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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13294 The historie of the Church since the dayes of our Saviour Iesus Christ, vntill this present age. Devided into foure bookes. 1. The first containeth the whole proceedings and practises of the emperours ... 2. The second containeth a breefe catalogue of the beginnings, and proceedings; of all the bishops, popes, patriarchs, doctors, pastors, and other learned men ... 3. The third containeth a short summe of all the heretiques ... 4. The fourth containeth a short compend of all the councels generall, nationall, and provinciall ... Devided into 16. centuries. ... Collected out of sundry authors both ancient and moderne; by the famous and worthy preacher of Gods word, Master Patrick Symson, late minister at Striueling in Scotland.; Historie of the Church. Part 1 Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618.; Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. Short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moved against Christians.; Symson, Andrew. 1624 (1624) STC 23598; ESTC S117589 486,336 718

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corrections This booke also was impugned both by Protestants and Papists Of the Protestants Caspar Aquila a preacher in Turingia impugned it as a booke replenished with false doctrine and on the other side Robertus Abrincensis Episcopus impugned it for giuing libertie to Priests to marrie and permitting the people to haue the Sacrament vnder both formes While this great stirre and trouble was in Germanie in England by the authoritie of a Parliament the vse of the Masse was altogether forbidden and a booke made of an vniforme order of common prayers and administration of the Sacraments in the English tongue Edmond Boner Bishop of London and Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester for obstinate defending of the Roman doctrine were depriued of their Bishoprickes and cast in prison where they continued all the time of king Edwards raigne But to returne againe to the troubles of Germanie of all the Cities of the Protestants there was none that more constantly beared out the Emperours indignation as the Citie of Magdeburg For neither would they acknowledge the councell of Trident neither yet the Emperours booke of Interim but fortified their towne against Maurice Duke of Saxonie whom the Emperour made Captaine in that warre vntill at last an agreement was made vpon easie conditions When Maurice with his garrison entered into their Citie hee grieuously blamed their Preachers that both in their bookes and pictures they had done much to his reproach but yet he exhorted them to pray for the good successe of the Emperour and the generall councell of Trident. To whom they answered that they could not pray any otherwise for that Councell that was assembled to oppresse the truth but that God would soone disturbe it and breake it vp The end of the warre against the Citie of Magdeburg was the beginning of great warre and dangerous trouble against the Emperour For Maurice Duke of Saxonie perceiuing the Emp. would not stand to his promise consulteth with forraine Princes how hee might by force deliuer his wifes father the Lantgraue and when hee found that all things were in readinesse hee begun to muster his souldiers shortly after set forth a Proclamation to the states of the Empire in the which first hee lamenteth the discord of Religion secondly he rehearseth grieuouslie the imprisonment of the Lantgraue his wifes father signifying that hee was so kept against all truth and honour to the report of all Germanie Lastly he bewaileth the pittifull estate of all Germanie and oppression of their libertie protesting that the cause of this warre was to restore the old dignitie and freedome Albert Marques of Brandenburge maketh also his Proclamation and after a long rehearsall of the miseries of Germanie referreth the cause of all to the Churchmen and therefore signifieth this warre to bee chiefely against them William the Lantgraues sonne ioyned his power with Duke Maurice at Shuinforde The king of Fraunce also ioyned in this warre and led an armie vnto Germanie As they went forward they caused the Cities to submit themselues commaunded them to pay great summes of money and displaced such as the Emperour had set in authoritie and restored their old Senatours willing them to vse their priuiledges and liberties that the Emperour before had forbidden The report of this warre and the good successe of Maurice namely after the citie of Ausbrough was by him taken made the councell of Trident to breake vp and dissolue The Emperour on the other part set at libertie Fredericke the olde Duke of Saxonie as it were to signifie to Maurice that hee should claime againe the Dukedome of Saxonie and Electorship that he enioyed and thereby to put him in more feare Albert Marques of Brandenburge in this warre shewed great extremitie to diuers cities and noble personages against the mind of Maurice and the other confederates The King of Fraunce led forward his armie to Strawsburge and hearing that communication of peace was betwixt Maurice and the Emperour and that they were in good hope to haue their Princes deliuered hee to gratifie them was content to returne to Fraunce but was much displeased that Duke Maurice would enter in communication of peace without his knowledge In the end agreement passed betweene the Emperour and Duke Maurice vpon these conditions That the Lantgraue should be set at libertie That their Religion should be quiet vntill a certaine order were taken for the same in the next assemblie of of the Empire That Maurice and the Princes confederats should suffer their souldiers to serue king Ferdinand in Hungarie That the Protestants should bee admitted Iudges in the Chamber-court with diuerse such other like conditions The end of this warre was also the beginning of another cruell warre betwixt Duke Maurice and the Marquis of Brandenburg which fell out vpon this occasion The Marquis being reconciled to the Emperour and in great favour with him did many iniuries in Germany not onely to the Bishops whom hee ever deadly hated but also to diverse Princes and Cities yea and that vnder the name of religion Duke Maurice with certaine other went against him and met at the river of Visurg where Albert was overcome But Duke Maurice was so stricken with a gun that hee died within two dayes after Before this in Germanie were seene drops of blood vpon the trees and certaine other strange sights In England about this time fell out a great alteration in religion through the death of King Edward of whom the world was not worthy Lady Mary his sister succeeding to the kingdome Shee ioyned her selfe in mariage with Philip sonne to Charles the Emperour and restored not onely the Popes supremacie dissallowed by her father King Henrie the eight but also the masse and all superstitions of the Romane Church abrogated in the dayes of King Edward her brother Also shee caused the Realme of England in the high Court of Parliament to confesse their defection from the Catholike Church and to craue absolution having there in readinesse Cardinall Poole the Popes Ambassadour to absolue them What excessiue cruelty was vsed in her time no tongue can expresse The very name of Diocl●sian begunne to bee lesse abhorred when the name of Queene Mary came forth Her cruelty beginning at Iohn Hooper Bishop of Glocester Iohn Bradford Laurence Saunders Rowland Taylor Iohn Rogers Preachers proceeded shortly after to Ferrar Bishop of Saint Davids whose constant death amazed the people and confirmed their mindes in the true doctrine that they had learned of him This persecution raged in all parts of the Land but specially in Kent Essex and Norhfolke Some of those parts were chiefe maintainers of her authoritie and against the mind of the Nobilitie and Councell set forward her right to the Kingdome but this reward they receiued in the end at her hands The cruell martyrdome of Cranmer Bishop of Canterbury Ridley Bishop of London Latymer Bishop of Worcester Doctor Philpot and many others with the
raising vp of the bones of the men of God Bucer and Fagius out of their graues and the cruelty intended against her owne sister Lady Elizabeth all these things being so well and amply discoursed in the Booke of Martyrs the godly Reader is to be remitted to the reading of the sayd booke Now to conclude this Historie of Charles something is to be noted of his warres with the Turkes In his time Solyman the great Turke conquered the citie of Belgrade the most sure and strong garrison of the Christians and vexed the countrey of Hungarie He besieged the Isle of Rhodes and tooke it to the great shame and rebuke of Christian men who provided not support for the Rhodians that resisted the common enemy so long and so couragiously After this Solyman slew Lewis King of Hungarie and Paulus Bishop of Collen who more rashly then wisely with a small power of foure and twenty thousand men encountered the great Turke leading an army of 200000. souldiers Also hee besieged Vienna but was mightily resisted and repulsed with losse of a great number of his army all this was done before the Emperour Charles began to stirre himselfe against the Turke but when the matters of religion in Germanie were put to some point in the Councell of Ratisbon the Emperour raised an army of eighty thousand footmen and thirty thousand horsemen and compelled the Turke to raise his siege from the towne of Gunza and with speed to retyre backe to Constantinople After this Charles sayled with an army vnto Africa and restored the King of Tunis to his kingdome againe whom Barbarossa Admirall of the Turkes Navie in Africke had dispossessed and deprived of his kingdome In this same voyage he delivered 20000. captiues out of servitude Notwithstanding Solyman with vnsatiable ambition pnft vp to conquer all Europe was ever subduing townes and Isles as Corcyra Zacynthus Cythara Naxus with diverse others also the towne of Newcastle in Dalmatia and Buda in Hungarie which hee obtained by meanes of Frier Cogdridge Tutor to Stephen sonne to Iohn Vaivod of Transilvania and meanes of the relict widow of the sayd Vaivod These two sent for aide to the Turke against Ferdinand and the Turke not neglecting so good an occasion came to Hungarie discharged the Hoast of Ferdinand that was besieging Buda and got the citie into his owne hands Which done hee prevailed mightily in Hungarie and tooke the towne called Quinque ecclesiae and Strigonium Alba regalis and Vizigradum and it was an easie matter for him to haue conquered all Hungarie in respect the Emperour Charles was so busie in warres with the King of France that the common enemy of all Christian people had leave to rage at his owne pleasure and had it not beene the gracious providence of God pitying the misery of Christian people who stirred vp the Persian Sophie against Solyman and droue him backe out of Europe for a time and likewise the murther of his owne sonne Mustapha which stirred vp a peece of a Tragedie in his owne house the Christian people had no doubt beene brought to greater extremities in Solymans dayes The vnprosperous voyage of the Emperour to Argier I passe by and many conventions of Estates in Germanie kept for quieting of religion and preparation for warre against the Turkes In the end the Emperour finding himselfe troubled with sicknesse resigned the gouernment of the Low Countries into the hands of King Philip his sonne and surrendred the Imperiall crowne vnto the Electors of Germany sayled vnto Spaine where hee entered into an house of religion and gaue himselfe to meditation and prayer and there concluded his life Ferdinandus AFter that Charles the fift had surrendered the Imperiall crowne into the hands of the Electors of Germany they assembled at Frankford and there elected Ferdinand King of Bohemia and brother to the forenamed Charles the fift to bee Emperour who raigned seven yeeres The ancient manner was that he should be crowned in the forenoone at masse but because diverse of the Electors would not in any wise come to masse the coronation was solemnized in the afternoone and the masse with other like ceremonies omitted To this King before hee was elected Emperour his Nobles in the countrey of Bohemia made earnest supplication that they might bee permitted to vse the Sacrament in both kindes according to Christs institution but he strictly commanded them they attempted no alteration in religion Neverthelesse the Nobility continuing constant in the purpose of their mindes at last after many earnest suits obtained their desire In France about this time the persecution of the Protestants waxed hot and King Henry the second was sore grieved that the Parliament of Paris it selfe could not be kept free of this new doctrine as hee called it Wherefore hee caused Annas Burgeus an honourable and wise Counsellor to be taken to whom hee spoke in great wrath that hee would stand by and see his body burnt for that new religion which hee favoured But hee was wonderfully cut off before hee could get his heart satisfied with that pitifull spectacle of the burning of a noble Counsellor For God so disposed the matter that the King cloathed all in armour put a speare in one of his subiects hands and compelled him against his will to runne at him at which time the said speare broke and a small splinter of it entring at the Kings eye pierced into his braine whereby hee died Yet by his death was not the foresaid persecution relented but rather vehemently augmented for Francis the second succeeding to his father Henry in the the kingdome married Mary Queene of Scots who was descended of the linage and stocke of the house of Guise By this meanes the Guisians were in great credit and authority with the King and presumed to high things not onely to suppresse the Gospell vtterly in France but also in Scotland For at this time a great part of the Nobility and people of Scotland had shaken off the yoke of the Romane Bishop they had throwne downe Altars and Images and had forsaken all the superstitious ceremonies of the Romane Church The Guisians purposing to supresse the Scotish Nobility sent out of France into Scotland an army of 4000 men vnder the conduct of Monsieur La Broch This army assisted the Queene regent to reduce backe againe the kingdome of Scotland to the Romish religion But the Scottish Nobility obtayned helpe of the Queene of England and brought the Frenchmen to such extremity that they were compelled to accept conditions of peace and to retyre backe againe to France So this first high attempt of the Guisians against the reformed religion in Scotland was by the providence of God disappointed In France the King with advice of the Guisians had appointed a nationall Councell to bee kept in Orleance for the quieting the tumults which were like to ensue for religion in France but all was done in hypocrisie and with deceitfull
dissolue the army of Cassimire Notwithstanding the army of the Germanes and French-men entered into France vnder the conduct of the Prince of Condie and Cassimire and came forward to Charossium a towne in Borbon not farre from Molins where Alauscon the Kings brother ioyned with them and the whole army being mustered was found to bee of horsemen and footmen thirtie thousand The King of Navarre about the same time departed from Court and returned to his owne countrey whereby the feare of the King and Queene mother was greatly encreased In conclusion the army approached dayly neerer and neerer to Paris yet no battell was fought because the Queene mother listened more to the instructions shee had given to Alauscon her sonne then to the doubtfull successe of battell and force of armed men and indeed a more sure way to obtaine their purpose For messengers being sent to the King to treate for peace the Queene mother perceived that all other conditions how ample soever they had beene might bee easily eluded and broken but if the townes of Metis Tullion and Verdum were in the hands of a potent stranger it would be a great abandoning of the Kings power in all time to come Therefore the matter was so brought about that Cassimire was content to receiue from the King a great summe of money in stead of those townes which should haue beene put in his hands and libertie was granted to the Protestants to exercise their owne religion openly and freely without exception of places the Court and the towne of Paris with a few leagues about onely excepted Also they were declared to bee capable of places in Parliament and places of Iustice Courts all iudgements which were made against them for any enterprise whatsoever was declared voyd The cruell day of Sant Bartholomew disavowed and for better assurance and performance of the conditions they had eight townes delivered vnto them with the conditions of their governments Aques Mortes Bencaire Perigneux Le mas de verdun N●ons yissure La grand tour Thus was the edict of pacification proclaimed through the countrey in the moneth of May 1576. and an end was put to the fift civill war in France for religion In this Emperours time Solyman being now stricken in age came notwithstanding into Hungarie againe with a great army and besiedged Zigeth In the meane time of the siege Solyman dyed but his death was so secretly concealed that the siege continued after his death and the towne was taken by force Likewise Selim the sonne of Solyman was in haste sent for to come from Constantinople to Hungarie all this was done before the death of Solyman was knowne either to his owne army or to the Emperour Maximilian This new Emperour of the Turkes Selim tooke Famagusta in the Isle of Cyprus which belonged to the Venetians and did fight a cruell battell by Sea against the Christians in the gulph of Lepanto of olde called Sinus Corinthiacus in the which the Turkes Navie was overcome and Haly Bassa the chiefe Governour of the Turkes was slaine and his head was set vp vpon the top mast of his owne shippe to the great terrour and astonishment of the Turkes This battell was fought the seventh day of October Anno 1571. Don Iohn de Austria was Generall commander of the Navie of the Christians the number of the Turkes that were slaine is supposed to haue beene fifteene thousand men and thirteene thousand Christians were delivered from the captiuity of the Turks Onuphrius writeth that an hundred and seventeene shippes were taken with thirteene gallies and thirty two thousand Turkes were slaine in this battell Rodulphus AFter the death of Maximilian Rodulphus his sonne was made Emperour In his time the warres in France which seemed to be well quieted by the last edict of pacification began to kindle vp againe with greater flame For the adversaries of religion besought the Kings Maiestie to restraine the pernitious liberty of the edict of peace but perceiving him not to bee sufficiently moved to breake the peace and to take knife in hand they began to assemble at Perone Anno 1576. and to binde vp a league amongst themselues for the extirpation of the Protestants and for the revocation of the edict of peace wherein they swore obedience and service to the Generall tha●●hould bee appointed over this fellowship ingaging their liues and honours never to seperate themselues for any commandement pretence excuse or occasion whatsoever There were two things that greatly animated the Leaguers to proceed in their association to wit First that the Protestants yeelded not vp the townes which they had gotten for their assurance for the space of sixe yeeres The sixe yeeres being ended they complained to the King that conditions were not kept vnto them and that for the abolishing of warres and setling of peace in France it was needfull that they should haue those townes a longer time in their maintenance whereto the King condiscended This grieved the Leaguers but another thing grieved them more that Alauscon the Kings brother for griefe of the hard successe of his affaires in the Low Countries died at Chasteau Thierry And the King himselfe having no children the feare that they conceived of the King of Navarres succession to the Kingdome caused the Leaguers rage While the flame issued out of this furnace the King of France easily perceived that the drift of all the Leaguers enterprises was against his life and crowne and to set vp another whom it pleased them in his place For the Leaguers pretended warre against the Hugonots and yet they seazed vpon the best townes of the Catholikes in all the Realme The religion was preached in Guyen and they went to driue it out of Picardie The Hugonotes were in Rochell and the Leaguers army marched straight to Paris They are at Montpelliere and the league set vpon Marseille Likewise the pasquells and libells without names dayly throwne downe in the towne of Paris and the disdainfull speeches dayly vttered of the King speaking of him as a Sardanapalus and a Prince drowned in his pleasures and delights and for his third crowne which hee looked for in heaven promising him one made with a rasour in a Cloyster all these things presented to the Kings minde a sufficient vnderstanding of the resolution and purpose of the Leaguers Notwithstanding feare so possessed his minde that in stead of couragious resisting of the Leaguers in due time hee made himselfe a slaue to their appetites The army of the Duke of Guise who was made Generall of the fellowship of the league at the first rising exceeded not the number of a thousand horsemen and foure thousand footmen which company might easily haue beene dispersed if the valorous courage of the King had not beene vtterly abashed who in stead of commanding with authority desired the Queene mother to procure that the Duke of Guise might leaue off armes and to assure him of his favour
