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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A37340 A brief history of the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the occasions that brought her and Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, to their tragical ends shewing the hopes the Papists then had of a Popish successor in England, and their plots to accomplish them : with a full account of the tryals of that Queen, and of the said Duke, as also the trial of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel : from the papers of a secretary of Sir Francis Walsingham / now published by a person of quality. M. D.; Walsingham, Francis, Sir, 1530?-1590. 1681 (1681) Wing D57; ESTC R8596 76,972 72

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well-beloved according to the zeal and intire affection The Queen of Scots Letter to Anthony Babington the Traitor which I have known in you towards the Common Cause of Religion and mine having always made account of you as a Principal and right Worthy member to be imployed both in the one and in the other it hath been no less Consolation unto me to know your estate as I have done by your last Letter and to have further means to renew my intelligence with you than I have felt griefs all this while past to be without the same I pray you therefore to write unto me hereafter so often as you can of all Concurrants which you may judg in any sort importunate to the good of mine affairs wherein I shall not fail to correspond with all the care and diligence that shall be by possibility For diverse great and importunate Considerations which were here too long to be deducted I cannot but greatly praise and commend your common desire to prevent in time the designment of our enemies for the extirpation of our Religion out of this Realm with the ruin of us all for I have long ago shewed to the Forreign Catholick Princes what they have done against the King of Spain and in the time King of Spain the Catholicks here remaining exposed to all persecutions and cruelty do daily diminish in number forces means and power so as if remedy be not thereunto speedily provided I fear not a little but that they shall become altogether unable for ever to arise again to receive any aid at all whensoever it is offered Then for my own part I pray you assure our principal friends that albeit I had no particular interest in this case that all that I may pretend unto being of no consideration to me in respect of the publick good of the State I shall be always ready and most willing to imploy therein my life and all that I have or may look for in this world Now to ground substantially this enterprise and to bring it to good success you must examine duly First What Forces as well on Foot as on Horse you may raise among you all and what Captains you shall appoint for them in every Shire in case a General cannot be had Secondly Which Towns Ports and Havens you may assure your selves as well on the North West and South to receive succors as well from the Low Countries Spain and France as from other parts Thirdly What place you esteem fittest and of most advantage to assemble the principal Company of your Forces at the same time which would be compassed conform to the proportion of your own Fourthly For how long Pay and Munition and Ports fittest for their landing in this Realm from the foresaid Three Forreign Countries Fiftly What provision of Moneys and Armor in case you should want you would ask Sixthly By what means do the 6. Gent. deliberate to proceed Seventhly The manner of my getting forth of this hold Which points having taken amongst you who are the principal Actors and also as few in number as you can the best resolution in my device is That you impart the same with all diligence to Barnardin de Mendossa Ambassador Leiger for the King of Spain in France who besides the experience Barnardin de Mendossa Ambassador to the King of Spain he hath of the Estate on this side I may assure you will imploy himself most willingly I shall not fail to write to him of the matter with all the recommendations I can as also I shall do in any wise what shall be needful But you must take choice men for the managing of the affairs with the sail Mendossa and others out of the Realm of some faithful and very seeret both in wisdom and personage unto whom only you must commit your selves to the end things may be kept the more secret which for your own security I commend to your self If your messenger bring you back again sure promise and sufficient assurance of the Succors which you demand then thereafter but not sooner for that it were in vain take diligent order that all those on your part make secretly as they can provision of Armor fit Horses and ready money wherewith to hold themselves in a readiness to march so soon as it shall be signified unto you by the Chief and Principal of every Shire And for the better colouring of the matter reserving to the Principals the knowledg of the ground of the enterprise it shall be enough at the beginning to give it out to the rest that the said provisions are made only for the fortifying of your selves in case of need against the Puritans of this Realm the Principal whereof having the chief Forces thereof in the Low-Countries as you may let the bruit go disguised do seek the ruin and overthrow at their return home of the Catholicks and to usurp the Crown not only against me and all other lawful pretenders thereto but against