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A07619 The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicles with a short description of their originall, from the comming of Gathelus their first progenitor out of Græcia into Egypt. And their comming into Portingall and Spaine, and of their kings and gouernours in Spaine, Ireland and Albion, now called Scotland, (howbeit the whole number are not extant) with a true chronologie of all their kings. Their reignes, deaths and burials, from Fergusius the first king of Scotland, vntill his Royall Maiestie, now happily raigning ouer all Great Brittaine and Ireland, and all the isles to them appertaining. With a true description and diuision of the whole realme of Scotland, and of the principall cities, townes, abbies, fortes, castles, towers and riuers, and of the commodities in euery part thereof, and of the isles in generall, with a memoriall of the most rare and wonderfull things in Scotland. By Iohn Monipennie. Monipennie, John. 1612 (1612) STC 18014 80,300 130

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715 after the raigne 1045 an humble and liberall Prince he caused peace to be made in all Brittaine amongst the Brittaines Saxons Scots and Pictes he repaired many decayed Churches and builded Quhitthorne In his time was Saint Beda he died peaceably the 16. yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 61 ETFINVS Eugenius seuenth Sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4700. in the yeare of Christ 730. after the raigne 1060. a Godly wise King and seuere Iusticiar holding his Realme in good peace his people encreasing in riches and religion he being aged elected foure Regents The Thaues of Ardgiele Athole Galloway and Murray to doe Iustice to his subiects which was not obserued he died in peace the 31. yeare of his raigne buried at Icolmkill 62 EVGENIVS Octauus Mordacus Sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4731. in the yeare of Christ 761. after the raigne 1091. a good King seuere Iusticiar in the beginning for he executed to death Donald the tyrant Lord of the Isles and the Earle of Galloway for assenting to his vices then after he being degenerate vnto all abhominable vices he was killed by his nobles the third yeare of his raigne and buried in Icolmkill his familiars and seruants asisting to his vicious life were all hanged vppon Gibets to the great contentment of his whole subiects 63 FERGVSIVS tertius Etfinus sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4734. in the yeare of Christ 764. after the raigne 1094. he married Ethtolia daughter to the King of Pictes he was a leacherous adulterer and being admonished continued still in whoredome at last he was murthered by his wife and sundry of his familiar seruants who being sharply therefore accused his wife hearing thereof came into iudgement and relieued those innocent men confessing the fact and imediately stabbing her selfe to the heart with a dagger died in presence of the whole people The King was buried in Icolmkill the third yeare of his raigne 64 SOLVATHIVS Eugenius eight sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4737. in the yeare of Christ 767. after the raigne 1097. a noble valiant King he married the King of Brittaines daughter she bare to him two sonnes and one daughter He being troubled with the Gow●…e gouerned his people by his Captaines and commaunders seuerely executing iustice and subduing sundry Rebels especially Banus Captaine of the Isle of Tyre who assembled a great company of Rebels and calling himselfe King He died peaceably of the Gowt the 20. yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 65 ACHAIVS Etfinus second sonne began his raigne in the yeare of the world 4757. in the yeare of Christ 787. after the beginning of the raigne of Scotland 1117. a good Godly and peaceable King he pacified insurrection both in Scotland and Ireland he contracted the band of amitie with Charles the great King of Fraunce and Emperour of Germanye which band hath continued inuiolably obserued vnto this present time He married the foresaid Charles the great his daughter who bare to him three sonnes and one daughter The amitie and confederation of Frenchmen and Scottes to be made for euer both for the people present and their successours and for corroborating of the said band King Achaius sent his brother GVIILIAM with sundry nobles into Fraunce with 4000. valiant warriours to assist the foresaid Charles in his warres in any part he pleased to passe against the enemies of the Christian faith at which time the Armes of the Kings of Scotland were the red Lyon Rampant in a field of gold there was augmented a double treasour with contrary Lillies or flower-deluce including the Lyon on all parts Guilliam Achaius brother assisting Charles in his warres with his valiant Scots purchased great honour and being so