the Prince of Condie was taken by the Guisians and on the other part the Constable was taken by the Protestants and the Marescall Sanctandreus was slaine The Duke of Guise after this battell renewed his Forces and besieged the Towne of Orleance where he was slaine by a Souldier called Portrot This slaughter was the ground of a new Peace for after the death of the Duke of Guise a new edict was made the thirteenth day of March Anno 1563. although not so ample as the edict of Ianuarie Yet by it some libertie was granted to the Protestants to enioy their owne Religion without disturbance of any This was the end of the first ciuill warre in France for Religion Maximilianus the second AFter the death of Ferdinand Maximilian his sonne King of Hungarie was made Emperour gouerned twelue yeares he gaue his two daughters in marriage vnto two puissant Princes to wit to Charles the ninth King of France he gaue Elizabeth and to Philip King of Spaine he gaue his eldest daughter Anna. Great troubles for Religion fell out in his time namely in the Low countries and in France In the low countries the number of them that professed the Gospell increased marueilously and on the other part the rage of the Popish Prelats causing the Spanish Inquisition to be severely executed wrought great feare in the hearts of the professours of the Gospell Also Duke de Albe was sent with a great Armie vnto the low Countries vtterly to extirpate and roote out the Gospell who behaued himselfe most outragiously against the Nobilitie and Townes of the low Countries in beheading Count Egmount and count Horne and permitting his souldiers to vse all kinde of villanie against honest matrons and the daughters of honest Citizens and oftentimes compelled the husbands themselues to stand beside and be eye witnesses of the vilde abusing of their owne wiues Also with so great severity he executed the Spanish Inquisitiō against the professours of the Gospell that the people were compelled to take armes vnder the conduct of William Nassaw Prince of Orange and Lodouicus his brother to defend their liues the libertie of their Countrie and of their Consciences against the barbarous tyrannie of this Duke and his armie In this Warre although the Prince of Orange was oftentimes defeated and his brother slaine yet the Countrey so abhorred the crueltie of Duke de Albe that the most part of Zeland and Holland was conquered by the Princes armie and was free from the tyrannie of the Spaniards In France the professours of the Gospell could not enioy the benefit of the Edict of pacification made in March Anno 1563. except in a few parts where the authoritie of some noble persons fauouring the Gospell procured obedience to the foresaid Edict as namely the presence of Condie in Picardie Andelot in Britannie and the Queene of Navarre in Gascoigne In other parts of the country little regard was had to the Edict The Cardinall of Loraine also a capitall enemie to the Gospell had consulted with the fathers of the Councell of Trent by what way the Gospell might be suppressed in France and it was thought meetest that a couenant should be made amongst them that fauoured the Catholique Religion which they called the holy league to extirpate and roote out them that professed the new Religion for so they named it and the two puissant Kings of Spaine and France in speciall should bee intreated to be of this league and mutually to helpe one another to roote out the Gospellers Now when King Charles the 9. was 14. yeares old and declared to be Maior it was thought meete that he should make a progresse through the bounds of his Dominions pretending that it was expedient that the King should know the estate of his Country and that he should heare the complaints of his people but the cause indeed of this progresse was that the King of France might meete with the King of Spain in Bayon for binding vp of the league aforesaid In this progresse was discharged all Preaching and exercising of the reformed Religion in the Townes of France wherein it should happen the King to be during the time of his progresse Also many new interpretations of the edict of March were invented and found out whereby the libertie granted to the Protestants was vtterly infringed and impunitie granted to them that should doe them wrong In the end the King came to Bayon where he met with his sister Elizabeth wife to Philip King of Spaine who after she had declared certaine causes why her husband could not be present himselfe bound vp in name of her husband a couenant with Charles King of Spaine mutually to helpe one another in rooting out the professours of the reformed Religion The report of this league was not kept so secret but it came to the eares of the Prince of Condie and the rest of the nobilitie of France that professed the Gospell who all thought meete that the Prince of Condie should in proper person addresse himselfe to the King being for the time at Moncellium and should exhibite to the King the supplication of the Protestants in France pittifully complaining that contrarie to the edict of March they were iniuried and cruelly slaine desiring redresse of the aforesaid iniuries and that they might haue libertie to enioy their Religion according to the act of pacification aboue mentioned But the King hearing of the Prince of Condies comming to him and namely because he was well accompanied with foure hundred men all in armes fearing the malignitie and obstinate malice of his adversaries left they should hinder his iourney or doe wrong to himselfe The King I say hearing tell of the Princes comming made hast to depart and with all expedition to Paris in great feare and caused the Parisians to giue thankes to God as though he had beene deliuered from a great perill and imminent danger After this without further delay the second warre for Religion in France broke vp The Prince of Condie approached with an armie to Paris and so beset it about in all quarters that this populous Towne soone began to be grieued for want of foode and issued out of the Towne vnder the Conduct of the Constable and came by S. Denis where the Prince of Condies armie lay In this Battell the Admirall set vpon the Parisian souldiers and disturbed their rankes and put them to flight The Constables troope also was greatly perturbed by their flying and the Constable himselfe refusing to be taken by M. Stewart was shot by a Scottish Souldier whereof hee soone after died The Constables sonnes Anveil and Momerance being carefull for their Father succoured him and the battell was renewed againe and cruelly fought vntill night compelled them to make an end The morrow after the Prince of Condie came with his Forces againe to the place where the battell was fought but none of the Parisians came forth to
encounter him After the battell he marched toward Loraine of purpose to ioyne with the Germane Armie which was to be sent for his support from the Count Palatine of the Rhine vnder the conduct of Cassimire his owne sonne This armie of the Germanes ioyned with the Forces of the Prince of Condie at Pontamonssou a towne in Loraine on the riuer Mosell and from thence marched forward without battell offered to them by the adversarie partie vntill they came to Chartresse a famous Towne within two dayes iourney to Paris This towne the Prince of Condie and the Germanes besieged and when it was fore battered and not able to indure the siege any longer the Queene mother according to her wonted manner thought meete to compasse them with faire and deceitfull promises whom she could not get ouerthrowne by force And therefore sent to the Prince of Condie desiring him to require of the King conditions of peace such as himselfe liked best and they should be granted The Prince of Condie being euer more bent to peace then prouident to foresee the deceitfull snares of his adversaries required of the King that the edict set forth in March Anno 1563. should be precisely kept all new additions and interpretations of the said act being disanulled and that the iniuries done to the Protestants should be seuerely punished and not passed ouer with silence as they were accustomed to be All this was granted and the edict of pacification was proclaimed The townes also which the Protestants had conquered with great paines and effusion of their blood were all deliuered into the hands of their enemies the Germane souldiers were dismissed and euery man returned to his owne house But in the very time of their returning it was knowne that this pacification was but a subtile snare to entangle them withall for the professours of the Gospell were compelled to lay downe their armour when they entred into the townes where they dwelt and strictly commanded to remaine in their houses so that they had not libertie to visite one another In all the parts of the Countrey great crueltie was vsed and many cruelly massacred so that within the space of three moneths moe then three thousand were reckoned to be killed by the sword Besides this crueltie committed against the inferior sort all meanes were sought out to intercept the Prince of Condie the Admirall Andelot Rupesocald and other principall personages for this counsell was giuen by Duke de Albe whose aduise was often craued in this turne that one Salmond head was better then an hundreth paddle heads signifying thereby that it was most needfull to cut off the principall Noble-men of the Protestants The Prince of Condie and the Admirall after many advertisements that their liues were directly sought began to remoue and the Prince came to Nucetum a Towne in Burgundie the Admirall lodged at Tauleum in a place pertaining to his brother Andelot not farre distant from Nucetum where they receiued new advertisements that the companies that were appointed to take them were with great celeritie approaching alreadie to Nucetum Thus was the Prince of Condie and the Admirall compelled in all hast to flie with their wiues young children and families and commending themselues to the prouidence of God entered into a long and dangerous iourney from Noyers to the Towne of Rotchell The good prouidence of God so conducted them that albeit all the bridges and passages were strictly kept yet God prouided a foord in the river of Loyre neere to Sanser which was not knowne before neither was any passage found to be there two dayes after By this way they passed very safely and in the end came to the Towne of Rochell although through many dangers and infinite perils In the meane time the Prince of Condie had sent Letters to the King heauily complaining of the Cardinall of Loraine who so wickedly abused the Kings name and authoritie and so maliciously sought the liues of his innocent Subiects for their Religion expresly against the Kings edict of pacification which was sealed with the Kings own hand-writ and his great oath solemnly made To those Letters no answere was made but all the Countrey was inflamed with wrath and bent to warre and the Duke of Aniou brother to the King was made generall commander of the armie The Queene of Navarre on the other part adioyned her selfe and her Forces to the Prince of Condie and from Britanny came Andelot and his Forces who had passed the river of Loyre by a certaine foord vnknowne before and vnpassable afterward no lesse miraculously then the Prince of Condie and his familie had done in another place of the same river before After whose comming Angolesme a Towne of great importance in those parts was besieged and taken by the Prince of Condie Likewise Acierius brought with him to the Prince a great companie out of Delphine Provance Languedok and other parts fauouring the Gospell to the number of twentie three thousand men On the other side the Duke de Anion was come with his armie to Poictou and pitched his Campe at Castellerault a Towne of Poictou neere to the river Vienna The Prince of Condie and the Admirall daily provoked him to fight but he was admonished by frequent letters from the Queene mother that he should beware to hazzard the cause in battell but should prolong time to abate the fierie courage of the Protestants and to take his advantage when he could see it In the meane time both parties waited for supplyment of new Forces out of Germanie and Duke de Aumald was sent to Loraine to meete the Dukes who came to support the Kings armie as also to hinder the progresse of the Duke of Bipont who was marching forward to support the Prince of Condies armie The first support came to the Kings armie the Count of Tend brought three thousand footmen Bingrane and Bossempeire brought two thousand and two hundreth horsemen out of Germanie to the Duke This supplyment so encouraged the Kings armie that they enterprised to recouer the Towne of Angolesme againe and for recouering of it it was needfull that the towne of Iarnaque should be taken for the commoditie of the bridge to transport his armie ouer the river of Charence but the Admirall prevented the Duke and fortified the Towne of Iarnaque and disappointed him of the commoditie of the bridge The Prince of Condie marched forward to Iarnaque and the Admirall to Blansack where he vnderstood that a tymber bridge was set vp neere to the stone bridge that was at Casteaneur for the greater expedition in transporting of the Dukes armie ouer the riuer of Charence This great celeritie of the Duke who transported all the armie ouer the riuer in one night put the Prince of Condie and the Admirall in great feare because their Forces were farre behinde them Therefore it was thought expedient to retire backe in time to their Forces But the Duke
the Protestants in crauing so great liberties put the enemies in suspicion and feare that the Nobles of Fraunce had secretlie banded themselues with the Protestants About the same time Count Mongomry had returned out of England had taken some townes in Normandy but soone after he was besieged in Donfront a town of Normandy by Matigonus the kings Lieutenant in those parts to whō he yeelded himself vpon certain conditions which were not kept vnto him but he was sent immediatly to Paris to the king The Duke of Aniow had departed from France to the kingdome of Polonia the king of France was fallen sicke also many noble men in the land were highlie offended at the ambition pride and crueltie of the Queene mother who had not onely cut off the noble men of the Protestants but also intended the like crueltie against many other noblemen in Fraunce whose names were insert in the bloody roll of the Massacre albeit they professed the Roman religiō The Queene mother knowing that she was vehementlie hated in the land and fearing left this matter should tend to her vtter disgrace and abandoning of all her authoritie thought meete to prevent all the deuices of the nobilitie of France against her and begun to lay hands on those of the Nobilitie whom she most suspected and cast them in prison such as D. Alauscone her owne son whom she knew to be discontent with her forme of gouernment and the king of Navarre also Monmerance and Cassens Marescallis The Prince of Condie also was to be taken but he conveyed himselfe away secretly vnto Germanie In the meane time the king died in the moneth of May Anno. 1574. with greateffusion of blood from many parts of his body And the Queene mother had all the gouernment in her owne hand vntill the returning of her son out of Polonia whom shee aduertised of the death of his Brother Charles and desired him without all delay to returne againe to Fraunce In the meane time the cruell heart of the Queene mother thirsting for blood procured that Count Mongomrie should be condemned to death This is that noble man who had slaine king Henry the father of Charles with a speare whom king Henry would not suffer to be harmed for that cause it being done in game and against Mongomries heart Neuerthelesse when he came in the hands of this mercilesse woman he must die Before king Henry returned out of Poland vnto France the Prince of Condie had sent from Germanie to France Messengers to declare to the Protestants the great care of his minde to advance the Religion and to procure the peace and libertie of his countrie who also was chosen to be generall commaunder of all the Protestants Many Catholikes were associate with him who being of a contrarie religion notwithstanding tooke armes with the Prince of Condie to restore the countrie to the owne libertie In the moneth of December Anno 1574. the king came to Lyons where the Queene mother accōpanied with Alauscon her son and the king of Navarre and Duke of Guise were awaiting for his cōming In this towne they aduised what was most expedient to be done whether they should prosecute the war or they should quiet the countrie with new edicts of pacification The Queene mothers aduise was that the king should assault the townes of Languedok Delphine that were kept by the Protestants because the presence and terrour of the king would so astonish the peoples hearts that incontinent they would yeeld and giue ouer the townes into the kings hands This aduise was followed and the king besieged the towne of Pusinum in Viuaret tooke it also the towne of Libero in Delphin was strōgly besieged but the king was cōpelled to leaue his siege to depart from the towne which according as the name of it foretokened remained free and vnconquered by the aduersaries during the time of this siege the Cardinal of Loraine died vpon this occasion The king being in Avinion some Paenitentiaries fortuned to scourge themselues in a cold winter season the Cardinall would ioyne himselfe to their fellowship and walked barefooted in the companie of those Paenitentiaries wherby he contracted a deadlie disease and soone repented this repētance The king himselfe was content to afflict his body after the same forme which was expoūded by many to be an euil presage that he should not conquer that little towne of Libero but should be scourged from the towne leaue the siege of it with shame which truly came to passe From thence the king went to Paris to his Coronation where many Ambassadours came to the king not only from the Prince of Condie who as yet remained in Basile but also from the D. of Sauoy and the Cantons of the Switzers and from the Queene of Englād to treat for peace but al their trauels were ineffectuall for the conditions of the peace could not be agreed vpon so the war continued waxed hote In Languedoke Anvillius although he was of the Romane religion yet had ioyned himselfe to the Protestants and tooke Agnes Mortes a towne of great importance in those parts with many other townes In Delphin Mombruniris was chiefe commaunder and had so good sucesse in all his attempts that he was a great terrour to the aduersaries In the end he was sore wounded and taken beside Dia a towne in Delphine and by the commaundement of the king and Queene mother was carried to Grenoble and there was executed in the sight of the people This war was much different from the former warres wherein those that were of one religion were also on one side but now the Catholikes were mingled with the Protestāts which thing albeit it seemed for a time to augment their number yet in the end it turned to euill as shall be declared hereafter God willing The Prince of Condie had required helpe of Cassimire the sonne of Count Palatine who also had condiscended to support the distressed Church of Fraunce and very strict obligations of mutual duties were passed between them as these namely that they should not dissolue their armes vntill that libertie were obtained to the Protestants fullie to enioy their owne Religion And likewise that Cassimire should haue the townes of Metis Tullion and Verdum in his hands besides other townes in all the Provinces of France which the Protestants were to require for there further assurance and as pledges of the Kings fidelitie faithfulnesse towards them While this armie of Cassimire was marching forward towards Loraine Alauscon the kings brother departed from Court and many of the nobilitie of France resorted to him all pretending that they could not suffer the countrie to be exhausted with ciuill warres and the people to be vexed with exorbitant and vnnecessarie taxations All those tumults were found in the end to be the subtile policies of the Q. mother by the meanes of Alauscon her son to
