persecuting Gods Saints vngratefull to those that were her best friends vnkind to her subiects disastrous in all her enterprises The like successe had those kings of England that were most forward in the Popes seruice Before king Henry the seconds time the Popes agents had litle to do in England He was the first that gaue them grace But sée his reward The Pope maintained Becket and other his rebellious subiects against him and forced him to most disgracefull and base conditions of agréement Furthermore the Popes agents in his time found such fauour that vntill the ragine of king Henry the eight this Land could neuer be ridde of them King Richard the first for the Popes pleasure crossed hint selfe for the holy land and went thither with great forces of men and royall prouisions But nothing he gained beside a vaine name of a valiant man On the other side his losses and disgraces were exceeding great For first he lost most of his fléete then he lost the best part of his men Thirdly he lost diuers good townes in France where his enemies tooke aduantage of his absence Fourthly he was taken prisoner in his returne Fiftly he impouerished himselfe and his countrie in leauying money for his ransome And lastly was vnnobly slaine before a litle castle in France by a base fellow So litle did the Popes pardons and blessings auaile him Neuer did any king of England more for the Pope then king Iohn For he resigned his Crowne into his Legates hands and indeuoured also as much as in him lay to make his kingdome tributarie to the Pope Let vs then see what fruite he reaped of his deuotion to the Pope First he liued in continuall iarre with his subiects Secondly he lost Normandie and diuers townes of great moment to the French Thirdly in his dayes the French made warre vpon him in England and bid him base at his owne doores Fourthly he suffered his kingdome to be pillaged by the Pope Finally he died of poyson ministred to him by a Monke of Swinsted Abbey as Caxtons Chronicle reporteth King Henry the third was flatly cousened by Innocent the fourth and deluded with a promise of the kingdome of Naples for his sonne Edmond But for this vaine title he payed full deare not onely suffering the Pope to spoile his countrie but also paying himselfe great summes to the Pope King Henry the eight for the deliuerance of Clement the seuenth spent infinit treasure vainely And that was the successe of all the kings of England that did seruice to the Pope Generally all those that liue vnder the Popes iurisdiction liue most miserably being neither secured for their goods nor liues nor liberties either from their neighbour princes or from the Pope First they serue two kings wheresoeuer they liue that is their King or Duke and the Pope If they offend the Pope they are proclaimed heretickes and are déemed worthie of death yea albeit the controuersie be no matter of Religion Lewis of Bauier and his followers were reputed heretikes he for taking on him the Empire without the Popes allowance these for yéelding obedience to their lawfull prince The like censure was giuen against all that followed the Emperour Henry the fourth and Fredericke the second If they offend their Princes either in word or act the penaltie is death Poggio sheweth that a rich man being accused of treason answered that he had not offended but if his goods had offended he would not consent with them And thus by renouncing that which he had he escaped The lawes are very rigorous both of Pope and popish princes the executions very cŕuell and barbarous Onuphrius speaking of the times of Alexander the sixt saith that there was neuer more outrages committed by Spadassins and cut throates that the people of Rome had neuer lesse freedome that there was a great number of priuic promoters and that euery euill word was punished with death But this is common to all Italian princes Murthers and spoiles are litle regarded euery word nay euery thought against them if it be knowne is punished most rigorously The Spanish inquisitors in crueltie passe most sauage beastes Upon euery light surmise they procéed against most innocent persons and some they racke some they famish some they burne some they cut péecemcale The very Papistes themselues could neuer endure it nor would suffer it but by force The Venetians will none of it The Neapolitans refusing the same yéeld this reason quia per simplicem alicuius maleuoli accusationem nullis requisit is probationibus nullisque defensionibus acceptis posset quisque in carceres detrudi vita honore facultatibus priuari Because by the single accusation of one malitious fellow neither proofes being sought nor exceptions receiued any man might be thrust into prison and depriued of his honors goods and life Are they not then miserable that liue vnder the danger of the cruell inquisition The people of the Low