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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07659 A declaration of the protestation of Monseigneur the Mareschal d'Anuille Montmorency, Henri, duc de, 1534-1614. 1575 (1575) STC 18051.7; ESTC S4789 5,010 15

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occasion whereof and of the discontentmente that my sayd Lord gaue to wite that he cōceiued thereby he is at this day as captiue all those that were thought affectioned to the seruice of the King and to mainteine that which iustly belonged vnto him and to my sayd Lorde his brother or whiche haue bent themselues against this tyrannie oppression and euell counsell as well Princes of the blood officers of his Maiesties crowne as other haue been put to death exiled or be deteined prisoners Hauing be on all that they were able vnder false and sclanderous persuasions in the same time of the others emprisonemente they haue practised to cause vs to be slayne by the Counte Martinnengues and diuerse other expresly sent to this towne of Montpellier to make vs to be prisoned or to be murdered in a tumulte of the people a thing so commonly knowen as euerie man can depose it howbeit this is a particular matter wher with we will not now entermedle dealing onely with the generall and referryng this to time and place for vs conuenient to debate this cause and all the rest concerning vs and to make it knowen to his Maiestie that without iust occasion this mischeuous treason and conspiracie hath been attempted Now we hauing lately iorneyed into Piedmont to his Maiesties presence by his commaundement at suche tyme as he returned frō Poloigne into his owne Realme to vnderstand his good pleasure and to geue him aduise as he required vs by writing from Venize of the meanes that then were to appease the troubles of his Realme accordyng to his inclination to so good intent by hymself sufficiently published and made knowen to his subiectes to Princes and Potentates straungers and his allies his Maiestie had diuerse tymes doen vs so greate honour to assure vs of this his so sincere and laudable intention to enter with peace and to embrace the vnitie of his sayd subiectes of bothe Religions to make them partakers of the benefite and quietnesse that he meant to them in suche sorte that we loked for nothing but this vniuersall good at our returne from the towne of Suze to this our gouernement there to attend as his Maiestie had expresly commaunded vs for these whome it shoulde please him to send to assist vs to seke the meanes of the sayd pacification But he being still in the power of those that had counselled the late King to the oppression and ruine of his Estates hindering the fruite of his good purpose they haue contemned as they yet dayly do continue the execution of their practises and deuises consuming wholy the finaunces of France in the entertening of an armie in a maner all of straungers as Suyssers Reisters and Piedmontois One part of whiche armye is cōducted into this countrey of Languedoc by the lord d'Vzes a man knowen among Frenchemen for one that vnder colour of the Religion reformed whiche he fained hymself to follow in times past hath ruined spoiled and sacked all the good townes of this coūtrey defaced and beaten downe all the faire monasteries and Churches cathedral and collegiate and taken and robbed the iewelles that were in them whiche now fayling him therewith also haue fayled his religion and godlinesse that he pretended to embrase and also the cruel and miserable death of the lord of Bodinay his brother and he hath accepted this charge to the intent to cōtinue with these oppressers and disturbers of France the ruine thereof On the other side into Prouence is conducted a part of the sayd armye by the Mareschal of Gondy a straunger to this Realme to whome this charge as it is easy to perceiue hath been committed for the distrust that hath been had of those of that contreye whiche wolde be executioners of so mischeuous purposes for the subuersion of the same Wherupon hauyng been made to vs sondry declarations and exhortations as well on the behalf of the Princes of the blood officers of the Crowne and Pairs of Fraunce as also of all the prouinces of this Realme whiche know the imminent destruction of the King and of his estate at hād if necessarie remedie thereto be not spedily prouided We as an officer of the Crowne a naturall Frencheman and descended of the first Christians and barons of Fraunce whiche from time beyond all memorie haue had before their eyes in singular recommandation the protection preseruation and defense of their Kinges their Crownes whiche we desire by the helpe of God to follow in all that we possibly may Hauing well considered that the cōtrouersie which is in this Realm for matter of Religion neither can nor ought to be determined by armes but by a holy and free