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A69038 The theatre of Catolique and Protestant religion diuided into twelue bookes. Wherein the zealous Catholike may plainelie see, the manifest truth, perspicuitie, euident foundations and demonstrations of the Catholique religion; together with the motiues and causes, why he should perseuer therin. ... Written by I.C. student in diuinitie. I. C., student in divinity.; Copinger, John, b. 1571 or 2, attributed name.; Colleton, John, 1548-1635, attributed name. 1620 (1620) STC 4284; ESTC S115632 314,600 666

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against me alone calling S. Augustine S. Hierom and S. Gregorie the Iustices af the Papisticall kingdome Thus also did that proud Beza charge Origines with blasphemie adding that neither S. Chrysostome nor any of the Greeke fathers did euer declare the trueth simply charged Saint Hierom with shamles errors as inuocation of Saincts and the practise of chastitie or virginitie in the Church Musculus also said that S. Hierom did deserue rather hell then heauen Brentius did charge the first Councell of Nice with foule errors Caluine called the fathers thereof Lunatick and francticke people Musculus saith they were instigated and led by the diuill and that all Councells were pernitiouslie fallen into errors Vrbanus Regius said that in the best tymes of the Church Sathan ouerruled all Bushoppes Peter Martyr called the aunciente Fathers pratlers but no diuines Illiricus reiected the said Fathers Peter Martyr also said that as longe as men relie vpon the Fathers they must be deluded with errors Doctour Humfrie at Oxford said that Iuell gaue a great scope vnto the Papists and did himselfe greate wronge in alleadginge the Fathers for himselfe for what haue we to doe with fleash and bloud The same also Caluine and Peter Martyr wrote Whitakers also vnto Doctour Sanders answered sayinge We care not for your histories Doctour Toby Mathewe said to Father Campion If he should beleue the Fathers he could not be a protestante Beza cried out against Athanasius and the Fathers of the Councell of Nice for that saith the Athanasius found out this Tripartite god he meant the blessed Trinte He said also that he Fathers of that Councell were blinde sophists the ministers of the the beast the bond-slaues of Antechrist 4. The third cause of this mine auersion was because protestantes are hard to be reclaimed for that amoūgest all the sects that euer were none were more inconstant or variable in their Doctrine then the Protestants For neither birdes or beastes as Plinie saith doe watche to breake other birdes egges or destroie others of-springe Plin. natural hist lib. 10. c. 74 as these Protestantes watche to destroye and abrogat the Doctrine which was hatched before them so as whatsoeuer the first gospeller doth settle the whelpe that comes from him doth destroye it as in steede of many examples the confession of Augusta may serue for one so called for that in that citty Colloq altenbar f. 4 39. Colloq altenb fol. 464. the Lutheranes did exhibit to Charles the 5. a booke wherein were written all the articles of their Doctrine which was 50. times chaunged and mangled as they themselues affirme in all which the last is nothinge like the first and soe they call it Cothurnum c. A dislikinge vnto all the rest notwithstandinge Luther said it to be Fundamentum quod hactenus papistis opposuimus The fundation which hitherto we opposed against the Papists the grounde of our religion according to the word of god and the onlie rule of the peace and establishinge of trāquillitie in Germany saith he but in very trueth was the cause of all the warres and troubles thereof and which was abolished out of Germany yea out of Augusta it selfe and within fewe yeares became zuinglians Zuingfeldians and is in noe place accepte in Saxonie For other sectes with which that miserable Country doe abounde being in nūber 20. as Stanislaus Rescius describeth carrienge with thē all the sway did steppe in amoungest them and so at the last Luthers Doctrine was vtterly reiected Count Palatines Country can beare witnes of this mutabilitie which from Zuinglianisme turned to Lutheranisme againe from Lutheranisme to zuinglianisme Smidlerus in vita Bullen f. 15. As also vpper Germany when one Prince or great superintendent dies the people after their death doe change their religion 5. England alsoe cannot denye this to be true which a certaine Pope many hundred yeares prophesied of them saying English men of all nat●ons are most inconstant and waueringe in their faith the time shall come saith he that when Christendom shall haue most neede of them they shall suarwe from their faith and fall into sectes and heresies For in our daies it changed her religion 4. times within 30. yeares vnder kinge Henry the 8. kinge Edward his sonne Queene Marie and Elizabeth And as Fox saith kinge Edward beinge a childe after his fathers