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A33332 The lives of two and twenty English divines eminent in their generations for learning, piety, and painfulnesse in the work of the ministry, and for their sufferings in the cause of Christ : whereunto are annexed the lives of Gaspar Coligni, that famous admirall of France, slain in the Parisian massacre, and of Joane Queen of Navarr, who died a little before / by Samuel Clarke ... Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1660 (1660) Wing C4540; ESTC R36026 335,009 323

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explain himself more fully to them which afterwards he did accordingly And so after long communication and great promises of favour the King gently dismissed him with these words Let every man have his Doctor as himself best liketh this shall be my Doctor His adversaries seeing and hearing this dust never after that time molest him any further He did many excellent works of Piety and Charity and amongst the rest he erected that famous foundation of Pauls School London where one hundred fifty three poor mens sons should be taught freely and for this end he built a very convenient dwelling house for the Schoolmaster He assigned also a large annual stipend both for the Head-Master and Usher whom he willed rather to be chosen out of the number of married men then of single Priests with their suspected chastity He left sundry rents and houses for the payment of those stipends which he committed to the oversight of the Worshipfull company of Mercers in London He caused to be ingraven upon the School in Latine Schola Catechisationis puerorum in Christi Opt. Max. fide bonis literis Anno Christi M.D.X. The first Moderator of this School was Mr William Lilly a man no lesse eminent for his Learning then Dr Collet was for this Foundation he made the Latine Grammer which ever since by authority hath been used in all Schools Dr Collet was very expert in the Scriptures especially in Pauls Epistles which he hath illustrated by his Commentaries He held Justification freely by the merits of Christs and not by our own works He was an enemy to the idle and unchast life of the Popish Clergy He abhorred those that persecuted the Professors of the truth He died Anno Christi 1519. and was buried in Pauls Church upon whose Tomb Mr Lilly engraved this Motto Disce mori mundo vivere disce Deo The Life of Miles Coverdale sometimes Bishop of Exester who died Anno Christi 1568. MIles Coverdale was born in the North of England and from his childhood was much given to learning and by his diligence and industry profited exceedingly therein so that in the reign of King Henry the eighth he was one of the first that professed the Gospel in England He was very well skilled in the Hebrew and translated the Bible into English and wrote sundry Books upon the Scriptures which Doctrine being new and strange in those daies he was much hated and persecuted for it especially by the Bishops whereupon he was forced to fly into the Low-Countries There he printed the Bibles of his Translation and by sending them over and selling them in England he maintained himself But John Stokesly Bishop of London hearing thereof and minding to prevent their dispersing in England enquired diligently where they were to be sold and bought them all up supposing that by this means no Bibles would be had but contrary to his expectation it fell out otherwise for the same money which the Bishop gave for these Books the Merchant sent over to Miles Coverdale by which means he was enabled to Print as many more which he also sent into England This caused the Bishops to pursue him with such eagerness that he was forced to remove himself out of Flanders into Germany and to settle himself under the Palsgrave of the Rheine where he found much favour At first he taught children for his subsistence but having learned the Dutch language the Prince Elector Palatine gave him a Benefice at a place called Burghsaber where he did much good by his Ministry and holy life maintaining himself partly by his Living and partly by the liberality of Thomas Lord Cromwell who was his good Lord and relieved him very much At length when by the happy coming in of King Edward the sixth Religion was altered in England and the Gospel had a free passage he returned into his native Countrey where he did very much good by Preaching At the time of the commotion in Devonshire for Religion he was appointed to go down as Chaplain with the Lord Russell who was sent to suppresse the same and after the work was over for his excellent learning and godly life he was made Bishop of Exester being consecrated thereunto at Lambeth by Tho. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Anno Christi 1550. He most worthily performed that Office that was committed to him He preached constantly every Sabbath and Holy day and most commonly twice in the week he read a Divinity Lecture in one Church or other within the City of Exester Considering his Means he was a great lover of Hospitality and kept a very good house He was sober and temperate in his diet holy and blamelesse in his life friendly to the godly liberall to the poor courteous to all men void of pride full of humility abhorring covetousnesse and an enemy to all wickednesse and wicked men whose society he shunned and whom he would in no wise intertain or keep in his house or company His Wife was a most sober chast and godly Matron His houshold another Church in which was exercised all godlinesse and Vertue He suffered no one person to abide in his house who could not give an account of his faith and Religion and who lived not accordingly And as he was very carefull to promote Religion in his Diocess so was he as ready to give direction for good Government in all Ecclesiasticall affairs And because himself was not skillfull therein neither would be hindred from his godly studies nor encumbred with worldly matters and yet judging it meet that the Government should be carried on with all uprightnesse Justice and Equity he sent to Oxford for a learned man to be his Chancellour and by the assistance of his Friends he obtained Mr Robert Weston Doctor of the Civil Law and afterwards Lord Chancellour in Ireland unto whose fidelity he committed his Consistory and the whole charge of his Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction allowing him not only all the Fees belonging thereto but also lodged and found him his Wife and Family horse and man within his own House and gave him a pension of 40lb lb per annum besides which was a very great matter in those daies so liberall was this good Bishop in the allowance which he made to this good Chancellor And surely the Bishop was no more godly and carefull in performing his Office of preaching then his Chancellor was diligent strict and just in doing of his Office without the reproach of partiality or bribery Yet notwithstanding that this godly Bishop lived most holily painfully and virtuously the common people whose old bottels were not capable of new wine could not brook nor digest him and when they could find no other cause this was judged a crime sufficient that he was a Preacher of the Gospel an enemy to Papistry and an honest married man Hereupon many devises were set on foot for his disgrace and removing him out of his
place sometimes by slie and false informations against him sometimes by open railing and false libels sometimes by secret backbitings yea at last their malice proceeded so far that they practised his death by poysoning but by Gods good providence the snares were broken and he was delivered Having thus continued Bishop about three years it pleased God to take away that famous English Josiah King Edward and his sister Mary succeeding him the face of Religion was soon altered and this good Bishop amongst others was deprived and clapt up in Prison And though the malice of the then Prelates and Arch-Papists against him was very great who also had sworn his death yet it pleased God most miraculously to preserve and deliver him out of their hands which was effected by this meanes The good King Christian of Denmark having formerly known him at his being in Germany wrote divers times and sued so earnestly and effectually to Queen Mary for him that at last he was dismissed out of Prison and suffered to go over into Denmark There he staied a while and afterwards with the leave of the King went into Germany to his former worthy friend the noble Elector of the Rheine who most willingly received him and restored him to his former Benefice of Burghsaber The reason why he staied no longer with his deliverer the King of Denmark but chose rather to go into the Palatinate was because he could Preach in the Dutch language but not in the Danish Tongue At Burghsaber he remained a faithfull and painfull Preacher all Queen Maries daies till hearing of her death and of the change of Religion under Queen Elizabeth he once again returned into his native Country His Bishoprick was reserved for him till his return and then sundry times profered him but he would by no meanes accept thereof but chose rather to live a more private life yet not out of action for he continued in London teaching and preaching the Gospel so long as the strength of his body would permit and at length being very old and stricken in years he died comfortably and peaceably in the Lord being about eighty years old January 20. Anno Christi 1568. and was honourably buried under a fair Stone in the Chancel of Bartholomews Exchange in London upon which Stone is engraven this Epitaph In obitum Reverendissimi Patris Milonis Coverdale OGDO ASTICHON Hic tandem requiemque ferens finemque laborum Ossa Coverdali mortua Tumbus habet Exoniae qui Praesul erat dignissimus olim Insignis vitae vir probitate suae Octoginta annos grandaevus vixit unus Indignum passus saepius exilium Sic demum variis jactatum casibus ista Excepit gremio terra benigna suo Dr. SANDES The Life of Doctor Sands Archbishop of York who died Anno Christi 1588. EDwin Sands was born of an ancient and worthy Family about the year 1528. and being trained up in Learning he so profited therein both in the Countrey and University that he was chosen Master of Katharine Hall in Cambridge and having Commenced Doctor he was made Vice-Chancellor of that University at which time that blessed King Edward the sixth dying and the Lady Jane Grey being proclaimed Queen as we have heard before the Duke of Northumberland was sent with an Army to apprehend the Lady Mary And when he came to Cambridge he sent for Dr Sands the then Vicechancellor and some other Doctors to sup with him and at supper required Dr Sands to preach on the morrow The warning was short for such an occasion and Auditory yet he refused it not but went home and so to bed The next morning he arose at three a clock and having prayed a good while rose up took his Bible in his hand and closing his eyes earnestly prayed to God that it might fall open at a fit Text for the present occasion and accordingly it opened and the first Text that he cast his eye upon was Joshua 1.16 17 18. And they answered Joshua saying All that thou commandest us we will do and whithersoever thou sendest us we will go according as we hearkened to Moses in all things so will we hearken unto thee only the Lord thy God be with thee as he was with Moses Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy commandment and will not hearken to thy words in all that thou commandest him he shall be put to death only be strong and of a good courage This Text he prosecuted with such prudence and affection as drew many tears from the eyes of his Auditors After Sermon the Duke and other Nobles desired him to Print his Sermon and he only required a day and an halfs time for the writing of it at the end whereof he