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A91186 An exact chronological history and full display of popes intollerable usurpations upon the antient just rights, liberties, of the kings, kingdoms, clergy, nobility, commons of England and Ireland Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1666 (1666) Wing P3962A; ESTC R232177 595,052 408

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their Religion as I have proved and shall further evidence by this passage of Cicero de Divinatione lib. 1. Apud veteres qui rerum potiebantur iidem auguria ferebant ut enim sapere sic divinare Regale ducebant ut testis est nostra Civitas in qua et Reges augures et postea privati eodem Sacerdotio praediti rem religionum auctoritate rexerunt eaque divinationum ratio nec in barbaris quidem gentibus neglecta est To which I shall subjoyn this observation of Alexanderab Alexandro Cum a principio urbis multa et magna sacra Reges obirent ad quos de religione deque sacrificiis et ceremoniis deorum Sacerdotes saepe consultum ibant qui etiam rem divinam facientibus aderant ne bonis auspiciis coeptum confirmatumque regium nomen post exterminatos Reges aboleretur penitus neve de relictis sacris regium nomen expeterent longe antiquissimum rati sacra quae penes Reges erant alicui demandare Regem sacrificulum crearunt qui sacrorum Rex dictus sine regio imperio solo nomine rex sacra quaepenes reges erant obiret ac Ceremoniis praeesset quem creatum aut in locum decedentis suffectum sicut reliquos sacerdotes inaugurari oportebat Eratque non annuum sed perpetuum sacerdotium immune ab omni belli tumultu Neque enim Rex sacrorum militare stipendia facere aut castris et Legionibus praeesse poterat propter suspectum invisumque regium nomen neque magistratum gerere aut concionem habere vel cum populo agere Namque eius potestas sola religione et templis tenebatur Primus enim Manlius Papyrius ex Patricus Bruto Consule rex creatus fuit cui jus sacrificandi de sacris decernendi reliquerunt eumque Pontifici maximo subjecerunt ideo in sacris epulis post maximum Pontificem supra Flaminem Dialem Martialem Quirinalem accumbebat Atque licet a principio a populo crearetur ex patriciis multis honoribus functis post aliquot aetates a minore parte populi selectis relatisque comitiis quibus fiunt Sacerdotes ex plebe creari coepit tunc cum Maximus Curio plebeius homo rex sacrorum fuit cujus uxor regina sacrorum hoc habet proprium ut quoties sacra facit ex malo punico virgulam quam in arculum dicunt pro infula deferat quae omnibus cal Junonis sacram faceret eique porcum vel agnum mactare debet in regia Ad quem vestales virgines die constituta annis singulis ventitare ne sacra negligerentur quae suae fidei tutelaeque credita erant praemonere solebant Erat ergo tegis sacrorum munus quinto Idus Jan Jano arietem immolare diesque fastos praedicere nefastos sacra procurare quae sacrificia sui essent ministrare Ideo sacra facturi lanam farra fruges lauros verbenas quaeque sacrificio opportuna sunt regem petunt Adeoque tam intra quam extra pomarium populi civesque quique in agris agunt imperiti morum civilium atque una agricolae de sacris festisque diebus consultum vadunt sacra postulant Ipseque feriarum causas quid quoque mense faciendum a quibusque cavendum esset praedicebat praemonebatque Cui hoc proprium dicunt fuisse ut sacrificium in comitio peragat quo perfecto nulla cunctatione vel mora se ex foro proripiat quando vero divinis rebus perfectis in Comitium venit in fastis notabatur utque Cal Martiis fores regis sacrorum Flaminis Pontificis maximi nova exornentur lauro sicut Palatinae aedes Augustae quercus virides nunquam lauros habuere Cujus filiae ad sacerdotium Vestae invitae eligi nequeunt nam privilegio honoris ab hoc onere immunes erant volentes vero non vetantur Quae autem ejusmodi sacra fuerint solis Regibus credita This was the power trust the antient Kings amongst the Romans had in all matters of Religion and worship of their Gods which their Pagan Emperors enjoyed as High Priests till they became Christians The like power we read of in other Pagan Kings in Diodorus Siculus Boemus de Moribus Gentium Strabo and Purchas his Pilgrimage among other Nations Hence Theodorus Gaza Thessaloniensis ad Alphonsum Regem Praefat in Orationes de Incomprehensibili Dei Natura D. Johannis Chrysostomi quas●e Graeco in Latinum vertit Operum Tom. 5. Parisiis 1588. p. 360. asserts Eundem Regem et Pontificem olim fuisse accepimus tanquam Regis officio is fungi non posse qui minus jura et rationes rerum sacrarum teneret quas nosse Pontifices certe interest Which he proves to be the practice among the Grecians Athenians Romans Egyptians Jewes out of Josephus contra Ap●ouem and likewise adds Atque etiam Persos Medos Indos gentes nominis magni suos Reges vel ex Sacerdotium ordine facere vel maxima familiaritate Sacerdotibus devinctos habere solitos legimus And he thereupon concludes that though of later times the offices of Kings and Priests are distinguished for the better discharge of both being over-burdensom for one person to manage and thereupon Quod etsi Rex minus divinam rem facit minusque Iudex constitutus est rerum sacrarum quas Ecclesia suo vocabulo spirituales appellar Rationes tamen nosse earum rerum et quemadmodum singula Christianae religionis debeant minime ignorare proculdubio pulchrum est et Majestati Regiae consentaneum since Kings themselves ought to observe them and to take special care that all their subjects do the like as he there proves at large quo plus apud eos as it did apud te Alphonsum Religionis Chatitas quam civile negotium valet 14ly Because Popes with other ambitious Prelates Priests and Clergy-men deny this truth together with Emperors and Kings Supremacy in Ecclesiastical affairs to avoid mistakes I shall briefly inform you 1. Wherein the Supream Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction belonging to all especially to Christian Emperors Kings exercised by them in all ages as part of their regal Office consists and then 2dly evidence the truth of my Proposition by the resolutions of Fathers Councils Popes themselves Popish and Protestant Divines of chiefest note in a Chronological manner For the First This their Supream Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction is reducible to these short Heads 1. By their royal Lawes Edicts as well as examples to maintain establish propagate encourage protect the publike sincere worship orthodox faith service honour glory religion of the true and only God throughout their Dominions according to the holy Scriptures to encourage defend love all the Ministers and Professors hereof to preserve peace unity concord in all Churches under them and prevent suppresse all Atheism Heresie Blasphemy Idolatry false or superstitious Worships Heresies Errors Schisms Profanesse Impiety repugnant to Gods Word 2. To preserve inviolable