funerall by the instigation and settinge on of his Vncle the Duke of Somersett did abolish the religion which his Father had by lawe ordained viz. The six articles containing 1. The trueth of the Reale presence 2. That both kindes for all persons are not necessarie 3. That marriage of Priests is prohibited by the lawe of God 4. That Vowes and votaries are confirmed by the lawe of God 5. That the Masse is agreable to Christes inst●tution 6. That Auricular confession is warranted by the word of God This kinge sett foorth two bookes of reformation afterwards a third These articles of our faith were made at one parlemente by the said kinge Henry the 8. and were abrogated as superstitious inuentions by another Parleamēt Anunas menstruas fides as Hillarie and S. Basil say of the Arrians euery newe yeare and moneth a newe faith And what I pray you can be amoungst Christians more disgracefull then this For ought not our Religiō euery article thereof to be as the same S. Basil saith eadem heri hodie in saecula to admitt noe change but to continewe his vigor aswell yesterdaye to daye as alsoe for euer According whereunto our Sauiour alsoe saith that heauen and earthe shal passe but my wordes shal not passe nor any iott nor sillable thereof till al be fulfilled Is there any Christian to be found who dares be so bould to say that our Parlament exceedeth the power of God But god by his absolute power as Aristotle and all diuines and Philosophers affirme cannot make two contradictories or contraries to be trewe because of the implication therein for if the one be trewe the other must be false and truly noe more can these opposite and contradictorie Parleaments be possiblie true 6. The 4. cause was that Protestantes make but a mockery of all religion for that they follow Nicholas Machauailes precepts holding that the Catholike religion is a hinderance to state and that Princes shoulde followe that religion though the groundes thereof be neuer soe false which doth aduance their present estate but contrarie to this S. Thomas saith that wisdome and power are companions of trewe religion which when it faileth the power of state alsoe faileth non veniat anima mea saith S. Bernard in Concilium eorum qui dicunt c. my soule shall not follow their Councells who say that the exaltation and and peace of the Empire will hunder the peace of the Church If Iustice be a vertue to giue euerie man his owne to giue to Cesar his owne and to God his owne how doth the Prince
keepe Iustice with god that takes from God his righte which is religion depriues his diuine maiestie of that worshipp reuerēce which is due vnto him This is proued for that Princes followinge this false reason of state haue beene put by God frō their state as Ieroboam the seruant of Salamon to cōtinewe himselfe in the kingdome which he had taken from Roboam did alter the Religion made a false religion For he made two golden calues one at Dan and the other at Bethell and also altered the order of priestoode by ordaininge others that were not of the order of Leuie For which both he and his yssue were depriued of their kingdome and destroied of their liues The Princes of the Iewes by reason of their state put Christ to death least the Romaines shoulde come vpon thē neuerthelesse the Romaines came vpon them and destroyed them 7. Vetiza a kinge of Spaine and his successor Rodorigus fearinge the rebellion of their subiectes for their owne wicked actes destroied and rased downe all the stronge holdes of Spaine which was the cause that that Country was broughte in one quarter of a yeare in subiection by the Moores which were not expelled Spaine in 700. yeares after The kinges of Fraunce Francis the first and his sonne Henry the second the one brought in the Turcke thinckinge to bringe him in to Spaine against Charles the fift Emperour kinge of Spaine to destroy Spaine But whether did the tempest driue the Turcke but to Tolouse within France which afterwards with great a doe makinge many spoiles of that Countrie were driuen out after burninge the Cittie of Nicea other citties out of which they brought with them 5200. Christians as slaues amongest which number were 200. consecrated virgins the other did ioyne with the rebellious protestāt Princes against the said Charles by whom they were ouerthrowen and brought to subiection Kinge Henry the third of Fraunce beinge perswaded that he should neuer be obeyed of his subiectes vnles he should make away the Catholique Princes as Henry of Loren Duke of Guise and Luyes of Iorē the Cardinall his brother murthered them in the assembly of Bloys 1588. but for that he was led rather by the wicked Councell of Macheuillians and not by the lawe of God he was punished himselfe by a poore sillye friar without the procurment of any but of his owne head who thrust him thorough with a knife beinge in the middest of his army purposing to besidge Paris Iohn Fredericke Duke of Saxonie intendinge to take