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A01704 The blessing of a good king Deliuered in eight sermons vpon the storie of the Queene of the south, her words to Salomon, magnifying the gouernment of his familie and kingdome. By Thomas Gibson, minister. Gibson, Thomas, M.A. 1614 (1614) STC 11841; ESTC S103127 203,984 514

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And finally we are moued to pittie kindnes and mercy towards other sinners seeing in many things we sinne all and such excellent and holy men Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles haue had their grieuous falles THE SIXT SERMON WE haue heard the reioycing and thanksgiuing of this woman for the Raigne of Salomon and specially because she sawe the loue of God both to Salomon and to Israel in placing such a King We haue heard the happines of Salomon the great and extraordinarie gifts of God bestowed vpon him and manifold signes of Gods fauour towards him and that God by his owne mouth and promise and by a speciall name giuen to Salomon professeth his loue towards him And therefore howsoeuer he fell most grieuously and therefore deserued no loue but rather hatred and to be cast off for euer yet no doubt but God did loue him still and in time brought him to repentance and saluation Now let vs from these words of this blessed woman seeing Gods loue in placing Salomon let vs I say learne and obserue from hence that a good King is a rare and a speciall gift of God and a token of his loue to the people For it is said here Because God loued Israel to establish it for euer therefore he made Salomon King ouer them When God meanes to blesse a land and to doe any good vnto it he giueth it good Princes when he meaneth to correct and punish a people he sendeth wicked men to Raigne ouer them So that it is God that giueth Kings sometimes in loue sometime in anger He threatneth to take away the Iudge and the Prophet the prudent and the aged and to appoynt children and babes to be Princes ouer them In his iustice he causeth the hypocrite to raigne Woe to thee ô land when thy King is a childe and thy Princes eate in the morning that is when they are without wisedome and counsell and are giuen to their lusts and pleasure But blessed art thou oh land when thy King is the sonne of nobles meaning when he is noble for verture and wisedome A good King is a great and worthy blessing of God Salomon saith He that findeth a good wife findeth a good thing and receiueth fauour of the Lord. And Bethsheba saith Who shall finde a vertuous woman her price is farre aboue the pearles How much more truly may this be said of a vertuous King Euery good thing is from God As good husbands good wiues good parents good children good maisters good seruants how much more a good King being publicum bonum that is a publike good bonum quo comunius ●o melius a good the more common it is the better it is The want of such is an occasion of sinne and ruine to the people It is said in the booke of the Iudges that when the iudge was dead they returned and did worse then their fathers in following other gods and in worshipping them And againe when Gideon was dead the children of Israel turned away and went a whoring after Balim and made Baall their God And this is set downe as a cause of Idolatrie and of all vilanie amongst that people In those daies there was no King in Israel but euery man did that which was good in his owne eies Miserable is the state of the people without a Prince like fishes deuouring one another like a body without a head like sheep without a Shepheard like souldiers without a Captaine like children without a mother a ship not safe without a gouernour nor a priuate house without a guide nor the common-wealth without gouernours This knew Moses who was carefull of his posteritie and to haue a gouernour for his place before he died and therefore said Let the Lord God of the spirits of all flesh appoynt a man ouer the congregation who may goe out and in before the people and leade them that the congregation of the Lord be not as sheepe which haue not a Shepheard Great are the commodities and comforts which we reape by good Kings Behold saith Esaiah A King shall raigne in iustice and the Princes shall rule in iudgement and that man shall be as a hiding place from the winde and as a refuge from the tempest As the riuers of waters in a drie place and as the shadowe of a great rocke in a wearie land And marke the happines of Salomons gouernment here commended His father Dauid prophecieth of him that true religion should be maintained in his kingdome that in his daies the righteous should flourish that he should be to such as comfortable as the deawe and shewers after the mowne grasse That in his time should be abundance of peace and plentie That he should iudge the poore with equitie and deliuer him when he cryeth and saue the children of the needie and subdue the oppressor redeeming their soules from deceite and violence and preseruing them from all wrong Behold then the happines the benefite and comfort of a good King He is a father a pastor a nurce to the Church and common-wealth He is as a wall and prop to stay vp the tender boughes of the vine He is like the shadow of a great tree refreshing his subiects He is as it were a common soule to the people whereby the body of the Church and common-wealth is stayed and vpholden And as the sunne is to the planets and the planets to the starres so is the King with his counsell iudges and magistrates to the common-wealth From thence it hath life comfort and light A good King is much more excellent and better then a good subiect His goodnes more large moreample profitable then the goodnes of others As much difference as there is betwixt a priuate familie and the common-wealth betwixt one house and a Citie betwixt a litle riuer and the sea so much difference there is betwixt a good subiect and the King He is like a spring or fountaine of water descending from the toppe of a high mountaine watring all the lower groundes cherishing and filling all the lower brookes The care the religion the wisedome the pittie the pietie the liberalitie iustice and temperance of a king profiteth all his subiects By his meanes religion peace iustice artes schooles families trades buildings Church and common-wealth flourisheth Therefore saith Salomon In the prosperitie of the righteous the Citie reioyceth and when the wicked perisheth there is ioy And by the blessing of the righteous the Citie is exalted Againe when the wicked rise vp men hide themselues but when they perish the righteous encrease when the righteous are in authoritie the people reioyce but when the wicked beareth rule the people sigh All good subiects reioyce at the raigne of good Princes because they enioy liues liberties their goods and the Gospell when the wicked rule there is a storme the iust are molested they flie as Dauid from Saul they hide themselues as the Prophets
you which will also doe it Brethren pray for vs. Yours alwaies in the Lord Iesus Thomas Gibson THE PRINCIPALL matters handled in euery Sermon The Contents of the first Sermon THe summe of the Bookes of the Kings and Chronicles The exce●lencie of the speaker of the par●●e to whom these words are spoken and the excellencie of the mat●er it selfe Eight marks of good hearers from the example of this Queene Ver●ue and religion is to be praysed in any Against vaine glorie and hunting after the praise of men Diuers opinions of men touching true happinesse No perfection of happinesse in this life but in another Some description of that happinesse Our chiefe thoughts desires and affections are to be vpon that The Contents of the second Sermon THe diuision and difference of wisedome Salomons chiefe wisedome reuealed in the Prouerbes Ecclesiastes and Canticles True wisedome to be found onely in the Scriptures It consisteth in the knowledge of God and of our selues No perfection of wisedome in this life True wisedome alwaies ioyned with religi●n and vertue Three kinds of hearing the word The chiefe felicitie of this life to heare and obey wisedome The necessitie excellencie and profite of diuine ●isedome and of the ministerie of it The vnhappinesse of such as want it or seek● to stoppe the course of it or refuse to ●eare it or cont●mne mock● it or profite not by it Causes why men profit not in wisdomes schoole The Contents of the third Sermon THe vanitie of such as repose felicitie in riches pleasures or honours The word of wisedome to bee reuere●tly and carefully heard We are to preferre it before all things eagerlie thirsting after it and reioycing in it We are to loue the publike assemblies to be arken to this wisedome read or preached and to despise no meanes of grace Wee are often in secret to conferre and meditate of it and to maintayne the credit of it by godly conuersation Wee are to hate all falshood and follie as enemies to wisedome Wee are to loue wisedome when it is most hated and persecuted in the world A comfort to the true sonnes and daughters of wisedome An application to the Auditors The happinesse of that Citie The necessitie and blessing of often and pl●sntifull preaching The example of this Queene applyed to the shame of the Iewes and of vs. The Contents of the fourth Sermon THe example of the Niniuites and of diuers others alledged and applyed to the further condemnation of this our age The power of diuine wisedome Signes of true conuersion in this Queene Salomon a figure of Christ but Christ more excellent then Salomon Religion belongeth to all women much more to men and to great persons most of all The Contents of the fift Sermon THe pietie of this Queene in worshiping the true God God to be blessed for all his benefites The loue of th●● Queene not enuying the prosperitie of Salomon but ioying and praysing God for it We are specially to reioyce and prayse God for the Kingdome of Christ God the disposer of Cro●nes and Kingdomes All things fall in loue to Gods children A testimonie of Gods loue to bee called and fitted to high places God● benefites to Salomon and his great felicitie Salomons great and grieuous fall in his olde d●y●s Some of the learned doubt of his saluation Arguments to proue his rising and repentance and that he could not finally perish The great danger of prosperitie Great and good Princes subiect to falling Some begin w●ll and end ill Instructions for young and old age The haynonsnesse of vncleane lusts and of Idolatrie It is most dangerous to m●tch with Idolaters Idolatrie not to bee tollerated for the sauour of any We are not to be offended at the fall of Princes or Preachers Their bad liues scandalous Their callings and doctrines not to be contemned The right vses of the falles of Saints The Contents of the Sixt Sermon A Good King is a rare blessing of God The originall of Kings and of diuers kinds of go●ernment The power of a King Miesticall The rushnesse and ficklenesse of people loathing and misliking Gods ordinance Bad Princes are of God in wrath to a people Their sinnes from themselues their callings from God Such Princes not to be resisted Such as are chosen in loue performe their dueties Many glorious titles of Princes in Scripture The like titles giuen to Ministers There is great affinitie agreement betwixt the callings of Magistrates and Ministers Good Rulers are to defend and countenance good Ministers The duetie of Princes and Rulers They must gouerne themselues their families and the people The summe of the seuenth Sermon THe true felicitie of Princes They are chiefely to regard the common good of the people Of lawes of Iudges of execution of lawes All notorious offenders to bee grieuouslie punished Good vses of such punishments Idolaters Heretikes and false Prophets are to dye the death All to bee compelled to the outward seruice of the true God Comforts to Magistrates punishing offenders Great offences not to be remitted Princes 〈◊〉 to be mercifull not cruell They are to comfort countenance the good and by kindnesse to winne the hearts of the people The Contents of the eight Sermon PRinces are to defend their subiects against forrayne enemies and oppressions at home Priuate men are not to reuenge themselues The haynousnesse of oppression Two worthie patternes of Iudgement and Mercie Against oppression by vsurie That the poore are to bee prouided for by the Magistrates Motiues to that duetie Caueats and comforts for the poore The care of religion belongeth to Magistrates Vses of the doctrine of Magistrates Ioy and thanksgiuing for the King We must be willing to learne of any THE FIRST SERMON 1. Kings 10. 8. 9. 8. Happie are thy men happie are these thy servants which stand euer before thee and heare thy wisedome 9. Blessed be the Lord thy God which loued thee to set thee on the throne of Israel because the Lord loued Israel for euer and made thee King to doe equitie and righteousnes THe whole scripture saith the Apostle is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to improue to correct to instruct in righteousnes that the man of God may be absolute being made perfect vnto euery good worke As all and euery scripture serueth for these holie vses so especially these bookes of the historie and Chronicles of the Kings of Iuda and Ierusalem For here are not onely many examples of vice and vertue but here is described the true knowledge and worship of God the confutation of Idolitrie and false worship the true forme and patterne of all reformation of disorders The dutie and blessing of good Kings the ruine of the wicked the estate of the Church the care and protection of God for it Here we are taught that God is the chiefe Monarch the disposer the chiefe gouernor of kingdomes that the happines of Kings consisteth in maintaining true religion and Iustice that impietie in religion and false worship is the ouerthrowe of kingdomes and as the whole storie is of great vse and instruction to the Church so especially the Chronicle of Dauid the father and Salomon the sonne they being the first Kings that