with her The death of King Charles Count Mongomrie condemned to death by the Queene The Prince of Condie chosen the Protestants generall The fifth ciuill warre in France for Religion Libero besieged in vaine by king Henry The death of the Cardinall of Lorain procured by himselfe King Henry scourgeth him selfe after the manner of the penitentiaries Many Ambassadors sollicit the king for peace but in vaine Mombruniris taken and executed by the Queene Cassimire the sonne of Count Palatine promiseth to aide the Protestants Alauscon the kings brother ioyneth himselfe with the Protestants By an edict of pacificatiō the fift civill warre ended Solyman the Turke besiegeth Zigeth Solyman dieth the towne taken Selim sent for proclaimed Emp. Selim taketh Famagusta from the Venetians The battell of Lepanto wherein the Turkes received a great overthrow by the Christians The league of Peron 1576. for the extirpation of the Protestants The causes moving the Leaguers to proceed in their association The drift of the Leaguers enterprise against the K. and crowne The King for lacke of courage maketh himself a slaue to the appetites of he Leaguers An edict against the Protestants The King of Navarre and the Prince of Condie with diverse others oppose themselues to the Leaguers The Pope excōmunicateth the King of France The Prince● of Germany send Ambassodors to deale for the Protestants helpe The sixt civill war in France for religion An army of Germans enter France in behalfe of the Protestants The battell of Coutras betwixt the Kings army the Protestāts The death of D. de Ioyense A skirmish betwixt the D. of Guise and the Rutters The Rutters retire out of France The Duke of Guise honored by the Pope and extolled by the Preachers of France for his crueltie The assemblie at Nancy of the Leagners against the King The conclusions agreed vpon by the assemble at Nancie The Duke of Guise contrarie to the king● commandement arriueth at Paris and is of the people receiued with ioyfull acclamations The fearefull day of Barricadoes in Paris The king flieth out of Paris An edict published against the Protestants A Parliame●● holden in France The death of the Duke of Guise The Queene mother dieth An assemblie of the Protestants at Rotchell send a request to the states at Bloyes The rebellion of the league against the king Duke De Maine sendeth men to surprise the king but is preuented The leaguers procure a Iacobin Monke to kill the king The death of Henry the third The Iacobin who killed the K. canonized The Cardinall of Burbon proclamed K. by the Leaguers K. Henry the 4. declared K. by K. Henry the 3. opposeth himselfe to the Leaguers The battell of Dreux wherein the Leaguers were discomfited The King besiegeth Paris The Duke of Parma entreth France for the ●eliefe of Paris The Duke of Parma returneth home In all other places of France the Leaguers went to ruine The Duke of Parma entreth France the 2. time in behalfe of the Leaguers but with bad successe The Kings favourites in diverse places prosper against the Leaguers The death of D. Ioyense The defection of the King from religion Peter Burrier stirred vp to slay the King The K. opposeth himself to the Leaguers Diuers towns yeeld themselues to the King Iohn Castill stirred vp by the Leaguers to murther the King is disappointed of his purpose Note The Parliaments decree about the execution of Castill and the Iesuits of Clermonts banishment The preparation of the Spanish nauie Anno 1588. A storme co●●traineth the nauie to put to land The Spani●● Navie ouerthrowne Apostles Note Ioh. 16. Act. 12. Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 32. Ierom. Cat. s●rip eccles Ierom. cat●l s●r p. eccles Evangelists Func chron Ierom. The true successours of the Apostles Act. 20. Nazia in orat in laudem Athanaf● Linus Euseb. l. 3. c. 2. Chap. 4. ver 3. Ignatius Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 36. Papias Euseb. l. 3. c. 39. Bishops of Rome Note Alexander martyred Euseb. eccles hist. lib 4. c 1. Xistus martyred Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 5. Telesphorus● martyr Euseb. l. 4. c. 10 Anicetus a martyr Euseb. l. 4. c. 14 Platira de vita Eleuth●●ij The ras●n●sse of Victor Euseb. eccl hist. lib. 5. cap. 26. Of other Doctours and Preachers Ierom. Catal. scrip eccles Agrippas Castor Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 7. Hegesippus Euseb. l. 4. c. 11 Melito Euseb. l. 4. c. 13. Hist. Magdeb. Euseb. l. 5. c. 24. Iustinus a martyr The manner of Iustinus his conversion Iustin Dialog cum Trepb Iustin. apol 2. Polycar●us martyred Polycaryus his dreame before his apprehension Eus●b l●b 4. cap. 15. I●eneus Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 5. Iren. lib. 5 con Valen● Iren. l. 2. c. 34. Clemens Alexandrinus B●colc chron Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 11. Strom. lib. 2. Hist. Magdeb. Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 12. Euseb. lib. 6. cap. ● Zephyrinus Platin. Euseb. 6.21 Note Mat. 18.16 Canon Apost cap. 74. Callistus Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 21. Note Vrbanus Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 22. Pontianus Platin. Tom. 1. C●ncil Anterus Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 29. Fabianus Func Chron. Commentar Platin. de vitis Tom. 1. Concil Note Heb. 13 16. Cornelius A councel at Rome against Novatus Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 43. The martyrdome of Cornelius Platin. de vita Euseb lib. 7. cap 2. Lucius Platin. Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 2. Tom 1. Conc●l Stephanus Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 5. Platin. in vit● Lucij Dan 5. Tom. 1. Concil ● Gratia no. cap. 5. Xistus 2. Euseb lib. ● cap. 27. Note Dionysius Felix 1. Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 32. Platin. Mat. 26.73 Eutychianus ●●seb lib 7. cap●2 ●2 caius Euseb lib. 7. cap. 32. Func chron Platin. de vita Func Platin. De●●ct Cai● ●x lib. Pent. D●m●● Note Note Marcellinus Platin. Func Chron. Marcellus Platin. de vitis Eusebius Note Tertullian Ierom. catal scrip eccles Hist. Magd. cent 3. cap. 10. Origen Hist. Magd. cent 3. cap. 10. Note Coment Func in Chron. l. 6. Euseb. l. 6. c. 33. Ierom. catal script Eccles. Euseb. l 6. c. 17. Mat. 19.12 Euseb. l. 6. c. 8. Ierom. catul script eccles coment in Iona. Ierom. ibid. Nazian in laudem Cypriani Ierom. catal script eccles Hist. Madg. cent 3. c●p 10. Note Aug. de Baptis contra Donat. lib. 5. cap. 17. Narcissus Examples of Gods iustice against false witnesses Euseb. c. 6. l. 9. Dios. Germanion Gordius Alexander Ierom. catal script Eccles. Ierom. ibid. Euseb. l 7. c. 14. Func Chron. Heraclas Dionysius Euseb. l. 6. c. 40. Func chron Asclepiades Euseb. l. 6. c. 1● Zebenus Babylas Euseb. l. 6. c. 39. Fabius Euseb. l. 6. c. 44. Demetrianus Paulus Samosatenus Domnus Euseb. l. 7. c. 2● Func Chron. Plat. ● M●litiad●● Euseb. lib. 10. cap. 5. August epist. 68. August epist. 162. 166. August Caus●la●o epist. 86. Silvester Platina de vita Silvest S●crat lib. 1. cap. 6. Theo. lib. 1. cap. 2.3 Euseb de vita Const●nt lib. 4. Simile Note Marcus Platin. de vita Mar. Iulius So●om l.
the end Amen Your Ladiships humble servant P. Symson The Authors Epistle to the Reader IT was admired of old that Aphraates who lived in the Cottages of the wildernesse all his time yet once was found in the streets of Antiochia in the dayes of the Emperour Valens He excused the change of his former behaviour by the similitude of a modest Virgin lurking quietly in the secret corners of her fathers house so long as it is in safety but if it be set on fire it is a hurtfull modestie to lurke any longer necessity forceth her to runne abroad that shee may giue warning of the imminent danger This example of Aphraates might sufficiently excuse mine vnaccustomed boldnesse to set forth my head which hath beene lapped vp so long in hurtfull silence For now the power of darkness increaseth and as the Prophet sayth Woe vnto vs for the day declineth and the shadowes of the evening are stretched out yea the shadowe of Mount Athos reacheth to the Isle Lemnos a sure fore-running token of the going downe of the Sun And therefore now it is time to creepe out of our subterraneall caues that wee may giue notice to quence the fire in time before it spread further and bring greater desolation to the house of our God Papists are become insolent of late dayes like vnto Serpents in summer weather taking courage and byting the heeles of horses that the riders may fall not sparing both in word and writ to reproch our religion as not countenanced by An iquity and our Ministrie as altogether naked and voyd of the knowledge of ancient learning Shall wee now stand still as idle men in the market-places one looking vpon another I had rather then wee should sustaine such apparent damage and hurt through vntimely silence step forth with the Lacedemonian souldier impotent of his legs and neither apt to fight nor able to flie having this comfort as he had that happily I may blunt the edge of the enemies sword and make others ashamed who are more fit for fighting then I am And although those who haue vndertaken to write Compends haue found therein great difficulty being so invironed with straits that they finde it very hard either to satisfie themselues or others for if the Compends bee short they seeme obscure if written at length they seeme to haue need of other Compends to abridge their prolixity yet notwithstanding of all these difficulties it is better to set forward by doing some good either to our selues or others then to spend our time in idlenesse left our cogitations like vnto the vpper and lower mill-stones which lacking good graine to grinde vpon rub violently one vpon another vntill both be broken not being well exercised but spent vpon vaine things become hurtfull to both our soules and bodies In the 1. 2. and 3. Centuries I haue made no mention of Councels either Provinciall or Nationall for during that time as they were few in number by reason of the rage of persecuting Emperours so most part of those which were gathered were obscure and the lesse regarded in respect of their contradiction one to another There was a Councell gathered at Rome another in Caesarea Palestinae another in France the fourth in Pontus and one in Asia all for one and to the selfe same purpose viz. to deliberate concerning the keeping of Easter In Rome Victor was of one opinion Polycrates in Asia held another Iraeneus in France was wiser then the rest and was more carefull to keepe vnity in the Church of Christ then to dispute con●entiously about the keeping of dayes A National Councel of Philadelp in Arabia was gathered against Artemon Beryllus wherein Origen was present Another at Rome by Cornelius for the suppressing of the error of Novatus Another at Antiochia against Paulus Samo satenus a pernicious Heretique Others were gathered by Cyprian Bishop of Carthage for rebaptizing of those who were baptized by Heretiques which weaknes both in Cyprian and in other Bishops of Africk was after corrected by the Church Take in good part the Goats-haire and Rammes-skins which I present to cover the Tabernacle of our God I referre the ornaments of gold silver and precious-stones for beautifying the inner parts of the Tabernacle to others vpon whom God hath vouchsafed greater gifts The house of God is large and ample and as it hath neede of bright-shining torches for the Hauls Parlors and Chambers so it hath need of smaller lights for Cellers and office-houses if my farthing candle giue light in the lowes Celler of the house of God my heart is fully content Farewell Thine in the Lord P. Symson THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE HISTORY of the Church whereinto the whole proceedings and practises of the Emperours both of the West and East for or against the Church are briefly expressed as also the wonderfull loue of God towards her who so preserved her that neither by Tyranny she was subdued nor by Policie circumvented CENTVRIE I. Augustus Caesar. OVR Lord Iesus the true Prince of peace was borne in Bethlehem Iuda of a maid in a very peaceable time in the 42. yeare of the raigne of Augustus Caesar. At what time the Temple of Ianus was closed and locked vp which in time of warres was continually patent and open At the time of this blessed Natiuity the Angels of God reioyced the divels trembled Some affirme that all the Oracles of Iupiter Apollo and Hecate were silent and gaue no answers alwayes it is certaine that many yeares before the Lords blessed Nativity the Lord permitted the world to be wonderfully blinded with the delutions of the diuell The top of Iupiters Oake in Dodona was shaken the caldron was smitten with the rod that was in the hand of Iupiters image The Prophetesses forewarned by these fore-running tokens of inspiration were ready to vtter Iupiters Oracles and the deceived people were humbly kneeling and attending vpon the answer that should be giuen The tripode in Delphis the laur●ll and fountaine in Daphne Apollo his deceitfull ensignes the ram-faced image of Iupiter Ammonius in Gyrenia with many moe places whereinto the sound of the diuels trumpet was heard to these places I say did people bewitched by Satan resort in frequent numbers to be taught by the mouth of him who was a lyer from the beginning and who remaineth a lyer albeit hee spake at some time the truth because hee speaketh it animo fallendi vpon a purpose to deceiue It is very credible that the blessed Seed who came to breake the head of the Serpent did stopp his mouth also in the time of his blessed Nativity The countrey of Iudea at this time was subiect to the Romanes and payed tribute to Caesar. The deputies of Augustus in Iudea and Syria were Cyrenius Coponius Ambibuchus and Annius Rufus one succeeding to another Herod the sonne of Antipater by favour of Antonius obtained this honour to be Gouernour of the Nation
into great distresse for want of water but was supported by the prayers of the Christian legion that was in his army For they bowed their knees to Christ and prayed for helpe and the Lord Iesus sent raine in aboundance to refresh the army of the Romans dashed the Barbarians with thunder and fire In remembrance whereof the Christian legion was after that time called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Fulminatrix After this victory hee asswaged his anger and wrote to the Senate of Rome to deale gently with Christians by whose prayer hee acknowledged both himselfe and his Army to haue received deliverance from God Commodus COmmodus the sonne of Antoninus raigned 13. yeares Many of the Romanes not without cause called him Incommodus He presumed to do great things and to change the names of moneths and would haue the moneth of December to be called Commodus like as the two names of two moneths Quintilis and Sextilis had beene changed in time past and called Iulius and Augustus for honour of these two welbeloved Emperours But hee was not so well favoured of the people that this ordinance could haue place any longer then during his owne life time The Church in his dayes was not altogether free of persecution for Apollonius a man of noble birth in Rome and a man of great learning suffered death because hee would not forsake the Christian religion His accuser also was punished to the death Such advantages Iudges might easily haue taken finding so many discrepant lawes some made in favour and some conceived in disliking of Christians Pertinax and Iulianus AeLius Pertinax Emperour sixe moneths Didius Iulianus two moneths Eusebius maketh no mention of D. Iulianus but of Pertinax onely to whom succeeded Severus Eseb. lib. 5. cap. 27. CENTVRIE III. Severus AFter Pertinax and Iulian Severus governed seventeene yeares and eight months Eusebius reckoneth onely twelue yeares He stirred vp the fift persecution against the Christians The crimes obiected against the Christians besides those that were obiected in the former persecution were these Rebellion against the Emperour sacriledge murthering of Infants worshipping of the Sunne and worshipping the head of an Asse which last calumny was forged against them by the malice of the Iewes This persecution raged most severely in the townes of Alexandria and Carthage like as the former persecutions had done in Lyons and Vienne in France Leonides the father of Origen was beheaded his sonne being but young in yeares exhorted his father to persevere in the faith of Christ constantly vnto the death Potamiae a young beautiful virgin in Alexandria was by the Iudge condemned to death and delivered to a Captaine called Basilides who stayed the insolency of the people that followed her to the place of execution with outrage of slanderous and rayling wordes crying out against her for this cause shee prayed to God for the conversion of Basilides to the true faith and was heard of God in so much that hee was not onely converted to the faith of Christ but also sealed it vp with his blood and had the honour of martyrdome Alexander who was a fellow labourer with Narcissus in Ierusalem escaped many dangers yet was he martyred in the dayes of Decius the 7. great persecuter Of this Emp erour the Senate of Rome sayd Aut non nasti aut non mori debuisse that is Either he should never haue been born or else should never haue tasted of death So it pleased the Lord by his wife dispensation to suffer the dayes of Traian