the Empire from the house of Austria followed Martine Luthers Councell that he should change his religion soe that by the procurment of Luther he rebelled against his soueraigne But the frute that he reaped by this false reason was to be apprehended put in to prison depriued of his estate Dukedome and dignity of elector shipp was not Absolon destroyed by the false Councell of Architofell And Aman by his wicked plottes by which he tought to destroie Mardocheus and the chilren of Israell For there is noe wisdome or Councell of Macheuillians against God his Church Thomas Cromwel was put to death as Fox saith by the cruell lawe he made himselfe as by a certaine fatall destinie these be Foxes wordes that whosoeuer should be cast into the Tower he should be put to death without examination the said Fox calleth this Cromwell the wall and defense of protestant religion But qui hominibus placent confusi sunt quoniam Deus spreuit nos those which doe please men are confounded for God despiseth them 8. The principal and last reason or cause is for that these articles are already condemned by the generall Iudgement and verdit in soe many generall Councells as haue beene in the world specially by the last generall Councell of Trent therfore nowe they ought not to be called in question Whereupon Gelasius the Pope saith Maiores nostri diuina inspiratione cernentes c. Our Ancestours foreseinge by diuine inspiration did most earnestly pray the faithfull that whatsoeuer was decreed by any Councell against anny heresie for the faith of the Catholiks and the Catholike trueth it should neuer be broughte in question againe Also Leo the Pope did desire the Emperour Marcianus that there should be noe retractation in any thinge defined by the holy Councell and soe the said Marcianus established by lawe accordinge to his request that none should dispute of the definition of the Councell The said Leo also taught the same in his Epistle to the Councel of Chalcedon to Maximus the Bushopp of Antioch The same is also decreede in the Councell of Ephesus and in the Councell of Chalcedon S. Augustine also said that it is an insosolent madnes to disputed against any thinge that the Catholike church had defined For our Sauior saith whosoeuer heareth your heareth me and whatsoeuer they will you to doe that doe yee 5. For as much therfore as these heresies were condemned as I haue said by the generall Councell of Trent vnto whom protestantes refused to come to trye their doctrine for none euer refuseth the triall of generall Councells but heretikes therfore we ought not to dispute with them any more Which also rightly agreeth with the coūcell of S. Paul vnto Titus saying A man that is an hereticke after the first and second admonitiō shunne knowinge that such a one is peruerted And to Tomothy he saith these be they that craftilie enter into houses and leade captiue silly women alwaies learninge and neuer attaininge vnto the knowledge of the trueth but as Iames and Mambris resisted Moyses soe these also resist the trueth men corrupted in minde reprobate cōcerninge the faith All the while that S. Augustine was an Heretick S. Ambrose would neuer dispute with him And the Empresse Placilla wife vnto the great Theodosius vnderstanding that Eunomius the Hereticke would faine reason with her husband for eschewinge danger of being corrupted by him did with great wisdome hinder the conference And Nazianzenus saith we ought to abhor Heretikes as the destructiō of the church and the poyson of trueth not carienge any hatred vnto their persons but hauing pitty of their errors Ignatius likewise saith vt siilij ●●cis fugite diuisionem vnitatis malam haereticorum doctrinam As the children of light shunne diuision of vnitie and the wicked doctrine of Hereticks by whom the whole world is defiled resraine from those euill hearbes which Christ did neuer plant for they be not the seede of God but of the deuill Be not deceaued brethren saith he whosoeuer shall followe a seducer shall neuer possesse the kingdome of heauen and whosoeuer departes not from a false preacher shall purchase euerlastinge damnation 10. Thus he admonished that we should beware of wicked Heresies the reason of his caueat is for that Heresie as the holy Doctors saye is a certaine mischeefe of the diuill and a firebrande that cometh from hell a pestilente corrupt and poysoned aier a cancker that consumeth