all that iudge the world ●ong men maids old men children let them praise the Lord his Name is onely to bee exalted and his praise aboue the earth the heauens Dauid before his death chargeth his son Salomon to walke in the Waies of God and to keepe his Statutes that so he might prosper in that he tooke in hand Princes we heard are fathers of the Country of the Church Common-wealth Now the Apostle exhorts fathers to bring vp their children in the feare of the Lord. Dauid Prepared a place for the Arke of God and pitched for it a Tent and gathered all Israel together to Ierusalem to bring vp the Arke of G●d to his place which he had ordained for it so he they brought it with great ioy Salomon after he had built a famous house for God Hee blessed the people hee praiseth the Lord hee prayeth to God for those that should pray in the Temple Asah destroyeth Idolatry and commandeth his people to serue the true God and they made a couenant to seeke the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soule and whosoeuer will not seeke the Lord God of Israel shall be slaine whether hee be great or small man or woman they sware vnto the Lord with a loud voyce and all Iuda reioyced at the oath Iehoshaphat he walked in the waies of his father Dauid sought the Lord God of his fathers and walked in his Cōmandements and tooke away Idolatry and sent forth Teachers with the book of the Law of the Lord who went about through the Citties of Iudah taught the people In time of distresse he prayed vnto the Lord and proclaimed a fast throughout all Iudah and humbled his soule and asked counsell of the Lord. Hezekiah repaireth the Temple aduertiseth the Leuits of the corruption of Religion the King and his Princes sacrifice ian the Temple he cōmandeth the Passe-ouer to be k●pt exhorteth his people to returne to the Lord. Good Iosiah destroyeth Id●l● repaireth the Temple took away all the abhomination● out of all the countries that pertaine to the children of Israel compelled all that were found in Israel to serue the Lord their God Nehemiah reproueth and reformeth the prophanation of the Sabboath The Lord stirred vp Cyrus King of Persia to build him an house in Ierusalem And see the zeale of that King in furthering the building of that house Nebuchadnezzar maketh a decree that euery People Nation and Language which speake any blasphemy against the God of Shadrach Meshech and Abednego should be drawne in ●●eces their houses should bee m●de a I●kes because there is no God that can del●●●r after this sort Darius maketh a Decree that in all the Deminions of his Kingdome men tremble and feare before the God of Daniel for hee is the liuing God and remaineth for euer The King of Niniue after hee heard the Preaching of Ionah hee beleeued God hee proclaimed a fast and commanded his Subiects to cry mightily vnto God and to turne from their euill way Thus wee see by all these examples that good Princes are to haue a care of Religion both in themselues and others And here is a further blessing of a good King that wee haue not onely by his meanes iustice peace and ciuill honesty protection of body and goods but also true Religion and the worship of the true God and the Gospell of Christ commanded and enioyned and established amongst vs by many good Lawes and Statutes Now for a conclusion of the duties of good Gouernours let them remember these counsels directions and examples A worthy King by his last will gaue this aduise to his son and successour saying Be deuout in the seriuce of God bee in heart pittifull charitable to the poore comfort thē with thy good deeds keep the good Lawes of the Realme take no Subsidies nor releise of thy Subiects but vpon vrgent necessity for to profite the Common-wealth vpon iust cause voluntarily Iulius Pollux Gouern or of the Emperour Commodus in his youth giueth him these titles calling him Father of the people Gentle Louing Merciful Wise Iust courteous Couragious despising Mony not subiect to Passion but commanding ouer himselfe ouercomming Lust vsing reason quick of cōceit Sober Religious carefull for his Subiects Constant no deceiuer adorned with Authority ready in his affaires prouided to doe well slow to reuenge Affable gracious in speech open-hearted a louer of the vertuous desirous of peace valiant in warre an example of good manners to his subiects a maker of good lawes and an obseruer of the same There was a worthy Table as is recorded found at Thebes by Marcus Aurelius and at his death giuen to his sonne as a precious Iewell conteining these protestations and sentences following I neuer exalted the proud rich man neither hated the poore that was iust I neuer denied iustice to the poore for his pouerty neither pardoned the wealthy for his riches I neuer benefited nor gaue reward for affection nor punished for passion onely I neuer suffered euill to escape vnpunished neither goodnesse vn-rewarded I neuer committed the execution of manifest iustice to another neither determined that which was difficult by my selfe alone I neuer denied Iustice to him that asked it neither Mercy to him that deserued it I neuer punished in anger nor promised benefite in mirth I was neuer carelesse in prosperity neither faint-hearted in aduersity I neuer did euill vpon mallice nor commited villany for couetousnesse I neuer opened my gate to the flatterer nor gaue care to the backe-biter I alwayes sought to be loued of the good and feared of the wicked Lastly I alwayes fauoured the poore that were able to doe little and God who was able to do much fauoured me A mirrour for Magistrates a patterne for Princes and happy are they that in the end of their gouernement can truely say thus at least let Gouernours striue and endeuour to the vtmost of their power to learne and practise these lessons and to performe all other duties of their callings And thus we haue heard the chiefe and principall doctrines concerning the Magistrate as the necessity authority and dignity and duty of their callings This doctrine is necessa●y and profitable often to bee vrged and serueth for many good vses By this the Magistrate may be encouraged and comforted in the execution of all the parts of his calling hauing his allowance and warrant from God By this hee is stirred vp and prouoked to zeale and religion and holinesse of life seeing hee carrieth vpon him the name the place and Image of God By this doctrine he may see the greatnesse the difficulty and the heauy burden of his calling which may bee a cause sufficient to humble him in the sight of God and men In consideration wherof he may say with the Apostle who is sufficient for these things And let him pray with
THE BLESSING OF A GOOD KING Deliuered in Eight Sermons vpon the storie of the Queene of the South her words to Salomon magnifying the gouernment of his familie and kingdome By THOMAS GIBSON Minister Eccles 10. 17. Blessed art thou ô Land when thy King is the sonne of Nobles AT LONDON Printed by Tho Creede for Arthur Iohnson Dwelling at the signe of the white Horse in Pauls Church-yard 1614. TO THE RIGHT HOnourable the Lord Harington Baron of Exton Thomas Gibson wisheth all true happines both in this life and in the life to come MY purpose Right Honourable in the dedication of these sermons was to haue ioyned your Honourable father with that worthy Citie whereof he was a principall member and had speciall command and authoritie which place he much respected and loued and where he was againe much respected and honoured The ioy and ornament of the Citie was his name and countenance the very report and newes of whose decease was the cause of many a watrie eye and of many a heauie heart But their speciall comfort and ioy is that the Lord hath in mercy prouided so gratious an heire so worthy a successor so vertuous a fauourer as of all that are honest religious so most of all such as haue beene the faithfull friends and intire louers of your Honourable father who himselfe was a louer of all learning religion and of all good men a true worshipper of God zealous in the truth a sincere professor friend of the Gospell a fauourer of faithfull Ministers a worthie member both of Church and common-wealth a faithful dutiful seruiceable and rare subiect like Moses in faithfulnes in meekenes and in zeale against Idolatrie like Iob a iust man fearing God and eschewing euill like Nathaniell a true Israelite without guile Finally a man full of grace pietie curtesie humilitie temperance and other both morall and christian vertues I am not able to commend him according to his deserts that requires a larger discourse and it would perhaps proue an increase of sorrow which is rather to be abated then renewed I will therefore bend my selfe to administer comfort for so great a losse a losse so generall to Church and common-wealth Friends and followers Tenants and seruants and for my owne part I cannot but beare a part in sorrow for the losse of so kind a Patron and Benefactor both to me and mine Yet this is the vse of the prayses of the dead not onely for imitation of their vertues but also for the cōfort of friends aliue And is this a small comfort Right Honourable that you had such a father yea a comfort and blessing it is to be of the seed of the righteous It is a further comfort that you enioyed him so long till your selfe came to ripenesse of yeares that he died in a good age full of daies few of his Auncestors liued longer and howsoeuer he left this life in a strange countrey yet no doubt he died in the true faith of Iesus Christ which he sincerely professed all his life and in the honourable and faithfull seruice of his gratious Soueraigne the Lords annointed It is no wonder that old men die rather it is a wonder in these latter daies that any liue so long Moses in his time made account of mans ordinarie age to be threescore yeares and ten Now the world decayes and the daies of our life is shortned We heare daily of the death of Infants children young men yea Princes taken away in the prime and strength of their yeares what maruell then though the ancient ●ie when the apple is ripe it must needs fall when the candle is spent the light must needs goe out This vse we are to make of the death of young or old to remember alwaies our mortall state and the vncertaintie of our life to be alwaies readie and prepared not to regard but contemne the lusts of the flesh the lust of the eie and the pride of life pleasures honours riches and the vanities of this wicked world Many moe comforts we haue against excessiue and immoderate sorrowe for the death of our best and dearest friends as to consider what they leaue a miserable world and whither they goe to the hauen of happinesse The best sort of the Heathen vsed three remedies against such kind of sorrow First to consider that death is common to all and vnauoydable Secondly that it is the end of miserie and hauen of rest Thirdly that it is likely that the soules liue and are blessed We haue the same and more sure