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A13881 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.; Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae Ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, plena è verbo Dei, et dilucidà explicatio. English Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635.; Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1574 (1574) STC 24184; ESTC S118505 144,991 206

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in the same simplicitie and sinceritie vndefiled In which so worthie an office Godlie Princes now a daies may choose out of the holie history many paterns to look vpon and to followe as Dauid Salomon Ezechias Iosias Zerubabell and others whose labor was famous and notable partly in apointinge the ordre off religion accordinge to the word of god and the voice of the prophetes partlie in restoringe yt againe after it had bene decaied By religion I vnderstād not only the doctrine which we professe touching the māner off seruing god and the obteininge of our saluaciō by his sonē but also the māner of gouernīge the churche of apointing the Officers theroff off correctīge and takinge away off offences which all those most noble worthies did trewlie and according to the will off god iudge to belong to the office and dewty off the magistrate Whose worthie examples O most noble Queene Elizabeth iff as your Maiestie hath well begun̄ so yow do continewe to followe I hope surelie that for the godlie disposition theroff both your honorable nobilitie and many notable and famous men off the Ecclesiasticall degree and euen the whole Parliamēt wil be ready to furder your Graces godlie purpose which bote the scriptures do witnes to haue hapned to Dauid Salomon and other Religious Princes and famous euen for Religion and reformacions sake in the like cause And we haue also seene to haue hapned vnto your Maiestie not with out the devine and merueilous prouidence off god at the abolishing off poperie in the beginninge off your raigne Especially your Highnes right honorable Counsellers and chosen by your Maiestie vnto the bearinge off the chiefest offices in your realme wyll furder this noble enterprise who euery one will choose vnto him selffe some worthie patterne out off the godlie courtes off those noble kinges for him to followe in this behalffe and some man peraduēture Eliachim great steward off kīg Ezechias house Some other Shaphan Chan̄cellor in Iosias time other the honorable Secretaries off king Salamon And the rest some other off the godlie officers in Dauids and Salomons courts fynally all off them choosinge to them selues some suche patterns to followe in all vertue and Religion will striue which off them shall be most foreward to promote your Graces godlie decrees and purposes Seing then that all will be so ready O most noble Quene fynishe and make perfit now at the last with the readie wil and consent off all your Highenes subiectes this heauenlie worck off the seruice and Religiō off god which your maiesty hathe begōne and that not onlie by the example of these excellent and famous kinges whom I haue set before your eyes but also by the example off your Graces most noble Father Henry the viij off most famous memory and off the most godlie prince Edvvard the vj. your Highnes brother that in the same familie wherin the praise off religion and reformacion begann to florishe yt may be also perfected and finished by your maiesty For these are allmost the speciall praises off your Highnes house and progenie To banishe Idolatry and to set vp the trewe seruice off god wherby the one that is to say the abolishinge off popery we owe in a great parte to your highnes most noble Father the other that is the restoringe off trew religion first to your Highnes most worthy brother that godlie Prince Edvvard the vj. and after also to your maiesty who as yt is written off the good king Ezechias opened vnto vs againe the dores off the tēple of the Lord which had bene shut ād closed vp before erected vp his aulters againe which had bene beatē downe and lighted againe the cleere lampe off the word off the Lord which had bene put out Which Princely vertewes off your Highnes most worthy house iff your maiesty crowne with restoringe off lawfull discipline vnto the churche which yet remaineth Then shall our churche of Englād most worthelie acknowledg to haue receiued hir full libertie and perfit restoringe againe next after god only to that most noble house wheroff your Highnes is And confesse to haue founde most trew in that one famouse house off Tedder hir estate that worthy prophesie off Esay Kings shal be thy foster fathers Queenes thy Nurces which I pray God moue your Graces hart to performe to the honor off his most holy name the edifying off this our churche off England and the discharge off your Highnes dewty vnto bothe and last off all to the longe and prosperous continuance off your maiesties reigne ouer vs. Thus nowe the lawfull and trew discipline hath bene described which gouernment of the churche off Christ as off the Lords house who so euer diligently and attentiuely consider shall easilie perceiue a merueilous heauēly wisdome to shine in all the gouernmēt of the same And so muche the more merveilous then was the gouernment off the house and court off Salamon weroff mencion is made in the holie history off the kinges as he is wiser then Salomon who did appoint all the ordre and manner off the ordring off it For wither we consider the ordres and degrees off Officers or ther orderly sitting downe or the diuers ornamentes and apparell off euery one according to his diuers estate and degree we shall see that nothing could be wisely inuented nor disposed with Iudgement and reason either forthe preseruacion off the sure and safe estate off the churche or for beautifyinge and adorninge the estimacion off the same which is wanting in this gouernment For as touching the Officers what necessary office is omitted and neglected or what office needles and vnnecessary is appointed or what can be named more seemely and orderly then this appointinge off the offices That those functions ceasinge which serued but for a tyme and were vsed extraordinarily in the first yeeres off the raigne off our Sauiour Christ for the establishing off his kingdome Ordinary and perpetuall offices should be appoynted in two sortes wheroff the first is suche wheras euery man hath his seuerall charge The other where many haue but one and the same charge which they execute by common counsell and Authoritie Wheroff againe the first sort consisteth in ij kindes of Bishopps which expound and teache Religion and the seruice off god that is Pastors ad Doctors and as many Deacons that is to say Deacons Elders so called figuratiuely by names which are more generall Off whō some go watche ouer the life ād conuersatiō off all the churche And the other are carefull to helpe the necessities off wydowes straungers sick folk and generallie off all the poore so that both all the house is sufficiently prouided for aswell touchinge the purity off faithe and doctrine as the honestie and integritie off life and manners and also the neede and necessitie off every one particulerly not neglected Then the consistory or the Assembly off Elders which consistethe of the three first and cheefe Officers off the church Pastors