their own Queen that now is if she will not altogether submit her self to their government These precepts may serve to sound and establish amongst all associations or considerations general as done only for your preservation and defence as well in Religion as lands lives and goods against the oppression and contempts of the said Puritans without directly writing or giving out any thing against the Queen but rather shewing your selves willing to maintain her and her lawful heirs after her unnaming me The affairs being thus prepared and Forces in readiness both without and within the Realm then shall it be time to set the Six Gent. on work taking good order upon the accomplishment of their discharges I may be suddenly transported out of this place and meet without tarrying for the arrival of the forrein aid which then must be hastened with all diligence Now for that there can be no certain day appointed for the accomplishment of the said Gentlemens designment to the end others may be in a readiness to take me from hence I would that the said Gent. had always about them or at least at Court divers and sundry scoutmen furnished with good and speedy Horses so soon as the design shall be executed to come with all diligence to advertise me thereof and those that shall be appointed for my transporting to the end that immediately after they may be at the place of mine abode before my Keeper can have advertisement of the execution of the said designment or at the least before he can fortifie himself within the house or carry me out of the same It were necessary to dispatch two or three of the said advertisers by divers ways to the end if one be staid the other may come through At the same instant it were needful also to assay to cut off the Posts ordinary ways This is the Plot that I think best for this enterprise and the order whereby we shall conduct the same for our common security for
as follows FOrasmuch as Almighty God hath ordained Kings Queens and Princes to have Dominion and Rule over all their Subjects and to preserve them in the possession and observation of the true Christian Religion according to his holy word and commandment And in like sort That all Subjects should love fear and obey their Soveraign Princes being Kings or Queens to the utmost of their power at all times to withstand pursue and suppress all manner of persons that shall by any means intend and attempt any thing dangerous or hurtful to the honour state or persons of their Soveraigns Therefore we whose Names are or shall be subscribed to this Writing being natural-born subjects of this Realm of England and having so Gracious a Lady our Soveraign Elizabeth by the Ordinance of God our most rightful Queen Reigning over us these many years with great felicity to our inestimable comfort And finding lately by divers Depositions Confessions and sundry Advertisements out of Foreign parts from credible persons well known to her Majesties Council and to divers others that for the furtherance and advancement of some pretended Title to the Crown it hath been manifested that the Life of our Gracious Soveraign Queene Elizabeth hath been most dangerously designed against to the peril of her person if Almighty God her perpetual Defender of his mercy had not revealed and withstood the same By whose life we and all other her Majesties true and loyal subjects do enjoy all inestimable benefit of peace in this Land DO for the Reasons and Causes before alledged not only acknowledg our selves most justly bound with our Lives and Goods for her defence and in her safety to persecute suppress and withstand all such Intenders and all other her Enemies of what Nation Condition or Degree whatsoever they shall be or by what Council or Title they shall pretend to be her Enemies or to attempt any harm upon her person but do further think it our bounden duties for the great benefit of peace wealth and Godly Government we have more plentifully received these many years under her Majesties Government than any of our forefathers have done in any longer time of any other Progenitors Kings of this Realm to declare and by this writing make manifest our bounden Duties to our Soveraign Lady for her safety And to that end WE and every of us first calling to witness the Name of Almighty God do voluntarily and most willingly bind our selves every one of us to the other jointly and severally in the Band of one firm and loyal Society and do hereby vow and promise by the Majesty of Almighty God That with our whole Powers Bodies Lives and Goods and with our Children and Servants we and every of us will faithfully serve and humbly obey our said Soveraign Lady Queen Elizabeth against all States Dignities and Earthly Powers whatsoever and will as well with our joint and particular forces during our lives withstand pursue and offend as well by force of Arms as by all other means of revenge all manner of persons of whatsoever state they shall be and their Abettors that shall attempt any act or counsel or consent to any thing that shall tend to the harm of her Majesties Royal Person and will never desist from all manner of forcible pursuit against such persons to the utter extermination of them their Counsellors Aiders and Abetters And that any such wicked attempt against her most Royal Person shall be taken in hand or procured whereby any that have may or shall pretend Fitle to come to this Crown by the untimely death of her Majesty so wickedly procured which God of his mercy