comforts We know that our Redeemer liues and that wee shall see him as hee is Wee know not onely the immortality of the soule but the glorious resurrection of the body and that those that dye in the Lord are blessed Nothing comes to passe without Gods pouidence who is wise and mightie We pray that his will may be done both of vs and in vs. It will nothing auaile vs to torment our selues we are borne to dye many thousands are gone before vs and we must follow Pardon my boldnes right Honourable in presuming to put you in minde of these thinges which both by your own priuate reading and publicke heauing of many worthy men you doe already know and vnderstand sufficiently Yet in my loue to your Honour giue me leaue to adde some further instruction It hath alwaies beene the endeuour of Sathan the common aduersarie of mans saluation by all means possible to draw all sorts degrees and ages of men from the true care and studie of religion and vertue to the effecting whereof hee hath from euery estate his pretended colours and faire pleasing shewes of perswasion alluremēt perswading the elder sort that it is a thing vnseemely vnbefitting their grauitie to become schollers in Christs schoole seeing their heads are filled with other matters namely of the Common-wealth and affaires of this world Hee can tell the middle sort which are in the prime of strength and witte that it is against all equitie and reason that such should bee depriued of the pleasures and delights of the flesh and the world And as for the younger sort hee will easilie make make them beleeue that it is not yet time to serue God that the points of religion are too high for them and able to dull and trouble their tender wits buzzing into their eares that wicked prouerbe A young Saint an olde Diu●ll Thus by his will he would haue none religious because he would haue none saued but rather that all should perish and come to vtter ruine and destruction It is a torment and vexation vnto him to see any well disposed in religion but if wee hearken to the counsell of God in his word wee shall soone finde Sathan herein a lyer a murtherer a seducer For the Lord chargeth all sorts and degrees of men to giue themselues and that betimes to religion and vertue commaunding his law to bee read and published to men women and
and Myrrhe to Christ she offereth and giueth to Salomon precious things they were a figure of the calling of the Gentiles so was she a tipe of the same long before they came a great iourney from the East to seeke for Christ she came from the South a great and dangerous voyage to heare and enioy the wisedome of Salomon Marie Magdalen Ioanna the wife of Cusa Herod his steward with many others follow our Sauiour Christ to heare his sermons the Eunuch the treasurer of Ethiopia came to Ierusalem to worship God It is lawful then to seeke for instruction abroad if we lacke it at home Merchants venter vpon the seas to farre countries for trafficke many goe to the Indies for gold Such as lacke prouision at home goe to markets and faires for it if our cattle want foode or water we will seeke farre and neere for them how farre doe men runne what paines do they take for humane learning how carefull are they to get mony how painefull to finde it if they loose it many flie to Rome and Rhemes not for wisdome but for foolishnes not for truth but for errors not for foode but for poyson many trudge many a mile on pilgrimage to worship Idols stockes stones yea some to ioyne with the enemies to worke treason against their lawful Prince this example will not serue their turne There is a lawfull peregrination to visit good men to conferre to learne artes tongues religion the Iewes were commanded to goe to Ierusalem sundrie times in the yeare but it was about the true worship of God Elkanah the Priest went euery yeare to worship and sacrifice to the Lord of hoasts in Shilo S. Paul went to Ierusalem to visit Peter and to conferre with him the popish peregrinations are vnlawfull they make it a principall part of Gods seruice there is no commandement for them they visit dead mens bones Images and reliques This superstition as many other was inuented many yeares after Christ others trauell and take vpon them great and dangerous iournies to the hurt of bodie and soule But the paines and trauell of this woman is to learne diuine wisedome teaching vs to refuse no paines in seeking for the meanes of our saluation but to labour with all care and diligence for the profite the comfort and the good of our soules Thirdly a good hearer must bee inquisitiue and carefull to learne This woman a Queene is not ashamed to confesse her ignorance to aske questions and to bee taught The wise man saith Hear● ô yee children the instruction of a Father giue eare to learne vnderstanding The Apostle complaines of some women that were euer learning but were neuer able to come to the knowledge of the truth There are many hearers but fewe learners The care of this woman is not onely seene by her cost and labour in comming but by opening her heart and mouing doubtes asking questions conference and reasoning with good men are gratious meanes to further vs in the true knowledge of God The people must looke for the Law of God at the Priests mouth The Apostles aske of Christ their maister the interpretation and meaning of harde parables The Corinthiās write to S. Paul to be resolued in certaine doubts And heere by the way obserue two notes of a good teacher in Salomon they must be able and apt to teach secondly readie and willing not nice strange and stately The graces of God are giuen for the good of others the ende and vse of the ministrie is to instruct and resolue doubts But manie in the Church are vnable to teach others are vnwilling others both vnable and vnwilling these are all confuted by Salomons example who both abounded in wisdome and was willing to impart it to others He was as readie to answere as this woman was to aske hee was as readie to teach as shee was to learne Fourthly after her hearing and learning she comends her teacher highly and speaketh reuerently of him So must good hearers haue a reuerent estimation of such as instruct them from the mouth of God Dauid receiuing good counsell from Abigail blesseth both her and her counsell The woman in the Gospell hearing the gratious words that proceeded out of the mouth of Christ cried out Blessed is the Wombe that bare thee and the pappes that gaue thee sucke The holie Apostle Saint Paule commends the Galathians for this cause that they esteemed him as an Angell of God yea euen as Christ Iesus In an other place Wee beseech you brethren that yee knowe them that labour among you and are ouer you in the Lord and adm●nish you that you haue them 〈◊〉 singular loue for their workes sake And whē you feele the power and fruit of their ministrie say with this woman Blessed be God blessed be such men blessed be such seruants which haue called me comforted and strengthned me happie are those people which may daily heare such wisedome Fiftly she acknowledgeth the chiefe felicitie of this life not to consist in riches honor pleasure but in wisedome So good hearers ought to esteeme it the greatest happines vnder heauen to haue a resident and teaching minister expounding and applying to them the wisedome of the true Salomō Chrst Iesus But of this point I meane to speake more largely and fully after Sixtly she stirreth vp Salomons Courtiers and seruants to know this their happie estate it may be some of them scarcely acknowledged any such thing as many carelesse and vnthankfull people in our daies hauing good pastors yet neither feele nor confesse any blessing at all strangers can say happie are such a people though they themselues knowe no such thing good hearers must by this example not onely heare the word of wisedome and highly esteeme it themselues but stirre vp others to the like affectiō towards it they would haue others partakers of the same graces with them and indeed if they find it a blessing and comfort to themselues they will imparte it to others and labour to make others partakers of the same cōforts with them Esaiah prophecieth that such shal be the zeale of the people vnder the Gospell that they shall say one to another Come let vs goe vp to the mountaine of the Lord to the house of the God of Iacob he will teach vs his waies and we will walke in his 〈◊〉 And Z●cariah saith They that duell in one 〈◊〉 shall goe to another to call their brethren saying 〈◊〉 let vs goe pray before the Lord and seeke the Lord of Hoasts Euery one shall answere I will goe also Andrew being called calleth Simon Peter his brother and ●hilip calleth Nathaniel the woman of Samaria being once acquainted with Christ Iesus calleth her neighbours saying Come see a man that hath told me all things that euer I did she had beene a companion with them in sinne now she would haue them companions with her in
neighbour they are full of precepts and exhortations full of graue counsell and sweete consolations they informe all men in the seuerall duties of their callings they commend vertue and forbid vice they set downe rewards for the godly and punishments for the wicked they speake of Christ the wisedome of wisedome the wisedome of the Father The Canticles intituled The Song of Songs the most excellent and holie Song is no vaine nor idle booke of wanton loue as carnall men may falsely conceiue and imagine but it is altogether mysticall speaking of the spirituall loue of Christ and his Church And thus writeth one of this booke The Canticles sayeth he is a certaine spirituall and holie delight in the Mariage of the King and the Queene of this heauenlie Citie that is Christ and the Church but this is all in mysticall figures to inflame vs the more to search the truth to delight the more in finding the appearance of that Bridegroome to whom it is said there Trueth hath loued thee and of that Bride that receiueth this word Loue is in thy delightes As for the booke of the Ecclesiastes it doth intreate of the same argument we haue now in hand of the chiefe felicitie of man in this life that it is not in humane wisedome nor in pleasure nor in vertue if it be considered as it is in it selfe nor in any publique or priuate state of life Againe he sheweth what is true felicitie namely to feare God and to worship him with a true and vnfaigned heart This booke maketh nothing for Epicures and Atheists though hee seeme to stirre them vp to eating and drinking and to reioyce as though this was the chiefe felicitie of man in this life S. Augustine applieth that in the place before alledged to spirituall eating and drinking to the participation of Christs table For he sayeth The Preacher cannot meane of carnal eating because in an other place of that booke he saith It is better to goe to the house of mourning then to goe to the house of feasting because this is the end of all men and the liuing shall lay it to his heart Againe the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning but the hearts of fooles are in the house of mirth yet sometimes it may be and it is most likely that he speaketh not in his owne person but in the person of Epicures not allowing their speech nor practise For doth he not say of laughter and pleasure Thou art mad And doth he not in an other place scoffe and threaten yong men for their vaine delights and pleasures saying Reioyce ô yong man in thy youth and let thy heart cheare thee in the dayes of thy youth and walke in the wayes of thy heart in the sight of thine eyes but know that for all these things God will bring thee to iudgement And presently after he giueth him this counsell Remember now thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth And ô ye Atheists Epicures and Libertines marke and remember the conclusion of that booke as he began so he endeth crying and repeating Vanitie of vanities sayeth the Preacher all is vanitie and the last word of his booke are these Let vs heare the end of all Feare God and keepe his commandements for this is the whole dutie of man for God will bring euery worke to iudgement with euery secret thing whether it be good or euill This is the chiefe wisedome of Salomon which is extant written and recorded for the instruction of all posterities this is true and diuine wisedome and though it was not then written when these words were spoken yet the same or the like he taught this woman she receiued beleeued it and with great ioy doth heere commend and magnifie it Therefore true