Antoninus Philosophus and Severus Emperours renowned in the world to be more cruell against their owne people then the dayes of Nero Domitian Caligula or Commodus to the end of the poor Church might learne to be content to be spoiled of all outward comfort and to leane vpon the staffe of the consolations of God onely Many that were brought vp in the Schooles of Origen suffered martyrdome such as Plutarchus Serenus Heraclides Heron and another having the name of Serenus also Among women Rhais was burned with fire for Christs sake before shee was baptized with water in Christs name Innumerable moe Martyrs were slaine for the faith of Christ whose names in perticular no Ecclesiasticall writer ever was able to comprehend therefore it shal suffice to heare the names of a few The rest whose names are not expressed enioy the crownes of incorruptible glory as well as those doe whose names are in all mens mouthes It is the comfort of our hearts to remember that the Apostles Evangelists sealed vp with their blood the doctrine which they naught and committed to writ and no other doctrine and the holy Martyrs immediately after the Apostles dayes sealed vp with the glorious testimony of their blood that same faith which we now professe and which they received from the hands of the Apostles but they were not so prodigall of their liues to giue their blood for the doctrine of worshipping of Images invocation of Saints plurality of Mediators of intercession the sacrifice of the Masse both propitiatory and vnbloody expresly against the wordes of the Apost le Heb. 9. ver 22. and such other heads of doctrine vnknowne to antiquity The Romane Church in our dayes is a persecuting and not a persecuted Church fruitfull in murthers and not in martyrdomes glorying of antiquity and following the forgery of new invented religion This Emperour Severus was slaine at Yorke by the Northerne men and Scots Bassianus and Geta. SEverus who was slaine at Yorke left behinde him two sonnes Bassianus and Geta. Bassianus flew his brother and raigned himselfe alone six yeeres so that the whole time of his government both with his brother and alone was 7. yeeres 6. moneths Hee put to death also Papinianus a worthie Lawyer because hee would not plead his cause concerning the slaughter of his brother before the people but said that sinne might be more easily committed then it could be defended He tooke to wife his owne mother in law Iulia a woman more beautifull then chaste In all his time as hee confessed with his owne mouth hee never learned to doe good and was slaine by Macrinus Macrinus with his son Diadumenus MAcrinus and his sonne raigned onely one yeere Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 21. Antoninus Heliogabalus ANtoninus Heliogabalus raigned after Macrinus 4. yeeres He was a prodigious belly-god a libidinous beast an enemy to all honesty and good order So many villanous things are written of him that scarcely if the Reader can giue credit to the history ever such a monster was fashioned in the belly of a woman At his remouing in his progresse oft-times followed him 600. chariots laden only with bauds and common harlots His gluttony filchinesse and excessiue riotousnes are in all mens mouthes He was slaine of the souldiers drawne through the Citie and cast into Tiber. Alexander Severus ALexander Severus the adopted sonne of Heliogabalus raigned
Maximian retained to themselues These two Augusties raigned 20. yeeres Constantius Chlorus Caesar continued fifteene Galerius Caesar 21. yeeres Dioclesian and Maximianus Herculeus abstained from persecuting of Christians vntill the nineteene yeere of their raigne Before I touch the History of the tenth persecution three things are to be premitted First that after the persecution of Valerian the eight Persecuter the Church enioyed great peace which albeit it was like to bee cut off by the altered minde of Aurelian yet the wise dispensation of the wisdome of God provided that all his cruell enterprises were disappointed The righteous Lord cutted the cords of the wicked Secondly Christians were in great favour and credit with Emperours and to them was committed the gouernment of Provinces and Nations as cleerly appeared in the preferment of Dorotheus and Gorgonius Thirdly they had libertie to build Oratories and Temples large and ample in every Citie All this came to passe in the forty yeeres peace that intervened betweene the raigne of Valerian and the nineteenth yeere of the raigne of Dioclesian Yet the Church of Christ in this short time began to be festred with the corrupt manners of carnall and fleshly people so that contentions abounded but charity waxed cold in the Church of God What wonder was it then that the Lord permitted this tenth and most horrible persecution of Dioclesian to stirre and to waken drowsie Christians who were beginning to be fashioned according to the likenesse of the world In the nineteenth yeere of his Imperiall authority and in the moneth of March this horrible persecution began to arise Dioclesian in the East and Maximianus in the West bending all their forces to roote out the profession of Christians out of the world Dioclesian was pufft vp in pride for his manifold victories and triumphes and would bee counted a God and adorned his shooes with gold and precious stones and commanded the people to kisse his feete This Persecution continued ten yeeres even vntill the seventh yeere of the raigne of Constantine the great So that whatsoever cruelty was practised by Maximinianus Maximinus Maxentius and Licinius all goeth vnder the name of Dioclesian the author of this tenth persecution Cruell edicts and proclamations were set forth in the beginning of this persecution cōmanding to overthrow cast to the ground the Temples of Christians to burne the bookes of holy Scripture to displace all such as were magistrates and were in office and to cast Christian Bishops into prison and to compell them with sundry kinds of punishments to offer vnto Idols Also common people who would not renounce the profession of Christianity to be spoyled of their liberty These edicts were hastily put in execution Many Christians were scourged racked and cruciated with intolerable torments Some were violently drawne to impure sacrifice and as though they had sacrificed when indeede they did not were let goe some were downe vpon the ground and drawne by the legges a great space and the people was made to beleeue that they had sacrificed some stoutly withstood them and denyed with a lowd voyce that they had not bin or ever would be partakers of Idolatry Notwithstanding of the weake sort many for feare and infirmity gaue over even at the first assault When the foresaid edicts were proclaimed both the Emperours happened to be in the towne of Nicomedia notwithstanding a certaine Christian being a noble man borne whose name was Iohn ranne and tooke downe the proclamation and openly tare and rent it peeces For which fact he was put to a most bitter death which hee patiently endured vntill his last gaspe The generall Captaine of the army of Dioclesian gaue choyce to the souldiers whether they would obey the Emperours commandement in offering sacrifices and keeps still their offices or else lay away their armour and be depriued of their offices but the Christian souldiers were not onely content to lay away their armour bu also to offer themselues vnto the death rather then to obey such vnlawfull commandements In Nicomedia the Emperour refraind not from the slaughter and death of the children of Emperours neither yet from the slaughter of the chiefest princes of his court such as Peter whose body being beaten with whips and torne that a man might see the bare bones and after they had mingled vineger and salt they powred it vpon the most tender partes of his body and lastly rosted him at a soft fire as a man would rost flesh to eare and so this victorious martyr ended his life Dorotheus and Gorgonius being in great authoritie and office vnder the Emperour after diuerse torments were strangled with an halter The torments that Peter suffered encouraged them to giue a worthy confession that they were of that same faith and religion that Peter was of This persecution raged most vehemently in Nicomedia where the Emperours palace through some occasion being set on fire the Christians were blamed as authors of that fact Therefore so many as could be found out were burned with fire or drowned in water or beheaded with the sword amongst whom was Anthimus Bishop of Antiochia who was beheaded The bodies of the sonnes of Emperours that were buried they digged out of their graues and sent them in boates to bee buried in the bottome of the sea lest Christians should haue worshipped them as gods if their sepulchres had beene knowne such opinion they had of Christians The number of twentie thousand burned in one temple of Nicomedia by Maximinus smelleth of the libertie that Nicephorus taketh in adding many things to the veritie of the historie The martyrdome of Serena the Emperour Dioclesians wife is rejected by learned men as a fable albeit recorded by Hermannus Gigas The number of Christians cast into prison and appointed for death was so great that scarcely a voide place could be found in a prison to thrust in a murtherer or an opener of graues such heapes of Christians were inclosed in darke prisons The martyrs of Palestina of Tyrus in Phenicia of Tarsus of Antiochia of Alexandria of Miletina in Armenia and of Pontus Cappadocia and Arabia they could not easily bee numbred In Thebaida horrible and vnnaturall crueltie was vsed against christian women whom they hanged vpon gibbets with their heades down-ward toward the ground and fastened one of their legges onely to the gibbet the other being free thus their naked bodies hanging vpon trees in maner aforesaid presenced to the beholders a spectacle of most vile and horrible inhumanitie In like maner the branches of trees were artificially bowed downe to the earth and the feete and legges of Christians tied to them so that by their hastie returning againe vnto their naturall places the bodies of Christians were rent in pieces This was not a crueltie finished in a short space of time but of long continuance some dayes 20. some dayes 60. and at sometimes an hundred were with sundrie kindes of torments
his hand they put frankencense into his right hand thinking that hee would haue scattered the incense vpon the altar and sacrificed but hee endured the torment patiently saying the words of the Psalme Blessed be the Lord who teacheth mine hands to fight In the end Licinius made warre against Constantine and being diverse times ouercome both by sea and land hee yeelded himselfe at length and was sent to Thessalia to liue a private life where hee was slaine by the souldiers So Constantine obtained the whole Empire alone Here end the ten Persecutions CENTVRIE IV. Constantine THE Church of Christ flourished in time of the ten Persecutions as a Palme tree groweth vnder the burthen and spreads out her branches by increasing growth toward heaven Satan on the other part that piercing and crooked Serpent who striues against the militant Church of God both by might and slight when his might faileth it is time to try his slight which he did by the canker-worme of hereticall doctrine Now therefore let vs entreate of the Arrian and Eutychian Persecutors in the three subsequent Centuries Other Heretiques albeit they were fierce and cruell such as the Donatists yet their crueltie was like vnto the stighling of a fish when the water is ebbed and shee is not covered with the deepenesse of over-flowing water the more stirre she maketh the nearer shee is vnto her death But the Arrian and Eutychian Heretiques found Emperours favourably inclined to the maintenance of their errors such as Constantius and Valens protectors of the Arrian heresie Anastatius and Heraclius favourers of the heresie of Eutyches This support they had of supreame powers strengthened the arme of Heretiques and made them able to persecute the true Church of Christ. Notwithstanding betwixt the ten great Persecutions and the Arrian persecution a short breathing time was granted by God vnto his Church who will not suffer the rodde of the wicked perpetually to lie vpō the righteous lest they put out their hand vnto inquity The dayes of the raigne of Constantine were the breathing daies of the persecuted Church Men banished for the cause of Christ by the Emperours edicts were returned from their banishment restored to their offices dignities and possessions which duely belonged vnto them The heritage and goods of such as had suffered death for the cause of Christ were allotted to their neerest kinsmen and in case none of these were found aliue then their goods were ordained to appertaine vnto the Church These beginnings of an admirable change of the estate of persecuted men wrought in the hearts of all people a wonderfull astonishment considering within themselues what could bee the event of such sudden and vnexpected alteration The care that Constantine had to disburthen persecuted Christians of that heauy yoke of persecution that pressed them downe so long was not onely extended to the bounds of the Romane Empire wherein Constantine was soveraigne Lord and absolute Commander But he was carefull also to procure the peace of Christians who lived vnder Sapores King of Persia who vexed Christian people with sore and grievous persecution so that within his Dominions more then sixteene thousand were found who had concluded their liues by martyrdome Among whom Simeon Bishop of Selentia and Vstazares the Kings eldest Eunuch and his nurs-father in time of his minority Pusices ruler of all the Kings Artificers Azades the Kings beloved Eunuch and Acepcimas a Bishop in Persia all these were men of Note and Marke who suffered martyrdome vnder Sapores King of Persia. While the cogitations of Constantine were exercised with meditation by what meanes the distressed estate of Christians in Persia might be supported by the providence of God the Ambassadours of Sapores King of Persia came to the Emperor Constantine whose petitions when he had granted hee sent them backe againe to their Lord and Master and hee sent with them a Letter of his owne intreating Sapores to bee friendly to Christians in whose Religion nothing can be found that can iustly bee blamed His letter also bare the bad fortune of the Emperor Valerian the eight persecuter of Christians and how miserably hee ended his life and on the other part what good successe the Lord had given vnto himselfe in all his battels because hee was a defender of Christians and a procurer of their peace What peace was procured to distressed Christians in Persia by this letter of Constantine the history beares not alwayes his endevour was honest and godly In Constantines dayes the Gospell was propagated in East India by Frumentius and Edesius the brother sonnes of Meropius a man of Tyrus This History is written at length by Ruffinus Theodoretus Sozomenus and many others Likewise it was propagated in Iberia a country lying in the vttermost part of the Euxine Sea by the meanes of a captiue Christian woman by whose supplications first a childe deadly diseased recovered health and afterward the Queen of Iberia her selfe was relieved from a dangerous disease by her prayers made to Christ. The King of Iberia sent Ambassadours to Constantine craving of him that hee would send Preachers and Doctors to the countrey of Iberia who might instruct them in the true faith of Christ. Which desire also Constantine performed with great gladnesse of heart Now to returne and to speake of the Dominions subiect to the Romane Empire Constantine the sonne of Constantius Chlorus began to raigne in the yeare of our Lord 310. and hee raigned 31. yeares hee gaue commandement to reedifie the Temples of the Christians that were demolished in the time of the persecution of Dioclesian This commanmandement was obeyed with expedition and many more large and ample Churches were builded meet for the conventions of Christian people Likewise the temples of Idols were locked vp better they had beene demolished and equalled to the ground then had it beene a worke of greater difficulty to Iulian the Apostate to haue restored againe Heathen Idolatry Many horrible abuses both in Religion and manners were reformed by the authority and commandement of the Emperour such as cubitus mensuralis called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Egypt whereunto was attributed the vertue and cause of the inundation of Nilus by the Egyptians therefore by the Emperors commandement this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was transported out of their Temples In Rome the bloody spectacle of Gladiatores that is of Fencing men with swords killing one another in sight of the people was discharged In Heliopolis a towne of Phoenicia the filthy manners of young women accustomed without controulment to prostitute themselues ●o the lust of strangers vntill they were maried this filthy custom I say by the commandement of the Emperour Constantine was interdicted and forbidden In Iudea the Altar builded vnder the Oke of Mambre where the Angels appeared to Abraham and whereupon the Pagans offered sacrifice in time of solemne Faires for buying and selling of