grene wood which haue not yet swett out ther moysture nor are seasoned by the weather so that it is to be feared lest that they might be occasion by ther shrincking off the ruin and falling off the buildinge Therfore they prouide yll both for the churche and also for the parties them selues to whom being suche they geue this office that receyue into the ministerie such as scarcely are crept out off superstition and Idolatry and make them captaines and guydes in the campe off the lord off hostes that are scarcely to be receiued for sould yers and prefere to the highest dignities off the Christian common wealthe thos with are scarcely made free from the intollerable seruitude and bondage off Popery Wherupon it commeth often tymes which Dionysius Halicarnaffeus witnesseth to haue happened to the Romain common wealthe that we see vncleane cappes in the highest places And many as Socrates in Plato complainethe off Athens take in hand the gouernment off the church who haue yet ther seruantes heare growinge still in ther mindes that is to say whos seruile and slauishe condicions do still remaine And suerly we aboue others haue more cause to complaine off so shamefull an abuse who perceiue at the last to our great cost how great a matter it is to haue neglected this holie wisdome off the Apostle For iff any thing ells surely this hathe bene a great hinderance to the establishing off discipline in our church That thes new vpstartes in religiō being peeferred to the ministerie and to the highest places wer lothe to be brought from that kind off life wherunto they had bene off longe tyme accustomed Being acquainted with a profitable and gainfull priesthoode they abhorred the meane estate off the ministerie being delighted with the pompous shew off the ambitious Hierarchie and prelacy off the Romishe church they cold not away with the seueritie and rigor off the reformed Religion And hauinge vsed many yeeres so many ceremonies and trifles ād all that stagelike shewe off the Papacy which seemed to thē to cary a goodly glosse off maiesty and honor they despised the simplicitie off the gospell How much better therforr were it and fitter for the edification off the church iff thes beames had bene suffered to haue swett out ther iewse and moysture and had not beene occupied so greene in the buildinge off the house off god wherby they threaten some feare off fall and ruyne we leaue not so easylie our acquaynted kind off life especially iff it be ioyned with idolatry and superstition which is borne togither with vs and which we suf with our nurses milke The remēbraunce and longing for off our old kind off life commeth often to our myndes so that it is needfull to vse great labor and diligence to the chaunginge off the wholl state off off our life Therfore the Lord commanded in the law that iff any man had saued the life off a woman off any off the idolatrous nacions being taken prisoner in the warre and had a mind to marry her being conuerted to the faithe that he should graunt hir first a certen tyme to bewaile hir country hir parentes and hir frindes and see that she should shaue hir hedd and pare hir nayles and put off the garment that she was taken and finallie that he should first suffer her in a manner to be buried touching her former life and to be raised vp againe into a new life and profession and as it were to be new borne againe off other parentes and in a new country before he ioyned him selffe with her or toke hir to be his wife how muche more ought they that are to be made maisters and teachers off a new religion especially hauing bene priestes and teachers of idolatrie before to haue beene suffered first to haue bewailed ther olde liuinges ease profit and cōmodities For how often thinck wee do they remembre the cōmodities off ther former life And how often ther old ease pompe and estimacion with no lesse longing for then iff it were for ther country and for ther parētes And as for ther heare it is rather to be let grow then to be shauen for this they were accustomed to But the garment they were taken in should haue been chaunged and ther raueninge nailes pared wherby they were wont to take and scrape on euery side vnto them selues finaly we should haue let thē first in a māner to haue died that after as it wer by a newe birth they might haue beē borne againe off newe parētes and in an other contry For if he hathe bene at any time not only an idolater but also master ād a teacher off it muche more hede is to be taken in this case and so much the more carefully and painfullie must he be clensed and purged how muche more fowly he def●led him selffe with all kind off filthe and vnclennes for so the law off god doth comaund washing and clensinge to be vsed accordinge to the kinde off the pollution and vncleanes For he is more easelie purified and clensed that had only touched the vessell or garment off an vncleane person then he that was infected with leprosy for the leprous man euē after the disease was healed yet was he not suffred to enter in●o his tent for seuen daies And after when it appered manifestly that he was recouered yet was he shauen washed and purified But what more fowle and shamefull leprosy can ther be then that popis he priesthood So that in this case we ought to vse no lesse labor in clensinge and purging then in the other yea so muche more by how much the leprosy off the mind is greater then the leprosy off the bodie Therfore this leprous priest allthoughe he were cured and healed yet is he to be seperated from other men and to be shutt vp for a tyme both for the shame off so filthy a disease and for feare it breake not out againe to the daunger off others Af●er iff it appere in deede that he is recouered he must put off his clothes and be washed shauen and purged by sacrifice Off which so diligent purginge and clensinge the papistes thē selues put vs in mind wheras they to honor ther priesthoode when they disgrade any off ther priestes make him put off his cope or vestiment his surples or albe his square cupp and his other garmentes that were polluted with leprousy they pare his nailys and rase his crowne lest peraduenture ther should some infection yet secretly lie hid in thos places wher his disease first appered This ther diligence and labor we ought to haue followed in the conuicted Popishe priesthoode and haue taken all the garmentes from yt and not only washed them seing the leprousy had spread it selffe euen vpon them but as the law prescribethe to haue burnt them The nayles theroff should haue beene pared and which thing only we did as we ought the crowne rased least that any moisture or fatnes off that oile might
