Selected quad for the lemma: religion_n

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religion_n good_a king_n subject_n 3,003 5 6.4581 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03378 The moste pleasuante arte of the interpretacion of dreames whereunto is annexed sundry problemes with apte aunsweares neare agreeing to the m atter, and very rare examples, not like the extant in the English tongue. Gathered by the former auctour Thomas Hill Londoner: and now newly imp rinted. Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528. 1576 (1576) STC 13498; ESTC S120343 84,918 230

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And hee that thinketh to be strangled and to hang himselfe signifyeth after tribulations sorrowes for that to them that are strangeld we se the lyke to happen And if the dead seeme meerye and gentle they signifye good that he shal passe the present tyme luckely But if not then contrarywyse And if the deade seemeth to take away such thing which he enioyed in his lyfe tyme promiseth euil to follow But most daungerous of all others are these whiche seeme to take awaye garmentes money or meate For they eyther signifye death to the dreamer or to some of hys kyndred or acquaintance Besides if the deade seeme to giue somwhat do also signify euill vnlesse they s●me to geue meate siluer or garmentes And if any thinketh to digge vp treasure findinge there litle stoare of money dooth signifye the lesser harme or euill to ensue but seeminge a treasure of muche money doth signifye sorrowes and cares and foresheweth death for that Treasure is not founde wythout the digging vp of the earth nor the dead layed into it without the openinge of the earthe And this for a trueth hath bene obserued that when a certayne personne was sometymes in heauines thought in flepe that hee saw himselfe to haue very small moneye in a litle basket and that hee entered into a certaine shop wher thought he lost the same coine conueyed by thefte After whiche followed that certayne lucky tydinges came to him the same daye followinge of matters which he toke great care for and through the same was delyuered and became meerye agayne And an other whiche sent his sonne somtimes out of his countreye to gather vp money and beyng then not come home thought in sleepe that he was returned and sayde to him I haue brought thee home three Thousande and 80. Crownes who awakyng shewed this dreame vnto ●n interpreter whoe answeared that his Sonne shoulde shortlye returne with losse of hys money which the lyke happened to him To mary a mayden signifyeth death to the sick parson for that lyke things be vsed in mariage as happely in the Burial yet the same signifyeth good to him which purposeth to go a newe iourney message for that it signifyeth he shall attayne his purpose And to that person hopynge after any thing of commodity shal after attaine the same For that some profit doth alwayes ensue at the newe marr●ing of a wife And yet to some parsons this dreame signifieth troubles shame for that maryages are not perfourmed without trouble And if anye thinketh to marye a wydowe shall after compasse no ne●e but some olde busines wythoute care and trouble But if any shall thinck to see hys wyfe maried to another man doth after signifye the alteration of actions or seperation And if a woman hauinge a husbande seemeth to be marryed vnto another man lyke as many wryte doth after signify that she shal eyther bury her husbād or other wyse in some maner shal be seperated liue frō him Yet this not alwayes happeneth true Certain briefe Dreames gathered out of the Pamphlettes of the wyse Salomon holye Joseph and Daniell the Prophet with others now newlye added IF a Prynce or his wyfe shal seeme to haue ringes on the fingers declare after so manye parsons sonnes as ther appeared ringes To talke with the earth signifieth to Princes victory If it seme to a Prince to haue receyued poysoned drinke or meate that his heares seme to fal of shal after ouercome ennemyes by pollicie If it seeme to a Prince to plucke vp anye trees by the roote that he shall subdewe some of his nobles But if those trees fal of their owne accorde then those nobles shall dye without trespasse or facte of the Prince If from the foote of Trees shippes seeme to aryse then the Princes people shal encrease If a Prince seemeth to haue the Sunne in his hande signifyeth that he shall haue a Prince captyue If this semeth to a noble parson that he shal be a rebell if to a priuate parson that hee shal bee deliuered from the heauines of cares To worship the starres or before theym to wepe sygnifyeth a good turne or grace to be had at the Princes hands If to a Prince seeme Tapestrye clothes to be banged abroade signifyeth a glad tydinges or message But if they seme decayed and torne then a shorte lyfe and if but olde then that hee shal retayne a good ende only of the matter hoped after To a priuate sicke parsō good sauours Musicke signifye health but to a Prince death A riche pompe or tryumph to a Prince sick declareth death but to a priuate man the deliuerye frome that sickenesse To a person in dignity to sit in the Clowds declareth a hasti ruine to follow to be whipped or scourged of a Maiestrate not of a Bedell or other officer withoute cryme signifyeth that the sentence of law shal be geuē against hym to his hinderance And if the same bee a frende then this shal be profitable with ●ut damage And if any seemeth to raygne declareth to hym a publick death but to a seruaunt it is good for it signifyeth libertye To see the Prince ireful is euil to al parsōs but especiallye to subiectes To worship the kinge is to worshippe Religion and god To take a cloake Crowne or sword of a Prince signifyeth good to contende wyth a kynge or some parson in Authoritye that hee shall acōplishe all his businesses that hee woulde wyth either of them And the lyke whā he ouercommeth them in cause of the lawe To minister meate to a kynge receyueth a gift according to the maner of the meate To bee kissed of an Emperour or kyng or to talke wyth him signifyeth gayne with ioy to seeme to put on golden garmentes declareth enuye or heauines If any seeth an Eagle or done sittinge on him signifyeth honour If any seemeth to breake downe altars in sleape signifyeth death to followe If any thinketh to see or fight with Bees signifyeth ire If any thinketh to cary armoure declareth safegardes or honour To loose or breake Armoure signifyeth damage To seek Tree with fruit in sleape signifyeth gain To thinke hymselfe to be a tre signifyeth a sickness To clyme trees signifyeth good tydings or some promotion To fall out of a tree signifyeth to fal frō a greate hope To see trees grow in thy house signifyeth strangers to dwell kepe felowship with thee The leaues of plantes to fall on the sleaper declareth deceytes wyles to be forged agaynst hym And to see plātes without roote signifyeth vaine thoughtes men of small trust vtility If a woman seemeth to bringe foorthe a peach tree shal after bring foorth a sonne of worthy maners but of shorte lyfe To bende a bowe or shoote arrowes signifyeth sorrowe or labour To loose or breake a bowe signifyeth honoure To gather to gether arrowes signifyeth wicked deceates to be intended vnto some one To finde a howe signifyeth to take a iourney If any