delivered it to Mr Leaver who was presently to carry it to London to the Presse But just at that instant came one of the Beadles to him weeping and bad him shift for himself for said he the Duke is retired and Queen Mary is proclaimed Dr Sands was nothing troubled herewith but delivered his Sermon to Mr Leaver and so went to dinner to Mr Moores one of the Beadles his great Friend At dinner being of an undaunted courage and cheerfull disposition he was very merry Mistress Moore drinking to him said Mr Vicechancellor I drink to you this being the last time that ever I shall see you which accordingly proved true That night the Duke sent for him to joyn with him in proclaiming Queen Mary and then told him that the Queen was mercifull and that he hoped for a generall pardon to which Dr. Sands answered My life is not dear unto me neither have I done or said any thing that troubleth my conscience For what I spake of the State I have instructions signed by sixteen Counsellors to warrant me therein neither can speeches be treason nor yet have I spoken any thing but what the Word of God and the Lawes of the Land will bear me out in therefore the will of the Lord be done But be you assured my Lord you shall never escape death for if the Queen should spare you they that now shall rule will kill you That night the Duke was apprehended and some were as busie about Dr. Sands but Sir John Gates that lay in the Doctors house drave them away The next day Dr. Sands was walked into the fields when the University in an irregular manner meeting together ordered Dr. Mouse and Dr. Hatcher to go to Dr. Sands his house to fetch away the University Statutes the Keyes and such other things as were in his custody which accordingly they did and Dr. Mouse who the day before was an earnest Protestant was now turned a zealous Papist and a great enemy to Dr. Sands from whom he had received great curtesies That afternoon a Congregation was appointed by them and the bell rang to it when Dr. Sands coming out of the fields sent for the Beadles asking what
that part of the City was filled with his armed enemies against whom whilest he opposed himself he was invironed by his adversaries and taken Prisoner who presently carried him away to Antwerp Whilst he was Prisoner there he fell dangerously sick and lay fourty daies tormented with a Fever and as soon as he began to recover he called for a Bible by reading whereof he much eased and refreshed his mind and body and by the diligent study thereof he began to embrace the reformed Religion and to have a tast of true Piety and the right manner of calling upon God Not long after he payed his Ransome which was fifty thousand Crowns and so returned home and being weary of the Factions and Affairs at Court and seriously thinking of his change of Religion he gat leave of the King to turn over his Regiment of Foot to his Brother Andelot and his Government of the Isle of France to his Brother-in law Marshall Monmorancy and shortly after he sent one of his intimate Friends to the King humbly to signifie to him that he intended also to lay down his Government of Picardy and therefore desired him to think of one to succeed him therein The King answered that he wondred at his resolution and scarce thought him wise to divest himself so suddainly of so many places of honour and profit and from that time he began generally to be suspected of his change in Religion shewing a minde so free from ambition and desire of rule Monsieur Andelot also discovering his resolution in Religion the Cardinall of Lorraine who hated the Family of Coligni with a deadly hatred as the greatest enemies to the greatnesse of his Family watched his opportunity and suggested to the King that all men took notice that many great men of France were infected with the poison of Calvinisme which they scattered amongst the inferiour sort of people and in particular that Monsieur Andelot had blabbed out many things to the dishonour of the solemn sacrifice of the Masse c. The King being incensed hereby commanded the Cardinall of Chattillion his Brother and Monmorancy his Cosen to send for Andelot and to admonish him to answer modestly to the questions which should be proposed to him When he came before the King he professed his great good will towarde him and spake many things of his great merits and then told him that he was sorry to hear that which was reported viz. that he thought ill of Religion and therefore he required him to tell him what he thought of the Mass which the Calvinists spake so much against Andelot being a man of great courage answered confidently according to the truth which the King being offended at exhorted him to look to himself and to prevent the danger before it were too late Whereunto Andelot with greater courage answered that he had hitherto shewed himself obedient in all things to his Majesty whom he had found alwaies bountifull to himself and his Family but in the cause of Religion he could neither daub nor dissemble with God That his Body Wealth and Dignity were in the Kings power of which he might dispose as he pleased but his Soul was subject to God only that gave it to whom therefore in this cause he must needs be obedient as to his greater Lord. At this the King was so inraged that snatching up a dish he therewith hurt his Son the Dolphin that sat next him and then he commanded one of his privy-chamber to carry Andelot to the City of Meaux where he remained a Prisoner in the Bishops house till he was removed to the Castle of Melodune Not long after King Henry the second dying his Son Francis succeeded him who was married to Mary Queen of Scotland the Daughter of the Duke of Guises Sister by which means the Guises ruled all at Court and they also boasted often of the Kingdom of England to which this Mary was Heir apparent as they said The Admirall knowing their cruel barbarous and bloody dispositions who would never be free from turbulent Counsels and especially from pesecuting those of the Religion he was now without further delay resolved to lay down his Government of Picardy and for that end acquainted Lewis of Bourbon Prince of Conde concerning his intention wishing him to beg that place of the King which accordingly he obtained Our Admirall being thus eased of these publique Burthens and the troubles of them which withdrew his mind from Religion he kept at home in his own Castle and the rather because of his Wife Carola Lavollia born of an Illustrious and Ancient Family which was wonderfully given to the study of Religion exhorting her Husband also that casting off the remainders of Idolatry and Superstition he should wholly betake himself to the true service of Christ. The Admirall having often heard her presse this upon him dealt seriously with her telling her that he never knew any either in France or Germany which embraced in truth this reformed Religion but that they were overwhelmed with manifold afflictions under which they almost perished He told her also that by the Laws of France which were confirmed by all the Parliaments Whosoever made profession of this Religion was to be burnt alive and all his estate to be forfeited to the King Yet saith he if you be so prepared with Faith and courage that you can be content to undergo the same lott with others you shall see that I will not be wanting to do my duty To this she answered That the condition of the Church at this day was no other then what it had been in former ages even from the beginning and she perswaded her self that it would be the same to the end of the world And thus each of them incouraging other the Admirall began to instruct his Family in the true knowledge and worship of God and gave them Bibles and other good Books to read for their furthtr edification Withall he stoutly forbad them those oaths and blasphemies which were common in France especially in the Court He provided also godly Governours and Schoolmasters for his Children so that in a short time there was a wonderfull change in his Family yea by his example his two Brethren Odet the Cardinall and Andelot were exceedingly stirred up to the study of Religion The Admirall from his childhood had been bred in the Court which did in those daies exceedingly abound with luxury and other vices from which he was not altogether free but so soon as he imbraced the true Religion there was such a strange alteration in his life and deportment that the powerfull work of Gods Spirit did wonderfully appear therein Before he durst come to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper he conferred with divers Godly Ministers both about Transubstantiation and Consubstantiation for the setling of his judgment in the truth and once being present in the Town of Vatevill at a private
if she were a stranger but it redounded to the great hurt of France and was the cause of many Civil broils When the day of the publique Convention of the States came he which made the Speech in the behalf of the Nobility about the end of his Oration presented the King with a Supplication that they of the Reformed Religion might have publique places allowed them for the exercise of the service of God in To this one Quintin a Doctor of the Civil Law and Professor of Paris opposed himself and made a long Oration in the name of the Clergy which he rather read then pronounced by heart wherein he took the boldnesse to affirm That all they that moved for publique places for those of the Religion were guilty of Treason against the King and Kingdom the authors of sedition and bringers in of a new Religion and therefore ought severely to be punished Of which when the Admirall in the Kings Councel afterwards complained Quintin to excuse himself professed that he had spoken nothing of his own head but only had pronounced that Oration which was penned and put into his hand by the Clergy and that he was ready again in the Convention of States before the King and all the company to avow that in all that he had said he had no thoughts of hurt to the Admirall In conclusion there was an Edict sent forth in the Kings Name commanding and requiring all the Judges and Magistrates through France to release all those of the Religion that were in prison and it was forbidden them upon great penalties hereafter to meddle with or to trouble any for their Religion sake As for the businesse of allowing them publique places for worship that was put off to the next Generall meeting of the States which was appointed but held not to be at Ponthoise in Piccardy January following there was a meeting of all the Princes and Nobles of France appointed to be held at St. Germans whither also repaired the Deputies from all the Parliaments and there it was decreed that Churches should be allowed to the Protestants in the Suburbs belonging to each City Upon the publishing of which Edict the Peace of the Kingdom seemed to be setled and in the Suburbs of all the greater Cities yea of Paris it self those of the Religion met publiquely and had Sermons preached without the least disturbance But presently after was news brought that the D. of Guise in Campania had basely murthered about two hundred persons who were met together at Vassiac to hear a Sermon according to the power given them by the Kings Edict in a barn and it was conceived that the D. of Guise took this boldnesse relying upon the friendship of the K. of Navarr whose weak mind he had bowed and bound to himself by promising him the Kingdom of Sardinia and other favours and upon this confidence adjoyning his other Brethren to him with a great Army he went to the Court and there seized upon King and Queen Mother who seemed with many tears to bewail the violence profered to to them and carried them away to Paris Hereupon the Queen Mother sent divers messengers to the Admirall and writ with her own hand to the Prince of