countries do affirme that the Inquisition was the originall ground of the troubles and tumults of the Low countries and that the Cardinal Granuélle endeuouring to bring in the same was the ruine of his countrie At the first the same was practised principally against Turkes and Moores Who then doth not detest the Spaniards and Italians that practising the same against Christians do plainly declare that they hold them to be no better then Turkes and Moores The common forme also of inquisition against Christians is very cruell odious and intolerable considering first that the Romanists take all for heretikes that reproue them for their villanies superstitions and heresies and next for that they neither obserue forme nor order of iustice nor respect young nor old men aliue nor dead oftentimes torturing mens bodies most cruelly and spoiling their goods most gréedily and punishing any that dissent from the synagogue of Rome in matter of the Sacraments as if they had conspired the destruction of their prince and countrie By this cruel procéeding in the raigne of Charles the fift the bloudie popish tormentors in the low countries put to death fiftie thousands as the Histories of the Low countries testifie In England like sauage wolues they spoiled the flocke during the raigne of Queene Marie How many haue bene executed in Spaine Italie France and Germanie by these Inquisitors it is hard to recount Oflate because the executioners were not sufficient to satisfie their cruelty they haue caused many thousands without all order to be massacred Paul the 4. that first brought the inquisition into Rome brought himselfe and his house into perpetual hatred of the Romanes insomuch that vpon his death the people ran furiously together broke his statue threw downe the armes of his house burnt the inquisition court and were hardly restrained from doing further violence to the inquisitors
the fourth caused Ladislaus the King of Poland and Hungarie to breake with the Turke promising him great pardons and aides But his whole armie was defeated and himselfe slaine at the battell of Varna Francis the first that was confederate with Pope Clement the seuenth was taken prisoner at Pauia and promising to roote out religion out of France neuer prospered in any enterprise Henry his eldest sonne confederating himselfe with the Pope for the extirpation of such as forsooke the errors of poperie was slaine miserably at a tournament receiuing a wound in his eye with which he threatned to sée Anne Bourg a holy Martyr executed His sonne Francis died yong of an apostcme in his eare being iustly punished for that he refused to heare the cries of the oppressed His brother Charles the ninth the author and contriuer of the bloody massacre of France anno 1572 wherin so much innocent blood was shed died bléeding at all the conduits of his body and wallowed in his owne blood after he had shed so much of others Henry that third was slaine by a Dominican or rather a demonicall Friar hauing bestowed great charge and labour in killing of Gods saints And so the line of Francis de Valois and his sons failed and the kingdom is translated into the house of Bourbon which they persecuted The Leaguers of France which mutined for the maintenance of poperie are now ruined and the Duke of Guise and the chiefe leaders of those rebels come all to vnhappie ends Neither had those Christians that either in the holy land or clsewhere fought vnder the Popes banners better successe for the most part Rodolphus who at the requėst of Gregorie the seuenth rebelled against the Emperor Henry was by him ouerthrowne and slaine in battell Neither did Mathildis the Popes paramour and her souldiers spéede much better Mathew Paris rehearseth diuers attempts by Christians set on by the Pope against the Sarracens but for the most part vnhappy Walter Sansauior that first went against thē lost his armie in Bulgaria Peter the heremit was defeated with all his forces before Nice Godescalcus a Dutch priest also would néedes leade an armie against the Turkes but he was likewise ouerthrowne with all his companie Godfray of Bullein albeit he wanne Hierusalem yet he lost diuers hundred thousands in the aduenture and his posteritie did not long hold that which they had wonne In this seruice Lewis the ninth of France was taken prisoner first and afterward lost his life In the same did the noble Fredericke Barbarossa perish and infinite other Christians The French men blasphemed against God seeing they had no better successe in the holy land as he saith De diuina conquerebant ur ingratitudine qui labores suos deuotionis sinceritatem non respiciebat sed quasi in alienum populum tradi in manus hostiū patiebatur Finally al that tooke the Popes part against the Emperors Henry the third fourth and fift Fridericke the first and second and others had euill successe