the glory off god vnto men And if they declare the creation of the world in ther homelies the dewties of all sortes and degrees off mē why do they not rather declare it out of Moses and the writinges of the Prophetes and Apostles then oute of ther booke off homelies Therfore a worthy Bishop or minister is to be chosen that can interprete the holie scriptures and applie it as occasion shall serue to the vse and necessitie of the churche not a reader to rehearse other mens sayinges and writinges by whos ignorance the church of god may be in daunger of there saluacion They haue found out also an other remedy for this disease which is as ill as the disease it selfe They geue them leaue to go to the vniuersitie and to tary there for three yeres that after they haue bene diligently occupied for that time in the readinge hearinge and meditatīge of the scriptures They may returne againe better furnished for the teachinge of the church But what shal be come of the miserable churches in the meane tyme if they be left as shippes without takle and furniture and without a gouernor for the space of thre yeres fletyng vpon the Seas It is not to feared that they shal be drowned or broken or ouerwhelmed or synke beinge subiect to so many daungers of Pirates of rokes of gulfes swallowes sandes stormes and tempestes And why are they wise to late in this point and do not rather send them first to the vniuersitie to learne before they begyn to teache And what an after wit is this to appoint hī to teache who must after learne euen in the pulpit Trew it is we can neuer sufficiently profit in the scriptures and that the best lerned of all ought continuallie and diligently to reade and studie them wherby they may encrease ther strenght and abilitie for the discharge of there dewties as we reade that both S. Paule exhorted Timothie to doe and it appereth by the parchementes he sent for to Rome that he did so him selfe But this is it that I reproue and find fault with all that they admit suche to the office off a Bishop that is to say vnto the ministery and expoundinge off the word who are alltogether vnmeete who vnderstand not the scriptures and who take vpon them the place to teache before they haue lerned The lord contrariwise wold haue his will perfectly knowne to his Prophetes before he send thē out to prophesie in his name Which is set forth in the third chap. of the prophesye of Ezechiel and the x. of the reuelation of S. Iohn vnder a prety similitude of eatinge concoctinge and disgestinge the booke and turninge it in a manner into ther owne substance and bloode So also the Prophet Dauid witnessethe that he layd to his eare to vnderstand the parable before that he went aboute to sing it and play it vpon the instrument in the hearinge of all estates of people declaringe therby that men ought first thorowly to vnderstand that which they will take vppon them to vtter vnto others But this is the nature and propertie of that which is euill That being once let go it cannot be s●aide but dayly breedeth and bringeth furth many other euilles Therfore let vs returne vnto the wais of the lord and be obedient to his most iust and holie lawes and ordinaunces and decree that no man be admitted minister or Bishopp who is not so well studied in the holie scriptures before that he is able also to vtter it bothe purely ād sincerely and faithfully to the profit and edification of the churche For it is not sufficiēt that he be not dombe in the church but he ought also reuerētlie to handle the holy scriptures and as S. Peter giueth warninge so v●ter them as the word and oracles of god that as S. Paule warnethe Timothy he may shewe him selfe a worckman that needeth not be a shamed of his labor Not suche as the same Apostle writeth to haue beene amonges the Corinthes that build strawe and stubble which the Lord will consume to ther losse vpon the precious foundacion but in a word that they may rightly deuide the worde of truthe Neither am I purposed here to appointe any manner off makinge of sermons but generallie to declare that doctrine is to be referred to the edifyinge of the churche and that the holie scriptures are to be expounded simplie and sincerely and vttered with reuerence For some to shew them selues to the people to be lerned stuffe ther sermons with diuers sentences out off Philosophers Poets Orators and scholemen and of the auncient fathers Augustine Hierome and others and thes often times rehersed in greek or latin by which pieces somtime ill fauoredly pached togither they seeke and hunt for commendation and to be esteemed lerned of the people which also some doe that are vnlerned I call them vnlerned touchinge the knowledge of the scriptures who takinge vppon them to teache and hauing not ther mindes well practized with the word off god no nor as the Apostle saithe ther senses well exercised but allwais haue bene occupied in readinge ethnick writers they bring forth to the people off that store which they haue gathered to gether and play rather the Orators and Philosophers then Prophets and interpreters off the holie scripture Other some vse I know not what straunge kind off interpreting and peruert the trew and naturall sence off the scriptures with allegories and foolishe and old wiues tales which Paule admonisheth Timothie and Titus are to be auoided Therfore a great care and respect ought to be had herein that the partie which is to be chosē be first heard speake by the chosers that they may knowe how he expoundeth the scriptures before they admit hī to the ministerie off the word and the office off a Bishopp And thus much for the learinige off him that is to be chosen minister Now let vs go foreward to other thinges For the Apostle thought it not enoughe that a minister should be able to teache who for the merueilous care that he had off the church took great heed that ther wer no daunger secretly hid in some parte that might hurt the churche especially in that which this building staid vppon as a piller Therfore he geueth warninge to take heed that a Bishopp and minister be no new vpstart in religion newly drawen out off Idolatry and superstition which when it cometh to passe must needes be ioyned with great damage and losse off the churche For when a minister or teacher off the word off god doth fall who as I haue saide is as it were a piller off the church or some off the most chifest beames wheron the building doth stay It must needes be that they which stay vpon him being shaken with the same wind shold fall to togither with it Therfore our master Builder wisely and conningly forbiddeth to vse thes yonnglinges and startvppes to the buildlnge off the house off god as