Conde requesting them to help her and to deliver the King out of this captivity This caused the Prince of Conde with many of the Nobility upon deliberation to resolve to raise an Army for the rescue of the King and to curb the insolency of the Guises often saying that he ought not to be deterred with reports as if he intended to propagate his Religion by arms or to offer violence to the Person of the young King For said he After such a publique Decree made by the King and all the States in favour of those of the Religion What had the D. of Guise who is a Lorrainer by extraction to do in France Or by what confidence doth he exercise such cruelty against the Kings faithfull Subjects And therefore he saw that there was no way left but to repell force with force and that he was not the author of the War but by War defended those that were unjustly oppressed by War There was also a publique report that the D. of Nemours had endeavoured by flatteries to perswade the young Prince Henry the Kings Brother who was afterwards chosen King of Poland to go with him out of the bounds of France which the young youth had declared to his Mother There was much speech also of the Massacre at Vassiac and of their leading the King and Queen Mother as their captives to Paris where they had a powerfull faction They had also sent to the German Princes desiring to be admitted into the league of the Protestants The Cardinall of Lorraine had also sent to Christopher Duke of Wirtzberge a prudent and valiant Prince pretending that both he and his Brethren would embrace the Protestant Religion and desired to be enrolled in the number of the Protestant Princes These things being publiquely divulged the resolution of the Prince of Conde to take Arms was generally approved of and in a few daies many Cities sided with and assisted him as Orleans Biturg Roan Lions Vienna Valentia Mont-alban c. And whereas by the common consent of all the Protestants in France the Prince of Conde was chosen Generall he prevailed so far with them that the managing of the War was conferred upon our Admirall to whom he also delegated his own power and interest for the opinion which he had of his excellent justice gravity and prudence This being generally taken notice of the Queen Mother interposeth as a Mediatrix for peace and sends for the Prince of Conde to come to their tents intreating him that for the convenient situation of it he would deliver up into their hands for a few daies as the fittest place for the Treaty the City of Boience where there is a bridge that passeth over the River Loir which bridge she affirmed to be the fittest of all other places for the Parlee The Prince of Conde upon the perswasions of his Brother the King of Navarr and of the Queen Mother and upon their faithfull promise that the Town should be delivered back to him again and that his person should be in safety during the Treaty without taking any further pledges delivers up Boience to them only desiring that whilst the Treaty lasted the Constable Guise and Saint Andrew who were called the Triumvirate for the ruine of France might be commanded to withdraw from the Camp When these things were done the Queen Mother and the Guises put a garrison into the Town of Bogener fortifie it strongly and keep the Prince of Conde prisoner The Admirall being justly incensed by this perfidiousnesse and resolving not to be wanting in his aid to the Prince of Conde he presently with all his Cavalry sets upon the enemies Camp which brought such a terrour amongst them
c. Having dispatched these things he resolved to march to Vivaret and to the bank of Rhodanus and understanding that some were up in Arms for him in the Delphinate who also had taken some Towns he sent part of his forces to them to assist them in taking in some Cities of greater consequence committing the government of them to Count Lodwick of Nassaw who arriving in the Delphinate struck such a terrour into the Inhabitants as caused them to fly into the Cities but he having no Guns for battery only wasted the enemies Countrey and so with honour returned within few daies to the Admirall Shortly after the Admirall worn out with cares watchings and incessant labours fell sick and though he was greatly afflicted with his disease yet conceiving that it was of great concernment for him to get to the River Liger he made no stay but in his Horselitter marched with his Army thitherward for he was informed that about La Charity and Sancerra there were about two hundred risen in Arms for him whom he thought to be of great concernment to adjoyn to his Army the rather because Cossaeus Marshall of the Kingdom after the Battell in Xantone by the King made Generall of the Army in the room of the Duke of Anjou as he understood advanced with his Army that way and began to approach near him And whereas there came a Trumpet from him to the Admirall about exchange of Prisoners the Admirall sent him word by his Trumpet that he should not need to be at so much pains to seek him for that he himself was hasting towards him so fast as he could When he was advanced so far as the Forrest behold new Ambassadors met him from the King about a Peace for when the Courtiers heard that the Admirall whom they thought to be utterly broken by his former overthrow had in so short a time gotten so gallant an Army together again they were extreamly terrified lest he should march directly towards Paris and there should plunder and destroy the brave Countrey Houses of the Courtiers Senators and rich Citizens of Paris the like whereunto they had heard that the Senators and Citizens of Tholouse had already felt The Admirall by his march though in his Horselitter had his disease much increased upon him and the Physicians gave their judgment that if he continued still to be pressed with so great cares and multiplicity of businesses he could not hold out long whereupon the Treaty with the Kings Ambassadours brake off for a time but some Nobles that were aweary of the Warres complained that there was no reason that the Treaty should cease because the Admirall could not be present at it affirming that though he should die yet there were men enough of honour and interest that could carry on the Treaty to the establishing of Peace The Ambassadors tnswered them We wonder thrt you do not consider of how great authority the Admirall is amongst you who if he should die to day we would not offer to any of you tomorrow so much as a cup of cold water What do you not yet know that the only name of the Admirall can prevail more for you then a great Army without him Within a few daies the Admirall being refreshed and in a good measure recovered the Treaty began again and at last it was concluded That certain Commissioners should go along with the Kings Ambassadours to signifie to his Majesty in the name of them all That they of the Religion desired nothing more then Peace neither was any thing more grievous to them then Warre yet was there none of them but would undergo greater miseries yea and death it self rather then to deny the truth which they had embraced That if the King pleased to grant them Peace and the exercise of their Religion upon the former conditions and to put some cautionary Towns into their power for their security they would willingly and for ever lay down their Arms. These Messengers being dispatched the Admirall advanced forward and in his way took in the Town of Reneducium to which some of the Vantcurriers of Cossaeus were come and from that day forwards there was no day passed without some skirmishes between the two Armies and one day the minds of the Souldiers on both parts were so far inflamed that it had near come to a generall Battell there being only a little Brook between the two Armies Monsieur Mongomry having already broken the first Battell of the adversaries wherein were Valetius and Vasco men of great authority amongst the Royalists But presently came new Messengers from the King desiring a cessation from arms till the Treaty was finished and after great debate an Edict was sent from the King by which certain places were allotted to the Protestants for the exercise of their Religion in for the performance whereof they had for two years four cautionary Towns put into their hands viz. Rochel Montalban Cognac and Charity and the Kings Proclamations hereof were sent all over the Kingdom and so an en end was put to the third Civil Warres The Admirall bringing the German Forces to the borders of their Countrey dismissed them courteously and so taking the two young Princes of Navarr and Conde he went with them to Rochel where the Queen of Navarr was purposing to stay there till the Peace was fully setled in every place and after a few Moneths trusting to the Kings promises and to the oaths of the Kings Brethren and Parliaments having been tired out with so many and great labours he betook himself to rest and at the intreaties and perswasions of his Friends inclined to dispose of himself again in Marriage the rather because he was earnestly solicited thereto by the kindred of Jacoba Monbella the widow of the L. Anthony Monbell who was Daughter of Count Intermontanus of whose modesty piety and wholly life he had heard much formerly She therefore being brought honourably to him to Rochel he solemnly married her and not long after he disposed his own Daughter Ludovica in Marriage to Monsieur Teligni a young man of great Nobility and vertue Of all the Nobility of France none seemed more acceptable and dearer to the King then this Teligni by reason of his admirall ingenuity and therefore being much about the King it was he that did afterwards perswade the Admirall of the great esteem and hearty good will of the King towards him But God quickly mixed sorrow with the joy of these Marriages news being brought about that time of the death of Odet Coligni Cardinall of Chattillion who had been some time in the Court of England as the Procurator for the cause of the Protestants with Queen Elizabeth who much favoured him for the amplitude of his Family and the opinion of his vertue and integrity But the Protestants affairs being composed in France his Brother Gaspar sent for him Whereupon coming to Queen Elizabeth he obtained leave for his departure