High Priest during Moses his absence in the Mount had at the peoples request made erected a golden calf who committed idolatry with it Moses calls him to a strict account for it to whom he made an excuse with this memorable preface Let not the anger of MY LORD wax hot which stile he likewise gave him Nu. 12 11. Yea Moses not he Pronounced the Judgment and punishment upon the people for this Sin of Idolatry as likewise on him that gathered sticks on the Sabbath day the manner of whose punishment he inquired not Aaron and received from God 9ly When the Tables of stone formerly broken were renewed redelivered by God to the people it was alwayes done even after Aarons consecration by the hand mouth ministry of Moses who with his own mouth alwayes spake and delivered Gods Laws Messages to all the Congregation Elders people during all his Government and gave them a special charge of things future and a blessing at his death 10thly God made choice of Moses a Lay-man and Civil Magistrate to be the fir●● p●●man and Register of all his sacred Laws and first Five Books of holy Scripture not Aaron or any other Priest And to shew that Kings and Temporal Magistrates were the principal keepers of both Tables God particularly enjoyned when the Israelites came into the Land of Canaan and had set a King over them that the King when he sate upon the Throne of his Kingdom shall write him a Copy of this Law in a Book out of that which is before the Priests the Levites that it may be well with him and he shall read therein all the dayes of his life that he may learn to fear the Lord his God and to keep all the words of this Law and these Statutes to ●o them That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren and that he turn not aside from the Commandement to the right hand or to the left to the end that he may prolong his dayes in his kingdom he and his children in the midst of Israel All which particulars laid together relating to and acted by the very first Supream Civil Magistrat that God himself set up over his own peculiar people Church when he first instituted modelled both their Magistrates and Priests with their distinct Offices and powers will infallibly clear the Superiour Jurisdiction of the Supream Civil Magistrate in and over all Ecclesiastical persons and causes by Gods own institution and that the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction is united to the Temporal The reason why God reserved the Supream Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction to Moses the Chief Civil Magistrate and afterwards to Kings when he transferred the Priesthood to Aaron and his Sons and severed it from the Kingship was because it would be inconsistent with Monarchie and the Peace Unitie of the Republike Kingdom Church to erect two distinct Supream Powers independent on unsubordinate to each other in one and the same Body Politick Nation Kingdom united under one Supream Civil Head and a Cause of perpetual Wars Schismes Contentions between these different powers by reason of mens Natural ambition and desire to enlarge their Juriisdictions to the prejudice of each other This we find experimentally verified in the Israelites themselves immediatly upon their division into two independent kings kingdoms of equal power unsubordinate to each other which produced not only perpetual Warres between them all their dayes in their Realms as sacred Story oft records but a more sad division in their Religion Worship Church Jeroboam erecting two Calves and a new idolatrous worship with suitable Priests to promote it and a new place of worship contrary to that prescribed by God himself to keep his Subjects from Gods true worship at Jerusalem and returning to their allegiance and obedience to their rightfull Kings of the seed of David which all his Successors persevered in till their final captivity and utter desolation for their idolatry And it is infallibly evidenced by the manifold sad Divisions Schismes Wars Rebellions in most Christian Empires kingdoms ever since the ambitious Popes of Rome and other Prelates have claimed by a pretended divine independent right and usurped to themselves the Supream Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction over all Persons Causes inseparably united by God himself to the Crowns of Christian Emperonrs and Kings As God therefore out of his infinit Wisdom at the very Creation constituted but one natural head over every natural body of Men Beasts Fowls Fishes and creeping living creatures though they consisted of two different substances Soul and Body not two distinct heads the one corporal the other spiritual to govern each body because two Supream head● would have destroyed the unity harmony operations of these Creatures in their respective orbes and made a Schisme in their bodies So he at first united the Supream Spiritual and Temporal Jurisdiction over Men at the Creation in one person Adam the first sole Monarch of the World And afterwards when his Church and people multiplyed into such a vast dispersed multitude that one person could not possibly execute or discharge the Kingly and Priestly Offices as at first he conveniently might did whiles all united in one Tribe and Family so that there was an absolute necessity to divide them into several Hands Tribes God did even then reserve the Supream Ecclesiastical Government and Jurisdiction as absolutely necessary for inseparable from the Supream Civil Head and Governor of his people to prevent Schismes Confusions and preserve Unity Tranquillity both in Church and State not transferr it from Moses to Aaron the Church with all its Officers Members being included in branches of the Kingdom Republike not divided from it as a distinct independent spiritual corporation Therefore still to remain under the sole Government and protection of the Supream Politick Head This is most clearly and significantly expressed by Ezechiels uniting the two divided sticks into one rod in one hand typifying the uniting of the two divided Kingdomes of Israel and Iudah into one Kingdom Church PEOPLE under one King and Shepheard Jesus Christ and making them all but ONE in their Government and true Worship of God according to his Statutes Hence it is most apparent that the Civil and Ecclesiastical Powers Authorities or Jurisdictions are not thus denominated because they are vested in different persons hands or flow from various fountains or distinct in their natures as the Pontificians and others generally assert and mistake but meerly because they are exercised upon or about different things or objects the persons wherein they originally and supreamly reside and from whence they flow and the very Powers Authorities Jurisdictions themselves in their nature being but one and the same only the objects matters in upon or about which they are exercised various and distinct from whence they have these different Epithites To evidence this truth past all contradiction being the surest Oracle to resolve all future Controversies concerning these Jurisdictions yea keenest axe
