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A02727 The Messiah already come. Or Profes [sic] of Christianitie both out of the Scriptures, and auncient rabbins, to convince the Iewes, of their palpable, and more then miserable blindnesse (if more may be) for their long, vaine, and endlesse expectation of their Messiah (as they dreame) yet for to come. Written in Barbarie, in the yeare 1610, and for that cause directed to the dispersed Iewes of that countrie, and in them to all others now groaning under the heavy yoake of this their long and intollerable captivitie, which yet one day shall have an end ... Harrison, John, fl. 1610-1638. 1619 (1619) STC 12858; ESTC S116532 67,755 80

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Temple of Ierusalem for the greater glorie of that second temple That he should flee into Egypt and be called thence againe That a starre should appeare at his birth to notifie his comming into the world That Iohn Baptist who came in the spirit and power of Eliah and therefore was called Eliah Luk. 1 17. Mat. 11 10 14. should be the messenger to goe before him and to prepare the way to crye in the desert That he should beginne his owne preaching with all humilitie quietnes clemencie of spirit That he should be poor abject and of no reputation in this world That he should doe strange miracles and heale all diseases That he should dye and be slayne for the sinnes of his people That he should be betrayed by one of his owne familiars That he should be sold for thirtie pieces of silver That with those thirtie pieces there should be bought afterwards a field of ●o●sheards That he should ride into Ierusalem upon an asse That the Iewes should beat and buffet his face and defile the same with spitting That they should whippe rent and teare his bodie before they put him to death That he should be put to death among theeues and mal●factors That he should be silent before his enemies as a sheep before his shearer That he should pray for his enemies and persecutors That they should giue him vineger to drinke divide his apparel and cast lots for his upper garment That the maner of his death should be crucifying that is nayling of his hands and his feete to the crosse That his side should be pearced and that they should looke upon him whom they had so pearced That not a bone of him should be broken figured in the Passeover by that spotles lambe without blemish a type thereof and therefore is he called in the newe Testament the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world the Lambe slayne from the beginning of the world That he should rise againe from death the third day That he should ascend into heauen and there sitte at the right hand of his Father triumphantly for ever All these particulars foretold of the Messiah see I say and examine how exactly they were all fulfilled in our Saviour And there withall consider those things which fell out afterwards as effects of his divine power To wit the sending of the Holy Ghost immediately after his ascension with the miraculous increasse of his Church even in the middest of persecution The severe punishmēt of all his enemies especially that of the Iewish nation The subjection of the Devil with all his infernall power vnder his Apostles and Disciples feete togea●her with the ceasing of oracles And finally the fulfilling of all his Prophecies with those likewise of his Apostles and Disciples most exactly I say all these with the former put togeather and well considered may s●ttle the hart of any Christian man against all Induisme Paganisme yea and Atheisme too in the most undoubted truth of his profession to wit the Christian religion with this full and finall perswasion wherewith I will knit up all that there is no other name under heaven given so the sonnes of men whereby to be saved but the name of Iesus Christ. And therefore to him be the honour of our Salvation ascrib●d and to no other To him I s●● with the Father and the Spirite even t●at bessed Trinitie 〈…〉 glorie now and evermore Amen Amen To the forlorne and distressed Ievves in Barbarie And in them to all others now groaning under the heavie yoak of captivitie in what natiō soever scattered dispersed throughout the vvorld Grace mercy and peace be multiplied in Christ Iesus the true Messiah BEing imployed not long since into Barbarie the land of your capt●vitie where at this present you live in great bondage slav●ri● so have done this long time as doe also the rest of your brethren and nation elsewhere dispersed throughout the world groaning under the yoak of their cruell taskmaisters as did your forefathers in the Land of Egypt foure hundred and thirtie yeres this captivitie of yours having continued now almost foure tymes 400 yeeres the last and greatest of all than the which was never heard nor read of greater of any people from the creation of the world to this day nor shall be the King at that time of my arr●vall vpon his expedition towards Fez I appointed to stay at Saphia till his returne back from those warrs where I remained in the lower castle almost six monthes solitary and in suspense expecting the doubtfull event