Considering the premises therefore it is much to be wondred that any princes should serue the Pope that is so notoriously declared to be Antichrist and that they shold take his marke in their hands and foreheades especially seeing the euill successe that others haue had in his seruice and the plagues that are threatened against these that take his marke vpon them Much also it is to be lamented that Christians should continue vnder the grieuous yolie either of the Pope or popish religion Rome in time past was mistresse of the world the Church of Christ there most famous for pietie throughout the world But now she serueth Antichrist most basely and is infamous for her impieties Baldus speaking of Italie saith that she is of all other countries the most miserable as wanting one to redresse her wrongs Olim prouinciarum domina nunc omnium miserrime Lewis the 9. in his pragmaticall sanction confesseth that the kingdome of France was miserably impouerished by the Popes exactions Molinaeus in his booke de paruis datis calleth the Popes exactions barbarous Iulian a Cardinall in an Cpistle to Eugenius the fourth who deluded the Germaines demanding reformation of certaine abuses told the Pope plainely that the ruine of the Papacie was at hand if order were not taken presently to satisfie the people Finis pro certo est saith he securis ad radicem posita est The Germaines in a certaine méeting at Nuremberg told the Popes Legate that the burdens imposed by the Pope were so grieuous that they neither could nor would beare them any longer Praedict a vrgentissima at que intolerabilia penitusque non ferenda onera diutius se nec perferre velle nec tolerare posse Among these grieuances they recken prohibitions of mariages and certaine meates at certaine times and to certaine persons contrarie to Gods law pillages by pretence of pardons vnder colour of going to warre against Turkes or building of Churches and such like reseruation of absolution in certaine case cousmage of stationarie Friars or limitors the multitude of Friars drawing causes to the Popes cognition appointing of delegate Iudges and defenders of mens right as they are called exemptions reseruations and prouisions of liuings Ecclesiastical priuiledges rules of the Popes chancerie commendaes immunities of Monkes Friars and priests from payments and punishments vniust excommunications and interdicts multitude of holidayes lāds coming into mortmayne encroching vpon lay mens lands and geeds pensions and charges laid vpon venefices superfluities and superstitions in honoring of Saints and such like What resteth then séeing as Christians do sée the miseries of the people that liue vnder the yoke of the Popes kingdome and his adherents but that they séeke all lawfull meanes to be fréed from this tyrannie and to shake off the yoke of this Antichristian gouernment CHAP. VIII That no king liuing vnder the Pope and receiuing his doctrine can assure himselfe of his kingdome THat the yoke of Antichristian and popish gouernment is grieuous and intolerable to all Christians we haue made it apparent by diuers particulars But could any Christian indure it yet Christian Kings and Princes haue least reason to do it For as their place is higher then others so the dishonor that is offered to them and the hazard which they incurre is of farre greater consideration then if that same should be offered to priuate persons And yet no man runneth into greater hazard nor receiueth greater wrongs at the Popes hands and by means of his doctrine and gouernment then Christian Kings and princes For first they are in no assurance of their state and secondly they runne in daunger to lose their liues if they receiue the Popes authoritie and doctrine within their kingdomes Of which two we will speake seuerally and in order That they stand in no assurance of their states it may be proued first by the Popes doctrine and secondly by their practise Their doctrine is cleare both by the
exemption from his gouernement Our Sauiour willeth all to giue to Caesar that which is due to Caesar and Peter payed tribute to Caesar. But his false successors pay no tribute to Caesar but take tribute of Caesar and challenge it as due to them selues Nay they haue against all right vsurped his imperiall citie of Rome and released all clerkes from temporall Princes obedience Tertullian saith Christians honored the Emperour as the next man in honour to God and onely inferiour to God Colimus Imperatorem saith he sic quomodo nobis licet ipsi expedit vt hominem a Deo secundum quicquid est à Deo consequutum solo Deo minorem Chrysostome sheweth that the Apostles wordes Rom. 13. concerne clerkes and religious men as well as lay men The same is also contrarie to the practise of the Church vnder the Law and vnder the Gospell and derogatorie to the Kings authoritie For both vnder the