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A91186 An exact chronological history and full display of popes intollerable usurpations upon the antient just rights, liberties, of the kings, kingdoms, clergy, nobility, commons of England and Ireland Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1666 (1666) Wing P3962A; ESTC R232177 595,052 408

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propugnacula And Jacobus Crucius Rector of the Jesuites Novices at Landsperg An. 1584 writes Miles esse debet nostrae Societatis pater as Ignatius a fiery Souldier was quia ut Militis est totis viribus in hostem irruere nec desistere donec victor evadat ita nostrum est in omnes irruere qui Pontifici Romano resistunt illosque consiliis dictis et scriptis vocato etiam seculari brachio hoc est ferro igne tollere et abolere sicut Pontifex et nostra vota contra Lutheranos suscepta volunt et mandant Nay Edmond Compian the English Jesuit in his Dissertatio Ecclesiae Catholicae or Letter to Qu. Elizabeths Council printed Treveris Anno 1583. p. 22. proclaims to all the world Quod ad Societatem nostram attinet velim sciatis omnes nos qui per totum orbem longè lateque diffusi sumus quorum est continua succes●io magnus numerus sanctum faedus iniisse nec quamdiu vel unus nostrum supererit studium consilia nostra de salute vestra that is as his own Treasons against Queen Elizabeths person shew to destroy her and her Kingdoms together and as Ludovicus Lucius and Hospinian truly interpret it id est Religionis Reginae et Regni vestri eversione aut sub Papae iugum reductione intermissuros Iampridem inita ratio est et inchoatum certamen nulla vis nullus Anglorum impetus superabit And this whole Society as Watson a secular Priest in his Quodlibets informs us have long since boasted That they were the men miraculously constituted by God who should turn all things in England upside down and make such an universal dismal change in Church Lawes Parliaments in such sort as from the beginning of the world the like was never heard of before and turn our Kingdom into a Japonian or Helvetian Commonwealth which they lately effected Therefore it cannot consist with the safety of our King kingdoms Church State Religion to tolerate any of this spreading Desperate order of Jesuites amongst us banished out of most forraign Popish as well as Protestant Kingdoms States for their manifold Treasons seditions against their Kings Magistrates Government and who made very many attempts to destroy the sacred persons of Queen Elizabeth King James were the principal contrivers of the late horrid Gunpowder Treason to blow up our King Queen Prince all the Royall Issue Lords Commons Church Kingdom Religion Parliaments at once had a principal hand in the unparallel'd murder proceedings against our late King Charles of glorious memory and had no small influence in the late metamorphosis of our Hereditary Kingdomes into the confused Chaos of a new Free Commonwealth Having as the General of the English Jesuites confessed to a Noble English Lord in their Colledge at Rome Anno 1653. in England above 1500 of their Society able to work in several trades which the Bu●l of Pope Gregory the 13th inables them to exercise as well as to preach without Orders They having a Consistory and Council that ruled all the affairs of the Kings in England into which they never came over in those swarms as they did during our late confusions as Cromwell himself relates in his printed Speech Sept. 4. 1654. p. 16 17. and being the Heads and Lay-preachers to most of our New sects as well as Soldiers in our late Armies and Garisons Their 5th Title whereunto all Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and that by divine right is now pretended to be annexed as inseparable incommunicable to Kings Temporal Magistrates or to ordinary Priests Presbyters Ministers is that of Bishop or Overseer and their office a Bishoprick or good work Acts 20. 28. Phil 1. 8. 1 Tim. 3. 1. Tit 1. 7. To which I answer first That if the Supream Titles offices of Apostles Disciples Evangelists have no such Jurisdiction included in or conferred by them as is pretended then this of Bishop or Overseer inferior to them can have none at least none greater or so great as they 2ly It is only a Title of Ministry not of Dignity of Labour not Honor of Operation not Denomination of Watching not Lording or loytering as Fathers and Councils in all ages have defined I shall present you with a short view of their resolves herein to abate that Timpany of Ambition pride superciliosnesse luxury which Popes others challenge only from this Title of Bishop Origen within 220. years after Christ resolved Qui Principatum desiderat Ecclesiae debet fieri omnium servus in humilitate servili ut obsequatur omnibus in his quae perrinent ad salutem haec docet nos sermo divinus Ecclesiarum Principes Principum mundalium imitatores esse non debent sed