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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A87086 The difficvlty of sions deliverance and reformation: together with the activitie which her friends should manifest during the time that her cause is in agitation. Delivered in a sermon at Margarets Westminster, before the honourable House of Commons on Wednesday morning, the twenty-sixt day of Iune. 1644. / By Humphrey Hardwick, Minister of the Word at Hadam Magna in the County of Hertfard, and one of the Assembly of Divines. Hardwick, Humphrey, b. 1601 or 2. 1644 (1644) Wing H704; Thomason E2_9; ESTC R2445 22,618 46

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grown to the height and made the services of the Lord a reproach anger kindled in the breast of the Almighty and he will avenge himself on them and on the Nation the rather for their fakes this you know he did in so sharpe so terrible a manner as might cause the eares of him that heard to tingle Israel was discomfired before the Philistines the Ark of God was taken the news strikes old Eli dead brings his poor daughter in law good woman to untimely travail and her apprehension of the glories departing from Israel breaks her heart Lo now were those people fallen into the depths of misery as they were sunk into degrees of sinne and what a work was it to restore and reform their lapsed condition Albeit the Lord had vouchsafed pious in stead of prophane Priests sacrifices to be rightly ordered and justice to be executed in the land yet for a ●●ng while both superstition and Idolatry continued in the land troubles and calamities in the State it was well stept into Davids reigne before the Ark was or could be setled in its owne place Another instance we have in the second of Chronicles after Solomon in and before Asa's time the people were fallen to many superstitions and much corruption did abound in Church and State they were for a long time without a teaching Priest and without the Law and in those dayes there was no peace to him that went out or to him that came in but the Lord did vexe them with all adversities 2 Chron. 15.3 Now when we read and ponder the story we finde what a work it was to reform that State a Prophet is extraordinarily raised and wonderfully endowed to call the people to Reformation Further they make a Covenant and oblige all upon paine of death man woman and childe to take the Covenant yet after all this the work sticks and goes not on till Maacah the Kings mother be put down from being Queen because she had made an Idol in a grove vers. 16. I might shew you likewise how much adoe Iehoshaphat had to amend the errours which crept into Iudah by his neglect and connivence whilest he associated himself with Ahab but you may read it at leisure 2 Chron. 19. The book of Ezra and Nehemiah do also hold forth lively clear examples setting out more fully the hardship of this work And as testimonies and examples so metaphors in holy Writ may illustrate this truth the Lord in Esay calls the restoring of the peoples captivitie the reformation of their lapsed State The making of new heavens and a new earth then which nothing can possibly or conceivably be thought more difficult and impossible Esa. 62. Ezekiel is pointed to this in a metaphor of drie bones and demanded whether those bones can live hereby did the Spirit signifie it as difficult a thing to restore Israel and Iudah as to make those drie bones to live Ezek. 37.3 In the Apocalyps we finde the deliverance of the Christian Churches from the cursed power and pollutions of Antichrist to be set out by the rescuing of a woman newly delivered of a man-childe from the cruell red Dragon by which it 's easie to read an extremitie of difficultie and apparent danger in such an undertaking More evident yet will this appeare by argument First from the nature of this work the way to restore and reform a lapsed nation is all ●p-hil vertue purity pietie lodge in the height of the crags of the Rock it 's hard to climbe when it 's easie to descend besides a Nation is a vaste bodie and it is most difficult to move such things that way the maine bent and stream of nations runnes downward to vice and profanenesse the generall desires and endeavours of men are tending to loosnesse nor unstained worship in the Church nor impartial justice in commōwealth would they have those therefore that attempt reformation do work against the grain row against the stream and shall finde the work tedious and difficult Such intend●●nes and endeavours finde many enemies and great opposition If Israel talk of going out of Egypt to serve God better Pharaoh will be stirre himself and his instruments to sink them into a deeper degree of bondage That Pharaoh lives still in the Prince of darknesse and when ever there 's any speech of weakning his Kingdom by reducing a people from superstitions vanities corrupt and polluted courses he playes the Devill indeed summons all the Furies musters his black Forces sets on his Instruments quickens their activitie sharpens their wi● whets their inventions ●edgeth their malice heighthens their anger blows up their rage browes the impudency makes infinite their cruelty Hence all the bloudy Cains the scoffing stomachs the profane Esau's the politick Achitophels the railing Rabshakebs the world of ungodly persons become enemies and opposers The kings of the earth standing and up and the Rulers take 〈…〉 together 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 and Amalek c. conplot and conspire to root out Israel Adde to these all false religions all Idolatrous and superstitious Worships ancient Ceremonies beloved Customes and Traditions of our Fathers stand up and make much adoe● Yea more many false friends are alwayes inter-woven with the true seekers of Sions good which crie We will build with you and these oft-times unbuild and destroy more then the open adversarie yet more opposition and hinderance the Prince of darknesse makes advantage of the infirmities and inconsideration of well-intending men hereby raiseth he jealousies makes divisions put strange remora's in the progresse of the Churches cause now from all these we may note a second reason of difficultie and sadnesse A third is the great reign of unbelief in the hearts of men in times of this natur How few of the Israelites which dwelt in Egypt did truly beleeve that ever they should be brought to Canaan a land flowing with milk and honey Witnesse their continuall expressions of mistrust This Moses hath brought us out to slay us in the wildernesse they should die for want of bread perish for thi●st and the like After all how fear'd were they to be eaten up of the Giants You remember also a man that when deliverance and promise of plenty was made would not beleeve though windows should be opened in heaven doubtlesse many were then as unfaithfull in heart although they spake not so plaine in words There is alwayes a prejudice in the hearts of men against any great matter to be done for the Church and people of God the world sees them to 〈◊〉 but few cordiall active friends especially amongst the great ones and therefore disbelief doth use●●ly possesse their hearts Now this doth dragge the businesse trash down proceedings more than one would imagine Christ himself could not doe●●● at woks because of mens unbelief much more 〈…〉 men do their endeavour yet bring on the work but slowly if at all because of unbelief A generall unwillingnesse of change and 〈◊〉 tion doth usually abound in such