Law and when Emperors began to professe Christian religion they made lawes for the Church and reformed Ecclesiasticall abuses as both Scriptures and the lawes of the Code and Nouelles testifie Thirdly this authoritie is plainly vsurped by the Pope and his followers For vntill Gregorie the seuenth his time who by force and armes preuailed more then by reason we find that the clergie and Church was gouerned by Christian princes and their lawes Finally the same is disgracefull to Kings and burdensome to subiects and most vnreasonable Disgracefull it is to Kings to loose their royalties and to be made subiect to forreiners Burdensome it is to good subiects vpon whom the whole burden is laid and they exempted which are best able to beare The Germaines in their grieuances Grauam 28. shew that the charge of the warre against the Turke is laid wholy on lay-mens shoulders Finally it is no reason that those should liue vnder the Kings protection that neither pay him tribute nor acknowledge his authoritie But of the vnreasonablenesse of these incrochments we shall haue occasion to dispute elswhere Here it is sufficient to shew that the Popes vsurpations exactions and whole authoritie is preiudiciall to Kings vntollerable to their subiectes Be wise therefore D ye Kings of the earth and serue Christ Iesus but beware that in stead of Christ ye serue not Antichrist And you that are fréed by the preaching of the Gospell from the bondage of the Popes traditions and exactions take héed that you suffer not your selues to be entangled againe in his snares brought againe into bondage The Popes agents tell you of many goodly actions of the Pope and set out the beautie of traditions with faire words But they séeke nothing but to bring you into a snare and to make merchandise of your soules and to blind you so that you shall not be able to sée the miserie of those that liue vnder him or the trash of his false doctrine and traditions God graunt you therfore the spirit of wisedome and discretion that you may stand fast in the liberty of true Christians and neuer be entangled againe with the yoke of Popish bondage The third Booke of the answer to Robert Parsons his supernodical Warn-word containing a list of his lies falsities fooleries impieties and other enormous faults and abuses therein and elsewhere by him committed The Preface to the third Booke THus hauing ended our defence of Queene Elizabeths godly reformation and noted the miserable estate of Papists liuing vnder the Popes tyrannie and deformation it will be no hard matter for vs to dispatch the rest of the Warne-word being nothing else but a bundle of patcheries and fooleries patched together with a number of idle and vaine words scarce worth the reading or rūning ouer Wherin notwithstāding that I may proceed with more perspicuity I wil first examine the qualities of the author of this Warne-word and that so much the rather that you may forbeare to wonder at this warning peece or peeced Warne-word considering the qualitie of the warme fellow that made vs this braue peece of fire-worke Next I shall enter vpon the title and front of the booke and let you see how neither the portall corespondeth with the rest of his building nor the worke with the inscription and that the same doth well resemble a clome portall set beside a straw thatched house or a pig-stie set before Robert Parsons his putatiues fathers forge Thirdly his personall accusations and slaundrous imputations both against my selfe and others shall be answered The fourth place is due to his impieties which require a sharpe censure After that his ridiculous errors impudent falsifications vaine allegations grosse lies saucie rayling termes and clamorous outcries poore shifts and sottish answers lamentable begging of things in controuersie insolent brags and such like fooleries shall seuerally be scanned and reproued A man would percase wonder that a man in soidle a worke should runne into so many inconueniences and absurdities But this our aduersary is a beast and a grosse pecoran and no man How should we looke for other stuffc out of such a malicious heart Do men gather figs of thornes or grapes of briars As Hierome saith of Heluidius so I may say of Parsons Loquacitatem facundiam existimat maledicere omnibus bonae conscientiae signum arbitratur He supposeth babling to be eloquence and that railing vpon all men is a signe of a good conscience Let him therfore haue patience to haue his owne coxcombe pared and let him bark still like a helhound if he take pleasure in barking I doubt not but we shall so breake his dogs teeth that he shall hurt none by his biting But to cut off all preambles let vs now see if we can bring the iade Parsons from his gallop to his ambles CHAP. I. A legend of No saint but of Robert Parsons his life calculated in fauour of that swarme of traitors