felicitie consisteth in true and diuine wisedome which was vnknowne to the Philosophers for their wisedome was earthlie false and contrary to it selfe and as there is one Creator and gouernor of the world one God one truth so there must needs be but one true wisedome because whatsoeuer is true good it cannot be perfect except it be singular And therefore it is worthilie said All the wisedome of man consisteth in this one thing that he know and worship God this is our doctrine this is our sentence and therefore with as high a voice as I can this I testifie this I proclaime and this I denounce this is that which all the Philosophers in their whole life sought for but could neuer finde nor comprehend it because they held a false religion or else vtterly ouerthrew religion let them therefore goe which haue troubled the life of man for what should they teach or whom should they instruct who haue not instructed themselues whom can the sicke man cure or whom can the blind rule or guide shall wee tarrie then till Socrates know any thing till Anaxagoras finde light in darkenesse or shall we stay till Democrates draw out the truth or till Empedocles dilate the paths of his minde or Arcesilus and Carneades perceiue and vnderstand Behold a voyce from heauen teaching the truth and shewing to vs light more cleare then the sunne it selfe Why are wee iniurious to our selues and so slow to receiue wisedome How manie worthie men haue spent themselues in seeking and yet could neuer finde He that will bee wise and blessed let him heare the voyce of God let him learne righteousnesse let him contemne earthly things receiue heauenly that so he may attaine to the best and greatest good to the which hee was borne casting a side all other religions Let vs come to the true religion and wisedome this true wisedome consisteth in the knowledge of our selues and in the knowledge of God this is the height of wisedome in comparison of which all knowledge is ignorance and if thou hadst the perfect knowledge of all Arts and Sciences what would it profit thee if thou knowe not thy selfe thou wandrest abroad and thinkest thou knowest many things and yet are blinde at home But ô blessed soule which is filled with wisedome of God and happie is he who desireth to be wise in Gods sight for one little drop of this true wisedome is more worth then a riuer and sea of worldly wisdome In all the creatures the Lord doth shew his wisedome and power but most of all in man creating him after his owne Image and likenes many knowe many things and yet knowe not themselues they see others and passe by themselues the better thou doest knowe thy selfe the better thou shalt knowe God Set before thine eyes the miserie of thy body and the shortnes of this miserable life and so thou shalt come to GOD thou must beginn● with the knowledge of thy selfe this will humble thee and make thee feare God If thou wilt knowe what thou art looke thy selfe in a glasse The glasse of a man is an other man If an other be earth dust and wormes such a one
doctrine of saluation speaking in sinceritie as of God in the sight of God casting from them the cloakes of shame neither handling the word of God deceitfully but in declaration of the truth approuing themselues to the consciences of all good men There be many worthie mē in our Church of excellent gifts and graces whose ministrie hath beene powerfull to call many thousands from sinne and error to truth and holines to the conuersion and sauing of soules Our Church holdeth the true foundation it setteth it selfe by doctrine and sword against all heretickes it hath bredde many worthy Martyrs it is a true witnes keeper interpreter and translator of the holy scripture it is an helper and harbourer of the Saints and it doth truely call vpon the name of the true God and hath the true word and Sacrament the essentiall markes of the true Church What cause then is there of separation from vs though there be great oddes betwixt these two kindes of Recusants the one in greater degree of error then the other Yet we dare bouldly say to them both as Saint Paul saith to the Corinthians who began to contemne their Apostle Paul and to get other teachers If he that commeth saith Paul preacheth an other Iesus then him whom wee haue preached or if you receiue an other spirit then that which you haue receiued either an other Gospell then that you haue receiued ye might well haue suffred him As if he should say If any man can preach a better Iesus a better Gospell a better spirit they might hearken to him but indeed none could doe it And therfore he saith in an other place Though that wee or an Angell from heauen preach vnto you otherwise thē that which we haue preached vnto you let him be accursed As we said before so say I now againe If any man preach vnto you otherwise then that you haue receiued let him bee accursed We preach the true Iesus according to the scriptures that there is no Name vnder heauen that wee can be saued by but by him that hee is both true God and man that he is the King the Priest and Prophet of his Church we preach the true Gospell containing the doctrine of Faith and Repentance To this doctrine is ioyned the true spirit the spirit of Adoption the spirit of boldnes of comfort and sanctif●cation If any of them can teach a better Iesus a better Gospel a better spirit we will harken to them The Papists they teach hold many things corruptly of Christ Iesus the sonne of God ouerthrowing the power and ende of his comming and derogating from him the glory of our owne and full redemption by their Masse and manie Mediators they abolish the Priesthood of Christ by the Popes supremacie making him the vniuersall head of the Church they diminish dishonor and quite ouerthrow the Kingly Office of Christ by their owne Inuentions and vaine Traditions they take away his Propheticall office their Gospell is full of superstition and Idolatrie adding and diminishing at their pleasure making newe Articles and new Sacraments their spirit is a spirit of Error of Ignorance of doubting and torment But to let these goe and to come to the other It may be● some will say that they hold the same Iesus and Gospell with vs Let it be graunted that they and wee agree in all matters concerning Faith and saluation as it may appeare by their owne confession of Faith wherin there is nothing that is sound and Orthodoxall but they receiued it from vs Many of them specially of their founders and first beginners were bredde and borne amongst vs they had their faith if they haue any their knowledge the word and Sacramēts from vs they confesse they holde the same things with vs and other Churches touching matters of Faith the more shame for them to flie and run away from vs as though they had some better Iesus some better Gospell then wee haue where as all may see that they haue no other And therefore their separation is most vnkinde and ridiculous Let the best reformed churches in the world who haue giuen vs the right hands of fellowship Let them I say be Iudges between vs them or let the scriptures thēselues truly opened applied be the true touch-stone triall betweene vs. Let them shew bring forth one scripture commanding or one holy example approuing such a separation from such a church from such ministers holding professing teaching that which they do from whēce you your selues haue receiued all the good things which you holde maintaine or professe in matters of Religion So that you might say as Carneados a Philosopher was woont to say of his Maister and reader Chrisippus If it had not bene for Chrisippus I neuer had bene any body So might you say If the pride of your heart will suffer you If it had not beene for the church of Englād many of you could neuer haue had Bible Faith nor knowledge in the matters of your saluation Now you doe very ill requite the fathers that begot you the mother that bare you thus to flie from them to accuse slaunder reuile and curse them Herein you deale as Aristotle dealt with his maistar Plato who hauing gotten great Learning from his master did after oppose himself against him and by all meanes sought his disgrace and discredit Therfore Plato was wont to call Aristotle a Mule because when shee hath filled her self with her mothers milke she will beate her damme with her heeles Plato signified by this the ingratitude of Aristotle for when he had receiued from Plato the principles of Phylosophie and encrease of knowledge therein he became enemy to the schoole of Plato and with his Familiers and Schollers did alwayes contend and striue against Plato If the dealing of these men bee not as harde and vnkinde against our Church let any reasonable indifferent men iudge And are they not too neere like the Viper who gnaweth out the dammes bellie and so liueth by the death of her damme But of the vnthankfulnes of these men to God their Prince and this Church we shall speake of it in an other place For this time I referre them to the iudgment of two worthy men writing iointly vpon the 13. chap of the Prouerbs 13. verse the words are these He that despiseth the word shall be destroyed but he that feareth the commandement hee shall be rewarded This sentence say they will presse so vpon the Brownists who are become bitter despisers of the Ministrie of Iesus Christ by separating themselues from the Churches of God and deprauing all the holy meanes of saluation howsoeuer they pretēd to stand for sinceritie yet they resist it taking vpon them to be chāpions for Christ his kingdom they fight against it though their argumēts seeme to be grounded on the word yet being well sifted they proue meere falacies haue no agreement with the meaning of the holy Ghost in the
and a sincere loue to the word And aboue all things let vs pray hartily and continually to the father and founder of all good gifts for the blessings of all good lessons and instructions to our soules let vs confesse our owne weakenes and say in our soules with the spouse to her husband Christ Drawe me and we will runne after thee Finally let vs pray with Dauid be beneficiall to thy seruant that I may liue and keepe thy word open mine eyes that I may see the wonders of thy lawes I will runne the waies of thy commandements when thou shalt inlarge my heart Teach me ô Lord the way of thy statutes and I will keepe it to the end Giue me vnderstanding and I will keepe thy lawe yea I will keepe it with my whole heart Direct me in the path of thy commandements for therein is my delight Incline my heart to thy testimonies and not to couetousnes turne away my eyes from regarding vanitie and quicken me in thy way Looke vpon me and be mercifull to me as thou vsest to doe to those that feare thy name Direct my steppes in thy word and let none iniquitie haue dominion ouer me Teach me to doe thy will for thou art my God Let thy good spirit lead me vnto the land of righteousnes And in an other place Teach me thy way ô Lord and I will walke in thy truth Knit my heart to thee that I may feare thy name And let vs pray with the Prophet Ieremie Heale me ô Lord and I shal be whole saue me and I shall be saued for thou a●t my praise turne thou vs vnto thee ô Lord and we shall be turned And indeed the calling and conuersion of a sinner is the great worke of God as great as the worke of our creation And indeed what is our conuersion but an new creation for God that commandeth light to shine out of darknes is he which shineth in the he arts of his children conuerted It is he that must make both the eare and the heart tractable and flexible It is he that both must make vs willing to doe good and also able to doe good It is he that must inwardly perswade the heart and by his spirit teach vs inwardly before we can be truely conuerted Let therefore ministers of the word giue attendance to reading exhortation and doctrine Let them stirre vp the grace of God that worthy thing in them Let them be faithfull and wise stewards in disposing the secrets of God Let them preach sincerely diligently and feruently Let their affections and life be vpright and holie Let them be wholy possessed with the desire of Gods glory with the loue of Christ and with loue to the soules of the people and then their ministrie shall be acceptable to God If not powerful to conuert yet to confound their recompence shall be with the Lord their labour shall not be in vaine in the Lord. We are vnto God saith the Apostle the sweet Sauiour of Christ in them which are saued and in them which perish to the one we