reverence of the affinity contracted with the King of Navarr That the King had entred into a league with the Queen of England and endeavoured to do the same with the Protestant Princes in Germany which sufficiently shews how he stands affected to the Protestants Moreover that Faith was given to the Prince of Orenge and to the E. of Nassaw his Brother to aid them against the Spaniards That the Kings Ambassadours did daily search into the Counsels of the Duke de Alva and acquainted the King therewith as the King daily informed him That the Navy under Strossius at Broag is rigged for no other end but to disturb the Spansh Fleet and to assist the Prince of Orenge That for himself they need not fear the King having made Friendship betwixt the Guises and him faith being mutually given that neither should injure other To conclude That the King doth all he can to have Peace at home and Warre abroad and to translate it into the Low Countries against the Spaniards wherefore he prayeth his Friends not to trouble his mind any more with suspitions which is now busied with weightier matters and to joyn with him in prayer to God that he would bring those things to a good issue which are well begun for his glory and the good both of Church and Kingdom A little before Count Lodwick with some others had Commissions from the King to surprize some Frontier Town in Flanders On the other side the Duke de Alva had intelligence of every step that Count Lodwick took yet such was his diligence that he surpriz'd Monts in Henault wherewith the Duke de Alva was so netled that he said The Queen-Mother had sent him the flowers of Florence but he would for them return her Spanish thistles but upon further intelligence he was soon pacified Many Lords and Gentlemen of the Religion accompanied the King of Navarr and Prince of Conde to Paris and the King drew many more of them thither who otherwise would have kept their houses under pretence of his Warres in Flanders Count Lodwick was presently besieged in Monts by de Alva whereupon the King gave Commission to Monsieur Jenlis to raise Horse and Foot for his succour but de Alva being acquainted with all his proceedings surprized him which the King seemed to be much grieved at and presently wrote to his Ambassadours in the Low Countries to procure the deliverance of the prisoners He also encouraged the Admirall to send all the help he could to the Rutters whom the Prince of Orenge had levied for the relief of his Brother causing monies to be delivered to him for their pay The Ambassadours of Spain also seemed to be very male-content because the King began Warre in Flanders and the Kings Mother played her part in this Tragedy pretending that she knew nothing of the Kings proceedings and now she did know them she would leave the Court. These juglings were carried so handsomly that the Admirall Teligni his Son-in-law and other Lords were confidently perswaded that the King was wholly guided by the Admirals advice July the last The Rochelers wrote to the Admirall that the Kings Army approached near them that from Xantone and Gascoine it daily wasted the Countrey about them using terrible threatnings against their Town and menacing to plunder it whereupon they intreated his advice especially about receiving eight hundred men which they sought to put as a Garrison into the Town The Admirall made them an honourable answer Aug. 7. assuring them of the care he had over them adding that he found the King so well disposed for Peace that all men had cause to commend him Yet the Rochelers neglected not to look to themselves and to fortifie their Town In other Towns many were the threats of the Papists against the Protestants which much terrified some others relied upon the Admirals presence and favour at Court and to such as suggested doubts to him he said that the King had reconciled the differences betwixt the Guises and him causing both Parties to swear friendship That the King gave his Sister in marriage not so much to the King of Navarr as to the whole Church of the Protestants to joyn with them thereby in an inviolable union and therefore he besought all them that either by writing or words advised him of the hatred of the King Queen-Mother the Duke of Anjou or the house of Guise no more to trouble him with those things but rather to commend all in their daily prayers to God and to give him thanks who of his infinite mercy had brought things to so good an end August 17. Henry King of Navarr and the Lady Margaret of France Sister to the King in the evening were conducted to the Louure and the next day were married by the Cardinall of Bourbon in the sight of all the people upon a great Scaffold made before the gate of the great Church in Paris which day was passed over in Banquets Dances and Masks and that very day the Admirall wrote a Letter to his Wife great with child in this tenour Most dear and desired Wife This day was celebrated the Marriage between the King of Navarr and the Kings Sister and these three or four ensuing daies will be spent in Feastings Maskings and Dancings The King hath promised me that after a few daies he will set time apart to hear the complaints which are brought from several parts of the Kingdom for violating the Edict of Peace for the prosecution whereof it 's very necessary that I should improve all my interest with the King For though I have an earnest desire to see thee yet it would be grievous to me and I suppose to thee also if I should be any waies deficient in a business of so great concernment neither will my stay here about it be such but that I hope to come to thee this next week If I should only respect my own content it would be much more pleasing to me to be with thee then to stay any longer at Court for sundry reasons which I may hereafter impart to thee but I must have more respect to the publique good then either to my own pleasure or profit I have some other things to impart to thee so soon as God shall bring us together which I much long for both day and night All that I have for the present to write to thee is only thus much at four a clock this afternoon was celebrated the Masse for the Marriage during which time the King of Navarr walked without the Church with some other Noble-men of our Religion Some other matters of smaller concernment I shall reserve till we have an opportunity to speak together in the mean time most dear and loving Wife I pray for thee that God will protect and keep thee Farewell Paris Aug. 18. 1572. Three daies since I was much tormented with the Stone and Cholick but through Gods mercy they held me not above eight
Letters prevailing nothing the Warre went on and in the Battell of Bassac the Protestants were worsted and the Prince of Conde slain which news being carried to Rochel the Queen of Navarr posted to the Protestant Army where before a great Assembly of Nobles and Souldiers she made an Oration to confirm their mindes praising the vertue and constancy of the Prince of Conde who had employed his faithfull endeavours even unto death in defence of so just a Cause and thereupon she exhorted the rest to imitate his example and to persevere in maintaining the truth of Christ and the Liberty of their Countrey For saith she the good Cause is not dead with the Prince of Conde neither ought godly men to give way to despondency in such cases God having so provided for his Cause that he gave Conde companions whilst he lived that may succeed him now he is dead I have brought with me mine only Son Henry and Conde's own Son who as he is Heir of his name so is he of his vertues These with other Nobles besides I trust will never be wanting to so good a Cause And having thus spoken to the Nobles and Army and many things privately to her Son whetting his youthfull spirit she returned again to Rochel to provide new succours In the mean time a Commission was granted to Terride Governour of Quercie to summon the Queen of Navarr and the Prince her Son to leave the party of the Protestants and in case of refusal to invade the Countreys of Bearne Foix and Navarr in which he so prevailed that he reduced all to the Kings obedience but only Navaren which he besieged as the only strong place that remained to the Queen Hereupon the Queen and the Princes sent the Earl of Montgomery to encounter him who with a small Army of five hundred Horse and four thousand Foot forced Terride to raise his siege and retire himself to Ortheze His men were dispersed and to prevent his gathering them together again the Earl besieged him forced the Town and to beat Terride with his own weapons he turned his Cannons which ht found in the Town against the Castle whereupon it was surrendred to him after which all other places were suddainly reduced to the obedience of the Queen and the Earl having garrisoned the Towns of his new conquest speedily returned to the Princes Not long after Peace being concluded betwixt the King and the Protestants the King published an Edict wherein amongst other things he hath this passage Let it be lawfull for the Queen of Navarr the Kings Aunt besides the benefit which is common to all those which have the highest jurisdiction to enjoy the free exercise of her Religion in the Dukedom of Albert in the Earldoms of Armigniac Foix and Bigorre in one place of all those Dominions which she holdeth in her own possession or which may be consigned to her by the King so that all that will come to that place though she her self be absent may enjoy it without danger Moreover lest any doubt should arise concerning the right meaning of the Queen of Navarr the Kings Aunt as also of the Princes of Conde both Father and Son the King doth declare That he acknowledgeth them all for his faithfull Cosens and Subjects and that they and all that have managed the Warres under them shall be free and not bound to render an account for monies received or taken c. The Peace being concluded the malice of the Popish party was no whit abated whereupon they sought by Policy to effect that which they could not by power and for this end Biron was sent to Rochel in the Kings name to treat with the Queen of Navarr about the marriage between her Son Henry and the Kings Sister the Lady Margaret for which end he invited them to come to the Court where businesses might be fully debated and concluded He added also that hereby a fair occasion was offered from God to settle their affairs in peace c. The Queen of Navarr having returned thanks in a set Oration answered that the matter was of that importance that she would take time to her self in deliberating of it and albeit she did professe and acknowledge that that affinity would be a great ornament and profit to her yet she was for the present doubtfull what to do in regard of the near kindred betwixt her Son and the Lady and the difference in their Religions Wherefore saith she I will consult with my Divines and what I shall find to make for Gods glory and the good of the Kingdom and that may stand with a good conscience that I will readily and willingly imbrace being desirous in all that I may to satisfie the pleasure of the King and Queen to whom I owe all due observance Yet there remained two scruples which troubled the King and the Queen of Navarr in respect of the place and manner of celebrating the marriage For the Queen would not have it done at Paris which City being extreamly addicted to the Popish Religion she feared was long since an enemy to the Family of Navarr and therefore she judged it not safe to have it celebrated there The King on the contrary said That it would make for a certain sign of sure Peace to have the celebrity of the marriage seen in the Metropolis of the Kingdom as it were on a publique Theater The other doubt was about the manner of the celebration For the Queen of Navarr being most addicted to the reformed Religion would never endure that it should be contracted after the Popish manner nor the Queen-Mother after the fashion of the Protestants But the King prayed the Queen of Navarr to pardon him in that matter for that it would tend to his great dishonour if he should suffer the marriage of his Sister to be solemnized in any other form then according to that ancient Religion which he had received from his fore-fathers therefore to resolve this doubt there was time taken on both sides In the mean time the Queen of Navarr consulted with the Ministers of the Reformed Religion what might be done in this matter Some of them insisting upon the simplicity of Gods Word said that it was utterly unlawfull for such marriages to be contracted especially by illustrious Personages in whom it is more dangerous because of more publique concernment Others judging that this marriage would be a sure and as it were an everlasting foundation of a most happy Peace assented to it The Queen of Navarr and the Protestant Nobles striving to find out remedies both for the Kingdom which was grievously afflicted and for their own bruised estates liked these mens judgments best and so the businesse proceeded and the conditions of marriage were agreed upon between the parties The King was to give his Sister for her Dowry three hundred thousand Crowns each Crown being valued at four and fifty Shillings About this time the