imitari debent Christum accessibilem mulieribus loquuentem pueris manus imponentem discipulis suis pedes lavantem atque tergentem exemplum eis dantem ut ipsi similiter faciant suis fratribus Neque enim ad Principatum Ecclesiae venit qui salvari vult etsi praeest sed ad servitutem Ecclesiae Et si oportet discere de Evangelio Principes quidem Gentium dominantur eis qui potestatem habent in illis Magistratus vocantur vos autem non sic Qui vocatur ergo ad Episcopatum non ad Principatum vocatur sed ad servitutem totitius Ecclesiae Si vis credere de Scripturis quia in Ecclesia servus sit omnium qui praeset Propter quod ait Apostolus Ita nos existimet homo ut ministros Christi dispensatores mysteri●ram Dei. Peccat autem in Deum quicunque Episcopus qui non quasi conservis servus ministrat sed quasi Dominus Frequenter autem et quasi amarus Dominus dominans per vim similis constitutus Egyptiis qui affligebant vitam filiorum Israel vi c. St. Ambrose resolves Nisi bonum opus amplecturis Episcopus esse non potes a Bishoprick being not a Dignity or Dominion but a good work c. St. Chrysostom Hom. 11. in Ephesios Non dominamur ait fidei vestrae thus resolves O D●lecti nec Domini more haec imperamus Doctrinae verbi praefecti sumus non est nobis mandatus Magistratus nec data Auctoritas Consiliariorum admonentium locum tenemus Opus Imperfectum in Matth. Hom. 35. Principes Gentium dominantur eis c. Christus fructum humilitatis terrestris posuit primatum caelestem et primatus terrestris fructum posuit confusionem caelestem Quicunque ergo desiderat primatum caelestem sequatur humilitatem terrestrem quicumque autem desiderat Primatum in terra inveniet confusionem in coelo ut jam inter servos Christi non sit de Primatu certamen nec festinet unusquisque eorum quomodo aliis major appareat sed quomodo omnibus inferior videatur Conversatio igitur melior est desideranda non dignior gradus Principes autem Ecclesiae fiunt ut serviant minoribus suis et ministrent iis
Lord their God which brought them and their fathers out of the land of Egypt c. Whereupon all the people resolved and answered again and again The Lord our God will we serve and his voice will we obey and they made a statute ordinance and covenant before the Lord to perform it compared with Joshua 22. 11. to 34. 4ly By King Davids manifold exhortations and precepts to his Subjects to this purpose throughout the Psalms especially Psalm 34. 37. O magnifie the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together O taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man that trusteth in him O fear the Lord ye his Saints Come ye children and hearken unto me I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Depart from evil and do good seek peace and pursue it dwell for evermore c. And by his charge to his son Solomon all his Princes Officers and Congregation of Isrel 1 Chron. 28. 9 10. Now therefore in the sight of all Israel the congregation of the Lord and in the audience of our God keep and search for all the commandements of the Lord your God that ye may posses this good land and leave it for an inheritance for your children after you for ever And thou Solomon my sonne know thou the God of thy Fathers and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth the imagination of the thoughts if thou seek him he will be found of thee but if thou shalt forsake him he will cast thee off for ever Seconded with this his publike prayer to God for them 1 Chron. 29. 18 19 20. O Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Israel our Fathers keep this for ever in the thoughts of the heart of thy people and prepare their heart unto thee And give unto Solomon my Son an understanding heart to keep thy commandements thy testimonies and statutes and to do all these things and to build the house for which I have made provision Which ended David said to all the Congregation Now blesse the Lord your God And all the congregation blessed the Lord God of their fathers and bow●d down their heads and worshipped the Lord and the King 5ly By Ecclesiastes 1. 12 c. 12. 9 10 11. recording that Solomon King of Israel was also a Preacher and taught the people knowledge and that which was upright even words of truth for their everlasting welfare 6ly By 2 Chron. 15. 