it yeldeth the best fruite and as it were a golden haruest when it is diligently carefully and painfully labored and tilled when ther is a greate and a carefull heede taken off the seedes when the churches are looked vnto with as great diligence as the campe and armie is watched in the feeldes And finally whē they are labored by honest men For neither doeth the grownde respect the lawrell garlonde vpō the ploughe share nor whither the plowe man weareth riche and costly embroidred garmentes but would haue him painfull laborsome diligent and full off trauell neither dothe the church looke for this outward pompe and shewe in her bishopp but for faithe diligence labor good and precious seedes honest busy and painfull handes and had a great deale rather haue hir husband man godl y lerned and diligent then mitred and Rocheted Whervpon it cometh to passe that when the feelde off Rome was plowed and tilled by Seranus and Cincinnatus and suche like worthie men and the church by Paul and Peter and suche like The encrease was very plentyfull but now as farre as we are gone from there example and paines takinge so much are our churches behinde and inferior to the feeldes off Ephesus and Antioche Therfore it is the deuty off all godlie bishoppes who desire to serue the churche and to be well esteemed in it rather for ther godlines and learninge then for this pompe and shewe seing they haue allready declared that the gospell is dearer vnto them then all the commodities off this life that iff they will discharge ther dewty they wold better fynishe and make perfect that which they haue allreadie well begonn and euen willinglie for the rest off the gospell which yet we want touching discipline once againe leaue and forsake that pompous state and dignitie and be more carefull for the glory off god the saluacion off the churche and keepinge a god conscience vnto them selues then for keepinge or mainteininge this false shewe off honor and glory and the vaine names off titles and dignities and retourne againe to the worcke off the ministerie and not as in a sence somewhat diuerse frō this the Apostle warnethe the Galathians finishe in the fleshe which they haue begonne in the spirit I knowe in deede how hard it is to perswade them which haue once tasted off this sweet inchaunting cuppe but seing bothe the commandement iff god ther owne callinge and vocacion and the proffit and commoditie off the churche doth require yt It becommeth them for the godlines they are off and for the life they haue spent in the professinge off the Gospell to leaue all for CHRIST and the Gospelles cause and to follow him wither he calleth and leadeth them and as they in a maner first taught and preached vnto vs the doctrine off the Gospell So they would be the first Authors to bring in the Discipline off the Gospell and vse ther estimacion credite and authoritie not to the ouerthrowing off the trewth off God but to the establishing and preseruing off the same But yff there be any for I cannot but hope well off many especially off thos who haue seene other reformed churches but I saie iff ther be any who either for couetousnes for ambicion or because they thinck this lordly state tollerable in Bishoppes will by no meanes be perswaded to rest and quiet them selues in that meane estate which becommethe the men off God they are to be compelled euen against ther willes and to be forced to retourne againe to the first and right institution off Bishoppes And surely iff we serche the fountaine and originall off thes great riches we shall find that they neither in the beginning Gott this wealth by any right nor yet keepe yt to this day not only because they do no duty off a Bishopp or Mynister But also because they wrongfully vsurpe that which belongeth vnto other For a great part off ther Goodes is that which in the beginninge was geuen for the reliefe off the poore which was committed as an almes vnto the Bishopp which as yt apperethe by the old cannons he should distribute by his advise and the consent off the company off the Elders But after when they had abolished the power and authoritie off the Elders and ruled all thinges alone accordinge to ther owne conscience They made them selues those pore men and tooke almes to ther owne vse and so grew riche and welthie by the want and necessitie off others An other part which they haue belongeth to the mynisters off other churches which was vnited to the Bishopprickes by Impropriations besides proxies and other tolles and fees which they take off the ministers Therfore what right haue they to vsurpe that as there owne which was geuen in tymes past for the maynteyninge off ministers in other churches Therfore when they haue restored to the pore and to other ministers that which is ther owne iff yet they haue more then is meete for a Bishop let them bestow it off other ther pore fellowe ministers who in many other places want necessaries by reason off the pouerty off the churches which they serue that at the last being content which an honest and reasonable liuinge they may retourne againe to th●r originall and first beginninge Thes wordes off diminishinge the pompe and welthe off Bishoppes as it displeasethe some who thinck that some credite and authoritie is gotten to the gospell therby So it pleaseth verie well thos that think this will be profitable for them and do allreadie gape for this praie and hope for this grea inheritaunce For thei thinking that we seeke only that the bishoppes might be put downe waite for the like praie by ther puttinge downe as they had sometimes at the ouerthowe off ●he abbais For as for Religion they care nor what become off it so they may waxe welthie by sacriledge and robbery And would not stick iff it were possible to crucifie Christ againe that they might cast lottes for his coate and deuide his garmētes amonges thē For this our age hathe many suche souldiours many suche as Denis the king or rather the tyranne off Syra cusa was who think that a golden growne is not fit for God neither in sommer neither in winter and yet that it will serue them well at all tymes and seasons But iff they marck diligently what I saie they shall well perceiue that I fauor not in any respect there couetousnes and greedie desyre For I speake not heere off spoilinge the Bishoppes or robbing the goodes off the church and geuinge them away to most vnworthie men but rather that the neede off a great nombre may be relieued by the aboundance and excesse off a fewe that hospitalles may be mainteined and prouided for and which is the chiefe that the ministery may be established ād mainteined thorowe ought the realme so that by thes wordes they haue no occasion to hope or looke for any thing but rather to feare they loose not that