thereof Wh●ther resorted to me often to accompany me and for my better instruction in the Hebrue whereof I had a litle tast before one of the cheife Rabbins of that your synagogue Rabbi Shimeon a man of grave and sober cariage and pleasant otherwise of whose company I was very glad Now and then among other matters arguing and reasoning of the Messiah as ye say yet to come but as we say c are able to prove by invincible arguments and demonstrations both out of your owne Lawe Rabbines al●eadie come which gaue me occasion having little els to doe and not knowing how to passe that tedious time better ●o gather togither all those arguments and reasons I had read or for the present could conceive of my self drawne both out of the sacred scripture and other bookes as touching that controversie Wher● by I might be the more able over and besides the matter of imployment busynes I came about to maintayne that Religion prof●ss●d in my countrie and the undoubted faith whereof his Maiestie the King of Great Britayne as others his predecessors have donne professeth himselfe a cheife defender according to that his most iust tytle defender of the faith And afterwards when the King sent for me to Morocus being lodged amongst you by his appointment in the Iudaria in one of your principall Houses where I staid before I could get my despatch from the King three Monthes and a halfe where also I grewe familiarly acquainted with divers of your nation and was presented at sundrie times especially at your mariages and solemne feasts with divers of your dainties which I tooke very kindly and ever since have studied what Christian dainties I might send you backe againe in recompence or rather duties in steed of those dainties Seeing also in the meane time which I could not choose but see with much pity and compassion the great and grievous oppression vnder which you grone taxations vexations exactions grammings as you call them even with torments rather than fayle drubbings so many hundreth blowes at once as my selfe have both seen and heard with that base servile and most contemptible state and condition otherwise above any other
his divine power they were also foretold by the Prophets to wit the sending of the Holy Ghost that comforter from on high with the sodayne strange and myraculous increase of his Church throughout the world even against all worldly power and policie by the onely power and ministerie of his worde confirmed with signes and wonders that followed wrought by his Apostles Disciples and other his faithfull servants and witnesses in the primitive Church then the which there can be no greater argument in the world of the truth of Christian Religion if we consider how all other religions in the world have growne and been maynteined by force of armes fyre and sword this onely by the preaching of Christ crucified in all na●ions hath increased multiplyed shall doe more more to the end of the world this must increase all others decrease how so ever the Turks have possessed the greatest part of the world at this day yet our Saviours prophecie in the end shal be found true this gospel of the kingdō shal be preached throughout the whol world for a witnesunto al natiōs Now for the first increase of it how smal a number were there gathered together after the ascention at Ierusalem from whēce they were to march even the twelue Apostles no great armie Godwat to cōquer the world as it is in that place The law shall goe forth frō Ziō the word of God frō Ierusalē There was the Rendevous there they staid there they rested there they cōtinued in prayer and fasting till such time as Christ af●er his ascension according to his promise sent them the comforter even the holy Ghost induing them with power frō on high arming thē at all points for so great a work When and where being gathered togither all with one accord in one place sodenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty wind and filled all the house where they sate And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like fyre and it sate upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as there is mentioned And with these fiery cloven tongues these 12. silly soules without any other meanes men money or munitiō in a very short time conquered a great part of the world In so much that at one sermon of S. Peter at the same time there were added to the Church three thowsand soules And so multiplied successively from time to time and from place to place spreading it selfe from one country to another and from one nation to an other and so at length into all nations there is neyther speach nor language where their voice is not heard their line is gone forth through all the earth and their words into the ends of the world as we see it is come to passe this day Of which cōming of the Holy Ghost in the time of the Messiah Ioel prophesied saying And it shal be in the last dayes that I wil power out my spirit vpon all flesh c. and on my servants and on my handmaids I will powre out my spirit c. It filled all the howse where they sate it sate upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy Ghost Here is a deluge of