12. to 19. Where King Asa made the people to enter into a covenant to seek the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul and that whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be put to death whether great or small whether man or woman To omit all other particular examples of this nature already touched From these Texts it is apparent That the primary office duty end of Kings especially Christian is to promote the honour worship service fear love of God true religion eternal salvation of their Subjects souls and suppresse what ever is repugnant thereto 12ly That which was Gods principal end design in creating the World it self redeeming mankind by the bloud of Jesus Christ and the King of Kings giving both the Law and Gospel to men must certainly be Gods chief end design in instituting Kings Princes and Supream Civil Governors the eminentest chiefest of men to be his Viceroyes to rule over men of inferiour rank or quality and the most essential real considerable part of their Regal or Magistratical office duty Now Gods principal end and design in creating the world and men the Lords of all other Creatures redeeming mankind by the bloud of Christ and giving both the Law and Gospel to them was only this that all mankind might worship adore fear honor praise blesse obey love and glorify him according to his word and will whiles they live on earth that Jesus Christ might rule in and reign over them as his kingdom Church Saints and they might reign with and enjoy perpetual felicity in by under him in his heavenly kingdom for all eternity as the Scripture resolves Therefore it must necessarily be Gods chief end design in instituting Kings Princes and Supream Civil Magistrates the eminentest choicest of all men to rule over those of inferiour quality and the most essential real considerable part of their Regal or Magisterial office trust duty upon which Account among others God specially enjoyned the Kings of Israel to have a Copy of the Book of his Law alwayes in their custody and to read therein all the dayes of their lives the better to observe it themselves and to enjoyn all their subjects to observe obey and do nought against it yea God himself with greatest majesty enacted this Royal Law by King Davids own mouth for all Kings Rulers to square their Government by He that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God which he can never do without taking special care to maintain promote the true Worship service fear love obedience of God according to his word among all his Subjects for Gods glory and their temporal and eternal felicity as David did 13ly This I shall evidence even from the very light of nature and practice among the Heathen Nations Plato in his Book De Regno asserts That the King hath Universae humanae Societatis curam that Regia cura ut quae principalis in omnes homines ars est consisting not only in this that Rex est humanus Curator but also Divinus Pastor over all his Subjects That the chief care of Religion Worship of the Gods and feeding of the people belongs to Kings they being a kind of Priests Quare in Egypto neque imperare licet Regi absque Sacerdotio Sed si quis ex alio genere per vim Regnum invasit postea tamen necesse est cum hoc genere initiari Quin et in multis locis apud Graecos Summis Magistratibus maxima sacrificia demandata esse quis compererit et sane etiam apud nos non minus clarum est quod dico Ei enim qui Rex sorte creatus est augustissima et maxima patria vetera sacrificia huic attributa esse tradunt Hos itaque sorte creatos Reges simulque Sacerdotes considerare convenit c. Aristotle his Scholar resolves us that in the heroical times Reges provinciam habebant bellorum et sacrorum nisi forte ad Sacerdotes attinerent Postea autem partim quidem ipsis Regibus omittendis partim vero populis recusantibus apud quasdam Civitates sacra solis Regibus relicta sunt Rex autem et Dux belli et Iuder erat rerum divinarum moderator And among the Romans themselves as their Historians and others relate their antient King and after that their Emperors were both Kings and Priests and had the chiefest hand in performing the Rites and Ceremonies of
all the Bishops of Germany France Aquitain and other places met in this Synod to the Bishops and Clergy of Spain reciting their Summons by King Charles Domini Regis nostri praecipua pietate et laudabili sapientia adsedente et auriliante Nobis by whose direction and assistance they had read debated and refuted Elepandus his Epistle Then follows this Kings own Epistle to Elepandus and the Clergy of Spain with this inscription Carolus Gratia Dei Rex Francorum Longobardorum ac Patricius Romanorum Filius Defensor Sanclae Dei Ecclesiae c. Wherein he refutes Elepandus his Opinion makes a large pious Orthodox Consession of his faith in imitation of Constantine the Great adding Hanc igitur fidem orthodoxam ab Apostolicis traditam doctoribus ab univer●ali servatam Ecclesia Nos pro unione nostrarum partium utique in omnibus SERVARE PRAEDICARE PROFITEMUR quia non est in alia aliqua salus nisi in illa Exhorting them to return to the Church and embrace this faith Habetote Nos cooperatores salutis vestrae Catholicae pacis auriliares c. In this Council he likewise condemned the adoration of Images against the Epistle and resolution of Pope Adrian and the Council of Nice which this Council revoked as neither oecumenical nor as any thing ut nec septima nec aliquid diceretur quasi supervacua ab omnibus abdicata est writes Abbas Uspergensis Our famous Country-man Flaccus Alchuinus Abbas Scholar to our Venerable