it had bene needefull to haue bene vsed ther is no doubt but that Christ would haue warned his Apostles off yt especially seing that these thinges were before so at large set out vnder the lawe For it is not to be thought that Christ was lesse diligent in shewinge how god would be worshipped vnder the Gospell then Moses in shewing the same vnder the lawe Or that Moses being a seruant was more faithfull in the administracion off the Lordes house then Christ the Sonne and heire in his owne fathers howse Therfore to binde the Mynisters to any certen fashion or forme off apparell hath no grownde off any precept off the gospell or commādement out off the word off god They are therfore the inuencions off men and off what men but euen off suche which haue soughte to paint and adorne with these colors the shame off ther wherishe idolatrie ād superstition For as iff they had bene ashamed off the simplicitie off the gospell which they ought rather to haue had in reuerence and in honor They thought good to follow what so euer had any shewe or ostentacion in any Religion and thought it to be vsed to the setting forthe off the gospell Thus they take out off the lawe allmost all ther massing apparell by a folishe and ridiculous imitation that hauing an alter and a priest they might not want apparell for the stage As for the surplice it is notable which is written off hope Siricius who fetcheth the cause and originall off yt from Christ and prouethe that we ought to vse a lin̄en garmēt at deuine seruice be cause Christ was buried in a winding sheete A notable reason surely why we should vse the surplice in our churches but peraduēture they are ignorant off ther owne antiquities and the surplice is to be thought rather to haue bene borowed by them off certen Egyptian monckes who vpon the skinnes which they vsed to weare for there apparell did weare lynnen garmentes from whence also the name off Surplice seemeth to come Such like reasons are to be founde in there wrightinges but to let passe these trifles it is to be lamented that euen amonges vs who professe the Gospell there were some that when the whole papacie was to be consecrated and this Rome to haue been vowed to destruction accordinge to the vowe and curse off the citie off Hiericho who being deceiued with the faire and glitteringe shewe off the Babylonishe garmentes brought them as Acan did into the tentes off Israell For why do they commande a cope and surplice to be vsed in diuine seruice or a Tippet and a Square Cappe to be worne dailie but because they thīk it is of some authority with the people and bringeth some estimacion to ther office and to ther persons ād is thought to be of great force to make a mā seeme to be graue ād off authoritie For thes be the best reasōs which they are wont to bring wherby they would signifie both that thes ij sortes off apparell are not commanded for Religions sake and that the abusing off them heretofore cannot nor ought not to take away the right vse off them which belongeth to comlynes and order to which ende contrary to the Apostles mind they wrest that place off S. Paule That all things are to be done orderly in the church But iff they perteine only to a decency and comlynes what needeth any commandement to be giuen to a minister to vse dailie the tippet and the square cappe and a Priestes gowne and at devine seruice the cope and the surplice seing a minister who is sett ouer the gouernment off the churche and by the Apostles rule ought to be suche a one as not only is able to vse him selffe honestlie in euery thing but also suche as keepeth his familie in order and ought to be an example off all modesty and honest comlines to his flock who suerly iff he be meet for suche an office and worthie to handle the word off god will take heede that he doe not dishonest his worthy office by vile and vnhonest apparell But seing they make no worthie ministers but readers and seruice saiers yt was needfull they should appoint them what cappe they should weare and howe the sleeues and collers off ther gownes should be made and suche like Althoughe they atteine not this decency and comlines which they pretend for often times ther is nothing more filthye and vnhonest then this kinde off apparell And iff any can vse a comely square cappe he can vse also a rounde cap which is as comely and so muche more as it is fitter for his heade thē the square Therfore ther is no cause to prescribe this apparell to be dailie worne for decencie and order But they say the Ministers must be distinguished from other men and that they may be knowne off ther parishiners and church This is euen as great a reason as the other For iff they did set suche a shepheard ouer the sheepfolde off god who were able as well with his voice as the sheppherd with his hooke and staffe to rule his sheepe who were able also to heale the sicke and diseased and to bringe home againe suche as wander and straie out off the waie finallie iff they set a right sheppherd ouer the flocke the sheepe would knowe him by his voice and would not need to haue any marke by his apparell to knowe him Therfore allthoughe this reason might be off some force for hirelinges yet it cannot be of any force for meete and worthie ministers And wheras they alledge also Order and decencye for there surplice I would knowe whie yt should seeme more comelie and decent for a Minister that be should preache or praie in a surpl ce then in a gowne .. In white raiment then in black apparell For as for the coloure me thinketh black to be more comely for him and for the fashion me thinketh a long garment reaching downe to the foote sholde be more honest and seemelie Further more do they not see that Simplicitie liked our sauior Christ that the Gospell is in a maner shadowed and couered by these vayles and figures that by this meanes the waie is made open to bringe in many other moo ceremonies for as good respectes as these be do they not also think that we perceiue that nothing ells is sought by this which they call comelines and order but only a conformitie with Papistes and a superstitious decency as also in vsing the signe off the crosse in baptisme the rounde cake in the Lordes supper and many other suche ceremonies and not that seemely order which the Apostle commandeth For iff the simplicitie and nakednes off the gospell misliked them why did they especially clothe it with popishe apparell seing we ought to be so muche the furder off and to abhorre ther doinges by how muche we are in greater daunger off them then off other heretiques because they liue amonges vs For which cause also