beloued and holden in great estimation among the Princes of Fraunce that he was called the Knight without reproach and purchased great riches and lands he prospered greatly in all his warres vanquished sundry nations rebelling against the Emperour he obteined great honours the time that King Charles restored Pope Leo the third to his seate after that he was put out of Rome by iniury of the Romaines he conquered great honours when Charles passing thorough Tuskany restored the Cittie of Florence to their auncient honours after it was destroyed by the Gothes these and many other honourable acts were performed by Scottish Guilliam howbeit they were done vnder the name of Charles Emperour for he remained not long in Italy but left the charge to Guilliam who did all things with such prouidence that he augmented the dominion of Florence greatly The Florentine in recompence of Guilliams humanitie towards them ordeined solemne playes to be made in their Cittie in which a Lyon is crowned with sundry ceremonyes they commaunded also quick Lyons to be yearely nourished vpon the common purse because the Lyon was the armes of Scottish Guilliam This is yet obserued in perpetuall memory Guilliam after infinite trauailes taken with Charles the great for the defence of Christian faith grew in age and because he had no succession of his body for he was all his daies giuen to chiualry he made Christ his heire and founded many Abbaies in Italy Almayn and Germanie liberally distributing vnto them rich rents and lands and ordeined that Scottishmen onely should be Abbots to the same Abbeyes In witnesse hereof are many Abbeys in Almaine and Germanie nothing changed from the first institution At comming first of Scottish Guilliam there came two learned Clarks with him from Scotland holden in great honour by the Emperour for their singular learning they obteined a place in Paris which was giuen to them with certaine lands to susteine their estate and to instruct the noble mens children of Fraunce in sundry sciences To these men came such confluence of people out of all parts desiring learning that in short time by their exact diligence in erudition of young children the Cittie of Paris was made a solemne Vniuersitie of resolute men in all science The Emperour Charles hauing great delectation that learning began to flourish in his realme by the great industry of those two Scottish men commaunded that Clement should remaine as principall regent of Paris And Iohn his Colleague to passe to Pauy a towne of Lumbardy for encreasing of learning there This small beginning was the origenall of the famous Vniuesitie of Paris King Achaius continuing in good peace the Romaine Empire was deuided for Emperour Charles the first Emperour of Germanes was Emperour of the west and Constantiue Emperour of the East Achaius married Fergusiane sister to Hungus King of Pictes who bare to him one sonne called Alpine who after succeeded to be King of Scotland and right inheritour to the King of Pictes King Achaius being aged died in peace the 32. yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 66 CONGALLVS Achaius cousen germane began his raigne the yeare of the world 4789. in the yeare of Christ 819. after the raigne 1149. a good and peaceable
Icolmkill in perpetuall memory The Citie of Camelon after long assault was vtterly destroyed and the Pictes men wiues and children killed after they had raigned in Albion 1181. yeares King Kenneth instituted many good lawes and brought the fatall chaire from Ardgiel to Scone adding the Realme of Pictes to his Dominion This victorious King died the twentieth yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 70 DONALDVS quintus Kennethus brother began his raigne in the yeare of the world 4824. in the yeare of Christ 854. after the raigne 1184. a vitious odious King his people made effeminate by his vices and sensuall pleasures his Nobles admonishing him to reforme his euill life he continuing still without reformation The Pictes that were fugitiue amongst the Englishmen requesting Osbraed and Ella two great Princes of England to moue warres against the Scots these two Princes with Englishmen Britaines and Pictes came into the warres where King Donaldus vanquished them in a great battell at Iedbrugh Donald right insolent after this victory came to the water of Tweed with his Armie and finding two ships laden with wines and victuals which were taken and parted amongst his warriours King Donald was giuen to such voracity and lust of his wombe the whole Campe vsing the same and being ful of Tauernes Brothels and whores followed dicing and carding with contention and killing one another King Osbraed being aduertised hereof preparing a new armie came suddenly on the Scots and killed twenty thousand being without armour full of wine and sleepe And King Donald was taken in manner aforesaid and ledde through the