Beda and Tutor to the Emperor Charles the Great thus defines describes the Office duty of a King with the care he ought to have of the Orthodox Faith Church Religion and Ecclesiastical affairs asserting the Emperors Supremacy over the Church and Pope himself Regis est omnes iniquitates pietatis suae potentia opprimere c. Ecclesiarum Christi sint defensores et tutores ut servorum Dei orationibus longa vivant prosperitate In his Epistola 1. to King Charles the Great to whom he usually directed his Epistles under the stile of a Deo dilecto atque a Deo electo David Regi powring out many fervent thanksgivings and prayers to God for him both in Verse and Prose he writes Tota sancta Dei Ecclesia unanimo charitatis concentu gratias agere Deo omnipotenti debebit Qui tam pium prudentem justum his novissimis mundi periculosissimis temporibus populo Christiano perdonavit clementissimo munere Rectorem et Defensorem qui prava corrigere et recta corroborare et sancta sublimare omni intentione studeat et nomen Domini Dei excelsi per multa terrarum spatia dilatare gaudeat et Catholicae fidei lumen in extremis mundi partibus incendere conetur Haec est O dulcissime David gloria laus et merces tua in judicio diei magni c. Epist 11. he writes Tres Personae altissimae in mundo fuerunt Apostolica sublimitas quae beati Petri Principis Apostolorum sedem Vicario munere regere solet Alia est Imperialis dignitas et secundae Romae secularis potentia Terna est Regalis dignitas in qua vos Domini nostri Iesu Christi dispensatio Rectorem Christiani populi disposuit caeteris praefatis dignitatibus potentia excellentiorem sapientia clariorem regni dignitate sublimiorem Ecce in te solo tota salus Ecclesiarum Christi inclinata recumbit Tu vindex scelerum tu Rector errantium tu Consolator merentium tu exaltatio bonorum Nonne Romana in sede ubi religio maximae pietatis quondam claruerit ibi extrema impietatis exempla emerserunt Ipsi cordibus suis excaecati caput suum excaecaverunt Nec ibi timor Dei nec sapientia nec charitas esse videtur Then relating sundry abuses fit to be redressed both in Rome and elsewhere he infers Ex his omnibus tibi plena scientia data est a Deo ut per te sancta Dei Ecclesia not by the Pope in populo Christiano regatur exaltetur et conservetur Epist 12. he useth these expressions of this Charles O dulcissime decus populi Christiani O defensio Ecclesiarum Christi consolatio vitae praesentis Quibus tuam beatitudinem omnibus necessarium est votis exaltare intercessionibus adjuvare quatenus per vestram prosperitatem Christianum tueatur Imperium fides Catholica defendatur justitiae regula omnibus innotescat Ecce quid actum est de Apostolica sede in civitate praecipua Roma in dignitate excellentissima quae omnia vestro tantummodo servantur judicio not to the Popes nor Synods ut prudentissimo consilio sapientiae vobis a Deo datae temperata consideratione corrigantur quae corrigenda sunt et conserventur quae conservanda sunt et quae clementia divina gessit pietas extollentur in laudem illius qui salvum fecit servum suum Epist 13. Vestra clarissima voluntas in hoc omni laboret studio ut Christi nomen clarificetur ut ejus divina potentia per fortitudinis vestrae triumphos multis terrarum regnis innotescat quatenus non solum magnitudo potestatis te Regem ostendat sed etiam instantia seminandi verbi Dei in laude Domini nostri Iesu Christi PRAEDICATOREM EFFICIAT Ideo divina gratia his duobus mirabiliter te ditavit muneribus id est terrenae foelicitatis imperio et spiritalis sapientiae latitudine ut in utroque proficias donec ad aeternae beatitudinis pervenias foelicitatem Parce populo Christiano et Ecclesias Christi defende c. Epist 14. He adds Sanctae religionis fervore omnibus praecellis Felix populi qui tali Principe gaudet cujus solium dissipat iniquitatem Nam quod olim Apostolici Patres suis scriptis in confirmationem Fidei Catholicae diversis mundi partibus peragerunt hoc vestra sanctissima sollicitudo implere non cessat Hoc mirabile et speciale in te pietatis mi Domine praedicamus quod tanta devotione Ecclesias Christi a perfidorum doctrinis intrinsecus purgare tuerique niteris quanto forinsecus à Paganorum vastatione defendere vel propagare curaris His duobus gladiis the two swords then by Gods appointment belong to the Emperor not the Pope venerandam excellentiam dertra levaque armavit divina Potentia In quibus Victor laudabilis et Triumphator gloriosus existis His Epist 24. to the same King Charles hath this Exordium Gloria Laus Deo Omnipotenti pro salute prosperitate vestra Dulcissime mi David atque pro omni honore sapientia in quibus te speciali gratia omnibus supercellere fecit Perpetua gratiarum actio resonet assidua sanctarum intercessio orationum ad Deum dirigatur quatenus longaeva prosperitate feliciter vivas valeas et regnes ad correctionem et exaltationem sanctae suae Ecclesiae ut sub protectione tuae venerandae potestatis secura quiete Deo deserviat After which craving his favor in two