beata quiete dignatur oft stiling him holy blessed divine happy semper eum qui in sanctis est Justinianum dicunt 17ly Learned Dr. Crakenthorp gives this testimony of him There cannot be found in all Scripture more fair evidence nor a more authentick Charter for the happy estate of any one in particular that lived since the Apostles times then is for this Justinian For what were the works which did accompany and follow him Truly the works of sincere faith of fervent zeal to God of love to the Church and children of God the works of piety of prudence of justice of fortitude of munificence of many other heroical vertues with these as with a garment and chain of pure gold Justinian being decked was brought unto the bridegroom Every Decree made or ratified by him for confirming the truth every Anathema against Heresies and hereticks particularly those against Vigilius and all that defend him that is against Baronius and all that defend the Popes infallibility in defining matters of faith every Temple or Church every Monastery and Hospital every City and Town every Bridge Haven and Highway every Castle Fort and Munition whether made or repaired by him tending either immediately to the advancing of Gods service in strengthening the Empire against his and Gods enemies Every Book in the Digest Code and Authenticks every Title yea every Law in every Title whereby the Christian faith or Religion or preaceable order and tranquillity have been either planted or propagated or continued in the Church or Commonwealth all these and every one of them and many other the like which I cannot either remember or recount are like so many Rubies Chrysolites and Diamonds in the costly Garment or so many links in the golden chain of his faith and virtues Seeing they who offer but one mite into the Treasury of the Lord or give but one cup of cold water to a Prophet in the name of a Prophet shall not want a reward O what a weight of eternity and glory shall that Troop of Vertues and Train of Good works obtain at his hands who rewardeth indeed every man according to their works but withall rewardeth them infinitely above all the dignity or condignity of their works I have the longer insisted in clearing Justinians Ecclesiastical Supremacy in matters of faith worship over all Ecclesiastical persons and Popes themselves with his piety as well as Regality in making collecting the forecited Ecclesiastical Laws because they are most punctual to my present Theam and most oppugned by Baronius Agapetus a famous learned Deacon of Constantinople in his Admonitorium to the Emperor Justinian hath these memorable passages Honore quolibet sublimiorem quanto habeas dignitatem O Imperator honora supra omnes qui hoc te dignatus est Deum quoniam juxta similitudinem caelestis Regni tradidit tibi sceptrum terrenae potestatis ut homines doceas justi custodiam Super omnia praeclara quae regnum habet pietatis cultusque divini corona regem exornat Sceptrum Imperii quam a Deo susceperis cogitato quibusnam modis placebis ei qui id tibi dedit quumque omnibus hominibus ab eo sis praelatus therefore above the Pope and all other Prelates magis omnibus eum honestare festina porro id ipse honestamentum arbitratur maximum si quasi te factos a se tuearis atque ut debiti solutionem benefaciendi munus adimpleas c. And he positively asserts Essentia corporis aequalis cuilibet homini Imperator potestate autem dignitatis cunctorum praesidi Deo nec enim habet in terris se quenquam altiorem oportet igitur ipsum ut Deum non irasci ut mortalem non efferri c. His Imperator non habet in terris se quenquam altiorem making much against the Popes Supremacy recited by Antonius Abbas in his Melissa the Roman Censurers in their Index Expurgatorius Romae excus Anno 1607. p. 200. and the Spanish Inquisitors in their Index librorum prohibitorum expurgand excus Madreti Anno 1612. in Agapeto p. 797. not deeming it expedient totally to expunge it are contented to yield the Emperors Supremacy in Temporals by adding this exposition of them in the Margin of future Impressions Intellige de Potestate politica seculari enough to subvert the Popes Secular Monarchy asserted by them and their flatteres when as Agapetus meant it of his Supremacy in Spirituals as well as Temporals as his precedent and subsequent words assure us against this false new marginal Glosse He adds Imperator ut est omnium Dominus therefore the Popes ita cum omnibus Dei servus existat his whole Admonitorium tends to prove that the advancement of Piety Religion and Gods Worship is and ought to be all Kings Emperors chiefest study care as well as honor and safety Pope Pelagius the 1. in his Epistle to King Childebert writes We must endeavour to declare the obedience of our succession unto Kings quibus nos even us who are Popes as well as others etiam subditos esse sanctae Scripturae praecipiunt to wit Rom. 13. 1 Pet. 2. Chilpericus King of France accused Pretextatus Bishop of Rhoan for Theft Treason against him and divers other crimes for which he declared se de jure in eum agere potuisse but yet he summoned a Synod to examin and hear the cause because he would not seem to crosse the Canons whereupon a Synod being called at Paris Gregorius Turonensis Episcopus though a great favourer of Pretextatus thus ingenuously professed and told the King Si quis de nobis Episcopis O Rex Justitiae tramitem transcendere voluerit a te corrigi potest but if you transgresse them who shall punish you We speak unto you If you be willing you obey but if you be unwilling who can condemn you but he only who hath pronounced that he is iust Not the Pope nor a whole Synod of Bishops as this Bishop confesseth Pretextatus being convicted of the crimes by his own confession was thereupon apprehended imprisoned and afterwards banished by this King but recalled and restored by King Gunthram his Successor This King Gunthram summoned a Synod at Lyons against Salonius Ebredunensis Episcopus and Sagittarius Vaxiensis Episcopus who being complained against for drunkennesse whoredom and other crimes and convicted thereof were deprived of their Bishopricks and thrust into a Monastery as Prisoners by the King for a time Afterwards complaining to the King that they were unjustly injured by the Synod they petitioned him sibi tribui licentiam ut ad Papam urbis Romae accedere debeant Whereupon Rex annuens petitionibus eorum datis Epistolis eos abire permisit When they came to Rome and comp●●ined to Pope John of their misery and unjust removal he writ to the King desiring him to restore them which he did After which they falling into new crimes by bearing arms murdering and oppressing
him unto the Israelites his peculiar people the Supreme Paternal Regal Magistratical together with that now stiled Spiritual Pontifical Ecclesiastical Authority or Jurisdiction both in and over the Family State Church Militant was by Divine and Natural Right vested united in one person not divers to wit First in Adam himself but after his decease in the First-born unlesse disinherited by God for some crime or cause or in the Patriarch or Master of the Family Tribe who was both King and Priest having the Priesthood annexed to his Paternal or Regal Office not these to his Priestship _●O evidence the truth of this Proposition so far as the light of Scripture or Nature in the first remote obscure age of the world have revealed it for the Readers satisfaction I find it generally acknowledged by all or most Divines and Christian Authors who have written of the Church or the Original of Republikes Jurisdictions or Chronologies 1. That as God the Original of all power at the very Creation gave Adam a Soveraign Dominion over the fish of the sea over the foul of the ayr and over all the earth the cattle and every creeping thing therin to which he gave their several names as a badge of his Soveraignty over them by Gods own direction So he likewise ordained him as well after as before his fall to be both a King and Priest over the little world his family posterity issuing from him during his life not only to govern correct them when they transgressed but to offer sacrifices prayers to God for and instruct them in his Worship Laws fear Hence Cedren makes Adam the first KING Governor and that with reason enough as Mr. Selden notes because he governed and commanded all mankind as long as he lived who by the Law of Nature and Fifth Commandement are