countrey in derision to all people At which time King Osbraed conquered great landes in Scotland assisted by Britaines so that Striuiling bridge was made marches to Scots Britaines and Englishmen King Osbred coined money in the Castle of Striuiling by whom the Striuiling money had first beginning King Donald being ransomed returned into Scotland continuing in his vitious and abhominable life He was taken by his Nobles and imprisoned where hee desperately killed himselfe the fift yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 71 CONSTANTINVS secundus Kennethus sonne began his raigne in the yeare of the world 4829. the yeare of Christ 859. after the raigne 1189. a valiant King hee married the Prince of Wales his daughter she bare to him two sonnes and one daughter Hee instituted sundry good lawes for Churchmen and repressed all vitious vices engendred amongst his subiects by Donald the ●…yrant his predecessor in whose time Hungar and Hubba with a great Fleete of Danes landing in Fiffe vsed great cruelty a great number of religious persons being fugitiue in the Isle of Maye with Adrian their Bishop were all cruelly tormented and killed by the vnmercifull Danes Constantine came with a great armie against Hubba and vanquished him The Scots being proude of this victory and neglecting themselues there followed a cruell and desperate battell at last the Scots were vanquished and King Constantine with his Nobles and ten thousand of his armie killed in the fifteenth yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 72 ETHVS surnamed the Swift Constantinus secundus fonne began his raigne the yeare of the world 4844. the yeare of Christ 874. after the raigne 1204. a luxurious Prince taken by his Nobles and imprisoned where he died the third day of melancholy the second yeare of his raigne and buried in Icolmkill 73 GREGORIVS magnus Dongallus sonne began his raign in the yeare of the world 4846. the year of Christ 876. after the beginning of the raign of Scotland 1206. He was but two moneths olde when his father perished in the water of Spey a valiant and greatly renowned Prince in ●…ll parts he instituted good lawes for his subiects and being very religious ordeyned good lawes for Churches and Churchmen and that all Kings his successors at their coronation should make their oath to defend the Christian Religion He obtained great victory against Danes and Britains and recouering all his lands lost in King Donalds time enlarged his bounds with Northumberland Cumber and Westmerland and being confederate with Alurede King of England the foresaid lands to remaine perpetually to be possessed by the Scots Then after the King to represse Irishmen that were come into Scotland who had robbed the people and made sundry incursions he followed with a great armie and landing in Ireland vanquished Brennius and Cornelius two Princes of Ireland with the whole Nobles of Ireland and vanqu●…shed sundry townes and besieged Dublin with a strong siege where their young Prince Duncane was to whom the Crowne of Ireland appertained at last the Towne was rendred and the King made Protector during the Princes minority with all the fortes and threescore pledges The King returning with his victorious armie and the pledges of the Nobles of Ireland and holding good peace the rest of his dayes he died in peace the eighteenth yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill he builded thecitie of Aberdene 74 DONALDVS sixtus sonne to Constantinus secundus began his raigne in the yeare of the world 4864. in the yeare of Christ 894. after the raigne 1234. a valiant Prince and godly he punished with great seuerity the blasphemers of the name of God he married the King of Britains daughter she bare to him one sonne and a daughter At this time ROVVLAND King of Denmarke gathered or conuened a great multitude of Danes out of England Norway Swed●…icke and Denmarke and pastthrough Fraunce committing great cruelty vpon the people there And because CHARLES the great then Emperour was implicat with frequent warres in Italy against the Sarazens The Danes raged with such open cruelty that great bonds of France appeared to come vnder their Dominion Emperour Charles after his returne from Italy came with a great armie to resist the Danes and they nothing affraid went forward to meete him in their awfull manner The Princes of Fraunce knowing the great ferocity of the Danes proued and exercised in all partes where they were assayled and seeing them by frequent victory so insolent that but by great slaughter they might not be vanquished perswaded the Emperour Charles to make peace with the said Rowland that their Realme should not be in ieopardy or put to extreme danger through the wers both in Italy and Fraunce Peace was corroborate and contracted with the Danes on this manner The Emperour Charles his daughter shall be giuen in marriage to Rowland and hee with all the Danes shall receiue the Christian faith and in the name of Dowry shall haue all the landes which were named Newstria lying betwixt Deip Picardy Paris and Bartany These landes were then after Rowland called Normandy Rowland made King of Normandy by receipt of Baptisme was named Robert and ordayned to pay for the said lands one yearely tribute to the aforesaid Charles and his posterity to signifie that the said landes were not conquered but onely giuen from the Crowne of Fraunce in marriage The yeare that the Normans began to raigne