which euery yeare he sendeth out of his seditious Seminaries BEfore I enter into this discourse I do protest that I was drawne into it more then halfe against my will by the importunitie of Robert Parsons who first began this course and albeit without commission went about to make enquiry what I am what I did at Caliz what in Ireland and what in other places and to obiect whatsoeuer he thought might moue either suspicion of crime or occasion of ieast But séeing I am forced to defend my self I professe and proclaime it openly that I will spare neither Iebusite nor Masse priest nor Archpriest nor prouinciall Iebusite nor Pope nor Cardinall that shall come in question Howbeit let all the rest sleepe for this turne Now we will talke onely of Robert Parsons and see what reason he had to aske a reason of other mens actions that is so obnorious to so many accusations himselfe Our Sauiour Christ calleth him hypocrite that espieth a mote in another mans eye hauing a bcame in his owne eye Qui sibi hoc sumpsit saith Tully vt corrigat
the seuenth tome of Caesar Baronius his Annales others and he shall find that Iustinian did not begin his empire before the second yeare of Felix that was successour to Iohn the first Beside this I haue shewed in my last challenge that the law inter claras Cod. de sum trin fid cath is scarce authentical But were it so yet doth it rather ouerthrow the Popes authoritie then otherwise For the prerogatiue of the Romaine church is there deriued from Councels Emperors and not from Gods word and Iohn calleth himselfe Episcopum vrbis Romae Bishop of Rome and not vniuersall bishop Fol. 18. for Iustinianus he nameth Iustinus and for Eutyches Euthyches and for Circumcellions Circumcillians But these are small faults in comparison of that which followeth fol. 19. b. Where for Constantine Copronymus he writeth Constantine Capronius mindfull as it should séeme of his owne capricious trickes who as his friends say is Caper inter Capras I speake to him that knoweth the manners of Italians For this fault therefore in stead of N. D. let him haue a maske 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to couer his swynes snout for very shame and for Parsonius let him be called Capronius Fol. 32. for swéete singing Sirens he writeth sweete singing Syrienes which maketh vs much suspect that some swéete singing Syrian or Italian woman or boy hath so bereaued him of his senses as he is able to name nothing right If he procéede on this fashion it is much to be feared that he will forget his owne name if we do not put him in mind of it Fol. 30. where the Canonists are charged with flattery for saying Our Lord God the Pope he sayth the words are not to be found Afterward for very compassion he saith he will adde a coniecture how sir Francis might be deceiued and that is in supposing that D. D. nofter Papa did signifie Dominus Deus And like as if a man reading this superscription To the right honorable our good Lord the Lord Admiral should suppose the second L. to signifie Lady But in talking of D. D he sheweth himselfe a double dolt and a leud Lozel sporting himselfe with his owne foolish bable For the place alleaged is extant in the glosse in c. cùm inter nonnullos extr Ioan. 22. de verb. signif the words are these Credere Dominum Deum nostrum Papam conditorem dictae decretalis istius sic non potuisse statuere haereticum censetur That is to beleeue that our Lord God the Pope the maker of the said decretall and this also could not so appoint it is accounted hereticall I doubt not therefore but Robert Parsons although a thicke skinned fellow when he readeth this will blush and his consorts take compassion of his ignorance Lesse certes they cannot do then call him NODE Fol. 35. he disioyneth as he sayth the harmes ensuing by change of religion from her Maiesties gouernement As if her Maiesties gouernement could be considered without religion or as if this traitor did not calumniate her gouernment that reproueth all her actions done for religion Fol. 45. he deuideth Paulus Alciatus into two Which errour he might haue corrected by Bellarmine in prafat in 2. controuers Fol. 47. he nameth Marspurge for Marpurge Fol. 71. he saith it is contrary to Sophistrie he would say Logicke for extremes to be in one subiect But this sheweth that Parsons head was neuer any subiect for Logick For els he might know that extremes that are not immediate may be in one as for example auarice in scraping and prodigalitie in giuing presumption and hypocrisie albeit properly these are not extremes in respect one of another but of their meane vertues Fol. 90. b. alledging Cyrill he citeth his catechisme and quoteth him thus Ciril Hierosol catechis 4. 