myracles and suche like Let them bring forthe the commission off this theyr so large embassage to all churches last off all let them proue that they are immediatly called therunto off god For not only one Bishopp but all the Bishops in the world are not able to ordeine and make and Apostle seinge that as it apperethe by the Argument I haue alleadged ther office is allready ceased They cannot be Euangelistes neither seinge that they were as yt were the Legates off the Apostles who in respect off them were as Proconsulles or Presidentes For Prophetes I think they will not say they be seinge they cannot tell vs off thinges to come Besides that we reade not that the Prophetes went thus abroade thoroughe out all churches but it seemethe rather that they were wont to abyde in certen places Wherfore takinge away extraordinary callinges and vocations out off the ordinarie state off the churche Let vs follow that certeine rule which the Lord hathe prescribed Let Pastors and Doctors be assigned vnto churches who are only the ordinary and perpetual ministers of the word off god apointed to the edificacion off the chu●che These thinges thus set downe let vs now see what the particuler charges and dewties off these two be And first let vs speake off Doctors whose office is more symple Doctors therfore I call Bishoppes who are occupied in the symple teachinge and expoundinge off the holie doctrine and trew Religion For it semethe that this was the office off Doctors symply to teache oute of god his word what was to be thought off god and off his worshipp and seruice what off Christ what the law is what the Gospell what ys the rule off our life what the hope and expectation off the life to come fynallye what to think off euery point off Religion without those vehement speeches wherby the mindes off men are either raised vp and comforted or beaten downe and made sadd For seing that Sainct Paule dothe lymite and bound the office off a Doctor by Doctrine and attributethe to an other office To exhort he seemethe to shewe that a Doctor is as yt were the schole maister and teacher off the principles off Religion off withe office how great ād manifold vse there is in the churche off god we shall easely vnderstand iff we consider how many there be emonges vs that be rude and know not the first principles and growndes off religion Which beinge vnworthy and vnseemely for a Christian churche and for our profession off the gospell Let Teachers and Doctors be prouided suche as we haue but a fewe right and lawfull in these our dais to teache the churches and especially the rude and ignorant For allthoughe we inuent a thousand waies we shall neuer promote the edification off the churche but only by those meanes and instrumentes which the Lord hath appointed for his work For with these the blessinge of god is ioyned which is not only wantinge to those who are made by vs how goodly a shewe so euer they haue but cōtrariwise they haue Cursinge for Blessinge Now to retorne to Doctors againe In the primitiue churche They were set to instruct in the Doctrine off faithe and Religion suche as were rude and ignorant For so Eusebius telleth that when in the churche off Alexandria many had fled away for feare of persecutiō so that no man had the charge of Cathechizinge Origē beinge a yonge man and But xviij yeres off age at the request off certen worthy men toke the charge vpon hym Wherwith all thoughe in the beginninge he ioyned also teachinge off grammar ād other artes yet he afterwards vnderstoode that yt belōged not vnto his office so to doe and therfore gaue him selfe wholie to the expoundinge off the scriptures and instructinge off suche as were ignorant in religion The whom after one Hercules succeded in the same office whom before he had taken to him to helpe hym to teache who afterward was chosen from beinge Doctor to be Pastor and Bishopp off the same churche wheroff it may be gathered that in the primitiue churche this was an ordynarie office and that before Pastors and Bishops there were other also appoynted to be Doctors whose office did consist in expounding the scriptures and cathechizinge off the ignorant But as for our Doctorshippe suche as it was in tyme off popery and as cōtynueth yet still I knowe neither from whence it came nor to what vse yt seruethe For they expounde not the scriptures in any certeine churche appointed vnto thē declaringe the naturall and true sence and meaninge off the word off god they do not teache the youthe nor cathechize the ignorant but lyue idly in the vniuertsities For it is no name off any lawfull office or function in the churche no not as yt is vsed in the vniuersities but only a name and title off honor and a commendacion off a mans knowledge in diuinitie so that it rather seemeth to serue to ambicion and vainglory thē to any vse and proffit They say there was sometimes an image maker named Passo who did so engraue the image off mercurye in marble-stone that a man could not iudge or discerne whither mercury were within or without the same Suche Mercuries and Images do our vniuersities make vs whose knowledge we cannot tell whither it be within them or without them for they proue not them selues to be right Mercuries by any speache eloquence or vtterance I knowe not what a shadowe and Image off vain contemplacion this is for true and Christian Religion bestowethe the gyftes that are receiued of god to the common vse and proffit off all the bodie Therfore these Mercuries are to be apointed to churches and to be set vp in highe and lightsome places that their speache and talke and other properties may proue them to be right Mercuryes in deed For suerly it is not tollerable that they should bury the lordes treasure in the earthe ād hid his light vnder a Bushell and as it is saide off one Aspendius a harper that they should playe on ther sweete harpes as they selues may onlie heare it Therfore let these goodly lights be put on cādlestickes that as Christ commandeth they may shine and geue light not only to them selues but to all that are in the house Let this riche treasure be laid out to the banck that when the Lord commethe he may receiue his owne with aduantage that is to say let these lerned Doctors be assigned and appointed to churches 〈◊〉 expound the Scriptures to Cathechize the rude and ignorant and by the example off Dauid a better and more excellent harper Let them awake in the morning to singe and awake ther harpes togither with them and call bothe riche and pore and all degrees and orders to heare them and sing and play not to them selues only but to the churche and set out there heauenly songes and dities with most plesant tune and melody in the hearinge also off many off