are the Sauiour of death vnto death and to the other a Sauiour of life vnto life and who is sufficient for these things And seeing that Paul is nothing Apollos is nothing but the effect and blessing is of God Let them striue and wrastle with them by humble and hartie prayer continually vehemently priuately and openly for the assistance of his spirit and the blessing of their labours that he would perswade Iapheth that he might dwell in the tents of Shem that he would circumcise the hearts and eares of the people and take from them the vaile that hindreth as ignorance prophanes vnbeleefe hardnes of heart and such like That he would power water vpon the thirstie and floods vpon the drie ground That hee would take away their stonie hearts and giue them hearts of flesh that so they might walke in his statutes finally that he would giue them vnderstanding hearts that they might be fulfilled with the knowledge of his will in all wisedome That they may discerne the things that differ that they may be pure and without offence vntill the day of Christ That they may walke worthy of the Lord and please him in all things that the same signes of conuersion may be seene in their people as were truely found in this woman And indeed many if not all the notes of good hearers which in the beginning I obserued in her are true signes and notes of her calling In that she takes so great paines and bestowes so much cost to seeke for true wisedome In that she is so carefull to enquire and search out the truth of religion In that she speaketh and thinketh so reuerently of Salomon her teacher reposing true happines in true wisedome and stirreth vp others to be of her minde these and sundrie other are signes and tokens of her conuersion She speaketh not like a Pagan Heathen or Idolater but like a worshipper of the true God she blesseth him and confesseth him to be the disposer of kingdomes and acknowledgeth Israell to be Gods people and howsoeuer before either by secret inspiration or by report she heard of the true God of his worship and of Salomons wisedome yet now she doth fullie taste the truth of it in her owne soule the secrets of her hearts are made manifest shee worshippeth God and saith plainely that God was in that place The diuine wisedome of Salomon had parswaded this daughter of Iapheth to come to the tents of Shem to be a member of the visible Church and to imbrace the truth of religion and no doubt she went ioyfully home and indeuoured by all meanes possible to establish the lawe and worship of the true God in her owne countrie Our Sauiour as you haue heard commended this woman and ioyneth her with the Niniuites who no doubt truely repented though many of them fell away afterwards It is true that all the Kings of the earth sought the presence of Salomon to heare his wisedome that God had put in his heart as we may see in this chapter I doe not say that all these were called and conuerted It may be many of them came to heare and see newes rather for humane then diuine wisedome to see the glory and royaltie of Salomon the beautie of the Temple and his Pallace which he had builded or vpon some other sinister respects Among so many this woman is especially named singled out and commended yea a whole storie is recorded of her and not of the rest the cause of her comming was religion She lost not her labour but got fruit and profit by her comming and sheweth plaine testimonies of her conuersion Indeed something is said of King Hyram that he euer loued Dauid and when he hard the words of Salomon he reioyced greatly and said Blessed be the Lord this day which hath giuen to Da●id a
wise sonne ouer this mightie people And by his power and helpe he furthereth and helpeth Salomon in building a house to the name of the Lord his God The learned doe obserue That in this King is prefigured the vocation of the gentiles who should helpe to build the spirituall Temple of Christ and indeed he speaketh religiously reioycing when he heard Salomons words and blessing the true God for him as great tokens of calling and conuersion if not greater are apparant in this woman If she amongst others be a figure of the calling of the gentiles then it must needs follow that she her selfe was also called for though God made a separation betwixt Iewes and Gentiles and chose to himselfe for a time the seed of Abraham so that the generall calling of the Gentiles was not before Christ his comming in the flesh yet God had alwaies some amongst them as King Hyram Naamon the Syrian Iob this Queene and others She seekes for true wisedome from Salomon and finds it The Church seekes for the treasures of all knowledge comfort and ioy from Christ She commends and magnifies Salomon the Church magnifieth Christ accounting him as her well beloued husband She pronounceth Salomons followers seruants to be blessed the Church accounteth them happie who heare and receiue Christ in this life and them more happie who behold his glory for euer in the life to come She giueth Salomon precious gifts the Church giueth Christ the best things she hath euen her body and soule as a liuing sacrifice louing Christ aboue all and forsaking all for his sake as Abraham forsooke his owne countrey the Apostles their nettes and Paul accounteth all thing● drosse and dung in comparison of Christ And as in this woman we haue a figure of the calling of the Church of the Gentiles so in Salomon we haue a tipe and figure of Christs Salomons kingdome a figure of Christs kingdome his wisedome a figure of Christs wisedome his glory a shadow of Christs glory his riches a tipe of Christs spirituall riches his Temple a tipe of Christs Temple And as Salomon doth kindly accept the gifts and presents of this woman though hee had no neede of them so doth Christ as kindly accept the seruice of his Church And therefore this should encourage vs to giue him the best things we haue with willing and chearefull hearts seeing he is as willing to accept of them a● Salomon doth the gifts of this Queene Againe Salomon bestoweth on her euery pleasant thing which she asketh Christ giueth to his whatsoeuer they aske in his fathers name he giueth vs better thing● then Salomon should giue this Queene namely hee giueth to vs himselfe his body and blood his spirit his word all spirituall graces yea life eternall For howsoeuer there is some resemblance betweene Salomon and Christ yet he is more excellent then any Patriarke Prince Prophet or Saint whatsoeuer Salomon a King of the earthly Ierusalem Christ the King of the spirituall and heauenly Ierusalem of the militant and triumphant Church Salomon a King of peace of outward and earthly peace Christ the King of inward and euerlasting peace Salomon excelled all Kings of his time in wisedome and knowledge Christ the founder and treasurer of wisedome Of his fulnes haue we all receiued grace for grace for God hath not giuen him the spirit by measure Salomon a Prophet a Preacher Christ as the King of all Kings so the Prince of all Prophets and Preachers Salomon and all the rest spake by him Salomon but a man Christ both man and God Omnipotent Creator of all things Salomon a greeuous sinner Christ pure vndefiled without sinne the Sauiour of repenting sinners meriting life for them and making his word effectuall in them And now let vs further note from this religious woman that religion belongeth to women God is their Creator and therfore they are to serue him The first woman was created in the image of God which is true wisedome holines and righteousnes which was lost by the fall of their first parents and they must seeke to recouer it in Christ who died for them as well as for men They are partakers of both the sacraments they haue soules to saue as well as others they are the weaker vessels and sooner ouercome of Sathan they haue many speciall infirmities they are partakers of many blessings and deliuerances from God Therefore religion the feare of God and diuine wisedome appertaineth to them Besides these reasons we haue plentie of holy examples in the scripture as Euah Sarah Rebecca Debora Marie and Elizabeth with many other holie and religious women If then religion belong to women then much more to men As they excell in place and power so they should excell in grace and wisdome They should be examples of zeale and pietie and teachers of their wiues and families This serueth for the confutation of the Papists who locke vp the scriptures from men and women teaching that doth not belong to them to search the scriptures This also maketh against prophane and carelesse women who are altogether negligent in the matters of religion as though it did not belong to their Sexes at all Here are also reproued wicked and prophane husbands who doe not further but altogether hinder their wiues in the exercise and zeale of religion And most cursed are all Athiests carnall men who scorne and deride any profession or shew of religion in women And finally here is comfort and incouragement for all forward and religious women this may be to stirre them vp to proceed go on in the way of godlines hauing so many both reasons and examples set before them mouing and enforcing them to the zeale of religion And as it appertaineth to all men and women in generall so more especially to Gentiles Nobles Lords Ladies Kings and Queenes as they excell and shine before others in diet in apparell in possessions and dignities so should they goe before them in spirituall graces As they haue receiued more blessings from the Lord so are they more tied and bound to him againe and more zeale pietie and thankefulnes is required at their hands according to the saying of our Sauiour To whom much is giuen of him much shall be required Their places and honours should be inducements to pietie as Samuel said to Saul The Lord sent me to annoynt thee King ouer Israel now therefore obey the words of the voyce of the Lord. As if he should haue said because God hath honoured thee thou art bound to obey him It is their chiefe honour to honour God Those that honour me I will honour saith the Lord. The examples of great persons doth most good or most hurt If they be godly they are a meanes to winne many soules to God by their good examples to drawe them to the exercise of true religion If they be wicked they infect dr●we many to destruction with them Therefore religion
doth chiefely concerne great persons Here is a Queene religious and here is King Salomon a professor and teacher of religion and Bethseba his mother describing a good Queene a fit wife for Salomon She saith who shall finde a vertuous woman for her price is far aboue the Pearles And though she commend care and painefulnes in such a woman in prouiding for her familie yet the chiefe thing that she commendeth in so great a person is vertue and religion Strength and honour saith she is her clothing and in the latter day she shall reioyce She openeth her mouth with wisedome and the lawe of grace is in her tongue Fauour is deceitfull beautie is vanitie but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised These be the words of a woman of a Queene of a religious woman of Salomons mother inspired by the holy Ghost directing her beloued sonne Salomon what he should chiefely require in the choyce of a wife A glasse for women to looke into though they be neuer so high or great in the world wherein they may behold and see what things are chiefely required of them for their credit and comforts namely vertue wisedome and religion THE FIFTH SERMON Vers 9. ver 9. Blessed be the Lord thy God which loued thee to set thee on the throne of Israel because the Lord loued Israel for euer and made thee King to doe equitie and righteousnes VVE haue heard alreadie many things in commendation of this worthie and famous Queene and yet still we must persist vpon that argument For as the words before so still the words of this text are greatly to her praise and commendation She praiseth the true God she confesseth that it was of his meere goodnes that Salomon was preferred to the kingdome She gathereth thereby that God loued Israel and would preserue it She sheweth the end why he was placed in his throne she speaketh diuinely of the blessing dignitie and dutie of a good King The words containe a thanksgiuing and congratulation for the preferment of Salomon to the kingdome of Israel wherin we are first to obserue her pietie to God and her loue to Salomon Her pietie to God in that she distinguisheth him from Idols and false Gods and worshippeth