forbid may be avenged We do not only bind our selves both jointly and severally never to allow accept or favour any such pretended Successor by whom or for whom any such detestable Act shall be attempted or committed as unworthy of all Government in any Christian Realm or Civil State But do also further vow and protest as we are most bound and that in the presence of the eternal and everlasting God to prosecute such person or persons to death with our joint and particular forces and to act the utmost revenge upon them that by any means we or any of us can devise and do or cause to be devised and done for their utter overthrow and extirpation And to the better corroboration of this our Loyal Band and Association we do also testifie by this writing that we do confirm the contents hereof by our Oaths corporally taken upon the Holy Evangelists with this express condition That no one of us shall for any respect of person or causes or for fear or reward separate our selves from this Association or fail in the prosecution thereof during our lives upon pain of being by the rest of us prosecuted and supprest as perjur'd persons and as publick enemies to God our Queen and to our Native Country to which punishment and pains we do voluntarily submit our selves and every of us without benefit of any colour and pretence In witness of all which Premises to be inviolably kept we do to this writing put our Hands and Seals and shall be most ready to accept and admit any others hereafter to this Society and Association Which Association though entred into voluntarily and by persons in their private capacities was so far from offending Queen Elizabeth and the Ministers of State in those times or being lookt upon as seditious that in the next Parliament the same was confirm'd and establisht by Law as follows Anno 27 Eliz. An Act for provision to be made for the security of the Queens Majesties most Royal person and the continuance of the Realm in Peace FOrasmuch as the good felicity and comfort of the whole Estate of this Realm consisteth only next under God in the surety and preservation of the Queens most Excellent Majesty and for that it hath manifestly appeared that sundry wicked Plots and means have of late been devised and laid as well in foreign parts beyond the Seas as also within this Realm to the great endangering of her Highness most Royal Person and to the utter ruin of the whole Commonweal if by Gods merciful Providence the same had not been revealed Therefore for the preventing of such great perils as might hereafter otherwise grow by the like detestable and devilish practises at the humble suit and earnest petition of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same Parliament Be it Enacted and Ordained If at any time after the end of this present Session of Parliament any open Invasion or Rebellion shall be bad or made into or within any of her Majesties Realms or Dominions or any act attempted tending to the hurt of her Majesties most Royal Person by or for any person that shall or may pretend Title to the Crown of this Realm after Her Majesties decease or if any thing that he compassed or imagined
procure the Estates of Scotland to confirm them by publick Authority 7. The King himself also should ratifie them by Oath and by writing 8. And that Hostages should be given But these Consultations proved Abortive the Scots rejecting them and besides Queen Elizabeth had notice that Holt an English Jesuit was sesecretly sent into Scotland not without the Scottish Queens privity as was suggested to use means there for an Invasion of England And indeed the Queen of Scots was too much addicted to and influenced by the Jesuites and their Councils who as they made use of her name to colour their traiterous designs against Queen Elizabeth and therefore gave out as if they had acted out of pure zeal to the Family of the Stuarts as many of them will boast to this very day yet 't is plain that in all these stirs they really minded nothing but their own Interest for when they met with so many disappointments in their Plots to bring the said Scottish Queen before her time to the English Crown and withal despaired of turning her Son King James to their Religion they presently began to start variety of new Titles witness Parsons alias Doleman's Book of Succession and other Pamphlets by them flung abroad about those times Nay 't is more than suspected that as they egg'd on the Scottish Queen to ill practises against Queen Elizabeth so when they had done imitating their Father the Devil who first tempts and then accuses they betray'd her too by making a secret discovery of those very Conspiracies in which they themselves had engag'd her and so were treacherously instrumental to hasten her death hoping to take off Queen Elizabeth and put by King James and play a new Game more for their advantage with some other Pretender as will more fully appear by and by But to return in the mean time to our History King James being as you heard in little better Condition than that of a Prisoner to Earl Gowry and his Confederates or at least esteeming himself as such on a sudden with a small Company conveyed himself to the Castle of St. Andrews being then about 18 years of Age to whom several of the Nobility with armed Troops repaired and then he began to exercise his Royal Authority of himself and declared in a great Assembly of the States the Force before upon him to have been traiterously imposed yet thought it most safe