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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19932 Le primer report des cases & matters en ley resolues & adiudges en les courts del Roy en Ireland. Collect et digest per Sr. Iohn Dauys Chiualer Atturney Generall del Roy en cest realme; Reports des cases & matters en ley, resolves & adjudges en les courts del roy en Ireland Davies, John, Sir, 1569-1626. 1615 (1615) STC 6361; ESTC S107361 165,355 220

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lastly they pray and require the King by way of Iustice to examine all the Lords in Parliament what they thought of these manifest wrongs and vsurpations and whether they would stand with the King in desence of his Royall liberties or no which the King did according to their petition and the Lords Spirituall and Temporall did all answere that these vsurpations of the Bishop of Rome were against the liberties of the Crowne and that they were all bound by their alleageance to stand with the King and to mantaine his honor and prerogatiue And therevppon it was enacted with a full consent of the three Estates that such as should purchase in the Court of Rome or elsewhere any Bulls or Processes or other things which might touch the King in his Crowne and dignitie Royall and such as should bring them into the Realme and such as should receaue them publish them or execute them they their Notaries Proctors Mantainors and Counsellors should bee all out of the Kings protection their lands and goods forfeited to the King their bodies attached if they might bee sound or else processe of Praemunire facias to bee awarded against them Vppon these motiues and with this affection and zeale of the people was the statute of 16. Rich 2 made wherevppon wee haue framed our inditement Now let vs looke higher and see whether the former lawes made by King Edw 3. and King Edw. 1. against the vsurpation of the Bishop of Rome were not grounded vppon the like cause and reason The effect of the statut of 38. Edw. 3 cap. 1. The statute of 38. Edw. 3. cap. 1. expressing the mischiefes that did arise by B●●eues of citation which drewe the bodies of the people and by Bulls of prouision and reseruation of Ecclesiasticall benefices which drewe the wealth of the Realme to the Court of Rome doth declare that by these meanes the auncient lawes customes and franchises of the Realme were consounded the Crowne of our Soueraigne Lord the King deminished and his person falsely defamed the Treasure and riches of the land carried away the Subiects of the Realme molested and impouerished the benefices of holy Church wasted and distroyed Diuine seruice Hospitalitie Almesdeeds and other workes of Charitie neglected The statute of 27. Ed. 3. cap. 1. Againe 27 Edw 3 cap. 1. vppon the greeuous and clamorous complaint for that phrase is there vsed of the great men and Commons touching Citations and Prouisions it is enacted that the offendors shall forfeit their lands goods and Chattels and their bodies bee imprisoned and ransomed at the Kings will The statute of 25 Ed. 3. reciting the statute of 25. Ed. 1 But in the statute of 25. Edw. 3. wherein the first lawe against Prouisors made 25. Edw. 1. is recited there is a larger declaration of these inconueniences then in the two last Actes before mentioned For there all the Commons of the Realme doe greuously complaine that where the holy Church of England was first founded in estate of Prelacio by the Kings and Nobilitie of that Realme and by them endowed with great possessions and reuenewes in lands rents and Aduowsons to the end the people might bee informed in Religion Hospitality might bee kept and other works of Charitie might bee exercised within the Realme And whereas the King and other founders of the said Prelacies were the rightfull Patrons and Adowees thereof and vppon avoydance of such Ecclesiasticall promotions had power to aduance therevnto their kinsemen friends and other learned men of the birth of that Realme which being so aduanced became able and worthy persons to serue the King in Counsell and other places in the Common-weale The Bishop of Rome vsurping the Seigniory of such possessions and benefices did giue and graunt the same to Aliens which did neuer dwell in England and to Cardinals which might not dwell there as if hee were rightfull Patron of those benefices whereas by the lawe of England hee neuer had right to the Patronage thereof whereby in short time all the spirituall promotions in the Realme would bee ingrossed into the hands of Strangers Canonicall Elections of Prelats would be abolished workes of Charity would cease the founders true Patrōs of Churches would be disenherited the Kings Counsell would bee