generall or provinciall councell should be had within the space of a yeare and in the meane time the decree of Wormace Councell to cease In the next Councell kept at Spire where Ferdinand Ambassadour in the Emperours name was present certaine Citties were greatly blamed for altering Religion contrary to the Emperours commandement and the Ambassadour for the Citie of Argentine was not suffered to sit in the Councell because that Cittie had disanulled the Masse Shortly after by the assent of a few Princes these points were decreed That such Cities as had altered Religion should make no further change That other places should obey the decree of Wormes vntill a generall Councell That it should be lawfull to all men who would vse the masse euen in those Citties where it was abolished That the Anabaptists should be punished by death That the doctrine of the Lords supper shuld not be receiued That the Ministers should teach according to the interpretation of the Church That the Princes and Cities should not receiue foreiners comming for Religion into their dominions if any man did otherwise he should be proscript The Duke of Saxonie George Prince of Brandenburgh Erneste and Francisse Princes of Luneburg and the Landgraue of Hesse and a Prince called Anhaldius withstood this decree and answered to euery point thereof saying that the consent of a few could not vndoe that decree which before was made at Spire by the whole Empire and therefore that they all made protestation that they would not acknowledge it And of this protestation were those Princes and all that allied with them called Protestants which name is now giuen to all them that in their doctrine swerue from the Bishop of Rome To the Princes aboue-named these Cities following did agree Argentine Norinberg Vlmes Constance Ruteling Winsemium Mening Lindan Campodune Hailbrune Isna Wiseborough Norling Sangall All these Cities with the Princes refused the act of Spire appealed to the Emperour and to a generall or provinciall Councell After the breaking vp of this Councell the Protestants send Ambassadours to the Emperour to declare the causes of their appellation from the Councell of Spire The Emperour at this time was in Italie and on his iourney to Rome to be crowned with the Emperiall Diadem by Pope Clement the seuenth who hauing heard the Ambassadours of the Protestants entreated them roughly and sent them backe againe with menacing words threatning to punish with all rigour those that would not be obedient to the Decree of the foresaid Convention of Spire This was the first ground that moued the Protestants in the conventiō of Smalcaldy to bind vp a couenant amongst themselues of mutuall ayde if any of them were pursued for Religions sake as shall be declared afterward God willing In the meane time the Citie of Argentine entreated league with Tigure Berne and Basill who being not farre distant might be more helpfull each to other that if they were invaded for the quarrell of Religion they should mutually assist one another wherewith the Councell of the Empire were much grieued and found great fault with them After the Emperours returning from Italie where he was crowned with the Emperiall Diadem and had sworne to be a defender of the Roman Church a solemne conuention of the Estates of the Empire was kept in the Towne of Angusta or S. Ausbrugh to which were brought many learned diuines The Protestants brought with them Philip Melanchton Iustus Ionas Georgius Spalatinus Iohannes Agricola Islebius and diverse others The Romane Church had for their part Cardinall Campeius the Popes Ambassadour Eccius Iohannes Faber Cochleus and many others The Emperour commanded the Princes of the Protestants to come to Masse with him and to command their Preachers to silence but they answered they would neither come to Masse nor inioyne their Preachers to silence before the matter was concluded Onely the Duke of Saxonie after deliberation with his Divines was content at the Emperours commandement according to his dutie to carrie the Sword before him as he went to the Church Then the Emperour vnder great perill commanded both the parties to silence and he by prerogatiue appointed certaine to Preach that should touch no Controversie In this Convention the Protestants offered vnto the Emperour a copie of the Articles of their Faith which with great difficultie they obtained to be openly read before they delivered it into the Emperours handes This Confession commonly called Augustana Confessio was exhibited to Eccius and Faber Divines on the contrary part to be confuted and the copie of this confutation was also openly read But when the Protestants desired that they might answere to it the Emperour would not grant it saying he would heare no more disputation but willed them to returne to the Catholique Church Also the Citizens of Argentine Constance Mening and Lindan who differed from the other Protestants in the opinion of the Sacrament did in like manner exhibite a confession of their Doctrine a confutation of this Booke also was made by Eccius and Faber with very bitter and sharpe words but the other partie could not haue licence to reply nor any sight of the copie but as they heard it read After this three were chosen on each side to debate matters of Religion where although Melanchton granted more then his ●ellowes would haue him yet nothing was agreed because that Eccius and his two Lawyers who were chosen for the Romane Church stucke so fast by their Masse and Monasticall Vowes that in those things they would admit no reformation In the end the Emperour published a Decree wherein he declared that although the confession of the Protestants was sufficiently confuted yet he would giue them respite for a time to returne to the Church of Rome In which time they should keepe peace and alter nothing of Religion and suffer all that would to follow the Church of Rome But the Princes and Protestant Cities answered that they could not keepe that Decree with safe consciences Thus was the Emperours interim refused wherefore he set forth another Decree wherein he confirmed the Doctrine of the Church of Rome in all points and abrogated all manner of appellations made by the Protestants It appointed also an order how the Emperours Court called the Chamber should proceed in iudgement against the Protestants and forbidded that any Prince of that sect should beare any office in the Court and all that were of the faith of the Romane Church to be taken into the protection of the Emperour against their owne Princes This act caused great feare wherefore the Princes and Ambassadours of the Protestants shortly after met againe at Smalcal●ie and went through with the League which they had begunne the yeare before to ayde each other in the quarrell of Religion About this time the Emperour hauing sure information that the Turke with great preparation was setting forward his armie against Vienna in Austrich begun somewhat to relent of
erected vp in Churches to that intent the same ought to be taken downe 10. That Matrimony is prohibited to no estate or order of men but for eschewing of fornication generally is permitted to all men by the word of God And forasmuch as all fornicators are excluded by the testimony of Scripture from the communion of the Church therefore this vnchast and filthy single life of Priests is most of all inconuenient for the order of Priesthood At this disputation were present Oecolampadius Bucerus Capito Blanreus with many other moe all which defended the affirmatiue of the conclusions propounded On the contrary part of the opponents the chiefest Captaine was Conradus Trogedus a Fryer Augustine who to proue his assertion when he was driuen to shift out of the Scripture to seeke helpe of other Doctors and the Moderators of the disputation would not permit the same being contrary to the order before appointed he departed out of the place and would dispute no more The disputation indured nineteene dayes in the end whereof it was agreed that the conclusions there disputed were consonant to the truth of Gods Word and should be ratified not onely in the Cittie of Berne but also proclaimed by the Magistrates in sundrie other Citties neere adioyning Furthermore that Masses Altars Images in all places should be abolished The day and yeare when this reformation with them beganne from Popery to true Christianitie they caused in a pillar to be engrauen in Golden letters for a perpetuall memorie to all posteritie to come This was Anno 1528. The rumour of this disputation and alteration of Berne was noysed in other Citties and places abroad and others were encouraged by this occasion to take the like order within their bounds and namely the Townes of Strousbrough and Basile and Geneua All this time by the providence of God the Emperour and the King of France were together occupied in Warres and strife which hapned very commodiously for the successe of the Gospell for otherwise it is to be thought that the Helvetians and other Germanes should not haue had that leisure and rest to reforme Religion and to linke themselues in league as they did albeit Ferdinandus the Emperours brother and Deputie in Germanie omitted no time nor diligence to doe what he could in resisting the proceedings of the Protestants as appeared both by the decrees set forth at Ratisbone and Speirs as hath beene declared The rest of the Pages of the Helvetians which were of a contrary profession hearing of the end of this disputation at Berne and namely because they had not regarded their admonition disswading them to proceed in their intended purpose of disputation and reformation of Religion confederated themselues in league with Ferdinandus to suppresse the Religion of Christ in Berne and Zurik The names of which Pages especially were fiue to wit Lucernates Vrani Suitenses Vnternaldij and Tugiani who for hatred and despite hanged vp the armes of the foresaid Cities vpon a Gallowes beside many other iniuries and grieuances which they wrought against them For the which cause the said Cities of Berne and Zurik raised their power intending to set vpon the foresaid Switzers as vpon their capitall enemies But as they were in the field readie to encounter one Armie against the other through the meanes of the Citie of Strousbrough and other intercessours they were parted for that time and so returned After this the old wound waxing raw againe beganne to burst out and the Tigurines and Bernates by reason of certaine new iniuries and contumelious words spoken against them began to stoppe the passages and straits whereby no corne not victuall should be conveyed to the fiue Pages aforesaid This second debate also was composed by meanes of the King of France and certaine Townes of Switzerland as namely the Glareans Friburgians Soloturnians and some other laboured to set them at agreement vpon certaine conditions which not being kept and the fiue Pages not obseruing the couenant the warre brake vp of new againe amongst them And the Tigurines and Bernates begunne againe to stoppe the passages so that for lacke of victuall the fiue Pages were pinched with penurie Who notwithstanding arming themselues secretly set forward in warre-like aray towardes the borders of Zurike whereas then was lying a Garrison of Zurike men to the number of a thousand and aboue Whereupon word was sent incontinent to the Cittie of Zurike for ayde to their men But their enemies approached so fast that they of Zurike could hardly come to rescue them fot when they were come to the top of the hill whereby they must needs passe they did see their fellowes at the foote of the hill in great distresse Whereupon they encouraging themselues made downe the hill with more hast then order striuing who should goe fastest by reason whereof they were discomfited and ouer-matched by their enemies Amongst the number of them that were slaine was also Vlricus Zuinglius the blessed seruant of God whose bodie after his death they most vildly abused by cutting it in pieces consuming it with fire and practising against it all despite that malice and hatred could deuise The Bernates were willing to come and reuenge their quarrell but before they came their enemies set vpon them the second time and had the vpper hand yet would they of Zurik nothing relent in Religion At the last through mediation a Peace was concluded and thus the matter agreed that the Tigurines Bernates and Basilians should forsake the league which they lately made with the Citie of Strousbrough and the Landgraue Likewise should the fiue Page men giue ouer the league and composition made with Ferdinan●us and hereof Obligations were made and sealed for the greater suretie and better keeping of the promises In this Emperours time amongst other places great alteration of Religion fell out in the Countrey of England vpon this occasion Henry the 7. King of England had two sonnes Arthur and Henry Prince Arthur his eldest sonne married Katherine daughter to Ferdinand King of Spaine but he soone after his marriage died without children King Henry with advise of his Nobles to the end her dowrie might remaine within the Realme thought meete to espouse Lady Katherine to Prince Henry brother to King Arthur This marriage seemed very strange and hard for one brother to marry the wife of another but yet by dispensation of Pope Iulian the second this marriage which neither sense of nature would admit nor Gods law suffer was concluded approued and ratified and so continued as lawfull without any scruple or doubt the space of twentie yeares till that a certaine doubt began to be moued by the Spaniards themselues of the Emperours Councell Anno 1523. At which time Charles the Emperour being in England promised to marry Lady Mary daughter to King Henry the eyght King of England with the which promise the Spanyardes were not well contented Obiecting that the Ladie Mary was begotten of the King of
England by his brothers wife Whereupon the Emperour forsaking the marriage did couple himselfe with Ladie Isabell daughter to King Emmanuel of Portugall which marriage was done in the yeere of our Lord 1526. The King vpon this occasion casting many things in his minde beganne to consider the matter more deeply and finding that neither his conscience could be cleered in keeping his brothers wife nor yet the estate of the Realme firme by the succession of a daughter begotten in such a marriage he proposed the question to the chiefe Vniversities of all Christendome whose censures all agreed in one that the marriage was vnlawful Yet would not the King proceed to the divorcement without the Popes consent Who sent Campeius his Ambassadour with concurrance of the Cardinall of Yorke to be iudges in that cause The Cardinall of Yorke called Wolsey at the first was verily bent to haue the divorcemēt set forward but afterward finding that the Kings affection was bent towardes Ladie Anne Bulloigne to take her in marriage he changed his purpose sent advertisment to Pope Clement that in case King Henry the eight were divorced from Ladie Katherine then should another infected with Luthers doctrine succeede in her place to the great hurt of the Church of Rome For this cause the Pope calleth backe his Ambassadour Campeius before the Kings cause was decided Neuerthelesse the King proceeded in his purpose and was divorced from Ladie Katherine by meanes of Dr Cranmer This was the ground of that great hatred that fell out betweene the Pope and King Henry for on the one part the Pope cursed King Henry and the Realme of England for the divorcement The King on the other part abolished in his Realme the Bishop of Romes vnlawfull tyrannie with commandement that he should be called no more Pope in his Country but onely Bishop of Rome and that the King should be taken and reputed as supreame head of the Church of England haue full authoritie to reforme and redresse errours heresies and abuses in the same Now to returne againe to Germanie The Emperour was so busied with Warres all this time that he had no leisure to tarry in Germanie and although many assemblies were gathered to suppresse the doctrine of Luther he was onely present at two to wit at the first kept at Wormes the last kept at Auspurg For this cause it seemed good to the Emperour to declare his brother Ferdinand to be King of the Romanes and apparent successor to the Empire to the end he might with greater authoritie gouerne the affaires of the Empire in his absence He sent also letters to the Protestants commanding them to acknowledge him King Wherefore the Ambassadours of the Protestant Cities being gathered at Franckford concluded with the Princes that for their part they would not for this resist the Emperour for denying a title and a name only to his brother to make him more eager against their Religion But the Duke of Saxonie other Princes not agreeing thereto writ to the Emperour that because it was done against the manner and liberty of the Empire they could not allow it This seemeth to be the first ground of the warres that after followed For Ferdinand King of the Romanes expelled Vlrich of Wirtenberge from his Lordship and when no redresse could be had at the Emperours hands the Landgraue of Hesse with his cousin Vlrich gathered an Armie at Lawferme by Wirtenberg ouercame their enemies and put them to flight recouered the townes of Asperge Wrath Tubinge and Niphe and tooke prisoner Philip Prince Palatine and chiefe Captaine of Ferdinands armie Shortly after agreement was made on these conditions that Vlrich should haue againe his Lordship of Wirtenberg but so that he should hold it by the benefit of Ferdinand and the house of Austrich that if issue male did saile in the house of Wirtenberge that Lordship should returne to the heire of the Emperours house of Austrich that the Landgraue and Vlrich should come to Ferdinand and submit themselues to him The Emperour foreseeing that this diversitie of Religion that was in Germanie would in the end burst forth into some bitter fruit and great inconuenience aduised with himselfe by what means reconciliation might be made and all controversie might cease and in the end appointed a Councell at Wormes and communication of Religion and for this cause sent Granuellanus thither But the matter was so long delayed by the fautors of the Sea of Rome vntill Letters came from the Emperour againe to deferre the whole matter to the Councell of Ratisbone To which came all the Princes of the Empire except the Duke of Saxonie who came not himselfe but sent thither a noble ambassage together with Melanchthon and other Preachers Vnto the same Councell also came from the Pope Caspar Conterane a Cardinall In this disputation Fredericke the Palsgraue and Granuellane were appointed moderators Melanchthon Bucer and Pistorius Disputers for the Protestants Pflugius Eccius Gropper for the Papists Vnto these six was offered a booke conteining the definition of most Articles in Controversie which they were willed to ouer-looke and either to allow or disallow those things that they could agree vpon This booke was deliuered againe after a time to the Emperour in many points they could not agree in some they did The Protestants deliuered together with the booke their opinion concerning those controversies and their arguments to proue the same The Emperour deliuered the same to the Princes to be examined but they being most part Popish referred the whole matter to the Popes Ambassadour who exhorting the Bishops to honestie of life and suppressing of Luthers doctrine thought good it should be deferred to a generall Councell This convention which began in Aprill Anno 1541. was dissolued in the end of Iulie after that the Emperour had decreed that the communication begun and whole controversie of Religion should be deferred to a generall or Provinciall Councell of Germanie That the Protestants should teach no other points of Religion then such as were agreed vpon That Bishops should see amendment of life in their Diocesse That there should be a Provinciall Councell within a yeare and an halfe if they could not obtaine a generall Councell of the Pope That the Churches of Monasteries should not be pulled downe but reformed that the Church-goods should not be inverted that the decree of Ausbrough and all Proscriptions of the Protestants should be suspended all those conventions of estates disputations promises of generall or provinciall Councels to be kept in Germanie could not reconcile diuerse Religions but at length lurking hatred behoued to breake out into open hostilitie The first occasion whereof was offered by Henry Prince of Brunswick who by often invasion of Cities confederated with the Protestants in Germany moued the Duke of Saxonie and the Landgraue to make warre against him in name quarrell of all the Protestants confederated by the league of Smalcaldy