not to proceed with Rigour against his Surprizers only advising them to depart the Court and promised them pardon if they would ask it within a time limited which they declining fled some into England and others into other parts only Gowry attempting a new Conspiracy soon after lost his life It was now the year 1584. And in England divers lewd Books were spread by the Jesuits and other Popish Factors asserting that Princes Excommunicated as Queen Elizabeth for sometime before had been by the Pope were not to have any Allegiance paid unto them but ought to be deposed c. These Seeds soon ripen'd into rank fruits of Treason and Rebellion and had so far intoxicated one Sommervile a Popish Gentleman that coming privately to Court and full of rage against all Protestants he with his drawn Sword assaulted several persons and being apprehended declared like a stout Roman Champion that he would murder the Queen with his own hands whereupon he and one Arden an ancient Warwick-shire Gentleman his Father in Law were executed but Hall a Priest that excited them to this madness got a Reprieve Likewise one Throgmorton eldest Son of John Throgmorton Chief Justice of Chester was discovered by intercepted Letters directed to the Queen of Scots to have entertain'd Treasonable correspondencies with Popish Princes beyond the Seas and chiefly with the Guises who had resolv'd to invade England and free the Queen of Scots And for raising of money to carry on the work here one Paget under the counterfeit name of Mope was sent into Sussex where the Forreiners were first to Land and to facilitate their purposes he had prepar'd two Catalogues found in his Chests one of the names and descriptions of all the Ports of England the other of the Nobilitry and Gentry that favoured the Romish Religion and that he had communicated all this to Mendoza the Spanish Ambassador then in England whereupon he was condemned and though he had twice confess'd the fact yet like our Modern Popish Traitors at the Gallows he stoutly deny'd all and would needs be thought to dye as innocent as the child unborn However Mendoza having thus violated and forfeited the Priviledg of an Ambassador was commanded forthwith to depart with shame at which the Spanish Court being dissatisfied the Queen sent over Sir William Wade to justify the Action But the King of Spain not admitting him into his presence but slightingly putting him off to his Ministers he in disdain refus'd to communicate it at all and so returned home unheard whereby a greater animosity arose between the two Crowns Nor were the Popish party less busy in fomenting disturbances in Ireland where Dr. Saunders that had wrote several Pestilent Books having drawn in the Earl of Desmond to Rebellion and finding him defeated and his Head sent into England died miserably of famine as he roamed up and down the Mountains guilty and desperate as Cain fearing each man he met would deservedly slay him Likewise about the same time Providence was pleas'd in a wonderful manner to make a discovery of some other practises in agitation against Queen Elizabeth for one Creighton a Scottish Jesuit sailing in a small Vessel from the Low-Countries to Scotland certain Sea-rovers of Holland which then was revolted and at enmity with the rest of the Subjects of the Spanish King happening to come up with them took the said Ship and though the Jesuit to conceal his Instructions and mischievous errand tore several of his Papers to pieces and flung them over-board yet the wind miraculously as he himself confest afterwards drove them back again and cast them upon the Deck which the Hollanders perceiving and imagining that they might be of consequence gather'd them up carefully and sent them to England where by the great skill and industry of Sir William Wade they were so join'd together again that the Contents were legible and the Conspiracies on foot detected The good Subjects of England finding their Country in this danger from abroad and the life of their Queen whereon the safety of their Religion and Liberties did seem at that juncture wholly under God to depend daily attempted by various Plots and Machinations at home all carried on by Papists out of a prospect of a Popish Successor did think fit of their own accord solemnly to oblige themselves each to other for her safety and to revenge her death on any that should occasion it which agreement they call'd an Association and was entred into by abundance of persons of all ranks and conditions throughout the Nation The Tenor whereof was
Such hath been and is the mercifulness of her Majesty whom God long preserve You know I have been long looked for in this present case of mine divers times in this place but by her Majesties Clemency prolonged hitherto It is not common to see a man of my Vocation to be a Speaker Nevertheless I will be brief and gladly shew you the Estate of those offences which my Conscience doth burthen me for I have been found by my Peers worthy of Death whereof I do acquit them for I come not hither to Justifie my self neither yet to charge my Peers with Injustice but rather submit my self to this which God hath prepared for me And thus considering the weakness of my Flesh and Blood that at such time a mans sences will partly fail I do mind to divide my Speeches into three parts desiring you to take it full and whole and not to tear it in pieces And first in dealing in matters temporal towards the Queen of Scots I dealt not as a good Subject for