him sweetly unfolded as may appear by those Sermons now in Print And therefore saith a Reverend Divine the noted humility of the Author I lesse wonder at finding how often his thoughts dwelt upon the humiliation of Christ. As for his Sermons upon Cant. 5. Reverend and holy Mr. Dod upon the perusall of the Manuscript was so taken with them that he professed that he found them so full of heavenly Treasure and containing such lively expressions of the unvaluable riches of the love of Christ towards all his poor servants that sue and seek unto him for it that by his great importunity he prevailed with Dr. Sibs otherwise much undervaluing his own meditations to commit the same to the Presse to which Mr. Dod gave this attestation I saith he judge it altogether unmeet that such precious matter should be concealed from the publick use I judge these Sermons a very profitable and excellent help both to the understanding of that dark and most Divine Scripture as also to kindle in the heart all heavenly affections towards Jesus Christ the whole frame whereof is carried with such Wisdom Gravity Piety Judgment and Experience that it commends it self to all that are godly wise and I doubt not but they shall find their temptations answered their fainting spirits revived their understandings enlightened and their graces confirmed so that they shall have cause to praise God for the worthy Authors godly and painfull labours Indeed he was throughly studied in the holy Scriptures which made him a man of God perfect throughly furnished unto every good work and as became a faithfull Steward of the manifold graces of God he endeavoured to teach to others the whole counsel of God and to store them with the knowledge of Gods will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding He was a man that enjoyed much communion with God walking in all the Laws of God blamelesse and like John the Baptist was a burning and shining light wasting and spending himself to enlighten others He was upon all occasions very charitable drawing forth not only his Purse in relieving but his very bowels in commiserating the wants and necessities of the poor Members of Christ. He used sometimes in the summer-time to go abroad to the houses of some worthy Personages where he was an Instrument of much good not only by his private labours but by his prudent counsell and advice that upon every occasion he was ready to minister unto them And thus having done his work on earth he went to receive his wages in heaven peaceably and comfortably resigning up his spirit unto God Anno Christi 1631. and of his age 58. The Life of Doctor Chaderton who died Anno Christi 1640. LAurence Chaderton was born of an ancient Family at Chatterton in Lancashire about the year 1546. and his Parents being both Papists they trained him up in that Religion yet bred him to learning and when he came to some maturity of years his Father sent him to the Inns of Court But he being not pleased with that kind of life through the motion of Gods holy Spirit who had a work for him to do in another Calling and place left the Inns of Court and went to Cambridge about the twentieth year of his age and the sixth year of Queen Elizabeth And getting some acquaintance in Christs Colledge it pleased God that the Master and Fellows took such a liking to him for his ingenuity and industry that they admitted him into a poor Scholars place Then did he write to his Father to acquaint him with his present condition and to request some means of maintenance from him But his Father disliking his change of place and studies but especially of Religion sent him a Poke with a groat in it to go a begg● withall further signifying to him that he was resolved to disinh●●●● him which he also did Yet did the Lord support his spirit to preferre an heavenly before an earthly Inheritance and seeing that he had nothing else to trust to he fell close to his studies and through Gods blessing upon the same he so eminently profited in all sorts of Learning that Anno Christi 1567. being but yet Batchelour of Arts he was chosen Fellow of Christs Colledge Anno Christi 1578. he commenced Batchelour of Divinity and the same year October the 26. he preached a Sermon at Pauls Crosse which he also Printed He was chosen Lecturer at St. Clements Church in Cambridge which place he supplied about the space of sixteen years and by his Holy Learned and judicious Sermons did very much good and was succeeded therein by Mr. Michael Bentley Fellow of Christs Colledge a godly plain and profitable Preacher He was a man famous for Gravity Learning and Religion so that when Sir Walter Mildmay Counsellor of State to Queen Elizabeth Chancellor and under-Treasurer of the Exchequer Founded Emanuel Colledge Anno Christi 1584. he made choice of this man for the first Master and when Master Chaderton shewed himself not willing to undertake that great charge Sir Walter replied saying If you will not be the Master I will not be the Founder of it In the beginning of King James his reign he was one of the four Divines for the Conference at Hampton Court chosen by the Ministers that desired a Reformation in the Church Government and for his Learning and sufficiency was the same year chosen to be one of the Translators of the Bible Anno Christi 1612. when the Prince Elector Palatine came to visit Cambridge he would needs have Mr. Chaderton commence Doctor of Divinity which accordingly he did He deserved very well of Emanuel Colledge for whereas the Founder gave allowance for the maintenance of three Fellows only together with the Advouson of Stranground Rectory in Huntingtonshire near Peterburrough Dr. Chaderton procured by his friends and acquaintance allowance for twelve Fellows and above fourty Scholars of the House besides the Advousons of Auler and Northcudberry Rectories as also of the Vicaridge of Dulverton in Summersetshire Piddle-Hinton in Dorcetshire and Loughburrough in Leicestershire of the Noble Henry Hastings Earl of Huntington which Noble man was a great friend to godly Ministers After he was Master of Emanuel his manner was not to suffer any young Scholars to go into the Countrey to Preach till he had heard them first in the Colledge Chappel All his younger daies he used to expound a portion of Scripture twice a week in his Family He was married fifty three years and yet in all that time he never kept any of his Servants from Church to dresse his meat saying that he desired as much to have his servants know God as himself If at any time he had a Servant upon triall though they could do as much work as three others yet if they were given to lying or any other vice he would by no means suffer them to dwell in his house Towards his
his gifts at Battersey bringing glory to God but the devil again raised up persecution against him One Master King Church-warden of the place was offended at him because he freely reproved sinne and boldly spake against the corruptions that were then in the Church by this man he was presented into the Commissaries Court and by his means cited to appear to answer certain Articles This was about the latter end of Queen Elizabeths reign not long before the coming in of King James Upon this citation he resolved to appear and came to London and being at the door of the Commissaries house Master Egerton his faithfull and Reverend Friend by Providence passing by came to him and having saluted him told him he had heard of the opposition made against him at Battersey and asked him if he would accept of a Call to go beyond the Seas his answer was having returned thanks for his kindnesse that he could not as yet resolve him forasmuch as he stood accused at present and was resolved what ever came of it to defend those Truths that he had publiquely delivered but yet professing a willingnesse to follow Providence whithersoever the Lord should call him Appearing before the Commissary he met with courteous usage and was friendly dismissed for at this time those men feared a change to be brought in by King James Not long after this he was called by the Merchant-adventurers to be Minister to their company beyond Sea whither breaking through all discouragements he went During his abode beyond the Sea at Stoade and Hamborough which was about the space of eleven years and an half he by the advice of the godly learned erected and established Discipline in that Church God did greatly blesse his Ministry and he begat among that little company many Sons and Daughters unto God He had Communion with the Netherland-Dutch Church at Stoade and at Altenon near Hamborough and with the godly that came out of England admitting them being desirous to come to the Lords Table In his Ministry he was very searching many coming and confessing those things which he had never heard of till it came out of their own mouthes In his carriage he was affable and courteous yet grave and awfull so that many durst not for fear do those things that otherwise they were disposed to The Merchants here found the benefit by the orderly carriage of their Factors there Yet here the Devil was not quiet for one of the prime Merchants taking exceptions against his impartiall dealing in his Ministry and the order in the Church threatned by such a day naming it to have him over into England but before that day came himself was summoned by death to another place He was very charitable himself allowing something yearly towards the maintenance of the suspended Ministers here and greatly furthered charity in others By his direction and encouragement Master Jones a rich Batchelour and one of the Elders of his Church bequeathed many thousands of pounds to pious uses which to this day speaks his praise He was eminent in self-denial for being made Executour by the said Master Jones of his last Will and Testament whereby he might have gained much to himself he never rested till he had caused him to alter his Will and to place others in his room Upon the dissolving of that company of Merchants he came over into England and being disappointed of a place in London intended for him by Master Jones he went to Monmouth in Wales and for some time held the Lecture setled there Afterward a Chappel being erected at Wapping he was called to that place and became the first Minister there Here he abode to his death being holy and exemplary in his life and conversation and aboundant in labours preaching constantly thrice a week and catechizing on the Lords day besides The tendernesse of his fatherly care and love of this people he expressed all the time of his living with them but especially in the time of the great sicknesse when remaining with them he preached constantly every Lords day and the Fast dayes notwithstanding all the danger that he was in the infection in that place being much spread and very violent The Providence of God over him at that time was very remarkable For although all the Families round about him were infected and his house adjoyned to the place of Burial yet neither himself nor any of his Family were any waies smitten with it Many were his labours in private being much sought unto both for counsell and for comfort What successe God gave unto his Ministry was evident by the many souls won and built up by him He was very studious and wrote much yet was alwaies averse from publishing any thing though often requested saying that the many Books that were daily set forth hindred the study and reading of the Holy Scriptures Once he committed to the Presse a Catechism fitted for his own Congregation and before his death had finished a large Tractate of the body of Divinity which still lies by He sought the good of all and was a precious savour unto some in whose hearts to this day his memory flourishes He foresaw the ensuing distractions with a grieved heart and raised himself up to comfort by contemplating the approaching time wherein Christ and his truth and his waies shall have the preheminence His judgement concerning some hath proved true asserting often that their principles would not if they continued in them suffer them to sit down on this side Anabaptism He was a Friend of truth and peace and an Instrument of refreshing the bowels of the poor many strangers for his sake giving in largely towards their relief Having finished his course being spent with labours he quietly and comfortably ended his daies and according to his last words went unto his God Anno Christi 1643. and of his age 69. having continued his Ministry at Wapping six and twenty years The Life of Master Julines Herring who died Anno Christi 1644. IUlines Herring was born in Flamber-mayre Parish in Mountgomery-shire 1582. His Father within three years after returned with his Wife and Family into Coventry where his Ancestors had been chief officers of the City in their course almost for the space of two hundred years and where he himself also was Sheriff and Maior living and dying in good estimation there This Julines his Son having had his first education in Shropshire with Master Perkin Minister at More-Chappel his Mothers near Kinsman where he learned the Principles of Religion was brought home unto Coventry where he was trained up in Learning under Reverend Master Tovey who then was Head Schoolmaster there While he was a school-boy he was noted for his diligence in reading the holy Scriptures delighting in those Chapters especially which treat of Faith in Christ and of repentance from sin to God And even then in