Gods grace powred upon the world immediately upon the ascension of our Lord and Saviour First vpon his Apostles and disciples of those times in greater measure as the first fruites of his spirit by the which they wrought miracles spake all manner of languages healed all maner of diseases cast out Divils raysed the dead and lastly sealed the same with their blood Poore fishermen and such like of no reputation in the world without learning without credite without meanes as before yet by this meanes conquered the world to the subjection of their maister Christ that stone cast aside of the builders but now become the heade stone of the corner this is the Lordes doing and it is marvelous in our eyes The sinceritie of the Evangelistes NOw for the Evangelists or writers of the Gospell that is to say the registers of his birth life doctrine and death it is to be noted that our Saviour being God tooke a different way from the custome of man in delivering vnto us his lawes precepts For that men who have been lawmakers vnto the world knew no surer way of publishing their lawes and procuring authoritie to the same than to write them with their owns handes and in their life time to establish their promulgation So Lycurgus Solon and others among the Grecians Numa to the Romans Mahomet to the Sarasins But Iesus to shew this divine power in directing the pen and stile of his Evangelists would not leave any thing written by himselfe but passed from this world in simplicity and silence without any further shewe or ostentation of his owne doings Meaning notwithstanding afterwards to his glorie and the aedification of his Church here on earth by foure irrefragable witnesses or remembrancers the four Evāgelists every word should be established recorded As may appear by that place where he saith These things have I spoken vnto you being present with you but the Comforter which is the holy Ghost whom the Father wil send in my name he shal bring all things to your remembrance which I haue told you Wherevpon I inferre that the Evangelists and Apostolicall writers were all of them guided and directed by one and the same spirit even the spirite of God for the registring of all things eyther sayd or donne by our Saviour so farre forth as seemed best to his divine will and pleasure to be registred and recorded for the benefite and edification of his Church For there were many other things which Iesus did as Io. the Evāgelist testifieth which are not written that is to say which the holy spirit of God thought needlesse to faith and salvation but saith he these things are written that ye might beleeve that Iesus is the Christ the sonne of God and that in beleeving ye might have life through his name Now for these Evāgelists foure in nomber which some have resēbled to the foure beasts in Ezek the first last are Apostles that wrote as they had seen the two middle at disciples who registred things as they had ūderstood by cōferēce with the Apostles The first gospel was written by an Apostle to give light to the rest and the last also by an Apostle to give authoritie and confirmation to the former The first was written in the Hebrew tongue for that all those myracles which Iesus wrought were doone in that countrie he was not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel to the end that eyther the whole nation might beleeve them or the obstinate impugne them which yet never any of theire Rabbines tooke in hand to doe The other three were written in the most famous
he to wit the Messiah should breake the serpents head c. which he hath done not onely in his owne person by subduing Sathan with all his whole legions of Divills and power infernall trāpling them vnder his feet but also in his members to whom also he gave lyke authoritie as before he gave them power and authoritie over all Divills yea over all the power of the enemie which argueth againe the power and omnipotencie of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ who not onely in his owne person here on earth but also in his servants disciples and followers was able to conquer and subdue even the Devills themselves as they themselves acknowledge Iesus I acknowledge and Paul I knowe c. And thus much of the subjection of spirits The punishment of enemies NOw resteth this his divine power and omnipotencie yet further to be manifested by an other consideratiō of his justice severitie shewed from heaven upon divers his greatest enemies here on earth after his departure out of this world As we may read in Iosephus of Herod the first who persecuted Christ even in his cradle and slue all those infants in and about Bethlehem And that other Herod Tetrarch of Gililie who put Iohn Baptist to death and scorned Ies●● before his passion himself scorned afterwards by the Emperour and disgracefully sent into exile first to Lions in France and after that to the most desert and inh●bitable places in Spaine where he with Herodias wandred up downe in extrea●e calamitie all their life time and finally ended their dayes as forlorne and abandoned of all men In which miserie also it is recorded that the d●uncing daughter of Herodias who demaunded