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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35871 A dialogue between Dick and Tom, concerning the present posture of affairs in England 1689 (1689) Wing D1306; ESTC R19218 12,672 19

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Sir P. R I omit that Gentleman having suffered sufficiently by the Court Party as the people call it now to the Conclusion But rather choose such who in the Parliaments of King Charles the Second oppos'd Popery and arbitrary Power in the face of Danger and will now in all probability expose themselves to the greatest hazards to establish your Religion Laws and Liberties Here 's a heavy charge but as little prov'd as possible but granting all to be true is this a time to rip up old stories while this Libeller little considers how the Court influenc'd all those violent proceedings which then happen'd Tom. But ought not Men to be told of their faults Dick. Yes But not in such a manner yet without any manner of Reflection give me leave to speak it had some of these criminal Gentlemen pointed at in the Libel been Elected for the City of London they might perhaps have served their Country with as much integrity as 't is believed the four chosen Members will do in the present Convention the City of London in all publick Transactions has always been the leading Card most Corporations following her Example but 't is the business of some people to sow the Seeds of Dissention when there is the greatest occasion for Unity Mens faults are lookt upon with a Magnifying Glass while their merits or deserts are seen with the wrong end of the Prospective besides should we once give space for Recriminations what Division of Men is safe The Papist hates to hear of the Irish or French Massacres the Roundhead cares not to hear the Exploits of 41 mentioned Tom. Nor the violent Church-man of Passive Obedience Dick. Very merrily rejoin'd Tom but were there a mutual forbearance and an extensive Love and Charity the Times would be much better what do you think is the intent and real design of the Paper last mentioned Tom. To sow Seeds of Dissention I make use of your own words you see I 'm familiar Dick. But do you see no further design Tom. Not that I can perceive Dick. Then I 'll tell you 't is undoubtedly design'd to undermine the Church of England Tom. How can that be Dick. Why thus These Gentlemen and others mentioned are of the Communion of that Church they have done such and such things trust 'em no more if they make the Majority in the Convention then farewel Liberty of Conscience and you will again be plagu'd with Informers and Constables to molest you in your most peaceable Meeting your Assembling together will be call'd a Riot your Persons dragg'd to Prisons and your Goods taken from you your Families undone c. these are the things you ought to fear and now it is put into your hands to prevent them therefore now or never Is not this a fearful Scene to a timorous fancy whereas with the same reason they may suspect an Army of French should come cross the Narrow-Seas on Horse-back as any of these ill-grounded Suspicions Toms Why Sir though 't is a little smother'd think you the Church of England has left her persecuting Spirit Dick. 'T is the highest uncharitableness in the World to charge the whole Community for the faults of a few Little do you think that that severe storm which fell upon the Dissenters in 83 and 84 was occasioned by Popish Councils and hatcht at the Court the more pious and wise of the Church did then and do still disclaim such Proceedings and I durst pawn my Life for it that this Age nor the next will ever see any such Actions encourag'd by the Church of England but if Ambition mask'd with a pretended holy Zeal for the Glory of Christ will still put the Dissenters upon ruining that Church we may be suppos'd notwithstanding the often retorted Doctrine of Passive Obedience not tamely to stand still and see the Church destroy'd second time by those who might quietly enjoy the Lioerty of their own Conscience provided they disturb not ours those just fears and suspicions of Popery are now vanisht to that degree that the very Name is become a by-word and were we but once united we need not fear the most close laid attempts of the Red-Letter'd Tribe Tom. I hope we are so Dick. I wish so too but when Papers are dispers'd about tending to the villifying of the Church of England and people whisper in Coffee-houses they hope to see a Common-wealth again what must we guess but that the ruine of the Church is aim'd at Come come Tome these are not the Methods to be taken at this time of day the Prince though Educated a Calvinist yet retains so great a veneration for the Church by his daily Devotions at it and receiving the Sacrament in that Communion which are undeniable proofs of his respect and love to it