wall of Adrian Anthonius Seuerus sonne gouerned Britaine and builded and repaired the wall of Adrian strongly with Towers Seuerus dying Anthonius killing his brother Getus was Emperour He was the first that coined money of golde and siluer and imbraced the Christian faith he died in peace the eighteenth yeare of his raigne buried in Dunstaffage 28 ETHODIVS secundus Ethodius 1. sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4186. the yeare of Christ 216. after the raigne 546. anvnwise and base minded King the Realme prudently gouerned by his Nobles he was killed by his guard the sixteenth yeare of his raigne buried in Dunstaffage 29 ATHIRCO succeeded his father Ethodius the yeare of the world 4201. the yeare of Christ 231. after the raigne 561. a good Prince in his beginning afterwards being degenerate and pursued by his Nobles for his vitious life killed himselfe the twelfth yeare of his raigne 30 NATHALOCVS succeeded in the yeare of the world 4212. the yeare of Christ 242. after the raigne 572. a cruell tyrant killed by his Nobles vsurped the crowne the eleuenth yeare of his raigne 31 FINDOCVS Athicroes sonne succeeded the yeare of the world 4223. the yeare of Christ 253. after the raigne 583. a good and valiant King hee was killed at a hunting by instigation of his brother Carance and Donald Lord of the Isles The Traytors killers of him being tormented to death and Carance exiled the eleuenth yeare of his raigne buried in Dunstaffage 32 DONALDVS secundus succeeded his brother Findocus the yeare of the world 4234. the yeare of Christ 264. after the raigne 594. a good King he was wounded in battell and being vanquished by the insurrection of Donald of the Isles three thousand of his armie killed and two thousand with their King taken the third day with melancholy died the first yeare of his raigne buried in Dunstaffage 33 DONALDVS tertius Lord of the Isles vsurped the Crowne the yeare of the world 4235. the yeare of Christ 265. after the raigne 595. a cruell tyrant killed by Crathalinthus his successor at which time there was vniuersall persecution of the Christians vnder the Empire of Decius the twelfth yeare of his raigne 34 CRATHILINTHVS Findocus son succeeded the year of the world 4247. the year of Christ 277. after the raigne 607. a valiant good Iusticiar and godly King Hee purged the land of superftition planting the true Christian Religion In this time chaunced in the hunting betweene Scots and Pictes discord so hastily that there were many killed on both parties Carance brother to Findocus or Carasus 77. Britaine King exiled for suspition of his slaughter was long in the Romanes warres with Dioclesian Emperour and vsing himselfe valiantly returned into Albion with many valiant warriours and great riches placed his people in Westmerland being reconciled with the King he at length agreed the two long confederate kings people Carance assisted by the twoconfederate Kings with a great army in three battels comming to Yorke was resisted by Quintꝰ Bassianus Captain of Britains whom he killed with many valiant Romans After this battell victoriously won against the Romans the rich spoyle parted according to the law of arms Carance with his victorious armie past to London where he was receiued with great reuerence and possessed the crowne of Britaine contrary to the Empire of the Romans reteyning in his companytwo thousand Scots Picts continually for a guard he being assaulted in battel by the Romanes and Britaines was alway victorious The seuenth yeare of his raigne in Britaine hee was killed by Alectus Romane Captaine King Crathalinthus ended the rest of his dayes in good peace and died the foure and twentieth yeare of his raigne buried at Dunstaffage 35 FINCORMACVS Father brother sonne to Crathilinthus succeeded the yeare of the world 4271. the yeare of Christ 301. after the raigne 631. a godly valiant King he was a worthy promoter of Christian Religion in Scotland at which time Traherus Romane Captaine with many legions sent by Constantinus Emperour into Britaine to represse Octauius then King of Britaines being expelled was fugitiue in Scotland Traherus assembling a great Armie against the King of Scots and Octauius King of Britaines whom the foresaid King of Scots refused to render being solicited friendly and therefore sharpely