coūsell general or national and likewise that it is most requisite that there be an establishment of all things in their first estate by the aduise and deliberation of an assemblie of the states generall the onely remedie to appease troubles and the only piller and vpholding of the King and of his Crowne whatsoeuer the tyrantes flatterers and clokers of truthe can say to the contrarie We hauing an extreme greef to see his Maiestie possessed by persones that haue so small regard vnto him that they publikely abuse his sacred name to couer their vngratious intention vnsatiablenesse and ambition Haue embrased the common protection preseruation and defense of the Crowne and of the sayd good and naturall subiectes as well of the one Religion as of the other of what qualitie or condition soeuer they be against the sayd straungers euell counsells oppressers and violaters of the vnitie and common quiet of this sayd Realme and of the libertie of my Lord the Kinges brother the King of Nauarre my Lord the prince of Conde and other Princes of the blood officers of the Crowne Lordes Gentlemen and other Capitaines prisoners and exiled as is aforesayd Calling to our succor and ayde all Kinges Princes and Potentates of Christendome frendes and confederates of this Crowne and all the faithfull subiectes of the same hoping that God will geue vs the grace by armes to come to a good accord of Religion to the vnitie and restoring of this Realme in the former estate by the determination of a holy and free counsell generall or nationall and by the deliberation and aduise of the general assemblie of the estates of Fraunce We notifie to all the sayd subiectes of his Maiestie of what estate condition or qualitie soeuer they be to all the Prouinces Townes and Commonalties of this Realme that will fauor ayde and assist vs in this so good so iust and so vertuous enterprise for the publike weale of his sayd Maiestie and of all his Realme that they shal be pre serued maintened and kept in all liberties of their cōscience exercise of their Religion as well Catholiks as Reformed according as shal be particularly aduised at this next assemblie general by vs assigned in this towne of Montpellier and in the full and free enioyyng of their dignities estates goods fruites reuenues and profites as well Ecclesiastical as other without exception of any whatsoeuer and from this time as also from thenceforthe wee haue taken and do take and admit them vnder the Kinges and our protection and safegard As also we declare that they whiche shall shew themselues contrarie to vs and our commaundementes to the purpose aboue sayd shal be runne vpon as enimies of the estate and crowne of Fraunce and disturbers of the vnitie and common peace At Montpellier 1575. The blood of our brethren crieth out of the earth
A DECLARATION OF THE PROTESTATION OF MONseigneur the Mareschal d'Anuille WE Henrie of Monmorency Lorde of Danuille Mareschal of Fraunce Gouerner and Lieutenaunt general for the King in the contrey of Languedoc Desiring that euerie man may knowe and vnderstande that the onelie dutie and fidelitie that we haue borne to the seruice of his Maiestie and to the profit and quiet of his subiectes and of his Realme hath moued vs to entre into armes against the disturbers and oppressers thereof For this cause do declare to all Kinges Princes and Potētates of Christēdome frendes confederates and allyes of his Crowne to all his Maiesties faithfull subiectes of what estate qualitie or condicion soeuer they be that hauing perceiued these fourtene yere past and frō shortly after the decesse of the late King Henrie of good memorie how this poore and desolate Realme hath in all sortes been afflicted and oppressed with ciuile warres grounded vpon the pretense and controuersie of Religion and how vnder this pretense hath folowed the totall ruine of the more parte of the good Townes that haue been spoiled and sacked and some of them ofter than once as the disordred and vnsatiable passion of suche as were the authors of all these miseries hath had will to entreprise and put in execution how the edictes and ordinances made at the generall assemblie of the Estates at Orleans and since that time so oft renewed as well for the pacification of the Realme as for the gouernaunce thereof haue in all thinges ben periurously broken how impunitie of murders slaughters poysonninges raysinges of tumoltes of the people defilinges of women and maides burninges sackinges and other haynous doynges generally haue been and be tolerated in this Realme by those that ought to haue stayed the same euen so farre as that thei haue suffred that cruel barbarous and vnnatural murder of the more part of the Nobilitie of Fraunce committed in the towne of Parise on sainct Barthelmewes daye in the yere 1572. how poore prisonners and personnes errested in forme of lawe within the concergeries of