the dust Let then hence the sentence of holy doctrine be All the friends of Sion should be much and active in pious and precious endevours when her cause is in agitation The Scripture doth learn us this truth by a memorable passage Exod. 17. when the brood of profane Esau strove with Iacobs Seed Ioshua being a man of warre must chuse out fit men for battell Moses Aaron and H●● being no sword-men they must to the Mount where Moses hands must be held up all the while and when they were let downe Amalek prevailed but when they were held up Israel prevailed This my brethren signified that every man should act even to intention to the highest degree of his activity when Sions businesse is in hand or otherwise the Cause may be at a losse How are Zebulun and Napthali commended for jeoparding their lives in such a case Iudg. 5.18 Mordecai could tell Est 〈◊〉 If thou holdest thy peace at this time thou and thy fathers house shall be destroyed Est 4.14 I might now produce the vow of David Psal 132. the zeal of Vriah 2 Sam. 11.11 Daniels devotions Dan. 9.18 speak of Ezra and Nehemiahs incessant endeavours and the peoples building the wall with swords in their hand all witnessing this truth and leading us to the dutie But see we two speciall injunctions require this when the worship of God and the justice of the Kingdom was carried well on towards the point of establishment in the dayes of David then are all the friends of the Church called upon to be active Psal. 122.6 The prophet Esay likewise foreseeing by faith the deliverande of the Church and flourishing condition of Christs Kingdom ready to ensue doth not onely testifie for himself that he will not hold his peace for Sions sake but also calls upon others yea all that be mindefull of the Lord let him have no rest untill he hath made Jerusalem a praise in the earth Esa. 62.6 7. The first Argument to illustrate this Doctrine is from the high and precious nature of Sions cause It will be easily granted that as all intelligent agents act for some end so they act according to the nature of the thing they are imployed about This cals for more or lesse carefulnesse and regard more or lesse activity and intention as the matter under hand is more or lesse of value Will not the Refiner be ten times so circumspect and industrious when his gold is in the furnace as when lead is on the fire How curious and wary is he that is to cut rich jewels and pearls Now can there be any thing in the world more precious or of such importance as the cause of the Church standing for pure Religion and unstained worship of God and justice Me thinks in these is the very quintessence of all excellencies and substantials The whole world is subordinate to the Church her good that men might know and serve God aright was the very end of Creation Yea more did not the Lord Christ die in the cause of his Church Note then how transcendent and incomparable excellent and precious is that to which in some respect the Creation and Redemption of the world is subordinate great reason then is it that all who would be thought the friends of Sion should be very active when her cause is in agitation Thus it ought to be in regard of the multitude which are concerned in the businesse When there was but one Peter in prison how incessant was the Church on his behalfe If a number of Gods dear ones had their cause transacting it behoved all well willers which knew it to be helping in it if they could How desireable is it to do good to a Citie or a Nation What have not meere morall men done and undertaken for their countrey upon this onely ground that the businesse concerned the whole nation Now the Churches cause concerns not a nation onely but nations Her cause is like her self Catholike Hath not the whole body benefit by the free dome and happinesse which comes to any part Yea posteritie and ages to come are sharers in Sions deliverance Have not we been much the better for Deliverance and Reformation vouchsafed in the dayes of King Edward and Queen Elizabeth Thus many and many are parties concerned yea more God himself his blessed Sonne and holy Spirit are interessed in it or much honoured or dishonoured by it If any will object that if it be Gods businesse he will look to it himself and we need not then be so carefull not active I answer that the Lord hath committed his cause in part to his people to manage For he is that Lord that put forth his vineyard to husband men and so he puts his cause into the hands of Sions friends to solicite and prosecute it And therefore in should not take off but quicken their activitie since God and men nations and people present and after ages are concerned in it In such a time there is much work to be done Many grievous sins to be rased out of the Register against us there are many personall iniquities many nationall offences the sinnes of our fathers to be put out of remembrance Nor is it an easie thing to blow our transgressions cancell the hand-writing which is against ourselves and the land Love indeed is said to cover a multitude of sins and there must be much expression of great zeal and love which will doe this work Second to this the justly provoked ire of the Almightie is to be pacified that is full displeasure fall not upon us his countenance his joyfull countenance is to be sought Many mercies many kinds of great mercies are to be obtained Men are in such times to make the Lord amends as I may so speake with holy reverence for former failings and neglects And to all this consider that Sions friends expect that God in such times should do great things for them make bare his Arme appear in the Mount avenge his Elect make Jerusalem a praise in the earth should not they then be active when so much is to be done and expected The last Reason of this because Sions adversaries are much and active in pestilent attempts to hinder her good and work her ruine Remember how stirring Balaam was to curse Israel when they were ready to enter the land of Canaan Consider likewise how Gebal Ammon and Amalek with the rest did conspire combine complot and consult to cut off Gods people from being any more a nation and to put the name of Israel out of remembrance As thus it ever was so it ever will be with the profane of the world the serpent seed Is it not reason then that the womans seed should be active in their zeal otherwise it might be just with God to permit the instruments of his cause to faile in regard they suffer themselves to be out-done and out acted by the devils instruments This doctine thus cleared doth in the reflex of