his child-hood he with two or three School-fellows were so religiously disposed that on play-daies they would pray together and repeat the heads of their Catechisme with the Sermons which they heard upon the last Lords day before they went unto their Lusory exercises Thus this Timothy grew acquainted with God and his Word and the waies of Religion while he was a Child Being very well fitted for the University he was sent unto Cambridge bout the fifteenth year of his age and admitted into Sidney Colledge where he was studious and a good Proficient in Academical Learning When he was Master of Arts coming home to his Father he preached often in Coventry with very good approbation amongst those who were best affected towards the waies of Godlinesse Here he had special encouragements in the study of Divinity from Master Humphrey Fen famous for his Ministry and Non-conformity at Coventry who in the Preface to his last Will and Testament made so full and so open a Protestation against the Hierarchy and Ceremonies that the Prelatical Party would not suffer it to be put among the Records of the Court when the Will was tendred to be proved and his conscience was unsatisfied to enter into the Ministry by Episcopal subscription but through a good Providence he with Master John Ball were made Ministers by an Irish Bishop without that subscription The first place of his setled Ministry was Cawk in Derbyshire a small village whither he was called by means of his much honoured good Friend Master Arthur Hildersam and where he had good incouragements from Master Bainbridge a Gentleman there of good estate and estimation for Religion In this place which was six miles from Derby and three from Ashby de la zouch his peace and liberty was the better preserved because it was a peculiar and so not subject unto Episcopal visitation Here God was pleased to set a broad Seal to his Ministry making him an happy Instrument to build up many who were brought to Christ by Master Hildersams labours and also to turn many others from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan unto God At this time there was great scarcity of good Preachers in those parts whereupon people from twenty towns and villages flocked unto Cawk-Chappel as Doves to the windows every Sabbath day where more congregated especially in summer and in afternoons then the Chappel could contain yet standing at the windows without they might hear the Sermons preached and Scriptures read because Master Herrings voice was clear and strong Hither great companies came in the morning with joyfull expectation of wholesome soul-provisions here they continued all day with cheerfulnesse some bringing their victuals from home with them and others going to a third ordinary provided purposely for the refreshing of strangers and they went from hence in the evening in companies repeating the Sermons and singing Psalms in their return home Here amongst many others Master Simeon Ashe received some of his first impressions and bents towards Religion whom Master Herring loved from his childhood and who lived in his heart and Prayers unto his death And this is a matter considerable that few if any in those parts who were hopefully brought unto God and by the Ministry of Master Hildersam and Master Herring have been turned aside into the by-paths of errour and separation in these broken dividing times but they continue sound in their judgements and holy in their conversations well remembring the principles whereof they were well instructed and grounded by those two Worthies their Fathers in Christ. When he had continued at Cawke about the space of eight years he was forced from thence for Non-conformity by the Prelatical power being informed against by ill-affected men who maligned the great service which he did and envied the great respect which he had in those parts Before he removed from thence the Lord provided for him a most gracious yoak-fellow who was no discouragement but an encouragement rather unto him alwaies both in his services and sufferings for Christ and his cause His Wife was the third Daughter of Master Gellibrand sometimes Preacher to the English company at Flushing in Holland and Grand-child to that man of God Master John Oxenbridge Minister of Southam in Warwickshire and afterwards of Bablick in Coventry where he died and as she came out of a godly stock so she hath expressed and still doth expresse the power of godlinesse in every condition and relation of her life to Gods honour By her he had thirteen Children and as they were happily mutually helpfull in the waies of holinesse so it was their joynt care to educate their posterity in the nurture and fear of the Lord. They were taught the Principles of Religion from their childhood and their tender good Mother according to their Fathers appointment caused them to learn the Proverbs of Solomon by heart Neither was this gracious care in vain for the blossomes and fruits of grace sweetly appear in their lives to the comfort of their Parents and Christian Friends And here this one thing is notable and imitable in this worthy man in reference to his Children viz. That ever before he gave them correction he endeavoured to convince them of their sin against God and sought by tears and prayers for Gods blessing upon that means for their good When the course of his Ministry was interrupted at Cawk and there was no hope of his peaceable continuance there God by means of Master William Rowley a wise religious man and his faithfull Friend was pleased to open a door for the more publique exercise of his Ministry in Shrewsbury Here he preached at Alkmares Church every Tuesday morning and upon the Sabbath also so long as liberty was allowed which Sermon was at one a clock that neither the Ministers of the town might be offended nor other Congregations emptyed by the peoples flocking unto his Ministry The Sermon which he preached on the Lords day he repeated it the same night before Supper at the houses of Master Edward Jones Master George Wright and Master William Rowley by course and whereas some spies were usually sent thither crowding in with the company to pick quarrels he behaved himself so prudently and prayed alwaies so affectionately for the King and present Government that his adversaries gave this testimony of him viz. Though he be scrupulous in matter of Ceremony yet he is a loyal subject unto the King and a true Friend unto the State Beside the great good service which was now done in Salop by his Ministry and private conferences with Christians in reference unto him many other Ministers had the more frequent recourse unto the town Master Pierson Master Nicols c. who were put upon preaching once or oftner before they departed thence whereby knowledge was much increased and the power of Godlinesse much cherished and promoted there But Satan maligning those opportunities of service unto Christ some envious ill-affected
wany regards was judged inexpedient he removed with his Wife and such of his Family who were not disposed of elsewhere unto Wrenbury in Cheshire where he sojourned with his Wives dear Sister Mistresse Nicolls a godly woman the Widdow of worthy Master Robert Nicolls who had been very famous in those parts both for his labours and great abilities of whom this true character may be given He was a man who had a clear head and a tender heart who led an holy life and abounded in the work of the Lord. Here Master Herring lived privately and comfortably under the Ministry of his good Friend Master William Peartree doing what service he could by comforting afflicted consciences and confirming the hearts of Gods people in the Faith of the Gospel as opportunities were offered Before any further progresse be made in making known his call unto Amsterdam here may seasonably be inserted the description given by a Reverend Neighbour Minister which is as followeth Whereas you desire my opinion in writing concerning that Reverend and Religious man of God Master Herring deceased The truth is I fear my Pen may rather darken his Honour then my Pensil can draw out his Character yet as the Martyr counted it a great mercy to be cast into prison if it were but to see the face of that blessed Angel of God Master Bradford so I have look't on it as no small happinesse that the Lord in his Providence did cast me into these parts to see the face and hear the voice of Master Herring that blessed Angel of a Church in Salop. And I blesse God that I had some intimate acquaintance with him and knew his Doctrine manner of life c. as Timothy did Pauls 2 Epist. 3.10 And I should wrong him if I should withhold this just testimony He was one of whom the world was not worthy a Messenger one of a thousand a faithfull Minister of Jesus Christ A Boanerges a sonne of thunder to brawny-hearted sinners A Barnabas a sonne of consolation to broken-hearted sinners As sweet a grace he had in Elocution as ever I heard man in the Pulpit whose gift of utterance did set a fair glosse on all his holy Sermons Another Apollos eloquent and mighty in the Scriptures and you know the common saying Bonus textualis bonus Theologus His Sermons preached in the Congregation were printed in his conversation In Doctrine shewing incorruptness gravity sincerity for he was a pious and learned Divine and in life shewing himself a Pattern of good works free from visible blame saving humane unavoidable infirmities none could say justly black was his eye He was indued with an admirable gift of Prayer and was frequently imployed in daies of private humiliation even then when meetings in that kind were branded with the odious names of Conventicles yet the perils to which he rendred himself obnoxious could not stave him off from opening his window with Daniel toward Jerusalem He was very fruitfull in conference discreet in carriage and cheerfull and couragious in his sufferings of which this good old Non-conformist had his share And when every door was barr'd and no hope left to enjoy his publique liberty he left the land of his Nativity and on a clear call went into the Netherlands where after some years spent in the work of the Lord this bright star did set to the no little sorrow of his dear Christian Friends c. This faithfull Servant of Christ had many invitations into New-England but received not satisfaction in his spirit to transplant himself thither Afterwards in the