other Let this knowledg be brought to action and to the vse our life Let the Doctor haue a chaire set for him Let him haue schollers appointed him whom he many teache and instructe in the feare of god and know edge off heauenly misteries I meane a chaire wherin he may sytte to teache and to cathechize not wherin taking his ease he may be idle and fall a sleepe And suerly it is a merueile to see that when they should especially labor then they do geue thō selues most off all vnto ease And that they thē cherishe and make most of them selues as yff they were allredy come from the Seas into the hauen when they should rather leave the hauen and take the Seas For when they are once made Doctors either for their vnderstandinge and knowledge or for their time and continuance then they obteine I know not what priuiledges from takinge off paines any more Prerogatiues off honors and estimacion priuiledges off heapinge off benefices together so that they seeme to be like old souldiours who be exempted from doinge any more seruice or to be arriued at this Doctorshipp as it were at a hauen wher they should be at an ende off all their labor and trauell This is therfore to be corrected by vs accordinge to the Ordinaunce off God Teachinge and Cathechizinge is to be required off a Doctor Touchinge ther examinaciō how to try them who are to be chosen to this office I think it not needfull to speake any more bothe because I haue spoken heroff generally and at large before and also for that there is no great fault in the lawes and statutes but rather in negligence and want off execution off the same lawes and good Statutes I omitt also to speake off thee election and the maner off chosinge off them Which being done by an vniuersitie and by the consent off so many lerned and worthy men I wold not disalowe As for so many foolishe trifles as are vsed in the creatinge and ordeininge off them they are sufficiently confuted allready by that which hathe beene spoken by the ordeininge off Bishoppes And thus muche off Doctors In which place also some are wont to speake off schooles colledges and vniuersities because they seeme to cary a certen lykenes and similitude off Doctors and Disciples teachers and Schollers Prophetes and sonnes off the Prophetes Which sure is a worthy poynt and very needfull to be handled considering the diuerse abuses off schooles colledges and vniuersities but yet it conteinethe more matter then may be well handled at this time For it had need off a seuerall treatise which I trust as allready touching schooles hathe bene worthely and lernedly handled by maister Askham in his Schole master So touching the rest some off that lerned company wheroff there arise daily many noble and most excellent wittes will performe And surely it were worthy the labor off some notable excellent man to teache the vse of vniuersities and to call them back againe to the right ende wherunto they were ordeined and appointed which is this that they should be meanes to preserue and make perfit all other noble artes and sciences and especially diuinitie which knowlege iff it be not diligently kept by the Doctors in the aulters off the Vniuersities as in tymes past the fire that came downe from heauen was by the Leuites Surely it will shortly come to passe as we haue allready seene yt and that with in these fewe yeres that the church shall vse straunge fyre to the doinge off all thinges Suche Vniuersities the holie history rehersethe those off Naioth Bethel Hiericho and Hierusalem to haue bene which when all men thought surely that this fyre off gods word and knowledge off the scriptures had bene clea●e gone out as yt came to passe also in these our daies norished certeine sparkes in the ashes off which afterwardes by good blowing off them they kindled Religion againe And suche vniuersities should we also haue now a daies which might bothe kindle Religion being put out and also enflame and encrease yt being kindled yff the sonnes off the Prophetes did painfullie bestowe them selues in readinge meditatinge and expoundinge off the scriptures as we reade those off Samuells colledge did But now in steade off labor ydlenes is come into the vniuersities for peace and honest quietnes contention and discord the greatest poison to good studies that can be for godlines and the feare off the lord neglect and allmost contempt off all Religion with dissolute kinde off licence and libertie wherby they geue them selues to all ryot and wantonnes And suerly yt greeueth me to thinke how farr off they be from the Muses and lerninge who dwell euen in the very houses and pallaces off the Muses And that these places which are set furthest from any noyse off the world that we might the more frely geue our selues to good and honest studies ringe with cries noyses and alarmes raised vp by troblesome wittes and sounde againe with mutuall reproches hatred iniuries and reuenges and that euen the very temples off Religion the aulters off holines and the chappelles off godlines and off the feare off the lord do waxe prophane vnholy and voyde off all trewe Religion What do we think that those noble worthies which at ther great costes ād charges founded colledges to this end that the seruice off god and holynes off life might spring from them and from those foūtaines flow to the rest of the churche what do we thīk I say would they say if they were gathered to gether ād should looke downe from heauē vpon ther colledges dowe not think they would cōplaine one to an other that ther colledges were become like vnto tentes off warre wherin nothing were exercised but hate ād enmitie ād that euē in those places which they had made to be hyues off a heauenly kind off hony an innumerable sort off oranes are risen vp who not only gather no hony themselues but so mislike also off the labor and diligence off other that take great paines to gather that they neuer cease to vexe and molest them vntill they haue driuen them out off ther h●●s from amonges them What iff I should raise out off ther graue some either off the holie Bishoppes founders off the vniuersitie off Oxeford or off the famous kinges founders off the vniuersitie off Cambridge what iff that noble kink Henry the eight the last off that worthy cōpany as Hercules was the last of the worthies because he is last to deale with the vniuersities in behalffe off the rest what I say could they annswer him iff he should complaine that That which was most liberallie and bountifullie geuen for the maintenannce off good lerning is abused to riott and idlenes That the hiues for Bees are become den̄s for droanes that They are no more colledges off studentes but monasteries and cloisters off idle and snoring monckes That not only barren and vnfrutefull trees but al-also off hurtfull and most