weak'ned the whole kingdome impouerished the lawes rights of the Realme destroyed Vppon this complaint it was resolued in Parliament that these oppressions greeuances should not be suffted in any manner thereore it was enacted that the King his Subiects should thenceforth enioy thei rights of Patronage that free elections of Archbishops Bishops and other Prelates electiue should bee made according to the auncient graunts of the Kings progenitors other founders that no Bulls of Prouision should be put in execution but that the Prouisors should be attached fined ransomed at the Kings will withall imprisoned till they had renounced the benefits of their Bulls satisfied the partie greeued and giuen suerties not to committ the like offence againe These lawes made by such as did professe the Romish Religion Nowe Maister Lalor what thinke you of these things did you beleeue that such lawes as these had beene made against the Pope 200. 250. 300. yeares since was King Henr. 8. the first Prince that opposed the Popes vsurped authority were our Protestants the first Subiects that euer complained of the Court of Rome of what Religion thinke you were the propoundors and enactors of these lawes were they good Catholikes or good Subiects or what were they You will not say they were Protestants for you will not admitt the reformed Religion to bee so auncient as those times neither can you say they were vndutiefull for they stroue to vpohold their liege Lords Soueraignety Doubtelesse the people in those daies did generally embrace the vulgar errours and superstitions of the Romish Church and in that respect were Papists as well as you but they had not learned the newe doctrine of the Popes Supremacie and transcendent authority ouer Kings They did not beleeue hee had power to depose Princes and discharge Subiects of their alleageance to abrogate the fundamentall lawes of kingdomes and to impose his Canons as binding lawes vppon all nations without their consents they thought it a good point of Religion to bee good Subiects to honor their King to loue their country and to mantaine the lawes and liberties thereof howsoeuer in other points they did e●re and were mislead with the Church of Rome So as now Maister Lalor you haue no excuse no euasion but your conscience must condemne you as well as the lawe since the lawemakers in all ages and all religious Papists and Protestants doe condemne you vnlesse you thinke your selfe wifer then all the Bishops that were then in England or all the Iudges who in those daies were learned in the Ciuill and Canon lawes as well as in the Common lawes of England Lawes against Pro●isors made in Ireland But you being
Breeue hee was constituted Vicar generall of the Sea of Rome and tooke vppon him the stile and title of vicar generall in the said seuerall dioceses 3 That hee did exercise Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction as Vicar generall of the Sea of Rome by instituting diuers persons to benefices with cure of soules by graunting dispensations in causes Matrimoniall by pronouncing sentences of diuorce betwene diuers married persons and by doing all other actes and things pertayning to Episcopall iurisdiction within the said seuerall Dioceses against our Souerainge Lord the King his Crowne and dignitie Royall and in contempt of his Maiestie and disherison of his Crowne and contrary to the forme and effect of the statute c. To this inditement Lalor pleaded not guiltie and when the issue was to bee tried the name and reputation of the man and the nature of the cause drewe all the principall gentlemen both of the Pale and Prouinces that were in towne to the hearing of the matter At what time a substantiall lury of the Cittie of Dublin being sworne for the triall and the points of the Inditement being opened and set forth by the Kings Seriant the Atturney generall thought it not impertinent but very necessary before hee descended to the perticular enidence against the prisoner to informe and satisfie the hearers in two points Why Lalor was indited vppon the old statute of 16 R. 2. 1 What reason moued vs to grounde this inditement vppon the olde statute of 16 Richard 2. rather then vppon some other later lawe made since the time of King Henr. 8. 