latter end of the year 1636 he was propounded by some friends unto Master Rulice who was sent from the English Reformed Church in Amsterdam unto London to provide a Minister to succeed Master John Paget as a man most meet to undertake that place For the case there was this viz. Master John Paget whose works praise him in the gate being through old age rendred unable to uphold his wonted work in that Reformed Congregation was eased of his Pastoral attendance there though the Lords of the City according to their commendable custom continued his competent maintenance till his death therefore Master Rulice his Colleague was employed to find out an Assistant This motion made known to Master Herring was the rather hearkened unto because his suspension from preaching was a burthen to his active spirit and he espied no ground of hope that he should ever be suffered by the Prelates to enjoy his much-desired liberty in England any more Hereupon coming up to London after much seeking of God and serious consulting with godly Brethren he was perswaded that this call came from God and therefore might not be gainsaid Now having resolved in the pursuance of this Providence to leave England amongst other difficulties to be encountred he was much affected with a double conflict the one relating unto his Manuscripts the other unto his near and much endeared Friends He had many papers and letters which he much prized containing both the spiritual breathings of gracious hearts and matters of great concernment and those he durst not adventure to take with him fearing a search nor yet did he judge it safe to leave them because he knew not into what hands they might come therefore upon advice he burnt many writings though both then and afterwards he did with tears think of that Letter martyrdome for so he called it wherein many of the best thoughts of his dearest friends were committed to the flames If this was so grievous then let the Reader guesse with what grief of heart this thought was entertained that now he must leave thousands of his precious Friends without any hope of seeing their faces any more in the land of the living And truly his labours and his lovely conversation had gained him multitudes of Friends in every Countrey and corner where he was known for no man was more generally and intirely affected by all sorts who feared God then good Master Herring Although it be not possible to give a particular account of the Gentry and Ministry most eminent for Religion who highly prized and heartily loved him yet the vertuous Lady Margaret Bromley who then dwelt at Sheriff Hales in Shropshire deserves an honourable remembrance because she was a constant and unparallel'd favourer of all good Ministers and People being both tender-hearted and open-handed towards such who suffered under Prelatical pressures and otherwise and at her house the most famous Ministers in all neighbour Countries had hearty welcomes with manifold sweet opportunities of service unto God and of mutuall edification Besides the frequent soul-helps which the Parishoners of the Congregation to which she was related had upon Sabbath daies for her sake there were few Holy-daies daies of vacancy from worldy businesses in the year wherein they had not one Sermon at least preached by some able Minister of Jesus Christ amongst whom Master Pierson Master Ball Master
but even formerly from his first undertaking a Pastoral charge at what time it may well be supposed to have been a thing both of greater difficulty and danger then of late years to keep off unworthy receivers from prophaneing that holy Ordinance In order hereunto his first work was to abate as much as might be the number of ignorant people by perswading them to be willing to receive instruction which with much care and diligence he was ready to afford unto them in such waies as is before expressed Which though a difficult work was yet carried on with so great successe through Gods blessing on his endeavours that in his Parish of Ashwel where was no small number of people he had in a short time brought them to so great a measure of knowledge that there was either none or very few either old or young who were not able to give a good account of the principles of Religion When he had once prevailed with them to be so far sensible of their own ignorance as to be willing and desirous to learn it wa● then no hard matter to perswade such of their own accord to forbear a while till they had attained so much knowledge as that they might come with comfort which would be so much the sooner according as they were more diligent in labouring to attain knowledge When they had attained a competent measure of knowledge if their lives were answerable and not obnoxious to just exception or at least they willing to redresse what was amisse and ready to follow such good advice and directions as were given them for the ordering their conversations aright towards God and man there was then no reason why they should be longer debarred but rather such good beginnings cherished and encouraged yet with cautions frequently inculcated to beware of hypocrisie and formality and not to rest in these beginnings but to presse forward to perfection But in case they did either obstinately refuse Instruction or notwithstanding their knowledge were scandalous and incorrigible or such as in point of conversation he could not judge fit to be admitted to that Ordinance Then probably they would either be found such as were obnoxious to such scandals as might endanger a more publique prosecution and so curst not be refractory or else by the conviction of their own consciences when the danger of unworthy receiving should be laid open to them or by friendly perswasions from himself or others or by the reverence and awe of his holy and grave carriage and ministerial authority backed with the concurrence of others amongst them eminent for worth and Piety or for fear of being shamed in case they should be openly reproved or refused in the face of the Congregation or upon some other the like consideration would be perswaded to forbear in case he judged them as yet unfit to be admitted to that Ordinance So that scarce any whom he judged utterly unfit have ever peremptorily pressed upon him to partake of it And by these means even in times of greatest danger was he able to avoid the mixture of prophane and unworthy persons at the Lords Table Hereunto his naturally courteous and affable disposition did much conduce whereby he could with the more ease gain accesse both to the persons and affections of all sorts of people together with an excellent mixture of meeknesse and courage which being managed with singular Prudence and indefatigable industry enabled him happily to carry on that difficult work which might otherwise seem almost insuperable And by the same courteous and prudent carriage he obtained a like interest in the affections of his people both at Dukes-place and Westminster Insomuch as those who were fit to be admitted to that Sacrament were either otherwise sufficiently known to him by his conversing with them or else would willingly upon that occasion approve themselves to him both in point of knowledge and conversation And others who were unfit nor cared to attain a fitnesse for it would rather of their own accord forbear then venture the hazard of being refused By means whereof himself and some hundrds of godly persons who did communicate with him could with great comfort joyn in that holy Communion and Fellowship On the 11 of April in the year 1644. he was constituted Master of Queens Colledge in Cambridge by the Earl of Manchester then employed by Ordinance of Parliament for th● reforming of that University He had a great influence upon the general Reformation of that University and by his advice and counsell did very much help forward that work exciting also and encouraging others therein notwithstanding the difficulties in the way that were represented as almost invincible and did improve all that interest which he had both in that Noble and Religious Earl of Manchester and in the Assembly of Divines who were to give their approbation to all such as should be put into the places of such as were ejected in that University whether Masters or Fellows that all possible care and circumspection might be used that such only as were both learned and religious might be commended to or approved for those places lest in stead of those that were cast out others as bad as they should succeed them as well in their vices as their places But more especially in reference to that place to the Government whereof he was designed whereof also he had formerly been a Fellow it cannot easily be believed how exceeding circumspect he was how cautious and wary in the choice of those who as Fellows were to joyn with him in the Government that they might be learned pious and unanimous The happy effect of which care in so quiet and peaceable establishment of that society as could not easily be expected in so troublesome a time was to the great astonishment and amazement of all even of those that hated them and hath had a very great influence upon that happy and flourishing condition thereof ever since What his aime was in that place did continually appear by his constant expressions and Prayers which sounded of nothing more then the advancement of Religion and Learning And he was as true to those expressions in his continued endeavours and actings His first and main care was the advancement of Religion and practical Piety knowing that where this took place a conscionable improvement of time in other things could not well be wanting This made him extraordinary sollicitous for the constant presence of the whole society at the publique Worship of God which he did carefully look to when he was present amongst them and was usually one of the last things he gave in charge to all the Students when his more publique employments at the Assembly called him away and whereof he was very inquisitive in his absence He took care also for the constant instruction not only of the young Scholars but likewise of all the Colledge-Servants in the principles of Religion The exercises of Common-places or Sermons in the