walke not as the Gentiles walke ●n the vanitie of their sinne 1. Pet. 4.3 Rom. 1.21 hauinge their vnderstandinge obscured with darcknes alienated from the life of God by the ignorance that is in them who dispayringe haue giuen vpp themselues to impudicitie vnto the operation of all vncleannesse vnto auarice but you haue not soe learned Christ Lay you awaie accordinge to the old conuersation the old man which is corrupted accordinge to the desires of errour For before the catholique christian religion came into the world it was nothinge else then a dungeon full of all filth a denne of theeues and most wicked liuers a fayre or markett where there was nothing to be bought but all kind of crafte deceite diuilish inuentions a schoole where there was nothinge else to be learned but to lett loose the raynes to all voluptuous pleasures beastlie appetites and inhumane concupiscence of vnspeakeable and shamles impudicitie of beastiality and Sodomiticall riotousnes not only of the gentiles but also of the Iewes themselues Isa 35. who had the knowledge of God Therfore Isayas the prophett did compare the people of those ages with dragons serpents woolues lyons beares and Basilisks and for that cause he called the world at that tyme the land of wast dried sterrill without tyllage which was nothinge else then the denn of wilde beasts the caue of serpents the brothell howle and stewes of all filthie liuers but the christian religion and preachinge of Christs gospell not only by miracles but by the sanctitie and holines of the liues of the prechars did conuerte wolues into sheepe lyons into lambes serpents into doues and wilde fruitles trees into most florishinge braunches bearinge euerlastinge fruicte as the said prophett said that there should be a tyme that the desert should be translated into a pleasant orchard and the drie withered soyle voyde of trees or hearbes into a place of pleasure which doe signifie by this comparison the pulchritude and the beautie of the sanctitie of such as should florish in the world by the christian catholique religion and the true preachinge of his religious ghospell and soe the sonne of God did appeare that he should dissolue the the works of the diuill Iob. 1. Ioh. 3. which he hath done by his owne passion and death as also by the preachinge and vertuous life of his seruaunts 9. If any man will knowe further of this matter lett him reade ecclesiasticall historis which doe treate of the same relating the liues of the holie Sainctes and fathers which liued in the wildernes and the Chronicles of the holy orders of religion where he shall haue aboundante stoare of holy Bishoppes Confessors and Virgins which haue crucified their flesh with the vice and concupiscence thereof innumerable store of blessed Moncks whereof some liued in their conuents some other segregated and estranged from humanie societie where they liued rather like angells then like men whosoeuer I say shall reade ouer the liues of these people written by the best wyttnesses that euer were he shal there behold howe they haue spent whole nightes in deuoute prayers aswell vocall as mentall without sleepe hauinge noe other bedd then the earthe He shall see that the Cells of these fathers were soe narrowe that they should seeme rather sepulchers then Cells In vita S. Paul Eremitae He shall vnderstand that many of them had noe other meate then bread and salt with water and with Rootes of hearbes that as Saint Hierom writes to tast of any thinge boiled vpon the fire was counted riotuousnes he shall perceaue such pouertie in their attire that it cannot be more such was their recollection and retired life wherein they were estranged from all inordinat affection and passion in which they vsed such wonderfull mortification as they would not suffer their neerest in blood to approach vnto thē What should I declare their constant abidinge and perseuerance in continuall prayers without wearines their spiritual exercise without loathsomnes their discomfortable sollitarines without gruding hauinge noe other company then that of wilde beasts vglie serpents and fierce lyons which with a confident hope fixed in God they tamed and ouercame This life was so admirable and soe supernaturall as they without supernaturall helpe and grace of God could not endure it What should I speake of their constant sufferinge of all kinde of exquisitt and cruell torments how many battells they fought howe gloriouslie they haue triumphed ouer the world and the diuill and all their wicked instruments and ministers 10. When our Sauiour gaue vs a caueat of false prophetts Matt. 7. he gaue vs noe other token to discerne them then by their fruicts and woorks Doe men saith he gather grapes of thornes or figgs of thistles euen so euerie good tree yeldeth good fruicts and the euill tree yeldeth euill fruicte Are not you those false prophetts whose religion is most false in asmuch as noe good fruicte came euer into the world by it noe reformation of our manners noe amendment of our liues noe mortification of our passions noe restraint of our filthie appetites noe motiue or impulsiue meāes that should stirr vs vpp vnto any deuotion but rather giuinge vs all libertie to dissolution and to all wanton exercise Haue you not taken awaie all the Euangelicall Councells of our Sauiour in his ghospell Haue you not forbidden all vowes and votaries all Sacraments and sacrifice Haue you not quite abolished confession of our sinnes inward contrition in our harte and externall