5. mistach And so filing his mustaches he thinketh he hath spoken sprucely But his vnlearned quotation sheweth that he hath scarce euer seene that father who wrote not catechismes but catecheses and not mistachical but mystagogical The writing of Ci in Ciril with an i is but a light fault of a lout that vnderstandeth no Greeke for which for i Cardinals hat let him haue a mitre with two coxcombes Fol. 104. b. he sayth that Valentinian mentioned in the title of the law Cunctos populos was son to Gratian. A most lamentable error For histories do all testifie that Gratian and Valentinian the yonger were sons to Valentinian the elder And if he will not beleeue me let him looke Caesar Baronius tom 4. in the seuerall entrances of Gratian and Valentinian the yonger What a leud fellow then is this who not content to beget neuewes on his owne sister doth now make the brother to beget his brother Fol. 110. a. he saith when a man is chosen Pope his rudenesse is turned into wisedome his feeblenesse into fortitude his infirmitie into vertue And yet experience teacheth vs that ordinarily they are as ignorant as leud vnlearned and filthy as they were before Clement the eight for al his fortitude can scarce go without helpe And very strange it seemeth to vs here that the Popes chaire should serue to cure men of all ignorance infirmities and diseases And if this were so it were to be wished that Robert Parsons might sit some few houres in the Popes chaire that he might be cured of his rudenesse in railing his ignorance in writing and all other his scabbes and infirmities I for my part beleeus rather that the rudenesse of this rudent and mad Iebusite wold neuer be cured although he were reboyled like Peleus In the leafe next going before for acephali he writeth a cheuali shewing himself to be ignorant of Gréeke and his head to be as grosse as any capels head rather then our Church to be without head who hold Christ for the sole head of the vniuersall Church To proue that Catholike men cannot receiue their faith from the Catholike Church that is a collection and communion of all faithful people I thinke that I needed not to vse many arguments the same being a matter so plain and euident For then should the receiuers be no Catholikes nor should the Catholike church consist of particular men And finally al the members of the Catholike church should be agents to deliuer and all members to receiue and no distinction should be betwéene the giuer and receiuer But I vsed onely one argument drawne from a common principle of schoolemen viz. that actions are acted of singular persons and not of the body collectiue supposing that I had had to do with a schoole-man or a man at the least that vnderstood logicke But now I see I am fronted with an asse and a fellow deuoyd of logicke and reason For otherwise he would not haue talked so idly of suppositum and singulare and vniuersale nor deriued his logick from Tolet nor denied my argument For if in God the whole essence doth suffer and not the sonne of God or if the whole essence should
would not haue touched any matter of noueltie or absurditie For therein he giueth his aduersaries iust occasion not onely to iustifie their religion to be most ancient and consonant to holy scriptures but also to declare his popish religion refused by vs to be a packe of nouelties and a masse of grosse absurdities For who knoweth not that the Romish Church consisting of a triple-crowned and crosse-slippard Pope with his guard of Suizzers a consistory of purple Cardinals that hath neare affinitie to the purple whore of Babylon a rabble of rakehellike masse-priests filthy monkes friars and nunnes with a people worshipping idols and beléeuing the decretaliue doctrine of Popes and the decrées of Trent is new and neuer séene before vntill of late Who doeth not vnderstand that both the grounds of popery the doctrine thereon built is new For neither can K. shew that the auncient Church was founded vpon the Pope and his decretals or vpon traditions allowed by the Church of Rome or that the Church was tied to such senses of scriptures as the Romish Church alloweth or bound to follow the old Latine translation of the Bible Neither can he proue either out of fathers or ancient writers that Christs true body is both in heauen and earth and in euery pixe at one and the same time or that his body is inuisible or impalpable or that there are iust seuen sacraments and neither more nor lesse and that Christians receiue Christs flesh with their téeth and mouth or that the Pope is the head and spouse of the Church or that he hath two swords or that any images are to be worshipped with latria or that diuels torment soules in purgatory or that the Popes indulgences deliuer soules frō those torments or such like points of popery Now what I pray you is more absurd then to beléeue that a man can eate himself as the Massė-priests say Christ did at his last Supper nay that a dogge or a hogge can eate Christs body or that a