and blesseth him as the true God She calleth him the God of Salomon not that he was proper and peculiar to him for he is the God of all the world but because he shewed speciall loue and fauour to Salomon so is he called the God of Abraham of Isaacke and Iacob the God of Daniell It is an honour to vs in that he vouchsafeth so to be called It is the glory of Saints that as the Apostle saith their God is not ashamed of them to be called their God It is a happie thing then to be the friend of God he hath such in memorie they are within his speciall care and protection And as the Psalmist saith Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord. She blesseth this God saying Blessed be the Lord thy God A common manner of thanksgiuing in the scriptures we are said to blesse God and God is said to blesse vs. He blesseth vs when he bestoweth his blessings vpon vs we blesse him when we giue him thankes for his blessings bestowed An example of both we haue in these words of the Apostle Blessed be God euen the father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in heauenly things here are the blessings of God vpon the faithfull and here againe the faithfull doe praise and blesse God for the same Thanksgiuing is a part of Gods worship a part of prayer and therefore the Apostle saith In all things let your requests be shewed to God in prayer and supplication with the giuing of thankes And againe Pray continually and in all things giue thankes for this is the will of God in Christ Iesus towards you By this we testifie our humilitie and loue towards God It is a debt due to him and all the tribute we can pay vnto him It is a benefit to our selues because by it we are imboldned to craue more blessings of him It is the finall end of all Gods benefits Let vs therefore offer the sacrifice of praise alwaies to God that is the fruit of the lippes which confesse his name Now we are to praise him for all blessings euen for the least whether spirituall or temporall Abrahams seruant praised God for prospering his iourney Melchisedecke blessed God for deliuering Abraham and Lot from the hand of their enemies Christ himselfe whensoeuer he eate though it were but barley bread and a fewe fishes lift vp his eyes and gaue thankes and therefore the Apostle wisheth vs that whether wee eate or drinke or whatsoeuer we doe we doe all to the glory of God If we are to praise God for the least benefites much more for the greatest If for earthly much more for heauenly If for the foode of the body much more for the foode of the soule If for deliuerance from the enemies of the body much more for the deliuerance from the enemies of our soules Neither are we to praise God onely for our selues but also in regard of others the Apostle in his Epistles written to the Churches giueth thankes for the faith loue and spirituall graces bestowed vpon them King Hyram when he had heard of Salomons wisedome and Raigne reioyced greatly and blessed God for him And this Queene doth the like here in this place How much more had the subiects of Salomon cause to reioyce and praise God for such a King And this is the dutie of good subiects as to pray for their gouernours so to blesse God continually for the manifold benefites they enioy through their good gouernment but of this I purpose to speake in an other place Now as we haue seene the pietie of this woman to God so let vs see her loue to Salomon reioycing so greatly at his preferment and prosperitie For this is the fruit of loue To reioyce with them that reioyce and weepe with them that weepe and to be of like affection one towards an other The wicked enuie grudge and repine at the prosperitie of others and reioyce in their harmes Invidia saith one est odium Alienae ●●lu itat● c. enuie is the hatred of an other mans felicitie In respect of the superiors because that enuious men be not equall with them In respect of inferiors least they should be equall to them In respect of their equalls because they are as good as they Whereupon Caine did enuie the prosperitie of Abell Rachell the fruitfulnes of Leah Saul the felicitie of Dauid Through enuie the fall of the world and the death of Christ was procured An other saith that there is no felicitie so modest and gentle which can auoyd the teeth of malice and ill will Enuious men be rich of other mens losse wealthy
kindnesse and goodnesse so they wish well and speake well and they desire the continuance and increase of their Rulers aduancement There bee three things saith Augustine in a Gouernour First a Calling Secondly a feare of him Thirdly a loue towards him Calling is requisite to the end hee may beare himselfe chearefully in a good conscience yet if hee bee not both loued and feared hee cannot subsist in his Calling Let him therefore aduise himselfe to procure loue by benefits and feare by punishing wrong done not against himselfe but against the Law The Heathen man could say that a Ruler must bee affable in speech easy to bee seene and spoken to in countenance amiable kind to the iust sharpe to the wicked Such a Ruler is beloued defended and reuerenced by the whole Citty such a Ruler by his owne benefite is safe hath no need of defence the heartes of the people are his armour his inuisible strength and munition is the loue of the Cittizens and what is more pleasant then to liue with the desire wishing and good-will of all men Who dare set himselfe against such a one vnder whom there flourisheth peace righteousnesse security dignity and vnder whom a famous rich Citty aboundeth with plenty of all goodmen Those which gouerne the people if they will haue their Throne surely established let their countenance bee full of cheerefulnesse and grace least being too seuere and rigorous through arrogancy they procure the hatred of the people There is nothing that maketh him that hee hath the office of a Magistrate more then a study and care of loue towards his people for it doth not onely make a father that hee hath begotten a child but also that hee loue him after hee hath begotten him If Nature hath need of so much loue how much more Grace thus all the Prophets and Rulers that were famous amongst the Hebrewes as Abraham and Moses Samuel and Dauid haue shined and excelled in loue to their people Others haue said that preseruatiō of Princes consisteth in the integrity of Religion in the loue of their Subiects and these things procure the loue of the people Not to bee too strange to them to be humble and courteous to speake kindly to them to bee willing to see their Subiects and to shew themselues to them as much as may bee to heare causes in their owne persons not to burthen the people too much but to ease them of vnnecessary burthens to bee liberall and bountifull where there is need and desert Absolon though hee was a wicked man and had a wicked cause yet he had this pollicy by kindnesse to draw the hearts of the people to him When any man came neere to him and did him obeysance hee put forth his hand and tooke him and kissed him and on this manner did Absolon to all Israel that came to the King for iudgement so Absolon stole the hearts of all the men of Israel This was a wicked action in him but this pollicy may bee followed of lawfull Magistrates by kinde words and deeds to winne and hold the hearts of their owne people Good was that counsell which the ancient men gaue to King Rehoboam If thou bee a seruant to this people say they this day and serue them and answere them and speake kinde words to them they will bee thy seruants for euer They shew by this their counsell that kindnesse is the way to winne the hearts of the people but that King forsooke that good counsell and hearkened to the counsell of yong men and by their direction gaue the people this answere My father made your yoke grieuous and I will make your yoke more grieuous my father hath chastised you with rods but I will correct you with scourges And see what followed When all Israel saw the King regarded them not the people answered the King thus What portion haue wee in Dauid wee haue none inheritance in the son of Ishai to your Tents oh Israel now see to thy house Dauid and Israel rebelled against the house of Dauid vnto this day This was wickednesse in the people to rise and rebell against their King and a iust iudgement of God But yet as the Apostle saith to naturall fathers so say I to you that are fathers of the Country You fathers prouoke not your children to wrath by austerity and hard dealing Giue no occasion to the people but rather as much as may bee draw their hearts to you by humility and kindnesse Nehemiah confesseth the poore distressed people to bee his brethren of the same flesh and bloud with him Iob protesteth that hee did not contemne the iudgement of his seruants when they did contend with him thinking themselues hardly entreated by him and then hee hath this in his thoughts If I had oppressed others how should I haue escaped Gods Iudgements What then shall I do when God standeth vp and when hee shall visite me what shall I answere hee that hath made mee in the wombe hath hee not made him hath not hee alone fashioned vs in the wombe This moued him to pitty and respect his basest seruants because they were Gods creatures as well as he Dauid prayeth for the peace of Ierusalem saying Let them prosper that loue thee peace bee within thy Wals and prosperity within thy Pallaces for my brethren and neighbours sakes I will wish thee now prosperity because of the house of the Lord our God I will procure thee wealth Hee prayeth heartily for his Subiects wishing them the fauour of God and all happinesse and promiseth to do them what good hee can and hee counteth them as his brethren neighbours and companions Let all Christian Rulers remember that saying of the Apostle There is neither Iew nor Grecian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for yee are all one in Christ Iesus In the world there must needs bee difference and degrees it must needs bee so for pollicy and order but in Christ all are one For God is no accepter of persons but in euery Nation hee that feareth him and worketh righteousnesse is accepted of him whether hee bee poore or rich Prince or Subiect Excellent is that counsell of a Gracious man let Kings saith hee if they had rather bee Christians indeed then so called giue themselues altogether to the wealth of their Realmes after the example of Christ remembring that the people are Gods and not theirs yea they are Christs inheritance and possession bought with his bloud the most despised person in this Realme is the Kings brother and fellow Member with him in the Kingdome of God and of Christ Let him therefore not thinke himselfe too good to doe them seruice neither seeke any other thing in them then a father seeketh in his children yea then Christ sought in vs though that the King in his regiment bee in the roome of God and representeth God himselfe and is without all comparison better then