librariorum imperitia lectorum oscitantia interpretum inscitia incuria temporum depravatos ad amussim et veritatem fontis correxit Extat publicum Decretum ut Canonici libri tantum legantur in Ecclesia nec sinit in divinis Lectionibus templisque inter sacra officia inconditos solae cismos barbarismo que inconcinnos obstrepere in quibus quidam religiosuli nostra memoria sanctitatem collocant as Joannes Aventinus informs us All these particulars abundantly evidence the Supremacy of Charles the Great and Ludovicus his sonne both as Kings and Emperors in and over all Ecclesiastical persons causes and Popes themselves during their reigns and that the care protection propagation of Religion the Church and their peoples salvation belonged principally to and were managed by them as the chief branch of their Kingly office This Emperor Ludovicus Pius collected published sundry Ecclesiastical Lawes and Constitutions which he thus prefaced Omnibus vobis aut visu aut auditu notum esse non dubitamus quia genitor noster progenitores postquam a Deo ad hoc electi sunt in hoc praecipue studuerunt ut honor Sanctae Dei Ecclesiae et status Regni decens maneret Nos etiam juxta modum nostrum eorum sequentes Exemplum saepe vestram devotionem de his admonere curavimus et Deo miserante multa jam emendata et correcta videmus Vnde et Deo justas laudes persolvere vestrae bonae intentioni multimodas debemus gratias referre Sed quoniam complacuit divinae providentiae nostram mediocritatem ad hoc constituere ut sanctae suae Ecclesiae et regni huius curam gereremus observe it ad hoc certare et nos et filios ac socios nostros diebus vitae nostrae optamus ut tria specialiter Capitula et a nobis et a vobis Deo opem ferente in hujus regni administratione specialiter conserventur id est ut defensio et exaltatio vel honor sanctae Dei Ecclesiae et servorum illius congruus maneat et pax et Iustitia in omni generalitate populi nostri conservetur In his quippe maxime studere et de his in omnibus placitis quae vobiscum Deo auxiliante habituri sumus vos admonere optamus sicut debitores sumus Sed quanquam summa hujus ministerii in nostra persona consistere videatur tamen divina authoritate humana or sinatione ita per partes divisum esse cogoscitur Vnde apparet quod ego omnium vestrum admonitor esse debeo et omnes vos nostri adiutores esse debetis Nec enim ignoramus quid unicuique vestrum in sibi commissa portione conveniat ideo praetermittere non possumus quin unumquemque juxta suum ordinem admoneamus Sed quoniam scimus quod specialiter pertineat ad Episcopos ut primum ad sacrum ministerium suscipiendum justè accedant in eodem Ministerio religiose vivant tam bene vivendo quam recte praedicando populis sibi commissis it er vitae praebeant ut in Monasteriis in suis Parochiis constitutis sancta religio observata fiat unusquisque juxta suam professionem veraciter vivat curam impendant Omnes vos in hoc sacro ordine constitutos et officio Pastorali functos monemus atque rogamus ut in hoc maxime elaborare studeatis et per vosmetipsos et per vobis subjectos quantum ad vestrum ministerium pertinet nobis veri adjutores in administratione ministerii nobis commissi existatis ut in judicio non condemnari pro nostra vestra negligentia sed potius pro utrorumque bono studio remunerari mereamur Et ubicunque per negligentiam Abbatis aut Abbatissae vel Comitis sive vassi nostri aut alicujus cujuslibet personae aliquod vobis difficultatis in hoc apparuerit obstaculum nostrae dignoscentiae id ad tempus insinuare non differatis ut nostro aurilio suffulti quod vestra auctoritas exposcit famulante ut decet potestate nostra facilius perficere valeatis This pious King and Emperor employed Abbot Ansegisus to collect all his own his Fathers King Charls the Great and other his Predecessors Ecclesiastical Lawes made by the advice of their Nobles as well as Bishops scattered in divers Schedules into one Volume and to present them to him for the honour and good of the Church who accordingly collected digested them into several Books Chapters intituled Capitularia Caroli Magni Ludovici consisting of 7. Books and near 1600 brief Chapters or Constitutions besides 4. Books of Additions to them printed all together in Fridericus Lindebrogus his Codex Legum Antiquarum wherein are comprised all sorts of Laws Canons Constitutions relating to the Orthodox faith worship service of God Scriptures Sacraments all Ecclesiastical persons duties matters Christians whatsoever to whom he prescribed these Laws by his Royal authority corrected augmented by advice of his Nobles as the Titles to each Book declare and sundry penalties as having the principal care of the Church and people of God committed to him for which trust he was to give a strict account at the day of Judgement In his 7th Book cap 375 376. he thus ratified all the precedent Lawes Has omnes Constitutiones quas summatim