satisfaction and restitution outwardlie charitie from our harte and mercie from our workes pietie from our soules and humilitie from our spiritt and consequentlie all consolatiō from our aflicted consciences with the damnable libertie of your wanton and lasciuious ghospell as is auouched by the cheefest professors thereof For after this manner doth Smidline speake Vt totus mundus cognoscat eos non esse papistas nec bonis operibus quidquam fidere c. That all the world may knowe that they be not papists neither that they care for good works they exercise none at all And hauinge reckened infinite wickednesse of them this kinde of life they say the ghospell hath taught thē thus he Erasmus in his epistle ad Neocomum saith Profer mihi c. Episto Eras ad Neocomū 1529. Tell me I pray thee what man was euer made any thinge the bettter by that ghospell was there any epicure or gurmandizer made sober or temperate or any vnchast or shamlesse fellowe become chast or honest or cruell made gentle or extortioner persuaded to become liberall or the cursed to become blessed but I car shewe you many made worse then themselues 11. Luther the roote of all these Rugamuffines hath these wordes Luth. in postilla s●per 1. Dominic aduentus mundus indies fit deterior c. The world saith he is euerie daye worse and worse now men are more greedie of reuenge more couetous more remote from all mercie more immodest
was ouerthrowen by the water of baptisme the same was restored By a dreame Ioseph was made a slaue and abused by a dreame he was sett free and aduaunced to the highest dignitie of Egipt By a woman the whole stock of Adam fell by a wooman the same was raised vpp againe By meat the whole world suffred death as it is written In quacunque die comederis ex ea c. Whatsoeuer houre you shall eat thereof you shall die the death by meate the same obteined life himselfe pronouncinge the same qui manducat hunc panem viuet in aeternum whosoeuer shal eate this bread which he plainly affirmeth to be his fleshe shall liue for euer which fleshe is the only remedie vnto Virgins against the frailtie and raginge concupiscence of fleshly desires although matrimony after the fall of Adam was secondarily ordained against the furious passions therof beinge a secondarie effecte of the same yet in the lawe of grace when a sacred Virgin brought foorth a Virgin withoute the carnall operation of voluptuous sensualitie this virginall immaculate and vnspotted fleash brings foorth soe many millions of Virgins which haue bene and shal be in his church vnto the worldes ende and because you tast not of this fleash makinge it but a bare figure yow cannot liue either chaste or continent much lesse Virgins for it is a cheefe paradox in your doctrine that noe man can liue chaste 17. Lastly this is proued by the infallible trueth of Christs promise Iohn 6. who performed whatsoeuer he promised but he promised plainlie and euidentlie to giue his trewe flesh truely therfore he did performe the same The maior is knowen vnlesse yow will charge Christe with a lie The minor is proued in the 6. chapter of S. Iohn The bread that I shall giue is my fleshe for the life of the world and soe he performed it when he said Hoc est corpus meum And in that place he saith Caro mea verè est cibus sanguis meus verè est potus and also he saith vnto the Iewes vnlesse yow eate of the fleash of the sonn of man yow shall not haue life in yow And when he said trulie he did exclude figuratiuely for the one taketh awaie the force of the other But here perhaps an heretique will obiect that if wee adore the Euchariste for beinge the bodie of Christe the people adoringe the same beinge not consecrated by the iniquitie of the prieste should comitt idolatrie Wherto I aunswere that as Laban causinge Lia to lie with Iacob insteede of Rachell was not any imputation to the saide Iacob he beinge ignorant thereof for that he thoughte her to be his proper wyfe soe it should not be idolatrie for the people ignorantly adoringe Christe in an hoaste not consecrated euen as it is not an offence before God if one should reuerence a false brother for a supposed or pretended vertue though otherwise he were a dissembler for he doth not honnor the impietie of hypocrisie of the said dissembler but the religion and sanctitie that is thought to be in him Or as if a blinde man should saie vnto S. Peter Iesu the sonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon me thincking him to be Christ should not comitt Idolatrie Euen soe the Church should not be deceiued or be conuinced of Idolatrie if a wicked priest would not consecrate through his malicious intent for the catholique faith holdeth it for an assured beleefe that Christe is not in anny hoaste but in that which is rightlie consecrated nor euerie one lawfully regenerated or with God reconsiled that is not lawfully baptised and orderlie and rightlie reconsiled That there is a purgatorie which is proued aswell by