prouidence that there shall bee some poore as long as the world endureth Let them therefore bee content with their state seeing God who knoweth what is best for them hath so decreed it in his Wisedome It may bee if they had riches they would abuse them in pride and wantonnesse he can if he see good turne their want into plenty Let them know that many worthy men haue beene in want and necessity Let them take their pouerty as a crosse and let them be patient and humble the rather because sometimes their owne idlenesse and loosenesse of life hath caused it let them repent of their sinnes past let them take heed hereafter of pride en●y slothfulnesse and vnlawfull shifts and meanes Let them depend vpon God and cast their whole care vpon him and though they bee poore in the world let their chiefe care bee to bee rich in grace in knowledge and in faith and so they shall bee sure to bee greatly in the fauour of God Let euery one of them say with the Apostle I haue learned in what state I am there-with to bee content I can be abased and I can abound euery where in all things I am instructed both to bee full and to be hungry and to abound and to haue want I am able to doe all things through the helpe of Christ which strengthneth mee Let them bee kind and pittifull to those which bee in like case with them seeing they are in the same misery Let them bee thankefull towards their Benefactors and though some rich-men bee hard-hearted vnmercifull to thē let them not curse but blesse and pray to God for them who is able to mollifie and soften their hard hearts for it may bee God in his iustice doth turne the hearts of men from them because they haue turned their eares and hearts from him they haue beene hard hearted against God against Gods word and against their brethren and therefore the hearts of others are iustly hardened against them Let them remember and follow the example of poore Lazarus which though the rich man dealtmore cruelly with him thē did his dogs had no pitty at all of so poore a creature yet this poore man did neither grudge repine nor curse and therefore being full of faith and patience he was receiued into Abrahams bosome And finally seeing that God hath such a great care of the poore in making so many Lawes for them in giuing so many preceps for their reliefe and taketh their cause to be his owne and seeing he hath appointed Ministers to speake for them and Officers and Magistrates yea Kings and Princes for their defence and reliefe Let the poore I say bee carefull to serue feare that God which is so carefull of them let them reuerence and loue the Ministers louingly embrace that word which doth perswade moue prouoke all men to the duties of mercy loue liberality Let them honor the Magistrates who are appointed as fathers vnto them who take care and watch and take continuall paines to comfort and helpe them And let them say in their soules blessed be God for good Gouernours And thus we haue heard many good parts of good Gouernours that by their meanes the wicked are punished the good are praised and countenanced euery man possesseth his owne oppressions and wrongs are suppressed the poore and needy are comforted and relieued and all these benefits duties this gracious Queene includeth in these words Equity and Righteousnesse One duty yet remaineth which is also a part of Equity and that is to establish and mainetaine true Religion this is the first chiefe duty of a good Prince though I haue referred it to the last place Good Princes are not onely to haue a care of iustice in punishing the wicked of mercy in defending the good and releeuing the distressed but also to plant and maintane the worship of God in their Kingdomes Thus much wee haue heard already that Religion Diuine Wisedome belongeth to all sorts degrees of men to rich and poore to yong old to men women children and most of all to Princes Gouernours who are to be giudes and ringleaders to others We haue examples before our eyes of a religious Queene comming so great and long a iourny to be resolued in the truth of religion reposing the greatest happines in true heauenly wisedome Here also is the example of Salomon a mirrour of Religion and Diuine Wisedom to all the world who also planted and established the true worship of God in his Kingdome We haue heard also that God is the authour of the callings of Kings and Princes that they are in his steed and carry his Name and Image therfore they of all others are to be most Religious to be most carefull that the true God who hath so highly aduanced them may bee worshipped and serued in their Kingdomes And this is Equity and Righteousnesse to command establish the Law and Seruice of their Creator and Protector And further wee haue heard that it is the duty of Gouernours to ouerthrow and roote out all false worship all false doctrine heresie and idolatry as all these are to bee remoued so in steed of these good Princes are to plant true Religion to establish faithfull Teachers in their Kingdomes They must be examples of Religion and Piety to others they must guide their families so carefully religiously that they may be patternes and presidents to others If Religion be first in their owne hearts also planted in their houshold and families they will be also carefull that all the people committed to their charge may feare God be truely Religious This is part of the counsell of Iethro Moses father in law wishing him that hee should prouide not onely men of courage and iust men hating couetousnesse but also such as feared God There be generall places in the Scripture as Loue God with all thine heart with all thy soule with all thy strength Feare God and keep his Cōmandements Seeke for Gods Kingdome Labor for the meat that neuer perisheth These such like commandements exhortations as they belong to all Christians so also to Magistrates They are keepers of both the Tables of the Commandements therfore to maintaine the one as well as the other they must see as well the duties to God performed to him as the duties to mē one to another They must haue a care not only of iustice peace ciuil honesty but also of the sincerity of Religion The King is commanded to haue the book of the Law to reade in it continually that so he may learne to feare both his God and to keep al the words of the Law Dauid saith Be wise ye Kings be learned ye Iudges of the earth serue the Lord in feare reioyce in trembling kisse the sonne least hee bee angry And in another place he saith Kings of the earth all people Princes
Salomon Giue vnto thy seruant an vnderstanding heart to iudge thy people that he may discerne betweene good and bad For who is able to iudge this so mighty a people This doctrine serueth also to reproue conuince and condemne all rebels traytors and seditious spirits which make insurrection against their lawfull Soueraigne And hereby all good subiects are encouraged to loue honour and obey their lawfull Rulers and with this Queene to blesse and praise God for the happinesse of good Gouernement And considering the manifold blessings which wee receiue by good Rulers as Iustice peace punishment of euill doers defence against forraigne and domesticall foes reliefe for the poore comfort to the good fruition of liberty yea freedome of the Gospell and true Religion Considering I say so many and so great benefites which wee enioy vnder Christian Magistrates let vs all with this Queene blesse God for so happy gouernement And indeede all true English Christian hearts haue iust cause to reioyce and praise God for his Maiesties happy reigne amongst vs both for his entrance and continuance What feares what perplexities and doubts had we at the death of our late Soueraigne What boasting what hopes and triumphing of the Aduersaries who made account they had that day which they long looked and gaped for They had spoken it often and thought it often in their hearts saying and thinking with Esau The dayes of mourning for my father wil come shortly then wil I slay my brother Iacob The best had cause to feare in respect of the horrible and manifold sinnes of the Land deseruing such a iudgement But blessed bee God who cared for vs though we little cared for him He presently prouided another gracious Soueraigne for vs the next in bloud a Christian Prince a man of wisedome and experience in Gouernement After Moses succeded Iosuah after Dauid Salomon Let vs say with the Prophet Thou hast saued vs ô Lord from our aduersaries and hast put them to confusion that hate vs therefore will we praise God continually will confesse thy name for euer It may be said of diuers other Countries There is no peace to him that goeth out and in amongst them but great troubles are to all their inhabitants But it may be said of vs as the Lord saith to Dauid Behold a Sonne is borne to thee which shall bee a man of rest for I will giue him rest from all his enemies round about therefore his name is Salomon And I will send peace and quietnesse vpon Israel in his daies c. And that which the Prophet Ieremy speaketh is fulfilled amongst vs Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that I wil● raise vnto Dauid a righteous branch and a King shall reigne and prosper and shall execute iudgment and iustice in the earth In his daies Iudah shall bee saued and Israell shall dwell safely How much are wee beholden to God that so soone and suddenly turned our sorrow and feare into ioy and gladnesse and doth still continue and confirme the same vnto vs Though weeping was in the euening yet ioy came in the morning As the cold waters to a weary soule so good newes from a farre countrey did cheere and refresh our hearts Wherefore praise the Lord ô Ierusalem praise thy God ô Sion for he hath made the barre of thy gates strong and hath blessed thy children within thee Hee setteth peace in thy borders and satisfieth thee with the flowre of Wheate He sheweth his word to Iacob his statutes and his iudgements to Israel He hath not dealt so with euery Nation neither haue they knowne his iudgements Praise yee the Lord. O that we had hearts to think seriously of these benefits which we enioy vnder his Maiesty and that we were truly thankfull for them then might we hope for the continuance and increase of these blessings But our iniquities haue turned away these things and our sinnes haue hidden good things from vs. O that we had such hearts and tongues that wee might continually with ioy say in our soules Blessed be God for his so great and vndeserued blessings bestowed vpon this sinfull land blessed be his name for all good Lawes good Gouernours and good Gouernement vnder his gracious Maiestie One thing more I obserue worthy of commendation both in this Queene and in Salomon It is worthy of memory in her that shee made choyce of such a Teacher and Schoole-maister And indeede shee could not at that time make a better choyce in the world Dionysius made choyce of Donatus for his Schoole-maister in Grammer and Victorinus for Rhetoricke and Gregery Nazianzene for Theology Theophrastes made choyce of Aristotle to be his teacher Aristotle made choyce of Plato and Plato made choyce of Socrates These were all wise in their choyce but this Queene goeth beyond them all choosing Salomon for her Teacher who excelled all men in the world both in humane and Diuine wisedome And as she made choyce of him so she was content to bee taught by him and profited much by his instructions as wee haue already heard Yea she so profited that in some sort she teacheth him and putteth him in minde of his duety Shee remembreth Gods mercies towards him and admonisheth him of the end of his place and calling And it is worthy of commendation in Salomon that as hee was willing to teach her so he is content to bee taught by her And if Salomon had but remembred this her admonition it might haue beene a pretious preseruatiue against those horrible and grosse sinnes into which he most fearfully fell in his old dayes But he forgot the loue and mercies of God towards him he forgot his high place and dignity he forgot the end why God had placed him and the rules of Equity and Righteousnesse Yet this is worthy of commendation in him that at this time hee doth not as some would haue done reiect the admonition of this woman being farre his inferiour He might haue said Doest thou take vpon thee to teach me seeing thou camest to learne of me I know my duty wel enough I need no teaching But Salomon doth take in good part her good counsell and doth still most louingly and kindly entertaine her From hence we are to learne that wee must be content to receiue good counsel admonition and instruction from any though they be farre our inferiours Such as bee truely humble and lowly in their owne eyes are content to receiue good doctrine from meane persons they are not ashamed to learne of any yong or old learned or vnlearned good or bad men or women they are not ashamed to confesse their ignorance wants and infirmities they do not contemne the plaine stile of teaching which is agreeing to Scripture they can be content to receiue good drinke not onely in cups of gold siluer but also in cups of pewter wood and stone Worthy is that counsell of an ancient Father There is no age