breviterque perstrinximus sicut plenius in Canone continentur manere perenni stabilitate sancimus Si quis ergo Clericus aut Laicus harum sanctionum obediens esse noluerit si Clericus fuerit excommunicationi subjaceat Si vero Laicus fuerit honestioris loci persona medietatem facultatum suarum amittat fisci juribus profuturam si vero majoris loci persona est amissione rerum suarum multatus in exilio deputetur Quaecunque a Parentibus nostris diversis sunt statuta temporibus manere inv●olata et incorrupta circa sacrosanctas Ecclesias praecipimus Nihil igitur a privilegiis immutetur omnibus qui Ecclesiis serviunt tuitio deferatur Quia temporibus nostris addi potius reverentiae cupimus quam ex his quae olim praestituta sunt immutari About the year 824. Lotharius both Emperor and King of Italy in the time of Pope Eugenius the 2d appointed Magistrates in Rome and through all Italy qui jus Romano populo dicerent eo quod libertate qua sub Carolo Magno Ludovico usi essent abuterentur statuit etiam juxta antiquum morem ut ex latere Imp. miterentur qui judiciariam exercentes potestatem justitiā omni populo facerent tempore quo visum foret Imp●ratori aequa lance penderent Yea he made this Law to prevent the tumults about elections of Popes Volumus ut ad electionem Pontificis nemo audeat venire neque liber neque servus qui aliquod impedimentū inferat exceptis illis tantū Romanis quibus antiqua fuit consuetudo per constitutionem Sanctorum Patrum concessa eligendi Pontificem Quod si
amplius ferre non valentes ita ut et aliqui ex nobis Episcopi et Clerici jam sint mortui ab hac cura et perigrinatione liberet ut ista sedata sollicitudine magnae Civitatis Ecclesiae curam geramus Supplicamus etiam ut ad eos qui singulis sint locis literas comminatorias mittat ne denuo alia suscitetur Ecclesiis molessia ac perturbatio sanctissimis Episcopis in ipsorum regionibus oriatur Etenim facta jam pietatis declaratione Vniverso Orbe consonum de illa sententiam ferente paucis demptis Nestorii amicitiam pietate praeferentibus gratiam hanc haud immeritam petimus dominationi vestrae supplicantes ut nos cura ista deinceps liberet ut ordinationi futuri Episcopi incumbamus et in fide jam et Pietate confirmata nos Oblectemus purasque ac synceras pro dominatione vestra Preces omnium Domino Christo destinemus Their 8. Epistle to them is thus prefaced Regia quidem vestra et Christi amans Majestas Pientissimi Reges a pueris Zelum circa fidem et Canones declaravit cujus etiam gratia Orbis Episcopos ad Ephesiorum Civitatem concurrere pia Sanctione praecepit verum literae Serenitatis vestrae jam nobis per magnificentissimum et Gloriosissimum Comitem Johannem sectae haud modicam attulere perturbationem innuentes imposturam quandam et mendacium pro veracibus quosdam vestris auribus objecisse c. And thus they conclude it Sublimitati vestrae supplicamus ut a sancta Synodo quos dominatio vestra probaverit vocentur ut coram regia vestra et Christi amans Majestas de omnibus certius instruatur Their 9. Epistle hath this Exordium and Progress Non est quidem Dominatio vestra passa rectam fidem quasi cuniculis quibusdam suffodi per Nestorii doctrinam c. Ob hanc causam Vniversi ad pietatis vestrae dominationem confugimus supplicantes ut quae contra Nestorium et illi consentientes sunt gesta robut suum habeant quae vero ab illis qui Nestorium vindicant eo quod cum illo sentiunt contra Synodi nostrae Duces illegitime facta sunt inefficacia et irrita maneant ut neque convenienter neque canonice sed contra eos qui de nullo sunt delicto convicti sola ulciscendi libidine ab illis sunt gesta qui contra sanctam Synodum cum Nestorio sentiunt All depending upon their Imperial Edicts Orders Ratifications St. Cyril and Memnon begin their Book against Nestorius presented to this Council in this manner Divum Imperatorum decretum et nos et vestram Sanctitatem in Ephesiorum Metropoli convenire jussit ut et rectam Apostolicae fidei determinationem communi sententia confirmemus et haeresim a Nestoro recens inductam probemus These Emperors commanded all the Bishops summoned to appear in this Council not to depart thence til all things were concluded And because the Bishops there assembled were incensed against each other each of them endeavouring to maintain his opinion party by indirect means the Emperors declared all things thus obtained to be nulled sent his Secretary of State some of his own Palace together with the most famous Earl Candidianus to this Council to preside therin see they acted nothing but what they by their Letters enjoyned them not to depart thence as this clause in the Emperors Letters to the Council evidenceth Et obeam causam quisquam è nostro palatio una cum preclarissimo Comite Candidiano missus fuerit qui quaegesta sunt secundum nostram jussionem cognoscat et quae sunt inconvenientia prohibeat neque abscedat quisquam congregatorum Episcoporum ab Ephesiorum Civitate neque ad Majestatis