In this warre they subdued all his dominions and compelled him with his eldest sonne Charles to flie for their safetie into Bavarie Henry to recouer his dominions againe first pursued the Protestants in the Chamber-court of the Empire but the Protestants appealed and refused the iudgement thereof Next he made his complaint to Ferdinand the Emperours brother and last went into Italie to the Emperour there at Cremona grieuously accused the Protestants to whom the Emperour sent an hard message that if the Prince of Brunswick were not restored he would take such order whereby he should be restored whether they would or no. Notwithstanding all this the Emperour at his returning into Germanie after he had heard the declaration of the Protestants against the Duke of Brunswick albeit the Emperour was loath to giue out any grieuous sentence against him yet at length he determined that all the Dukes lands should remaine as sequestred in his hands vntill that matter were ended All this while the Emperour was busied in warres against the King of France ●ut in the end a peace was concluded betweene them vpon certaine conditions Amongst others this was one that they should both ioyne in the restitution of the Romish Religion The effects of this vnhappie agreement were soone felt both in France and Germanie for in France Minerius governour of Provance by the Kings commandement went with an Armie against the Waldenses that dwelt in Merindol Cabreire and certaine other Townes of Provance The poore men of Merindol fearing his comming fled into the Woods and Mountaines with their wiues and children he in the meane time spoyled and burned the townes being left voyde and in Merindol finding but one young man bound him to an Oliue tree and shot him thorow with guns At Cabreire the Citie was yeelded vnto him vpon promise that they should sustaine no harme but he kept no promise but shewed great crueltie killing them euery one some in the Churches some in other places and burned 40 women that were in a Barne full of straw There were slaine partly in that towne partly abroad aboue 800. beside other places They which fled vnto the mountaines woods partly were famished partly otherwise slaine partly sent to the Gallowes 25 persons that fled into a caue by the towne of Mussie were smoothered to death with smoke Certaine of the Heluetians sued vnto the king of France to fa●our the Waldenses but no entreatie would serue alwayes this tyrane Minerius escaped not the iust iudgement of God for God striked him with a terrible disease and hee felt like vnto a fire burning him from the navell vpward and the lower parts were rotten and consumed away with vermine with an extreame stinke and profusion of blood in place of his vrine and so with great torments hee ended his wretched life In Germanie like as it was harder to oppresse so great a number as had alreadie embraced the Gospell so likewise the Emperour was compelled to doe his turne by craft rather then by force for he sent letters to diuers cities of the Protestants as to Argentine Noriberg Ausbrough Vlmes indeuouring to perswade them that he entended not warre against them but against certaine other traytours and rebells against whom hee doubted not but they would assist him In like manner also he writ to the Prince of Wittenberg Also when Palsgraue of Rhene writ to the Emperour to know against whom he prepared his war he receiued the same answere that before was written to the cities with manifest signification that it was against certaine Princes of the Protestants not so much for religion as for other things and finallie the Heluetians who had receiued the Gospell Tigure Berne and Basile were circumuented with the like policie for the Emperour had perswaded ●hem that he would not medle with religion by this meanes hee had not onely diuers places quiet but also vsed the helpe of many Princes and cities which fauoured the religion against the Duke of Saxonie and Lantgraue of Hesse This war begun in the selfe same yeere wherein the Councell of Trent was gathered to with 1546. the league between the Emp. the Pope against the Protestants was openly pronounced at Trident. The Pope also laied in the Venetians hands for this war 200000. Crownes and moreouer for the space of halfe a yeere did finde 10000. Italian foote and 500. light horsemen Thus was their great preparation and deepe policie vsed to suppresse two noble Princes whom they knew to be chiefe defenders of the reformed religion The Emperour being at Ratisbone and looking for his companies of Italians and Spaniards in the meane time by Proclamation proscribeth out-lawes the Duke of Saxonie and the Lantgraue alleadging these causes That they had made warre against certaine Princes of the Empire That they had spoyled them and oppressed certaine Bishops That they refused and subverted the iudgement of the chamber-court and entered league against him making no mention of religion Shortly after hee sent a copie of this proscription vnto Maurice and August Princes of Saxonie and commaunded them as being next of their kinred to enter vpon the goods lands that appertained vnto them threatning grieuous punishments except they so did The Protestants hauing a copie of the proscription answered vnto the same at large And first whereas the Emperour pretended the fauour of religion and commonwealth they declared by many arguments that it was dissembled false And as touching the causes of their proscription expressed they answered to euerie part and cleered themselues protesting that they did not make warre vpon the Emperour but repell that iniurie which he offered them The Bohemians incited by their king Ferdinand first invaded the lands of the D. of Saxonie lying next vnto them Maurice Prince of Saxonie sent advertisement to the Duke that seeing he was heire to the Dukedome hee would take such order as his heritage should not come into other mens hands and immediatly by the helpe of Ferdinands armie subdued all the Dukes lands except Viteberge Isimake and Goth perceiuing himselfe to be in hatred and displeasure with many for so doing set forth a Proclamation to excuse himselfe saying that hee could not lawfully resist the Emperour seeing that he had assured him that hee would neither opresse religion nor yet hurt the libertie of Germanie The Duke of Saxonie willing to recouer againe his owne lands assaulted Lipsia and departing from thence did not onely recouer all that he had lost in Turinge and Misne but also wanne from Maurice all his cities except Lipsia and Dresta Maurice and August on the other part ioyning with the armie of Ferdinand were all minded to ioyne also with the Emperours armie and so with all their forces to invade Saxonie The nobilitie in the Countrey thinking it was dangerous to their libertie to bring so many Spaniarde and Italians into their Countrie sent word to Maurice and August that they
would depart with their bands of Italians and Spainiards otherwise such order and remedie should be found as the time and matter required In this meane time many of the Princes of the Protestants townes with whom the Emperour was displeased because of the aide they had sent to the Duke of Saxonie and Lantgraue reconciled themselues to the Emperour and obtained their pardon after they had payed great summes of money Of this number was Palsgraue of the Rhene Elector and the Prince of Witemberg Also earnest request was made to the Emp. for the Lantgraues pardon by the Marques of Brādenburg But the conditions were so grieuous that the Lantgraue would rather venture the extremitie then submit himselfe The Emperour came forward to Misne by the riuer Albis not farre from the Duke of Saxonie Campe. Wherefore the Duke made speed to Witemberg and burnt the bridge that the Emperour should haue no readie passage to pursue him but the Emperour getting knowledge of a shallow ford in the riuer quicklie followed the Duke and by the wood of Lothans ouertooke him ioyning battell discomfited him and tooke him prisoner and although the Duke was condemned to die yet by the entreatie of the Marques of Brandenburg his life was granted him with most grieuous conditions amongst which this was one that hee should submit himselfe to the old religion but he chosed rather to die then so to doe Wherefore the Marques of Brandenburg obtained also that condition to be remitted but al his lands and goods were giuen to Maurice except a pension of 50000. crownes which the same Maurice paied him yeerely Immediately herevpon Witemberg yeelded to the Emp. as also diuers other Princes and Cities did the like The Lantgraue was content to yeeld al that he had to the Emp. pleasure so that hee might not be kept prisoner which condition the Marques of Brandenburg Maurice the new Duke of Saxonie that had married his daughter vndertooke to obtaine and for the performance of the same bound thēselues to him in great bonds But when he came to the Emp. hee was commaunded to remaine as prisoner then he began to complaine grieuously saying that the Emperour kept not promise And the next day the Marques of Brandenburg Maurice went to the Emp. and intreated for the Lantgraue but all would not serue for the Emperour answered that he brake no promise although he kept him 14. yeeres in prison For his meaning was onely to pardon him perpetuall emprisonment This matter afterward turned the Emp. to great trouble In the meane time hauing the principall chiefe Princes of the Protestants in Captiuitie the Emp. thought meete to gather a conuention of the estates at Ausbrough to finish that matter which hee had intended long before All the Electors with other Princes were gathered together in great number but about the citie and in diuers places of the countrie neere thereto was companies of Spaniards and Italians and other souldiers to the terrour of them that were present The Principall matter purposed was concerning the Councell of Trident. The Emperour required of the Princes priuatlie of the Palsgraue Maurice Duke of Saxonie whether they would submit themselues to the Councell of Trident or no. At the first they refused it but afterward fearing the Emp. displeasure they were cōtented to permit the matter to his will The free cities also being demaunded if they would adde any thing to the answere of the Princes answered it was not their part so to doe and offered a writing to the Emperour on what condition they would admit the Councell The Emperour as though they had fullie consented sent to the Cardinall of Trident and the Pope desiring that the Councell which was remoued from Trident to Bononia might bee againe revoked to Trident which was neerer to Germanie vpon hope that the Germanes would come and submit themselues to the Councell But forasmuch as the Pope and Bishops assembled at Bononie would not returne backe againe to Trident but vpon such conditions as liked themselues best the Emperour protested by his Ambassadours that all such things that they should decree there to be vnlawfull and of no force and that he himselfe would vndertake the care of the cōmon-wealth of Christendome which the Bishops neglected Thus the Emperour perceiuing that there was no hope of a generall councell in Germanie consulted with the Princes about the agreement of Religion and appointed Iulius Pflugins Bishop of Numburg Michael Sidon and Iohn Islebie to draw out a booke for reformation of Religion which they called Interim This was the ground of a new trouble for the Emperour strictly commaunded that the Princes would receiue and admit the manner of Religion set forth in the booke called Interim The Duke of Saxonie that was kept prisoner being earnestlie required to subscribe would not in any wise and for that cause after was vsed more strictly insomuch that his Preacher who was hitherto permitted fled for feare of danger The Lantgraue hoping to obtaine fauour and libertie receiued the Emperours booke and submitted himselfe to it but all would not helpe him The Marques of Brandenburge not onely receiued it himselfe but also sent for Martin Bucer whom partly with entreatie partly with thretnings he commaunded to subscribe the Emperours booke but he constantlie refused and with great danger of his life returned to Argentine Wolfangus Musculus Preacher at Ausbrough perceiuing the counsell of the towne not to stand constantly in defence of Religion went to Berne in Switzerland Brentius was compelled to flie from Hala a towne of Sueue and was receiued of Vlrick Duke of Wirtemberg Andreas Osiander Erasmus Sarcerius Erardus Schueffins and other Preachers of the Dukedome of Wirtemberg fled because they would not allow the Emperours booke Martin Bucer and Paulus Fagius left Germanie and went to England Ambrose Blaurer left the towne of Constance Mauricius Duke of Saxonie returning home from Ausbrough Proclaimed the Emperours decree concerning Religion Vpon that occasion the diuines and Preachers of the vniuersities of Lipsia and Witenberg diuers times assembled themselues and at length concluded vpon these things that they called indifferent to receiue them as the Emperour had prescribed This thing was by other Preachers in Germanie sore impugned saying that by the interpretation of their indifferencie they had opened a way to the whole doctrine and superstition of the Church of Rome taking those things for indifferent in which was manifest errour The tyrannie of this booke indured not long for it was hated of all men the Pope himselfe added his corrections vnto it for albeit it established all the grounds of the roman Religion yet because it tolerated the marriage of Priests and the vse of the Sacrament vnder both kindes and tooke not so sharpe order for restoring of the Church goodes as hee could haue wished for those causes and others such like the Pope would not giue his allowance to this booke without some
mindes as evidently appeared so soone as the King of Navarre and Prince of Condie came to Orleance and had saluted the King the Captaine of the Kings guard layd hands on the Prince of Condie and the King was informed that the Prince of Condie had conspired against his honour and life Thus by the craft and deceitfull practises of the Guisians was the Prince of Condie brought into great danger and hazard of his life and had assuredly died if the mercy of God had not provided timely reliefe But the Lord pitying the estate of his owne poore Church in France shortned the life of Francis the second who dyed of a putrefaction of his eares And thus was the second high attempt of the Guisians against the Gospell marvailously disappoynted by the sudden and vnexpected death of Francis the second After whose death the innocency of the Prince of Condie was declared by a decree of the Parliament at Paris and the government of the young King Charles the ninth was devolued in the hands of the Queen mother and the King of Navarre Those Gouernours with advice of the States of the Realme thought meet that a free disputation should be appointed at Poyssie a towne in France neere to Saint Germane wherein the controversies of religion should bee freely reasoned in presence of the young King the Queene mother the King of Navarre and other Princes of the royall blood This disputation began the ninth of September anno 1561. For the Protestants part were appointed Theodorus Beza Minister at Geneva Peter Martyr professor of Divinity in Zuricke Nicholas Gelasius Augustinus Marloratus Iohannes Merlinus Franciscus Morellus Iohannes Malo and Espineus a man of great learning who had lately forsaken the Romane Church and embraced the true reformed religion On the other part the Cardinall of Loraine with many other Cardinalls Archbishops and Bishops to the number of fifty Prelates besides many other Divines and Doctors were ready to pleade the cause of the Romish Church In this disputation after that Theodorus Beza had at length declared the summe of the Protestants faith and the Cardinall of Loraine had answered In the end the Romane Prelats devised a pretty shift to cut off all further reasoning for the Cardinall of Loraine produced the opinion of the Germans about the matter of the Sacrament extracted out of the cōfession of Ausbrugh Jemanded of the Protestants whether they would subscribe to it or no to the end that if they consented to subscribe they might seem to haue convicted themselues of errour in the matter of the Sacrament and if they refused to subscribe then it might bee knowne to the Princes that were present that the Protestants agreed not amongst themselues To this it was answered by Theodorus Beza in the next meeting that if the confession of Ausbrough should be subscribed then it was good reason to require a subscription of the whole confession and not of one line thereof onely also if they vrged the Protestants to subscribe that confession of Ausbrough then let themselues first begin to subscribe the same and when they haue yeelded to the whole confession of Ausbrugh it will be more easie to finde out any way of agreement in matters of religion After this the forme of disputation was changed and a few in number to wit fiue onely on either side were chosen to conferre in quiet and peaceable manner who beginning at the matter of the Sacrament seemed all to agree in this forme that Iesus Christ by the operation of the holy Spirit offereth and exhibiteth vnto vs the very substance of his body blood and wee doe receiue and eate spiritually and by faith that same body which dyed for vs to the end we may be flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones and that we may be quickned by him and receiue all things that are needfull to our salvation And because faith leaning to the word of God maketh those things that are received to be present by this faith indeed we receiue truely and effectually the very naturall body and blood of Iesus Christ through the power of the holy Spirit In this respect wee acknowledge the presence of the body and blood in the Supper The article of the Sacrament being conceiued in this forme was presented to both the parties and many of the Romane Prelates condiscended to the article aboue specified but when they had conferred with the Doctors of Sorbon they all with one consent refused the same and finding that the communers that were chosen for their part did persevere in their opinion they cryed out against them and would giue no further power to them to reason in that cause Thus the disputation of Poyssie broke vp the 25. of November without any agreement of the controversies in religion but rather leaving in the harts of men a seed of greater contention and cruell wars which afterward ensued But before we speak of the warres in France for religion somewhat is to bee spoken of the cruell persecution that the faithfull suffered in Piemont in which countrey certaine townes had received the Gospell and abolished the masse namely the townes of Angrona Lucerne Perose Tallaret with divers others in the convalles of Piemont all which townes are subiect to the dominion of the Duke of Savoy who hearing of the reformation that was made in the foresayd bounds of his dominion sent out his Captaine Triniteus with an army of 500. men against them to sack and vtterly destroy them except they would receiue the masse againe and put away from them their ministers The towne of Angrona was first assaulted and the people fled to the mountaines but being strictly pursued they turned themselues and with slings stones defended their liues and put their enemies to the worse in so much that Triniteus the Dukes Captaine was to deale with them by subtilty and craft rather then by open force and therefore promised vnto the Convallenses that if they layd downe their armour and sent messengers to the Duke to cuane his pardon and would pay to him the summe of sixteene thousand crownes then vpon those conditions they should haue peace The poore people glad to accept conditions of peace performed all that was required but no peace could be obtained of the Duke except they would put away their Ministers and receiue the masse againe Therefore being spoiled both of money and armour by the craft of their enemies and a new army also sent against them they were compelled in time of winter to flie with their wiues and children to the mountaines all over-layd and covered with snow and from thence to behold the pitifull spectacles of the burning of their houses and spoyling of their goods But necessity compelling them to make some shift for their liues they tooke the strict passage of the mountains and resisted their enemies committing the successe to God who so prospered this poore vnarmed people that in few