Iohn Baptists h●ad being on a time to passe over a frosen river suddenly the yce brake and she in her fall had her head cut off by the same yce without hurting the rest of her bodie So likewise it is recorded in the Acts of Herod Agrippa who stret●hed forth his hand to vexe certaine of the Church killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sword and imprisoned Peter howe immediately thereupon as it is in that chapter going downe to Cefarea he was there in a solemne assemblie striken frō heaven with a most horrible disease whereby his bodie putrified and was eaten of wormes as also Iosephus maketh mention Pilate that gave sentence of death against our Lord and Saviour we read that after great disgrace received in Iurie he was sent home into Italie and there slewe himself with his owne hands And of the very Emperours themselves who lived from Tiberius under whom Iesus suffered unto Constantine the great under w●om Christian Religion took dominion over the world which contayned the space of some three hundred yeares or there abouts very fewe or none escaped the manifest scourges of Gods dreadfull justice shewed upon them at the knitting up of their dayes Whereas since the tyme of Constantine whiles Emperours have bene Christians as one hath observed fewe or no such examples can be shewed except upon Iulian the Apostata Valens the Arian haeretique or some other of l●ke detestable and notorious wickednes And thus much of particular men chastised by Iesus But if we desire to have a fu●l examp●e of his justice upon a whole nation together let vs consid●r what befel Ierusalem and the people of that place for their barbarous crueltie practised vpon him in his death and passion And if we beleeve I●sephus Phylo the Iewish historiographers w●o lived in those times it cā hardly be expr●ssed by the tōgue ●r pen of mā what insufferable calamities miseries were infl●cted upon that people presently after his assension First of all by Pilate their governour under Tibe●ius and then againe by Petronius under Caligula after that by Cumanus under Claudius and lastly by Festus and Albinus under Nero. Through whose cruelties that nation was inforced a● last to rebell and take armes against the Roman Empire which was the cause of their utter ruine and exterpation by Titus and Vespasian At what time besides the overthrowe of their citie burning of their temple and other infinite distresses which Iosephus an eye witnes protesteth that no speach or discourse humane can declare the same authour likewise recordeth xj C. M. persons to have beene slaine and fourescore and seventene thowsand taken alive who were either put to death afterward in publique triumphes or sold openly for bondslaves into all partes of the world And in this vniversall calamitie of the Iewish nation being the most notorious and greevous that ever happened to any people or nation eyther before or aft●r ●hem for the Romanes never practised the like upon others it is singularly to be observed that in the same time and place in which they put Iesus to death before that is in the feast of the Pascha when their whole nation was assembled at Ierusalē from all parts Provinces and contries they received this theire most pittifull subversion and overthrowe that by the hands of the Romane Caesar to whom by publique crie they had appealed from Iesus not long before Wee have no king but Caesar. c. Yea further it is observed that as they apprehended Iesus and made the entrance to his passion upon Mount Olivet where ●e vsed much to pray and meditate so Titus as Iosephus writeth upō the same Mount planted his first siege for their finall destruction And as they led Iesus from Caiphas to Pilate afflicting him in their presence so now were they themselves led up and down from Iohn to Simon two seditious Captaines within the citie and were scourged and tormented before the tribunall seates Againe as they had caused Iesus to be scoffed beaten and villanously entreated by the soldiours in Pilates Pallace so were now their owne principall rulers as Iosephus writeth most scrornefully abused beaten and crucified that by the soldiers Which latter point of crucifying or villanous putting to death upon the crosse was begun to be practised by the Romanes upon the Iewish gentrie i●mediately after Christ his death and not before And now at this time of the warre Iosephus affirmeth that in some one day f●ve hundreth of his nation were taken and put to this opprobrious kind of punishmēt in so much that for the great mulltitude he saith nec locus su●ficeret crucibus nec cruces corporibus This dreadfull and unspeakeable miserie fell upon the Iewes about 40. yeares after Christs assention when they had shewed themselves most obstinate and obdurate against his doctrine delivered unto them not onely by himself but also by his disciples of which they had now slaine S. Steven and S. Iames and driven into baniment both Peter and Paul and others that had preached unto thē This thē was the providence of God for the punishmēt of the Iews at that time And ever after their estate declined frō worse to worse and their miseries daily multiplied throughout