Scriptures and auncient Fathers as also euen by the testimonies of Protestant thēselues CHAPTER I. 1. THis is proued by reason for if you grant that God is merciful and iust as indeed he is yow must alsoe proue purgatorie For if a man doe liue most wickedlie all his life without any remorse of conscience or any other pennaunce and at his death doth aske for mercy I thinck yow will not saye he shal be condemned vnto the euerlastinge paines of hell because he sought for godes mercie nor yet shall he enioye presentlie euerlastinge blisse for that God is iust in punishinge the sinnes of wicked people for as S. Gregorie sayes as the shadowe doth followe the bodie soe pennaltie and paines doth followe sinne but he shall not haue euerlastinge paines therfore he must be lyable to a temporall which was not inflicted vppon him in this life tyme therfore in some other place which is purgatorie 2. Although God doth remitt sinne quantum ad reatum culpae which is the guilt of sinne yet he doth not remitt temporall paines as may appeare by Dauid who although his sinnes were remitted vnto him yet he suffred temporall punishment as likewise Ezechias the Niniuites and others who notwithstandinge their sinnes were forgiuen them yet they suffred temporall paines and pennalties in this life as the Israelits whose pennance was that they should not enter into the lande of promise S. August tract c. 24. in Iohn saith productior est p●ena quam culpa and therfore the church imposed pennaunce after the absolution as wee may see in Conc. Nyce cap. 12. Laodic c. 1. Dionys Areop de eccl Hier. ca. 5. Tertull. lib. de poena qua nihil prodest de poenitentia d. 3. Hieron epist ad Ocea Amb. lib. 5. ca. 10. Orig. homil 15. in Leuit. August epist 54. Bulleng decad 4. serm 10. Bullenger a great protestant doth acknowledge the old doctors of the Church to haue prayed for the dead I knowe saith he that the great Doctors of the Churche S. Augustine as also S. Chrysostome Aug. ser 32. de verbis Apostoli and other great and em●nent doctors haue written of this matter I knowe saith he that the fathers doe say that to pray for the dead is an apostolique tradition alsoe that S. Aug. did say that to offer sacrifice for the dead was obserued in the vniuersall Church And Aerius was condemed for reprouinge prayers for the dead thus farre Bullenger This Aerius for beinge refused of a Bishopricke as S. Augustine said Aug to 6. de haeresibus ad quod vult Deum haeres 53. Musc cap. de orat pag. 515. Zuing. to 1. Epicheresis caminusae Caluinist li. 3. ca. 2. tomo 5. Conr. in Tobiā c. 4 Vrba in Baruch 3. Brent in apol conf VVittēb cap. 5. de bapt 1. parte fell to Arianisme and reproued prayers for the dead Musculus also another Protestant doth testifie the same Zuinglius said that the Apostles did vse the same Caluine saith that this was vsed in the church aboue 1300. yeares a goe Also Conradus Pellicanus the cheefe protestant at Tigur did alleadge that Tobias did allowe the auncient custome to sacrifice for the dead Vrbanus Regius another great protestant saith that Baruch the prophett did praye for the dead Brentius
so was Eneas Penny parish priest of Killagh slaine at the alter in the parish church therof Donoshew Ma Recdy priest was hanged at Colrahan Cahall Ma-Goran Rony O Donillan Peter O Quillan patricke O Kenna a Franciscan Freer Georg Power viccar generall of the diocesse of Ossory Andrew Strich of Limericke Brien O Murihirtagh viccar generall of the diocesse of Clonefart Donoghow Omulony priest of Thomond Iohn Kelly of Louth Sr Patrick of the Anally Iohn Pillin P. of the order of saint Frauncis Rory Ma-Henlea Tirrelagh Ma-Inisky a lay man of the order of S. Francis al these were catholique died in the Castle of Dublin through hard vsadg and restrainct Walter Fernan priest died in th●t castle through too much tortur of the racke Iohn Walsh a vertuous priest died through famine and cold in the Castle of Weastchester Two Welsh gentlemen the one called Richard Waghan that other Richard Downs died through hard vsadg in in the Castle of Dublin 11. Morris Vstace of Castle Martin in the diocesse of Kildare esquier master of Arte and a Nouice of the societie of Iesus being sent for by his father into Brugis in Flanders came into Ireland not without his superiours direction to satisfie his Fathers will who was apprehended hanged quartered who being so well descended and religious withall was much feared he wold work much amongest the people In the meane time the L. viscont of Balinglas and L. Barron of Bilquillin was in open hostilitie which agrauated the ielousie and suspition that he was accessary therunto 12. For the like suspition these that followe were hanged drawen and quartered Ma. Nicholas Nugent esquier cheef Iustice of the Common pleas Ma. Dauid Sutten esquier together with his bother Mr. Iohn Sutton Gentleman Mr. Thomas Vstace Gentleman together with his sonne and heire who said the letanies together with his father going vpp the ladder Maister William Ougan of Ruth-Coffy esquier Maister Robert Scurlock gentleman maister Clench of the Scrine gentleman maister Netherfild gentleman maister Robert fitz Gerrad Bacheller of diuinitie all these suffred for suspition of Baltinglas his warres 1581. 