skirmishes there were killed a thousand of their enemies and scarce fortie persons of their owne Triniteus the Captain by the counsell of Truchetus an expert Warriour thought meet to besiege the Castles of Convallenses but God fought against them in all their enterprises and the Convallenses came vpon them suddenly as they were besieging a certaine Castle and slew a great number and Truchetus himselfe was first sore wounded with stones afterward was slaine with his owne sword by a poore Shepheard that was keeping cattell in the fields In the end when Triniteus was out of all hope to subdue the Angronians and their complices he advertised the Duke of Sauoy how all matters went and peace was granted to the Convallenses with libertie to vse their owne Religion providing they should render all due seruice and obedience to the Duke of Savoy their Soveraigne Lord and Master To returne againe to France After the disputation at Rossie the number of the Protestants daily increased and rumours of sedition vprores were in the mouths of all the people The Queene mother willing to prouide timely remedie for repressing of ciuill and intestine warre assembled the estates of the land at S. Germane where the edict of Ianuarie was made bearing that the professours of the reformed Religion might assemble themselues together to heare Preaching of the Word provided those assemblies were kept without the towns without armour This edict was published throughout all the land and sore grieued the hearts of the adversaries namely the Duke of Guise the Constable Mommeraunce and the Marescall Santandreus who consulted together how they might haue this act vndone againe but no way could be found out to bring this matter to passe except first the King and Queene mother were in their hands to the end that the force of the Lawes which they feared might be turned against their enemies when as they had the Law-makers in their owne hands This was also thought to be an high attempt and dangerous to be enterprised so long as the King of Navarre was their enemie and a fauourer of the reformed Religion for this cause all meanes were sought out to divert the affection of the King of Navarre from his foresaid Religion The Cardinall Ferrar being the Popes Ambassadour in France put him in hope that by the Popes trauailes with Philip King of Spaine the kingdome of Navarre should be restored to him againe if he would turne to the Catholique Religion Thus was the heart of the King of Navarre stolen away from his Religion to the great encouragement of the Duke of Guise and his complices who without further delay put hand to worke The first fruits of his martiall deeds after he raised his armie was the cruell Massacre of poore vnarmed people assembled to heare the Word of God at Vassiace a towne in the borders of Champaigne and neere vnto his dominion Those poore people to the number of a thousand and fiue hundreth being occupied as is said vpon the Sabbath day the Duke of Guise came vpon them suddenly and compassed the Church wherein they were with armed souldiers that none might escape also the Duke himselfe stood in the entry with a drawne sword in his hand and sent in his souldiers who most cruelly without compassion of sex or age martyred the poore members of Christ for hearing of his Word After this the Duke of Guise addressed himselfe toward Paris where he was receiued with ioyfull acclamations of the people and from thence he marched forward to Fonteblew where the King was and seased himselfe of the King and the Queene mother and for greater securitie transported them both to Paris On the other part the Prince of Condie went to Orleance to whom resorted a great number of the Nobles of France namely the admirall Castilion Andelot Princeps Porcianus Rupsfocald with many others who all bound themselues together to set the King and the Queene mother at libertie from captivitie wherein they were deteined by the Guisians as also to defend the true professours of the Gospell of Christ that according to the act of Ianuarie they might without molestation assemble themselues to heare the Word of God The Prince of Condie was chosen to be their Chieftaine to whom the Queene mother sent many secret Letters declaring that she was deteined by the Guisians against her heart And if the Prince of Condie could set the young King and her selfe at libertie shee would neuer be vnmindfull of so great a benefit Thus in the beginning of the Warres the Queene mother fauoured the Prince of Condie and stirred him vp with many Letters and secret advertisements to procure her and her sonnes libertie for greater euidence whereof the Letters themselues are inserted in the French Historie Many great townes in France were taken and fortified by the Protestants as namely Orleance Lion Valence Granoble Roane Bourgos Towers Poictiers Montpellier and Nimes Many of those townes were recouered againe by the Guisians namely Bourges and Roane At the siege of Roane the Prince of Navarre was slaine and receiued a iust reward of his inconstancie and leuitie And Augustinus Marlorart a faithfull seruant of Christ and Preacher of the Gospell was taken by the Guisians and afterward hanged Many great cruelties were designed against those of the Religion in this first Warre namely in Tullus Aurange Burges Roan Sens and diverse other places In Montargis belonging to the Ladie Rence daughter to Lewis the twelfth Dutches Dowager of Ferrar fell out a very remarkeable matter This Ladie was a retrait to diuers families of the Religion notwithstanding the threatnings of the Duke of Guise sonne in law to the said Ladie who sent thither one Malig corne a new Knight of the order to sease vpon the Towne and Castle who begun to threaten the Ladie with Canon shot to batter her Castle wherin were diuers of the Religion But the Princesse answered him that there was not any man in the realme except the King alone that had power to command her And if he would proceed to such boldnesse as to batter her Castle with Canon shot shee would first stand in the breach her selfe to try if he durst be so bold as to kill the daughter of a King Those words caused Malicorne like a Snaile to pull in his hornes and presently to depart Afeer this the Prince of Condie perceiuing that great preparation was made against him and the Queene mothers affection was turned away to the Guisians thought meete to send for ayde to the Queene of England and the Prince of Condie willing to ioyne himselfe with the English armie marched forward to Normandie but the Duke of Guise followed after him with so great celeritie that the Prince of Condie was compelled to ioyne Battell with the Guisians at Dreux in Normandie before he was supported of the English armie This battell was fought with vncertaine victory for on the one part
pursued so strictly that before they had marched backe halfe a myle from Blansack they were compelled to turne and fight In this battell the Prince of Condie was taken and slaine and two hundred of the Protestants more and fortie taken prisoners The rest of the armie the Admirall led backe to Saint Iande-angeli Soone after this Andelot dyed at Sainetes to the great griefe of all the armie his body being opened was found to be poysoned The Queene of Navarre comforted the armie of the Protestants and the King of Navarre her sonne with the Prince of Condies sonne tooke vpon them the government of the armie and sent Count Mongomrie to support the Towne of Angolesme which was then besieged by the Dukes Forces by whose comming the towne was so refreshed and encouraged that the Duke was compelled to raise his Siege and depart from the Towne About this time the Duke of Bipont with his Germane Forces were entred into France to support the Princes of the reformed Religion and tooke the Towne of La charitie in Burgundie a Towne of no small importance for the passage of the river of Loyre The Princes of the Protestants marched forward to meete the Duke of Bipont and by the way killed two hundred Hagbushers who were appointed by the Duke of Andion to stoppe the passage of the river Vienna in the river of Limosin and so the passage being opened they came the day after to the Campe of the Germanes and receiued them with great gladnesse but through the sudden death of the Duke of Bipont who died two dayes after their meeting their gladnesse was mixed with great heauinesse Notwithstanding the Duke before his death exhorted all his Captaines valiantly to debate that cause of Religion For the which they were entered into France and placed in his roome Wolrad Count of Manfelt to be generall Commander of the Germane armie In which were reckoned to be seauen thousand and fiue hundred horsemen and sixe thousand footemen besides two thousand French horsemen who came in their companie and ten Ensignes of footemen The Prince of Orange with his brother Lodowick and Henry were also in this armie In the Countrey of Poictou the Princes had taken many Townes and the most part of the Countrey was alreadie subiect vnto them And it was thought meete to besiege the Towne of Poictiers it selfe and the Towne was willing to render to the Princes vpon reasonable conditions if the Duke of Guise had not come to support the Towne But the comming of the Duke altered their mind and the Towne was strongly fortified and valiantly indured a strict Siege The Admirall although he had lost two thousand men at this Siege and great sicknesse and penurie of victuals was felt in the armie yet was he very vnwilling to raise the Siege till at length the Duke of Andum strictly besieged Monsieur Loe in Castelleralt whom the Admirall willing to relieue left the siege of Poictiers Soone after this the armie of the two Princes being at Moncontuire in the Country of Poictou was purposed to march toward Niort and the armie of the Duke in like manner was purposed thither Through this occasion the two armies ioyned in battell a little space from Moncontuire and the Duke of Andium had the Victorie The footemen of the Germanes were cruelly slaine in this Battell without all commiseration some greater fauour was showne to the French Souldiers The Admirall foreseeing as appeareth the euent of this battell had caused the two Princes of Navarre and Condie to be conveyed out of the Hoast The number of those that were slaine at this battell are supposed by some to haue beene sixe or seauen thousand men by others twise as many The report of this losse so discouraged the Protestants that all the Townes which they had conquered in Poictou were incontinent recouered by the adversaries and S. Ian Dangely after it was besieged two moneths was surrendered to the adversarie vpon certaine conditions At the siege of this Towne Martiques Governour of Britanie a great enemie to those of the Religion was slaine wherein is to be noted the iust iudgement of God punishing the pride of those that blaspheme his blessed name This Martiques perswaded La Matpinolis to yeeld the Towne to the King and desired the towne to remember the battell of Moncontur e wherein their strong God had forsaken them and said it was time for them to sing Helpe vs now O God for it is time Not long after this proud man felt that the strong God was liuing able to helpe the weake and to confound the proud The Princes with the Admirall consulted in what part of the Realme it were meetest to sustaine the hazzard of the Warrefare and it was thought meetest in Languedok because the Towne of Nimes was lately surprised by the Protestants and many townes in that Countrie fauoured their Religion While new preparations are made by the Princes to sustaine the Warre behold a new edict of pacification is for forth granting libertie of Religion to the Protestants againe and granting to them for their further securitie the keeping of foure Townes during the space of two yeares to wit Rotchell Cognack Montallan and Caritea This edict being proclaimed in both th● Campes the people were in great ioy being wearied with long and perillou● Warres and being desirous to visite their owne houses and families Thus was an end put to the third ciuill warre in France After this pacification the King married Elizabeth daughter to Maximilian the Emperour and the rumour went thorow the Countrey that the King was inclined to peace Likewise the apparent hatred betwixt the King and the Duke of Aniou his brother confirmed this rumour for it seemed to the people that the King was offended because the Prelates of France depended more vpon his brother then vpon himselfe and paied to him yeerely 200000 Frankes to be a patron and defender of their cause Wherefore it seemed to many that the King would incline his affection toward the Protestants to abandon the power of his brother But all this was deceitfull treacherie to colour the intended malice of his heart Also the edict of pacification was better kept then it had beene at any other time before except in a few places And when the Queene of Navarre sent messengers to the King to complaine of the violation of the edict in the Townes of Roane and Aurenge the King returned backe againe to her a very pleasant answere that he would not onely punish most seuerely the transgressours of the edict but also for a further confirmation of a stedfast bond of Peace with the Protestants he would bestow Margaret his sister in marriage to the King of Navarre her sonne The King himselfe passed to Bloyes and sent for the Queene of Navarre whom hee receiued so courteously and conferred with so louingly that the Queene was fully perswaded that this marriage would
and that he would giue him what part of his Realme hee would aske to let him liue in peace This their enterprise succeeding so well farre aboue their owne expectation mooved them to set forward and to desire of the King that hee would make and sweare an irrevocable edict of extirpation of Heretikes To take by force the townes holden by those of the new religion To renounce the protection of Geneva to authorize their warres to reconcile them vnto him to bee of their league and of a King to become a participant Wherevpon followed an edict prohibiting the exercise of the new religion and revoking all other edicts that favoured it commanding all the Ministers out of the Land and all subiects in France within six moneths after to make profession of the Catholike religion or to depart out of the Realme Dispersing also the tripertite chambers of Parliaments likewise ordayning that the townes given in hostage to those of the religion should be yeelded vp and approving the warre which the Leaguers had begun acknowledging it to be done for his service And not content with this they asked of the King for their further surety the townes of Chalon Thoul Verdium Saint Desier Rhems Soissons the Castle of Dyon the towne and castle of Beaume Rue in Picardie Dinan and Conque in Brittaine to be delivered vnto them The King of Navarre all this while kept himselfe quiet being solicited by the King so to doe But when hee saw the King had rendered himselfe to the appetite of the Leaguers hee set forth a declaration of the cause why the Leaguers had taken armes of the vanity of their pretences and of the fruits which the Estates in France might reape by the conclusions of Peronne Nemours and Nauty for in those places the Leaguers had bound vp their league with protestation that with him the Prince of Condie his cousen the Duke de Mommerencie with Lords Gentlemen Provinces and Townes both of the one religion and of the other so many as would concurre with him should oppose themselues to the authors of these troubles In the meane time while the King of Navarre is so busied with the King and the Leaguers who were now as it were incorporate in one bodie the third assault commeth on and Pope Sixtus the fift with his thunderbolts of excommunication setteth vpon him declaring him to be vncapable of the crowne of France abandoning his person and his countrey for a prey to such as should obtaine them At the same time also the Electors of Germany who in all the former warres had beene so helpfull to the Protestants of France was not vnmindfull of them at so strait a pinch but sent Ambassadours to the King desiring him to heare the requests of his neighbours and to pity the case of his poore subiects and not to keepe backe the edict of peace that hee had lately graunted vnto them The King answered that hee thought strange that forrain Princes should meddle with his affaires and that he would doe nothing against the honour of his conscience nor the fatherly care he had vnto his people With this answer the Ambassadours returned not well pleased The Duke of Guise being advertised of the dislike the Ambassadours of Germany had touching their answere counselled the King to set vpon the Protestants before the Rutters entred into France so that in lesse then eighteene moneths the King of Navarre saw himselfe assayled by fiue Camps royall vnder fiue severall Generals Neverthelesse very few exploites worthy of remembrance were done by those armies vntill the army of the Germanes entred into France vnder the conduct of the Baron of Othna a man of greater courage then experience The Duke of Bulloigne in the name of the King of Navarre ioyned with the Baron of Othna to leade this great army wherein were moe then thirty thousand Switzers Rutters and French-men They marched from Loraine to Cheaumont in Bassigny and passed the river of Marne also they crossed l' Anbe at Montigny and Seine aboue Casklion and Cure aboue Vermentone and Yome hard by Crenaunt and so made haste towards the river of Loire There began the complaints of the Switzers and the mutinies of the Rutters because the King of Navarre came not to them and the King of France was at the side of the river Loire either to fight with them or to stay their passage At this time the King vsed a stratagem which was the cause of his victory and of the dissipation of the army of strangers For hee considered that the onely meanes to breake their army was to impeach their ioyning with the King of Navarre Therefore he commanded the Duke Ioyense to keepe the King of Navarre in Poictou and rather to hazard battell then suffer him to passe the river of Loire as hee determined at the head thereof to the which end the Duke de Ioyense that had an army fortified both with men munition artillery and meanes marched to Coutras to passe la Drogne at Que and vpon tuesday the twentith of October Anno 1587. he stayd with all his forces betweene la Rotch Chalais and Coutras The King of Navarre made toward him fully resolved to fight and about eight of the clocke in the morning the King of Navarres artillery began to play and that of Duke de Ioyense to answer them but not very fortunately for that either the ignorance or malice of the Canoners had placed it so low that the mouth of the canon shot right vpon a little hill of earth wherein the bullets stayed without piercing any further The battell was so soone decided that in ten houres this great army of the Kings that had the vantage both for place and number began to retyre and was sooner broken then fought withall The King of Navarre the Prince of Condie and the Earle of Soissons behaved themselues most valiantly executing the offices both of Captaines and souldiers and gaue thankes to God in open field In this battell Duke de Ioyense and Monsieur de S. Sauueur his brother were slaine and fiue and twenty other Gentlemen of name all their cornets were taken with their artillery and baggage and fourteene Gentlemen of account were taken and put to ransome That done the King of Navarre being eased of so many nets that were set vp to catch him marched forward to ioyne with the forraine army and to passe the river Loire The King on the other part to impeach the meeting of the two armies of his adversaries caused the ditches betweene Povilly and Dony to b●e broken vppe filling them with thousands of trees stones and chaines to entangle the feet of the Rutters horse that should passe and in truth the letting of that passage was next to the helpe of God the second cause the King had of the victory For the Rutters being disappointed of their passage were compelled to recoile and having failed of their enterprise at la