nostrae veniat exercitum nec in Patriam suam revertatur ita ut ista nemini quacunque spe ducto transgredi liceat Sufficiant quidem istae literae ad denunciandum vestrae pietati ne quid aliud praeter nostram jussionem iis quae facta sunt adjiciatis Sciat tamen Sanctitas vestra etiam illustrissimis provinciarum primoribus esse scriptum ut neminem prorsus sine nostra jussione in patriam ac civitatem suam reversum recipi sinant Oportet enim ut omnia primum jurta id quod Deo placiturum est sine contentione et cum veritate examinata tum demum a nostra pietate corroborentur neque enim Majestas nostra hominum jam aliquorum neque sanctissimi ac pientissimi Nestorii neque cujusquam alterius sed ipsius Doctrinae ac veritatis curam gerit Finally these Emperours made their chief Secretary of State and privy Counsellor Register in this Synod in their Epistles to the Bishops in this Council expresse their great care of Religion and towards the cloze thereof sent the most glorious John Count of Sacred Things to know what they had done concerning the Faith that they might do what he should deem profitable for that end Celestino Ruffo Augustiniano reliquis religiosissimis Episcopis Quantum zeli circa pietatem et progenitorum nostrorum fidem ostenderimus multis quidem ut arbitramur praecedentibus Judiciis perspicue declaratum est non minus autem illud et in eo quod Synodum vestram nuper convocavimus Vniverso Orbi manifestatum esse credimus c. Sciat etiam Sanctitas vestra quod praeclarissimum et Gloriosissimum Johannem Comitem Sacrorum ob eam causam misimus ut ubi ille pietatis vestrae circa fidem scopum cognoverit quae ipsi videbuntur utilia faciatis By all which passages of this famous General Council the Emperors Supream Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Judicature care of the true Faith and Religion is most fully and clearly demonstrated beyond contradiction Pope Coelestine himself was summoned to it and excused his absence but did not substitute St. Cyril to supply his place therein as some Romanists fable The Oriental Bishops assembled in this Council favouring Arrius and Nestorius by faction opposed Cyril and Memnon making a Relation of their proceedings therein to Callimot King of Persia who commanded the Bishops under him to appear at this Council to incense him against them thus praying his assistance against their actings Pietas vestra quae benefaciendo orbi et Ecclesiis Dei clarescit jussit nos in Ephesio congregari ita ut inde lucrum et pa● Ecclesiae accresceret non ut omnia confusione et deordinatione implerentur et haec vestrae Majestatis edicta apertè et manifestè piam vestram et pacificam pro Ecclesiis Dei indicabant mentem Atqui Cyrillus Alexandrinus ad perniciem Ecclesiarum ut videtur natus educatus assumpto cooperatore Memnonis Ephesiorum audacia primum quidem placidum et pium vestrum edictum transgressus est per omnia se illi non subditum declarans Nam cum vestra Majestas praeceperit de fide diligens examen et
fortissimae vestrae clementiae principatus virtutis quidem conatibus Rempublicam Christianam tuetur et restaurat in melius c. 4ly That this Universal Synod of Constantinople in their 10 Action caused Justinians Book against Hereticks to be publikely read as of far greater Authority then any of the Fathers there alleged Item relectum est in eodem Codicillo testimonium Iustiniani piissimi Imperatoris er libro contra Nestorianos et Acephalos Item relectum est ex eodem Codicillo testimonium eiusdem sanctae memoriae Iustiniani ex dogmatica Epistola ad Zoilum sanctissimum Patriarcham Alexandriae Quae duo testimonia collata sint similiter ad librum membranaceum qui est de bibliot hec a venerabilis hujus Patriarchae 5ly That Actio 14. the whole Council stiled him 4. or 5. times one after another Iustinianus quondam divinae et divae memoriae Imperator and his Empresse as often Theodora Divae memoriae in their examination of the forgeries inserted by some Hereticks into the Acts of this Council held under him 6ly That in their acclamations to Constantin they give him this Title as a badge of his greatest honour orthodoxy and piety Novo Iustiniano aeterna memoria which they oft repeated in several Letters 7ly That Actio 18 this whole 6th General Council in their Sermo acclamatorius to the Emperor Constantine there publiquely read gave this Encomium of him Post haec Justiniano piissimo c. And Canon 1. stile him Justinianus piae memoriae 8ly That Actio 18. the Emperor Constantine himself stiles him Justinianus Divinae memoriae in his Edict ratifying this Council 9ly That Mansuetus Bishop of Millain and the whole Synod of Bishops under him in their Epistle and Confession of faith sent to the Emperor Constantine and this General Council after their commendation of Constantine Theodosius magnus and Martianus praestantissimi Christianae religionis amatores who summoned the Councils of Nice Constantinople Ephesus and Chalc●don