noysom shadowe to those yong and frutefull plantes that growe vp vnder them are in those places which they meant should haue bene Orchiardes off most precious fruite and off the most noble and rare plantes that might be The vniuersities ought to be the seede and the frye off the holie ministerie thorowghe out the realme but now there is scarce one sent out in to the churche in many yeres that is fitte for suche an office It ought in deede to be like the Aple treoff Persia wheroff Theophrastus maketh mencion which doth budde blossome and beare fruit at all times off the yere and bringeth furth some fruit which is allready ripe and some other buddinge and newe geowing out So the vniuersities should haue some allwais fitte and as it wer ripe allready to take the ministery ād some other ripening and budding oute but now neither ripe fruit fallethe from the tree neither is the blossome such as declareth any plenty or store to come hereafter iff furder he should complaine that it is a heauy sight for them to see the vniuersities thoroughe contention and that many times for small occasion so inflamed and set on fire And that as they are greued who do behold ther feeldes and possessions wasted and burnt So they with no lesse sorrowe behold good lerned and worthy men expulsed out off ther vniuersities godlie and lerned younge men driuen from ther places the scholes depriued off most famous professors and Teachers Colledges bereaued of youthe of merueilous hope and towardnes off singuler vertue and learning and the churche deceiued off that which she looked for at there handes Therfore iff they loued god there chiefe founder and Author off all that had bene bestowed vpon them or feared that he would be a punisher and reuenger iff they continewe to abuse the same iff they bare any respect and reuerence to them ther Patrones and founders and wold be ruled by them they should leaue ther striuinge and runninge one against and other with mutuall wronges and iniuries they should banishe out ydlenes and expulsing the droanes out off there hiues fall to laboure and take paines againe they should applie the studie off the liberall artes and off the tongues they shold meditate vpon the Scriptures and exercise them selues therin as the Prophetes and the sonnes off the Prophetes They should think with them selues and remember that the church hangeth vpon ther brestes desyring to suck that sweet milke off heauenlie doctrine and as Peter calleth it the sincere milke off the word that they shold make ready euery yeere a great nōbre off fit interpreters and Teachers off Religiō for the vse of the churche that they would be the Authors and seekers of a more full and perfect reformacion and when they had obteined it constantly to keepe and preserue the same Thes thinges would be acceptable to god ther Arch founder and to them there founders and be most seemely and becomminge the name off an vniuersitie Iff I saie we harde him speake these and suche like thinges vnto vs would we not be a shamed to be so sharply reproued Yet allthoughe we heare not either king Henry the eight or any other off those worthies speake thus vnto vs yet notwithstāding we ought not to be lesse moued with the thīg yt selffe seing these thinges may trewly be obiected vnto vs and cast in our teethe Which neuertherles I speake not off all suche as be in the vniuersities for I knowe there be many suche as we wold wyshe that all shold be and vndoubtedly ther would be many moe iff Samuelles Eliahs and Elishas wer set ouer the sonnes off the Prophetes who as they were wont to doe might liue together with the Schollers be present at there exercises helpe an furder there indeuors and by ther example frame them and stirr them vp to all godlines knowledge zeale and finally to euery thing that is praise worthie Iff our vniuersities had many suche Samuells Eliahs Doctors and Pastors wold be prepared for the churches which are abrode the nomber off studentes as yt did vnder Elizeus would encrease and multiplie and most pleasant streames as out of Eden the garden off the Lord wold flowe from them and water all the Land. But seing that is farre otherwise being cōtent with this moderate reproufe and light shewing off the disease only for helpe and remedy first most humbly I be seeche the Lord god the chiefe chauncellor off our vniuersities ād then also the Magistrates that by his apointemēt and in his name are set to gouerne vs that they would earnestly and carefully thinke off reforminge the vniuersities and restoring them to ther right vse againe that they may serue to the preseruinge polishing and perfiting off all other the liberall sciences and especially off the studie off diuinitie and maintenance off the sacred mynistery And let it be sufficient to haue spoken thus muche off Doctors and therwithall of scholes Colledges and vniuersities Now let vs speake off Pastors whose office and function allthoughe it be neere of kindred vnto the doctors functiō yet it conteinethe in it besides certen other thinges neither off lesse waight nor lesse necessary then these be A Pastor therfore I call a Bishopp who appliethe the Scriptures to the diuers occasiōs and necessities off the church and ministrethe the Sacramentes to those which doe beleue For Pastors touchinge the office they bare in the churches succede the Apopostles and after a sort also the priestes off the lawe wheras Doctors do rather resemble and are more like vnto the Prophetes and the Leuites Therfore Pastors administre not only the word but also the Sacramentes And seale vpp our saluacion with the Lordes signet which they preache by worde For this is the nature off the Sacramentes to seale vp as it were the promises that when we haue them vnder seale we might keepe them more safely and possesse them more securely Wherfore the Pastor to whom the promises are committed to be declared and vttered and as yt were the writinges and indētures off our saluaciō to be made hath also authoritie to sette the seale therunto For so the Lord commaunded his Apostles that they should preache the Gospell and baptize those which sholde beleue Wherfore the administracion off the Sacramentes perteinethe to the office off a Pastor and that in suche sort to a Pastor that no man ells may take yt vppon him and arrogate that to him selffe which the Lord hath committed to an other to doe But besides the administracion off the Sacramentes this is also proper and peculier to the Pastors euen in the ministerie off the word to applie the Scriptures to the diuers occasions and necessities off the churches And as tyme and occasion seruethe to correct reproue and reprehend to raise vp those that be cast downe to breake the stubburne to vse exhortacions and dehortacions to cmofort the godly with the hope off the promises to terrifie the wiked with the