with affection then reason Nectarius continued in that office vntill the third yeere of the raigne of Arcadius that is vntill the yeere of our Lord 401. In his time the confession of sinnes done in secret to presbyter Poenitentiarius was abrogated in the Church of Constantinople vpon this occasion as Socrates writeth A certaine noble woman was confessing in secret her sinnes to presbyter Poenite●tiarius and she confessed adultery committed with one of the Church Deacons Eudaemon this was the name of the Father confessor gaue counsell to Nectarius to abrogate this custome of auricular and secret confession because the Church was like to be slandered and euill spoken of by these meanes Socrates can scarse giue allowance to this fact of Nectarius in respect that by abrogation of this custome the vnfruitfull workes of darkenesse were lesse coargued and reproued But Socrates considered not that Christ when he talked with the Samaritane woman at the Well sent away his Disciples to buy bread to the ende the poore Samaritane sinner might more freely poure out her secret sinnes in the bosome of Christ who knew all things that were done in secret It is not my purpose to contend with Socrates he is writing an history I am writing but a short Compend of an history he taketh libertie to declare his iudgement concerning this fact of Nectarius in abrogating confession of secret sinnes to presbyter Poenitentiarius No man can blame me to write my iudgement concerning auricular confession It is in our dayes not like vnto the mantle wherewith Sem and Iapheth couered the nakednesse of their Father Noe but it is in very deed a lap of the mantle of the Deuill couering the nakednesse of his children that is the horrible treasons that are plotted in secret by the children of the Deuill against Christian Magistrates Now is auricular confession for greater causes to be abrogated then of olde presbyter poenitentiarius was discharged by Nectarius Bishops of Ierusalem TO Thermon succeeded Macarius Anno 318. about the seauenth yeere of the raigne of Constantine In his time it is thought that Helena the mother of Constantine found the Crosse of Christ but Ambrose writes that shee worshipped it not for that saith he had been Gentili● error vanitas impiorum that is an errour of Pagans and vanitie of vngodly people But now to lay aside the inexcusable fault of adoration of the tree whereupon our Lord suffered What necessitie had Helena to be so earnest to seeke out this tree and to commit it to the custodie of all posterities seeing that Ioseph of Arimathea who sought the bodie of IESVS at the hands of Pilate to the end he might burie it honourably yet sought he not the tree whereon Christ was crucified which with little adoe might haue beene obtained Secondly during the time that the Crosse was easie to be found and easie to haue beene discerned from other Crosses How could the blessed Virgine the mother of the Lord and holy Apostles haue committed such an over●sight in not keeping that precious treasure if so be in the keeping of it there be so great deuotion as the Romane Church now talkes of Thirdly what is the cause that the Romane Church brags so much of antiquitie when as the worshipping of the crosse one of the maine points of their Religion was vnknowne to the first three hundred yeeres of our Lord and now in the fourth Centurie the crosse is found but not worshipped yea and the adoration of it is detested and abhorred as an errour of the Pagans To Macarius succeeded Maximus who had beene his fellow-labourer as of olde Alexander was to Narcissus Macarius gouerned the Church of Ierusalem in the peaceable dayes of Constantine but Maximus gouerned that same Church himselfe alone in the dayes of Constantius He was present at the Councell of Tyrus but Paphnutius a Bishop and confessor in Thebaida pittied the simplicitie of Maximus whom the Arrians with deceitfull speeches had almost circumueened and he stepped to him and suffered him not to sit in the assembly of vngodly people whereupon followed a bond of indissoluble coniunction not onely with Paphnutius but also with Athanasius who was charged with many false accusations in that wicked Councell of Tyrus This warning made him circumspect and wise in time to come so that he was not present at the Arrian Councell of Antiochia gathered vnder pretence of dedication of the Temple which Constantine began to build but his sonne Constantius perfected the building of it To Maximus succeeded Cyrillus a man greatly hated by the Arrians in so much that Acacius Bishop of Caesarea Palestinae deposed him no doubt by some power granted to him by the Emperour Constantius with aduise of Arrian Bishops Notwithstanding Silvanus Bishop of Tarsus receiued him and he taught in that Congregation with great liking and contentment of the people The strife of Acacius against him in the Councell of Seleucia I remit vnto its owne place In time of famine he had a great regard to poore indigent people and sold the precious vessels and garments of the Church for their support This was a ground of his accusation afterward because of a costly garment bestowed by the Emp. Constantine to the church of Ierusalem which Cyrillus sold to a Marchant in time of famine and againe the Marchant sold it vnto a lasciuious woman and such friuolous things were aggregated by the Arrians who hated the men of GOD. Of other Pastors and Doctors in Asia Africa and Europe BEsides the Patriarchs of principall places God raised vp in this Centurie a great number of learned Preachers who were like vnto the Ibides of Aegypt a remedy prepared by God against the multiplied number of venemous flying Serpents Euen so learned Fathers of whom I am to speak were instruments of God to vndoe the heresies which abounded in this age aboue all other ages Did not Nazianzenus vndoe the Heresie of Apollinaris Basilius the Heresie of Eunomius Hilarius like vnto a second Deucalion saw the ouer-flowing flood of Arrianisme abated in France Ambrosius Epiphanius and Ierom set their hearts against all Heresies either in their time or preceding their dayes It were an infinite labour to write of them all who in this age like v●●● glistering starres with the shining light of celestiall doctrine illuminated the darknesse of the blind world but the names of some principall Teachers God willing I shall remember Eusebius Pamphili Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine liued vnder the Emperour Constantine with whom he was familiarly acquainted He was desired to supply the place of Eustatius Bishop of Antiochia whose deposition the Arrians without all forme of order had procured most vnrighteously but he would not consent to accept that charge so that the chaire of Antiochia wanted a Bishop eight yeeres Some expecting the restitution of Eustatius others feeding themselues vpon vaine hopes that Eusebius
vice of heresie the Pope both may and ought to be accused After this the vehemencie of his disease more and more increasing and because the nights were somewhat longer the third night before his departure the Bishop feeling his infirmitie to grow vpon him willed certaine of his Clergie to be called vnto him thereby to be refreshed with some conference or communication vnto whom the Bishop lamenting in his minde for the losse of soules through the auarice of the Popes court said on this wise as by certaine Aphorismes Christ came vnto the world to saue and to winne soules Ergo he that feareth not to destroy soules may hee not worthily be counted Antichrist The Lord created the world in six daies but in the restoring of man he laboured more then thirtie yeeres wherefore hee that is a destroier of that about the which the Lord so long laboured is not hee worthy to be accounted the enemie of God and Antichrist These and many other enormities of the Roman Church when the Godly Bishop had reproued as all kindes of Auarice Vsurie Simonie Extortion and all kindes of filthinesse fleshly lust gluttonie and their sumptuous apparell then sayth hee this old verse may be truly verified of the Court of Rome Eius avaritiae totus non sufficit Orbis Eius Luxuriae meretrix non sufficit omnis Afterward hee went about more to prosecute how the foresaid Court like a gulfe neuer satisfied euer gaping so wide that the flood of Iordan might run into his mouth aspired how to vsurpe the goods of them that die vntested and of Legacies beq●e●hed without forme of law whereby more licentiously to bring this to passe they vsed to ioyne the king to be fellow and partner with them in their spoiles extortions and robbings Neither sayth he shall the Church be deliuered from the seru●tude of Aegyp● out by violence and force and with the bloodie sword And albeit sayth hee those be yet but light matters yet shortly more great and grieuous things then these shall be seene And in the end of this his prophecying which he scarcely could vtter with sighing and weeping his tongue and breath begun to faile And so the Organ of his voyce being stopped made an ende both of his speech and life This is that Bishop who not onely in his lifetime resisted the pride and insolencie of the Bishop of Rome but also after his death God made him a terrour to the Pope who dreamed that Robert Gostred came to him and with his staffe strake him on the side and said vnto him Surge miser veni adiudicium after the which dreame within a few dayes hee ended his life Others doe adde that a voyce was heard in the palace where the Pope lay at Naples saying Surge miser vem adiudicium as hath beene declared in the life of Innocentius Quartus Of Monkes BEcause the orders of Monkes most abounded in this age albeit they begun long before therefore haue wee casten in this treatise in this Centurie howbeit wee declare the Order of Monks that sprang vp before or at this time About the time of the raigne of Iustinus the elder as hath beene declared in the seuenth Centurie Pope Iohn the first being Bishop of Rome Benedict a father and fauourrer of Monkes gathered together all scattered religious persons and begun a peculiar order vpon the Mount Cassinus where he built a most renowned Cloister giuing them there a rule prescript and forme of liuing Afterward the same Bennet hauing much people resorting to him built 12. other Monasteries and filled them with religious men Of this order is reported to haue beene 24. Popes of Rome 182. Cardinalls 1464. Archbishopps and Bishops 15000. and 70. renowned Abbots as sayth Pope Iohn the 22. There hath beene of this Order 5655. Monkes canonised and made Saints This Bennet also invented an order for his sister Scolastica and made her Abbesse ouer many Nunnes Her cloathing was a blacke coate cloake coule and vaile and lest the scripture should deceiue her and Hers it was commanded that none should read it without the consent and permission of their superiour Here is to be seene how God is sought in all monasticall orders when as amongst them his holy word is expelled This order of Bennedictin monkes when it was nerely decaied in shaddow of Godlines was quickned againe by one Otlon or Otho and was called the order of Clumacensis Howbeit their cloathing and rule was according to the appointment of Bennet And this monkish order was richly endewed with great substance and yeerely rents by a certaine Duke of Aquitania called Guillidinus in the yeere of our Lord 913. In the yeere of our Lord 850. Pope Leo the fourth gouerning the Sea of Rome the monkish religion of Camaldinensis was devised by Romoaldus of Rauenna in the mount Apenninus Their coule and cloake and all their cloathing was white They kept perpetuall silence Euery wednesday and fry day they fast on bread and water they goe bearefooted and lie on the ground Pope Innocentius the 7. being B. of Rome the monkish order of Hieronimians began vnder the name of S. Ierome who leauing his natiue countrie went vnto Iury there not far from Bethelē builded him an house where he liued very devoutly in the later end of his life Those Apes and counterfeites of S. Ierom weare their cloathes of white and a cope platted about their coate girded with a lether girdle The order was endewed with diuers priuiledges and liberties by certaine Bishops of Rome as Gregorie the twelfth and Eugenius the fourth Pope Gregorie the first borne of a noble stocke and very rich forsaked all and became a Monke After the death of his father he builded six religious houses in Sicilie giuing them a forme and rule of liuing He built another within Rome in the name and honour of S. Andrew wherein he dwelt with manie monkish brethren which from time to time keeping his rule diligentlie are called Gregorians Their habit is a copper-colloured cloath according to their rule Pope Gregorie the sixt bearing rule Ioannes Gualbertus a Knight begun this order in a certaine moūtaine called Vallis Vmbrosa that is to say a shaddowed valley vnder Bennets rule with adding thereto and changing of blacke cloathes into gray In the yeere 1038. Pope Alexander the second being B. of Rome the sect of the Grandimontensis Monkes was invented by Stephen of Auernia Their order is to lead a strict life as Monkes vse to doe to giue themselues to watching fasting and praying to weare a coate of Mailes vpon their bodyes and a blacke cloake therevpon Pope Vrban the second bearing rule Robert Abbot of Molisme in Cistert in a wildernesse or forrest in Burgundie did institute the order of Cistertians albeit some ascribe this to one Ordingus a Monke that perswaded the aforesaid Monke to the same They weare red shoes and white Rotchets on a blacke coate all shauen
and ruled seuen yeere In this time the Isle of Ciprus was taken by Mustapha Captain of Selims armie but with so great effusion of blood for it is supposed that 80000. Turkes were slaine in the siege of Nicosia and famogusta two principall townes of the Isle that Mustapha considering the number that were slayn violated his promise made to Bragadinus chiefe captain and defender of the Isle of Cyprus and cruelly martyred that valiant Captaine This calamitie of Cyprus made the Venetians very much bent against the Turke and they banded themselues with Philip King of Spaine and with Pius the fift Bishop of Rome by whose support and assistance a Navie was set forth to the Sea and a notable victorie was atchieued vnder the conduct of Iohn de Austria at Lepanto of which before Gregorius the thirteenth followed and ruled thirteene yeeres one month and three dayes Hee founded a new Colledge for Iesuits in Rome and bestowed great revenues vpon it chiestie for this cause to be a Seminarie of Learned Schollers to convert the countrie of Germanie to the Roman religion againe In this Popes time fell out that horrible murther of Paris in the yeere of our Lord 1572. which was well liked of by the Pope who also sent to Charles the ninth king of France the summe of 40000. Ducates to maintaine and set forward the warre against the Hugonits as they called them In his time Sebastian king of Portugal was slaine in Mauritania beyond the straits Philip king of Spaine who was his neerest kinsman obtained the kingdome after him by strong hand and by driuing out of the land Duke Anthonie whom the people had chosen to be king Gregorie also set forth a new Calendar and corrected the olde Roman Calendar which new alteration bred many contentions speciallie in Germanie To him succeeded Sixtus 5. who in the beginning of his Popedom excōmunicated the king of Nauarre Prince of Condie fearing that which indeede came to passe hereafter to witt that king H. 3. dying without children the kingdome shuld come to the house of Burboune Likewise he intēded a processe of excōmunicatiō against H. the third king of France for slaying of the Cardinal of Lorain his brother the D. of Guise at Bloyes for detaining Captiues the Cardinal of Burbon the Archb. of Lions This proceeding of the Pope encouraged others against the King so that a Iacobin Fryer called Clement came out of the towne of Paris when the king was besieging it killed the King with an impoisoned knife as hath beene declared before Yet after the death of the King when H. the fourth King of Navarre succeeded to the kingdome and besieged the towne of Paris this Pope gaue no subsidue to those of the League that were banded together against the King fearing that if the King prevailed in France he would be a strong adversary to him if he had supported his enemies whether this was the cause as Onuphrius writeth or another that mooved him so to doe yet this matter so displeased Philip King of Spaine and the Leaguers that they were minded to haue made a solemne prorestation against the Pope if he had not prevented their intention by excusing himselfe in the Consistory of his Cardinals Hee was a very vigilant and actiue Pope and vsed often to make mention of that speech of Vespasian That a Prince should die standing on his feet meaning that a Prince should be vigilant and ever doing some part of his calling He died after he had ruled fiue yeeres foure moneths and three dayes and left behinde him fiue millions of gold After him succeeded Vrbanus the seventh and ruled only thirteene dayes for he died before his inauguration To him succeeded Gregorius the fourteenth and ruled nine moneths and ten dayes After him Innocentius the ninth and ruled onely two moneths and one day After him Clemens the eight hee absolved the King of France from the sentence of excōmunication pronounced by Pope Sixtus the fift against him For that the Kings Oratours in his name had renounced and abiureed that doctrine which the King in his young yeeres had so long prosessed and after they had accepted such conditions as it pleased the Pope to impose to the King namely that hee should receiue the Councell of Trent make it be obeyed in all parts of his kingdom also that hee should deliver the young Prince of Condie a childe of nine yeeres old to be brought vp by Bishops or Abbots in the Romane religion and that hee should certifie by his letters all Catholique Princes of the abiuration of his former religion with many other conditions which were all accepted by the Kings Orators and ratified by the King himselfe Of other Doctors IN this age God having compassion of the miserie of his poore sheepe led out of the way by blinde-guides raised vp many faithfull and learned men by whose labours the clowds of grosse ignorance was remooved the vsurped authority of the Bishop of Rome that was counted the mother Church of all others was discovered to be the Synagogue of Satan Amongst whom Martin Luther a German borne in Islebia in the Countie of Mansfelt steppeth forth as it were a couragious Captaine in the forefront of the army whom God drew forth out of the very Cloyster of the Augustinian Monks to be an instrument to reforme his house The bitternesle of Pope Leo the tenth and Pope Adrian the sixt and their Ambassadours who would not suffer the corruption of the Romane Church to be pointed out afarre off in selling of pardons made this man of God more diligent in searching and more couragious in defending the truth of God so that at last the Pope tooke it to heart that his kingdome should fall if Martin Luther were not rooted out yet the Lord raysed vp the Duke of Saxonie to bee his friend by whose favourable assistance the Gospell was deeply rooted in Germany and Martin Luther himself was preserved from the fury of all his enemies till at last he dyed in Islebia the towne of his nativity in the yeere 1546. and in the 17. day of the moneth of February Iohn Calvin was borne in Noyen a towne of Picardie anno 1509. the tenth day of the month Iuly and was a Preacher of Christs Gospell in Geneva three and twenty yeers His learning and painfull travels in writing are knowne by his bookes The blessing accompanying his travels is knowne by the reformation of many Churches in France by his advice and counsell as also of the kingdome of Scotland The power of the grace of God in him is knowne by the malice of adversaries who railed against him in his life-time and after his death as if hee alone and none other had troubled the kingdome of Antichrist and finally his painfull travels in teaching his owne flocke of Geneva is knowne by the disease which he contracted by great fasting