enjoyned To honor and obey their Father in the flesh and he not only obliged to provide for protect defend and correct as a Father but likewise to * instruct and educate them in the fear and admonition of the Lord as a Priest Now Adam being a King and Lord not only over all Creatures but Eve his wife before he was a Father and over his Posterity by his Paternal right before they were capable of instruction And the Title of King being alwaies prefixed before that of Priest as most honourable and first in order when ever mentioned and meeting together in one person as in Melchisedec Christ Others who were both Kings and Priests and the High Priests alwayes inferiour subordinate to the Chief Civil Governors and Kings of Judah and in Heathen Nations It thence most clearly follows that the Priesthood and Spiritual Jurisdiction in Adam was at first united and subordinate to his Kingly Soveraign Magistratical Office and Authority and so continued whiles residing in one person from the Creation till the Law given in mount Sin●i 2ly That Cain Adams first-born having forfeited his birthright and life too by the murther of his Brother Abel and thereby Seth becomming his first-born when Adam deceased his Kingship and Priesthood descended first to Seth and after him successively to the Patriarchs who were not only the Princes and Chief Governers of their Families Tribes to rule protect and correct them when they offended but likewise their Priests to erect Altars and Houses to God for his publique worship to offer Sacrifices prayers vows to God for them to blesse them in his Name to teach them his Lawes Fear and the Covenants made by God to them and their seed and commanded them to put away their strange gods and idols as Jacob did All which is evident by the examples of Noah Gen. 8. 20 21. c. 9. 25 26 27. Abraham Gen. 12. 7. c. 13. 4 18. c. 17. 1 2 8 c. 23 to 27. c. 18. 19 23 c. c. 20. 7. 17. c. 21. 23. c. 22. c. Melchisedec both King of Salem and Priest of the most High God Gen. 14. 18 19. Heb. 7. 1. Isaac Gen. 26. 23 24 25. ● 27. 21 28 to 41. of Jacob Gen. 28. 8. to the end c. 31. 54. c. 32. 9 to 13. c. 33. 20. c. 35. 1. to 16. c. 43. 14. c. 46. 1. c. 47. 7. 10. c. 48. 3. to the end c. 49. 1. to 33. Heb. 11. 21. and affirmed by St. Jerom the Ordinary Glosse with most other Commentators on these Texts Alexander Alensis and other Schoolmen Bishop Jewel Dr. Field Jacobus Bouldoc De Ecclesia a Mundi principio usque ad Mosen Salianus in his Annales Ecclesiasticae and other Annalists in the times before the Law 3ly Upon this account after the Law given and Priesthood vested in Aaron and the Tribe of Levi the firstborn though they lost this priviledge of exercising the Priests Office as before yet they were still the Lords to redeem themselves with an oblation of five shekels by the poll for their exemption from the Priesthood because God had taken the Levites from among the Israelites instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel which redemption was given to Aaron and his Sonnes who officiated in their steads 4ly That upon this original right priviledge of Primogeniture Christ himself as Gods firstborn was not only made Higher then the Kings of the Earth King of Kings Lord of Lords but likewise Head over all the Church that in all things he might have the Preeminence And had like the First-born before the Law the Supream Priestly Office and Power united to his Kingly Yea in some sence Christ hath fully restored this antient Right to all who are spiritually Gods First-born and the First-fruits of his Creatures as the Gospel stileth them having the First-fruits of the Spirit growing in them whom he hath MADE KINGS AND PRIESTS UNTO GOD HIS FATHER as the Marginal Texts resolve 5ly That the very Gentiles and Pagan Nations by the Law and Light of Nature vested the Supream Ecclesiastical Authority and oft times the Priesthood it self in their Kings and chief Temporal Magistrates who erected consecrated Temples Altars Groves constituted by their particular Lawes the several Orders Offices of Priests the Number Worship Services of their Gods and the Sacrifices Ceremonies and whole manner of their Worship To instance in some particulars Fanus the antientest of the Kings in Italy was the first who brought in thither the form of Religion He cousecrated Groves erected Temples from whom they were called Fana ordained Priests and Sacrifices Evander his next Successor introduced many other Ceremonies in the Worship of the Gods Anius as Virgil relates was at once REX IDEM HOMINUM PHAEBIQUE SACERDOS After Rome was built Romulus the first King thereof and Numa Pompilius who succeeded him made several Lawes concerning the whole Worship Service Holy-dayes Ceremonies of their Gods instituted their distinct Orders of Priests as highest Priest
Antichristian Pride actions and Kings villain service It is St. Bernards instruction to Pope Eugenius Bonus fundus humilitas in qu●●mne aedificium spirituale constructum crescit in Templum sanctum in Domino Nulla splendidior gemma in omni praecipue conatu Summi Pontificis Quo enim celsior caeteris eo humilitate apparet illustrior in seipso And it is the determination of Thomas Waldensis a great Patron of the Popes Supremacy Petrus sicut in Apostolatu primus erat sic etiam in humilitate I wish Popes who pretend themselves to be St. Peters successors disclaiming all their premised Luciferian Ceremonies Services Exorbitances with all other Bishops and Clergy-men may from henceforth demonstrate themselves to be Christs real Disciples Apostles successors exceeding all others in humility by preaching diligence in the Ministry not in the usurpation of such Ecclesiastical Authority for which they have neither precept nor president in the Gospel as the premises demonstrate I shall cloze up this Chapter with St. Bernards words to Eugenius which I cordially desire all ambitious Popes and Prelates seriously to consider En quis es sed noli oblivisci etiam quid Quid desinas intueri quod non desiisti esse Hoc ergo consulo consideres maxime quod maximus es hominem videlicet quod natus es Tolle ergo nunc haereditaria haec perizomata ab initio maledicta Dirumpe velamen foliorum celantium ignominiam nec plagam curantium Dele fucum fugacis honoris hujus malae coloratae nitorem gloriae et unde es nude nudum consideres quia nudus egressus es de utero matris tuae Nunquid infulatus nunquid micans gemmis aut floridus sericis aut coronatus pennis aut suffarcinatus metallis Si cuncta haec veluti nubes quasdam matutinales velociter transeuntes cito pertransituras dissipes exsuffles a facie considerationis tuae occuret tibi homo nudus pauper miserabilis Homo dolens quod homo sit erubescens quod nudus sit plorans quod natus sit murmurans quod sit Homo natus ad laborem non ad honorem Homo natus de muliere ab hoc cum reatu brevi vivens tempore ideoque cum metu repletus multis miseriis ideoque cum fletu vere multis qu●● corporis animae simul Proinde si consideras quantus es cogita etiam qualis maxime Haec te sane consideratio tenet in te nec te avolare sinit nec ambulare in magnis neque in mirabilibus super te In te consistito non infra dejici non attolli supra non evadere in longius non extendi in latius Tene medium si non vis perdere modum Locus medius tutus est Medium sedes modi modus virtus Omnem extra modum habitationem sapiens exilium putat BOOK I. CHAP. V. That Gods principal end and intention in ordaining Kings and Supream