and proudly manaced by the said Traherus followed a cruell and dangerous battell the Romanes finally vanquished and sixteene thousand of the Romanes killed and fifteene thousand Albions Fincormacus and Octauius pursued vntill they came to Yorke where the two Kings were pleasantly receiued by the Nobles of Britaine Octauius restored to the Crowne Fincormacus for his assistance was perpetually confirmed with an oath to him and his successors the lands of Westmerland and Cumber which Carance had graunted in his time to the Scots and Pictes for the assistance of him by King Crathilinthus against the Romanes King Fincormacus continued the rest of his dayes in peace with the Britaines and Pictes and died the seuen and fortieth yeare of his raigne buried in Dunstaffage 36 ROMACHVS brother sonne to Crathilinthus succeeded in the yeare of the world 4318. in the yeare of Christ 348. after the raigne 678. a cruell tyrant killed and beheaded by his Nobles the third yeare of his raigne in whose time Arrius beganne and Ireland became Christians 37 ANGVSIANVS Crathilinthus brother sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4321. in the yeare of Christ 351. after the raigne 681. a good and valiant King Nectanus King of Picts to reuenge the killing of Romanes gathered an armie against the Scots there followed a sharp battell The Scots being victorious and many of the Nobles of the Pictes killed and their King fugitiue vnto Camelon their principall Citie After that the Pictes renued battell and came to the wood of Calidone where the King of Scots with a great armie ioyned battell with great cruelty both the Kings were killed and many of their Nobles the third yeare of his raigne buried in Dunstaffage without succession 38 FETHEIMACHVS another brother sonne to Crathilinthus succeeded in the yeare of the world 4324. in the yeare of Christ 354. after the raigne 684. Hee was a good and valiant King and victorious against the Pictes and killed their King in battell he was trayterously murthered in his owne chamber by two distembling Pictes and an Harper The third yeare of his raigne buried in Dunstaffage The murtherers were apprehended and most cruelly tormented At this time S. Andrewes Church was builded by the King of Pictes at the request of Saint Rewell 39 EVGENIVS primus Fincormacus sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4327. in the yeare of Christ 357. after the raigne 687. a vasiant iust and good King he was killed in battell his brother taken and all his Nobles killed with fifty thousand of his armie by the cruelty of the Romanes Britains and deceitfull Pictes and the whole nation of Scottes exiled a long time the third yeare of his raigne 40 FERGVSIVS secundus
Scots and Pictes he assisted by them and killed with his owne hands Hengist and exiled the rest of the Saxons King Congallus holding good pcace with Britaines and Pictes vexed with long infirmity died peace ably the two and twentieth year of his raign and buried in Icolmkill 45 CORANVS succeeded his brother Congallus in the yeare of the world 4471. the yeare of Christ 501. after the raign 831. a good King and seuere Iusticiar In this time arriued in Britaine Occa and Passentius sonnes of Hengist with a great multitude of valiant souldiers assisted by the Princes of Almaine against whom came King Ambrosius There followed a doubtfull and dangerous battell the victory enclining to Ambrosius yet very vnpleasant for at the same time there were many Britaine 's killed Neuerthelesse they parted the spoile of Saxons by right of armes Occa being aduertised of the comming of the confederate Kings to assist Ambrosius sent his brother Passentius to bring greater support out of Almaine by contrary windes he arriued in Ireland where he gathered a great number of hyred warriours and returned into Britaine Occa perswaded one Coppa a fained mediciner to poison King Ambrosius the confederate Kings comming with a strong armie to assist Ambrosius were aduertised of his death therefore they not knowing who was friend or foe and being vncertaine how he died they returned home Arthurus being King of Britaines assisted by the Scots and Pictes obtayned sundry victories against the Saxons The confederate Nobles abode certaine dayes in London And being richly rewarded by King Arthurus returned home The Realme of Scotland was gouerned in great felicity and iustice by King Coranus Then after certaine Traytors assisted by Donald Captaine of Athole murthered the King in his chamber the foure and thirtieth yeare of his raigne in the sixteenth yeare of the raigne of King Arthurus and in the twentieth yeare of Iustinian Emperour the yeare of Christ 535. He was buried at Icolmkil 46 EVGENIVS tertius Congallus first sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4505. in the yeare of Christ 535. after the raigne 865. a wise godly King and good Iusticiar he