spider can be drowned in his bloud which saueth all destroyeth none that can receiue it Againe what is more senselesse then to adore crosses and dumbe images which neither see nor heare nor moue and whose honor is not séene or knowne of those saints to whō they belong for ought we know Thirdly what is more inconuenient then to make a blind Pope that is ignorant of all matters of religion for the most part supreme iudge of controuersies of religion Can blind men iudge of colours or ignorant atheists of religion Fourthly what is more blasphemous then to teach that the Scriptures to vs are not authenticall vnlesse the Pope consigne them vnto vs Shall not truth be truth vnlesse it please the Pope to say it Finally seeing faith ought to be most certaine and built vpon grounds most certaine the popish religion must néedes be an absurd faith and a false religion that is built vpon traditions as well as Scriptures of which traditions the papists can yéeld no certaine proofe but are driuen to alleage either lying legends or old motheaten missals or vncertain customes It were an easie thing to alleage infinite such like absurdities of which this surueying K. hath very foolishly offered vs occasion to discourse at large He doeth also very simply talke of the sacrifice of the Masse Suruey li. 4. c. 2. For if Papists say truly that Christs body and blood is really offered in the Masse and that euery externall sacrifice requireth a reall destruction then it followeth that these masse-mongers do really destroy Christs body and blood Bellarmine lib. 1. de missa c. 2. sayth that an externall sacrifice doth require a reall destruction Requirit realem destructionem Was then this fellow wise trow you to talke of this braue sacrifice Further do we thinke him wise that in a booke offered to the king doth rayle on the kings religion saying That it leadeth vnto atheisme Finally it is a note of desperate folly to affirme That our religion leadeth to Atheisme for want of a Pope or for want of the Popish masse or sacrifice The contrary hereof rather is to be gathered against the Popish religion wherein as we may collect out of the aduersaries owne confession in c. si Papa dist 40. the Pope may lead with him thousands of soules into hell The masse also is a masse and sinke of superstition and idolatry Neither is any thing more repugnant to Christs only sacrifice then the priesthood and sacrifice of the masse Modesty he sheweth none with a face as hard as a lopster affirming That we teach that God is the author of sin That we despoyle Christ of his diuinitie That we wrong him in his office of redemption and bereaue him of his title of lawgiuer and priest And doubt not to say that Christ dispaired Now what greater impudency can be imagined then to ascribe that to vs which we vtterly deny and disclaime Nay we pronounce him accursed whosoeuer shall hold any of these points But the Papists in some things rub very néere vpō these rocks namely where they giue to euery man power to satisfie for the temporall paine of his sins and yéeld that others beside Christ may be called redéemers and make the Pope a law-giuer able to bind mens consciences and giue power to the priest to intercede for Christs body and blood that God would be pleased to accept it as he accepted the sacrifice of Melchisedech Impudently also he belieth vs raileth vpon vs saying that we make euery priuate mans spirit supreme iudge of controuersies and that we reiect Fathers auncient Councels and ouerthrow all religion and worship of God Neither doth he onely raile vpon vs but also vpon scriptures where he sayth that founding our selues only on scriptures we open a gate to all heretikes and heresies As if the Fathers and auncient Councels which founded their faith vpon holy scriptures only opened a gap to all heresies Or as if this could be spoken without disgrace to holy scriptures that he that relieth vpon the word of God deliuered in scriptures doth open a gate to all heresies Finally he taketh vpon him the title of the legate of the great monark of heauen being but a base fugitiue renegued companion set on by Antichrist and his supposts to raile at religion and the professors thereof and lying without rule or order His want of learning doeth euery where appeare throughout his whole Suruey The Scriptures he citeth very rarely The Fathers he mistaketh and misalleageth In Ecclesiasticall histories he is but a nouice Nay albeit he talketh much of our Religion yet he vnderstandeth not what we professe what we reiect Finally although the fellow be but a poore translator and collector of other mens slanders yet could he not well relate that which is translated out of others His principal witnesses are Staphilus Cochleus Bolser Nicol Borne Stapleton Surius and such like railing and base authors Was it then likely that he should shew