that may convince any impartial understanding of his firm and sincere Affection for it yet is he civil to the Dissenters who Complemented him in a Body upon his arrival at St. James's assuring them his Protection and no doubt but a Parliament when call'd will settle Liberty of Conscience with its due limits for let me tell you the late grant by the King was only a specious pretence to wheedle you into a tender opinion of the Catholick Religion and that a Popish King was not so formidable a Creature this you wee to enjoy no longer than till things were ripe for execution the Romans making use of you pardoning the rudeness of the Comparison as the Monkey did of the Cats-foot only to pull the Chesnut out of the fire for give the Jesuit but even ground and he 'll quickly throw you One would think that a discerning inquisitive Nation as ours is should be no longer gull'd with pretences but really see our own Interest for if it is put into our hands to get wisdom and we have no heart to it 't is just with Almighty God to deliver us up to our own folly and our Posterity may with tears reflect on the happy opportunity lost by their Fore-fathers Tom. I remember about four year ago when the great Turk Besieg'd Vienna by which you may know I read Gazettes sometimes 't was a hot talk in our Country whether 't were not better to live under the Turks who gave Liberty of Conscience than under the Papist who would allow no such thing Dick. By which I guess you would inferr that your darling Liberty granted you though with design by the Papists will not be continued by the Church of England when the Reins of Government fall into her hands Tom. The very same Dick. Some persons have been very busie to give you a wrong notion of things can the Comparison any ways correspond is the feigned friendship of the Church of Rome so indearing as to make you forget all her former Cruelties or do the late severities said to be done by the Church of England cause such deep Impressions in you Memories as to make you disclaim all friendship with her
certainly your minds are strangely vitiated to delight more in the designing smiles of a prostituted Harlot than in the endearments of a chast though injured Spouse Tom. As you say my Head is fill'd with notions you would therefore do me a singular kindness to inform me what you mean when you say the Church of England Dick. By the Church of England I understand that community of Christians professing the Faith of Christ in these Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland freed from the dregs of Popish superstition and idolatry not that I would have you think it owes its Birth to Henry the Eighth or is a Religion form'd by an Act of Parliament but following the methods of the best Fathers and Primitive Christians But of this no more this Church so fam'd for its Piety Order Decency and Discipline the glory of the Reform'd and envy of the Romish Religion was never without its enemies But not to rip up old stories or recriminate what at this day is better forgotten I will at present confine my Discourse to her behaviour since the Accession of King James the Second to the Crown Tom. Vaith Sir your a parlous fellow at History our Mayor can talk of nothing but what they did in Queen Elizabeth's days Dick. Truly Tom I should be glad to add any thing to your knowledge though I am sensible 't would edify much more to talk with you concerning what price Cattel bear or how Corn went last Market-day at St. Albans Tom. Every thing in its season as the Woman said when she boil'd Thistles instead of Artichokes Dick. Then I 'll begin How industrious the C. of E. was to prevent the Bill of Exclusion I presume you are not ignorant When King Charles the Second died and his Brother came to the Throne all people were big with expectation to see how the Church of England would behave her self having a Popish Prince to govern her relying upon what he said at his first coming to Council and his often repeated promises to maintain her the Press and Pulpits echoed with praises of James the Just but alas how quickly was the Scene changed and the swelling hopes of the Church turn'd into just fears of her Dissolution the Bishop of London suspended Magdalen College illegally taken from the rightful Possessors Persons of scandalous Lives and more scandalous dulness preferr'd to Fellowships and Places in both Universities a High Commission erected the Bishops sent to the Tower for delivering a Petition which by abus'd and wrested Law must be called a Libel yet after all ceased she not to go on in her exemplary Loyalty but as the Apostle speaks in another ease was patient in suffering continuing instant in Prayer never heard to complain but suffering all with a most Christian Courage relying wholly on the wise Providence of that God that never fail'd to hear her in distress and the more to afflict