continued in good peace all his dayes and died the three and twentieth yeare of his raigne and buried at Icolmkill 47. CONGALLVS secundus succeeded his brother Eugenius the yeare of the world 4528. the yeare of Christ 558. after the raigne 888. a good iust and godly Prince he instituted many good lawes concerning Churches and Churchmen hee died in peace the eleuenth yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill in whose time was S. Colme and S. Mungo 48 KINNATELLVS succeeded his brother Congallus the yeare of the world 4539. the yeare of Christ 569 after the raigne 899. a good and godly King hee died in peace the first yeare of his raigne and buried at Icolmkill 49 AIDANVS Coranus sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4540. the yeare of Christ 570. after the beginning of the raigne of Scotland 900. He was a valiant and good King and seuere Iusticiar he confederated with the Britaine 's against the Saxons and Pictes there followed sundry battels at last the Britaines and Scottes came into Northumberland against the Saxons and Pictes and vanquished them in a dangerous battell the tenth part of the spoyie obtained in the field was dedicated to the Churches of Scotland and the Banners or Ensignes gotten at that time sent to Icolmkill he died in peace the fiue and thirtieth yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 50 KENNETHVS primus Congallus second sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4575. the yeare of Christ 605. after the raigne 935. a good and peaceable Prince He died the first yeare of his raigne and was buried in Icolmkill 51 EVGENIVS quartus Aidanus sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4576. the ye●…re of Christ 606. after the raigne 936. He was a godly and good Iusticiar and instituted many godly and good lawes for the Common-wealth of his subiects he raigned peaceably and died in peace the fifteenth yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 52 FERCHARDVS primus succeeded his father Eugenius the yeare of the world 4591. the yeare of Christ 621. after the raigne 951. a vitious Tyrant degraded by his Nobles and imprisoned he killed himselfe in prison the eleuenth yeare of his raigne 53 DONALDVS quartus succeeded his father Ferchardus the yeare of the world 4602. the yeare of Christ 632. after the raigne 962. a good and religious King holding peace with his neighbours being at fishing with his seruants for pastime he perished in Lothay the foureteenth yeare of his raign his body being found was buried in Icolmkill 54 FERCHARDVS secundus succeeded his brother Donaldus in the yeare of the world 4616. in the yeare of Christ 646. after the raigne 976. an auaritious and vitious tyrant bitten by a Wolfe in hunting whereof ensued a dangerous feuer being penitent of his euill life He died the eighteenth yeare of his raigne buried at Icolmkill 55 MALDVINVS Donaldus sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4634. in the yeare of Christ 664. after the raigne 994. He was a godly and wise King and a seuere Iusticiar holding good peace with his neighbours He was strangled by his wife in the night by suspition of Adultery the twentie yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill on the morrow his wife was taken with her Complices and burned to death 56 EVGENIVS quintus Malduinus brother Sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 4654 in the yeare of Christ 684 after the raigne 1014. he was a valiant and good King he obteyned a great victory against Edfreid King of Northumberland being killed with 10000 Saxons and Bredius King of Pictes fugitiue he dyed the fourth yeare of his raigne and buried in Icolmkill 57 EVGENIVS sixtus Ferchardus secundus sonne succeeded the yeare of the world 4658 the yeare of Christ 688 after the raigne 1018 a good religious and peaceable King he died in peace the 9. yeare of his raigne Buried in Icolmkill 58 AMBERKELETHVS succeeded in the yeare of the world 4667. the yeare of Christ 697 after the raigne 1027 an auaritious euill King killed by a shot of an Arro●… The second yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 59 EVGENIVS septimus succeeded his brother Amberkelethus in the yeare of the world 4669. in the yeare of Christ 699. after the raigne 1029 A good King contracting peace with the King of Pictes then called Garnard married his daughter Spontana who being with childe in the next yeare was murthered in her bedde insteed of the King by two brethren of Athole who had conspired the Kings death The murtherers at length were apprehended and cruelly put to death He continued a religions and vertuous King he endewed sundry Churches liberally holding good peace with his neighbours died in peace the 16 yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 60 MORDACVS sonne to Amberkelethus succeeded in the yeare of the world 4685 in the yeare of Christ