Civil Magistrates in the world was not the bare external administration of Justice between man and man the protection of their Subjects from violence oppression the preservation of them in wordly peace plenty prosperity the punishment of Malefactors rewarding of well-doers encouragement of Arts Virtue Trade industry or fighting their battels in times of War against Invading Enemies though considerable parts of their Regal Office and Soveraign Authority But the advancement of Gods Honor Worship Service Glory and spiritual Kingdom whose Vice-royes they are the suppression of all Idolatry blasphemy sinne wickedness the promotion of the eternal salvation felicity of their people and to be Kings for the Lord their God by advancing his interest all they can Vpon which ground in order to effect these ends God himself as well under the Gospel as Law hath delegated the Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction only to Kings and other Soveraign Temporal Potentates not to Popes Bishops Priests who are subordinate to them as their Subjects not Copartners with them in their soveraign Ecclesiastical Authority in point of Interest nor yet in its actual execution no further then they are pleased by their Laws and Commissions to delegate it to them as their Substitutes With a specification of the chief particulars wherein this Supream Ecclesiastical Power of Christian Kings and Emperors consists THE Grand Engin by which Popes and Popish Prelats have robbed Christian Emperors Kings Princes Magistrates of their Supream Ecclesiastical Authority and monopolized it to themselves alone is this grosse Paradox and Imposture That God and Jesus Christ under the Gospel have committed to their trust care only the Administration Government of the Commonwealth and Secular not of the Church and Religious affairs of the bodies temporal estates of their Subjects not of their Souls for which they are not to give any account at all to God That the Government care reformation of the Church Religion divine Worship and their Subjects souls are by Christs institution wholly and solely delegated to Popes Bishops Priests and other Ecclesiastical persons not to Emperors Kings or Supream Civil Magistrates Upon which notorious Forgery and Mistake they have First usurped engrossed to themselves alone the Title of The Church when as the definition of a Church whether Militant Triumphant National or Provincial accords not with them but their flocks people rather and is no where given to them in Scripture and the stile of Churchmen Ecclesiastical sacred persons Clergy-men which Titles they deny to all others not in sacred Orders stiling them The world secular persons the Laity popularity prophane vulgar unconsecrated persons as if they were no members of the Church when as the Scripture stiles them the Church Members of Christs body the Church and so Church-men Ecclesiastical persons as well as Bishops Priests Saints sanctifyed holy consecrated persons yea an holy Priesthood being made such by their very calling the Sacrament of Baptism and the Lords Supper their internal sanctification by Gods holy Spirit and washing away of their sins by the bloud of Christ far nobler consecrations then their bare Clerical Orders which no Protestants esteem a Sacrament and St. Peter himself defines them to be Gods Clergy Heritage as well as much as any Popes Prelates Priests how great soever 2ly They have forged two distinct incompatible Swords Jurisdictions The one Ecclesiastical peculiar to Popes Bishops Priests and those they stile Ecclesiastical persons not belonging to Emperors Kings or secular Princes The other Temporal exercised about secular things and affairs belonging only or principally to Emperors Kings and Secular powers yet subordinate to the command of Ecclesiastical persons when they shall require or desire its protection or assistance to enforce their Ecclesiastical censures 3dly That every Pope Bishop Priest as he is an ecclesiastical person is as far above all Emperors Kings Secular persons of what quality or dignity soever as the soul is above the body heaven
above the earth gold above drosse the Sun above the Moon and God himself above man 4ly That the Ecclesiastical Sword Iurisdiction Lawes and Constitutions are paramount and may controll the Temporal not the Temporal command or restrain the Ecclesiastical 5ly That Popes Prelates Priests may interdict excommunicate judge censure depose dethrone Emperors Kings Princes and all Secular powers persons but they have no power nor commission to judge censure deprive them for any Temporal or Ecclesiastical crimes 6ly That not Emperors Kings but Popes Prelates Priests and other Ecclesiastical persons have the sole power of summoning Councils Synods and voteing in them as Members framing promulging Ecclesiastical Lawes Canons Injunctions punishing Ecclesiastical persons and offences so stiled reforming abuses corruptions in matters of Religion Worship Doctrine Discipline Church men and Church-Government 7ly That Emperors Kings are made only by men but Popes Bishops Priests immediately and directly by God himself and Quantum Deus praestat Sacerdoti tantum Sacerdos praestat Regi 8ly That Papa est summa virtus creata That Papam nullus mortalium iudicare potest Quod Synodus etiam universalis in eum praesertim corrigibilem jurisdictionem non habet nec in eum sententiam depositionis profert etiam in haeresi sed dicit Ore tuo judica causam tuam Quod nullum crimen privat Papam ipso jure Papatu 9ly Quod qui Romanae Ecclesiae vel Papae Jurisdictionem vel Primatum subtrahit vel denegat haereticus est censendus Rebellis 10ly Quod Politia Christiana est una et ejus est unus Princeps regens eam et quod iste primus et supremus Princeps est Summus Pontifex qui est Monarcha Ecclesiasticus The clearing of this Proposition will give a fatal and final overthrow to all these Papal Pontifical Sacerdotal Paradoxes and Pretences In Order thereunto I shall desire you to take special notice of what Alvarus Pelagius confesseth asserteth Quod Politia unius Civitatis est Politia unius Principatus nec possunt esse plures Principes Regentes in una Civitate Quod omnes illi qui eodem signo charactere consignantur eisdem legibus eiusdem Legislatoris subjiciuntur ad eundem Principem pertinent Quod omnes Christianae Religionis sunt eiusde Principatus c. Quod Principatus civilis non distinguitur a Principatu Ecclesiastico sicut una species ab alia sed sicut partes integrales unius Principatus c. Nec potest dici quod Christiani sunt unius principatus quantum ad spiritualia alterius quantum ad corporalia temporalia quia nullus Princeps vel Subditus Christianus potest aliquid lic●●è possidere vel acquirere nisi in eo qui militat sub Principatu Christiano Ex quo liquido patet quod civilitas Christiana et politia et quantum ad spiritualia et quantum ad temporalia ad eundem Principatum pertinet Et hoc clamat tota sacra scriptura quod sumus omnes Christi fideles una communitas et unus populus nos et nostri profecto qui nos sectantur una enim fides unus Principatus et una Ecclesia collectio fidelium Eph. 4. Vi●o autem quod politia Ecclesiastica sit 〈◊〉 una tunc facile est videre quod unus est Princeps regens et dirigens eam quia pluralitas Principatuum non est bona ut dicitur 13 Metaphysic In una ergo politia unus Princeps ut preca in apibus quia diversitas Principatuum divisio regni et politiae est ●t materia guerrae et divisionis Mat. 