her endeavours were us'd to seduce Persons of unwary minds from her Communion by Missionaries whose arts have since been detected by an ingenuous Pen. Yet after all she triumphs and lifts up her head in despight of her Foes this is that Church of England that stood in the Gap when Jesuits Priests Mercenary Commissioners Renegado Bishops and false Brethren strove to ruine her and now she has escap'd the Storm shall she perish in the Harbour Has she bravely resisted all the Bombs and Assaults of Rome shall a Geneva Mine blow her up Consider this seriously Tom and then I am sure you will be of my Opinion that the Dissenters had better peaceably enjoy their Liberty than by fomenting Animosities and Jealousies give an occasion to the common Enemy to spoil her and themselves together for though between themselves they differ in Circumstantials yet the word Heretick includes them both the Popish rage burning as fiercely against Pinners-Hall as against Lambeth-Chapel Tom. Verily I thought the Church of England and the Church of Rome differ'd no more than a Chopping-Bill does from a Hatchet Dick. That 's thy ignorance Tom were you to see the Pomp and Pageantry in the Worship of the one and the decent gravity in the Divine Service of the other you would quickly be of another Opinion but of this at another opportunity we 've a quarter of an hour to spare and therefore we 'll talk of other Matters for by this time I believe you are sufficiently convinc'd 't is not the Dessenters Interest to quarrel with the Church of England Tom. Why truly my eyes begin to be opened But what do you think of the Parliament now sitting Dick. No Tom you mistake 't is a Convention Tom. That 's a hard word Dick. 'T is the same thing in effect only they cannot make or repeal Laws the Kings withdrawing and leaving the Kingdom in a kind of Inter-regnum the Convention is to consider what is to be done in order to the publick peace in this unheard-of Conjuncture Tom. I know you 've a long reach can't you guess what they will go about first for I long to carry a little News down into the Country with me Dick. As far as a guess goes Tom I believe I may serve you 't is believed that one of their first Enquiries will be of the nature of the Kings leaving his people and retiring into the Kingdom of a know Tyrant which will occasion a dispute concerning the incumbent duty of a Prince and the Allegiance of a Subject a search will likewise be made into that nice point the birth of the Prince of Wales which if prov'd a Forgery will add much to the lusture of the House of Modena and the Society of Jesus but if found a reality the young Gentleman to be sent for over and Educated in the Protestant Religion A time will be likewise appointed for the calling of a Parliament which 't is believ'd will be in April next in order to settle the Grievances of the Nation and try the betrayers of their Country who are now in custody these are the most probable Conjectures I can make of what will be done at the Convention Tom. But d' ye think they won't proclaim a War against France methinks I 've such an itching to kill a Monsieur or two Dick. All in good time they have things of a greater moment to consider but that haughty Gentleman may know in time that his Bourdeaux Claret has not quite dampt the English Spirits but there are a Generation of Men alive who dare make him a bold visit Tom. He talks of heading an Army next Spring of about 80000 Men d' ye think 't is true Dick. Yes By his Effigies stampt upon his Gold that 's his way of heading an Army he has no other methods to take Towns but by bribes and treachery Tom. I heard a report since I came to Town that the Citizens have sent the Prince 200000 Pound that 's more than half the Men in our Town are worth Dick. Yes Tom and are ready to lend him as much more if his occasions require it this Money is not given to Priests and Jesuits for erecting Monasteries and making Processions but purely to be imployed for the good and safety of the Nation You see Tom by the example of our unhappy Prince how fatal it is for a King to retract from his Word and Coronation Oath but why should I wonder when the Maxim of theirs That no Faith is to be kept with Hereticks was visibly practis'd before our eyes had he been true to those who plac'd him on the Throne he might still have had Te Deum sung at his Chapel without molestation but when those Vermin the Jesuits crept into his bosome with their pernicious Morals all Vows and Obligations were forgot and rather than displease his Ignatian friends his own quiet and his Subjects peace must be sacrific'd but I fear I have already trespass'd too much upon your patience Tom. No Sir I could hear you till midnight but I have outstay'd my time and therefore ask leave to bid you God b'w'y ' Dick. Honest Tom I wish I had more of thy Company but if you are in haste Farewel FINIS