2 What were the true causes of the making of this lawe of 16. Rich. and other former lawes against Prouisors and such as did appeale to the Court of Rome in those times when both the Prince and people of England did for the most part acknowledge the Pope to be the thirteenth Apostle and only oracle in matters of Religion and did followe his doctrine in most of those points wherein wee now dissent from him 1 For the first poynt wee did purposely forbeare to proceede against him vppon any latter law to the end that such as were ig●onorant might bee enformed that long before King Henr 8. was borne diuers lawes were made against the vsurpat●on of the Bishop of Rome vppon the rights of of the Crowne of England welny as sharpe and as seuere as any statutes which haue beene made in later times and that therefore wee made choyse to proceede vppon a lawe made more then 200. yeares past when the King the Lords and Commons which made the lawes and the Iudges which did interpret the lawes did for the most part follow the same opinions in Religion which were taught and held in the Court of Rome the tre● causeof making the stattute of 〈◊〉 R 2 other statuts against pouisors 2 For the second poynt the causes that moued and almost enforced the English nation to make this and other statutes of the same nature were of the greatest importance that could possible arise in any state For these lawes were made to vphold and maintaine the Soueraingtie of the King the liberty of the people the common lawe and the common-weale which otherwise had beene vndermined and viterly ruined by the vsurpation of the Bishop of Rome For albeit the Kings of England were absolute Emperours within their Dominions and had vnder them as learned a Prelacie and Cleargie as valiant and prudent a Nobility as free and wealthy a Commonalty as any was then in Christendome yet if wee looke into the stories and records of these two Imperiall kingdomes wee shall finde that if these lawes of Prouision and Praemunire had not beene made they had lost the name of Imperiall and of Kingdomes too and had beene long since made Tributary Prouinces to the Bishop of Rome or rather part of S. Peters patrimony in demesne Our Kings had had their Scepters wrested out of their hands their Crownes spurned of from their heads their neckstrod vppon they had beene made Laquaies or footmen to the Bishop of Rome as some of the Emperours and French Kings were our Prelats had beene made his chaplaines and Clearks our Nobilitie his vassals and seruants our Commons his slaues and villaines if these Acts of manu-mission had not freed them In a word before the making of these Lawes the flourishing Crowne and Common-wealth of England was in extreame danger to haue beene brought into most miserable seruitude and slauery vnder collour of religion and deuotion to the Sea of Rome And this was not onely seene and felt by the King and much repined at and protested against by the Nobility but the Commons the generall multitude of the Subiects did exclame and crie out vppon it The statuts of praemunire made at praier of the commōs For the Commons of England may bee an example vnto all other Subiects in the world in this that they haue euer beene tender and sensible of the wrongs and dishonors offred vnto their Kings and haue euer contended to vphold and maintaine their honor and Soueraigntie And their faith and loyaltie hath beene generally such though euery age hath brought forth some particular monsters of disloyaltie as no pretence of zeale or religion cold euer withdrawe the greater part of the Subiects to submitt themselues to a foreine yoke no not when Popery was in her height and exaltation whereof this Act and diuers other of the same kinde are cleare and manifest testimonies For this Act of 16. Richard 2. was made at the prayer of the Commons which prayer they make not for themselues neither shew they their owne selfe loue therein as in other Bills which containe their greeuances but their loue and zeale to the King and his Crowne When after the Norman Conquest they importuned their Kings for the great Charter they sought their owne liberties and in other bills preferred commonly by the Commons against Shiriffs Escheators Purueyors or the like they seeke their owne profit and ease but heere their petition is to the King to make a lawe for the defence and maintenance of his owne honor The effect of the statut of 16. R. 2. cap. 5. They complaine that by Bulls and processes from Rome the King is depriued of that iurisdiction which belongeth of right to his Imperiall Crowne that the King doth loose the seruice and counsell of his Prelats and learned men by translations made by the Bishop of Rome That the Kings lawes are defeated at his will the Treasure of the Realme is exhausted and exported to enrich his Court and that by those meanes the Crowne of England which hath euer beene free and subiect vnto none but immediatly vnto God should be submitted vnto the Bishop of Rome to the vtter destruction of the King and the whole Realme which God defend say they and therevppon out of their exceeding zeale and feruencie they offer to liue and die with the king in defence of the liberties of the Crowne And