that I made not the Queens Majesty Duke privy thereunto which indeed I confess I ought not so to have done for this offence I was committed to this house pointing to the Tower and upon my humble submission delivered then making promise to the Queens Majesty whom I pray God long to prosper never to deal in those matters again But contrary to my submission and Promise made to the Queens Majesty abusing her Clemency towards me which hath and doth grieve me more than any one thing hath done I dealt in this matter again perfectly for saving my Life and other Causes which I could alledge Here Mr. Sheriff Branch standing by the Duke desired him very courteoussy to make an end as short as might be for the time did spend Sheriff Branch Then the Duke beginning again said it hath been bruited that I took my Oath and received the Sacrament that I should never deal in those matters again which is untrue and yet the Oath too much Now Mr. Christopher one of the Officers hearing these words desired the Duke to be short We are come hither said he to see you put to Execution Christopher and we must not delay while these Speeches pass from you for in this we hazard our Lives Then the Duke said I do not excuse my self but I come to discharge my Conscience and to acquit my Peers and not to complain of any injustice for I have deserved this and more a great deal in that I have abused the Queens Majesties mercy towards me whom once again with Hands lifted up I pray God long to Preserve and Reign over you and that my death may be an end of all troubles and to Augment my fault it is said I had familiarity with evil dealers Indeed I will confess and tell you that I never saw nor never had Conference but once with one Radolph and yet never against the Queens Majesty God is my Judge although many lewd offers and motions were made to me For it is well known I had to do with him by reason I was bound to him by Recognisance for a great sum of Money and for two Letters that came from the Pope I confess I did see them the one Cyphered the other Descyphered I never consented to them neither was I consenting to the late Rebellion in the North notwithstanding I come not hither as unguilty To the second part I know I have not onely been thought to be a Papist a Duke favourer of Papists and a maintainer of them God is my judge before whom I stand lifting up his Eyes I thank God I was never a Papist since I knew what Religion meant but I did always detest Papistry and all the vain Toyes thereof imbracing ever from the bottom of my Heart the true Religion of Jesus Christ trusting by the assurance of my Faith in his blood that is my only Redeemer and Saviour Indeed I must confess that I had Servants and Friends that were Papists But if thereby I have offended Gods Church or any Protestant I desire God and them to forgive me Well now to the Third point wherein I am to shew how much I am bound to the Queens Majesty for her mercifulness towards me in that her Majesty hath promised to be good and gracious to my poor Children I remember good Father Latimer making a Sermon in a more honourable place than this is out of the Pulpit neither do I compare my self to him He said That God did often times take away a good and gracious Prince for the sins and disobedience of his Subjects which God grant not to be in these days but that it will please God to continue and increase her Majesties Years yea until the Worlds end if it be his blessed will and pleasure You have a most gracious Queen as I must needs confess and also Godly Religion therefore look that your Livings and Conversations be answerable to the Religion of Christ that proves you That God may prosper the Prince overthrow the Pope and maintain your Wealth and Quietness Let not my Person good People make my Speech worse they that have Factions I speak not particularly but generally let them beware they be given over betimes seek not to breviate Gods doings lest God prevent yours And then the Sheriff hastening him he turned to the People and embracing Sir Henry Lee said I have and always have had as true a Heart to my Prince Sheriff Sir Henry Lee. Duke as ever any Subject hath had And so Sir Henry Lee staying him by the left Arm he kneeled down and asked the Queens Majesty forgiveness and rising again he embraced Mr. Dean of Pauls with a chearful Countenance and afterwards for the most part shaking those that were on the Scaffold by Mr. Dean of Pauls the hands and desiring them to pray for him amongst the rest the Executioner Executioner did on his knees desire forgivness of his Death who did very Courteously forgive him and put into the hand of the Executioner four Soveraigns of Gold and Eighteen Shillings Six pence of Silver This done the Duke kneeling Money down and the Dean of Pauls with him he made his Prayers to God and reading the 51 Psalm saying on the last Verse saving one which doth say and build up the Walls of Jerusalem he pawsed and said the Walls of England good Lord That Psalm finished he began to read another and at the Seventh Verse of the Psalm he pawsed and said I had almost forgotten but not too late I ask all the World forgiveness and I forgive all the World The Psalm and these words finished and other Prayers he wrote one Prayer Counted in effect a Petition to God that his Faith now at his last hour might not fail and finishing the Prayer in these words in Latine and English saying In manus tuus Domine commendo Spiritum meum Lord into thy Hands I commend my Spirit He