meeting of the godly where there was a Sermon and the Sacrament to be administred after Sermon he requested those that were present that they would not be offended at his weaknesse but that they would pray to the Lord for him and then requested the Minister that he would a little more explain himself about the Sacrament which he willingly did and having by sundry texts of Scripture shewed that Christ is received only Spiritually and Sacramentally therein he concluded with that of St. Augustine Manducare cibum qui non perit sed permanent ad vitam est credere in Christum Et Quid paras dentem ventrem crede manducasti Item Nolite parare fauces sed cor Christ is to be fed upon not with our mouths but with our faith c. Our Admirall being much satisfied with this discourse gave thanks first to God then to that Minister and Congregation and shortly after was himself partaker of that holy Sacrament the same whereof when it was once spread abroad in France it cannot be believed what joy and consolation it brought to the Churches of Christ for though till that time the true worshippers of God had many Laws made against them by the Kings and Parliaments though they were daily dragged to prisons torments and death so that they were forced to hold all their meetings in secret yet was true Religion after a wonderfull manner dispersed through all the Provinces of France and the Popish party found by experience that the more they sought to suppresse and extinguish the light of Gods Word and the Professors of it the more it daily encreased Not long after fell out the tumult at Amboise and the conspiracy of the Nobility against the Guises whose pride and insolency the Princes of France could no longer bear with Of this number was the Prince of Conde and the King of Navarre his Brother Whereupon the Guises procured an Edict from the King whereby a meeting of the Nobility was appointed at Fontainbleau especially to treat about matters of Religion and when the day came which was Aug. 24. 1560. the King requested those that were present to deliver their opinions Whereupon the Admirall rising out of his seat humbly presented the King with two Supplications under this title The humble Supplications of those who in severall parts of your Majesties Kingdom do truly and purely serve God These Supplications were delivered to Albespine the Kings Secretary who publiquely read them This bold fact of the Admirall was much wondered at considering the Kings bitter enmity against that Religion and the great power of the Guises The summe of those Petitions was this They which purely and sincerely serve God taking this fit opportunity do humbly beseech your Majesty that of your clemency you will be pleased to pity a great number of our Subjects who unto this day are miserably afflicted tormented and wasted for the cause of Religion in all your Provinces We humbly beg of you that you will not be grieved to take cognisance of our cause and to appoint that the Scripture may be the judge in these great controversies whereby it will easily appear how much we do abhor heresie which hitherto hath been laid to our charge as also how falsly we have been charged with sedition when we never used force or arms to defend our selves but ever thought it our duty in our greatest extremities only to have recourse to your Majesties clemency Our humble request therefore to your Majesty is that you would be pleased to restrain our persecutors by whose means there is no part of your Majesties Kingdom which in these late years hath not been defiled with the blood of your innocent Subjects Our case hath been miserable when we have been forced to plead our cause before the Popes Clients and Pensioners rather then before equall and indifferent Judges Our humble request therefore is that you would be pleased favourably to look upon so many Families who have alwaies acknowledged you for our gracious Lord and King and according to Gods command have honoured and obeyed you and shall be ready if occasion be offered to spend our lives for your dignity and service and therefore we think it but equal that our lives and welfare should be protected against the rage of our cruel and bloody adversaries We further pray that some publique places may be allowed us where our Ministers may Preach the Word of God sincerely and Administer the Sacraments truly that our Religion being no longer concealed we may be freed from those false calumnies which our adversaries have hitherto cast upon us And we shall ever pray c. After these Supplications were read there were great debates but little about Religion great complaints being made of the Kings debts and consideration had how the same might be discharged Hereupon our Admirall spake freely and boldly against the Forces raised by the Guises under the pretence of a guard for the King as if he needed such a guard in the heart of his own Kingdom whereas the Authority of the Kings name in France is so sacred and powerfull that thereby the meanest Constable is able to suppresse any tumult whatsoever This free speech of his extreamly vexed the Guises who hated him so much the more for it Some others propounded that there might be a publique Convention of the States called as the only means to cure the distempers of France which though some had laboured to discredit and so had caused an intermission of it for eighty seven years yet it had alwaies been exceeding advantagious to the Kingdom as the Parliaments in England consisting of three States had alwaies been there whereby the English Kings had been enabled to make such powerfull Invasions of France Shortly after King Francis the second dying his younger Brother Charles the ninth succeeded and thereupon the former request was renewed for calling a Convention of all the States At this time Catherine of Medice was the Queen Mother a Florentine by birth to whom the education of the young King and the care of his person was committed according to the ancient custom of France but she was not suffered to have any thing to do with the Government of the Kingdom and hereupon the Guises who for a long time had been powerfull at Court intruded themselves into that Office And at that time many of the Nobility proceeded cruelly to torment and afflict those of the Religion whereupon there was great fear lest some new Commotions should be raised in the Kingdom But the Queen Mother pretended favour towards them for which cause our Admirall endeavoured and at last effected that she should be joyned in Commission with Anthony King of Navarr who was made Protector during the Kings Minority This many wise men disliked and opposed saying that in the stories of former times it did appear that the Government was never committed to the Queen Mother especially
of Spain which the King made such use of that the Admirall thence collected arguments of his greater good will towards him That they must use such artifices whilst they expected an opportunity to effect what was resolved on That the King of Spain was throughly acquainted with all these proceedings that so he might suspect nothing by reason of those great preparations which were made for Warre for he was assured that this was done upon good grounds as subservient to the principal end That therefore he desired the Cardinall that whatsoever he had heard or should hear hereafter yet he should assure himself that the King would never depart from his first purpose and that whatsoever he did did but conduce to hasten the end of their Counsels and that both the King Queen-Mother and the Duke of Anjou were all very solicitous for this thing and that as soon as ever the businesse should be effected they would instantly send away Messengers to acquaint Lorraine with it And as for the businesse of the Prince of Navarrs marriage they hoped that it would quickly be effected for this was ro begin all their future designs c. He that sent these Letters to the Admirall hoped that he would have been warned by them to look to himself and his affairs but he had such a strong confidence of the Kings love and good will towards him which also was daily nourished in him by his Son-in-law Teligni that he which was most provident and sharp-sighted in all others businesses was fatally blind in this In the beginning of May 1571. the King desired the Queen of Navarr to go to Paris to provide all things necessary for the marriage where she arrived the fifteenth day of the same moneth and the fourth day of June she fell sick of a feavour whereof she died five daies after to the extream grief and sorrow of all her Servants and Friends Two daies before her death being in perfect memory she made a most Christian Testament and last Will finishing her course with singular piety and joy in God She was a Princesse of great experience by reason of her manifold adversities in all which she shewed an invincible constancy and heroicall greatnesse of courage most affectionate to her Religion very carefull of the education of her children training them up in the fear of God In her words most grave and full of motherly affections to them She had a ready and well advised wit was pitifull and easie to be intreated constantly maintained that which she judged to be good and agreeable to the will and good pleasure of God She had a great vivacity of spirit whereby she was able to comprehend all her affairs and had a lively grace in representing them either by word or writing She died June 9. 1572. and of her age 44. It was believed that she was poysoned by the smell of certain perfumes the Doctors and Chyrurgions which opened her were commanded not to open her brain where the mischief lay and therefore could not determine about the cause of her death The Admirrll in this time was at his house aa Castallion where he received many Letters and Messages from the King to come to him and because he stirred not the King sent Cavagnes and Briquemaud to fetch him that they might come to a conclusion about the Warres in Flanders and special commandment was given to the Provost of Merchants and other chief men that at the Admirals coming to Paris there should be no affronts done him About the same time the Admirall had many advertisements from his Friends both within and without the Realm that though he could not conceive any sinister opinion of the King his Mother or Brother that yet at least he would consider into what place he was about to thrust himself amongst so many implacable enemies But he resting upon the testimony of a good conscience and the providence of God rejected all those counsels as proceeding from mens covetousnesse or desire of new troubles which he abhorred worse then death and therefore taking a small train with him he went to Paris and was very honourably intertained by the King Queen-Mother the Kings Brethren and others to the great astonishment of the whole City At the Admirals coming to Paris amongst other Letters that were brought to him there was one that gave him these warnings Remember the Popish Maxime confirmed by the Authority of Councils That faith is not to be kept with Hereticks in which number the Protestants are accounted Remember the implacable spirits of the Papists at this time irritated by the last Warres There is no doubt but it is the fixed purpose of the Queen-Mother to destroy the Protestants by any means whatsoever Consider that she is an Italian of a most crafty wit born of the Progeny of Popes who contrives all extream things against her enemies Remember in what School the King hath been brought up from his childhood how he hath been taught to swear and forswear To pollute himself with whoredomes and adulteries To compose his countenance To counterfeit Faith and Religion How he hath been accustomed to cruelty and bloodshed How he hath been taught not to suffer above one Religion in his Kingdom How it hath been whispered into his ears That the Protestants seek to dispoil him of his life and Kingdom That he is not bound to keep Covenants made with armed Subjects That he is taught the Mysteries of State Policy Remember that Commodus caused Julianus to be slain whom he pretended to honour and imbrace as a Father That Antoninus Caracalla under the pretence of a Muster caused all the chief youths of the City to be slain That Lysander under the pretence of friendship commanded the throats of four hundred Milesians to be cut That lately Atonius Spinola invited all the chief men of Corsica to a Banquet where they were all slain That Christian King of Denmark used the same art to commit that horrid massacre at Stockholme c. That the Kings speech to his Mother at Blois was no secret when swearing fearfully he asked her whether he had not carried himself well at the coming of the Queen of Navarr To whom she answered That he had begun well but that would profit little unlesse he went on But I quoth he swearing often will bring them all into the net Wherefore if you be wise haste both out of the Court and City with all speed as out of a most impure sink The Admirall having read this Letter though he were offended yet lest he should seem to neglect the prayers and warnings of his Friends he returned this answer That there was no place left any longer for these suspitions That he was verily perswaded that so great perfidiousnesse could not enter into the heart of so good a King That indeed the Duke of Anjou was more estranged from the Protestants but that hatred would by degrees cease by