the Palace of Parise aforesayd of Tolouse Bordeaux Roane Lyon and Orleans and other Townes haue been burned slayne and murdered beside an infinitie number of persones of good estate women children and other citezens of the sayde townes and also their goods rauenously spoiled by these that are at this day honored fauored and auaunced How the King and his Realme are still possessed as they haue been in the time of the late Kinges his brethren by strāgers whiche haue conspired to the totall subuersion of his Maiestie the Princes of his blood and his Nobilitie as they haue sufficiently made appeare by putting them to the assaultes of townes to combates and other hasardes at their pleasure to the intent vtterly to deface the memorie and wholy to vsurpe the estate and crowne of Fraunce How since the decesse of the good King Henrie the Nobilitie hath been wholly defaced in France and their merites and vertues despised how straungers haue ben preferred before them to the charges and estates of the Crowne and of the Kinges household against the auncient lawes of the establishmēt of this Realm Yea and whiche more is the said estates haue ben geuen to some that be no gētlemen nor haue shewed so muche as any small profe of any thing nere to any deseruing of suche charge Wherof ensueth an extreme grefe to an infinite number of old Knightes and Capitaines of Frāce in respecte of the longe seruices of their auncesters and whiche themselues haue not spared their liues their goods their children their kinred and their frendes and all that they had for the seruice of the King and for the maintenaunce of his estate So as brefely the countrey of the worlde that moste plentuously furnished good examples to all other is now so disordered and defiled that in steede of recouering the auncient vertues that in time past there abounded in all thinges now no man can otherwise iudge but that the desolations and calamities whiche we haue suffred haue directly proceded from the wrathe of God wholly powred out vpon the people of Fraunce by the subuersion whiche these straungers the gouerners of the Estate haue brought in and for lacke of obseruing the order and the rule whiche of auncient time haue been so well established as no prouince was comparable to ours like as while the policie thereof was inueolably kept it hath florished and ben renomed aboue all other nations and since the disorder and subuersion haue ben brought in by these newe gouerners with their nouelties they haue sought to make the Kinges subiectes liue like brute beastes without doctrine or obseruing of any thing that they ought depriuing them of suche learned men as were in the Vniuersities either by murder or banishement into straunge countreyes permitting that the Ecclesiasticall persones from whome ought to procede to vs the principall exāples neither studie nor preache nor be resident nor exercising themselues in any part of their dutie that their vnsatiable couetise in their pluralitie of benefices hath free course than euer it had that the poore the needie and the orphane be wholly forsaken and all other workes of charitie are by the sayd Ecclesiasticall persones wholly reiected and eloigned how thei let out their benefices to ferme not caryng to whom and by the same meane dooe in their absence leaue the charge of their owne soules and of their flocke as it were to fermers and tenantes and chefly how the elections ordeined by the holy Counselles and confirmed by the sayd ordinances of Orleans haue ben repelled and reuoked for the priuate profit of strangers whiche haue ben and be suche as hardly they might be capable to be called by the people of Fraunce to any charges and dignities spirituall or temporall How since that iustice is administred for money and that there hath ben suffred in Fraunce against our lawes that the president Biragne a Millanois hath been made Chaunceller of Fraunce and that all the learned and sufficiēt Frenchmen that might haue ben chosen to those charges haue been reiected we haue had nothing but meschef in iustice and allowance of all the murders slaughters and traitorous outrages that haue been executed and conspired since he hath been in charge brefely how all his edictes haue tended only to the subuersion of the Nobilitie and of the crowne of France both in depriuyng them of the liberties in erection of offices and in new tributes and vngracious inuentions that he hath deuised with certaine other straungers his ministers to praue the substaunce of Frenchemen to mainteine as he hath done hetherto a diuision and confusion among them and in the same to gather and mainteine armes leuied for the execution of his practises by whiche meanes he hath done what in him laye to create a straunger the Kinges Lieutenant generall in his Realme disapointing my Lorde his Maiesties brother of the promise that was made him by the late King by