12. Mathew Lamport priest a very godly and a deuout man for that vppon a certaine night he entertained father Richford priest of the societie of Iesus was hanged drawen and quartered Robert Miller Edward Cheeuers Iohn O Lahy for bringing ouer the said Richfoord with the L. of Baltinglas was hanged drawen and quartered Anno 1581. Peter Miller after hauing stustied in Spaine for that he could nott haue his health came into his countrie which is the county of Wexfoord being examined touching points of religion and nott finding him conformable to the protestancie many suspitions being laid to his charge was hanged drawen and quartered Anno 1588. Christopher Roche natiue of Wexfoord for that he could not enioy his health in Flanders where he was a student passing by Bristoe to come for Ireland was there apprehended and was putt to the oath of the supremacy which when he refused he was carried vp to Lōdon where he was sore whipt about the streetes and was putt into a most filthy prison in gyues fetters and died there through extreamitie Anno 1590. 14. Iames Dudall of Drodart marchant comming out of France was by contrarie windes driuen to the South coast of Englād vnto whom the oath of the Queens supremacy was tendred and for that he refused the same he was sent to Exceter Gayle and there was hnaged drawen and quartered anno 1600. Patricke Hea of Wexfoord and honest man and zealous Catholique being accusedsed vnto the Lord Gray then deputie of the kingdome that he did not only releeue Bishoppes and priests in his house but allso transported them ouer into Spaine and France was committed to the castle of Dublin where through hard restraint he fell sore sicke and by entreaty of his frinds was remitted to his house where the died of the sicknesse he tooke in the prison 15. 20. Laymen old blind and impotent retired themselues vnto their parish church of Mohono dedicated to S. Nicholas in the diocesse of Limericke for a sanctuary wherin they liued many dayes vntil such time as the English Army passing by that way and finding them there they sett fire in the church and burned them all anno Domini 1581. these poore old people amoungest whome ther weare some old women who could nott long haue liued although they had beene lett alone for they were some of the age of 100 of 80. yeers very sicke and euen already languished for want of foode which they could nott gett by reason the countrie was altogether spoiled and left wast by the soldiors and the people of the countrie fled into the montaines yet nedes these people must add sorrowe vppon sorrowe and crueltie vpon crueltie to shew their rancore and the fruict of their ghospell All these fornamed personnes except the good and most vertuous Bishopp of Duanna with his chappleine Brien of Carrulan and Iohn O Onan and Donoghowe Ma-Reddy and Iohn Luneus priest who suffered vnder kinge Iames all the rest suffred vnder Queene Elizabeth Euerie sect of heresies Challenging vnto themselues the trewe and Catholique Church there is here set downe the true notes and marcks by which the same may be discerned CHAPTER I. 1. WEe must knowe that the catholique church is as it were the sonne of the worlde which doth cast foorthe her lightes and shininge beames by certaine notes by which shee may be discerned and knowen from the false religion of Pagans Iewes and heretiques The first note is Aug. lib. contra epistolam fundamenti cap. 4. the name Catholique which as saint Augustine saith if a pagan would aske of an heretique where the catholique church is he will not dare to shewe vnto him his owne familie S. Cirill also saith Cyrill Cathechesi 18. Si iueris in aliquam vrbem c. Yf you goe into anny cittie you will not aske where is the church or howse of God for then euerie heretique will say he hath the howse and church of God but yow will aske where is the catholique church for that is the proper name of this holly church the mother of all faithfull christians which if yow aske after not heretique will shewe vnto yow his owne churche 2. The 2. note is Antiquitie for that the true religion is more auncient then the false and the catholique Romaine church was before anny hereticall secte for that all heretiques departed from the same as S. Iohn saith Ex nobis prodierunt c. they went foorth from vs as is sett downe in the chapter of the first booke Daniel 9.3 Note Act. 2. Timoth. 3. Cypr. l. 4. Epist 2. 3. The 3. note ie perpetuitie or duration which neuer was nor euer shal be interrupted Regnum quod in aeternum non dissipabitur a kingdome which shall neuer be ouerthrowen nor euer be dissolued because it is of God Of heretiques it is said they shall not