12. Lu. 11. Omne regnum c. Caus 25. qu. 2. Si ea Nec poteit dici quid sit unus Princeps in ratione 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in ratione agenus et moventis quia ●icut declaratur 2 Metaphys in quo●●●● genere causae oporter unum primum dare ad quod omnia posteriora reducantu● Et ita oportet in Principatu Christiano esse unum priorem Princip●m regentem et moventem sive gubernantem totam politiam Praeterea pouere plures Principes non subalternos regentes et moventes eosdem subditos unum videlicet ratione spiritualium et alium ratione temporalium est facere ordinem illius politiae incounerum et non stabilem quia interdum contingit Principem corporatium praecipere pugnare Principem spiritualium prohibere illum pugnam ut tota die contingit inter Christianos Ista ratio op●me probatur 19. Dist ita Dominus Contingit etiam illos duos Dominos et Principes eodem tempore pracipere diversa ut unus praecip●et 〈◊〉 ad agrum alius ad ecclesiam quae in eodem tempore non possant fieri quia nemo potest duobus dominis servire Mat. 6. Luc. 16. ●●ubaudi contrariis Quare sequitur ordinem talis politiae esse inconnerum et non stabilem quod est inconveniens Hoc etiam potest manifestari e● unitate finis Omnes enim de civilitate Christiana ad eundem finem et sub eadem ratione ordinantur scilicet ad gratiam charitatem unitatem quae sunt vincula perfectionis in via Col. 3. Eph. 4. Et ad finalem beaticudinem in patria ubi est illa unitas de qua Psal 121. de que Augustinus non erit ibi aliqua invidia disparis claritatis ubi in omnibus regnat unitas charitatis ●e qua Gregorius Tanta vis charitatis omnes sibi ibi ass●ci●● ut bonum quod quisq ●e in se non accepit in alio se gaudeat accepisse Sed cuilibet uni sini correspondet unum age●● dirigens in finem illum plura enim agentia distincta specie et natura non habentia ordinem ad manum non possunt dirigere ad unum finem sub una ratione Ergo in civitate Christiana debet esse un●● primus Princeps dirigens emnes ejusdem politiae ad finem proprium ejus Et sicut unus homo secundum Augustinum primo creatus est ut in eo et ex eo constitueretur una creatura ut Caus 33. qu. 5. Ita unus rector principalis totius illius naturae qui cam deducat ad unum Deum qui creavit eum Gen. 1. Thus far his reasons are solid evidencing the Supream Government of Christ over the whole Church whereof he not the Pope is the head to be incommunicable the government of every particular visible Church on earth in each kingdom to be vested only in one King Soveraign Prince not in the Pope Prelats Clergy ●or divided between them both and quite subverts his conclusion thence Quod 〈◊〉 primus supremus Princeps est Summus Pontifex especially if compared with his Passages in another Article defining the greatest good eternal happinesse and be 〈◊〉 not wordly glory wealth greatnesse to be the chiefest end aim and reward of all good Kings where he thus describes the
Gods primitive instituting the First-born of every Family and Kings themselves before the Law to be not only Kings but Priests too as Melchisedech and others were And the very Romans Grecians with other Pagan Nations creating their Kings Emperors by the very light of Nature to be their high Priests likewise as I have formerly proved by sundry Testimonies and Alvarus Pelagius Lyra in Gen. 14. Numb 3. 12. 8. 16. Bellarmin De Romano Pontifice with other Romanists Bishop Carlton and sundry Protestants attest with one consent Because the care of Religion and Gods worship the instruction edification salvation and eternal felicity of all their Subjects souls did principally belong to them as a part of or appendant to their Regal dignity 8ly This truth is at large demonstrated by all the particulars I have formerly insisted on in the Second Chapter relating to Moses Joshua David Solomon Asa Jehoshaphat and Josiah as likewise of the Kings of Assyria Cyrus Darius Artaxerxes Nebuchadnezzar and the King of Niniveth which I shall not repeat All Kings and supream Magistrates under the Gospel having the self-same authority charge trust to promote preserve the purity syncerity of Gods worship suppress Idolatry Blasphemy Heresy all sorts of sins against the first and second Tables and indeavour the instruction salvation and eternal welfare of their Subjects as they had under the Law the ends uses grounds of Kingly and Magistratical institution Government under the Gospel continuing still the same as they were before and under the Law and being all moral perpetual not ceremonial 9ly This is most perspicuous by this precept given to all Kings by the King of Kings Psal 2. 10 11 12. Be wise now therefore O ye Kings be instructed ye Judges of the earth Serve the Lord with fear and rejoyce unto him with trembling Kisse the Son lest he be angry and ye perish from the right way Which they cannot do as Kings unlesse they command their Subjects to do it likewise Compared with these prophecies concerning Christian Kings under the Gospel Psalm 72. 2 10. The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles shall bring presents the Kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts Yea all Kings shall fall down before him and by their example and Regal authority all Nations shall serve him Psal 138. 4 5. All the Kings of the earth shall praise thee O Lord when they shall hear the words of thy mouth yea they shall sing in the praises of the Lord for great is the glory of the Lord. Isay 49. 22 23. Behold I will lift up my hand to the Gentiles and set up my standard to the people c. And Kings shall be thy Nursing-Fathers and Queens thy Nursing mothers they shall bow to thee with their faces toward the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet Kings shall see and arise Princes also shall worship Compared with Isay 41. 1 2. c. 52. 15 c. 60. 1 10 11 16. c. 62. 5. The Gentiles shall come to thy Light and Kings to the brightnesse of thy rising The Kings of the sons of Strangers shall come unto thee unto thee the rulers of the Gentiles and their Kings shall be brought c. And Psal 148. 11 12. Praise the Lord from the earth ye Kings of the earth in the first place and then by their examples and edicts Princes and all Judges of the earth both young men and maidens old men and children let them praise the name of the Lord this being the prime end of their creation and Gods instituting Kings Princes and Judges in the earth both before and under the Gospel 10ly This is most persp●cuous by the example of Jesus Christ himself the King of Kings of whom as Davis Solomon and other forecited Kings of Judah were types under the Law so himself is the president pattern for all Christian Kings under the Gospel Now the principal end scope of the Kingly Authority power 〈◊〉 of Jesus Christ is the propagation of Gods Kingdom Gospel worship glory the destruction of the Kingdoms of Satan sinne and all kind of wickednesse error heresie 〈◊〉 and the conversion sanctification salvation eternal beatitude of his Subjects souls that they may reign for ever with him in his heavenly kingdom in endlesse felicity Therefore it is and ought to be the principal end aym office duty of all Christian Kings who are his Viceroyes and ought to imitate his example 11ly This I shall more specially and peculiarly evidence by some few texts and examples 1. By Gen. 18. 18 19. Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty Nation and all the Nations of the earth shall be blessed in him For I know him that he will command his children are houshold after him that they shall keep the way of the Lord to do Iustice and Iudgement that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken Abrahams 〈◊〉 care being then a mighty Prince over his great and numerous family and to become a great and mighty Nation was to instruct and command his children and houshold after him to keep the way of the Lord that so they and all the Nations of the earth might be blessed in him 2ly By the whole Book of Deuteronomy especially ch 4. 5. 6. 26. 28. to 34. where Moses the supream Governour of Gods own people Israel with all earnestnesse exhorts and presseth them to keep do and observe all Gods commandements judgements and statutes that they might fear the Lord their God and love and serve him with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their might they and their sons and their sons 〈◊〉 all the dayes of their life that it might be well with them and their children after them for ever c. This day the Lord thy God hath commanded thee to do these statutes and judgements thou shalt therefore keep and do them with all thy heart and with all thy soul thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God and to walk in his wayes and to keep his statutes and his commandements and his judgements and to hearken unto his voyce And the Lord hath avouched thee to be his people and that thou shouldest keep all his commandements and to make thee high above all Nations which he hath made in praise and in name and in honor and that thou mayest be an holy people unto the Lord thy God as he hath spoken This is the chief end of Gods instituting Kings and Magistrates in the earth to make their subjects an holy people to the Lord their God 3ly By Joshua his last Speech and Exhortation to the children of Israel and their chief Heads and Officers before God Josh 23. 24. where he severally charges them To fear the Lord and to serve him in sincerity and truth to put away the gods which their fathers served on the other side of Jordan and in Egypt and to serve the
Lord their God which brought them and their fathers out of the land of Egypt c. Whereupon all the people resolved and answered again and again The Lord our God will we serve and his voice will we obey and they made a statute ordinance and covenant before the Lord to perform it compared with Joshua 22. 11. to 34. 4ly By King Davids manifold exhortations and precepts to his Subjects to this purpose throughout the Psalms especially Psalm 34. 37. O magnifie the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together O taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man that trusteth in him O fear the Lord ye his Saints Come ye children and hearken unto me I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Depart from evil and do good seek peace and pursue it dwell for evermore c. And by his charge to his son Solomon all his Princes Officers and Congregation of Isrel 1 Chron. 28. 9 10. Now therefore in the sight of all Israel the congregation of the Lord and in the audience of our God keep and search for all the commandements of the Lord your God that ye may posses this good land and leave it for an inheritance for your children after you for ever And thou Solomon my sonne know thou the God of thy Fathers and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth the imagination of the thoughts if thou seek him he will be found of thee but if thou shalt forsake him he will cast thee off for ever Seconded with this his publike prayer to God for them 1 Chron. 29. 18 19 20. O Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Israel our Fathers keep this for ever in the thoughts of the heart of thy people and prepare their heart unto thee And give unto Solomon my Son an understanding heart to keep thy commandements thy testimonies and statutes and to do all these things and to build the house for which I have made provision Which ended David said to all the Congregation Now blesse the Lord your God And all the congregation blessed the Lord God of their fathers and bow●d down their heads and worshipped the Lord and the King 5ly By Ecclesiastes 1. 12 c. 12. 9 10 11. recording that Solomon King of Israel was also a Preacher and taught the people knowledge and that which was upright even words of truth for their everlasting welfare 6ly By 2 Chron. 15. 12. to 19. Where King Asa made the people to enter into a covenant to seek the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul and that whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be put to death whether great or small whether man or woman To omit all other particular examples of this nature already touched From these Texts it is apparent That the primary office duty end of Kings especially Christian is to promote the honour worship service fear love of God true religion eternal salvation of their Subjects souls and suppresse what ever is repugnant thereto 12ly That which was Gods principal end design in creating the World it self redeeming mankind by the bloud of Jesus Christ and the King of Kings giving both the Law and Gospel to men must certainly be Gods chief end design in instituting Kings Princes and Supream Civil Governors the eminentest chiefest of men to be his Viceroyes to rule over men of inferiour rank or quality and the most essential real considerable part of their Regal or Magistratical office duty Now Gods principal end and design in creating the world and men the Lords of all other Creatures redeeming mankind by the bloud of Christ and giving both the Law and Gospel to them was only this that all mankind might worship adore fear honor praise blesse obey love and glorify him according to his word and will whiles they live on earth that Jesus Christ might rule in and reign over them as his kingdom Church Saints and they might reign with and enjoy perpetual felicity in by under him in his heavenly kingdom for all eternity as the Scripture resolves Therefore it must necessarily be Gods chief end design in instituting Kings Princes and Supream Civil Magistrates the eminentest choicest of all men to rule over those of inferiour quality and the most essential real considerable part of their Regal or Magisterial office trust duty upon which Account among others God specially enjoyned the Kings of Israel to have a Copy of the Book of his Law alwayes in their custody and to read therein all the dayes of their lives the better to observe it themselves and to enjoyn all their subjects to observe obey and do nought against it yea God himself with greatest majesty enacted this Royal Law by King Davids own mouth for all Kings Rulers to square their Government by He that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God which he can never do without taking special care to maintain promote the true Worship service fear love obedience of God according to his word among all his Subjects for Gods glory and their temporal and eternal felicity as David did 13ly This I shall evidence even from the very light of nature and practice among the Heathen Nations Plato in his Book De Regno asserts That the King hath Universae humanae Societatis curam that Regia cura ut quae principalis in omnes homines ars est consisting not only in this that Rex est humanus Curator but also Divinus Pastor over all his Subjects That the chief care of Religion Worship of the Gods and feeding of the people belongs to Kings they being a kind of Priests Quare in Egypto neque imperare licet Regi absque Sacerdotio Sed si quis ex alio genere per vim Regnum invasit postea tamen necesse est cum hoc genere initiari Quin et in multis locis apud Graecos Summis Magistratibus maxima sacrificia demandata esse quis compererit et sane etiam apud nos non minus clarum est quod dico Ei enim qui Rex sorte creatus est augustissima et maxima patria vetera sacrificia huic attributa esse tradunt Hos itaque sorte creatos Reges simulque Sacerdotes considerare convenit c. Aristotle his Scholar resolves us that in the heroical times Reges provinciam habebant bellorum et sacrorum nisi forte ad Sacerdotes attinerent Postea autem partim quidem ipsis Regibus omittendis partim vero populis recusantibus apud quasdam Civitates sacra solis Regibus relicta sunt Rex autem et Dux belli et Iuder erat rerum divinarum moderator And among the Romans themselves as their Historians and others relate their antient King and after that their Emperors were both Kings and Priests and had the chiefest hand in performing the Rites and Ceremonies of