give this Character of Justinian Demptis his omnibus deinc●ps Christianissimo Iustiniano Imp cuius cum nomine et opera micuerunt existentibus quibusdam qui sanctam Chalcedonensem Syno●um sub naevo offensionis rejicere inconsideratis vacibus jactitabant tunc a praefato Principe iterato in regia urbe Constantinop Concilio congregati sunt 160. reverendi Patres c. sanctam immaculatam orthodoxam fidem viventib●s sententiis roborantes firmissimam adsertionem confirmaverunt If this whole General Council together with the Synods of Rome Millain the Emperor Constantine Pope Agatho himself and other godly Bishops gave these high Encomiums of Justinians transcendent piety orthodoxy constancy learning and knowledge within an 120. years after his decease How impudent impious injurious is Cardinal Baronius above one thousand years after to slander him for an Heretical in pious flagitious illiterat damned miscreant 10ly Pope Gregory the 1. oft stiles him Justinus piae memoriae for vertue and piety renowned and to be held in veneration by all Nations 11ly Aimonius gives Justinian this testimony Justinian was a man Fide Catholicus pietate insignis aequitatis cultor Egregius therefore all things prospered under his hand Otto Frisingensis calls him Christianissimum ac piissimum Principem qui Imperium quasi mortuum resuscitavit c. as well as the Church Gothofri●us Viterbiensis terms him Christianissimum Principum The whole glory of God was repaired by his vertue and peace established in the Church which remained in that stable peace which under him it enjoyed Wernerus records He was in all things most excellent for in him did concurr three things which make a Prince glorious to wit Power by which he overcame his Enemies Wisdom by which he governed the world by just Lawes and a Religious mind to Gods worship by which he glorified God and beautified Churches Tritemius assures us He was deservedly reckoned among Eccle●●astical writers he expresly mentioning 3. Books which he writ in defence of the Orthodox faith against Eutiches and one against the African Bishops With whom Possevine the Jesuite concurres Adding Justinian the Emperor a religious man sent to the See Apostolick or Pope John the 3d. the Profession of his faith scriptum chirographo proprio written with his own hand testifying his great love to and care for the Christian Religion 12ly Liberatus who lived under Iustinian and was no well-wisher to him records That he writ a Book against the Acephali and Eutichian Hereticks in defence of the Council of Chalcedon Therfore Baronius his passages that he was altogether illiterate and unable so much as to read must needs be malicious forgeries 13ly Suidas stiles him A most Catholick and Orthodoxal Emperor Paulus Diaconus relates That he governed the Empire felici sorte and was a Prince for his faith Catholick in his actions upright in his judgements just therefore all things concurred to his good 14ly Sebastianus Munster registers of him He was a just and upright man ingenious in finding out matters atque haeresium maximus hostis Yea Platina gives him this testimony Iustinus his next successor was Nulla in re similis Iustiniano for he was wicked covetous ravenous a contemner both of God and man 15ly Procopius gives him this Encomium That Justinian seemed to have been ordained to the Imperial dignity by God that he might repair the whole Empire and likewise the Church of God For he built the most magnificent Church Sophia in Constantinople comparable to Solomons Temple the mirrour of all ages with 37. Stately Churches in Constantinople Antioch Ierusalem and other great Cities besides many Abbies Churches Hospitals so that Nulla satietas honorandi Deum eum cepit as Procopius relates asserts And Evagrius who being an Eutichian was most despitefull to him gives him this testimony That it is reported he restored a-new one hundred and fifty Cities either totally overthrown or utterly decayed and that he so beautified them with great Ornaments publike and private houses goodly walls sumptuous buildings and Churches ut nihil esse posset magnificentius Which yet were nothing comparable to his most wholesom Imperial Lawes abridged corrected supplied by his learned care and diligence whereby he governed both the Empire and Church 16ly His memory was so famous for Piety Zeal Iustice Wisdome Government Vertues That all the people annually celebrated the memory of Justinian with great Pomp solemnity and panegyrick Orations to his honor both in the Church of Sophia in Constantinople and in the Church of St. Iohn at Ephesus which he built And although Baronius out of malice place him in hell yet Pope Agatho and his whole Roman Council rank him among the glorious and blessed Saints in heaven St. Constantine Theodosius and Martian saying That he is a blessed Saint venerable in all ages and this Pope with the whole 6. General Council as Nicephorus records Iustinianum