the publike Magistrate God speaketh thus to his people Israel saying These words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart and thou shalt rehearse them continually vnto thy children and shall talke of them when thou tarriest in the house and as thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou risest vp This is a generall commandement to all Gods people whatsoeuer and much more to the Magistrate this dutie of household gouernment is most ancient commended and commanded of God Euery Christian householder is to be as a King Priest and Prophet in his owne house As a King to rule as a Priest to pray and as a Prophet to teach Their care must be that the wise be the spouse of Christ their seruants to be Gods seruants their children the children of God Most are carefull to see their owne busines and workes followed in no case neglected why should they not be as carefull to see the workes of God his seruice busines duly performed in their families They carefully prouide for all necessarie proui●iō for the maintenāce of their bodies so farre goeth an Infidel and the like care they haue also of their beastes but Christians must goe further and see that the soules of their families be fed and prouided for and so they shall find much fruit and profit to themselues for this is the way and meanes to make painefull faithfull and conscionable seruants and also by this meanes true religion is continued to our posteritie whereas if we faile in this dutie religion may decay and die with vs for any thing that we doe For the continuance and propagation of it most are carefull specially great persons men of power and wealth that their names riches and houses may continue if they could for euer And shall not we haue as great a care for the preseruation and continuance of Gods true worship and seruice to the ages to come To moue vs to this dutie let Magistrates and others 〈◊〉 set before their eies the examples of holy worthie mē in scripture how 〈◊〉 they were in teaching and 〈…〉 their families Our first 〈…〉 Adam had a 〈◊〉 of this and therfore he taught his two sonnes how to sacrifice to the true God Abraham is commended of God and he promiseth to blesse him for it because he commanded his so●nes and his household after him that they keepe the way of the Lord to do righteousnes and iudgement Iacob said to his householde and to all that were with him Put away the strāge gods that are among you and change your garments After the example of Iacob let others cleanse their houses as of Idolls so of ignorance of prophanes of bl●sphemie of filthie speaking and of all vncleannes and wickednes For these and such like doe infect pollute and defile both houses and kingdomes And let euery one say with good Ioshua I and my house will serue the Lord. And as Hannah gaue her sonne Samuel to the Lord so let euery one giue and dedicate their families to God And as Iob euery day sanctified his sonnes by praying to God for them so let euery one sanctifie themselues and their whole familie by good instructions and sweete prayrs to God The example of Dauid is most worthie to be imitated of all and especially of Magistrates he professeth his care both in ruling himselfe and his familie the whole Church and kingdome he professeth his pietie to God the vprightnes of his owne heart and the wisedome that he had in discerning and separating the good from the euill both in his ●wne house and countrey Hee will suffer no wicked person in his house hee will reforme both Church and Common-wealth he will not bee partaker of other mens sinnes nor suffer the blood of them to cleaue to his soule Worthie also is the example of Cornelius a Captaine yet a deuout man one that feared God with all his household and he had souldiers fearing God And sending for Peter for further instruction when he was come he sayde that both hee and all his were there present before God to heare all things from the mouth of Peter that was commaunded him of God I will alledge but one example more of two householders the man and the woman persons of no greate account in the world but yet religious and religiously gouerning their household 〈◊〉 meane Aquila and Presilla Aquila the husband a Tent-maker Presilla his wife Saint Paul sayeth of them Greete Presilla and Aquila my fellow helpers in Christ Iesus likewise greet the Church that is in their house It is sayd of these two in another place That they taught Apollos a learned and eloquent man yet they taught him the way of God more perfectly then he knew before S. Paul confesseth they were helpers to him in the Lord and that they had a Church in their house His meaning is that in their house there was such instruction reading hearing prayer conference and other diuine exercises that their household was as a little Church If these poore and priuate persons had such religious care of their familie how carefull ought Gouernours and Magistrates to bee for the gouernment of their families which are to bee directions and examples to others One example more I must needes ayme and poynt at I cannot auoid it it lieth in the text that is the example of Salomon commended vn to vs by this woman as in this verse shee commendeth the gouernment of his kingdome so in the former verse she admireth and magnifieth the gouernmēt of his house she saw such good order amongst his seruants such diuine wise instructions by Salomō that she bursteth out into these words Happy are thy men happie are these thy seruants which stand euer before thee and heare thy wisedome his house was so wisely gouerned that she accoūteth them blessed who dwell and liue vnder his gouernment but vnhappie are many seruants and children who haue cause to curse both parents and maisters who by their follie carelesnes and bad example doe leade them to hell and to euerlasting destruction The Courts of Princes and great mens houses they should not be sinkes of sinne nor yet cages of follie and vncleannes but they should be patternes of pietie of wisedome and religion of temperance and all other vertues patternes I say to the inferior sort whose cies are vpon them and are readie to follow them in good or euill That which the Apostle applieth to the minister that may be applied also to the Magistrate he saith that the Minister must be one that can rule his owne house honestly hauing children vnder obedience with all honestie for if any cannot rule his owne house how shall he care for the Church of God THE SEVENTH SERMON VERSE 9. And made thee King to doe equity and righteousnesse IT is the duety and part of good Gouernours as wee haue heard already to begin
first with themselues to iudge and rule their owne affections and wayes and then also so to gouerne their families that they be as lights and lanthornes to others shining before them in religion in piety in all honesty and good conuersation This is some part of the duty of good Rulers but this is not all It is not enough that he rule himselfe and his houshold that hee performe these common duties of Christianity which are required in all other priuate persons but hee hath a greater and a more publicke charge as the gouernement of Townes Cit●ies or Countries hee must faithfully and wisely discharge his publicke place calling which is laid vpon him It is not sufficient that the Magistrate doe reproue publicke disorders and lament for them as priuate persons may doe but also hee must punish and reforme all publike abuses so farre as it lieth in his power Many Phylosophers haue written of the states of Kingdomes how they may be happily gouerned and flourish in this world Amongst sundry men there are sundry iudgements some hold that the safety felicity of gouernment consisteth in this that the Gouernours serue the time Others that they bee in league with other Princes and Kingdomes Others that they be well furnished with money with Armour with men But this Queene reposeth the safety of Salomons Kingdome in Iudgement in Iustice in Equity and Righteousnesse And herein Salomon himselfe is iust of her minde saying Iustice exalteth a Nation but sinne is ashame to the people Againe a King by iudgement maintaineth a Countrey but a man receiuing gifts destroyeth it That which Augustine speaketh truly of the state of a Christian Emperours felicity may be as well spoken of the felicity of Kings Princes Rulers and Gouernours We Christians doe not say that Christian Emperours are happy saith he because they haue a long reigne or dye leauing their sonnes in quiet possession of their Empires or haue beene euer victorious or powerfull against all their opposers these are but gifts and solacies of this laborious ioylesse life Idolaters and such as belong not to God as these Emperours do may enioy them because God in his mercy will not haue these that know him to beleeue that such things are the best goods he giueth but happy they are say we if they reigne iustly free from being puffed vp with the glozing exaltations of their attendance or cringes of their subiects that they know thēselues to bee but men and remember that if they make their power their Trumpeter to divulge the true adoration of Gods Maiesty if they loue feare and honour him if they long the most for that Empire where they need not to haue partners if they be slacke to auenge quicke to forgiue if they vse correction for the publike good and not for priuate hate if their pardons promise not liberty of offending but indeed onely hope of reformation if they counterpoise their inforced acts of seuerity with the like weight of bounty and clemency if their lusts be the lesser because they haue the larger licence if they desire to rule their owne affects rather then others estates if they doe all things not for glory but for charity And withall and before all giue God the due sacrifice of prayer for their imperfections Such Christian Emperours we call happy here in hope and hereafter when the time we looke for commeth indeed O happy and thrise happy are such Kings and Gouernours that bee thus qualified and they are no doubt a great blessing to the people that haue them and enioy so happy a gouernment vnder them By that which hath beene said and by the words of this Text we learne that Rulers do reigne not for themselues not for their owne gaine profite and pleasure but for the good of others for the common benefite of the Church Common-wealth As the head careth for the body the sheepheard for the sheepe the father for the children so must Magistrates chiefly be carefull for the common good of their people The Heathen could say that wee are not borne for our selues but for our Countrey and for others If this be required in euery priuate person to seeke the common good of others so farre as they may how much more is it required of Kings Magistrates and Ministers who are not priuate but publicke persons As the Candle spendeth it selfe for the comfort directions of others and as a tree bringeth forth fruit not for her selfe but for others so Magistrates and Ministers are to spend themselues to employ their wits their study their labour and care for the common benefite of the Church and Common-wealth The Prophet complaineth of the Gouernours in his time that they all looke to their owne way euery one for his aduantage and for his owne purpose And the Apostle complaineth that all sought their owne and not that which is Iesus Christs But of himselfe and of his faithfull Ministers he saith We preach not our selues but Christ Iesus the Lord and our selues your seruants for Iesus his sake And he saith further that he himselfe was combred daily with the care of all Churches And in another place I seeke not yours but you and I will most gladly bestow and will bee bestowed for your cause This should be the care and resolution of euery good Minister and Magistrate The King of Sodom said to Abraham Giue mee the persons and take the goods thy selfe This King preferreth his people before all worldly substance The office of good Gouernours is for the common good benefite and commodity of all their subiects to comfort and countenance the godly to restraine and punish the wicked and this is to doe equity and iudgement And for this end and purpose God hath chosen called ordained and placed them in his throne and this they must doe and will doe if they bee placed in loue ouer the people and as a blessing to them The Heathen haue taught that Magistrates are ordained to liue and serue not for themselues but for their subiects one of thē saith that Princes are the seruants of God ordained to take care for men and to prouide for their preseruation either by ministring to them of their goods or by defending them Another that they must so maintaine the commodity of the people that euery their action without respect of their owne priuate profit haue respect thereto and that they tend to the preseruation of the whole body of the people and that they seeke not so to maintaine one part that they forsake the other Againe the end of Goueruernours should aime at the prosperous life of their subiects because as Zenophon saith they bee chosen not to liue at ease and daintily but that they which haue chosen them may by their industry liue quietly and happily And further herein saith one resteth a difference betweene a King and a Tyrant that the Tyrant seeketh his owne profite but the King seeketh