their Citizens reviling the King and his mother drinking and whoring day and night were again removed by the King from their Bishopricks and thrust into the Monastery of Marcellus This King the next year summoned another Synod in urbe Valentina which met juxta imperium Domini Gunthrami Regis pro diversis pauperum querimoniis c. Et quia praedictus Rex per virum illustrem Asclepeiadorum referendarium datis ad Sanctam Synodum Epistolis injunxit to subscribe what ever he his Queen and daughters had given to holy places they thereupon accordingly subscribed About the year 590. Gunthramus Rex Francorum issued this memorable Precept De observando die Dominico to the Bishops summoned by him to the second Council of Matiscon omnibus Pontificibus universis Clericis cunctis Judicibus in regione nostra cons●itutis beginning thus Per hoc supernae Majestatis authorem cujus universa reguntur Imperio placari credimus si in populo nostro justitiae jura praeceptorum divinorum monita servamus Dum ergo pro Regni nostri stabilitate salvatione Populi solicitudine pervigili attentius pertractavimus agnovimus infra regni nostri spatia universa scelera quae canonibus et legibus pro divino timore puniri consuerunt suadente adversario boni operis perpetrari to the drawing down of Gods judgements on them which sinnes he thereupon enjoynes the Bishops and Ministers to endeavour to suppresse by their Preaching and Holy Lives Nam nec nos quibus facultatem regnandi superni Regis commisit authoritas iram eius evadere possumus si de subiecto populo solicitudinem non habemus Idcirco hujus Decreti ac definitionis generalis vigore decernimus ut in omnibus diebus Dominicis in quibus sanctae resurrections mysterium veneramur quando ex more ad veneranda templorum oracula universae plebis connectio devotionis congregatur studio praeter quod victum praeparari convenit ab omni corporali opere suspendantur enjoyning all Bishops and Priests thereon constanti praedicatione populi universam multitudinem corrigere c. And the Judges to punish them according to Law Concluding Cuncta ergo quae hujus Edicti tenore decrevimus perpetualiter volumus custodiri quia in sancta Synoda Matisconensi haec omnia sicut nostis studuimus diffiniri quae praesenti authoritate vulgamus wherein were 20. Canons made the first for the strict observation of the Lords day which he ratifyed by this Royal Edict All the Bishops in this Council concluded Propterea inde●inenter omnes nos orare oportet ut Dei omnipotentis Majestas Regis nostri incolumitatem solita pietate conservet nos omnes illa operari concedat quae Serenitati ac Ma●estati ejus ritè complaceant instead of quarrelling at his zeal for religion Gods worship and regal care of his own and his Subjects salvation for whom he was to give an account to God who had constituted him their King Justus Orgelitanus a Spanish Bishop present in the 2d Council of Toledo in his Explicatio in Cantica Car●icorum thus expounds these words Quia caput plenun●●●● Hi qui Principali honore in Ecclesia praeminere videntur quasi caput in Christi corpore adver●enture not the Pope Et qui in ipsa fidelium congregatione Sacramenta visibilia administrant veluti cincinni de cribuntur which flow only from the head and are no part thereof The Spanish Kings being the Supream head on earth of the Spanish Church as will appear by the 3d. Council of Toledo Anno 589. Regnante gloriosissimo atque piissimo Deo fidelissimo Domino Reccaredo Rege cum idem gloriosissimus Princeps omnes regiminis sui Pontifices in unum convenire mandasset in Civitate Regia Toletana the Metropolis of Spain this pious King sitting in the midst of this Council where 72 Bishops assembled made an Oration to them so soon as they were sate shewing the reasons of its summons wherein are these remarkable passages evidencing the supream care of the orthodox faith religion and peoples souls to reside in Kings and that himself was the instrument raised by God to convert the Gothes and Swedes to the Orthodox faith a Summary whereof he had drawn up and tendred to this Council to be read professed ratified throughout his Kingdom for the future Non credimus vestram latere sanctitatem quanto tempore in errore Arrianorum laborasset Hispania non multos post decessum genitoris nostri dies quibus nos vestra beatitudo fidei sanctae Catholicae cognovit esse sociatos credimus generaliter magnum et aeternum gaudium habuisse et ideo Venerandi Patres ad hanc vos peragendum congregandos decrevimus Synodum ut de omnibus nuper advenientibus ad Christum ipsi aeternas Domino gratias deferatis Quicquid vero verbis apud Sacerdotium vestrum nobis agendum erat de fide atque spe nostra quam gerimus in hoc Tomo conscripta atque allegata notescimus Relegatur ergo in medio vestri et in Iudicio Synodali examinata per omne succiduum tempus Gloria nostra ejusdem fidei Testimonio decorata clarescat Susceptus est autem ab omnibus Dei Sacerdotibus offerente Rege sacrosanctae fidei tomus et pronunciante Notario clara voce recensitus est ita c. Here this King himself draws up a Confession of his Faith and commands it to be publickly read in the Synod which was generally received by all the Bishops and Priests present in this Council was read with a lowd voyce in this memorable form Quamvis Deus omnipotens pro utilitatibus populorum regni nos culmen subire tribuerit et moderamen gentiumnon paucarum regiae nostrae curae commiserit meminimus tamen nos mortalium conditione perstringi nec posse felicitatem futurae beatitudinis aliter promereri nisi nos cultui verae fidei deputemus et conditori nostro saltem confessione qua dignus est ipse placeamus Pro qua re quanto subditorum gloria regali extollimur tanto providi esse debemus Let Baronius Popes and Popish Prelates observe it who deny that Kings have ought to do in matters of Faith and Religion in his quae ad Deum sunt vel nostram spem augere vel gentibus nobis a Deo creditis consulere Caeterum quid pro tantis beneficiorum collationibus omnipotentiae divinae valemus tribuere quando omnia ipsius sint et bonorum nostroum nihil egeat nisi ut in eum sic tota devotione credimus quemadmodum per scripturas sacras se ipse intelligi voluit et credi praecepit id est ut confiteamur esse Patrem qui genuerit ex substantia sua Filium sibi coequalem et coaeternum Non tamen ut idem ipse sit natus genitor sed persona alius sit Pater qui genuit alius sit